
英语词汇量测试试题及答案Level 11.sure A.治疗 B.确信的 C.纯粹的 D.诱惑力 E.不理解2.feather A.两者都不 B.天气 C.皮革 D.羽毛 E.不理解3.poor A.贫穷的 B.门 C.地板 D.粗野的人 E.不理解4.housework A.建房 B.工地 C.家务活 D.家庭作业 E.不理解5.bread A.面包 B.面条 C.水果 D.甜点 E.不理解6.sugar A.糖 B.醋 C.雪茄烟 D.饥饿 E.不理解7.onto A.到…之上 B.到…里 C.此外 D.依然 E.不理解8.manager A.饲料槽 B.乘客 C.邮递员 D.负责人 E.不理解9.unit A.点 B.直到…才 C.单位 D.套装 E.不理解10.ignore A.打鼾 B.忽视 C.点燃 D.可耻的 E.不理解Level 211.financial A.最终的 B.财政的 C.结束 D.有限的 E.不理解12.immigrant A.移民 B.流动的 C.不流动的 D.留鸟 E.不理解13.roller A.酿酒厂 B.角色 C.冷却器 D.压路机 E.不理解14.ambition A.环境 B.救护车 C.雄心 D.歧义的 E.不理解15.hydrogen A.氦 B.氧 C.氢 D.氯 E.不理解16.pine A.松树 B.葡萄酒 C.矿坑 D.进餐 E.不理解17.surplus A.此外 B.超级的 C.惊喜的 D.剩余 E.不理解18.fireman A.失业者 B.消防员 C.狙击手 D.纵火犯 E.不理解19.outset A.摆放 B.外接装置 C.开始 D.安置 E.不理解20.confusion A.迷惑 B.传播 C.灌输 D.大量 E.不理解Level 321.reliance A.义务 B.信赖 C.宽慰 D.遗迹 E.不理解22.collide A.碰撞 B.巧合 C.滑行 D.滑翔 E.不理解23.sniff A.僵直的 B.东西 C.全体员工 D.嗅…味道 E.不理解24.shaft A.工艺 B.草稿 C.箭杆 D.气味 E.不理解25.cordial A.走廊 B.珊瑚 C.心脏的 D.真挚的 E.不理解26.foul A.灵魂 B.污*的 C.折叠 D.高尚的 E.不理解27.idiot A.笨蛋 B.习语 C.闲混 D.偶像 E.不理解28.inertia A.内部的 B.无活力 C.妨碍 D.间隔 E.不理解29.stall A.安装 B.闲逛 C.凳子 D.畜栏 E.不理解30.prone A.有倾向的 B.促动 C.宣布 D.敏捷的 E.不理解31.shabby A.阴暗的 B.松弛的 C.褴褛的 D.贪婪的 E.不理解32.exotic A.异国风味的 B.色情的 C.神经病的 D.外因的 E.不理解33.cumulative A.刺激性 B.同化 C.清晰的 D.累积的 E.不理解34.corpse A.庄稼 B.汇编 C.尸体 D.兵团 E.不理解35.bishop A.平台 B.主教 C.鱼竿 D.商店 E.不理解Level 436.explicit A.剥削的 B.驱逐的 C.明确的 D.附加的 E.不理解37.dynamite A.动力的 B.炸药 C.氢弹 D.王朝 E.不理解38.idealist A.理想主义者 B.现实主义者 C.唯物论者 D.虚无主义者 E.不理解39.benevolent A.青少年 B.低下的 C.无知的 D.慈善的 E.不理解40.downfall A.落后 B.垮台 C.谷底 D.市中心 E.不理解41.extinct A.卓越的 B.不同的 C.明显的 D.灭绝的 E.不理解42.reptile A.两栖动物 B.爬行动物 C.哺乳动物 D.脊椎动物 E.不理解43.canteen A.食堂 B.瓦罐 C.糖果 D.腌制 E.不理解44.hiker A.劫机犯 B.绑架者 C.徒步旅行者 D.登山者 E.不理解45.fragile A.易碎的 B.易怒的 C.坦诚的 D.狂乱的 E.不理解46.indefensible A.固若金汤的 B.不可原谅的 C.攻无不克的 D.胸怀坦荡的 E.不理解47.lime A.石灰 B.四肢 C.羔羊 D.羊肉 E.不理解48.adventurous A.广告的 B.新兴的 C.喜欢冒险的 D.原创的 E.不理解49.drumstick A.鼓槌 B.指挥棒 C.支架 D.杠杆 E.不理解50.sway A.席卷 B.摇晃 C.膨胀 D.打旋 E.不理解51.respectful A.受人尊敬的 B.表示尊敬的 C.各自的 D.回顾的E.不理解52.alphabetical A.按年代顺序 B.断代的 C.逆序的 D.按字母顺序 E.不理解53.scalar A.标量 B.矢量 C.位图 D.矢量图 E.不理解54.ruthless A.违法的 B.残忍的 C.虚幻的 D.混乱的 E.不理解55.paraphrase A.释义 B.比较 C.空头 D.跳伞 E.不理解Level 556.ballast A.爆炸 B.虚夸 C.导火索 D.压舱物 E.不理解57.corroborate A.搭配 B.合作 C.证实 D.详细说明 E.不理解58.scatterbrain A.失忆的人 B.脑残的人 C.脑力激荡 D.注意力不集中的人 E.不理解59.halter A.缰绳 B.制动装置 C.离合器 D.马蹄铁 E.不理解60.heinous A.不合理的 B.令人发指的 C.可笑的 D.荒谬的 E.不理解61.rearmament A.援军 B.解除武装 C.重置装备 D.后备力量 E.不理解62.trek A.艰辛的路程 B.轨道 C.踪迹 D.路线 E.不理解63.rasp A.竖琴 B.匆忙 C.粗锉刀 D.皮疹 E.不理解64.barrister A.律师 B.障碍 C.美发师 D.炮药桶 E.不理解65.testator A.测试人员 B.见证人 C.品酒师 D.立遗嘱的人 E.不理解66.sappendicitis A.糖尿病 B.阑尾炎 C.附录 D.肺炎 E.不理解67.quixotic A.顽固的 B.不实际的 C.愚忠的 D.势利的 E.不理解68.maniac A.疯狂的 B.冷静的 C.残忍的 D.忧郁的 E.不理解69.transposition A.运输 B.位置互换 C.传播 D.传染 E.不理解70.stamina A.疯狂 B.绝望 C.苦难 D.耐力 E.不理解71.woe A.誓言 B.悲哀 C.愤怒 D.哭泣 E.不理解72.prod A.调查 B.序言 C.有倾向的 D.戳、刺 E.不理解73.arrears A.贫欠款 B.后方 C.空地 D.面积 E.不理解74.forefront A.最前方 B.额头 C.前足 D.前景 E.不理解75.malign A.雄性的 B.高大的 C.有害的 D.无知的 E.不理解Level 676.tauten A.淘气 B.拉紧 C.唆使 D.奚落 E.不理解77.athletics A.抽象艺术 B.神学 C.美学 D.体育运动 E.不理解78.volubility A.自愿 B.环绕 C.喋喋不休 D.旋转 E.不理解79.fosse A.苔藓 B.护城河 C.浮渣 D.总的 E.不理解80.decorticate A.装饰 B.煎药 C.漂泊 D.剥皮 E.不理解81.permissive A.纵容的 B.迷失的 C.思念的 D.长久的 E.不理解82.crochet A.蟋蟀 B.蚂蚱 C.钩针编制 D.螳螂 E.不理解83.purblind A.漩涡的 B.愚钝的 C.流动的 D.默默的 E.不理解84.remonstrance A.* B.回忆 C.传奇 D.汇款 E.不理解85.decrepit A.堕落的 B.收到 C.欺骗 D.破旧的 E.不理解86.outmaneuver A.失控 B.以计谋胜过 C.操作失误 D.退出 E.不理解87.tepefy A.使微热 B.为…典型 C.磁化 D.使钝化 E.不理解88.apocrypha A.佛典 B.箴言 C.伪经 D.咒语 E.不理解89.ringlet A.耳环 B.卷发 C.耳坠 D.耳垂儿 E.不理解90.disinclined A.不屈的 B.执着的 C.虚伪的 D.不情愿的 E.不理解hermost A.恒温的 B.最下面的 C.热固性 D.冷血的 E.不理解92.sibilant A.姐妹的 B.四肢的 C.齐名的 D.发滋滋声的 E.不理解93.sheathe A.讲…差入鞘 B.犀牛皮 C.坚固的 D.坏死的 E.不理解94.eugenic A.优生的 B.遗传的 C.引起过敏的 D.卤素的 E.不理解95.lien A.外星的 B.扣押权 C.亚麻布 D.逗留 E.不理解96.invective A.无礼 B.忤逆 C.刺激 D.咒骂 E.不理解97.liberated A.手工的 B.危险的 C.放纵的 D.上方的 E.不理解98.precipitation A.沉淀物 B.预期 C.预防 D.占据 E.不理解99.innovation A.原始的 B.主动的 C.革新的 D.刺激性的 E.不理解100.wrack A.残骸 B.没用的人 C.愤怒的 D.海藻 E.不理解答案Keys:001—010 B D A C A A A D C B011—020 B A D C C A D B C A021—030 B A D C D B A B D A 031—040 C A D C B C B A D B 041—050 D B A C A B A C A B 051—060 B D A A A D C D A B 061—070 C A C A D B B A B D 071—080 B D A A C B D C B D 081—090 A C B A D B A C B D 091—100 B D A A B D C A C D。

英语词汇应用测试40题1. There are some ______ on the table.A. appleB. applesC. waterD. bread答案:B。
A 选项“apple”是单数形式,前面有“some”,需要用复数形式“apples”,所以A 错误;C 选项“water”是不可数名词,不能与“some”直接搭配表示多个,所以 C 错误;D 选项“bread”是不可数名词,不能用“some”修饰表示多个,所以D 错误;B 选项“apples”是可数名词复数,符合“some”的用法,所以选B。
2. I need some ______ to make a cake.A. flourB. eggsC. milkD. sugar答案:B。
A 选项“flour”( 面粉)和D 选项“sugar”( 糖)都是不可数名词,“some”后接不可数名词时,不能用复数形式,所以A、D 错误;C 选项“milk”( 牛奶)也是不可数名词,不能用“some”修饰表示多个,所以 C 错误;B 选项“eggs”是可数名词复数,“some eggs”表示“一些鸡蛋”,符合题意,故选B。
3. Can you give me a piece of ______?A. paperB. papersC. newsD. information答案:A。
B 选项“papers”错误,“paper”作“纸”讲时是不可数名词,没有复数形式,所以B 错误;C 选项“news”( 新闻)和D 选项“information”( 信息)都是不可数名词,不能与“a piece of”搭配,所以C、D 错误;A 选项“paper”可以用“a piece of”修饰,表示“一张纸”,故选A。
4. We have a lot of ______ in the garden.A. flowerB. flowersC. grassD. leaf答案:B。

初中英语词汇专项训练30题1. 以下哪个单词表示“杯子”?A. plateB. cupC. bowl 答案:B 解析:cup 常见释义为“杯子”,plate 是“盘子”,bowl 是“碗”。
2. “牙刷”用英语怎么说?A. toothbrushB. toothpasteC. tooth 答案:A 解析:toothbrush 意思是“牙刷”,toothpaste 是“牙膏”,tooth 是“牙齿”。
3. 表示“毛巾”的单词是?A. scarfB. towelC. hat 答案:B 解析:towel 指“毛巾”,scarf 是“围巾”,hat 是“帽子”。
4. 以下哪个是“雨伞”的英语单词?A. umbrellaB. fanC. mirror 答案:A 解析:umbrella 是“雨伞”,fan 是“风扇”,mirror 是“镜子”。
5. “枕头”的英语是?A. pillowB. quiltC. sheet 答案:A 解析:pillow 意思为“枕头”,quilt 是“被子”,sheet 是“床单”。
6. 以下哪个单词表示“苹果”?A. bananaB. appleC. orange 答案:B 解析:“apple”是苹果的意思,“banana”是香蕉,“orange”是橙子。
7. “果汁”用英语怎么说?A. waterB. juiceC. milk 答案:B 解析:“juice”是果汁,“water”是水,“milk”是牛奶。
8. 下列哪个是“蛋糕”的英语单词?A. breadB. cakeC. cookie 答案:B 解析:“cake”是蛋糕,“bread”是面包,“cookie”是饼干。
9. 哪种饮料的英文是“tea”?A. 咖啡B. 茶C. 可乐答案:B 解析:“tea”意思是茶,咖啡是“coffee”,可乐是“cola” 。
10. “汉堡包”的英语是?A. hamburgerB. hot dogC. pizza 答案:A 解析:“hamburger”是汉堡包,“hot dog”是热狗,“pizza”是披萨。

1. 一个用来表达同意的词。
(Agree)2. 一种交通工具,通常有两个轮子。
(Bicycle)3. 一个用于描述天气晴朗的词。
(Sunny)4. 一种颜色,介于红色和黄色之间。
(Orange)5. 一个表示时间的词,通常用来描述过去。
1. I usually go to the gym in the _______. (晚上)2. She is _______ to play the piano. (能够)3. The _______ of the house is red. (颜色)4. He is _______ for his friend at the airport. (等待)5. The _______ is very high today. (温度)三、同义词替换将下列句子中的划线部分替换为同义词。
1. I am very fond of reading books. (喜爱)2. The weather is extremely hot today. (非常)3. He is a person of great intelligence. (智慧)4. She is very keen on playing tennis. (热衷)5. The food was absolutely delicious. (绝对)四、反义词匹配将下列单词与其对应的反义词匹配。
1. Tall (高) - (a) Short (矮)2. Happy (快乐) - (b) Sad (悲伤)3. Light (轻) - (c) Heavy (重)4. Honest (诚实) - (d) Dishonest (不诚实)5. Rich (富有) - (e) Poor (贫穷)五、词组运用使用下列词组完成句子。

高中英语词汇积累单选题40题1.She often _______ books in the library.A.readsB.seesC.looksD.watches答案:A。
“read books”表示“读书”,是固定搭配。
“see”表示“看见”,通常强调结果;“look”表示“看”,强调动作,后面需加介词at 才能接宾语;“watch”通常用于“watch TV/films”等,表示“观看”。
2.He _______ his homework carefully every day.A.doesB.makesC.takesD.has答案:A。
“do homework”表示“做家庭作业”,是固定搭配。
3.The teacher _______ us a lot of questions in class.A.asksB.tellsC.speaksD.says答案:A。
“ask questions”表示“问问题”,是固定搭配。
4.They _______ basketball after school.A.playB.doC.haveD.make答案:A。
“play basketball”表示“打篮球”,是固定搭配。
“do”通常用于“do sports”等,表示“做运动”,但比较宽泛;“have”表示“有”;“make”表示“制作”。
5.My mother _______ delicious meals for us.A.cooksB.makesC.doesD.has答案:A。
“cook meals”表示“做饭”,是固定搭配。
“make”通常表示“制作”,但比较宽泛,不太强调做饭;“do”通常用于“do housework”等,表示“做家务”;“has”表示“有”。

1. 单词:book(书)- 发音:[bʊk]- 词性:名词。
- 例句:I have a book.(我有一本书。
)- 专项训练题:- There are some ______ on the desk. (book)(答案:books,因为some后面接可数名词复数)- The ______ is very interesting. (book)(答案:book,这里表示单数的一本书)2. 单词:student(学生)- 发音:[ˈstjuːdnt]- 词性:名词。
- 例句:He is a good student.(他是一个好学生。
)- 专项训练题:- There are twenty ______ in our class. (student)(答案:students,twenty后面接可数名词复数)- The ______ likes reading books. (student)(答案:student,这里表示一个学生,用单数形式)二、动词专项训练。
1. 单词:run(跑)- 发音:[rʌn]- 词性:动词。
- 例句:He runs fast.(他跑得很快。
)- 专项训练题:- She often ______ in the park. (run)(答案:runs,因为主语she是第三人称单数,一般现在时动词要加s)- Let's ______ together. (run)(答案:run,let's后面接动词原形)2. 单词:eat(吃)- 发音:[iːt]- 词性:动词。
- 例句:I eat an apple every day.(我每天吃一个苹果。
)- 专项训练题:- He ______ breakfast at 7:00. (eat)(答案:eats,主语he是第三人称单数)- They like to ______ hamburgers. (eat)(答案:eat,like to后面接动词原形)三、形容词专项训练。

高中英语词汇单选题30题1. The weather is ______ today. We can't go for a picnic.A. lovelyB. awfulC. wonderfulD. fantastic答案:B。
2. She sings ______. Everyone likes her singing.A. beautifullyB. carefullyC. loudlyD. quickly答案:A。
3. This dress is ______ than that one.A. more expensiveB. most expensiveC. expensiveD. the most expensive答案:A。
“more expensive”是比较级;“most expensive”和“the mostexpensive”是最高级。
4. The old man walks ______.A. slowB. slowlyC. quickD. quickly答案:B。
5. The room is ______ small for us to live in.A. tooB. veryC. quiteD. so答案:A。

301. The writer was always looking for suitable _____ to use in his next story.A. contentsB. articlesC. notionsD. ideas[答案] D. ideas.[注释] idea(= thought ;picture in mind) 念头,思想,想法。
302. He gave me some very _____ advice on buying a house.A. preciousB. worthyC. preciseD. valuable[答案] D. valuable.[注释] valuable 宝贵的,有价值的,常可修饰advice,suggestion,assistance,discovery 等名词。
precious “贵重的”如: precious metals(贵金属),precious stone(宝石)。
303. You will get to the church more quickly if you take this _____ across the fields.A. trackB. passageC. methodD. journey[答案] A. track.[注释] track(=path made by frequent use) 意指“常(走而踏成的)小径”,如:a track across the moor(越过荒野的小径)。
passage 通“路”,如:force a passage through a crowd( 在人群中挤出的一条通路). 可见此处选passage不妥.304. A landing on Mars is within the _____ of current physical theory.A. schemeB. scopeC. scrapD. scale[答案] B . scope.[注释] scope 范围,活动范围,理解犯围: 1 Many words are outside the scope of this dictionary. ( 许多单词是超出了这本词典的范围.) 2 V ery hard words are not within the scope of a child's understanding。

英语词汇学试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 词汇学研究的主要对象是什么?A. 语法结构B. 词汇构成C. 语音系统D. 语义关系2. 下列哪个词属于复合词?A. happyB. unicycleC. bicycleD. unhappy3. 词根是指什么?A. 单词的前缀B. 单词的后缀C. 单词的基本部分D. 单词的派生部分4. 词汇的同源词是指什么?A. 意义相近的词B. 形式相似的词C. 来源相同的词D. 功能相同的词5. 词汇的语义变化通常被称为什么?A. 词汇演变B. 词汇扩展C. 词汇借用D. 词汇创新二、填空题(每空2分,共20分)6. 英语中的词缀分为________和后缀。
7. 英语词汇的构成方式之一是________,例如:class + room = classroom。
8. 英语中的合成词是由两个或两个以上自由词组合而成的,如________。
9. 英语中,一个词的意义可能随着时间而发生变化,这种现象称为________。
10. 英语词汇学中的“词义扩展”是指一个词的意义范围________。
三、简答题(每题10分,共30分)11. 简述英语词汇的来源有哪些?12. 解释什么是词汇的同化现象,并给出一个例子。
13. 描述词汇的语义变化有哪些类型?四、论述题(每题15分,共30分)14. 论述英语词汇学在语言教学中的应用。
15. 分析英语词汇中的借词现象及其对英语发展的影响。
参考答案一、选择题1. B2. B3. C4. C5. A二、填空题6. 前缀7. 合成8. blackboard9. 语义演变10. 扩大或缩小三、简答题11. 英语词汇的来源包括:古英语、拉丁语、法语、希腊语、德语等。
12. 词汇的同化现象是指外来词在借用到另一种语言中时,为了适应新语言的发音规则而发生的改变。

A. ensure B. convinceC. agreeD. believe
22. I wish we had a color television. I’m _____ pictures in black and white.
A. accidents B. casesC. eventsD. things
14. ________ the population is too large, the government has to take measures to control the birth rate.
A. Although B. SinceC. IfD. Until
7. I don’t think these books are _____ for young children.
A. capableB. probableC. suitableD. reasonable
8. He found it difficult to _____ the fact that the ship was lost in a heavy storm.
A. atB. onC. overD. under
6. He suddenly left for Paris yesterday, _____ was more than we had expected.
A. thatB. whatC. whichD. this
7. You should take care that you have not _____ any detail in the design.
A. seriousB. silentC. simpleD. slight

英语词汇学试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. The word "university" is derived from the Latin word "universitas," which originally meant:A. A place of higher educationB. A legal entityC. A group of studentsD. A city2. In English, the term "neologism" refers to:A. An old word that has been revivedB. A new word or expressionC. A word that has fallen out of useD. A word that has been borrowed from another language3. Which of the following is an example of a compound word?A. BicycleB. TelephoneC. UnicycleD. Both A and B4. The word "breakfast" is a:A. Compound wordB. BlendC. AcronymD. Back-formation5. The word "mouse" when referring to a computer device is anexample of:A. HomonymyB. PolysemyC. SynonymyD. Hyponymy6. The term "morpheme" in linguistics refers to the:A. Smallest meaningful unit of languageB. Largest meaningful unit of languageC. Smallest grammatical unit of languageD. Largest grammatical unit of language7. Which of the following is an example of a prefix?A. -lyB. un-C. -nessD. re-8. The word "unhappy" is formed by adding the prefix "un-" to the root word "happy," which is an example of:A. AffixationB. ConversionC. CoinageD. Blending9. The word "edit" can be traced back to the Latin word "edere," which means:A. To eatB. To publishC. To give outD. To cut10. The process of creating a new word by shortening an existing one is known as:A. ClippingB. Back-formationC. BlendingD. Acronym formation二、填空题(每题1分,共10分)11. The word "kindergarten" is a compound of two German words, "kind" meaning ______ and "garten" meaning garden.12. The term "semantic shift" refers to a change in the______ of a word over time.13. An example of a back-formation is the word "edit," which was derived from the noun "editor."14. The word "geek" originally had a negative connotation but has undergone ______ to become a term of endearment for tech enthusiasts.15. The process of creating a new word by combining parts of two or more words is known as ______.16. The prefix "auto-" in "autonomous" comes from the Greek word for ______.17. The suffix "-able" in "readable" is used to form ______ adjectives.18. The term "etymology" refers to the study of the ______ of words.19. A word that has the same form as another but a different meaning is an example of ______.20. The word "smog" is a blend of "smoke" and "fog," which is an example of a ______ word.三、简答题(每题5分,共20分)21. Explain the difference between a homograph and a homophone.22. Describe the process of semantic change known as amelioration.23. What is the role of borrowing in the development of a language's vocabulary?24. Discuss the concept of word class conversion and provide an example.四、论述题(每题15分,共30分)25. Discuss the impact of globalization on the English lexicon.26. Analyze the factors that contribute to the creation of new words in English.答案:一、选择题1. B2. B3. D4. A5. A6. A7. D8. A9. C 10. A二、填空题11. child 12. meaning 13. back-formation 14. semantic shift 15. blending 16. self 17. adjective 18. history 19. homonym 20. portmanteau三、简答题21. A homograph is a word that is spelled the same as another word but has a different meaning and possibly a different pronunciation, while a homophone is a word that is pronounced the same as another word but has a different meaning andspelling.22. Amelioration refers to the。

简单英语词汇试题及答案一、选择题1. What is the opposite of "big"?A) smallB) largeC) tinyD) huge2. Which word means "very fast"?A) quickB) slowC) fastD) rapid3. "To help someone" is also known as:A) assistingB) hinderingC) ignoringD) mocking二、填空题4. The _______ of the cake is delicious.A) flavorB) colorC) textureD) size5. He _______ his homework before going to the party.A) finishedB) startedC) forgotD) lost6. She is _______ to the idea of traveling alone.A) opposedB) in favorC) indifferentD) curious三、翻译题7. 请将下列中文词汇翻译成英文:- 老师:______- 学生:______- 学校:______8. 请将下列英文词汇翻译成中文:- Friend:______- Library:______- Computer:______四、连词成句9. is / The / what / color / sky / ?- ___________________________10. did / Where / you / go / yesterday / ?五、改错题11. There are many people in the park. (There is a lot of people in the park.)- ___________________________六、完形填空12. I usually go to the _______ after school.A) parkB) libraryC) cinemaD) restaurant七、阅读理解13. Read the following passage and answer the question:Passage: "Tom is a student. He likes to play basketball. He plays basketball every day after school."Question: What does Tom like to do after school?Answer: ___________________________八、写作题14. Write a short paragraph about your favorite season and why you like it.答案:一、1. A2. D3. A二、4. A5. A6. B三、7. 老师:teacher学生:student学校:school8. Friend:朋友Library:图书馆Computer:计算机四、9. What is the color of the sky?10. Where did you go yesterday?五、11. There are many people in the park.六、12. B七、13. Tom likes to play basketball after school.八、14. [学生根据个人喜好自由发挥]。

高中英语词汇记忆题20道1. 以下哪个单词表示“牙刷”?A. toothbrushB. toothpasteC. comb 答案:A 解析:toothbrush 是牙刷,toothpaste 是牙膏,comb 是梳子。
2. “毛巾”用英语怎么说?A. towelB. blanketC. curtain 答案:A 解析:towel 是毛巾,blanket 是毯子,curtain 是窗帘。
3. 表示“洗发水”的单词是?A. conditionerB. shampooC. soap 答案:B 解析:conditioner 是护发素,shampoo 是洗发水,soap 是肥皂。
4. 以下哪个是“镜子”的英语单词?A. mirrorB. glassC. cup 答案:A 解析:mirror 是镜子,glass 是玻璃、杯子,cup 是杯子。
5. “肥皂盒”的正确英语表述是?A. soap boxB. soap dishC. soap bag 答案:B 解析:soap dish 是肥皂盒,soap box 通常指肥皂箱,soap bag 是肥皂袋。
6. 以下哪个单词表示“校园”?A. classroomB. campusC. libraryD. playground答案:B解析:classroom 是“教室”;library 是“图书馆”;playground 是“操场”;campus 是“校园”。
7. “毕业典礼”用英语怎么说?A. Graduation ceremonyB. School partyC. Class meetingD. Sports meeting答案:A解析:Graduation ceremony 意思是“毕业典礼”;School party 是“学校聚会”;Class meeting 是“班会”;Sports meeting 是“运动会”。
8. 与“宿舍”对应的英语单词是?A. DormitoryB. LaboratoryC. OfficeD. Restaurant答案:A解析:Dormitory 意思是“宿舍”;Laboratory 是“实验室”;Office 是“办公室”;Restaurant 是“餐馆”。

英语词汇试题及答案一、选择题1. The word "abandon" means:A) To leave behindB) To pick upC) To continueD) To support答案:A2. Which of the following is the antonym of "happiness"?A) SadnessB) JoyC) ExcitementD) Pleasure答案:A3. The phrase "break the ice" is used to describe:A) To stop a conversationB) To start a conversationC) To end a meetingD) To interrupt a discussion答案:B二、填空题4. The opposite of "fail" is usually considered to be _______.答案:succeed5. If you are "indifferent" to something, it means you are _______.答案:unconcerned6. The word "anticipate" is often used to express that you are looking forward to something or that you are _______.答案:expecting三、改错题7. The following sentence contains a mistake. Identify the incorrect word and provide the correct one."I have a lot of confidence in my abilities, but I'm not arrogant about them."答案:The sentence is correct.8. Correct the error in the sentence below."He was so tired that he fell asleep in the middle of the conversation."答案:The sentence is correct.四、翻译题9. Translate the following sentence from English to Chinese. "The young man is ambitious and has a bright future ahead of him."答案:这个年轻人很有抱负,前途光明。

英语词汇练习题1. I really need a new coat as it’s getting colder and colder, but I cannot _____ one.A. affordB. payC. spendD. cost2. You'll have to_____ tickets early if you want to watch the football match.A. receiveB. bookC. acceptD. give3.Gorge took of the fine weather to do a day’s work in this garden.A. advantageB. profitC. preferenceD. provide4. It is not easy for a Chinese student to to the new environment in USA.A. adaptB. adoptC. adjustD. advise5. Finally, the manager my suggestion.A. adaptB. appealC. adopt6. The school rules do not allow on campus.A. to smokeB. smokeC. smokingD. to smoking7. Do you know how to apply the job?A .in B. for C. to D. from8. Chinese people often associate red happiness.A .at B. to C. with D. from9. I am sorry there is no room now.A. acceptableB. moveableC. valuableD. available10. You should have avoid such a mistake if you had listened to me.A. makeB. makingC. madeD. to make1. I really appreciate to your house.A. inviteB. being invitedC. to inviteD. inviting2.your help, we could not have finished the work so quickly.A. except forB. instead ofC. but for3. He is to speak French very well after living in Paris for 2 years.A. capableB. possibleC. reasonableD. able4. I don’t think it will be very expensive, but I’ll take some money _____ it is.A. as ifB. in caseC. as thoughD. even if5. 如果你想要做生意,你必须要有一些资金。

英语1000道词汇考题及答案全国高等学校实用英语词汇试题库Unit 11. It is thought to be a wise way to have some money __A___ for old age.A. put asideB. taken offC. given inD. set out2. The ship took machines and other goods back to the port __A___ it had set off. A. from which B. to which C. which D. in which3. The new general manager is trying to find __C___ to the company’s financial problem.A .a reaction B. a reply C. a solutionD. an answer4. The new evening dress __D___ her as much as 400 dollars. A. paidB. tookC. spentA. atB. onC. overD. cost5. The chair looks rather hard but actually it is very comfortable to sit __B___.D. under6. He suddenly left for Paris yesterday, __C___ was more than we had expected. A. that B. what C. which D. this7. You should take care that you have not __D___ any detail in the design.A. disappearedB. thrownC. deliveredD. neglected8. How many computers will the company _B____ this year? A .turn upB. turn outC. turn on9. He told me that I __C__ be present at the ceremony.A. couldB. wouldC. shouldD. mightD. turn over10. In that country, the cost of living ___D__ quickly after the war broke out. A. raced B. raised C. arose D. rose11. His grandmother brought him up, because his parents __A___ when he was only one year old. A. passed away B. passed out C. passed off D. passed over12. He looked up and saw that the moon was __B___ the trees in the east. A. in B. above C. on D. among13. Breakfast is __A___ in the dining-room from 6:30 to 8:30 a.m. at this hotel.1A. servedB. madeC. eatenD. cooked14. The doctor came out of the patient’s room with a __A___ look on his face. A. serious B. silent C. simple D. slight15. Don’t ___C__ . I can help you with the typing.A. matterB. careC. worryD. concern16.Mother kept inviting Mrs. Smith to stay for lunch, but finally she __D___.A. gave offB. gave outC. gave awayD. gave up17. There are some more topics to discuss, _B____ the problem of pollution.A. generallyB. especially probably18. If you __B___ your children well, you will be proud of them. A. catch up grow up19. Jerry received a letter yesterday __B___ that he got the job. A. speaking B. saying C. telling talking20. The salesman had to __A___ the conversation in order to wait ona customer.A. break offB. break awayC. break in up2C. exactlyD.B. bring upC. feed upD.D.D. break21. I think it is hard to __D___ what you said. A. ensure B. convince believe22. I wish we had a color television. I’m __A___ pictures in black and white.A. tired ofB. interested inC. fond of up23. There has been an immediate _B____ against their government proposed tax increases. A. application reception24. It will only __D___ me a minute to repair your shoes. A. give B. make C. keep take25. As Edison grew __D___ , he never lost his interest in science.A. the elder older3C. agreeD.D. fedB. reactionC. associationD.D.B. elderC. the oldestD.Unit 21. I’d like to _____ your essay with you when you have time. A. go over B. go for C. go by D. after2. The report showed us very clearly how the plane got _____ and crashed in the end.A. into controlB. within controlC. out of control under control3. I was _____ which country to visit in the coming summer vacation.A. finding doubting4. You can drive your own car _____ you have passed the driving test.A. now thatB. even ifC. so thatD. as if5. The book is _____ more difficult than the one I recommended to you.A. veryB. ratherC. soD. much4goD.B. wonderingC. worryingD.6.I have no doubt _____ most of the students on our class can pass the final examination. A. that although7. I don’t think these books are _____ for young children. A. capableB. probable reasonable8. He found it difficult to _____ the fact that the ship was lost ina heavy storm.A. receiveB. keepC. obtain accept9. I haven't heard from you ___________ .A. lateB. latelyC. latestD. latter10. This morning when I was walking to my office, I _____ to see an old friend of mine near the office building.A. occurredB. happenedC. managedB. whetherC. asD.C. suitableD.D.D.5settled11. The police asked the villagers if it was the place _____ they found the lost child.A. whichB. whatC. that where12. When she arrived at the crossroads, she went in the wrong _____.A. directionB. location course13. This novel is worth reading, because it gives a detailed description of the historical _____ in 1949.A. accidentsB. casesC. events things14. ________ the population is too large, the government has to take measures to control the birth rate.A. AlthoughB. SinceC. If Until15. Mr. Johnson has not decided whether he will _____ the branchD.C. placeD.D.D.company set up in the small town.A. hand inB. put onC. take overD. lead to16. The book is different _____ all the other books I’ve ever read.A. fromB. to among17. John’s success in his career will be a great _____ to his aged parents.A. satisfactionB. concentrationC. attractionD. solution18. Can you tell Mary _____ her twin(双胞胎) sister?A. toB. withC. betweenD. from19. Experienced drivers have _____ accidents than beginners.A. leastB. littleC. fewerD. few20. My wife is out of work now, so we have to _____our living expenses.A. cut downB. cut offC. cut outD.C. onD.cutshort21. Don’t worry. _____you work hard, you are sure to pass the exam.A. As much asB. As well as long as22. Last night a fire _____ in that market, so the firm suffered a heavy loss.A. broke upB. broke out down23. The wine ______ a little bitter this time. A. tastes B. sounds24. The police are ______ the traffic accident that happened yesterday.A. looking down upon C. looking into25. It is reported that this medicine is ______ against lung cancer.A. economic effective8C. As soon as .D. asC. broke ofD. brokeC. looksD. feelsB. looking forward to D. looking afterB. easyC. expensiveD.Unit 31. He has changed his ______ about buying a new car at least 3 times.A. brainB. head thought2. It will only take me a minute to get your watch fixed. It will be ready ______.A. by the way that case3. We were talking about the American tourists ______ we met during our trip to the Great Wall. A. what whom4. Linda found a wallet ______ on the ground.A. lieB. layC. lainD. lying5. He didn't find ___________ in the suitcase.A. somethingB. anythingC. nothingD. everything9C. mindD.B. right awayC. at lastD. inB. whichC. whoseD.6. Children should be taught how to get on well with ___________.A. anotherB. othersC. otherD. any other7. The days in winter are shorter than ___________ in summer. A. thatB. thoseC. theseD. one8. When the old lady is alone in the house, her dog makes her feel ______ and relaxed.A. healthy angry9. It makes no difference to me ______ Mr. Smith will come or not.A. whenB. how whether10. It’s reported that the police are ______ the area for the criminal(罪犯).A. processingB. searchingC. operatingD. handling10B. lonelyC. safeD.C. thatD.11. He bought an expensive coat ______ he had no job. A. unless till12. She has ______ her mind and is going to Canada instead of Japan.A. changedB. exchangedC. decidedD. made13. When applying for a job, you have to ______ a resume.A. get offB. hand inC. put outD. take away14. He ______ several jackets and finally picked out a blue one. A. tried on B. went on C. took on on15. Mr. John has decided that he will ____ the branch company set up in the small town.A. take over16. I have never seen ___________a moving film.11B. sinceC. althoughD.B. had inC. put inD. lead toA. suchB. soC. the sameD. same17. ____ he can recover soon, I don’t mind how much money I have to pay.18. The book is ____ more difficult than the one I read last week.A. rather19. Many a teacher in our department ____ abroad. A. have been20. If you have ___________ questions, please write them on a slip of paper. A. some B. any C. few D. little21. We adopted the new methods with a view to ____ our efficiency.A. raiseB. raisingC. riseD. rising22. We must study English well, no matter ____ difficult it is.A. what23. It was ___________ who cleaned the room.A. IB. meC. mineD. my24. Yesterday when I was walking on the street, I ____ to see an old friend of mine.A. managedB. happenedC. settledD. occurred25. You can stay in my room ____ you promise not to use the computer.A. so far as12A. So long asB. So far asC. In caseD. WhenB. veryC. muchD. moreB. has beenC. have goD. has goB. howeverC. howD. thatB. exceptC. unlessD. provided1. If you have any trouble, you can turn ____ him for help.A. forB. atC. toD. in2. It took me a year to be ____ to the college life.A. adaptedB. adoptedC. receivedD. accepted3. I really can’t figure ____ who the person that phoned me just now was.A. outB. fromC. atD. out of4. ____ they change the coach they will lose the match.A. UntilB. BeforeC. UnlessD. Although5. Please remember to keep in ____ with me through e-mail when you are abroad. A. touch B. trouble C. promise D. approval6. The temperature in the room is ___________ .A. hotB. highC. belowD. middle7. My parents ___________ me to become a doctor.A. adviseB. hopeC. considerD. think8. How long does it ________ to travel from Xi’an to Guilin?A. useB. costC. spendD. take9. Would you __________ holding this box for me while I open the door?A. likeB. matterC. pleaseD. mind10. It is quite natural for a new-comer to ____in such a big city as Shanghai.A. get lostB. lost wayC. lose homeD. miss home11. The librarian is arranging the books, which are not in their proper ____.A. lineB. turnC. rowD. order12. The old man went ____ after the death of his wife.A. madB. deadC. badD. angry13. It’s almost ____ that Mr. Barry will win the next election.A. certainB. sureC. certainlyD. surely14. Hurry up, or we will ____ the 18:30 train for Guilin.A. loseB. missC. failD. fall15. I ran the doorbell several times, but no one came to ____ the door.A. answerB. replyC. reply toD. open up1316. Visitors are not ____ to visit patients after the hospital visiting hours. A. allowed B. received C. agreed D. accepted17. The weather forecast was good so it should ____ fine after all.A. turn intoB. turn outC. turn overD. turn up18. A camel _______ $ 400 to buy and $ 3 a day to feed. A. spends B. costs C. affords D. pays19. A penny saved is a penny _______ . A. lost B. wonC. leftD. gained20. If the flood doesn’t stop, great _______ will be done to those houses. A. woundsB. hurtC. damageD. injuries21. We are ______ him to arrive at any moment. A. waiting B. hopingC. expectingD. thinking22. These two words are very _______ in meaning to each other. A. closeB. next C .narrow D. near23. Your story _______ too good to be true. Few people believe it.A. heatsB. listensC. soundsD. looks24.The little girl is said to have a good musical ________ . A. feelingB. mindC. hearingD. sense25. The music was very noisy. I couldn’t ______ it. A. carry B. sufferC. bearD. supportUnit 51. As time went on, some products of poor quality were _______ out of the market. A. let B. lost C. dropped D. driven2. Our classroom is _______ with ten electric lights. A. givenB. suppliedC. offeredD. combined3. When you tell him to do something, he always does _______. A. the wrong B. the opposite C. opposite D. bad4. In the _______ of the disease, he followed the professor’s advice.A. treatmentB. serviceC. fieldD. way145. I did try my best, but I didn't have a(n) _______ of winning.A. luckB. chanceC. conditionD. event6. It seems that the hat fits you very well. Please _________ .A. try it onB. try on itC. to try it onD. to try on it7. I have _________ the new words, but still don't understand the sentence.A. looked forB. looked upC. lookedD. looked at8. It's not a good present for Mother. Let's _________ something better.A. searchB. find outC. lookD. look for9. When the picture was _________, we put up a photo on the wall.A. taken downB. put downC. taken awayD. put off10. Do your best and I'm sure you will _________ your classmates.A. keep backB. keepC. keep up withD. keep up11. You must _________attention _________your spelling.A. give.., onB. pay.., withC. pay.., toD. give...in12. They _________for London early the next morning.A. went outB. left outC. set outD. got out13. Nothing can make him _________ his research work.A. give inB. give toC. give upD. give away14. When the teacher _________ , all the students were seated.A. came intoB. came inC. got outD. got out of15. Are you busy _________your final exam?A. to prepare forB. to prepareC. preparing forD. preparing about16. Chinese history _________ him.A. interests withB. is interested inC. is interesting inD. interests17. The soldier came _________three days after he was wounded.A. back to lifeB. back to his lifeC. back to liveD. to live18. I'i1_________at the next stop.A. get offB. get inC. get toD. get up19. The wine is _________ grapes.A. made inB. made ofC. made fromD. made by1520. Jack was _________after he had stayed in prison for two years.A. set outB. set freeC. set offD. set up21. Does he _________English?A. sayB. talkC. tellD. speak22. The crops were badly _________ by the flood.A. injuredB. damagedC. harmedD. destroyed23. Look, the children are playing. Let's go and _________them.A. take part inB. attendC. joinD. enter for24. When I got to the cinema, I found I had _________ my ticket at home.A. leftB. forgotC. putD. lost25. It will take seven days for the package to _________ Beijing.A. getB. arriveC. reachD. go Unit 61. Columbus_________ America in 1492.A. foundB. discoveredC. looked forD. founded2. Alice and Linda _________ take the same bus to school this morning.A. took place toB. happenedC. happened toD. met to3. It will _________ long to get everything ready.A. spendB. takesC. takeD. cost4. The palaces _________ beautiful and magnificent.A. seeB. lookC. watchD. find5. If the temperature _________, water will _________ steam.A. is raised …,be turnedB. is risen ...,be turned intoC. rises …, turn intoD. raises …, turn into6. The mistake will _________you in a great deal of trouble.A. engageB. includeC. involveD. draw7. Please don't hesitate to _________us if additional information is required.A. connectB. conductC. confirmD. contact8. The teachers _________the students against being careless.A. preventB. protectC. warnD. ask169. It _________ whether you want to do it or not.A. depends onB. depends aboutC. depends inD. depends to10. 56_________8 is 7.A. divides byB. divided intoC. divided byD. is divided by11. More and more trucks are used by farmers to _________ fruits to cities.A. carryB. fetchC. bringD. get12. Several old houses are being _________to make way for the new highway.A. pulled upB. pulled downC. pulled onD. pulled out13. The clock _________ and we realized it was two o'clock.A. hitB. beatC. struckD. shot14. Smoking _________ great harm to health.A. givesB. makesC. doesD. takes15. Our new neighbor _________ us to have the same kind of furniture as they have.A. suggestedB. persuadedC. madeD. allowed16. I am so familiar with her that I can _________ her voice on the phone.A. make outB. recognizeC. discoverD. understand17. Usually carelessness_________ to failure.A. resultB. leadsC. happensD. runs18. He could hardly _________ laughing when he heard that story.A. resistB. refuseC. rejectD. rebel19. The composition that Tom _________ yesterday is excellent.A. turned inB. turn intoC. turn inD. turned out20. Miss Li will _________ at the hotel tomorrow morning.A. pick up meB. pick me outC. pick me upD. pick out me21. Lenny gradually _________ a knowledge of the subject.A. attainedB. acquiredC. achievedD. enquired22. Tom was found guilty. The court _________ him with six serious offences.A. judgedB. chargedC. forcedD. announced1723. The railway _________ as far as the border.A. marchesB. advancesC. extendsD. progresses24. Hemingway was _________ by the army because of his bad eyes.A. rejectedB. refusedC. forbiddenD. declined25. This medicine will help to _________ the patient from his pain.A. sufferB. relieveC. treatD. cureUnit 71. We _________ the houses for 50,000 dollars.A. offeredB. suggestedC. affordedD. accepted2. He advised me to _________ a hobby to relax.A. pick upB. make upC. take upD. give up3. Don't do it as he asks you to, you are _________ .A. taken downB. taken offC. taken onD. taken in4. When he was asked about the missing watch, Bill _________ ever seeing it.A. deniedB. pretendedC. opposedD. proposed5. They _________ the different parts into one country.A. unitedB. connectedC. joinedD. linked6. The professor was _________ her answers.A. satisfied withB. satisfied forC. satisfied atD. satisfied to7. This novel is well written; it is worth _________ .A. to readB. readingC. of readingD. to be read8. The cinema has a seating ______ of two thousand.A. abilityB. capacityC. capabilityD. volume9. The workers went on strike because their wages were too _________.A. lowB. fewC. littleD. small10. We often have _________ fogs during winter.A. greatB. deepC. thickD. cloudy11. In the old days my grandfather lived by begging. He led a _________ life. A. wretched B. happy C. misery D. hardly12. We are _________ to you for your help.18A. pleasantB. gratefulC. pleasingD. thanking13. You two are more _________ than I thought.A. likeB. alikeC. sameD. likely14. He is fond of life in the _________ air.A. outsideB. clearC. openD. fill15. He fell _________ during the meeting.A. sleepB. sleepyC. asleepD. sleeping16. I am _________ being an actor.A. tired withB. tiring ofC. tired ofD. tired from17. You'll earn _________ money if you work late tonight.A. plentyB. manyC. lotsD. extra18. I haven't had my lunch _________ .A. alreadyB. yetC. alsoD. neither19. It was very hot and she felt _________ , but she had nothing to drink.A. thirstyB. thirstC. angryD. hungry20. He is _________ what he used to be.A. no moreB. no longerC. not more thanD. no more than21. The wife was _________from being sure whether her husband came back dead or not.A. awayB. farC. by farD. faraway22. No _________ things can live without water or air.A. livelyB. livingC. aliveD. lovely23. Your forehead feels _________ . What's the trouble with you?A. healthyB. hollowC. feverishD. fever24. I am not quite _________ whether he will be present at the meeting or not.A. sureB. certainC. exactD. right25. Not having stayed in America long enough, I don't _______ know the customs of the people.A. veryB. very muchC. quiteD. ratherUnit 81. I am _________ at home, but I don't feel _________ at all.A. alone, aloneB. alone, lonelyC. lonely, lonelyD. lonely, alone192. Keth has cut his smoking _________ to five cigarettes a day.A. outB. offC. shortD. away3. Jack told his mother he was going to go over his lessons but _________ he went to bed.A. almostB. actuallyC. immediatelyD. hardly4. _________ can you complete it?A. How longB. How oftenC. How soonD. How much5. Hudie was quite _________ as an actor in the 1930s.A. greatB. highC. famousD. grand6. I don't think that car is _________ the money you paid for it.A. equalB. worthC. worthyD. valuable7. Lei Feng was always _________ to help people.A. remarkableB. recentC. regularD. ready8. The price of the gold necklace was _________ .A. too cheapB. too expensiveC. very highD. very mean9. There are tall trees on _________ side of the road.A. eitherB. everyC. bothD. all10. _________ no one can solve the problem.A. NearlyB. AlmostC. SeldomD. Mostly11. Don't make any _________ . I am enjoying the song by Wangfei. Her_________sounds very nice.A. sound.., voiceB. noise...voiceC. noise.., soundD. voice...noise12. He said he would return the money, and I hope he keeps his _________A. faithB. sayingC. wordD. rule13. There are many policemen on _________ at the football ground during the match.A. positionB. dutyC. the guardD. platform14. The ______ driver thinks that accidents only happen to other.A. commonB. averageC. usual15. Over the past decades the _________ of living has risen considerably.A. priceB. costC. amountD. rateD. general2016. In the theater, the front _________of seats was kept for invited guests.A. stringB. rowC. chainD. area17. You should reply to the letter without _________ .A. pauseB. delayC. restD. stop18. I closed the window and drew the _________ before turning on the light.A. shadowB. curtainsC. carpetsD. doors19. When they are far away from the earth and there is no more _______, the astronauts find they are unable to stay in one place.A. phenomenonB. radiumC. radiationD. gravity20. I'd like to place an order for a _________ .A. recycleB. rewardC. recorderD. rock21. He has forgotten the name of the _________ where he had lunch yesterday.A. cinemaB. restaurantC. concertD. theater22. Have you ever tasted the _________ of the snail?A. meatB. muscleC. skinD. wrist23. The _________finished drawing a horse in less than five minutes.A. musicianB. pianistC. artistD. murderer24. They could make no room for me as the room was filled with _________ .A. cornersB. icebergsC. shadesD. packages25. Tomorrow morning, President Clinton will make a speech on TV to the whole _________.A. stateB. nationC. countryD. peopleUnit 91. A famous film star was killed in a motor _________ .A. affairB. accidentC. incident D: matter2. My watch is in good _________ after being repaired.A. orderB. conditionsC. useD. manner3. Everything went on well according to __________.A. decisionB. managementC. arrangementD. schedule4. There are usually at least two _________ of looking at every question.A. viewsB. opinionsC. waysD. means215. Thoughts are expressed by _________ of words.A. wayB. methodsC. formsD. means6. The train ran all the _________ to Washington.A. roadB. pathC. wayD. route7. He took the umbrella by _________ .A. crimeB. mistakeC. faultD. joke8. When you meet somebody at the airport, you may say \A. travelB. voyageC. journeyD. trip9. The computer can store a large _________of information.A. dealB. amountC. numberD. lot10. It's a good _________ to get up early.A. customB. habitC. hobbyD. character11. Carelessness was the _________ of the fire.A. causeB. reasonC. resultD. effect12. We took pride in the _________ our son had made.A. achievementsB. benefitC. advantagesD. celebration13. The bridge shows the _________of the ancient people.A. wiseB. wisdomC. wisemanD. wiser14. He has the _________ to do heavy work for hours, but he has no _________ to control anybody.A. power, strengthB. power, powerC. strength, powerD. strength, strength15. I can answer this _________, but I can't solve that _________.A. question, questionB. question, problemC. problem, problemD. problem, question16. Soon after the _________ the _________ ended.A. battle, warB. war, warC. war, battleD. battle, battle17. What's _________like today?A. weatherB. climateC. the weatherD. the climate18. You can take as many as you like because they are free of _________ .A. priceB. chargeC. valueD. sense2219. The firemen fought bravely with the fire, giving no thought to their own _________.A. happinessB. sadnessC. safetyD. danger20. I would like to open an _________ in your bank.A. accountB. accordanceC. advanceD. agency21. Please fill in your name and _________here, so that I can contact you easily.A. apartmentB. answerC. alphabetD. address22. Muslims don't eat _________.A. porkB. beefC. milkD. butter23. Sam Adams is a _________ who cuts men's hair.A. barberB. hairdresserC. postmanD. butcher24. I'd like to take a _________ after a day's work.A. swimB. bathC. bathroomD. vapor25. As a _________ of fact, he is a kind man.A. matterB. thingC. affairD. businessUnit 101. If you are to apply for a job, you need to write an _________first.A. arrangementB. applicationC. appointmentD. announcement2. One hundred years is a _________.A. centuryB. cassetteC. centerD. cancer3. We are required to give a thorough _______ to our dormitory every Friday afternoon.。

1. He is a very ______ person, always ready to help others.A. kindB. strictC. lazyD. naughty.解析:根据“always ready to help others(总是乐意帮助他人)”可知,这是形容一个人善良的品质,kind表示“善良的”,strict是“严格的”,lazy是“懒惰的”,naughty是“淘气的”,所以答案是A。
2. I'm so ______ that I can't eat any more.A. fullB. hungryC. thirstyD. tired.解析:根据“can't eat any more(不能再吃了)”,这表明是很饱的状态,full表示“满的;饱的”,hungry是“饥饿的”,thirsty是“口渴的”,tired是“疲倦的”,所以答案是A。
3. There are ______ days in a week.A. fiveB. sixC. sevenD. eight.解析:常识可知,一周有七天,所以答案是C。
4. My favorite ______ is spring. I love the flowers and warm weather.A. seasonB. colorC. animalD. book.解析:根据“spring(春天)”可知这是在说季节,season表示“季节”,color是“颜色”,animal是“动物”,book是“书”,所以答案是A。
5. She ______ to school by bike every day.A. goB. goesC. wentD. going.解析:every day表明是一般现在时,主语she是第三人称单数,动词要用第三人称单数形式,go的第三人称单数形式是goes,所以答案是B。

高中英语词汇单选题30题1. I have a lot of ______ to do today.A. worksB. jobC. workD. jobs答案:C。
A 选项“works”形式错误,B 选项“job”是可数名词,应加复数,D 选项“jobs”是复数形式,此句中“a lot of”后接不可数名词或可数名词复数,“work”不可数,符合题意。
2. The ______ of the building is very beautiful.A. designB. designerC. designingD. designs答案:A。
“design”有“设计;图案”的意思,此处作名词,B 选项“designer”是“设计师”,C 选项“designing”是动词的现在分词形式,D 选项“designs”是复数形式,根据句意“这座建筑的设计非常漂亮”,应用名词单数“design”。
3. There are many different kinds of ______ in the shop.A. fruitB. fruitsC. vegetableD. vegetables答案:B。
“fruit”作“水果”讲时,通常是不可数名词,但表示种类时是可数名词,A 选项“fruit”未体现种类,C 选项“vegetable”是可数名词,应加复数,D 选项“vegetables”是“蔬菜”,与句意不符,此句说“商店里有很多不同种类的水果”,用“fruits”。
4. We need some ______ for the party.A. foodB. foodsC. drinkD. drinks答案:A。
“food”作“食物”讲时是不可数名词,B 选项“foods”形式错误,C 选项“drink”作“饮料”讲时是可数名词,此处应用复数,D 选项“drinks”是复数形式,但根据句意“我们聚会需要一些食物”,用“food”。
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.'Unit 2their prey before they attack. 1. Snakes always ______ at D. glance C. flare B. stare A. glare-up my school doctor told me that I had heart trouble. _____ check2. Five years ago in a D. usual C. normal A. routine B. regular3. As she stood on the stage, she became nervous ______.D. somewhere B. someway C. somehow A. anywayon ______. 4. Once the program starts, the producer makes sure it staysD. schedule C. progress A. agenda . B. process5. ______, I rock to and fro on the swing. I'm feeling lonely. I wish I had someone to play with.D. delightedly A. joyfully B. listlessly C. anxiously6. What I am ______ over is whether my kids are ready to face the challenges that await them.D. contemplating C. concerning A. pondering B. reflecting7. The ______ between a teacher and student should be much more than just someonewho teaches and someone who learns.D. bond C. association B. connection A. contactthat anxieties many insecurity, and have fears and permanent 8. Some people live inmake them dependent and ______ to the judgments of others.D. frail B. vulnerable C. weak A. fragile9. Speaking well of yourself would only make you appear conceited and ______.D. listless C. pretentious B. sparkling A. miraculousfrom hospital. 10. I have made the last check-up for you, and all is right. You can ______D. free B. release A. discharge B. escapet have their own teams to ______ for throughout the Rio 11. Pitifully, Chinese fans won'2014 World Cup.D. pledge A. support B. fight C. root12. It gradually ______ on me that I still had talent and ought to run again.D. appeared C. hovered A. dawned B. occurred13. Marriage is about the biggest commitment you can imagine, and ending a marriage is ;...'a ______ experience.D. miraculous B. dreadful A. incredible C. thrilling14. He ______ the important letter from the waste paper basket.D. retail A. retrieved B. retreat C. relocatefear and confusion. 15. His mind was a ______ ofA. mazeB. gazeC. hazeD. dazeUnit 416. She's a ______ woman who believes marriage comes by destiny.A. sensibleB. sensationalC. senselessD. sentimental17. It is generally agreed that education is a matter of learning process from ______ to grave.D. cradle B. beginning A. birth C. origind better keep off ______ topics when talking with people from another culture. '18. We D. unique A. particular B. special C. sensitive19. She is acutely aware of the discrepancy between her inner state and her public ____.D. status A. demeanor B. action C. move20. A translator must be armed with the excellent ability of expressiveness and ______ imagination.D. vividA. liveB. living B. aliveeconomicthan its 21. Currently, government should give _____ to education ratherreform.D. highlight C. preference A. priority B. preemption22. Our wildlife trips offer a ______ encounter with wildlife in its natural state.D. thoughtful A. influential B. positive C. thrillingtocan each other we be ______ of we 23. Only when realize the importance helpingbuilding a harmonious society.D. absorbed C. concentrated A. devoted B. focused24. A neighbor asked for the music to be turned down and the party broke ______.A. downB. offC. awayD. up;...'of the project was completed two months ahead of schedule. ______ 25. The firstD. phase C. span B. section A. process26. A student is practicing writing the Chinese ______ xue, which means to study or to learn.D. character B. letter C. script A. word27. These trophies are constant ______ of his glorious basketball career.D. retriever B. retainer C. reminder A. remainder28. His wages were ______ up by his wine bills.C. consumedD. worn B. swallowed A. drowned29. We should make decisions in accordance with ______ conditions.B. specialized D. specifiedC. specific A. specialterribly a them I miss beautiful couple ______ and 30. Anne and Mike were indeed already.B. pure and simpleC. inside and outD. fair and square A. now and thenUnit 5life, but luckily there to almost all kinds of pets for my whole 21. I've been ______are still a few I can live with.D. adaptable C. alert A. sensitive B. allergic22. If I had known how he felt, I would never have let him ______ those children.D. advocate C. adopt A. adapt B. adjusts the result of untiring efforts. '23. Never think success is merely a ______ of luck. Rather, itD. slight C. stroke A. piece B. weeamong the population. ______ 24. An earthquake hit the capital, causingD. fright C. fear B. panic A. scare25. Mr. Burns had to quit his position as CEO, after it came to light that his brother was in jail for corruption. Shareholders got scared he might have more skeletons in the ______.D. closet C. wardrobe A. cabinet B. safeof disagreement on his face. ______ 26. I noticed a slightA. noddingB. winkC. frownD. complexion27. The parents showed remarkable forbearance toward their ______ and unruly son.;...'D. dutiful C. dishonest A. defiant B. disciplined28. After all the losses, we had to start from ______ and it took times.D. scratch A. scramble B. scream C. scrapeare slovenliness, rudeness, laziness, ______ 29. Among the habits which children should lying, stealing and slandering.D. shun B. shrink A. shake C. shatter30. When an earthquake strikes, most people ______ in doorways, or other strong points homes.in theirD. curl C. huddle A. cower B. cuddleher back at once. ______ 31. My daughter ran away from home, I have toD. coax A. talk B. persuade C. convinceand with food, efforts 32.Relief agencies are stepping up to provide refugees ______ medical supplies.D. rescue B. shelter A. facilities C. residencehis life story to a total stranger. ______ out 33. He will talk to anyone andD. reveal A. spill B. confide B. disclosepunishment, he only brought more suffering upon himself. ______ from34. Seeking to D. shun A. avoid B. escape C. flee______. 35. You've been drifting from job to job without any realD. passion A. commitment B. seriousness C. dutyUnit 7has that to realize tourism is a it mixed ______: are 36. However, today we coming advantages and disadvantages.D. blessing C. boon A. welfare B. benefitI was the first to ask him ______ questions that made him embarrassed but there'll be 37. harder ones to come.D. picky C. awkward A. sharp B. harsh38. We can ______ by the bar and go for a drink.A. dropB. fallC. pullD. stop;...'the hospitality of kindness, Every 39. visitor to Georgia is ______ by the charm and people.D. welcomed A. overflowed B. overwhelmed C. surrounded40. Resourceful as he is, he has ______ of ideas and cannot help it.D. gone through B. used up A. run out C. wasted away41. Because he was being so kind and concerned, I ______ down and cried into tears.D. cracked A. fell B. broke C. collapsed42. You can learn from their successes -- and mistakes -- as well as ______ up a few tips and tricks along the way.D. pick A. acquire B. obtain C. gain43. I was disappointed to miss Bryan, who had just packed and ______ out.D. fled B. left A. departed C. checkedvisitors from all parts of the world ______ on Sunday afternoons to 44. in the sentence “be used in the blank? , which of the following cannot“view public exhibitions.D. aggregate A. gathered B. assembled C. congregatedby our local community's generosity and support. 45. We feel _____D. disgraced A. humbled B. degraded C. humiliatedfrom carrying the burden of a broken heart. ______46. Yet another part of me is soD. bored A. tiring B. dull C. wearysome medicine to quiet my nerves. ______ 47. My doctor said he wouldC. ascribe B. describeD. prescribe A. subscribeof 20,000 dollars on his head. 48. He had a ______D. bounty C. bonus A. boundary B. boundaround, searching for scraps of food in the rubbish. 49. The rats ______D. scurry B. scramble A. stroll C. dodge50. Non-residents will also have to produce documents to ______ they have paid social security or income tax in the city for one year.D. modify B. justify B. gratify A. certify;..。