
心脏学公式体循环阻力体循环阻力(dyne×sec)/cm5=80×(MAP-RAP)/C.O.MAP=平均动脉压RAP=右心房压C.O.=心输出量正常值=900-1300(dyne×sec)/ cm5平均动脉压(MAP)MAP(平均动脉压)=舒张压+[1/3(收缩压-舒张压)]心输出量心输出量(L/min)=BSA=体表面积(M2)Hb=血红蛋白(g/100ml)SaO2&SvO2=动脉血氧饱和度—静脉血氧饱和度。
心脏指数是心输出量以个体为单位计算的心脏指数=心输出量/体表面积(L/min/M2)总外周血管阻力(SVR)SVR=(平均动脉压-中心静脉压)÷心排出量×80正常值为100-130kpa.s/L杜克平板测验分数=未出现心绞痛:测试持续时间(min)-5.0×最大ST段下降(mm)持续心绞痛:测试持续时间(min)-5.0×最大ST段下降(mm)-4.0×1测试因心绞痛中止:测试持续时间(min)-5.0×最大ST段下降(mm)-4.0×2风险级别:高风险:杜克平板实验分数<-5高风险:杜克平板实验分数>10校正的QT间期=测量的QT间期(sec)÷sqrt(R-R间期)正常值:校正的QT间期不应该超过:0.45(婴儿<6个月)0.44(儿童)0.425(青少年和成人)2DO2=1.34×[SaO2(动脉血氧饱和度)×Hb(血红蛋白)]×CO×102VO2=1.34×[(CaO2(动脉血氧含量)×CvO2(静脉血氧含量))×CO×10CaO2=1.34×SaO2×HbCvO2=1.34×SvO2×Hb氧耗量(ml/min)=心输出量(C.O.)×(13×Hgb)×(SaO2-SvO2)SaO2=动脉血氧饱和度SvO2=静脉血氧饱和度正常值=110-160ml/min/M2若平均体表面积为1.73M2,则正常值=190-275ml/min肺脏学公式22PaCO2=0.863×VCO2/VAVCO2为CO2排出量(ml/min)Va为每分钟肺泡通气量(L/min)0.863为使气体容量(ml)变为Kpa(mmHg)的转换因子2坐位:P a O2=104.2-0.27×年龄仰卧位:P a O2=103.5-0.42×年龄2C a O2=0.003×P a O2+1.34×S a O2×Hb2S a O2=HbO2÷(HbO2+Hb)×100%HbO2是血红蛋白结合的氧量急性肺损伤的氧合指数=动脉血氧分压/吸入气氧分数氧合指数<300,诊断为急性肺损伤(ALI)氧合指数<200,诊断为急性呼吸窘迫综合症(ARDS)2(1)吸入气氧分压P I O2=(大气压—P H2O)×吸入氧浓度%(2)肺泡气PO2(P A O2)=P I O2—PCO2×1.25(3)肺泡动脉氧分压差(P(A-a)O2)=P A O2—P a O2将(2)的结果代入(3)中即可得P(A-a)O2肺泡氧分压(P a O2)(mmHg)=[F I O2(%)×(大气压-PH2O)]-(P a CO2×1.25)] F I O2=吸入气浓度(%)P H2O=气道水蒸气压力,通常为6.3Kpa,即47mmHgP a CO2=动脉血二氧化碳分压肺顺应性(Cdyn)=潮气量÷(最大气道压-呼气末正压)肾脏学公式3尿HCO3-排泄率=[尿HCO3—(mmol/L)×血肌酐(umol/L)]÷[血浆HCO3—(mmol/L)×尿肌酐(umol/L)]×100ERPF=(尿液PAH浓度×尿量)÷血浆PAH浓度(mi/min)C osm =(U osm×V)÷P osm(ml/min)其中V为每分钟尿量U osm为尿渗透压,正常成人尿渗透压600-1000 mOsm/kg.H2O,平均为800 mOsm/kg.H2OCockcroft公式Ccr=(140-年龄)×体重(kg)/72×Scr(mg/dl)(男性)Ccr=(140-年龄)×体重(kg)/85×Scr(mg/dl)(女性)Durate公式该公式与实测Ccr相关性较好,且不需测体重,更适合于危重病人。



x / (60*1000) = (R波个数 - 1) / (最后一个R波位置 - 第一个R波位置) 求出x
x = (60*1000) * (R波个数 - 1) / (最后一个R波位置 - 第一个R波位置) 这个数学公式中
(最后一个R波位置-第一个R波位置) 得到的是最后一个R波和第一个R波之间隔了多少个数据,采样率1000的话,这个值其实就是隔了多少个毫秒。
(R波个数 - 1) 得到的是在这么多个毫秒内,经历多少个心跳周期。

1. 血氧饱和度(SaO2)的计算公式为:SaO2 = (氧合血红蛋白的浓度 / 总血红蛋白的浓度) × 100%。
2. 动脉血氧分压(PaO2)的计算公式为:PaO2 = (氧分压 / 氧合血红蛋白的溶解度) × 100%。
其中,氧分压可以通过血气分析仪来测定,氧合血红蛋白的溶解度是一个常数,通常为0.0031 mmHg/单位浓度。
动脉血氧分压是评估人体氧气供应情况的重要指标,通常情况下,正常人的动脉血氧分压在80-100 mmHg之间。
3. 氧分压(PO2)的计算公式为:PO2 = (氧气分压 / 氧气的分压) × 100%。
其中,氧气分压可以通过血气分析仪来测定,氧气的分压是一个常数,通常为159 mmHg。
氧分压是评估人体氧气供应情况的重要指标,通常情况下,正常人的氧分压在80-100 mmHg之间。

静息心率的计算公式如下:静息心率 = 在安静状态下测得的心率。
热身心率的计算公式如下:热身心率 = (220 年龄) 0.6。
有氧运动心率的计算公式如下:有氧运动心率 = (220 年龄) 0.6~0.8。
无氧运动心率的计算公式如下:无氧运动心率 = (220 年龄) 0.8~0.9。
恢复心率的计算公式如下:恢复心率 = 运动结束后的心率 5分钟后的心率。
最大心率的计算公式如下:最大心率 = 220 年龄。


波 长 f m p
宽度来计算心率 。 了减小脉冲噪声的影 响, 为 本文通过对连 续 9 周 期 长 度 的 脉搏 波 宽度 求 平 均 ,进 而 获 得 较 为精 确 的 个
饱和度还可 以反 映人 的呼吸功能 , 并在 ‘ 定程度上反映动脉 血氧 的变化 ,故在 临床监护和家庭监护都具有重要意义【c 9 】
根 据 比 尔一 朗伯 定理 , 长 为 的单 色 光 在 吸 收 物 质 媒 波
基 金项 目:该项 目受 巾 山大 学学 生科研 项 目资助 ( 号 :医教 [098 号) 编 20 13 作 者简 介 :黄俊 杰, 男,广 东 ,中 山医学 院生物 医 学_程 系 ,生物 医学 T程 专业 本科 生 , 』 ,5 08 【 = = _ 州 100 孙 骁 ,女 ,…东 , 中山医学 院 生物 医学工 程系 ,生物 医 学工程 专业 本科 生 ,广州 ,50 8 10 0 刘 燕 ,女 ,通讯 作者 ,广 东 ,中山 医学 院生物 医学 工程 系 ,副 教授 ,项 目指 导老 师 ,硕 士,医 学信息 学 ,广州 ,50 8 10 0 黄 耀棵 , 男,广东 , 中I大 学东 校区 教学 实验 中心 ,高级 工程 师 ,项 日指 导老师 ,学 士 , 自动控 制 ,广州 ,50 8 i l 100
和度 的检测 需求, 心率信号采集检 测环 节采 用与测量血氧相
同 的9 0m波 长 光 电 传 感器 ,通 过传 感器 的复 用 ,同 时检 测 4n
出血 氧 和 心 率 生 理 参 数 。
心 率 信 号 检 测 环 节 主 要 通 过 计 算 固 定 周 期 内 的 脉 搏 波
o7 0 08 ,0 09 . 0 10 0
Mcc ptApci so2,o, 1 io m ur plao 18 .2 2 ro e itnV . N 3 0



昆明理工大学信息工程与自动化学院学生实验报告( 2016 —2017 学年第一学期)课程名称:医用传感器开课实验室:信自104实验日期:2016-12-30一、实验原理(一)实验原理1、血氧测量原理氧是维系人类生命的基础,心脏的收缩和舒张使得人体的血液脉动地流过肺部,一定量的还原血红蛋白(HbR)与肺部中摄取的氧气结合成氧和血红蛋白(HbO2),另有约2%的氧溶解在血浆里。
血氧饱和度 (SO2)是血液中被氧结合的氧合血红蛋白(HbO2)的容量占全部可结合的血红蛋白(Hb)容量的百分比,即血液中血氧的浓度,它是呼吸循环的重要生理参数。
而功能性氧饱和度为HbO2浓度与HbO2 Hb浓度之比,有别于氧合血红蛋白所占百分数。

具体的计算方法如下:1. 将动脉血氧饱和度仪的传感器插入患者的动脉血管中,通常选择患者手指上的掌侧动脉,也可以选择耳垂或足趾等部位。
2. 仪器会向患者的血流中发射红外光和红光。
3. 红外光和红光在经过血液的时候会被不同程度地吸收。
4. 通过测量红外光和红光的吸收差异,仪器可以计算出血液中氧气的含量,并进而得到血氧饱和度的数值。
需要注意的是,血氧饱和度的计算结果受到一些因素的影响,包括但不限于:1. 血液循环状态:血氧饱和度的计算依赖于血液循环,如果患者的血液循环不良,如休克或低血压等情况,计算结果可能不准确。
2. 体温:体温的变化会影响血液中氧气的释放和吸收过程,因此在测量血氧饱和度时,需要控制好患者的体温。
3. 患者活动状态:患者的活动状态也会对血氧饱和度产生影响,如运动时血氧饱和度会下降。
4. 仪器的准确性:不同仪器的准确性可能存在差异,因此在使用血氧饱和度仪时需要选择质量可靠的产品,并严格按照使用说明进行操作。

当心肌细胞受到一定强度的刺激时,细胞膜通透性发生改变,大量阳离子短时间内涌入膜内,使膜内电位由负变正,电流记录仪描记的电位曲线称为除极波,即体表心电图上心房P 波和心室的QRS波。


I ( DC AC )1 I 0e
( O1CHbO2 r1CHb )D D ( O1CHbO2 r1CHb )D ( O1CHbO2 r1CHb ) D
I 0e
=I DC e
( O1CHbO2 r1CHb ) D
I ( DC AC )2 I DC e
1 1
( O2 CHbO2 r2 CHb ) D
其中 O , r , O , r 分别是两个波长下的 HbO2 和Hb 的 光吸收系数。
2 2
A1 ln( I ( DC AC )1 I DC ) O1 CHbO1 r1 CHb K A2 ln( I ( DC AC )2 I DC ) O2 CHbO2 r2 CHb
第8章 血氧饱和度和心输出量的无创测量
8.1 血氧饱和度的无创测量方法
氧是维护生命的基础,动脉血氧饱和度 是反映动脉血含氧程度的重要参数。人 体内的血液通过心脏的收缩和舒张脉动 地流过肺部,一定量的还原血红蛋白(Hb) 与从肺泡中摄取的氧气结合变成了氧合 血红蛋白(HbO2),而约2%的氧溶解在 血浆里。这些血通过动脉系统一直输送 到毛细血管,然后将氧释放,以维持组 织细胞的新陈代谢。
通常有 Z0 Z
2 Z0 Z S Z0 Z Z0 Z Z0 Z0 Z S Z0 Z S
2 Z 0 Z 0 Z Z 02 ZS Z Z
又知血液的阻抗 ZS L S 设 V 为每搏输出量 V LS
( 顺流, 逆流) D 超声波在两探头间的渡越时间 t c v cos

当测量时,只需将传感器套在人手指上,利用手指作为盛装血红蛋白的透明容器,使用波长660 nm的红光和940 nm的近红外光作为射入光源,测定通过组织床的光传导强度,来计算血红蛋白浓度及血氧饱和度。

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Getting Started Guide TIDA-00301 1 Miniaturized Pulse Oximeter Reference DesignHealthTechABSTRACT The scope of this document is to provide a miniaturized pulse oximeter reference design for high end clinical application. This reference design features AFE4403, TI’s high performance Analog Front End for pulse oximeters, an ultra-low power microcontroller and a highly optimizedintegrated dual light emitting diodes (LED) and photodiode optical sensor. This reference design simplifies and accelerates the pulse oximeter system design while still ensuring the highestquality clinical measurements.Document History VersionDate Author Notes 1.0June 2014 Praveen Aroul First releaseTIDA-003012Contents1Design Summary (4)1.1Design Goal (4)1.2Top Level Architecture (4)2Theory of operation (4)3Circuit Description (8)4Hardware Overview (8)4.1AFE4403 Overview (9)4.1.1Receiver Front end (9)4.1.2Transmit Section (11)4.1.3Clocking and Timing Signal Generation (12)4.1.4Diagnostic mode (14)4.2Optical Sensor (14)4.3Microcontroller (15)5Miniaturized SpO2 reference design Modules (15)5.1DCM03–AFE4403 module pin-outs (16)5.2DCM03–AFE4403–MCU module pin-outs (17)6Verification and Measured Performance (19)6.1Testing conditions (19)6.2Estimation of SpO2 percentage (20)Appendix A. Design Resources (21)Appendix B. Acronyms (22)Appendix C. References (23)FiguresFigure 1: Top Level Architecture(1) (4)Figure 2: Oxygenated versus de-oxygenated blood light absorption of IR and Red (5)Figure 3: Variations in light attenuation by tissue illustrating the rhythmic effect of arterial pulsation (6)Figure 4: Normalization of R and IR wavelengths to remove the effects of variation in the incident light intensity or detector sensitivity (7)Figure 5: Empirical relationship between arterial SaO2 and normalized (R/IR) ratio (8)Figure 6: Functional Block Diagram of AFE4403 (9)Figure 7: TIA block diagram of AFE4403 (10)Figure 8: LED Transmit – H-Bridge Drive (13)Figure 9: LED Transmit – Push-Pull LED Drive (14)Figure 10: DCM03 Optical sensor (15)Figure 11: DCM03-AFE4403 reference module (15)Figure 12: DCM03-AFE4403-MCU reference module (16)Figure 13: Pin positions on the DCM03-AFE4403 module (17)Figure 14: Pin positions on the DCM03-AFE4403-MCU module (18)Figure 15: PPG waveform from the DCM03-AFE4403 reference module (19)TIDA-003013TablesDocument History (1)DCM03-AFE4403 module pin-outs (16)DCM03-AFE4403-MCU module pin-outs (17)TIDA-0030141 Design SummaryTI Reference Designs are mixed-signal solutions created by TI’s experts. Verified designs offer the theory, complete PCB schematic & layout, bill of materials and measured performance of the overall system.1.1 Design GoalThe goal is to provide reference design for building a miniaturized pulse oximeter system.1.2 Top Level ArchitectureThe block diagram shown in Figure 1 gives a top level architecture of the reference design. There are two variations of the reference design modules. The first reference design contains the LED and photodiode optical sensor and the Analog Front End (AFE). The second reference design contains the LED and photodiode optical sensor, Analog Front End (AFE) and the MCU.Figure 1: Top Level Architecture (1)(1)Note: The second reference design contains the MSP430 device.2 Theory of operationThe principle of pulse oximetry revolves around the fact that the arterial component of blood is pulsatile in nature (time varying). So when a LED light is made incident on the human body (for example at a finger), the amount of light that passes through after the attenuation from various components like tissue, artery and veins also has a pulsatile component riding over a constant component. The aim of pulse oximetry is to measure the percentage of oxygenated hemoglobin (HbO 2) to the total hemoglobin (Hb) (oxygenated plus deoxygenated) in the arterial blood – this is referred to as SpO 2. Oxygenated hemoglobin in the blood is distinctively red, whereas deoxygenated hemoglobin in the blood has a characteristic dark blue coloration. The opticalproperty of blood in the visible (i.e. between 400 and 700nm) and near-infrared (i.e. between 700 and 1000nm) spectral regions depends strongly on the amount of O 2 carried by blood.TIDA-003015The method exploits the fact that Hb has a higher optical absorption coefficient in the red region of the spectrum around 660nm compared with HbO 2, as illustrated in Figure 2. On the other hand, in the near-infrared region of the spectrum around 940nm, the optical absorption by Hb is lower compared to HbO 2.At the isobestic wavelength (i.e. 805nm), where the two curves cross over, the absorbance of light is independent of oxygenation level.Figure 3: Oxygenated versus de-oxygenated blood light absorption of IR and Red By doing light measurements at two wavelengths (usually Red and IR) that have dissimilar absorption coefficients to oxygenated and deoxygenated hemoglobin, all the constant components can be cancelled out and the SpO 2 can be calculated in a ratiometric manner. The optical system for SPO2 measurement consists of LEDs that shine the light and aphotodiode that receives the light. There are two types of optical arrangements – transmissive and reflective. In the transmissive case, the photodiode and the LED are placed on opposite sides of the human body part (most commonly the finger), with the photodiode collecting the residual light after absorption from the various components of the body part. In the reflective case, the photodiode and the LED are on the same side and the photodiode collects the light reflected from various depths underneath the skin. Both variations of this reference design is based on the reflective case.The photodiode converts the incident light into an electrical signal proportional to the intensity of the light and the AFE44xx signal chain can be used to condition the signal and digitize it. The signal is referred to as the Photoplethysmogram (PPG) signal and contains the periodicity of the pulse rate. SpO 2 measurements involve using two wavelengths – most commonly Red and IR. The AFE44xx family of devices therefore supports independent control over 2 LEDs.As shown in Figure 3, the magnitude of the PPG signal depends on the amount of blood ejected from the heart with each systolic cycle, the optical absorption of blood, absorption by skin and various tissue components, and the specific wavelengths used to illuminate the vascular tissuebed.TIDA-003016During systole, when the arterial pulsation is at its peak, the volume of blood in the tissueincreases. This additional blood absorbs more light, thus reducing the light intensity which is either transmitted or backscattered.During diastole, less blood is present in the vascular bed, thus increasing the amount of light transmitted or backscattered.The pulsatile part of the PPG signal is considered as the “AC” component, and the non- pulsatile part, resulting mainly from the venous blood, skin and tissue, is referred to as the “DC”component. A deviation in the LED brightness or detector sensitivity can change the intensity of the light detected by the sensor. This dependence on transmitted or backscattered light intensity can be compensated by using a normalization technique where the AC component is divided by the DC component, as given in the equation (1) below:R IR=⎝⎜⎛AC R DC R AC IR DC IR�⎠⎟⎞(1)Thus, the time invariant absorbance due to venous blood or surrounding tissues does not have any effect on the measurement. This normalization is carried out for both the red (R) and the infrared (IR) wavelengths, as shown in Figure 4. The normalized R/IR “ratio of ratios” can then be related empirically to SpO2, as shown in Figure 5. When the ratio is 1, the SpO2 value is about 85%.Figure 4: Variations in light attenuation by tissue illustrating the rhythmic effect of arterialpulsationTIDA-003017Figure 5: Normalization of R and IR wavelengths to remove the effects of variation in theincident light intensity or detector sensitivityMost pulse oximeters measure absorbance at two different wavelengths and are calibrated using data collected from CO-oximeters by empirically looking up a value for SpO 2, giving an estimation of SaO 2 using the empirical relationship given by the Equation (2)SaO 2% = A − B ∙ (R /IR ) (2)where R /IR is based on a normalization where the pulsatile (AC) component is divided by the corresponding non-pulsatile (DC) component for each wavelength, and A and B are linear regression coefficients which are related to the specific absorptions coefficients of Hb and HbO 2. The constants A and B are derived empirically during in-vivo calibration by correlating the ratio calculated by the pulse oximeter against SaO 2 from arterial blood samples by an in vitro oximeter for a large group of subjects. Pulse oximeters read the SaO 2 of the blood accurately enough for clinical use under normal circumstances because they use a calibration curve based on empirical data shown in Figure 5.TIDA-003018Figure 6: Empirical relationship between arterial SaO2 and normalized (R/IR) ratio3 Circuit DescriptionPulse oximeters measure arterial blood oxygen saturation by sensing absorption properties of deoxygenated and oxygenated hemoglobin using various wavelengths of light. A basic meter is comprised of a sensing probe attached to a patient's earlobe, toe, finger or other body locations, depending upon the sensing method (reflection or transmission), and a data acquisition system for the calculation and eventually display of oxygen saturation level, heart rate and/or blood flow.This reference design discusses the methodology to build a miniaturized pulse oximeter system.The design employs reflectance mode photoplethysmography (PPG).High Performance pulse oximetry measurements are achieved by using the AFE4403, a fully Integrated Analog Front End that consists of a low noise receiver channel with an integratedanalog-to-Digital converter, an LED transmit section, diagnostics for sensor and LED faultdetection. Additional components include:•Ultra-low power microcontroller (MCU)•LED and photodiode optical sensor4 Hardware OverviewThe following section describes the reference design by providing detailed information about the Analog Front End and the additional components that complete this reference design.TIDA-0030194.1 AFE4403 OverviewThe AFE4403 is a complete analog front-end (AFE) solution targeted for pulse oximeterapplications. The device consists of a low-noise receiver channel, an LED transmit section, and diagnostics for sensor and LED fault detection. To ease clocking requirements and provide the low-jitter clock to the AFE, an oscillator is also integrated that functions from an external crystal. The device communicates to an external microcontroller or host processor using an SPIinterface. Figure 6 provides a detailed block diagram for the AFE4403. The blocks are described in more detail in the following section.Figure 7: Functional Block Diagram of AFE44034.1.1 Receiver Front endThe device is ideally suited as a front-end for a PPG (photoplethysmography) application. In such an application, the light from the LED is reflected (or transmitted) from (or through) the various components inside the body (such as blood, tissue, and so forth) and are received by the photodiode. The signal received by the photodiode has three distinct components:1. A pulsatile or AC component that arises as a result of the changes in blood volume through the arteries.2. A constant DC signal that is reflected or transmitted from the time invariant components in the path of light. This constant DC component is referred to as the pleth signal.3.Ambient light entering the photodiode.TIDA-0030110The AC component is usually a small fraction of the pleth component, with the ratio referred to as the perfusion index (PI). Thus, the allowed signal chain gain is usually determined by the amplitude of the DC component.The receiver consists of a differential current-to-voltage (I-V) transimpedance amplifier (TIA) that converts the input photodiode current into an appropriate voltage. The feedback resistor of the amplifier (Rf) is programmable to support a wide range of photodiode currents. Available RF values include: 1 MΩ, 500 kΩ, 250 kΩ, 100 kΩ, 50 kΩ, 25 kΩ, and 10 kΩ.The model of the photodiode and the connection to the TIA is shown below:Figure 8: TIA block diagram of AFE4403I in is the signal current generated by the photodiode in response to the incident light and C in is the zero bias capacitance of the photodiode.The current to voltage gain in the TIA is given by:V TIA(diff)=V TIA+−V TIA−= 2∗I in∗R f(3) For example, for a photodiode current of I in= 1 μA and a TIA gain setting of R f = 100 kΩ, the differential output of the TIA is equal to 200 mV. The TIA has an operating range of ±1 V, and the ADC has an input full-scale range of ±1.2 V (the extra margin is to prevent the ADC from saturating while operating the TIA at the fullest output range). Furthermore, because the PPG signal is one-sided, only one half of the full-scale is used. TI recommends operating the device at a DC level that is not more than 50% to 60% of the ADC full-scale. The margin allows for sudden changes in the signal level that might saturate the signal chain if operating too close tofull-scale.The Rf amplifier and the feedback capacitor (Cf) form a low-pass filter for the input signalcurrent. Always ensure that the low-pass filter RC time constant has sufficiently high bandwidth (as shown by Equation 4 below) because the input current consists of pulses. For this reason, the feedback capacitor is also programmable. Available Cf values include: 5 pF, 10 pF, 25 pF,50 pF, 100 pF, and 250 pF. Any combination of these capacitors can also be used.R f∗C f≤Rx Sample Time10(4)The output voltage of the I-V amplifier includes the pleth component (the desired signal) and a component resulting from the ambient light leakage. The I-V amplifier is followed by the second stage, which consists of a current digital-to-analog converter (DAC) that sources the cancellation current and an amplifier that gains up the pleth component alone. The amplifier has fiveprogrammable gain settings: 0 dB, 3.5 dB, 6 dB, 9.5 dB, and 12 dB. The gained-up pleth signal is then low-pass filtered (500-Hz bandwidth) and buffered before driving a 22-bit ADC. Thecurrent DAC has a cancellation current range of 10 μA with 10 steps (1 μA each). The DACvalue can be digitally specified with the SPI interface. Using ambient compensation with theambient DAC allows the DC-biased signal to be centered to near mid-point of the amplifier (±0.9 V). Using the gain of the second stage allows for more of the available ADC dynamic range to be used.The output of the ambient cancellation amplifier is separated into LED2 and LED1 channels.When LED2 is on, the amplifier output is filtered and sampled on capacitor C LED2. Similarly, the LED1 signal is sampled on the C LED1 capacitor when LED1 is on. In between the LED2 andLED1 pulses, the idle amplifier output is sampled to estimate the ambient signal on capacitorsC LED2_amb and C LED1_amb.The sampling duration is termed the receiver (Rx) sample time and is programmable for each signal, independently. The sampling can start after the I-V amplifier output is stable (to account for LED and cable settling times). The Rx sample time is used for all dynamic range calculations;the minimum time recommended is 50 μs. While the AFE4403 can support pulse widths lower than 50 µs, having too low of a pulse width could result in a degraded signal and noise from the photodiode.A single 22-bit ADC converts the sampled LED2, LED1, and ambient signals sequentially. Eachconversion provides a single digital code at the ADC output. The conversions are meant to be staggered so that the LED2 conversion starts after the end of the LED2 sample phase, and so on.Note that four data streams are available at the ADC output (LED2, LED1, ambient LED2, and ambient LED1) at the same rate as the pulse repetition frequency. The ADC is followed by adigital ambient subtraction block that additionally outputs the (LED2 – ambient LED2) and (LED1 – ambient LED1) data values.4.1.2 Transmit SectionThe transmit section integrates the LED driver and the LED current control section with 8-bitresolution.The RED and IR LED reference currents can be independently set. The current source (ILED) locally regulates and ensures that the actual LED current tracks the specified reference. Thetransmitter section uses an internal 0.25-V reference voltage for operation. This referencevoltage is available on the TX_REF pin and must be decoupled to ground with a 2.2-μFcapacitor. The TX_REF voltage is derived from the TX_CTRL_SUP. The TX_REF voltage can be programmed from 0.25 V to 1 V. A lower TX_REF voltage allows a lower voltage to besupported on LED_DRV_SUP. However, the transmitter dynamic range falls in proportion to the voltage on TX_REF. Thus, a TX_REF setting of 0.5 V gives a 6-dB lower transmitter dynamic range as compared to a 1-V setting on TX_REF, and a 6-dB higher transmitter dynamic range as compared to a 0.25-V setting on TX_REF.Note that reducing the value of the band-gap reference capacitor on the BG pin reduces the time required for the device to wake-up and settle. However, this reduction in time is a trade-offbetween wake-up time and noise performance. For example, reducing the value of thecapacitors on the BG and TX_REF pins from 2.2 µF to 0.1µF reduces the wake-up time (from complete power-down) from 1 sec to 100 ms, but results in a few decibels of degradation in the transmitter dynamic range.The minimum LED_DRV_SUP voltage required for operation depends on:•Voltage drop across the LED (VLED),•Voltage drop across the external cable, connector, and any other component in series with the LED (V CABLE), and•Transmitter reference voltage.Two LED driver schemes are supported:•An H-bridge drive for a two-terminal back-to-back LED package. See Figure 8.• A push-pull drive for a three-terminal LED package. See Figure9.4.1.3 Clocking and Timing Signal GenerationThe crystal oscillator generates a master clock signal using an external crystal. In the defaultmode, a divide-by-2 block converts the 8-MHz clock to 4 MHz, which is used by the AFE tooperate the timer modules, ADC, and diagnostics. The 4-MHz clock is buffered and output from the AFE in order to clock an external microcontroller.To enable flexible clocking, the AFE4403 has a clock divider with programmable division ratios.While the default division ratio is divide-by-2, the clock divider can be programmed to selectbetween ratios of 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, or 12. The division ratio should be selected based on the external clock input frequency such that the divided clock has a frequency close to 4 MHz. Whenoperating with an external clock input, the divider is reset based on the RESET signal risingedge.The device supports both external clock mode as well as an internal clock mode with the external crystal. In the external clock mode, an external clock is input on the XIN pin and the device internally generates the internal clock (used by the timing engine and the ADC) by a programmable division ratio. After division, the internal clock should be within the range of 4 MHz to 6 MHz. In internal clock mode, an external crystal (connected between XIN and XOUT) is used to generate the clock.Figure 9: LED Transmit – H-Bridge DriveThe AFE4403 has a timer module that can program the various rising and falling timing edges for the 11 signals.The module uses a single 16-bit counter (running off of the 4-MHz clock) to set the time-base. All timing signals are set with reference to the pulse repetition period (PRP). Therefore, a dedicated compare register compares the 16-bit counter value with the reference value specified in the PRF register. Every time that the 16-bit counter value is equal to the reference value in the PRF register, the counter is reset to 0.For the timing signals, the start and stop edge positions are programmable with respect to the PRF period. Each signal uses a separate timer compare module that compares the counter value with preprogrammed reference values for the start and stop edges. All reference values can be set using the SPI interface. After the counter value has exceeded the stop reference value, the output signal is set. When the counter value equals the stop reference value, the output signal is reset.Figure 10: LED Transmit – Push-Pull LED Drive4.1.4 Diagnostic modeThe device includes diagnostics to detect open or short conditions of the LED and photosensor, LED current profile feedback, and cable on or off detection. The diagnostics module, whenenabled, checks for nine types of faults sequentially. The results of all faults are latched in 11 separate flags. The status of all flags can also be read using the SPI interface.4.2 Optical SensorTo measure the peripheral oxygen saturation, an optical sensor (DCM03) (see Figure 10) which has an integrated Red, IR LEDs and photodiode built in to a single module was used. Themodule has been developed by APMKorea [1]. The module works on the principle of reflective photometry. In reflectance photometry, the LEDs and photodiode are placed on the same plane as the human body part and the photodiode collects the light reflected from various depthsunderneath the skin. The sensor has been designed with optimum separation distance between the LEDs and the photodiode to achieve good quality photoplethysmogram signal.Figure 11: DCM03 Optical sensor4.3 MicrocontrollerIn this reference design (both variations), the microcontroller is used to configure the AFE4403 and process the AFE4403 information. The microcontroller MSP430F5528 is from the TexasInstruments MSP430 family of ultra-low power microcontrollers. The microcontroller architecture, combined with extensive low power modes, is optimized to achieve extended battery life inportable applications.5 Miniaturized SpO2 reference design ModulesThere are two variations of the SpO2 reference design modules. The first reference designcontains the LED and photodiode optical sensor, Analog Front End (AFE) for acquiring andconditioning the PPG signal. The second reference design contains the LED and photodiodesensor, Analog Front End (AFE) for acquiring and conditioning the PPG signal and the MCU for processing the information from the AFE.Figure 11 shows the first reference design module with the AFE and the optical sensor. Thereference design module is small and compact and has the following dimensions 0.393”(9.98mm) x 0.411” (10.44mm).Figure 12: DCM03-AFE4403 reference moduleFigure 12 shows the second reference design module with the AFE, MCU and the opticalsensor. The reference design module is small and compact and has the following dimensions0.609” (15.47mm) x 0.413” (10.49mm).Figure 13: DCM03-AFE4403-MCU reference module5.1 DCM03–AFE4403 module pin-outsThe table below shows the signal names on the DCM03- AFE4403 module pin-outs. Figure 13 shows the pin positions on the DCM03-AFE4403 module.DCM03-AFE4403 module pin-outsPin Number Signal Names1 AFE_VCC2 GND3 AFE_SPI_SOMI4 AFE_SPI_SIMO5 AFE_SPI_CLK6 AFE_DIAG_END7 AFE_XIN8 GND9 AFE_PDNZ10 AFE_ADC_RDY11 AFE_SPI_STE12 AFE_RESETZ13 LED_DRV_GND14 LED_DRV_SUPFigure 14: Pin positions on the DCM03-AFE4403 module5.2 DCM03–AFE4403–MCU module pin-outsThe table below shows the signal names on the DCM03- AFE4403-MCU module pin-outs.Figure 14 shows the pin positions on the DCM03-AFE4403-MCU module.DCM03-AFE4403-MCU module pin-outsPin Number Signal Names1 AFE_VCC2 GND3 No Connect (NC)4 No Connect5 No Connect6 EXT_SPI_STE7 EXT_SPI_SOMI8 EXT_SPI_SIMO9 EXT_SPI_CLK10 GND11 No Connect12 No Connect13 LED_DRV_GND14 LED_DRV_SUP15 JTAG_TDO16 JTAG_TMS17 JTAG_RST18 JTAG_TDI19 JTAG_TCK20 JTAG_TEST21 DVCC22 GNDFigure 15: Pin positions on the DCM03-AFE4403-MCU module6 Verification and Measured PerformanceThis section describes the measurement results of the DCM03-AFE4403 reference module.6.1 Testing conditionsAFE44x0SP02EVM was used to test the DCM03-AFE4403 reference module. The reference module was hard-wired to the MSP430 serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) on the evaluationmodule.Below were the testing conditions:In the reference module, AFE_VCC was set to 3V. LED_DRV_SUP was set to 3.3V.LED_DRV_GND and GND were shorted together. LED current was set to 5mA.Figure 15 shows the PPG waveform captured from the DCM03-AFE4403 reference module.Figure 16: PPG waveform from the DCM03-AFE4403 reference module6.2 Estimation of SpO2 percentageThis section outlines the calculation of SpO2 using PPG signals. The SpO2 estimation relies on the relationship between the baseline value (referred as DC component) to the fluctuation in the signal (referred to as AC component). SpO2 calculation is based on computing the “ratio ofratios” or Pulse Modulation ratio R which is defined as the ratio of AC/DC of red and IR LEDs as mentioned in Section 2.The PPG signal is normally contaminated with noise which could come from various sources like the power supply noise, motion artifact etc. An essential component as part of the datapreprocessing is filtering out the unwanted signal of interest. Since the DC component resides in frequencies below 0.5Hz, a low pass filter with a cutoff frequency of 5Hz can be used for theSpO2 estimation. This filtering stage is left for the user to implement.Here is an example of how to estimate SpO2 percentage based on the sample PPG data from Figure 15.The ratio of ratios R for the sample PPG data is computed below,R=(AC DC)Red(AC DC)IR=4mV(323mV)25mV(920mV)=0.455 (5)The R value is the only variable in the SpO2 estimation. The standard model for computing is defined as follows:SpO2 %=110−R∗25(6)This model is often used in the literature in the context of the medical devices. However, it relies on the calibration curves [2] that are used to make sure that this linear approximation provides a reasonable result.For the sample PPG data, % SpO2 is computed as below,SpO2 %=110−0.455∗25=98.6 %(7)TIDA-0030121Appendix A. Design ResourcesDesign Archive (ZIP File)All design files AFE4403Product Folder AFE4403EVMTools FolderTIDA-0030122Appendix B. AcronymsADC Analog-to-Digital ConverterAFE Analog Front EndDAC Digital-to-Analog ConverterHb HaemoglobinHbO2Oxygenated HaemoglobinLED Light Emitting DiodeMCU Microcontroller UnitPCB Printed Circuit BoardPPG PhotoplethysmographyRX ReceiverSPI Serial Peripheral InterfaceTI Texas InstrumentsTIA Transimpedance AmplifierTIDA-0030123Appendix C. References1./bio-device/reflectance_oximeter4.pdf 2. “A technology overview of the Nellcor OxiMax pulse oximery system,” Nellcor PuritanBennet Inc., 2003IMPORTANT NOTICE FOR TI REFERENCE DESIGNSTexas Instruments Incorporated("TI")reference designs are solely intended to assist designers(“Buyers”)who are developing systems that incorporate TI semiconductor products(also referred to herein as“components”).Buyer understands and agrees that Buyer remains responsible for using its independent analysis,evaluation and judgment in designing Buyer’s systems and products.TI reference designs have been created using standard laboratory conditions and engineering practices.TI has not conducted any testing other than that specifically described in the published documentation for a particular reference design.TI may make corrections,enhancements,improvements and other changes to its reference designs.Buyers are authorized to use TI reference designs with the TI component(s)identified in each particular reference design and to modify the reference design in the development of their end products.HOWEVER,NO OTHER LICENSE,EXPRESS OR IMPLIED,BY ESTOPPEL OR OTHERWISE TO ANY OTHER TI INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHT,AND NO LICENSE TO ANY THIRD PARTY TECHNOLOGY OR INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHT,IS GRANTED HEREIN,including but not limited to any patent right,copyright,mask work right, or other intellectual property right relating to any combination,machine,or process in which TI components or services are used. 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