
美国留学最受青睐的10个英文名赴美留学,你经常会听到有一些同学的名字是用英文来命名的,如果你希望有个正式的洋名,必需在申请护照的时候同时加注,也就是在护照上Asknown as的地方会有你的英文名字,但是一旦你申请了护照,这个英文名字就不太好变更了!不久前,美国一家知名媒体搞了一次调查,经过统计发现,美国留学最受青睐的10个英文名:1、阿什莉(Ashley),意思是“来自木岑树林的人”。
5、萨拉( Sarah),希伯来语中的“公主”。

1. John。
2. Mary。
3. James。
4. Jennifer。
5. Michael。
6. Elizabeth。
7. William。
8. Jessica。
9. David。

2017年全美最受欢迎女孩名的Top 10分别是Emma,Olivia,Ava,Isabella,Sophia,Mia,Charlotte,Amelia,Evelyn,Abigail;全美最受欢迎男孩名的Top 10则分别是Liam,Noah,William,James,Logan,Benjamin,Mason,Elijah,Oliver,Jacob。

美国最常见英文名字排行榜美国最常见英文名字排行榜(500 名)排名女性男性 1 Mary James 2 Patricia John 3 Linda Robert 4 Barbara Michael 5 Elizabeth William 6 Jennifer David 7 Maria Richard 8 Susan Charles 9 Margaret Joseph 10 Dorothy Thomas 11 Lisa Christopher 12 Nancy Daniel 13 Karen Paul 14 Betty Mark 15 Helen Donald 16 Sandra George 17 Donna Kenneth 18 Carol Steven 19 Ruth Edward 20 Sharon Brian 21 Michelle Ronald 22 Laura Anthony 23 Sarah Kevin 24 Kimberly Jason 25 Deborah Matthew 26 Jessica Gary 27 Shirley Timothy 28 Cynthia Jose 29 Angela Larry 30 Melissa Jeffrey 31 Brenda Frank 32 Amy Scott 33 Anna Eric 34 Rebecca Stephen 35 Virginia Andrew 36 Kathleen Raymond 37 Pamela Gregory 38 Martha Joshua 39 Debra Jerry 40 Amanda Dennis 41 Stephanie Walter development in order to protect a host of attractions and historical sites, as well as to maintain the economic vitality of the downtown area. Figure 5.1-5 figure 5.1.4 Washington mass transit network to support implementation of effective transport demand management policies to reduce urban traffic congestion and public transport priority was in the early 1960 of the 20th century by the planners first proposed in Paris, France, and in Europe and other major cities to operate has been the formation of the rich content system. Public transport priority consists of two aspects: one is on the bus to help. ... 5.1-7 Park and ride systems 5.1.5 typical case Hong Kong-Japan Sapporo, Sapporo is a Japan Hokkaido central parts of cities, Japan's fifth largest city. Area of 1121km2 in the city, a population of 1.921 million. In addition is the administrative center of Hokkaido, Sapporo is Hokkaido's industrial and commercial center, in 1972,hosted the 11th Winter Olympic Games. 3 JR Sapporo rail transit line 3 metro and3 tram lines, Sapporo in the urban development process combined with Center of construction of subway construction and residential development, and support the development of the region. Prior to 1971, Sapporo, Japan Hokkaido local Centre in the urban development process, in response to the rapid growth of the city centre traffic demand, building trams. 1981 years ago for holding the winter Olympic Games as an opportunity to start building connected to the venue and the citycentre42 Carolyn Patrick 43 Christine Peter 44 Marie Harold 45 Janet Douglas 46 Catherine Henry 47 Frances Carl 48 Ann Arthur 49 Joyce Ryan 50 Diane Roger 51 Alice Joe 52 Julie Juan 53 Heather Jack 54 Teresa Albert 55 Doris Jonathan 56 Gloria Justin 57 Evelyn Terry 58 Jean Gerald 59 Cheryl Keith 60 Mildred Samue 61 Katherine Willie 62 Joan Ralph 63 Ashley Lawrence 64 Judith Nicholas 65 Rose Roy 66 Janice Benjamin 67 Kelly Bruce 68 Nicole Brandon 69 Judy Adam 70 Christina Harry 71 Kathy Fred 72 Theresa Wayne 73 Beverly Billy 74 Denise Steve 75 Tammy Louis 76 Irene Jeremy 77 Jane Aaron 78 Lori Randy 79 Rachel Howard 80 Marilyn Eugene 81 Andrea Carlos 82 Kathryn Russell 83 Louise Bobby 84 Sara Victor 85 Anne Martin development in order to protect a host of attractions and historical sites, as well as to maintain the economic vitality of the downtown area. Figure 5.1-5 figure 5.1.4 Washington mass transit network to support implementation of effective transport demand management policies to reduce urban traffic congestion and public transport priority was in the early 1960 of the 20th century by the planners first proposed in Paris, France, and in Europe and other major cities to operate has been the formation of the rich content system.Public transport priority consists of two aspects: one is on the bus to help. ... 5.1-7 Park and ride systems 5.1.5 typical case Hong Kong-Japan Sapporo, Sapporo is a Japan Hokkaido central parts of cities, Japan's fifth largest city. Area of 1121km2 in the city, a population of 1.921 million. In addition is the administrative center of Hokkaido, Sapporo is Hokkaido's industrial and commercial center, in 1972, hosted the 11th Winter Olympic Games. 3 JR Sapporo rail transit line 3 metro and 3 tram lines, Sapporo in the urban development process combined with Center of construction of subway construction and residential development, and support the development of the region. Prior to 1971, Sapporo, Japan Hokkaido local Centre in the urban development process, in response to the rapid growth of the city centre traffic demand, building trams. 1981 years ago for holding the winter Olympic Games as an opportunity to start building connected to the venue and the city centre86 Jacqueline Ernest 87 Wanda Phillip 88 Bonnie Todd 89 Julia Jesse 90 Ruby Craig 91 Lois Alan 92 Tina Shawn 93 Phyllis Clarence 94 Norma Sean 95 Paula Philip 96 Diana Chris 97 Annie Johnny 98 Lillian Earl 99 Emily Jimmy 100 Robin Antonio 101 Peggy Danny 102 Crystal Bryan 103 Gladys Tony 104 Rita Luis 105 Dawn Mike 106 Connie Stanley 107 Florence Leonard 108 Tracy Nathan 109 Edna Dale 110 Tiffany Manuel 111 Carmen Rodney 112 Rosa Curtis 113 Cindy Norman 114 Grace Allen 115 Wendy Marvin 116 Victoria Vincent 117 Edith GlennL 118 Kim Jeffery 119 Sherry Travis 120 Sylvia Jeff 121 Josephine Chad 122 Thelma Jacob 123 Shannon Lee 124 Sheila Melvin 125 Ethel Alfred 126 Ellen Kyle 127 Elaine Francis 128 Marjorie Bradley 129 Carrie Jesus development in order to protect a host of attractions and historical sites, as well as to maintain the economic vitality of the downtown area. Figure 5.1-5 figure 5.1.4 Washington masstransit network to support implementation of effective transport demand management policies to reduce urban traffic congestion and public transport priority was in the early 1960 of the 20th century by the planners first proposed in Paris, France, and in Europe and other major cities to operate has been the formation of the rich content system.Public transport priority consists of two aspects: one is on the bus to help. ... 5.1-7 Park and ride systems 5.1.5 typical case Hong Kong-Japan Sapporo, Sapporo is a Japan Hokkaido central parts of cities, Japan's fifth largest city. Area of 1121km2 in the city, a population of 1.921 million. In addition is the administrative center of Hokkaido, Sapporo is Hokkaido's industrial and commercial center, in 1972, hosted the 11th Winter Olympic Games. 3 JR Sapporo rail transit line 3 metro and 3 tram lines, Sapporo in the urban development process combined with Center of construction of subway construction and residential development, and support the development of the region. Prior to 1971, Sapporo, Japan Hokkaido local Centre in the urban development process, in response to the rapid growth of the city centre traffic demand, building trams. 1981 years ago for holding the winter Olympic Games as an opportunity to start building connected to the venue and the city centre130 Charlotte Herbert 131 Monica Frederick 132 Esther Ray 133 Pauline Joe 134 Emma Edwin 135 Juanita Don 136 Anita Eddie 137 Rhonda Ricky 138 Hazel Troy 139 Amber Randall 140 Eva Barry 141 Debbie Alexander 142 April Bernard 143 Leslie Mario 144 Clara Leroy 145 Lucille Francisco 146 Jamie Marcus 147 Joanne Micheal 148 Eleanor Theodore 149 Valerie Clifford 150 Danielle Miguel 151 Megan Oscar 152 Alicia Jay 153 Suzanne Jim 154 Michele Tom 155 Gall Calvin 156 Bertha Alex 157 Darlene Jon 158 Veronica Ronnie 159 Jill Bill 160 ErinLloyd 161 Geraldine Tommy 162 Lauren Leon 163 Cathy Derek 164 Joann Warren 165 Lorraine Darrell 166 Lynn Jerome 167 Sally Floyd 168 Regina Leo 169 Erica Alvin 170 Beatrice Tim 171 Dolores Wesley 172 Bernice Gordon 173 Audrey Dean development in order to protect a host of attractions and historical sites, as well as to maintain the economic vitality of the downtown area. Figure5.1-5 figure 5.1.4 Washington mass transit network to support implementation of effective transport demand management policies to reduce urban traffic congestion and public transport priority was in the early 1960 of the 20th century by the planners first proposed in Paris, France, and in Europe and other major cities to operate has been the formation of the rich content system. Public transport priority consists of two aspects: one is on the bus to help. ... 5.1-7 Park and ride systems 5.1.5 typical case Hong Kong-Japan Sapporo, Sapporo is a JapanHokkaido central parts of cities, Japan's fifth largest city. Area of 1121km2 in the city, a population of 1.921 million. In addition is the administrative center of Hokkaido, Sapporo is Hokkaido's industrial and commercial center, in 1972, hosted the 11th Winter Olympic Games. 3 JR Sapporo rail transit line 3 metro and 3 tram lines, Sapporo in the urban development process combined with Center of construction of subway construction and residential development, and support the development of the region. Prior to 1971, Sapporo, Japan Hokkaido local Centre in the urban development process, in response to the rapid growth of the city centre traffic demand, building trams. 1981 years ago for holding the winter Olympic Games as an opportunity to start building connected to the venue and the city centre174 Yvonne Greg 175 Annette Jorge 176 June Dustin 177 Samantha Pedro178 Marion Derrick 179 Dana Lewis 180 Stacy Zachary 181 Ana Corey 182 Renee Herman 183 Ida Maurice 184 Vivian Vernon 185 Roberta Roberto 186 Holly Clyde 187 Brittany Glen 188 Melanie Hector 189 Loretta Shane 190 Yolanda Ricardo 191 Jeanette Sam 192 Laurie Rick 193 Katie Lester 194 Kristen Brent 195 Vanessa Ramon 196 Alma Charlie 197 Sue Tyler 198 Elsie Gilbert 199 Beth Gene 200 Jeanne Marc 201 Vicki Reginald 202 Carla Ruben 203 Tara Brett 204 Rosemary Angel 205 Eileen Nathaniel 206 Terri Rafael 207 Gertrude Leslie 208 Lucy Edgar 209 Tonya Milton 210 Ella Raul 211 Stacey Ben 212 Wilma Chester 213 Gina Cecil 214 Kristin Duane 215 Jessie Franklin 216 Natalie Andre 217 Agnes Elmer development in order to protect a host of attractions and historical sites, as well as tomaintain the economic vitality of the downtown area. Figure 5.1-5 figure 5.1.4 Washington mass transit network to support implementation of effective transport demand management policies to reduce urban traffic congestion and public transport priority was in the early 1960 of the 20th century by the planners first proposed in Paris, France, and in Europe and other major cities to operate has been the formation of the rich content system. Public transport priority consists of two aspects: one is on the bus to help. ... 5.1-7 Park and ride systems 5.1.5 typical case Hong Kong-Japan Sapporo, Sapporo is a Japan Hokkaido central parts of cities, Japan's fifth largest city. Area of 1121km2 in the city, a population of 1.921 million. In addition is the administrative center of Hokkaido, Sapporo is Hokkaido's industrial and commercial center, in 1972, hosted the 11th Winter Olympic Games.3 JR Sapporo rail transit line 3 metro and 3 tram lines, Sapporo in the urban development process combined with Center of construction of subway construction and residential development, and support the development of theregion. Prior to 1971, Sapporo, Japan Hokkaido local Centre in the urban development process, in response to the rapid growth of the city centre traffic demand, building trams. 1981 years ago for holding the winter Olympic Games as an opportunity to start building connected to the venue and the city centre 218 Vera Brad 219 Willie Gabriel 220 Charlene Ron 221 Bessie Mitchell 222 Delores Roland 223 Melinda Arnold 224 Pearl Harvey 225 Arlene Jared 226 Maureen Adrian 227 Colleen Karl 228 Allison Cory 229Tamara Claude 230 Joy Erik 231 Georgia Darryl 232 Constance Jamie 233 Lillie Neil 234 Claudia Jessie 235 Jackie Christian 236 Marcia Javier 237 Tanya Fernando 238 Nellie Clinton 239 Minnie Ted 240 Marlene Mathew 241 Heidi Tyrone 242 Glenda Darren 243 Lydia Lonnie 244 Viola Lance 245 Courtney Cody 246 Marian Julio 247 Stella Kelly 248 Caroline Kurt 249 Dora Allan 250 Jo Nelson 251 Vickie Guy 252 Mattie Clayton 253 Terry Hugh 254 Maxine Max 255 Irma Dwayne 256 Mabel Dwight 257 Marsha Armando 258 Myrtle Felix 259 Lena Jimmie 260 Christy Everett 261 Deanna Jordan development in order to protect a host of attractions and historical sites, as well as to maintain the economic vitality of the downtown area.Figure 5.1-5 figure 5.1.4 Washington mass transit network to support implementation of effective transport demand management policies to reduce urban traffic congestion and public transport priority was in the early 1960 of the 20th century by the planners first proposed in Paris, France, and in Europe and other major cities to operate has been the formation of the rich content system. Public transport priority consists of two aspects: one is on the bus to help. ... 5.1-7 Park and ride systems 5.1.5 typical case Hong Kong-Japan Sapporo, Sapporo is aJapan Hokkaido central parts of cities, Japan's fifth largest city. Area of 1121km2 in the city, a population of 1.921 million. In addition is the administrative center of Hokkaido, Sapporo is Hokkaido's industrial and commercial center, in 1972, hosted the 11th Winter Olympic Games. 3 JR Sapporo rail transit line 3 metro and 3 tram lines, Sapporo in the urban development process combined with Center of construction of subway construction and residential development, and support the development of the region. Prior to 1971, Sapporo, Japan Hokkaido local Centre in the urban development process, in response to the rapid growth of the city centre traffic demand, building trams. 1981 years ago for holding the winter Olympic Games as an opportunity to start building connected to the venue and the city centre262 Patsy Ian 263 Hilda Wallace 264 Gwendolyn Ken 265 Jennie Bob 266 Nora Jaime 267 Margie Casey 268 Nina Alfredo 269 Cassandra Alberto 270 Leah Dave 271 Penny Ivan 272 Kay Johnnie 273 Priscilla Sidney 274 Naomi Byron 275 Carole Julian 276 Brandy Isaac 277 Olga Morris 278 Billie Clifton 279 Dianne Willard 280 Tracey Daryl 281 Leona Ross 282 Jenny Virgil 283 Felicia Andy 284 Sonia Marshall 285 Miriam Salvador 286 Velma Perry 287 Becky Kerk 288 Bobbie Sergio 289 Violet Marion 290 Kristina Tracy 291 Toni Seth 292 Misty Kent 293 Mae Terrance 294 Shelly Rene 295 Daisy Eduardo 296 Ramona Terrence 297 Sherri Eneique 298 Erika Freddie 299 Katrina Wade 300 Claire Austin 301 Lindsey Stuart 302 Lindsay Fredrick 303 Geneva Arturo 304 Guadalupe Alejandro 305 Belinda Jackie development in order to protect a host of attractions and historical sites, as well as to maintain the economic vitality of the downtown area. Figure5.1-5 figure 5.1.4 Washington mass transit network to support implementation of effective transport demand management policies to reduce urban trafficcongestion and public transport priority was in the early 1960 of the 20th century by the planners first proposed in Paris, France, and in Europe and other major cities to operate has been the formation of the rich content system. Public transport priority consists of two aspects: one is on the bus to help. ... 5.1-7 Park and ride systems 5.1.5 typical case Hong Kong-Japan Sapporo, Sapporo is a Japan Hokkaido central parts of cities, Japan's fifth largest city. Area of 1121km2 in the city, a population of 1.921 million. In addition is the administrative center of Hokkaido, Sapporo is Hokkaido's industrial and commercial center, in 1972, hosted the 11th Winter Olympic Games. 3 JR Sapporo rail transit line 3 metro and 3 tram lines, Sapporo in the urban development process combined with Center of construction of subway construction and residential development, and support the development of the region. Prior to 1971, Sapporo, Japan Hokkaido local Centre in the urban development process, in response to the rapid growth of the city centre traffic demand, building trams. 1981 years ago for holding the winter Olympic Games as an opportunity to start building connected to the venue and the city centre306 Margarita Joey 307 Sheryl Nick 308 Cora Luther 309 Faye Wendell 310 Ada Jeremiah 311 Natasha Evan 312 Sabrina Julius 313 Isabel Dana 314 Marguerite Donnie 315 Hattie Otis 316 Harriet Shannon 317 Molly Trevor 318 Cecilia Oliver 319 Kristi Luke 320 Brandi Homer 321 Blanche Ggerard 322 Sandy Doug 323 Rosie Kenny 324 Joanna Hubert 325 Iris Angelo 326 Eunice Shaun 327 Angie Lyle 328 Inez Matt 329 Lynda Lynn 330 Madeline Alfonso 331 Amelia Orlando 332 Alberta Rex 333 Genevieve Carlton 334 Monique Ernesto 335 Jodi Cameron 336 Janie Neal 337 Maggie Pablo 338 Kayla Lorenzo 339 Sonya Omar 340 Jan Wilbur 341 Lee Blake 342 KristineGrant 343 Candace Horace 344 Fannie Roderick 345 Maryann Kerry 346 Opal Abraham 347 Alison Willis 348 Yvette Rickey 349 Melody Jean development in order to protect a host of attractions and historical sites, as well as to maintain the economic vitality of the downtown area. Figure 5.1-5 figure 5.1.4 Washington mass transit network to support implementation of effective transport demand management policies to reduce urban traffic congestion and public transport priority was in the early 1960 of the 20th century by the planners first proposed in Paris, France, and in Europe and other major cities to operate has been the formation of the rich content system. Public transport priority consists of two aspects: one is on the bus to help. ... 5.1-7 Park and ride systems 5.1.5 typical case Hong Kong-Japan Sapporo, Sapporo is a Japan Hokkaido central parts of cities, Japan's fifth largest city. Area of 1121km2 in the city, a population of 1.921 million. In addition is the administrative center of Hokkaido, Sapporo is Hokkaido's industrial and commercial center, in 1972, hosted the 11th Winter Olympic Games.3 JR Sapporo rail transit line 3 metro and 3 tram lines, Sapporo in the urban development process combined with Center of construction of subway construction and residential development, and support the development of the region. Prior to 1971, Sapporo, Japan Hokkaido local Centre in the urban development process, in response to the rapid growth of the city centre traffic demand, building trams. 1981 years ago for holding the winter Olympic Games as an opportunity to start building connected to the venue and the city centre 350 Luz Ira 351 Susie Andres 352 Olivia Cesar 353 Flora Johnathan354 Shelley Malcolm 355 Kristy Rudolph 356 Mamie Damon 357 Lula Kelvin 358 Lola Rudy 359 Verna Presto 360 Beulah Alton 361 Antoinette Archie 362 Candice Marco 363 Juana Wm 364 Jeannette Pete 365 Pam Randolph 366 Kelli Garry 367Hannah Geoffrey 368 Whitney Jonathon 369 Bridget Felipe 370 Karl Bennie 371 Cell Gerardo 372 Latoya Ed 373 Patty Dominic 374 Shelia Robin 375 Gayle Loren 376 Della Delbert 377 Vicky Colin 378 Lynne Guillermo 379 Sheri Earnest 380 Marianne Lucas 381 Kara Benny 382 Jacquelyn Noel 383 Erma Spencer 384 Blanca Rodolfo 385 Myra Myron 386 Leticia Edmund 387 Pat Garrett 388 Krista Salvatore 389 Roxanne Cedric 390 Angelica Lowell 391 Johnnie Gregg 392 Robyn Sherman 393 Francis Wilson development in order to protect a host of attractions and historical sites, as well as to maintain the economic vitality of the downtown area. Figure 5.1-5 figure 5.1.4 Washington mass transit network to support implementation of effective transport demand management policies to reduce urban traffic congestion and public transport priority was in the early 1960 of the 20th century by the planners first proposed in Paris, France, and in Europe and other major cities to operate has been the formation of the rich content system. Public transport priority consists of two aspects: one is on the bus to help. ... 5.1-7 Park and ride systems 5.1.5 typical case Hong Kong-Japan Sapporo, Sapporo is a Japan Hokkaido central parts of cities, Japan's fifth largest city. Area of 1121km2 in the city, a population of 1.921 million. In addition is the administrative center of Hokkaido, Sapporo is Hokkaido's industrial and commercial center, in 1972, hosted the 11th Winter Olympic Games. 3 JR Sapporo rail transit line 3 metro and 3 tram lines, Sapporo in the urban development process combined with Center of construction of subway construction and residential development, and support the development of the region. Prior to 1971, Sapporo, Japan Hokkaido local Centre in the urban development process, in response to the rapid growth of the city centre traffic demand, building trams. 1981 years ago for holding the winter Olympic Games asan opportunity to start building connected to the venue and the city centre 394 Adrienne Devin 395 Rosalie Sylvester 396 Alexandra Kim 397 Brooke Roosevelt 398 Bethany Israel 399 Sadie Jermaine 400 Bernadette Forrest 401 Traci Wilbert 402 Jody Leland 403 Kendra Simon 404 Jasmine Guadalupe 405 Nichole Clark 406 Rachael Irving 407 Chelsea Carroll 408 Mable Bryant 409 Ernestine Owen 410 Muriel Rufus 411 Marcella Woodrow 412 Elena Sammy 413 Krystal Kristopher 414 Angelina Mack 415 Nadine Levi 416 Kari Marcos 417 Estelle Gustavo 418 Dianna Jake 419 Paulette Lionel 420 Lora Marty 421 Mona Taylor 422 Doreen Ellis 423 Rosemarie Dallas 424 Angel Gilberto 425 Desiree Clint 426 Antonia Nicolas 427 Hope Laurence 428 Ginger Ismael 429 Janis Orville 430 Betsy Drew 431 Christie Jody 432 Freda Ervin 433 Mercedes Dewey 434 Meredith Al 435 Lynette Wilfred 436 Teri Josh 437 Cristina Hugo development in order to protect a host of attractions and historical sites, as well as to maintain the economic vitality of the downtown area. Figure 5.1-5 figure 5.1.4 Washington mass transit network to support implementation of effective transport demand management policies to reduce urban traffic congestion and public transport priority was in the early 1960 of the 20th century by the planners first proposed in Paris, France, and in Europe and other major cities to operate has been the formation of the rich content system. Public transport priority consists of two aspects: one is on the bus to help. ... 5.1-7 Park and ride systems 5.1.5 typical case Hong Kong-Japan Sapporo, Sapporo is a Japan Hokkaido central parts of cities, Japan's fifth largest city. Area of 1121km2 in the city, a population of 1.921 million. In addition is the administrative center of Hokkaido, Sapporo is Hokkaido's industrial and commercial center, in 1972, hosted the 11th Winter Olympic Games.3 JR Sapporo rail transit line 3 metro and 3 tram lines, Sapporo in the urbandevelopment process combined with Center of construction of subway construction and residential development, and support the development of the region. Prior to 1971, Sapporo, Japan Hokkaido local Centre in the urban development process, in response to the rapid growth of the city centre traffic demand, building trams. 1981 years ago for holding the winter Olympic Games as an opportunity to start building connected to the venue and the city centre 438 Eula Igancio 439 Leigh Caleb 440 Meghan Tomas 441 Sophia Sheldon 442 Eloise Erick 443 Rochelle Frankie 444 Gretchen Stewart 445 Cecelia Doyle 446 Raquel Darrel 447 Henrietta Rogelio 448 Alyssa Terence 449 Jana Santiago 450 Kelley Alonzo 451 Gwen Elias 452 Kerry Bert 453 Jenna Elbert 454 Tricia Ramiro 455 Laverne Conrad 456 Olive Pat 457 Alexis Noah 458 Tasha Grady 459 Silvia Phil 460 Elvera Cornelius 461 CaseyLamar 462 Delia Rolando 463 Sophie Clay 464 Kate Percy 465 Patti Dexter 466 Lorena Bradford 467 Kellie Merle 468 Sonja Darin 469 Lila Amos 470 Lana Terrell 471 Darla Moses 472 May Irvin 473 Mindy Saul 474 Essie Roman 475 Mandy Darnell 476 Lorene Randal 477 Elsa Tommie 478 Josefina Timmy 479 Jeannie Darrin 480 Mirana Winston 481 Dixie Brendan development in order to protect a host of attractions and historical sites, as well as to maintain the economic vitality of the downtown area. Figure 5.1-5 figure 5.1.4 Washington mass transit network to support implementation of effective transport demand management policies to reduce urban traffic congestion and public transport priority was in the early 1960 of the 20th century by the planners first proposed in Paris, France, and in Europe and other major cities to operate has been the formation of the rich content system. Public transport priority consists of two aspects: one is on the bus to help. ... 5.1-7 Park and ride systems 5.1.5 typical case Hong Kong-JapanSapporo, Sapporo is a Japan Hokkaido central parts of cities, Japan's fifth largest city. Area of 1121km2 in the city, a population of 1.921 million. In addition is the administrative center of Hokkaido, Sapporo is Hokkaido's industrial and commercial center, in 1972, hosted the 11th Winter Olympic Games. 3 JR Sapporo rail transit line 3 metro and 3 tram lines, Sapporo in the urban development process combined with Center of construction of subway construction and residential development, and support the development of the region. Prior to 1971, Sapporo, Japan Hokkaido local Centre in the urban development process, in response to the rapid growth of the city centre traffic demand, building trams. 1981 years ago for holding the winter Olympic Games as an opportunity to start building connected to the venue and the city centre 482 Lucia Toby 483 Marta Van 484 Faith Abel 485 Lela Dominick 486 Johanna Boyd 487 Shari Courtney 488 Camille Jan 489 Tami Emilio 490 Shawna Elijah 491 Elisa Cary 492 Ebony Domingo 493 Melb Santos 494 Ora Aubrey 495 Nettie Emmett 496 Tabitha Marlon 497 Ollie Emanuel 498 Jaime Jerald 499 Winifred Edmond 500 Kristiedevelopment in order to protect a host of attractions and historical sites, as well as to maintain the economic vitality of the downtown area. Figure 5.1-5 figure 5.1.4 Washington mass transit network to support implementation of effective transport demand management policies to reduce urban traffic congestion and public transport priority was in the early 1960 of the 20th century by the planners first proposed in Paris, France, and in Europe and other major cities to operate has been the formation of the rich content system. Public transport priority consists of two aspects: one is on the bus to help. ... 5.1-7 Park and ride systems 5.1.5 typical case Hong Kong-Japan Sapporo, Sapporo is a Japan Hokkaido central parts ofcities, Japan's fifth largest city. Area of 1121km2 in the city, a population of 1.921 million. In addition is the administrative center of Hokkaido, Sapporo is Hokkaido's industrial and commercial center, in 1972, hosted the 11th Winter Olympic Games.3 JR Sapporo rail transit line 3 metro and 3 tram lines, Sapporo in the urban development process combined with Center of construction of subway construction and residential development, and support the development of the region. Prior to 1971, Sapporo, Japan Hokkaido local Centre in the urban development process, in response to the rapid growth of the city centre traffic demand, building trams. 1981 years ago for holding the winter Olympic Games as an opportunity to start building connected to the venue and the city centre。

美国人名字美国人名字 11、james、詹姆斯、alex、亚历克斯、ryan、赖恩、logan、洛根、nathan、内森、elijah、伊莱贾、christian、克里斯琴、gabriel、加布里尔2、john、约翰、hayden、海顿、liam、利亚姆、jesus、杰西斯、ian、伊恩、tristan、特里斯坦、bryan、特里斯坦、sean、肖恩、cole、科尔3、thomas、托马斯、cameron、卡梅伦、hunter、亨特、austin、奥斯汀、adrian、艾德里安、connor、康纳、owen、欧文4、eric、埃里克、brian、布赖恩、jaden、杰登、carson、卡森、blake、布莱克、ayden、艾登、cooper库珀5、christopher、克里斯托弗、jayden、杰顿、andrew、安德鲁、joseph、约瑟夫、david、大卫、noad、诺阿、aiden、艾丹6、justin、贾斯可、lucas、卢卡斯、zachary、扎克里、jordan、乔丹、robert、罗伯特、aaron、艾伦、brayden、布雷登7、chase、蔡斯、diego、迪格、jeremiah、杰里迈亚、brody、布罗迪、zavier、泽维尔、adam、亚当、carlos、塞巴斯蒂安8、dominic、多米尼克、brady、布雷迪、caden、凯登、josiah、乔塞亚、kyle、凯尔、colton、克尔顿、kaden、凯登、eli、伊莱9、angel、安吉尔、isaac、艾萨克、evan、埃文、jack、杰克、kevin、凯文、jose、乔斯、isaiah、艾塞亚、luke、卢克、landon、兰登10、jacob、雅各布、michael、迈克尔、ethan、伊桑、joshua、乔舒亚、alexander、亚历山大、anthony、安东尼、william、威廉11、benjamin、本杰明、jonathan、乔纳森、tyler、泰勒、samuel、塞缪尔、nicholas、尼古拉斯、gavin、加文、dylan、迪兰12、aidan、艾丹、jason、贾森、julian、朱利安、wyatt、怀亚特、charles、查尔斯、luis、路易斯、carter、卡特、juan、胡安13、jackson、杰克逊、brandon、布兰顿、caleb、凯勒布、jackson、杰克逊、brandon、布兰顿、caleb、凯勒布、mason、梅森美国人名字 21、rachel、蕾切尔jocelyn、乔丝琳、amelia、阿米莉亚、angelina、安吉丽娜、trinity、安德丽、sophie、索菲亚2、lily、莉莉、lauren、劳伦、kaylee、凯丽、allison、艾丽森、nevaeh、内维娅、gabriella、加布丽艾拉、sofia、索菲亚3、ariana、艾丽阿娜、bailey、贝丽、camila、卡米拉、jennifer、詹妮芙、melanie、梅兰妮、gianna、吉阿娜、charlotte、夏洛特4、abigail、艾比盖尔、elizabeth、伊丽莎白、chloe、克洛伊、samantha、沙曼萨、addison、艾迪生、natalie、娜塔莉5、savannah、萨瓦娜、taylor、泰勒、brianna、布丽安娜、hailey海丽、anna、安娜、victoria、维多丽娅、kayla、凯拉、lillian、丽莲6、arianna、艾丽阿娜、vanessa、瓦内萨、aaliyah、艾丽雅、mariah、艾丽娅、gabrielle、加布里艾拉、katelyn、凯特琳7、alexa、亚历克萨、kylie、凯丽、brooke、布鲁克、kaitlyn、凯特琳、evelyn、伊芙琳、madeline、麦德林、kimberly、金伯莉8、zoe、佐伊、jessica、杰西卡、alexandra、亚历山德拉、madelyn、麦德琳、maria、玛丽娅、mackenzie、麦肯西9、genesis詹妮西丝、isabel、伊莎贝尔、mary、玛丽、zoey、佐伊、gracie、格雷西、megan、梅根、peyton、佩顿10、paige、佩奇、autumn、奥特姆、payton、佩顿、faith、菲丝、sara、萨拉、isabelle、伊莎贝尔、caroline、卡罗琳11、mia、米厄、alexis、亚历克西丝、alyssa、艾丽萨、hannah、汉娜、ashley、阿什丽、ella、艾拉、sarah、萨拉、grace、格丽丝12、emma、埃玛、isabella、伊莎贝拉、emily、艾米丽、madison、麦迪逊、ava、阿娃、olivia、奥利维亚、sophia、索菲亚13、audrey、奥布里、katherine、凯瑟琳、morgan、摩根、brooklyn、布鲁克林、destiny、戴斯蒂尼、sydney、悉尼14、makayla、马凯拉、avery、艾佛芮、riley、莱丽、julia、朱丽娅、leah、丽娅、audrey、奥德丽、jasmine、佳丝敏美国人名字 31、david、可爱的2、makenzie、蔲尹尼其神之子3、jack、上帝是尊贵的4、samantha、愿聆听的5、olivia、橄榄树6、andrew、男子气的7、lily、百合花8、brandon、剑9、avery、智慧的10、christopher、背基督的人11、hannah、神之优雅12、daniel、神为吾法13、kyra、太阳,上帝14、christian、基督追随者15、cameron、歪鼻子16、noah、休闲的,舒适的17、victoria、胜利18、luke、光明19、hailey、自然的,干草坪20、elijah、杰出,上帝吾主21、logan、小洞,凹地22、nicholas、人民的胜利23、michael、神一般的24、justin、正义,法律25、chloe、鲜花盛开26、caleb、忠诚的,勇猛的27、madison、莫德之子28、isabella、伊萨贝拉、–女孩名29、aiden、火热的,热烈的30、mason、石匠31、kayla、纯洁的32、emily、勤勉的,刻苦的33、makayla、神一般的34、kaylee、欢乐洋溢35、gavin、阿瑟王的武士36、rachel、母绵羊37、benjamin、南方之子38、ava、小鸟39、connor、爱狼者40、samuel、太阳的侍从41、austin、至高尊严42、alexis、尊贵的,明亮的43、katherine、纯洁的44、anthony、无价的,珍贵的45、elizabeth、上帝的誓言46、caden、战斗47、jordan、趋小,向下48、owen、年轻的勇士49、ella、美丽的仙女50、sophia、智慧51、joseph、上帝将再赐子52、brayden、广阔的草地53、lucas、带来光的人54、morgan、来自大海的55、jessica、神在注视56、riley、勇敢的,坚定的57、ryan、小国王58、brianna、有力的59、ashley、梣树林,开垦地60、hunter、猎手61、grace、优雅62、zachary、天神铭记的63、jackson、jack之子64、savannah、大草原65、thomas、孪生子66、john、上帝尊贵67、alexande、人类的卫士68、dylan、传说的海上英雄69、isabel、神圣的70、kaitlyn、纯洁的71、megan、有力的,能干的72、emma、宇宙的,世界的73、sydney、开阔芳草地74、kylie、凯利、–女孩名75、madeline、来自麦格达拉的女子76、matthew、上帝的礼物77、tyler、制砖瓦的人78、zoe、生命79、abigail、爸爸的欢乐80、evan、天神尊贵优雅81、jacob、替代者,替补者82、gabriel、神是吾力83、nathan、施予者84、joshua、天神的拯救85、anna、优雅的86、jasmine、茉莉花87、sean、天神仁慈88、taylor、裁缝89、william、坚定的卫士90、ethan、坚定的,有力的91、jonathan、天神赐予92、julia、青春的93、sarah、公主94、natalie、出生于圣诞95、jaden、感恩的,绿石96、james、替代者,替补者97、alyssa、有逻辑的98、mia、我的99、allison、高贵的,善良的100、lauren、月桂树,桂冠美国人名字 41、ken是ken结尾的字的简称,ken被描繪绘成高挑英俊的金发男人,受欢迎,又风趣。

男孩名字JohnJohn 是一个古老的英格兰名字,意思是“上帝仁慈的恩赐” 或“上帝赐予的礼物”。
几个著名的 John 包括前美国总统 John F. Kennedy、在《约翰·威克》电影中扮演主角的吉姆·卡瑞,以及人口普查者 John Smith。
MichaelMichael 是一个希伯来名字,意思是“像上帝的人” 或“勇士”。
几个著名的Michael 包括新闻记者 Michael Moore、NBA球员 Michael Jordan 和皮克斯动画电影《汽车总动员》的主角 Michael McQueen。
DavidDavid 是一个希伯来名字,意思是“所爱的” 或“喜爱的人”。
几个著名的 David包括音乐家 David Bowie、艺术家 David Hockney 和前美国总统 David Eisenhower。
WilliamWilliam 是一个德国名字,意思是“强而有力” 或“保卫者”。
几个著名的 William 包括英国王子 William、电影导演 William Spielberg 和诗人 William Wordsworth。
JamesJames 是一个希伯来名字,意思是“代表上帝” 或“愿上帝赐福”的人。
几个著名的 James 包括作家 James Joyce、电影导演 James Cameron 和前美国总统 James Madison。
AndrewAndrew 是一个希腊名字,意思是“勇敢的人” 或“男子汉”。
几个著名的Andrew 包括艺术家 Andrew Wyeth、前美国总统 Andrew Jackson 和诗人 Andrew Marvell。

美国社会安全局(Social Security Administration)于星期五(5月6日)公布的2004年清点数据指出,艾蜜莉连续九年来都是新生女婴最常使用的名字。
美国内布拉斯加州(Nebraska)贝勒由大学(Bellevue University)副教授与美国命名协会(American Name Society)主席伊凡斯(Cleveland Evans)说:“旧约全书中的名字经常被基督徒与犹太人使用。
”Emily(艾蜜莉)有包括艾蜜莉-迪金森(Emily Dickinson)与艾蜜莉-布郎特(Emily Bronte) 等的文艺协会。
前十名最常见的女孩名字和前十名最常见的男孩名字为:排名女孩名中译名男孩名中译名1 Emily 艾蜜莉Jacob 雅各2 Emma 艾玛Michael 麦可3 Madison 麦迪森Joshua 约书亚4 Olivia 奥莉薇Matthew 马修5 Hannah 汉娜Ethan 伊桑6 Abigail 爱比盖尔Andrew 安德鲁7 Isabella 伊莎贝拉Daniel 丹尼尔8 Ashley 艾希莉William 威廉9 Samantha 萨曼莎Joseph 约瑟夫10 Elizabeth 伊莉莎白Christopher 克里斯多夫2.看看最适合你星座的英文名字巨蟹座男性最适合的英文名字:Kevin、Louis、John、George、Henry、Benjamin巨蟹座女性最适合的英文名字:Melody、Helen、Debbie、Lisa、Yvonne双子座男性最适合的英文名字:Bob、John、Thomas、Dean、Paul、Jack、Brooke双子座女性最适合的英文名字:Judy、Doris、Rudy、Amanda、Shirley、Joan、Tracy狮子座男性最适合的英文名字:Robert、Carl、Scott、Tom、Eddy、Kris、Peter狮子座女性最适合的英文名字:Shelly、Mary、Dolly、Nancy、Jane、Barbara处女座男性最适合的英文名字:Johnson、Bruce、Robert、Peter、Bill、Joseph、John处女座女性最适合的英文名字:Shirley、Emily、Sophia、Vivian、Lillian、Joy天秤座男性最适合的英文名字:Burt、Charlie、Elliot、George、Johnson天秤座女性最适合的英文名字:Ross、Julie、Gloria、Carol天蝎座男性最适合的英文名字:Richard、James、Charles、Bruce、David天蝎座女性最适合的英文名字:Taylor、Wendy、Grace、Vivian、Caroline、Samantha射手座男性最适合的英文名字:Nick、Walt、John、Mark、Sam、Davis、Neil、Carl、Lewis、Billy射手座女性最适合的英文名字:Maria、Kate、Demi、Sunny、Wendy摩羯座男性最适合的英文名字:Richard、Howard、Allen、Johnny、Robert、Martin、Jeff摩羯座女性最适合的英文名字:Ava、Christina、Judy、Susan、Grace、Alice水瓶座男性最适合的英文名字:Paul、Sam、Francis、Lewis、Stephen、Andy、Scott水瓶座女性最适合的英文名字:Joyce、Sally、Margaret、Rebecca、Teresa、Rita、Jessica双鱼座男性最适合的英文名字:Albert、Kevin、Michael、Taylor、Jackson、Jack、Jimmy、Allen、Martin、Vincent双鱼座女性最适合的英文名字:Elizabeth、Kelly、May、Julie、Amanda、Fiona白羊座男性最适合的英文名字:Charles、Mark、Bill、Vincent、William、Joseph、James、Henry、Gary、Martin、白羊座女性最适合的英文名字:Malcolm、Joan、Niki、Betty、Linda、Whitney、Lily金牛座男性最适合的英文名字:Fred、Gary、William、Charles、Michael、Karl金牛座女性最适合的英文名字:Barbara、Elizabeth、Helen、Katharine、Lee、Ann、Diana、Fiona双子座男性最适合的英文名字:Bob、John、Thomas、Dean、Paul、Jack、Brooke双子座女性最适合的英文名字:Judy、Doris、Rudy、Amanda、Shirley、Joan、Tracy。

【最新】美国男孩名字男生英文名字大全,给自已取个好听的男性英文名字AARON (希伯来)启发的意思,AARON被描绘为不高但英俊的男人,诚实刻苦具有责任感,是个有效率个性沉靜的领导者。
ABEL (希伯来);呼吸;的意思,为ABELARD的简写,大部份的人认为ABEL 是高大,强壮的运动员,能干,独立,又聪明。
ABRAHAM 原为希伯来文,意为;民族之父;。
ADAM (希伯来),红土制造的意思。
ADRIAN (拉丁文)黑色的意思。
ALVA 希伯来名,给人的感觉是很崇高、庄严的,圣经上写着ALVA 是一个地名和种族名字。
ALE_ 为ALE_ANDER的简写,人们认为ALE_是身强体健有着希腊血统的男子,聪明,和善,令人喜爱。
ALAN 据传,英国有一位诗人,叫AlaES被描绘为大块头,强壮的英俊男人,聪明,严谨,诚实个性依赖。
JASON 被认做可爱,喜好运动的金发男孩,但人们却对Jason的人格有争议。
JEROME (拉丁)圣洁的名字,在人们印象中,Jerome是个传统的名字,它让人联想到的是有趣,聪明,又体贴的男孩。
JERRY 是GERALD,JEREMIAH,JEROME的简称,大部份的人认为Jerry是高挑,友善,好玩性格极佳的人。
JIM James的简称,JIM被认为是好看运动员般的金发男人,友善,安靜静的平凡男人。

美国最流行女孩名字1.Sophia;2.Emma;3.Isabella;4.Olivia;5.Ava;6.Emily;7.Abigail;8.Mia;9.Madison; 10.Elizabeth;11.Chloe; 12.Ella; 13.Avery; 14.Addison; 15.Aubrey; 16.Lily; 17.Natalie; 18.Sofia; 19.Charlotte;20.Zoey; 21.Grace; 22.Hannah; 23.Amelia; 24.Harper; 25.Lillian;26.Samantha; 27.Evelyn; 28.Victoria;29.Brooklyn; 30.Zoe; yla; 32.Hailey; 33.Leah; 34.Kaylee; 35.Anna; 36.Aaliyah; 37.Gabriella;38.Allison; 39.Nevaeh; 40.Alexis; 41.Audrey; 42.Savannah; 43.Sarah; 44.Alyssa; 45.Claire; 46.Taylor;47.Riley; 48.Camila; 49.Arianna; 50.Ashley;51.Brianna; 52.Sophie; 53.Peyton; 54.Bella; 55.Khloe;56.Genesis; 57.Alexa; 58.Serenity; 59.Kylie; 60.Aubree; 61.Scarlett; 62.Stella; 63.Maya; 64.Katherine;65.Julia; 66.Lucy; 67.Madelyn; 68.Autumn; 69.Makayla; 70.Kayla; 71.Mackenzie; uren; 73.Gianna;74.Ariana; 75.Faith76.Alexandra; 77.Melanie; 78.Sydney; 79.Bailey; 79.Caroline; 81.Naomi; 82.Morgan;83.Kennedy; 84.Ellie; 85.Jasmine; 86.Eva; 87.Skylar; 88.Kimberly; 89.Violet; 90.Molly; 91.Aria;92.Jocelyn; 93.Trinity; 94.London; 95.Lydia; 96.Madeline; 97.Reagan; 98.Piper; 99.Andrea; 100.Annabel美国最流行男孩名字1.Jacob;2.Mason;3.Ethan;4.Noah;5.William;6.Liam;7.Jayden;8.Michael;9.Alexander;10.Aiden; 11.Daniel; 12.Matthew; 13.Elijah; 14.James; 15.Anthony; 16.Benjamin;17.Joshua; 18.Andrew; 19.David; 20.Joseph; 21.Logan; 22.Jackson; 23.Christopher;24.Gabriel; 25.Samuel; 26.Ryan; 27.Lucas; 28.John; 29.Nathan; 30.Isaac; 31.Dylan;32.Caleb; 33.Christian; ndon; 35.Jonathan; 36.Carter; 37.Luke; 38.Owen;39.Brayden; 40.Gavin; 41.Wyatt; 42.Isaiah; 43.Henry; 44.Eli; 45.Hunter; 46.Jack; 47.Evan;48.Jordan; 49.Nicholas; 50.Tyler;51.Aaron; 52.Jeremiah; 53.Julian; 54.Cameron; 55.Levi;56.Brandon; 57.Angel; 58.Austin; 59.Connor; 60.Adrian; 61.Robert; 62.Charles;63.Thomas; 64.Sebastian; 65.Colton; 66.Jaxon; 67.Kevin; 68.Zachary; 69.Ayden;70.Dominic; 71.Blake; 72.Jose; 73.Oliver; 74.Justin; 75.Bentley; 76.Jason; 77.Chase;78.Ian; 79.Josiah; 80.Parker; 80.Xavier; 82.Adam; 83.Cooper; 84.Nathaniel; 85.Grayson;86.Jace; 87.Carson; 88.Nolan; 89.Tristan; 90.Luis; 91.Brody; 92.Juan; 93.Hudson;94.Bryson; 95.Carlos; 96.Easton; 97.Damian; 98.Alex; 99.Kayden; 100.Ryder;..如有侵权请联系告知删除,感谢你们的配合!。
美国人名字 好听的美国人名字(最新)

美国人名字精选:1、Phoebe 菲碧希腊会发亮之物,显赫的人,月之女神2、Helen 海伦希腊,拉丁火把;亮光的3、Norma 诺玛拉丁正派的人,可做范的人4、Doreen 多琳希腊神的赠礼5、Lauren 罗伦拉丁月桂树6、Theresa 泰丽莎希腊收成7、Eleanore 艾琳诺法国亮光的;多产的,肥美的,有收成的8、Zenobia 丽诺比丽拉丁希腊爸爸的荣耀;打猎女神9、Riva 莉娃法国在河堤或河边的人10、Fanny 梵妮法国自在之人11、Karen 凯伦希腊纯真12、Wendy 温蒂条顿有冒险精力的女孩;白眉毛的;另一种13、Rita 莉达义大利珍珠;英勇的;诚笃的14、Gladys 葛莱蒂丝威尔斯公主15、Maureen 穆琳盖尔小玛丽16、Daphne 黛芙妮希腊神话月桂树;桂冠17、Louise 璐易丝条顿着名的兵士18、Verna 维娜希腊春天的美人;赋于漂亮的外表19、Diana 黛安娜拉丁亮光如白画;月亮女神20、Rae 瑞伊希伯来母羊21、Yvette 依耶芙特法国射手或弓箭手22、Blanche 布兰琪条顿纯真无暇的;碧眼儿的;白净漂亮的23、Yvonne 伊芳法国射手24、Natividad 娜提雅维达西班牙在圣诞节出世的25、Mandy 曼蒂拉丁值得爱的26、Pamela 潘蜜拉英国,希腊令人疼爱,又喜恶作剧的小孩27、Prudence 普鲁登斯拉丁有才智有远见之人;慎重28、Myrna 蜜尔娜塞尔特文质彬彬29、Linda 琳达西班牙漂亮的人30、Cynthia 辛西亚希腊月亮女神黛安娜的称谓31、Sibyl 希贝儿希腊女预言家32、Deirdre 迪得莉盖尔忧虑的33、Dolores 多洛莉丝拉丁哀痛,苦楚或惋惜34、Renee 蕾妮法国再生的35、Dominic 多明尼卡拉丁归于天主的36、Valerie 瓦勒莉拉丁健壮的人;英勇的人37、Teresa 特丽莎葡萄牙丰盈38、Xanthe 桑席希腊金黄色头发的39、Arlene 艾琳娜赛尔特誓约信物40、Genevieve 珍妮芙古威尔斯金发碧眼的人;碧眼儿41、Sheila 希拉爱尔兰少女;年青女性;盲目的42、Joyce 乔伊丝拉丁高兴的;欢乐的43、Emma 艾玛条顿先人44、Maggie 玛姬拉丁珍珠45、Adela 爱得拉德国显贵的;典雅的46、Christine 克莉丝汀希腊基督的追随者,门徒47、Nicole 妮可希腊成功者48、Daisy 黛西英国雏菊49、Crystal 克莉斯多希腊晶亮的冰,通明的魂灵,没有欺骗50、Cheryl 瑰丽儿法国喜欢的人,男人汉51、Ethel 艾瑟儿英国显贵的;出身显贵的52、Valentina 范伦汀娜拉丁健康者,健壮者53、Jo 乔苏格兰恋人54、Jean 琴法国天主是慈善的55、Mary 玛丽希伯来抵挡的苦涩;海之女56、Belle 贝拉法国漂亮的;天主的誓约;聪明显贵57、Vera 维拉俄国,拉丁诚笃,忠实58、Alma 爱玛拉丁,英国真情的和蔼的舞女59、Doris 多莉丝希腊来自大海的;海洋女神60、Anastasia 阿娜丝塔西夏希腊再度振作起来之人,复生61、Susanna 苏珊娜希伯来百合花62、Martina 玛蒂娜拉丁战神63、Winni 温妮威尔斯白色的波涛;和蔼的兄弟64、Ada 艾达英国长脸;高兴的;漂亮65、Sandra 珊朵拉希腊人类的保卫者66、Juliet 朱丽叶拉丁头发柔软的;年青的67、Debby 黛碧希伯来蜜蜂;蜂王68、Eartha 尔莎英国土地或泥土;比方像大地般坚忍的人69、Dinah 黛娜希伯来被评判的人,雅各的女儿70、Bernice 柏妮丝希腊带着成功讯息来的人71、Phyllis 菲丽丝希腊嫩枝,小花瓣,绿色小树枝72、Ida 艾达德国高兴的,勤奋的,赋有的73、Prima 普莉玛拉丁长女74、Alexia 亚莉克希亚希腊协助75、Betty 贝蒂希伯来天主是誓约76、Candice 坎蒂丝拉丁热心,坦白,纯真的77、Evangeline 伊文捷琳希腊福音的信差,福音;天使78、Catherine 凯瑟琳希腊纯真的人79、Katherine 凯瑟琳希腊纯真的80、Afra 阿芙拉希伯来尘土81、Lillian 丽莲希腊一朵百合花,代表纯真;天主的誓约82、Chloe 克洛怡希腊青春的,漂亮的83、Tammy 泰蜜希腊太阳神84、Flora 弗罗拉拉丁花;花之神85、Annabelle 安娜贝儿希伯来,拉丁漂亮的女子;心爱的;和颜悦色的86、Rachel 瑞琪儿希伯来母羊或羊羔;和蔼的文质彬彬的87、Beryl 百丽儿希腊绿宝石,走运88、Claire 克莱儿拉丁绚烂的;亮堂的;聪明的89、Leona 李奥娜拉丁狮90、Bblythe 布莱兹英国无忧无虑的;高兴的91、Rebecca 丽蓓卡西班牙骗局,诱人的美,圈套92、Victoria 维多利亚拉丁成功93、Renata 蕾娜塔希伯来再生的;更新,康复94、Letitia 列蒂西雅拉丁,西班牙高兴的;欢喜的95、Tina 蒂娜希腊小巧玲珑的人96、Gwendolyn 关德琳塞尔特白色眉毛的97、Roxanne 洛葛仙妮波斯显赫的人,有才华的人98、Breenda 布蓝达盖尔离间者;剑;黑发99、Audrey 奥德莉法国显贵显赫的人100、Priscilla 普莉斯拉拉丁古代的人101、Winifred 温妮费德威尔斯白色的波涛;和蔼的兄弟102、Athena 雅典娜希腊希腊神话中,才智及战役的女神,雅典的维护神103、Vita 维达西班牙指其生命之力,流过一切生灵的那种女性104、Heather 赫瑟尔英国开花的石楠105、Ann 安妮希伯来典雅的,善良的天主106、Modesty 摩黛丝提拉丁谦善的人107、Eve 伊芙希伯来生命;赋予生命者生灵之母108、Yetta 依耶塔英国大方之捐赠者109、Paula 赛拉拉丁比方身段小巧玲珑者110、Kristin 克莉丝汀希腊基督的追随者门徒111、Kelly 凯莉盖尔女兵士112、Hedy 赫蒂希腊甜蜜,又令人欣赏的113、Monica 莫妮卡拉丁参谋114、Geraldine 娇拉汀德国强而有力的长矛115、Ursula 耳舒拉拉丁褐色的头发,无畏之人116、Fay 费怡法国忠贞或忠实;小仙女117、Merry 梅莉英国充溢趣味和笑声118、Zora 若拉斯拉夫拂晓119、Veromca 维隆卡希腊成功者120、Eunice 尤妮丝希腊高兴的成功121、Iris 爱莉丝拉丁彩虹女神;鸢尾花122、Penny 潘妮希腊沈默的织造者123、Darlene 达莲娜英国温顺心爱;体贴地爱124、Natalie 娜特莉法国圣诞日出世的125、Ruth 露丝希伯来友谊;怜惜126、Dana 黛娜希伯来来自丹麦的人;神的妈妈;聪明且纯真的127、Setlla 丝特勒西班牙星星128、Zoe 若伊希腊生命129、Jocelyn 贾思琳拉丁开心的;高兴的130、Edith 伊蒂丝古英国搏斗;战役131、Susan 苏珊希伯来一朵小百合132、Una 优娜盖尔,英国,拉丁怪人,一人,仅有无二的133、Vicky 维琪拉丁成功134、Wanda 旺妲条顿树干;流浪者135、Denise 丹尼丝希腊代表花136、Angela 安琪拉法国天使;报信者,安琪儿137、Janice 珍尼丝希伯来,法国少女;天主是善良的138、Cora 柯拉希腊童贞;少女139、Ella 艾拉条顿火炬140、Maria 玛丽亚希伯来沉痛苦味141、Lee 李英国草地的居民;庇护所142、Harriet 哈莉特法国家庭主妇143、Nancy 南茜希伯来典雅温文;保母144、Andrea 安德莉亚希腊有气魄,漂亮而典雅145、Margaret 玛格丽特拉丁珍珠146、Naomi 娜娥迷希伯来我的欢喜;文雅美貌147、Elizabeth 伊莉莎白希伯来天主的誓约148、Deborah 黛博拉希伯来蜜蜂;蜂王149、Clementine 克莱曼婷拉丁温顺且善良的人150、Moira 茉伊拉希腊命运151、Gill 姬儿拉丁少女152、Cathy 凯丝希腊纯真的人153、Sara 莎拉希伯来公主154、Amelia 阿蜜莉雅拉丁勤勉的,劳作的155、Mag 麦格拉丁珍珠156、Zara 莎拉希伯来拂晓157、Donna 唐娜拉丁贵妇,淑女,夫人158、Truda 杜达条顿受喜欢的女孩159、Spring 丝柏凌英国春天160、Dawn 潼恩英国拂晓,唤醒,振作161、Gail 盖尔英国高兴的;歌唱;峡谷162、Stephanie 丝特芬妮希腊王冠;花环;荣誉的象征163、Lynn 琳英国傍湖而居的人164、Mirabelle 蜜拉贝儿西班牙十分漂亮的165、Candance 坎蒂丝拉丁热心,坦白,纯真的166、Amy 艾咪法国最心爱的人,心爱的167、Philipppa 菲莉帕希腊爱马者168、Xaviera 赛薇亚拉西班牙具有新居,并长于维护新居的人169、Florence 弗罗伦丝塞尔特开花的或漂亮的170、Nicola 妮可拉希腊成功171、Hannah 汉娜希伯来典雅的172、Penelope 潘娜洛普希腊织布者;沈默的织造者173、Kimberley 金百莉英国出世皇家草地上的人174、Constance 康斯坦丝拉丁坚决忠实的人175、Agatha 爱葛莎希腊善良而夸姣的176、Maud 穆得日耳曼健壮的;力气177、Sigrid 西格莉德斯堪的那维亚最被喜欢的人;成功的178、Joanna 乔安娜希伯来天主善良的赠礼179、Beulah 比尤莱希伯来已成婚的180、Marguerite 玛格丽特希腊珍珠181、Sabina 莎碧娜拉丁出身显贵的人182、Alva 阿尔娃拉丁白净的183、Esther 艾丝特希伯来星星184、Elaine 伊莲恩法国亮光的;年幼的小鹿185、Murray 玛瑞盖尔船员186、Dale 黛儿英国寓居在丘陵间之山谷中者187、Camille 卡蜜拉拉丁好性格的显贵女子188、Agnes 爱葛妮丝希腊,拉丁纯真,典雅,贞节189、Beverly 贝芙丽英国有海狸的小河190、Phoenix 菲妮克丝希腊年青的女性191、Jessie 婕西希伯来天主的恩宠;财富192、Jessica 杰西嘉希伯来天主的恩宠;财富193、Roberta 萝勃塔条顿光辉的名声;绚烂194、Amanda 阿曼达拉丁值得爱的195、Carol 卡萝法国欢唱,动听开心的歌196、Gustave 葛佳丝塔芙德国,瑞典战役197、Veronica 维拉妮卡希腊带来成功讯息者198、Madge 玛琪拉丁珍珠199、Judith 朱蒂斯希伯来赞许;文静之女子200、Sophia 苏菲亚希腊才智的人201、Nora 诺拉拉丁第九个孩子202、Pearl 珮儿拉丁像珍珠般203、Sylvia 西维亚拉丁森林少女204、Antonia 安东妮儿拉丁,希腊无辞以赞,受爱崇的人205、Hilda 希尔达条顿战役;女兵士206、Nina 妮娜拉丁有势有的;孙女207、Rosalind 罗莎琳德拉丁怒放的玫瑰208、Violet 维尔莉特苏格兰义大利紫罗兰;谦善209、Aurora 奥萝拉拉丁拂晓女神210、Nydia 妮蒂亚拉丁来自隐居的地方的人211、Hedda 赫达德国奋斗或战役212、Leila 莉拉阿拉伯黑发的美人子;夜晚出世的213、Elsie 艾西希伯来,希腊天主的誓约,诚笃的214、Alice 爱丽丝希腊显贵的,真挚的215、Jamie 婕咪拉丁取而代之者216、Edwina 艾德文娜英国有价值的兄弟;产业的获得者217、Pag 珮格拉丁珍珠218、Sally 莎莉希伯来公主219、Abigail 艾比盖希伯来爸爸很高兴;满意的爸爸220、Enid 伊妮德塞尔特人纯真得毫无瑕庛221、Salome 莎洛姆希伯来平和的,安静的222、Mildred 穆得莉英国和蔼的参谋;温顺的,和蔼的223、Lorraine 洛伦法国来自法国洛林小镇的人224、Ruby 露比法国红宝石225、Julia 朱丽亚拉丁头发柔软的;年青226、Martha 玛莎阿拉姆家庭主妇227、Olga 欧尔佳俄国崇高的;平和228、Delia 迪丽雅希腊牧羊女229、Madeline 玛德琳希腊伟大而崇高的;塔堡230、Evelyn 伊芙琳塞尔特生命;易共处的人;令人开心的人231、Vivien 维文法国活泼的232、Patricia 派翠西亚拉丁出身显贵的233、Rose 罗丝拉丁玫瑰花,怒放;马234、Bonnie 邦妮拉丁香甜漂亮典雅而善良的人235、Polly 珀莉希伯来抵挡的苦涩;海之女236、Mamie 梅蜜希伯来抵挡的苦涩;海之女237、Lilith 李莉斯希伯来归于黑夜的238、Suzanne 苏珊希伯来一朵小百合239、Joanne 希伯来希伯来天主善良的赠礼240、Simona 席梦娜希伯来被听到241、Regina 蕾佳娜拉丁女王,皇后;纯真的人242、Muriel 穆丽儿希伯来沉痛苦味;光亮243、Lena 莉娜拉丁寄宿;寓所244、Cara 卡拉义大利兄弟;亲爱的人245、Tiffany 蒂芙妮法国薄纱;崇高246、Tobey 托比希伯来鸽子,夸姣的,有礼貌的247、Hilary 希拉瑞莉拉丁高兴的248、Lisa 丽莎希伯来对神奉献249、Dora 多拉希腊神的赠礼250、Bess 贝丝希伯来天主是誓约251、Julie 朱莉希腊有张柔平和静面孔的252、Heloise 海洛伊丝法国健全的;在战场上很知名253、Megan 梅根希腊伟大,健壮精干的人254、Gemma 姬玛义大利宝石255、Sebastiane 莎芭丝提安希腊受尊敬的或受爱崇的256、June 朱恩拉丁六月257、Jenny 珍妮希伯来,法国少女258、Bridget 布丽姬特盖尔或爱尔兰健壮,力气259、Celeste 莎莉丝特拉丁最夸姣的人,天国的260、Atalanta 亚特兰特希腊跑得快的漂亮少女261、Meroy 玛希英国慈善;怜惜;善良262、Judy 朱蒂希伯来赞许263、Thera 席拉希腊指野女孩264、Michaelia 蜜雪莉雅希伯来似天主的人265、Caroline 卡洛琳条顿勇猛刚健和健壮的266、Jill 姬儿神话少女;恋人267、Irene 艾琳法国,拉丁平和;平和女神268、Frederica 菲蕾德翠卡条顿平和的领导者269、Marjorie 玛乔丽法国珍珠270、Georgia 乔治亚希腊农民271、Eudora 尤朵拉希腊心爱的赠礼,夸姣的开心的272、JaNet 珍妮特希伯来,法国少女,天主的赏赐273、Wallis 华莉丝苏格兰异乡人274、Myra 玛拉拉丁令人信服的人,十分好的人275、Hermosa 何蒙莎西班牙漂亮276、Freda 弗莉达德国平和;领导者277、Kitty 吉蒂希腊纯真的278、Kay 凯伊英国欢喜的;亚瑟王之兄弟279、Ophelia 奥菲莉亚希腊协助者;帮忙者;蛇280、Althea 奥尔瑟雅希腊好预,治疗者281、Stacey 史黛丝希腊会再度振作起来之人282、Trista 翠丝特拉丁以微笑化解忧伤的女孩283、Arabela 爱勒贝拉拉丁,日耳曼漂亮的祭坛,易于恳求284、Belinda 贝琳达德国义大利像条蛇有才智又长命的人285、Astrid 艾丝翠得丹麦崇高的力气;星星的286、Gloria 葛罗瑞亚拉丁光彩者,荣耀者287、Odelia 奥蒂莉亚法国身段娇小;赋有288、Novia 诺维雅拉丁新来的人289、Sarah 赛拉希伯来公主290、Hazel 海柔尔英国首领,指挥官291、Quintina 昆蒂娜拉丁第五个孩子292、Sherry 雪莉英国来自草地的293、Jacqueline 贾桂琳法国愿天主维护294、Ingrid 英格丽斯堪的那维亚女儿;心爱的人295、Liz 莉斯希伯来天主即是誓约296、Virginia 维吉妮亚拉丁春天;蒸蒸日上状297、Emily 艾蜜莉条顿,拉丁勤勉发奋的;有一口响亮圆润的嗓音之人;拍马屁的人298、Octavia 奥克塔薇尔拉丁第八个小孩299、Lesley 雷思丽盖尔来自老的保垒;冬青园300、Joy 乔伊拉丁欢喜;高兴301、Jennifer 珍尼佛英国白色的波;施魔法,妖艷,诱人的女性302、Joa 琼法国,神话天主善良的赠礼303、Beatrice 碧翠丝拉丁为人祈福或使人高兴的女孩304、Bella 贝拉拉丁漂亮的305、Tabitha 泰贝莎希腊小雌鹿306、May 梅拉丁少女,五月307、Elsa 爱尔莎希腊诚笃的308、Olivia 奥丽薇亚拉丁平和者;橄榄树309、Hulda 胡尔达条顿典雅,被大众深深喜欢的310、Sandy 仙蒂希腊人类的保卫者311、Poppy 波比拉丁心爱的花朵;312、Eden 伊甸希伯来圣经中的乐土,欢乐之地313、Gabrielle 嘉比里拉希伯来天主即是力气314、Laurel 罗瑞尔拉丁月桂树;成功315、Vanessa 瓦妮莎希腊蝴蝶316、Selena 萨琳娜拉丁月亮,月光317、Coral 卡洛儿希腊,法国珊瑚或赠品,彩石318、Brook 布鲁克英国傍溪而居之人319、Jodie 乔蒂希伯来十分文静;赞许320、Shirley 雪丽英国来自草地的321、Zona 若娜拉丁拂晓322、Isabel 伊莎蓓尔希伯来天主的誓约323、Cornelia 可妮莉雅希腊山茱萸树,号角324、Yedda 耶达英国天然生成有歌唱的才华325、Cecilia 塞西莉亚拉丁视力朦胧的人,失明的326、Ina 艾娜拉丁妈妈327、Grace 葛瑞丝英国,法国,拉丁典雅的328、Eileen 爱琳盖尔亮光的,讨人喜欢的329、Frances 法兰西斯法国自在之人,无拘束的人330、Anna 安娜希伯来典雅331、Dorothy 桃乐斯希腊天主的赠礼332、Pandora 潘朵拉法国世界上榜首个女性333、Elvira 艾薇拉拉丁小精灵,碧眼儿的334、Miriam 蜜莉恩希伯来忧伤;磨难之洋335、Susie 苏西希伯来百合花336、Michelle 蜜雪儿希伯来紫菀花337、Lindsay 琳赛条顿来自海滨的菩提树338、Ula 优拉条顿具有祖产,并会办理的人339、Erica 艾丽卡条顿有权利的;帝王的;统治者340、Irma 艾尔玛拉丁,条顿地位很高的;显贵的341、Marina 马丽娜拉丁归于海洋的342、Charlotte 夏洛特法国身体健旺女性化的343、Marian 玛丽安希伯来,拉丁想要孩子的;典雅的344、Melissa 蒙丽莎希腊蜂蜜345、Barbara 芭芭拉希腊外地来的人,异乡人;异族人346、Kama 卡玛印度爱之神347、Jane 珍希伯来,法国天主是慈善的;少女348、Laura 罗拉拉丁月桂树;成功349、Erin 艾琳盖尔镶在海中是的翡翠;平和,安定之源350、Molly 茉莉希伯来抵挡的苦涩;海之女351、Lucy 露西拉丁带来光亮和才智的人352、Marcia 玛西亚拉丁女战神353、Tess 泰丝法国丰盈354、Sharon 雪伦盖尔很美的公主;平原355、Ellen 艾伦希腊拉丁火把356、Nelly 内丽希丽拉丁火把357、Honey 汉妮英国亲爱的人358、Mona 梦娜希腊孤独;显贵;仅有的,共同的;荒地359、Mavis 梅薇思塞尔特如画眉鸟的歌声;高兴360、Meredith 玛莉提丝威尔丝大海的保卫者361、Tracy 翠西法国市场小径362、Griselda 葛莉谢尔达德国指对老公极依从和忍受的女性363、Samantha 莎曼撤阿拉姆专注聆听教诲的人364、Alberta 爱尔柏塔英国显贵显赫的365、Giselle 吉榭尔条顿一把剑366、Page 蓓姬希腊孩子367、Cherry 绮莉法国善良,像樱桃般光润的人368、Miranda 米兰达拉丁令人钦佩或敬重的人369、Odelette 奥蒂列特法国声响如音乐般370、Sabrina 莎柏琳娜拉丁从鸿沟来的人371、Josephine 约瑟芬希伯来增强;多产的女子372、Rosemary 露丝玛丽拉丁大海中的小水珠;艾菊373、Mignon 蜜妮安法国详尽而典雅374、April 艾谱莉拉丁春天,大地初醒之时375、Mabel 玛佩尔拉丁温顺的人,和蔼亲热的人376、Lydia 莉蒂亚英国来自里底亚的人,财富377、Elva 艾娃斯堪的那维亚奇特且才智的378、Ivy 艾薇希腊希腊传说中的崇高食物379、Elma 艾尔玛希腊富爱心的人,亲热的380、Bertha 柏莎条顿聪明漂亮或绚烂的381、Queena 昆娜英国很显贵贵族化的382、Viola 维尔拉拉丁一朵紫萝兰383、Olive 奥丽芙拉丁平和者;橄榄384、Clara 克莱拉拉丁亮堂的;聪明的385、Betsy 贝琪希伯来天主是誓约386、Adelaide 爱得莱德德国显贵的;显贵阶层的387、Xenia 芝妮雅希腊好客388、Venus 维纳斯希腊爱与美的女神389、Faithe 费滋拉丁忠实可信的人390、Maxine 玛可欣拉丁女王好听有创意的微博名字1、oゞ夜色乄未央ぁ2、不与离人遇3、再回首已陌路4、月迷津度,何以忘言5、回忆狠狠的扇了我一巴掌6、夜玉。

1. Emma。
2. Olivia。
3. Ava。
4. Sophia。
5. Isabella。
6. Mia。
7. Charlotte。
8. Amelia。

1. Emma(爱玛)。
2. Olivia(奥利维亚)。
3. Ava(艾娃)。
4. Sophia(索菲亚)。
5. Isabella(伊莎贝拉)。
6. Mia(米娅)。
7. Charlotte(夏洛特)。

这些名字可能来源于流行文化、影视作品、音乐等,如Aiden(艾登)、Mason(梅森)、Ethan (伊桑)等。
常见的美国女性名字以下是一些常见的美国女性名字:1.Emily(艾米莉)- 来源于德国和英国,意为“勤勉”或“竞争者”。
2.Olivia(奥利维亚)- 一种古法国名字,在拉丁语中意为“橄榄树”。
3.Emma(艾玛)- 来源于日尔曼语,意为“全能”或“大家族”。
4.Isabella(伊莎贝拉)- 是一个拉丁名字,意为“上帝的誓约”。
5.Ava(艾娃)- 来源于拉丁语,意为“鸟”。
6.Sophia(索菲亚)- 源于希腊语,意为“智慧”。
7.Mia(米娅)- 意大利和斯堪的纳维亚的短名,意为“我的”。

虽然好记,但是我们还是要“入乡随俗”,尽量避免以下雷区哦~用水果作为名字Cherry 樱桃女生叫Cherry很Cue有没有,但是除了“樱桃”的意思,还有“处女膜”的意思……Apple苹果、Pear桃子不要这么随意好不好。
Kiwi 猕猴桃这个名字很多华人喜欢起,这个名字其实是新西兰人的代称,在美CookieRabbit猫紫色Black奥以不建议。
)女生注意:这些名字一定要避免!Amber(琥珀)、Crystal(水晶)Diamond (钻石)、Tiffany(蒂芙尼)精致而又质感,特别而又小众有没有?但CandyGucci字,Dick喝醉酒或者重感冒,想呕吐的时候,会说这个词。

美国20大宝宝热门英文名:排名女孩名男孩名1 Emma Aiden2 Sophia Jayden3 Madison Ethan4 Isabella Jacob5 Olivia Caden6 Ava Jackson7 Madeline Noa8 Addison Jack9 Hailey Logan10 Lily Matthew11 Kaitlyn Nicholas12 Chloe Ryan13 Abigail Brayden14 Emily Michael15 Riley Gavin16 Mia Dylan17 Ella Lucas18 Hannah Caleb19 Kaylee Andrew20 Sarah r。

1.史密斯(Smith)统计人数:2376206这一姓氏源自一种职业,是从事金属加工业的男士的人名(smith 本身有铁匠或锻工之意)。

美国女孩名字TOP50名篇一1 Emma 宇宙的,世界的2 Emily 勤勉的,刻苦的3 Madison 莫德之子4 Isabella 伊萨贝拉–女孩名5 Ava 小鸟6 Sophia 智慧7 Kaitlyn 纯洁的8 Hannah 神之优雅9 Hailey 自然的,干草坪10 Olivia 橄榄树11 Sarah 公主12 Abigail 爸爸的欢乐13 Madeline 来自麦格达拉的女子14 Lily 百合花15 Kaylee 欢乐洋溢16 Ella 美丽的仙女17 Riley 勇敢的,坚定的18 Brianna 有力的19 Alyssa 有逻辑的20 Samantha 愿聆听的21 Lauren 月桂树,桂冠22 Mia 我的23 Alexis 尊贵的,明亮的24 Chloe 鲜花盛开25 Ashley 梣树林,开垦地美国女孩名字TOP50名篇二26 Grace 优雅27 Jessica 神在注视28 Elizabeth 上帝的誓言29 Taylor 裁缝30 Makayla 神一般的31 Makenzie 蔲尹尼其神之子32 Anna 优雅的33 Zoe 生命34 Kayla 纯洁的35 Sydney 开阔芳草地36 Megan 有力的,能干的37 Natalie 出生于圣诞38 Kylie 凯利–女孩名39 Rachel 母绵羊40 Avery 智慧的41 Katherine 纯洁的,处女的42 Isabel 神圣的43 Victoria 胜利44 Morgan 来自大海的45 Kyra 太阳,上帝46 Jasmine 茉莉花47 Allison 高贵的,善良的48 Savannah 大草原49 Julia 青春的50 Jordan 趋小,向下美国男孩名字TOP50名篇一1 Aiden 火热的,热烈的2 Jacob 替代者,替补者3 Ethan 坚定的,有力的4 Matthew 上帝的礼物5 Nicholas 人民的胜利6 Jack 上帝是尊贵的7 Joshua 天神的拯救8 Michael 神一般的9 Ryan 小国王10 Andrew 男子气的11 Caden 战斗12 Tyler 制砖瓦的人13 Dylan 传说的海上英雄14 Jaden 感恩的,绿石15 Zachary 天神铭记的16 Connor 爱狼者17 Logan 小洞,凹地18 Caleb 忠诚的,勇猛的19 Noah 休闲的,舒适的20 Alexande 人类的卫士21 Jackson JACK之子22 Brayden 广阔的草地23 Lucas 带来光的人24 William 坚定的卫士25 Nathan 施予者美国男孩名字TOP50名篇二26 Joseph 上帝将再赐子27 Justin 正义,法律28 Daniel 神为吾法29 Benjamin 南方之子30 Christopher 背基督的人31 James 替代者,替补者32 Gavin 阿瑟王的武士33 Evan 天神尊贵优雅34 Austin 至高尊严35 Cameron 歪鼻子36 Brandon 剑37 Mason 石匠38 Luke 光明39 Anthony 无价的,珍贵的40 Christian 基督追随者41 Gabriel 神是吾力42 Owen 年轻的勇士43 David 可爱的44 John 上帝尊贵45 Jonathan 天神赐予46 Samuel 太阳的侍从47 Sean 天神仁慈48 Hunter 猎手49 Elijah 杰出,上帝吾主50 Thomas 孪生子。
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美国社会安全局(Social Security Administration)于星期五(5月6日)公布的2004年清点数据指出,艾蜜莉连续九年来都是新生女婴最常使用的名字。
美国内布拉斯加州(Nebraska)贝勒由大学(Bellevue University)副教授与美国命名协会(American Name Society)主席伊凡斯(Cleveland Evans)说:“旧约全书中的名字经常被基督徒与犹太人使用。
Emily(艾蜜莉)有包括艾蜜莉-迪金森(Emily Dickinson)与艾蜜莉-布郎特(Emily Bronte) 等的文艺协会。
1 Emily 艾蜜莉Jacob 雅各
2 Emma 艾玛Michael 麦可
3 Madison 麦迪森Joshua 约书亚
4 Olivia 奥莉薇Matthew 马修
5 Hannah 汉娜Ethan 伊桑
6 Abigail 爱比盖尔Andrew 安德鲁
7 Isabella 伊莎贝拉Daniel 丹尼尔
8 Ashley 艾希莉William 威廉
9 Samantha 萨曼莎Joseph 约瑟夫
10 Elizabeth 伊莉莎白Christopher 克里斯多夫2.看看最适合你星座的英文名字