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%function[rout,g,b]=LHimlogpolar(image,Nrho,Ntheta,Method,Center,Shap e)
function [rout,g,b] = LHimlogpolar(varargin)
%IMLOGPOLAR Compute logarithmic polar transformation of image.
% B = IMLOGPOLAR(A,NRHO,NTHETA,METHOD) computes the logarithmic
% polar transformation of image A, generating a log polar image
% of size NRHO by NTHETA. METHOD describes the interpolation
% method. METHOD is a string that can have one of these values:
% 'nearest' (default) nearest neighbor interpolation
% 'bilinear' bilinear interpolation
% 'bicubic' bicubic interpolation
% If you omit the METHOD argument, IMLOGPOLAR uses the default
% method of 'nearest'.
% B = IMLOGPOLAR(A,NRHO,NTHETA,METHOD,CTR) assumes that the 2x1
% vector CTR contains the coordinates of the origin in image A.
% If CTR is not supplied, the default is CTR = [(m+1)/2,(n+1)/2],
% where A has n rows and m columns.
% string that can have one of these values:
% 'full' - returns log polar transformation containing ALL
% pixels from image A (the circumscribed circle
% centered at CTR)
% 'valid' - returns log polar transformation containing only
% pixels from the largest inscribed circle in image A % centered at CTR.
% If you omit the SHAPE argument, IMLOGPOLAR uses the default shape % of 'valid'. If you specify the shape 'full', invalid values on the % periphery of B are set to NaN.
% Class Support
% -------------
% The input image can be of class uint8 or double. The output
% image is of the same class as the input image.
% Example
% -------
% I = imread('ic.tif');
% J = imlogpolar(I,64,64,'bilinear');
% imshow(I), figure, imshow(J)
% Nathan D. Cahill 8-16-01, modified from:
% Clay M. Thompson 8-4-92
% Copyright 1993-1998 The MathWorks, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
% $Revision: 5.10 $ $Date: 1997/11/24 15:35:33 $
% Grandfathered:
% Without output arguments, IMLOGPOLAR(...) displays the transformed % image in the current axis.
% Outputs: A the input image
% Nrho the desired number of rows of transformed image
% Ntheta the desired number of columns of transformed image % Method interpolation method (nearest,bilinear,bicubic)
% Center origin of input image
% Shape output size (full,valid)
% Class storage class of A
[Image,rows,cols,Nrho,Ntheta,Method,Center,Shape,ClassIn]=LHparse_inp uts(varargin{:});
threeD = (ndims(Image)==3); % Determine if input includes a 3-D array
if threeD,
[r,g,b] = LHtransformImage(Image,rows,cols,Nrho,Ntheta,Method,Center,Shape);
if nargout==0,
elseif nargout==1,
if strcmp(ClassIn,'uint8');
rout = repmat(uint8(0),[size(r),3]);
rout(:,:,1) = uint8(round(r*255));
rout(:,:,2) = uint8(round(g*255));
rout(:,:,3) = uint8(round(b*255));
rout = zeros([size(r),3]);
rout(:,:,1) = r;
rout(:,:,2) = g;