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Unit 1 The Olympic Games(奥运会)

1.重点单词game(游戏;比赛) ring(环)hold(举办)began(开始)world (世界)dream(梦想)strong(强壮的)Australia(澳大利亚)

2.重点词组the USA(美国)the UK(英国)the 29th Olympic Games(第29届奥运会)Olympic Games(奥林匹克运动会) take place(举行) Olympic Flag(会旗) Summer Olympics(夏季奥运会) Winter Olympics(冬季奥运会)


1. They take place every four years. 它们每四年举行一次。

2. There are Summer Olympics and Winter Olympics. 奥运会分为夏季奥运会和冬季奥运会。

3. There are five rings on the Olympic Flag. 会旗上面有五环。他们分别是蓝色,黑色,红色,黄色和绿色。

4. China held the 29th Olympic Games in Beijing. 第29届奥运会在中国北京举办。

6. The Games began on August 8, 2008. 奥运会开幕时间是2008年8月8日。会旗是白色的。


1. ----Did you watch the Olympic Games on TV? 你们有观看了奥运会的相关电视节目吗?

----Yes, we did. 是的,我们有看过。

2. -----Do you know the slogans? 你知道口号是什么吗?

----Yes, we do.知道。

3. ----One world, one dream.同一个世界,同一个梦想。

----Faster, higher and stronger. 更远,更高,更强。

4. ----Can you sing the song You and Me? 你会唱《我和你》吗?

----Yes, I can. 是的,我会唱。

Unit 2 Physical Exercises(体育运动)

1.重点单词woman(妇女)healthy(健康的)exercise(锻炼)pass(传递)ball (球)catch(接住)cheer(欢呼)

2.重点词组good at(擅长)get up(起床)go running(跑步)high jump(跳高)long jump(跳远) have sports(做运动) pass the ball(传球)


1. He looks strong and healthy. 他看起来既强壮又健康。

2. He always gets up early in the morning. 他总是很早起床。

3. Sometimes he also plays basketball. 有时他也会去打篮球。

4. Every Thursday afternoon, we have sports in the playground. 每周四下午,我们在操场上做运动。

5. Now boys are playing basketball in the playground. 现在男生们在操场上打篮球。

6. Wang Tao is passing the ball to Peter. 王涛把球传给了彼特。

7. Some pupils are watching. 一些学生正在观看。

8. Some girls are watching. 一些女生正为他们班的队员加油呐喊。

9. Grandma is sitting between Ben and Sally. 奶奶坐在本和莎丽的中间。

10. Sally is standing between Lily and Julia. 莎丽站在丽丽和朱莉亚的中间。他们正和爸爸一起划船。


1. ---Does he exercise every day? 他有每天锻炼吗?

---Yes, he does. 是的,他有天天锻炼。

2. ---Does he often do high jump? 他经常跳高吗?

---No, he doesn’t.不,他没有。

Unit3 Food and Healthy(食物与健康)


2.重点词组bad for(对…有害)good for(对……有益)take about(谈论关于…)keep healthy(保持身体健康)


1. Bring me a basket, please.请把篮子递给我。

2. It’s bad for your teeth. 他对你的牙齿有害。

3. They are good for you. 它们对你有益。

4. They keep your body healthy. 它们维持你的身体健康。

5. I’m going to pick some vegetables.我将要去采摘蔬菜。

6. Bring me a glass of water.递给我一杯水。

7.I’m very thirsty. 我非常口渴。

8.Take an umbrella with you. 随身带把伞。


1. ---Can you take us to the cinema, Dad? 爸爸,你可以带我们去电影院吗?

---Yes, I can. 可以。

2. ---What do you usually have for lunch? 午饭你通常吃什么?

---We have dumplings and fish. 我们吃鱼和饺子。
