
Forms of composition
3. Exposition(说明文): to expose, or to present and explain information, ideas and opinions
Point to convey Supporting details (facts): order of time, space,
My cousin was a know-it-all. He had to boss his job, so we put the pigs back in, patched up the big holes, and went swimming.
The trouble began when my uncle got home. The pigs had been squeezing through the small holes. So, my cousin and I were really in hot water.
characteristics and features) Diction (vividness)
Example: Life on a Farm (Description)
The still morning calm is broken by the rooster’s crow. Shortly after that all the creatures on the farm are hungrily awake.
It was one of those hot, peaceful days. We were harvesting fruit to sell. The pig pens were near the orchard. The pigs were always allowed to eat the window falls under the tree. But this time, when harvest was over, they escaped and got into the baskets.

Examples: Life on a Farm (Exposition)
Farm life can be fun, but it is very different from life in the city. I visit my uncle’s farm each summer and help him in the garden and with the livestock. Country life is so different from life in the city. The air is clean and fresh, It is quiet, and you can hear the birds sing. The vegetable garden and small orchard need lots of care. There are weeds to hoe and bugs to spray, but picking oranges is what I like best.
argument (point), supporting facts
(3) Exposition:
Cet-4, 2003.6
Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an eye-witness account of a traffic accident. You should write at least 120 words according to the outline given below in Chinese: 1)车祸发生的时间及地点 —— Narration 2)你所见到的车祸情况 —— Description 3)你对车祸原因的分析 —— Exposition

Learn to Write
Chapter Ⅲ: composition
Lecture One: forms of composition
Difference between speech and writing
(e.g. Unit 2) Nhomakorabea(e.g. Unit 3)
Forms of composition
2. Description(描写文): depicting people, objects, or scenery
Focus on what’s described Order to describe (center around the typical
This was serious business. Part of the family income depended on the sale of apples and papayas. Anyway, my uncle gave us orders to fix the pens, and then he left for market.
The birds are singing delightfully, flying from tree to tree. The little chicks hurry around with their mother hen looking for food.
The sun begins to warm the earth. Farmers begin to work hard in the fields, but my cousin is riding on his brown, furry water buffalo. He is playing his flute cheerfully.
Chapter Ⅲ: composition
Lecture One: forms of composition
Difference between speech and writing
(e.g. Unit 2) Nhomakorabea(e.g. Unit 3)
Forms of composition
2. Description(描写文): depicting people, objects, or scenery
Focus on what’s described Order to describe (center around the typical
This was serious business. Part of the family income depended on the sale of apples and papayas. Anyway, my uncle gave us orders to fix the pens, and then he left for market.
The birds are singing delightfully, flying from tree to tree. The little chicks hurry around with their mother hen looking for food.
The sun begins to warm the earth. Farmers begin to work hard in the fields, but my cousin is riding on his brown, furry water buffalo. He is playing his flute cheerfully.

Focus on what’s described Order to describe (center around the typical
characteristics and features) Diction (vividness)
Example: Life on a Farm (Description)
Learn to Write
Chapter Ⅲ: composition
Lecture One: forms of composition
Difference between speech and writing
(e.g. Unit 2)
(e.gins to warm the earth. Farmers begin to work hard in the fields, but my cousin is riding on his brown, furry water buffalo. He is playing his flute cheerfully.
pigs had been squeezing through the small holes. So,
my cousin and I were really in hot water.
Forms of composition
2. Description(描写文): depicting people, objects, or scenery
1. Narration(叙述文): writing about events, actions, or incidents
In chronological order The first person or the third person Event: beginning, development and ending (past
characteristics and features) Diction (vividness)
Example: Life on a Farm (Description)
Learn to Write
Chapter Ⅲ: composition
Lecture One: forms of composition
Difference between speech and writing
(e.g. Unit 2)
(e.gins to warm the earth. Farmers begin to work hard in the fields, but my cousin is riding on his brown, furry water buffalo. He is playing his flute cheerfully.
pigs had been squeezing through the small holes. So,
my cousin and I were really in hot water.
Forms of composition
2. Description(描写文): depicting people, objects, or scenery
1. Narration(叙述文): writing about events, actions, or incidents
In chronological order The first person or the third person Event: beginning, development and ending (past

One day down on the farm, something funny happened. My cousin and I got into big trouble with his dad. It all had to do with pigs.
It was one of those hot, peaceful days. We were harvesting fruit to sell. The pig pens were near the orchard. The pigs were always allowed to eat the window falls under the tree. But this time, when harvest was over, they escaped and got into the baskets.
This was serious business. Part of the family income depended on the sale of apples and papayas. Anyway, my uncle gave us orders to fix the pens, and then he left for market.
The birds are singing delightfully, flying from tree to tree. The little chicks hurry around with their mother hen looking for food.
The sun begins to warm the earth. Farmers begin to work hard in the fields, but my cousin is riding on his brown, furry water buffalo. He is playing his flute cheerfully.
It was one of those hot, peaceful days. We were harvesting fruit to sell. The pig pens were near the orchard. The pigs were always allowed to eat the window falls under the tree. But this time, when harvest was over, they escaped and got into the baskets.
This was serious business. Part of the family income depended on the sale of apples and papayas. Anyway, my uncle gave us orders to fix the pens, and then he left for market.
The birds are singing delightfully, flying from tree to tree. The little chicks hurry around with their mother hen looking for food.
The sun begins to warm the earth. Farmers begin to work hard in the fields, but my cousin is riding on his brown, furry water buffalo. He is playing his flute cheerfully.

• [3]、说明文。 • 英语说明文的总体结构通常为三部份,说明对象、
说明过程和归纳总结。常见的说明方法: • 1,定义与诠释说明; • 2,举例与引用说明; • 3,分类与图表说明;、 • 4,比较与比喻说明; • 5,分析与综合说明;
• [3]、说明文。
bookish书呆子气的 辨析:childish, childly, childlike
manish, manly, manlike 2)稍微的 coldish微冷的, yellowish偏黄的 3)语言 English, Finish, Spanish
2. 动词
establish, diminish使缩小,vanish消失, flourish使
• 描写手法大多按时间跨度、空间顺序、上下顺序来 展开。
• 阅读记叙文体应采取掠读和扫读的方法,快速抓住 文中描写的主要内容,从整体上去把握文章的连贯 性,进而大体上揣测出作者的写作意图及情感主线。 高考阅读就记叙文设题大多以细节理解为主。
• [2]、议论文。
• 英语议论文通常为三段式,即“论点、论据、结论” 三部份组成。首先借助某一现象引出论点,然后通过 一定论据从各个层面上加以推理论证,最后得出结论。 议论文体主要考查学生对论点及论据的把握。因此, 遇到议论文体时,应采取抓主题句的方法来把握文章 主旨,弄清作者的观点。一般来说,作者的论点通常 在文章首段被引出,接着是对这一论点的逻辑推理和 论证,最后为结论。还应注意的是:在对论点论证的 过程中,每一段的首句都是该段的主题句。把握全文 论点、弄清论证各段的主题句、理解文章层次、找出
• [3]、说明文。 • 英语说明文的总体结构通常为三部份,说明对象、
说明过程和归纳总结。常见的说明方法: • 1,定义与诠释说明; • 2,举例与引用说明; • 3,分类与图表说明;、 • 4,比较与比喻说明; • 5,分析与综合说明;
• [3]、说明文。
bookish书呆子气的 辨析:childish, childly, childlike
manish, manly, manlike 2)稍微的 coldish微冷的, yellowish偏黄的 3)语言 English, Finish, Spanish
2. 动词
establish, diminish使缩小,vanish消失, flourish使
• 描写手法大多按时间跨度、空间顺序、上下顺序来 展开。
• 阅读记叙文体应采取掠读和扫读的方法,快速抓住 文中描写的主要内容,从整体上去把握文章的连贯 性,进而大体上揣测出作者的写作意图及情感主线。 高考阅读就记叙文设题大多以细节理解为主。
• [2]、议论文。
• 英语议论文通常为三段式,即“论点、论据、结论” 三部份组成。首先借助某一现象引出论点,然后通过 一定论据从各个层面上加以推理论证,最后得出结论。 议论文体主要考查学生对论点及论据的把握。因此, 遇到议论文体时,应采取抓主题句的方法来把握文章 主旨,弄清作者的观点。一般来说,作者的论点通常 在文章首段被引出,接着是对这一论点的逻辑推理和 论证,最后为结论。还应注意的是:在对论点论证的 过程中,每一段的首句都是该段的主题句。把握全文 论点、弄清论证各段的主题句、理解文章层次、找出

outstanding movie will be shown in our campus. Welcome to join us end enjoy it! Here are some relevant details about it.
To begin with, the name of the movie is Growing together, which is about the development of our beloved school; as a result, it will be not only meaningful but also interesting. Besides, it will be in the library from 2:00 to 4:00 in the afternoon on June 9th. What’s more, everyone will be welcome to take part in it, enjoying the movie, having a heated discussion afterwards and giving your own comments.
To begin with, a new stadium has been built up, which has become the new landmark in our school. Moreover, a large number of sports events are able to be held, including PingPong, football as well as basketball. As for me, I like basketball best since it can give me strength to face the difficulties in my life.
To begin with, the name of the movie is Growing together, which is about the development of our beloved school; as a result, it will be not only meaningful but also interesting. Besides, it will be in the library from 2:00 to 4:00 in the afternoon on June 9th. What’s more, everyone will be welcome to take part in it, enjoying the movie, having a heated discussion afterwards and giving your own comments.
To begin with, a new stadium has been built up, which has become the new landmark in our school. Moreover, a large number of sports events are able to be held, including PingPong, football as well as basketball. As for me, I like basketball best since it can give me strength to face the difficulties in my life.

pigs had been squeezing through the small holes. So,
my cousin and I were reaa lly in hot water.
Forms of composition
2. Description(描写文): depicting people, objects, or scenery
1. Narration(叙述文): writing about
events, actions, or incidents
In chronological order
The first person or the third person
Event: beginning, development and ending (past tenses for past events)
Learn to Write
Chapter Ⅲ: composition
Lecture One: forms of composition
Difference between speech and writing
(e.g. Unit 2)
(e.g. Unit 3)
My cousin was a know-it-all. He had to boss his job, so we put the pigs back in, patched up the big holes, and went swimming.
The trouble began when my uncle got home. The

The birds are singing delightfully, flying from tree to tree. The little chicks hurry around with their mother hen looking for food.
The sun begins to warm the earth. Farmers begin to work hard in the fields, but my cousin is riding on his brown, furry water buffalo. He is playing his flute cheerfully.
My cousin was a know-it-all. He had to boss his job, so we put the pigs back in, patched up the big holes, and went swimming.
The trouble began when my uncle got home. The pigs had been squeezing through the small holes. So, my cousin and I were re精a品lly in hot water.
One day down on the farm, something funny happened. My cousin and I got into big trouble with his dad. It all had to do with pigs.
It was one of those hot, peaceful days. We were harvesting fruit to sell. The pig pens were near the orchard. The pigs were always allowed to eat the window falls under the tree. But this time, when harvest was over, they escaped and got into the baskets.
The sun begins to warm the earth. Farmers begin to work hard in the fields, but my cousin is riding on his brown, furry water buffalo. He is playing his flute cheerfully.
My cousin was a know-it-all. He had to boss his job, so we put the pigs back in, patched up the big holes, and went swimming.
The trouble began when my uncle got home. The pigs had been squeezing through the small holes. So, my cousin and I were re精a品lly in hot water.
One day down on the farm, something funny happened. My cousin and I got into big trouble with his dad. It all had to do with pigs.
It was one of those hot, peaceful days. We were harvesting fruit to sell. The pig pens were near the orchard. The pigs were always allowed to eat the window falls under the tree. But this time, when harvest was over, they escaped and got into the baskets.

Difference between speech and writing
WritingLeabharlann (e.g. Unit 2)
(e.g. Unit 3)
Shorter, incomplete, Longer, repetition, pause Complete,
Forms of composition
• 3. Exposition(说明文): to expose, or
to present and explain information, ideas and opinions
– Point to convey – Supporting details (facts): order of time,
– In chronological order – The first person or the third person – Event: beginning, development and ending
(past tenses for past events) – Clearly state time, place, people, event,
Complex structures
Vocabulary Nonsensical words Longer, formal (eh, aha, etc.), less formal
Forms of composition
• 1. Narration(叙述文): writing about
events, actions, or incidents
characteristics and features) – Diction (vividness)
Difference between speech and writing
WritingLeabharlann (e.g. Unit 2)
(e.g. Unit 3)
Shorter, incomplete, Longer, repetition, pause Complete,
Forms of composition
• 3. Exposition(说明文): to expose, or
to present and explain information, ideas and opinions
– Point to convey – Supporting details (facts): order of time,
– In chronological order – The first person or the third person – Event: beginning, development and ending
(past tenses for past events) – Clearly state time, place, people, event,
Complex structures
Vocabulary Nonsensical words Longer, formal (eh, aha, etc.), less formal
Forms of composition
• 1. Narration(叙述文): writing about
events, actions, or incidents
characteristics and features) – Diction (vividness)

• It meant what made me more upset was the fact that I knew everyone else on campus was watching me.
• I settled into my chair and tried to assume the scientific pose of a biology major, blending slightly forward, tensing my arms in preparation for furious note taking, and cursing under my breath.
• IV.(para9-12) Through making mistakes, I understood the true meaning of college life.
• A. A malicious attempt to embarrass a native freshman was just moment of college fun.
• There are many words in chronological order: • "the next morning" in third paragraph • "after class" in sixth paragraph • "for three days" in eighth paragraph • "three years after graduation" in fourteenth
• I. (para1): How I felt the first day on campus after my parents had left.
• I settled into my chair and tried to assume the scientific pose of a biology major, blending slightly forward, tensing my arms in preparation for furious note taking, and cursing under my breath.
• IV.(para9-12) Through making mistakes, I understood the true meaning of college life.
• A. A malicious attempt to embarrass a native freshman was just moment of college fun.
• There are many words in chronological order: • "the next morning" in third paragraph • "after class" in sixth paragraph • "for three days" in eighth paragraph • "three years after graduation" in fourteenth
• I. (para1): How I felt the first day on campus after my parents had left.
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characteristics and features) Diction (vividness)
Example: Life on a Farm (Description)
The still morning calm is broken by the rooster’s crow. Shortly after that all the creatures on the farm are hungrily awake.
This was serious business. Part of the family income depended on the sale of apples and papayas. Anyway, my uncle gave us orders to fix the pens, and then he left for market.
The cool evening is quiet and peaceful on the farm. The crickets chirp secret messages back and forth. The frogs croak deeply. The beauty of nature and these mysterious sounds gently lull me to sleep every night on the farm.
logic, etc. Logical techniques: cause-and-effect,
Forms of composition
2. Description(描写文): depicting people, objects, or scenery
Focus on what’s described Order to describe (center around the typical
Forms of composition
3. Exposition(说明文): to expose, or to present and explain information, ideas and opinions
Point to convey Supporting details (facts): order of time, space,
My cousin was a know-it-all. He had to boss his job, so we put the pigs back in, patched up the big holes, and went swimming.
The trouble began when my uncle got home. The pigs had been squeezing through the small holes. So, my cousin and I were really in hot water.
英语的四种文Байду номын сангаас的区别
Difference between speech and writing
(e.g. Unit 2)
(e.g. Unit 3)
Shorter, incomplete, Longer, repetition, pause Complete,
and result. Emphasize on the theme, leaving out
unnecessary details.
Example: Life on a Farm (Narration)
One day down on the farm, something funny happened. My cousin and I got into big trouble with his dad. It all had to do with pigs.
It was one of those hot, peaceful days. We were harvesting fruit to sell. The pig pens were near the orchard. The pigs were always allowed to eat the window falls under the tree. But this time, when harvest was over, they escaped and got into the baskets.
Complex structures
Vocabulary Nonsensical words Longer, formal (eh, aha, etc.), less formal
Forms of composition
1. Narration(叙述文): writing about events, actions, or incidents
The birds are singing delightfully, flying from tree to tree. The little chicks hurry around with their mother hen looking for food.
The sun begins to warm the earth. Farmers begin to work hard in the fields, but my cousin is riding on his brown, furry water buffalo. He is playing his flute cheerfully.
In chronological order The first person or the third person Event: beginning, development and ending (past
tenses for past events) Clearly state time, place, people, event, cause
Example: Life on a Farm (Description)
The still morning calm is broken by the rooster’s crow. Shortly after that all the creatures on the farm are hungrily awake.
This was serious business. Part of the family income depended on the sale of apples and papayas. Anyway, my uncle gave us orders to fix the pens, and then he left for market.
The cool evening is quiet and peaceful on the farm. The crickets chirp secret messages back and forth. The frogs croak deeply. The beauty of nature and these mysterious sounds gently lull me to sleep every night on the farm.
logic, etc. Logical techniques: cause-and-effect,
Forms of composition
2. Description(描写文): depicting people, objects, or scenery
Focus on what’s described Order to describe (center around the typical
Forms of composition
3. Exposition(说明文): to expose, or to present and explain information, ideas and opinions
Point to convey Supporting details (facts): order of time, space,
My cousin was a know-it-all. He had to boss his job, so we put the pigs back in, patched up the big holes, and went swimming.
The trouble began when my uncle got home. The pigs had been squeezing through the small holes. So, my cousin and I were really in hot water.
英语的四种文Байду номын сангаас的区别
Difference between speech and writing
(e.g. Unit 2)
(e.g. Unit 3)
Shorter, incomplete, Longer, repetition, pause Complete,
and result. Emphasize on the theme, leaving out
unnecessary details.
Example: Life on a Farm (Narration)
One day down on the farm, something funny happened. My cousin and I got into big trouble with his dad. It all had to do with pigs.
It was one of those hot, peaceful days. We were harvesting fruit to sell. The pig pens were near the orchard. The pigs were always allowed to eat the window falls under the tree. But this time, when harvest was over, they escaped and got into the baskets.
Complex structures
Vocabulary Nonsensical words Longer, formal (eh, aha, etc.), less formal
Forms of composition
1. Narration(叙述文): writing about events, actions, or incidents
The birds are singing delightfully, flying from tree to tree. The little chicks hurry around with their mother hen looking for food.
The sun begins to warm the earth. Farmers begin to work hard in the fields, but my cousin is riding on his brown, furry water buffalo. He is playing his flute cheerfully.
In chronological order The first person or the third person Event: beginning, development and ending (past
tenses for past events) Clearly state time, place, people, event, cause