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英语中,有些及物动词可以接两个宾语,即指人的间接宾语和指物的直接宾语,这两个宾语称为“双宾语”。句子结构为:“主语+及物动词+间接宾语+直接宾语”。如: My parents bought me a computer.我父母给我买了一台电脑。09-08-11 10:49

bring,give,lend,hand(交给),pass,post(邮寄给),pay,read(读给某人听),return(归还给),send,show,take(带给),teach,tell,throw,write等。 B.build,buy,call,catch,cook,choose,draw,find,get,make,order(为……定购),sing,save(为……节省)

answer 回答Please answer me the question. 请回答我的问题

bring 带Bring me the book. 把书递给我

buy 买Father bought me an ice cream. 爸爸给我买了一个冰淇淋。

do 做Could you do it for me? 你能帮我做这事吗?

get 拿Get me a cup of tea. 给我拿杯茶。

give 给The teacher gave me some advice. 老师给了我一些建议。hand 递Hand me the hammer. 把榔头给我

keep 保守Can you keep a secret for me? 你能为我保守秘密吗?

leave 留下Some one left you this note. 有人给你留下这张条子。

lend 借She lent me her bike. 她把自行车借给了我。make 做My mother made me a coat. 妈妈为我做了一件衣服。offer 提供I offered him a glass of wine. 我敬了她一杯酒。

owe 欠Sandy owed Judy one dollar. Sandy 欠了Judy一美元。

pass 传Pass me the newspaper. 把报纸传给我。promise 承诺He promised me a book. 他给了我一本书。

read 读Please read me the letter. 请帮我读一读这封信。

save 省下That will save us a lot of trouble. 那将省去我们许多麻烦。

sell 卖I sold my brother my car for 300 pounds. 我以300磅把车卖给了弟弟。

send 寄I’ll send grandma a gift on her birthday.祖母生日时我寄给她一份礼物。

show 看Show your ticket, please. 请出示你得票子。sing 唱Will you sing us a song? 你能为我们唱一首歌吗?

take 拿The work took us a week on finish. 这工作花去我们一个星期的时间。

teach 教She teaches me French. 她教我们法语。tell 说I told her my name. 我告诉她我的名字

wish 但愿I wish you a happy New Year. 新年快乐。

write 写Sue is writing her mother a letter 她正在给她妈妈写信。





advance, award, bring, deal, give, grant, hand, leave, pay, play, post, read, mail, send, show, sing, teach, tell, write, book, build, buy, case, cook, fetch, find, fix, get, pick, play, pour, se, take, draw, write, win, save, ask, allow, envy, bet, cost, refuse等等。


Can you lend me your bike? 你能把你的自行车借我用用吗?

My parents bought me a new skirt. 我父母给我买了一条新裙子。



① Please show me the letter.

② Can you buy me a meal?

③ I will give you the latest newsletter.

回答人的补充 2009-08-11 11:18

带双宾语的动词● 陈清霖



① Please show me the letter.

② Can you buy me a meal?

③ I will give you the latest newsletter.

④ John has sent Betty a cheque of $1000.



①a. The boss entrusted him with the job.

b. The boss entrusted the job to him.

②a. He tried to impress the new idea on us.

b. He tried to impress us with the new idea.

③a. A general should inspire his soldiers with great courage.

b. A general should inspire great courage in his soldiers.


④a. Who introduced John to you?

b. Who introduced John into the new office?

⑤a. We warned him of the hazard.

b. We warned him against the hazard.

(a. 指存在的危险;b. 指可能的危险)

⑥a. When compared with each other, there are differences between the twins.

b. We may compare the heart to a pump.

(a. 指同类人或物对比;b.指两样不同东西互相比拟)

⑦a. Hele n was disappointed of the prize.

b. Helen was disappointed in the prize. (a. 指没得奖而失望;b. 指对所得的奖不满而失望)

⑧a. The cake is allied to the flour.

b. Is Taiwan allied with America?

(a.指两样东西有关联;b. 指两个国家有联盟关系)


⑨ The police cautioned the tourists of the danger ahead.(警惕)⑩ Can

a doctor cure June of her chronic illness?(医治)

● The company has to compensate its staff for their losses.(弥补)

● No one can deprive a citizen of his human right.(剥夺)
