



机柜使用说明书1.概述本机柜为19英寸标准计算机机柜,主要用于网络、监控、计算机等领域,具有所有机柜的一般通用性尺寸规格:2000mm(不含轮脚)X 1100mm(深度)X 600mm(宽度)内部有效高度:42U颜色:黑色砂纹。

2.使用环境条件(1).工作电压:AC 220V~380V(2).工作温度:-5℃~+40℃(3).存储温度:-25℃~+55℃(4).相对湿度:5%~80%(5).机柜有效放置空间距离:≥2M(6).机房散热条件:内装空调(7).机房内部防雷、防静电装置:机房需内装接地及防雷电设施(8).消防报警及灭火系统:机房需安装因出现电路起火的报警装置及灭火设备机房内所有使用环境需要配备相应的检测设备:如温度计,湿度计等,若机柜存放于没有机房的环境工作,则需要房间具有空气流通条件形成对流,必要时可以在机柜内部配装风机散热。



(3).相关指标:安全防护等级:IP45ESD:机柜内部前后门均接地脚轮载重:≥600KG机柜静态载重:≥1000KGGB/T 19520.1-2007 GB/T 19520.1-2007 电子设备机械结构 482.6 mm(19 in)系列机械结构尺寸第1部分:面板和机架GB/T 19520.2-2007 电子设备机械结构 482.6 mm(19 in)系列机械结构尺寸第2部分:机柜和机架结构的格距《公差标准》(GB1804-2000/GBT1184-1996)《喷涂质量标准》(GB/T5237.5-2000)4.产品特点及说明(1).机柜前门采用铝型材和弧形造型设计,使机柜整体具有较新颖和线条美感,前后门均为通风网孔,增加美感同时满足设计运行的散热要求,其外形有如下特点。



机柜使用说明书1.概述本机柜为19英寸标准计算机机柜,主要用于网络、监控、计算机等领域,具有所有机柜的一般通用性尺寸规格:2000mm(不含轮脚)X 1100mm(深度)X 600mm(宽度)内部有效高度:42U颜色:黑色砂纹。

2.使用环境条件(1).工作电压:AC 220V~380V(2).工作温度:-5℃~+40℃(3).存储温度:-25℃~+55℃(4).相对湿度:5%~80%(5).机柜有效放置空间距离:≥2M(6).机房散热条件:内装空调(7).机房内部防雷、防静电装置:机房需内装接地及防雷电设施(8).消防报警及灭火系统:机房需安装因出现电路起火的报警装置及灭火设备机房内所有使用环境需要配备相应的检测设备:如温度计,湿度计等,若机柜存放于没有机房的环境工作,则需要房间具有空气流通条件形成对流,必要时可以在机柜内部配装风机散热。



(3).相关指标:安全防护等级:IP45ESD:机柜内部前后门均接地脚轮载重:≥600KG机柜静态载重:≥1000KGGB/T 19520.1-2007 GB/T 19520.1-2007 电子设备机械结构 482.6 mm(19 in)系列机械结构尺寸第1部分:面板和机架GB/T 19520.2-2007 电子设备机械结构 482.6 mm(19 in)系列机械结构尺寸第2部分:机柜和机架结构的格距《公差标准》(GB1804-2000/GBT1184-1996)《喷涂质量标准》(GB/T5237.5-2000)4.产品特点及说明(1).机柜前门采用铝型材和弧形造型设计,使机柜整体具有较新颖和线条美感,前后门均为通风网孔,增加美感同时满足设计运行的散热要求,其外形有如下特点。


本安装使用说明书由上海泠逸工业制冷设备有限公司技术部&研发部共同编著,在编制过程中同时也得到公 司总经理室、售后服务中心、市场部以及销售部各位领导和同仁的大力协助,在此一并致谢。 我们已尽力确保本说明书上的信息准确。由于我们一直致力于技术的不断改进创新,因此设备及其规格参 数如有变动,恕不另行通知。另外,为适应工业场合的条件及客户要求,我们也可能对设备及其规格参数 做些修改。并需说明,不是所有的规格均无条件适合每个工业场合。
电 控 箱
2、安装方法 (1)当机组在搬运、装卸时,请始终保持设备处于垂直直立状态,不要将设备长期放在露天场所; (2)为使空调器的冷却效果最佳,请将机组直接安装在电气柜的外壁上或顶上(根据用户所选机型来决定), 请勿采用风管的形式进行送风,如若确实需要采用风管送风,请先咨询本公司技术工程师; (3)空调器在安装之前,请先确认好安装位置的强度是否能承载机组,以免造成人员受伤及设备损坏,当 安装在电气柜门上时,最好该扇箱门能固定不动,当需要打开时请先确认好加在门上的重量不会使整个电 气柜倾倒; (4)电气柜上必须开孔,以便使冷风能进入电控箱内,具体的开口尺寸请参见图五; (5)箱体开孔时请严格参照开口尺寸进行,孔口处的毛刺必须清除,以免划伤机组; (6)当长期使用时请注意安装螺栓是否损坏或脱落,若有而未加处理,将有可能导致机器掉落而损坏; (7)侧装式机柜空调的安装方式见下页图; (8)RA-900W 机柜空调安装开孔图见附页图纸;
菜单设置选项 回差设定 压缩机延时 温度设置下限 温度设置上限 模式选择 温度校正

DTS 8000ES 外挂式机柜空调操作及使用说明书

DTS 8000ES 外挂式机柜空调操作及使用说明书

外挂式机柜空调操作及使用说明书1 手册提示 (5)2 搬运 (5)2.1 运输 (5)2.2 储运 (5)2.3 开箱 (5)3 供货范围 (6)4 一般信息 (6)5 铭牌 (6)6 安全 (7)7 功能 (7)7.1 配置与功能 (7)7.2 工作原理 (7)7.3 冷凝物 (8)8 技术规格书 (8)8.1电气原理图 (8)8.2备品备件 (9)8.3安装开孔 (9)8.4气流原理 (12)8.5技术参数 (12)9 安装 (16)9.1 概述 (16)9.2 安装工作 (16)9.3 电气连接 (17)10 运行条件 (17)11 投入使用和功能 (17)11.1 概述 (18)11.2 操作显示器 (18)11.3启动测试模式 (18)11.4 门触点 (18)11.5 设备故障 (19)12 参数查看与设置 (19)13 清洁和维护 (20)13.1 清洁 (20)13.2 维护 (20)14 停止使用 (21)15 故障排除 (21)16 保障条款 (21)附表I (22)1 Hints on the manual (23)2 Handling (23)2.1 Transport (23)2.2 Storage (23)2.3 Unpacking (24)3 Scope of delivery and options (24)4 General Information (24)5 Name plate (24)6 Safety (25)7 Function (25)7.1 Function and configuration (25)7.2 Operating principles (26)7.3 Condensate (26)8 Technical data (27)8.1 Circuit Diagram (27)8.2 Spare parts (28)8.3 Installation Cut-out (28)8.4 Airflow principle (31)8.5 Technical Data (31)9 Installations (35)9.1 General (35)9.3 Electrical connection (36)10 Operating condition (37)11 Putting into operation and function (37)11.1 General remarks (37)11.2 Operation display (37)11.3 Start-up / Test mode (38)11.4 Door contact (38)11.5 Equipment fault (38)12 Parameters View and Settings (39)13 Cleaning and Maintenance (40)13.1 Cleaning (40)13.2 Maintenance (40)14 When not in used (40)15 Trouble shooting (41)16 Warranty Conditions (41)Appendix I (42)1 手册提示此手册为百能堡电气科技有限公司(以下简称百能堡)提供的门装或侧装螺栓固定,外挂式机柜空调系列的安装运行指南。



客服热线:400-830-3938/800-830-3938Rack Type Air Conditioner User Manual 一体机架空调用户手册产品防伪为了切实保障您的用电安全,帮助您购买到真正的山特精密空调,请注意以下事项:1. 认准山特注册商标:、、、、。

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版权所有© 2020山特电子(深圳)有限公司1.1F OREWORD (1)1.2A IR CONDITIONER DESCRIPTION (1)1.2.1Principles of function (1)1.2.2Operating Conditions (1)1.3S TANDARDS (2)2.SAFETY NOTICES (2)3.INSTALLATION AND OPERATION (2)3.1M ECHANICAL INSTALLATION (2)3.2E LECTRICAL INSTALLATION (3)3.3P OWER-ON STEPS (4)4.SYSTEM FUNCTION INTRODUCTION4 4.1C OOLING (4)4.2H EATING (O PTION) (5)4.3D OOR ALARM (5)4.4C OMPONENT CONTROL MODE (5)4.5U NIT SEQUENCING CONTROL (OPTION) (5)4.5.1T IME S WITCHING (5)4.5.2T EMPERATURE SWITCH (5)4.5.3B OTH WORKING WITH HIGH TEMPERATURE (5)4.5.4D ISTURBANCE SWITCHING (5)4.6S ELF TESTING (6)4.7H YDROGEN DISCHARGING/EMERGENCY FAN (OPTION) (6)4.8A LARM (6)4.9U NIT MENU STRUCTURE (7)4.9.1Operation interface (7)4.9.2Menu structure (7)5.MAINTENANCE (8)5.1D AILY MAINTENANCE (8)5.2C OMPRESSOR MAINTENANCE (8)5.3C OMMON FAULT (9)1.简介 (15)1.1前言 (15)1.2空调器描述 (15)1.2.1工作原理 (15)1.2.2运行条件 (15)1.3符合标准 (16)2.安全注意事项 (16)3.安装和操作 (17)3.1空调器机械安装 (17)3.2电气安装 (17)3.3开机步骤 (18)4.系统功能介绍 (18)4.1制冷功能 (19)4.2制热功能(选配) (19)4.3门禁功能 (19)4.4器件控制模式 (19)4.5双机切换控制(选配) (19)4.5.1定时切换 (19)4.5.2温度切换 (19)4.5.3高温同开 (19)4.5.4故障切换 (20)4.6自测 (20)4.7排氢/应急风扇(选配) (20)4.8故障 (20)4.9机组菜单结构 (21)4.9.1操作界面 (21)4.9.2菜单结构 (21)5.维护 (22)5.1日常维护表 (22)日常维护表 (22)5.2压缩机维护 (22)5.3故障及恢复措施 (23)常见故障及恢复措施 . E RROR!B OOKMARK NOT DEFINED.6.产品有毒有害物质申明 (29)附录1.维修保证 (30)附录2.合格证 (31)Introduction1.1 ForewordNote: All of the operations of this product shall be performed by professional engineers and technicians.This manual can only be used to guide the installation and operation of EF series of industry cabinet air-conditioners. The manual content includes the functional description and regular maintenance of the unit. In this manual, the safety tips and warning signs are described as follows:DANGER!If the measures described in the following are not strictly observed there is danger to life and health.HAZARD!If the measures described in the following are not strictly observed there is danger to life and health due to electrical shock.CAUTION!If the measures described in the following are not strictly observed material damage may be caused.1.2 Air conditioner descriptionThe EF series outdoor cabinet air conditioner is a cooling product developed for cabinet. This air conditioner’s frequency can be regulated. It has cooling capacity regulating function, and the fans can regulate speed automatically.Function Diagram 1.2.1 Principles of functionThe refrigerant is compressed by compressor (1) into high temperature and high pressure gas; To the condenser (3), and suctioned by the cooling fan (2) from the bottom part into outdoor air, where the heat is forced through the condenser (3) to spread to the surrounding environment in the air, and the refrigerant becomes into a liquid through the throttling element (4), the refrigerant pressure drops, and in the evaporator (6), the refrigerant absorbs the heat inside the control cabinet and evaporates; The hot air is suctioned by the evaporation fan (5) from inside the control cabinet, and through the evaporator, the air is cool and forced to discharge into the inside of the control cabinet. At the same time, the air inside the control cabinet is dehumidified.This series can be used a variety of installations.This is shown in the pictures below:Working Principle Diagram1.2.2 Operating Conditions⚫Power system220VAC±15%,50/60Hz⚫External cycle temperature:-40℃~ 50℃Note: Please read the nameplate parameters on the air conditioner carefully. The actual technicalparameters shall be subject to the nameplate name.1.3 StandardsStandard DescriptionGB/T17626.7-1998EMCGB4706.1Safety of household appliances or similar electric applianceGB4798.1Environmental conditions existing in the application of electric and electronic product –StorageGB4798.2Environmental conditions existing in the application of electric and electronic product –TransportationGB4798.3Environmental conditions existing in the application of electric and electronic product –Use2. Safety noticesThe following safety notices are to be observed in their entirety for the correct use of the equipment: 2.1 Transport⚫Keep the air conditioner in a horizontal state during transportation.⚫If the cabinet needs to be transported, please remove the air conditioner and pack itseparately before transportation.2.2 Storage⚫Storage environment should not exceed 70 °. ⚫Keep the air conditioner in a horizontal state during storage.2.3 Unpacking⚫Prior to and during unpacking make a visual inspection of the air conditioner to seewhether any damage has occurred duringtransport. Especially pay attention to looseparts,dents,visible loss of oil etc.⚫Any damage mast be reported immediately to the forwarding agent (follow the instructionsin“Rules For Damage Claims”).Moreover,thelatest ed ition of the “After sales Service Letterof Commitment”⚫Before disposing of packing material ensure that it does not contain any loose components.2.4 Installation ⚫The site for the enclosure, and hence the arrangement of the air conditioner, is selected so as to ensure good ventilation;⚫The location is free from excessive dirt and moisture;⚫The ambient temperature does not exceed +45℃;⚫The enclosure is sealed on all sides(IP54).Condensation will occur if the enclosure isleakage;⚫Air inlet and outlet are not obstructed on the inside of the enclosure;⚫The duct size outside the air conditioner cabinet should not be less than the limit value in the following figure.⚫Units are only fitted horizontally in thespecified position.Max. Deviation from the true horizontal:2°;⚫Losses from the components installed in the enclosure must not exceed the specificrefrigeration capacity of the air conditioneritself;⚫The customer must not modify the airconditioner in any way.Distance Diagram3. Installation and Operation3.1 Mechanical installationBefore the installation of air conditioner, the fitting surface of cabinet shall be properly opened withvent and screw hole, where the hole size shall refer to the appearance size figure as provided by the manufacturer.CAUTION!If the required cutouts are only made in the switch cabinet just before mounting of the air conditioner, make sure that swarf is not allowed to enter the device hood by using a cover sheet. Mounting:1) Insert the air conditioner into the cabinet alongthe guide rail direction.2) The installation flange of the air conditionerand the installation surface inside the cabinetare fixed, as shown in the figure below:Installation Diagram3.2 Electrical installationCAUTION!As the cabinet air conditioner is connected to the power supply via the circuit protection device, the appropriate circuit protection device and the power cable should be chosen according to the air conditioning nameplate and technical parameters.CAUTION!Too high voltage may lead to damage of cabinet air conditioner. Please follow the voltage requirement marked on the nameplate to switch on the air conditioner.CAUTION!In order to avoid any damaging effects, before turning on the power supply, the cabinet air conditioner must be reliably earthed.Note: The power input port identifier is subject to the specific unit screenprintingReferences to common (copper wire) selection: RatedCurrent≤5A≤10A≤15A≤25A Power linediameter1.0mm1.5mm2.5mm4mmConnecting interface (The power input terminal will be subject to application instructions)Connecting interface:Port DefinitionPowerinputL1/LL:220VAC power input cable L;L1:110VAC power input cable L L2/NN:220VAC power input cable N;L2:110VAC power input cable L PEGrounding wire of the airconditionerAlarm outputNC The first public alarm dry nod (NC) COMThe first public alarm dry nod(COM)NOThe first public alarm dry nod(NO)(Option)1The second public alarm dry nod(COM)(Option)2The second public alarm dry nod(NO) (Option)Signal input 3 N/A4Hydrogen discharge / emergencyfan dry contact (FG) (Option)5Hydrogen discharge / emergencyfan dry contact (NO) (Option)6Hydrogen discharge / emergencyfan dry contact (COM) (Option) 7Door open alarm input (option)8comm unicati on ports +RS485 communication ports (+)(Option)-RS485 communication ports (-)(Option)⚫Alarm output (option):The unit provides alarm output dry contact. Ifthere is no alarm, the dry contact is close.When there is alarm, the dry contact will open.Contact capacity: resistive load5A@30VDC/5A@250VAC.⚫Hydrogen discharge / emergency fan electricity connecting.(option):Note: Contact capacity: max load 2A@-48VDC; 8A@230VAC.➢Hydrogen discharge / emergency fan(AC input) connecting interface diagram;AC input connecting interface diagram➢Hydrogen discharge / emergency fan(DC input) connecting interface diagram;DC input connecting interface diagramDC input connecting interface diagram(FG:optional)3.3 Power-on stepsFirstly make sure the AC voltage is in accordance with the standard, and then close the power input switch. 30s later the internal cycle fan of the unit will be started. After delay time about 3min, the unit select operation mode according to the unit’s. 4. System function introductionAir conditioner running is automatically controlled completely according to the temperature inside the cabinet, and through the inner loop temperature sensor, the controller detects the cabinet return air temperature and the set point for judgment, to control the work of compressor or the fan.4.1 CoolingCooling stop point=cooling start point-cooling sensitivity. When the cabinet internal temperature exceeds the cooling start-up point, the cooling will be started; when the cabinet internal temperature is lower than the cooling stop point, the cooling Parameter Default value Setting rangeCoolSP 25℃[15~50]Cool△T 5℃[1~10]INHT 65℃[20~80]stops.Setting point description:CoolSP:Point when cooling starts.Cool△T:Temperature control sensitivity.INHT:Internal high Temp. alarm point.CAUTION!For the reliable operation of the unit and the maximum energy efficiency, it is recommended that the users should not randomly change the temperature set point. The above set point is not on behalf of the factory settings.4.2 Heating (Option)Heating stop point=heating point+heating sensitivity. When the temperature inside the cabinet is lower than the heating start-up point, the heating will start; when the temperature inside the cabinet is higher than the heating stop point, the heating will stop.Parameters Default value Setting range HeatSP 0℃[-5~15]Heat△T 10℃[1~15]Setting point description:HeatSP:Point when heating starts.Cool△T:Temperature control sensitivity.CAUTION!For the reliable operation of the unit and the maximum energy efficiency, it is recommended that the users should not randomly change the temperature set point. The above set point is not on behalf of the factory settings.4.3 Door alarmTo avoid an increase in condensation, a door operated switch should be used which will switch the air conditioner off when the switch the air conditioner off when the enclosure door is opened. After judging whether the cabinet door is opening or not by the sign sent by the door magnetic switch ,the air conditioner will alarm and stop. CAUTION:When door opened, the door magnetic switch will be triggered to shut down the air conditioner after one minute. After door closed, the door magnetic switch will be released, then the air conditioner will start work after three minutes when the temperature inside is higher than the set point.4.4 Component control mode1) Control modern of internal fan:The inner fan runs in normal speed when system runs normally.2) Control mode of external fan:Air circulation mode: The external fan stops.Cooling mode:The external fan’s running speed depends on the condenser’s temperature. The higher the temperature is, the higher the fan speed is; the lower the temperature is, the lower the fan speed is.3) Control mode of compressor:Air circulation mode: Compressor stops.Cooling mode: The compressor’s running speed depends on the temperature differences between return air and setting value. The higher the difference is, the higher the compressor speed is; the lower the difference is, the lower the compressor speed is.4.5 Unit sequencing control(option)The equipment has linkage function including time switching, disturbance switching, high temperature switching.4.5.1 Time SwitchingTwo air conditioners switch as setting time.4.5.2 Temperature switch1) When cabinet temp reach the setting point cooling point only one air-con will work. When temp lower than cooling stop point, the air-con stops working.2) When cabinet temp reach the setting point high temp point, two air-cons will work together. When temp lower than (high temp point - sensitivity), one air-con stops working, only one air-con will work alone.4.5.3 Both working with hightemperatureWhen one appears high temperature alarm, the other will work at the same time. If high temperature alarm is cleared, one air conditioner will be closed, it will recover to time and temperature switching status.4.5.4 Disturbance switching1) When one air conditioner has a problem, the other will start immediately.2) If the fault that is come up in the switching time is cleared, it do not switch to other until time switch is finished.3) If the fault is not cleared, the other will work all the time.4.6 Self testingThe unit provides the self testing function for on site test and it will automatically goes to self-testing procedure if choosing self-testing function in the system function menu, the procedures are as below:1) If the compressor doesn’t stop, stop thecompressor.2) The internal fan runs for 60 seconds.3) The external fan runs for 60 seconds.4) The compressor runs for 60 seconds with lowlimit speed, meanwhile the external fan runs with 50% full speed.5) The compressor runs for 60 seconds withupper limit speed, meanwhile the external fan runs with full speed.6) If configured with heater, starts heater andruns for 120s.7) If configured with hydrogen discharging fan,starts the fan and runs for 120s.8) The compressor, internal fan & external fan,electric heater, hydrogen discharging fan stops.9) Self-testing procedures finished, the unit worksaccording to the normal logic.4.7 Hydrogendischarging/emergency fan(option)Discharge hydrogen at regular times: according to the requirement for environment inside the cabinet, the hydrogen discharging fan realizes automatic cycle hydrogen discharging and forced ventilation. The interval time of each automatic cycle hydrogen discharging is 24 hours and the discharging time is 5 minutes.2) Forced ventilation:when the compressor does not have cooling capacity (including compressor failure, power failure), the temperature inside the cabinet is higher than the start up point (emergency point + sensitivity) of emergency fan , start the emergency fan.4.8 AlarmThe cabinet air conditioner provides the following alarm information. Please refer to table for the setting point.Diagram for alarm triggeredIf the alarm hasn’t been recovered, t he alarm information will be still on, until the alarm has been eliminated. And you can check the alarm statistics through entering the alarm menu shown as Figure.Sensor Failure4.9 Unit menu structure4.9.1 Operation interfaceThe unit controller adopts the 96x32 LCD, which contains 7 buttons for the setting. The operation interface is as shown in the following figure:ON/OFF:ON/OFF button (press the button 5s), this can be used to turn on/off the unit.: Up button, which is used to increase the setting value or select the previous record/menu.: Down button, which is used to decrease the setting value or select the next record/menu. 4.9.2 Menu structure: Left button, which is used to select the previous bit of the data.: Right button, which is used to select the next bit of the data.ENTER: ENTER button, which is used to confirm the entry.ESC: Quit button, which is used to return to the previous page menu.If there is no keyboard operation for consecutively 60s under any interface after start-up, it will automatically return to the normal display interface. When any button is pressed after the system is powered up, the backlight will turn on. If there is no keyboard operation for consecutively 60s, the backlight will be off.The factory default operation password of the unit is “0001”. To change it, you need to press ENTER on the normal display interface to enter the password input interface, press the LEFT button or RIGHT button to select the bits for change, and press the UP/DOWN button to change the relevant digits, and finally press ENTER button to confirm the change. If the password is incorrect, the interface will display the error message, and the unit setting cannot be changed. If the password is correct, you can enter the main menu and edit the unit setting.Remarks:InT: Internal return temperature sensorTp: Evaporator coil temperature sensorTe: Compressor exhaust pipetemperature sensorCond: Condenser coil temperaturesensorUnit menu structureNote: This diagram is unit menu structure, not the real factory setting.中文EnglishON/OFF ENTER ESC5. MaintenanceTo ensure the normal operation of the airconditioner, please perform regular maintenance for it by referring to Table 5.1.Hazard!All the maintenance should be performed by qualified professionals. Please disconnect thepower and communication & alarm output cables of the air conditioner before any maintenance and do not reconnect them until the maintenance is completed.5.1 Daily maintenanceDaily maintenance table5.2 Compressor maintenanceWhen the compressor is faulted, the solution is replaced with new unit.DISPOSAL :Do not dispose this product as unsorted municipal waste. Collection of such waste separately for special treatment is necessary.City Trash CanCheck item Step descriptionMaintenance cycle Wiring Visually check if the wiring is looseOne year Fan abnormalities Turn the fan to check if it is smooth and if there is any abnormal noiseOne year Drainage pipe Visually check if the drainage mouth is blockedSix monthsCondenser Check the cleanness of the condenser and clean it with compressed airSix monthsFilterCheck visually and clean. If there is dustaccumulation, it can be blown or washed and driedSix months5.3 Common faultCommon fault and recovery measure.can not work5.4 Charge RefrigerantUnits sold outside mainland China do not contain refrigerant. Please refer to the following operations to charge refrigerant on site.1 Tools PreparationTable 5-1Tools preparationTool Illustration FunctionScrewdriver ⚫Dedicated screwdriver is used to remove the anti-theft screws.⚫Flat-blade screwdriver is used to remove the connecting wire from the controller.⚫Phillips screwdriver is used to remove screws from other parts.Diagonal pliers Used to process cables on site and remove the fixed cable ties. Portable vacuumpumpUsed to vacuum on site.Pressure gauge Used to monitor system pressure, maintain pressure, and charge refrigerant for use.Refrigerant R410A refrigerant.Electronic scale Used to charge refrigerant and monitor the weight of the refrigerant charged. Protective gloves Wear gloves when charging refrigerant and vacuuming.Goggles Used to protect the eyes.2 Disassemble the Unit⚫Figure 5-1Disassemble the unitStep 1 Use a small flat-blade screwdriver to remove the air conditioner power cables (L,N, PE). See A in Error! Reference source not found..Step 2 Use a small flat-blade screwdriver to remove the air conditioner signal lines(RS485+, RS485-). See B in Error! Reference source not found..Step 3 Remove the signal line fixed buckles and the drainage pipe binding ties. See C in Error! Reference source not found..Step 4 Open the front door of the cabinet and use a Phillips screwdriver to remove thefour installation screws of the air conditioner. See D in Error! Reference sourcenot found..Step 5 Grasp the two handles on the front panel of the air conditioner and slowly pull out the air conditioner. See E in Error! Reference source not found..Step 6 Use a flat-blade screwdriver to remove the screws of the upper cover and remove the upper cover. Find the refrigerant charging port, as shown in F in Error!Reference source not found..CAUTIONThe charging port is divided into a high-pressure charging port and a low-pressure charging port, and therefrigerant is charged from the low-pressure port. See G in Error! Reference source not found..3 Charge RefrigerantStep 1 Connect the vacuum pump.Use a pressure gauge to connect the high-pressure charging port (red pipe) and low-pressure charging port (blue pipe) of the air conditioner, and the middle pipe is connected to the vacuum pump.⚫Figure 5-2Connect to the vacuum pump(1) Low pressure gauge (2) High pressure gauge (3) Zero adjustment screw(4) Low pressure valve (5) Sight window (6) High pressure valve(7) Low pressure side interface (8) High pressure side interface (9) Vacuum pump or refrigerantinterfaceStep 2 Use a vacuum pump to vacuum the refrigeration system.After confirming that the pipeline connection is completed, turn on the vacuum pump to start vacuuming. Thevacuum degree of the system is required to be below 35Pa.⚫Figure 5-3Power on the vacuum pumpStep 3 Maintain pressure on the system.After the vacuum is completed, power off the vacuum pump, close all the pressure gauges and tighten theconnection between the pressure gauge and the vacuum pump. Keep the pressure of the system for 20-30 minutes and observe whether the pointer of the pressure gauge does not move. If the value of the pressure gauge needleremains unchanged (maintained at -0.1MPa), it proves that the system is well sealed and can be filled withrefrigerant.⚫Figure 5-4Maintain pressureStep 4 Refrigerant charge.After the system pressure is maintained, remove the vacuum pump from the pipeline, and connect the pipeline to the refrigerant tank to charge the refrigerant.1. Move the gas pipe connecting the vacuum pump to the refrigerant tank and tighten it, thenloosen the connection of the middle pipe of the pressure gauge by 4-5 turns.⚫Figure 5-5Connect to the refrigerant tank2. Turn on the switch of the refrigerant tank, let the gas pour into the pipe and rush out from theconnection. The process lasts for about 10 seconds, and then tighten the pressure gaugeconnection so that the air in the pipe is discharged to the outside.3. After exhausting the air from the pipeline, the refrigerant charge is started. Please turn therefrigerant tank upside down when charging, and you must use an electronic scale to ensurethe quality of the refrigerant charged.⚫Figure 5-6Charge refrigerant4. After the refrigerant charging is completed, close the valve on the low pressure port side of thepressure gauge, do not remove the pipeline connection for the time being, and perform thepower-on operation and refrigeration operation.⚫Figure 5-7Close the low pressure charging value4 Power On and Test the Air ConditionerPower on the unit and adjust the cooling point of the unit to below the temperature detected by the indoor sensor. Run the unit for half an hour to see if the cooling of the unit is operating normally.⚫When the ambient temperature reaches the cooling point of the air conditioner, the air conditioner will automatically enter the cooling state when the air conditioner ispowered on for 3 minutes.⚫If the ambient temperature does not meet the cooling conditions, you can turn on the load to make the air conditioner enter the cooling state.After the unit is operating normally, quickly remove the high and low pressure connections. A small amount of refrigerant will be sprayed out during the dismantling process, which is normal. Screw the bonnet back to complete the refrigerant charging.⚫Figure 5-8Remove the refrigerant charging port connection5 Reinstall the Air Conditioner Into the CabinetLift the air conditioner and slowly push it into the cabinet from the front, avoiding the air conditioner limit blocks on the left and right sides of the cabinet until the mounting flange is close to the cabinet column, and then install the air conditioner in the reverse order according to 2 Disassemble the Unit.1. 简介1.1 前言注意:任何针对本产品的操作必须由专业的工程技术人员进行。






版权所有• 不得翻印重要警告◆错误使用时,会引起危险情况,可能会导致设备损坏。













目录1产品简介 (3)2空调器结构 (4)3性能参数 (4)4机柜空调的选型方法 (4)5空调器的安装 (5)6空调器控制面板操作说明 (8)7制冷系统 (8)8运行 (9)9故障和处理 (10)10注意事项 (10)11装箱清单 (10)12保修条款 (10)13售后维护与保养 (11)14附注 (11)1 产品简介机柜空调器是通过压缩式制冷来实现吸热制冷的,在机柜密闭的环境下将机柜内设备发出的热量转移到机柜外面。

















1.简介 ........................................................................................................................................ 2 1.1 适用范围 ........................................................................................................................ 2 1.2 空调原理 ........................................................................................................................ 2 1.3 设计标准 ........................................................................................................................ 3
2.安装说明 ................................................................................................................................ 3 2.1 拆除包装和检验 ............................................................................................................ 3 2.2 安装前准备 .................................................................................................................... 3 2.3 安装 ................................................................................................................................ 4 2.3.1 安装开孔图 ............................................................................................................. 4 2.3.2 机械安装 ................................................................................................................. 5 2.3.3 电气安装 ................................................................................................................. 5 2.4 试运转 ............................................................................................................................ 6



品牌: 泰予为什么选择泰予空调1.优质售后服务,让您的采购无风险:我们承诺:1 、因产品本身质量问题,用户自购机之日起可享受一年的保修;保修期内维修免费及包换全新机器,收到故障机器后一般故障在三个工作日内修复发回给客户,其它维修只收取零配件费用,不收取工时费。

保修期以外所出现的零配件损坏或故障,在更换及修复时,只收取零配件费用,不收取工时费.2 、产品经维修后,六个月内因质量问题发生同一零配件损坏或故障时可免费更换或修复。










二、安装准备1. 确保机柜空调的安装位置符合要求,避免遮挡和堵塞;2. 检查机柜空调的供电电压和频率是否与现场电源匹配;3. 准备好所需的安装工具和配件,如螺丝刀、螺丝、密封胶等。

三、安装步骤1. 将机柜空调放置在安装位置上,确保底部与地面平整牢固;2. 使用螺丝刀固定机柜空调,确保其牢固稳定;3. 连接机柜空调的电源线,确保线路连接正确并牢固可靠;4. 将机柜空调的排水管连接到排水口,确保排水通畅;5. 安装完成后,检查各部件和连接是否牢固,排除安装过程中的问题。

四、使用方法1. 接通机柜空调的电源开关,待指示灯亮起后,空调即进入待机状态;2. 使用控制面板上的按钮或遥控器,选择所需的运行模式和参数;3. 根据需要设置温度、风速、定时等功能;4. 空调开始工作后,可以通过观察控制面板上的显示屏或遥控器上的指示灯来了解空调的工作状态;5. 使用过程中,定期清洁机柜空调的滤网,保持空调的通风畅通;6. 如遇突发情况或故障,应立即停止使用空调,并联系售后服务人员进行维修。

五、注意事项1. 在使用机柜空调之前,应阅读并理解本操作说明书,按照要求正确操作;2. 请勿将机柜空调安装在潮湿、尘土较多或温度过高的环境中;3. 请勿将机柜空调暴露在阳光直射或雨淋的环境中;4. 请勿将机柜空调插头插入不匹配的电源插座中;5. 请勿将机柜空调用于其他用途或改装;6. 请勿在机柜空调工作时随意拔插电源线,以免发生电击或其他安全事故;7. 如需进行维修或清洁,应先切断机柜空调的电源,确保安全;8. 请定期检查机柜空调的工作状态和运行效果,如发现异常应及时处理。


本空调器尤其面向通讯机柜户外专用而设计,其安装的意义在 于对控制柜(正常工作时为密闭状态)内部实行温度控制,将柜内 温度控制在 28~45℃之间,以保证柜内的所有热敏元器件可以正常 工作,发挥其最佳的工作性能。
除以上说明的应用对象以外的其他任何应用场合所造成的任何 损害,我方不承担责任。
2. 部件名称
止本设备运转,以免产生结露。 z 该设备如需修理或移装,必须由专业人员来操作。如需
4. 安全警示
谨防触电 z 请按本说明书操作进行。否则,不恰当的安装可能会导
致漏水、触电、火灾、设备松动或脱落等危及安全的事 故发生。 z 禁止在电源线中途引线或延长电源线,禁止重压、加热、 拉扯电源线。 z 电源的电压、频率和容量必须符合本产品的使用规定。 z 电源进线须安装有独立的断路器。 z 必须连接好地线并确保接地可靠。地线不可接到煤气管、 自来水管、避雷针、电话接线上,如果接地不良,会发 生触电危险。 z 禁止用湿手操作本设备,以免发生触电危险。 z 清洁、拆卸或维修该设备时,请先切断电源,以免引发 触电等事故。 z 请参考 12 规格参数表格中的 IP 防护等级,对外部 IP 为 54 的空调器可以进行外部水洗;但柜内禁止用水冲 洗,以免发生触电危险。 z 所有电气连接都必须符合国家和当地电气规范要求,安 装前关闭所有的空调电源,并根据空调铭牌和技术参数
板,使 6 个安装螺柱对准并装入机柜面板上的安装孔;
○7 在机柜内部用 6 个安装螺母依次将安装螺柱紧固,即将
○8 在空调器下方接上排水管,将冷凝水合理地引入到排水
○9 检查机柜空调器的安装,确定无误后开机,检查运转是











2.应用场合2.1数据中心冷通道2.2数据中心热通道2.3微模块2.4配线机柜2.5综合柜2.4列头柜2.5电源柜2.6行间空调柜2.7UPS电池柜2.8单机柜3.符合的技术标准/规范:3.1ANSI/EIA RS-310-D,DIN41494、PART1,DIN41494、PART7标准;3.2GB/T19520.2-2007(同IEC60297-2:1986)《电子设备机械结构482.6mm(19in)系列机械结构尺寸第二部分:机柜和机架结构的格距》;3.3GB/T18663.1-2008《电子设备机械结构公制系列和英制系列的试验第1部分:机柜、机架、插箱和机箱的气候机械试验及安全要求》;3.4YD5083-2005《电信设备抗地震性能检测规范》;3.5YD/T2319-2011《数据设备用网络机柜技术要求和检验方法》;3.6Q/CT2171-2009《数据设备用网络机柜技术规范》;3.7GB/T9286-1998《色漆和清漆-漆膜的划格试验》;3.8GB/T3873《通信设备产品的包装通用技术条件》。

CGG200-A2H11 通讯户外专用机柜空调器使用说明书

CGG200-A2H11  通讯户外专用机柜空调器使用说明书

1. 适用对象
本空调器尤其面向通讯机柜户外专用而设计,其安装的意义在 于对控制柜(正常工作时为密闭状态)内部实行温度控制,将柜内 温度控制在 28~40℃之间,以保证柜内的所有热敏元器件可以正常 工作,发挥其最佳的工作性能。
除以上说明的应用对象以外的其他任何应用场合所造成的任何 损害,我方不承担责任。
4. 安全警示
谨防触电 l 请按本说明书操作进行。否则,不恰当的安装可能会导
致漏水、触电、火灾、设备松动或脱落等危及安全的事 故发生。 l 禁止在电源线中途引线或延长电源线,禁止重压、加热、 拉扯电源线。 l 电源的电压、频率和容量必须符合本产品的使用规定。 l 电源进线须安装有独立的断路器。 l 必须连接好地线并确保接地可靠。地线不可接到煤气管、 自来水管、避雷针、电话接线上,如果接地不良,会发 生触电危险。 l 禁止用湿手操作本设备,以免发生触电危险。 l 清洁、拆卸或维修该设备时,请先切断电源,以免引发 触电等事故。 l 对外部 IP 为 54 的空调器可以进行外部水洗;但柜内禁 止用水冲洗,以免发生触电危险。 l 所有电气连接都必须符合国家和当地电气规范要求,安 装前关闭所有的空调电源,并根据空调铭牌的技术参数 选择合适的线径以及电路保护装置。
②请与专业维修人员联 系。
正常运转中,突 然停机,且电气 控制系统无故 障。
①电源或电路故 障。
②排水不通畅,机 器自行保护。
①检查电源电路是否正 常。
②检查排水系统,确保 通畅后重新接通电源。
※ 关于手操器的故障判定,请参照 6.2 参数及操作说明。 ※ 有任何机器故障或使用异常现象,可与昆拓联系。



机柜使用阐明书1.概述本机柜为19英寸原则计算机机柜,重要用于网络、监控、计算机等领域,具备所有机柜普通通用性尺寸规格:mm(不含轮脚)X 1100mm(深度)X 600mm(宽度)内部有效高度:42U颜色:黑色砂纹。

2.使用环境条件(1).工作电压:AC 220V~380V(2).工作温度:-5℃~+40℃(3).存储温度:-25℃~+55℃(4).相对湿度:5%~80%(5).机柜有效放置空间距离:≥2M(6).机房散热条件:内装空调(7).机房内部防雷、防静电装置:机房需内装接地及防雷电设施(8).消防报警及灭火系统:机房需安装因浮现电路起火报警装置及灭火设备机房内所有使用环境需要配备相应检测设备:如温度计,湿度计等,若机柜存储于没有机房环境工作,则需要房间具备空气流通条件形成对流,必要时可以在机柜内部配装风机散热。



(3).有关指标:安全防护级别:IP45ESD:机柜内部先后门均接地脚轮载重:≥600KG机柜静态载重:≥1000KGGB/T 19520.1- GB/T 19520.1- 电子设备机械构造 482.6 mm(19 in)系列机械构造尺寸第1某些:面板和机架GB/T 19520.2- 电子设备机械构造 482.6 mm(19 in)系列机械构造尺寸第2某些:机柜和机架构造格距《公差原则》(GB1804-/GBT1184-1996)《喷涂质量原则》(GB/T5237.5-)4.产品特点及阐明(1).机柜前门采用铝型材和弧形造型设计,使机柜整体具备较新颖和线条美感,先后门均为通风网孔,增长美感同步满足设计运营散热规定,其外形有如下特点。










功能特点:1、采用微型压缩机,制冷量大,体积小,重量轻2、微电脑控制,数码温度显示,可在一定范围设置机柜温度,故障代码显示3、特殊的冷凝水排水系统彻底消除漏水可能引起的安全隐患4、采用高效的环保型制冷剂R134a5、优化的空气流道设计,使柜内空气得到更大限度的循环6、具有高压、低压、过热过流等故障保护及告警功能7、IP55防护等级8、独特的低噪音设计性能参数:产品型号:CMA1制冷量:L35-L35: 480W/ L50-L50: 380W电源类型:24V DC压缩机类型:可变速转子式压缩机功率:123/190W压缩机运转电流:5(额定)/8(极限)A压缩机电机:无刷直流压缩机转速范围: 2000-6500rpm冷凝器型式:平流式冷凝器风扇:离心式蒸发器型式:翅片管式蒸发器风扇:离心式冷媒种类:R134a冷媒充填量:120g润滑油类型:POE RL 68H润滑油充入量: 21cc外形尺寸:长mm 287宽mm 120高mm 482 噪音:dB(A) 55。

说明书 - MC50 - 中文版

说明书 - MC50 - 中文版
5 日常维护................................................................................................ 13
6 常见故障................................................................................................ 14
4 技术参数................................................................................................ 12
4.1 几何尺寸..................................................................................................................................................... 12
标准描述 电磁兼容性 家用和类似用途电器的安全 电工电子产品应用环境条件-储存 电工电子产品应用环境条件-运输 电工电子产品应用环境条件-使用
MC 系列室外机柜空调器 用户手册
2 安装和操作
2.1 拆除包装和检验
本产品标准采用纸箱包装,拆除包装时,先将包装外部的打包带拆除,打开纸箱上 盖并将纸箱抽出。注意清点包装内的装箱清单和附件包。
2.2 安装前准备
安装前注意: 机柜内部环境设备的摆放,尽量避免与空调器内循环进出风口有阻隔。
2.3 空调器机械安装
空调器机械安装包括如下工作: 空调粘贴密封胶条:

朗吉 SAD115-2 精密机柜空调 使用说明书

朗吉 SAD115-2 精密机柜空调 使用说明书














目录一、产品简介 (1)二、空调器结构 (2)三、性能参数 (3)四、空调器选型方法 (4)五、空调器的安装 (5)5.1使用规范 (5)5.2安全警示 (5)5.3安装尺寸图 (6)5.4安装步骤 (7)六、空调器的操作说明 (9)七、制冷系统 (10)7.1基本组成 (10)7.2制冷原理 (11)八、运行 (11)8.1运行前检 (11)8.2开机运行 (12)九、故障和处理 (12)十、注意事项 (13)十一、装箱清单 (13)十二、保修条款 (13)十三、售后维护与保养 (14)十四、附注 (15)一、产品简介:机柜空调器是通过压缩式制冷来实现吸热制冷的,在机柜密闭的环境下将机柜内设备发出的热量转移到机柜外面。



机柜使用说明书1.概述本机柜为19英寸标准计算机机柜,主要用于网络、监控、计算机等领域,具有所有机柜的一般通用性尺寸规格:2000mm(不含轮脚)X 1100mm(深度)X 600mm(宽度)内部有效高度:42U颜色:黑色砂纹。

2.使用环境条件(1).工作电压:AC 220V~380V(2).工作温度:-5℃~+40℃(3).存储温度:-25℃~+55℃(4).相对湿度:5%~80%(5).机柜有效放置空间距离:≥2M(6).机房散热条件:内装空调(7).机房内部防雷、防静电装置:机房需内装接地及防雷电设施(8).消防报警及灭火系统:机房需安装因出现电路起火的报警装置及灭火设备机房内所有使用环境需要配备相应的检测设备:如温度计,湿度计等,若机柜存放于没有机房的环境工作,则需要房间具有空气流通条件形成对流,必要时可以在机柜内部配装风机散热。



(3).相关指标:安全防护等级:IP45ESD:机柜内部前后门均接地脚轮载重:≥600KG机柜静态载重:≥1000KGGB/T 19520.1-2007 GB/T 19520.1-2007 电子设备机械结构 482.6 mm(19 in)系列机械结构尺寸第1部分:面板和机架GB/T 19520.2-2007 电子设备机械结构 482.6 mm(19 in)系列机械结构尺寸第2部分:机柜和机架结构的格距《公差标准》(GB1804-2000/GBT1184-1996)《喷涂质量标准》(GB/T5237.5-2000)4.产品特点及说明(1).机柜前门采用铝型材和弧形造型设计,使机柜整体具有较新颖和线条美感,前后门均为通风网孔,增加美感同时满足设计运行的散热要求,其外形有如下特点。












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