
Babies and young children love to hear people singing to them. When they are a little older, they like to sing the songs they have heard. When children go to school,their world of music grows. In the middle grades students take music lessons. When they reach high school,they become interested in listening to pop music.
文章开头就说明今天的节目是关于音 乐的,其后的句子都是围绕介绍音乐的。 从音乐的起源,形式,作用到全世界的受 人喜爱音乐,进行逐一说明。
2. 在结尾。
文章最后一句“In fact,the true love is not built on friendship,loyalty or blood relationship.Instead,itis based on no relationship.真正的爱不以友谊、忠诚抑 或是血缘关系为前提,事实上,真正的爱, 是无条件的博爱。” 就是在前面故事的基 础上的总结与概括,即文章的主旨。
3) 问目的;态度 The author wants to tell ____ The purpose of this article is to ____
以偏概全 夸大主题 把观点强加给作者
找主题句。主题句是归纳文章中心的句 子,它的出现有三种情况:
Babies and young children love to hear people singing to them. When they are a little older, they like to sing the songs they have heard. When children go to school,their world of music grows. In the middle grades students take music lessons. When they reach high school,they become interested in listening to pop music.
文章开头就说明今天的节目是关于音 乐的,其后的句子都是围绕介绍音乐的。 从音乐的起源,形式,作用到全世界的受 人喜爱音乐,进行逐一说明。
2. 在结尾。
文章最后一句“In fact,the true love is not built on friendship,loyalty or blood relationship.Instead,itis based on no relationship.真正的爱不以友谊、忠诚抑 或是血缘关系为前提,事实上,真正的爱, 是无条件的博爱。” 就是在前面故事的基 础上的总结与概括,即文章的主旨。
3) 问目的;态度 The author wants to tell ____ The purpose of this article is to ____
以偏概全 夸大主题 把观点强加给作者
找主题句。主题句是归纳文章中心的句 子,它的出现有三种情况:

(五)当题目完成之后,如果时间允许我们可以把确定 的选项都代入文章,快速将文章阅读一遍,同时再一次 确定淘汰某些选项的理由,以此来提高答题的正确率
3)代词线索 英语表达中代词出现的频率极高,代词的作用无非
是指代前面提及的名词或形容词概念,巧妙利用这样的 指代关系和根据代词的单复数差异可以准确而快速地解 题。 4)数字线索
1.有时会是本段内容的一个简短的总结,用一些于表达 总结概括的单词,在选项中查找那些谈论话题和本段最 接近,同时又是一些具有总结意义的答案, 通常是结论 、概括性语句。注意在选项中查找表示结果、结论、总 结 等的信号词,如therefore, as a result, thus, hence, in short, to sum up,, in a word等词语,选项中也可发现前文 的同义词句。
that, for this reason, of course
(c)转折让步关系:but, however,yet, on the contrary, by contrast,on the other hand, unfortunately, while, whereas, unlike, rather than ,instead of, it is true that,of
是承上启下的过渡句,要么是对前文具体的事实,事例 的补充及说明。首先针对某些特征单词将选项进行筛选 之后,把几个可能的答案依次代入空白处,看哪个选项 和空白处前后的两句话能达到语意连贯,逻辑关系表达 清晰。
这个段落应该是承上启下,而且自成一体,即有一个段 落的中心,因此可重点阅读选项中较长的选项,以此类 推直至找到正确答案;
3)代词线索 英语表达中代词出现的频率极高,代词的作用无非
是指代前面提及的名词或形容词概念,巧妙利用这样的 指代关系和根据代词的单复数差异可以准确而快速地解 题。 4)数字线索
1.有时会是本段内容的一个简短的总结,用一些于表达 总结概括的单词,在选项中查找那些谈论话题和本段最 接近,同时又是一些具有总结意义的答案, 通常是结论 、概括性语句。注意在选项中查找表示结果、结论、总 结 等的信号词,如therefore, as a result, thus, hence, in short, to sum up,, in a word等词语,选项中也可发现前文 的同义词句。
that, for this reason, of course
(c)转折让步关系:but, however,yet, on the contrary, by contrast,on the other hand, unfortunately, while, whereas, unlike, rather than ,instead of, it is true that,of
是承上启下的过渡句,要么是对前文具体的事实,事例 的补充及说明。首先针对某些特征单词将选项进行筛选 之后,把几个可能的答案依次代入空白处,看哪个选项 和空白处前后的两句话能达到语意连贯,逻辑关系表达 清晰。
这个段落应该是承上启下,而且自成一体,即有一个段 落的中心,因此可重点阅读选项中较长的选项,以此类 推直至找到正确答案;

listening and speaking abilities
Selection of teaching methods
Task based teaching
Design tasks based on the actual situation of students, guide students to complete tasks in groups, and cultivate students' autonomous learning and cooperative learning abilities
Learning Needs
Attention is paid to the individual differences and learning needs of students, designing interactive and engaging learning tasks to stimulate students' interest in learning English and developing their autonomous learning abilities
Interactive link design
Interactive Questions
Design interactive questions based on teaching content, guide students to think actively, and enhance classroom interaction
practical exercises
Listening and Speaking Training
人教版 中考英语阅读理解之七选五PPT课件讲解(PPT共30张)

I can't get you out of my head.
As long as you're here with me. I don't care
who you are.
What you did. As long as you love me. Who you are. Where you're
A. Speak out. B. Keep silent. C. You’re a great father. D. Thank you very much. E. On that day people say something nice to others. F. Your nice words must come from your heart. G. Do you ever say anything good to your parents?
Although loneliness has always been a friend of mine, I'm leaving my life in your hands. Risking it all in a glance. How you got me blind is still a mystery.
初中英语中考阅读理解之七 选五题型讲解
• 1. What room has no walls, no doors, no windows, and no floors?

键词填空等教学。时然,教后师让可学以先生和带学生着共问同题讨论快“速课前浏问览, 从材料中迅题”速。找再就出课这文些内容特提定出一的些信相息关问和题具,让体学的事 实。要求学生掌边握生读课独边文寻内立找容的答 ,阅案 了。 解读要 课,求 文学 大寻生 意找阅 ,这读 并时 鼓些尽 励问可 他能们题地在的答 案。然后找阅读同时学根据回上答下问文猜题测,生词核的对意答思,案学。会使通用过略 读学生初步字典掌或握教科文书章附整录中体的后词汇,表学及生注释在,进适时行表导读, 捕捉具体信扬善息动细脑筋节和,使加用词深典对的学文生章。的理解。
(任师将务可要1先出)就现通短的过文单浏内词览容介文提绍出给章一学题两生目个,和问然文题后章,让并学首段尾 段找出文生章默读主短题文。,尽快找到答案,再口头检
(任查务纠2正)。通过浏览整篇课文找出每段和每 个部分的大意。
2、Scanning for details.(寻读)
寻读是快速阅读的另一种方式,他要求教 师设计好需要查找的信息和具体的事实。形成
1.Read: Read the passage and try to recite it.
2.Write: Review the passage, write your opinions.
理解故事的情节,预 测 故事情节的发展和 可能的结局;
能读懂常见体裁的 阅读材料
能根据不同的阅读 目的运用简单的阅 读策略获取信息
能理解段落中 各句子之间的 逻辑关系;
能利用字典等工具 书进行学习;
构词法推断、理 解 生词的含义;
新课标对英语阅读 的基本要求
除教材外,课外阅 读量应累计达到15
键词填空等教学。时然,教后师让可学以先生和带学生着共问同题讨论快“速课前浏问览, 从材料中迅题”速。找再就出课这文些内容特提定出一的些信相息关问和题具,让体学的事 实。要求学生掌边握生读课独边文寻内立找容的答 ,阅案 了。 解读要 课,求 文学 大寻生 意找阅 ,这读 并时 鼓些尽 励问可 他能们题地在的答 案。然后找阅读同时学根据回上答下问文猜题测,生词核的对意答思,案学。会使通用过略 读学生初步字典掌或握教科文书章附整录中体的后词汇,表学及生注释在,进适时行表导读, 捕捉具体信扬善息动细脑筋节和,使加用词深典对的学文生章。的理解。
(任师将务可要1先出)就现通短的过文单浏内词览容介文提绍出给章一学题两生目个,和问然文题后章,让并学首段尾 段找出文生章默读主短题文。,尽快找到答案,再口头检
(任查务纠2正)。通过浏览整篇课文找出每段和每 个部分的大意。
2、Scanning for details.(寻读)
寻读是快速阅读的另一种方式,他要求教 师设计好需要查找的信息和具体的事实。形成
1.Read: Read the passage and try to recite it.
2.Write: Review the passage, write your opinions.
理解故事的情节,预 测 故事情节的发展和 可能的结局;
能读懂常见体裁的 阅读材料
能根据不同的阅读 目的运用简单的阅 读策略获取信息
能理解段落中 各句子之间的 逻辑关系;
能利用字典等工具 书进行学习;
构词法推断、理 解 生词的含义;
新课标对英语阅读 的基本要求
除教材外,课外阅 读量应累计达到15
初中英语人教版八年级上册Unit 1 .-阅读课件

Unit 1 How often do you exercise?
The good habits of English study
Jane is a 16-year-old high school student in the United States. American Teenager magazine asked her about her habits. Jane has a lot of good habits. She always exercises and she reads day Also, she _______ books every _______. often drinks juice ever and she hardly _______ stays up late. However, she has usually watches TV some bad habits, too. She _______ for more than two hours a day, and she _______ sometimes eats hamburgers. Her parents are not very hardly ever happy because she __________ helps with housework and she never _______ goes to the dentist 水 for teeth cleaning. She says she is afraid.
Free talk: Talk about your habits.
Unit 1 How often do you exercise?
The good habits of English study
Jane is a 16-year-old high school student in the United States. American Teenager magazine asked her about her habits. Jane has a lot of good habits. She always exercises and she reads day Also, she _______ books every _______. often drinks juice ever and she hardly _______ stays up late. However, she has usually watches TV some bad habits, too. She _______ for more than two hours a day, and she _______ sometimes eats hamburgers. Her parents are not very hardly ever happy because she __________ helps with housework and she never _______ goes to the dentist 水 for teeth cleaning. She says she is afraid.
Free talk: Talk about your habits.
初中英语阅读课 PPT课件 图文

一.分句正确地朗读课文,了解文章大意。 二.小组带着问题再读课文,找出正确答语。 1.Where is LiYan from? 2.What time does her mother get up in the morning? 3.What does her mother do? 4.After dinner,what does she often do?
3.能够运用所学语言谈论人物。 教学重难点:
1.重点:(Important points:) 初步体会第三人称做主语的一般现在时
2.难点:(Difficult points:) 通过发email 小组交流等方式,询问和介绍家人的日 常生活情况。
afternoon,and then she cooks dinner.After dinner she often ___________ with my father. • She reads English stories ___me.I love my mother and father very much! • Please_____me______your parents,Lucy. • Best ________, • LiYan
Unit 1. I 3
Learning target and impotant difficult points
Fast reading(Fill in the blanks):

4. 通过定义或释义关系来推测词义
But sometimes, no rain falls for a long, long time. Then there is a dry period, or drought.
5. 通过句法功能来推测词义
• Bananas,oranges,pineapples, coconuts and some other kind of fruit grow in warm areas.
其他词汇表达 • 超纲 词汇不是正确答案 • 正确答案常蕴藏在原文该词出现前后
最新版整理ppt19 Nhomakorabea 猜词题实例
1. 通过因果关系猜词 借助关联词(如because,as,since, for,so,thus,as a result,of course, therefore等等)
You shouldn't have blamed him for that,for it wasn't his fault.
• 主旨要义 • 整体理解 • 概括能力 • 标志词有: “mainly about; mainly discuss; best title”
• 注意首段和各段第一句话,将其含义连接成一个 整体
• 小心“首段陷阱”,不要一看开头就选择答案
make weather maps exactly. D. Those who major in geography should
in ten minutes, are guarding a blue star sapphire(蓝宝石)
《小王子》英文原著赏析英语PPT课堂展示 初中英语阅读课件课外拓展

他在各星球中间漫游,分别造访了 国王、自负的人、酒鬼、商人、点 灯人和地理学家的星球,最后降临 到地球上,试图找到纾解孤独和痛 苦的良方。
• King • King is the little prince left his planet to visit after the first one on a small planet . The king said he controled everything, his rule must be respected and not to be rebelling against; However, the fact he was only worthy of the name, he could only let someone else do people themselves want to do.
The narrator of the novel is a pilot who tells the story of the little prince and their friendship. The pilot is a fantasy person.
He is not used to those who are too practical adults. He likes to get along with children. The children are natural and pleasant.
费的时间使得你的玫瑰花变 得如此重要.
• In one of the stars I shall be living. In one of them I shall be laughing. And so it will be as if all the stars were laughing, when you look at the sky at night…You– only you– will have stars that can laugh… • 我就在繁星中的一颗上生 活.我会站在其中的一颗星星上 微笑.当你在夜间仰望天际时,就 仿佛每一颗星星都在笑…… 你——只有你——才能拥有会 笑的星星……

useful words and phrases:
1.be born in :出生于(地点) 2.speed and strength:速度与力量 3.be surprised at:对...感到惊讶 4.set a record:创纪录 5.“Air Jordan” 飞人乔丹 6.high-flying player 7.MVP--"Most Valuable Player"
病中的父亲话特别多,每次我去看他, 他都要 唠唠叨 叨说上 半天。 他对我 说:“ 你小时 候生了 一场大 病,差 点就死 了。医 生说你 没救了 ,不准 备管你 了,忙 着去斗 私批修 。你妈 妈没办 法,跑 来找我 。我正 在上班 ,一听 就急了 。我跑 到医院 ,逼着 医生抢 救你。 我说如 果你们 救不活 我女儿 ,我就 跟你们 拼命, 医生吓 坏了。 后来又 说要给 你输血 ,我二 话没说 就让医 生抽血 。那时 我刚下 夜班, 头昏得 厉害。 ”听着 父亲的 叙述, 儿时的 往事如 电影一 样在我 脑海里 放映: 上小学 时,每 逢下雨 天,父 亲都会 到学校 接我。 怕雨水 溅湿了 我的裤 脚,就 一路背 着我回 家。路 上还边 走边说 :“有 谁要小 女孩啊 ?我家 卖小女 孩。我 的女儿 又聪明 又漂亮 ,你们 买不买 呀?” 趴在父 亲背上 的我就 连声高 叫:“ 不卖, 不卖! 要卖就 卖哥哥 。”父 亲接着 又说: “你哥 那个臭 小子, 没人要 的!” 说这话 的时候 ,他根 本就没 注意到 哥哥就 走在他 身旁。
我参加工作后,父亲就一直在山东会战 。退休 后,他 被反聘 留在山 东继续 上班。 这其间 ,我结 婚成家 ,生孩 子,一 心只围 着自己 的小家 转,父 亲被我 渐渐地 淡忘了 。只在 逢年过 节,我 收到父 亲托人 带给我 的礼物 :毛呢 大衣或 羊皮靴 时,我 才会想 起原来 他还在 山东。 97年, 退休已 经5年 的父亲 终于回 到湖北 ,回来 后他就 再也没 有起来 :胃癌 晚期。 在他住 院的那 段时间 ,我每 去一次 医院, 心灵上 就要受 一次煎 熬,我 后悔自 己对他 的关爱 太少。 坐在父 亲的病 床前, 我问他 :“爸 爸,我 真的不 是个好 女儿, 你怪不 怪我? ”父亲 笑着说 :“傻 孩子, 爸爸怎 么会怪 你呢? 从小到 大,你 都是爸 爸最喜 欢的孩 子。你 哥哥就 说爸爸 偏心, 爸爸是 偏心, 爸爸就 是喜欢 你比喜 欢他多 !”

school,he________at first. • A.didn't play very well B.played very well • C.grew much taller D.set a record • 3.He began to become famous in_________. • A.the university basketball team • B.the NBA C.his high school at first • D.the Chicago Bulls • 4.He is often called"______________" • A.rookie B.the NBA C.Air Jordan D.Most Valuable Player
rstar in_______. • A.English B.America C.Canada D.Japan • 2.When he joined the basketball team in his high
Reading skills
1.title(题目) 2.topic sentence(主题句)—一般在 开头第一句话 3.detail(问题细节)—在文中找问 题原句 4.key words—转折词、连词如
useful words and phrases:
1.be born in :出生于(地点) 2.speed and strength:速度与力量 3.be surprised at:对...感到惊讶 4.set a record:创纪录 5.“Air Jordan” 飞人乔丹 6.high-flying player 7.MVP--"Most Valuable Player"
rstar in_______. • A.English B.America C.Canada D.Japan • 2.When he joined the basketball team in his high
Reading skills
1.title(题目) 2.topic sentence(主题句)—一般在 开头第一句话 3.detail(问题细节)—在文中找问 题原句 4.key words—转折词、连词如
useful words and phrases:
1.be born in :出生于(地点) 2.speed and strength:速度与力量 3.be surprised at:对...感到惊讶 4.set a record:创纪录 5.“Air Jordan” 飞人乔丹 6.high-flying player 7.MVP--"Most Valuable Player"
初中英语早读阅读理解训练 Fight Against Childhood Cancer 课件(共14张PPT)

2. How many fundraising events does St. Jude organize around the nation every year? _A_b__o_u_t _3_0_,0_0_0_.__________________________________
Complete the sentences. 1. St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital was founded in
Answer the questions.
1. What does the message written on the wall of St. Jude show? _T_h_e__w_o_r_k__d_o_n_e_a_t__th_e__h_o_s_p_it_a_l_. ___________________
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱto fight against cancer.
1. No child should die in the dawn of life. dawn意为“开端;黎明”,常用搭配为at dawn, the dawn of …。 e.g. 天一亮他们就开始干活了。(翻译) They start to work at dawn. e.g. 历史的开端 (翻译) the dawn of history
Translate the following sentences with the given words and phrase from the article.
1. 她们都对中国文化感兴趣。(share) They share a common interest in Chinese culture.
Sue Harpole is the chief development officer of ALSAC, the fundraising (筹集资金) organization for St. Jude. When asked what makes St. Jude special, Harpole said that most of its funding comes from donations. “Once a child comes to us,” she added, “they don’t pay for treatment, travel, housing, or food so that the family can really pay attention to helping the child get well.”
Complete the sentences. 1. St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital was founded in
Answer the questions.
1. What does the message written on the wall of St. Jude show? _T_h_e__w_o_r_k__d_o_n_e_a_t__th_e__h_o_s_p_it_a_l_. ___________________
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱto fight against cancer.
1. No child should die in the dawn of life. dawn意为“开端;黎明”,常用搭配为at dawn, the dawn of …。 e.g. 天一亮他们就开始干活了。(翻译) They start to work at dawn. e.g. 历史的开端 (翻译) the dawn of history
Translate the following sentences with the given words and phrase from the article.
1. 她们都对中国文化感兴趣。(share) They share a common interest in Chinese culture.
Sue Harpole is the chief development officer of ALSAC, the fundraising (筹集资金) organization for St. Jude. When asked what makes St. Jude special, Harpole said that most of its funding comes from donations. “Once a child comes to us,” she added, “they don’t pay for treatment, travel, housing, or food so that the family can really pay attention to helping the child get well.”

• 理解主旨大意( To find out the main idea)
• 细节理解和细节判断( To look for details) • 猜测词义( To guess the meaning) • 推理判断题( To infer a conclusion wants to be an assistant, she can phone the number_B_____.
A. 2853527
B. 4323577 C. 4332577
• ( )72. You can get a 10% discount on any books if you_A_____at the Book Store.
• C. People have many channels to choose from now. (2010年内江市中考卷)
1)、The word “…” in the passage probably means_________.
2)、What does the word “…”mean______.
• We can infer from the passage that _______
• The writer suggest that _______ • From the passage, we can learn that
_______ • We may conclude from the passage that
C、Recycling old computers.
1、是非题 3、年代与数字 5、原因 7、直接信息题 9、综合信息题
• 理解主旨大意( To find out the main idea)
• 细节理解和细节判断( To look for details) • 猜测词义( To guess the meaning) • 推理判断题( To infer a conclusion wants to be an assistant, she can phone the number_B_____.
A. 2853527
B. 4323577 C. 4332577
• ( )72. You can get a 10% discount on any books if you_A_____at the Book Store.
• C. People have many channels to choose from now. (2010年内江市中考卷)
1)、The word “…” in the passage probably means_________.
2)、What does the word “…”mean______.
• We can infer from the passage that _______
• The writer suggest that _______ • From the passage, we can learn that
_______ • We may conclude from the passage that
C、Recycling old computers.
1、是非题 3、年代与数字 5、原因 7、直接信息题 9、综合信息题
初中英语课外阅读-小公主 PPT课件 图文

英语课外兴趣阅读 适用六年级
Exer! 学妹给我打电话,说她又换工作了,这次是销售。电话里,她絮絮叨叨说着一年多来工作上的不如意,她说工作一点都不开心,找不到半点成就感。 末了,她问我:学姐,为什么想 找一份 自己热 爱的工 作这么 难呢? 我问她上一份工作干了多久,她 说不到 三个月 ,做的 还是行 政助理 的工作 ,工作 内容枯 燥乏味 不说, 还特别 容易得 罪人, 实在不 是自己 的理想 型。 我又问了她前几份工作辞职的原 因,结 果都是 大同小 异,不 是因为 工作乏 味,就 是同事 不好相 处,再 者就是 薪水太 低,发 展前景 堪忧。 粗略估计,这姑娘毕业不到一年 ,工作 却已经 换了四 五份, 还跨了 三个行 业。 但即使如此频繁的跳槽,她也仍 然没有 找不到 自己满 意的工 作。 2 我问她,心目中理想型的工作是 什么样 子的。 她说, 姐,你 知道苏 明玉吗 ?就是 《都挺 好》电 视剧里 的女老 大,我 就喜欢 她样子 的工作 ,有挑 战有成 就感, 有钱有 权,生 活自由 ,如果 给我那 样的工 作,我 会投入 我全部 的热情 。 听她说完,我尴尬的笑了笑。 其实每一个人都向往这样的成功 ,但这 姑娘却 本末倒 置了, 并不是 有了钱 有了权 有了成 就以后 才全力 以赴的 工作, 而是全 力以赴 工作, 投入了 自己的 全部以 后,才 有了地 位名望 钱财。 你要先投入,才会有收获,当你 真正投 入做一 件事后 ,会明 白两件 事:首 先你会 明白, 把一件 事认认 真真做 好,所 获得的 收益远 大于同 时做很 多事; 你会明白,有人风风火火做各种 事仍未 有回报 ,是因 为他们 从未投 入过。 从“做 了”到 “做” ,正如 “知道 ”到“ 懂得” 的距离 。 3 之前单位有一个姑娘,工作特别 拼命, 只要说 起她的 名字, 大家都 会赞不 绝口: 这姑娘
Exer! 学妹给我打电话,说她又换工作了,这次是销售。电话里,她絮絮叨叨说着一年多来工作上的不如意,她说工作一点都不开心,找不到半点成就感。 末了,她问我:学姐,为什么想 找一份 自己热 爱的工 作这么 难呢? 我问她上一份工作干了多久,她 说不到 三个月 ,做的 还是行 政助理 的工作 ,工作 内容枯 燥乏味 不说, 还特别 容易得 罪人, 实在不 是自己 的理想 型。 我又问了她前几份工作辞职的原 因,结 果都是 大同小 异,不 是因为 工作乏 味,就 是同事 不好相 处,再 者就是 薪水太 低,发 展前景 堪忧。 粗略估计,这姑娘毕业不到一年 ,工作 却已经 换了四 五份, 还跨了 三个行 业。 但即使如此频繁的跳槽,她也仍 然没有 找不到 自己满 意的工 作。 2 我问她,心目中理想型的工作是 什么样 子的。 她说, 姐,你 知道苏 明玉吗 ?就是 《都挺 好》电 视剧里 的女老 大,我 就喜欢 她样子 的工作 ,有挑 战有成 就感, 有钱有 权,生 活自由 ,如果 给我那 样的工 作,我 会投入 我全部 的热情 。 听她说完,我尴尬的笑了笑。 其实每一个人都向往这样的成功 ,但这 姑娘却 本末倒 置了, 并不是 有了钱 有了权 有了成 就以后 才全力 以赴的 工作, 而是全 力以赴 工作, 投入了 自己的 全部以 后,才 有了地 位名望 钱财。 你要先投入,才会有收获,当你 真正投 入做一 件事后 ,会明 白两件 事:首 先你会 明白, 把一件 事认认 真真做 好,所 获得的 收益远 大于同 时做很 多事; 你会明白,有人风风火火做各种 事仍未 有回报 ,是因 为他们 从未投 入过。 从“做 了”到 “做” ,正如 “知道 ”到“ 懂得” 的距离 。 3 之前单位有一个姑娘,工作特别 拼命, 只要说 起她的 名字, 大家都 会赞不 绝口: 这姑娘

学生应学会分析文章的结构,了 解段落之间的逻辑关系,以便更 好地把握文章的整体思路和中心 思想。
Reading comprehension exercises
Multiple choice questions
提供一段阅读材料,然后列出几 个选项供学生选择,选择题是常 见的阅读理解练习题型,可以考 察学生对阅读材料的理解程度。
Middle School English Reading PPT
• reading skill • Reading comprehension exercises • Reading material analysis • Reading strategies • Reading Practice
Judging right from wrong
提供一段阅读材料,然后列出几个陈述,让学生判断这些陈 述是否正确,判断题可以考察学生对阅读材料的理解和分析 能力。
对于每个判断题,给出详细的答案解析,帮助学生理解为什 么判断这个陈述为正确或错误,同时也可以让学生明白自己 的错误在哪里。
reading skill
Predicting Article Content
在开始阅读文章之前,学生应先根据标题、图片等线索预测文章的主题和内容, 这有助于激发阅读兴趣并提高理解能力。
Skimming and Searching
在阅读过程中,学生应学会略读以了解文章大意,同时寻读以寻找特定信息,如关键细节、时间、地点等,以提高阅读效率 。
学生应学会分析文章的结构,了 解段落之间的逻辑关系,以便更 好地把握文章的整体思路和中心 思想。
Reading comprehension exercises
Multiple choice questions
提供一段阅读材料,然后列出几 个选项供学生选择,选择题是常 见的阅读理解练习题型,可以考 察学生对阅读材料的理解程度。
Middle School English Reading PPT
• reading skill • Reading comprehension exercises • Reading material analysis • Reading strategies • Reading Practice
Judging right from wrong
提供一段阅读材料,然后列出几个陈述,让学生判断这些陈 述是否正确,判断题可以考察学生对阅读材料的理解和分析 能力。
对于每个判断题,给出详细的答案解析,帮助学生理解为什 么判断这个陈述为正确或错误,同时也可以让学生明白自己 的错误在哪里。
reading skill
Predicting Article Content
在开始阅读文章之前,学生应先根据标题、图片等线索预测文章的主题和内容, 这有助于激发阅读兴趣并提高理解能力。
Skimming and Searching
在阅读过程中,学生应学会略读以了解文章大意,同时寻读以寻找特定信息,如关键细节、时间、地点等,以提高阅读效率 。
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paragraph (passage)? 5. What is the author’s main purpose? 6.The main purpose of this story is to tell us___. 7.The conclusion we学习c交a流n课件get from the story 5is__.
Choices: 1. The main idea of this passage is that people 2. communicate ____. A.with words only B. in many different ways B.C. in letters and with drawings C.D. with smiles, tears and hands
Books,magazines, TV, radio and films all help us communicate with others. They all help us to know what is going on in the world and what other people are thinking about.
D.2. The best title for this passage is ____.
E. Signs Carry Messages
F. The Importance of Communication
G.Words, Signs and Drawings
You speak, write a letter, make a telephone call.Your
words carry a message. People communicate with words. But do you think you can communicate without words? A smile on your face shows you are happy and friendly. Tears in your eyes tell others that you are sad. When you raise your hand in class, the teacher knows you want to say something or ask questions. You shake your head, and people know you are saying “No.” You nod, and people know you are saying “Yes”. Others can also carry messages, for example, a sign at the bus stop helps you to know which bus to take, a sign on the door tells you where to go in or out. Have you ever noticed that there are a lot of signs around you and that you receive messages from them all the time?
People can communicate in many other ways. An artist can use his drawing to tell about beautiful mountains, about the blue sea and many other things. Books are written to tell about all the wonderful things in the world and also about people and their ideas.
1。中心归纳题 对大多数短文(段落)的主题(subject),中心 思想(main idea),标题(title),或作者的写作 目的(purpose),拟题者大概有以下提问方式: 1.The subject of the paragraph(passage) is ___. 2.The main idea of the paragraph is ______. 3.From the passage we know that ________. 4. Which of the following is the best title for the
1。通读全文、把握整体。 如遇到不认识的单词
2。如果不通过阅读掌握足够的语法结构、词汇和语言背景 知识,提高口语表达能力也就成了空谈。
1。判断正误题 True or False 2。选择题 Choose the best answer 3。根据短文内容书面回答问题
初中英语阅读训练 辅导讲座(一) 阅读题型的基本模式及答题技巧
2005. 2
英语水平的提高在于听说读写四种语言技能全面的发展。 它们相辅相成,相互促进,但一般说来,阅读能力显得尤 其重要,它已经成为检验我们学生英语水平和能力高低的 重要手段。
1。如果不通过阅读掌握一定量的词汇和语法知识,就很难 提高听的能力。
Choices: 1. The main idea of this passage is that people 2. communicate ____. A.with words only B. in many different ways B.C. in letters and with drawings C.D. with smiles, tears and hands
Books,magazines, TV, radio and films all help us communicate with others. They all help us to know what is going on in the world and what other people are thinking about.
D.2. The best title for this passage is ____.
E. Signs Carry Messages
F. The Importance of Communication
G.Words, Signs and Drawings
You speak, write a letter, make a telephone call.Your
words carry a message. People communicate with words. But do you think you can communicate without words? A smile on your face shows you are happy and friendly. Tears in your eyes tell others that you are sad. When you raise your hand in class, the teacher knows you want to say something or ask questions. You shake your head, and people know you are saying “No.” You nod, and people know you are saying “Yes”. Others can also carry messages, for example, a sign at the bus stop helps you to know which bus to take, a sign on the door tells you where to go in or out. Have you ever noticed that there are a lot of signs around you and that you receive messages from them all the time?
People can communicate in many other ways. An artist can use his drawing to tell about beautiful mountains, about the blue sea and many other things. Books are written to tell about all the wonderful things in the world and also about people and their ideas.
1。中心归纳题 对大多数短文(段落)的主题(subject),中心 思想(main idea),标题(title),或作者的写作 目的(purpose),拟题者大概有以下提问方式: 1.The subject of the paragraph(passage) is ___. 2.The main idea of the paragraph is ______. 3.From the passage we know that ________. 4. Which of the following is the best title for the
1。通读全文、把握整体。 如遇到不认识的单词
2。如果不通过阅读掌握足够的语法结构、词汇和语言背景 知识,提高口语表达能力也就成了空谈。
1。判断正误题 True or False 2。选择题 Choose the best answer 3。根据短文内容书面回答问题
初中英语阅读训练 辅导讲座(一) 阅读题型的基本模式及答题技巧
2005. 2
英语水平的提高在于听说读写四种语言技能全面的发展。 它们相辅相成,相互促进,但一般说来,阅读能力显得尤 其重要,它已经成为检验我们学生英语水平和能力高低的 重要手段。
1。如果不通过阅读掌握一定量的词汇和语法知识,就很难 提高听的能力。