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2013 English Talent Show Of Chencun Junior High School


A:Don't stop, (不要停顿,)(一边走一边说)

B:never give up, (永不放弃,)(一边走一边说)

C:Hold your head high,(高昂起头,)(一边走一边说)

D:Reach the top. (到达顶峰。)(一边走一边说)

A:Let the world see what you have got, (让世界看见你的收获,)

B:Bring it all back to you. (找回自己。)

C:Hold on what you try to be, (坚持自己想达到的境地,)

D:Your dreams will come true. (梦想就会成真。)

A:Good afternoon, everyone!

B:Good afternoon!

C:Welcome to the 2013 English Talent Show of Chencun Junior High School!


A:I’m the compere……

B:I’m the compere……

C:I’m the compere……

D:I’m the compere……

A:To start with, we’d like to briefly introduce the whole process of the competition.

B:At the beginning of this term, 32 classes have participated in this competition, of those, we have 12 outstanding classes to compete in the final round today.

C:At first, with great honor, we’d like to introduce the guests at present.


C:We are honored to have you here, and we hope you can enjoy yourselves today!

D:Next, let’s introduce the judges of today’s contest.


C:Thank you for being a part of the competition!


D:At this moment, all the contestants are getting ready for their performance. I’m sure all of you look forward to the wonderful performance, and let’s wish them the best of luck.

A:Now, the 2013 English Talent Show of Chencun Junior High School formally starts!



B:At first, please enjoy the first performance——Wu Song beats tigers from Class 13, Grade 7. Let’s welcome!


A:Oh, I like this tiger, it’s very cute!

B:I love Wu Song, I think he is a brave man.

A:En, maybe the next Wu Song is braver and more handsome.

B:Really? Where is he? (四处张望)

A:They’re coming! (手掌指向后台)有请初二1班《武松打虎》闪亮登场,掌声欢迎!


D:They’re exciting adventures, but I prefer to make friends with animals. I’ll take them to the seaside. C:去海边?What would you like to do?

D:Take a walk, play with water or swim, 说不定还能看见美人鱼呢!


A:Summary is so poor and her father——the king is so cold!(可怜)But the next emperor is so stupid!(嫌弃)

D:Why? What did the emperor do?(好奇)口说无凭哦!


C:Haha, that’s funny! 同学们,认人和做事都一定要多动脑筋,学会擦亮自己的双眼,明辨是非哦!B:Yes, 我就知道这么一位美丽的公主,因为这个原因而上了恶毒皇后的当!大家说是哪位公主呀?(问场下)

C:So easy! We know she is Snow White! 赶快请她上场吧!


D:Snow White is kind, and we should learn from her!


D:In fact, besides kind, we should be smart as well.



A:孙大圣一出手,果然非同凡响!I like him so so much!

C:Me too! 很希望哪位独具慧眼的导演能够将美猴王搬上荧屏呢!

A:Good idea! 说到看电影,你猜我至今最难忘的第一部3D电影是哪部?(对江豪)

C:En, (思索一下),I got it!(打响指)It’s also my favourite film! I bet it’s “Avatar”! (拍胸脯)A:Bingo! You are clever as the Monkey King!(竖拇指)
