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1、record v.记录,记载,录音 n.记录,唱片

This volume records the history of the city.这部书记录了该城市的历史。

The wireless program was recorded. 无线电广播是由录音制成的。

make a record录制唱片

set a record创记录

break a record 打破记录

keep a record保持记录

keep a record of 把……记录下来

2、determine vt.&vi. 决定,确定;决定(某人的未来);下决心(做某事);使决定

The size of your feet determines the size of your shoes. 你脚的大小决定你鞋的大小。

Let’s determine a date for the class meeting. 咱们来定一下开班会的日期吧。

determine on/upon (doing) sth. =make up one’s mind to do sth.下决心

determine to do sth. 决心做

determine +从句 决心做

be determined to do sth. 决心做

He determined on going to collage.

= He was determined to go to college. 他决心上大学。

We determined on an early start. (determined to start early.) 我们决定早开始。

He firmly determined to learn Greek.他下决心读希腊文。

Have you determined where you are going to spend your holidays?

= Have you determined where to spend your holidays? 你已决定将到何处度假吗?

determine sb. to do sth. 使某人决定/下决心做

What determined you to accept the offer? 什么原因使你接受此项提议?

The news determined him against further delay. 此消息使他决定不再拖延。

3、insist v. 坚持,强调

insist on/upon sth. /doing sth. 坚决做,坚持做

insist on/upon one’ s doing坚持要某人做

He insisted on his correctness.他坚持自己是对的。

She insisted on/upon talking to the manager.她坚决要和经理谈谈。

I insist on your being there.我坚持要你在那里。

insist that 坚持,坚决主张

I insisted that he should come with us (insisted on his coming with us.) 我坚持要他与我们同去。

The lady insisted that she had done nothing wrong and that she should be treated properly.这位女士坚持说她没有做错事并认为应该得到恰当的待遇。

4、settle vt.&vi. 安排;安放;安家,定居;(使)安定 vt. 解决;决定;调停;支付, 结算

Their ancestry settled the land in 1856. 他们的祖辈1856年在这块土地上定居下来。

The city settled when the rebels left. 叛乱分子离开后, 这个城市平静下来了。

The music will settle my disordered brain. 音乐会使我纷乱的思绪得到安定。

The nurse settled her patient for the night. 那位护士使她的病人安静过夜。

She has decided how s

he should settle the matter. 她已做出决定如何来解决这件事。

And a word from him would settle everything. 只要他说一句话, 一切问题就解决了。

The account is not yet settled. 这笔账尚未付清。

We have to settle the gas bill. 我们得付煤气费。

5、locate vt. 找出,指出(地点或位置) vt.&vi. (在…)设置, 坐落于

The general tried to locate the enemy's site. 那位将军想找出敌人营地的位置。

Early settlers located where there was water. 早期的移民安居在有水的地方。

He located himself behind the screen.他使自己居于幕后。
