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Part I

1、Hello, I am Robert Brown from Stanford University. I am very happy to meet you here in this land of wonder.

您好!我是从斯坦福大学来的罗博特.布朗。我很高兴能在这充满奇观的国家与您见面。2.I have been looking forward to visiting your great country, and I feel honored and pleased that I will be working with my Chinese colleagues in the head office of your automobile group.


3.As you know, this is my very first visit to China, and I am here to witness with my own eyes the magi cal power of the once very remote “Oriental Dragon”.


4.You can imagine how exited I was when I received your invitation to join you in your project. 您可以想象当我收到您邀请我前往中国与您共事的信后我是多么激动。

5.Back in my college days, a professor of Oriental Civilization introduced me to the wealth of the Confucianism and Taoism, and by doing that he planted in the depths of my mind the inexplicable “China dream”.


6.And I am even more exited now that I have set foot on the beautiful land of China.


7.I have had my “China dream” for years and I am here to realize this dream.


8.There is so much to learn about the mysterious country, from the ancient civilization to the current reform. I’am really looking forward to my Chinese life.


9. I’ll maximize this opportunity to learn as much as I can and make as man y friends as I can. I promise I’ll become a real Chinese expert in no time.


Part Two

1、对不起,您一定是来自联盟传播服务局的大卫·理查德先生吧? 。我叫魏琴,是上海国际文化交流中心的代理主任。这是我的名片。

Excuse me, you must be Mr. David Richard from the Alliance communications Service. My name is Wei Qin. I’m the acti ng director of the Shanghai International Center for Cultural Exchanges. Here’s my card.


We've been expecting you ever since we received your e-mail message informing us of your date of arrival.


Upon your request, we have reserved for you our Ming House suite, which is located in the East Tower of the Center. It is a classic Chinese residence designed and decorated in the architectural style of China's-Ming Dynasty. I am sure you'll like our Ming House.


Mr. Richard, the Symposium on Information Superhighway and Communication Service will be held at our center as scheduled.


I'm pleased to tell you that you have been chosen by the organizing committee as a keynote speaker for the first session of the workshop. If you like to use a photocopier for your handouts, or an overhead projector for your presentation, please do not hesitate to contact our Equipment Service.


I'm sure you need a good rest after such a long flight. I suppose I'll have to go now. See you again at the reception banquet tonight.

Part Three

1、Thank you for your gracious words of welcome. I visited this city 26 years ago ——a little over 26 years ago. Then I couldn't have imagined the dynamic and impressive city that Xi'an has turned into today.


2、China is definitely a more open place than at any time since the Tang Dynasty. We all need to become China experts now, because China, and especially its future, matters for all of us. The last 26 years have seen tremendous Changes in China. The rest of the world has a big stake in China's success.


3、The possibilities that China's social and economic developments offer both the country and the world are extraordinary. "This should be an opportunity for all of us. To make it so, we must forge a long-term strategic partnership between Europe and China.


4、I don't think China is likely to become an expansionist military power, a worry that has clouded some people. China's membership of the WTO is a good example of how working with China and integrating it more fully into the international system can work to all of our advantage.


5、I am looking forward, in the next two weeks, to taking this opportunity to witness with my own eyes the magical power of this land of wonder and learn from your endeavor and efforts in serving your people.

