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70 years of glorious development in Changji.

As a witness to the magnificent changes that have taken place in Changji over the past 70 years, I am amazed at the remarkable progress this city has achieved. The rapid development and transformation of Changji can be attributed to various factors, including government policies, economic growth, and social advancements.

First and foremost, the government's proactive policies have played a crucial role in driving the development of Changji. With the implementation of favorable policies, such as tax incentives and infrastructure investments, the city has attracted a significant amount of domestic and foreign investment. This has led to the establishment of numerous industries, including agriculture, manufacturing, and tourism, which have contributed to the city's economic


Moreover, Changji's economic growth has been fueled by its abundant natural resources. The city is known for its vast reserves of coal, oil, and natural gas, which have not only provided a solid foundation for the development of energy-related industries but also stimulated the growth of other sectors, such as petrochemicals and machinery manufacturing. The exploitation and utilization of these resources have boosted the city's economic prosperity and improved the living standards of its residents.

In addition to economic development, Changji has also made significant advancements in social welfare and infrastructure. The city has invested heavily in the construction of public facilities, including schools, hospitals, and transportation networks. This has greatly improved the quality of life for its residents and enhanced the overall social development of the city. Furthermore, Changji has made remarkable progress in poverty alleviation, with the government implementing targeted measures to lift people out of poverty and improve their living conditions.

Changji's development has not been without challenges. One of the major challenges the city has faced is the imbalance between urban and rural development. While the urban areas have experienced rapid growth and modernization, the rural areas have lagged behind in terms of

infrastructure and economic opportunities. To address this issue, the government has implemented policies to promote rural development and bridge the gap between urban and

rural areas. Efforts have been made to improve rural infrastructure, provide vocational training, and support agricultural modernization, aiming to create a more

balanced and harmonious development between urban and rural areas.

In conclusion, the past 70 years have witnessed the remarkable development of Changji. Through proactive government policies, economic growth, and social advancements, the city has transformed into a thriving and prosperous metropolis. With continued efforts and strategic planning, Changji will undoubtedly achieve even greater success in the future.
