银川海派英语 想拽想酷?学会这些台词先!
![银川海派英语 想拽想酷?学会这些台词先!](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/984e6c122f60ddccda38a055.png)
银川海派英语想拽想酷?学会这些台词先!想拽想酷?学会这些台词先!一、《ShawshankRedemption肖申克的救赎》1.Youknow some birds are not meant to be caged their feathers are just too bright. 你知道,有些鸟儿是注定不会被关在牢笼里的,它们的每一片羽毛都闪耀着自由的光辉。
2.Thereis something inside that they can't get to that they can't touch. That'syours. 那是一种内在的东西他们到达不了也无法触及的那是你的。
3.Hope isa good thing and maybe the best of things. And no good thing ever dies.希望是一个好东西也许是最好的好东西是不会消亡的。
二、《ForrestGump 阿甘正传》1.Lifewas like a box of chocolates you never know what you're gonna get.生命就像一盒巧克力,结果往往出人意料。
2. Miracles happen every day.奇迹每天都在发生。
3. Death is just a part of lifesomething we're all destined to do.死亡是生命的一部分,是我们注定要做的一件事。
4. You just stay away from meplease.求你离开我。
5. If you are ever in troubledon't try to be brave just run just run away.你若遇上麻烦,不要逞强,你就跑,远远跑开。
6. I don't know if we each have a destiny or if we're all justfloating around accidentally―like on a breeze.我不懂我们是否有着各自的命运,还是只是到处随风飘荡。
丁丁历险记The.Adventures.of.Tintin.2011中英剧本1.马上就好先生Very nearly there,sir.2.看你有点眼熟我以前给你画过像吗I have to say,your face is familiar.Have I drawn youbefore?3.画过几次Occasionally.4.对啊我还在报纸上见过你Of course!I've seen you in the newspaper.5.你是报导新闻的我是写新闻的记者You're a reporter?I'm a journalist.6.别急白雪就好了Be patient,Snowy,not much longer.7.真抱歉I do beg your pardon.8.好了There.9.画得还挺像吧I believe I have captured something of your likeness.10.不错Not bad!11.你看呢白雪What do you think,Snowy?12.白雪Snowy!13.给您钱先生There you are,sir.14.又跑哪儿去了Now where's he run off to?15.有情况吗Anything?16.没有Nothing.17.白雪Snowy!18.你去哪儿了啊Where have you been?19.又去欺负猫咪了Chasing cats again?20.白雪看这个Snowy,look at this!21.三个桅杆Triple masted.22.双层甲板五十门火炮Double decks.Fifty guns.23.多漂亮啊Isn't she a beauty?24.绝对珍稀的船模That's a very unique specimen.25.某位老船长的遗物That is from an old sea captain's estate.26.独角兽号"The Unicorn."27.对独角兽号帆船时代的战舰之王Unicorn.Man o'war sailing ship.28.年代非常久远十六世纪的It's very old,that is th century.29.我记得是十七世纪th,I would think.30.查理一世时代是查理二世Reign of Charles I.Charles II.31.没错是查理二世That's what I said,Charles II.32.驰骋世界的无敌战舰As fine a ship as ever sailed the seven seas.33.小伙子这可是难得一见的东西You won't find another one of these,mate.34.只卖两英镑And it's only two quid.35.我出一镑成交I'll give you a pound.Done!36.拿好了啊Gently does it.37.劳驾Excuse me!38.拿好慢点Here you go.Careful.39.伙计这船多少钱Hey,bud,how much for the boat?40.不好意思刚卖给这个年轻人I'm sorry,I just sold it to this young gent.41.是吗Oh,yeah?42.你出了多少我加倍给你Tell me what you paid and I'll give you double.43.加倍?谢谢可我不卖Double?Thanks.But it's not for sale.44.听着年轻人我是想帮你Look,kid,I'm trying to help you out.45.你不清楚其中利害I don't think you realise this,46.你就要大祸临头了but you're about to walk into a whole mess of danger.47.什么祸What kind of danger?48.我警告你别要这船I'm warning you,get rid of the boat49.趁着还不晚别惹麻烦and get out while you still can.50.那帮人不好惹These people do not play nice.51.哪帮人What people?52.真漂亮Wonderful!53.太漂亮了It's just wonderful.54.不用包了我就这么拿走Don't bother wrapping it,I'll take it as is.55.我开支票可以吗Does anybody object if I pay by cheque?56.您要想买得和这小伙子商量If you want to buy it,you'll have to talk to the kid.57.明白了I see.58.那就让他开个价儿吧Well,let the kid name his price.59.随便开价儿"Name his price"?60.我倒腾这些小玩意儿十年了Ten years I've been flogging bricabrac61.结果眼皮底下丢了这种好买卖and I miss"name your price"by one bleedin'minute!62.抱歉我和另一个买主也说了I'm sorry.I already explained to the other gentleman.63.美国佬擦头油还不穿袜子American he was.All hair oil and no socks.64.这东西不卖It's not for sale.65.那就请你帮个忙Then let me appeal to your better nature.66.最近我刚买下马林斯派克别墅I have recently acquired Marlinspike Hall,67.而这条船我想你也知道and this ship,as I'm sure you're aware,68.也是遗物一部分was once part of the estate.69.故去那个船长的Of the late sea captain?70.他们家族时运不济家产折腾得精光The family fell upon hard times.Lost everything.71.此后一蹶不振霉运连连They've been living in a cloud of bad luck ever since.72.这家人代代都酗酒We are talking generations73.而且行为怪异of drinking and irrational behaviour...74.抱歉I'm sorry.75.但我说过了这船不卖But as I told you before,it's not for sale.76.祝您愉快先生Good day to you,sir.77.那年轻人叫什么名字That young man,what's his name?78.他谁都认识他他是丁丁Him?Everybody knows him.That's Tintin.79.这船怎么回事What is it about this ship?80.怎么引起那么多人的兴趣Why has it attracted so much attention?81.到底里面藏着什么秘密呢What secrets do you hold?82.放大镜在哪儿Where is that magnifying glass?83.记着明明放在I could have sworn it was...84.《记者丁丁披露黑帮真相》{\an}{\fn方正黑体简体\fs\b\bord\shad\c&HFFF&}85.《记者揭幕犯罪团伙》{\an}{\fn方正黑体简体\fs\b\bord\shad\c&HFFF&}86.能放在哪儿呢Where could it possibly be?87.《丁丁追回博物馆被窃国宝》{\an}{\fn方正黑体简体\fs\b\bord\shad\c&HFFF&}88.《权杖安然重归陛下》{\an}{\fn方正黑体简体\fs\b\bord\shad\c&HFFF&}89.白雪你看到没Snowy,you haven't seen the...90.放哪儿了Where is it?91.谢谢Thank you.92.别白雪No,Snowy!93.瞧你干的好事Look what you did.94.你把船弄坏了You broke it!95.臭狗狗Bad dog!96.这船肯定有古怪Something happened on this ship.97.我们去个可能找到答案的地方And we're going to the one place that could have theanswer.98.走吧白雪Come on,Snowy.99.在这里Here it is.100.马林斯派克别墅的主人法兰西斯·阿道克爵士"Sir Francis Haddock of Marlinspike Hall, 101.厄运缠身的独角兽号最后一任船长the last captain of the illfated Unicorn.102.年该船由巴巴多斯起锚"The ship set sail from Barbados in103.遭遇航海史上最不幸的海难之一"on one of the most ruinous voyages in maritime history. 104.船只未抵达目的地"Ship never reached destination.105.受到海盗攻击仅一名船员幸存"Attacked by pirates,all hands lost except for one survivor.106.弗朗西斯爵士获救回国后"When Sir Francis was rescued and returned home,107.认为其族姓遭受了诅咒"he was convinced his name had been cursed.108.独角兽号装货单显示"The Unicorn's manifest stated109.船上载有一批"that it was carrying a110.运往欧洲的朗姆酒和烟草cargo of rum and tobacco bound for Europe,111.但一直有人认为船上载有一批神秘货物"But it was long claimed the ship was carrying a secret cargo."112.船上装的到底是什么呢白雪What was the ship carrying,Snowy?113.历史学家几经努力"Historians have tried and failed114.仍无法查清那趟死亡之旅中发生了什么to discover what happened on that fatal voyage, 115.但弗朗西斯爵士的遗言称"but Sir Francis'last words,116."唯真正阿道克族人可洞悉独角兽号之隐秘""'only a true Haddock will discover the secret of the Unicorn."'117.我肯定忽略了什么白雪I've missed something,Snowy.118.我们得仔细看看那艘船模We need to take a closer look at that model.119.肯定不在了Of course it's gone!120.我怎么这么蠢How could I be so stupid?121.你怎么进去的How'd you do that?122.真聪明Clever boy.123.一面族徽A coat of arms.124.怎么看着有点眼熟Why does that look familiar?125.等一下Hang on a minute.126.里面的鱼That fish!127.阿道克就是黑线鳕鱼的意思It's a haddock.128.对啊马林斯派克别墅是阿道克家族的祖业Of course!Marlinspike Hall is the old Haddock estate.129.白雪Snowy!130.好样的白雪Well done,Snowy!131.好狗狗Good boy.132.这下好了Well,well,well.133.看来找到窃贼了It seems we've caught our thief.134.欢迎来到马林斯派克别墅Welcome to Marlinspike Hall.135.我看到你溜进来I see you let yourself in.136.我来取回自己的东西I came to retrieve my property.137.抱歉听不懂你说什么I'm sorry,I'm not sure I follow you.138.你自己明白I think you do.139.不到一小时前这条船在我家被盗This ship was stolen from my apartment less than an hour ago.140.恐怕你弄错了丁丁先生I'm afraid you're mistaken,Mr.Tintin.141.怎么会错这船是我的There's no mistake.It belongs to me.142.你肯定吗Are you sure?143.当然肯定Of course I'm sure.144.我买回家后放在起居室的柜架上I took it home,I put it on a cabinet in the living room, 145.后来白雪追猫时又把它碰翻and then Snowy chased the cat and knocked it over,146.掉在...地上and it fell.147.这不是我那条船This isn't my ship.148.当然不是No.Indeed.149.对不起I'm sorry.150.看着一模一样眼见也未必为实It looks identical.Well,looks can be deceiving. 151.是这样可我弄不明白Yes,indeed.But I don't understand!152.为什么法朗西斯爵士要做两条一模一样的船Why did Sir Francis make two ships exactly alike?153.你都有一个了干嘛还要另一个And you have one already.Why do you want another? 154.船模里有什么会招来窃贼呢What is it about this model that would cause someone to steal it?155.天哪怎么这么多问题Goodness me,why so many questions?156.职业习惯It's my job.157.这里可能藏着故事我的职业就是这个There could be a story here.That's what I do,you see.158.这里没什么秘密可言Well,it's no great mystery.159.法朗西斯·阿道克爵士嗜酒成性是个不可救药的无赖Sir Francis Haddock was a drunkard and a hopeless reprobate.160.他注定失败He was doomed to fail,161.而且把这悲剧传给了子嗣and he bequeathed that failure to his sons.162.那是真的了阿道克家族被诅咒了So it's true!The Haddock line is cursed.163.你还发现什么了有什么值得发现吗What else have you found out?What is there to find?164.那得看你要找什么That depends what you're looking for.165.我要找到答案萨卡林先生I'm looking for answers,Mr.Sakharine.166.你找错地方了You're looking in the wrong place.167.不早了It's late.168.你该回去了I think you should go home.169.这边请先生This way,sir.170.真遗憾先生It's a pity,sir.171.什么I'm sorry?172.您那只船模上断掉的桅杆先生That the mast broke on your model ship,sir.173.希望您找齐了所有的零件I hope you found all the pieces.174.有些东西很容易丢Things are so easily lost.175.内斯特你去哪儿了Nestor!Where are you?176.晚安先生Good night,sir.177.有些东西很容易丢Some things are easily lost.178.他说这个什么意思白雪What did he mean by that,Snowy?179.他想告诉我什么What was he trying to tell me?180.有些东西很容易丢Some things are easily lost.181.白雪Snowy!182.天啊Great snakes!183.怎么了白雪What is it,Snowy?184.这是什么What's this?185.原来是桅杆里的东西This was in the mast!186.好狗狗白雪Good boy,Snowy.187.三兄弟联手"Three brothers joined.188.三艘独角兽号同行"Three Unicorns in company189.扬帆于正午太阳将揭示一切"sailing in the noonday sun will speak.190.因这得自于光而光将破晓"For'tis from the light that light will dawn.191.照耀鹰之十字"And then shines forth the Eagle's Cross."192.这些符号什么意思What are these markings?193.某种密文吗Some kind of secret language or code?194.讲不通It makes no sense.195.不过这正说明了屋子为什么被翻个遍But it does explain why they ransacked the flat. 196.他们想找这个却没找到They were looking for this,and they didn't find it.197.也就是说Which means198.他们还要再来they'll be back.199.不知道他在哪里大概出去了吧No,I don't know where he is,dearie.I think he's gone out.200.而且已经很晚了And anyway,it's after dark,201.丁丁先生从来不愿and Mr.Tintin is most particular202.过了睡觉时间会见访客about not admitting visitors after bedtime.203.我要回去喝热巧克力I have to go back to my cocoa.204.一本好书加上一杯热巧克力I've got a very good book and a cup of cocoa.205.真是太棒了It's really lovely!206.谢谢您芬奇太太我来吧Thank you,Mrs.Finch.I can look after this.207.小伙子是你吗开开门Hey,kid,is that you?Open the door.208.你想干嘛What do you want?209.听着没办法了那人马上就回来Look,the game is up.He's gonna be back.210.我知道他要找那几条船可我发誓Now,I know he wanted those boats,but I swear to God,211.我真没想到他会为此杀人I never thought he'd kill anyone over it!212.谁你说这人是谁Who?Who are you talking about?213.我是想告诉你你现在处境危险I'm trying to tell you that your life is in danger.214.说那人是谁Answer me!Who?215.芬奇太太门口有人中枪Mrs.Finch!A man's been shot on our doorstep!216.怎么又这样快叫救护车Not again.Call an ambulance!217.不白雪No,Snowy!218.能听到吗Can you hear me?219.你能...Can you...220.被害人名叫巴纳比·道斯The victim's name was Barnaby Dawes.221.国际刑警组织资深探员He was one of the top agents at Interpol,222.但其调查对象尚不清楚but we haven't got a clue what he was working on.223.没错汤普森完全不清楚Quite right,Thompson.We're completely clueless.224.国际刑警组织那边没别的线索吗Interpol doesn't have any other leads?225.别急丁丁我们还在处理文书Steady on,Tintin.We're still filling out the paperwork. 226.警察工作又不全是惊险刺激Police work's not all glamour and guns.227.还有很多的文书工作There's an awful lot of filing.228.那我可能有些线索Well,I might have something for you.229.道斯失去意识前试图告诉我什么事Before he lost consciousness,Dawes tried to tell me something,230.我看他是在拼一个单词and I think he was spelling out a word.231.{\fn方正综艺_GBK}{\fs}{\b}{\c&HFFFFFF&}{\c&HFFF&}{\c&H&}bou"...b ou232.{\fn方正综艺_GBK}{\fs}{\b}{\c&HFFFFFF&}{\c&HFFF&}{\c&H&}djan"djan.233.卡拉布朗"Karaboudjan."234.卡拉布朗Karaboudjan!235.你知道什么意思吗Does that mean anything to you?236.天啊太不可思议了Great Scotland Yard!That's extraordinary!237.怎么了What is?238.沃辛顿在搞礼帽半价促销Worthington's have a halfprice sale on bowler hats!239.搞什么汤姆森案子要紧Really,Thomson!This is hardly the time.240.天啊怎么样Great Scotland Yard!What is it?241.手杖也半价啦Canes are halfprice,too!242.你俩到底想不想要这物证了Are you going to take charge of this evidence?243.当然要Positively.244.别担心丁丁放心交给我们Never fear,Tintin,the evidence is safe with us!245.汤姆森你在哪儿Thomson?Where are you?246.我已经下楼了你赶紧跟上Well,I'm already downstairs.Do try to keep up.247.等等你们忘了拿这个Wait!You dropped this.248.天哪汤姆森小心物证Good heavens,Thomson!Look after the evidence,man. 249.抱歉汤普森我想别的事来着Sorry,Thompson.My mind is on other things.250.对二指窃贼Yes.Our lightfingered larcenist.251.什么就是扒手What?The pickpocket.252.他可料不到我会有这手He has no idea what's coming.253.来丁丁掏我的钱夹Go on,Tintin,take my wallet.254.没错超强橡皮筋Yes,industrial strength elastic.255.真有办法Very resourceful.256.恰恰相反只是小孩子把戏On the contrary.It was childishly simple.257.没错小孩子把戏Simply childish,I agree.258.丁丁丁丁Tintin.Tintin.259.两位慢走Gentlemen.260.说真的我认为他已经跑远了Mind you,I expect he's miles away by now.261.你是说小偷吗I presume you're referring to the pickpocket?262.对我是说他感觉到我们就要抓到他了Yes.I mean,knowing we're just a few steps behind him.263.白雪怎么了看到什么了Snowy,what is it,boy?What do you see?264.估计你不太想喝茶吧I don't suppose you'd fancy a cup of tea?265.正相反我很想喝You're quite mistaken.I'd love one.266.我请My treat.267.可逮住你了你个混蛋I've got you now!You devil!268.站住警察Stop,in the name of the law!269.抓住了Got you!270.那边怎么了What's going on down there?271.来白雪Come on,Snowy!272.真对不起抱歉先生I do beg your pardon.Sorry,sir!273.小偷丁丁贼跑了The pickpocket,Tintin!He's getting away!274.我的钱包My wallet!275.被偷了It's gone!276.快白雪追上他Come on!Snowy,after him!277.别跑Stop!Wait!278.好了别着急Got you!Steady on.279.人不见了I've lost him!280.你们必须找到我钱包You must find my wallet.281.非常重要我必须把钱包拿回来It's very important.I have to get it back.282.放心吧交给我们这样的专业人士And you will.Leave it to the professionals.283.虽然纸条丢了We've lost the scroll.284.可题材还在But we haven't lost the story.285.卡拉布朗"Karaboudjan."286.这是个亚美尼亚词那就是线索白雪It's an Armenian word.That's our lead,Snowy. 287.巴纳比·道斯说我们身处险境时What was Barnaby Dawes trying288.究竟想告诉我们什么to tell us when he said our lives were in danger?289.丁丁先生我是Mr.Tin...Tin?Yes.290.你的包裹我什么也没订啊Delivery for you.But I didn't order anything.291.因为要运的就是你Well,that's because it's you that's getting delivered!292.快弄进车里Quick,get him in the van!293.滚开你这条疯狗Get off me,you confounded mutt!294.它咬我He bit me!295.快Quick!296.甩开它Get him off!297.甩下去碾死它Shake him off,then run him over!298.码头方向{\an}{\fn方正黑体简体\fs\b\bord\shad\c&HFFF&}299.放在右舷I want this on the starboard side!300.没有搜你那边Not here.Look your side.301.等等Hang on.302.没有搜那个口袋汤姆Nothing.Well,check that pocket,Tom.303.这个我搜过了的确没有No,I've looked in this one already,I'm sure of it.304.看看他袜子里Well,have a look in his socks.305.找到了吗他身上没有Have you found it?He doesn't have it.306.不在他身上头儿不在这儿It's not on him,boss.It's not here.307.不在这儿那在哪儿什么在哪儿Not here?Then where is it?Where's what?308.没工夫和你玩我要独角兽号里的纸条I am tired of your games.The scroll,from the Unicorn.309.像这样的纸片A piece of paper like this!310.你是说那首诗You mean the poem?311.是Yes.312.古英语写的诗对The poem written in Old English.Yes.313.装在小管子里的没错It was inside a cylinder.Yes.314.藏在桅杆里那个就是那个Concealed in the mast.Yes!315.我没有I don't have it.316.你肯定知道纸条的价值不然拿走干嘛You know the value of that scroll.Why else would you take it?317.两条船两张纸都是谜题的一部分Two ships and two scrolls,both part of a puzzle. 318.你已经得到一个了但你还要另一个You have one,you need the other.319.但你要的不是纸条是别的But that's not it.There's something else.320.无论你帮不帮我我都会找到I will find it,with or without your help.321.你得好好想想你对我到底有多大用处You need to think about exactly how useful you are to me.322.我们先起航再收拾他是先生We'll deal with him on the way.Ayeaye,sir.323.把事情办好Hold this course.324.白雪Snowy!325.看见你我也高兴It's good to see you,too.326.你能把这些绳子咬断码See if you can chew through these ropes.327.他在撒谎纸条一定在他身上He's lying!He must have the scroll.328.现在问题是他把纸条藏哪了The question is,what has he done with it?329.我们搜遍了他全身老大We searched him all over,boss.330.你们给我回去想办法让他开口I want you to go back down there and make him talk.331.哪怕把他身上每根骨头都打断Break every bone in his body if you have to!332.太狠了点吧That's nasty.333.你清楚其中利害你清楚我们在干什么You know the stakes.You know what we're playing for.334.叫你干什么你就干Just do it!335.萨卡林先生先生不好了Mr.Sakharine!Mr.Sakharine!All hell has broken loose! 336.出大事了船长醒了It's a disaster!The captain has come around.337.什么他醒了What?He's conscious.338.他指控您叛变He's accusing you of mutiny.339.他说是您让全体船员都背叛他He says you turned the crew against him.340.听起来他又醒酒了Sounds like he's sobered up again.341.别傻站着再给他拿一瓶酒Well,don't just stand there.Get him another bottle.342.是先生Aye,sir!343.好了Okay.344.晃一下就行卡住了晃Jiggle it a bit,it's just stuck.Jiggle?345.这样Here.346.干嘛呢让开What are you doing?Get off!347.不是卡住了你个白痴It's not stuck,you idiot.348.他从里面把门闩上了He's bolted it from the inside!349.你想跟我们玩玩是吧丁丁So you want to play like that then,do you,Tintin?350.去拿炸药来Get the TNT.351.破板条箱绳子香槟Broken crates.Rope.Champagne.352.还能找到什么白雪What else do we have,Snowy?353.肯定有别的招能打开这门There are other ways to open this door.354.抓到你就用你的肠子擦甲板They'll be swabbing the decks with your innards when we're done with you.355.给我Give it here.356.别动什么Don't move.What...357.咱们上Let's go!358.我来抓住他Let me have him!359.他有枪He's got a big shooter!360.他打中我了He got me!361.停火Hold your fire.362.他不在逃跑了He ain't here.He's vanished.363.他藏起来了He's hiding.364.搜船马上Search the ship.Quickly!365.苏门答腊大老鼠A giant rat of Sumatra!366.你以为你能偷偷溜进来So,you thought you could sneak in behind me367.趁我不备偷袭我吗and catch me with my trousers down,huh?368.我更希望你有所防备I'd rather you kept your trousers on,369.对你来说都一样if it's all the same to you.370.我知道你玩什么把戏你跟他们一伙的I know your game.You're one of them.371.什么Sorry?372.他们派你来杀我They sent you here to kill me,huh?373.听着我根本不认识你Look,I don't know who you are!374.他就打算这么杀死我That's how he's planned to bump me off.375.派一个娃娃脸刺客让我横死在床Murdered in my bed by a babyfaced assassin!376.刺客听着你完全搞错了Assassin?Look,you've got it all wrong.377.我是被一伙强盗绑架来的I was kidnapped by a gang of thugs.378.那个猪猡The filthy swine.379.他策反了我所有的水手He's turned the whole crew against me!380.谁Who?381.一个起了个嗲名的苦瓜脸A sourfaced man with a sugary name.382.他把我所有的水手都收买了所有的He's bought them all off,every last man.383.是萨卡林Sakharine!384.没人能抢走我的船Nobody takes my ship!385.你是船长吗You're the captain?386.我当然是船长我还能是谁Of course I'm the captain.Who else could I be?387.我被锁在这个屋子里好几天了I've been locked in this room for days388.只有威士忌来抚慰我受伤的灵魂with only whisky to sustain my mortal soul.389.我以为门锁了Well,I assumed it was locked.390.显然没有Well,it's not.391.失陪了Now,you must excuse me.392.他们要是找到我肯定会杀了我If they find me here,they'll kill me.393.我得继续逃跑I have to keep moving.394.努力从这个酒气冲天行驶缓慢的破船里逃出去Try and find my way off this drunken tub. 395.破船破船"Tub"?Tub?396.他敢管这叫"破船"Tub?397.多谢不谢Thanks.Pleasure.398.顺便说一下我叫丁丁I'm Tintin,by the way.399.我叫阿切博尔德·阿道克Haddock.Archibald Haddock.400.在甲板上面有一艘大艇跟我来There's a longboat up on deck.Follow me.401.等一下Hang on a second.402.你说你姓阿道克吗Did you say"Haddock"?403.你怎么让他们跑了How could you let them escape?404.找到他们找到他们俩Find them.Find them both.405.不用担心长官我们一定宰了他们Don't worry,we'll kill them,sir.406.不行No.407.你可以干掉那个男孩阿道克必须活着You can kill the boy.Not Haddock.408.什么他就是个一无是处的老醉鬼What?He's just a hopeless old soak.409.我们早就该杀了他We should've killed him long since.410.你以为我选择You think it's an accident411.阿道克的船阿道克的船员that I chose Haddock's ship,Haddock's crew,412.和阿道克这靠不住的大副是巧合吗Haddock's treacherous first mate?413.没有什么是巧合Nothing is an accident.414.我和阿道克船长渊源很深We go back a long way,Captain Haddock and I.415.我们有一笔账没算清We've unfinished business.416.这次我要让他付出代价And this time,I'm going to make him pay.417.在这条走廊头上We have to reach a locked door at418.有一扇上锁的门很棘手the end of this corridor.This is gonna be tricky.419.你不会碰巧跟住在马林斯派克别墅的You wouldn't happen to be related420.阿道克家族有亲戚关系吧to the Haddocks of Marlinspike Hall,would you?421.你为什么问这个Why do you ask?422.这是我报导的第一个故事It's for a story I've been working on.423.一艘在巴巴多斯沿岸的古老沉船An old shipwreck that happened off the coast of Barbados.424.一艘军舰A man o'war.425.三桅杆五十门炮Triple masted.Fifty guns.426.关于独角兽号你都知道什么What do you know of the Unicorn?427.知道得不多所以我才问你Not a lot.That's why I'm asking you.428.只有我们家族的人才知道这艘船的秘密The secret of that ship is known only to my family! 429.这秘密被一代一代的传下来It's been passed down from generation to generation. 430.我的祖父在临死之前亲自告诉我那个传说My granddaddy himself,with his dying breath, told me the tale.431.然后呢And?432.没了Gone.433.什么叫"没了"What do you mean,gone?434.他挂掉的时候我太难过了I was so upset when he kicked the bucket,435.只好借酒浇愁I had no choice but to drown my sorrows.436.等我早上醒来的时候When I woke up in the morning,437.什么都没了什么都忘了it was gone!I'd forgotten it all.438.全忘了一干二净Everything?Every last word.439.你家里还有其他亲人吗Well,is there somebody else in your family?440.没准他们知道Maybe they would know.441.弗朗西斯爵士有三个儿子Sir Francis had three sons.442.除了我这一支都没有后代All but my bloodline failed.443.我是阿道克家族最后的血脉I am the last of the Haddocks!444.你刚刚说三个儿子Did you say three sons?445.下去搜搜Let's check below!446.谁找到阿道克就赏一瓶朗姆酒There is a bottle of rum for the man who finds Haddock. 447.还得杀了那个男孩希望我先找到And kill the boy.Hope I find him first.448.什么声音What's that?449.你又出现幻听了You're hearing things.450.闭嘴阿里Quiet,Ali.451.那什么都没有There's nothing there.452.上去看看Let's go up.453.我知道萨卡林在找什么了I know what Sakharine's looking for.454.你念叨什么呢What are you raving on about?455.是写在纸条上的东西It was written on the scroll.456."三兄弟联手"Three brothers joined.457."三艘独角兽号同行"Three Unicorns in company458.扬帆于正午太阳将揭示一切"sailing in the noonday sun will speak."459.真的吗Really?460.弗朗西斯爵士不只制作了两个模型Sir Francis didn't make two models of the Unicorn. 461.而是三个He made three!462.每个儿子都有一艘船Three ships for three sons.463.太对了Excellent!464.萨卡林在找第三艘模型船Sakharine's after the third model ship.465.真麻烦有人把门锁上了Barnacles!Someone's locked the door!466.有钥匙吗钥匙Well,is there a key?A key?467.没错关键是找到钥匙Yes,now,that would be the problem.468.凿子客先生Mr.Jaggerman!469.中间那张床的上铺他负责保管钥匙Top bunk in the centre.Keeper of the keys.470.当心他不幸地没了眼皮Careful,mind.He's a restless471.睡觉的时候也不安宁sleeper on account of the tragic loss of his eyelids.472.他眼皮没了对He lost his eyelids?Aye.473.那次玩纸牌真是很难忘Now,that was a card game to remember.474.你真该亲眼看到You really had to be there.475.丁丁我本想自己去I'd do this myself,Tintin,476.但是你脚步更轻不容易弄醒这帮小子but you've a lighter tread and less chance of waking the boys.477.你确定这主意行得通吗Are you sure this is a good idea?478.只要他们都没醒You've nothing to worry about.479.你就没什么可担心的Provided they all stay asleep.480.别离霍布斯先生太近I wouldn't get too close to Mr.Hobbs.481.他的手从不离剃刀He's very handy with a razor.482.离吉契先生也远点And I'd steer clear of Mr.Gitch.483.以前做羊倌的因为他所谓的畜牧学被解雇了Sacked as a shepherd on account of his "Animal husbandry."484.别去咬三明治Not the sandwich.485.去叼钥匙The keys!486.你是个勇敢的小伙子丁丁You're a brave lad,Tintin.487.我跟你说我的心都提到嗓子眼了My heart was in my mouth,I don't mind telling you. 488.那个那个要是我的心的话Well,that is,if it was my heart.489.按我的胃口来说在嗓眼的指不定是什么Judging by my stomach,it could've been anything,really.490.快点船长我们没时间了Hurry up,Captain!We've no time to lose.491.好咧Bingo!492.就拿点必需品Just the necessities,of course.493.去救生艇那To the lifeboats.494.挪进来Ease it in!495.好好干活Put your back into it!496.让它停在那稳住Hold her there,steady!497.看见他了吗大块头Any sign of him,Jumbo?498.还没小心点Nothing yet.Watch yourself.499.老大说他挺棘手The boss says he's a handful.500.这边来Come on.501.那是阿兰It's Allan.502.那是驾驶台吗Is that the bridge?503.是就在发报房的另一边Aye,on the other side of the radio room.504.发报房Radio room?505.在这等着船长有人来就发警报Wait here,Captain.Sound the alarm if anyone comes. 506.小心点丁丁Careful,Tintin.507.我什么都看不着I can't see a thing!508.别抱怨了找到那男孩Quit your whining and find the kid!509.我不是干这个的I didn't sign on for this!510.继续找Keep searching!511.刚有消息过来了老大Message just come through,boss.512.什么消息What's it say?513."米兰妮丝·南丁格尔已到达"The Milanese Nightingale has landed.514.准备就绪等待行动"Waiting in the wings for action."515.米兰妮丝·南丁格尔"Milanese Nightingale"?516.希望这消息能让他高兴Now pray this cheers him up.517.百佳"Bagghar."518.这是什么What's this?519.百佳的领土"The Sultanate of Bagghar520.由奥玛·本·萨拉德酋长统治"Ruled over by Sheikh Omar Ben Salaad,521."他热爱音乐文化"Whose love of music and522.尤其钟爱..."culture is matched only by his love of..."523.我的天哪Great snakes!524.百佳Bagghar.525.百佳港The Port of Bagghar.526.在摩洛哥Morocco.527.丁丁Tintin!528.你举起手来Hey!Put your hands up!529.这下可给你个教训And let that be a lesson to you!530.救命Help me!531.在这他在这In here!He's in here!532.他在这在救生艇这Here!By the lifeboats!533.滚开Out of the way!534.去追他抓住他After him!Get him!535.快快在这呢Quick,quick,in here!536.在那边Over there!537.怎么回事你个小...Why,you little...538.他在上面上He's up there!Go!539.我看见他了I can see him now!540.别让他跑了Don't let them get away!541.救命啊Help me!542.掉头是长官Turn this ship around!Aye,sir!543.给我一个照明弹Get me a flare!544.船长躺下快躺下Captain,get down!Get down!545.他在那给我让开There he is!Get out of the way!546.全速前进全速前进Now!Full ahead!Full speed!547.你们死定了Got you now.548.躺下Stay down.549.看看下面Look!Down there!550.蠢货一群蠢货你们都干了什么Idiots!You idiots!What have you done?551.我们把他们杀了老大如您所愿We killed them,boss,like you wanted!552.不才不如我所愿我要阿道克活着No!Not like I wanted!I needed Haddock alive! 553.等一下老大有两艘长艇不见了Wait a minute,boss!There are two boats missing! 554.那被毁的这艘肯定是伪装的So,that one must have been a decoy.555.他们对我们很了解知道我们的目的地They're onto us,and our destination.556.找到他们确保他们决不会到达百佳Find them!Make absolutely certain they never reach Bagghar!557.是老大Yes,boss.558.上来Get up there!559.我们得赶在萨卡林之前赶到百佳We have to get to Bagghar ahead of Sakharine.560.我知道我知道I know.I know.561.为什么Why?562.因为他知道第三个模型的下落Because he has the third model ship.563.你怎么知道How do you know?564.酋长收集古老的船只The Sheikh collects old ships.And this565.而这个是他收藏中的精品is the prize of his collection.566.我的天老爷啊这是独角兽号Blistering blue barnacles,that is the Unicorn!567.船长你发现图片上模型四周有点失真吗Captain,do you see the distortion around the model?568.嗯Aye.569.这说明本·萨拉德把它放在一个It means that Ben Salaad exhibits570.防弹玻璃箱里然后陈列在他的宫殿里it in a bulletproof glass case in his palace.571.萨卡林准备把它偷走And Sakharine is going there to steal it!572.对他有秘密武器Yes,he has a secret weapon.573.就是米兰妮丝·南丁格尔The Milanese Nightingale.574.但光有这些无法解谜But that won't be enough to solve the mystery,575.所以萨卡林还需要你and that is why Sakharine needs you.576.所以他把你囚禁起来That's why he made you his prisoner.577.他需要你记忆中的某些东西There is something he needs you to remember.578.我不明白I don't follow you.579.我在一本书上读到过I read it in a book.580.只有真正的阿道克家族的人才能解开独角兽之谜That only a true Haddock can discover the secret of the Unicorn.581.我一丝一毫都不记得I don't remember anything about anything.582.但是你一定了解你的祖先吧But you must know about your ancestors,583.弗朗西斯爵士这是你的家族传统Sir Francis.It's your family legacy!584.我的记性不比以前了My memory is not what it used to be.。
丁丁历险记 2012电影 中英文对照台词
![丁丁历险记 2012电影 中英文对照台词](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/ef32385aad02de80d4d84086.png)
0,0:04:04.28,0:04:06.16 就快完成了先生Very nearly there, sir.0,0:04:07.16,0:04:10.33 我得说你很面熟我以前画过你吗?I have to say, your face is familiar. Have I drawn you before?0,0:04:10.41,0:04:11.45 偶尔吧Occasionally.0,0:04:11.54,0:04:14.29 肯定见过啦!英国报纸上Of course! I've seen you in the newspaper. 0,0:04:14.37,0:04:17.21 - 你是通讯员?- 我是记者- You're a reporter? - I'm a journalist. 0,0:04:18.05,0:04:20.55 耐心点白雪就快好了Be patient, Snowy, not much longer.0,0:04:44.74,0:04:46.91 真不好意思I do beg your pardon.0,0:04:56.96,0:04:58.79 好了There.0,0:04:58.88,0:05:02.21 我觉得还是有掌握到你的一些特点I believe I have captured something of your likeness.0,0:05:03.30,0:05:04.63 还不错!Not bad!0,0:05:05.22,0:05:07.22 你觉得怎么样白雪?What do you think, Snowy?0,0:05:08.97,0:05:10.47 哦白雪!Snowy!0,0:05:11.93,0:05:13.47 给您的先生There you are, sir.0,0:05:13.56,0:05:15.94 他去哪了?Now where's he run off to?0,0:05:19.06,0:05:20.27 有消息吗?Anything?0,0:05:20.36,0:05:21.57 一无所获Nothing.0,0:05:26.41,0:05:27.57 白雪!Snowy!0,0:05:32.08,0:05:34.50 你去哪了?Where have you been?0,0:05:34.58,0:05:36.33 又去追猫咪了?Chasing cats again?0,0:05:40.50,0:05:42.75 白雪看这个!Snowy, look at this!0,0:05:56.27,0:05:58.52 三桅船Triple masted.0,0:05:58.60,0:06:01.11 双层甲板配有五十门炮Double decks. Fifty guns.0,0:06:02.23,0:06:04.07 是不是很漂亮?Isn't she a beauty?0,0:06:04.15,0:06:08.70 这可是一艘很独特的样品是一位老船长的遗物That's a very unique specimen, that is. From an old sea captain's estate.0,0:06:09.32,0:06:10.36 “独角兽号”"The Unicorn."0,0:06:10.45,0:06:13.03 独角兽号帆船战舰Unicorn. Man o'war sailing ship.0,0:06:13.12,0:06:15.87 可有年头了造于十六世纪It's very old, that is. 16th century.0,0:06:15.95,0:06:17.25 我觉得是十七世纪17th, I would think.0,0:06:17.33,0:06:19.17 - 查尔斯一世统治时期- 查尔斯二世- Reign of Charles I. - Charles II.0,0:06:19.25,0:06:23.04 我说的就是查尔斯二世这可是艘纵横七大洋的好船That's what I said, Charles II. As fine a ship as ever sailed the seven seas.0,0:06:23.13,0:06:24.88 别的地方可见不到的朋友You won't find another one of these, mate.0,0:06:25.67,0:06:27.34 只要两镑And it's only two quid.0,0:06:29.68,0:06:32.01 - 我出一镑- 成交!- I'll give you a pound. - Done!0,0:06:36.39,0:06:37.48 小心点Gently does it.0,0:06:38.48,0:06:39.56 让一下!Excuse me!0,0:06:39.64,0:06:40.94 给你拿好了Here you go. Careful.0,0:06:42.65,0:06:44.73 嘿老兄这艘船怎么卖?Hey, bud, how much for the boat?0,0:06:44.82,0:06:46.94 抱歉我已经卖给这位年轻人了I'm sorry, I just sold it to this younggent.0,0:06:47.03,0:06:48.15 哦是吗?Oh, yeah?0,0:06:48.49,0:06:50.57 你花了多少我加倍给你Tell me what you paid and I'll give you double.0,0:06:50.66,0:06:53.91 - 双倍?- 谢了但我不卖- Double? - Thanks. But it's not for sale. 0,0:06:53.99,0:06:56.83 孩子我可是想帮你Look, kid, I'm trying to help you out.0,0:06:56.91,0:06:58.75 你好像不知道I don't think you realise this,0,0:06:58.83,0:07:01.17 你就要大祸临头了but you're about to walk into a whole mess of danger.0,0:07:01.50,0:07:02.71 什么祸?What kind of danger?0,0:07:04.04,0:07:07.71 我警告你趁早摆脱掉这艘船I'm warning you, get rid of the boat and get out while you still can.0,0:07:07.80,0:07:10.26 那些家伙可不好惹的These people do not play nice.0,0:07:10.34,0:07:11.51 什么人?What people?0,0:07:11.59,0:07:12.76 真漂亮!Wonderful!0,0:07:13.85,0:07:16.43 着实漂亮It's just wonderful.0,0:07:16.52,0:07:20.73 不用包装我直接要了有人反对我付支票吗?Don't bother wrapping it, I'll take it as is. Does anybody object if I pay by cheque?0,0:07:20.81,0:07:23.98 你想买的话就得和这个孩子商量了If you want to buy it, you'll have to talk to the kid.0,0:07:24.06,0:07:25.77 明白了I see.0,0:07:25.86,0:07:29.07 好吧那就让“孩子”开价吧Well, let the "kid" name his price.0,0:07:29.15,0:07:30.82 “开价”?"Name his price"?0,0:07:32.32,0:07:33.95 我做古董生意十年了Ten years I've been flogging bric-a-brac0,0:07:34.03,0:07:36.53 就差这一分钟我就可以随便“开价”了!and I miss "name your price" by one bleedin' minute!0,0:07:36.62,0:07:39.50 不好意思我已经和那位先生解释过了I'm sorry. I already explained to the other gentleman.0,0:07:39.58,0:07:42.62 美国佬一头油发没穿袜子American he was. All hair oil and no socks.0,0:07:42.71,0:07:43.87 这船不卖It's not for sale.0,0:07:45.21,0:07:48.46 我来说的明白些Then let me appeal to your better nature.0,0:07:48.55,0:07:50.97 我刚买下了马林斯派克大厅…I have recently acquired Marlinspike Hall,0,0:07:51.05,0:07:55.14 …和这艘船你也知道这些资产曾是一位…and this ship, as I'm sure you're aware, was once part of the estate.0,0:07:55.22,0:07:56.51 一位老船长?Of the late sea captain?0,0:07:56.60,0:07:59.81 他们家遭遇不幸什么都没了The family fell upon hard times. Lost everything.0,0:07:59.89,0:08:03.23 他们一直楣运不断自从…They've been living in a cloud of bad luck ever since.0,0:08:03.31,0:08:07.98 我们说的可是他们家几代人的酗酒荒谬行为…We are talking generations of drinking and irrational behaviour...0,0:08:08.07,0:08:09.44 不好意思I'm sorry.0,0:08:09.53,0:08:13.65 我已经说过了这船不卖But as I told you before, it's not for sale. 0,0:08:13.74,0:08:15.11 祝您愉快先生Good day to you, sir.0,0:08:19.58,0:08:22.16 那个年轻人他叫什么名字?That young man, what's his name? 0,0:08:22.25,0:08:25.79 他?大家都认识他他叫丁丁Him? Everybody knows him. That's Tintin.0,0:08:32.30,0:08:34.43 这艘船有什么神秘之处?What is it about this ship?0,0:08:35.64,0:08:38.35 为什么这么多人关注它?Why has it attracted so much attention? 0,0:08:42.31,0:08:44.31 你藏了什么秘密呢?What secrets do you hold?0,0:08:53.07,0:08:55.36 放大镜在哪?Where is that magnifying glass?0,0:08:58.45,0:09:00.66 我敢说这是…I could have sworn it was...0,0:09:04.39,0:09:06.57 (记者丁丁揭开匪徒部落神秘面纱)0,0:09:06.60,0:09:08.81 (记者揭秘犯罪集团)0,0:09:08.84,0:09:10.67 (丁丁勇夺国家文物)可能会在哪?Where could it possibly be? 0,0:09:09.69,0:09:10.67 (失窃艺术品重归博物馆)可能会在哪?0,0:09:11.22,0:09:12.17 (国王重夺王权)0,0:09:12.17,0:09:13.26 (丁丁在西尔达维亚授奖)白雪你看见…Snowy, you haven't seen the...0,0:09:15.47,0:09:16.84 放哪了?Where is it?0,0:09:21.72,0:09:22.97 谢谢Thank you.0,0:09:25.64,0:09:27.10 不白雪!No, Snowy!0,0:09:46.37,0:09:48.04 看你干的好事Look what you did.0,0:09:48.92,0:09:50.42 你把它摔坏了!You broke it!0,0:09:50.92,0:09:52.17 坏狗狗!Bad dog!0,0:10:01.01,0:10:03.35 这艘船有蹊跷之处Something happened on this ship.0,0:10:04.10,0:10:07.60 只有一个地方能找到答案了And we're going to the one place that could have the answer.0,0:10:07.69,0:10:09.23 走了白雪Come on, Snowy.0,0:10:31.38,0:10:32.42 找到了Here it is.0,0:10:33.55,0:10:38.09 “马林斯派克大厅的主人”“佛朗西斯-阿道克爵士”"Sir Francis Haddock of Marlinspike Hall, the last captain of the ill-fated Unicorn.0,0:10:35.91,0:10:38.09 “不幸独角兽号的最后一位船长”0,0:10:38.17,0:10:40.63 “船启航于一六七六年巴巴多斯”"The ship set sail from Barbados in 16760,0:10:40.72,0:10:44.18 “这是航海史上最悲惨的远航之一”"on one of the most ruinous voyages in maritime history.0,0:10:44.26,0:10:45.97 “这艘船未能到达目的地”"Ship never reached destination.0,0:10:46.18,0:10:50.35 “途中遭遇海盗袭击”“仅一名幸存者其他船员全部遇难”"Attacked by pirates, all hands lost except for one survivor.0,0:10:50.44,0:10:52.98 “佛朗西斯船长获救回到家乡后”"When Sir Francis was rescued and returned home,0,0:10:53.06,0:10:56.11 “他深信自己的名字被诅咒了”"he was convinced his name had been cursed.0,0:10:56.19,0:10:57.57 “独角兽号自称”"The Unicorn's manifest stated0,0:10:57.65,0:11:00.24 “装载莱姆酒和烟草前往欧洲"that it was carrying a cargo of rumand tobacco bound for Europe,0,0:11:00.32,0:11:04.66 “但更多人相信”“独角兽号装运了一批神秘货物”"but it was long claimed the ship was carrying a secret cargo."0,0:11:06.24,0:11:08.66 这艘船到底装的是什么呢白雪?What was the ship carrying, Snowy?0,0:11:10.75,0:11:15.34 “历史学家试图揭秘此致命航行中”\N“到底发生了什么事情但失败了”"Historians have tried and failed to discover what happened on that fatal voyage,0,0:11:15.42,0:11:17.67 “佛朗西斯的遗言是…”"but Sir Francis' last words,0,0:11:18.92,0:11:22.93 “真正的阿道克后人”“才能破解独角兽号的秘密”"'Only a true Haddock will discover the secret of the Unicorn."'0,0:11:48.45,0:11:50.45 遗漏了些什么白雪I've missed something, Snowy.0,0:11:51.46,0:11:53.46 我得再仔细看看那艘模型We need to take a closer look at that model.0,0:12:05.89,0:12:07.97 肯定是不见了!Of course it's gone!0,0:12:08.06,0:12:10.06 我怎么这么蠢呢?How could I be so stupid?0,0:12:32.62,0:12:34.12 你是怎么做到的?How'd you do that?0,0:12:38.34,0:12:39.67 真是聪明Clever boy.0,0:12:57.44,0:12:59.27 一枚纹章A coat of arms.0,0:12:59.94,0:13:02.40 怎么这么熟悉?Why does that look familiar?0,0:13:02.49,0:13:04.11 等等Hang on a minute.0,0:13:04.95,0:13:06.66 那条鱼!That fish!0,0:13:06.74,0:13:08.28 是阿道克(阿道克)It's a haddock.0,0:13:08.62,0:13:12.45 当然了!这豪宅是老阿道克的Of course! Marlinspike Hall is the old Haddock estate.0,0:13:14.21,0:13:15.37 白雪!Snowy!0,0:13:43.07,0:13:44.65 干得好白雪!Well done, Snowy!0,0:13:44.74,0:13:46.03 好孩子Good boy.0,0:14:40.42,0:14:42.08 哦好了Well, well, well.0,0:14:42.88,0:14:45.21 我们似乎抓到贼了It seems we've caught our thief.0,0:14:55.14,0:14:57.72 欢迎来到马林斯派克大厅Welcome to Marlinspike Hall.0,0:14:57.81,0:15:00.02 我看见你进来了I see you let yourself in.0,0:15:00.10,0:15:02.27 我是来拿回我自己的东西I came to retrieve my property.0,0:15:02.36,0:15:04.90 抱歉我好像没明白你的意思I'm sorry, I'm not sure I follow you. 0,0:15:04.98,0:15:06.40 你明明知道I think you do.0,0:15:06.48,0:15:09.74 不到一小时前有人从我家偷走了这艘船This ship was stolen from my apartment less than an hour ago.0,0:15:09.82,0:15:12.49 恐怕你搞错了丁丁先生I'm afraid you're mistaken, Mr. Tintin.0,0:15:12.57,0:15:14.74 没有错这是我的There's no mistake. It belongs to me.0,0:15:14.83,0:15:16.29 你确定吗?Are you sure?0,0:15:18.37,0:15:19.83 当然确定Of course I'm sure.0,0:15:19.91,0:15:22.29 是我买回家的我把它放在起居室的橱柜上I took it home, I put it on a cabinet in the living room,0,0:15:22.38,0:15:25.71 白雪追猫时撞倒了and then Snowy chased the cat and knocked it over, and it0,0:15:26.46,0:15:27.63 摔坏了fell.0,0:15:29.92,0:15:31.38 这不是我的船This isn't my ship.0,0:15:31.47,0:15:33.14 的确不是No. Indeed.0,0:15:34.55,0:15:35.68 抱歉I'm sorry.0,0:15:35.76,0:15:39.18 - 它看起来很相像- 嗯足够以假乱真了- It looks identical. - Well, looks can be deceiving.0,0:15:39.27,0:15:42.27 没错确实但我不明白!Yes, indeed. But I don't understand!0,0:15:43.31,0:15:46.77 佛朗西斯为什么要做两艘…一模一样的船呢?Why did Sir Francis make two ships exactly alike?0,0:15:46.86,0:15:50.32 你已经有一艘了干嘛还想要另一搜?And you have one already. Why do you want another?0,0:15:51.36,0:15:54.32 这艘模型有什么特别之处引得贼人觊觎?What is it about this model that would cause someone to steal it?0,0:15:54.41,0:15:58.04 天呐为什么这么多问题?Goodness me, why so many questions? 0,0:15:58.12,0:15:59.45 这是我的工作It's my job.0,0:15:59.54,0:16:02.50 可以写成一个故事我很轻松就能完成There could be a story here. That's what I do, you see.0,0:16:02.58,0:16:04.12 嗯这没什么神秘的Well, it's no great mystery.0,0:16:04.21,0:16:07.13 佛朗西斯-阿道克是个酗酒…无可救药的无赖Sir Francis Haddock was a drunkard and a hopeless reprobate.0,0:16:07.21,0:16:11.76 他注定要失败并把失败遗传给自己的儿子们He was doomed to fail, and he bequeathed that failure to his sons.0,0:16:12.51,0:16:15.93 原来是真的!阿道克家族被诅咒了So it's true! The Haddock line is cursed.0,0:16:17.81,0:16:21.18 - 你还查到了些什么?- 还有什么可查的?- What else have you found out? - What is there to find?0,0:16:22.56,0:16:24.39 那就取决于你在寻找些什么了That depends what you're looking for. 0,0:16:24.52,0:16:27.90 我寻找答案萨卡林先生I'm looking for answers, Mr. Sakharine.0,0:16:28.07,0:16:30.48 你找错地方了You're looking in the wrong place.0,0:16:31.28,0:16:33.07 时间不早了It's late.0,0:16:33.15,0:16:35.16 你该回家了I think you should go home.0,0:16:35.24,0:16:36.74 这边先生This way, sir.0,0:16:52.13,0:16:53.51 真遗憾先生It's a pity, sir.0,0:16:54.43,0:16:55.43 什么?I'm sorry?0,0:16:55.59,0:16:57.93 你那艘模型上的船桅坏掉了先生That the mast broke on your model ship, sir.0,0:16:58.26,0:17:00.76 希望你找到全部碎片了I hope you found all the pieces.0,0:17:00.85,0:17:02.39 这些东西很容易弄丢的Things are so easily lost.0,0:17:02.48,0:17:04.94 内斯特!你在哪?Nestor! Where are you?0,0:17:05.65,0:17:07.27 晚安先生Good night, sir.0,0:17:11.61,0:17:13.74 “有些东西很容易弄丢”Some things are easily lost.0,0:17:15.32,0:17:17.66 这话是什么意思白雪?What did he mean by that, Snowy?0,0:17:17.74,0:17:20.37 他想告诉我什么?What was he trying to tell me?0,0:17:20.45,0:17:22.62 “有些东西很容易弄丢”Some things are easily lost.0,0:17:29.67,0:17:30.84 白雪!Snowy!0,0:17:36.97,0:17:38.43 天呐!Great snakes!0,0:17:45.64,0:17:47.31 是什么白雪?What is it, Snowy?0,0:18:05.50,0:18:06.87 这是什么?What's this?0,0:18:08.96,0:18:10.75 这是船桅里的!This was in the mast!0,0:18:17.76,0:18:19.34 好孩子白雪Good boy, Snowy.0,0:18:24.02,0:18:25.81 “三兄弟一起…”"Three brothers joined.0,0:18:25.89,0:18:28.48 “…驾三艘独角兽号”"Three Unicorns in company0,0:18:28.77,0:18:31.69 “于正午时分航行在太阳下”"sailing in the noonday sun will speak. 0,0:18:32.02,0:18:35.57 “会有阳光射下”"For 'tis from the light that light will dawn.0,0:18:35.65,0:18:38.49 “照亮雄鹰十字架”"And then shines forth the Eagle's Cross."0,0:18:41.24,0:18:42.99 这些标记是什么?What are these markings?0,0:18:43.20,0:18:46.79 某种秘密语言或是密码?Some kind of secret language or code? 0,0:18:46.91,0:18:48.96 没有道理It makes no sense.0,0:18:49.04,0:18:51.63 不过倒是解释了他们为什么洗劫公寓But it does explain why they ransacked the flat.0,0:18:51.71,0:18:54.46 他们是要找这个却没找到They were looking for this, and they didn't find it.0,0:18:54.92,0:18:56.34 也就是说Which means0,0:18:58.42,0:18:59.67 他们会回来的they'll be back.0,0:19:01.18,0:19:04.39 不在我不知道他在哪亲爱的他大概是出门了No, I don't know where he is, dearie. I think he's gone out.0,0:19:04.47,0:19:06.31 反正是天黑以后And anyway, it's after dark,0,0:19:06.39,0:19:11.31 丁丁先生最特别的是睡觉时间最不喜欢见客人and Mr. Tintin is most particular about not admitting visitors after bedtime.0,0:19:11.90,0:19:13.94 我要回去喝可可了I have to go back to my cocoa.0,0:19:14.07,0:19:17.07 我有一本好书和一杯可可I've got a very good book and a cup of cocoa.0,0:19:17.15,0:19:18.99 真的很棒!It's really lovely!0,0:19:19.07,0:19:22.07 谢谢你芬奇太太我来处理吧Thank you, Mrs. Finch. I can look after this.0,0:19:25.33,0:19:28.66 嘿孩子是你吗?开门Hey, kid, is that you? Open the door.0,0:19:29.37,0:19:30.46 你想干嘛?What do you want?0,0:19:30.54,0:19:34.29 听着游戏已经开始了他要回来了Look, the game is up. He's gonna be back.0,0:19:34.38,0:19:36.84 我知道你想要这些船但我发誓Now, I know he wanted those boats, but I swear to God,0,0:19:36.92,0:19:38.76 我从没想到他会为此不惜杀人!I never thought he'd kill anyone over it!0,0:19:38.88,0:19:41.34 谁?你说的是谁?Who? Who are you talking about?0,0:19:41.43,0:19:43.89 我想告诉你你现在很危险I'm trying to tell you that your life is in danger.0,0:19:43.97,0:19:44.97 回答我!是谁?Answer me! Who?0,0:20:05.45,0:20:09.37 芬奇太太!有人在我们家门口中枪了!Mrs. Finch! A man's beenshot on our doorstep!0,0:20:09.45,0:20:12.00 - 不会吧- 叫救护车!- Not again. - Call an ambulance!0,0:20:15.54,0:20:16.88 够了白雪!No, Snowy!0,0:20:30.73,0:20:32.14 你能听到我说话吗?Can you hear me?0,0:20:32.23,0:20:33.56 你能…Can you...0,0:20:42.78,0:20:45.36 遇害者名叫巴纳比-道斯The victim's name was Barnaby Dawes.0,0:20:45.45,0:20:47.91 是国际刑警组织高级探员之一He was one of the top agents at Interpol,0,0:20:47.99,0:20:50.08 但我们还不清楚他在忙些什么but we haven't got a clue what he was working on.0,0:20:50.16,0:20:52.79 没错汤普森我们完全没线索Quite right, Thompson. We're completely clueless.0,0:20:52.87,0:20:54.50 国际刑警组织没有别的发现吗?Interpol doesn't have any other leads?0,0:20:54.58,0:20:57.17 别急丁丁我们还忙着处理书面工作Steady on, Tintin. We're still filling out the paperwork.0,0:20:57.25,0:21:00.80 警察工作并不只是开开枪那么吸引人还有很多书面工作Police work's not all glamour and guns. There's an awful lot of filing.0,0:21:00.88,0:21:02.38 好吧我有些事情要告诉你们Well, I might have something for you. 0,0:21:02.47,0:21:04.93 在他失去意识之前道斯似乎想告诉我一些什么Before he lost consciousness, Dawes tried to tell me something,0,0:21:05.01,0:21:07.01 我觉得他在拼一个词and I think he was spelling out a word.0,0:21:07.14,0:21:09.14 “…BOU”"...B- O-U0,0:21:09.76,0:21:12.43 “DJAN”"D-J-A-N.0,0:21:14.77,0:21:16.14 “卡拉布朗”"Karaboudjan."0,0:21:16.23,0:21:17.65 卡拉布朗!Karaboudjan!0,0:21:18.31,0:21:19.48 你知道这是什么意思吗?Does that mean anything to you?0,0:21:19.57,0:21:21.78 伟大的苏格兰场(伦敦警察厅总部)难得啊!Great Scotland Yard! That's extraordinary!0,0:21:21.86,0:21:22.86 究竟是什么?What is?0,0:21:22.94,0:21:25.32 沃辛顿的圆顶礼帽半价!Worthington's have a half-price sale on bowler hats!0,0:21:25.40,0:21:28.24 真的吗汤姆森!可真难得啊Really, Thomson! This is hardly the time.0,0:21:28.32,0:21:30.33 - 伟大的苏格兰场!- 什么啊?- Great Scotland Yard! - What is it? 0,0:21:30.41,0:21:31.45 手杖也是半价!Canes are half-price, too!0,0:21:31.54,0:21:33.12 你要带走这份证据吗?Are you going to take charge of this evidence?0,0:21:33.20,0:21:34.37 当然Positively.0,0:21:34.46,0:21:37.62 别担心丁丁证据在我们这里很安全!Never fear, Tintin, the evidence is safe with us!0,0:21:39.13,0:21:41.21 汤姆森?你在哪里?Thomson? Where are you?0,0:21:41.34,0:21:44.59 嗯我已经下楼了别试着跟上来Well, I'm already downstairs. Do try to keep up.0,0:21:46.63,0:21:48.72 等等!你掉了这个Wait! You dropped this.0,0:21:48.80,0:21:51.64 天哪汤姆森!小心证据Good heavens, Thomson! Look after the evidence, man.0,0:21:51.72,0:21:54.14 抱歉汤普森我在想别的事情Sorry, Thompson. My mind is on other things.0,0:21:54.23,0:21:57.06 哦对手法熟练的小偷Yes. Our light-fingered larcenist.0,0:21:57.56,0:21:58.94 - 什么?- 那个扒手- What? - The pickpocket.0,0:21:59.02,0:22:01.56 他还不知道要大祸临头了He has no idea what's coming.0,0:22:01.65,0:22:04.32 试试丁丁来拿我的钱包Go on, Tintin, take my wallet.0,0:22:07.74,0:22:10.32 没错工业强度橡皮筋Yes, industrial strength elastic.0,0:22:10.41,0:22:12.16 非常聪明Very resourceful.0,0:22:12.24,0:22:16.00 刚好相反很幼稚又简单On the contrary. It was childishly simple. 0,0:22:16.08,0:22:17.83 很简单又幼稚我同意Simply childish, I agree.0,0:22:17.92,0:22:19.00 - 丁丁- 丁丁- Tintin. - Tintin.0,0:22:19.08,0:22:20.42 先生们Gentlemen.0,0:22:22.00,0:22:24.50 听着我觉得他离我们有几英哩远Mind you, I expect he's miles away by now.0,0:22:24.59,0:22:26.55 我想你是指扒手吧?I presume you're referring to the pickpocket? 0,0:22:26.63,0:22:30.09 没错我是说我们离他只有几步远Yes. I mean, knowing we're just a few steps behind him.0,0:22:30.76,0:22:33.43 白雪怎么了你看见什么了?Snowy, what is it, boy? What do you see?0,0:22:33.51,0:22:35.35 你好像不想喝杯茶?I don't suppose you'd fancy a cup of tea?0,0:22:35.43,0:22:37.60 你可错了我很想喝一杯You're quite mistaken. I'd love one.0,0:22:37.81,0:22:39.10 我请客My treat.0,0:22:41.36,0:22:43.40 - 抓到你了!- 你这恶棍!- I've got you now! - You devil!0,0:22:43.48,0:22:45.94 站住以法律之名!Stop, in the name of the law!0,0:22:47.61,0:22:48.70 抓到你了!Got you!0,0:22:52.62,0:22:54.70 那边发生什么了?What's going on down there?0,0:22:54.79,0:22:55.91 来吧白雪!Come on, Snowy!0,0:22:57.66,0:23:00.04 - 请原谅- 对不起先生!- I do beg your pardon. - Sorry, sir!0,0:23:00.12,0:23:03.71 那是扒手丁丁!他要跑了!The pickpocket, Tintin! He's getting away!0,0:23:03.79,0:23:05.84 我的钱包!My wallet!0,0:23:05.92,0:23:07.26 不见了!It's gone!0,0:23:09.88,0:23:12.22 上!白雪那边!Come on! Snowy, after him!0,0:23:12.30,0:23:13.68 站住!等等!Stop! Wait!0,0:23:26.65,0:23:29.36 - 抓住你了!- 站稳了- Got you! - Steady on.0,0:23:29.45,0:23:31.49 我追丢了!I've lost him!0,0:23:31.57,0:23:34.57 你们一定要找到我的钱包很重要我必须找回来You must find my wallet. It's very important. I have to get it back.0,0:23:34.66,0:23:38.20 你会的交给我们专业人士吧And you will. Leave it to the professionals.0,0:23:40.00,0:23:41.83 纸卷丢了We've lost the scroll.0,0:23:41.92,0:23:44.25 但故事没丢But we haven't lost the story.0,0:23:44.34,0:23:45.84 “卡拉布朗”"Karaboudjan."0,0:23:45.92,0:23:48.09 是个亚美尼亚字这是线索白雪It's an Armenian word. That's our lead, Snowy.0,0:23:48.17,0:23:51.30 当时巴纳比-道斯想警告我们生命处于危险之中?What was Barnaby Dawes trying to tell us when he said our lives were in danger?0,0:23:51.38,0:23:53.84 - 丁…丁先生?- 嗯?- Mr. Tin... Tin? - Yes.0,0:23:53.93,0:23:56.43 - 有你的快递- 可我没订过什么啊- Delivery for you. - But I didn't order anything.0,0:23:56.51,0:23:59.97 没错因为要送的就是你!Well, that's because it's you that's getting delivered!0,0:24:02.45,0:24:03.34 (卡拉布朗号)0,0:24:03.35,0:24:05.40 快点装上货车!Quick, get him in the van!0,0:24:08.03,0:24:10.53 松开你这杂种!Get off me, you confounded mutt!0,0:24:11.53,0:24:13.11 他咬我!He bit me!0,0:24:13.20,0:24:14.36 快!Quick!0,0:24:43.56,0:24:44.98 把它甩掉!Get him off!0,0:24:46.86,0:24:49.07 甩掉它在接着开!Shake him off, then run him over!0,0:25:34.11,0:25:36.15 在右舷一点!I want this on the starboard side!0,0:25:43.70,0:25:45.71 不在这看你那边Not here. Look your side.0,0:25:45.79,0:25:47.04 等等Hang on.0,0:25:47.12,0:25:48.71 - 等等- 嗯检查那边口袋汤姆- Nothing. - Well, check that pocket, Tom.0,0:25:48.79,0:25:50.71 不我已经搜过了我肯定No, I've looked in this one already, I'm sure of it.0,0:25:50.79,0:25:51.96 嗯翻他袜子了吗?Well, have a look in his socks.0,0:25:54.88,0:25:56.97 - 找到了吗?- 不在他身上- Have you found it? - He doesn't have it. 0,0:25:57.05,0:25:58.34 不在他身上老板不在这It's not on him, boss. It's not here.0,0:25:58.43,0:26:00.76 - 不在这?那在哪里?- 什么在哪里?- Not here? Then where is it? - Where's what?0,0:26:01.64,0:26:04.97 我厌倦你的把戏了独角兽号上的纸卷I am tired of your games. The scroll, from the Unicorn.0,0:26:05.10,0:26:08.19 一张纸像这个!A piece of paper like this!0,0:26:08.27,0:26:09.81 你是说那首诗?You mean the poem?0,0:26:10.52,0:26:12.19 没错Yes.0,0:26:12.27,0:26:15.74 - 一首用古英语写的诗- 对- The poem written in Old English. - Yes. 0,0:26:15.82,0:26:18.11 - 在一个圆筒里- 没错- It was inside a cylinder. - Yes.0,0:26:18.20,0:26:20.66 - 藏在船桅里- 正是!- Concealed in the mast. - Yes!0,0:26:22.12,0:26:23.16 我弄丢了I don't have it.0,0:26:25.50,0:26:29.96 你不明白那纸卷的价值你要它干嘛?You know the value of that scroll. Why else would you take it?0,0:26:30.04,0:26:33.92 我有点不解两艘船两张纸卷只是谜语的一部分Two ships and two scrolls, both part of a puzzle.0,0:26:34.00,0:26:36.71 你有一个了还需另一个You have one, you need the other.0,0:26:36.80,0:26:40.13 不然没用还有别的But that's not it. There's something else.0,0:26:41.22,0:26:45.06 我会找到的不论你帮不帮忙I will find it, with or without your help. 0,0:26:46.73,0:26:49.98 你想清楚自己对我有多大用处You need to think about exactly how useful you are to me.0,0:26:54.53,0:26:57.07 - 我们在路上处理他- 是是先生- We'll deal with him on the way. - Aye-aye, sir.0,0:26:57.15,0:26:58.78 保持航向Hold this course.0,0:27:05.87,0:27:07.04 白雪!Snowy!0,0:27:08.71,0:27:12.21 见到你可真高兴看能不能咬开绳子It's good to see you, too. See if you can chew through these ropes.0,0:27:16.96,0:27:21.05 他在撒谎!纸卷一定在他那里问题是他对纸卷做了什么?He's lying! He must have the scroll. The question is, what has he done with it?0,0:27:21.14,0:27:22.89 我们已经搜过他了老板We searched him all over, boss.0,0:27:22.97,0:27:25.72 我要你回去让他开口I want you to go back down there and make him talk.0,0:27:25.81,0:27:28.60 有必要的话敲碎他每一根骨头!Break every bone in his body if you have to!0,0:27:28.68,0:27:29.77 那可够狠的That's nasty.0,0:27:29.85,0:27:32.81 你知道风险也知道我们在干什么快去做!You know the stakes. You know what we're playing for. Just do it!0,0:27:32.90,0:27:35.98 萨卡林先生!萨卡林先生!全都乱成一片了!Mr. Sakharine! Mr. Sakharine! All hell has broken loose!0,0:27:36.07,0:27:38.11 出大事了!船长醒了It's a disaster! The captain has come around. 0,0:27:38.19,0:27:39.82 - 什么?- 他清醒了- What? - He's conscious.0,0:27:39.90,0:27:41.78 胡言乱语He's accusing you of mutiny.0,0:27:41.86,0:27:45.41 - 想要号召船员们造反- 我不想管这些- He says you turned the crew against him. - Sounds like he's sobered up again.0,0:27:45.49,0:27:48.08 好了别光站这里再给他一瓶酒Well, don't just stand there. Get him another bottle.0,0:27:48.70,0:27:49.75 是先生!Aye, sir!0,0:27:59.26,0:28:00.47 好Okay.0,0:28:18.28,0:28:19.86 - 晃一晃卡住了- 晃晃?- Jiggle it a bit, it's just stuck. - Jiggle?0,0:28:19.94,0:28:21.11 这样Here.0,0:28:23.07,0:28:25.95 你干嘛?让开!What are you doing? Get off!0,0:28:26.03,0:28:29.33 没卡住你个白痴是他在里面把门闩上了!It's not stuck, you idiot. He's bolted it from the inside!0,0:28:29.41,0:28:32.08 你想和我们玩玩是吧丁丁?So you want to play like that then, do you, Tintin?0,0:28:32.16,0:28:33.58 去拿炸药Get the TNT.0,0:28:35.00,0:28:38.42 破箱子、绳子、香槟Broken crates. Rope. Champagne.0,0:28:39.59,0:28:40.80 还有什么能用的白雪?What else do we have, Snowy?0,0:28:41.47,0:28:43.97 一定有别的办法开门There are other ways to open this door.0,0:28:44.68,0:28:47.51 等我们抓到你了要拿你的内脏刷甲板They'll be swabbing the decks with your innards when we're done with you.0,0:28:52.48,0:28:54.02 放这里Give it here.0,0:29:18.67,0:29:20.46 - 别动- 什么…- Don't move. - What...0,0:29:26.47,0:29:27.80 我们上!Let's go!0,0:29:28.60,0:29:30.30 让我来!Let me have him!0,0:29:30.39,0:29:32.47 他有一把大枪!He's got a big shooter!0,0:29:32.85,0:29:34.18 我中弹了!He got me!0,0:29:39.02,0:29:40.40 停火Hold your fire.0,0:29:47.53,0:29:50.03 他不在这里跑掉了He ain't here. He's vanished.0,0:29:52.20,0:29:53.41 他藏起来了He's hiding.0,0:29:53.50,0:29:55.71 搜船快点!Search the ship. Quickly!0,0:30:07.13,0:30:09.47 苏门答腊的巨鼠!A giant rat of Sumatra!0,0:30:11.64,0:30:13.56 你觉得能溜到我背后So, you thought you could sneak in behind me 0,0:30:13.64,0:30:16.31 扒我的裤子吗?and catch me with my trousers down, huh?0,0:30:16.39,0:30:18.48 您还是留着裤子吧I'd rather you kept your trousers on, if it's all the same to you.0,0:30:18.56,0:30:21.52 - 我知道你的把戏你和他们一伙的- 什么?- I know your game. You're one of them. - Sorry?0,0:30:21.61,0:30:24.28 - 他们派你来杀我是吧?- 我连你是谁都不知道!- They sent you here to kill me, huh? - Look, I don't know who you are!0,0:30:24.36,0:30:26.11 他们派你来除掉我That's how he's planned to bump me off.0,0:30:26.70,0:30:29.57 派一个娃娃脸的刺客杀我!Murdered in my bed by a baby-faced assassin!0,0:30:31.24,0:30:33.41 刺客?你搞错了Assassin? Look, you've got it all wrong.0,0:30:33.49,0:30:36.00 我是被绑架了被一帮匪徒I was kidnapped by a gang of thugs.0,0:30:37.96,0:30:39.79 那头肮脏的猪The filthy swine.0,0:30:40.71,0:30:42.96 他策反所有船员!He's turned the whole crew against me!0,0:30:43.05,0:30:44.30 谁?Who?0,0:30:44.38,0:30:46.63 那个叫萨什么的苦瓜脸A sour-faced man with a sugary name.0,0:30:46.72,0:30:49.51 他买通了船员所有人He's bought them all off, every last man.0,0:30:49.59,0:30:50.68 萨卡林!Sakharine!0,0:30:51.39,0:30:55.01 没有人可以夺走我的船!Nobody takes my ship!0,0:30:55.10,0:30:56.14 你就是船长?You're the captain?0,0:30:56.23,0:30:59.44 当然除了我还能是谁?Of course I'm the captain. Who else could I be?0,0:30:59.52,0:31:02.81 我被锁在这里好多天了I've been locked in this room for days0,0:31:02.90,0:31:07.74 只有威士忌能能慰藉我的灵魂with only whisky to sustain my mortal soul.0,0:31:13.78,0:31:15.41 嗯我以为是锁着的Well, I assumed it was locked.0,0:31:15.58,0:31:16.99 好吧它没有Well, it's not.0,0:31:17.08,0:31:20.16 现在我得走了他们发现我在这里会杀了我的Now, you must excuse me. If they find me here, they'll kill me.0,0:31:20.25,0:31:24.38 我得不停移动离开这个酒坛子I have to keep moving. Try and find my way off this drunken tub.0,0:31:24.46,0:31:26.21 “坛子”?坛子?"Tub"? Tub?0,0:31:31.51,0:31:36.64 坛子?Tub?0,0:31:41.10,0:31:42.77 - 谢谢- 接着他- Thanks. - Pleasure.0,0:31:44.77,0:31:46.23 对了我叫丁丁I'm Tintin, by the way.0,0:31:46.32,0:31:48.61 我是阿道克阿奇博尔德-阿道克Haddock. Archibald Haddock.0,0:31:48.69,0:31:51.03 欢迎登船跟我来There's a longboat up on deck. Follow me.0,0:31:51.11,0:31:52.45 等等Hang on a second.0,0:31:52.53,0:31:53.86 你是说“阿道克”?Did you say "Haddock"?0,0:31:54.87,0:31:56.95 你们怎么能让他们跑了?How could you let them escape?0,0:31:57.04,0:31:59.54 去找抓到他们Find them. Find them both.0,0:31:59.62,0:32:02.04 - 别担心我们会杀了他们的先生- 不- Don't worry, we'll kill them, sir. - No.0,0:32:02.12,0:32:04.75 可以杀那孩子阿道克不能杀You can kill the boy. Not Haddock.0,0:32:04.84,0:32:07.09 什么?他只是个没救的老酒鬼What? He's just a hopeless old soak. 0,0:32:07.17,0:32:09.38 早就该杀掉他了We should've killed him long since.0,0:32:09.46,0:32:14.30 你以为我是碰巧选中阿道克的船阿道克的船员You think it's an accident that I chose Haddock's ship, Haddock's crew,0,0:32:14.39,0:32:17.01 不可靠的大副?Haddock's treacherous first mate?0,0:32:17.85,0:32:20.10 没有什么“碰巧”的Nothing is an accident.0,0:32:26.27,0:32:29.94 我和阿道克船长的交情可长着呢We go back a long way, Captain Haddock and I.0,0:32:30.03,0:32:32.90 我们俩还没完呢We've unfinished business.0,0:32:32.99,0:32:37.12 这次我要让他付出代价And this time, I'm going to make him pay. 0,0:32:38.08,0:32:42.25 我们要去这条走廊尽头一间锁着的房间这会很困难We have to reach a locked door at the end of this corridor. This is gonna be tricky.0,0:32:42.33,0:32:43.62 你该不会和…You wouldn't happen to be related0,0:32:43.71,0:32:45.50 马林斯派克大厅的阿道克家族…有关系吧?to the Haddocks of Marlinspike Hall, would you?0,0:32:45.96,0:32:46.96 问这干嘛?Why do you ask?0,0:32:47.04,0:32:48.50 我在写一个故事It's for a story I've been working on.0,0:32:48.59,0:32:51.26 关于一艘沉没在巴巴多斯海岸的船An old shipwreck that happened off the coast of Barbados.0,0:32:51.34,0:32:54.09 是艘战舰配有五十门炮的三桅船A man o'war. Triple masted. Fifty guns.0,0:32:56.68,0:33:00.72 - 关于独角兽号你都知道些什么?- 不太多所以我才问你- What do you know of the Unicorn? - Not a lot. That's why I'm asking you.0,0:33:00.81,0:33:04.27 那艘船的秘密只有我的家族知道!The secret of that ship is known only to my family!0,0:33:04.35,0:33:07.31 代代相传It's been passed down from generation to generation.0,0:33:07.40,0:33:12.23 我祖父他临死前告诉我他们全都…My granddaddy himself, with his dying breath, told me the tale.0,0:33:13.07,0:33:14.20 然后呢?And?0,0:33:14.91,0:33:16.03 没了Gone.0,0:33:16.87,0:33:17.99 没了是什么意思?What do you mean, gone?0,0:33:18.08,0:33:21.49 他踢水桶时我很生气只好借酒浇愁I was so upset when he kicked。
难以忘怀电影对白-1:海底总动员场景信任大家对于电影是不少看的,那么关于电影里面的一些经典台词或者是一些经典语句不知道大家会不会保藏起来呢?由于这是许多伙伴学习英语的好方法,以下是我给大家整理的难以忘记电影对白-1:海底总动员场景,盼望可以帮到大家Selected Scene 1场景1Nemo: First day of school! First day of school! Wake up, wake up! Cmon, first day of school!尼莫:第一天去上学啊!笫一天去上学啊! 醒醒,醒醒!快点,第一天去上学唉!Marlin: I dont wanna go to school. Five more minutes.玛林:我不想去上学,让我再睡五分钟吧。
Nemo: Not you, dad. Me!尼莫:不是你,爸爸,是我去上学!Marlin: Okay... huh?玛林:好吧,嗯?Nemo: Get up, get up! Its time for school! Its times for school!Its time for school! Its time for school! Oh boy! Oh boy!尼莫:起床!起床!该去学校了!该去学校了!该去学校了!真是太好了!Madin: All right, Im up.玛林:好的、好的,起来了。
Nemo: Oh boy... whoa!尼莫:喔,太好了!Marlin: Nemo!玛林:尼莫!Nemo: First day of school!尼莫:上学的第一天。
Marfin: ( gasps ) Nemo, dont move! Dont move! Youll never get out of there, yourself. Ill do it. All right, wheres the break? You feel a break?玛林:(喘气)尼莫,别动!别动!你自己出不来。
Adventurous Words and Phrases from "The Adventures of Tintin"Title: "Exploring the Lexicon of Tintin's Epic Journeys"Good Words and Phrases:"Be patient, Snowy, not much longer." - This phrase体现了丁丁对他的小狗白雪的关爱和耐心,同时也传达了冒险中需要保持冷静和坚韧的信息。
"That's a very unique specimen, that is. From an old sea captain's estate." - This sentence demonstrates Tintin's curiosity and keen observation skills, which are essential for any great adventurer."This pile of scrap-metal... some scraps of paper." - This description hints at the dire situation Tintin and his friends might find themselves in, yet with a touch of humor that belies the gravity of the moment."Tintin on our trail... keep our eyes open." - These phrases create a sense of urgency and excitement, indicating that the characters are being pursued and must stay alert to survive. "I believe I have captured something of your likeness." - This statement showcases the artist's skill in capturing the essence of a person, which is crucial in any adventure story where characters need to be instantly recognizable and memorable.Sentences:"From the moment he sets foot on the ship, Tintin knows he's in for an adventure." - This sentence introduces the protagonist's fateful decision to embark on a journey full of excitement and danger."With each turn of the page, the adventure unfolds, taking readers to exotic locations and introducing them to a cast of colorful characters." - This sentence encapsulates the essence of the comic strip, highlighting its ability to transport readers to different worlds and introduce them to a diverse range of personalities.These words and phrases not only add depth and detail to the story but also provide insights into the characters' personalities and the themes explored in "The Adventures of Tintin".。
外研版英语八年级下册课件Module5Unit2Tintin has been popular for over eighty years (共14张PPT)
![外研版英语八年级下册课件Module5Unit2Tintin has been popular for over eighty years (共14张PPT)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/799faa295a8102d277a22f16.png)
/'ʌgli/ Is he handsome or ugly? Do you know his name?
Shrek is an ugly green man. He is the hero of the cartoon The Monster Shrek.(怪物史瑞克)
Who is he?
Their own answers 3.How popular are they? The pictures of them are everywhere, on office desks, schoolbags, and computer screens.
Read paragraph2
1.What is Monkey like? He is brave,clever and humorous. 2. What does the story tell us? It tells us the story of Monkey King , he leads a group of monkeys against the Emperor Heaven and his man. 3.How popular is he?
Fans have bought about 200 million copies of Tintin’s stories in more than fifty languages. Tintin appeared in China in the 1980s. Many Chinese still collect these black-and-white Tintin books.
Snoopy is a cute dog. He is the hero of the cartoon Peanuts.(花生漫画)
难以忘怀电影对白34:闻香识女人场景1(+双语)场景1Mr. Slade: Get out of here, Charlie.斯莱德:出去,查理!Chartie: I thought we had a deal.查理:我认为我们说好了的。
Mr. Slade: I welched. I'm a welcher. Didn't I tell you?斯莱德:我反悔了。
我爱反悔,没告诉过你吗?Charlie: No, what you told me was that you gave me all the bullets.查理:没有,你说你把所有的子弹都给我了。
Mr. Slade: I lied.斯莱德:骗你的。
Chartie: Yeah, well, you could have fooled me.查理:你是把我骗住了。
Mr. Slade: And I did. Charlie, how you ever gonna survive in this world without me?斯莱德:可不是吗,没有我,你能生存下去吗?Charlie: Why don't you just give me the gun,all right ? What... What are you doing?查理:把枪给我,好吗?你,你要干什么?Mr. Slade: I'm gonna shoot you too. Your life's finished anyway.Your friend George's gonna sing like a canary.And so are you. Andonce you've sung, Charlie, my boy, you're gonna take your place on that long, gray line of American manhood. And you will be through.斯莱德:一枪毙了你,反正你完蛋了。
Titanic 英文台词(去时间轴版)
![Titanic 英文台词(去时间轴版)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/c65ae7485727a5e9856a618b.png)
Titanic距离公尺应该看得见了Thirteen meters. You should see it.越过船头的栏杆Okay, take her up and over the bow rail.和平二号我们要到船头了跟好Okay, Mir-, we're going over the bow. Stay with us.好了安静我们开始录影了Okay, quiet. We're rolling.看她像鬼船一样地出现Seeing her coming out of the darkness like a ghost ship...每次都让我胆颤心惊still gets me every time.看到这艘巨轮长眠海底To see the sad ruin of the great ship, sitting here...一九一二年四月十五日凌晨两点半where she landed at in the morning of April , ...她从海面上after her long fall...缓缓堕入海底from the world above.老板你太夸张了吧You're so full of shit, boss.我们Dive six.第六次来到泰坦尼克号甲板Here we are again on the deck of Titanic. 水深两里半Two and a half miles down.就是三千八百二十一公尺, meters.每方寸水压达到三吨半The pressure outside is three and a half tons per square inch.这窗户九寸厚万一玻璃破裂These windows are nine inches thick and if they go...我们就瞬间莎约拉拉了it's sayonara in two microseconds.好了狗屁放够了All right, enough of that bullshit.将潜艇降在干部舱的顶上Just put her down on the roof of the officers' quarters like yesterday.好Sure.和平二号我们要降在大梯上方了Okay, Mir-, we're landing right over the Grand Staircase.你们准备好了没?You guys set to launch?机器人出动好查理Yeah, Brock, launching Dunkin now. Go, Charlie.-放出缆绳-放出缆绳-All right, tether out. -Tether out.布洛克沿船舱往下放Okay, Brock, we're dropping down along the hull.知道了沿着一等舱登船口下去Yeah, roger that. Okay, drop down, and go into the first-class gangway door.看看D层接待大厅和餐厅I want you guys working the D deck reception area and the dining saloon.知道了Copy that.-放出缆绳-放出缆绳-Tether out. -Tether out.往左边往左边Okay, now left. Now left. Left, left.小侦探出动沿着楼梯往下Snoop Dog is on the move. We're headed down the stairwell.下到B层路易斯Okay, Lewis, drop down to B deck.A层A deck.-缆绳放长一点-B层到里头去-Give me some rope, Captain. -B deck. Get in there.-小心门框小心-我看见了-Watch the door frame. Watch it. -I see it. I got it.没事啦放轻松点老板We're good. Just chill, boss.好转弯Okay, make your turn.-收绳子-转弯小心墙-Cable out, Captain. -Make your turn. Watch the wall. 布洛克我们看到钢琴了听到没? Brock, we're at the piano. You copy?知道了Copy that.就在那里就在那里Right there.-就是那道房门-看见了-That's it. That's the bedroom door. -I see it.到了到了找到了We're in. We're in, baby. We're there.这张床就是姓霍的那个王八蛋睡的That's Hockley's bed. That's where the son of a bitch slept.有人忘了关水龙头Oops. Somebody left the water running.等一下回到右边Hold it. Just a second. Go back to the right.衣柜的门靠近点That wardrobe door. Get closer.-有什么发现吗老板? -我想看看底下-You're smelling something, boss. -I want to see what's under it.让我操作手臂Give me my hands, man.好极了All right.-轻点不然可能会散掉-好的-Take it easy. It might come apart. -Okay.好掀开翻过来Okay, go. Flip it over. Go. Turn over.继续继续Keep going. Go.好放下Okay, drop it.宝贝你看到没有老板?Oh, baby. Are you seeing this, boss?兄弟们今天发薪水It's payday, boys.安逸Cha-ching!-鲍比我们找到了-我们找到了-We did it, Bobby. -We brought it back.哥们好样的Oh, yeah! You the man!谁最行啊? 说啊说啊Who's the best, baby? Say it.是你路易斯You are, Lewis.-鲍比雪茄拿来-这儿-Bobby, my cigar. -Right here.把它敲开Okay, crack her open.绕一圈看看Let me get around. Hang on.-拿到了没-到手了-You getting it? -Got it.日Shit.没有钻石?No diamond.以前也有这种鸟事发生过You know, boss, this same thing happened to Geraldo...当事人搞得一蹶不振and his career never recovered.把摄影机关掉Turn the camera off.合伙人想知道现在的情况Brock. The partners would like to know how it's going.戴夫巴瑞不在保险箱里Hey, Dave. Barry, hi. Look, it wasn't in the safe.但别担心可能在其他地方Don't worry about it. There are still plenty of places it could be.是的地狱里Hell, yes.地板上他母亲的房间里The floor debris in the suite, the mother's room...-船上的保险柜里-或是在百慕达三角-The purser's safe on C deck. -Jimmy Hoffa's briefcase.还有很多地方要找A dozen other places.兄弟们对我的直觉多少有点信心嘛Guys, look, you just got to trust my instincts. I know we're close.要一个一个排除我相信快找到了We just got to go through a little process of elimination.等一下Hang on a second.-让我看看-可能有发现了-Let me see that. -We might have something here, guys.-项链的照片呢? -回头再跟你说-Where's the photograph of the necklace? -We'll call you right back. "一九一二年四月十四日"有这种事I'll be goddamned.布洛克·罗威特以从事海地寻宝闻名Treasure hunter Brock Lovett is best known for finding Spanish gold.好的回头说It's okay, I'll feed you in a minute.他利用俄国潜艇探索最有名的沉船He has chartered Russian subs to reach the most famous shipwreck of all...泰坦尼克号the Titanic.他在北大西洋的船上通过卫星He's with us live via satellite, from the research ship Keldysh...与我们连线in the North Atlantic.-哈啰布洛克-哈啰崔西-Hello, Brock. -Hello, Tracy. 泰坦尼克号的事是家喻户晓的Of course, everyone knows the familiar stories ofTitanic.船上的贵族尽责的乐队等等You know, the nobility of the band playing to the very end and all that.我想发掘的是那些不为人知的故事But what I'm interested in are the untold stories...深锁在残骸中的秘密the secrets locked deep inside the hull ofTitanic.没人像我们如此深入探测And we're out here using robot technology to go further into the wreck...此事引起许多争议than anybody has ever done before.像打捞权和道德问题Your expedition is at the center of a storm...诸如此类等等等等of controversy over salvage rights, and even ethics.很多人批评你是在发死人财Many are calling you a grave-robber.这个问题仁者见仁智者见智Nobody ever called the recovery of the artifacts from King Tut's tomb...-什么事? -把电视调大声点-What is it? -Turn that up, dear.我们请了很多专家I have museum-trained experts sent out here making sure...所有发现的物品都会被妥善保存that these relics are preserved and catalogued properly.看我们今天发现的这幅画Take a look at this drawing that we found just today.它在海底已经八十四年了A piece of paper that's been underwater for years...我们却能加以保存and my team are able to preserve it intact.难道这应该永远留在海底?Should this have remained unseen at the bottom of the ocean for eternity?我们发现We can see it and...有这种事?I'll be goddamned.布洛克找你的卫星电话Brock, there's a satellite call for you.鲍比我们要下海了看到潜艇没有? Bobby, we're launching. See these submersibles going in the water?相信我不接你会后悔Trust me, buddy, you want to take this call.最好别骗我This better be good.-你得大声点她年纪很大了-好极了-You got to speak up. She's kind of old. -Great.我是罗威特请问题有何指教?This is Brock Lovett. How can I help you, Mrs...萝丝·卡维特太太Calvert. Rose Calvert.卡维特太太Mrs. Calvert?我想知道"海洋之心"你们找到没有?I was just wondering if you had found the Heart of the Ocean yet, Mr. Lovett.我说吧Told you you wanted to take the call.好的萝丝我洗耳恭听All right, you have my attention, Rose. 你能告诉我们画中那女人是谁吗?Can you tell us who the woman in the picture is?当然那画中的女人就是我Oh, yes. The woman in the picture is me.她是个老千不是想捞钱就是想出名She's a goddamn liar! Some nutcase seeking money or publicity.就像"真假公主"的故事一样God only knows why! Like that Russian babe, Anesthesia.他们找到了They're inbound!萝丝十七岁就死于沉船事故了Rose Dewitt Bukater died on the Titanic when she was , right?对That's right.如果还活着不是有一百多岁If she had lived, she'd be over by now.下个月满一百零一岁next month.好的她是个"老老千"Okay, so she's a very old goddamn liar.我查过她的底细Look, I've already done the background on this woman...她在年代是个演员all the way back to the 's, when she was working as an actress.演员你看吧An actress. There's your first clue, Sherlock.她当时叫萝丝·道森后来她嫁给卡维特先生Her name was Rose Dawson back then. Then she marries this guy named Calvert.般到柏湍镇生了两个小孩They move to Cedar Rapids and she punches out a couple of kids.她老公死了柏湍镇也没落了Now Calvert's dead, and from what I hear, Cedar Rapids is dead.知道钻石的人全都死光了And everybody who knows about the diamond...但她却知道is supposed to be dead or on this boat, but she knows. 她的行李可真不少Doesn't exactly travel light, does she?快去搭个手Hurry up, give him a hand!卡维特太太我是罗威特欢迎登上凯尔迪希号Mrs. Calvert, I'm Brock Lovett. Welcome to the Keldysh.送她进去Okay, let's get her inside there.-卡维特小姐您好-好-Hi, Miss Calvert. -Hi.-欢迎登船-谢谢-Welcome to the Keldysh. -Thanks.怎么Yes?-房间还舒适吗? -很舒适-Are your staterooms all right? -Oh, yes, very nice.见过我孙女莉西没有? 都是她在照顾我Have you met my granddaughter, Lizzy? She takes care of me.我们刚才见过了在甲板上记得吗?We met just a few minutes ago. Remember, Nana, up on deck?哦对了Oh, yeah...这样就对了我出门都一定带着照片There. That's nice. Have to have my pictures when I travel.请问您还需不需要什么?Can I get you anything? Is there anything you'd like?有Yes.我想看看我的画像I would like to see my drawing.路易十六世有颗"王冠碧钻"Louis XVI wore a fabulous stone called the Blue Diamond of the Crown.在一七九二年时不见了It disappeared in .差不多就是在他上断头台那年About the same time old Louis lost everything from the neck up.有人说钻石被分割了The theory goes that the crown diamond was chopped, too.重新切割成心形叫"海洋之心"Recut into a heart-like shape that became known as the Heart of the Ocean.如今它的价值可远超过"希望之钻" Today, it would be worth more than the Hope Diamond.那东西重得不得了我只戴过一次It was a dreadful, heavy thing. I only wore it this once.奶奶你真的认为这是你吗?You actually think this is you, Nana?这当然是我亲爱的It is me, dear. 我那时很美吧?Wasn't I a dish?我翻遍保险资料I tracked it down through insurance records.理赔条件是要绝对保密An old claim that was settled under terms of absolute secrecy.获理赔的人是谁?Can you tell me who the claimant was, Rose?我想应该是个姓霍克理的人I should imagine someone named Hockley.对奈森·霍克理匹兹堡钢铁大亨Nathan Hockley. That's right. Pittsburgh steel tycoon.他掉了一条钻石项链是他儿子买给未婚妻你的The claim was for a diamond necklace his son, Caledon, bought his fiance, you.那是上船之前一星期时买的A week before he sailed on Titanic.沉船后就马上办理赔了It was filed right after the sinking.因此项链一定跟着船沉入海底了So the diamond had to have gone down with the ship.看到日期没有?You see the date?一九一二年四月十四日"April , ."如果你祖母就是那女的Which means if your grandmother is who she says she is...泰坦尼克沉没时她就戴着那条项链she was wearing the diamond the day the Titanic sank.这也就使你成为我的新好友And that makes you my new best friend.这是从船上找到的These are some of the things we recovered from your stateroom.这是我的This was mine.真不可思议How extraordinary!跟我最后一次看到它时一模一样And it looks the same as it did the last time I saw it.我倒是变了一点The reflection has changed a bit.要不要重返泰坦尼克号?Are you ready to go back to Titanic?是这样的船的右舷撞到冰山Here we go. She hits the 'berg on the starboard side.船身在吃水线以下破了一排的洞She kind of bumps along, punching holes like Morse code along the side...很大的洞below the water line.前舱便开始进水Then the forward compartments start to flood. 水位上升越过防水隔板Now, as the water level rises, it spills over the watertight bulkheads...因为隔板最高只到E层which, unfortunately, don't go any higher than E deck.船首下沉船尾就翅起速度由慢变快So now, as the bow goes down, the stern rises up, slow at first...越来越快到最后整个船尾朝着天空then faster and faster, until finally, she's got her whole ass sticking in the air.船尾重达二三万吨And that's a big ass. We're talking ,, , tons.船身承受不了Okay? And the hull's not designed to deal with that pressure.结果船身从中间裂开So what happens? She splits, right down to the keel...船尾掉回海面and the stern falls back level.船首下沉时就把船尾拉直了两截终于脱离Then as the bow sinks, it pulls the stern vertical and then finally detaches.船尾浮了几分钟后Now the stern section kind of bobs there like a cork for a couple of minutes...在凌晨两点二十分沉没floods, and finally goes under about a. M...离出事两小时四十分钟后two hours and minutes after the collision.船的前半部往前滑在半里之外The bow section planes away, landing about a half a mile away...以二三十里时速着地going , knots when it hits the ocean floor.很酷吧?Pretty cool, huh?谢谢你这番精致的分析Thank you for that fine forensic analysis, Mr. Bodine.当然亲身体验Of course, the experience of it...是有些不同的was somewhat different.说来听听好吗?Will you share it with us?-我带你去休息-不要-I'm taking her to rest. -No.-走吧-不要-Come on, Nana. -No!把录音机递我Give me the tape recorder.告诉我们萝丝Tell us, Rose.已经八十四年了It's been years.没关系记得的就说什么都可以It's okay. Just try to remember anything, anything at all.你到底要不要听罗威特先生Do you want to hear this or not, Mr. Lovett?已经八十四年了It's been years...我彷佛还闻得到油漆的味道and I can still smell the fresh paint.船上的磁器都是新的The china had never been used.床单也没人用过The sheets had never been slept in.泰坦尼克号被称为"梦幻之船"Titanic was called the ship of dreams.名副其实And it was.果然名副其实It really was.三等舱旅客请这边走All third-class passengers with a forward berth...这边这边排好队this way, please! This queue! Right here... -你看这船-是大轮船-It's a big boat, huh? -Daddy, it's a ship.你说得对You're right.没什么大不了的嘛I don't see what all the fuss is about.不会大过茅利塔尼亚号It doesn't look any bigger than the Mauretania.绝对不能小看泰坦尼克号You can be blase about some things, Rose, but not about Titanic.她比茅利塔尼亚长一百尺而且豪华得多It's over feet longer than Mauretania, and far more luxurious.你女儿真是挑剔啊露诗Your daughter is far too difficult to impress, Ruth.人家说她是不沉之船?So this is the ship they say is unsinkable.没错绝对不会沉It is unsinkable. God himself could not sink this ship.先生请到主通道尽头检查行李Sir, you have to check your baggage through the main terminal.就在那边先生It's round that way, sir.拜托你了我要照顾女士I put my faith in you, good sir. Now, kindly see my man.我的荣幸请随时吩咐Yes, sir. It's my pleasure, sir. If I can do anything at all...好的Yes, right. 那部车上全部的箱子这部车的十二箱All the trunks from that car there. Twelve from here.还有保险箱送到宫殿套房B到号And the safe, to the parlor suite, rooms B-, , .小姐们快点Ladies, we better hurry. Come along.-我的外套-在我这儿-My coat? -I have it, miss.头等舱旅客这边请Queue here for health inspection.三等舱的乘客请在这排队接受健康检查All third-class passengers queue here for health inspection.-欢迎登上泰坦尼克号-欢迎登上泰坦尼克号-Welcome aboard, ma'am. -Welcome to Titanic.对别人来说她是艘梦幻之船It was the ship of dreams to everyone else.对我而言她像是艘奴隶船To me, it was a slave ship...要把我押回去美国taking me back to America in chains.表面看来我无异于别的大家闺秀Outwardly, I was everything a well brought up girl should be.内心里我却在呐咸Inside, I was screaming.杰克我们只剩这些钱了Jack, you are pazzo. You bet everything we have.没钱就没烦恼白痴连船票也拿来赌When you got nothing, you got nothing to lose.史文?Sven?好关键时刻All right.有人一生即将改变Moment of truth. Somebody's life is about to change.法布里吉欧?Brizio?-没有-没有-Niente. -Niente.欧拉夫?Olaf?没有Nothing.史文?Sven?两个对子Two pair.抱歉法布里吉欧I'm sorry, Fabrizio.抱歉?钱都输光了Che sorry, ma vaffanculo! Did you bet all our money?抱歉得跟你妈说再见了I'm sorry, you're not going to see your mom again for a long time.因为我们要去美国了我是胡芦'Cause we're going to America. Full house, boys.快走Come on.我要回家了I'm going home!-我回家了-我要去美国了-I'm going home. -I go to America!不No, mate.泰坦尼克号要去美国剩五分钟开船Titanic go to America, in five minutes.快走Shit, Fabri. Come on. Come on, here.这下可风光了我们要上船跟富人一起了We're riding in high style now. We're a couple of regular swells.是吗?可是差点输个精光We're practically goddamn royalty, ragazzo mio.我的使命You see? Is my destino.很高兴告诉你去美国当个百万富翁Like I told you, I go to America to be millionaire.-你真是混蛋-没错但票赢到手了-You are pazzo. -Maybe, but I've got the tickets.-你慢点-让路-I thought you were fast. -Aspetta!等一下Wait! Hey, wait!我们是乘客We're passengers! Passengers!你们通关了没有?Have you been through the inspection queue?当然有Of course.我们没有虱子我们两个都是美国人Anyway, we don't have any lice. We're Americans, both of us.好上船Right. Come aboard.你真是个大混蛋知道不We're the luckiest sons of bitches in the world. You know that?再见Goodbye!-有认识的人吗? -没这有什么关系?-You know somebody? -Of course not. That's not the point.-再见我会想你的-再见-Goodbye. I'll miss you. -Goodbye!-再见-我永远不会忘记你的-Goodbye. -I will never forget you!亲爱的跟上我Come with me, darling. Let's go. 号G-.对不起Excuse me, ma'am.在那边Right here.你好我是杰克幸会How you doing? Jack. Nice to meet you. 杰克·道森幸会你好Jack Dawson. Nice to meet you. How are you doing?谁说你能睡上铺的?Who says you get top bunk?这里专供你们使用先生This is your private promenade deck, sir. 有别的吩咐吗? 告退Would you be requiring anything? Excuse me.-这一幅? -不对-This one? -No.是好多张脸那幅It had a lot of faces on it.就是这幅This is the one.全都拿出来吗?Would you like all of them out, miss?对这房间需要些颜色Yes, we need a little color in this room.放到衣橱里Put it in there. In the wardrobe.又要挂那些画?God, not those finger-paintings again.真是浪费钱They certainly were a waste of money.这是我们不同之处The difference between Cal's taste in art and mine is that I have some.我觉得很棒They're fascinating...像在梦里一般like being inside a dream or something.真实却不合逻辑There's truth, but no logic.-画家叫什么名字? -叫毕加索的无名氏-What's the artist's name? -Something Picasso.反正是个无名氏他混不出名堂的我保证Something Picasso. He won't amount to a thing. He won't, trust me.-狄加的画挂在卧室-还好很便宜-Put the Degas in the bedroom. -At least they were cheap.放进衣柜Put it in the wardrobe.在雪堡有个太太上船名叫玛格丽·布朗At Cherbourg, a woman came aboard named Margaret Brown.我们都叫他莫莉We all called her Molly.她就是"永远的莫莉·布朗"History would call her the Unsinkable Molly Brown. 别叫我等半天I wasn't about to wait all day for you, sonny.来提得动吗?Here, if you think you can manage.她丈夫在西部发现金矿Her husband had struck gold, someplace out west.母亲说她是"新贵族"And she was what mother called "new money."第二天下午我们向西航行By the next afternoon, we were steaming west...从爱尔兰出发from the coast of Ireland...前面什么都没有只是一片汪洋大海with nothing out ahead of us but ocean.穆先生带她出海施展一下吧Take her to sea, Mr. Murdoch. Let's stretch her legs.是长官Yes, sir.-全速前进-遵命先生-All ahead full, Mr. Moody. -Very good, sir.全速前进All ahead full.全速前进All ahead full!小的们开工了Come on, lads, step lively.读数What's the reading?咱们起航了全速前进All right! Let's stoke her right up! We go full ahead!动起来干活去Come on, right back to work.时速二十一里长官knots, sir.快看Hey, look!看到没See it?又来一只看到没?There's another one. See him?看它要跳了Look at that one! Look at him jump!我已经可以看见自由女神像了I can see the Statue of Liberty already.当然还很小啦Very small, of course.我是天下第一I'm the king of the world!她是史上最大的交通工具She's the largest moving object ever made by the hand of man in all history.完全是由安德鲁先生设计的And our master shipbuilder, Mr. Andrews, here, designed her from the keel plates up.我只是负责造船但这是伊士美先生的构思I may have knocked her together, but the idea was Mr. Ismay's.他要造最大He envisioned a steamer so grand in scale...最豪华的邮轮而且要空前绝后and so luxurious in its appointments that its supremacy would never be challenged.而她就在这儿理想成真And here she is, willed into solid reality.说得好Hear, hear.鲑鱼The salmon.你明知道我不喜欢你这样You know I don't like that, Rose.她知道的She knows.我们俩要羊排三分熟一点点薄荷酱We'll both have the lamb. Rare, with very little mint sauce.你喜欢羊排吧?You like lamb, right, sweet pea?是香肠Sausage.卡尔你要帮她切肉吗?You gonna cut her meat for her, too, there, Cal?船名是谁取的?Hey, who thought of the name Titanic? -是你吗布鲁斯? -是的-Was it you, Bruce? -Yes, actually.取它"硕大无比"的意思I wanted to convey sheer size.大表示可靠豪华And size means stability, luxury...特别是力量and above all, strength.你听过佛洛伊德吗伊士美先生?Do you know of Dr. Freud, Mr. Ismay?他研究男性对尺寸的重视His ideas about the male preoccupation with size...你可能会有兴趣might be of particular interest to you. 你是怎么啦?What's gotten into you?失陪Excuse me.真是失礼I do apologize.她好呛希望你能应付得来She's a pistol, Cal. Hope you can handle her.我得开始注意她看的书I may have to start minding what she reads from now on...是不布朗夫人won't I, Mrs. Brown?佛洛伊德?他是乘客吗?Freud, who is he? Is he a passenger?这艘船很棒吧?The ship is nice?对啊是爱尔兰制造的Yeah, it's an Irish ship.是英国的吧?Is English, no?不是的她是由一万五千名爱尔兰人所制造的No, it was built in Ireland. , Irishmen built this ship.非常的坚固爱尔兰人造出来的Solid as a rock. Big Irish hands.又有头等舱的客人Well, that's typical.带狗到这儿来拉屎了First-class dogs come down here to take a shit.好让我们知道自己是啥身份啊Lets us know where we rank in the scheme of things.难道我们会忘记吗?Like we could forget.我叫汤米·雷恩I'm Tommy Ryan.-杰克·道森-你好-Jack Dawson. -Hello.-法布里吉欧-好-Fabrizio. -Hi.你的画能赚钱吗?Do you make any money with your drawings?老弟甭想啦Forget it, boyo.你连接近的机会都没有You'd as like have angels fly out of your arse...别那样好吗?as get next to the likes of her.我当时觉得自己的生活了无生趣I saw my whole life as if I'd already lived it.不是餐会就是舞会An endless parade of parties and cotillions...游艇赛马球赛yachts and polo matches.老是跟同一批思想狭隘的人永远言不及义Always the same narrow people, the same mindless chatter.我彷佛站在悬崖上I felt like I was standing at a great precipice...没人要拉我一把with no one to pull me back.没人关心或No one who cared...注意到我or even noticed.别跳Don't do it. 退回去Stay back.别靠近Don't come any closer.手伸出来我拉你Come on. Just give me your hand, I'll pull you back over.不你别过来No! Stay where you are.我是认真的I mean it.我会松手的I'll let go.不你不会的No, you won't.你什么意思?What do you mean, no I won't?你凭什么说我会不会去做什么? 你又不认识我Don't presume to tell me what I will and will not do. You don't know me.要跳早就跳了Well, you would have done it already.你让我分心走开You're distracting me. Go away.不行我已经介入了I can't. I'm involved now.你若跳下去的话我也只好跟着跳了You let go, and I'm going to have to jump in there after you.别胡说八道了Don't be absurd.-你会死掉-我是游泳好手-You'll be killed. -I'm a good swimmer.你会摔死The fall alone will kill you.我承认会很痛It would hurt. I'm not saying it wouldn't.说真的我比较担心的To tell you the truth, I'm a lot more concerned...是水很冷about that water being so cold.有多冷?How cold?非常冷可能接近零度Freezing. Maybe a couple of degrees over.你去过威斯康辛州吗?You ever... You ever been to Wisconsin? 什么?What?那里冬天很冷They have some of the coldest winters around.我在那里长大的I grew up there, near Chippewa Falls.我小时候跟父亲到威苏塔湖I remember, when I was a kid, me and my father...在冰上钓鱼we went ice fishing out on Lake Wissota. -冰上钓鱼就是-我知道冰上钓鱼是什么啦-Ice fishing is, you know, where you... -I know what ice fishing is.抱歉Sorry.你看来比较少到户外You just seem like, you know, kind of an indoor girl.总而言之Anyway, I...冰层太薄我掉进湖里I fell through some thin ice.我跟你说啊And I'm telling you...掉进那么冷的水里water that cold...比如下面的like right down there...有如被千刀万剐一样it hits you like a thousand knives stabbing you all over your body.你没法呼吸没法思考You can't breathe. You can't think.只能感觉得到痛苦Least, not about anything but the pain.所以我不是很希望跟着你跳下去Which is why I'm not looking forward to jumping in there after you.但我说过了Like I said...我没有什么选择I don't have a choice.所以我希望你下来I guess I'm kind of hoping you'll come back over the rail...别让我为难and get me off the hook here.你疯了You're crazy.大家都这么说但是That's what everybody says...说了你别生气but with all due respect, miss...现在挂在船尾想做傻事的人可不是我I'm not the one hanging off the back of a ship here.下来吧Come on.手伸过来Give me your hand.跳下去可不好You don't want to do this.我是杰克·道森I'm Jack Dawson.萝丝·狄威特·布克特Rose Dewitt Bukater.你可能得写下来给我看才行I'll have to get you to write that one down.来吧Come on. 我抓住你了I got you. Come on.上来Come on!救救我Help, please!-求你救救我-听我说我抓住你了-Please, help me! -Listen to me. I've got you.我不会放手的I won't let go.你得爬上来快Now pull yourself up. Come on!来这就对了Come on. That's right.你做得到的You can do it.安全了I got you.这是怎么回事?What's all this?你退后不要动You stand back! And don't move an inch!去叫纠察长Fetch the master-at-arms.怎么可以这样?This is completely unacceptable.是谁允许你碰我未婚妻的?What made you think you could put your hands on my fiancee?看着我你这下流的东西Look at me, you filth!-卡尔-你们干了什么好事?-Cal. -What do you think you were doing?卡尔别这样那是个意外Cal, stop. It was an accident.意外?An accident?对啊It was.真是难为情Stupid, really.我趴在栏杆上结果滑倒了I was leaning over and I slipped.我趴在栏杆上想看想看I was leaning far over to see the...-推进器吗? -对结果我滑倒了-Propellers? -Propellers, and I slipped.我差点掉下去是道森先生救了我And I would have gone overboard, but Mr. Dawson here saved me.他也差点掉下去And almost went over himself.她想看推进器She wanted to see the propellers.我说嘛女人碰上机器就完了Like I said, women and machinery do not mix.事情是这样的吗?Was that the way of it? 对差不多Yeah, that was pretty much it.这孩子英雄救美好极了孩子Well, the boy's a hero, then. Good for you, son. Well done.没事回去喝酒吧So, it's all's well and back to our brandy?看你一定冻坏了快进去吧Look at you. You must be freezing. Let's get you inside.该给点奖赏吧?Perhaps a little something for the boy?应该的Of course.赖福杰先生Mr. Lovejoy...二十元够吧?I think $ should do it.你爱的女人就只值块钱?Is that the going rate for saving the woman you love?萝丝不满意Rose is displeased.该怎么办呢?What to do?有了I know.就请你明晚跟我们一起用餐吧Perhaps you could join us for dinner tomorrow evening.还可以向我们叙述你英勇救人的故事To regale our group with your heroic tale.好啊没问题Sure. Count me in.好就这么说定了Good. It's settled then.有好戏看了This should be interesting.来根烟好吗?Can I bum a smoke?你鞋带松了You'll want to tie those.怎么小姐突然间滑倒It's interesting. The young lady slipped so suddenly...你却有时间脱大衣跟鞋子?and you still had time to remove your jacket and your shoes.我知道你心情不好I know you've been melancholy.我也不会假装知道原因I don't pretend to know why.原本想等到I intended to save this...下星期的订婚宴会才拿出来until the engagement gala next week.但我觉得今天晚上But I thought, tonight. 我的天啊Good gracious!让你知道我对你的真心Perhaps as a reminder of my feelings for you.-这是? -对是钻石-Is it a... -Diamond? Yes.五十六克拉carats to be exact.原属于路易十六世It was worn by Louis XVI.他们称它为"海洋之星"And they called it Le Coeur de la Mer. -"海洋之星" -是的"海洋之星"-The Heart of the Ocean. -The Heart of the Ocean. Yes.好贵重It's overwhelming.这是为皇室做的It's for royalty.我们就是皇室We are royalty, Rose.我什么都能给你You know, there is nothing I couldn't give you.我什么都愿意给你There is nothing I'd deny you...只要你接受我if you would not deny me.。
英语电影中英台词版 ice age 2.
![英语电影中英台词版 ice age 2.](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/8dcf9f4d767f5acfa1c7cdd8.png)
2This global warming is killing me.这全球变暖还真是要命This is too hot the lce Age was too cold.这太热了,冰河时期又太冷What would it take to make you happy?哪件事让你满意呢?This l like.这就是Oh no you won't catch me. 哦,不,你抓不住我的No running James. Camp rules.不要跑,詹姆斯,这可是营地规矩Make me sloth.谁听你的、树懒Make me sir. lt's all about respect.谁听你的,先生。
要懂尊老爱幼才好Water ball.水球Sammy you just ate. Wait an hour.Hector no no no you can't pee-pee there.山米,你才刚吃饱,休息一小时赫克特,不不不,你可不能在那撒尿OK there is fine.Ashley stop picking your... 好,那里可以了不要扣你的鼻孔Pinata!打礼物了Stop! You're supposed to wear blindfolds.等等!你应该把眼睛蒙起来OK. 好- Hey it's my turn to hit thesloth.- Mine.嘿,该我打了该我- Mine.- Mine.该我该我Hey you didn't have anycandy in you.嘿,你身上根本就没有带糖呢- Let's bury him.- Yeah!把他埋起来耶Hey whoa. Who said youkidscould torture the sloth?嘿,哇哦,谁说你们孩子可以虐待树懒Manny don't squash theircreativity.曼尼,不要扼杀了他们的创意Hey Manny Diegomy bad mammals-jammals.嘿,曼尼,迪亚哥我的难兄弟们Wanna give a sloth a hand?帮帮可怜的树懒吧?Look l opened my camp.''Campo del Sid.'' lt meansCamp of Sid.瞧,我开了一个营地叫西德之乡就是“西德的营地”的意思Congratulations.You're now an idiot in twolanguages.恭喜你现在是会说两种语言的傻瓜了Not in front of the k-i-d-z.These little guys love me.Right Billy?不要在孩子面前说我这些孩子都喜欢我,对吧,比利?Don't make me eat you.不要逼我吃了你They kid. That's why they'recalled kids.他们在开玩笑,所以他们叫小鬼l told you Sid.You're not qualified to run acamp.我告诉过你,西德你没有资格经营营地What do qualificationshave to do with childcare?照顾小孩需要什么资格呢?Besides these kids look up tome.l'm a role model to them.而且,这些孩子都崇拜我我是他们的榜样l can see that.看得出来You guys never think l can doanythingbut l'm an equal member ofthis herd.你们以为我什么都不会我也同样是大家的一份子de this herd so you needto start treating me withsome respect.我才是这营地的主人所以你们最好给我放尊重点- Come on Sid.- Sid we were just kidding.得了吧,西德西德,我们就是开个玩笑而已Hey let's play pin-the-tail-on-the-mammot h.- Yeah!嘿,我们来玩帮长毛象钉尾巴好耶Sid!西德l can do stuff.我只会做蠢事对吧?Won't give me their stupid respect.都不知道什么叫做尊重l'll show 'em.我来告诉你们And so in the endthe little burro reached his mommy.就这样,最后小毛驴最终找到了妈妈And they lived happily ever after.从此他们过着幸福的生活- Good job.- Question.讲的真好我有问题要问Why does the burro go home?Why doesn't he stay with the rabbits?小毛驴为什么要回家呢?他为什么不和兔子一起生活呢?Because... because he wantedto be with his family.因为因为他想和家人在一起He should go with the girl burro.That's a better love story. 他该和小母驴走呢那就是个更精彩的爱情故事了OK well when you tell yourburro story that's what he'lldo.好,好,你有你自己的讲法,他就会按说的做Burro is a demeaning name.Technically it's called a wildass.“小毛驴”有藐视的味道严格讲来应该称他“野驴”Fine. The wild ass boycame home to his wild assmother.好了,野驴最终回到了野驴妈妈的身边See that's why l called itaburro.明白了吗?这就是为什么我称他小毛驴Could the burro have agrazing problem?Then he'd be more relatable.如果他有进食困难会更加合情合理- Boring.- lt's not believable.无聊没有说服力- Do burros eat their young?- lt's not a good ending.母驴会吃小驴吗?结局不过瘾Sometimes l throw up.有时我想吐They lived happily ever after.You can't get more satisfyingthan that.后来他们过着幸福的生活还有什么比这个更好的结局呢?One big happy family.That's the way it's supposedto be.幸福的大家庭Where's your big happyfamily?那你的幸福大家庭在哪里?Then the hungry tiger atethe pesky little kids.然后饥饿的老虎吃掉了讨厌的小鬼- You OK buddy?- Sure. Why not?你还好吗,老哥?当然,干嘛不好呢?- l thought...- Story time's over. The end.我刚刚想故事时间结束,剧终- Run for your lives!- Where's everybody going?逃命呀你们要去哪里?- The world's coming to anend.- What are you talkingabout?世界末日快到了你说什么?Fast Tony - he says theworld's gonna flood.火速东尼说世界要被洪水淹了Folks l hold in my hand adevice so powerful各位,我手上拿了强力装置- it can actually pull air rightout of the sky.- Yeah right.它可以提取空气中的氧气耶,真的Gather round gather round. 围过来,围过来Pardon me do you have gills ma'am?打搅一下,你有腮吗,夫人?So you can't breathe underwater?所以你不能在水下呼吸?My assistant here will demonstrate.我的助手将为各位示范一下Hey l can smell the ocean. 嘿,我能闻到大海的味道What are you doing? l can't sell that now.干什么?现在还不能卖You suck air through your mouth you moron.用嘴巴吸气,白痴Through its design and sturdy constructionyou'll have plenty of air for eons to come.高级品位设计和坚固的结构未来的日子绝对不怕没有空气Of course results may vary. 当然,效果可能会因人而异Why are you scaring everybodywith this doomsday stuff?你为什么要用世界末日说法来吓大家?l'm trying to make a living here pal.伙计,我只是在这儿谋生活的lt's my weather forecast. The five-day outlookcalls for intense flooding接下来是我的天气预报,未来五天将有倾盆大雨followed by the end of theworld.紧接着就是世界末日And a slight chance of patchysunshinelater in the week.接近周末时会出现一些阳光Come on don't listen tohim. Fast Tonywould sell his own motherfor a grape.得了吧,不要听他胡说,火速东尼甚至把自己的母亲卖了就为了一颗葡萄Are you making an offer?l mean no l would not.你是在出价吗?我的意思是,不,当然不卖Haven't you heard? The iceis melting.你没有听说过吗?冰川正在融化You see this ground it'scovered in ice.你看看这块地,它被冰封住了A thousand years ago it wascovered in ice.一千年前它就被冰封住了A thousand years from nowit will still be ice.再过一千年,它将仍然被冰封住Say buddy not to castaspersionson your survival instincts ornothing嘿,伙计,不要用你的生存本能来妖言惑众but haven't mammothspretty much gone extinct?不过,长毛象不是快绝种了吗?- What are you talkingabout?- About you being the last ofyour kind.你这话什么意思?你是世界上最后一头长毛象Your breath smells like ants.你的嘴巴有蚂蚁的味道Be that as it may when's thelast timeyou saw another mammoth?就算有吧,你多久没看到别的长毛象了?Don't pay any attention tohim.不要理他ammoths can't go extinct.They're the biggest things onEarth.长毛象不会绝种的我们是这世界上体型最大的动物- What about the dinosaurs?- The dinosaurs got cockyand made enemies.那恐龙呢?恐龙太过自大,树敌太多Look. Some idiot'sgoing down the Eviscerator.看,有个白痴走向掏心冰墙Please tell me that's not ouridiot.不要告诉我是我们认识的那个白痴OK l'm gonnajump on thecount of three.好,当我数到时我就跳下Onetwo...Sid don't move a muscle.We're coming up.西德,站着别动,我们上去Jump! Jump! Jump!跳!跳!跳!Jump! Jump! Jump!跳!跳!跳!Sorry.抱歉Two and three one-thousandthstwo and four one-thousandths...二又千分之三二又千分之四Sid what are you doing? Get down from there.西德,你到底想干嘛?从那下来No. l'm gonna be the firstto jump off the Eviscerator 不,我将成为第一个跳掏心瀑布的and then you guys are gonna have toshow me some respect.看你们这些家伙以后尊不尊重我The only respect you'll getis respect for the dead.我们会缅怀死者的Come on Manny he's not that stupid.不要管他,他没有那么笨的- But l've been wrong before. - Geronimo!但我以前常判断错误杰罗尼莫Hey watch it.嘿,小心l can't breathe.l think l just coughed up my spleen.我没法呼吸我的脾脏好像飞出来了- Diego retract the claws please.- Right. Sorry.迪亚哥,请收起你的爪子哦,对不起lf l didn't know you betterDiegol'd think you were afraid ofthe water.要不是跟你很熟的话,还以为你怕水呢OK OK. Good thing l knowyou better.好好好,还好我很了解你Guys.伙计Fast Tony was right.火速东尼说得对Everything is melting.到处都在开始融化lt's all gonna flood.Come on we gotta warnthem.洪水快来了快点,我们得警告大家Maybe we can rapidly evolveinto water creatures.也许我们可以快速演化成水生动物- That's genius Sid.- Call me Squid.你真是个天才,西德请叫我鱿鱼This whole thing's a pieceofjunk.l can't believe l live here.这一带真烂,我怎么会住在这呢What?干嘛?Forget reeds. l present youwith thisrevolutionary gizmo we callbark.不要管呼吸管,为你们介绍一种叫树皮的革命性玩意- lt's so buoyant it actuallyfloats.- l'll show you somethingthat floats.浮力超强,保证能浮起来我来告诉你什么东西会浮All right it's your funeral.好,那你就等死吧See? This is exactly what l'mtalking about.瞧!这就是我告诉你们的Giants balls of furry lavathe size of mammothsraining from the sky.像长毛象般大的熔岩从天而降Go suck air through a reed.用你的的呼吸管呼吸吧- Listen to him. He's rightabout the flood.- l am? l mean yes l am.听他的,真的要发洪水了我?我是说,对,我说的当然是对的Wait. You said there wasn'tgoing to bea flood. Why should welisten to you?等等,你不是说不会有洪水吗,为什么我们要听你的?Because we saw what's upthere. The dam'sgonna break. The entirevalley's gonna flood.我看到了上面的情况,水坝快决堤了,会淹没整个山谷Flood's real all right. And it'scoming fast.洪水是真的,不会错,而且来的很快Look around. You're in abowl.看看周围,你们像住在碗里Bowl's gonna fill up. Ain't no way out.碗会被水充满的,而且没有路可出去- What are we gonna do?- Unless you make it to the end of the valley.那我们该怎么办?除非你们想办法逃到山谷的那端去There's a boat. lt can save you.那里有艘船,它可以救你们- l don't see anything.- But我什么也没看到但是y'all better hurry.你们得快一点Ground's meltingwalls tumbling rocks crumbling.大地正在融化墙倒,岩石滚滚而下Survive that and you'll be racing the water想活命就得和洪水赛跑'cause in three days' timeit's gonna hit the geyser fields.三天内就会淹没整个喷泉区Boom!轰!There is some good news though.但是,也有好消息The more of you die你们死得越多the better l eat.我就吃的越好l didn't say it was good news for you. 对你们可能不是什么好消息He must have beena real pleasure to have inclass.他在课堂上肯定会很有趣的Dam.要命的大坝All right you heard the scaryvulture.Let's move out.好了,你们都听到了老鹰说的让我们逃命吧Manny you really thinkthere's a boat?曼尼,你真的相信那有一艘船吗?l don't know but in a fewdaysthis place is gonna beunderwater.不知道,但是过几天这就会被水淹没lf there's any hope it's thatway.如果有希望的话,一定是那个方向Manny let's go.曼尼,走啦Overturned glyptodont inthe far right lane.Traffic backed up as far asthe eye can see.在右边的道路上,雕齿兽翻倒了放眼望去尽是回堵的动物潮And it looks like there mightbe a fatality.看来势必有所伤亡的l call the dark meat.我看到黑肉了Come on everybody let's go.Come on come come come.Get in.快点,各位,让我们出发快点,快,快、快,宽甸进- Come on Grandpa comeon.- We have to go.快点,爷爷,快点我们必须走了Well l'm not leaving.l was born in this hole and l'lldie in this hole.我不走,我生在这个洞里,死也要死在这个洞里Do we have to bring thiscrap?我们一定得带上这坨屎吗?- l'm sure there's crap wherewe're going.- This was a gift from mymother.我敢保证我们去的地方会有屎的这是我妈妈给我的礼物OK keep it moving keep itmoving.好。
㈠《Shawshank Redemption肖申克的救赎》1.You know some birds are not meant to be caged, their feathers are just too br ight. 你知道,有些鸟儿是注定不会被关在牢笼里的,它们的每一片羽毛都闪耀着自由的光辉。
2.Ther e is something inside ,that they can't get to , that they can't touch. That's yours. 那是一种内在的东西, 他们到达不了,也无法触及的,那是你的。
3.Hope is a good thing and maybe the best of things. And no good thing ever dies.希望是一个好东西,也许是最好的,好东西是不会消亡的。
㈡《Forrest Gump 阿甘正传》1.Life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get.生命就像一盒巧克力,结果往往出人意料。
2.Stupid is as stupid does.蠢人做蠢事(傻人有傻福)。
3.Miracles happen every day.奇迹每天都在发生。
4.Jenny and I was like peas and carrots.我和珍妮形影不离。
5.Have you given any thought to your future?你有没有为将来打算过呢。
6.You just stay away from me please.求你离开我。
7.If you are ever in trouble, don't try to be brave, just run, just run away.你若遇上麻烦,不要逞强,你就跑,远远跑开。
杀死他们后我把枪扔进了泰晤士河After I killed them I dropped the gun in the Thames 在某家汉堡王的洗手间内washed the residue off me hands清洗了手上的火药残留物in the bathroom of a Burger King走回家等待下一步指示and walked home to await instructions.不多久指示就来了Shortly thereafter the instructions came through.你们俩蠢货滚出伦敦Get the fuck out of London youse dumb fucks.前往布鲁日Get to Bruges.我甚至都不知道布鲁日在哪个方位I didn't even know where Bruges fucking was.在比利时It's in Belgium.杀手没有假期-布鲁日这个鬼地方-布鲁日不是个鬼地方-Bruges is a shithole. -Bruges is not a shithole.布鲁日就是个鬼地方Bruges is a shithole.雷我们不过刚从那辆破火车上下来Ray we've only just got off the fucking train.在没见到布鲁日的真面目前Could we reserve judgment on Bruges我们能保留意见么?until we've seen the fucking place?我知道它就是个鬼地方I know it's gonna be a shithole.鬼地方Shithole.应该有两间用克莱姆I think you have a couple of rooms和布莱克的名义订的房吧?booked under Cranham and Blakely?是的不只有一间Y es. No we have one room booked.一间订下两周的双人房One twin room. Booked for two weeks.两周!Two weeks!还有其他房间么?Do you have another room?没了抱歉房间都满了No I'm afraid we're fully booked.圣诞的缘故到处都是满员With Christmas everywhere is fully booked.好吧Okay.景色真美It's very pretty.我说真的我们不能呆在这I'm not being funny we can't stay here.我们得呆到他来电为止We've got to stay here until he rings.如果这两周他都不打电话来呢?Well what if he doesn't ring for two weeks?那就在这呆两周Then we stay here for two weeks.呆两周? 在死布鲁日? 在这种房间?For two weeks? In fucking Bruges? In a room like this? 和你? 门都没有!With you? No way!雷其实我不想说的...Ray I really don't like to say this...你不想说啥?Y ou really don't like to say what?你心里应该清楚吧?Well... Y ou know?别再提了Fucking bring that up.你觉得这不错?Do you think this is good?什么不错?Do I think what's good?坐着破船东张西望Y ou know going round in a boat looking at stuff. 是的Y es I do.这叫"观光"It's called "sightseeing."哦看那Oh look at that.十二世纪的古老医院It's a former hospital. From the 1100s.很显然布鲁日是整个比利时Bruges is the most well-preserved medieval town保存最好的中世纪市镇in the whole of Belgium apparently.-上去吗? -去那干嘛?-Coming up? -What's up there?观赏风景The view.什么风景? 这里的?The view of what? The view of down here?站这儿一样能看I can see that from down here.雷你也许是这世上最差的旅行者Ray you're about the worst tourist in the whole world. 肯我在都柏林长大我爱都柏林Ken I grew up in Dublin. I love Dublin.如果我长于农村并且智力低下If I'd grown up on a farm and was retarded布鲁日也许能吸引我Bruges might impress me.但是我不是所以它不能But I didn't so it doesn't.我想把零钱给花了Trying to get rid of me coins.3 3.50 44.10 4.20 4.30 4.40 4.50 4.604.元9可以吗?Will you take 4.90?门票5欧元Entry is 5 euro.得了吧伙计不过十分钱而已Come on man it's only 10 cents.工作愉快么?Happy in your work?非常愉快V ery happy.我可真喜欢这I like it here.去塔顶看过了?Been to the top of the tower?是的是的垃圾透了Y eah. Y eah it's rubbish.真的? 旅行指南说这是"必到景点"It is? The guidebook says it's a "must-see".你们最好别上去Well you lot ain't going up there.什么? 为什么?Pardon me? Why?全是陡峭的阶梯不是说笑的I mean it's all windy stairs. I'm not being funny.你究竟想说什么?What exactly are you trying to say?我究竟想说什么?What exactly am I trying to say?你们是群又肥又蠢的大象!Y ouse are a bunch of fucking elephants!你这个...Right you...得了吧肥佬Come on leave it fatty.你这个粗鲁至极的男人粗鲁至极!Y ou know you're just the rudest man. The rudest man! 这是怎么回事?What's all that about?他们不该上去They're not going up there.嗨伙计们别上去楼梯太窄了Hey guys I wouldn't go up there. It's really narrow. 去你妈的混蛋!Screw you motherfucker!美国佬对吧?Americans isn't it?现在才算有点放假的气氛Now this is more like it. Proper holidays.给我娘娘腔朋友来杯娘娘腔的酒One gay beer for my gay friend给我正常的酒因为我是正常人and one normal beer for me because I am normal.生活就该如此This is the life.我们可不是来买醉的We're not staying here getting pissed.我们照他说的静静观光We are quietly sightseeing like he says等他打电话来下达下一步指令and awaiting his call to see what we do next.我建议我们不如这样This is my vote on what we should do.我们再等一天至多两天We give it another day two days max.然后查看下报纸Then we check the papers again如果还是没消息and if there's still nothing in them就打电话给他说we phone him and say哈里谢谢你安排的布鲁日之旅Harry thank you for the trip to Bruges古建筑等一切都很棒it's been very nice all the old buildings and that但是我们现在回伦敦来了but we're coming back to London now再躲在一个适当的国家and hide out in a proper country而不是在该死的巧克力堆里"where it isn't all just fucking chocolates.我的建议是照他说的静静观光My vote would be we quietly sightsee like he says and await his call to see what we do next.我们在这未必是躲Y ou don't even know we're here hiding out.你在说什么呢?What are you talking about?说不定我们是在这执行任务Y ou don't even know we're not here on a job.-什么执行任务? -是的-What on a job? -Y eah.-在布鲁日? -是的-Here in Bruges? -Y eah.-在布鲁日执行任务? -是的-Here in Bruges on a job? -Y eah.为什么? 他有说什么吗?Why? What did he actually say?他屁都没放一个He didn't actually say anything.那你怎会这样想?Then why do you think it might be?我什么都没想I don't think anything.但有点像精心设计的不觉得么?But it's a bit fucking over-elaborate isn't it?带他躲起来"带他躲去哪?"Go take him to hide out. "Go take him to hide out where?" 带他躲到布鲁日去Go take him to hide out in fucking Bruges.你可以躲到克洛伊登Y ou can hide out in Croydon.嗯Hmm.或者考文垂Or Coventry.确实有点像精心安排的It is a bit over-elaborate.但是我们枪都没带But we haven't got any guns.哈里在哪都能搞到枪Harry can get guns anywhere.今晚他不会打电话来He's not gonna ring tonight.我们出去吧Let's go out.-去哪? -酒吧-Go out where? -The pub.不去!No!我们还是出去吧看看...Let's go out and have a look at some of the...古中世纪建筑什么的All the old medieval buildings and that.我敢打赌在灯光照射下它们一定更美Because I bet they look even better at night all lit up. 好!Y es!这是格鲁修斯博物馆That there is called the Gruuthuse Museum.都是些搞笑的名字是吧?They all have funny names don't they?是的佛兰德语Y es Flemish.这里说"在1471和1651这两年In here it says "The Belgians twice sheltered比利时人帮助逃亡至此fugitive English Kings from being murdered的英国国王幸免于难"1471 and 1651.我很厌恶历史你呢?I used to hate history didn't you?都是些已经发生了的破事It's all just a load of stuff that's already happened.他们在那干嘛呢?What are they doing over there?他们在拍电影他们在拍侏儒!They're filming something. They're filming midgets! 雷!Ray!在这场中你要像只So on this scene you're supposed to walk小老鼠一样走路懂么?like a little tiny mouse yeah?明白? 好的Okay? Great.雷我们走吧Ray come on let's go.我才不走呢他们在拍侏儒My arse "Let's go." They're filming midgets.我的天哪! 看那个妞Oh my God! Look at that girl.漂亮啊!She's gorgeous!雷我们该走了Ray we're going right now.少啰嗦!Fuck off are we!这是迄今为止布鲁日最好的This is the best bit of Bruges so far.让你的建筑滚蛋吧Y ou and your buildings.你好Hello.-你会说英语么? -不会-Do you speak English? -No.不你会每个人都会Y es you do. Everybody does.你为什么要拍那些侏儒呢?What are you filming midgets for?这是部荷兰电影一个梦想系列It's a Dutch movie. It's a dream sequence.这戏模仿了尼古拉斯?罗格的《威尼斯疑魂》It's a pastiche of Nicholas Roeg's Don't Look Now. 不是模仿只是...Not a pastiche but a...深表"惊"意"点头致意"那样?A "homage" is too strong. A "nod of the head"?你的英语真棒Wow your English is very good.很多侏儒都企图自杀A lot of midgets tend to kill themselves.多得不成比例A disproportionate amount.《幻想岛》里的赫夫?维尔查兹Herve Villechaize of Fantasy Island.《时间劫匪》里的某人I think somebody off The Time Bandits.我认为他们因自己的矮小I suppose they must get really sad about like人民嘲笑的眼光being really little and that.而感到自卑难过People looking at them and laughing at them.因为他们被称为"小矮人"Calling them names. Y ou know "shortarse."还有个很出名的侏儒There's another famous midget我很怀念他但不记得他名字了I'm missing but I can't remember.不是机器人战士不他还活着It's not the R2-D2 man. No he's still going.但愿你的侏儒不会自尽I hope your midget doesn't kill himself.不然你的梦想系列将梦想破灭Y our dream sequence will be fucked.他不喜欢被称作侏儒He doesn't like being called a midget.他更喜欢"小矮人"He prefers "dwarf."对这也正是我想说的!Well this is exactly my point!你想别人叫你小矮人People go around calling you a midget但人们喜欢叫侏儒when you want to be called a dwarf.不想自杀才怪呢!Of course you're gonna blow your head off!-我叫雷你呢? -克洛伊-My name's Ray. What's yours? -Chloe.你怎么穿过保安过来的?How did you get past the security man?我的工作就需要穿过保安Getting past security men it's sort of my job.你是个扒手?Y ou're a shoplifter?不我可不是扒手No not a shoplifter.不过这个玩笑不错It's a good joke though.不No.明天晚餐时我会告诉你我是谁I'll tell you what I am at dinner tomorrow night.妈的Fuck.真他妈酷How fucking cool.布莱克先生?Mr. Blakely?是的不克莱姆先生不是的布莱克先生是的Y es. No Mr. Cranham. No. Y es. Mr. Blakely. Y es.你有一条留言Y ou have a message.靠!Shit!第一Number one我叫你妈的好好呆着你妈的干嘛不听?why aren't you in when I fucking told you to be in?第二Number two这你妈的旅馆干嘛没有你妈的留言信箱?why doesn't this hotel have phones with fucking voicemail还非得让你妈的接线生传你妈的口信?and not I have to leave messages with the fucking receptionist? 第三你妈的明晚我再打来时Number three you better fucking be in tomorrow night你妈的最好都乖乖在那等着when I fucking call again否则你妈的就付出你妈的代价or there'll be fucking Hell to pay别怪你妈的我没提醒你们哈里I'm fucking telling you. Harry.我不是接线生I'm not the receptionist我和老公帕特里克均为店主玛丽I'm the co-owner with my husband Patrice Marice快把灯关了!Would you turn the fucking light off!抱歉肯Sorry Ken.不许发出声音!Keep the fucking noise down!有人心情很差Someone's in a mood.你永远猜不到Y ou'll never guess what.能闭上嘴安静地睡觉么?Will you shut your fucking mouth please and go to sleep? 哦不好意思Oh sorry.可我还得把隐形眼镜拿掉Except I've gotta take me contact lenses out.我今天Altogether一共喝了I had六瓶加五品脱酒five pints of beer and six bottles.不对七瓶加六品脱No. Six pints of beer and seven bottles.你知道吗? 我竟没醉!And you know what? I'm not even pissed!你永远猜不到肯Y ou'll never guess what Ken.-肯你永远猜不到-什么?-Ken you'll never guess what. -What?我明晚有个约会Got a date for tomorrow night.我为你高兴I'm very happy for you.和一个美女With a girl.你能关灯吗?Can you turn the light off please?才到布鲁日一天Only been in Bruges one day就和拍电影的女孩有了艳遇got a date with a girl in the film business拍比利时电影the Belgian film business.他们在拍关于侏儒的电影They're doing a film about a midget.小姐?Miss?玛丽?Marie?很抱歉昨晚口信的事Sorry about the message last night.留口信的人有点...The man who left it is a bit of a...他有点...Well he's a bit of a...自大?Cock?是的他有点自大Y es. He's a bit of a cock.早上好Morning.哈里昨晚打电话来了Harry called last night.我们错过了We missed him.他不忘问候我妈啊?Jeez he swears a lot doesn't he?不管如何今晚我们都得呆在这We're staying in tonight. Whatever happens.呃除了...Except...-呃-呃-Hmm. -Hmm.除了"呃"还有什么呢?Except "hmm" what?其实只需我们其中一人留守就行Except only one of us needs to stay in really.啊哈Uh-huh.那么我们谁走谁留呢雷?And which one of us would that be now Ray?你不是不喜欢布鲁日吗?I thought you didn't like Bruges.我不喜欢布鲁日这是个鬼地方I don't like Bruges it's a shithole.但我说过和一个拍电影的比利时女人有约But I did already say I had a date with a Belgian lady她拍比利时电影我之前真的说过了in the Belgian film business which I di d already say abou t bef ore.别给我捅什么漏子出来Just don't get into any fucking trouble.我们要保持低调We're keeping a low profile.今天上午今天下午And this morning and this afternoon一切得听我的we are doing what I want to do.-明白不? -当然-Got it? -Of course.我想又是看那些老古董Which I presume will involve culture.老古董和玩乐总有一个要妥协Oh we shall strike a balance between culture and fun.肯可我总觉得Somehow I believe Ken应该是玩乐向老古董妥协了吧that the balance shall tip in the favor of culture.就像跷跷板的一头是个Like a big fat fucking retarded fucking black girl又肥又蠢的黑妞而另一头on a seesaw opposite是个侏儒a dwarf.雷我们到底说好了没?Ray did we or did we not agree如果想我让你今晚赴约that if I let you go on your date tonight那白天就得听我的we'd do the things I wanted to do today?我已经一切听你的了We are doing the things that you wanted to do today.那就不要在那发脾气And that we'd do them without you throwing a fucking moody 就像丢了糖的五岁小男孩似的like some 5-year-old who's dropped all his sweets?我才不是呢I didn't agree to that.我很高兴我很高兴I'll cheer up. I'll cheer up.那边的最高祭台上有个玻璃瓶Up there the top altar is a phial是个从圣地的宗教战争回来brought back by a Flemish knight的弗兰德骑士一并带回的from the Crusades in the Holy Land.你知道传说那个玻璃瓶装着什么吗?And that phial do you know what it's said to contain?不知道传说装了什么?No what's it said to contain?传说那里装着耶稣的几滴血It's said to contain some drops of Jesus Christ's blood.这就是此教堂的名字出处Y eah that's how this church got its name.神血基督教堂Basilica of the Holy Blood.是是的Y eah. Y eah.血是的尽管是凝固了的血And this blood right though it's dried blood在若干年改朝换代后at different times over many years血又会变成液状they say it turned back into liquid.从凝固的血变成液状血Turned back into liquid from dried blood.经历了各种伟大时期At various times of great重点stress.-是么? -是的-Y eah? -Y eah.所以我要上去排队摸摸它So yeah I'm gonna go up in the queue and touch it你也要去which is what you do.-啊? -是的一起来吧?-Y eah? -Y eah. Y ou coming?我非得去吗?Do I have to?你当然不是非得去Do you have to? Of course you don't have to.这不过是耶稣的血It's Jesus' fucking blood isn't it?怎敢劳你大驾啊?Of course you don't fucking have to!当然不敢劳你大驾!你这小贱人Y ou little fucking cunt.是谋杀神父Murder Father.你为什么要杀人雷蒙德?Why did you murder someone Raymond?为了钱神父For money Father.为了钱?For money?你为了钱杀人?Y ou murdered someone for money?是的神父Y es Father.不是泄愤不是其他就是为了钱Not out of anger not out of nothing. For money. 你为了钱杀谁雷蒙德?Who did you murder for money Raymond?你神父Y ou Father.什么?I'm sorry?我说了是你神父? 怎么你聋啦?I said you Father. What are you deaf?哈里?沃特斯要我向你问好Harry Waters says hello.小男孩The little boy.容易生气数学太烂心情很差Being moody Being bad at matchs Being sad 我就喜欢这幅I quite like this one.其余的都是抽筋时画的垃圾All the rest were rubbish by spastics就这幅好but this one's quite good.这画什么内容的?What's that all about then?-这是审判日知道么? -哦是的-It's Judgment Day you know? -Oh yeah.那么那个呢?What's that then?这是世界末日Well it's you know the final day on Earth.在那天人类因犯下各种罪行When mankind will be judged for all the crimes而接受审判they've committed and that.看看是谁上天堂谁下地狱么?And see who gets into Heaven and who gets into Hell and all that? Y eah.另外那边是什么?And what's the other place?炼狱Purgatory.炼狱?Purgatory?炼狱就在两者之间Purgatory's kind of like the in-betweeny one.你人不坏但也没好到哪去Y ou weren't really shit but you weren't all that great either. 就像托特纳姆Like Tottenham.你相信这种事吗肯?Do you believe in all that stuff Ken?关于托特纳姆?About Tottenham?最后审判日和来世The Last Judgment and the afterlife.罪行罪孽Guilt and sins and地狱诸如此类?Hell and all that?Um...Well...我不知道雷我不知道我信什么I don't know Ray. I don't know what I believe.其实小时候学过的东西The things you're taught as a child将终生难忘对吧?they never really leave you do they?就像我想过好日子So like I believe in trying to lead a good life.就像如果有个老妇人购完物回家Like if there's an old lady carrying her shopping home我不会想帮她提东西我不会那么做I don't try and help her carry her shopping I don't go that far 但是我肯定会为她开门but I'll certainly hold the door open for her and that并让她先走and let her go out before me.是的如果你想帮她提东西Y eah. And anyway if you tried to help her carry her shopping 她会误以为你企图抢劫she'd probably think you were just trying to nick her shopping. 正解这就是我们生活的社会Exactly. This is the world we live in today.期待过上好日子的同时At the same time as trying to lead a good life我还得接受I have to reconcile myself with the fact that我是杀手的事实yes I have killed people.没杀很多人而且当中大多不是好人Not many people. Most of them were not very nice people.除了那个人Apart from one person.谁?Who's that?丹尼?阿里班德的兄弟This fellow Danny Aliband's brother.他竭力保护自己的兄弟就像你我那样He was just trying to protect his brother. Like you or I would. 他只是护送叔叔He was just a lollipop man.他用瓶子砸我如果是你会怎么做?He came at me with a bottle. What are you gonna do?我射杀了他I shot him down.唔不过在我看来如果有人拿瓶子砸人In my book though sorry someone comes at you with a bottle那就是致命武器他就得承担后果that is a deadly weapon he's gotta take the consequences.我也是这么想的I know that in my heart.我也清楚他不过I also know that he was just是想保护兄弟trying to protect his brother you know?我知道但一个瓶子足以杀死你I know. But a bottle that can kill you.不是你死就是他亡It's a case of it's you or him.如果他赤手空拳情况就不同了If he'd come at you with his bare hands that'd be different.总是不公平的That wouldn't have been fair.严格上来说赤手空拳也能杀人Well technically your bare hands can kill somebody too.手也能是致命武器They can be deadly weapons too.如果他会空手道呢?I mean what if he knew karate say?你说他只是护送叔叔Y ou said he was a lollipop man.他是护送叔叔He was a lollipop man.护送叔叔怎么可能懂空手道?What's a lollipop man doing knowing fucking karate?我只是假设I'm just saying.-他多大? -50左右-How old was he? -About 50.一个50岁的护送大叔怎么可能懂空手道?What's a 50-year-old lollipop man doing knowing fucking karate?他是谁中国护送叔叔么?What was he a Chinese lollipop man?神啊肯我只是想说...Jesus Ken I'm trying to talk about...我知道你想说什么I know what you're trying to talk about.我杀了个小孩你却和我提什么护送叔叔!I killed a little boy. Y ou keep bringing up fucking lollipop men! 你不是有意要杀那男孩的Y ou didn't mean to kill a little boy.我知道I know I didn't mean to.但是因为我的选择But because of the choices我的行动过程I made and the course that I put into action一个小男孩就与世隔绝了a little boy isn't here anymore.他再也不在了And he'll never be here again.我是说不在人世不是说不在比利时I mean here in the world not here in Belgium.他也不可能在比利时对吧?Well he'll never be here in Belgium either will he?也许他长大后会想来这儿I mean he might have wanted to come here when he got older. 我不晓得为什么I don't know why.一切都是因为我And that's all because of me.他的死都是因为我He's dead because of me.我很想...And I'm trying to...很想忘了这一切但我做不到I'm trying to get me head around it but I can't.木已成舟I will always have killed that little boy.我怎么也不可能忘得了That ain't ever going away. Ever.除非...Unless...哪天我死了Maybe I go away.别那么想Don't even think like that.你看起来很精神Y ou look good.那又能怎样?What's it matter anyway?你是做什么的雷蒙德?So what do you do Raymond?我是职业杀手I shoot people for money.杀什么样的人?What kinds of people?牧师孩子都是普通人Priests. Children. Y ou know the usual.那行能赚很多钱么?Is there a lot of money to be made in that line of business? 杀牧师能杀孩子不能There is in priests. There isn't in children.你是做什么的克洛伊?So what is it you do Chloe?我卖可卡因和海洛因给比利时影剧组I sell cocaine and heroin to Belgian film crews.是么?Do you?看起来像么?Do I look like I do?像Y ou do actually.那我看起来像杀手么?Do I look like I shoot people?不像只像杀小孩的Just children.Mmm-hmm.今天我看见你那侏儒了I saw your midget today.小混账居然不和我打招呼Little prick didn't even say hello.他打了大量可他命Well he's on a lot of ketamine.那是什么?What's that?马用镇定剂Horse tranquilizer.马用镇定剂?A horse tranquilizer?-他怎么会有? -我卖给他的-Where'd he get that? -I sold it to him.你怎能把马用镇定剂卖给侏儒!Y ou can't sell horse tranquilizers to a midget!这部电影我觉得会很成功This movie I think it's gonna be a very good one.之前布鲁日都没有出色的电影There's never been a classic movie made in Bruges until now. 这个鬼地方当然不会有Of course there hasn't it's a shithole.布鲁日是我家乡雷Bruges is my hometown Ray.可它还是个鬼地方Well it's still a shithole.它不是鬼地方It's not a shithole.什么不是? 连侏儒都要靠药来坚持What? Even midgets have to take drugs to stick it.你侮辱了我的家乡So you've insulted my hometown.干得好雷蒙德Y ou're doing very well Raymond.在比利时为什么不说比利时的笑话?Why don't you tell me some Belgian jokes while you're at it? 我不知道什么比利时的笑话I don't know any Belgian jokes.如果我知道那我不该是厌恶而是...And if I did I think I'd have the good sense not to...等等比利时Hey hang on. Is Belgium最近不是发生虐童致死事件吗?where there were all those child abuse murders lately?那我知道一个比利时笑话Then I do know a Belgian joke.比利时因什么而闻名?What's Belgium famous for?巧克力和虐童罪Chocolates and child abuse.他们发明巧克力就是为了接近儿童And they only invented the chocolates to get to the kids. What?其中一个被害死的女孩是我朋友One of the girls they murdered was a friend of mine.抱歉克洛伊I'm sorry Chloe.被害死的小孩里头没有我朋友One of the girls they murdered wasn't a friend of mine.我只是想让你不好受I just wanted to make you feel bad.看来很有效And it worked. Quite well.不可思议Fucking unbelievable.什么不可思议?What's fucking unbelievable?你在和我说话么?Are you talking to me?在该上的关键时刻他停住了He pauses even though he should just hit the cunt.然后重复一遍And he repeats.我就是在和你说话什么不可思议?Y es I am talking to you. What's fucking unbelievable?我告诉你什么不可思议Well I'll tell you what's fucking unbelievable shall I? 把烟冲着我Blowing cigarette smoke straight into myself和我女友的脸吐and my girlfriend's face.真是不可思议!That's fucking unbelievable!这里是吸烟区This is the smoking section.我才不在乎啥吸烟区I don't care if it's the smoking section.她冲着我的脸吐烟All right? She directed it right in my face man.我可不想因为你的自大而丧命I don't wanna die just because of your fucking arrogance.这难道不是越南人的口头禅么?Uh-huh. Isn't that what the Vietnamese used to say?越南人? 你在说什么越南人?Vietnamese? What are you talking about the Vietnamese? 这句话毫无意义That statement makes no fucking sense at all.不有意义越南人!Y es it does. The Vietnamese!你怎么重复Well saying it over and over也不代表这话有意义ain't gonna make any more sense out of it.我和我女友被迫吸了你朋友的烟How does the Vietnamese have any relevance whatsoever这和越南人to myself and my girlfriend having to breathe有什么关系?your friend's cigarette smoke?告诉我有什么...Tell me how saying...这是为约翰?列侬打的你个混账美国佬!That's for John Lennon you Y ankee fucking cunt!瓶子? 别来惹我A bottle? No don't bother.我们走We're leaving.我不会打女人我从来不打女人克洛伊!I don't hit women! I would never hit a woman Chloe! 她拿瓶子袭击我我才打她!I'd hit a woman who was trying to hit me with a bottle!这不一样这是自卫知道吗?That's different. That's self-defense isn't it?也许她还懂空手道Or a woman who could do karate.我通常不打女人克洛伊别那么想I'd never hit a woman generally Chloe. Don't think that. 天那你好漂亮God you're pretty.我要打个电话I have to make a call.哦不Oh no.你要离开我了对不对?Y ou've gone off me now haven't you?就因为我打了那死肥婆一拳?Just because I hit that fucking cow.-喂? -昨晚你们去哪鬼混了?-Hello? -Where the fuck were you yesterday?我们只是出去吃晚饭哈里We just popped out for some dinner Harry.就只走开半小时We only popped out for half an hour.是吗? 你们吃什么了?Y eah? What'd you have?-晚饭? -是的-For dinner? -Y eah.披萨在必胜客Pizza at Pizza Hut.吃得很欢?Was it nice?还好反正就是必胜客Y eah it was all right. I don't know. It was Pizza Hut.和英国的一样The same as in England.真是风靡全球啊雷在旁边吗?Well that's globalization isn't it? Is Ray there with you? 他在上厕所He's in the toilet.-他能听电话吗? -不行-Can he hear? -No.他在干嘛?What's he doing?-你指什么? -他上大号还是小号?-What do you mean? -Is he doing a wee or a poo?我不清楚哈里门锁着呢I don't know Harry the door's closed.支开他就半小时Send him out on an errand for half an hour不过不要引起他的怀疑but don't make it sound suspicious.雷? 干嘛不去楼下酒吧呆半个小时?Ray? Why don't you go out down to the pub for half an hour? 我是说过不行Y eah yeah I know I said you couldn't不过总要放松一下but might as well enjoy ourselves eh?我不确定这里是否有保龄球No I don't know if they've got bowling anywhere.不过可以去看看Could have a look.好的再会Y eah see you.好了他走了Y eah. He's gone.你怎么说的?What'd you say to him?我说"干嘛不去喝点什么I said "Why don't you go have a drink你不是说像被关禁闭么?you say you've been cooped up?"-他说什么? -他说好的-What did he say? -Said yeah he would.他现在也许在And he might go have a look to到处找保龄球场see if there's a bowling alley around.他刚刚是在拉尿吗?Was he just having a wee?是的我猜是的Y eah I think so. I assume so.确定他没起疑心?Sure he didn't mind?不他很高兴能出去No he was glad to get out.他确实走了?He's definitely gone?是的他把门给关上了Y eah yeah he slammed the door.这并不代表他走了去门外看看That don't mean he's gone. Go check outside the door.哈里他真的走了Harry he's definitely gone.你知道布鲁日没有保龄球场吗?Y ou realize there are no bowling alleys in Bruges?我知道哈里他只是想出去转转I realize that Harry. The boy wanted to have a look anyway.那里有什么中世纪保龄球场?What are they gonna have a medieval fucking bowling alley?我说过了他很乐意出去As I say I think he was just glad to get out and about.那他对这里的运河流连忘返了?So is he having a nice time seeing all the canals and that?我曾在那度过愉快的日子I had a lovely time when I was there.所有的运河旧建筑都很棒All the canals and the old buildings and that.你什么时候在这的?When were you here?七岁时我最后度过的美好假日When I was seven. Last happy holiday I fucking had.-你观光过运河了么? -是的-Have you been on a canal trip yet? -Yeah.走过所有的鹅卵石街道了?Have you been down like all the old cobbled streets and that? -整个城市像个童话? -是的-It's like a fairytale isn't it that place? -Y eah.。
英文动画电影中金典名句英文动画片经典台词及翻译狮子王:1. Everything you see exists together in a delicate balance. 世界上所有的生命都在微妙的平衡中生存。
2. I laugh in the face of danger. 越危险就越合我心意。
3. I’m only brave when I have to be. Being brave doesn’t mean you go looking for trouble. 我只是在必要的时候才会勇敢,勇敢并不代表你要到处闯祸。
4. When the world turns its back on you, you turn your back on the world. 如果这个世界对你不理不睬,你也可以这样对待它。
5. It’s like you are back from the dea d. 好像你是死而复生似的。
6. You can’t change the past. 过去的事是不可以改变的。
7. Yes, the past can hurt. But I think you can either run from it or learn from it. 对,过去是痛楚的,但我认为你要么可以逃避,要么可以向它学习。
8. This is my kingdom. If I don’t fight for it, who will? 这是我的国土,我不为她而战斗,谁为呢?9. Why should I believe you? Everything you ever told me was a lie. 我为何要相信你?你所说的一切都是谎话。
10. I’ll make it up to you, I promise. 我会补偿你的,我保证。
怪物史莱克:Shrek: Quick tell a lie!史莱克:快点撒一个谎!Pinocchio: What should I say?皮诺曹:我该说什么?Donkey: Say something crazy... like “I'm wearing ladies' underwear!”.驴子:说一些疯狂的事情...像"我正穿着女人的内裤"。
下面是小编精心整理的丁丁历险记英文台词,希望对你有帮助!1.Be patient, Snowy, not much longer.2.I believe I have captured something of your likeness.3.That's a very unique specimen, that is. From an old sea captain's estate.4.That's what I said, Charles II. As fine a ship as ever sailed the seven seas.5.You won't find another one of these, mate.6.I'm warning you, get rid of the boat and get out while you still can.7.Don't bother wrapping it, I'll take it as is. Does anybody object if I pay by cheque?8.They've been living in a cloud of bad luck ever since.9.And we're going to the one place that could have the answer.10.We need to take a closer look at that model.11.This ship was stolen from my apartment less than an hour ago.12.I took it home, I put it on a cabinet in the living room, and then Snowy chased the cat and knocked it over, and it.13.What is it about this model that would cause someone to steal it?14.He was doomed to fail, and he bequeathed that failure to his sons.15.That depends what you're looking for.16.Look, the game is up. He's gonna be back.17.Never fear, Tintin, the evidence is safe with us!18.Stop, in the name of the law!19.Two ships and two scrolls, both part of a puzzle.20.You need to think about exactly how useful you are to me.21.You know the stakes. You know what we're playing for. Just do it!22.They'll be swabbing the decks with your innards when we're done with you.23.Murdered in my bed by a baby-faced assassin!24.Nobody takes my ship!25.I have to keep moving. Try and find my way off this drunken tub.26.My heart was in my mouth, I don't mind telling you.27.Give me those oars! I'll show you some real seamanship, laddie.28.I'll not be doubted by some pipsqueak tuft of ginger and his irritating dog!29.Thank you so much. No need to come in. I'll be quite all right, really.30.No, we insist.31.Into the cold embrace of the big blue!32.Just as I thought. The ignition lead has been cut.33.I need you to climb out of the plane and pour it into the fuel tank.34.Did you ever see a more beautiful sight?35.Like a phantom, rising from the dead.36.It's the key to everything. You must try to remember.37.He's still suffering the effects of acute dehydration. He'squite delirious.38.That's just another name for a quitter.39.You send out the wrong signal. That is what people pick up.40.You care about something, you fight for it.41.You hit a wall, you push through it.42.That's all you've got left, isn't it?43.My grandfather must have walled it up before he lost the house.44.Never mind. There's plenty to go around.45.How's your thirst for adventure, Captain?丁丁历险记介绍:讲述的是一个充满好奇心的年轻记者丁丁和他忠心无比的狗狗白雪,在集市中无意看到独角兽号的模型。
外研版八年级英语下册 (Tintin has been popular for over eight
![外研版八年级英语下册 (Tintin has been popular for over eight](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/9ce720b5bb0d4a7302768e9951e79b896802681b.png)
Language points
赢得某人的心 n. 书包 v. 领导;率领
Words and expressions
clever as
mess heaven expect
artist invent
adj. 聪明的;机灵的 conj. 当……时 n. 脏乱;凌乱 n. 天国;天堂 v. 期盼;期待 n. 艺术家;画家 v. 发明;创造
Reading and vocabulary
3 Complete the notes.
Nemo and Shrek 1 Nemo is a __cu__te__ orange-and-white
fish and Shrek is an __u_g_ly__ green animal. 2 Both Nemo and Shrek have won the hearts of __y_o_u_n_g__ people all over the world.
b) The most popular cartoons come out as books and not as films.
c) Many children read cartoons today. d) Many foreign cartoons have become very popular in
__ex_c_i_ti_n_g__ experiences.
The Adventures of TinTinTinTin is a young belgian reporter of average height and medium built with the typical light yellow hair. In the stories, he always becomes involved in dangerous cases in which he finally takes heroic action to save the day. The Adventures feature him hard at work on his investigative journalism, but seldom is he seen actually turning in a story. He is just a boy of neutral attitudes with whom the audience can identify; in this respect, he represents the everyman.He is a well-rounded yet open-ended, intelligent and creative character, especially his neutral personality which permits a balanced reflection of the evil, folly, and foolhardiness. The most important and particular part makes it different from other cartoons is that TinTin’s Boy Scoutideals allow me to assume my position within the story, rather than merely following the adventures of a strong protagonist.There is another indispensable role—Snowy, a fox terrier dog, who is TinTin’s loyal,four-legged companion. The bond between Snowy and TinTin is very deep, as they have saved each other from perilous situation many times. Snowy frequently “speaks”to the reader through his thoughts (often displaying a dry sense of humor), which are not heard by human characters in the story.Up to now, The Adventures of TinTin has been adapted in a variety of media besides the original comic strip and its collections, such as radio, television series, documentaries,films and even video games. Furthermore, TinTin’s image has been used to sell a wide variety of products, from alarm clocks to underpants.Now, the image of TinTin has been considered not only one of the symbols of Belgium, but also the emblem of peace and justice.。
神奇校车动画片的英文对白07GETSANTSINITSPANTSBees! We want bees!Put it over here!Hold it everybody, hold it!It’s JUST a science fair.Just a science fair?Too bad we can't use last year solar powered juggling machine.Nice try, Ralphie, but it doesn't fit with this year's theme...animals that live together.And l quote from the entry form...''Some animals live alone, but some live and work together in groups, called communities.'' Watch your back! Heads up! Comin' through! I'm escorting an important visitor to our classroom.Make way for...Hello, class!Ms. Frizzle! You almost stepped on our visitor.Oh, my!WHAT visitor?My friend, the ant!Look at her go! Isn't she amazing? I wonder where she's headed...Don't worry, little ant. Wherever you're going, I'll make sure you get there.No time for ANTics, Keesha. We've got topick a project for the science fair.Ah, the passion of science.Now Liz, do you have any idea where l put that camera?There it is.My ant? Where's my ant?Keesha, YOUR ant is eating MYMallow-Blaster!So that's why she came in here! She was looking for food!Don't worry little ant, Arnold's more than happy to share his Mallow-Blaster.Keesha, are you going to baby-sit that ant all day, or...Hey! Maybe we could do something about my ant for the science fair!According to my research, where you find one ant there's usually more.That's right, Dorothy Ann. Ants live together in nests.But what could we do with ants? A mural? A model?Careful with that camera, Liz.At my old school, lizards weren't allowed to make movies.That's it! We'll make a MOVIE!She's a natural star!l can see it all now...we'll call it ''Travels with my Ant.''A movie about an ant...You know something? That's not a bad idea... No, it's a good idea! A GREAT idea!Yes!! Let's make a movie!I'll write it! It'll be all about an ant with a long nose called elephANT! Get it?CARLOS!!Can l help write it too?You can write it together.What about us?You can all be IN it, and play ants!What are my lines?Who's the star?My ant, of course!lf you're going to direct this movie, Keesha, you might need this.Me direct it? But l thought you--It was your idea.Oh wow? Oh boy! I'm the director! Thewhole films depends on me!As l always say, Keesha...ACTION!How could she do that?Ms. Frizzle, you could do the costumes. Thank you, Carlos.Okay now, people, this is...Keesha...?In a minute, Phoebe.This is what l want you to do.Follow that camera lizard!Great Liz! A little tighter.ANTS! But which one's mine?Look at them all! Where are they going? Guys. Can we go back in now? I just knowit's going to rain.Not until I find my ant, Arnold! She's my star and now I lost her.According to my researchyour star's been telling the other ants in its nest about Arnold's Mallow- Blaster. Excellent observation, Dorothy Ann.Ants don't actually talk to each other, but they do communicate.I got it! It's a Westernstarring an ant that rounds up food, see, and then tells the rest of the ants where it is.That's good, Ralphie! That's good! We'll callit ''Food Dude.''Excellent Carlos. An ant whose job it is to find food is a forager ant.Food dude is a wonderful name for Keesha's ant.Ms. Frizzle? Are we going on a field trip?Very observANT, Arnold!ObservANT! I like it, l like it a lot!Is that her? Is that my ant?I don't think so, Keesha.Director to bus, please. Director to bus.Oh, bad. Oh bad, bad, bad!Ms. Frizzle, we've lost her! We've lost ourstar!l can't do a movie without a star!Right you are, Keesha! She's one in a million! Seatbelts, everyone! Here we go!Again!But we're shrinking!l feel like we're on the inside of a miniMallow-Blaster...We are!Hey! We're being foraged!l thought we were going to play ants - not food. l knew l should've stayed home today...Giant potato chip being foraged straight ahead.So, uh, Keesha? Is the movie going to star a forager ant?And are WE going to co-star as the food?Ms. Frizzle, I'm really sorrybut I don't think this movie should star a forager ant.Got that, Carlos? Not about a forager ant... Why not? That's what your ant is!I know, Carlos, but I've been thinking.I want more drama - more excitement!I wish you hadn't said that...Where are we?An anthill!Ms. Frizzle! We're on location! This isperfect!We'll meet the ants, up close and personal! Now I'll find my star!Okay, people! This movie is my responsibility...so I will check out the anthill and then tell you what to do next!Come on, Liz!RUNGood opening sequence, Keesha! It really grabbed me! Did you get it, Liz?What's with those gigantic ants? Who let them on the set?We're on location, Keesha. Remember?They look like they're guarding the nest or something. Don't they, Carlos?Cool! Keesha, the movie could star a guard ant!l don't know Ralphie...Come on Keesha. We can call it ''The Guardfather''.Perfect for the wide screen with stereo soundand...And smell-o-vision!Smell-o-vision?Guard ants use their antennae to smell ifwe're friend or foe.They are smelling us.Precisely, Tim. Ants don't understand words, but they do understand smells.They're checking to see if we smell like them. Yeah, they want to know if we're wearing the same deodorANT!CARLOS!No, no! It's a great joke! It's going in...Ants don't wear deodorant, Carlos.But their bodies do make scented chemicals called pheromones.Pheromones?Pheromones!It tickles! What is this stuff?Well, class, we now smell like these ants.We do?Uh huh! And now the guard ants will let us into the nest.As l always say, when visiting a nest, smell like the rest!l smell like an ant - just what l always wanted. Really, Ralphie? Me too!Oh boy!One good smell deserves another!Excuse me!That tickles!Cool!Come on, Liz. We've got to get in there andfind our star!Wait for us!OK Phoebe, what do we have so far?Well, this movie is NOT about a forager ant or a guard ant.So, what IS it about, Keesha? We can't write this script without a star!Let me think...Don't worry, everybody - it's all part of the creative process -- she's thinking of a story. Check it outWhere are they going?Man, it must be rush hour.Look, Keesha, a cast of thousands.OKAY! Places everyone.Where do you want us, Keesha?What about make-up, Keesha? l don't look anything like these ants!And what's the plot, Keesha? Who's the star?I'm working on it! I'm working on it!Who knew so many ants would audition?Um, Keesha? Maybe it would help if weworked with the ants - got to know them better. We're not going inside an ant are we?No, Arnold. But Phoebe's right.Understanding begins with observation.Good idea, Phoeb! Method acting! I love it! Okay, everyone! SEE the ant, FEEL the ant,BE the ant! ACTION!This ant's rubbing its head.And this one's licking itself.That's it, Arnold, BE the ant.But I did this today already...in the shower.Hey, maybe the ants are cleaning themselves. Tim, your logicis spotless.Yuck! These 2 are kissing.Keesha, I've got it! The movie's aRome-ANTS! Get it? RomANCE!CARLOS!These ants aren't kissing at all.Yeah, it looks like that ant is giving the other ant something.Oh sure, give it back to me AFTER you've chewed it.What is it?Mallow-blaster. I recognize it in any form.So these ants are passing FOOD around! Cool! A food-passing ant would make a great star! Think of the story!I have, Carlos, and it doesn't work.One day, an ant passed food to another ant. It just doesn't feel complete somehow... Come on, Keesha - we need a star!Hey, the star could be the presidANT. Get it? PresidANT?CARLOS! STOP!I know we need a star, Carlos! I just haven't seen the right aaaaaa...!Everyone, Stay with your partner!Help!Not so fast!Keep shooting, Liz!After those ants, people! It's a great chase scene!Wait a minute - what's in here?AND...Chase scene. Take 1 !Hey! Where are you guys going?What are they carrying?They're like little worms!Cut! No worms! This movie is about an ANT! Why do youkeep giving things to ME? Do I look like an ant?I don't know, Arnold, but you look like you're holding a baby.Maybe it IS a baby...a baby ant!Well done, Phoebe! They're baby ants, all right.When they hatched from eggs, they're called larvae.That's it! ''Larvae: The Beginning''.But who ever heard of a movie about larvae?I don't know, Keesha. I think it has potential.I think it's cute.But all they do is wiggle! There's no drama! No action!The ants are moving the larvae around. How's that for action?And WHY are they moving them? How's that for mystery?Hey, l bet they're trying to keep the larvae WARM!Exactly, Tim.My aunt's a nurse!I've got it! I've got it! We could call it FlorANTS Nightingale!CutNow what, Keesha?It's a really good idea and everythingbut somehow it isn't enough. Where's the danger? The intrigue?Hey, WHAT are those things??Hey, wait! Wait!! l didn't say ACTION!People! People! What are you doing?Pupae! These things are called Pupae.Come on, pupae, l mean people! Look at it! Do you really want to make a movie starring a PUPAE!Pupa, actually, only one is called a pupa. Pupae is plural.Pupae, Pupa, whatever!Pretty exciting story if you ask me. It would make a greatdocumANTary.Documentary? No way, Carlos!Mr. Cud's class did a documentary last yearon cows, remember?Just to keep you up to date, Keesha,we're NOT doing a movie about a forager ant, a guard ant, a nurse ant, a larva or a pupa. Keesha! There aren't any ants left!Well then, how about an egg?Oh no! An egg! That's even worse.Um, Ms. Frizzle. Where do ant eggs come from anyway?Good question, Phoebe! The eggs came from the queen.The queen? Ms. Frizzle! You're a genius! Carlos, the queen is the perfect star Think of the story - a royal exclusive!You're right! It's gold!Come on, what are we waiting for? Let's go!Which way?It's the creative process again...thataway!Excuse me, Ms Director? Is water supposedto be coming through the walls like that? After the tunnel caves in, you will see some of the most amazing ant activity yet!Did you say, After the tunnel caves in...?All right, class! Duck and cover!And...CUT! Okay people, don't panic. I'll have you out of here in....Whoa!Look at these ants go!They're repairing the nest! Like construction workers.Right, Tim. That's their job. They're builder ants.Keesha! We have GOT to do this movie about a builder ant!Look at the action! The drama! The excitement!Yeah, but which builder ant, Tim?Well...just pick one.The queen is the star. Know why? Because there is only one.But...Trust me on this. I'm the director, remember? T o the queen!This must be it, Keesha! Are you excited? You bet, Phoebe! This movie is going to have everything -action, drama, excitement - and most of all a REAL STAR!Quick! Quick! Go in and bow to the queen!Ask her who her agent is, the queen is very importANT.Maybe so, but where is she?Why there she is! The biggest one.Isn't she wonderful!That's the queen?That's the queen?That's the queen!But she's not doing anything!My kind of job!Of course she is! She's doing a lot! Isn't she, Ms. Frizzle?Absolutely, Keesha! The queen is the only one who lays the eggs!The queen laid an egg. The end.Not much of a movie, Keesha!Sure it is! We start in close on the queen... Then we pull back and...No way, Keesha. This may be the queen, but she's no star.So what is it about? Keesha.Nothing!I give up!Oh, great. It's still raining. It figures!No, thank you. I'd rather walk! I deserve to get wet!Oh bad. Oh bad, bad, bad...What made me think l could direct a movie? Now I've wrecked the science fair for everyone. Keesha?Too bad I'm such a rotten director.But you're not!I am! I almost wiped out my whole classand there's still no movie - no story - no star! But what about the queen?What kind of star just sits there and lays eggs?But if it weren't for her eggs, there wouldn't be any ants.So! If it weren't for the ants that brought her food, there wouldn't be a queen.I see what you mean.And if it weren't for the forager ants, there wouldn't be food for anybody.And if it weren't for the builder ants, there wouldn't be a nest.And if it weren't for the guard ants, the nest would be attacked.Yeah, there isn't only one star. More like they all are.Phoebe! That's it!It's really about ALL the ants!All the ants...and how they work together! Keesha! You're right!Of course I'm right, because I'm the director, come on!Hey, where's everyone going? We've got a movie to make about ants!Without a star? Forget it.I said ants, not ant!There isn't one star in an anthill! All the ants are stars!Yeah! Every ant has a job to do to keep the nest going!...just like WE each have a job to do to make this movie.Forget the movie...MUD SLIDEEveryone on the bus!Hey! What about the antsAs I always say...ACTION!Thanks, Ms. Frizzle!CUT! We've got to save the ants!How?The magnifying glass! We'll block the entrance!Wanda, Ralphie, Carlos, Phoebe!Grab that end!DA, Arnold, Tim, Ms. Frizzle! And ...LIFT! Keesha, it's great! A survival movie!Yeah, and we'll call it, ''A River Almost Ran Through It''Finally, the nest was saved, the rain stopped, and the sun came out!The end!That was amazing! How did you do it?I didn't do a thing! It was Keesha's idea. Yes, but I couldn't have done it without Phoebe!And I couldn't have done it without...Without Arnold!And I couldn't have done it without Dorothy Ann!And I couldn't have done it without Carlos! And I couldn't have done it without Wanda. Her part was truly significANT! Get it? CARLOS!!And I couldn't have done it without Tim!And I couldn't have done it without Ralphie! And I couldn't have done it without Ms. Frizzle!And I couldn't have done it without... the school bus.But none of us could have done it without the inspiration of... ..the ANTS!As I always say, it's easy if you've got talANT Ms. Frizzle!Is it the magic school bus?Is it the magic school bus?Is it the magic school bus?Is it the magic school bus?Is it the magic school bus?stay tune with us and be a smart kidOkay Liz, I promiseI'll let everyone know how much work you did on that movie.Just let me take this call, okay?Hi, you work on the Magic School Bus show, right?You bet. I am the producer.One of them.I know for a fact there are thousands of ants in an ant colonybut in your show I only counted 137.I guess you must be an accountANT. Get it...? Oh boy, now I know who's responsible for all the terrible puns.Well actually, you're right, there are thousands of ants in one colonybut we couldn't afford to hire that many extras. And they're also thousands of different SPECIES of ants.You only showed one kind of ant.Right again. There are about 10,000 differentkinds of ants,more than all other social insects put together. And you didn't say a thing about the fact that all the ants we saw were female.Yes, we feel quite repentANT about that. Almost every ant ina colony is female.The only thing the few males that are around do is mate with the queen. Anything else? Yes. Ants use pheromones for more than telling friend from foe.It's how they communicate where food is, or if the nest needs repairing -they smell pheromones like we hear words! You know, kid, l have to say, you're pretty darn smart.Actually, I'm brillyANT! Gotcha!One more call, and that's it. Promise.Hello, magic school bus?This is the Oscar Awards committee returning your call.Yes, I just had a question about the rules.In the category of best camerawork, is it possible to nominate a lizard?THE END。
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I'm looking for answers, Mr Sakharine.
You're looking in the wrong place.
It's late.
I think you should go home.
This way, sir.
Isn't she a beauty?
That's a very unique specimen, that is. From an old sea captain's estate.
"The Unicorn."
Unicorn. Man o'war sailing ship.
It's very old, that is. th century.
the last captain of the ill-fated Unicorn."
"The ship set sail from Barbados in "
"on one of the most ruinous voyages in maritime history."
"Ship never reached destination."
What secrets do you hold?
Where is that magnifying glass?
I could have sworn it was...
Snowy, you haven't seen the...
Where is it?
Thank you.
No, Snowy!
Look what you did.
th, I would think.
- Reign of Charles I. - Charles II.
That's what I said, Charles II. As fine a ship as ever sailed the seven seas.
You won't find another one of these, mate.
What people?
It's just wonderful.
Don't bother wrapping it, I'll take it as is. Does anybody object if I pay by cheque?
If you want to buy it, you'll have to talk to the kid.
Very nearly there, sir.
I have to say, your face is familiar. Have I drawn you before?
Of course! I've seen you in the newspaper.
- You're a reporter? - I'm a journalist.
but you're about to walk into a whole mess of danger.
What kind of danger?
I'm warning you, get rid of the boat and get out while you still can.
These people do not play nice.
Oh, yeah?
Tell me what you paid and I'll give you double.
- Double? - Thanks. But it's not for sale.
Look, kid, I'm trying to help you out.
I don't think you realise this,
Are you sure?
Of course I'm sure.
I took it home, I put it on a cabinet in the living room,
and then Snowy chased the cat and knocked it over, and it
Good day to you, sir.
That young man, what's his name?
Him? Everybody knows him. That's Tintin.
What is it about this ship?
Why has it attracted so much attention?
They've been living in a cloud of bad luck ever since.
We are talking generations of drinking and irrational behaviour...
I'm sorry.
But as I told you before, it's not for sale.
What was the ship carrying, Snowy?
"Historians have tried and failed to discover
what happened on that fatal voyage,"
"but Sir Francis' last words,"
"'Only a true Haddock will discover the secret of the Unicorn."
It's my job.
There could be a story here. That's what I do, you see.
Well, it's no great mystery.
Sir Francis Haddock was a drunkard and a hopeless reprobate.
There you are, sir.
Now where's he run off to?
u been?
Chasing cats again?
Snowy, look at this!
Triple masted.
Double decks. Fifty guns.
And it's only two quid.
- I'll give you a pound. - Done!
Gently does it.
Excuse me!
Here you go. Careful.
Hey, bud, how much for the boat?
I'm sorry, I just sold it to this young gent.
"The Unicorn's manifest stated"
"that it was carrying a cargo of rum and tobacco bound for Europe,"
"but it was long claimed the ship was carrying a secret cargo."
I think you do.
This ship was stolen from my apartment less than an hour ago.
I'm afraid you're mistaken, Mr Tintin.
There's no mistake. It belongs to me.
I have recently acquired Marlinspike Hall,
and this ship, as I'm sure you're aware, was once part of the estate.
Of the late sea captain?
The family fell upon hard times. Lost everything.
I'm sorry. I already explained to the other gentleman.
American he was. All hair oil and no socks.
It's not for sale.
Then let me appeal to your better nature.
Well, well, well.
It seems we've caught our thief.
Welcome to Marlinspike Hall.
I see you let yourself in.
I came to retrieve my property.
I'm sorry, I'm not sure I follow you.
He was doomed to fail, and he bequeathed that failure to his sons.
So it's true! The Haddock line is cursed.
- What else have you found out? - What is there to find?