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授课层次6B 授课课题M1 U1 Great

cities in Asia



本次课主要要求学生能够认识并掌握重点词汇如“Asia n. 亚洲Thailand n. 泰国Bangkok n. 曼谷”等,以及重点词组“city life 城市生活great cities in Asia 亚洲的大城市.travel to different cities 去不同的城市. be at an exhibition 在展览会上. the capital of China 中国的首都”等的熟练应用。










1. Asia n. 亚洲

E.g. Asia is the largest continent in the world.

Asian adj. 亚洲的;亚洲人的

n. 亚洲人(复数形式Asians)

2. Thailand n. 泰国

Thai adj. 泰国的;泰国人的

n. 泰国人(复数形式Thais )

3. Bangkok n. 曼谷

Bangkok is the capital of Thailand.

4. north-east adv. 东北

注意在表达方位时中英文的差别,也汉语表达的先后顺序正好相反。north-west 西北

south-east 东南

south=west 西南

5. exhibition n. 展览会(an exhibition)

be at an exhibition 出席展览会

great cities 大城市( a great city)

6.It’s north-east of Shanghai.

north-east of 表示“在……的东北方”指的是不相邻且不相互包含的两个独立事物之间的位置关系,也可说成to the north-east of

In English,对于‘方向’的描述主要分为以下三种:

A B两地不相邻

B is to the south of A.

A B 两地接壤 B is on the south of A.

A B 两地包含 B is in the south of A.


Japan is to the east of Shanghai.


Mexico is on the south of America.


Shanghai is in the east of China.

10. in the past 在过去从前提示用一般过去式。

travel to someplace 去某地,与go to 意义相近

by ship = by sea

by plane = by air = by aeroplane

P. 3

7. How far is it from A to B?

how far 表示‘多远距离’

it 不定代词指代‘距离’,相当于the distance.

from A to B 从……到……

8. How long does it take to take from Shanghai to Beijin by train?

How long 表示‘多久多长时间’

It takes sb. sometime to do sth.


It took me three hours to draw this picture.

9. 3个半小时

读法:three hours and a half

three and a half hours

10.In the past, people travelled to other places by plane.

in the past 在过去从前提示用一般过去式。

travel to someplace 去某地,与go to 意义相近

by ship = by sea

by plane = by air = by aeroplane


information n. 信息(不可数名词)

一条信息 a piece of information

2. palace n. 宫殿

the Children’s Palace 少年宫

the Summer Palace 颐和园

3. tourist n. 游客观光者

The Tourist Information Office 旅客问讯处

tour n. 旅行;游览v. 旅行;周游

4. Many tourists like visiting those places.

like doing sth. /like to do sth.

=love doing sth. =enjoy doing sth.喜欢做某事

to do sth.常指某个具体的动作

doing sth. 偏重强调个人爱好

would like to do = would love to do

= want to do 想要做某事Would you like to skate?

= Would you love to skate?

5. They always visit the Great Wall.

visit someplace 划线提问用what

What do they always visit?

The Great Wall 由普通名词组成的专有名词

the Bund ; the Summer Palace

6. more than = over 超过;多于


There are more than 400 students in our grade.

7. million num. 百万

China has got an area of 9.6 million square kilometres. millions of 数百万的……

8. building n. 建筑物

build v. 建造;建筑builder n. 建筑工人

9. huge adj. (= very big ) 巨大的

【反义词】tiny ( = very small)

10. famous adj. 著名的(= well-knowm)

a famous writer 一位著名的作家

be famous for 以……而著名

Hangzhou is famous for its silk.

11. also,too, either , else ‘也,还’
