
储:my friends this competition is upcoming, please adjust your cellphonesto vibrate or silent,, thanks for your cooperation.骆:谢谢同学们带来的精彩开场舞蹈储:thank you for their excellent performance. 骆:尊敬的各位领导琴:各位老师储:亲爱的同学们骆:大家合:晚上好!骆:欢迎大家来到2013新航道唱响英文歌手大赛的现场。
我是主持人---(男女)储:good eveningladies and gentlemen,distinguished guests and honorable judges.welcometo the new channel made english the singing compe -tition.i am the host chuyier.琴:五月,初夏的阳光和细雨送来无言的贺喜;骆:五月,芬飞的花枝和彩蝶献上满校园的灿烂。
储:in may, the sunshine and drizzles of the early summer bringthe silent wishes;in may, the flying flowers and butterflies present the beauty throughout the whole campus.琴:这是一个充满鲜花和快乐的日子骆:这是一个充满未来与希望的日子储:this is a happy day full of flowers ;this is a day full of hope .琴:在这个美好的日子里,我们放声歌唱骆:在这个美好的日子里,我们欢聚一堂,欢聚在这个充满欢笑与歌声的殿堂,共度由新航道英语带给我们的美好时光储:in this beautiful day,we burst into song.inthis beautiful day,we gather in this place with joy and singings,sharing the happy time new channel bring us. 琴:新航道“唱响英文”歌手大赛秉承着推进大学生学习英语的兴趣和积极性的宗旨,为我们提供了一个展现自己的机会。

“英语风采”大赛主持词开场语:英文: ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls. Good afternoon , Welcome to English talent show.中文:---同学们,老师们,大家下午好;欢迎参加我们的英语风采大赛;英文:It’s a great pleasure that we are going to hold the fi rst English Talent Show of our school中文:---很荣幸我们能担任我校第一届英语风采大赛的主持人;英文:With the development of society, as a popular language, English is already not only a communication tool, but also a cultural symbol.中文:---随着社会的发展,英语作为一种流行语言,已经不仅仅是一种交际工具,更是一种文化符号;英文:Today ,Our English Talent Show is a stage for us to display our talents and also a chance for the teachers to enjoy the result of all of their hard work.中文:---今天,我们的英语才艺表演,是我们展示才华的舞台,也是教师享受辛勤劳动成果的机会;英文:The vivid story about English can make our life vivid. Singing beautiful English songs can also make us enjoy our life. An exciting speech can encourage all of us. Today,let’s use our wisdom ,speak English and make dreams come true I think everybody here cannot wait to see now, so let’s begin. Let’s look forward to all the teams wisdom, confidence and brilliant performances Wish them good luck中文:---生动的英语故事可以增添我们的生活乐趣,优美的英文歌曲也能让我们感受生活的美好,激动人心的演讲能让我们心潮澎湃;今天,让我们开启我们的智慧,说一口流利的英语,让梦想成真我想每个人都等不及要看了,所以我们开始吧;让我们期待所有参赛者聪慧,自信,精彩的表演,祝他们好运英文:School is the source of our knowledge, is the cradle of our growth, I believe that each of us students deeply love our campus;Now let's listen to the students in Grade Three. What do they think of our campus中文:---学校是我们知识的源泉,是我们成长的摇篮,我相信我们每一个学生都热爱我们的校园;现在让我们听听三年级小朋友说说,他们心目中我们的校园是怎样的英文:The final score of Grade 3 is_________. congratulations中文:三年级最后得分________.祝贺他们英文:Gu Dong is Coming,Gu Dong is coming What is Gu Dong Now let’s see the sitcom Gu Dong is Coming from Class1 Grade 4中文:---Gu Dong来了,Gu Dong来了Gu Dong是什么现在让我们看看从4年级1班的情景喜剧Gu Dong来了;英文:The final score of Class1 Grade 4 is_________. congratulations中文:四1班最后得分________.祝贺他们英文:Look,a group of cute little animals are pulling radishes;Welcome to Class 2 Grade 4 for us to show the performance Pull Radish .中文:---看,一群可爱的小动物在拔萝卜,欢迎四2为我们表演情景剧拔萝卜;英文:The final score of Class2 Grade 4 is_________. congratulations中文:四2班最后得分________.祝贺他们英文:Have you ever heard of the ugly duckling becoming a swan Now welcome Class1 Grade 5 for us to deduce the fairy tale of ugly duckling;中文:---你听过丑小鸭变天鹅的故事吗现在欢迎五1班为我们演绎童话故事丑小鸭;英文:The final score of Class1 Grade 5 is_________. congratulations中文:五1班最后得分________.祝贺他们英文:We all know that the tortoise is slow, but the children of Class 2 Grade 5 found a smart tortoise,let’s go and see.中文:---我们都知道乌龟行动慢,但是五2班的小朋友却发现了一只聪明的乌龟,让我们去瞧瞧英文:The final score of Class2 Grade 5 is_________. congratulations中文:五2班最后得分________.祝贺他们英文:What would happen if a tortoise and a hare ran a race Students in Class1 Grade 6 will tell us the answer. Let‘s wait and see中文:---如果让一只乌龟与兔子去赛跑结果会是怎样呢六一班的学生会告诉我们答案,让我们拭目以待;英文:The final score of Class1 Grade 6 is_________. congratulations中文:六1班最后得分________.祝贺他们英语:Once upon a time there was a farmer ,he waits every day under the tree, in the hope that a hare would kill itself by crashing into a tree trunk.Do you think he can wait for such a rabbit Welcome Class2 Grade 6 to perform Lying by the Tree to Wait for Hare中文:---曾经有一位农夫从前有一个农夫,他每天都在树下等着,希望兔子能撞到树干上,你说他能等到这样一只兔子吗英文:The final score of Class2 Grade 5 is_________. congratulations中文:六2班最后得分________.祝贺他们英文:China is the origin of tea, tea is one of Chinese traditional culture, how much do you know about tea Let's listen to Class 60 Grade 7 to talk something about tea .中文:---中国是茶的原产地,茶是中国的传统文化之一,你对茶的知识知多少让我们听听初一60班说说茶;英文:The final score of Class60 Grade 7 is_________. congratulations中文:60班最后得分________.祝贺他们英语:I believe everyone knows the story of snow white,Now let’s see Class 61 Grade 7 how to perform the classic story .中文:---白雪公主这个故事我相信大家耳熟能详,现在让我们看看七年级61班是如何演绎这个经典故事的;英文:The final score of Class61 Grade 7 is_________. congratulations中文:61班最后得分________.祝贺他们英语:We are the young eagles, we must firmly believe that through our efforts, we can fly in the blue sky. Welcome Class 58 Grade 8 to give us a speech I believe I can fly .中文:---我们是雏鹰,我们要坚信,通过努力我们一定能展翅高飞于蓝天.欢迎八年级58 给我们演讲“我坚信我能展翅高飞”英文:The final score of Class58 Grade 8 is_________. congratulations中文:58班最后得分________.祝贺他们英文:Nowadays,children have too much stress from school ,“Should students help with housework at home “becomes a hot topic .Now let’s listen to Class 59 Grade 8 how they think about it .中文:---如今孩子们的学习压力大,孩子们该不该帮忙做家务成了热门话题,现在让我们听听59班的心声;英文:The final score of Class59 Grade 8 is_________. congratulations中文:59班最后得分________.祝贺他们英文:We have a lot of treasure, such as knowledge, friendship, affection, health and so on .So do the students of Class 56 Grade them to tell us What treasure they have .中文:---我们有很多财富,如知识,友谊,感情,健康等等,初三56的学生同样拥有,欢迎初三56和我们谈谈他们拥有的财富是什么;英文:The final score of Class56 Grade 9 is_________. congratulations中文:56班最后得分________.祝贺他们英文:Everyone has a dream, dream is the driving force for us,Welcome Class 56 Grade9 to give us a speech I have a dream中文:---每个人都有梦想,梦想是我们前行的动力;欢迎初三56 班给我们演讲“我的梦想”英文:The final score of Class57 Grade 9 is_________. congratulations中文:57班最后得分________.祝贺他们英文:Ladies and gentlemen, our competition is coming to the end. Thanks again for your coming;The winning class will be announced at the flag raising ceremony on Monday;My dear friends, good bye中文:---朋友们,怀铁一中英才学校第一届英语风采大赛到这里就全部结束了,再次感谢各位的参加,获奖班级我们会在周一升旗仪式上公布,让我们记住这共度美好时刻,再见。

A:难道你感觉不到吗?B:我感觉到什么?A:(唱《狮子王》主题歌的曲调)Can you feel the love tonight…B:(以为A就要告白了,自我陶醉状)A:(继续唱《狮子王》主题歌的曲调)Can you feel the wonderful(精彩)tonight… B: (恍然大悟)Wonderful?A: 是的, 精彩。
难道你感觉不到精彩的感觉吗?B: 当然!用鼻子嗅都能嗅出精彩的味道!AB:是的'!女士们先生们,帅锅们美女们!我们将有一个精彩的夜晚,一台精彩的晚会在等待着你!A: 这台晚会汇聚东西方经典名著B: 云集了古往今来的理想和现实AB: 可谓高潮迭起,异彩纷呈!A: 你准备好了吗?B: 预备!开始!A: Ladies and gentlemen!B: Boys and girls!AB: Good evening!A: I have a special feeling tonight.B: Oh, what special feeling do you have?A: Can?t you feel it?B: What?A: (Sing the) Can you feel the love to night…B: (Thinks that A will propose to her)A: (go on sing ing) Can you feel the wonderful tonight…B: Wonderful?A: Yes, wonderful. Can?t you feel it?B: Yes of course! I can smell it!AB: Yeah! Ladies and gentlemen! Boys and girls! We are going to have a wonderful night!A fantastic drama evening is waiting for you!!A: There are classical stories from eastern to western.B: Full of dreams and realities from past until nowadays.AB: It?s wonderful, marvelous and fantastic!A: Are you ready?B: Go1:白蛇传A:提到蛇,你会有什么感觉?B: 蛇?!(发抖)害怕。

英语比赛主持人主持词英语风采大赛主持词【1】【开场白】B: Attention please! Our English talent competition is around the corner, please set your cell phone in a silent mode, thank you!A:即将开始,请把您的手机设置成静音或振动模式。
谢谢!B: Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, distinguished guests, and honorable judges! Welcome to Zhejiang Gongshang University Englishtalent competition.A:尊敬的评委、亲爱的观众朋友,大家下午好,欢迎来到由主办的2011浙江工商大学复赛的比赛现场。
B: This competition enjoys a wide-spread participation among all college students in our school. And also, we are so honored to have such a splendid judging panel. So, please let us introduce you our distinguished judges today. They are ……A:现在,请允许我为大家介绍我们本次比赛的评委,他们是:B: Welcome!【比赛规则】B: Now, let’s introduce the rules of the competition for you. The competition is divided into 2 parts. The first part is team show. Every team will present their only own style show, such as English drama, English poetry recitation, English voice work or other creative show. In this part, the time is limited in 5 minutes, but drama show will get 6 minutes.A:本次比赛由两个环节组成。

..;. 英语达人秀比赛主持词1: Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to the “English Talent Show” of Nanzhan Primary School.Thank you for being here!2:尊敬的各位领导、亲爱的老师、同学们大家下午好!欢迎来到南站小学“英语达人秀”比赛现场!1:It’s really my honor to be the host ess of today’s competition, my name is .2:很荣幸担任本次大赛的主持人,我是1: At first, I just want to express my sincere thanks to all of you, especially to all the leaders and the English teachers .2:首先,我想对大力支持本次活动的校领导和辛勤培育我们的英语老师们说声:“谢谢”。
1:Ok, now, let me introduce our judges today, they are our English teachers. This is Miss____ .Let’s warmly welcome.2:接下来我向大家介绍今天的评委,也就是我们的英语老师-----1:Learning English is a happy and meaningful thing. So I hope we can make good use of this opportunity to practice and improve our oral English.2:学习英语是一件快乐而又意义的事。
1: Now, it’s time for our English Talent Show. First, let’s welcome contestant No.1and contestant No.2, get ready, please.2:现在比赛正式开始,欢迎1号选手上场,请2号选手做准备。

英语达人秀比赛主持词1: Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to the “English Talent Show” of Nanzhan Primary School.Thank you for being here!2:尊敬的各位领导、亲爱的老师、同学们大家下午好!欢迎来到南站小学“英语达人秀”比赛现场!1:It’s really my honor to be the host ess of today’s competition, my name is .2:很荣幸担任本次大赛的主持人,我是1: At first, I just want to express my sincere thanks to all of you, especially to all the leaders and the English teachers .2:首先,我想对大力支持本次活动的校领导和辛勤培育我们的英语老师们说声:“谢谢”。
1:Ok, now, let me introduce our judges today, they are our English teachers. This is Miss____ .Let’s warmly welcome.2:接下来我向大家介绍今天的评委,也就是我们的英语老师-----1:Learning English is a happy and meaningful thing. So I hope we can make good use of this opportunity to practice and improve our oral English.2:学习英语是一件快乐而又意义的事。
1: Now, it’s time for our English Talent Show. First, let’s welcome contestant No.1and contestant No.2, get ready, please.2:现在比赛正式开始,欢迎1号选手上场,请2号选手做准备。

英语风采大赛的主持词Ladies and gentlemen, distinguished guests, teachers, and fellow students, welcome to this year's English Elegance Competition! It is truly an honor to stand before you all as the emcee for this grand event.Today, we have gathered here to witness the incredible talents of our participants, who have tirelessly prepared for this moment. They have embraced the English language, showcasing their remarkable linguistic abilities and cultural understanding. It is a testament to their dedication and hard work.Throughout the competition, we will witness a kaleidoscope of performances. Poised speakers will captivate us with their eloquence, delivering powerful speeches on topics close to their hearts. Our confident debaters will engage in thought-provoking discussions, analyzing critical issues of today's society. And not to forget, our creative performers will take the stage, showcasing their artistic flair through drama, poetry, and song.While we await the commencement of this vibrant competition, let us take a moment to remember the significance of the English language in today's globalized world. English has become the lingua franca of the modern era, connecting people from diverse cultures, backgrounds, and traditions. It allows us to share ideas, foster understanding, and bridge the divides that separate us. Today, we celebrate not only the English language but also the courage and determination of our participants. Each one of them has overcome challenges, stepped out of their comfort zones, andembraced the beauty of English. Their passion and enthusiasm are truly commendable, and I am certain that they will inspire us all.As the participants take the stage, let us be the supportive audience they deserve. Let us appreciate their hard work, determination, and the countless hours they have dedicated to refining their skills. Cheer them on, uplift their spirits, and inspire them to give their best performances.To all the participants, remember that this competition is not just about winning or losing. It is about the journey you have taken, the growth you have experienced, and the friendships you have formed. Cherish this moment, embrace the stage, and let your English eloquence shine.So without further ado, let us embark on this incredible journey of language and talent. May this English Elegance Competition be a testament to the power of language, the magic of creativity, and the zest for learning. Sit back, relax, and get ready to be enthralled by the remarkable performances that await us.Thank you, and let the English Elegance Competition begin!。


关于主持英语比赛主持词三篇主持英语比赛主持词篇1A:Good Moring, ladies ,gentlemen and my fellow students: I’m very pleased to be the hostess for today's competition ,to give the opening speech for everybody.now you are watching the “My college and my Dream”Cup English speech contest. Thank you for coming to this competition. In today's show. There are 17 contestants coming from different Classes .All of they are freshman. I hope you can have a good day!主持英语比赛主持词篇2A: Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. I am Judy. I’m very glad to be the hostess for todays competition, to give the opening speech for everybody. Now you are watching Gaoxin No.1 International course center English speech contest. Thank you for coming to this competition. In todays show, there are 18 contestants coming from different classes. All of them are freshmen. I hope you can have a good day!B:Hello, everyone. My name is Lex. First please allow me to introduce our guests first.Let’s warmly welcome our dear principal Mrs. 李,Mr. 蔡from Genuine International education,the dean of our center Mr. 冯,and the dean of Foundation Mrs. 刘.And all those other teachers. Welcome.A: Also, let’s welcome our honorable judges:Mr. Perez,Mr. Perits,Ms. Taha,and Mr. Bagwell.Thank you all for joining us.B: Now,I will tell you something about this contest in general. Today’s contest includes self-introduction, prepared speech and Impromptu speech. The judges will judge you from the following aspects: Fluency and pronunciation, body language, content, language use and impression. The awards contain two First winners, four Second winners, six Third winners and six Excellent Participation winners.A: In Prepared contest,you have about three minutes to deliver you speech. One thing important is that you’d better give your speech without draft,then,you will face the Impromptu speech, after you choose the question, you have two minutes to prepare, and 2 minutes to answer. Now, let’s welcome our 18 contestants come onto the stage to make a brief introduction about themselves.Thank you, all the contestants. It’s seems that everyone is full of passion and well-prepared. Now it comes to the second part, prepared speech.B:Let’s welcome the first contestant 卢一萍, Sara from class 1.A: Thank for you wonderful speech. Now let’s welcome the next contestant __ from class __……………….………………第九个人说完,B:After seeing the fierce contest, you may feel a little serious, let’s have a rest now, you are going to enjoy a wonderful dance. Welcome our beautiful dancer Zhang Qi from F5 carries with Jazz Fun-king, now the stage belongs to you!……A: Wow, I can’t believe my eyes. The dance is so amazing. After some time of relax, I think contestant No.10 is ready. Let’s welcome!……..A:thank you for your wonderful performances. One minute on the stage and ten years for practice, the road to success is never smooth and easy, but we truly believe if we work hard and never give up, our dream will come true! I believe all the contestants in this stage have proved this undoubtedly.B: Now let’s take a short break and enjoy a crosstalk presented by 张思明 from F3, and翟光耀 from F5.B: Your show is very funny. I almost couldn’t stop laughing! Now, after the funny crosstalk, it’s time to get down to our business. I am excited to say, let’s begin our Impromptu speech!A: Welcome the first contestant…Now,please choose the number, ok your question is …………….now you have two minutes to prepare. And, begin!……这里加上外教对于上面命题演讲做一个2分钟的commentA. Before the first contestant give her impromptu speech, first, let’s welcome contestant No. 2 choose his question. Your question is ……please get ready. Contestant No. 1, it’s your turn to give your impromptu speech.B: Excellent! The 18 contests gave us wonderful shows. The meaning of this contest is to give us a chance to challenge ourselves, and the contest is supposed to offer a good atmosphere for us students, helping us speak out our dreams. Then rebuild ourselves! I really hope you have learnt something useful through this contest. Now I’d like to invite our judge __ to summary and comment this contest, welcome!B: Thank you, thank you for you wonderful comment. While our volunteers are calculating the scores, why don’t we relax ourselves a little bit? Welcome a group of gorgeous girls from the dancing club to bring us “When breeze comes”.A: I feel myself is shaking, do you know why? Because I am going to announce the final score of this contest. I am so nervous.B:First I would like to announce the six Excellent Participation winners, they are …… And also, let’s welcome our judges Ms. Taha, and Mr. Bagwell. to hand out the prices for them.CongratulationsA:Now I will tell you the third winners, they are…………Congratulations. Let’s welcome Mr. Perez and Mr. Perits to hand out the prizes.B: Oh! I think I’m more nervous now, and the second winners are……. Congratulations. Let’s welcome Mr. Feng and Ms. Liu to hand out the prizes.A: Ladies and gentlemen can you feel the most exciting time is coming? Who are the lucky dogs to win the first prize? Ok! I think I envy you now; they are __ and … Congratulations! Let’s welcome Ms. Rebecca and Mr. Cai to give the highest honor to them!B: Congratulations to all the contestants!这里要照相A: Well, actually, that’s not all of it. There is still a surprise waiting for you. As we all know, TOEFL is one of the most important step for us to go abroad. We might meet a lot of difficulties in the process of preparation. Thanks to the Chinese and foreign teachers at school who built a solid foundation for the students in English learning. At the same time, we also thank the teachers form outside who give students plenty of skills needed in the test. Thank you all, our dear teachers.B: In order to award the students who got high scores in their TOEFL exams, Genuine international education decided to give scholarship to these students. Let’s welcome 胡馨木, who got 117 with a full mark in Speaking part, 贺俊德, who got 107 with a full mark in Listening and 陈正瑞, who got 102 come onto the stage. Welcome Mr. 蔡from Genuine international education to hand out the prizes.这里要合影A:If you want, you can! Try your best, and you can do anything! You can not change your past, but you can improve your future, Try and believe, yes, we can!A: Ladies and gentlemen, the contest is over! Thank you for joining us, thank you for excellent speech, thank you for the preparation made by the students in F2, thank you for all the audience! Thank you for coming! Bye!主持英语比赛主持词篇3开场白:Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen.Good afternoon, fellow students.Today we are very happy and excited, because we are here, holding the First Duduler School English speaking competition.今天我们相聚在这里,快乐又激动。

英语比赛主持词1杨:Dear ladies and gentlemen 。
Distinguished guests ,and honorable judges。
Welcome to Chemical department English Talent Competition。
good evening ,李:尊敬的各位嘉宾,亲爱的同学们,大家晚上好。
杨:This conpetition enjoys a wide-spread participation among our school.And today,our teams are from Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Academy,Foreign Languages Academy and Architecture and Civil Engineering Academy、李;今天晚上我们的比赛可谓是高手云集,群雄争霸,来自化学化工学院,土木与工程学院,外国语学院的7支参赛队将在这个舞台上展现他们独特的英语魅力。
杨:There are so many students to participate。

A:Good Moring, ladies ,gentlemen and my fellow students:I’m very pleased to be the hostess for today's competition ,to give the opening speech for everybody.now you are watching the “My college and my Dream” Cup English speech contest. Thank you for coming to this competition. In today's show. There are 17 contestants coming from different Classes .All of they are freshman. I hope you can have a good day!女士们先生们,各位早上好!首先非常荣幸的担任这次比赛的主持人,接下来你们将看到的是“我的大学我的梦”杯英语演讲比赛,在此次比赛中有17名来自不同班级的大一选手参赛。
A:Now,I will tell you something about this contest in general,T oday’s contest includes Prepared contest,Questions and Answers, Impromptu speech and Talent show。
The judges will judge you by substance style,delivery and pronunciation of your speech。

英语比赛主持稿【篇一】Good afternoon, everyone, my honoured teachers and my fellow classmates. 亲爱的老师们,敬爱的同学们,大家下午好!Welcome to our “English stars” talent show competiton. Your coming will give us more encouragement and confidence. Thank you for coming here.欢迎光临我们的英语之星风采大赛。
As you know, English is becoming more and more important in our daily life. In our school, many teachers and students love English very much .We found it’s very interesting to study English.众所周知,在我们的日常生活中,英语正变得越来越重要。
Today , we’ll bring you a wonderful English show . I h ope you’ll enjoy it .今天,我们将为大家带来一场精彩的英语展示。
At first, we’d like to introduce judges of today’s competition. They’re…首先,很高兴为大家介绍今天的评委老师。

初中英语才艺大赛主持稿范文Host 1: Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, boys andgirls! Welcome to our annual Junior High English Talent Show! We are delighted to see so many enthusiastic faces here tonight.Host 2: Yes, indeed! Tonight, we celebrate the incredible talents of our fellow students. From singing and dancing to poetry and drama, we have an exciting lineup prepared for you. Let’s give our performers a big round of applause!Host 1: Before we kick off the show, let me remind you of a few important things. First, please keep your phones onsilent mode to avoid any distractions. Second, let’s showour performers the support they deserve by cheering loudlyfor each act!Host 2: Absolutely! Our first performer is about to take the stage. She is a talented singer who has been practicingtirelessly for this event. Let’s welcome Emma as she dazzles us with her beautiful rendition of “A Million Dreams.”Host 1: Wow! What an incredible performance by Emma! Her voice truly touched our hearts. A big round of applause, everyone!Host 2: Next up, we have a group of talented dancers. They have choreographed a fantastic piece that blends traditional and modern styles. Let’s welcome the Dance Club!Host 1: That was absolutely amazing! The energy on stage was electric! Thank you to the Dance Club for that wonderful performance.Host 2: Now, let’s shift gears a bit. We have a special treat for you. Our next act is a dramatic monologue performed by Jack. He has a knack for storytelling and will take us on an emotional journey. Please welcome Jack!Host 1: What an outstanding performance! Jack truly brought the story to life. You can feel the passion in his voice!Host 2: And now, for a splash of humor, we have a comedy sketch performed by The Laugh Team. Get ready to have a good laugh!Host 1: That was hilarious! The Laugh Team certainlyknows how to bring joy to the audience. Let’s hear it for them!Host 2: We still have more talented performers waiting to impress you all tonight. Remember, each performance is unique, and it takes great courage to get up on this stage.Host 1: As we continue, I would like to invite our next performer, Lucy, back to the stage. She will showcase hertalent in poetry. Let’s give her a warm welcome!Host 2: Thank you, Lucy! Your words truly resonate, and they remind us of the beauty of language.Host 1: Alright, everyone! We appreciate your presence and participation. Let’s keep the energy going. The last act of the evening will be a surprise, so stay tuned!Host 2: Thank you all for being a wonderful audience. Let’s make this night unforgettable! Enjoy the rest of the show!。

英语大舞台主持稿一、开场(开场音乐)1.开幕词S1:Good afternoon!Dear teachers and students! I’m李思颖S2:I’m .S3:I’m 。
S4:I’m 。
S3:Welcome to the big English show.合:Welcome!S4:欢迎同学们、老师们来到英语大舞台活动现场,同时也欢迎各位评委们,感谢你们的到来,感谢你们对本次比赛的关注。
(单击音乐停)2.介绍评委,S1:Now, I will introduce today's judges .首先,让我们以热烈的掌声欢迎我们的评委老师们,(单击播放音乐)掌声欢迎_______老师,_______老师,_______老师,_______老师。
(介绍时,提高声调说她们的名字,并用手做出有请的姿势,评判就站起来.大家鼓掌.) 感谢各位老师的到来!Thank you!也请同学们在接下来的活动中,将如此热烈的掌声,送给我们的同伴、老师和自己!3、欢迎歌曲S2:We also prepared a lovely song for the judges and teachers我们五年级的同学为评委老师精心准备了歌曲。
Let’s sing it together.OK?Everyone stand up. [Bingo]S3:Thank you for your beautiful voice!Please,sit down.S4:Thank you.二、流程及规则S1: Then,I‘ll Introduce the rules.现在,请允许我们介绍活动流程及规则。
S2:Today we will have two parts.Part1 : Group ShowPart2: Personal ShowS3:本次活动由两部分组成,班级集体展示和个人展示,按照班级顺序在规定时间进行展示,每轮展示结束后,几位评委统一打分,记平均分,最终以总分排名进行颁奖。


英语技能竞赛主持稿范文Good evening, everyone! Welcome to our English skills competition! This is a night full of excitement and challenges, where language meets talent and dreams are born.Let's get the ball rolling with our first segment the spelling bee. Watch as our contestants show their prowessin the art of word mastery.Moving on, we have the debate round. Here, our competitors will argue passionately, defending their viewpoints with fluency and precision. It's sure to be a thrilling showdown of wits.Now, let's shift our focus to the creative writing segment. Here, the contestants will unleash their imaginations and bring their stories to life with the power of the pen. Prepare to be amazed by their inventive tales.We can't forget about the pronunciation challenge! Ourcompetitors will demonstrate their pronunciation prowess, ensuring every vowel and consonant is pronounced to perfection.Lastly, we have the audience participation segment.This is your chance to get involved and test your own English skills. We'll have fun quizzes and interactive games that will keep you engaged and entertained.So, without further ado, let's dive into this exciting competition and witness the best of English language skills. Enjoy the show!。

英语才艺秀开场白才艺表演开场白朋友们,相信你们一定有很多和别人与众不同的地方吧!有些人擅长唱歌,而有些人有在乐器上有特殊才能.现在,就是一个很好的平台,在这个平台上你可以尽情得展示你的才艺,我们会为你喝彩,你将成为众人瞩目的焦点.我觉得,舞蹈是一种很赏心悦目的表演,优美的舞姿说出了表演者的心声,那么接下来,就让我们一起来欣赏舞蹈-*>>急求英语才艺展示英语主持开场白The opening speech of the Master of Ceremony of an Evening Party.Ladies and gentlemen,boys and girls,we are very happy to gather here to hold an evening party.First of all,let me introduce our distinguished guests tonight:Mr Smith,our language expert from Canada.Mr Li,our headmaster and Mr.Chen,the secretary of the CPC committee of our school.And I would also like to take this opportunity to wish Mr Smith to enjoy his stay in our school and all present to ahve a wonderful time tonight.Now let's invite Mr Li to say a few words to us.Mr.Li's speech.Thank you,Mr Li.Now it's time for us to have performance.For this evening party all the classes have made careful preparations.So I'm sure we'll be able to enjoy many excellent performances tonight.The first item is a group dance given by Class 3 Senior 2.Now let's give them warm applause.英语表演之前的开场白Hello,everyone!Nice to meet you!I am 名字。

主持英语(yīnɡ yǔ)比赛的主持词主持英语(yīnɡ yǔ)比赛的主持词男:尊敬的各位领导老师,亲爱(qīn ài)的同学们,大家晚上好!女:Honorable guests,ladies and gentlemen, goodevening! Welcometo “Show your life〞 English talent competition. Here is the final contest!男:首先(shǒuxiān)请允许我介绍莅临本场比赛的嘉宾有:让我们以最热烈(rèliè)的掌声对他们的到来表示欢送和感谢!女:Let’s welcome all the guests and judges with a big round of applause!男:在这憧憬与梦想汇成的季节,我们展开理想的翅膀女:On the passionateandyouthful stage, we show our life heartily! 男:今晚,让我们燃烧激情,品味英语的魅力与文化女:Tonight,let’s use our wisdom ,speak English and make dreams come true!男:下面我宣布“Show your life〞英语风采大赛现在正式开始!女:Let’s look forward to all the teams ’wisdom, confidence and brilliant performances! Wish them good luck!男:经典的轮回,语言的交汇,比拼东西方名著与经典,云集古往今来的理想与现实女:There are classical stories both from the eastern and westernworld, full of dreams and realities of both past and present 男:英语演绎的经典必将会给我们带来别样的精彩,下面进入本场比赛的第一环节:演绎经典Review第一环节男:经典的爱情总是为人们带来一次次刻骨铭心的感动,亘古不变,首先有请来自临床七年制的Tinker Bell为大家带来《孔雀东南飞》女:Now let us welcome the first team—Tinker Bell, and enjoy男:感谢Tinker Bell的精彩表演,有请---老师对队伍进行提问女:Now please welcome ------to ask a question to the team. 男:谢谢评委老师的提问和选手的答复,请评委打分女:Thank ----'s ques tion and the team’s answer, nowplease welcome judges to give scores to Tinker Bell男:下面有请来自公共卫生学院的同学们为我们演绎《麦琪的礼物》女:Now please enjoy男:感谢Tinker Bell的精彩表演,有请---老师对队伍进行提问女:Now please welcome ------to ask a question to the team. 男:谢谢评委老师的提问和选手的答复,请评委打分女:Thank ----'s question and the team’s answer, nowplease welcome judges to give scores to their performance.男:巧妙的答复,深厚的友谊,接下来来自影像口腔专业的Light in the road将用他们精彩的表演为我们重现《威尼斯商人》那场经典的法庭对峙,有请他们女:Now please enjoy男:感谢Light in the road的精彩表演,有请---老师对队伍进行提问女:Now please welcome ------to ask a question to the team. 男:谢谢评委老师的提问和选手的答复,请评委打分女:Thank ----'s question and the team’s answer, nowplease welcome judges to give scores to Light in the road男:接下来来自11根底的Girls aloud将会为我们展现一个普通女孩成为公主的历程,有请《公主日记》女:Now please enjoy男:感谢Girls aloud 的精彩表演,有请---老师对队伍进行提问女:Now please welcome ------to ask a question to the team. 男:谢谢评委老师的提问和选手的答复,请评委打分女:Thank ----'s question and the team’s answer, nowplease welcome judges to give scores to Girls aloud男:接下来有请来自第三临床医学院的lottery girls为我们演绎经典的《傲慢与偏见》女:Now please enjoy男:谢谢lottery girls的表演,有请---老师对队伍进行提问女:Now please welcome ------to ask a question to the team. 男:谢谢评委老师的提问和选手的答复,请评委打分女:Thank ----'s question and the team’s answer, nowplease welcome judges to give scores to lottery girls男:下面有请来自12根底的crazy17为我们带来美丽的经典童话《白雪公主与七个小矮人》女:Now please enjoy 男:谢谢crazy17的表演,有请---老师对队伍进行提问女:Now please welcome ------to ask a question to the team. 男:谢谢评委老师的提问和选手的答复,请评委打分女:Thank ----'s question and the team’s answer, now please welcome judges to give scores to crazy17第二环节男:再次感谢所有队伍为我们带来的精彩表演!男:奇思妙想蕴含独特深意,出口成章方显绝世才华,接下来进入到比赛的第二环节:出口成章Describe.女;Now let’s begin the second part of our competition.In this part, each team will elect one contestant to stand for their team and give us an improvisedspeech.Before the speech, every competitor will choose a picture to watch .Then make a speech about thepicture .Every contestant has 10 seconds to prepare and deliver his or her speech. Each speech lasts 3 minutes.男:在本局部中,每个团队将选出一个选手作为他们的代表给我们一次即兴演讲。

【关键字】主持英语才艺大赛主持稿篇一:英语才艺比赛主持稿英语才艺比赛开场白:Good evening, Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to English Talent Show Competition. (All)主持人自我介绍First, let me introduce myself. I am 何诗琪I am 严天烯. I am (莫茵怡). I am (潘远杭)Good evening !(All)1. Today 18 contestants or teams will take part in this competition. They are from diffident classes in junior high school. They will show off their skills in singing, speeches and English plays. (何诗琪)2. Well, it?s great honor for us to have 6 judges. They are_______.We are very glad to have the distinguished guests. Let?s give them a warm welcome. And welcome all of you! (严天烯)3. Your attention, please. The judges will give scores on the spot. After 2 contestants finish the show, the score will be announced together.(莫茵怡)4. My friends, it?s time for our players to give their performance. (潘远杭)过程中:1. Let?s welcome Contestant 莫斯涛,from class 3 , grade 8, he will bring us a song – “summer train” . Contestant please get ready. (何诗琪)2. Thank you for the beautiful song. Now, let?s welcome Contestant ,李海锋,卢戬,蔡洪洺,覃楚轩. They will also bring us a song- “Take me to your heart”. Contestant please get ready. (严天烯) I would like to announce the score of Contestant No 1 is________Let?s give big hands for Contestant , from class 2, grade 7. They will bring us a short play. Contestant please get ready. (何诗琪)4. Thank you for your performance. Let?s welcome contestant From class 3, grade 7, she will sing a song “Drenched” for us. Contestant please get ready. (莫茵怡)5. Wonderful, right? Let?s welcome contestant From class 3, grade 8, they will sing a song ,”Heart beats”. Contestant please get ready. (潘远杭)I would like to announce the score of Contestant No 2 is________ Contestant is ___________,the score of Contestant No. 4 is ______ Let?s welcome contestant Contestant please get ready. (严天烯)7. And next. Let?s welcome Contestant Contestant NO .8 please get ready. (莫茵怡)8. Thank you for the beautiful song. Now, let?s welcome Contestants ,these two girls will sing a beautiful song :“God is a god”. Welcome! Contestant NO .9 please get ready. (潘远杭)9. Thankyou for your wonderful performance.is ______ Contestant ______Now, let?s welcome Contestants NO .10 please get ready. (何诗琪)All: Wow, now it is game time!!! (猜谜语)10. It is great. Now, the contestants 10 from class 3, grade 8, Let?s give them a warm welcome Contestant please get ready.. (莫茵怡)11. Thank you. Let?s welcome contestant From class 1, grade 7, they will put on a play “three little pigs” for us. Contestant please get ready. (潘远杭)12. Thank you for your wonderful performance. Now I would like to announce the score of Contestant No 8 is ________ , is ______, is ______Now, let?s welcome Contestants Contestant NO .13 please get ready. (严天烯)13. Thank you. Now it?s time for Contestant Contestant NO .14 please get ready. (何诗琪)14. Thank you. Let?s welcome contestant From class 2, grade 7, Contestants please get ready. (莫茵怡)you for the beautiful song.is ______, is ______, Now, let?s welcome Contestant From class 3, grade 8. Contestant NO .17 please get ready. (何诗琪)16. Great! Now, the contestant from class 1, grade 8 will give us a performance. Let?s give them a warm welcome. Contestant please get ready. (潘远杭)17. Great! Now, the contestant from class 3, grade 7 will give us a performance. Let?s give her a warm welcome. Contestant please get ready. (莫茵怡)you for the beautiful song. Now I would like to announce the score of Contestant No 14 is________ , is ______, is ______ is ______, Now, let?s welcome Contestant From class 4, grade7. (严天烯)19. Thank the last contestant?s wonderful performance. You really did a good job. I would like to announce the score of Contestant No 14 is________ , is ______, is ______ is ______, Next Let?s welcome the judges to give us some comments on our contestants? performance.Thank you for your wonderful comments. (何诗琪)20. I would like to announce the score of Contestant No 16 is________, is ______, and is ______ (严天烯)21. Let?s play a game. (绕口令)(all)22. Well, thank you all the contestants. Thank you for your excellent performance. Let?s enjoy the song “Auld Lang Syne” (潘远杭)颁奖部分:A:Let me announce the list of third prize_________________(三等奖名单). Each recipient will be presented with a certificate. Congratulations. 中文译一次大意:B:Let’s welcome ________ to present the awards to the recipients. Thank you (莫茵怡)A:Allow me to announce the list of second prize _________________ (二等奖名单) Congratulations.B:Let’s welcome _______to award prize for these you ______(严天烯)A: Ladies and gentlemen, who will gain the first prize? Let’s hold our breath, the most lucky persons are________. Congratulations!B:Let’s welcome ______ to present the awards to the recipients. Thank you. (何诗琪)A: Once again, Congratulations on your winning this honor!Today is your day,you deserve this award for your wonderful performance. (潘远杭)篇二:XX英语才艺大赛主持稿XX English Talent Show Of Chencun Junior High School主持稿A:Don't stop, (不要停顿,)(一边走一边说)B:never give up, (永不放弃,)(一边走一边说)C:Hold your head high,(高昂起头,)(一边走一边说)D:Reach the top. (到达顶峰。

“英语才艺展示”主持词男/女:Good afternoon! My dear leaders, teachers and fellow students!女:In order to inspire all the students’ interest in learning English,男:为了激发我校所有学生学习英语的兴趣,女:motivate all the students’ enthusiasm in learning and using English,男:充分调动我校所有学生学习和使用英语的积极性,女:give all the students a stage and space to show their English talents,男:给所有学生一个可以展示英语才艺的舞台和空间,女:and to create a strong cultural atmosphere in our school,男:为我校创造一个浓郁的文化氛围,女:the English office has decided to hold an activity of the English Talent Show in our school.男:英语组决定在全校举行英语才艺展示的活动。
Let’s invite Lu Yahao from Class 2 Grade 3 to give us a song《We don't talk any more》。
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2013 English Talent Show Of Chencun Junior High School
A:Don't stop, (不要停顿,)(一边走一边说)
B:never give up, (永不放弃,)(一边走一边说)
C:Hold your head high,(高昂起头,)(一边走一边说)
D:Reach the top. (到达顶峰。
A:Let the world see what you have got, (让世界看见你的收获,)
B:Bring it all back to you. (找回自己。
C:Hold on what you try to be, (坚持自己想达到的境地,)
D:Your dreams will come true. (梦想就会成真。
A:Good afternoon, everyone!
B:Good afternoon!
C:Welcome to the 2013 English Talent Show of Chencun Junior High School!
A:I’m the compere……
B:I’m the compere……
C:I’m the compere……
D:I’m the compere……
A:To start with, we’d like to briefly introduce the whole process of the competition.
B:At the beginning of this term, 32 classes have participated in this competition, of those, we have 12 outstanding classes to compete in the final round today.
C:At first, with great honor, we’d like to introduce the guests at present.
C:We are honored to have you here, and we hope you can enjoy yourselves today!
D:Next, let’s introduce the judges of today’s contest.
C:Thank you for being a part of the competition!
D:At this moment, all the contestants are getting ready for their performance. I’m sure all of you look forward to the wonderful performance, and let’s wish them the best of luck.
A:Now, the 2013 English Talent Show of Chencun Junior High School formally starts!
B:At first, please enjoy the first performance——Wu Song beats tigers from Class 13, Grade 7. Let’s welcome!
A:Oh, I like this tiger, it’s very cute!
B:I love Wu Song, I think he is a brave man.
A:En, maybe the next Wu Song is braver and more handsome.
B:Really? Where is he? (四处张望)
A:They’re coming! (手掌指向后台)有请初二1班《武松打虎》闪亮登场,掌声欢迎!
D:They’re exciting adventures, but I prefer to make friends with animals. I’ll take them to the seaside. C:去海边?What would you like to do?
D:Take a walk, play with water or swim, 说不定还能看见美人鱼呢!
A:Summary is so poor and her father——the king is so cold!(可怜)But the next emperor is so stupid!(嫌弃)
D:Why? What did the emperor do?(好奇)口说无凭哦!
C:Haha, that’s funny! 同学们,认人和做事都一定要多动脑筋,学会擦亮自己的双眼,明辨是非哦!B:Yes, 我就知道这么一位美丽的公主,因为这个原因而上了恶毒皇后的当!大家说是哪位公主呀?(问场下)
C:So easy! We know she is Snow White! 赶快请她上场吧!
D:Snow White is kind, and we should learn from her!
D:In fact, besides kind, we should be smart as well.
A:孙大圣一出手,果然非同凡响!I like him so so much!
C:Me too! 很希望哪位独具慧眼的导演能够将美猴王搬上荧屏呢!
A:Good idea! 说到看电影,你猜我至今最难忘的第一部3D电影是哪部?(对江豪)
C:En, (思索一下),I got it!(打响指)It’s also my favourite film! I bet it’s “Avatar”! (拍胸脯)A:Bingo! You are clever as the Monkey King!(竖拇指)
B:Wa, the girl is successful and lucky!
D:You’re right, but I think hard-working is the most important!
B:En, (点头),that’s true. 女孩为了实现自己的梦想,一定付出了许多的努力和汗水!
B:I can’t wait to watch it!(兴奋)下面请欣赏由初二10班带来的职业梦翔秀“Dream flying”!掌声再热烈一点!
B:I can’t believe it! (夸张)这简直是一场赏心悦目的视听盛宴哪!
C:哇哦!They’re magic! I love them!(两眼放光)
B:I agree with you! I have a little love!
C:Just a little?
B:A little is just good!
C:OK,接下来一首动听的歌曲献给大家,掌声有请初一4班“A little love”!
D:How beautiful! 这首小清新的曲子让我们感受到母爱的深沉!
A:The older I grow up, the more I love my mum, and my mum’s mum!
D:Your grandma! She must be very kind and warm.
A:Yes, you’re right, and she is just like little red riding hood’s grandma.
D:So what are we waiting for? 让我们掌声欢迎来自初一3班的节目《小红帽》!。