



Unit10 Personal Finance 个⼈理财⽣活时尚英语⼝语900句:Unit10 个⼈理财A silvedess mon goes fast ihrough the market.⾝上⽆钱,市场疾⾏1.The millionaire had a personaf finance consultant invest his money.这个百万富翁有争位私⼈的理财颟阍负责他的投资。

2.Stocks,shares and bonds are good altemcffives for personal investment.储蓄、股票和债券是个⼈投资很好的选择。

3.l'm in the red again,would you nind fending me some money?我⼜囊中羞涩了,借点钱给我吧。

4.He often overdrafts his account.他的账户经常透⽀。

5.A credit card is very useful when you go traveling.当你旅游的时候,信⽤卡很有⽤。

6.You can deposit the money into my bank account.你可以把钱存进我的银⾏账户。

7.We urgently need to establish our own credit system.我们亟待建⽴我们⾃⼰的信⽤机制。

8.You should save some money in case of urgent need.你应该存点钱以备不时之需。

9.The bank canceled his loan and took backhis car.银⾏取消了他的贷款并且收回了他的车。

10.Everyone hates the banks,but we have no alternative but to use them.⼈⼈都讨厌银⾏,但是我们没有选择;只能继续同银⾏打交道。



关于家庭理财实用对话及情景句(一)家庭理财 (一)Caleb: Excuse me, I have a question about transferring money from one account to another.卡列:打扰一下。

我有一个问题,怎么转账?Lauren: I can help you here. Do you have the account numbers with you?劳伦:我可以帮您解决。

这两个账户的账号您都带来了吗?Caleb: Yes.卡列:带来了。

Lauren: Are they both under your name?劳伦:这两个都是在您名下的吗?Caleb: No, this account is my wife's account and that one is mine.卡列:不是,一个是我妻子的,另一个是我的。

Lauren: OK, and are you going to put money into your wife's account?劳伦:好的,那您是想把钱转到您妻子的账户里吗?Caleb: Yes. Would it be possible to check my balance first?卡列:是的。

能不能先査一下我账户的明细?Lauren: Not a problem. It looks like you have $450 in your current savings account.劳伦:不成问题。


Caleb: OK, could you transfer $200 into her account then?卡列:好的,那您能不能转200美元到她账户里?Lauren: Would you like to add a narrative?劳伦:想要加留言吗?Caleb: Sure. Could you just type. Hope this helps with your life abroad. Love, C.卡列:当然。



中级英语口语练习:家庭理财She records her every income and expense.她记下自己的每一笔收入和支出。

That's a good idea to save money.这是个省钱的好办法。

David was an overnight success.大卫一夜暴富。

More and more people want to be their own bosses./ More and more people want to be self-employed.越来越多的人都自己当老板。

You should set aside money for emergency use.你理应留出一笔钱以应急之用。

She's not a very good manager for she always spends more money than she earns.她不大会理财总是入不敷出。

Paying bills promptly is good financial practice.即时付账是理财的好习惯。

Identify how you spend money now.明确自己当前的消费习惯。

Evaluate your current spending and set goals that take into accout your financial objectives.评估你现在的花销,然后设定理财目标。

We have to trim the budget for the New Year.我得消减元旦的预算了。

We have to control the spending from now on.我们从现在起必须控制开支了。

I believe we will get good returns on these financial plans.我相信这些理财计划会让我们受益颇丰的。



关于理财投资的英语口语同学们对英语感到很恐惧吗?不要害怕,小编今天给大家带来的是关于英语情景对话的口语,想更快的提升英语成绩,就要好好努力哦,大家赶紧行动起来吧一我想试着炒炒股 Buying stocksAEveryone wants to be financial lose kill. You must invest your savings if you planed to retire rich. I’m thinking about buying stocks. It can be a good investment if I can manage well. What do you say?每个人都想减少经济损失。




你怎样认为呢?BI partly agree with you. Buying stocks is not difficult, but making money consistently from buying stock is very difficult. Even professionals don’t find it easy,so be careful. Anyway, people like us need help with investing. Why not do some online research? There are data, reports and discussion forums to educate peopleon how to invest. In addition, you need to visit an established website that offersstock charts.我部分同意你,买股票并不难,但是买股票一直赚钱就很难了。




下面有店铺整理的关于个人理财的英语口语,欢迎大家阅读!Dialouge 1A:Can you lend me fifty bucks?A:你可以借我50美元吗?B:What? Again? Why do you keep running out of money?B:什么?又借?你怎么老是缺钱?A:I guess I don't earn enough.A:我想是赚得不够多。

B:No,I think it's how you budget your life, that's the problem.B:不,我想是你没有好好计划开支,这才是问题所在。

A:That's my business, not yours.A:那是我的.问题,不关你事。

B:True enough, until the time comes that you need to take my mon-ey.I don't know where you're wasting your money but I think you need to take a look at what's really important.B:你说得对,可是每次你来找我借钱,我不知道你是怎么花掉你的钱的,但是你应该想想什么事情真正值得花钱。

A:So how do you survive from pay day to pay day?A:那你是怎样度过没有发工资的日子呢?B:I don't just survive. I put money away as well.I know when I get paid where most of the cash will go, and I stick to my plan. If I follow a budget I don't have any nasty surprises.B:我不仅仅“度日”,我还存钱,领了工资后,我知道钱该往什么地方花,而且我坚持这种做法,我遵循一个比较固定的预算。






Here's the phone bill.When is this due? 什么时候到期?When is the rent due?房租截止到几号?When is the paper due?When is the last day I can pay for this?How long is the pay period?When do I have to pay this by?When does this have to be finished by?It's due on the thirtieth. 截止到30号Could you give me change?能帮我换一下零钱吗?Can you change this?Could I have change?Do you have change for 100 yen?你有..?(能帮我换开一百日元吗?)Can you break a one-hundred-yen bill?Can you break a hundred?I'd like to change a hundred-yen note.Here's one hundred yen. Could I have change?这是100日元,能帮我破开吗?I need to deposit five thousand yen in my savings account. 存钱 *账户(我要存5000日元。

)I need to put ¥5,000 into the bank.I need to withdraw ¥5,000 from my savings account. 取,拿出(我要取5000日元。

)I need to take out ¥500 from the bank.I paid out of my own pocket.自己掏腰包I'm out of cash. 我没带现金I don't have much money on me now. 我现在没有多少现金。



关于理财的英语口语同学们不要觉得英语困难哦,小编今天给大家带来的是关于英语情景对话的口语,同学们要多多看看,背背,大家快点行动起来,才能更快的提升英语成绩,有需要的同学快收藏起来吧一我现在正在炒外汇A H e y,J o h n!I h a v e n t s e e n y o u f o r a g e s!W h a t s n e w?W h a t h a v e y o u b e e n u p t o?你好,约翰,很长时间没肯定你了。

有什么新状况?你忙什么呢?B P e t e!N i c e t o s e e y o u W e l l,o n t o p t h e n o r m, y o u k n o w,w i f e a n d k i d s a n d w o r k,I v e a c t u a l l yg o t t e n i n t o d o i n g s o m e t r a d i n g.P e t e!很高兴见到你。



A T r a d i n g?Y o u,b i g g u y?W h a t a r e y o u t r a d i n g?交易?你这个大块头?你在交易什么?B C u r r e n c i e s.货币。

A C u r r e n c i e s?A s i n E u r o s,D o l l a r s,P o u n d s a n dR u p e e s?货币?用欧元,美元,英镑和卢比交易?B I t s c a l l e d F o r e x. F o r e i g n E x c h a n g e. T h e g r e a t t h i n g a b o u t i t i s t h a t I d o n t h a v e t o i n v e s t a h u g ea m o u n t.I p u t i n a m a r g i n d e p o s i t a n d t h e n I c a nb u y a n d s e l l u p t o100t i m e s t h a t m uc h!那叫做外汇。



关于理财的英语口语一我现在正在炒外汇AHey, John! I havent seen you for ages! Whats new? What have you been up to?你好,约翰,很长时间没肯定你了。

有什么新状况?你忙什么呢?BPete! Nice to see you Well, on top the norm, you know, wife and kids and work, Ive actually gotten into doing some trading.Pete!很高兴见到你。



ATrading? You, big guy? What are you trading?交易?你这个大块头?你在交易什么?BCurrencies.货币。

ACurrencies? As in Euros, Dollars, Pounds and Rupees?货币?用欧元,美元,英镑和卢比交易?BIts called Forex. Foreign Exchange. The great thing about it is that I dont have to invest a huge amount. I put in a margin deposit and then I can buy and sell up to 100 times that much!那叫做外汇。



AI dont understand. Youre buying and selling money?我不明白,你在买卖钱?BYou got it! Just last night I made USD 150!说对了。


ALast night?昨晚?BYeah! Its a 24 hour market! I had bought some RMB earlier at a low asking price but last night it appreciated drastically so I made a split second decision and sold all my RMB at an amazing bid! Ive also done some trading with CHF and AUD and HKD. Ive made some good profits but Ive also suffered some losses. It depends on a lot of factors just like any other market. In total Ive made about USD 500 in the past few months.是的,外汇市场是24小时的。



关于理财的英语口语同学们不要觉得英语困难哦,小编今天给大家带来的是关于英语情景对话的口语,同学们要多多看看,背背,大家快点行动起来,才能更快的提升英语成绩,有需要的同学快收藏起来吧一我现在正在炒外汇AHey, John! I haven’t seen you for ages! What’s new? What have you been up to?你好,约翰,很长时间没肯定你了。

有什么新状况?你忙什么呢?BPete! Nice to see you Well, on top the norm, you know, wife and kids and work, I’ve actually gotten into doing some trading.Pete!很高兴见到你。



ATrading? You, big guy? What are you trading?交易?你这个大块头?你在交易什么?BCurrencies.货币。

ACurrencies? As in Euros, Dollars, Pounds and Rupees?货币?用欧元,美元,英镑和卢比交易?BIt’s called Forex. Foreign Exchange. The great thing about it is that I don’t have to invest a huge amount. I put in a margin deposit and then I can buy and sell up to 100 times that much!那叫做外汇。



AI don’t understand. You’re buying and selling money?我不明白,你在买卖钱?BYou got it! Just last night I made USD 150!说对了。



关于理财的英语口语对话有很多同学听到英语就头大,不要害怕,小编今天给大家带来的是关于英语情景对话的口语,想更快的提升英语成绩,就要花费点心思哦,所以大家要多多背诵哦一你买的股票怎么样了A H o w a r e y o u r s t o c k s d o i n g,J i m?吉姆,你股票怎么样了?B O h, a l l r i g h t. I l o s t a b u n c h o f m o n e y i n t h e l a s t t w o y e a r s, b u t t h i s y e a r h a s b e e n p r e t t y g o o d.噢,还行。


A Y e a h,I l o s t m o n e y i n v e s t i n g i n t h e i n t e r n e t t o o.是的。


B J u s t g o e s t o s h o w t h a t y o u s h o u l d b u y c o m p a n i e s n o t i d e a s.这就说明你买股票要看公司,而不是想法。

A I c h a n g e d m y s t r a t e g y a r o u n d t o o. I i n v e s t i n g o o d c o m p a n i e s n o w.我也改变了我的战略。


B Y e a h,m e t o o.D i d y o u h e a r a b o u t T e d?是的,我也一样。

你听说了T e d的事吗?A N o.W h a t h a p p e n e d?没有,发生什么事了吗?B H e l o s t h i s k i d s c o l l e g e m o n e y b y t r a d i n g.他玩股票输掉他孩子上大学的钱。



1. I really need to balance my budget and handle my money better. 我真的需要平衡预算并改善我的用钱方式了。

2. I want to control my spending better.

3. I have been spending too much money.

4. I am living above limit.

5. I want to deposit this money in the bank.

6. The interest is rather high, so we should save money in the bank. 现在利息很高,我们应该在银行存点钱。

7. We should make a plan for saving money.

8. We can save 20% of all our earnings and put it in the bank.

9. There is not even a penny in our bank account.

10. We need to start saving money for a rainy day.



夫妻如何理财英语对话作文Title: Managing Finances as a Couple: A Dialogue。

Sarah: Hey Mark, I've been thinking lately about how we manage our finances as a couple. Do you think we could have a chat about it?Mark: Sure, Sarah. I think it's essential for us to have a clear plan for managing our money together. What's on your mind?Sarah: Well, I've noticed that we don't really have a structured approach to our finances. Sometimes it feelslike we're just winging it. I think it might be a good idea for us to sit down and create a budget together.Mark: That sounds like a sensible idea. Having a budget can help us track our expenses better and make sure we're not overspending in certain areas.Sarah: Exactly. Plus, it would give us a clearerpicture of where our money is going each month. Do you have any thoughts on how we should divide our expenses?Mark: I think we should start by listing out all of our monthly expenses, like rent, utilities, groceries, and any other regular bills we have. Then we can figure out how much each of us should contribute based on our incomes.Sarah: That makes sense. We should also think about setting aside some money each month for savings and emergencies. It's important to have a financial cushion for unexpected expenses.Mark: I agree. It might also be a good idea for us to set some long-term financial goals together, like savingfor a down payment on a house or planning for retirement.Sarah: Definitely. Having clear goals can help us stay motivated and focused on our financial future. I think it's essential for us to be on the same page when it comes to our finances.Mark: Absolutely. Transparency and communication are key when managing money as a couple. We should make sure to have regular check-ins to review our budget and adjust as needed.Sarah: Agreed. I'm glad we're having this conversation.I think having a solid financial plan in place will help us feel more secure and confident about our future together.Mark: Me too, Sarah. Let's make it a priority to work together on our finances and support each other in reaching our goals.Sarah: Sounds like a plan. Thanks for being open to discussing this with me, Mark.Mark: Of course, Sarah. We're a team, and we should tackle our finances as a team too.。



理财小妙招作文英文版Personal Finance Tips: A Guide to Smart Money Management.In today's fast-paced world, managing personal finances can often seem like a daunting task. However, with a few simple tips and strategies, anyone can take control oftheir money and achieve financial stability. Here are some key pieces of advice to help you get started on yourjourney to smart money management.1. Set Clear Financial Goals.The first step in any financial plan is to set clear, measurable goals. These goals should be specific, attainable, and aligned with your long-term financial vision. Whether you're saving for a down payment on a house, planning for a comfortable retirement, or simply wanting to build an emergency fund, having a clear goal will help you stay focused and motivated.2. Create a Budget and Stick to It.Once you have your goals in mind, it's time to create a budget. A budget is a plan that outlines how much money you expect to earn and spend each month. It's essential to be honest with yourself when creating a budget, including all sources of income and expenses. Once you have a budget in place, it's important to stick to it as closely as possible. This means making conscious decisions about where your money goes and avoiding unnecessary spending.3. Save and Invest Regularly.Saving and investing are crucial components of any financial plan. By setting aside a portion of your income each month, you can build up a nest egg for future expenses or goals. Consider setting up automatic transfers from your checking account to a savings or investment account to make the process easier. Additionally, investing in adiversified portfolio can help you grow your savings over time.4. Pay Yourself First.One of the most effective ways to ensure you're saving money each month is to pay yourself first. This means making a commitment to save a certain amount of money before paying any other bills or expenses. By doing this, you're prioritizing your future financial security and ensuring that you're always working towards your goals.5. Shop Smart and Compare Prices.When it comes to spending money, it's important to be a savvy shopper. Take the time to compare prices on items you need, whether it's groceries, clothing, or electronics. Shopping around and using tools like price comparison websites can help you find the best deals and save money in the long run. Additionally, consider buying items whenthey're on sale or in season to save even more.6. Pay Off Debt Quickly.If you have any outstanding debt, it's crucial to prioritize paying it off as quickly as possible. Carrying debt can be expensive and stressful, so focus on makingextra payments or increasing your monthly payments toreduce your debt load. Consider creating a debt payoff plan to help you stay on track and motivated.7. Build an Emergency Fund.An emergency fund is an important part of any financial plan. This fund should be used to cover unexpected expenses or emergencies that arise, such as a job loss, medical bill, or home repair. Aim to save enough money to cover at least three to six months of your living expenses in an emergency fund. Keep this money in a separate account so it's easily accessible when needed.8. Review and Update Your Financial Plan Regularly.Finally, it's important to review and update your financial plan regularly. Your financial situation may change over time due to changes in income, expenses, orgoals. By regularly reviewing your plan and making necessary adjustments, you can ensure that you're always on track and making the best decisions for your financial future.In conclusion, managing personal finances can be a challenging task, but with the right tips and strategies, it's completely achievable. By setting clear goals, creating a budget, saving and investing regularly, paying yourself first, shopping smart, paying off debt quickly, building an emergency fund, and reviewing your plan regularly, you can take control of your money and achieve financial stability. Remember, every small step you take today will add up to big results in the future. Start implementing these tips today and watch your financial situation improve.。



理财英语作文最火的一句In the realm of personal finance, a phrase that has caught fire among English learners is, "Money doesn't grow on trees." This simple yet profound statement underscores the importance of financial responsibility from an early age.Another popular adage that resonates with students and professionals alike is, "A penny saved is a penny earned." It highlights the value of saving and the small yet significant impact it can have on one's financial health.The concept of compound interest has also gained significant traction, with the phrase, "The power of compounding is the eighth wonder of the world." This quote encapsulates the exponential growth potential of investments over time.Investors often quote, "Don't put all your eggs in one basket," emphasizing the wisdom of diversification in one's portfolio to mitigate risk.A common piece of advice for young savers is, "Start saving early, and let time be your ally." This encourages the habit of saving and the recognition of the long-term benefits of early investment.The phrase, "Live within your means," is a timeless piece of advice that encourages financial discipline and theavoidance of debt.Lastly, the saying, "The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now," is often used to inspire action towards financial goals, no matter the current age or stage of life.。



家庭投资理财计划英语English:To develop a family investment and financial plan, it is important to first assess the current financial situation and set clear financial goals. This includes understanding the income, expenses, debts, and assets of the family, as well as identifying short-term and long-term financial objectives. Once the current financial situation and goals have been established, it is essential to create a budget that outlines how the family will allocate its resources towards achieving these goals. This may involve setting aside a portion of income for savings and investments, as well as prioritizing and managing expenses. In addition to budgeting, it is crucial to consider the different investment options available, such as stocks, bonds, mutual funds, real estate, and retirement accounts, and determine which ones align with the family's risk tolerance and financial objectives. It is important to regularly review and adjust the investment and financial plan as necessary, taking into account changes in the family's financial situation and market conditions. This will help ensure that the plan remains relevant and effective in helping the family achieve their financial goals and secure their future financial well-being.中文翻译:要制定一个家庭投资和理财计划,首先重要的是评估当前的财务状况并设定清晰的财务目标。



关于理财的英语口语对话有很多同学听到英语就头大,不要害怕,小编今天给大家带来的是关于英语情景对话的口语,想更快的提升英语成绩,就要花费点心思哦,所以大家要多多背诵哦一你买的股票怎么样了AHow are your stocks doing, Jim?吉姆,你股票怎么样了?BOh, all right. I lost a bunch of money in the last two years, but this year has been pretty good.噢,还行。


AYeah, I lost money investing in the internet too.是的。


BJust goes to show that you should buy companies not ideas.这就说明你买股票要看公司,而不是想法。

AI changed my strategy around too. I invest in good companies now.我也改变了我的战略。


BYeah, me too. Did you hear about Ted?是的,我也一样。

你听说了Ted的事吗?ANo. What happened?没有,发生什么事了吗?BHe lost his kids’ college money by trading.他玩股票输掉他孩子上大学的钱。

AOh, boy. His wife can't be happy about that.噢,男孩啊!他的妻子一定很不高兴。

二兑换一些旅行支票AHello, may I help you?你好,我可以帮你吗?BYes, I need some more cash for my visit in China. May I cash a traveler’s check here?是的,我需要一些现金,在中国旅行时可以使用。



理财常用的句子:My salary will be enough to cover our daily expenses. 我的工资足够支付我们的日常开销了。

I lived high and expended largely. 我生活奢侈开销很大。

I'm calculating our daily expenses. 我正在计算我们的日常开支。

I have summed up the money we spent last month. 我已经合计出我们上个月花费的总数了。

I'm living above my limit. 我生活的开销超出我的底线。

It's easier to get money than to keep it. 挣钱容易攒钱难。

We've got to tighten our belt. 我们得省吃俭用。

I must drew in a bit, because I spend too much. 我必须节省点,因为我花得太多了。

Be careful how you spend your money. 花钱要谨慎。

Money doesn't grow on trees. 钱不是长在树上的(钱来之不易,钱不是大风刮来的,钱不是从天上掉下来的)You should budget your life from now on. 从现在开始你应该预算你的开支。

I will keep a tight rein on expenditure from now on. 从现在开始我要严格控制开支。

Budget may be the only way to get a grip on your spending. 制定预算可能是控制你消费的唯一方式。

I'm going to have to cut back on my shopping from now on. 从现在开始我打算缩减购物开支。

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英语口语900句:家庭理财摘要:家庭财务 Both the husband and wife are wage-earners. This job offers fat paycheck. Today is pay day. I have a family to feed. Living expenses eat most of our income. We paid 2000 dollars in tax last家庭财务Both the husband and wife are wage-earners.This job offers fat paycheck.Today is pay day.I have a family to feed.Living expenses eat most of our income.We paid 2000 dollars in tax last year.She records every income and expense.I often set aside some of money for emergency use.开支明细We need to figure how much money we are spending and what we are spending o n.Why?Well, I think we could be saving more.Really? Well, okay. Get the receipts out.Let's see. We spent $700 for our home loan payment, $400 on groceries, $75 on utilities, $250 on gasoline, $100 on books, and $300 on entertainment last m onth.That's $1825.We put $500 into the savings account, and $750 into our stock account.$3075, our pay checks are $3300 combined. That means we don't have any rece ipts for $225.Right.节省开支OK. So where do you think we can save more money?Well, we couldn't eat anymore. That 300 dollars for entertainment is mostly going to restaurants.Yes. That's a good idea! And you like to cook. What about the books?No, I need my books.Come on! If we save more money we can retire earlier and you'll actually ha ve time to read all those books you buy.Well,what about the 50 you spent on shirt? You could have gotten something for less!Ok, let's compromise. If you agree to only spend 75 on books I'll agree to only spend 50 for my next shirt.All right. That sounds fair!投资理念Rachel: How are your stocks doing, Jim?Jim: Oh, all right. I lost a bunch of money in the last two years, but this year has been pretty good.Rachel: Yeah. I lost money investing in the Internet, too.Jim: Just goes to show that you should buy companies, not ideas.Rachel: I changed my strategy around too. I invest in good companies now.Jim: Yeah, me too. Did you hear about Ted?Rachel: No, what happened?Jim: He lost his kids' college money by trading.Rachel: Oh, boy! His wife can't be happy about that.●理财什么时候到期?When is this due? *due“必须支付”、“支付期限到了”。


Here's the phone bill. (这是电话费通知单。

)When is this due? (交费截止到什么时候?)When is the rent due? (房租截止到几号?)When is the paper due? (交论文的时间截止到几号?)When is the last day I can pay for this?How long is the pay period?When do I have to pay this by?When does this have to be finished by?交费日期截止到30号。

It's due on the thirtieth.能帮我换一下零钱吗?Could you give me change? * change 也有“零钱”的意思。

Can you change this?Could I have change?能帮我换开100日元吗?Do you have change for one hundred yen? *change 除了“交换,兑换”的意思之外,还有“零钱,破开的钱”。

Do you have change for one hundred yen? (能帮我换开100日元吗?)Sure. (可以。

)Can you change this? (能帮我破一下吗?)Can you break a one-hundred-yen bill? (能帮我破开100日元吗?)Can you break a hundred?I'd like to change a hundred-yen note. (我想破开100日元。

)Here's one hundred yen. Could I have change? (这是100日元,能帮我破开吗?) 我要存5000日元(在我的账户上。

)I need to deposit five thousand yen (in my savings account). *deposit“在银行存钱”。

savings account “账户,户头”。

I need to put ¥5,000 into the bank.我要取5000日元(从我的账户上)。

I need to withdraw¥5,000 (from my savings account). *withdraw“(从存款中)取出,拿出”。

I need to take out ¥5,000 from the bank.我是自己掏的腰包。

I paid out of my own pocket. 直译是“从自己的口袋里拿出钱来支付。



I'm out of cash.我现在没有多少现金。

I don't have much money on me now.May I borrow some money? (能借点儿钱吗?)I don't have much money on me now. (我现在没有多少现金。

)I didn't bring very much money with me. (我身上没带多少现金。

)I'm a little short of money now. (我现在钱不够用。


I'm broke.May I borrow ten dollars? (能借给我10美元吗?)Sorry, I'm broke. (对不起,我现在身无分文。

)I have no money.I'm out of money.I'm flat broke. * 强调的说法。


I have a lot of money on me now.I brought a lot of money with me. (我带来了许多现金。

)I'm rich now. (我现在很有钱。

)I'm rolling in it.I have lots of cash on me.我可没有时间闲呆着。

I can't afford to be lazy. *afford“有钱,有时间,有力量”、“有富余”。

I can't afford to be idle.I don't have time to be lazy.多浪费呀!What a waste! *waste “浪费,荒废,徒劳”。

How wasteful!他因为还不上债而躲了起来。

He didn't pay the debt and disappeared. *debt“借债,负债,有欠债的状态”。

He skipped town without paying his debt.A businessman walked into a New York City bank and asked for the loan officer. He said he was going to Europe on business for two weeks and needed to borrow $5,000. The loan officer said the bank would need some security for such a loan. The business man then handed over the keys to a Rolls Royce that was parked on the street in front of the bank. Everything checked out and the loan officer accepted the car as collateralfor the loan. An employee then drove the Rolls into the bank's underground garage and parked it there.Two weeks later the businessman returned, repaid the $5,000 and the interest which came to $15.41. The loan officer said, "We do appreciate your business and this transaction has worked out very nicely, but we are a bit puzzled. While you were away we checked and found that you are a multimillionaire. What puzzles us is why you would bother to borrow $5,000?"The business man replied: "Where else in New York City can I park my car for 2 weeks for 15 bucks?"。
