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All the birds of the featherDo what they love most of allWe are the best at rhythm and laughterThat's why we love CarnivalAll so clear we can sing toSome adventures rebornDance to the music, passion and knowledge Show us the best you can doEveryone here is on fireGet up and join in the funDancing with strangers, don't mess with danger Magic could happen for RioIn Rio, all by itselfYour dancing and knowingYou can't find it anywhere elseYes Rio, in RioYou know something elseYou can feel it happyYou can feel it all by yourselfYou can feel it all by yourselfYou can feel it all by yourselfYou can feel it all by yourselfIt's okay, it's okay.I'll take care of you.I'll take care of you.I'll take care of you.I'll take care of you.Stupid clock!Good morning Blu.You...Tyler Blu Gandersen.You know these vitamins are good for you. Uuh, what's this?Uuh, what's this?Gotcha.Gotcha.Gotcha.Gotcha.Enjoy the new book.Thanks Linda.Bye now.Yes, Mum. I'd love to visit.But who'll take care of Blu?Mum, they don't have candles for parrots.Here's your hot chocolate, Blu.Just how you like it.Because I don't trust leaving Blu with just anyone. No, I don't have a bird sitter.What is a bird sitter...This is the life.The perfect marshmallow to cocoa ratio.One, two, three, four, five...Six!Well, if it isn't my favorite nerd bird.Very funny, real mature.Hey Pet, where are you migrating to this year?The 'broad-first' nook?Throw all the snow balls you want.I'm protected by this magical force field, called "Glass". It's what keep us so toasty and warm in here,while you guys are out there freezing your... Classy.Are you all right?I'm not really built for this weather.Oh, are you looking for some books?Books?No, no.I've come six thousand miles looking for him.Doctor of Ornithology?Doctor of Ornithology?Ooh, he's magnificent.Linda, a little help here. Linda!Wow, you're actually communicating.Yes, I introduced myself and shook my tail feathers, counter-clockwise, those referring to his dominance.I did not get that at all.So, Dr Monteiro.No Dr. Please, just call me Tulio.You know your Macaw is a very special bird.In fact, as far as we know,Blu is the last male of his kind.- Really? - Yes.Recently we found a female.And our hope is to bring the two of them togetherto save their species.Well, yeah, sure, when can she come over?Oh, no, she is in Brazil.Blu must come to Rio De Janeiro.Rio, Brazil?Oh, no, no, no, no.I never let Blu out of my sight.He needs me.Oh, no. You misunderstand.It's all arranged. You'll be with him every step of the way. And I'll be with you.Look, I know you're doing your job.But, I can't... well, Blu's very particular...And we have our little routine hereand we're not big on travel.Heck, he doesn't even fly.Of course he can fly.He's a perfect specimen.What are you doing?Don't worry, their natural instincts always take over.Wait, no!Well, almost always.Blu!What kind of doctor are you?Are you okay?Perhaps he's too domesticated.It was very nice of you to step in,squawk around and throw my bird,but now it is time for you to go.I'm very sorry.I'm very sorry, but wait, Linda.This could be our last chance.Have a safe flight.Linda, please listen to me!If we don't do this, his whole species will be gone.Just think about it.Natural instincts.There is nothing naturalabout being thrown half way across the room.Hah, I'll show him.I can do this. I just have to work out the physics.I can do this. I just have to work out the physics.I have quadrated my vector angles.I have adjusted for wind shear, house every reinforcement.I have adjusted for wind shear, house every reinforcement. Good.Okay, let's see.Flaps open, perfect.Landing gear, checked.Tail flaps, operational.And actually, not bad.This is it. Let's fly.Just keep it simple.Thrust, lift, drag, and wait.Thrust, lift, drag, wait!Thrust, lift, drag, wait!Thrust, lift, drag, w-w-wait!Blu?I promised I'll always look out for you.Didn't I?Have I ever broken a promise?I'm scared too.But I wouldn't make you do thisif it wasn't the right thing to do.What do you say Blu?That's my big brave boy.We will be back home before we even know it. Your turn Blu. You don't want to get 'beak-burn'. Wow, what's going on here?- You arrive in time for carnival. - Carnival? Yes, it's the biggest party in the world.You know a time to have fun and dance.Is she a performer?No, in fact she's my dentist.Dr. Barbosa!Do not forget to floss, Tulio.You got it.Come tomorrow night, everyone will be dressed like that. Oh, not me.Oh, wait.I am not from here.Hey Nico, he's a tourist.Funny, you don't look like one.Really? I don't?Except, you've got pigeon dodo on your nose.Oh, no, this is just SPF3000.So, are you here for carnival?Actually I'm just here to meet a girl.- Huh, a girl? - Yes.Little word of advice. You make the first move.- Brazilian ladies respond to confidence. - Oh, right. Yes, it's all about swagger.You've got to pop out that chest,swing that tail,eyes narrowed look like some kind of crazy love hawk. - But first we've got to bust you out. - What?I'm gonna pop that cage open like a soda cap.No, that's okay.You call that popping?This thing's robust.No, guys really, I'm fine. The cage is great.Love the cage.Dabbo, suit yourself.Don't forget, love hawk.Yes... and to you as well.This is the heart and soul of our aviary.Our treatment room.They really like you.- A lot. - Yes!I'm their great big mama bird.- You want some? - No, I'm good.Many of the birds here were rescued from smugglers. - Smugglers? - Yes.Unfortunately, the poor birds are often hurt.or even killed in the process.But with proper care, they can be saved.Look here.This poor guy was found last night.Hey buddy, you're looking great today.Much better, much better.Get well soon.So, where is Jewel?Oh, we have a special place for Jewel.She's a very spirited bird.I'll say.She did that?Charming.Okay, I want to go home now.No, don't worry.I'm going to make you look irresistible.Help! Help! Let me out of here!Linda!- Maybe I should... - No, give it a chance.Hello?Hello?I come in peace.She's beautiful.What were they talking about? She's... like an angel. An angel whose getting really close up!- You're standing on my throat. - You're an American. Thanks.I need my throat for talking, so thank you.You look like me.Hi.Hi. My name is Blu.You know like the cheese with the mould on it. No, it smells really bad.That's stupid, stupid, stupid.Alright come on, we don't have much time. Wait, wait! Ouch!- Are you ready? - For what?Oh, oh, wow. Aah... okay.Confidence!Crazy love hawk.Wow, hey! What are you doing?What? What you want me to.But just for argument sake, what are you doing?I am trying to escape.Oh..., ya... escape,that's where I was going with that thing I just did. Wait, wait.Did you actually think we were going to kiss?- No, no, no! - We just met!- Oh mine! - I think they need a little help.I know how my feathers look,but I'm not that kind of bird.Say you, say me.Okay, I had nothing to do with that.But, it's actually a pretty good song. "Naturally..." yes, sing it Lionel.Wow, That was fast.Lionel Richie. Works every time.We should probably give them some privacy.I'm not so sure I should leave Blu here alone.Oh no, don't worry.Sylvio will keep an eye on them all night.Besides, he's got Jewel.Help me!This is the final countdown to Carnival!Let's Samba.Come here little birdie.It's okay. I got you.Excuse me!Please, I'm trying to sleep.I'm sorry sleepy head, I'm trying to escape.Escape, why? This cage is awesome.This cage...? Oh, what was I thinking?I wouldn't expect a pet to understand.Pet? Did you just call me a pet?For the record, I am not a pet.I am a companion.And you know what? Do whatever you want.Cause' tomorrow morning, Linda will come for me,and this whole nightmare will be over.Incredibly, you rather be with a humanthan with your own kind.Well, that humanhas given me love and affection for the past 15 years, whereas my own kind tries to strangle me after 15 seconds. Yah, it's because of them, I've lost everything.You can't trust them!Of course, you can trust humans.Jewel?Jewel?Hi there!It's nice of you to join me for dinner.I often eat alone.Because of course, my work.I thought I was the 'bird-mad' until I met you. Yes, right. Do you have a favorite bird?Well, obviously I'm a Blue Macaw kind of gal. That makes sense. They are very handsome birds. Actually, it's the brains I'm attracted to.I'm not so impressed by fancy feathers.I know exactly, what you mean.My favorite bird is the spotted owl.I've always been mesmerized by those big, round intelligent eyes.Chicken rolls?Lambada.Chicken eyes.Oh gosh!Hello.Oh, Blu.We should have never left.- This is is all my fault. - No Linda, please.This is not your fault.You're right, It's not my fault.- It's your fault! - What?With your little bird talk,and that whole...Well, you know what?Squawk squawking is squawk-squawk!I am sorry. I didn't mean to curse.I don't understand!Sylvio is the best guard in the business.So let me get this straight.You were attacked by a little white bird.Yes, with this rag he held it to my mouth, like this.We're doomed.Okay, there's no place like home, there's no place like home. How I wish I was back in my cagewith my mirror and my swing and my little bell.- How I miss my little bell. - Ssshh, play dead.What? I don't need to play dead.I'm about to have a heart attack.- Just do it! - Fine.- Stop twitching. - Come on, it's the twitching that sells it. Come on in, kid.Well, what do you know? Good work, Fernando.You see boys. What did I tell you about this one?That you are going to pay him half as much as what you said?No, you idiot.That he reminds me of myself when I was that age. Smart, resourceful. Here you go, kid.Hey, this is only half of what you promised me. Shut up, kid.What the...?I thought I told you I needed these birds alive. Tell me, Fernando. Does this look alive to you? Huh?- Get it! - Over here!Jewel!Hello, pretty bird.What's the matter?Cockatoo got your throat?Nigel, alive.To be continued.That was your plan! To take off and leave me! Gee, thanks.Why didn't you follow me?- Nice work, Nigel. - Yah, nice work, Nigel.The last two Macawsan birds.These are worth a fortune.Hey, Fernando! Hang these up in the other room. - Hey, birdie. - Let me out! Let me out!Let me out of here!Pretty bird. I'm a pretty bird.Pretty bird. I'm a pretty bird, hahaha!I was framed. They got the wrong guy.Sorry guys. Nothing personal.So, what is going to happen to them?Don't worry. We're going to find good homes for them. Now go home to Mama.- But I don't have a Mama. -Father?- Brother? - Gold fish?Can we keep him, boss?No!So Marcel, what's really going to happen to those birds? Dulled, plucked, stuffed, eaten, who cares.All I know is, we are going to be rich.We're gonna to be rich.Come on, the game's starting.Yes, you be very clear. Tomorrow or the deal is off.Of course, I have both the Macaws.Yes, I'll deliver them myself.Au revoir.Alright you two, we load the truck tonight.First thing in the morning, we bring those birds to the airport. - You got it? - Yeah, sure, heard you.And one of you, feed Nigel.Rock paper scissors, shoot.Yes!No-no, scissors cut rock.Oh man, how come you always win?Nice birdie.Here you go.Ughh, cannibal.Okay, hold it together. The key is not to panic.I'm not panicking.I wasn't talking to you. I was talking to me.But it's okay. Because any minute now, Linda will find us. Oh great, and then she'lljust stick us behind another set of bars, right?Yes, I mean no!Look, pet cages might workfor you but I don't want to belong to anyone. Something seems to be lodged in my beak.Would you mind?Oh, I know I'm not a pretty birdie.But I used to be quite a looker.The star.Lights, camera, action.I was striking svelte.Ambitious feet-to-beak.So birdie-licious.Now I'm vile. I'm villain and vicious.Oh, and malicious.I had it all, TV shows, women too.I was tall. Over 1'foot 2".Then they got a pretty parrot to fill my shoes.That's why I am so evil, why I do what I do.He was a superstar. So young and vital.He's nasty. A Southern American idol.He's a vicious bird. Who said that about me?A very vicious bird. I'll have you rotisseried.I am a feathery freak with beak, a bird murderer.You think you're better than me. I've never heard of you. I'm evil. I'll feed your cheese balls with weevils.I poop on people and I blame it on seagulls.It was him.He's a nasty bird, I'm invincible.He's ghastly.I'm invincible, I'm unwashable, unrinsible.Like an abandoned school, I have no principles.All of you Brazilian birdsAll 18 million birds.I'll tell you what I'm going to do.I'm going to make you...Shut up now, shut up!Just me.I will make you ugly too.- Hey! - Sweet nightmares.Not cool man. Scary, but not cool!- Hey, are you okay? - No.I'm definitely not okay!- What are you doing? - Getting out of here.You going to help me, or what?Actually our survival guidesaid to sit and wait, and help will come.No one is coming!We are on our own and if we just sit here, we're going to die! Yes, yes, yes.No!Nigel, get out of the way!Stop, stop. Why don't you just open the door?Are you kidding me?Why? It's just a standard flip slide ball.What are you doing?- Well I can't... - What? You can't what?I can't fly!- You couldn't tell me before now! - It didn't matter before now.I hate you.- There is something else I need to know? - Yes!I can't fly, I pick my beakand once in a while I pee in the bird bath.Happy?There, they are!We got to get out of here!Wait. Listen to me.Flying may not be my thing, but walking is. Follow my lead.- Inside right, outside left. - Okay, I've got it.Inside, outside, inside, outside.Yes, yes! Come on!See, I'm bilingual too.This is great!I'm chained to the only bird in the world who can't fly! Actually, there are 40 species of flightless birds.- Duck! - No, Ducks can fly!No! Duck!Oh yes!Yes!Calm down!Nooo! Nooorrr!Get out of here, you putrid poultry.- Oh, what was that? - A stick.- Ahh, and that? - It's just a rock.- Is that a spider on my back? - Will you quit it?It's just a leaf. Turn around.Leaf.Told you.Come on, we need to find a safe place to spend the night. Safe? Safe! We're in the jungle!You know when people say it's a jungle out there,I'm pretty sure they don't mean it as a good thing. Look, I hate to break it to you,but this is where our kind naturally lives.Hey, don't talk to me about nature. I watch Animal Planet.I know all about the food chain.You see, out here I'm just a hors d'oeuvre.Nothing more than a feathery spring roll.That is why we stay on the trees and not on the ground. After you.Oh no, I don't think so.I'll feel much more comfortable in something man-made. How about up there?I can't believe I've to drag your clumsy butt up there. Drag me? Watch and learn.Blu! Just wait!Who's dragging who's butt now, huh?Ha, ha very funny.You see, who needs flying?Birds, birds need flying.Flying is... freedomand not having to rely on anyone.Don't you want that?I don't know. Sounds a little lonely.Let's get some sleep.I'm probably going to be up for a little while.Because I'm still on Minnesota's time.Good night.Good night Jewel.Good night Linda.Excuse me, sir. Have you seen my bird?Have you seen my bird?Excuse me, have you seen my bird?Have you seen my bird?Lady, American lady.Blu? Blu?I know where your birds are.You found Blu? Are you sure?It's his.Let me see that.You're right.Okay, where is he?Come on, let's go. I'll take you to him.No, no Linda, wait. We don't know this boy.We can't trust him.I have to trust him.I don't have a choice.Do you think I'm an idiot?There were two birds, chained together, in a cage.How could you lose them?They out smart us boss. But don't worry.We'll get them back. I have a plan.Oh great. What are you going to do?Wonder in the city, calling "Here birdie-birdie, here birdie!" Well, anything sounds dumb when you say it like that.We have to get birds to the airport by tonight.But it's Carnival. All the roads will be blocked by the parade.That's why I wanted to go this morning!Nigel!This bird is ten times smarter than the two of you combined. If he's so smart why don't you put him in charge?I am putting him in charge.Stop suggesting things!Go find them, Nigel.Hmm, if we can't get through the parade,we'll have to be in the parade.- Are you sure it is going to work? - Positive.Check my map.Yes, that's just comforting. Thank you.Look, let's just get this chain broken.Right, then we can go find Linda.No, you can go find Linda.Once this chain is off,I'm going back to being free in the jungle.- Deal? - Fine, deal.Nice try brainiac.I think something is watching us.Oh, be careful Blu.They might snuggle you to death.Oh, come here.Attack!What is going on down there?Go, go, go. Off with you.Okay guys, guys. I told you a thousand times.Manuela Sofia Kamana, listen to me. Ow! O'yah, right in the eye. Oh precious, ain't they?The kids! Seventeen of them and one on the way.Hey, Paco Carlos stop shaking him.They have given me great feathers.Oh, this papa needs a break.So, you two love birds headed for Carnival?- Wow, love birds? - We're more like acquaintance birds.And not even that. We're more like 'chained-together' birds. Yes, I mean... Ouch!What is it with these kids and the feathers?We have no idea, we're having them tested.So, do you think you could help us get this thing off?Lucky for you, you know Rafael,and Rafael knows everyone.Ow! Again with the eye!Okay, you want me to call your mother!No!Works every time. They are scared to death of her.Call me for what?Eva, my love.I must take this young couple to see Luiz.Luiz?You don't fool me for a second.You and your amigos just want to sneak off to Carnival.Oh Carnival.That magical timewhen I met the most beautiful bird in the world.I still remember the songthat was playing when I first laid eyes on you. 'Tall and tanning, young and lovely,''the girl from Ipanema goes walking.'Come on baby, sing it.'And when she passes''Each one she passes goes 'Aah!!!''Like a river of the sweetest honey.I guess love is deaf too.Come here, mmm.Okay, take them to Luiz, but hurry back.You are an angel.I'll miss you, my juicy little mango.Oh me too. My pouchy papaya.Hey! Paco, Carlos! Put your brother down, now!I can't believe she actually let me go.So how far is this Luiz?Not far, 30 minutes says the crow flies.And how long does the Macaw walks?Bobo here can't fly.- But he's a bird. - Not all birds fly.- There are Ostriches... - You're not an Ostrich. - Well, not technically. - Wait, wait, wait...My friends, I want to help you, but to walk the whole way, - It...it can't be done! - Where's daddy...?Daddy, daddy!But hey, we might as well give it a shot.Let's go, quickly.No, don't back. They sense fear.No, don't back. They sense fear.What an adorable monkey.Hey, my watch!Hello boys.Seems like you had a busy day.Oh, what? This?This is just some stuff we found.Right boys?I'm not interested in your nicked knickknacks.Your burgle-bobbles bore me.There are two blue Macaws out there.And I need your multitude of vice to help me find them. Oh yes, what's in it for us?That's a fair question.Let's discuss it.I certainly see your point.But what could I possibly do for you in return?Save me, save me!Oh, that's a thought.This is enough?I don't want to feel like I'm cheating you.We'll do it, we'll do it. Save me, please.Save me!Alright, you twisted my wing. Deal.Now then, any more questions?No? Good!You'll spread out and find these Macaws by the end of the day. Or it's flying lessons for everyone!Go!Go do your monkey business.I changed my mind.Maybe we can find a bus schedule or something.Come on, you are not going to back out now?Not in front of a lady.Okay, yes..., sure.All right, that's the spirit.You sure you're up for this?I mean it's not like justwe're hurdling ourselves off the mountain or something. Right?Actually that was pretty much my entire plan.What?Don't worry Blu. It's in your DNA.And if our featherless friends can do it,how hard can it be?Help me!Fun right?Yeah, fun.Okay, I need you two to get closer.Closer.Closer.Nice.Now, put your wings around each other.What?Come on amigos, Not that she's going to bite.- Will you? - We'll see.Now, you flap your right wing and you flap your left wing. And together, you fly.This doesn't seem aerodynamically possible.You think too much.Flying is not what you think up here.It's what you feel in here.And when you feel the rhythm of your heart.It's like samba.You fly.See, it's easy.Easy?Easy for you to say.Because from here, it look really really hard.Hey, if want to see Linda again,this is the only way.- Okay, you're right. - Yes, I am.- This is for Linda. - Right.- Keep it simple. - Easy breezing. Trust, lift, drag...- Oh, come on, let's go! - Wait! Outside, inside, outside, inside...Come on Blu, you can do it!I can do it, I can do it...I can't do it!Not again!- Am I dead? - No, we are still alive!This is incredible.This is the most beautiful thing I ever seen. - See what you've been missing? - Yes. Alright Blu, you're flying. Sort of.Not really, but do you feel it?Yes, I do feel it.No, no, Blu!Mi Caramba!Sorry, sorry, sorry!We're going to die!You did not feel it in here.You think?Let's catch a ride to Luiz.Hurry you two, barbos! Barbos!What's to the species here?Move it!Come on love birds.You made it.I would love to go five minutes without getting killed. Is that too much to ask?For a bird who can't fly, oh yeah.They're starting to close off the streets for Carnival. Better be right, kid,because we're running out of time.Never be able to get my car through this crowd.Don't worry, I'm on it.Hey kid, where did you get this bike?I traded it for your jeep.What?Yes, it's in great condition.Well, good condition.Hey, out of the way!Look out!Hold on!I'm going to chew my own legif this doesn't come off soon.Relax, we find Luiz,we're right where we want to be.Hey, Ralfi!If it isn't the king of carnival.Nico, Pedro! What a family?Where've you been hiding yourself, bird?I thought you were dead.Hold up, rewind.Ain't that the bird from the cage?I think our love lesson would down smooth. You work fast.Baby got beak.You was locked upand now you're rolling with a hot wing.I want to be like you.Don't, it's not what you think.We're just chained together.Hey, I'm not judging you.Keep us spastic.Hey guys, we're looking for Luiz.Have you seen him?Yes, I see him but you didn't.You just missed him.He took the trolley back to the garage.Oh great.Relax baby bird, you can catch the next one. It's time to take it to the next level.What's wrong with this level?Come on, this ain't the level.Next level is the level.- You got to shake your tail feather. - Oh yes. We got to get this chain off.Come on love birds, you are in Rio.You should enjoy it. Live a little.We got them.Welcome to paradise.Some party, huh?This is the coolest place I've ever seen.Despite all the RVS health code violations.I like you. Nothing you say makes any sense. Alright everyone listen up.Ralfi has some special guests from out of town.Let's show them some lovebecause I don't think they get out very much. Everybody put their wings togetherand clap them as loud as you can.Clap them, clap them. I don't care, slap them.Party in an opening, my baby.I wanna partyI wanna sambaI wanna partyI wanna sambaI wanna party and live my lifeI wanna party and fly- I'mma fly, fly just like the birds - But you're a bird. Oh yah thats right so let me fly,like a rocket thenFly so high ,where I need to come down for oxygen Cause once we start it baby,ain't no ain't no stopping thenCause I just wanna live my life and party All I want to do is to be free,and rock my bodyAnd around the world,and I wanna live my lifeIn Rio, Rio, Rio, Rio lifeWhat are you doing?I do not know.Alright, Blu.I'm that samba samba master,master master master masterWho shall sound from my ghetto blaster, blaster, blaster, blaster, blasterHey, she likes you.What are you talking about?Have you been listening?No, I've been watching.Just be yourself, go on.I wanna partyI wanna sambaI wanna party and live my lifeI wanna party and flyYou two are coming with me.。

比如在课余时间播放《功夫熊猫》(Kungfu Panda),《狮子王》(The Lion King),利用动画的这种学生比较喜欢的形式,是学生对英语有个重新的认识,从而产生兴趣。
1. 对教材内容进行拓展补充9A牛津英语 Uint 5 讲到了奥黛丽·赫本,一位上世纪五六十年代的好莱坞巨星。
课堂上生硬地插入几张图片,弄几句枯燥的文字介绍,是激发不起学生的学习斗志的,这个对学习不利,所以通过播放她主演的电影《罗马假日》(Roman Holiday),通过这样一部黑白电影展示的故事情节,除了让学生们感受英文的美感之外,更多的是让学生了解课文的背景,人物的特点,从而更好地了解掌握课文,有助于对课文中语言知识重点的掌握和记忆。
2. 学习一些人生的哲理读一个故事,明一个道理。
美国电影《当幸福来敲门》(The Pursuit of Happiness)就是这样适合的电影.故事讲诉黑人投资专家Chris Gardner濒临破产,老婆离家,生活窘迫的情况下,刻苦耐劳,奋发向上成为股市交易员,最后成为金融投资家的故事。
Original Film and English Learning 原版电影与英语学习

Original Film and English LearningOutlineAbstract (Chinese) (i)Abstract (English) (ii)Acknowledgements (iii)Introduction (1)Chapter I The Importance of Learning English (3)1.1Englishis the World's Leading International Language (3)1.2 The use of English is very wide (4)1.3The National Development and International Cooperation is Inseparablefrom the English (5)Chapter II The Function of the Film in the Learning (7)2.1Stimulating Students' Motivation in English Learning (7)2.2Providing Vivid Language Environment (9)2.3Promoting Students' Study Skills (10)2.4Acquainting S tudents with Foreign Culture (12)Chapter III The advantage of watching the original movies (14)3.1Help Students Learn English P ronunciation (14)3.2Cultivate Interest in Learning English (15)3.3The Film Helps to Cultivate Learners' Intercultural CommunicativeCompetence...................................................................................... (15)Chapter IV How to use the Original Film for Learning English (17)4.1Selection of Original Film P rinciple (17)4.2Through the Video Learning Method (20)Conclusion (24)References (25)原版电影与英语学习摘要在当今国际环境下,英语成了学生必修的1门课程。

大家注意这是抢劫通通都不准动All right, everyone! This... is a stickup! Don't anybody move!掏空保险箱Now, empty that safe!钱钱钱Ooh-hoo-hoo! Money, money, money!住手住手可恶的蛋头Stop it! Stop it, you mean, old potato!闭嘴宝贝否则你的羊会遭殃Quiet, Bo Peep, or your sheep get run over!救命救命啊Help! Baa! Help us!别伤害我的羊谁来帮帮忙啊Oh, no, not my sheep! Somebody do something!飞向天空Reach for the sky!不是胡迪警长Oh, no! Sheriff Woody!我是来阻止你的独眼蛋头I'm here to stop you, One-Eyed Bart.你怎么知道是我啊Doh! How'd you know it was me?快跟我走吧Are you gonna come quietly?你休想警长You can't touch me, Sheriff!我带了我那只凶狠的斗犬来了I brought my attack dog with the built-in force field我带了我的恐龙它专门吃凶狠的斗犬Well, I brought my dinosaur who eats force-field dogs.-呀-Yipe, yipe, yipe, yipe!你要去坐牢了蛋头跟你老婆小孩说再见吧You're going to jail, Bart! Say good-bye to the wife and later tots.你又拯救了危机胡迪You saved the day again, Woody.你是我最喜欢的副警长You're my favorite deputy.片名:玩具总动员 "我是你好朋友"# You've got a friend in me #"你什么也别愁"# You've got a friend in me #来我们来抓牛Come on, let's wrangle up the cattle."道路坎坷困难多"# When the road looks rough ahead #"要十万八千里才到家门口"# And you're miles and miles from your nice, warm bed #-牛仔把他们围起来 "你只要想起我在你左右"-Round 'em up, cowboy! -# Just remember what your old pal said #"我是你好朋友"# Boy, you've got a friend in me #"哦对我是你好朋友"-Yee-haw! -# Yeah, you've got a friend in me #嗨牛仔Hey, cowboy!"有些人比我能干比我强"# Some other folks might be a little bit smarter than I am #"身体健壮走起路雄赳赳"-# Big and stronger too #来吧胡迪-Come on, Woody. -# Maybe #"也许没有人能像我这样爱护你"# But none of them will ever love you the way I do #"对你是毫无保留"-# It's me and you, boy #"多少的岁月中"-# And as the years go by # -Whoa!"我们的友谊更加深厚"-Whoa! -# Our friendship will never die #"你会看到"-Whoo! -# You're gonna see #"我们的命运紧相连"-# It's our destiny #"我是你好朋友" -好耶-# You've got a friend in me # -All right!"哦对我是你好朋友" -得分-# Yeah, you've got a friend in me # -Score!"我是你好朋友" -酷-# You got a friend in me # -Wow! Cool!-你喜欢吗 -妈咪真是太棒了-What do you think? -Oh, this looks great, Mom!-喜欢就好小寿星 -就跟我在店里看到的一样-Okay, birthday boy -We saw that at the store! I asked you for it!好棒好棒... 希望能摆得下-I hope I have enough places. -Wow, look at that! That's so...一二三四-One, two. Four.好这样就可以了Yeah, I think that's gonna be enough. -Oh, my gosh, you got...可以留到搬家吗-Could we leave this up till we move? -Well, sure!当然可以留下来了好耶-We can leave it up. Now go get Molly. -Yeah!-去抱茉莉你的朋友马上就要来了-Your friends are gonna be here any minute.-好派对要开始了-Okay. It's party time, Woody.-好耶“编剧:乔斯维登安德鲁使丹顿等人”-Yee...haw!你好小姐Howdy, little lady.有人在水源区下了毒Somebody's poisoned the water hole.来茉莉你好重哦-Come on, Molly. Oh, you're getting heavy.再见了胡迪 "导演:约翰拉赛特"-See you later, Woody.我的天哪今天要开生日派对Pull my string! The birthday party's today?好了各位已经安全了Okay, everybody, coast is clear!我盒子上写得很清楚适合三岁以上-Ages 3 and up. It's on my box.怎么叫我当口水公主的临时保姆呢Ages 3 and up. I'm not supposed to be baby-sitting Princess Drool.嘿火腿-Hey, Hamm.-你看我是毕加索 -我听不懂-Look, I'm Picasso! -I don't get it.没有文化的肥猪看什么看啊你这个大扁脸You uncultured swine! What're you lookin' at, ya hockey puck?-队长看到弹簧狗没有 -报告长官没有-Hey, Sarge, have you seen Slinky? -Sir! No, sir!好了谢了稍息Okay. Hey, thank you. At ease.我在这儿胡迪这次我要红的Right here, Woody. I'm red this time.-不行弹簧狗...-No. S-Slink.-好吧那红的让给你好了-Oh, well, all right. You can be red if you want.-等一下弹簧狗我有一些坏消息 -坏消息-N-Not now, Slink. I got some bad news. -Bad news?嘘...Shh, shh, shh!去叫大家集合来开干部会议了知道了-Just gather everyone up for a staff meeting, and be happy. -Got it.开心点呀-Be happy! -Ha, ha, ha, ha!各位干部会议了长蛇、机器人准备讲台-Staff meeting, everybody! Snake, Robot, podium please.嘿Hey.还有画板拔枪Hey, Etch. Draw!-你又赢了-Oh! Got me again. 画板你拔枪练得不错嘛西部最快的神枪手Etch, you've been working on that draw. Fastest knobs in the west.大伙儿要开干部会议了快点快点Got a staff meeting, you guys. Come on, let's go.我的那个呢Now, where is that... Oh.谁把我涂鸦板拿走的Hey, who moved my doodle pad way over here?-抱抱龙你干嘛 -吓到没有? 要说实话-How're you doin', Rex? -Were you scared? Tell me honestly.这一次我差一点就被你吓死I was close to being scared that time.我一直想可怕一点但是我老是没有灵感I'm going for fearsome here, but I just don't feel it.我只是一个惹人厌的家伙I think I'm just coming off as annoying.嗨宝贝Owl Oh, hi, Bo. Hi.胡迪我想要谢谢你救了我的羊群I wanted to thank you, Woody, for saving my flock.不客气Oh, hey, it was, uh, nothin'.我今天晚上另外找个人替我看羊你看怎么样啊What do you say I get someone else to watch the sheep tonight?这个嘛好啊Oh, yeah!别忘了要找我的话我就在附近Remember, I'm just a couple of blocksaway.快点快点小的玩具到前面-Yodel-ay-hee-hoo! -Come on, come on. Smaller toys up front.胡迪好了Hey, Woody, come on.-啊咳-Ahem!-谢了麦克风-Oh, thanks, Mike.-好了太近了退...-Okay. Whoa, whoa. Step back.-大声叫出来 -好了谢谢-For crying out loud. -Thank you.试音试音清楚吗-Hello? Check. That better? Great.好大家都听到了吗架子上面的听得见吗?那好Everybody hear me? Up on the shelf, can you hear me? Great.今天我们第一项议题Okay. First item today:对了每个人都找到搬家的伙伴了没有Uh... oh, yeah. Has everyone picked a moving buddy?-什么? -搬家的伙伴? 他不是说真的吧-What? -Moving buddy? You can't be serious.我不知道我们要搬家了I didn't know we were supposed to have one already.-要拉小手吗-Do we have to hold hands?你们以为我在跟你们开玩笑You guys think this is a big joke.我们只剩下一个礼拜的时间就要搬家了We've only got one week left before the move.我不希望任何玩具被丢下来两个人一组I don't want any toys left behind. A moving buddy.如果还没有去找一个来If you don't have one, get one!好了接下来...对了All right, next. Uh, oh, yes.星期二晚上我们开的塑胶老化大会Tuesday night's plastic corrosion awareness meeting...我认为呢非常的成功was, I think, a big success.我们要感谢拼字先生为我们所做的一切And we wanna thank Mr. Spell for putting that on for us.-谢谢你拼字先生 -不客气-Thank you, Mr. Spell. -You're welcome.好了对了还有一件小事Okay. Uh, oh, yes. One, uh, minor note here.安弟的生日派对改到今天晚上Andy's birthday party has been moved to today.-等一下-Wait a minute here!什么怎么会改成今天呢下个礼拜才是他的生日啊What do you mean the party's today? His birthday's not till next week!是安弟的妈咪她丢了珠宝发疯了吗What's goin' on down there? Is his mom losin' her marbles?很显然安弟的妈咪希望在搬家之前开一个派对Well, obviously she wanted to have the party before the move.-我不担心你们也不需要担心啊-I'm not worried. You shouldn't be worried.-胡迪当然不担心了-Of course Woody ain't worried.安弟从幼稚园开始就最喜欢他了He's been Andy's favorite since kindergarten.拜托蛋头先生Hey, hey. Come on, Potato Head.如果胡迪说不用担心那么我绝对不会担心If Woody says it's all right, then, well, darn it, it's good enough for me.胡迪以前从来没有弄错过Woody has never steered us wrong before.好了各位每年圣诞节跟生日都得来这么一次Come on, guys. Every Christmas and birthday we go through this.但是如果安弟有了新恐龙呢很凶的那一种But what if Andy gets another dinosaur, a mean one?我想我是绝对受不了被抛弃的打击I just don't think I could take that kind of rejection!听着没有人可以取代我们Hey, listen, no one's getting replaced.我们讨论的重点是安弟This is Andy we're talking about.我们被安弟玩了多少次并不重要It doesn't matter how much we're played with.重要的是安弟需要我们的时候我们就在他身边What matters is that we're here for Andy when he needs us.那才是我们做玩具的目的对吧That's what we're made for, right?对不起我很不想打断会议但是... 他们来了Pardon me. I hate to break up the staff meeting, but... they're here!客人在三点钟方向Birthday guests at three o'clock!-保持冷静-Stay calm, everyone!嘿Hey!-会议结束-Uh, meeting adjourned.老天你们看到那些礼物没有Ho, boy! Will you take a look at all those presents?我什么都看不到I can't see a thing.我们绝对会是下个月车库拍卖的货品了Yes, sir, we're next month's garage sale fodder for sure.-有没有恐龙形状的礼物啊-Any dinosaur-shaped ones?-拜托礼物都在盒子里白痴-Oh, for crying out loud. They're all in boxes, you idiot.礼物越来越大了They're getting bigger.-等一等那里有个小件的-Wait, there's a nice little one over there. -Hi!-写着:垃圾罐 -我们完了-Spell: trash can. -We're doomed!好好All right! All right!如果我派部队出去的话你们能安静下来吗If I send out the troops, will you all calm down?-能能我们能 -好省省电池-Yes! Yes! We promise! -Okay! Save your batteries.帅胡迪这一招真有效Very good, Woody. That's using the old noodle.队长请立刻派侦察队到楼下去紧急状况Sergeant, establish a recon post downstairs. Code Red!-该怎么做你知道的 -是长官-You know what to do. -Yes, sir!好了各位你们都听到了紧急状况All right, men. You heard him. Code Red!重覆紧急状况侦察计划开始执行Repeat, we are at Code Red. Recon plan Charlie. Execute!快Let's move! Move, move, move, move!-是-Yeah!-好了小朋友们-Okay, come on, kids.所有的人都到客厅来要拆礼物了Everyone in the living room. It's almost time for the presents.让开让开All right, gangway, gangway.有个这个我们就可以知道And this is how we find out...那些礼物是什么了what is in those presents.好了谁的肚子饿了Okay, who's hungry?洋芋片在这里Here come the chips!有原味还有烤肉口味的I've got Cool Ranch and barbecue! Ow!怎么搞的What in the world... Oh!-我还以为他收拾干净了呢-I thought I told him to pick these up.他们不是该到了吗怎么那么久Shouldn't they be there by now? What's taking them so long?他们可是训练有素是最棒的Hey, these guys are professionals. They're the best.别急嘛马上就会有消息了Come on! They're not lying down on the job.走吧别管我了快走吧G-G-Go on without me! J-Just go!一个好军人绝对不会丢下战友的A good soldier never leaves a man behind.-好了小朋友来...-Okay, everybody, come on.每个人都坐下来Everybody settle down. Now, kids. Everybody.好小朋友快过来围成圈圈坐下来You sit in a circle. No, Andy. Andy, you sit in the middle there.-很好好你第一个想拆哪一个礼物呢-Good. And.. Which present are you gonna open first?-我的 -他们在那儿-Mine! -There they are.鸟妈妈请回答这里是勇敢一号Come in, Mother Bird. This is Alpha Bravo.-鸟妈妈请回答 -有了有了安静...-This is it! This is it! Quiet, quiet, quiet! -Come in, Mother Bird.好了安弟现在在拆第一个礼物了Andy's opening the first present now.蛋头太太蛋头太太...Mrs. Potato Head! Mrs. Potato Head! Mrs. Potato Head!作梦犯法啦Hey, I can dream, can't I?蝴蝶结开了他正在拆包装纸The bow's coming off. He's ripping the wrapping paper.那是...那... 那是一个便当盒It's a.. It's.. It's a.. a lunch box.-那是一个便当盒 -便当盒?-We've got a lunch box here. -A lunch box?-便当盒? -用来吃午饭的-Lunch box? -For lunch.好了第二个礼物那看起来是...Okay, second present. It appears to be...-一件床单 -那孩子谁请的呀-Okay, it's bed sheets. -Who invited that kid?只剩一个了Oh! Only one left.-好接着是最后一个礼物了最后一个了-Okay, we're on the last present now. -Last present!这个礼物很大那是...It's a big one. It's a...-那是棋盘游戏重覆是海战棋-It's a board game! Repeat, Battleship! -Whew!-好耶-Hallelujah!-好耶 -小心一点-Yeah! All right! -Hey, watch it!对不起蛋头老兄Sorry there, old spud head.任务完成了干得好收工了我们回家去Mission accomplished. Well done, men. Pack it up. We're goin' home.我怎么说的没错吧So did I tell ya? Huh? Nothin' to worry about.我早就知道你是对胡迪我从来没有怀疑过你I knew you were right all along, Woody. Never doubted ya for a second.等一下Wait a minute. Oh!-这个是什么啊 -等一下再把对讲打开-What do we have here? -Wait! Turn that thing back on!鸟妈妈请回答鸟妈妈请回答Come in, Mother Bird! Come in, Mother Bird!妈咪从柜子里拿出礼物Mom has pulled a surprise present from the closet.安弟正在拆他看到这个礼物很兴奋Andy's opening it. He's really excited about this one.-妈咪这是什么 -是个很大的盒子-Mom, what is it? -It's a huge package.等一下有一个孩子挡住我的视线我看不见Oh, get outta the... One of the kids is in the way. I can't see.-那...那是... -哇-It's a... -Wow!-那是什么啊? 是什么啊?-It's a what? What is it?-不 -大笨蜥蜴-Oh, no! -Oh, ya big lizard!-我们永远不知道那是什么了 -看你干得好事-Now we'll never know what it is! -Way to go, Rex!-不对不对转过去转过去-No, no! Turn him around! Turn him around!-不对不对放反了-He's puttin' 'em in backwa-你们把它们放反了Here, you're puttin' 'em in backwards!正是阳极负是阴极我来吧Plus is positive, minus is negative! Oh, let me!-到我的房间来玩-Let's go to my room, guys!紧急状况紧急状况安弟要上楼了Red alert! Red alert! Andy is coming upstairs!-那边 -儿童入侵-There! -Juvenile intrusion!重覆立刻回到自己岗位上Repeat, resume your positions now!安弟来了快回到自己的位置上Andy's coming! Everybody, back to your places! Hurry!快回到自己的位置Get to your places! Get to your places!-我的耳朵我的耳朵呢有谁看到我的耳朵-Where's my ear? Who's seen my ear? Did you see my ear?让开让开我来了我来了Out of my way! Here I come! Here I come! 看他的雷射亮了帮我拿一下Hey, look, its lasers light up. Take that, Zurg!就摆这里这里是太空船降落的地方Quick, make a space. This is where the spaceship lands.他还是空手道高手呢And he does it like that. And he does a karate chop action!小朋友下来吧玩游戏啰我们有奖品哦Come on down, guys! It's time for games!-什么东西 -你看得到吗-What is it? -Can you see it?-在那上面的东西是什么 -胡迪谁跟你在上面啊-What the heck is up there? -Woody, who's up there with ya?-胡迪-Woody?-你在床底下干什么啊 -没什么没什么-What are you doing under the bed? -Uh, nothin'. Uh, nothin'.我想安弟有一点太兴奋了I'm sure Andy was just a little excited, that's all.大概是吃太多冰淇淋跟蛋糕了那只是个意外Too much cake and ice cream, I suppose. It's just a mistake!那个意外正坐在你的地盘上胡迪Well, that mistake is sitting in your spot, Woody.你被人取代了 -我刚刚怎么告诉你的Have you been replaced? -What did I tell you earlier?没有人可以取代我们No one is getting replaced好了不管那上面是什么我们都要给他来一个...Now, let's all be polite and give whatever it is up there...礼貌的温和的安弟房间式的欢迎a nice, big Andy's-room welcome.巴斯光年呼叫星际总部听到请回答-Buzz Lightyear to Star Command.星级总部请回答Come in, Star Command.星际总部听到没有请回答-Star Command, come in. Do you read me?他们为什么不回答我的船Why don't they answer? My ship!天哪要好久才能修好Blast! This'll take weeks to repair.巴斯光年任务日志星际日期四○七二年Buzz Lightyear mission log, stardate 4-0-7-2.我的太空船在第十二区脱离轨道My ship has run off course en route to sector 12.我坠落在一个奇怪的星球I've crash-landed on a strange planet.一定是这种撞击使我醒来The impact must've awoken me from hypersleep.这地形似乎有点不稳定Terrain seems a bit unstable.目前还没有能不能呼吸空气的读数No readout yet if the air is breathable.而且也看不出来有智慧型生命的迹象And there seems to be no sign of intelligent life anywhere.-你好-Hello! 等等...Whoa! H-Hey! Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!-我吓到你了吗我不是故意的-Did I frighten you? Didn't mean to.-抱歉你好我叫胡迪-Sorry. Howdy. My name is Woody.而这里呢是安弟的房间And this is Andy's room.对不起打搅你了请恕我直言That's all I wanted to say.我还有一点点小问题And also, there has been a bit of a mix-up.这里是我的地盘而这张床...This is my spot, see, the bed here.此地的执法人员你早该来了Local law enforcement. It's about time you got here.我是巴斯光年保护宇宙小组的太空骑警I'm Buzz Lightyear, Space Ranger, Universe Protection Unit.我的太空船意外坠机了My ship has crash-landed here by mistake.是呀这是一个意外因为这张床是我的地盘Yes, it is a mistake because, you see, the bed here is my spot.我要修理我的涡轮推进器I need to repair my turbo boosters.你们现在是用化石燃料还是结晶体熔解物Do you people still use fossil fuel, or have you discovered crystallic fusion?-我想想...我们有三号电池-Well, let's see. We got double-A's.小心站住什么人Watch yourself! Halt! Who goes there?别开枪没事是朋友Don't shoot! It's okay. Friends.-你认识这些生物吗 -是他们是安弟的玩具-Do you know these life-forms? -Yes! They're Andy's toys.好了你们可以上来了All right, everyone, you're clear to come up.我是巴斯光年和平使者I am Buzz Lightyear. I come in peace.我好高兴你不是恐龙Oh, I'm so glad you're not a dinosaur!谢谢Bye, bye. Thank you!谢谢你们热情的欢迎Now, thank you all for your kind welcome!-那个按钮是干什么的 -我来示范-Say, what's that button do? -I'll show you.-巴斯光年拯救宇宙Buzz Lightyear to the rescue! -Oh!胡迪也有那样的东西他的是拉线的Hey, Woody's got something like that. His is a pull string.-只是... -只是听起来像被车子压过-Only it's... -Only it sounds like a car ran over it.对不像这个这个是高品质声音系统Oh, yeah, but not like this. This is a quality sound system.配线可能是铜线哦Probably all copper wiring, huh?对了你从哪里来的新加坡? 香港?So, uh, where you from? Singapore? Hong Kong? 不事实上我是驻扎在第四区域的珈玛象限Well, no. Actually, I-I'm stationed up in the Gamma Quadrant of Sector Four.我是宇宙保护小组太空警备队的队员As a member of the elite Universe Protection Unit of the Space Ranger Corps,我保护我们的星际I protect the galaxy from the threat of invasion...免于受到星际联盟头号大敌邪恶皇帝查克的入侵from the evil Emperor Zurg, sworn enemy of the Galactic Alliance.是吗? 我来自儿乐宝Oh, really? I'm from Playskool.而我来自美泰儿其实我并不是来自美泰儿And I'm from Mattel. Well, I'm not really from Mattel.我是来自比较小的公司I'm actually from a smaller company结果被美泰儿收购了我想...that was purchased in a leveraged buyout.一群土包子没看过新玩具You'd think they'd never seen a new toy before.是你看看他Well, sure. Look at him.身上的小东西比瑞士刀还要多呢He's got more gadgets on him than a Swiss Army knife.-小心点-Ah, ah, ah, ah! Please be careful.被我雷射击中可不是好玩的You don't want to be in the way when my laser goes off.雷射你怎么会没有雷射呢? 胡迪Hey, a laser! How come you don't have a laser, Woody?那不是雷射那只是会闪的灯泡It's not a laser! It's a.. It's a little light bulb that blinks.-他怎么了 -嫉妒雷射-What's with him? -Laser envy.好了够了All right, that's enough!-我们对安弟的新玩具都印象深刻 -玩具?-Look, we're all very impressed with Andy's new toy. -Toy?玩具T-O-Y. Toy!对不起我想你用的字应该是太空骑警Excuse me, l-l think the word you're searching for is "Space Ranger."我想要用的字现在不能说The word I'm searching for I can't say因为有学龄前的玩具在场because there's preschool toys present.你有点紧张了吧Gettin' kinda tense, aren't ya?巴斯先生我很好奇Uh, Mr. Lightyear, uh, now, I'm curious.一个太空骑警都做些什么呢What does a Space Ranger actually do?他不是太空骑警He's not a Space Ranger!他不会打击邪恶发射雷射也不会飞 -打个岔-He doesn't fight evil or, or shoot lasers or fly! -Excuse me.-了不起的翅膀了不起-Ooh! -Oh, impressive wingspan! Very good!什么什么嘛这些是塑胶他不会飞Oh, what? What? These are plastic. He can't fly!这是碳化合金而且我的确会飞They are a terillium-carbonic alloy, and I can fly.-不你不会 -会我会-No, you can't. -Yes, lean.-你不会 -会-You can't. -Can.-不会不会不会-Can't. Can't. Can't!-就算我闭着眼睛也可以飞遍整个房间-I tell you, I could fly around this room with my eyes closed!-好啊泡泡头先生证明一下 -那好吧-Okay, then, Mr. Light Beer, prove it. -All right, then, I will.各位请退后Stand back, everyone!飞向宇宙浩瀚无垠To infinity and beyond!-我会飞-Can! -Whoa!-你飞得可真壮观-Oh, wow, you flew magnificently!-我找到搬家的伙伴了 -谢谢谢谢你们谢谢-I found my movin' buddy. -Thank you. Th-Thank you all. Thank you.那不叫飞行那只是花拳绣腿That wasn't flying! That was... falling with style.小妞们一定迷死你了教教我好吗Man, the dolls must really go for you. Can you teach me that?刚刚那一招真是太酷了 -闭嘴Golly bob howdy! -Oh, shut up!再过几天You know, in a couple of days,这里就会恢复老样子了等着瞧吧everything will be just the way it was. They'll see.-不信你看-They'll see.我还是安弟最爱玩具I'm still Andy's favorite toy."我现在高高在上"# I was on top of the world livin' high #"样样事都享受现成"-Whoa! -# It was right in my pocket #"我现在的光景"# I was livin' the life #"想要什么都能行"# Things were just the way they should be #"忽然间从天外飞过来"# When from out of the sky like a bomb #"一颗要爆发的炸弹"# Comes some little punk in a rocket #"从此我发现一些奇怪的事要发生"# Now all of a sudden some strange things are happening to m巴斯光年拯救宇宙Buzz Lightyear to the rescue!"奇怪"# Strange #"奇怪的事要发生"# Things are happening to me # "奇怪"# Strange #"事情"# Things #"奇怪"-# Strange # -Ha!"奇怪的事要发生"-# Things are happening to me #"这是毫无疑问的"# Ain't no doubt about it #"我曾拥有许多朋友"# I had friends I had lots of friends #"现在一个也不剩"# Now all my friends are gone #"我叫他们他们对我是冷冰冰的"# And I'm doin' the best I can #"我拥有权力"-# I had power # -# Power #"我受人尊敬"-# I was respected # -# Respected #"但如此而已"# But not anymore #"我却失去了爱"# And I've lost the love of the one #"失去朋友的情谊"# Whom I adore #"让我告诉你"# Let me tell you 'bout it Strange #"奇怪的事要发生"-# Things are happenin' to me #"奇怪"# Strange #"事情"# Things #"奇怪"# Strange #"奇怪的事要发生"# Things are happen in'"这是毫无疑问的"# Ain't no doubt about it #"奇怪"# Strange #"事情"# Things #"奇怪"# Strange #"事情"-# Things #终于Finally!我的帽子在哪里啊Hey, who's got my hat?大家好我是胡迪大家好大家好Look, I'm Woody! Howdy, howdy, howdy!还给我Ah-ha! Ah-ha, ha, ha! Gimme that!抱抱龙弹簧狗给你们看样东西Say there, Lizard and Stretchy Dog, let me show you something.我好像被你们给同化了It looks as though I've been accepted into your culture.-你们老大安弟把他的名字刻在我身上-Your chief, Andy, inscribed his name on me. -Wow!还用奇异笔耶With permanent ink too!好了我要回去修我的船了Well, I must get back to repairing my ship. 胡迪不要让他影响到你Don't let it get to you, Woody.-你说什么 -什么意思谁?Uh... let what? I don't, uh- What do you mean? Who?我知道安弟他很喜欢巴斯I know Andy's excited about Buzz.但是你在他的心目当中一直占有一席之地的But you know he'll always have a special place for you.-是啊是块畸零地 -好了我受够了-Yeah, like the attic. -All right, that's it!-单向的细长连结带-Hmm. Unidirectional bonding strip.巴斯先生他要胶带Mr. Lightyear wants more tape.嗯?Hmm?听着泡泡头你最好离安弟远一点Listen, Light Snack, you stay away from Andy.他是我的没有人可以拆散他跟我He's mine, and no one is taking him away from me.-你到底在说什么啊我的连结带呢-What are you talking about? Where's that bonding strip?还有一件事从现在开始少再说什么太空的事And another thing: Stop with this spaceman thing!-那快把我逼疯了-It's getting on my nerves!-不高兴可以向星际总部申诉啊-Are you saying you wanna lodge acomplaint with Star Command?好我看你是敬酒不吃吃罚酒Oh-ho, okay! Ooh, well, so you wanna do it the hard way, huh?-警长不要无理取闹 -是吗? 硬汉-Don't even think about it, cowboy. -Oh, yeah, tough guy?这空气没有毒嘛The air isn't...toxic.你怎么可以在一个不知名的星球上How dare you open a spaceman's helmet on an uncharted planet!打开我的头盔我的眼球很可能被吸出去的My eyeballs could've been sucked from their sockets!你真的以为你就是那个太空人巴斯光年吗You actually think you're the Buzz Lightyear?我一直以为你是个冒牌货Oh, all this time I thought it was an act!各位快看这是真的巴斯光年Hey, guys, look! It's the real Buzz Lightyear!你在讽刺我You're mocking me, aren't you?不... 巴斯有外星人Oh, no, no. No, no, no, no, no. Buzz, look, an alien!-在哪?-Where?好耶Yes!-哎呦-Whoa! -Uh-oh.-是阿薛 -不准动-It's Sid! -Don't move! -我还以为他去夏令营呢-I thought he was at summer camp.-他一定是被踢出来了-They must've kicked him out early this year.-不对不是阿薛-Oh, no, not Sid!-进来了-Incoming!-这回又是谁啊-Who is it this time?-我...我看不清楚是谁雷尼呢-I...I can't...I can't tell. Hey, where's Lenny?-我在这儿胡迪 -不我受不了残忍的画面-Right here, Woody. -Oh, no, I can't bear to watch one of these again.天哪是战斗兵卡尔Oh, no, it's a Combat Carl.-怎么回事啊-What's going on?-这不关你们太空人的事是我们玩具自己的事-Nothing that concerns you spacemen; just us toys.最好让我看一看I'd better take a look anyway.-那个阿兵哥为什么绑着爆炸装置-Why is that soldier strapped to an explosive device?因为那个...阿薛That's why: Sid.-他的毛还真多-Hmm, sure is a hairy fellow.不是那是阿德白痴No, no, that's Scud, you idiot.-他才是阿薛-That is Sid.-那个天真的小孩 -他才不天真呢-You mean that happy child? -That ain't no happy child.折磨那些玩具是他的最爱He tortures toys, just for fun!我看我们必须想个办法吧Well, then we've got to do something.你在干什么快下来What are you doing? Get down from there!-我要给那孩子一个教训 -是啊好尽管去-I'm gonna teach that boy a lesson. -Yeah, sure. You go ahead.-用你吓人的雷射溶化他-Melt him with your scary laser.小心别乱碰那是非常危险的Be careful with that! It's extremely dangerous.点火了他点火了He's lighting it! He's lighting it! Hit the dirt!-趴下-Lookout!-好耶死了他死了-Yes! He's gone! He's history!-我本来可以阻止他-Whoo! -I could've stopped him.巴斯我是很想领教你的本事Buzz, I would love to see you try.更想看看你是怎么去当烈士Of course, I'd love to see you as a crater.-真希望立刻就能搬家-The sooner we move, the better.好耶Yeah!飞向浩瀚宇宙To infinity and beyond!打包完了肚子好饿哦All this packing makes me hungry.-我们的晚餐就去...比萨星球吧-What would you say to dinner at, oh, Pizza Planet?-比萨星球哦酷-Pizza Planet? Oh, cool!去洗手我替茉莉换衣服Go wash your hands, and I'll get Molly ready.我可以带玩具去吗你只能带一个玩具-Can I bring some toys? -You can bring one toy.-只能带一个啊 -一个玩具?-Just one? -One toy?-嗯-Hmm.-安弟会选我吗-Will Andy pick me?别作梦了"Don't count on it"?嗯Mmm!巴斯巴斯巴斯光年Buzz! Oh, Buzz! Buzz Lightyear.巴斯光年老天爷我们有麻烦了Buzz Lightyear, thank goodness. We've got trouble!-麻烦在哪儿 -下面就在下面-Trouble? Where? -Down there. Just down there.一个无助的玩具它被困住了A helpless toy, it's.. it's trapped,。

大家注意这是抢劫通通都不准动All right, everyone! This... is a stickup! Don't anybody move!掏空保险箱Now, empty that safe!钱钱钱Ooh-hoo-hoo! Money, money, money!住手住手可恶的蛋头Stop it! Stop it, you mean, old potato!闭嘴宝贝否则你的羊会遭殃Quiet, Bo Peep, or your sheep get run over!救命救命啊Help! Baa! Help us!别伤害我的羊谁来帮帮忙啊Oh, no, not my sheep! Somebody do something!飞向天空Reach for the sky!不是胡迪警长Oh, no! Sheriff Woody!我是来阻止你的独眼蛋头I'm here to stop you, One-Eyed Bart.你怎么知道是我啊Doh! How'd you know it was me?快跟我走吧Are you gonna come quietly?你休想警长You can't touch me, Sheriff!我带了我那只凶狠的斗犬来了I brought my attack dog with the built-in force field我带了我的恐龙它专门吃凶狠的斗犬Well, I brought my dinosaur who eats force-field dogs.-呀-Yipe, yipe, yipe, yipe!你要去坐牢了蛋头跟你老婆小孩说再见吧You're going to jail, Bart! Say good-bye to the wife and later tots.你又拯救了危机胡迪You saved the day again, Woody.你是我最喜欢的副警长You're my favorite deputy.片名:玩具总动员 "我是你好朋友"# You've got a friend in me #"你什么也别愁"# You've got a friend in me #来我们来抓牛Come on, let's wrangle up the cattle."道路坎坷困难多"# When the road looks rough ahead #"要十万八千里才到家门口"# And you're miles and miles from your nice, warm bed #-牛仔把他们围起来 "你只要想起我在你左右"-Round 'em up, cowboy! -# Just remember what your old pal said #"我是你好朋友"# Boy, you've got a friend in me #"哦对我是你好朋友"-Yee-haw! -# Yeah, you've got a friend in me #嗨牛仔Hey, cowboy!"有些人比我能干比我强"# Some other folks might be a little bit smarter than I am #"身体健壮走起路雄赳赳"-# Big and stronger too #来吧胡迪-Come on, Woody. -# Maybe #"也许没有人能像我这样爱护你"# But none of them will ever love you the way I do #"对你是毫无保留"-# It's me and you, boy #"多少的岁月中"-# And as the years go by # -Whoa!"我们的友谊更加深厚"-Whoa! -# Our friendship will never die #"你会看到"-Whoo! -# You're gonna see #"我们的命运紧相连"-# It's our destiny #"我是你好朋友" -好耶-# You've got a friend in me # -All right!"哦对我是你好朋友" -得分-# Yeah, you've got a friend in me # -Score!"我是你好朋友" -酷-# You got a friend in me # -Wow! Cool!-你喜欢吗 -妈咪真是太棒了-What do you think? -Oh, this looks great, Mom!-喜欢就好小寿星 -就跟我在店里看到的一样-Okay, birthday boy -We saw that at the store! I asked you for it!好棒好棒... 希望能摆得下-I hope I have enough places. -Wow, look at that! That's so...一二三四-One, two. Four.好这样就可以了Yeah, I think that's gonna be enough. -Oh, my gosh, you got...可以留到搬家吗-Could we leave this up till we move? -Well, sure!当然可以留下来了好耶-We can leave it up. Now go get Molly. -Yeah!-去抱茉莉你的朋友马上就要来了-Your friends are gonna be here any minute.-好派对要开始了-Okay. It's party time, Woody.-好耶“编剧:乔斯维登安德鲁使丹顿等人”-Yee...haw!你好小姐Howdy, little lady.有人在水源区下了毒Somebody's poisoned the water hole.来茉莉你好重哦-Come on, Molly. Oh, you're getting heavy.再见了胡迪 "导演:约翰拉赛特"-See you later, Woody.我的天哪今天要开生日派对Pull my string! The birthday party's today?好了各位已经安全了Okay, everybody, coast is clear!我盒子上写得很清楚适合三岁以上-Ages 3 and up. It's on my box.怎么叫我当口水公主的临时保姆呢Ages 3 and up. I'm not supposed to be baby-sitting Princess Drool.嘿火腿-Hey, Hamm.-你看我是毕加索 -我听不懂-Look, I'm Picasso! -I don't get it.没有文化的肥猪看什么看啊你这个大扁脸You uncultured swine! What're you lookin' at, ya hockey puck?-队长看到弹簧狗没有 -报告长官没有-Hey, Sarge, have you seen Slinky? -Sir! No, sir!好了谢了稍息Okay. Hey, thank you. At ease.我在这儿胡迪这次我要红的Right here, Woody. I'm red this time.-不行弹簧狗...-No. S-Slink.-好吧那红的让给你好了-Oh, well, all right. You can be red if you want.-等一下弹簧狗我有一些坏消息 -坏消息-N-Not now, Slink. I got some bad news. -Bad news?嘘...Shh, shh, shh!去叫大家集合来开干部会议了知道了-Just gather everyone up for a staff meeting, and be happy. -Got it.开心点呀-Be happy! -Ha, ha, ha, ha!各位干部会议了长蛇、机器人准备讲台-Staff meeting, everybody! Snake, Robot, podium please.嘿Hey.还有画板拔枪Hey, Etch. Draw!-你又赢了-Oh! Got me again. 画板你拔枪练得不错嘛西部最快的神枪手Etch, you've been working on that draw. Fastest knobs in the west.大伙儿要开干部会议了快点快点Got a staff meeting, you guys. Come on, let's go.我的那个呢Now, where is that... Oh.谁把我涂鸦板拿走的Hey, who moved my doodle pad way over here?-抱抱龙你干嘛 -吓到没有? 要说实话-How're you doin', Rex? -Were you scared? Tell me honestly.这一次我差一点就被你吓死I was close to being scared that time.我一直想可怕一点但是我老是没有灵感I'm going for fearsome here, but I just don't feel it.我只是一个惹人厌的家伙I think I'm just coming off as annoying.嗨宝贝Owl Oh, hi, Bo. Hi.胡迪我想要谢谢你救了我的羊群I wanted to thank you, Woody, for saving my flock.不客气Oh, hey, it was, uh, nothin'.我今天晚上另外找个人替我看羊你看怎么样啊What do you say I get someone else to watch the sheep tonight?这个嘛好啊Oh, yeah!别忘了要找我的话我就在附近Remember, I'm just a couple of blocksaway.快点快点小的玩具到前面-Yodel-ay-hee-hoo! -Come on, come on. Smaller toys up front.胡迪好了Hey, Woody, come on.-啊咳-Ahem!-谢了麦克风-Oh, thanks, Mike.-好了太近了退...-Okay. Whoa, whoa. Step back.-大声叫出来 -好了谢谢-For crying out loud. -Thank you.试音试音清楚吗-Hello? Check. That better? Great.好大家都听到了吗架子上面的听得见吗?那好Everybody hear me? Up on the shelf, can you hear me? Great.今天我们第一项议题Okay. First item today:对了每个人都找到搬家的伙伴了没有Uh... oh, yeah. Has everyone picked a moving buddy?-什么? -搬家的伙伴? 他不是说真的吧-What? -Moving buddy? You can't be serious.我不知道我们要搬家了I didn't know we were supposed to have one already.-要拉小手吗-Do we have to hold hands?你们以为我在跟你们开玩笑You guys think this is a big joke.我们只剩下一个礼拜的时间就要搬家了We've only got one week left before the move.我不希望任何玩具被丢下来两个人一组I don't want any toys left behind. A moving buddy.如果还没有去找一个来If you don't have one, get one!好了接下来...对了All right, next. Uh, oh, yes.星期二晚上我们开的塑胶老化大会Tuesday night's plastic corrosion awareness meeting...我认为呢非常的成功was, I think, a big success.我们要感谢拼字先生为我们所做的一切And we wanna thank Mr. Spell for putting that on for us.-谢谢你拼字先生 -不客气-Thank you, Mr. Spell. -You're welcome.好了对了还有一件小事Okay. Uh, oh, yes. One, uh, minor note here.安弟的生日派对改到今天晚上Andy's birthday party has been moved to today.-等一下-Wait a minute here!什么怎么会改成今天呢下个礼拜才是他的生日啊What do you mean the party's today? His birthday's not till next week!是安弟的妈咪她丢了珠宝发疯了吗What's goin' on down there? Is his mom losin' her marbles?很显然安弟的妈咪希望在搬家之前开一个派对Well, obviously she wanted to have the party before the move.-我不担心你们也不需要担心啊-I'm not worried. You shouldn't be worried.-胡迪当然不担心了-Of course Woody ain't worried.安弟从幼稚园开始就最喜欢他了He's been Andy's favorite since kindergarten.拜托蛋头先生Hey, hey. Come on, Potato Head.如果胡迪说不用担心那么我绝对不会担心If Woody says it's all right, then, well, darn it, it's good enough for me.胡迪以前从来没有弄错过Woody has never steered us wrong before.好了各位每年圣诞节跟生日都得来这么一次Come on, guys. Every Christmas and birthday we go through this.但是如果安弟有了新恐龙呢很凶的那一种But what if Andy gets another dinosaur, a mean one?我想我是绝对受不了被抛弃的打击I just don't think I could take that kind of rejection!听着没有人可以取代我们Hey, listen, no one's getting replaced.我们讨论的重点是安弟This is Andy we're talking about.我们被安弟玩了多少次并不重要It doesn't matter how much we're played with.重要的是安弟需要我们的时候我们就在他身边What matters is that we're here for Andy when he needs us.那才是我们做玩具的目的对吧That's what we're made for, right?对不起我很不想打断会议但是... 他们来了Pardon me. I hate to break up the staff meeting, but... they're here!客人在三点钟方向Birthday guests at three o'clock!-保持冷静-Stay calm, everyone!嘿Hey!-会议结束-Uh, meeting adjourned.老天你们看到那些礼物没有Ho, boy! Will you take a look at all those presents?我什么都看不到I can't see a thing.我们绝对会是下个月车库拍卖的货品了Yes, sir, we're next month's garage sale fodder for sure.-有没有恐龙形状的礼物啊-Any dinosaur-shaped ones?-拜托礼物都在盒子里白痴-Oh, for crying out loud. They're all in boxes, you idiot.礼物越来越大了They're getting bigger.-等一等那里有个小件的-Wait, there's a nice little one over there. -Hi!-写着:垃圾罐 -我们完了-Spell: trash can. -We're doomed!好好All right! All right!如果我派部队出去的话你们能安静下来吗If I send out the troops, will you all calm down?-能能我们能 -好省省电池-Yes! Yes! We promise! -Okay! Save your batteries.帅胡迪这一招真有效Very good, Woody. That's using the old noodle.队长请立刻派侦察队到楼下去紧急状况Sergeant, establish a recon post downstairs. Code Red!-该怎么做你知道的 -是长官-You know what to do. -Yes, sir!好了各位你们都听到了紧急状况All right, men. You heard him. Code Red!重覆紧急状况侦察计划开始执行Repeat, we are at Code Red. Recon plan Charlie. Execute!快Let's move! Move, move, move, move!-是-Yeah!-好了小朋友们-Okay, come on, kids.所有的人都到客厅来要拆礼物了Everyone in the living room. It's almost time for the presents.让开让开All right, gangway, gangway.有个这个我们就可以知道And this is how we find out...那些礼物是什么了what is in those presents.好了谁的肚子饿了Okay, who's hungry?洋芋片在这里Here come the chips!有原味还有烤肉口味的I've got Cool Ranch and barbecue! Ow!怎么搞的What in the world... Oh!-我还以为他收拾干净了呢-I thought I told him to pick these up.他们不是该到了吗怎么那么久Shouldn't they be there by now? What's taking them so long?他们可是训练有素是最棒的Hey, these guys are professionals. They're the best.别急嘛马上就会有消息了Come on! They're not lying down on the job.走吧别管我了快走吧G-G-Go on without me! J-Just go!一个好军人绝对不会丢下战友的A good soldier never leaves a man behind.-好了小朋友来...-Okay, everybody, come on.每个人都坐下来Everybody settle down. Now, kids. Everybody.好小朋友快过来围成圈圈坐下来You sit in a circle. No, Andy. Andy, you sit in the middle there.-很好好你第一个想拆哪一个礼物呢-Good. And.. Which present are you gonna open first?-我的 -他们在那儿-Mine! -There they are.鸟妈妈请回答这里是勇敢一号Come in, Mother Bird. This is Alpha Bravo.-鸟妈妈请回答 -有了有了安静...-This is it! This is it! Quiet, quiet, quiet! -Come in, Mother Bird.好了安弟现在在拆第一个礼物了Andy's opening the first present now.蛋头太太蛋头太太...Mrs. Potato Head! Mrs. Potato Head! Mrs. Potato Head!作梦犯法啦Hey, I can dream, can't I?蝴蝶结开了他正在拆包装纸The bow's coming off. He's ripping the wrapping paper.那是...那... 那是一个便当盒It's a.. It's.. It's a.. a lunch box.-那是一个便当盒 -便当盒?-We've got a lunch box here. -A lunch box?-便当盒? -用来吃午饭的-Lunch box? -For lunch.好了第二个礼物那看起来是...Okay, second present. It appears to be...-一件床单 -那孩子谁请的呀-Okay, it's bed sheets. -Who invited that kid?只剩一个了Oh! Only one left.-好接着是最后一个礼物了最后一个了-Okay, we're on the last present now. -Last present!这个礼物很大那是...It's a big one. It's a...-那是棋盘游戏重覆是海战棋-It's a board game! Repeat, Battleship! -Whew!-好耶-Hallelujah!-好耶 -小心一点-Yeah! All right! -Hey, watch it!对不起蛋头老兄Sorry there, old spud head.任务完成了干得好收工了我们回家去Mission accomplished. Well done, men. Pack it up. We're goin' home.我怎么说的没错吧So did I tell ya? Huh? Nothin' to worry about.我早就知道你是对胡迪我从来没有怀疑过你I knew you were right all along, Woody. Never doubted ya for a second.等一下Wait a minute. Oh!-这个是什么啊 -等一下再把对讲打开-What do we have here? -Wait! Turn that thing back on!鸟妈妈请回答鸟妈妈请回答Come in, Mother Bird! Come in, Mother Bird!妈咪从柜子里拿出礼物Mom has pulled a surprise present from the closet.安弟正在拆他看到这个礼物很兴奋Andy's opening it. He's really excited about this one.-妈咪这是什么 -是个很大的盒子-Mom, what is it? -It's a huge package.等一下有一个孩子挡住我的视线我看不见Oh, get outta the... One of the kids is in the way. I can't see.-那...那是... -哇-It's a... -Wow!-那是什么啊? 是什么啊?-It's a what? What is it?-不 -大笨蜥蜴-Oh, no! -Oh, ya big lizard!-我们永远不知道那是什么了 -看你干得好事-Now we'll never know what it is! -Way to go, Rex!-不对不对转过去转过去-No, no! Turn him around! Turn him around!-不对不对放反了-He's puttin' 'em in backwa-你们把它们放反了Here, you're puttin' 'em in backwards!正是阳极负是阴极我来吧Plus is positive, minus is negative! Oh, let me!-到我的房间来玩-Let's go to my room, guys!紧急状况紧急状况安弟要上楼了Red alert! Red alert! Andy is coming upstairs!-那边 -儿童入侵-There! -Juvenile intrusion!重覆立刻回到自己岗位上Repeat, resume your positions now!安弟来了快回到自己的位置上Andy's coming! Everybody, back to your places! Hurry!快回到自己的位置Get to your places! Get to your places!-我的耳朵我的耳朵呢有谁看到我的耳朵-Where's my ear? Who's seen my ear? Did you see my ear?让开让开我来了我来了Out of my way! Here I come! Here I come! 看他的雷射亮了帮我拿一下Hey, look, its lasers light up. Take that, Zurg!就摆这里这里是太空船降落的地方Quick, make a space. This is where the spaceship lands.他还是空手道高手呢And he does it like that. And he does a karate chop action!小朋友下来吧玩游戏啰我们有奖品哦Come on down, guys! It's time for games!-什么东西 -你看得到吗-What is it? -Can you see it?-在那上面的东西是什么 -胡迪谁跟你在上面啊-What the heck is up there? -Woody, who's up there with ya?-胡迪-Woody?-你在床底下干什么啊 -没什么没什么-What are you doing under the bed? -Uh, nothin'. Uh, nothin'.我想安弟有一点太兴奋了I'm sure Andy was just a little excited, that's all.大概是吃太多冰淇淋跟蛋糕了那只是个意外Too much cake and ice cream, I suppose. It's just a mistake!那个意外正坐在你的地盘上胡迪Well, that mistake is sitting in your spot, Woody.你被人取代了 -我刚刚怎么告诉你的Have you been replaced? -What did I tell you earlier?没有人可以取代我们No one is getting replaced好了不管那上面是什么我们都要给他来一个...Now, let's all be polite and give whatever it is up there...礼貌的温和的安弟房间式的欢迎a nice, big Andy's-room welcome.巴斯光年呼叫星际总部听到请回答-Buzz Lightyear to Star Command.星级总部请回答Come in, Star Command.星际总部听到没有请回答-Star Command, come in. Do you read me?他们为什么不回答我的船Why don't they answer? My ship!天哪要好久才能修好Blast! This'll take weeks to repair.巴斯光年任务日志星际日期四○七二年Buzz Lightyear mission log, stardate 4-0-7-2.我的太空船在第十二区脱离轨道My ship has run off course en route to sector 12.我坠落在一个奇怪的星球I've crash-landed on a strange planet.一定是这种撞击使我醒来The impact must've awoken me from hypersleep.这地形似乎有点不稳定Terrain seems a bit unstable.目前还没有能不能呼吸空气的读数No readout yet if the air is breathable.而且也看不出来有智慧型生命的迹象And there seems to be no sign of intelligent life anywhere.-你好-Hello! 等等...Whoa! H-Hey! Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!-我吓到你了吗我不是故意的-Did I frighten you? Didn't mean to.-抱歉你好我叫胡迪-Sorry. Howdy. My name is Woody.而这里呢是安弟的房间And this is Andy's room.对不起打搅你了请恕我直言That's all I wanted to say.我还有一点点小问题And also, there has been a bit of a mix-up.这里是我的地盘而这张床...This is my spot, see, the bed here.此地的执法人员你早该来了Local law enforcement. It's about time you got here.我是巴斯光年保护宇宙小组的太空骑警I'm Buzz Lightyear, Space Ranger, Universe Protection Unit.我的太空船意外坠机了My ship has crash-landed here by mistake.是呀这是一个意外因为这张床是我的地盘Yes, it is a mistake because, you see, the bed here is my spot.我要修理我的涡轮推进器I need to repair my turbo boosters.你们现在是用化石燃料还是结晶体熔解物Do you people still use fossil fuel, or have you discovered crystallic fusion?-我想想...我们有三号电池-Well, let's see. We got double-A's.小心站住什么人Watch yourself! Halt! Who goes there?别开枪没事是朋友Don't shoot! It's okay. Friends.-你认识这些生物吗 -是他们是安弟的玩具-Do you know these life-forms? -Yes! They're Andy's toys.好了你们可以上来了All right, everyone, you're clear to come up.我是巴斯光年和平使者I am Buzz Lightyear. I come in peace.我好高兴你不是恐龙Oh, I'm so glad you're not a dinosaur!谢谢Bye, bye. Thank you!谢谢你们热情的欢迎Now, thank you all for your kind welcome!-那个按钮是干什么的 -我来示范-Say, what's that button do? -I'll show you.-巴斯光年拯救宇宙Buzz Lightyear to the rescue! -Oh!胡迪也有那样的东西他的是拉线的Hey, Woody's got something like that. His is a pull string.-只是... -只是听起来像被车子压过-Only it's... -Only it sounds like a car ran over it.对不像这个这个是高品质声音系统Oh, yeah, but not like this. This is a quality sound system.配线可能是铜线哦Probably all copper wiring, huh?对了你从哪里来的新加坡? 香港?So, uh, where you from? Singapore? Hong Kong? 不事实上我是驻扎在第四区域的珈玛象限Well, no. Actually, I-I'm stationed up in the Gamma Quadrant of Sector Four.我是宇宙保护小组太空警备队的队员As a member of the elite Universe Protection Unit of the Space Ranger Corps,我保护我们的星际I protect the galaxy from the threat of invasion...免于受到星际联盟头号大敌邪恶皇帝查克的入侵from the evil Emperor Zurg, sworn enemy of the Galactic Alliance.是吗? 我来自儿乐宝Oh, really? I'm from Playskool.而我来自美泰儿其实我并不是来自美泰儿And I'm from Mattel. Well, I'm not really from Mattel.我是来自比较小的公司I'm actually from a smaller company结果被美泰儿收购了我想...that was purchased in a leveraged buyout.一群土包子没看过新玩具You'd think they'd never seen a new toy before.是你看看他Well, sure. Look at him.身上的小东西比瑞士刀还要多呢He's got more gadgets on him than a Swiss Army knife.-小心点-Ah, ah, ah, ah! Please be careful.被我雷射击中可不是好玩的You don't want to be in the way when my laser goes off.雷射你怎么会没有雷射呢? 胡迪Hey, a laser! How come you don't have a laser, Woody?那不是雷射那只是会闪的灯泡It's not a laser! It's a.. It's a little light bulb that blinks.-他怎么了 -嫉妒雷射-What's with him? -Laser envy.好了够了All right, that's enough!-我们对安弟的新玩具都印象深刻 -玩具?-Look, we're all very impressed with Andy's new toy. -Toy?玩具T-O-Y. Toy!对不起我想你用的字应该是太空骑警Excuse me, l-l think the word you're searching for is "Space Ranger."我想要用的字现在不能说The word I'm searching for I can't say因为有学龄前的玩具在场because there's preschool toys present.你有点紧张了吧Gettin' kinda tense, aren't ya?巴斯先生我很好奇Uh, Mr. Lightyear, uh, now, I'm curious.一个太空骑警都做些什么呢What does a Space Ranger actually do?他不是太空骑警He's not a Space Ranger!他不会打击邪恶发射雷射也不会飞 -打个岔-He doesn't fight evil or, or shoot lasers or fly! -Excuse me.-了不起的翅膀了不起-Ooh! -Oh, impressive wingspan! Very good!什么什么嘛这些是塑胶他不会飞Oh, what? What? These are plastic. He can't fly!这是碳化合金而且我的确会飞They are a terillium-carbonic alloy, and I can fly.-不你不会 -会我会-No, you can't. -Yes, lean.-你不会 -会-You can't. -Can.-不会不会不会-Can't. Can't. Can't!-就算我闭着眼睛也可以飞遍整个房间-I tell you, I could fly around this room with my eyes closed!-好啊泡泡头先生证明一下 -那好吧-Okay, then, Mr. Light Beer, prove it. -All right, then, I will.各位请退后Stand back, everyone!飞向宇宙浩瀚无垠To infinity and beyond!-我会飞-Can! -Whoa!-你飞得可真壮观-Oh, wow, you flew magnificently!-我找到搬家的伙伴了 -谢谢谢谢你们谢谢-I found my movin' buddy. -Thank you. Th-Thank you all. Thank you.那不叫飞行那只是花拳绣腿That wasn't flying! That was... falling with style.小妞们一定迷死你了教教我好吗Man, the dolls must really go for you. Can you teach me that?刚刚那一招真是太酷了 -闭嘴Golly bob howdy! -Oh, shut up!再过几天You know, in a couple of days,这里就会恢复老样子了等着瞧吧everything will be just the way it was. They'll see.-不信你看-They'll see.我还是安弟最爱玩具I'm still Andy's favorite toy."我现在高高在上"# I was on top of the world livin' high #"样样事都享受现成"-Whoa! -# It was right in my pocket #"我现在的光景"# I was livin' the life #"想要什么都能行"# Things were just the way they should be #"忽然间从天外飞过来"# When from out of the sky like a bomb #"一颗要爆发的炸弹"# Comes some little punk in a rocket #"从此我发现一些奇怪的事要发生"# Now all of a sudden some strange things are happening to m巴斯光年拯救宇宙Buzz Lightyear to the rescue!"奇怪"# Strange #"奇怪的事要发生"# Things are happening to me # "奇怪"# Strange #"事情"# Things #"奇怪"-# Strange # -Ha!"奇怪的事要发生"-# Things are happening to me #"这是毫无疑问的"# Ain't no doubt about it #"我曾拥有许多朋友"# I had friends I had lots of friends #"现在一个也不剩"# Now all my friends are gone #"我叫他们他们对我是冷冰冰的"# And I'm doin' the best I can #"我拥有权力"-# I had power # -# Power #"我受人尊敬"-# I was respected # -# Respected #"但如此而已"# But not anymore #"我却失去了爱"# And I've lost the love of the one #"失去朋友的情谊"# Whom I adore #"让我告诉你"# Let me tell you 'bout it Strange #"奇怪的事要发生"-# Things are happenin' to me #"奇怪"# Strange #"事情"# Things #"奇怪"# Strange #"奇怪的事要发生"# Things are happen in'"这是毫无疑问的"# Ain't no doubt about it #"奇怪"# Strange #"事情"# Things #"奇怪"# Strange #"事情"-# Things #终于Finally!我的帽子在哪里啊Hey, who's got my hat?大家好我是胡迪大家好大家好Look, I'm Woody! Howdy, howdy, howdy!还给我Ah-ha! Ah-ha, ha, ha! Gimme that!抱抱龙弹簧狗给你们看样东西Say there, Lizard and Stretchy Dog, let me show you something.我好像被你们给同化了It looks as though I've been accepted into your culture.-你们老大安弟把他的名字刻在我身上-Your chief, Andy, inscribed his name on me. -Wow!还用奇异笔耶With permanent ink too!好了我要回去修我的船了Well, I must get back to repairing my ship. 胡迪不要让他影响到你Don't let it get to you, Woody.-你说什么 -什么意思谁?Uh... let what? I don't, uh- What do you mean? Who?我知道安弟他很喜欢巴斯I know Andy's excited about Buzz.但是你在他的心目当中一直占有一席之地的But you know he'll always have a special place for you.-是啊是块畸零地 -好了我受够了-Yeah, like the attic. -All right, that's it!-单向的细长连结带-Hmm. Unidirectional bonding strip.巴斯先生他要胶带Mr. Lightyear wants more tape.嗯?Hmm?听着泡泡头你最好离安弟远一点Listen, Light Snack, you stay away from Andy.他是我的没有人可以拆散他跟我He's mine, and no one is taking him away from me.-你到底在说什么啊我的连结带呢-What are you talking about? Where's that bonding strip?还有一件事从现在开始少再说什么太空的事And another thing: Stop with this spaceman thing!-那快把我逼疯了-It's getting on my nerves!-不高兴可以向星际总部申诉啊-Are you saying you wanna lodge acomplaint with Star Command?好我看你是敬酒不吃吃罚酒Oh-ho, okay! Ooh, well, so you wanna do it the hard way, huh?-警长不要无理取闹 -是吗? 硬汉-Don't even think about it, cowboy. -Oh, yeah, tough guy?这空气没有毒嘛The air isn't...toxic.你怎么可以在一个不知名的星球上How dare you open a spaceman's helmet on an uncharted planet!打开我的头盔我的眼球很可能被吸出去的My eyeballs could've been sucked from their sockets!你真的以为你就是那个太空人巴斯光年吗You actually think you're the Buzz Lightyear?我一直以为你是个冒牌货Oh, all this time I thought it was an act!各位快看这是真的巴斯光年Hey, guys, look! It's the real Buzz Lightyear!你在讽刺我You're mocking me, aren't you?不... 巴斯有外星人Oh, no, no. No, no, no, no, no. Buzz, look, an alien!-在哪?-Where?好耶Yes!-哎呦-Whoa! -Uh-oh.-是阿薛 -不准动-It's Sid! -Don't move! -我还以为他去夏令营呢-I thought he was at summer camp.-他一定是被踢出来了-They must've kicked him out early this year.-不对不是阿薛-Oh, no, not Sid!-进来了-Incoming!-这回又是谁啊-Who is it this time?-我...我看不清楚是谁雷尼呢-I...I can't...I can't tell. Hey, where's Lenny?-我在这儿胡迪 -不我受不了残忍的画面-Right here, Woody. -Oh, no, I can't bear to watch one of these again.天哪是战斗兵卡尔Oh, no, it's a Combat Carl.-怎么回事啊-What's going on?-这不关你们太空人的事是我们玩具自己的事-Nothing that concerns you spacemen; just us toys.最好让我看一看I'd better take a look anyway.-那个阿兵哥为什么绑着爆炸装置-Why is that soldier strapped to an explosive device?因为那个...阿薛That's why: Sid.-他的毛还真多-Hmm, sure is a hairy fellow.不是那是阿德白痴No, no, that's Scud, you idiot.-他才是阿薛-That is Sid.-那个天真的小孩 -他才不天真呢-You mean that happy child? -That ain't no happy child.折磨那些玩具是他的最爱He tortures toys, just for fun!我看我们必须想个办法吧Well, then we've got to do something.你在干什么快下来What are you doing? Get down from there!-我要给那孩子一个教训 -是啊好尽管去-I'm gonna teach that boy a lesson. -Yeah, sure. You go ahead.-用你吓人的雷射溶化他-Melt him with your scary laser.小心别乱碰那是非常危险的Be careful with that! It's extremely dangerous.点火了他点火了He's lighting it! He's lighting it! Hit the dirt!-趴下-Lookout!-好耶死了他死了-Yes! He's gone! He's history!-我本来可以阻止他-Whoo! -I could've stopped him.巴斯我是很想领教你的本事Buzz, I would love to see you try.更想看看你是怎么去当烈士Of course, I'd love to see you as a crater.-真希望立刻就能搬家-The sooner we move, the better.好耶Yeah!飞向浩瀚宇宙To infinity and beyond!打包完了肚子好饿哦All this packing makes me hungry.-我们的晚餐就去...比萨星球吧-What would you say to dinner at, oh, Pizza Planet?-比萨星球哦酷-Pizza Planet? Oh, cool!去洗手我替茉莉换衣服Go wash your hands, and I'll get Molly ready.我可以带玩具去吗你只能带一个玩具-Can I bring some toys? -You can bring one toy.-只能带一个啊 -一个玩具?-Just one? -One toy?-嗯-Hmm.-安弟会选我吗-Will Andy pick me?别作梦了"Don't count on it"?嗯Mmm!巴斯巴斯巴斯光年Buzz! Oh, Buzz! Buzz Lightyear.巴斯光年老天爷我们有麻烦了Buzz Lightyear, thank goodness. We've got trouble!-麻烦在哪儿 -下面就在下面-Trouble? Where? -Down there. Just down there.一个无助的玩具它被困住了A helpless toy, it's.. it's trapped,。

想 情 感 ,从 而 反 映 出 在 一 定 的 社 会 文 化 背 景 中 , 人 们 所 具
的影片 。例 如 ,在 折视野大学英 语 ・ 读 写 教程 2 = 》 中有篇
课 文题 为 A T e s t o fT r u e L o v e 。 _ ’ 这 篇 文 章 的 主 题 是 爱 的
理想信念 、和价值 取 向的影片 ,这 既 帮助学 生正确 地 了解 英 语 国家文化 ,也 有利 于他们身 心 的健 康 发展 。同时 ,也
应绝对避 免使用有 犯 罪 、色情 、暴力 、血腥 、恐 怖等 镜头
电影 ,作为一种 视 听艺术 ,与文 化息 息相关 。它通过
定 的艺术形象 ,表 达 了在一 定 的社 会背 景之下人 们 的思
交 际 能 力 。所 以 笔 者 认 为 ,在 实 践 中 ,教 师 需 要 把 握 好 以
下几 条 基 本 原 则 。
对信息 的理解 ,也就是通 过 吸收可理 解的输 入 习得语 言知
识。 C 3 ]所 以 ,在教 学过程 中 ,教师应 根 据教学 目的 ,结
合课 文 内 容 或 主 题 ,挑 选 适 合 学 生 当 下 的 英 语 水 平 和 综 合
有的独特 的民族 品质和精 神 。英 语 电影通 过一定历 史和社 会背景下 的人物关 系 ,折 射 出英语 国家社 会文化 生活 的方 方面面 ,如历史 、地理 、风俗传统 、社交生 活 、经济状况 、
考验 ,主要 讲述 了一位 士兵是如 何经受 并通 过 了一位 从未
谋面却 与之心灵 相通 的美丽女 子的爱 的考验 。在讲 述该 篇 课文后 ,教师 可以选择让学生观看 《 魂断蓝 桥》 ( Wa t e d o o B  ̄ ' d g e ) 。一 方 面 ,该影 片 描述 的是 一个 凄 美 的爱情 故 事 ,
未来小子看电影学英语剧本中英台词word格式(排版好 可打印)

片名:《拜见罗宾逊一家》Meet The Robinsons我没有选那个因为那个会让我起疙瘩Then I didn't choose that one because it was gonna give me pimples,于是我挑了另外一个比较恐怖的so I choosed another scary one因为根据我多年参加万圣节前夕的经验because, for all those years that I went for Halloween,我是比较大胆的I wasn't scary at all.我特爱棒球我生下来就是要去打棒球的I love baseball. It's my destiny to play that game.其实我不真的那么在乎输赢I don't really care about winning.不过现在我挺在乎的因为,呃,我们逢打必输Well, like, now I do 'cause, like, we've lost every game.我都输得麻木了I've gotten tired of it.我是那么卖力的打所有的球都扔给我I'm working, like, so hard. All the balls are getting thrown to me.我尽力去接住每一个球I'm trying to catch, like, every one.场外的观众都在看着…All of the people in the outfield are all looking around and...走吧!我们打棒球去,好不?Come on! Let's play some baseball, okay?我们需要运动别老呆在屋里Not the lazy game.他们到了They're here.刘易斯Lewis?刘易斯Lewis?顾博,嘿,我完成了我做完了Goob! Hey, I did it, Goob! I finished it!他们将会爱死这发明They are gonna love this!没有比说“收养我吧”更象古怪的发明了Nothing says "adopt me" like a weird invention.刘易斯Lewis!- 刘易斯,哈里顿夫妇到了- 我先走了,米尔德里德- Lewis, the Harringtons are here! - Way ahead of you, Mildred.等等Wait! Wait! Wait, wait, wait.记住,坐立时要挺直腰杆看着他们的眼睛Remember, sit up straight. Look them in the eye.脸带微笑让我帮你…Smile. Let's fix your...米尔德里德Mildred.好吧,好吧All right, all right, all right, all right.去向他们展现你的与众不同…Go show them how special you are.噢,希望这次能够成功Oh, I hope this is it.我希望他能被收养I hope he gets adopted.还有我也希望,头头You and me both, chief.我是指这个世界上太多东西能够改进I mean, there's so many things in the worldthat can be improved.想象一下活动式人行道,气垫汽车Just think of it. Moving sidewalks, flying cars. 只有想不到,没有做不到的The possibilities are endless.气垫汽车?嘿,我喜欢这个Flying cars? Yeah, that's a good one.只要少少的想象再加上一点点的科学All it takes is some imagination and a little science,我们就能让这个世界变得更美好and we can make the world a better place. 呃,这些主意非常有趣Well, these are all interesting ideas.那么你最喜爱的运动是什么?So, what's your favourite sport?- 发明创造算不算一种运动?- 事实上…- Well, does inventing count as a sport? - Actually...因为当我发明了这个我好像打了个本垒打'Cause I think I hit a home run with this one! - 那是啥玩艺?- 首先,得问个问题- What is that? - First, a question.当你用花生酱和果子冻做三文治的时候What's the number one problem that you face你面对的头号难题是什么?when you make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich?- 刘易斯,我不想…- 搭配比例控制- Lewis, I don't think we... - Portion control.太多花生酱黏住口腔顶部Too much peanut butter sticks to the roof of your mouth,引起咀嚼困难takes forever to chew.太多果子冻从三文治边上挤出来弄得双手黏糊糊的Too much jelly squishes out the sides and makes your hands all sticky.我认为花生酱和果子冻的最佳搭配Well, I propose that the perfect P.B. and J.是人们随手可得的is within mankind's grasp,为此我发明了这部机器and I've built this machine to achieve it.在这次演示中我使用普通的面包For this demonstration, I'll use regular bread.亲爱的,没事的Honey, it's okay.正如您所看到的面包并不需要烤过As you can see, toasting is an option.我们并不吃花生酱We don't usually eat peanut butter.刘易斯,真的不需要演示了Lewis, this is really not necessary.被堵住了It's jammed!刘易斯,求你不要做了Lewis, please, don't!怎么回事?What's happening?哈里顿先生对花生过敏!Mr Harrington has a peanut allergy!真对不起!I'm sorry!让我帮你弄掉那些花生酱!Here let me help you get that off!靠后站!Stand back!- 他会没事吗?- 深呼吸,深呼吸- Is he gonna be okay? - Breathe. Breathe.真对不起,我不知道!I'm so sorry! I didn't know!认识你真高兴It was really nice to meet you.我们需要一点时间考虑We're gonna need some time to think about it.嗨,一切还好吗…Hi, folks. Everything all...发生什么事了?What happened?达夫小姐那小孩对我们绝对不合适Miss Duffy, that boy is definitely not right for us.现在我们告辞了Now, if you'll excuse me.我对发生这一切感到很抱歉如果你们…I'm so sorry about this. If you would just...- 我做好午饭了- 我不饿- I made some lunch. - Not hungry.可怜的哈里顿先生Poor Mr Harrington.- 我杀死他了?- 没有,没有,你没有杀死他- I killed him? - No. No! No, you didn't kill him. 我给他打电话了,他完全没事了I called. He's perfectly fine.我只是想说I was just gonna say that it's...他没有尝试一下It's too bad he didn't get to try a sandwich你的天才发明做的三文治真是太可惜了from that wonderful invention of yours.- 对,真的太可惜了- 这不是你的错- Yeah, real wonderful. - It's not you.我们只是还没有找到合适的夫妇罢了We just haven't found the right couple yet. 一百二十四One hundred twenty-four.什么?What?那是领养面试次数我一共面试了124次That's how many adoption interviews I've had, 124.噢,刘易斯,算了吧Oh, Lewis, come on, now.你也太夸张了为了说明你You're exaggerating just to make your是对的point.另外,我明年13岁了Plus, I'm gonna be 13 next year,你知道一个少年被领养会有多困难and you know how hard it is for a teenager to get adopted.我没有未来没有人想收养我I have no future. No one wants me.那不是真的,刘易斯!That's not true, Lewis!我亲生母亲都不想要我My own mother didn't even want me.好了,够了,你并不知道那原因Now, stop it. You do not know that.那么她为什么放弃我?Then why'd she give me up?她或许没有能力养大你She may not have been able to take care of you.你有没有想过这点?Did you ever think of that?我肯定她所考虑的是什么是对你最好的I am sure that she was only thinking about what was best for you.我从没有从那方面去想I never thought of it that way.或许她想养育你但她没有能力Maybe she wanted to keep you, but she had no choice.你所得对You're right.我亲生妈妈才是唯一想要我的人My real mom is the only person who's ever wanted me.慢着,我是说“或许”Wait. I said "maybe."如果她那时要我现在她也会要我And if she wanted me then, she'll want me now.你在说些什么呀?What are you talking about?我要去找她,米尔德里德如果我找到她,她就会要回我I have to find her, Mildred, and when I do, she'll take me back,我们一家人又再重聚了and we'll be a family again!哦,刘易斯,你不能找到她的Whoa, whoa, whoa! Lewis, you can't do that.没有人知道她的任何消息没有人曾经见过她No one knows anything about her. No one even saw her.不对,我看见她了Wrong. I saw her一次once.她就在我的脑海里我只需要记起来She's in here. I just have to remember.就这么定了That's it!您好Hello 我要告诉你一些事情I got something to tell you一些不可思议的事情But it's crazy我要给你看一些东西I got something to show you所以请再次给我一次机会So give me just one more chance再多一瞥,我对你印象更深刻One more glance And I will make of you有一个信仰者Another believer你估不到吧?你获得的比你索求的还多Guess what? You got more than you bargained太神奇了吧?Ain't it crazy?你买到的比你支付的还多You got more than you paid for所以请再次给我一次机会So give me just one more chance再多一瞥One more glance再多一只手去牵One more hand to hold你已经在我脑海里You've been on my mind虽说看似戏谑Though it may seem I'm fooling浪费大量时间Wasted so much time虽说看似戏谑Though it may seem I'm fooling我们将怎么办?What are we gonna do?我们将怎么办?What are we gonna do?我们将怎么办?What are we gonna do about it?你已经在我脑海里You've been on my mind再给一次机会One more chance浪费大量时间Wasted so much time再给一次机会One more chance累坏了So tired.我们下午两点见你要来他会很高兴的We'll see you at 2:00 this afternoon. He'll be so excited you're coming.再见了Bye-bye, now.好极了!嘿,顾博…呃,是迈克尔Yes! Hey, Goob... I mean, Michael.- 祝你今天的大赛好运!- 轻而易举的事情- Good luck at the big game today. - Easy win. 对方是一群乌合之众Those guys are a bunch of bums.我只希望我不要睡着了I just hope I can stay awake.不要告诉我,让我猜猜Don't tell me. Let me guess.他整晚没睡一直在搞他那该死的发明He was up all night working on his stupid project,但是我早就有心理准备了but that's what happens当你有这么一个科学怪人做室友when you get a science geek for a roommate. 哈,真是好人Ah, that's good joe.好了,爱恩斯坦你该去为迈克尔加油All right, Einstein, you owe Michael big time.把脑海里的秘密打开需要的时间要比我预期的长Well, unlocking the secrets of the brain took a lot longer than I expected,但是已经完成了,米尔德里德我再校准了耳机but it's finished, Mildred. I recalibrated the headset.现在神经中枢的线路将会接通Now the neural circuits will connect.我破解了脑内的海马状突起(在泛记过程中起主要作用)I've cracked the hippocampus!真的吗?好的,什么?Really? Okay. What?现在开始测试Now to test it out.噢,我要迟到了,我得走了!Oh, no! I'm late! I gotta go!等一下,刘易斯,等一下Wait a minute, Lewis. Wait a minute.我差点忘了我到这的目的I almost forgot what I came up here for.我知道你今天有很多事情要做I know you have a lot on your plate today,但我已经为你安排了一次会面在下午but I've scheduled an interview for you this afternoon.- 不,谢谢- “不,谢谢”?什么意思?- No, thanks. - "No, thanks"?宝贝,这是关乎你被收养的大事Sweetheart, this is about being adopted,你得回来这里而且要干净,高兴还有准时and you will be back here clean, happy and ontime.我不再去会面了,米尔德里德我不要再被拒绝了I'm done with interviews, Mildred. I'm not gonna be rejected anymore.听着,我知道你的想法但我还是要提醒你Listen, I know where your head is, but I'm telling you,你得忘记过去展望未来you have got to get out of the past and look to the future.我有,这就是了I am, and this is it.这就是我的未来This is my future.对不起I'm sorry.刘易斯?宝贝?Lewis? Honey?克伦克霍恩博士我知道你在发明谷实验室Dr Krunklehorn, I know you're very busy there忙得不可开交at Inventco Labs,我们非常荣幸能邀请到您担任裁判and we're just so excited to have you as a judge.非常乐意帮忙,威勒斯坦先生嘿,你可能还不知道It's my pleasure, Mr Willerstein. Hey, you never know.你的一位学生可能发明了下一代的集成电路One of your students may invent the next integrated circuit或者微处理器或者集成电路or microprocessor or integrated circuit.噢,慢着我已经提过集成电路了Oh, wait! I said that already. 我很少离开那实验室Well, I just don't get out of that lab very much.那是蝴蝶结吗?我喜欢蝴蝶结Is that a bow tie? I like bow ties.我有八天没有睡了I haven't slept in eight days!那么需要我帮你找张简易床或其他什么的?Well, then can I get you a cot or something?不需要,我已经打过咖啡因补丁这是我的发明Nope, I've got the caffeine patch. It's my invention.每个补丁相当于12杯咖啡Each patch is the equivalent of 12 cups of coffee.你能够保持清醒数天而没有任何副作用You can stay awake for days with no side effects.对不起,她是谁?Sorry. Who's this?她是我的学生斯坦利·普郭斯基This is one of our students, Stanley Pukowski. 噢,太可爱了Oh, so cute!我真想咬一口他那胖胖的小脸颊!I just want to bite his chubby little cheeks!衣服上的是什么,普郭斯基?What's with the dress, Pukowski?事实上这是宽外袍,先生It's actually a toga, sir.教练,见到你真高兴,有那么一点点你在这干什么?Coach, nice to see you, sort of. What are you doing here?当科学展览的裁判啊我看起来还会做什么?Judging a science fair. What's it look like I'mdoing?什么让您觉得您够资格当科学展的裁判的?And what makes you qualified to judge a science fair?这是我的地盘It's my gym.斯坦利火山爆发吧Stanley. Volcano.见证维苏威火山(欧洲唯一活火山)的神奇力量吧Behold the awesome power of Mount Vesuvius!触发器不工作The toggle switch isn't toggling.克伦克霍恩博士?Dr Krunklehorn?钡,钴(化学元素)爱恩斯坦,调味剂Barium, cobalt, Einstein, Kool-Aid!我不知道她刚才在说什么但这项目不通过!I don't know what she just said, but this project is unacceptable!现在给我环绕体育馆跑20个圈!Now, give me 20 laps around the gym!快跑!快跑!快跑!快!快!快!Move it! Move it! Move it! Go! Go! Go!- 教练- 我在看着你- Coach! - I'm watching you.好了,下一位是莉兹和她的火蚁(南美一种杂食性蚂蚁)养殖场Okay, next up is Lizzy and her fire ant farm.没错That's right.莉兹,我们谈论过这火蚁Lizzy, we talked about the fire ants.你知道他们会咬人You know that they have a tendency to bite people.他们只咬我的敌人Only my enemies.不要停,好不?莉兹,你是最棒的Just keep moving, shall we? Top notch, Lizzy!我们还是不要惹她生气或者有任何引起她不安的举动Let's not anger her or make her jumpy in any way.这里不安全,进来This area's not secure. Get in.有没有一个戴圆顶硬礼帽的高个子男人靠近你?Have you been approached by a tall man in a bowler hat?- 什么?- 嘿,嘿,在这我来问问题- What? - Hey, hey, I'll ask the questions here. - 好吧,再见- 好吧- Okay, goodbye. - All right,本不想以大欺小这是你逼我的didn't want to pull rank on you, but you forced my hand.T.C.T.F的特别探员威尔伯·罗宾逊Special Agent Wilbur Robinson of the T.C.T.F. - T.C.T.F是什么来着?- 时光统一体机动部队- The what? - Time Continuum Task Force.- 我是来保护你的- 呃…- I'm here to protect you. - Well...现在请回答,有没有戴圆顶硬礼帽的高个子男人靠近你?Now, tall man, bowler hat, approached you? 没有,为什么?No, why?我会因为这而丢掉工作的I could lose my badge for this.他是一宗抢劫案的嫌疑犯He's a suspect in a robbery.他偷了什么了?What did he steal?- 一部时光机器- 一部什么?- A time machine. - A what?我一直追踪他到了这个时光点我的线人说他在找你I've tracked him to this time, and my informants say he's after you.找我?为什么找我?Me? Why me?在HQ的小伙子还没有找到他的动机The boys back at HQ haven't figured out a motive yet.我说的“HQ”是指总部的意思And by "HQ," I mean "headquarters."我知道HQ是什么意思I know what HQ means.很好,你是个聪明的孩子Good. You're a smart kid.这或许能让你活着到目前为止That might keep you alive, for now.只是有点担心你那小发明Just worry about your little science gizmo让我来当那个“perp”(罪人)and leave the "perp" to me.- 我说的“perp”是指…- 我知道那是什么意思!- And by "perp," I mean... - I know what it means!好吧,了不起先生Okay, Mr Smarty-pants.戴圆顶硬礼帽的人!Bowler Hat Guy!我的青蛙!My frogs!这下你可逃不掉了You're not gonna get away with it, 带着科学展品的小孩kid with science project.靓仔,你差点打烂了我的太阳能系统!Dude, you almost busted my solar system!我的青蛙!他们跑掉了!My frogs! They're getting away!抓到你了!这是最后一只Got you! That's the last of them.讨厌的小女孩我可没有时间抓青蛙Annoying little girl, I don't have time for this.我正在执行重要的…I'm on a very important...对本小姐休得无礼,孩子我会日本空手道Don't sass me, boy. I know karate.加油,普郭斯基!小小的苦楚相当于激励!Come on, Pukowski! Feel the pain! Love the pain!教练…Coach...下一个是刘易斯Next up is Lewis.对…刘易斯!失陪一下Yes... Lewis! Excuse me.刘易斯,告诉我这玩艺不会…Lewis, tell me this thing is not gonna...没事的,这次准会成功我不会让您失望的,我保证It's okay. It's gonna work this time. I won't let you down, I promise.好吧,刘易斯,我相信你给他们致命一击All right, Lewis, I trust you. Knock 'em dead.那是给大家一个惊喜的意思千万不要闹出人命来That was a figure of speech. Please don't kill anyone.好了,大家往后站Okay, stand back, everybody.下一个项目会让大家张大嘴巴合不拢This next project will knock your socks off.说真的,你可能需要站后一点Seriously, you might wanna stand back a little. 你是否曾经忘记过一些事情Have you ever forgotten something,无论你如何努力去回想就是想不起来and no matter how hard you tried, you couldn't remember it?这些被遗忘了的记忆到底去哪了?Well, what happens to these forgotten memories?我认为它们被存放在我们脑海里的某个角落I propose they're stored somewhere in your brain,我建造了一台机器可以唤醒它们and I built a machine that can retrieve them.我称它记忆扫描仪I call it the Memory Scanner.让人眼前为之一亮!It's shiny!那么,刘易斯这台记忆扫描仪的工作原理是什么?So, Lewis, how does the Memory Scanner work?首先,你在这键盘输入想扫描的时间段First, you input the desired period of time on this keypad.然后镭射扫描大脑皮层那是记忆被存放的地方Then a laser scans the cerebral cortex, where memories are stored.被提取出来的记忆会被显示在显示屏上The retrieved memory is then displayed on this monitor.把它打包起来我要两台Wrap him up. I'll take two. 现在我设定时间倒退12年零3个月11天Now, I'm going back 12 years, three months and 11 days.为什么要选这个特定的日子?Why that particular day?我没有想到我会注意到吧?You didn't think I was paying attention, did you?呃,那天是…Well, that was the day...这么说吧那天是我生命中很重要的一天Let's just say, that was a very important day in my life.比较合理开始吧Fair enough. Play ball.涡轮很快就能发动起来It'll just take a second to get the turbines going.刘易斯,慢着!Lewis, wait!她要爆发了!She's gonna blow!注意!Watch out!小小苦楚相当于激励…Feel the pain! Love the...很疼!快停止!Hurts so much! Make it stop!快停止!Make it stop!教练,你忍住,好吧?Coach, suck it up, okay?让我们处理好危机明天我们回想起也感自豪Let us conduct ourselves in a way that we'll all be proud of tomorrow.- 大家冷静!- 威勒斯坦先生?- Let's calm down! - Mr 威勒斯坦?- 我不是故意的…- 现在不是时候,刘易斯!- I didn't mean to... - Not now, Lewis!对不起,真对不起I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.现在不是道歉的时候Not now.好吧,大家冷静有秩序地Okay, and we are walking in a calm, orderly fashion走向出口toward the exits.等等,刘易斯!Wait, Lewis!来,亲爱的,我们的未来在等着呢Come, my dear. Our future awaits.嘿,你在这干嘛?Hey, what are you doing up here?你能不再扮了吗,拜托了?我知道你不是鸽子Would you quit that, please? I know you're not a pigeon.你让我暴露了You're blowing my cover.这里只有我们两个We're the only ones up here.这正是他们希望你是这样想的That's just what they want you to think.现在,那里该打扫好了Now, enough moping.把这个拿回科学展修好你的记忆扫描仪Take this back to the science fair and fix that Memory Scanner.停!停!离我远点!Stop! Stop! Get away from me!也许你忘记了Maybe you've forgotten. 我是来自未来的时光警察应该被非常严肃的对待I'm a time cop from the future, should be taken very seriously.这不是徽章That's no badge.这是皮肤晒成褐色沙龙赠券!你是个假冒的This is a coupon for a tanning salon! You're a fake.好吧,你揭穿了我我不是警察Okay, you got me. I'm not a cop,但我确实是来自未来but I really am from the future,还有确实有这么一个戴圆顶硬礼帽的家伙and there really is this Bowler Hat Guy.又来了Here we go again.他偷了一部时光机器来到了科学展He stole a time machine, came to the science fair破坏掉你的发明and ruined your project.我的发明不成功是因为我功夫不到家My project didn't work because I'm no good.没有戴圆顶硬礼帽的家伙没有时光机器There is no Bowler Hat Guy, there is no time machine,你并不是来自未来and you're not from the future!你是疯了!You're crazy!我没有发疯I am not crazy.噢,对了,时光旅行队长?证明你所说的Oh, yeah, Captain Time Travel? Prove it.对了吧,我猜对了吧你无法证明Yeah, that's what I thought.我要反锁自己在我的房间里I'm just gonna go lock myself in my room躲在掩盖物下面好几年and hide under the covers for a couple years.如果我证明我来自未来你会不会回到科学展去?If I prove to you I'm from the future, will you go back to the science fair?好,当然,你想怎样都行Yeah, sure, whatever you say.嘿,放开我Hey, let go of me!- 你在干嘛?放开我!- 好吧- What are you doing? Let go of me! - Okay.这是什么?我们要上哪去?What is this? Where are we going?去到未来!To the future!已经到达未来The future has arrived今天已经到达未来The future has arrived today已经到达未来The future has arrived今天已经到达未来The future has arrived today这个证据充足了吧?Is this proof enough for you?够充足了!Is it ever!在我一生中我从来没有想象到时光旅行会实现I never thought that time travel could be possible in my lifetime,现在就在我的眼前and here it is, right in front of me! 事实会让你相信一切老兄The truth will set you free, brother.这一切超出了我的想象This is beyond anything I could've imagined. 这意味着我完全可以改变我的生命This means I could really change my life.对,你能够That's right. You can.下一站是科学展去修好你的记忆扫描仪Next stop, science fair, to fix your Memory Scanner.嘿,我才不会去修那愚蠢的记忆扫描仪Hey, I'm not gonna fix that stupid Memory Scanner.- 什么?- 威尔伯,这是时光机器!- What? - Wilbur, this is a time machine!为什么我要去修理我那低级的发明Why should I fix my dumb invention什么时候你能带我去见我的妈妈?就用这船when you can take me to see my mom now in this ship?事实上我可以回到那个晚上制止她不要遗弃我I could actually go back to that night and stop her from giving me up.答案不是时光机器而是这个The answer is not a time machine. It's this.这个?你想知道我对这个的看法吗?This? You want to know what I think about this?你在干嘛?What are you doing?对不起,威尔伯I'm sorry, Wilbur,但你不知道我是怎样熬过来的but you don't know what I've lived through.- 刘易斯,不要!- 松手!- Lewis, no! - Let go!- 你松手!- 你不是我的老板!- You let go! - You're not the boss of me!我是的因为我13岁,你才12岁Yes, I am, 'cause you're 12, and I'm 13.我比你大That makes me older.我在过去出生Well, I was born in the past,所以我比你老,你要听我的!which makes me older and the boss of you!我完蛋了I am so dead.我不允许看一眼这玩艺更不要说驾驶它了!I'm not allowed to look at this thing, let alone drive it!爸爸,妈妈要杀了我了Mom and Dad are gonna kill me,我可以明确告诉你他们绝不会手软的and I can tell you this. It will not be done with mercy.难道没有时光机器修理店Isn't there like a time machine repair shop- 或其他类似的?- 没有- or something? - No!目前总共才有两台时光机器There's only two time machines in existence,另一台在戴圆顶硬礼帽的家伙手上and the Bowler Hat Guy has the other one!那么得找人修好它Well, somebody's gonna have to fix this.好主意你这么聪明,你来修Good idea. You're smart. You fix it.你疯了吗?我不会修这玩艺Are you crazy? I can't fix this thing. 你行的你弄坏了,你得修好Yes, you can. You broke it. You fix it.好吧,不过有个条件All right, under one condition.我修好了你带我回去见我的妈妈I fix it, you take me back to see my mom.什么?你甚至没有兑现我们上一个协议What? You didn't even follow through on our last deal.这叫我如何相信你?How can I trust you?那么你告诉我你是来自未来的时光警察Well, you told me you were a time cop from the future.这叫我如何相信你?How can I trust you?大家彼此彼此Touch?那么我们达成协议了吧?So do we have a deal?这位女士你好Good day, madam.- 我是来这改变未来的- 是的,先生?- I'm here to change the future. - Yes, sir?我需要马上跟主管谈谈I must speak with the man in charge immediately.- 是,先生- 我和命运有个约会- Yes, sir. - I have an appointment with destiny. 很好,先生我要告诉史密斯Very good, sir. I'll let Smith know,我会把你干洗好的衣服直接送回到你的套间and I'll have your dry cleaning delivered directly to your suite.- 什么?- 现在告诉我你的预约时间?- What? - Now, what time is yourappointment?- 你在问我吗?- 是的- Are you talking to me? - Yes.你的预约时间是几点?What time is your appointment?大指针在…噢,两点!Big hand is on the... Oh, 2:00!你是预约两点的那位?You're the 2:00?对,就是我Yes. Yes, I am.你是玛丽·约翰森?You're Mary Johnson?对Yes.玛丽是什么的简称…Mary is short for...玛丽安?Marian?- 那可以是个男孩的名字吗?- 可以的- Can that be a boy name? - Yes.- 那么是的- 请坐下- Then yes. - Have a seat.噢,太好了Oh, goody!“把发明冒认是自己的作品”完成,噢,我喜欢清单"Pass off invention as my own." Check. Oh, I love checklists.管委会的人已经准备好见你The board is ready to see you now.等等,我该说些什么?Wait. What am I going to say?我永远都记不住那些I'm never gonna remember that.你能不能…为什么你不自己去?你做得比我好多了Would you... Why don't you go? You do it so much better than me.那是事实That's true.没有脑袋的帽子不可能真的A hat without a head couldn't really pass off an invention冒认别人的发明as its own.妙极了!好主意!真高兴有你帮忙!Fantastic! Great idea! I'm so glad I have you!“准备好一个惊喜”噢,我看到了"Prepare to be amazed." Oh, I got it!准备好一个惊喜!Prepare to be amazed!“这是我的发明”"This is my invention."“我想在座各位从来没有看过如此伟大的发明”"I doubt any of you have seen anything as brilliant as this device."非常好Very well,约翰森小姐?Miss Johnson?是太太It's Ms.你有两分钟时间,请开始You have two minutes. Please begin.- 光彩夺目!- 那是什么?- It's shiny! - What is that thing?呃,我叫它为…Well, I like to call it my...叫它…To call it my...- 你在看什么?- 没有!我…阳光照到我眼睛- What are you looking at? - No! I... The sun, in my eyes.那我关上百叶窗Well, then let me close the blinds.什么名字?Now, the name?呃…Well, what...我们可以另找个时间讨论这名字问题We can quibble about names at a later date.重点是我带来的是特别的唯一的The point is, what I have here is special, unique.对,对,你会爱死它购买它和大量生产它Yes. Yes, you must love it and buy it and mass produce it,最妙的一点是它带有非常舒服的耳机and the best part is, it's got really comfy headphones.我在想你能够往前靠一点吗?拜托I wonder, could you lean forward just a little bit, please?对,谢谢Yes, thank you.对,它们相当舒服Yes, they are quite comfortable.你发明这目的是为了什么?What do you hope to accomplish with this?噢,没有特别的原因Oh, nothing of consequence.我只是想粉碎一个可怜小孤儿的梦想!I simply wish to crush the dreams of a poor little orphan boy!接下来就不太清楚After that, it's all a little fuzzy.你的意思是你并没有全盘考虑过You mean, you haven't thought this through? 30秒Thirty seconds.请允许我演示它是如何工作的Allow me to show you how it works.首先,我们接通电源First, we turn it on.那不是开关That's not it.10秒Ten seconds.那我该在哪签名?So where do I sign?多里斯,一切都完了Doris, it's all over.我们所有的希望和梦想都破灭了All our hopes and dreams dashed,就像这所有的支离破碎的机器部件like so many pieces of a broken machiney thing.你是对的You're right.胜利还是属于我们的Success is still ours for the taking.我们必须找到那小孩We must find that boy.我们把这玩艺偷运到车库去在那你需要的任何工具都有We'll sneak this thing into the garage. You'll have all the tools you need.那么你的父母怎办?What about your parents?妈妈从来不到那去Mom never goes in there,爸爸出差去了明早才回来and Dad's on a business trip until tomorrow morning.。

The Invisible Man 原典英语特别推荐原版英语自学辅导电子书

Introduction (1)Author Biography (2)Plot Summary (4)Summary (8)Analysis (12)Characters (16)Blonde Who Strips And Is Chased By The Audience (16)Classmates At The Smoker (16)Mr. Colcord (16)M.C (17)Narrator’s Grandfather (17)The School Superintendent (17)Small Dry Mustached Man (18)Tatlock (18)Themes (19)Racism (19)Alienation and Loneliness of Growing into Adulthood (19)The American Dream (20)Power of the Individual (20)Style (22)Point of View and Narration (22)Setting (22)StyleSymbol and Images (23)Structure (24)Historical Context (25)Slavery, Reconstruction and Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) (25)African American Resistance and Leadership: Booker T. Washington andW. E. B. DuBois (26)The Philosophy of Ralph Waldo Emerson (28)Naming Racial Categories (28)Civil Rights (30)Critical Overview (31)Criticism (35)Critical Essay #1 (36)Critical Essay #2 (41)Critical Essay #3 (46)Topics for Further Study (53)Compare & Contrast (54)What Do I Read Next? (55)Further Reading (57)Sources (59)Copyright Information (61)Introduction‘‘Battle Royal’’ is the name of the first chapter of Ralph Ellison’s 1952 novel Invisible Man. This first chapter was originally published as a short story in the October 1947 issue of the English literary periodical Horizon and entitled ‘‘The Invisible Man.’’‘‘Battle Royal’’ is the name adopted by subsequent anthologies to differentiate the story from the novel of the same name.Ellison’s novel won him fast and sustained acclaim as a major writer of the twentieth century. The story was well received upon publication and alerted many to Ellison’s talent. ‘‘Battle Royal’’ presents a startling scene of violence, naiveté and economic power—a scene that implies the philosophical depth behind the institutions of racism and the pathos of asserting an identity in the shadow of historical tragedy.Author BiographyWith the publication of his novel Invisible Man in 1952, Ralph Ellison became a widely acclaimed author who is considered among the most important writers of the century. In addition to this novel, he published two collections of essays, Shadow and Act (1964) and Going to the Territory (1986) and throughout his life, he was a frequent contributor to literary and political journals including New Masses, Nation, and American Review. After his death, Juneteenth, a novel he had been working on for many years but had not completed, was edited and published posthumously in 1998.Ellison was born in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, in 1914 and was named by his father after Ralph Waldo Emerson, the famous American transcendentalist writer of the nineteenth century. His father died when Ellison was four years old, and Ellison and his younger brother were raised by their mother who made sure her children had plenty to challenge them intellectually, socially, and culturally. Oklahoma was a source of inspiration to Ellison’s later work. Growing up in the 1920s, he experienced the effects of racial prejudice, formulated in segregative practices of enduring Jim Crow laws. He also was drawn to the vibrant musical forms—jazz, gospel, classical, and folk—that pervaded the city.In 1933, the nineteen−year−old Ellison left Oklahoma to attend Booker T. Washington’s former college, Tuskegee Institute in Alabama, where he initially studied music. In 1936, before finishing his degree, Ellison moved to New York where he would eventually meet Langston Hughes, Alain Locke, and Richard Wright. Wright, in particular, played an important role in Ellison’s early career. During the thirties, Ellison, like Hughes and Wright, was persuaded by the political and social critiques of the Communist Party. As Ellison’s career continued, he disassociated himself from organized communism while continuing to critique economic exploitation and racism.Before receiving a Federal Writers’ Project grant in 1936 that allowed him to focus onhis writing, Ellison performed many different kinds of jobs in New York: he worked as a freelance photographer, a receptionist, a stereo repairman, and a salesman. Ellison’s first story was published in 1939, and many followed in the early 1940s. In 1942, he worked as managing editor of Negro Quarterly, and in 1944, he published two more stories, ‘‘Flying Home’’ and ‘‘The Bingo Game.’’Ellison married Fanny McConnell in 1944 before serving in World War II as a cook in the merchant marines. When he returned to the States, he spent time on a farm in Vermont where he came up with the ideas that would become Invisible Man. In 1952, Ellison published Invisible Man and began to enjoy an enduring reputation as one of the century’s most important writers. The novel was immediately characterized by many as a masterpiece, and reviews were positive even if critical of its political implications. In 1953, Ellison won the National Book Award, which would be followed by many other awards and honorary degrees throughout his life, including honorary doctorates from Harvard, Tuskegee, University of Michigan, and Brown University.In 1967, a fire destroyed Ellison’s summer home and much of his next major novel. He managed to rebuild the manuscript, which ran over a thousand pages. Ellison died in 1994 after battling cancer and was buried near his New York home in Washington Heights.Plot SummaryThe nameless, first−person narrator begins by suggesting that for the first twenty years of his life, he has looked to others to answer questions of selfdefinition. What he has discovered is that it is only he himself who can figure out who he is, but to do this, he must first ‘‘discover that [he] is an invisible man!’’ The story unfolds by narrating a scene in which those who are ‘‘blind’’ are not only the narrator, who literally wears a blindfold, but also those who abuse the narrator, sizing him up as mere stereotype, erasing his individuality and human dimension.The narrator’s question of self identity is not restricted to the mere twenty years of his own life but to the lives of his grandparents, who were born as slaves and freed eighty−five years before. This was a freedom that made them rhetorically part of a‘‘United’’ States, but that in the social sphere kept African−Americans separate from whites like separate ‘‘fingers on the hand.’’On his deathbed, the narrator’s grandfather gives him odd and disturbing advice. The grandfather seemed to live a hardworking and conventional life, but his final words confirm his reputation as an ‘‘odd man’’ who might ‘‘cause trouble.’’ He tells the narrator that he has felt like a traitor and a spy his entire life and should have never given up his gun after Reconstruction (see historical notes, below). He advises the narrator to keep up a ‘‘good fight’’ by living with ‘‘your head in the lion’s mouth.’’The grandfather continues, ‘‘I want you to overcome ’em with yeses, undermine ’em with grins, agree ’em to death and destruction, let ’em swoller you till they vomit or bust wide open.’’ The grandfather’s final fierce words are ‘‘Learn it to the younguns.’’This dying speech alarms the narrator’s folks and haunts the narrator through the rest of the story, especially since the narrator feels so well liked and is even praised ‘‘by the most lily−white men of the town.’’Although uneasy about the grandfather’s final words, the narrator makes a very successful speech at his graduation in which he argues that humility is the secret tosuccess. The speech is so well liked that he is invited to deliver it to ‘‘a gathering of the town’s leading white citizens.’’When the narrator arrives at the main ballroom of the hotel, he is told to participate with some of his schoolmates in a ‘‘battle royal.’’ The fight is to take place in a large room with a portable boxing ring, around which chairs have been arranged for all the men with tuxedoes and cigars to sit as they watch. Riding with his schoolmates in the elevator to the room, the narrator feels superior to them, likening himself to a‘‘potential Booker T. Washington’’ whose dignity might be tarnished through association with such rough characters.Entering the room, the narrator is handed a pair of boxing gloves as he looks around. Through the haze of cigar smoke he sees all the prominent white men of the town—‘‘bankers, lawyers, judges, doctors, fire chiefs, teachers, merchants’’—getting drunk on whiskey. The narrator and his schoolmates are shuttled to the front of the ballroom and ringed by a crowd of menacing, curious and amused faces. At the front of the room, there is dead silence as the boys see ‘‘a magnificent blonde—stark naked’’ standing directly before them.With the crowd of white men looking on, the narrator and his schoolmates do not know how to react. Some of the boys ‘‘lowered their heads, trembling,’’ fearing the implied threat of being lynched if they demonstrate sexual interest in a white woman. The narrator feels forceful but contradictory feelings. A wave of ‘‘irrational guilt and fear’’ sweeps over him as his teeth chatter and his knees knock. He knows that it is dangerous to look at her, but cannot help but look. He wants to spit on her and touch her, ‘‘to love her and to murder her.’’ The woman begins to dance provocatively and one of the narrator’s schoolmates faints, another pleads to go home and yet another tries to hide his erection with his boxing gloves. The white men become anear−frenzied mob, chasing her and finally tossing her around as she tries to flee. Finally, some of the more sober men help her escape.Immediately after the woman flees, the ten young men are ordered to get into the ring to entertain their white audience by fighting each other, blindfolded. The narrator feels a ‘‘blind terror’’ in the darkness and hears shouts like ‘‘Let me at that big nigger!’’from a voice that sounds like the school superintendent’s. The fight is anarchic, cruel and bloody. At one point the narrator is able to begin peeking through his blindfold and is able to move carefully, avoiding blows and pitting one group of fighters against another.Finally, the narrator is left alone in the ring with Tatlock, ‘‘biggest of the gang.’’ All the other fighters planned to leave, setting the narrator up to get pummeled in the final showdown. The narrator attempts to strike a deal with Tatlock, proposing ‘‘Fake like I knocked you out, you can have the prize.’’ Tatlock defiantly refuses, whispering back ‘‘I’ll break your behind.’’ The surprised narrator can only ask ‘‘For them?’’ Tatlock responds, ‘‘For me, sonofab—h!’’ Despite further attempts to buy Tatlock off, Tatlock batters the narrator, and the narrator worries about giving his speech. When the narrator hears the audience placing money on Tatlock, he is further confused about whether he should win the fight. Finally, the narrator is knocked out and pulled up into a chair after the count of ten.After the fight, the ‘‘M.C.’’ invites the boys to collect their money, which appears to be coins on a rug. The boys crouch over the rug, and, when told to start scrambling, they fight each other for the coins. As they do, electric shocks tear through their bodies. The narrator adapts to the shock by laughing, and he continues collecting as many greenbacks and coins as he can. Although the students try to avoid the rug, the drunk men push them on to the rug. One of the young men is lifted into the air and dropped, ‘‘wet back landing flush on the charged rug.’’ After agonizing spasms, he manages to escape the rug and to burst out of the room. As the narrator works to avoid similar fate, he also tries surreptitiously to knock the chair of a drunk Mr. Colcord over, spilling him onto the rug. Mr. Colcord laughs and continues trying to push the narrator down. In the end, the coins turn out to be worthless slugs, brass tokens advertising an automobile.After all of this, the narrator feels awful but is called in to make his speech. As the crowd’s applause and laughter subsides, he determinedly begins, choking back blood and spit. His speech is about the importance of education. He recites a story about a ship that was lost at sea whose passengers suddenly sight a friendly vessel which tells the ‘‘unfortunate vessel’’ to ‘‘cast down your bucket where you are.’’ Throughout the recitation, the crowd rudely makes fun of the narrator by interrupting him, asking him to repeat phrases. One of these phrases is ‘‘social responsibility’’ which he repeats a few times before accidentally yelling out ‘‘social equality’’ instead. After this slip, the narrator feels a rumble of displeasure and hears hostile remarks. Scared, he follows orders to repeat ‘‘social responsibility.’’ A ‘‘small dry mustached man’’ asked if he was being ‘‘smart’’ and the narrator says ‘‘No, sir!’’ and explains that he made the mistake only because he was swallowing blood.The narrator finishes to thunderous applause. He is presented with a prize by the Board of Education: a calfskin briefcase and a scholarship to a ‘‘state college for Negroes.’’ The narrator is overjoyed as his eyes fill with tears. The next day his family and neighbors congratulate him. However, his grandfather haunts him, and the narrator has a disturbing dream that night. In the dream, the narrator goes to the circus with his grandfather who will not laugh at the clowns. The grandfather tells the narrator to open his briefcase and read the letter inside. The narrator tries but opens one envelope to find another inside, endlessly. The grandfather says ‘‘Them’s years’’and then he tells the narrator to open another envelope and to read it out loud. The narrator opens it and reads ‘‘To Whom It May Concern . . . Keep this Nigger−Boy Running.’’SummarySummaryOriginally published as a short story, "Battle Royal" would eventually become the first chapter of Ralph Ellison's critically acclaimed novel Invisible Man. "Battle Royal" is the story of a young black man who is invited to deliver his much lauded graduation speech to a gathering of prominent white citizens.The unnamed narrator begins with a confession: For twenty years he has allowed himself to be defined by other people's expectations. While he has since come to realize the folly of this thinking, the process of change has been slow and painful. This change began, he reveals, with the discovery that he is an "invisible man."The narrator presents himself as the product of his enslaved ancestors, now regretting the shame he once held for this heritage. While his parents subscribe to the "separate−but−equal" paradigm, the narrator's grandfather reveals on his deathbed that he has "been a traitor all my born days, a spy in the enemy's country." He recommends that future generations overcome their white oppressors by feigning obedience, amicability and humility. The family is horrified by the grandfather's words and the narrator, only a child at this point in time, is told to forget what he has heard. This "grandfather's curse" serves the narrator as a source of guilt, calling into question his every success in a white man's world.The narrator, as a young man, arrives at the hotel ballroom where the gathering is to take place. A portable boxing ring sits on one side of the dance floor. Before giving his speech, he and his classmates are to entertain the assembled men by participating in a Battle Royal, a sort of free−for−all boxing match. Several of the narrator's classmates have already arrived, but he is reluctant to mingle, suggesting that the other boys are "tough," inferior brutes who don't like him anyway.After donning their fighting togs, the boys are ushered out into a now smoky ballroom filled with drunken "big shots," such as bankers, lawyers, judges, doctors, fire chiefs, teachers and merchants −− all of them white. The men greet the boys with a mixture of hostility and amusement, crowding around them like an oppressive wall.A naked blonde appears at one end of the mob, an American flag tattoo on her belly. The sight of this alluring white woman fills the boys with irrational guilt and fear. Some of the big shots threaten the boys if they look at the stripper, others threaten them if they do not. The narrator gazes at her fixedly, filled with powerful ambivalence. The rowdy men finally hoist the woman into the air and toss her around like a play−thing. Above her plastic smile, the narrator sees in the woman's eyes the mirror of his own terror and disgust.Crying and hysterical, the boys are ushered into the ring and blindfolded with white cloth. Plunged into darkness, the narrator's thoughts turn from his speech to the terrible melee now filling his ears. He is terrified. The raucous white crowd shouts for blood; racial epitaphs flow readily. Finally making contact with the fray, the narrator is beaten down under a flurry of blows laid by multiple classmates. Hurt and bleeding, he pretends to be unconscious, but unseen hands pull the narrator back to his feet and push him back into the combat.Returning to his feet, the he notes that his blindfold is askew. The narrator can make out shapes in the smoky darkness. He now sees that the fighting is vicious and unchecked, low blows and kicks abound, but with his vision restored he finds that he is less afraid. The narrator uses his sight as an advantage, avoiding blows and playing the blinded boys against one another, but doing so with enough subtlety so as not to arouse suspicion from the audience. The harder the boys fight, the more threatening the big shots become, but yet again the narrator finds his thoughts returning to his speech. How will it go? Will they recognize his ability? What will they give him?The narrator is one of the two last boys standing in the ring, the other being the largest of his classmates. Both blindfolds are removed as the two boys face one another forthe final bout. The narrator tries to collude with the other boy, offering him the winnings in exchange for a fall. The boy is uncooperative, seemingly determined to fight. The narrator fears that losing will ruin his chances of making a good impression with his speech. Only these men, the narrator feels, can judge his ability. Despite his best efforts, he loses, knocked flat by the larger boy. After the fight, the narrator sits in a bloody stupor as the other boys discuss how much they're likely to be paid.The boys are called over to a rug piled high with money. The men explain that, when they give the word, the boys are to each take as much cash as they can grab. The narrator excitedly notes that there are gold coins in the mix,and begins formulating a plan to block the other boys while he grabs the precious coins and paper money. The word is given and the boys dive into the pile. However, the rug is electrified. The boys howl in pain as the current whips through their bodies. The assembled men lift one of the boys into the air and throw him onto the rug, where he writhes in convulsive agony.The narrator grabs on to a chair leg to prevent one of the men from lifting him into the air. To his surprise, the narrator finds himself trying to topple the man himself on to the electrified rug. The man responds with a violent kick which sends the narrator sprawling over the rug and into a world of hurt. The rug slides out of place and the coins scatter across the floor. The "gold coins" turn out advertising tokens. As the boys scramble to collect the wayward cash, the M.C. ends the proceedings, telling the boys to go get dressed and to get their money. Each of the boys if paid five dollars, the last boy standing is paid ten. The narrator despairs that he won't have a chance to give his speech after all, when he is called back to the ballroom.The narrator gives his speech with as much passion as he can muster, not realizing initially that his audience is laughing, jeering and talking all the while. The speech advises blacks to cultivate friendly relations with the Southern white man. The men often interrupt the speech to ask the young man to speak louder or to repeat himself. The narrator complies despite the pain and despite the blood collecting in his mouth. He eventually makes an error, mistakenly repeating the phrase "social responsibility"as "social equality." The mob turns hostile, demanding that he recant the words. The narrator apologizes, insisting that it was a mistake. The crowd calms down and the narrator finishes his speech. Afterward, the men gift the boy with a calfskin briefcase and a scholarship to the state college for Negroes.That night, the narrator dreams that he and his grandfather are at a circus. The old man tells his grandson to open the briefcase. He does so. Inside he finds an official envelope stamped with a state seal. Opening it reveals another envelope, and beyond that another and another, endlessly. "Them's years" the grandfather says, "Now open that one." Inside the second envelope is a message in gold letters which reads "To Whom It May Concern. Keep This Nigger−Boy Running." The narrator wakes to his grandfather's laughter ringing in his ears.AnalysisAnalysis"Battle Royal" is a reflective narrative. The unnamed narrator tells the story from some indeterminate point in the future. The central character of the story is the narrator as a young man, just out of high school. This young man sees himself as a would−be Booker T. Washington, a black man intent on making his way in a white world. He is defined by both his idealism and his ambition. He believes in his own freedom and, further, believes that the world is such that a young black man can find success.At several points in the narrative one finds the story penetrated by the narrator's more worldly perspective, now at odds with his younger self. As the young man struggles to give his speech despite constant ridicule and a mouth full of blood, the narrator says "What powers of endurance I had during those days! What enthusiasm! What a belief in the rightness of things!" These words contain a certain admiration mixed with a bitter sorrow. It would appear that our young idealist is doomed to become a cynic, suggesting that our young man is perhaps naive in his present expectations.The speech is very nearly a quotation from Booker T. Washington's address at the 1895 Atlanta Exposition. Washington argued then that blacks should befriend whites and that, furthermore, blacks should strive for knowledge and education so that they might be worthy of their newfound freedom. This is the social responsibility that our young orator was referring to: the idea that blacks owe it to society to make a success of themselves. This perspective suggests that knowledge and education are the two quickest paths to equality. If blacks strive hard enough, there will be a place for them in the world.This begs the question: Where is the place of blacks in a white society? When the young man mistakenly says "social equality" he is told by one of the angry white men"We mean to do right by you, but you've got to know your place at all times." In other words, the place of blacks is to be decided by the whites. They are inferior, but so long as they are willing to cooperate, the white man will magnanimously decide to "do right by" them. This likely is not the sort of relationship that Washington had in mind. This is little more than a compulsory performance demanded of the blacks by the whites.The narrator's grandfather understood this dimension of performing. He spent most of his life meekly serving the whites, and yet he characterizes himself as a traitor and a spy. Why? And to whom was he a traitor? Some might argue that he has betrayed his race, either by serving the white man or, perhaps, by pretending to serve the white man. What he has certainly betrayed, however −− at least in the context of of "Battle Royal" −− is the happy lie that southern whites want to see blacks succeed.In comparison to his grandfather, the grandson is the young idealist who freely admits that the quality of his speech can be judged only by these white "big shots," hisself−efficacy dependent on a white standard. The opinion of his classmates, his fellow blacks, means little to him. He dismisses them as "tough" and inferior. He sees them as obstacles, and they him. His grandfather, however, demonstrates a sense of racial responsibility. He wants future generations to know that they do not have to meet the white standard. They need only seem compliant. It is the difference between using the system and being used by the system.The Battle Royal is a metaphor for the black lifestyle under this oppressive standard. The white blindfolds isolate blacks as they struggle against each other for white magnanimity. They are literally and figuratively blinded by the white, having internalized a racist standard which encourages divisive thinking amongst their people. When the young man sees the gold coins on the rug, his first thought is on how he will keep them away from the other boys. The "gold coins" turn out to be worthless brass tokens, an advertisement for cars that the blacks likely could not even afford. Not only does the standard set black against black, but the implication here is that the game is rigged. Whites have no intention of "doing right by" the blacks.Nevertheless, the boys pummel each other senseless while the real enemy cheers from the safety outside the ring. Since the whites want the blacks to oppose one another, they do little to police behavior inside the ring.Just as blacks are blinded by the white, the whites are blinded by the blacks. These "big shots" do not see the boys for the scared adolescents that they really are, but merely as blacks. They do not listen to the speech. Instead they jeer and talk among themselves, not caring what the youth has to say until he says something that suggests that he does not "know his place." This is the point of the Battle Royal, the rug, and the speech − they are all performances by which blacks can demonstrate that they know their place. This "knowledge" is the only quality that whites are interested in measuring. If you're black, it doesn't matter who you are as an individual; you'll be judged on the basis of color and compliance. This is why the narrator refers to himself as an "invisible man." His race has eclipsed his identity. The mob's uncouth treatment of the stripper suggests that women share a similar invisibility.The naked blonde defines the bounds between the two colors. She is beautiful, she is desirable, and yet she is not for the blacks. The unspoken rule, in this time and place, is that the black man must not desire the white woman. It is forbidden. Despite this, the boys do desire her. She is, after all, a beautiful woman and they, black or white, are young male adolescents. The American flag on her belly suggests that she is a symbol of everything that blacks are denied by the white America. She, like the "gold" coins (not to mention the cars that they advertise) constitutes an empty promise.Color plays an important role throughout the story: the drunken white men with red faces; the white, blue−eyed woman with red lips; red, white and blue −− all the colors that blacks are not. The subtle implication is that blacks exist apart from the American dream, that they are somehow not compatible with the ideas of freedom andself−governance. As the boys recoil from the electrified rug, the M.C. shouts "Get the money −− That's good hard American cash!" Again, this American bounty is not for the blacks. The yellow of the blonde's hair corresponds to the yellow of gold, both treasures reserved for a white America.。
英语电影欣赏Unit Four Legally Blonde

Appreciation: Classic Clips
Directions: Watch the following classic clip, answer the questions and role-play with your group members.
Clip3: In court & at Graduation
Cultural Links
Directions: The movie Legally Blonde involves a number of pop culture references, some of which are listed below. You may also go to the listed Internet websites and find more information about them. 1. “I need to marry a Jackie, not a Marilyn.” 2. Aron Spelling 3. “The rules of hair care are simple and finite. Any Cosmo girl would have known.” 4. Legally Blonde 2: Red, White & Blonde (2003)
Movie Reviews: Passage One
Directions: Listen to the following movie review and then answer the questions. 1. Please describe Elle Woods in the movie. 2. What does Warner mean when he says “I need to marry a Jackie, not a Marilyn.”? Make comments on Warner’s words and behavior. 3. According to the review, what does the movie try to tell us?

MulanThe Complete ScriptTranscribed by Ash Ketchem.***A Chinese painting of the Great Wall of China is slowly painted across the screen. The words Walt Disney Pictures present and then Mulan and the dragon symbol appear. The painting becomes animated, and a Chinese soldier walks around his post. Suddenly, a bird of prey hits the back of his head ...Soldier:Ah! [The hawk lets out a call. The soldier walks over to the edge of the wall. A hook comes flying up, followed by many more.] Soldier:[Running back to his post] We're under attack! Light the signal! The door opens, revealing a couple of Huns. The soldier climbs up the ladder.Soldier:[lighting the signal with a torch, while staring at the Hun leader;other signals go on all the way along the Great Wall] Now all of China knows you're here.Shan Yu:[picking up a flag and toasting it in the signal fire] Perfect.***The Chinese General and two soldiers walk into the Emperor's chamber and bow.General:Your Majesty, the Huns have crossed our Northern Border.Chi Fu:Impossible! No one can get through the Great Wall! [He is silenced with a raised hand from the Emperor]General:Shan Yu is leading them. We'll set up defenses around your palace immediately.Emperor:No! [Standing up] Send your troops to protect my people! Chi Fu! Chi Fu:Yes, your Highness.Emperor:Deliver conscription notices throughout all the provinces. Call up reserves, and as many new recruits as possible.General:Forgive me, your Majesty, but I believe my troops can stop him. Emperor:I won't take any chances, General. A single grain of rice can tipthe scale; one man may be the difference between victory and defeat.***Mulan:[Using chopsticks to balance a grain of rice]Quiet and demure ... graceful, polite, delicate, refined, poised ...[she picks up a paintbrush and makes a mark on her arm]... punctual![A rooster crows] Aaiee![Blowing on her arm]Little brother! Little brother! Little-- [she glances down at a sleeping dog on the floor]Ah! There you are! [The dog wakes up]Who's the smartest doggy in the world? C'mon, smart boy! Can you help me with my chores today? [she ties a sack of chicken feed to his back, complete with a pole and a bone attached. Little Brother immediately chases the bone, running promptly into a wall and then out the door, scattering grain everywhere.]Fa Zu:[praying] Honorable Ancestors ... please help Mulan impress theMatchmaker today. [Little Brother, followed by a herd of chickens, bursts into the family temple.] Please, please help her. Mulan:Father, I brought you some ... Whoop! [bangs into Fa Zu, he catches the tea pot on his cane while the cups hit the ground and shatter] Fa Zu:Mulan ...Mulan:I brought a spare!Fa Zu:Mulan ...Mulan:Remember, the doctor said three cups of tea in the morning ... Fa Zu:Mulan.Mulan:... and three at night.Fa Zu:Mulan. You should already be in town. We're counting on you to ...Uphold the family honor. Don't worry, Father. I won't let you down.Wish me luck!Fa Zu:Hurry! I'm going to ... pray some more.In townWoman #1:Fa Li, where is your daughter? The Matchmaker is not a patient woman. Fa Li:Of all the days to be late! I should have prayed to the ancestors for luck.Granny Fa:How lucky can they be? They're dead. Besides, I've got all the luck we'll need. [Holds up a wicker cage with a cricket inside.] This is your chance to prove yourself. [She closes her eyes and steps off the sidewalk.]Fa Li:Grandma! No!Granny Fa walks across the street; vehicles crash, but she emerges unharmed.Granny Fa:Yup! This cricket's a lucky one! [Fa Li sighs.]Mulan comes riding up on Khan, and hops off.Mulan:I'm here! [looks at her mother] What? But, Mama, I had to--Fa Li:None of your excuses. Now, let's get you cleaned up.Begin "Honor to us all"Woman #1:This is what you give me to work with?Well, honey, I've seen worse.We're going to turn this sow's earInto a silk purse.Mulan:It's freezing!Fa Li:It would've been warm, if you were here on time.Woman #1:We'll have you, washed and driedPrimped and polished till you glow with prideJust my recipe for instant brideYou'll bring honor to us all.Fa Li:Mulan, what's this?Uh ... notes ... in case I forget something.Granny Fa:Hold this. [Hands Crickee to Fa Li] We're going to need more luck than I thought.Woman #2:Wait and see, when we're throughWoman #3:Boys will gladly go to war for youWoman #2:With good fortuneWoman #3:And a great hairdoBoth:You'll bring honor to us all.A girl can bring her familyGreat honor in one wayBy striking a good matchAnd this might be the dayWoman #4:Men want girls with good tasteWoman #5:CalmFa Li:ObedientWoman #5:Who work fast-pacedFa Li:With good breedingWoman #5:And a tiny waistAll:You'll bring honor to us all.We all must serve our EmperorWho guards us from the HunsA man by bearing armsA girl by bearing sonsWoman #6:When we're through,You can't failLike a lotus blossom, soft and paleHow could any fellow say, "No sale"?You'll bring honor to us all!Fa Li:There, you're ready.Granny Fa:Not yet! An apple for serenityA pendant for balanceBeads of jade for beautyYou must proudly show itNow, add a cricket, just for luck,And even you can't blow it!Mulan:Ancestors, hear my plea,Please don't let me make a fool of meAnd to not uproot my family treeKeep my father standing tall.Scarier than the Undertaker,We are meeting our matchmaker!Destiny, guard our girls,Help our future as it fast unfurlsPlease look kindly on these cultured pearlsEach a perfect porcelain doll ...Please bring honor to usPlease bring honor to usPlease bring honor to usPlease bring honor to usPlease bring honor to us all!Matchmaker:Fa Mulan?Mulan:Present!Matchmaker:Speaking without permission ...Mulan:Oops ... [They go inside]Granny Fa:[to Fa Li] Who spit in her bean curd?Matchmaker:Too skinny ... not good for bearing sons.Crickee hops out of his cage, Mulan frantically tries to put him back in. Matchmaker:Recite the Final Admonition.Mulan:Mmm-hmm-hmm ... [pulls out a paper fan and spits Crickee out] Matchmaker:Well?Mulan:Fulfill your duties, calmly and ... [glances down at the crib notes written on her arm, which are smeared slightly] respectively. Um, reflect before you ... snack. Act! This shall bring you honor and glory. [She fans herself, the matchmaker grabs the fan and searches it for cheat notes. Finding none, she grabs Mulan by the arm (where the notes are!) and pulls her toward a table. The writing comes off in her hand.]Matchmaker:This way. Now, pour the tea. To please your future in-laws, you must demonstrate a sense of dignity [she rubs her hand over her mouth, and the ink rubs off with a squeak] and refinement. You must also be poised. [Mulan, staring at the Matchmaker, pours the tea but misses the cup, then regains her composure and quickly fills the teacup.]Mulan notices Crickee relaxing happily in the tea. The Matchmaker takes the teacup.Mulan:Um, pardon me ...Matchmaker:And silent! [sniffs the tea] Ah ...Mulan:Could I just take that back? One moment ... [She grabs for the cup] The Matchmaker fights for the teacup, and they both fall back, the tea spilling all over the Matchmaker. Crickee hops down her dress. Matchmaker:Why, you clumsy! ... Oh! Ah! Woo! [She trips over the fire-pot, spilling the coals and then sitting on them, the bottom of her dress smoking. Mulan desperately fans the burned spot, and it bursts into flames. The matchmaker runs around screaming.]OutsideGranny Fa:[To Fa Li] I think it's going well, don't you?The matchmaker runs outside, screaming.Matchmaker:Put it out! Put it out! PUT IT OUT! [Mulan throws tea over her, putting out the fire. Embarrassed, she hands the teapot to theMatchmaker and quickly walks toward Fa Li and Granny Fa.] Matchmaker:[furious] You are a DISGRACE! You may look like a bride, but you will NEVER bring your family honor!People start to walk away, whispering.At the Fa farmMulan is greeted with a warm smile by her father, but, humiliated, she turns away and takes Khan to the stable.Beginning of "Reflection"Mulan:Look at me ... I will never pass for a perfect brideOr a perfect daughterCan it be?I'm not meant to play this part?Now I seeThat if I were truly to be myselfI would break my family's heart.Who is that girl I seeStaring straight back at meWhy is my reflection someone I don't knowSomehow I cannot hideWho I am, though I've triedWhen will my reflection showWho I am inside?When will my reflection showWho I am, inside?Fa Zu:My, my, what beautiful blossoms we have this year. But look, this one's late. I bet when it blooms, it will be the most beautiful of all.Drums soundMulan:What is it?Imperial soldiers and Chi Fu come riding over a hill.Fa Li:Mulan, stay inside.Granny Fa:Ahem. [points toward a low roof. Mulan runs over to it and peers over the roof]Chi Fu:Citizens! I bring a proclamation from the Imperial City! The Huns have invaded China! By order of the Emperor, one man from everyfamily must serve in the Imperial Army. [Reading from list]The Chow Family! The Yee Family!Son:I will serve the Emperor in my father's place.Chi Fhou:The Fa Family!Mulan:No!Her father walks over to Chi Fu.Fa Zhou:I am ready to serve the Emperor.Mulan:Father, you can't go!Fa Zhou:Mulan!Mulan:[To Chi Fu] Please, sir, my father has already fought for-- Chi Fu:Silence! You will do well to teach your daughter to hold her tongue in a man's presence.Fa Zhou:Mulan. You dishonor me.Chi Fu:Report tomorrow at the Moo-Shung Camp. [He hands Fa Zu a scroll.] Fa Zhou:Yes, sir.Chi Fu:[Continues to read] The Chu Family! The Chang Family! The YongFamily!In Fa Zhou's bedroomFa Zhou yanks open his closet, revealing a suit of Chinese armor, and unsheaths a sword. Mulan watches. He practices techniques, but his leg gives out and he falls against a pillar, panting.At dinnerMulan pours the tea, then sets her cup down with a bang.Mulan:You shouldn't have to go!Fa Li:Mulan!Mulan:There are plenty of young men to fight for China!It is an honor to protect my country and my family.Mulan:So you'll die for honor.Fa Zhou:I will die doing what's right.Mulan:But if you ...Fa Zhou:I know my place. It is time you learned yours.Mulan stares at her father for a moment, then runs outside crying.Mulan is sitting in a statue of a dragon, crying. It is raining. Through the window of her house, she can see her mother and father talking. Fa Zhou picks up the candle and blows it out. Mulan thinks for a minute, then makes her decision.Mulan walks into the Family Temple and lights a stick, placing it in a hanging statue of a small dragon. She runs into her parent's room, taking the scroll and leaving her hair comb. Taking her father's sword, she cuts her hair short and puts on her father's armor. Going out to the stable, she mounts Khan and sets off for the army.The eyes of a statue in the temple flash, and Granny Fa wakes up.Granny Fa:Mulan is gone!Fa Zhou:What? It can't be ... [He runs outside] Mulan! No ...Fa Li:You must go after her. She could be killed.Fa Zhou:If I reveal her, she will be.Granny Fa:Ancestors, hear our prayer. Watch over Mulan.In the Family Temple, the characters on a tombstone light up, and they turn into the Great Ancestor.Great Ancestor:[To the small hanging dragon statue] Mushu, awaken.The statue shakes and smokes.Mushu:I live! So, tell me, what mortal needs my protection, Great Ancestor.You just say the word, and I'm there.Great Ancestor:Mushu ...And lemme say something, anyone who's foolish enough to threaten OUR family, vengeance will be MINE! Grr ... arrgh ...Great Ancestor:Mushu! These are the family guardians. They ...Mushu:Protect the family.Great Ancestor:And you, O Demoted One ...Mushu:I ring the gong.Great Ancestor:That's right. Now, wake up the Ancestors ...Mushu:One family reunion coming right up. Okay, people, people, look alive!Let's go, c'mon, get up! Let's move it! Rise and shine! Y'all way past the beauty sleep thing.Ancestor #1:I knew it, I knew it. That Mulan was a troublemaker from the start. Ancestor #2:Don't look at me, she gets it from your side of the family! Ancestor #3:She's just trying to help her father!Ancestor #4:But if she's discovered, Fa Zu will be forever shamed. Dishonor will come to the family. Traditional values will disintegrate! Ancestor #5:Not to mention they'll lose the farm!Ancestor #1:My children never caused such trouble; they all becameacupuncturists!Ancestor #2:Well, we can't all be acupuncturists!Ancestor #6:No! Your great-granddaughter had to be a CROSS-DRESSER!The Ancestors start to argueAncestor #7:Let a guardian bring her back!Ancestor #2:Yes! Awaken the most cunning!Ancestor #4:No! The swiftest!Ancestor #8:No, send the wisest!Great Ancestor:SILENCE! We will send the most powerful of all.Mushu:[laughs] Okay, okay, I get the Jif. I'll go.LaughterMushu:Well, y'all don't think I can do it! Watch this here! [Blows a tiny flame]Ah-hah! Jump back, I'm pretty hot. But I don't have to singe nobody to prove no point.Great Ancestor:You had your chance to protect the Fa Family.Ancestor #6:Your misguidance led Fa Thang to disaster!Fa Thang:Yeah, thanks a lot.Mushu:And your point is?Great Ancestor:The point is, we will be sending a REAL dragon to retrieve Mulan. Mulan:What? What? I'm a real dragon!Great Ancestor:You're not even worthy of this thought! Now, awaken the Great Stone Dragon!Mushu:So you'll get back to me on the job thing. [He is hit in the face with his gong.]Mushu:Just one chance. Is that too much to ask? I mean, it's not like it'll kill you. [To the dragon statue] Yo, Rocky, wake up! You gotta go fetch Mulan! C'mon, boy! Go get her! Go on! C'mon! [He climbs up on the statue, dragging the gong.] Grr ... arrgh. Grr. Hello?Helloooo? HELLO! [He hits the ear of the dragon with the gong, and it falls off. Suddenly, the entire statue falls apart.] Uh-oh ... Mushu:Uh ... Stoney? Stoney ... Oh, man, they're gonna kill me!Great Ancestor:Great Stone Dragon! Have you awakened?Mushu:[Holding up the head of the Great Stone Dragon]Uh, yes, I just woke up! Um, I am the Great Stone Dragon! Good morning! I will go forth and fetch Mulan! Did- did I mention that I am the Great Stone Dragon? Great Ancestor:Go! The fate of the Fa family rests in your claws.Mushu:Don't even worry about it. I will not lose face. [He loses hisbalance and tumbles down the hill, the dragon head landing on top of him.] Ow, ah, my elbow. Oh, oh, I know I twisted something. [He lifts the head off.] That's just great, now what? I'm doomed, and all because Ms. Man decided to take a little drag show on the road. Crickee:Chirp.Mushu:Go GET her! What's the matter with you? After this Great StoneHumptey Dumptey mess, I'd have to bring her back with a medal to get back in the Temple! Waitaminute! That's it! I make Mulan a war hero, and they'll be begging me to come back to work! That's the master plan! Oh, you've done it now, man.Crickee:Chirp.Mushu:[running] And what makes you think you're coming?Crickee:Chirp.Mushu:You're LUCKY? Do I look like a sucker to you?Crickee:Chirp.Mushu:What do you mean, a loser? What if I pop one of you antennae of and throw it across the yard, then who's the loser, or me? Crickee:Chirp.Mushu chases him out of the yard and down the road.The Hun army comes to a stop by a marsh. Two Chinese soldiers are dragged out of a tree and thrown before Shan Yu.Hun:Imperial Scouts.Soldier #1:Shan Yu!Shan Yu:Nice work, gentlemen. You've found the Hun army.LaughterSoldier #2:The Emperor will stop you.Shan Yu:Stop me! He invited me. By building his wall, he challenged mystrength. Well, I'm here to play his game. Go! Tell your Emperor to send his strongest armies. I'm ready.The two soldiers scurry off, one after the other.Shan Yu:How many men does it take to deliver a message?Hun Archer:One.***Mulan:Okay. Okay, how about this: [in a deep voice] Excuse me, where doI sign in? Ah, I see you have a sword. I have one, too. They're verymanly, and strong. [She fumbles with the sword, dropping it on the ground.]Khan rolls with laughter, and is hit by a shoe.Mulan:I'm working on it! Oh, who am I fooling. It'd take a miracle to get me into the army.Mushu:[covered in smoke, and surrounded by fire, all Mulan can see is his giant shadow.] Did I hear someone ask for a miracle! Lemme hear ya say, "Aaah!"Mulan:Aughhh!Mushu:That's close enough!Mulan:A ghost!Mushu:Get ready, Mulan, your seventeen halation is at hand, for I have been sent by your ancestors to guide you through your masquerade![He glances down at Crickee, who is making finger-shadows of adragon's head, and kicks him.] C'mon, you're gonna stay, you're gonna work with me. [To Mulan] So heed my words, cause if the army finds out you're a girl, the penalty is death.Mulan:Who are you?Mushu:Who am I? WHO am I? I am the guardian of lost souls! I am the powerful, the pleasurable, the indestructible Mushu.Mulan stares at the tiny dragon for a moment.Mushu:Ah, I'm pretty hot, huh? [Immediately Khan steps all over him.] Mulan:My ancestors sent a little lizard to help me?Mushu:Hey, dragon, dragon, not lizard. I don't do that tongue-thing. Mulan:You're ... um ...Mushu:Intimidating? All inspiring?Mulan:Tiny!Mushu:Of course! I am travel-sized, for your convenience. If I was my REAL size, your cow here would die of fright. [Khan tries to chomp him.] DOWN, Bessy. My powers are beyond your mortal imagination. Forinstance, my eyes can see straight through your armor. Alright!That's it! Dishonor! Dishonor on your whole family! Make a note of this. Dishonor on you, dishonor on your cow, dis-Mulan:Stop! I'm sorry! I'm sorry. I'm just nervous. I've never done this before.Mushu:Then you're gonna have to trust me. And don't you slap me no more.You clear on that? [Mulan nods]. Alright. Okey-dokey! Let's get this show on the road! Crickee, get the bags! [To Khan] Let's move it heifer!At the Moo-Shung CampMushu:Okay, this is it! Time to show them your man-walk. Shoulders back, chest high, feet apart, head up, and strut! Two three, break that bone, two, three, and work it!Mushu:[They pass men trimming their toenails and picking their noses]Beautiful, isn't it.Mulan:They're disgusting.Mushu:No, they're men. And you're gonna have to act just like them, so pay attention.Recruit:Look! This tattoo will protect me from harm!Yow:Hmmm ... [punches the recruit]Ling:[laughing] I hope you can get your money back!Mulan:I don't think I can do this ...Mushu:It's all attitude! Be tough, like this guy here!Yow:[spits] What are you looking at?Mushu:Punch him. It's how men say hello. [Mulan punches Yow; he slams into Chien Po.]Chien Po:Oh, Yow! You've made a friend!Mushu:Good. Now slap him on the behind. They like that. (Mulan slaps Yow.) Yao:Woo hoo ... I'm gonna hit you so hard, it'll make your ancestors dizzy.Chien Po:[picks up Yow] Yow, relax and chant with me.Yao:errrrrgh ....Chien Po:nanuami tofu dah ...Yao:nonuamitofudah.Chien Po:Feel better?Yao:nrrgh. Ah, you ain't worth my time. Chicken boy.Mushu:Chicken boy!? Say that to my face, you limp noodle!Yao:Rrraaaaghhh! [Grabs Mulan and punches; she ducks and he punches Ling three times.]Oh, sorry Ling. Hey! [reaches down to catch Mulan from crawling away, and Ling kicks him into Chien Po, then attacks witha flying side kick. They start fighting, with Chien Po swiping toget them off. Mulan scrambles away.]Ling:Hey! There he goes! [They chase Mulan through a tent, and the Gang of Three stop abruptly at the end of the food line. Chien Po knocks everyone over, like dominoes, and finally the pot overturns.Everyone gets up and advances on Mulan.]Mulan:Hey, guys ...Inside the Captain's TentGeneral:The Huns have struck here, here, and here. I will take the main troops up to the Tung Chow Pass and stop Shan Yu before he destroys this village.Chi Fu:Excellent strategy, sir! I do love surprises.General:[to Lee Shang] You will stay and train the new recruits. When Chi Fu believes you're ready, you will join us ... Captain. Shang:Captain?Chi Fu:Oh! This is an enormous responsibility, General! Perhaps a soldier with more experience?General:Number one in his class, extensive knowledge of trainingtechniques ... an impressive military linuage ... I believe Lee Shang will do an excellent job.Shang:Oh I will! I won't let you down! This is... I mean... Yes sir. General:Very good, then. We'll toast China's victory at the Imperial City.I'll expect a full report in three weeks.Chi Fu:And believe me, I won't leave anything out.Shang:Captain Lee Shang. Leader of China's finest troops. No, the greatest troops of all time. [They step outside]Chi Fu:Most impressive.General:Good luck, Captain! Yah! [He rides off, followed by two lines of soldiers on horses.]Shang:Good luck ... Father.Chi Fu:Day one.Shang:Soldiers!Soldiers separate, revealing a cowering MulanSoldiers:HE started it!Shang:[to Mulan] I don't need anyone causing trouble in my camp. Mulan:Sorry ... [in a deep voice] I mean, sorry you had to say that. But you know what it is when you get those manly urges ... just gotta KILL something. Fix things ... a cook outdoors ...Shang:What's your name?Mulan:uh...um...uh...Chi Fu:Your commanding officer just asked you a question!Mulan:I've got a name ... and it's a boy's name, too.Mushu:Ling! How 'bout Ling?Mulan:(to Mushu) HIS name is Ling.Shang:I didn't ask for HIS name, I asked for yours!Mushu:Uh ... Ah-chu!Mulan:Ah-chu!Shang:AH-CHU?!Mushu:Gesuintit! Hee hee ... I kill myself.Mulan:Mushu ...Shang:MUSHU?Mulan:No.Shang:Then WHAT is it?!Mushu:Ping! Ping was my best friend growing up.Mulan:It's Ping.Shang:Ping.Mushu:'Course, Ping did steal my girl--Mulan:Yes. My name is Ping.Shang:Let me see your conscription notice. [Mulan hands the scroll to him.] Fa Zhou? THE Fa Zhou?Chi Fu:I didn't know Fa Zhou had a son.Mulan:Er, he ... doesn't talk about me much. [She attempts to spit, but fails miserably.]Chi Fu:I can see why. The boy's an absolute lunatic! (Laughter) Shang:Okay, gentlemen, thanks to your new friend Ping, you'll spendtonight picking up every single grain of rice. Tomorrow, the real work begins.GrumblingMushu:You know, we have to work on your people skills.Inside Mulan's tentMushu picks up Crickee and uses him for an alarm clock.Mushu:All right, rise and shine, Sleeping Beauty! C'mon, hup, hup, hup! Mulan pulls the blanket over her, and Mushu pulls it off.Mushu:Get your clothes on, get ready! Got breakfast ready. Look, you get porridge! And it's happy to see you!Crickee is resting happily in the bowl of porridge, Mushu uses chopsticks to fish him out.Mushu:Hey, get out of there! You're gonna make people sick!Mulan:Am I late?Mushu:[stuffs porridge in her mouth]No time to talk. Now, remember, it's your first day of training, so listen to your teacher and no fighting, play nice with the other kids, unless, of course, the other kids want to fight, then you gotta kick the other kid's butt. Mulan:But I don't want to kick the other kids' butts.Mushu:Don't talk with your mouth full. Now let's see your war face. Mulan looks at Mushu, her mouth full of porridge.Mushu:Oh, I think my bunny slippers just ran for cover. C'mon, scare me, girl!Mulan:Rrrrraaaaarrrgggghhhhh!Mushu:That's my tough looking warrior! That's what I'm talking about! Now, get out there and make me proud!Khan neighs franticallyMushu:What do you mean, the troops just left?Mulan:They WHAT? [She rushes out of the tent]Mushu:Wait, you forgot your sword! [sniffs]My little baby, off to destroy people ...Chi Fu:Order! People, order!Soldier:I'd like a pan-fried noodle!Chien Po:Sweet and pungent shrimp.Chi Fu:That's not funny.Ling:Looks like our new friend slept in this morning. Why, hello, Ping, Are ya hungry?Yao:Yeah, cause I owe you a knuckle sandwich.Shang:Soldiers! You will assemble swiftly and silently, every morning.Anyone who does otherwise, will answer to me.He takes off his shirt, and Mulan stares in awe.Yao:Ooh, tough guy.Shang:[pulls out a bow and arrow and aims it at Yow, then at the top ofa high pole in the middle of the camp.] Yow. Thank you forvolunteering. Retrieve the arrow.Yao:I'll get that arrow, pretty boy, and I'll do it with my shirt on.[He walks over to the pole and prepares to climb up it.] Shang:One moment, you seem to be missing something. [He pulls two giant medals out of a box.]This represents disipline. And this representsstrength. You need both to reach the arrow. [He ties them around Yao's wrists, and all the soldiers after him, and none of them can make it to the arrow.]Shang:We've got a long way to go.Beginning of "I'll Make a Man Out of You."Shang:Let's get down to businessTo defeat the HunsDid they send me daughtersWhen I asked for sonsYou're the saddest bunchI ever met, but you can betBefore we're throughMister, I'll make a manOut of you.Tranquil as a forestBut on fire withinOnce you find your centerYou are sure to winYou're a spineless, pale, pathetic lotAnd you can bet before we're throughMister, I'll make a man out of you.Chien Po:I'm never gonna catch my breathYao:Say good-bye to those who knew meLing:Boy I was a fool in school for cutting gymMushu:This guy's got 'em scared to deathMulan:I hope he doesn't see right through meChien Po:Now I really wish that I knew how to swim(Be a man)We must be swift as a coursing river(Be a man)With all the force of a great typhoon(Be a man)。

This is Berk.It's 12 days north of Hopelessand a few degrees south of Freezing to Death.It's located solidly on the Meridian of Misery.My village. In a word: sturdy.It's been here for seven generationsbut every single building is new.We have fishing, hunting, and a charming view of the sunsets. The only problems are the pests.You see, most places have mice or mosquitoes.We have...... dragons.Most people would leave, but not us.We're Vikings.We have stubbornness issues.My name is Hiccup.Great name, I know. But it's not the worst.Parents believe a hideous name willfrighten off Gnomes and Trolls.Like our charming Viking demeanor wouldn't do that. Morning.- What are you doing here? - Get inside!Get back inside!Hiccup! What is he doing out again...What are you doing out? Get inside!That's Stoick the Vast, Chief of the tribe.They say that when he was a baby he poppeda dragon's head clean off its shoulders.Do I believe it? Yes, I do.What have we got?Gronckles, Nadders, Zipplebacks... Oh,and hordes of Monstruous Nightmares.Any Night Furys?- None so far. - Good.Light the torches!Oh, nice of you to join the party.I thought you'd been carried off.Who? Me? Nah, come on...I'm way too muscular for their taste.They wouldn't know what to do with all... this. Well, they need toothpicks, don't they?The meathead with the attitude and interchangeable hands, is Gobber.I have been his apprentice ever since I was little. Well, littler.We move to the moor defenses.We'll counterattack with the catapults.See? Old village. Lots and lots of new houses. Fire!Oh, and that's FishlegsSnotloutThe twins, Ruffnut and Tuffnut...And...Astrid.Aww, their job is so much cooler.Oh, come on. Let me out, please. I need to make my mark! Oh, you have made plenty of marks. All in the wrong places. Please, 2 minutes. I'll kill a dragon.My life will get infinitely better.I might even get a date.You can't lift a hammer. You can't swing an axe.You can't even throw one of these.Okay, fine, but this will throw it for me.See, now this right here is what I'm talking about.But it... it's a mild calibration issue.Hiccup, if you ever want to get out there to fight dragons, you need to stop all....... this.But you just pointed to all of me.Yes, that's it.Stop being all of you.Oh, yes.You sir, are playing a dangerous game...... keeping this much raw Vikingness contained.- There will be consequences! - I take my chances. Sword, sharpened, now!One day I'll get out there.Because killing a dragon is everything around here.A Nadderhead is sure to get me at least noticed.Gronckles are tough.Taking down one of those would definitely get me a girlfriend.A Zippleback...Exotic, two heads, twice the status.They found the ship!Concentrate fire over the lower bank!Hurry up!Fire!And then, there's the Monstruous Nightmare.Only the best Vikings go after those.They have this nasty habit of setting themselves on fire. Reload!I'll take care of this.But the ultimate prize is the dragon no one's ever seen.We call it the...- Night Fury! - Get down!Jump!This thing never steals food, never shows itself, and...... never misses.No one has ever killed a Night Fury.That's why I'm going to be the first.Mind the fort, Hiccup. They need me out there.Stay!... Put!There.You know what I mean.- Hiccup, what are you doing? - Come back here!Yeah, I know, be right back!Mind yourself!The devils still have some juice in them.Come on.Give me something to shoot at. Give me something to shoot at. Oh! I hit it? Yes, I hit it!Did anybody see that?Except for you.- Do not let them escape! - Right!You're all out.Oh, and there's one more thing you need to know...Sorry, Dad.Okay, but I hit a Night Fury.It's not like the last few times, Dad!I mean, I really actually hit...You guys were busy and I had a very clear shot.It went down just off Raven Point.Let's get a search party out there before...Stop!Just, stop!Every time you step outside disaster falls.Can you not see that I have bigger problems?Winter is almost here and I have an entire village to feed! Between you and me, the village could dowith a little less feeding, don't you think?This isn't a joke, Hiccup!Why can't you follow the simplest orders?I, I can't stop myself. I see a dragon and I have to just... ... kill it. You know, it's who I am, Dad.Oh, you are many things, Hiccup,but a dragon killer is not one of them.Get back to the house. Make sure he gets there.I have his mess to clean up.Quite the performance.I've never seen any one mess up that badly. That helped! Thank you. Thank you. I was trying.- I really did hit one. - Sure, Hiccup.- He never listens. - Well, it runs in the family.And when he does, it's always with this disappointed scowl like someone skimped on the meat in his sandwich. Excuse me, barmaid. I'm afraid youbrought me the wrong offspring.I ordered an extra large boy with beefy arms.Extra guts and glory on the side.This here. This is a talking fish bone!Now, you're thinking about this all wrong.It's not so much what you look like.It's what's inside that he can't stand.Thank you for summing that up.Look, the point is, stop trying sohard to be something you're not.I just want to be one of you guys.Either we finish them or they'll finish us.It's the only way we'll be rid of them.If we find the nest and destroy it, the dragons will leave.They'll find another home.One more search, before the ice sets in.Those ships never come back.We're Vikings. It's an occupational hazard.Now who's with me?Alright,... those who stay will look after Hiccup.That's more like it.I'll pack my undies.No, I need you to stay, and train some new recruits.Oh, perfect, yeah. And while I'm busy Hiccup can cover the store. Molten steel, razor sharp blades, lots of time to himself...What could possibly go wrong?Oh, what am I going to do with him, Gobber?Put him in training with the others.- No, I'm serious. - So am I.He'd be killed before you let the first dragon out of its cage.- Oh, you don't know that. - I do know that.- No, you don't - No, actually, I do.- No, you don't. - Listen, you know what he's like.From the time he could crawl he's been... different.He doesn't listen.He has the attention span of a sparrow.I take him fishing and he goes hunting for.. for Trolls!Trolls exist! They steal your socks.But only the left ones. What's with that?- When I was a boy... - Oh, here we go.My father told me to bang my headagainst a rock,... and I did it.I thought it was crazy, but I didn't question him.And you know what happened?- You got a headache. - That rock split in two.It taught me what a Viking could do, Gobber.He could crush mountains, level forests,...... tame seas!Even as a boy I knew what I was, what I had to become... Hiccup is not that boy.You can't stop him, Stoick.You can only prepare him.I know it seems hopeless, but the truth isyou won't always be around to protect him.He's going to get out there again. He's probably out there now. Oh, the Gods hate me.Some people lose their knife or their mug.No, not me! I managed to lose an entire dragon.Oh, wow? I.. I did it? Oh, I did it!This fixes everything. Yes!I have brought down this mighty beast!I'm gonna kill you, dragon.I'm gonna... I'm gonna cut out yourheart and take it to my father.I'm a Viking.I'm a Viking!I did this.Hiccup.Dad? Uh...I have to talk to you, Dad.I need to speak with you too, son.- I think it's time you to learned to fight dragons. - I don't want to fight dragons. - What? - What?- Uh, you go first. - No, no, you go first.All right. You got your wish.Dragon training. You start in the morning.Oh man, I should have gone first.Uh, cause I was thinking. You know,we have a surplus of dragon fighting Vikings but,...Do we have enough bread-making Vikings,or small home repair Vikings...- You'll need this. - I don't want to fight dragons.Oh come on, yes you do.Rephrase. Dad, I can't kill dragons.But you will kill dragons.No, I'm really very extra sure that I won't.- It's time, Hiccup. - Can you not hear me?This is serious, son.When you carry this axe, you carry all of us with you.Which means, you walk like us. You talk like us.You think like us.No more of... this.You just gestured to all of me.- Deal? - This conversation is feeling very one-sided.Deal?Deal.Good.Train hard.I'll be back. Probably.And I'll be here, maybe.Welcome to dragon training.No turning back.I hope I get some serious burns.I'm hoping for some mauling, like on my shoulder or lower back. Yeah, it's only fun if you get a scar out of it.Yeah, no kidding, right? Pain, love it.Oh, great, who let him in?Lets get started. The recruit who does best,will win the honor of killing his firstdragon in front of the entire village.Hiccup already killed a night fury,so does that disqualify him or...?Can I transfer to the class with the cool vikings?Don't worry. You're small and you're weak,that will make you a less of a target.They'll see you as sick or insane and goafter the more viking-like teens instead.Behind these doors are just a few of themany species you will learn to fight.- The Deadly Nadder. - Speed: 8, Armor: 16.- the Hideous Zippleback. - 11 stealth, times two.- The Monstrous Nightmare. - Fire Power: 15.- The Terrible Terror. - Attack: 8, Venom: 12.Can you stop that!- And the Gronckle. - Jaw Strength: 8.Woah, woah, wait, aren't you going to teach us first?I believe in learning on the job.Today is about survival.If you get blasted, you're dead.Quick! What's the first thing you're going to need?- A doctor? - Plus 5 speed?- A shield? - shield. Go.Your most important piece of equipment is your shield.If you must make a choice between a sword or a shield.Take the shield.- Get your hands off my shield. - There's like a million shields. Take that one. It has a flower on it. Girls like flowers. Oops, now this one has blood on it.Tuffnut, Ruffnut, your out.- What? - What?Those shields are good for another thing. Noise. Make lots of it and throw off a dragon's aim.All dragons have a limited number of shots.How many does a gronckle have?- Five? - No, six.Right, six. That's one for each of you.Fishlegs, out.Hiccup, get in there!So anyway, I moved into my parent's basement? You should come by sometimes to work out,you look like you work out.Snotlout, your done.- So I guess its just you and me. - Nope, just you. One shot left.Hiccup!And that's 6. Go back to bed you overgrown sausage. You'll get another chance. Don't you worry. Remember, a dragon will always...... always go for the kill.So why didn't you?Well this was stupid.Why don't you just fly away?Alright, where did Astrid go wrong in the ring today?I mistimed my sommersault dive. It was sloppy.It threw off my reverse tumble.- Yeah, we noticed. - No, no you were great.That was so Astrid.She's right. You have to be tough on yourselves.Where did Hiccup go wrong?- Uh, he showed up? - He didn't get eaten.He's never where he should be.Thank you, Astrid. You need to live and breathe this stuff.The dragon manual...everything we know about every dragon we know of.No attacks tonight. Hurry up.- Wait? You mean read? - While we're still alive?Why read words when you can just kill thestuff the words tell you stuff about?Oh, I've read it like 7 times.There's this water dragon that sprays boiling water at your face And there's this other one that buries itself for like a week... Yeah, sounds great. There was a chance I was going to read that. But now...You guys read, I'll go kill something.- So I guess we'll share? - Read it.All mine then? Wow. So, okay. I'll see you uh,... tomorrow. Dragon classificationsStrike class, fear class, mystery class.Thunder Drum. This reclusive dragoninhabits sea caves and dark tide pools.When startled, the Thunder Drum produces a concussive sound that can kill a man at close range.Extremely dangerous. Kill on sight.Timberjack: This gigantic creature has razor-sharp wingsthat can slice through full-grown trees.Extremely dangerous. Kill on sight.Skulldren: Sprays scalding water on its victim. Extremely dangerous... Changeling: Even newly hatch dragons can spray acid. Kill on sight. Gronckle, Zippleback, the Skrill,Bonesnapper, Whispering Death.Burns its victims. Buries its victims. Chokes its victims.Turns victims inside out.Extremely dangerous.... Extremely dangerous....Kill on sight.... Kill on sight.... Kill on sight....Night Fury.Speed unknown. Size unknown.The unholy offspring of lightning and death itself.Never engage this dragon.Your only chance: Hide and pray it does not find you.I can almost smell them. They're close.Steady.- Take us in. - Hard to port.The hell hounds gate.Hard to port.Hey, you know, I just happened to notice,the book had nothing on night furys.Is there like another book? Or a sequel?Maybe a little night fury pamphlet?Focus Hiccup! You're not even trying.Today is all about attack!Nadder's are quick and light on their feet.You be quicker and lighter.I'm really beginning to question your teaching methods. Look for its blind spot. Every dragon has one.Find it. Hide in it, and strike.- Do you ever bathe? - You don't like it,then just get your own blind spot.How about I give you one?Blind spot, yes. Death spot, not-so-much.Hey, hey, so how would one sneak up on a night fury? No one's ever met one, and lived to tell the tale. Now, get in there!I know, I know but hypothetically...Watch out, babe, I'll take care of this.The sun was in my eyes, Astrid.What do you want me to do? Block out the sun?I can do that. I don't have time right now.- Has anyone ever seen one napping? - Hiccup! Hiccup!- Love on the battlefield. - She could do better.L-let me... Why don't you..Well done, Astrid.Is this some kind of a joke to you?Our parent's war is about to become ours.Figure out which side your on.Huh? Toothless.I could of sworn you have...... teeth.Uh, uh,... no, no,... no...I... I don't have anymore.And with one twist, he took my hand and swallowed it whole. And I saw the look in his face. I was delicious.He must have passed the word, because it wasn't a month Before another one of them took my leg.Isn't it weird to think that your hand was inside a dragon? Like, if your mind was still in control of it,you could have killed the dragon from the inside.By crushing his heart or something.I swear, I'm so angry right now.I'll avenge your beautiful hand and your beautiful foot.I'll chop of the legs of every dragon l fight... with my face! No. It's the wings and the tails you really want.If it can't fly, it can't get away.A downed dragon is a dead dragon.Alright, I'm off to bed.You should be too. Tomorrow we get to the big boys.Slowly but surely, making our way up to monstrous nightmare. But who'll win the honor of killing it?It's gonna be me. It's my destiny. See?Your mom let you get a tattoo?It's not a tattoo. It's a birth mark.Okay, I've been stuck with you since birthand that was never there before.Yes, it was. You've just never seen me to the left side until now. Hey, toothless. I brought breakfast.I hope... I hope you're hungry.Okay, that's disgusting.I got some salmon, some nice lcelandic cod,and a whole smoked eel.No, no, no, no,... no.... okay.Yeah, I don't really like eel much either.That's it. That's the good stuff. Aah, don't you mind me.I'll just be back here, minding my own business.Its okay...Okay, okay...Okay, that's not too bad. It works.No, no, no, no, no, no... !Oh my... its working!Yes, yes, I did it.Today, is about teamwork.Now, a wet dragon head can't light its fire.The hideous zippleback is extra tricky.One head breathes gas. The other head lights it.Your job is to know which is which.Razor-sharp serrated teeth, and injects venom for predigestion. Prefers ambush attack, crushing its victims.Will you please stop that?!If that dragon shows either of his faces, I'm gonna...There!Hey, its us, idiots!Your butts are getting bigger we thought you were a dragon. Not that theres anything wrong with a dragon-ass fig... Wait...I'm hurt! I am very much hurt!Chances of survival are dwindling into single digits now. Oh! Wrong head.Fishlegs!Now Hiccup!Aww, come on...Hiccup!Back,... Back, back!Now don't you make me tell you again!Yes, thats right. Back into your cage!Now think about what you've done.Okay, sooo, were we done?Cause I have some things I need to uh...Yep, I'll see you tomorrow.- What was that? - How did you do that?I left my axe back in the ring. You guys go on ahead.I'll catch up with you.Meet the Terrible Terror.It's like the size of my...Get it off!Oh, I'm hurt! I am very much hurt!Wow! He's better than you ever were.What?Ooh, great.Hiccup.Hiccup? Are you in there?Astrid, hey. Hi, Astrid. Hi astrid. Hi AstridI normally don't care what people do, but you're acting weird. Well, weirder.Well, I trust you found the nest at least?Not even close.Excellent.I hope you had a little more success than me.Well, if by success, you mean that yourparenting troubles are over with...then, yes.Congratulations Stoick! Everyone is so relieved.Out with the old, and in with the new, right?No one will miss that old nuisance.The village is throwing a party to celebrate.He's gone?Um, yeah, most afternoons, but who can blame him?I mean, the life of a celebrity is very rough.He can barely walk through the villagewithout being swarmed by his new fans.- Hiccup? - Who would have thought it, eh?He has this way with the beasts.Okay there, bud, were gonna take this nice and slow. Here we go. Here we go. Position three, no, four. Alright, it's go time. It's go time.Come on, buddy. Come on, buddy.Yes, it works!Sorry!That's my fault.Yeah, yeah, I'm on it. Position four, uh, three. Yeah! Go baby!Oh, this is amazing! The wind in my...... cheat sheet!Stop!No!Oh, gosh! Oh, God!Oh no!Alright. Okay. You gotta kinda angle yourself! Okay. No, no, no... come back down towards me. Come back down... oww!Come on...Uh, no thanks. I'm good.Not so fire-proof on the inside, are you?Here you go.Everything we know about you guys is wrong. Dad, you're back!Gobber's not here, so...I know.I came looking for you.- You did? - You've been keeping secrets.I have?Just how long did you think you could hide it from me? I... I don't know what you...Nothing happens on this island, without me hearing about it. So, lets talk... about that dragonDad, I'm so sorry.I was going to tell you, I just didn't know how to uh...- You're not upset? - What? I was hoping for this!- Ah, you were? - And believe me...It only gets better. Just wait till youspill a Nadder's guts for the first time...... and mount your first Gronckle head on a spear.What feeling! You really had me going there, son.All those years of the worst Viking Berk has ever seen. Odin, it was rough. I almost gave up on you.And all the while you were holding out on me.Oh, Thor almighty!With you doing so well in the ring...... we finally have something to talk about.I uh, I brought you something...... to keep you safe in the ring.Wow, thanks.Your mother would wanted you to have it.It's half of her breast plate.Matching set. Keeps her... keeps her close, you know? Wear it proudly. You deserve it.You've held your end of the deal.I should really get to bed.- Yes, good, okay, good talk. - Yeah...I'll see you back at the house. Great.Thanks for stopping by and...- ... The uh... breast hat. - I hopeyou like the, umm,... the hat.Well, good night.Stay out of my way. I'm winning this thing!Good. Please. By all means.This time! This time for sure!No! No, son-of-a half troll, rat-eating munch bucket...! Wait! Wait.So... later.- Oh, oh! Not so fast! - I'm kinda late for...What! Late for what, exactly?Okay, quiet down. The elder has decided.Boy, you've done it! You've done it, Hiccup!You get to kill the dragon!That's my boy!Yeah! Yes, I can't wait. I am so...... leaving. We're leaving.Let's pack up.Looks like you and me are taking a little vacation. Forever.What the... ? Uh, w.. what are you doing here?I want to know what's going on.No one just get as good as you do. Especially... you.- Start talking. - I... I...Are you training with someone?Training? I didn't...It better not involve this.I know, this looks really bad but you see, this is... You're right. You're right. You're right.I... I'm through with the lies.I've been making... outfits!So, you got me. It's time everyone knew.Drag me back. Go ahead. Here we go.Why would you do that?That's for the lies!And that's... for everything else!Oh man.Get down!Run! Run!No! No! it's okay. It's okay. She's a friend.You just scared him.I scared him?Who is him?Astrid, Toothless. Toothless, Astrid.Dut, da da... we're dead.Woah, woah woah. Where do you think your going? Oh, great Odin! Don't. Oh, this is...Hiccup, get me down from here!You have to give me a chance to explain.I am not listening to anything you have to say!Then I won't speak. Just let me show you.Please, Astrid.Now get me down!Toothless, down. Gently.See, nothing to be afraid of.Toothless?What is wrong with you? Bad dragon!He's uh, he's not usually like this.Oh, no!Toothless, what are you doing? We need her to like us! And now he's spinning!Thank you for nothing you useless reptile!Okay, I am sorry, I'm sorry. Just get me off of this thing. Alright, I admit it. This is pretty cool.It's amazing. He's amazing.So what now?Hiccup, your final exam is tomorrow!You know your gonna have to kill a...Kill a dragon...Don't remind me.Toothless, what happening?Whoa, what is it?Get down!- What's going on? - I don't know.Toothless, you gotta get us out of here, bud.It looks like they're hauling in their kill.What does that make us?What my dad wouldn't give to find this.Oh, it's satisfying to know that all ofour food has been dumped down a hole.They're not eating any of it.What... was that?Alright, bud, we gotta get out of here. Now!No, no, it totally makes sense. It's like a giant beehive. They're the workers, and that's their queen.It controls them. Let's find your dad.No, no.No. Not yet. They'll kill Toothless.Astrid, we have to think this through, carefully. Hiccup, we just discovered the dragon's nest.The thing we've been after since Vikings first sailed here. And you want to keep it secret?To protect your pet, dragon? Are you serious?Yes.Okay. Then what do we do?Just give me until tomorrow. I'll figure something out. Okay....That's for kidnapping me.That's for... everything else.What are you looking at?Well, I can show my face in public again.If someone had told me that in a few short weeks Hiccup will go from, well being... uh... Hiccup,to placing first in dragon training.Well, I would have tied him to a mast andshipped him off. For fear he'd gone mad.And you know it.But, here we are.And no ones more surprised or more proud than I am. Today my boy becomes a Viking!Today he becomes one of us!Be careful with that dragon.It's not the dragon I'm worried about.What are you going to do?Put an end to this.I have to try.Astrid, if something goes wrong,just make sure they don't find Toothless.I will, just promise me it won't go wrong.It's time, Hiccup.Knock 'em dead.I'd have gone for the hammer.I'm ready.Go on Hiccup, give it to him!What is he doing?It's okay, it's okay.I'm not one of them.Stop the fight!No! I need you all to see this.They're not what we think they are.We don't have to kill them.I said stop the fight!Out of my way!Hiccup!Hiccup!This way!Night fury!Alright, Toothless. Go! get out of here.Go, go!No, dad! dad, he won't hurt you!Don't... oh, no, no, no... You're making it worse. Toothless, stop!No. No!Get him!No, no, please. Just don't hurt himPlease. Don't hurt himPut it with the others.I should have known.I should have seen the signs.- Dad? - We had a deal!I know! We did, but that was before I...oh, it's all so messed up.So everything in that ring... A trick? A lie?I screwed up. I should have told you before now. Take this out on me, be mad at me, but please, just don't hurt Toothless.The dragon? That's what you're worried about? Not the people you almost killed?He was just protecting me! he's not dangerous. They've killed hundreds of us!And we've killed thousands of them.They defend themselves, that's all.They raid us because they have to.If they don't bring enough food back,they'll be eaten themselves.There's something else on their island,Dad. It's a dragon-like...Their island? So, you've been to the nest?- Did I say nest? - How did you find it?No, no, I didn't. Toothless did.Only a dragon can find the island.No, no, dad, no please. Its not what you think. You don't know what your up against.。

其中包括哈佛商学院一直排第一位的Wall Street,还有沃顿商学院排第一位的Trading Place,以及斯坦福要求商科学生必须看的Boiler Room。
1. Wall Street〔华尔街〕(1987)内部交易是违法的,不违法怎么能够发财。
2. Glengarry Glenn Ross〔拜金一族〕(1992)当房地产进入萧条的时候,美国的房屋中介的销售参谋都在忙什么?他们如何利用数据库,如何门到门地将房地产销售出去。
3. Trading Places〔颠倒乾坤〕(1983)经济是交易行为的代名词。
4. Boiler Room〔锅炉房〕(2000)难以想像的是违法交易几乎与证券市场形影不离。
5. Pirates of Silicon Valley〔硅谷传奇〕(1999)比尔·盖茨与斯蒂夫·乔布斯在所有方面的看法,观点都是对立的。

精读英语电影《疯狂动物成》01英文原文The wild sounds of ancient①predators②echoed③through alarge barn④in Bunnyburrow⑤. A young bunny named Judy Hopps appeared on a makeshift⑥stage,trying to find her way througha papier-mache⑦and cardboard⑧jungle.① ancient:古老的② predators:肉食动物③ echoed:回响④ barn:谷仓⑤ Bunnyburrow:兔洞⑥ makeshift:临时⑦ papier-mache:混凝纸浆⑧ cardboard:硬纸板Judy's voice rang out loud and clear."Fear①. Treachery②. Bloodlust③! Thousands of years ago, these were the forces that ruled our world. A worldwhere prey④ were scared⑤of predators. And predators had an uncontrollable desire⑥to maim⑦and maul⑧and——"① fear:恐惧② treachery:背叛③ bloodlust:血腥④ prey:猎物⑤ scared:吓、害怕⑥ desire:欲望⑦ maim:残害⑧ maul:殴打Suddenly, a jaguar①leapt②on her from the shadows!" Blood, blood, blood!" Judy screamed③as he crumpled④under the attack. "And death."① jaguar:美洲豹② leapt:跃上③ screamed:尖叫④ crumpled:倒下After a long and drawn-out①moment of terrible silence, Judy sat up, faced the confused②audience, and smiled as she continuedher monologue③.A banner reading CARROT DAYS TALENT④SHOW hung over the stunned⑤crowd.① drawn-out:很长,持久② confused:困惑③ monologue:独白④ TALENT:天才⑤ stunned:目瞪口呆"Back then①, the world was divided in two: vicious predatoror meek②prey". Two cardboard boxes dropped down from the ceiling③. The first,labeled vicious predator in crayon④, landed on top of the jaguar, and the second, labeled⑤meek prey,landed on Judy. The boxes settled on their shoulders so their heads, arms, and legs stuck out. “But over time,we evolved⑥and moved beyond our primitive⑦savage ways."① Back then:当时② meek:温顺③ ceiling:天花板④ crayon:蜡笔⑤ labeled:标记⑥ evolved:进化⑦ primitive:原始A young sheep wearing a white robe and a cardboard rainbow on his head did an improvisational①dance across the stage. Judy and the jaguar burst out of their boxes, now wearing white robes②, too. "Now predator and prey live in harmony."① improvisational:即兴的② robe:长袍Judy and the jaguar, revealed as another friendly youngster, shook hands as the sheep sprinkled①glitter②on them. And everyyoung mammal③has multitudinous④opportunities, Judy said.① sprinkled:挥洒② glitter:闪光③ mammal:哺乳动物④ multitudinous:众多"Yeah. I don't have to cower①in a herd②anymore" said the sheep. Then he ripped off his robe, revealinga homemade③astronaut④costume⑤. ”Instead, I can be an astronaut."① cower:退缩② herd:群③ homemade:自制④ astronaut:宇航员⑤ costume:服装"I don't have to grow up to be a lonely hunter", said the jaguar, showing a business suit under his robe."Today I can hunt for tax exemptions①.I'm gonna be an actuary②!”① exemptions:免税② actuary:精算师”And no longer do I have to blindly serve the almighty①carrot“, said Judy. "I can make the world a better place-saving lives, defending the defenseless! I am going to be..." Judy ripped off②her robe and stood in a blue uniform. “A police officer!"① almighty:全能② ripped off:扯掉In the audience, a nasty①fox kid named Gideon Grey snickered②to his two friends. "Bunny cop. That is the most stupidest thing I ever heard," he said.① nasty:讨厌,不友善② snickered:窃笑Back onstage, it was almost as if Judy had heard his remark. "It may seem impossible...to small minds,"she said, pointing at him. "I'm looking at you, Gideon Grey." Judy snapped her fingers and a backdrop showing a bright city skyline unrolled①behind her. "But just two hundred and eleven miles away stands the great city of.ZOOTOPIA! Whereour ancestors②first joined together in peace, and declared that ANYONE CAN BE ANYTHING!Thank you and good night!"① unrol led:展现② ancestors:祖先Judy proudly bowed①as if she had just given the performance of her life. Dutiful②applause③came from the audience, including her parents, Bonnie and Stu Hopps.① bowed:鞠躬② Dutiful:礼节性③ applause:掌声Moments later, Judy, still wearing her police costume, excitedly exited the barn with her parents,Outside, the Carrot Days Festival was in full swing as everyone enjoyed booths①, games, and rides.① booths:摊位"Judy, ever wonder how your mom and me got to be so darn happy? " Stu asked."Nope," Judy answered."Well, I'll tell ya how, Stu continued, as if he hadn't heard Judy. We gave up on our dreams and we settled, right, Bon?""Oh yes,”Bonnie agreed. “That‘s right, Stu. We settled hard."“See, that's t he beauty of complacency,Jude If you don't try anything new, you'll never fail," Stu said."I like trying, actually," Judy said.Bonnie looked at their daughter.“What your father means, hon... it's gonna be difficult-impossible, even-for you to become a police oficer.""There's never been a bunny cop,"Stu said."I guess I'll have to be the first one! said Judy asshe parkoured①against a fence②. Because I'm gonna make the worlda better place."① parkoured:酷跑运动,这里表示疾步翻越② fence:篱笆"Or...heck①, you wanna talk about making the world a better place-no better way to do it than becoming a carrot farmer," said Stu.① heck:见鬼"Yes! Your dad and me and your two hundred seventy-five brothers and sisters-we're changing the world one carrot at a time." said Bonnie."Amen to that. Carrot farming is a noble①profession, "Stu agreed .① noble:高尚But Judy stopped paying attention to her parents whenshe spotted① Gideon Grey following some little kids. Shewas instantly②alert, and she went after him.① spotted:发现② instantly:立刻"You get it, honey? ” Bon asked Judy. “I mean,it's great to have dream.""Yeah, just as long as you don' t believe in them too much,” Stu continued as he looked around for his daughter. ”Jude? Where the heck did she go?"02中英对照The wild sounds of ancient predators echoed through a large barn in Bunnyburrow. A young bunny named Judy Hopps appeared on a makeshift stage,trying to find her way through a papier-mache and cardboard jungle.在一个叫兔窝镇的地方,古老的食肉动物那野性的吼声在间宽敞的谷仓里回荡着。

片名:《拜见罗宾逊一家》Meet The Robinsons我没有选那个因为那个会让我起疙瘩Then I didn't choose that one because it was gonna give me pimples,于是我挑了另外一个比较恐怖的so I choosed another scary one因为根据我多年参加万圣节前夕的经验because, for all those years that I went for Halloween,我是比较大胆的I wasn't scary at all.我特爱棒球我生下来就是要去打棒球的I love baseball. It's my destiny to play that game.其实我不真的那么在乎输赢I don't really care about winning.不过现在我挺在乎的因为,呃,我们逢打必输Well, like, now I do 'cause, like, we've lost every game.我都输得麻木了I've gotten tired of it.我是那么卖力的打所有的球都扔给我I'm working, like, so hard. All the balls are getting thrown to me.我尽力去接住每一个球I'm trying to catch, like, every one.场外的观众都在看着…All of the people in the outfield are all looking around and...走吧!我们打棒球去,好不?Come on! Let's play some baseball, okay?我们需要运动别老呆在屋里Not the lazy game.他们到了They're here.刘易斯Lewis?刘易斯Lewis?顾博,嘿,我完成了我做完了Goob! Hey, I did it, Goob! I finished it!他们将会爱死这发明They are gonna love this!没有比说“收养我吧”更象古怪的发明了Nothing says "adopt me" like a weird invention.刘易斯Lewis!- 刘易斯,哈里顿夫妇到了- 我先走了,米尔德里德- Lewis, the Harringtons are here! - Way ahead of you, Mildred.等等Wait! Wait! Wait, wait, wait.记住,坐立时要挺直腰杆看着他们的眼睛Remember, sit up straight. Look them in the eye.脸带微笑让我帮你…Smile. Let's fix your...米尔德里德Mildred.好吧,好吧All right, all right, all right, all right.去向他们展现你的与众不同…Go show them how special you are.噢,希望这次能够成功Oh, I hope this is it.我希望他能被收养I hope he gets adopted.还有我也希望,头头You and me both, chief.我是指这个世界上太多东西能够改进I mean, there's so many things in the worldthat can be improved.想象一下活动式人行道,气垫汽车Just think of it. Moving sidewalks, flying cars. 只有想不到,没有做不到的The possibilities are endless.气垫汽车?嘿,我喜欢这个Flying cars? Yeah, that's a good one.只要少少的想象再加上一点点的科学All it takes is some imagination and a little science,我们就能让这个世界变得更美好and we can make the world a better place. 呃,这些主意非常有趣Well, these are all interesting ideas.那么你最喜爱的运动是什么?So, what's your favourite sport?- 发明创造算不算一种运动?- 事实上…- Well, does inventing count as a sport? - Actually...因为当我发明了这个我好像打了个本垒打'Cause I think I hit a home run with this one! - 那是啥玩艺?- 首先,得问个问题- What is that? - First, a question.当你用花生酱和果子冻做三文治的时候What's the number one problem that you face你面对的头号难题是什么?when you make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich?- 刘易斯,我不想…- 搭配比例控制- Lewis, I don't think we... - Portion control.太多花生酱黏住口腔顶部Too much peanut butter sticks to the roof of your mouth,引起咀嚼困难takes forever to chew.太多果子冻从三文治边上挤出来弄得双手黏糊糊的Too much jelly squishes out the sides and makes your hands all sticky.我认为花生酱和果子冻的最佳搭配Well, I propose that the perfect P.B. and J.是人们随手可得的is within mankind's grasp,为此我发明了这部机器and I've built this machine to achieve it.在这次演示中我使用普通的面包For this demonstration, I'll use regular bread. 亲爱的,没事的Honey, it's okay.正如您所看到的面包并不需要烤过As you can see, toasting is an option.我们并不吃花生酱We don't usually eat peanut butter.刘易斯,真的不需要演示了Lewis, this is really not necessary.被堵住了It's jammed!刘易斯,求你不要做了Lewis, please, don't!怎么回事?What's happening?哈里顿先生对花生过敏!Mr Harrington has a peanut allergy!真对不起!I'm sorry!让我帮你弄掉那些花生酱!Here let me help you get that off!靠后站!Stand back!- 他会没事吗?- 深呼吸,深呼吸- Is he gonna be okay? - Breathe. Breathe.真对不起,我不知道!I'm so sorry! I didn't know!认识你真高兴It was really nice to meet you.我们需要一点时间考虑We're gonna need some time to think about it.嗨,一切还好吗…Hi, folks. Everything all...发生什么事了?What happened?达夫小姐那小孩对我们绝对不合适Miss Duffy, that boy is definitely not right for us.现在我们告辞了Now, if you'll excuse me.我对发生这一切感到很抱歉如果你们…I'm so sorry about this. If you would just...- 我做好午饭了- 我不饿- I made some lunch. - Not hungry.可怜的哈里顿先生Poor Mr Harrington.- 我杀死他了?- 没有,没有,你没有杀死他- I killed him? - No. No! No, you didn't kill him. 我给他打电话了,他完全没事了I called. He's perfectly fine.我只是想说I was just gonna say that it's...他没有尝试一下It's too bad he didn't get to try a sandwich你的天才发明做的三文治真是太可惜了from that wonderful invention of yours.- 对,真的太可惜了- 这不是你的错- Yeah, real wonderful. - It's not you.我们只是还没有找到合适的夫妇罢了We just haven't found the right couple yet. 一百二十四One hundred twenty-four.什么?What?那是领养面试次数我一共面试了124次That's how many adoption interviews I've had, 124.噢,刘易斯,算了吧Oh, Lewis, come on, now.你也太夸张了为了说明你You're exaggerating just to make your是对的point.另外,我明年13岁了Plus, I'm gonna be 13 next year,你知道一个少年被领养会有多困难and you know how hard it is for a teenager to get adopted.我没有未来没有人想收养我I have no future. No one wants me.那不是真的,刘易斯!That's not true, Lewis!我亲生母亲都不想要我My own mother didn't even want me.好了,够了,你并不知道那原因Now, stop it. You do not know that.那么她为什么放弃我?Then why'd she give me up?她或许没有能力养大你She may not have been able to take care of you.你有没有想过这点?Did you ever think of that?我肯定她所考虑的是什么是对你最好的I am sure that she was only thinking about what was best for you.我从没有从那方面去想I never thought of it that way.或许她想养育你但她没有能力Maybe she wanted to keep you, but she had no choice.你所得对You're right.我亲生妈妈才是唯一想要我的人My real mom is the only person who's ever wanted me.慢着,我是说“或许”Wait. I said "maybe."如果她那时要我现在她也会要我And if she wanted me then, she'll want me now.你在说些什么呀?What are you talking about?我要去找她,米尔德里德如果我找到她,她就会要回我I have to find her, Mildred, and when I do, she'll take me back,我们一家人又再重聚了and we'll be a family again!哦,刘易斯,你不能找到她的Whoa, whoa, whoa! Lewis, you can't do that.没有人知道她的任何消息没有人曾经见过她No one knows anything about her. No one even saw her.不对,我看见她了Wrong. I saw her一次once.她就在我的脑海里我只需要记起来She's in here. I just have to remember.就这么定了That's it!您好Hello 我要告诉你一些事情I got something to tell you一些不可思议的事情But it's crazy我要给你看一些东西I got something to show you所以请再次给我一次机会So give me just one more chance再多一瞥,我对你印象更深刻One more glance And I will make of you有一个信仰者Another believer你估不到吧?你获得的比你索求的还多Guess what? You got more than you bargained太神奇了吧?Ain't it crazy?你买到的比你支付的还多You got more than you paid for所以请再次给我一次机会So give me just one more chance再多一瞥One more glance再多一只手去牵One more hand to hold你已经在我脑海里You've been on my mind虽说看似戏谑Though it may seem I'm fooling浪费大量时间Wasted so much time虽说看似戏谑Though it may seem I'm fooling我们将怎么办?What are we gonna do?我们将怎么办?What are we gonna do?我们将怎么办?What are we gonna do about it?你已经在我脑海里You've been on my mind再给一次机会One more chance浪费大量时间Wasted so much time再给一次机会One more chance累坏了So tired.我们下午两点见你要来他会很高兴的We'll see you at 2:00 this afternoon. He'll be so excited you're coming.再见了Bye-bye, now.好极了!嘿,顾博…呃,是迈克尔Yes! Hey, Goob... I mean, Michael.- 祝你今天的大赛好运!- 轻而易举的事情- Good luck at the big game today. - Easy win. 对方是一群乌合之众Those guys are a bunch of bums.我只希望我不要睡着了I just hope I can stay awake.不要告诉我,让我猜猜Don't tell me. Let me guess.他整晚没睡一直在搞他那该死的发明He was up all night working on his stupid project,但是我早就有心理准备了but that's what happens当你有这么一个科学怪人做室友when you get a science geek for a roommate. 哈,真是好人Ah, that's good joe.好了,爱恩斯坦你该去为迈克尔加油All right, Einstein, you owe Michael big time.把脑海里的秘密打开需要的时间要比我预期的长Well, unlocking the secrets of the brain took a lot longer than I expected,但是已经完成了,米尔德里德我再校准了耳机but it's finished, Mildred. I recalibrated the headset.现在神经中枢的线路将会接通Now the neural circuits will connect.我破解了脑内的海马状突起(在泛记过程中起主要作用)I've cracked the hippocampus!真的吗?好的,什么?Really? Okay. What?现在开始测试Now to test it out.噢,我要迟到了,我得走了!Oh, no! I'm late! I gotta go!等一下,刘易斯,等一下Wait a minute, Lewis. Wait a minute.我差点忘了我到这的目的I almost forgot what I came up here for.我知道你今天有很多事情要做I know you have a lot on your plate today,但我已经为你安排了一次会面在下午but I've scheduled an interview for you this afternoon.- 不,谢谢- “不,谢谢”?什么意思?- No, thanks. - "No, thanks"?宝贝,这是关乎你被收养的大事Sweetheart, this is about being adopted,你得回来这里而且要干净,高兴还有准时and you will be back here clean, happy and ontime.我不再去会面了,米尔德里德我不要再被拒绝了I'm done with interviews, Mildred. I'm not gonna be rejected anymore.听着,我知道你的想法但我还是要提醒你Listen, I know where your head is, but I'm telling you,你得忘记过去展望未来you have got to get out of the past and look to the future.我有,这就是了I am, and this is it.这就是我的未来This is my future.对不起I'm sorry.刘易斯?宝贝?Lewis? Honey?克伦克霍恩博士我知道你在发明谷实验室Dr Krunklehorn, I know you're very busy there 忙得不可开交at Inventco Labs,我们非常荣幸能邀请到您担任裁判and we're just so excited to have you as a judge.非常乐意帮忙,威勒斯坦先生嘿,你可能还不知道It's my pleasure, Mr Willerstein. Hey, you never know.你的一位学生可能发明了下一代的集成电路One of your students may invent the next integrated circuit或者微处理器或者集成电路or microprocessor or integrated circuit.噢,慢着我已经提过集成电路了Oh, wait! I said that already. 我很少离开那实验室Well, I just don't get out of that lab very much.那是蝴蝶结吗?我喜欢蝴蝶结Is that a bow tie? I like bow ties.我有八天没有睡了I haven't slept in eight days!那么需要我帮你找张简易床或其他什么的?Well, then can I get you a cot or something?不需要,我已经打过咖啡因补丁这是我的发明Nope, I've got the caffeine patch. It's my invention.每个补丁相当于12杯咖啡Each patch is the equivalent of 12 cups of coffee.你能够保持清醒数天而没有任何副作用You can stay awake for days with no side effects.对不起,她是谁?Sorry. Who's this?她是我的学生斯坦利·普郭斯基This is one of our students, Stanley Pukowski. 噢,太可爱了Oh, so cute!我真想咬一口他那胖胖的小脸颊!I just want to bite his chubby little cheeks!衣服上的是什么,普郭斯基?What's with the dress, Pukowski?事实上这是宽外袍,先生It's actually a toga, sir.教练,见到你真高兴,有那么一点点你在这干什么?Coach, nice to see you, sort of. What are you doing here?当科学展览的裁判啊我看起来还会做什么?Judging a science fair. What's it look like I'mdoing?什么让您觉得您够资格当科学展的裁判的?And what makes you qualified to judge a science fair?这是我的地盘It's my gym.斯坦利火山爆发吧Stanley. Volcano.见证维苏威火山(欧洲唯一活火山)的神奇力量吧Behold the awesome power of Mount Vesuvius!触发器不工作The toggle switch isn't toggling.克伦克霍恩博士?Dr Krunklehorn?钡,钴(化学元素)爱恩斯坦,调味剂Barium, cobalt, Einstein, Kool-Aid!我不知道她刚才在说什么但这项目不通过!I don't know what she just said, but this project is unacceptable!现在给我环绕体育馆跑20个圈!Now, give me 20 laps around the gym!快跑!快跑!快跑!快!快!快!Move it! Move it! Move it! Go! Go! Go!- 教练- 我在看着你- Coach! - I'm watching you.好了,下一位是莉兹和她的火蚁(南美一种杂食性蚂蚁)养殖场Okay, next up is Lizzy and her fire ant farm.没错That's right.莉兹,我们谈论过这火蚁Lizzy, we talked about the fire ants.你知道他们会咬人You know that they have a tendency to bite people.他们只咬我的敌人Only my enemies.不要停,好不?莉兹,你是最棒的Just keep moving, shall we? Top notch, Lizzy!我们还是不要惹她生气或者有任何引起她不安的举动Let's not anger her or make her jumpy in any way.这里不安全,进来This area's not secure. Get in.有没有一个戴圆顶硬礼帽的高个子男人靠近你?Have you been approached by a tall man in a bowler hat?- 什么?- 嘿,嘿,在这我来问问题- What? - Hey, hey, I'll ask the questions here. - 好吧,再见- 好吧- Okay, goodbye. - All right,本不想以大欺小这是你逼我的didn't want to pull rank on you, but you forced my hand.T.C.T.F的特别探员威尔伯·罗宾逊Special Agent Wilbur Robinson of the T.C.T.F. - T.C.T.F是什么来着?- 时光统一体机动部队- The what? - Time Continuum Task Force.- 我是来保护你的- 呃…- I'm here to protect you. - Well...现在请回答,有没有戴圆顶硬礼帽的高个子男人靠近你?Now, tall man, bowler hat, approached you? 没有,为什么?No, why?我会因为这而丢掉工作的I could lose my badge for this.他是一宗抢劫案的嫌疑犯He's a suspect in a robbery.他偷了什么了?What did he steal?- 一部时光机器- 一部什么?- A time machine. - A what?我一直追踪他到了这个时光点我的线人说他在找你I've tracked him to this time, and my informants say he's after you.找我?为什么找我?Me? Why me?在HQ的小伙子还没有找到他的动机The boys back at HQ haven't figured out a motive yet.我说的“HQ”是指总部的意思And by "HQ," I mean "headquarters."我知道HQ是什么意思I know what HQ means.很好,你是个聪明的孩子Good. You're a smart kid.这或许能让你活着到目前为止That might keep you alive, for now.只是有点担心你那小发明Just worry about your little science gizmo让我来当那个“perp”(罪人)and leave the "perp" to me.- 我说的“perp”是指…- 我知道那是什么意思!- And by "perp," I mean... - I know what it means!好吧,了不起先生Okay, Mr Smarty-pants.戴圆顶硬礼帽的人!Bowler Hat Guy!我的青蛙!My frogs!这下你可逃不掉了You're not gonna get away with it, 带着科学展品的小孩kid with science project.靓仔,你差点打烂了我的太阳能系统!Dude, you almost busted my solar system!我的青蛙!他们跑掉了!My frogs! They're getting away!抓到你了!这是最后一只Got you! That's the last of them.讨厌的小女孩我可没有时间抓青蛙Annoying little girl, I don't have time for this. 我正在执行重要的…I'm on a very important...对本小姐休得无礼,孩子我会日本空手道Don't sass me, boy. I know karate.加油,普郭斯基!小小的苦楚相当于激励!Come on, Pukowski! Feel the pain! Love the pain!教练…Coach...下一个是刘易斯Next up is Lewis.对…刘易斯!失陪一下Yes... Lewis! Excuse me.刘易斯,告诉我这玩艺不会…Lewis, tell me this thing is not gonna...没事的,这次准会成功我不会让您失望的,我保证It's okay. It's gonna work this time. I won't let you down, I promise.好吧,刘易斯,我相信你给他们致命一击All right, Lewis, I trust you. Knock 'em dead.那是给大家一个惊喜的意思千万不要闹出人命来That was a figure of speech. Please don't kill anyone.好了,大家往后站Okay, stand back, everybody.下一个项目会让大家张大嘴巴合不拢This next project will knock your socks off.说真的,你可能需要站后一点Seriously, you might wanna stand back a little. 你是否曾经忘记过一些事情Have you ever forgotten something,无论你如何努力去回想就是想不起来and no matter how hard you tried, you couldn't remember it?这些被遗忘了的记忆到底去哪了?Well, what happens to these forgotten memories?我认为它们被存放在我们脑海里的某个角落I propose they're stored somewhere in your brain,我建造了一台机器可以唤醒它们and I built a machine that can retrieve them. 我称它记忆扫描仪I call it the Memory Scanner.让人眼前为之一亮!It's shiny!那么,刘易斯这台记忆扫描仪的工作原理是什么?So, Lewis, how does the Memory Scanner work?首先,你在这键盘输入想扫描的时间段First, you input the desired period of time on this keypad.然后镭射扫描大脑皮层那是记忆被存放的地方Then a laser scans the cerebral cortex, where memories are stored.被提取出来的记忆会被显示在显示屏上The retrieved memory is then displayed on this monitor.把它打包起来我要两台Wrap him up. I'll take two. 现在我设定时间倒退12年零3个月11天Now, I'm going back 12 years, three months and 11 days.为什么要选这个特定的日子?Why that particular day?我没有想到我会注意到吧?You didn't think I was paying attention, did you?呃,那天是…Well, that was the day...这么说吧那天是我生命中很重要的一天Let's just say, that was a very important day in my life.比较合理开始吧Fair enough. Play ball.涡轮很快就能发动起来It'll just take a second to get the turbines going.刘易斯,慢着!Lewis, wait!她要爆发了!She's gonna blow!注意!Watch out!小小苦楚相当于激励…Feel the pain! Love the...很疼!快停止!Hurts so much! Make it stop!快停止!Make it stop!教练,你忍住,好吧?Coach, suck it up, okay?让我们处理好危机明天我们回想起也感自豪Let us conduct ourselves in a way that we'll all be proud of tomorrow.- 大家冷静!- 威勒斯坦先生?- Let's calm down! - Mr 威勒斯坦?- 我不是故意的…- 现在不是时候,刘易斯!- I didn't mean to... - Not now, Lewis!对不起,真对不起I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.现在不是道歉的时候Not now.好吧,大家冷静有秩序地Okay, and we are walking in a calm, orderly fashion走向出口toward the exits.等等,刘易斯!Wait, Lewis!来,亲爱的,我们的未来在等着呢Come, my dear. Our future awaits.嘿,你在这干嘛?Hey, what are you doing up here?你能不再扮了吗,拜托了?我知道你不是鸽子Would you quit that, please? I know you're not a pigeon.你让我暴露了You're blowing my cover.这里只有我们两个We're the only ones up here.这正是他们希望你是这样想的That's just what they want you to think.现在,那里该打扫好了Now, enough moping.把这个拿回科学展修好你的记忆扫描仪Take this back to the science fair and fix that Memory Scanner.停!停!离我远点!Stop! Stop! Get away from me!也许你忘记了Maybe you've forgotten. 我是来自未来的时光警察应该被非常严肃的对待I'm a time cop from the future, should be taken very seriously.这不是徽章That's no badge.这是皮肤晒成褐色沙龙赠券!你是个假冒的This is a coupon for a tanning salon! You're a fake.好吧,你揭穿了我我不是警察Okay, you got me. I'm not a cop,但我确实是来自未来but I really am from the future,还有确实有这么一个戴圆顶硬礼帽的家伙and there really is this Bowler Hat Guy.又来了Here we go again.他偷了一部时光机器来到了科学展He stole a time machine, came to the science fair破坏掉你的发明and ruined your project.我的发明不成功是因为我功夫不到家My project didn't work because I'm no good.没有戴圆顶硬礼帽的家伙没有时光机器There is no Bowler Hat Guy, there is no time machine,你并不是来自未来and you're not from the future!你是疯了!You're crazy!我没有发疯I am not crazy.噢,对了,时光旅行队长?证明你所说的Oh, yeah, Captain Time Travel? Prove it.对了吧,我猜对了吧你无法证明Yeah, that's what I thought.我要反锁自己在我的房间里I'm just gonna go lock myself in my room躲在掩盖物下面好几年and hide under the covers for a couple years.如果我证明我来自未来你会不会回到科学展去?If I prove to you I'm from the future, will you go back to the science fair?好,当然,你想怎样都行Yeah, sure, whatever you say.嘿,放开我Hey, let go of me!- 你在干嘛?放开我!- 好吧- What are you doing? Let go of me! - Okay.这是什么?我们要上哪去?What is this? Where are we going?去到未来!To the future!已经到达未来The future has arrived今天已经到达未来The future has arrived today已经到达未来The future has arrived今天已经到达未来The future has arrived today这个证据充足了吧?Is this proof enough for you?够充足了!Is it ever!在我一生中我从来没有想象到时光旅行会实现I never thought that time travel could be possible in my lifetime,现在就在我的眼前and here it is, right in front of me! 事实会让你相信一切老兄The truth will set you free, brother.这一切超出了我的想象This is beyond anything I could've imagined. 这意味着我完全可以改变我的生命This means I could really change my life.对,你能够That's right. You can.下一站是科学展去修好你的记忆扫描仪Next stop, science fair, to fix your Memory Scanner.嘿,我才不会去修那愚蠢的记忆扫描仪Hey, I'm not gonna fix that stupid Memory Scanner.- 什么?- 威尔伯,这是时光机器!- What? - Wilbur, this is a time machine!为什么我要去修理我那低级的发明Why should I fix my dumb invention什么时候你能带我去见我的妈妈?就用这船when you can take me to see my mom now in this ship?事实上我可以回到那个晚上制止她不要遗弃我I could actually go back to that night and stop her from giving me up.答案不是时光机器而是这个The answer is not a time machine. It's this.这个?你想知道我对这个的看法吗?This? You want to know what I think about this?你在干嘛?What are you doing?对不起,威尔伯I'm sorry, Wilbur,但你不知道我是怎样熬过来的but you don't know what I've lived through.- 刘易斯,不要!- 松手!- Lewis, no! - Let go!- 你松手!- 你不是我的老板!- You let go! - You're not the boss of me!我是的因为我13岁,你才12岁Yes, I am, 'cause you're 12, and I'm 13.我比你大That makes me older.我在过去出生Well, I was born in the past,所以我比你老,你要听我的!which makes me older and the boss of you!我完蛋了I am so dead.我不允许看一眼这玩艺更不要说驾驶它了!I'm not allowed to look at this thing, let alone drive it!爸爸,妈妈要杀了我了Mom and Dad are gonna kill me,我可以明确告诉你他们绝不会手软的and I can tell you this. It will not be done with mercy.难道没有时光机器修理店Isn't there like a time machine repair shop- 或其他类似的?- 没有- or something? - No!目前总共才有两台时光机器There's only two time machines in existence, 另一台在戴圆顶硬礼帽的家伙手上and the Bowler Hat Guy has the other one!那么得找人修好它Well, somebody's gonna have to fix this.好主意你这么聪明,你来修Good idea. You're smart. You fix it.你疯了吗?我不会修这玩艺Are you crazy? I can't fix this thing. 你行的你弄坏了,你得修好Yes, you can. You broke it. You fix it.好吧,不过有个条件All right, under one condition.我修好了你带我回去见我的妈妈I fix it, you take me back to see my mom.什么?你甚至没有兑现我们上一个协议What? You didn't even follow through on our last deal.这叫我如何相信你?How can I trust you?那么你告诉我你是来自未来的时光警察Well, you told me you were a time cop from the future.这叫我如何相信你?How can I trust you?大家彼此彼此Touch?那么我们达成协议了吧?So do we have a deal?这位女士你好Good day, madam.- 我是来这改变未来的- 是的,先生?- I'm here to change the future. - Yes, sir?我需要马上跟主管谈谈I must speak with the man in charge immediately.- 是,先生- 我和命运有个约会- Yes, sir. - I have an appointment with destiny. 很好,先生我要告诉史密斯Very good, sir. I'll let Smith know,我会把你干洗好的衣服直接送回到你的套间and I'll have your dry cleaning delivered directly to your suite.- 什么?- 现在告诉我你的预约时间?- What? - Now, what time is yourappointment?- 你在问我吗?- 是的- Are you talking to me? - Yes.你的预约时间是几点?What time is your appointment?大指针在…噢,两点!Big hand is on the... Oh, 2:00!你是预约两点的那位?You're the 2:00?对,就是我Yes. Yes, I am.你是玛丽·约翰森?You're Mary Johnson?对Yes.玛丽是什么的简称…Mary is short for...玛丽安?Marian?- 那可以是个男孩的名字吗?- 可以的- Can that be a boy name? - Yes.- 那么是的- 请坐下- Then yes. - Have a seat.噢,太好了Oh, goody!“把发明冒认是自己的作品”完成,噢,我喜欢清单"Pass off invention as my own." Check. Oh, I love checklists.管委会的人已经准备好见你The board is ready to see you now.等等,我该说些什么?Wait. What am I going to say?我永远都记不住那些I'm never gonna remember that.你能不能…为什么你不自己去?你做得比我好多了Would you... Why don't you go? You do it so much better than me.那是事实That's true.没有脑袋的帽子不可能真的A hat without a head couldn't really pass off an invention冒认别人的发明as its own.妙极了!好主意!真高兴有你帮忙!Fantastic! Great idea! I'm so glad I have you!“准备好一个惊喜”噢,我看到了"Prepare to be amazed." Oh, I got it!准备好一个惊喜!Prepare to be amazed!“这是我的发明”"This is my invention."“我想在座各位从来没有看过如此伟大的发明”"I doubt any of you have seen anything as brilliant as this device."非常好Very well,约翰森小姐?Miss Johnson?是太太It's Ms.你有两分钟时间,请开始You have two minutes. Please begin.- 光彩夺目!- 那是什么?- It's shiny! - What is that thing?呃,我叫它为…Well, I like to call it my...叫它…To call it my...- 你在看什么?- 没有!我…阳光照到我眼睛- What are you looking at? - No! I... The sun, in my eyes.那我关上百叶窗Well, then let me close the blinds.什么名字?Now, the name?呃…Well, what...我们可以另找个时间讨论这名字问题We can quibble about names at a later date. 重点是我带来的是特别的唯一的The point is, what I have here is special, unique.对,对,你会爱死它购买它和大量生产它Yes. Yes, you must love it and buy it and mass produce it,最妙的一点是它带有非常舒服的耳机and the best part is, it's got really comfy headphones.我在想你能够往前靠一点吗?拜托I wonder, could you lean forward just a little bit, please?对,谢谢Yes, thank you.对,它们相当舒服Yes, they are quite comfortable.你发明这目的是为了什么?What do you hope to accomplish with this? 噢,没有特别的原因Oh, nothing of consequence.我只是想粉碎一个可怜小孤儿的梦想!I simply wish to crush the dreams of a poor little orphan boy!接下来就不太清楚After that, it's all a little fuzzy.你的意思是你并没有全盘考虑过You mean, you haven't thought this through? 30秒Thirty seconds.请允许我演示它是如何工作的Allow me to show you how it works.首先,我们接通电源First, we turn it on.那不是开关That's not it.10秒Ten seconds.那我该在哪签名?So where do I sign?多里斯,一切都完了Doris, it's all over.我们所有的希望和梦想都破灭了All our hopes and dreams dashed,就像这所有的支离破碎的机器部件like so many pieces of a broken machiney thing.你是对的You're right.胜利还是属于我们的Success is still ours for the taking.我们必须找到那小孩We must find that boy.我们把这玩艺偷运到车库去在那你需要的任何工具都有We'll sneak this thing into the garage. You'll have all the tools you need.那么你的父母怎办?What about your parents?妈妈从来不到那去Mom never goes in there,爸爸出差去了明早才回来and Dad's on a business trip until tomorrow morning.。

With every sun comes a new day.A new beginning.A hope that things will be better today than they were yesterday. But not for me. My name's Eep.And this is my family. The Croods.If you weren't clued already, by animal skinand sloping forehead, we are cavemen.Most days we spend in our cave,in the dark.Night after night, day after day.Yep. Home sweet home.When we did go out, we struggled to find foodin a harsh and hostile world.And I struggled to survive my family.We were the last ones around.There used to be neighbors.The Gorts, smashed by a mammoth.The Horks, swallowed by a sand snake.The Erfs, mosquito bite.The Throgs, common cold.And the Croods... That's us.The Croods made it, because of my dad.He was strong, and he followed the rules,the ones painted on our cave walls:Anything new is bad. Curiosity is bad.Going out at night is bad.Basically, anything fun is bad.Welcome to my world.But this is a story about how all that changed in an instant. Because what we didn't know was that our worldwas about to come to an end.And there were no rules on our cave wallsto prepare us for that.You're supposed to wait for my signal, Eep.Eep.We've been in that cave forever.Three days is not forever.It is with this family.Eep, will you come down here?You're being so... so dramatic.No, no, no, Sandy, come back here!Remember the signal. Good girls wait for the signal.- Ugga! - As soon as I get Sandy,I'll go back in, and you can give the signal.No. But you're already out now.I am waiting for the signal, Dad!Never mind, Thunk. Just come out.But if you don't give me the signal, how do I know you're my dad? The signal isn't so you know it's me.It's so you know I wasn't eaten by an animal.Then why is the signal an animal noise?I mean, doesn't that just confuse things?I'm still waiting for the signal.Mom, we're ready to leave!Mom?Still alive!It's still early.And you're still fat.Breakfast formation!I want to see some real caveman action out there! We do this fast. We do this loud,we do this as a family,we do this as a family,and never not be afraid!The croodsYay breakfast.Okay, who's up? We'll flip for it.- Call her in the air. - Heads!Tails. Thunk's in. Positions!Okay. Thunk, go!Come on, Thunk.Way to go! Take it to the cave!Release the baby!Get 'em, Sandy, go!Get them, Mom!Old lady down!Eep, avenge me!Thanks.- Eep! - Heads up!Hey, Dad, can we eat now?Just wait til we get home.Eep, put on the brakes!Eep!Who's hungry?Good one, Dad.Here you go, Thunk. Drink up.- Sorry, dad. - Looks like fast food tonight!That's all right. I ate last week.Two knuckle warning!Go, go, go.Come on, come on.Darkness brings death! We know this.The moon is full. Bath night.- Run for your life! - You too, Mom.I don't want to lose my protective layer.Mom, you've got ants.See? Sandy doesn't fuss.- Is she still out there? - You know she hates the cave, Grug. Please come back tomorrow.How can she not like the cave? It's so cozy.It is a little dark, right?It's not that dark.Eep!Come on, I gotta close the cave.Eep!Okay! Okay!Come on.Eep! Come down!- That was too close! - I was watching. I was fine.- What were you doing up there, Eep? - I don't know.- What were you looking for? - Nothing.Well then, why did you go up there?- I don't know! - Why don't you know?Stop looking for things!Fear keeps us alive, Eep.Never not be afraid.What's the point of all this?- What was that? - I mean, why are we here?What are we doing this for?No one said survival is fun.Nothing is fun.- Would you come down here? Eep? - Grug?- Off! Off!- Yes. Okay. I am trying toI just don't see why she needs her own ledge.That's all. That's what this is about.She's working through some things and needs some space. What things? How long is this going to take?Really? She already doesn't listen to me. Hey!See? She's listening.If she wants to survive, she has to follow our rules.- How about a story? Eep loves those. - That's a good idea. - How about a story, huh? - Yeah, tell us a story.Okay. Can I borrow that? Thank you.Eep! Your old favourite!I haven't played with that thing in years.Tonight we'll hear the story of Krispy Bear.A long time ago, this little bear was alive.She was alive because she listened to her fatherand lived her life in routine and darkness and terror.So she was happy.But Krispy had one terrible problem.She was filled with...curiosity.- Grug! - Yes, yes.And one day, while she was in a tree,the curious little bear wanted to climb to the top.- What? - And no sooner had she climbed to the topshe saw something new and died.Just like that?Yes! Her last moments of terrorstill frozen on her face.Same ending as every day.I get it, Dad. I will never do anything new or different.- Good man, Thunk. - All right, everyone sharpen your teeth and let's pile up.- Air - You talk.I'm person, like you.Sort of... like you.Okay, okay. Hey, hey, hey,Hey. Could you... Could you mind not...That tickles. Hey, hey, hey. Hey!Quiet! I am not supposed to be out here.- Eep's gone. - What? Grug!Stay in the cave!Wow, you're really strong.- No! It's mine! No! No! - Please- But it is dying! - I caught it.I can fix it. Please. Please. I hate the dark.Come on, come onIt does what you tell it?Well, yeah, sort of.-Sun? - No, no. Fire.Hi, Fire.It's not alive.But you said it was dying.But you said it was dying.- Sorry. - It comes from where you came from?- No, I make it. - Make some for me.- Okay! It doesn't come out of me. - Make. Make. Make it!You do this a lot.Are you dead? Can I have your fire if you're dead?Hey, those are cold! You think? Listening shells, activate.I concur. Tiger girl, we need to leave immediately.I don't even know you.- I'm Guy. - Guy?And this is Belt. Cook, conversationalist, navigator,also keeps my pants up.- What are 'pants up'? - Who are you?- Eep. - Let me clarify, Eep. The world is ending.- What? - I'm calling it..."The End."- How do you know? - I've seen it. It's coming this way. First, the ground is gonna shake. Then it breaks open. Everything falls in.Fire. Lava. I don't mean to sound too dramatic, but... Believe me, everything we're standing on,all this right here, will be gone.We've got to get to high ground. I know a mountain,that way. It's our only chance.Come with me.- I can't. - Okay.Here.If you survive, call me.Thank you.Hello?- Dad! - Are you hurt? What took you?Nothing. I left on my own.- You... what? - Dad, let me explain.You never let me talk.You're grounded.- Eep! - Mom!Grug! What happened?You know what, I am so mad right now that I can't talk to her. - Eep? - You'll never believe it.I found something new.- New? - New is a big problem.Wait. Wait.Eep, stay inside the family kill circle.- But it wasn't bad. - New is always bad.- No. He was nice. - What? Excuse me? He?Well, I thought he was a warthog,but then he turned into a boy.Strange. Usually it's the reverse.Eep's got a boy hog!Eep's got a boy...There was a boy. Watch, okay? I'm gonna call him.What is wrong with you?- It was dangerous. - It was beautiful.You want to see dangerous? Here.- Ow! My sniffer! - Okay, Eep, that's it.We're going back to the caveand you're going to stay in there until you're older than her! What?You can't keep me inside forever!He said this would happen.Get to the cave.Go!Look out!Stop!- Is everyone okay? - Yes.Grug, the cave. It's gone.No.You really need to see this.- We should go there! - No. No.No one is going anywhere.What else did that boy say?- Come on, Grug! - Just go. Go! Go!One, two, three, four, five...Six.- Where are we? - I don't know. I'm not sure.Down. In a lower place.One thing's for sure, we can't go back the way we came. Sandy? What is it?No, no. Wait. Come back, Sandy.We can't be out in the open like this.We need a cave.Now step where I step.Okay. Stay quiet.Hopefully nothing big knows we're here yet.Wait! Okay.Wait!Wait!Okay. Wait.Wait.So Dad, just to be clear, are we looking for the exact same cave? Okay. If it was me... I was throwing this out there.If it was me choosing the cave,I would go with a smaller cave.Wait!- Dad! - I'll take care of this.All right, Dad, go get them.Now you get them right in the no... Oh man, there.Hah! I'm loving this.Dad, I got this.Just stop running to their fists!Grug, when you're done, we should get going.That's right! You can't get past this!Climb! Climb! Climb!Move!Cave! Go! Go!Come on, hurry up! Let's go! Come on!Hey, look! This cave has a tongue! Awesome!Okay. That's one, two, three,four, five...Six.if we're counting Chunky the Death Cat.He's scared of the dark!Wait, we're scared of the dark!Kill circle!Eep!Eep!- Cavies! - Cavies?Cavemen! Stand back! They're practically animals.- See their bony, sloping foreheads? - Yeah!- The huge primitive teeth? - Yeah.The excessive body hair?- That one's even got a tail! - Yeah.All right. Close your eyes.I'm going to have to take their lives.No, it won't help. They're my family.What?- The sun is in his hands! - No, no, it's fire.- Where did it come from? - He made it.- Make some for me! - It doesn't come out of him. Make! Make it!You know, you're a lot like your daughter.Great, now he's broken!Oh, it's a baby sun!Hey! Stay back! We don't know what it wants.Now we'll all sit here and wait for the sun to come back.And tomorrow we'll find a new caveand pretend today never happened.Isn't this fun, Eep?Eep, don't touch him!Goodness knows where he's been.Dad, Sandy's hurting fire!Sandy! No! Fire is not a plaything.- What a cute little guy. - Hey, stay back!No, no, no, wait!It likes me! Hey! It's biting me!Thunk! Try hiding from it in the tall, dry grass! Stop, please! I'm only nine! It's biting me!Fire babies!So, your dad, he's trying to kill me.Yeah. But I won't let him.Hold on, son, come back!It won't stop. Stop touching me!Get out!Eat up, babies!Die!I win!They're not so scary once you get to know them. Who are you people?Oh, I'm sorry. We're the Croods!And you are?- Guy. - Hi, Guy.Looks like magic!And smells like food.Don't eat it, it's new.Still alive!Come on, keep eating!Hey, where's Guy?- Going somewhere? -The Mountain.High ground. End of the world, remember?That already happened. It destroyed our cave. No. That was just the beginning of the end.The end of the end is still coming.Eep. Drop it.We can't let him go!What if we don't find a cave before sunset?What if it takes a few days?What if the birds come back?We need his fire, dummy!Fine. You're staying with us until we find a cave. What? No, I'm not! Don’t make me part of this. Stay here if you want, but let me go.I've got a dream, a mission,a reason to live!Not anymore!I've got an idea. Let's go to that Mountain.- It's too far. - Dad really has his heart set on a cave. There are caves on that Mountain.Have you been there?It's a mountain.Mountains are safe. Mountains have caves. Water. Sticks.Mom, did you hear that?I can get my own stick!Yes. Sticks. And caves.Caves and sticks. Crazy sticks. Let's go.Quiet!That thing is weird.No. No. No. It's okay, Sandy.That's just a belt.I've made a decision. We're going to that Mountain! Don't ask me why. It's just a hunch.- It just feels right. - I don't know, Grug.We've never really walked that far.I don't think my feet can do that.I'll never live long enough to get there.Let's do it.Oh, come on, just think.Our whole family, packed togetheron a long, slow trip across the country?Days and nights with just each other?We'll tell stories. We'll laugh.We'll become closer as a family.Get her off! Get her off!If you're not ready to challenge her,then don't look her in the eye.Could you keep your big giant armson your side of the trail?Isn't this fun? We're taking our first trip together. Stop shoving, or I will pull out your tongue!Do you want me to turn this family around? Do you? Because I will turn this family around so fast!- Dad, I gotta go! - Come on, you can hold it. Sandy, take that out of your mouth.- I still gotta go! - Fine.- Quit it! - Just make it fast.- Something bit me! - I don't blame it!- Dad, can I take a turn carrying him? - No.- What about now? - No!- Now? - No!- Now? - I can do this all day long.No, no, no, and still no!I'm not dying on an empty stomach.Grug, we're all pretty tired.- We'll eat when we get there. - It's taking too long! I'm grabbing a snack.Don't do that! He will cut you. That's not food,he's a pet. My pet.- What's a pet? - An animal you don't eat.We call those children.No man should have a pet.It's weird. And wrong.- It's... food! - No, no, please!Not that. That!Food fixes everything.All right, show me your hunting face.Not you! You're still grounded.Come on, Thunk.My feet hurt.- You look tense. - I'm not tense.Angry girl who wants to be doing what they're doing.I wasn't ready.Hang on, Thunk. I'm coming.Why are you doing this?- What are they doing? - Hunting.You stay away from me!No, seriously, what are they doing?You're got a ton of eggs. Just make another egg! Now you're just rubbing it in.There. Who is hungry for scorpion?What happened to the egg and the bird?You know, we lost 'em. But,when the bird stepped on meand pushed me into the ground,the scorpion grabbed a hold of me,and you know, one thing led to anotherand here we are, eating him.- So, win-win. - Not enough.Not enough. I need more.I need more!Oh, look at that.She's not gonna eat me, right?You're too skinny.If she was going to eat anyone, it would be... Mom! She locked her jaw!Stay away! You sick old monster!Hurry! Put the stick in her mouth!Hold her still. Use a rock.Would you just hit her legs?Why are you rolling away?I just want something to eat!You had bug for dinner. Plenty of bug! Please! I'll let you help me hunt.Really?Don't wait on me!Tell my story.Okay.- What do you call this? - A trap.- What is the deal? - Well...How long have you been alone?So what do we do?How's your acting?You're good at this.No, Sorry. No. Okay.Excuse me.That's my arm! That's...Okay, I'm moving it...It didn't step on your trap-y thing.Yeah, I noticed!Where's Eep?She's awesome.Eep!Dad, no!It's an avalanche of flavor!Looks like we won't have any leftovers.What are leftovers?You know, when you have so much food to eat, you have some left over.Well, we never have that much food.Grug, how about a story?That's a good idea. How about a story, huh? Yeah, a story! Tell us a story!Once upon a time, there was a little tigerwho lived in a cave with her family.There were a lot of rules,but the big, simple one wasto never leave the cave at night.And the door was so heavy,you think it would be easy to remember.- So easy to remember. - I know.But while everyone was asleep,she went out anyway.- No! - Yes!And no sooner than she did, her cave was destroyed and everyone had to go on this long, sucky walk, with some weirdo they met,and...died!The end.I did not see that coming,twist ending.My stories never end like that.Yes! Two stories in one night!Okay, but it won't be as good as Grug's.Once upon a time, there was a beautiful tiger.She lived in a cave with the rest of her family.Her father and mother told her:"You may go anywhere you want,but never go near the cliff,for you could fall."And die. Good story.But when no one was looking,she go near the cliff,for the closer she came to the edge,the more she could hear,the more she could see,and the more she could feel.Finally she stood at the very edge,and she saw a light.She leaned out to touch it,and she slipped.And she fell.And she flew.Where did she fly?- Tomorrow. - Tomorrow?A place with more suns in the sky than you can count. It would be so bright.A place not like today, or yesterday.A place where things are better.Tomorrow isn't a place.It's... It's... It's...You can't see it!Oh, yes, yes it is. I've seen it.That's where I'm going.Well, we are going to shut our eyes and sleep.And when we wake up, we're going to findthe place that has everything we want.- Tomorrow? - A cave.That was too close. It almost caught us.I was watching. We were fine.Well, we're got to move faster.You people have any other speed aside from wander? I'll take a shamble, at this point.Hey, do you have a minute?How did the tiger fly?I only share when I'm outside the log.I'm funny that way.Leave this to me.Hey, Thunk, you have a spider on your face.He's loose!Do not step on those weird, pointy rocks!You mean these rocks?Do not step on these rocks!Step aside, girl.Hello? Is that... nobody's listening!No one is listening! You cannot walk on those!Get back here, get back here now!Well, there goes our chance for survival.And our log!Okay!Jumping doesn't help. I mean, just briefly,but it doesn't get any better!Okay. Do not walk on your hands.The hands do not help at all!I can help you,but we're going to have to makea few changes around here.The log ride is over. Drop the log.Now kick it away.Farther.Really?Okay, smart... Guy.Now what?Good fish, good fish.Okay, now you can look.I love them!- But where are my feet? - They're still there.Okay.- You're really heavy. - Really?Thank you.Hey, hey wait, wait!Okay, she's up.We're good. I'm good.Oh, these shoes are great! Where do you get these ideas? I'm calling it a brain.I'm pretty sure it's where ideas come from.Dad, I don't have a brain.We've gotten along just fine without brains until now. Cavemen don't need brains.We have these.That's I'm talking about! Ideas are for weaklings!Now let's get to that Mountain.Oh, wow, I love those.Good fish, don't eat my feet.So, how did the tiger fly?She jumped on the sun,and rode it to Tomorrow.No, no, no, no!Hi, Dad!Bye, Dad.You've seen rain before, right?We don't get out much.Eep, looks dangerous.Dad, you say that about everything.- Careful. - Oh, really? Okay.No, no, no! Not cool! Not cool!Not cool!The bear says: "Your cave?I've been dumping my bones here since last week." That's a funny story!It's not a story, it's a joke.What's a joke?You know, just making something up,to make you laugh.- Here you go. One for you. - Thanks.One for you, and this one's for you...Okay. Okay. That's enough.I don't see why the kids need their own shells.So if anyone gets in trouble,we can call the others.Wait, you're saying we should split up?We can try more paths at once.It's the fastest way through.The Croods stick together.Your way isn't safe.- They can handle it. -We can do it, Dad.No, no, no, no, no.It's my job to keep you safe.I'm still in charge,and we are not splitting up.Except for you two.And that's final.Hello? Hello? Is everyone all right?We're okay, Grug!Dad, I'm freaking out a little bit.Just tell me what to do.Just what do I do? What do I do right now?Stay where you are! I'll find you.No! Too slow.Everybody, keep moving forward and we'll get out. Dad?Yeah. Okay.Remember, never not be afraid.You can do this!It's gonna be okay, it's gonna be okay.I'm gonna pass out.Sandy! Sandy!Give me another one.You dropped these.Come with me.Here, boy, catch!Gran?Mom?Grug?I'll go get him.Good boy. Who's my good boy?You are. Yes, you are. Look at you.You need a name? You want a name?I'm going to call you Douglas.Can you do tricks?Roll over.Come on, Douglas. Roll over.Good boy, Douglas!I was in love once. He was a hunter.I was a gatherer.It was quite a scandal.We fed each other berries. We danced. Then my father smashed him with a rock, and traded me to your grandfather. Croods, get down here!Grug, they're okay.Guy's with them.Oh, Guy's with them. Oh, Okay.Well, thank you,thank you for bringing me that interesting Guy update. Okay. I'm gonna go up.Why don't you join uswhen you stop being a big drag.Sleep pile?How about a story, huh?Anyone?Then Thork said: "Know it, I drew it."I know it was hard for you to bring us along, but... they had the best day in their lives.Thank you for that.I wanna show you something.More suns in the sky than you can count.Every sun that crosses our sky comes to rest up there. - Tomorrow. - That's where we'll be safe.I'm going with Guy.No, not my little girl.Come with us.I can't go without Grug.Well, that makes one of us. Count me in.Really? Mom?Grug has no idea how to protect us.In fact, he has no ideas at all.No. That's not true. What about that one time he... - He... - Oh, face it.If he actually had an idea of his own,I'd have a heart attack and die!- Grug? - Dad? Dad?He's a big guy. How can he just disappear like that. Hey, wait. Let's ask that ugly lady if she's seen Dad.I haven't seen him.- What are you doing? - Yeah. I was up all night. All these ideas kept coming to me.- Is that a snake? - Belt! New and improved!It's even self-tightening.What's that on your head?It's called desperation.I call it a 'rug'. Rhymes with Grug.And this one. I call it a 'ride'. Rhymes with Grug. That doesn't rhyme.It's gonna get us places faster than shoes.Yeah! Try to keep up!I wish I had a 'ride'.Painting is a thing of the past.I call this a 'snapshot'.Let's do it again. I think I blinked.I call them 'shades'.The sun doesn't hurt my eyes anymore.Where do you get these great ideas?Since I don't have a brain,they're coming from my stomach,down deep below, and then up again into my mind.Grug, we have to keep moving.See, I got ideas. I got thoughts.Like this. I call it a 'mobile home'.Isn't that something?- I'm calling this one a 'lifterator'. - Mom?I know. It's bad.I almost feel sorry for him.No, I don't.What are you trying to do, Grug?I thought if I could have ideas like Guy,maybe Eep would listen to me.Maybe she wouldn't want to go with Guy.Oh, Grug. Is that what this is all about?And I also thought it would kill your mother, so...you know, win-win.We're here!Cave! Everyone inside! Come on!Hurry up! Let's go! Let's go! Go! Go!No!- No more caves, Grug. - What?We're gonna jump on the sun and ride it to Tomorrow with Guy. Wait, wait, so you're all going to do this?- Thunk? - Sorry, Dad.You have to stop worrying for all of us.It's my job to worry. It's my job to follow the rules.The rules don't work out here!They kept us alive!That wasn't living, that was just...Not dying. There's a difference.Ugga, everyone, you have to listen to me!We'd be dead now if we'd listened to you!We have to follow Guy now.- Guy? - Guy, run!This is pointless! We've running out of time! Everything is collapsing.You are being irrational and counterproductive.Big words anger me!- Keep talking! - Countermeasures!Remember how you were this morning?You changed, remember?Idea man? Modern man?- I am a caveman! - No, no, no, wait!No! What is this stuff that's saving you from my punches? - Tar. - No!- Please. - No! I have to get back to them!You have to stop.- Stop struggling! - No!Grug, stop!No one gets out of this. Believe me.I know.- Your? - Family.Sorry.I was little when it happened.The last thing my parents told me was:"Don't hide. Live.Follow the sun. You'll make it to Tomorrow."You followed the light. My daughter is a lot like you. No. She's like you.She loves you but always forgets to say it,just like you forget to tell her.I guess I was just busy keeping them all alive.It's okay. That's what dads do.That's right, and we can't do that from here.We need one of your ideas.Come on, you can do it.Belt! Emergency Idea Generator, activate.I've got it.Yeah. I know, but,he's doing the best with what he has. Let's go. There he is.Belt, I want romance, drama, sincerity.Move me.Okay, he sees us! That's our cue. Now work it!He's not coming over.I don't think out puppet looks scared enough. Scared? I'll show you scared!Hand me those acting sticks!Hold on!Yes! You did it!- Grug! - Dad!We're okay!Yeah. We're okay.Grug, your call.Take us to Tomorrow.Hurry! Come on! We're gonna make it!- You were right! - There... There it is!The sun! We can do it! We can ride it to Tomorrow. Run!I don't... I don't understand.The sun was right here! It was right here!We have to go back to the cave! Hurry.Hurry, hurry, stay together!Let's keep moving. Move! Move, move! Everybody hold my hand! Thunk,let's go! Go, go, go! Let's stay together!Let's... Grug, what's wrong with you?Grug, we'll die if we stay here!Grug, listen to me! We have to get back to that cave. No more dark. No more hiding.No more caves.。


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在第一阶段的学习中,可选择Desperate Housewives(绝望的主妇)作入门材料。
Desperate Housewives(绝望的主妇) 现在有三季,每季有二十三集。
第二阶段的学习可采用Gilmore Girls(共七季)这也是一部生活剧,特别适合青少年学生观看,其语言规范易懂。
还有One Tree Hill(篮球兄弟)共三季,是一部有关篮球的青少年偶像剧。
第三阶段的学习可采用Sex and the City(都市欲望)共六季,该剧描述了四位白领女性的都市生活,也是一部经典剧集,曾获多项艾美奖;或是The O.C(共三季),一部青春偶像剧。
如果哪一天你能不借助字幕轻松地听懂情景剧Will & Grace所有的内容,那么恭喜你,你的英语水平已经到了足够高的境界,作为学英语的材料,它比Friends层次更高。
如Reader’s Digest,这是一本平民化的美国畅销杂志,与日常生活非常贴近。
7、《时尚英语---美国流行文化A to Z》刘彦,外语教学与研究出版社。
8、What’s up ?----A guide to American College speak(《美国英语沟通高手》)Jamie Drucker著,大连理工大学出版社。