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1.做调查do a survey 41.与某人交流communicate with sb

2.合计add up 42.目前;现在at moment

3.不得不have got to 43.在做…方面有困难have some trouble ding

4.遛狗walk dog 44.喜欢做某事enjoy doing sth

5.关心;挂念be concerned about 45.与……相处很好get along well with

6.平静下来calm down 46.爱上fall in love

7.去度假take a vacation 47.采纳某人意见take one's advice

8.照顾;照管look after 48.写下;记下set down

9.许多score of 49.将……排序put in to order

10.骗某人做某事sb in to sth 50.因……而感激某人be grateful to sb for

11.列表make a list 51.不止一个more than one

12.故意地on purpose 52.在某种程度上in some way

13.和某人分享某物share sth with sb 53.与……不同be different from

14.一系列的;一连串的 a series of 54.互相(三者以上)one other

15.处理;处置;对付deal with 55.不同种类的英语different kinds of English

16.经历;经受go through 56.去看电影go to the movies

17.为了…;以…为目的in order to 57.乘地铁by subway

18.在黄昏时刻at dusk 58.远处;遥远地for away

19.不再on longer 59.地铁车站the subway station

20.太多;过量scores of 60.挡道in the way

21.碰巧做某事happen to do sth 61.目前;现在at preasent

22.躲藏;隐瞒hide away 62.实际上in fact

23.对……狂热be carry about 63.即使even if

24.保持清醒stay awake 64.显现;出现;发生come up

25.面对面地face to face 65.以……为基础be based on

26.不注意;不理会ignore to 66.……的数量the number of

27.回家go home 67.诸如……;像…那样such as

28.遭受……之苦suffer from 68.与……通消息;交流communicate with

29.系紧;绑牢;扎好tie up 69.在……末at the end of

30.担心be concerned about 70.使用;利用make use of

31.记下set down 71.事实上in fact

32.继续go on 72.在太空中in space

33.对……厌烦be tired of 73.在操场上in the playground

34.与……靠近get close to 74.在周末at the weekend

35.将(东西)装箱打包pack(sth)up 75.说出不同tell the difference

36.同意agree with 76.提出请求make request

37.给……写信write to 77.关上turn off

38.没门儿no way 78.走近……come up to……

39.不可能;绝不in no way 79.确保make sure

40.擅长be good at 80.别挂断;请稍等hold on

81.信不信由你believe it or not 125.过得愉快have a good time

82.全世界all over the world 126.留下;遗忘;把…落在后面leave behind

83.扮演一个角色;参与play a part (in) 127.在这时at this point

84.与……一样……the same···as 128.向某人问好say hello to sb

85.列出清单make a list 129.像往常一样as usual

86.玩的高兴;过的愉快have fun 130.某人发生什么事sth happen(s) to sb

87.保持健康keep fit 131.信任某人believe sb

88.在左手边hand side 132.平静下来calm down

89.从一个地方到另一个地方from one place to another 133.向某人描述某事/物describe sth to sb

90.增强build up 134.想象某人是……image sb to be

91.较喜欢prefer to 135.不把……当回事think little of

92.填(写)fill in 136.立刻;马上right away

93.度假spend a holiday 137.仿佛;好像as if

94.回来come back 138.荒芜的;成为废墟in ruins

95.到达arrive in/at 139.对……感到震惊be shocked at

96.从那以后ever since 140.挖出……dig out

97.喜爱;喜欢be found of 141.许多的;大量的 a (great) number

98.屈服;让步give in 142.陷入,被困在……be trapped

99.关心;忧虑;挂念care about 143.结束;终结at an end

100.改变某人注意change one's mind 144.三分之一one third

101.(河流)流过flow through 145.提及;参考;查阅refer to

102.下定决心做某事make up one's mind to do sth146.组成;编造;化妆make up

103.说服某人做某事persuade sb to do sth 147.分发;散发;发出give out

104.梦想做某事dream about doing sth 148.在……的顶部at the top of 105.得到机会做某事get the chance to do sth 149.用……把……填满fill with

106.拿出;取出take out 150.因为某种原因for some reson 107.一大包(东西) a large parcel of 151.被……所覆盖be covered with 108.天气预报weather foreast 152.把某人叫醒make sb up

109.从……跌落fall off 153.搭起;搭建put up

110.设法做某事try to do sth 154.在户外;露天in the open air 111.放弃give up 155.为某事做好准备be prepared for sth 112.与…相比更喜欢…而不喜欢…prefer to 156.和…相比;和…比起来compared with 113.打定主意make up one's mind 157.为…而自豪;以…为荣be proud with 114.无论怎样no matter how 158.注意pay attention to 115.把……替换为change……for159.为……筹集资金collect money for 116.在午夜at midnight 160.作为……而闻名be know as

117.搭起帐篷put up a tent 161.发表演说make a speech 118.当心;小心take care 162.很高兴做某事be pleased to do sth 119.作伴;一起for company 163.同时at the same time 120.迫不及待要做某事can't wait 164.醒来wake up

121穿着be dressed in 165.致力于;献身于devote to

122.在下午晚些时候be late for 166.在……方面积极be active in

123.醒着stay awake 167.被用来做某事be used to do sth 124.露营make camp 168.决心做be determined to do
