



ESSENCE OF PMBOK & PMP EXAMPMBOK及PMP考试精要(考试串讲教材)PROJECT MANAGEMENT KNOWLEDGE AREAS项目管理知识体系 (2)PROJECT LIFE CYCLE / PROJECT MANAGEMENT PROCESS GROUPS项目生命周期及过程组 (10)SCOPE范围管理 (10)HUMAN RESOURCE人力资源管理 (11)COMMUNICATIONS沟通管理 (14)TIME时间管理 (16)COST成本管理 (17)RISK风险管理 (20)QUALITY质量管理 (22)PROCUREMENT采购管理 (22)INTEGRATION整体管理 (19)PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES职业道德 (19)POSSIBLE EXAM QUESTIONS考点 (20)Project Scope Management项目范围管理- processes required to ensure that the project includes only the work required to complete the project successfully.此过程必须确保项目只包括能保证项目成功完成的工作Management by Objective (MBO)基于目标的管理–determining company’s objective and how the project fits into them. MBO focuses on the goals of an activity rather than the activity itself (manager is responsible for results rather than performing certain activities)决定公司目标及项目如何满足该目标。



计划书英语作文模板英文回答:Project Proposal Template。

1. Executive Summary。

Provide a concise overview of the project, including its purpose, objectives, and expected outcomes.2. Project Description。

Describe the details of the project, including:The nature and scope of the project。

The methods and procedures to be used。

The resources required。

The timeline for implementation。

3. Project Objectives。

Clearly state the specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound objectives of the project.4. Project Methodology。

Outline the research methods, data collection techniques, and analytical approaches to be used in achieving the project objectives.5. Project Budget。

Provide a detailed budget outline, including the estimated costs of all project activities.6. Project Timeline。

Create a realistic timeline for the project, identifying key milestones and deadlines.7. Project Management。

pmpf计划模板 -回复

pmpf计划模板 -回复










在PMPF 计划模板中,应该详细描述和展示WBS,以便团队成员和项目干系人都能清楚地了解项目的组成部分和工作流程。








在PMPF 计划模板中,需要指定项目的沟通渠道和频率,并列出每位干系人的沟通需求和责任。






项目计划书英文As a Baidu Wenku document creator, I am responsible for providing a comprehensive project plan in English. The project plan is a crucial document that outlines the objectives, scope, schedule, and resources required for the successful completion of a project. It serves as a roadmap for the project team, stakeholders, and sponsors, guiding them through the various phases of the project and ensuring that everyone is aligned and working towards the same goals.The project plan begins with a clear statement of the project's objectives and deliverables. This sectionoutlines what the project aims to achieve and the specific outcomes that will be produced. It also identifies the key stakeholders and their roles and responsibilities in the project.Next, the project plan defines the scope of the project, including the boundaries and constraints that will impactthe project's execution. This section outlines what isincluded and excluded from the project, as well as any assumptions and dependencies that need to be considered.The schedule is a critical component of the project plan, as it lays out the timeline for the project'sactivities and deliverables. It includes a detailed project timeline, milestones, and key deadlines, as well as the critical path and any potential risks or issues that may impact the schedule.Resource management is another key aspect of theproject plan, as it identifies the human, financial, and material resources required to execute the project successfully. This section includes a resource plan, budget, and allocation of resources to various tasks and activities.Risk management is an essential part of the project plan, as it identifies potential risks and issues that may impact the project and outlines strategies for mitigating and managing these risks. This section includes a risk assessment, contingency plans, and a risk register to track and monitor potential threats to the project.Communication and stakeholder management are also critical components of the project plan, as they ensurethat the project team and stakeholders are kept informed and engaged throughout the project. This section outlines the communication plan, including the channels and frequency of communication, as well as the stakeholder engagement strategy.Finally, the project plan includes a quality management plan, which outlines the standards and processes for ensuring the quality of the project deliverables. This section includes quality assurance and control measures, as well as a plan for monitoring and evaluating the project's performance.In conclusion, a well-crafted project plan is essential for the successful execution of any project. It provides a clear roadmap for the project team and stakeholders, guiding them through the various phases of the project and ensuring that everyone is aligned and working towards the same goals. By following the guidelines outlined in thisproject plan, we can ensure the successful completion of the project and the delivery of high-quality outcomes.。



ESSENCE OF PMBOK & PMP EXAM 考试串讲教材))PMBOK及PMP考试精要考试精要((考试串讲教材PROJECT MANAGEMENT KNOWLEDGE AREAS项目管理知识体系 (2)项目生命周期及过程组 (10)PROJECT LIFE CYCLE / PROJECT MANAGEMENT PROCESS GROUPSSCOPE范围管理 (10)HUMAN RESOURCE人力资源管理 (11)COMMUNICATIONS沟通管理 (14)TIME时间管理 (16)COST成本管理 (17)RISK风险管理 (20)QUALITY质量管理 (22)PROCUREMENT采购管理 (22)INTEGRATION整体管理 (19)PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES职业道德 (19)POSSIBLE EXAM QUESTIONS考点 (20)1 PROJECT MANAGEMENT KNOWLEDGE AREAS项目管理知识体系Knowledge Areas知识体系Primary Inputs输入Tools & Techniques工具及技术Primary Outputs输出INTEGRATION整体整体制定项目章程 Develop Project Charter 1.合同(如果适用) Contract(When applicable) 2.项目工作说明书 Project statement of work 3.事业环境因素 Enterprise environmental factors  4.组织过程资产组织过程资产 Organizational process assets 1.项目选择方法 Project selection methods  2.项目管理方法论项目管理方法论 Project management methodology  3.项目管理信息系统项目管理信息系统 Project management information system  4.专家判断专家判断 Expert judgment 1.项目章程 Project charter 制定项目初步范围说明书制定项目初步范围说明书 1.项目章程 Project charter 2.项目工作说明书 Project statement of work 3.事业环境因素 Enterprise environmental factors 4.组织过程资产 Organizational process assets 1.项目管理方法系 Project management methodology 2.项目管理信息系统 Project management information system 3.专家判断 Expert judgment 1.项目初步范围说明书项目初步范围说明书Preliminary project scope statement 制定项目管理计划制定项目管理计划 Develop Project management Plan 1.项目初步范围说明书 Preliminary project scope statement 2.项目管理各过程 Project management processes 3.事业环境因素 Enterprise environmental factors 4.组织过程生产 Organizational process assets 1.项目管理方法系 Project management methodology 2.项目管理信息系统 Project management information system 3.专家判断 Expert judgment 1.项目管理计划 Progece management plan 指导与管理项目执行 Direct and Manage Project Execution 1.项目管理计划 Progece management plan 2.批准的纠正措施 Approved corrective actions 3.批准的预防措施 Approved preventive actions 4.批准的变更申请 Approved change requests 5.批准的缺陷补救 Approved defect repair 6.确认的缺陷补救 Validated defect repair 7.行政收尾程序 Administrative closure procedure 1.项目管理方法系 Project management methodology 2.项目管理信息系统 Project management information system 1.可交付成果 Deliverables 2.请求的变更 Requested changes 3.实施的变更请求 Implementde change requests 4.实施的纠正措施 Implementde corrective actions 5.实施的预防措施 Implementde preventive actions 6.实施的缺陷补救 Implementde defect repair 7.工作绩效信息 Work performance information 监控项目工作 Monitor and Control Project Work 1.项目管理计划 Progece management plan 2. 工作绩效信息 Work performance information  3.否决的变更请求否决的变更请求 Rejected change requests 1.项目管理方法系 Project management methodology 2.项目管理信息系统 Project management information system  3.实现价值技术实现价值技术 Eamed value technique(EVT) 4.专家判断 Expert judgment 1.推荐的纠正措施推荐的纠正措施Recommended corrective action  2.推荐的预防措施推荐的预防措施推荐的预防措施Recommended preventive action  3.预测预测 Forecasts 4.推荐的缺陷补救推荐的缺陷补救Recommended defect repair 5.请求的变更 Requested changes 整体变更控制 Integrated Change Control 1.项目管理计划项目管理计划 Progece management plan  2.请求的变更请求的变更 Requested changes  3.工作绩效信息工作绩效信息 Work performance information 4.推荐的纠正措施 Recommended corrective action  5.推荐的预防措施推荐的预防措施 Recommended preventive action  6.推荐的缺陷补救推荐的缺陷补救 Recommended defect repair  7.可交付成果可交付成果 Deliverables 1.项目管理方法系 Project management methodology 2.项目管理信息系统 Project management information system  3.专家判断专家判断 Expert judgment 1.批准的变更申请 Approved change requests 2.否决的变更请求 Rejected change requests 3.项目管理计划(更新) Project management plan(updates) 4.项目范围说明书(更新) Project scope statement(updates) 5.批准的纠正措施 Approved corrective actions 6.批准的预防措施 Approved preventive actions 7.批准的缺陷补救 Approved defect repair 8.确认的缺陷补救 Validated defect repair 9.可交付成果 Deliverables 项目收尾 Close Project 1.项目管理计划 Progece management plan 2.合同文件 Contract documentation 3.事业环境因素 Enterprise environmental factors  4.组织过程资产组织过程资产 Organizational process assets  5.工作绩效信息工作绩效信息 Work performance 1.项目管理方法系 Project management methodology 2.项目管理信息系统 Project management information system  3.专家判断专家判断 Expert judgment 1.行政收尾程序 Administrative closure procedure  2.合同收尾程序合同收尾程序 Contract closure procedure  3.最终产品最终产品,服务或成果 Final product,service or result  4.组织过程资产组织过程资产(更新) 2 information 6.可交付成果 Deliverables Organizational process assets(updates) SCOPE范围范围规划范围规划 1.事业环境因素 Enterprise environmental factors  2.组织过程资产组织过程资产 Organizational process assets 3.项目章程 Project charter 4.项目初步范围说明书 Preliminary project scope statement 5.项目管理计划 Project management plan 1.专家判断 Expert judgment  2.样板样板,表格与标准表格与标准Templates,forms,standards 1.项目范围管理计划 Project scope management plan  范围定义范围定义范围定义 1.组织过程资产 Organizational process assets 2.项目章程 Project charter 3.项目初步范围说明书 Preliminary project scope statement 4.项目范围管理计划 Project scope management plan 5.批准的变更申请 Approved change requests 1.产品分析 Product analysis 2.其他方案识别 Alternatives identification 3.专家判断 Expert judgment 4.利害关系者分析 Stakeholder analysis 1.项目范围说明书Project scope statement 2.请求的变更 Requested changes 3.项目范围管理计划 Project scope management plan 制作工作分解结构 Create WBS 1.组织过程资产 Organizational process assets  2.项目范围说明书项目范围说明书 Project scope statement 3.项目范围管理计划 Project scope management plan 4.批准的变更申请 Approved change requests 1.工作分解结构模板 Work breakdown structure templates  2.分解分解 Decomposition 1.项目范围说明书(更新) Project scope statement(updates)_ 2.工作分解结构 Work breakdown structure 3.工作分解结构词汇表 WBS dictionary 4.范围基准 Scope baseline 5.项目范围管理计划(更新) Project scope management plan(updates) 6.请求的变更 Requested changes  Scope Verification范围核实1.项目范围说明书Project scope statement 2.工作分解结构词汇表 WBS dictionary 3.项目范围管理计划 Project scope management plan 4.可交付成果 Deliverables 1.检查 Inspection 1.验收的可交付成果 Accepted deliverables  2.请求的变更请求的变更 Requested changes 3. 推荐的纠正措施推荐的纠正措施Recommended corrective actions 范围控制 Scope Control 1.项目范围说明书Project scope statement 2.工作分解结构 Work breakdown structure 3.工作分解结构词汇表 WBS dictionary 4.项目范围管理计划 Project scope management plan 5.绩效报告 Performance reports 6.批准的变更申请 Approved change requests 7.工作绩效信息 Work performance information 1.变更控制系统 Change control system  2.偏差分析偏差分析 Variance analysis  3.补充规划补充规划 Replanning  4.配置管理系统配置管理系统 Configuration management system 1.项目范围说明书(更新) Project scope statement(updates) 2.工作分解结构(更新) Work breakdown structure(updates) 3.工作分解结构词汇表(更新) WBS dictionary(updates) 4.范围基准(更新) Scope baseline(updates) 5.请求的变更 Requested changes 6.推荐的纠正措施推荐的纠正措施Recommended corrective action 7.组织过程资产(更新) Organizational process assets(updates) 8.项目管理计划(更新) Project management plan(updates) TIME进度活动定义 Activity Definition 1.事业环境因素 Enterprise environmental factors 2.组织过程资产 Organizational process assets 3.项目范围说明书 Project scope statement 4.工作分解结构 Work breakdown structure 5.工作分解结构词汇表 WBS clictionary 6.项目管理计划 Progece management plan 1.分解 Decomposition 2.样板 Templates 3.滚动式规划 Rolling wave planning 4.专家判断 Expert judgment 5.规划组成部分 Planning componet 1.活动清单Activity list 2.活动属性 Activity attributes 3.里程碑清单 Milestone list 4.请求的变更 Requested changes 活动排序 Activity Sequencing 1.项目范围说明书项目范围说明书 Project scope statament  2.活动清单活动清单 Activity list  3.活动属性活动属性 Activity attributes  4.里程碑清单里程碑清单 Milestons list 1.紧前关系绘图法(PDM) Precedence Diagramming Method(PDM)  2.箭线绘图法箭线绘图法(ADM) Arrow Diagramming Method(ADM) 1.项目进度网络图 Project schedule network diagrams  2.活动清单活动清单(更新) Activity list (updates) 3  5.批准的变更请求批准的变更请求 Approved change requesta 3.进度网络样板进度网络样板 Schedule network tempiates  4.确定依赖关系确定依赖关系 Dependency determination  5.利用时间提前量与滞后量利用时间提前量与滞后量 Applying leads and lags  3.活动属性活动属性(更新) Activity attributes(updates)  4.请求的变更请求的变更 Requesaed changes 活动资源估算Activity Resource Estimating 1.事业环境因素Enterprise environmental factors 2.组织过程资产 Organizational process assets 3.活动清单Activity list 4.活动属性Activity attributes 5.资源可利用情况 Resouce availability 6.项目管理计划Project management l 1.专家判断 Expert judgment 2.多方案分析 Alternatives analysis 3.出版的估算数据 Published estimating data 4.项目管理软件 Project management sortware 5.自上而下的估算 Bottom estimating 1.活动资源要求 Activity resource requirements 2.活动属性(更新) Activity attributes(updates) 3.资源分解结构 Resource breakdown structure 4.资源日历(更新)Resource calendars 5.请求的变更 Requested changes 活动持续时间估算Activity Duration Estimating 1.事业环境因素Enterprise environmental factors  2.组织过程资产组织过程资产Organizational process assets  3.项目范围说明书项目范围说明书 Project scops statement  4.活动清单活动清单 Activity list  5.活动属性活动属性 Activity attributes  6.活动资源要求活动资源要求 Activity resource requirements  7.资源日历资源日历 Resource calendars  8.项目管理计划项目管理计划 Project management plan  ●风险登记册●风险登记册 Risk register  ●活动费用估算●活动费用估算 Activity cost estimates 1.专家判断 Expert judgment 2.类比估算 Analogous estimating 3.参数估算 Parametric estimating 4.三点估算 Three-point estimates 5.后备分析 Reserve analysis 1.活动持续时间估算 Activity duration estimates 2.活动属性 Activity attributes(updates) 制定进度表Schedule Development 1.组织过程资产 Organizational process assets  2.项目范围说明书项目范围说明书Project scope statement  3.活动清单活动清单 Activity list  4.活动属性活动属性 Activity attributes  5.项目进度网络图项目进度网络图 Project schedule network diagrams  6.活动资源要求活动资源要求 Activity resource requirements  7.资源日历资源日历 Resource calendars  8.活动持续时间估算活动持续时间估算 Activity duration estimates  9.项目管理计划项目管理计划 Project management plan  ●风险登记册 Risk register  1.进度网络分析 Schedule network analysisi 2.关键路线法 Critical path method 3.进度压缩 Schsdule compression 4.假设情景分析What-if scenario analysis 5.资源平衡 Resource leveling 6.关键链法 Critical chain method 7.项目管理软件 Project management software 8.应用日历 Applying calendars 9.调整时间提前滞后量 Adjusting leads and lags 10.进度模型 Schedule model  1.项目进度表项目进度表 Project schedule  2.进度模型数据进度模型数据 Schedule model data  3.进度基准进度基准 Schedule baseline  4.资源要求资源要求 Resource requirements(updates)  5.活动属性活动属性(更新) Activity attributes(updates)  6.项目日历项目日历(更新)Project calendar  7.请求的变更请求的变更 Requesaed changes  8.项目管理计划项目管理计划(更新) Project management plan(updates)  ●进度管理计划(更新) Schedule management plan(updates) 进度控制 Schedule Control 1.进度管理计划 schedule management plan  2.进度基准进度基准 Schedule baseline  3.绩效报告绩效报告 Performance reports  4.批准的变更要求批准的变更要求 Approved change requests 1.进度报告进度报告 Progress reporting  2.进度变更控制系统进度变更控制系统 Schedule change control system  3.绩效衡量绩效衡量 Performance measurement  4.项目管理软件项目管理软件 Project management software  5.偏差分析偏差分析 Variance analysisi  6.进度比较横道图进度比较横道图 Schedule comparison bar chars 1. 进度模型数据(更新) Schedule model data(updates) 2. 进度基准(更新) Schedule baseline(updates) 3. 绩效衡量 Performance measurements 4. 请求的变更 Requesaed changes 5.推荐的纠正措施Recommended corrective action 6.组织过程资产(更新) Organizational process assets(updates) 7.活动清单(更新) Activity list(updates) 8.活动属性(更新) Activity attributes(updates) 9.项目管理计划(更新) Project management plan(updates) COST费用费用估算Cost Estimating 1.事业环境因素 Enterprise environmental factors  2.组织过程资产组织过程资产 Organizational process assets 3.项目范围说明书Project scope statement 4. 工作分解结构 Work breakdown structure 1.类比估算 Analogous estimating 2.确定资源费率 Determine resource cost rates 3.自上而下估算 Bottom-up estimating 4.参数估算 Parametric estimating 5.项目管理软件 Project management 1.活动费用估算 Activity cost estimates  2.活动费用估算支持细节活动费用估算支持细节 Activity cost estimate supporting detall  3.请求的变更请求的变更 Requested 4 5 5.工作分解结构词汇表 WBS dictionary 6.项目管理计划 Progece management plan  ●进度管理计划●进度管理计划 Schedule management plan ●人员配备管理计划Staffing management plan ●风险登记册 Risk registor software 6.供货商投标分析 Vendor bid analysis 7.准备金分析 Reserve analysis 8.质量成本 Cost of quality changes 4.费用管理计划(更新) Cost management plan(updates) 费用预算 Cost Budgeting 1.项目范围说明书Project scope statement 2.工作分解结构工作分解结构 Work breakdown structure 3.工作分解结构词汇表工作分解结构词汇表 WBS dictionary 4.活动费用估算活动费用估算 Activity cost estimates 5.活动费用估算支持细节活动费用估算支持细节 Activity cost estimate supporting detall 6.项目进度项目进度 Project schedule 7.资源日历资源日历 Resource calendars 8.合同合同 Contract 9.费用管理计划费用管理计划 Cost management plan  1.费用汇总费用汇总 Cost aggregation 2.储备基金分析储备基金分析 Reserve analysis  3.参数估算参数估算 Parametric esrimating  4.资金限制平衡资金限制平衡 Funding limit reconciliation 1.费用基准 Cost baseline 2.项目资金要求 Project funding requirements 3.项目管理计划(更新) Project management plan(updates) 4.请求的变更 Requested changes 费用控制Cost Control 1.费用基准 Cost baseline 2.项目资金要求项目资金要求 Project funding requirements 3.绩效报告绩效报告 Performance reports 4.工作绩效信息 Work performance information 5.批准的变更申请 Approved change requests 6.项目管理计划 Project management plan 1.费用变更控制系统 Cost change control system 2.绩效衡量分析绩效衡量分析 Performance measurements analysis 3.预测预测 Forecasting 4.项目绩效审核项目绩效审核 Project performance reviews 5.项目管理软件 Project management software 6.偏差管理 Variance management 1.费用估算(更新) Cost estimates(update) 2.费用基准(更新) Cost baseline(update) 3.绩效衡量绩效衡量 Performance measurements 4.预测完工预测完工 5.请求的变更请求的变更 Requested changes 6.推荐的纠正措施推荐的纠正措施Recommended corrective action 7.组织过程资产(更新) Organizational process assets(updates) 8.项目管理计划(更新) Project management plan(updates) RISK 风险风险管理规划 Risk Management Planning 1.事业环境因素 Enterprise environmental factors 2.组织过程资产组织过程资产 Organizational process assets 3.项目范围说明书 Project scope statement 4.项目管理计划 Progece management plan 1.规则会议和分析 Planning meeting and analysis 1.风险管理计划 Risk Management Plan 风险识别Risk Identification 1.事业环境因素 Enterprise environmental factors 2.组织过程生产组织过程生产 Organizational process assets 3.项目范围说明书 Project scope statement 4. 风险管理计划 Risk Management Plan 5. 项目管理计划 Project management plan  1.文件审查文件审查 Documentation reviews 2.信息搜索技术信息搜索技术 Information gathering techniques 3.核对表分析核对表分析 Checklist analysis 4.假设分析假设分析 Assumptions analysis 5.图解技术图解技术 Diagiamming techniques 1.风险登记册 Risk register Qualitative Risk Analysisi 风险定性分析风险定性分析1.组织过程生产 Organizational process assets 2.项目范围说明书 Project scope statement 3. 风险管理计划 Risk Management Plan 4. 风险登记册 Risk register 1.风险概率与影响评估 Risk probability and impact assessment 2.概率和影响矩阵概率和影响矩阵 Probablity and impact matrix 3.风险数据质量评估风险数据质量评估 Risk data quality assessment 4.风险分类风险分类 Risk categorization 5.风险紧迫性评估风险紧迫性评估 Risk urgency assessment 1.风险登记册(更新) Risk register(updates) 定量风险分析 Quantitative Risk Analysis 1.组织过程生产 Organizational process assets 2.项目范围说明书 Project scope statement 3. 风险管理计划 Risk Management Plan 4. 风险登记册 Risk register 5. 项目管理计划 Project management plan ●项目进度管理计划 Project schedule management plan ●项目费用管理计划 Project cost management plan 1.数据收集和表示技术 Data gathering and representation techniques 2.定量风险分析和模型技术 Quantitative risk analysis and modeling techniques 1.风险登记册(更新) Risk register(updates) 风险应对规划 Risk Response Planning 1.风险管理计划 Risk Management Plan 2.风险登记册 Risk register 1.消极风险或威胁的应对策略 Strategies for negative risk or threats 2.积极风险或机会的应对策略积极风险或机会的应对策略 Strategies for 1.风险登记册(更新) Risk register(updates) 2.项目管理计划(更新) Project positive risk or opportunities  3.威胁或机会的应对策略威胁或机会的应对策略 Strategies for both threats and opprtunities  4.应急应对策略应急应对策略 Contingent response strategy management plan(updates)  3.与风险有关的合同协议与风险有关的合同协议 Risk-related contractual agreements 风险监控 Risk Monitoring and Control 1.风险管理计划 Risk Management Plan 2.风险登记册 Risk register 3.批准的变更申请 Approved change requests 4.工作绩效信息 Work performance information 5.绩效报告 Performance reports 1.风险再评估 Risk reassessment  2.风险审计风险审计 Risk audits  3.变差和趋势分析变差和趋势分析 Variance and trend analysis  4.技术绩效分析技术绩效分析 Technical performance measurement  5.储备金分析储备金分析Reserve analysis  6.状态审查会状态审查会 Status meetings 1.风险登记册(更新) Risk register(updates) 2.请求的变更 Requested changes 3.推荐的纠正措施推荐的纠正措施Recommended corrective action 4.推荐的预防措施推荐的预防措施Recommended preventive action 5.组织过程资产(更新) Organizational process assets(updates) 6.项目管理计划(更新) Project management plan(updates) QUALITY质量质量规划 Quality Planning 1.事业环境因素 Enterprise environmental factors 2.组织过程资产 Organizational process assets 3.项目范围说明书Project scope statement 4.项目管理计划 Progece management plan 1.成本效益分析成本效益分析 Cost-benefit analysis  2.基准对照基准对照 Benchmarking  3.试验设计试验设计 Design of experiments  5.质量成本质量成本(COQ) Cost of quality (COQ)  6.其他质量规划工具其他质量规划工具 Additional quality planning tools  1.质量管理计划质量管理计划 Quality management plan  2.质量测量指标质量测量指标 Quality metrics  3.质量核对表质量核对表 Quality checklists  4.过程改进计划过程改进计划 Process improvement plan  5.质量基准质量基准 Quality baseline  6.项目管理计划项目管理计划(更新) Project management plan(updates) 实施质量保证Perform Quality Assurance 1.质量管理计划质量管理计划 Quality management plan  2.质量测量指标质量测量指标 Quality metrics  3.过程改进计划过程改进计划 Process improvement plan 4.工作绩效信息 Work performance information 5.批准的变更申请 Approved change requests 6.质量控制衡量 Quality control measurnments 7.实施的变更请求 Implementde change requests 8.实施的纠正措施 Implementde corrective actions 9.实施的缺陷补救 Implementde defect repair 10.实施的预防措施 Implementde preventive actions  1.质量规划工具与技术质量规划工具与技术 Quality planning tools and techniques  2.质量审计质量审计 Quality audits  3.过程分析过程分析 Process analysis  4.质量控制工具与技术质量控制工具与技术 Quality control tools and techniques  1.请求的变更请求的变更 Requested changes  2.推荐的纠正措施推荐的纠正措施推荐的纠正措施Recommended corrective action 3.组织过程资产(更新) Organizational process assets(updates) 4.项目管理计划(更新) Project management plan(updates) 实施质量监控 Perform Quality Control 1.质量管理计划质量管理计划 Quality management plan  2.质量测量指标质量测量指标 Quality metrics  3.质量核对表质量核对表 Quality checklists  4.组织过程资产组织过程资产 Organizational process assets  5.工作绩效信息工作绩效信息 Work performance information  6.批准的变更请求批准的变更请求 Approved change requests  7.可交付成果可交付成果 Deliverables  1.因果图因果图 Cause and effect diagram  2.控制图控制图 Control charts  3.流程图流程图 Flowcharting  4.直方图直方图 Histogram  5.帕雷托图帕雷托图 Pareto chart  6.趋势图趋势图 Run chart  7.散点图散点图 Scatter diagram  8,统计抽样统计抽样 Statistical sampling  9.检查检查 Inspection  10.缺陷补救审查缺陷补救审查 Defect repair review  1.质量控制衡量质量控制衡量 Quality control measurnments  2.确认的缺陷补救确认的缺陷补救 Validated defect repair  3.质量基准质量基准(更新) Quality baseline(updates)  4.推荐的纠正措施推荐的纠正措施推荐的纠正措施Recommended corrective action  5.推荐的预防措施推荐的预防措施推荐的预防措施Recommended preventive action 6.请求的变更 Requested changes 7.推荐的缺陷补救推荐的缺陷补救Recommended defect repair 8.组织过程资产 Organizational process assets 9.确认的可交付成果 Validated deliverables 10.项目管理计划(更新) Project management plan(updates) HUMAN RESOURCE人力资源人力资源规划人力资源规划 1.事业环境因素 Enterprise environmental factors 2.组织过程资产 Organizational process assets 1.组织机构图和岗位描述组织机构图和岗位描述 Organization charts and position descriptions  2.交际交际 Networking  3.组织理论组织理论 Organization theory  1.角色与职责角色与职责 roles and responsibilities  2.项目组织图项目组织图 Projece organization chares 6 7 3.项目管理计划 Progece management plan ●活动资源需求 Activity resource requirements  3.人员配备管理计划人员配备管理计划 Staffinf management plan 项目团队组建 Acquire Project Team 1.事业环境因素 Enterprise environmental factors 2.组织过程资产 Organizational process assets 3.角色与职责 roles and responsibilities 4.项目组织图 Projece organization chares 5.人员配备管理计划 Staffinf management plan 招聘惯例招聘惯例 1.预分派预分派 Pre-assignment 2.谈判谈判 Negotiation 3.招募招募 Acquisition 4.虚拟团队虚拟团队Virtual teams  1.项目人员分派到位项目人员分派到位 Project staff assignments 2.资源可利用情况资源可利用情况 Resource availability 3.人员配备管理计划人员配备管理计划(更新) Staffinf management plan(updates) 项目团队建设 Develop Project Team 1.项目人员分派 Project staff assignments 2.人员配备管理计划人员配备管理计划 Staffinf management plan 3.资源可利用情况 Resource availability  1.通用管理技能通用管理技能 General management skills 2.培训培训 Training 3.团队建设活动团队建设活动 Team-building activities 4.规则规则 Ground rules 5.集中办公集中办公 Co-location 6.奖励与表彰奖励与表彰 Recognition and rewards 1.团队绩效评估 Team performance assessment 项目团队管理 Manage Project Team  1.组织过程资产组织过程资产 Organizational process assets 2.项目人员分派项目人员分派 Project staff assignments 3.角色与职责角色与职责 roles and responsibilities 4.项目组织图项目组织图 Projece organization chares 5.人员配备管理计划 Staffinf management plan 6.团队绩效考核 Team performance assessment 7.工作绩效信息 Work performance information 8.绩效报告 Performance reports  1.观察与交谈观察与交谈 Observation and conversation 2.项目绩效评估项目绩效评估 Project performance appraisals 3.冲突管理冲突管理 Conflict management 4.问题登记薄问题登记薄 Lssue log 1.请求的变更 Requested changes 2.推荐的纠正措施推荐的纠正措施Recommended corrective action 3.推荐的预防措施推荐的预防措施Recommended preventive action 4.组织过程资产(更新) Organizational process assets(updates) 5.项目管理计划(更新) Project management plan(updates) COMMUNICATIONS 沟通Communications Planning 沟通规划沟通规划1.事业环境因素 Enterprise environmental factors 2.组织过程生产组织过程生产 Organizational process assets 3.项目范围说明书Project scope statement 4.项目管理计划 Progece management plan ● 制约因素 Constraints ● 假设 Assumptions  1.沟通需求分析沟通需求分析 Communications requirements analysls 2.沟通技术沟通技术 Communications technology 1.沟通管理计划 Communications management plan Information Distribution 信息发布发布1. 沟通管理计划 Communications management plan 1.沟通技能 Communications skills 2.信息收集和检索系统 Information gathering and retrieval system 3.信息发布系统 Information distribution methods 4.经验教训总结过程 Lessons learned process 1. 组织过程生产(更新) Organizational process assets(updates) 2. 请求的变更请求的变更 Requested changes Performance Reporting 绩效报告报告1.工作绩效信息 Work performance information 2.绩效衡量 Performance measurements 3.完工预测 Forecasted completion 4.质量控制衡量 Quality control measurnments 5.项目管理计划 Project management plan ●绩效衡量分析 Performance measurements baseline 6.批准的变更申请 Approved change requests 7.可交付成果 Deliverables 1.信息演示工具 Information presentation tools 2.绩效信息收集和汇总 Performance information gathering and compilation 3.状态审查会 Status review meetings 4.工时汇报系统Time reporting systems 5.费用汇报系统Cost reporting systems 1.绩效报告 Performance reports 2.预测 Forecasts 3.请求的变更 Requested changes 4.推荐的纠正措施推荐的纠正措施Recommended corrective action 5.组织过程资产(更新) Organizational process assets(updates) 利害关系者管理 Manage Stakeholders 1.沟通管理计划 Communications management plan 2. 组织过程资产 Organizational process assets 1.沟通方法 Communications methods 2.问题登记薄 lssue logs 1.问题得以解决Resolved issues 2.批准的变更申请 Approved change requests 3.批准的纠正措施 Approved corrective action 4.组织过程资产(更新) Organizational process assets(updates) 5.项目管理计划(更新) Project management plan(updates) PROCUREMENT采购采购规划 Plan Purchases and Acquisitions 1.事业环境因素 Enterprise environmental factors  2.组织过程生产组织过程生产 Organizational process assets 3.项目范围说明书Project scope statement 4.工作分解结构 Work breakdown structure 5.工作分解结构词汇表 WBS clictionary 6.项目管理计划 Progece management plan  ●风险登记册 Risk register  ●与风险有关的合同协议 Risk-related contractual agreements  ●资源要求 Resource requirements ●项目进度计划 Project schedule ●活动费用估算 Activity cost estimate ●费用基准 Cost baseline  1.自制或外购分析自制或外购分析 Make-or-buy analysls  2.专家判断专家判断 Expert judgment  3.合同类型合同类型 Contract types 1.采购管理计划 Procurement management plan 2.合同工作说明书 Contract statement of work 3.自制或外购决策 Maker-or-buy changes 4.请求的变更 Requested changes 发包规划 Plan Contracting 1.采购管理计划 Procurement management plan 2.合同工作说明书 Contract statement of work  3.自制或外购决策自制或外购决策 Maker-or-buy changes 4.项目管理计划 Project management plan ●风险登记册 Risk register  ●与风险有关的合同协议●与风险有关的合同协议 Risk-related contractual agreements  ●资源要求●资源要求 Resource requirements ●项目进度计划 Project schedule ●活动费用估算 Activity cost estimate ●费用基准 Cost baseline 1.标准表格标准表格 Standard forms  2.专家判断专家判断 Expert Judgment 1.采购文件 Procurement documents 2.评估标准 Evaluation criteria 3.合同工作说明书(更新) Contract statement of work(updates) 询价Request Seller Responses 1.组织过程资产 Organizational process assets 2.采购管理计划 Procurement management plan 3.采购文件 Procurement documents  1.招标人会议招标人会议 Bldder conferences  2.刊登广告刊登广告 Advertising  3.制定合格卖方清单制定合格卖方清单 Develop qualifid sellers list 1.合格卖方清单 Qualified sellers list  2.采购文件包采购文件包 Procurement document package  3.建议书建议书 Proposals 卖方选择Select Sellers 1.组织过程资产 Organizational process assets 2.采购管理计划 Procurement management plan 3.评估标准 Evaluation criteria 4.采购文件包 Procurement document package 5.建议书 Proposals 6.合格卖方清单 Qualified sellers list 7.项目管理计划 Project management plan ●风险登记册 Risk register  ●与风险有关的合同协议●与风险有关的合同协议 Risk-related contractual  agreements 1.加权系统加权系统 Weighting system  2.独立估算独立估算 Independent estimates  3.筛选系统筛选系统 Screening system  4.合同谈判合同谈判 negotiation  5.卖方评级系统卖方评级系统 Seller rating systens  6.专家判断专家判断 Expert judgment  7.建议书评估技术建议书评估技术 Proposal evaluation techniques 1.选中的卖方 Selected sellers  2.合同合同 Contract  3.合同管理计划合同管理计划 Contract management plan  4.资源可利用情况资源可利用情况 Resource availability  5.采购管理计划采购管理计划(更新) Procurement management plan(updates)  6.请求的变更请求的变更 Requested changes 合同管理 Contract Administration 1.合同合同 Contract  2.合同管理计划合同管理计划 Contract management plan  3.选中的卖方选中的卖方 Selected sellers 4.绩效报告 Performance reports 5.批准的变更申请 Approved change requests 6.工作绩效信息 Work performance information 1.合同变更控制系统 Contract change control system  2.买方进行的绩效审核买方进行的绩效审核 Buyer-conducted per-formance review  3.检验和审计检验和审计 Inspections and audits  4.绩效报告绩效报告 Performance reporting  5.支付系统支付系统 Payment system  6.索赔管理索赔管理 Claims administration  7.合同档案管理系统合同档案管理系统 Records management system 8.信息技术 Information technology  1.合同文件合同文件 Contract documentation  2.请求的变更请求的变更 Requested changes  3.推荐的纠正措施推荐的纠正措施推荐的纠正措施Recommended corrective action 4.组织过程资产(更新) Organizational process assets(updates) 5.项目管理计划(更新) Project management plan(updates) ●采购管理计划 Procurement management plan ●合同管理计划 Contract management plan 合同收尾 Contract Closure 1.采购管理计划 Procurement management plan 2.合同管理计划 Contract management plan 3.合同文件 Contract documentation 4.合同收尾程序 Contract closure procedure  1.采购审计采购审计 Procurement audits  2.合同档案管理系统合同档案管理系统 Records management system 1.合同收尾Contract closures  2.组织过程资产组织过程资产(更新) Organizational process assets(updates) 8 。



项目管理建议书范文模板In today's fast-paced and competitive business environment, effective project management is essential for success. 在当今快节奏和竞争激烈的商业环境中,有效的项目管理对于成功至关重要。

Project management is the practice of initiating, planning, executing, controlling, and closing the work of a team to achieve specific goals and meet specific success criteria. 项目管理是指发起、规划、执行、控制和结束团队工作,以实现特定目标并满足特定成功标准的实践。

One of the key benefits of project management is that it helps organizations effectively manage change. 项目管理的一个关键优势是帮助组织有效管理变化。

By defining project goals, creating a detailed plan, assigning responsibilities, and monitoring progress, project managers can ensure that projects stay on track and are completed on time and within budget. 通过确定项目目标、创建详细计划、分配责任并监控进展,项目经理可以确保项目按计划进行,按时完成并在预算内。

Effective project management also helps improve communication among team members and stakeholders, leading to better collaboration and a more cohesive working environment. 有效的项目管理还有助于改善团队成员和利益相关者之间的沟通,促进更好的协作和更紧密的工作环境。



什么是WBS一、WBS的定义WBS(工作分解结构)是Work Breakdown Structure的英文缩写,是项目管理重要的专业术语之一。


无论在项目管理实践中,还是在PMP,IPMP 考试中,工作分解结构(WBS)都是最重要的内容之一。








(2)工作包工作包(work package)是WBS的最底层元素,一般的工作包是最小的“可交付成果”,这些可交付成果很容易识别出完成它的活动、成本和组织以及资源信息。



基于上述观点,一个用于项目管理的WBS 必须被分解到工作包层次才能够使其成为一个有效的管理工具。



标识号:TEMP-PP-02 项目任务书模板编写人:批准人:批准日期:版本历史目录1. 前言 (4)1.1. 文档目的 (4)1.2. 适用范围 (4)1.3. 名词解释 (4)1.4. 参考资料 (4)2. 项目定义 (4)2.1. 客户与项目背景 (5)2.2. 主要的功能和特点 (5)2.3. 主要非功能性的需求 (5)3. 项目要求 (5)3.1. 交付件要求 (5)3.2. 进度要求 (5)3.3. 技术要求 (5)3.4. 质量要求 (5)3.5. 其他要求 (6)4. 初步计划 (6)4.1. 人力资源计划 (6)4.2. 软硬件工具资源 (6)4.3. 时间进度 (6)1.前言1.1. 文档目的[这个部分描述该计划的目的]1.2. 适用范围[这个部分描述该计划的适用范围]1.3. 名词解释1.4. 参考资料2.项目定义[这个部分描述项目的整体概况,描述项目基本的情况]2.1. 客户与项目背景[这个部分描述客户的相关信息,指出客户需求产生的背景,通过对客户的描述,帮助读者了解项目的基本目的]2.2. 主要的功能和特点[这个部分根据用户的需求说明书,主要描述清楚主要实现的功能和相应的特点]2.3. 主要非功能性的需求[这个部分描述客户特别提出的非功能性的需求,包括性能需求,可维护性,可测性要求等] 3.项目要求[这个部分描述客户对项目的各种要求,包括进度,技术,质量,团队建设,市场等]3.1. 交付件要求[这个部分描述客户对最终交付工作产品的要求,列举出要求的工作产品,以及简要说明每个工作产品的要求]3.2. 进度要求[这个部分描述客户对进度的要求和期望,特别是关键里程碑的确定,描述清楚几个关键的里程碑,通常有设计完成,核心功能完成,原型提交,客户核心功能测试几个大的里程碑]3.3. 技术要求[这个部分定义描述客户对项目中使用的技术的要求,如使用J2EE技术、界面风格,软件运行平台]3.4. 质量要求[这个部分描述客户对项目产品质量的要求,通常的质量要求主要体现在缺陷密度等指标上]3.5. 其他要求[例如通过该项目锻炼出掌握某某技术的团队,或者是进入某某行业,或者是市场份额上升至xx之类的其他方面的要求,包括各种策略性的要求]4.初步计划[这个部分列出实现主要功能大致的一个估计,该估计主要按照项目的范围以经验大致估计,与实际可能很大误差,只作为参考]4.1. 人力资源计划[描述对人力资源的大致要求,包括对人员技能的要求]4.2. 软硬件工具资源4.3. 时间进度[对应对主要功能的描述,使用mpp附上大致的时间进度安排]。



















一、WBS的定‎义WBS(工作分解结‎构)是Work‎Break‎d own Struc‎t ure的‎英文缩写,是项目管理重要的专业‎术语之一。






WBS是由‎3个关键元‎素构成的名‎词:工作(work)--可以产生有‎形结果的工‎作任务;分解(break‎d own)--是一种逐步‎细分和分类‎的层级结构‎;结构(struc‎t ure)--按照一定的‎模式组织各‎部分。


通过编码体‎系,我们可以很‎容易识别W‎B S元素的‎层级关系、分组类别和‎特性。


(2)工作包工作包(work packa‎g e)是WBS的‎最底层元素‎,一般的工作‎包是最小的‎“可交付成果‎”,这些可交付‎成果很容易‎识别出完成‎它的活动、成本和组织‎以及资源信息。




×××项目项目管理策划书编制:×××公司工程管理部年月×××公司项目管理策划书目录第1章项目工程概况 (1)1.1 项目概况 (1)1.2 平面图 (3)第2章管理愿景及项目组织 (4)2.1 管理愿景 (4)2.2 项目组织 (4)第3章施工范围划分 (11)3.1 施工顺序及流水段划分 (11)3.2 分包工程 (11)3.3 施工总平面布置 (12)第4章项目工程管理特点及管理思路 (15)4.1 项目工程管理特点及其影响 (15)4.2 对监理单位的管理 (16)4.3 对总包单位的管理 (19)第5章样板展示区管理及施工样板确认 (24)5.1 样板展示区管理 (24)5.2 施工样板确认 (25)第6章工程招标与采购 (27)6.1 监理招标 (27)6.2 总包招标 (27)6.3 分包工程与部品招标 (27)第7章工程管理目标及管理方法 (29)7.1 工程管理目标 (29)7.2 施工过程管理 (30)7.3 过程管理保障措施 (34)×××公司项目管理策划书第8章设计变更(技术核定)、现场签证管理. (41)8.1 设计变更(技术核定)管理 (41)8.2 现场签证管理 (43)第9章工程材料(设备)管理 (46)9.1 工程材料(设备)采购/验收 (46)9.2 工程材料(设备)认质/认价 (49)第10章工程控制难点及对策 (50)10.1 难点控制的指导原则 (50)10.2 合作单位管理的难点和措施 (51)10.3 其他难点及风险预控 (54)10.4 工程质量通病的防治 (55)第11章项目沟通管理 (56)11.1 进场知会 (56)11.2 例会制度 (56)11.3 工程日报、周报、月报工作制度 (60)第12章项目竣工验收及保修/维修工作 (62)12.1 项目竣工验收工作 (62)12.2 项目保修和维修工作指引 (67)×××公司项目管理策划书第1章项目工程概况1.1 项目概况1.1.1 工程概况:××项目位于,(概述项目基本情况)。


BB针对AAAA的指定人员提供由BB培训部举办的不超过2次的ITIL Foundation的专班培训。







内容沟通管理战略包含以下主题:导言 3沟通步骤 3工具和技术 3记录 3报告 3沟通活动的时间 4角色和职责 4利益相关方分析 5各利益相关方需要的信息 6建议沟通管理战略来源于:公司沟通政策(例如,上市公司的信息披露规定);项目群信息管理战略;项目启动文件的其他部分(特别是项目管理团队结构、风险管理战略、质量管理战略和配置管理战略);专题研讨会/与利益相关方的非正式讨论;利益相关方分析沟通管理战略可采用多种格式,包括:独立产品或项目启动文件的一部分;文件、电子表格或心智图;项目管理工具中的条目应遵守以下质量标准:已确认所有的利益相关方并对其沟通要求进行咨询所有的利益相关方对沟通内容、频度和方法达成了一致已经考虑了沟通的统一标准用于执行沟通所需要的时间、投入和资源已经在阶段计划中进行了配置沟通合适和频度对于项目的重要性和复杂程度来说是合适的如果项目是项目群的一部分,在沟通管理战略中已经明确定义了沟通路线,以及项目和项目群间的报告结构在合适的情况下,沟通战略充分利用公司沟通实施(例如,通过营销沟通部门来分发项目公报)导言(陈述目的、目标和范围,并确认谁来负责该战略)沟通步骤(对任何可能用到的沟通方法的描述(或参考)。




<Project Name>Project Management PlanVersion <x.x>[Note: The following template is provided for use in Xavor projects. Text enclosed in square brackets and displayed in blue italics(style=InfoBlue) is included to provide guidanceto the author and should be deleted before publishing the document.]Revision History[For every revision of this document, provide therevision history that should include the date of revision, version number, description of the changes in the document, and author of the document for that particular version.]Distribution List[State the persons/teams/groups to whom this document should be distributed whenever the document is revised.Also state the name of their parent organization.]3 / 37Table of Contents1. Introduction 101.1 Purpose 101.2 Scope 101.3 Definitions, Acronyms and Abbreviations 111.4 References 111.5 Overview 122. Project Overview 142.1 Project Name, Code and Leader 142.2 Project Purpose, Scope and Objectives 142.3 Assumptions and Constraints 142.3.1 Critical Assumptions and Constraints 152.3.2 Non-Critical Assumptions and Constraints 152.4 Project Milestones 152.5 Project Deliverables 162.6 Tailoring Guidelines 162.7 Software Development Life Cycle 163. Project Organization 173.1 Organizational Structure 173.2 External Interfaces 203.3 Roles and Responsibilities 203.3.1 <Organizational Unit Name> 214. Management Process 224.1 Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) 224.2 Project Estimates 224.2.1 Estimation Technique 224.2.2 Size 224.2.3 Effort 235 / 374.3 Project Schedule 234.3.1 Pre-Development Schedule 234.3.2 Development Schedule 23 4.4 Project Phases, Iterations and Releases 244.4.1 Project Phases 244.4.2 Project Iterations 244.4.3 Releases 24 4.5 Project Resourcing 244.5.1 Staffing 244.5.2 Resource Acquisition 254.5.3 Training 25 4.6 Project Budget 254.7 Project Monitoring and Control 264.7.1 Schedule Control 264.7.2 Budget Control 264.7.3 Measurements 264.8 Risk Management Plan 274.9 Project Closure 275. Technical Process Plans 285.1 User Experience Design 285.2 Requirements Management 285.3 Analysis and Design 285.4 Development Plan 285.5 Peer Review Plan 285.6 Project Maintenance 295.7 Test Plan 295.8 Tools, Techniques and Standards 295.8.1 Tools 297 / 375.8.2 Techniques and Standards 335.9 Infrastructure 345.10 Facilities 345.11 Security Plan 346. Supporting Process Plans 356.1 Configuration Management Plan 356.2 Documentation 356.3 Software Quality Assurance Plan 356.4 Intergroup Coordination 356.5 Communication 356.6 Problem Resolution 366.7 Subcontractor Management 367. Additional plans 378. Appendices 379 / 37Project Management Plan1.Introduction[The introduction of the Project Management Plan should provide an overview of the entire document. It shouldinclude the purpose, scope, definitions, acronyms,abbreviations, references and overview of this ProjectManagement Plan.]1.1Purpose[Specify the purpose of this Project Management Plan.]1.2Scope[A brief description of the scope of this ProjectManagement Plan; what Project(s) it is associated with, and anything else that is affected or influenced by thisdocument.]1.3Definitions, Acronyms and Abbreviations[This subsection should provide the definitions of allterms, acronyms, and abbreviations required to interpret properly the Project Management Plan. This information may be provided by reference to the project Glossary.] 1.4References[This subsection should provide a complete list of alldocuments referenced elsewhere in the Project Management Plan. Each document should be identified by title,report number (if applicable), date, and publishingorganization. Specify the sources from which thereferences can be obtained. This information may beprovided by reference to an appendix or to another11 / 37document. For the Project Management Plan, the list of referenced artifacts may include:•Risk Management Plan•User Interfaces Guidelines•Configuration Management Plan•Software Quality Assurance Plan, etc.]1.5Overview[This subsection should describe what the rest of theProject Management Plan contains and explain how the。



<Project Name>Project Management PlanVersion <x.x> [Note: The following template is provided for use in Xavor projects. Text enclosed in square brackets and displayed in blue italics (style=InfoBlue) is included to provide guidance to the author and should be deleted before publishing the document.]Revision History[For every revision of this document, provide the revision history that should include the date of revision, version number, description of the changes in the document, and author of the document for that particular version.]Distribution List[State the persons/teams/groups to whom this document should be distributed whenever the document is revised. Also state the name of their parent organization.]Table of Contents1.Introduction 51.1Purpose 51.2Scope 51.3Definitions, Acronyms and Abbreviations 51.4References 51.5Overview 52.Project Overview 62.1Project Name, Code and Leader 62.2Project Purpose, Scope and Objectives 62.3Assumptions and Constraints 62.3.1Critical Assumptions and Constraints 62.3.2Non-Critical Assumptions and Constraints 62.4Project Milestones 62.5Project Deliverables 62.6Tailoring Guidelines 72.7Software Development Life Cycle 73.Project Organization 83.1Organizational Structure 83.2External Interfaces 103.3Roles and Responsibilities 103.3.1<Organizational Unit Name> 104.Management Process 114.1Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) 114.2Project Estimates 114.2.1Estimation Technique 114.2.2Size 114.2.3Effort 114.3Project Schedule 114.3.1Pre-Development Schedule 114.3.2Development Schedule 114.4Project Phases, Iterations and Releases 114.4.1Project Phases 114.4.2Project Iterations 114.4.3Releases 114.5Project Resourcing 114.5.1Staffing 114.5.2Resource Acquisition 124.5.3Training 124.6Project Budget 124.7Project Monitoring and Control 124.7.1Schedule Control 124.7.2Budget Control 124.7.3Measurements 124.8Risk Management Plan 124.9Project Closure 125.Technical Process Plans 135.1User Experience Design 135.2Requirements Management 135.3Analysis and Design 135.4Development Plan 135.5Peer Review Plan 135.6Project Maintenance 135.7Test Plan 135.8Tools, Techniques and Standards 135.8.1Tools 135.8.2Techniques and Standards 145.9Infrastructure 145.10Facilities 145.11Security Plan 146.Supporting Process Plans 156.1Configuration Management Plan 156.2Documentation 156.3Software Quality Assurance Plan 156.4Intergroup Coordination 156.5Communication 156.6Problem Resolution 156.7Subcontractor Management 157.Additional plans 168.Appendices 16Project Management Plan1. Introduction[The introduction of the Project Management Plan should provide an overview of the entiredocument. It should include the purpose, scope, definitions, acronyms, abbreviations, references and overview of this Project Management Plan.]1.1 Purpose[Specify the purpose of this Project Management Plan.]1.2 Scope[A brief description of the scope of this Project Management Plan; what Project(s) it isassociated with, and anything else that is affected or influenced by this document.]1.3 Definitions, Acronyms and Abbreviations[This subsection should provide the definitions of all terms, acronyms, and abbreviationsrequired to interpret properly the Project Management Plan. This information may be provided by reference to the project Glossary.]1.4 References[This subsection should provide a complete list of all documents referenced elsewhere in theProject Management Plan. Each document should be identified by title, report number (ifapplicable), date, and publishing organization. Specify the sources from which the referencescan be obtained. This information may be provided by reference to an appendix or to anotherdocument. For the Project Management Plan, the list of referenced artifacts may include:•Risk Management Plan•User Interfaces Guidelines•Configuration Management Plan•Software Quality Assurance Plan, etc.]1.5 Overview[This subsection should describe what the rest of the Project Management Plan contains andexplain how the document is organized.]2. Project Overview2.1 Project Name, Code and Leader[Specify the project name, project code and project leader (project manager).]Project Name: <Project Name>Project Code: <xxx-xxx>Project Leader: <Name>2.2 Project Purpose, Scope and Objectives[A brief description of the purpose and objectives of this project, and a brief description of whatdeliverables the project is expected to deliver.]2.3 Assumptions and Constraints[A list of assumptions that this plan is based on, and any constraints (e.g. budget, staff, equipment,schedule, etc.) that apply to the project. Make a distinction between critical and non-criticalfactors.]2.3.1 Critical Assumptions and Constraints[State the critical assumptions and constraints affecting the project.]2.3.2 Non-Critical Assumptions and Constraints[State the non-critical assumptions and constraints affecting the project.]2.4 Project Milestones[Tabular list of major milestones to be achieved during the project, with target dates.]2.5 Project Deliverables[Tabular list of the artifacts to be created during the project, with target delivery dates.]2.6 Tailoring Guidelines[Specify the tailoring guidelines for the project.]2.7 Software Development Life Cycle[Specify the Software Development Life Cycle that is to be followed in the project.]3. Project Organization3.1 Organizational Structure[Describe the organizational structure of the project team, including management and otherreview authorities. This should include identification of all project organizational units and adescription of their function and responsibility. A diagram of the organizational structure should also be attached for further illustration.Examples of project organizational units are:•Project Implementation Committee•Project Steering Committee•Project Management Team•Architecture Group•User Experience Design Team•Requirements Team•Analysis and Design Team•Implementation Group•Development Team•Database Management Team•Testing Team•Infrastructure Team•Configuration Management Team•Software Quality Assurance Team, etc.]3.2 External Interfaces[Describe how the project interfaces with external groups. For each external group, identify the internal/external contact names.]3.3 Roles and Responsibilities[Specify the roles, responsibilities and role holders within each organizational unit of the project.] 3.3.1 <Organizational Unit Name>4. Management Process4.1 Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)[List the activities necessary for completing the project.]4.2 Project Estimates4.2.1 Estimation Technique[Specify the estimation method and the reason for its choice. Provide the estimated cost as well as the basis for those estimates, and the points/circumstances in the project when re-estimation will occur.]4.2.2 Size[State the size of each activity as calculated according to the estimation technique. Units of size may be in LOC, FP, etc.]4.2.3 Effort[Specify the amount of effort required to perform each activity on the basis of the size estimation.Units may be man-hours, man-days, etc.]4.3 Project Schedule[Diagrams/tables showing target dates for completion of iterations and phases, release points,demos, and other milestones. Critical path must be specified. Usually enclosed by reference to MS Project file.]4.3.1 Pre-Development Schedule[This schedule will cater for project planning, requirements, analysis and design activities.]4.3.2 Development Schedule[This schedule will cater coding, testing and deployment activities.]4.4 Project Phases, Iterations and Releases4.4.1 Project Phases[Identify phases and major milestones with their achievement criteria.]4.4.2 Project Iterations[Specify the number of iterations and list the objectives to be accomplished for each of theiterations.]4.4.3 Releases[Brief descriptions of each software release, whether demo, beta, etc.]4.5 Project Resourcing4.5.1 Staffing[Identify here the numbers and type of staff required (including and special skills or experience), scheduled by project phase or iteration. State what resources are critical.]4.5.2 Resource Acquisition[Describe how you will approach finding and acquiring the staff needed for the project.]4.5.3 Training[List any special training project team members will require, with target dates for when thistraining should be completed.]4.6 Project Budget[Allocation of costs against the WBS and the project phases.]4.7 Project Monitoring and Control4.7.1 Schedule Control[Describes the approach to be taken to monitor progress against the planned schedule and how to take corrective action when required.]4.7.2 Budget Control[Describes the approach to be taken to monitor spending against the project budget and how to take corrective action when required.]4.7.3 Measurements[Describe the types of measurements to be taken, their frequency, and responsibleworkers/entities for this purpose.]4.8 Risk Management Plan[Enclosed by reference]4.9 Project Closure[Describe the activities for the orderly completion of the project, including staff reassignment, archiving of project materials, post-mortem debriefings and reports etc.]5. Technical Process Plans5.1 User Experience Design[Describe the approach that will be adopted with details of processes, procedures, and guidelines to be followed.]5.2 Requirements[Describe the approach that will be adopted with details of processes, procedures, and guidelines to be followed.]5.3 Analysis and Design[Describe the approach that will be adopted with details of processes, procedures, and guidelines to be followed.]5.4 Development Plan[Enclosed by reference]5.5 Peer Review Plan[Specify the work products to be peer reviewed, type of peer review, their frequency, etc.]5.6 Maintenance[Describe details of any software maintenance for the warranty period of the project.]5.7 Test Plan[Enclosed by reference]5.8 Tools, Techniques and Standards5.8.1 Tools5.8.1.1 Project Management Tools[Specify the project management tools that are to be used in the project and the reasons for their selection. Examples of areas to be covered are project planning, project scheduling, projectmonitoring, status reporting, measurements, etc. Examples of these tools are MS Project, etc.] Requirements Management Tools[Specify the requirements management tools that are to be used in the project and the reasons for their selection. Examples of areas to be covered are requirements gathering, requirement issueresolution, requirement change management, measurements, etc. Examples of these tools areRational Requisite Pro, EINS, etc.] System Analysis & Design Tools[Specify the system analysis and design tools that are to be used in the project and the reasonsfor their selection. Examples of tools in this area are Visio, Rational Rose, Power Designer etc.] Languages[Specify the languages that are to be used for software development in the project and thereasons for their selection. Examples of languages are HTML, Java, etc.] User-Interface Development Tools[Specify the tools that are to be used for UI development in the project and the reasons for their selection. Examples of these tools can be Dreamweaver, Flash, etc.] Database Management System Software[Specify the database management system software that is to be used in the project and thereasons for their selection. Examples of these tools are Oracle, SQL Server, etc.] Third Party Software[Specify any third party software that is to be used in the project and the reasons for theirselection. Examples are Inktomi, Infranet, etc.] Software Testing Tools[Specify the software testing tools that are to be used in the project and the reasons for theirselection. Examples of these tools are WinRunner, LoadRunner, etc.] Defect and Change Management Tools[Specify the defect and change management tools that are to be used in the project and thereasons for their selection. Examples of these tools are ClearQuest, etc.] Configuration Management Tools[Specify the configuration management tools that are to be used in the project and the reasonsfor their selection. Examples of these tools are ClearCase, etc.] Integrated Development Environment[Specify the operating systems (platforms), web servers, application servers, development servers that are to be used in the project and the reasons for their selection. Examples of these tools are Sun Solaris, iPlanet, JBuilder, WebSphere, etc.]5.8.2 Techniques and Standards[Lists the documented project technical standards etc by reference. Examples may be:User-Interface GuidelinesProgramming GuidelinesTest Guidelines, etc.]5.9 Infrastructure[Specify hardware, network connectivity, bandwidth, etc., required in this project. Make a clear distinction about what factors are critical.]5.10 Facilities[Describe the facilities required for the execution of the project. This will cover physicalworkspace, buildings, etc.]5.11 Security Plan[List down the security consideration e.g. of security can be operating system, access controls to site/product, physical security considerations.]6. Supporting Process Plans6.1 Configuration Management Plan[Enclosed by reference]6.2 Documentation[Specify the documents that will be produced in the project, what document templates will beused, and any other information pertaining to documentation.]6.3 Software Quality Assurance Plan[Enclosed by reference]6.4 Intergroup Coordination[Describe how different project groups will communicate with one another; specify dependencies, and commitments.]6.5 Communication[Specify how various workers/units/entities, both within and outside the project team, willcommunicate with each other.]6.6 Problem Resolution[Describe the approach for resolving issues in the project, escalation procedures, etc.]6.7 Subcontractor Management[If subcontractors are involved in the project give details of what kind of contractors are required for various tasks, the duration for which they are required and how they will be managed.]7. Additional plans[Additional plans if required by contract or regulations.] 8. Appendices[Attach any supplementary information.]。



T0808 张三 2005-7-10
所需信息 Info needed 总体进展 行程安排 关键进展 总体进展
频率 Frequency 每日 每日 每两日 每日
方法 Means 电话/EMAIL 电话/口头 项目会议
责任人 Owner 张三 王五 张芳 张芳
07 项目会议纪要
Project Meeting Minutes
01 项目组成员表 Project Team Members
一、项目基本情况 I. Project Basic Info
项目名称 project name: 制作人 prepared by: 项目经理 project manager:
T 客户考察公司 张三 张三
二、项目组成员 II. Project Team Directory
口人);刘峰(总部研发 N 项目接口人);张芳(总部客户工程师)
会议地点 Meeting Place:
华为深圳总部 F4 101 室
持续时间 Meeting duration:
1 小时 30 分钟
记录人 Minuted by:
审核人 Reviewed by:
II、Meeting Objective ( to brief the meeting objective, including the expected outcome ) 各项资源的负责人汇报资源的落实情况,以确认考察的前期准备就绪,可以进入考察实施阶段
二、项目沟通计划 II. Project Communication Plan
利益干系人 stakeholders



******项目工程管理策划书编制:******项目公司年月日⏹目录⏹第一章:工程概况 (1)1.1项目概况 (1)1.2项目工程管理的特点和难点 (1)⏹第二章:项目管理目标与管理思路 (1)2.1项目管理目标 (1)2.1.1工程进度目标 (1)2.1.2工程质量及安全文明目标 (1)2.1.3工程成本目标 (1)2.2项目管理思路 (1)2.2.1作好施工前期准备工作 (1)2.2.2加强技术标准、施工规范的管理工作 (1)2.2.3抓关键时间节点,确保总体进度 (2)2.2.4明确责任范围,规范场内管理 (2)2.2.5完善项目团队管理 (2)2.2.6加强与政府协作部门特别是质监站的沟通 (2)2.2.7对总包单位的管理 (2)2.2.8对分包单位的管理要点 (3)2.2.9总分包的管理协调 (3)2.2.10其它 (4)⏹第三章:项目的范围划分 (5)3.1项目总平面图 (5)3.2总承包商施工范围划分 (5)3.2.1标段划分图 (5)3.2.2各标段概况 (6)3.3专业分包工程、甲购材料设备及甲定乙购材料设备清单 (6)3.3.1分包施工范围划分原则 (6)3.3.2专业分包工程清单 (6)3.3.3甲购材料设备及甲定乙购材料设备清单 (7)⏹第四章:项目的组织架构与管理原则 (8)4.1项目公司组织架构 (8)4.1.1项目公司组织架构 (8)4.1.2项目公司项目公司工作职责及岗位职责 (8)4.2项目公司对总包单位及监理单位的管理原则 (9)4.2.1总包单位管理原则 (9)4.2.2监理单位管理原则 (9)⏹第五章:工程进度管理 (9)5.1项目总体开发计划 (9)5.2项目公司工程施工进度节点计划 (10)5.3工程进度计划的特点 (10)5.4.2 施工过程中施工进度计划审核 (10)5.4.3 总包施工协调管理 (10)5.4.4 奖惩机制 (11)5.4.5 甲方分包工程施工进度计划控制 (11)5.4.6 项目公司内部计划协调 (11)⏹第六章:工程质量及安全文明管理 (11)6.1工程质量与安全管理目标 (11)6.1.1工程质量管理目标 (11)6.1.2安全文明施工管理目标 (13)6.1.3 质量与安全管理奖罚措施 (13)6.2质量与安全管理指导思想 (13)6.2.1优选队伍,杜绝多层转包 (13)6.2.2强化过程监督 (14)6.2.3利用监理的力量,强化质量及安全控制 (14)6.2.4沟通与支持 (14)6.3工程质量管理措施 (14)6.3.1 图纸审查制度 (14)6.3.2施工单位质量保证体系 (14)6.3.3 设备材料进场验收制度 (15)6.3.4 战前培训制度 (15)6.3.5 样板验收制度 (16)6.3.6项目质量管理要点 (18)6.3.7技术方案先行制度 (19)6.3.8质量通病处理 (19)6.3.9日常质量管理 (19)6.3.10设计协调问题 (20)6.3.11质量事故处理 (20)6.3.12分户验收――把握竣工验收最后防线 (20)6.3.13入住前质量检查和维修 (20)6.3.14成品保护措施 (20)6.4安全文明施工管理 (21)6.4.1安全文明施工控制要点 (21)6.4.2安全文明施工检查制度 (22)⏹第七章:工程成本管理 (23)7.1项目成本控制目标 (23)7.2项目成本控制措施 (23)7.2.1图纸审查 (23)7.2.2变更签证管理 (23)7.2.3进度款支付 (23)⏹第八章:项目的沟通管理 (23)8.1进场知会 (23)8.2周例会 (23)8.5文件的收发、传阅 (24)8.6文件的归档 (24)⏹第九章:项目的风险与对策 (25)9.1进度控制风险与对策 (25)9.2质量控制风险与对策 (25)9.3成本控制风险与对策 (26)9.4其它 (26)⏹第十章:项目的总体协调 (27)10.1场地条件 (27)10.2销售开放展示要求 (27)10.3施工场地平面布置 (29)10.4民扰情况 (29)10.5对外协调工作 (29)第一章:工程概况1.1项目概况可引用规划说明书内容(附原始地貌图、用地红线图、地块周边详图、规划总平面图)1.2项目工程管理的特点和难点项目工程特点、难点从以下几方面考虑:1. 从项目地理位置、场地条件、周边环境充分考虑施工特点、难点。

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<Project Name>Project Management PlanVersion <x.x>[Note: The following template is provided for use in Xavor projects. Text enclosed in square brackets and displayed in blue italics (style=InfoBlue) is included to provide guidance to the author and should be deleted before publishing the document.]Revision History[For every revision of this document, provide the revision history that should include the date of revision, version number, description of the changes in the document, and author of the document for that particular version.]Distribution List[State the persons/teams/groups to whom this document should be distributed whenever the document is revised. Also state the name of their parent organization.]Table of Contents1.Introduction 51.1Purpose 51.2Scope 51.3Definitions, Acronyms and Abbreviations 51.4References 51.5Overview 52.Project Overview 62.1Project Name, Code and Leader 62.2Project Purpose, Scope and Objectives 62.3Assumptions and Constraints 62.3.1Critical Assumptions and Constraints 62.3.2Non-Critical Assumptions and Constraints 62.4Project Milestones 62.5Project Deliverables 62.6Tailoring Guidelines 62.7Software Development Life Cycle 63.Project Organization 73.1Organizational Structure 73.2External Interfaces 93.3Roles and Responsibilities 93.3.1<Organizational Unit Name> 94.Management Process 104.1Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) 104.2Project Estimates 104.2.1Estimation Technique 104.2.2Size 104.2.3Effort 104.3Project Schedule 104.3.1Pre-Development Schedule 104.3.2Development Schedule 104.4Project Phases, Iterations and Releases 104.4.1Project Phases 104.4.2Project Iterations 104.4.3Releases 104.5Project Resourcing 104.5.1Staffing 104.5.2Resource Acquisition 104.5.3Training 104.6Project Budget 104.7Project Monitoring and Control 114.7.1Schedule Control 114.7.2Budget Control 114.7.3Measurements 114.8Risk Management Plan 114.9Project Closure 115.Technical Process Plans 125.1User Experience Design 125.2Requirements Management 125.3Analysis and Design 125.4Development Plan 125.5Peer Review Plan 125.6Project Maintenance 125.7Test Plan 125.8Tools, Techniques and Standards 125.8.1Tools 125.8.2Techniques and Standards 135.9Infrastructure 135.10Facilities 135.11Security Plan 136.Supporting Process Plans 136.1Configuration Management Plan 136.2Documentation 136.3Software Quality Assurance Plan 136.4Intergroup Coordination 136.5Communication 146.6Problem Resolution 146.7Subcontractor Management 147.Additional plans 158.Appendices 15Project Management Plan1. Introduction[The introduction of the Project Management Plan should provide an overview of the entire document. It should include the purpose, scope, definitions, acronyms, abbreviations, references and overview of thisProject Management Plan.]1.1 Purpose[Specify the purpose of this Project Management Plan.]1.2 Scope[A brief description of the scope of this Project Management Plan; what Project(s) it is associated with,and anything else that is affected or influenced by this document.]1.3 Definitions, Acronyms and Abbreviations[This subsection should provide the definitions of all terms, acronyms, and abbreviations required tointerpret properly the Project Management Plan. This information may be provided by reference to the project Glossary.]1.4 References[This subsection should provide a complete list of all documents referenced elsewhere in the ProjectManagement Plan. Each document should be identified by title, report number (if applicable), date, and publishing organization. Specify the sources from which the references can be obtained. This information may be provided by reference to an appendix or to another document. For the Project Management Plan, the list of referenced artifacts may include:•Risk Management Plan•User Interfaces Guidelines•Configuration Management Plan•Software Quality Assurance Plan, etc.]1.5 Overview[This subsection should describe what the rest of the Project Management Plan contains and explain how the document is organized.]2. Project Overview2.1 Project Name, Code and Leader[Specify the project name, project code and project leader (project manager).]Project Name: <Project Name>Project Code: <xxx-xxx>Project Leader: <Name>2.2 Project Purpose, Scope and Objectives[A brief description of the purpose and objectives of this project, and a brief description of whatdeliverables the project is expected to deliver.]2.3 Assumptions and Constraints[A list of assumptions that this plan is based on, and any constraints (e.g. budget, staff, equipment,schedule, etc.) that apply to the project. Make a distinction between critical and non-critical factors.] 2.3.1 Critical Assumptions and Constraints[State the critical assumptions and constraints affecting the project.]2.3.2 Non-Critical Assumptions and Constraints[State the non-critical assumptions and constraints affecting the project.]2.4 Project Milestones[Tabular list of major milestones to be achieved during the project, with target dates.]2.5 Project Deliverables[Tabular list of the artifacts to be created during the project, with target delivery dates.]2.6 Tailoring Guidelines[Specify the tailoring guidelines for the project.]2.7 Software Development Life Cycle[Specify the Software Development Life Cycle that is to be followed in the project.]3. Project Organization3.1 Organizational Structure[Describe the organizational structure of the project team, including management and other reviewauthorities. This should include identification of all project organizational units and a description of their function and responsibility. A diagram of the organizational structure should also be attached for further illustration.Examples of project organizational units are:•Project Implementation Committee•Project Steering Committee•Project Management Team•Architecture Group•User Experience Design Team•Requirements Team•Analysis and Design Team•Implementation Group•Development Team•Database Management Team•Testing Team•Infrastructure Team•Configuration Management Team•Software Quality Assurance Team, etc.]3.2 External Interfaces[Describe how the project interfaces with external groups. For each external group, identify the internal/external contact names.]3.3 Roles and Responsibilities[Specify the roles, responsibilities and role holders within each organizational unit of the project.] 3.3.1 <Organizational Unit Name>4. Management Process4.1 Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)[List the activities necessary for completing the project.]4.2 Project Estimates4.2.1 Estimation Technique[Specify the estimation method and the reason for its choice. Provide the estimated cost as well as thebasis for those estimates, and the points/circumstances in the project when re-estimation will occur.]4.2.2 Size[State the size of each activity as calculated according to the estimation technique. Units of size may be in LOC, FP, etc.]4.2.3 Effort[Specify the amount of effort required to perform each activity on the basis of the size estimation. Unitsmay be man-hours, man-days, etc.]4.3 Project Schedule[Diagrams/tables showing target dates for completion of iterations and phases, release points, demos, and other milestones. Critical path must be specified. Usually enclosed by reference to MS Project file.] 4.3.1 Pre-Development Schedule[This schedule will cater for project planning, requirements, analysis and design activities.]4.3.2 Development Schedule[This schedule will cater coding, testing and deployment activities.]4.4 Project Phases, Iterations and Releases4.4.1 Project Phases[Identify phases and major milestones with their achievement criteria.]4.4.2 Project Iterations[Specify the number of iterations and list the objectives to be accomplished for each of the iterations.]4.4.3 Releases[Brief descriptions of each software release, whether demo, beta, etc.]4.5 Project Resourcing4.5.1 Staffing[Identify here the numbers and type of staff required (including and special skills or experience), scheduled by project phase or iteration. State what resources are critical.]4.5.2 Resource Acquisition[Describe how you will approach finding and acquiring the staff needed for the project.]4.5.3 Training[List any special training project team members will require, with target dates for when this trainingshould be completed.]4.6 Project Budget[Allocation of costs against the WBS and the project phases.]4.7 Project Monitoring and Control4.7.1 Schedule Control[Describes the approach to be taken to monitor progress against the planned schedule and how to takecorrective action when required.]4.7.2 Budget Control[Describes the approach to be taken to monitor spending against the project budget and how to takecorrective action when required.]4.7.3 Measurements[Describe the types of measurements to be taken, their frequency, and responsible workers/entities for this purpose.]4.8 Risk Management Plan[Enclosed by reference]4.9 Project Closure[Describe the activities for the orderly completion of the project, including staff reassignment, archiving of project materials, post-mortem debriefings and reports etc.]5. Technical Process Plans5.1 User Experience Design[Describe the approach that will be adopted with details of processes, procedures, and guidelines to befollowed.]5.2 Requirements[Describe the approach that will be adopted with details of processes, procedures, and guidelines to befollowed.]5.3 Analysis and Design[Describe the approach that will be adopted with details of processes, procedures, and guidelines to befollowed.]5.4 Development Plan[Enclosed by reference]5.5 Peer Review Plan[Specify the work products to be peer reviewed, type of peer review, their frequency, etc.]5.6 Maintenance[Describe details of any software maintenance for the warranty period of the project.]5.7 Test Plan[Enclosed by reference]5.8 Tools, Techniques and Standards5.8.1 Tools5.8.1.1 Project Management Tools[Specify the project management tools that are to be used in the project and the reasons for their selection.Examples of areas to be covered are project planning, project scheduling, project monitoring, statusreporting, measurements, etc. Examples of these tools are MS Project, etc.] Requirements Management Tools[Specify the requirements management tools that are to be used in the project and the reasons for theirselection. Examples of areas to be covered are requirements gathering, requirement issue resolution,requirement change management, measurements, etc. Examples of these tools are Rational Requisite Pro, EINS, etc.] System Analysis & Design Tools[Specify the system analysis and design tools that are to be used in the project and the reasons for theirselection. Examples of tools in this area are Visio, Rational Rose, Power Designer etc.] Languages[Specify the languages that are to be used for software development in the project and the reasons for their selection. Examples of languages are HTML, Java, etc.] User-Interface Development Tools[Specify the tools that are to be used for UI development in the project and the reasons for their selection.Examples of these tools can be Dreamweaver, Flash, etc.] Database Management System Software[Specify the database management system software that is to be used in the project and the reasons fortheir selection. Examples of these tools are Oracle, SQL Server, etc.] Third Party Software[Specify any third party software that is to be used in the project and the reasons for their selection.Examples are Inktomi, Infranet, etc.] Software Testing Tools[Specify the software testing tools that are to be used in the project and the reasons for their selection.Examples of these tools are WinRunner, LoadRunner, etc.] Defect and Change Management Tools[Specify the defect and change management tools that are to be used in the project and the reasons fortheir selection. Examples of these tools are ClearQuest, etc.] Configuration Management Tools[Specify the configuration management tools that are to be used in the project and the reasons for theirselection. Examples of these tools are ClearCase, etc.] Integrated Development Environment[Specify the operating systems (platforms), web servers, application servers, development servers that are to be used in the project and the reasons for their selection. Examples of these tools are Sun Solaris,iPlanet, JBuilder, WebSphere, etc.]5.8.2 Techniques and Standards[Lists the documented project technical standards etc by reference. Examples may be:User-Interface GuidelinesProgramming GuidelinesTest Guidelines, etc.]5.9 Infrastructure[Specify hardware, network connectivity, bandwidth, etc., required in this project. Make a cleardistinction about what factors are critical.]5.10 Facilities[Describe the facilities required for the execution of the project. This will cover physical workspace,buildings, etc.]5.11 Security Plan[List down the security consideration e.g. of security can be operating system, access controls tosite/product, physical security considerations.]6. Supporting Process Plans6.1 Configuration Management Plan[Enclosed by reference]6.2 Documentation[Specify the documents that will be produced in the project, what document templates will be used, and any other information pertaining to documentation.]6.3 Software Quality Assurance Plan[Enclosed by reference]6.4 Intergroup Coordination[Describe how different project groups will communicate with one another; specify dependencies, andcommitments.]6.5 Communication[Specify how various workers/units/entities, both within and outside the project team, will communicate with each other.]6.6 Problem Resolution[Describe the approach for resolving issues in the project, escalation procedures, etc.]6.7 Subcontractor Management[If subcontractors are involved in the project give details of what kind of contractors are required for various tasks, the duration for which they are required and how they will be managed.]7. Additional plans[Additional plans if required by contract or regulations.] 8. Appendices[Attach any supplementary information.]。
