特斯拉Model 3正式发布售价3.5万美元

特斯拉Model 3正式发布售价3.5万美元
【摘要】美国时间3月31日晚,特斯拉公司在其位于洛杉矶的设计工作室发布了受人瞩目的新车型Model 3.Model 3单次续航215英里(346公里),售价仅为35000美元(22.77万人民币).Model3的单次续航能力比其他竞争商多了两倍还多,比如尼桑的树叶和宝马i3.
1.特斯拉Model S电动汽车英国起售价5.49万英镑 [J], 高辉
2.特斯拉9月29日正式发布新车Model X [J], ;
3.特斯拉Model 3正式发布仅售35000美元 [J],
4.特斯拉ModelX正式公布售价 [J],
5.性能加料旗舰一加 9RT正式发布,售价3299元起速度有了新名字,性能加料旗舰一加 9RT正式发布 [J], 梁最裕
cybertruck 参数

Cybertruck 参数1. 简介Cybertruck 是特斯拉(Tesla)公司于2019年11月发布的一款全电动皮卡型车辆。
2. 外观设计Cybertruck 的外观设计极具特色,采用了不锈钢外壳和角度分明的线条。
与传统汽车不同,Cybertruck 摒弃了流线型设计,取而代之的是平直的表面和锐利的棱角。
3. 尺寸参数•总长:5885mm•总宽:2027mm•总高:1905mm•轴距:3553mm•接近角:35度•离去角:28度•离地间隙:406mm4. 车身材料Cybertruck 的车身采用了30X冷轧不锈钢材料,具有高强度和耐腐蚀性能。
5. 动力系统Cybertruck 提供多种不同配置的动力系统:•单电机后驱:0-60mph加速时间约为6.5秒,最大续航里程约为250英里。
6. 续航里程Cybertruck 的续航里程取决于所选的动力系统配置。
7. 载荷和拖挂能力Cybertruck 具备出色的载荷和拖挂能力,可以满足用户对于皮卡车辆的实用需求。
8. 安全性能特斯拉一直以来都注重车辆的安全性能,在 Cybertruck 上也不例外。
以下是一些关于安全性能的参数:•高强度车身:Cybertruck 的车身采用30X冷轧不锈钢材料,具有出色的抗撞击能力。

介绍特斯拉汽车的英语作文英文回答:Tesla Motors is a leading electric car manufacturerthat has revolutionized the automotive industry. Founded in 2003 by Elon Musk, the company's mission is to accelerate the world's transition to sustainable energy. Tesla vehicles are renowned for their sleek designs, cutting-edge technology, and impressive performance capabilities.One of the defining characteristics of Tesla cars is their all-electric powertrains. Unlike gasoline-powered vehicles, Teslas emit no harmful tailpipe emissions, making them a more environmentally friendly option. The electric motors provide instant torque, resulting in rapid acceleration and smooth, quiet operation.Tesla's vehicles boast an array of advanced technologies. The Autopilot system includes features such as adaptive cruise control, lane keeping assist, andautomatic emergency braking, enhancing safety and reducing driver fatigue. The massive touchscreen displays offer an intuitive interface for navigation, entertainment, and vehicle settings.Tesla's commitment to sustainability extends beyond its vehicles. The company operates a global network of Supercharger stations, providing convenient charging for long-distance travel. Additionally, Tesla invests heavilyin renewable energy initiatives, such as solar panel production and battery storage systems.The company's lineup includes a range of models, from the affordable Model 3 to the luxurious Model S and Model X. Each vehicle offers unique features and performance options, catering to diverse customer needs. Tesla also offers a range of accessories and services, including home charging stations, software updates, and roadside assistance.Tesla's mission to accelerate the transition to sustainable energy has resonated with consumers worldwide. The company's vehicles have become symbols of innovationand environmental consciousness, contributing to a growing demand for electric cars. With its ongoing technological advancements and commitment to sustainability, Tesla is poised to remain a driving force in the automotive industry for years to come.中文回答:特斯拉汽车是全球知名的电动汽车制造商,彻底革新了汽车产业。

visit /zonedrooftopsystemsEf fi cient system operationTrane® Zoned Rooftop Systems take advantage of the newest technologies to improve comfort and increase ef fi ciency in small buildings.Trane rooftop units are available in a range of ef fi ciency tiers to match your budget and energy use goals. Variable-speed technologies areavailable to adjust compressor and fan speeds to more precisely match load requirements. This improves comfort in the space while reducing energy use at the same time. Zoned Rooftop Systems also offer integrated demand-controlled ventilation and economizer free cooling, further reducing energy use.To fully capitalize on the performance bene fi ts offered by these advanced technologies, integrated system control is a vital part of the solution. The Tracer® Concierge™ control system provides advanced optimization strategies to reduce energy use while improving occupant comfort, and is smart enough to let you know when service is needed to sustain optimal performance.Cost-effective, superior comfort for small buildingsTrane® Zoned Rooftop Systems are available in single- or multiple-zone con fi gurations to provide cost-effective comfort control for different areas of the building with varying comfort needs.The Tracer® Concierge™ control system offers the bene fi ts of a building automation system—without the complexity—and goes beyond managing individual rooms by operating the building smartly and ef fi ciently. It provides advanced capabilities for multiple-zone systems, is easy to use, and offers worry-free operation.Easy to design, install, and operatePackaged rooftop units provide cooling, heating, and ventilation in a single piece of equipment, simplifying system design, installation, and maintenance.Trane® Zoned Rooftop Systems use pre-engineered components and factory-installed controls that are designed to work together, contributing to on-time and on-budget installation. They use familiar components and are easy to recon fi gure if the space use changes in the future.The pre-packaged Tracer® Concierge™ system control panel, with its auto-discovery and con fi guration capabilities, allows for easier and faster installation. It includes an intuitive, easy-to-use operator interface on a 10-inch touchscreen display, along with mobile apps that allow the operator or service provider to manage the building from anywhere.The use of Air-Fi® Wireless controls results in faster project completion, increased sensor location fl exibility, greater reliability due to self-healing mesh networking, and easier relocation to accommodate future space use changes.ZO N E D R O O F TO P S YS T E M SLight commercial rooftop systems from TraneTrane® Zoned Rooftop Systems provide customers with affordable options for small buildings, to increase comfort and ef fi ciency, whilesimplifying maintenance.VAV terminal units (200 to 8000 cfm)• Trane fl ow ring provides unmatched air fl ow measurement accuracy and control • Durable, heavy-gauge air valve cylinder• modulating control• Air-Fi® Wireless communications • Retro fit dampers available for upgrading existing systemsTrane - by Trane Tech nologies (NYSE: TT), a global climate innovator - creates comfortable, energy efficient indoor environments for commercial and residential applications. For more information, please visit or .Trane h as a policy of continuous product and product data improvement and reserves th e righ t to ch ange design and specifications without notice. We are committed to using environmentally conscious print practices.All trademarks referenced are the trademarks of their respective owners.©2020 Trane. All Rights Reserved. ENV-SLB024C-ENNovember 5, 2020•single piece of equipment• able-speed fan control• Three tiers of effi ciency: standard, high, or ultra-high•••Pre-programmed, factory-installed ReliaT el™ DDC controls with wired or Air-Fi® Wireless communicationsAir-Fi® Wireless controls• Eliminates wires between equipment controllers and zone sensors, and between equipment and system controllers, allowing for faster installation, increased location fl exibility, and easier relocation• Self-healing wireless mesh and extended signal range maximize reliability• Supports open communication protocols through conformance with ASHRAE® Standard 135 (BACnet®/ZigBee®)• Up to four sensing functions in one zone sensor: temperature, humidity, occupan-cy, and CO 2• 15-year lifetime batteries。
特斯拉Model S电动汽车性能介绍

特斯拉Model S特斯拉Model S并非小尺寸、动力不足的短程汽车——这是某些人对电动车的预期。
Model S Performance版本的入门级价格为94,900美元,我测试的版本价格为101,600美元(按照美国联邦税收抵免,可以在此基础上扣减7,500美元)。
Model S经过弯道的时候也能很好地保持贴地感。

汽 车 营 销 基 础 与 实 务
汽 车 营 销 基 础 与 实 务
“MODEL S 是高效率的代表,体现了世界级运动员的优雅和表 现。其精雕细刻的外形表现出永恒的速度和动感。”---– 总设计 师 Franz von Holzhausen
全景----玻璃车顶 MODEL S 的全景玻璃车顶使其 成为唯一一款可以每天体验敞篷 车驾驶乐趣的轿车。它不仅仅是 一个遮阳棚:整个车顶全部采用 轻质安全玻璃。只需在触摸屏上 简单一划,车顶即可打开,比其 它轿车的全景天窗开的更大。即 使最炎热的日子,创新设计的玻 璃也可保持车内舒适如常。
铝质车身结构 ====强度高、刚性好、重量轻
汽 车 营 销 基 础 设计,主要采用铝材。重 量轻这一特点使铝材成为自然选择。挤压件、冲压件和铸 件的专业组合实现需要的刚度和强度。高刚度、高强度结 构不仅保护您自己和您的乘员,还能提供更好的整体操控 性。
没有内燃机发动机的影响,车前部经过优化,更有利 于乘员的安全。完全平直的双八边形导轨沿车体结构底部 布置设计,在紧急情况下可以吸收冲击能量。关键部位采 用高强度钢材增强乘员安全。
汽 车 营 销 基 础 与 实 务
以驾驶员为中心进行设计MODEL S 是为驾驶者量身定制的 汽车。当您手扶方向盘时,就会注意到 Tesla (特斯拉) 融合 了严谨的降噪设计和独特的静音动力总成,让车里的音效可 以与录音棚效果媲美。17 寸触控屏幕是内饰的亮点。丰富的 内容触手可及,为您带来移动互联的便利。
智能空气悬架 智能空气悬架不仅仅是一个优秀的 驾驶和操控系统,还结合自动化优势实 现多种灵活特性。MODEL S 加速时, 它会降低车身高度,优化空气动力性能, 增加行驶里程。当驶过厚厚的积雪或大 坡度上坡时,使用触摸屏可以升高或降 低 MODEL S 高度。

关于特斯拉的英文作文Tesla, Inc., is an American electric vehicle and clean energy company founded by Elon Musk, Martin Eberhard, Marc Tarpenning, JB Straubel, and Ian Wright. The company's name is a tribute to inventor and electrical engineer Nikola Tesla. Tesla's mission is to accelerate the world's transition to sustainable energy.Tesla's electric vehicles, such as the Model S, Model 3, Model X, and Model Y, have gained popularity for their long range, high performance, and innovative features. The company also manufactures energy storage products and solar panels through its SolarCity subsidiary.In recent years, Tesla has made significant advancements in autonomous driving technology with its Autopilot andFull Self-Driving (FSD) features. These technologies have the potential to revolutionize the transportation industry and make roads safer for drivers and pedestrians.One of Tesla's key advantages is its vertically integrated business model, which includes in-house design, engineering, and manufacturing of electric vehicles andenergy products. This allows the company to maintain high quality control and innovation throughout the production process.In addition to its electric vehicles, Tesla is also involved in the development of sustainable energy solutions, such as the Powerwall home battery and the Megapackutility-scale battery. These products are designed to store renewable energy and provide backup power during outages, contributing to the shift towards a more sustainable energy grid.Furthermore, Tesla's Gigafactories, which are large-scale battery and electric vehicle manufacturing facilities, play a crucial role in the company's efforts to increase production capacity and drive down costs. This strategic investment in manufacturing infrastructure positions Tesla for long-term growth and global expansion.From a financial perspective, Tesla has experiencedrapid growth and market success in recent years, leading to its inclusion in major stock market indices such as the S&P 500. The company's stock performance has also attracted significant attention from investors, analysts, and themedia, reflecting the market's confidence in Tesla's future prospects.In conclusion, Tesla continues to be a leading force in the electric vehicle and clean energy industry, driving innovation and sustainability on a global scale. With its groundbreaking technologies, vertically integrated business model, and commitment to sustainability, Tesla is well positioned to shape the future of transportation and energy.特斯拉公司是由埃隆·马斯克、马丁·艾伯哈德、马克·塔彭宁、JB·斯特劳贝尔和伊恩·赖特创立的美国电动汽车和清洁能源公司。

特斯拉简介英语作文Title: Introduction to Tesla。
Tesla, Inc. is a renowned American electric vehicle (EV) and clean energy company, leading the charge towards sustainable transportation and energy solutions. Founded in 2003 by a group of engineers, including Elon Musk, Teslahas revolutionized the automotive industry with its innovative electric vehicles, advanced battery technology, and renewable energy products.At the core of Tesla's mission is the ambition to accelerate the world's transition to sustainable energy.The company's vision encompasses not only manufacturing electric vehicles but also creating a comprehensive ecosystem of renewable energy products. Tesla's product lineup includes electric cars, energy storage solutions, solar panels, and solar roof tiles, all designed to reduce reliance on fossil fuels and mitigate climate change.One of Tesla's most iconic products is its electric vehicles. The company's lineup includes several models,such as the Model S, Model 3, Model X, and Model Y, each offering cutting-edge technology, impressive performance, and long-range capabilities. Tesla vehicles are renownedfor their acceleration, safety features, and over-the-air software updates, which continuously enhance the driving experience and introduce new features.Central to Tesla's success in electric vehicles is its proprietary battery technology. The company manufactures high-performance lithium-ion batteries at its Gigafactories, which are among the largest battery production facilitiesin the world. These batteries power not only Tesla'svehicles but also its energy storage products, such as the Powerwall and Powerpack, which store energy generated from renewable sources for use in homes, businesses, and the electric grid.In addition to electric vehicles and energy storage, Tesla is a major player in the solar energy industry. Through its acquisition of SolarCity in 2016, Teslaexpanded its portfolio to include solar panels and solar roof tiles. These products allow homeowners to generate their own clean energy and reduce their dependence on traditional utility grids. Tesla's solar solutions are known for their sleek design, durability, and efficiency.Beyond its products, Tesla is also known for its disruptive business model and forward-thinking approach to transportation and energy. The company has prioritized vertical integration, controlling everything from vehicle design and manufacturing to sales and service. Tesla's direct-to-consumer sales model and extensive Supercharger network have challenged traditional automotive sales practices and expanded access to electric vehicles worldwide.Moreover, Tesla has made significant strides in autonomous driving technology. The company's Autopilot system, coupled with advanced driver-assistance features, has positioned Tesla as a leader in the development ofself-driving cars. Tesla vehicles equipped with Autopilot are capable of advanced driver-assistance functions, suchas lane-keeping, adaptive cruise control, and automatic lane changes, paving the way for a future of autonomous transportation.In conclusion, Tesla, Inc. stands at the forefront of the electric vehicle and clean energy revolution. Through its innovative products, groundbreaking technology, and bold vision for the future, Tesla continues to inspire global change towards a more sustainable and environmentally friendly world. As the demand for electric vehicles and renewable energy solutions continues to grow, Tesla remains committed to leading the charge towards a brighter, cleaner future for generations to come.。

特斯拉电动汽车电池组介绍 PPT

• Tesla下托盘以铝合金型材作为主要承载框型骨架,骨架底部焊接整块铝板。 • PACK两侧布置了大量防爆阀(共85个)。 • PACK里总是用零散的绝缘板将高压器件隔开,而固定绝缘板的方式通常是胶水, 很难想象
Tesla 在每一块电池组上都覆盖一块玻纤板对电池进行简单的保护。每两块电池之间 都有金属梁隔开。图中左下角是整个电池组的保险丝,右侧是电池的冷却液接口和冷 却液加注口。
• PACK前部顶面上设计了防水透气阀,利用气体分子与液体及灰尘颗粒的体积大小数量级差,让 气体分子通过,而液体、灰尘无法通过,从而实现防水透气的目的,避免水蒸气在PACK内部凝 结。PACK上部用了非常多的固定螺丝,因此白色的绝缘垫通过胶粘在了Pack上,除了起到了绝 缘防火的作用以外,还可以起到一定的防水的作用。
特斯拉第一款汽车产品Roadster发布于2008年,为一款两门运动型跑车。 2012年,特斯拉发布了其第二款汽车产品——Model S,一款四门纯电动豪华 轿跑车; 第三款汽车产品为Model X,豪华纯电动SUV ,于2015年9月开始 交付。 特斯拉的下一款汽车为Model 3,首次公开于2016年3月 ,并将于 2017年末开始交付。
• 先看一下未拆解前的PACK,对外一共有3组接口。分别是低压接口、高压接口、冷却接口,并且 全 部采用了快插式方案。说明Tesla在设计电池组系统的时候充分考虑了换电模式的技术要求, 即便现在很少有换电的需求但这个基因始终保留了下来。高压接插器中较粗的一方面起到了定 位的作用,同时也是接地点,较细的用于实现高压互锁功能。

特斯拉Model S的P100D版本可以在不到2.5秒的时间里从静止加速到60英里/小时(96公里/小时),这几乎可以媲美一些顶级跑车。
特斯拉Model S目前的续航里程可以达到370英里(约595公里),这已经超过了大多数传统燃油汽车的续航里程。

简介特斯拉(Tesla)——美国的著名纯电动车制造商,这家厂商曾采用路特斯Elise的底盘制造出Tesla Roadster,并且一经问世就成为全球首款量产版电动敞篷跑车。
2012年6月22日正式发布旗下第一台商务纯电动车Tesla Model S。
2012年2月9日,发布了全尺寸纯电动SUV 车型Model X,其后门采用设计前卫的鹰翼门造型,这款全尺寸纯电动SUV将会在2014年量产。
埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)——出生于南非,18岁时移民美国,毕业于宾夕法尼亚大学。
担任美国最大的私人太阳能供应商Solar City 的董事长;参与创立和投资Paypal,全球最大的在线支付平台;2002年创立空间探索技术公司SpaceX,,参与设计能把飞行器送上空间站的新型火箭,价格全世界最低,研发时间全世界最短;投资创立特斯拉环保跑车公司(Tesla),生产出世界上第一辆能在3秒内从0加速到60英里的纯电动跑车,并成功量产。
汉哲森——(Franz von Holzhausen)毕业于艺术中心设计学院(Art Center College of Design),是一位年轻的美国本土设计师,曾经在大众汽车公司担任过助理设计师,汉哲森设计的马自达Kabura概念车在2006年北美国际车展亮相,并将其生产。
之后在通用汽车公司担任设计总监,并成功设计了庞蒂亚克(Pontiac Solstice)和土星(Saturn Sky)。
目前,汉哲森是特斯拉的首席设计师,他在2008年设计了Tesla Model S,全球第一辆纯电动豪华轿车问世。
Tesla Model S的神奇世界1883年戴姆勒成功研制出使用汽油的发动机,从此汽车进入了汽油时代。

1. The high-tech
1.2 environmental protection (zero emissions)
1. The high-tech
1.3 performance( Perfect traction and stability )
1.3.1. Fast response (0 ~ 100 km only 4.4 seconds) 1.3.2. Long range (up to 480 km) 1.3.3. A top speed of 209 kilometers per hour 1.3.4. Wind resistance coefficient was only 0.22
特斯拉电动汽车(英文版) teslanew energy vehicles futureautomotive industry,and nationalstrive promote.so,itsforeground verygood.but looking from currentsituation,developing new energy vehicle stillreeling. tesla's motor company, electricvehicles parts,manufacturing pure electric vehicles, siliconvalley, california, usa.its founder, martin, ahab siliconvalley engineer, senior fans, capsules,paypal founder elon musk.tesla motors world'sfirst use lithiumion battery electric vehicle co., ltd.tesla's electric car industry leader, main motor perfectfusion modernhigh-tech epoch-makingmilestone, tesla model sedanhas surpassed technicalspecifications manyfuel cars. company profile tesla model's parameter working principle: battery-electric current-power regulator-motor-power transmission system-drive car(roab) high-tech1.1 pure electric high-tech1.2 environmental protection (zero emissions) high-tech1.3 performance(perfect traction 1.3.1.fast response 100km only 4.4 seconds) 1.3.2. long range (up 480km) 1.3.3. topspeed 209kilome

介绍特斯拉的英语作文英文回答:Tesla, Inc. is an American electric vehicle and clean energy company headquartered in Austin, Texas. The company was founded in 2003 by Martin Eberhard and Marc Tarpenning as Tesla Motors. In 2006, Tesla unveiled its first car, the Tesla Roadster, which was based on the Lotus Elise chassis. The Roadster was followed by the Tesla Model S, a luxury sedan, in 2012, and the Tesla Model X, a crossover SUV, in 2015. In 2017, Tesla released the Tesla Model 3, a mass-market sedan, and the Tesla Model Y, a crossover SUV, in 2020.In addition to its electric vehicles, Tesla also produces solar panels and energy storage systems. The company's mission is to accelerate the world's transition to sustainable energy. Tesla has been a pioneer in the electric vehicle industry, and its cars are some of the most popular and well-regarded electric vehicles on themarket. The company has also been a leader in the development of renewable energy technologies, and its solar panels and energy storage systems are helping to make sustainable energy more affordable and accessible.Tesla has been a controversial company since its inception. The company has been criticized for its high prices, its production delays, and its CEO, Elon Musk. However, Tesla has also been praised for its innovation,its commitment to sustainability, and its role in helpingto reduce carbon emissions.中文回答:特斯拉公司是一家总部位于德克萨斯州奥斯汀的美国电动汽车和清洁能源公司。

介绍特斯拉汽车的英语作文English:Tesla, Inc. is an American electric vehicle and clean energy company founded in 2003 by Martin Eberhard and Marc Tarpenning. The company is named after the famous physicist and engineer Nikola Tesla. Tesla is known for its cutting-edge electric vehicles, energy storage solutions, and solar products. The most popular Tesla models include the Model S, Model 3, Model X, and Model Y. These vehicles are equipped with advanced technology and software, such as Autopilot, which provides semi-autonomous driving capabilities. Tesla's vehicles offer impressive performance and range, with the Model S able to accelerate from 0 to 60 mph in just seconds. In addition to its electric vehicles, Tesla also produces energy storage products like the Powerwall and Powerpack, which help store renewable energy for homes and businesses. The company's solar products include solar panels and solar roof tiles, enabling customers to generate their own clean energy. Tesla's mission is to accelerate the world's transition to sustainable energy through innovative technology and products.Translated content:特斯拉公司是一家成立于2003年的美国电动汽车和清洁能源公司,由马丁·埃伯哈德和马克·塔彭宁创立。

介绍特斯拉汽车的英语作文英文回答:When it comes to Tesla cars, the first thing that comes to my mind is innovation and cutting-edge technology. Tesla, founded by Elon Musk, has revolutionized the automotive industry with its electric vehicles. I remember the first time I saw a Tesla on the road, I was amazed by its sleek design and futuristic features. The Model S, Model 3, Model X, and Model Y are some of the popular models offered by Tesla, each with its own unique features and capabilities.One of the things that sets Tesla apart from other car manufacturers is its Autopilot feature. This advanceddriver-assist system allows the car to steer, accelerate, and brake automatically within its lane. I remember thefirst time I experienced Autopilot, I was both excited anda little nervous. It was like having a co-pilot who could take over the driving when needed. It definitely made my long drives more comfortable and less tiring.Another thing I love about Tesla cars is the over-the-air software updates. Just like how we update our smartphones, Tesla cars can receive software updates that improve performance, add new features, and even enhance safety. I remember waking up one morning to find that my Tesla had received a software update overnight and now had a new feature that allowed it to navigate on autopilot. It was like getting a brand new car without actually buying one.In addition to its technological advancements, Tesla is also known for its commitment to sustainability. By producing electric vehicles, Tesla is helping reduce greenhouse gas emissions and combat climate change. I remember feeling proud to drive a Tesla knowing that I was doing my part to protect the environment.Overall, Tesla cars are more than just vehicles to me. They represent a new era of transportation that is cleaner, safer, and more efficient. I look forward to seeing what innovations Tesla will come up with next.中文回答:说到特斯拉汽车,我首先想到的是创新和尖端技术。
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Company profile
tesla's motor company, a company in the production and sale of electric vehicles and parts, manufacturing pure electric vehicles, was founded in 2003, is headquartered in the silicon valley, California, USA.Its founder, Martin, ahab is a silicon valley engineer, senior fans, and investors are capsules, Paypal founder elon musk.Tesla motors is the world's first use of lithium ion battery electric vehicle co., LTD.Tesla's electric car industry leader, main motor and a perfect fusion of modern high-tech is shaken the epoch-making milestone, tesla Model S sedan has surpassed the technical specifications of the many fuel cars.
1.1 pure electric
1. The high-tech
1.2 environmental protection (zero emissions)
1. The high-tech
1.3 performance( Perfect traction and stability )
1.3.1. Fast response (0 ~ 100 km only 4.4 seconds) 1.3.2. Long range (up to 480 km) 1.3.3. A top speed of 209 kilometers per hour 1.3.4. Wind resistance coefficient was only 0.22
speechmaker :段祖睿
New energy vehicles is the focus of future automotive industry,and it is in the industry that national strive to promote.So,its foreground is very good.But looking from the current situation,developing new energy vehicle of China is still reeling.
Tesla Model’S parameter
Working principle: battery-electric current-power regulator-motor-power transmission system-drive the car (Roab)
1. The high-tech
Thank you for watching
2. The convenience
2.3 panoramic glass roof
in 2004, Beijing first domestic electric bus charging stations; In 2006, built in shenzhen byd electric vehicle charging stations; In 2008, established the first centralized on international filling in power station.
1. The high-tech
1.4 charge (ort time)
2. The convenience
2.1 charging station popularization
2. The convenience
2.2 space is large
No engine, fuel tank, gearbox so as to make most of the space