人教版高中英语必修四Unit2 Reading 教案(1)

人教版必修四 Unit2(Reading:A-
三、 教材与教学分析
这节课的中心话题是介绍中国著名的农业科学家袁隆平的生平和他的杂交水 稻。
第一段描述了袁隆平的外表——他更象一个农民而不象一个科学家,农村就是 他做科研的大本营。他的科研成果就是超级杂交水稻。第二段描述他的家庭出身, 学业,献身水稻科研的原因及所取得的成就。第三段告诉我们袁隆平过着跟普通人 一样的生活却干着伟大的事业。即使在功成名就之后,他也淡泊名利, 有着无私奉 献的高尚精神。第四段讲袁隆平的工作理想和目标,以及他热爱人民和为人民不断 进取的精神并且帮助他们更深刻地理解农业科学家袁隆平的科学研究的价值。
Para. 3 Find out the topic sentence of Para.3 and think about what Dr. Yuan’s personality is? 1.Topic sentence_____________________________________ 2.He doesn’t care about ______ and _______. He likes freedom for his search and hobbies
2.What’s your dream for future?
3.How can you achieve your dream
高中英语新人教版精品教案《人教版必修四 Unit2 reading》

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人教版必修四Unit 2(Reading:A Pioneer For All People)教案

高中英语人教版必修4Unit 2 Working the Land (A Pioneer for All People)Teaching material.The core of this unit is “agricultural”, it mentions our famous scientist Yuan Longping’s contributions to agriculture and the influence of fertilizer to the land, and how to develop organic farming. My teaching lesson includes warming up, pre-reading and reading. It mainly introduces our famous agriculturist Yuan Longping and his great contributions .According to learn this lesson, Students can be able to learn some important words, expressions and sentence structures.The students will know some knowledge of agriculture and the significance of organic farming. According to the new standard curriculum and the syllabus , after studying the teaching material and analyzing the rule of children’s growing of mind, I think the teaching aims are the followings:Teaching aims:1. Talk about agriculture: a pioneer in farming -Yuan Longping2. Talk about organic farming & green food3. How to write a brief summary4. Try to consolidate how to express suggestions & advice5. Master the usage of the -ing form as the subject and object6. Learn how to design English postersTeaching important points:1. The usage of some words and expressions.2. Help to comprehend the text and grasp the main idea of the text.3. How to help students make up their minds to make contributions to motherland in the future like Dr Yuan.Teaching difficult points :1. How to help students learn more about agriculture.2. Help students master the some ways of reading.Students AnalysisClass Four, Grade one is my teaching class. My students are almost from the countryside. Therefore, They are familiar with the knowledge and the information of the countryside. As senior students , they have a certain ability to read. As for the learning methods, they are poor in cooperative learning skills. Some students are not active in the class .Therefore , I ’ll have students study in a relaxed atmosphere.According to the analysis of the teaching material and the students’ learning background , I will use the following methods .Teaching Methods:In my opinion, the main instructional aims of learning English in the Middle School is to develop the students’ abilities of listening, speaking, re ading, writing and their good sense of the English language. So in this lesson I’ll mainly use “Communicative” Approac h,“Situational teaching”and “Task-based” language teaching . That is to say, I’ll let the students get a better understanding of the key structure of the passage. At the same time, I’ll make use of the modern electricity teaching equipments and all kinds of teaching means, it can develop the students creativity in learning English.Teaching procedures:Step 1 : Warming upPurpose of my design: To make the students have a better understanding about the importance of producing food. And it can attract students’ attention.1. Show a famous poem written by Lishen in order to ask students to cherish food.2. What do you know about farming?(Pepper; Cotton; Super hybrid pear; Eggplant;corn; watermelon; cabbage; Super hybrid rice ) 3. Do you know the farming steps?Show the steps: 1). Select the best seeds 2) plough the fields3)grow some young plants 4) insert the young plants into the fields5) take care of the plants 6) get in the crops during the harvest timeStep 2. Pre-readingThe purpose of this step is to let students know the importance of rice. By answering the two questions, students can easily understand why we call Dr Yuan Longping a pioneer for all people, and why he devotes all his life to the rice research.Discussion : Rice is our main food.1.What do you think would happen if tomorrow there was suddenly no rice to eat?2. If you had the chance to do one thing to help end hunger in the world, what would you do?3. How to solve hunger?making good use of the waste land,developing the technology to make a kind of fertilizer to give rice enough nutrition and let them grow quickly and have high product,inventing a new kind of food,improving the quality of the soil ,preventing the pests from eating our crops.4. Look at the picture. Who is he? (A farmer pioneer called “Father of Hybrid Rice)Can you describe the picture?Step 3. Fast readingThe purpose of fast reading is to let students find some useful information, and get familiar with the text. So in this step, teacher can design some questions for students, so that they can easily find the answers and finish the reading task.1. W hich of the following statements tells the main idea of the text? It ’s about____A. A farmer named Yuan LongpingB. How Yuan Longping became rich and famousC. An agricultural pioneer named Yuan Longping who worked hard to produce a new strain of riceD. A new strain of rice which is called super hybrid rice2. Pairwork:Match the following headings(标题)to each paragraph.Para. 1 A. Dr Yuan’s dreams.Para. 2 B. Dr Yuan’s personalityPara. 3 C. Dr Yuan’s biography(传记).Para. 4 D. Dr Yuan’s appearance and his achievement. (1-d 2-c 3-b 4 –a)Step 4. Careful reading:The purpose of fast reading is to enable students to understand the given material better using different reading skills. To present Sample A by CAI is much easier for the Students to learn and grasp the meanings. Then ask some students to answer the following questions: Para1:Q1: What does Dr Yuan look like?He has a sunburnt face and arms and a slim, strong body. He is more like a farmer than a scientist.Q2: What is his achievement?He grows what is called super hybrid rice, which makes it possible to produce one-third More of the crop in the same fields.Para 2:Time Information1930 Born in Beijing1953 Graduated from Southwest Agricultural CollegeAs a young Saw the great need for increasing the rice outputHunger was a disturbing problemIn a recent harvest Nearly 200 million tons of rice producedNow Circulating his knowledge1. Why did Dr. Yuan want to increase the rice output when he was young?Because at that time, hunger was a serious problem in many parts of the countryside. He saw many people were suffered from hunger when he was young.2.How does he help rid the world of hunger?He works hard to produce the hybrid rice that has a high output.Para 3:Which of the following description about Dr Yuan’s personality is not true?A.He is satisfied with his life because he is now rich and famous.B. He cares little about money and fame.C. He would rather work than lead a comfortable life.D. He enjoys a simpler life than most rich and famous people.Para4:Q1. What did Dr Yuan’s rice look like in his dream?The rice plants were as tall as sorghum. Each ear of rice was as big as an ear of corn and each grain of rice was as huge as a peanut.Q2. Dr Yuan has dreams not only when he is _____ but also when he is______. awake ---asleepStep 5 .Discussion:The purpose of my design: “Task-based” teaching method is used here to develop the student s’ abilit y of communication and also their ability of co-operation will be well trained. I think proper competition can arouse the student s’ interest in English learning. If the S tudents can finish this task well, they will benefit a lot in their spoken English. By this step, it achieved the teaching aim of understanding and talking the dialogue of this lesson.1. Is Dr Yuan more of a scientist or more of a farmer? Do you think he is a businessman? Give your reasons.2. Dr Yuan thinks that a person with too much money has more rather than fewer troubles. Do you agree or disagree? Why?3. Suppose you were Dr Yuan’s daughter or son. Introduce your “father” to your classmates. You may use some of the following expressions:more… than… sunburnt face & armsslim, strong body invent super hybrid ricebe famous as in 1930in 1953 at presentbe satisfied with lead a…lifeprefer freedom to fame hobbieswould rather dream of doing sth.Step 6. HomeworkPurpose of my design: This content is an extension of the previous lesson, to meet the needs of increasing writing abilities demand of the students.After you read the achievements that Dr yuan has made, Are you inspired? What have you learnt from Dr Yuan? What do you think you will do in the future? Write a short passage about 100 words.。
高中英语人教版必修四英语Unit 2(阅读课)教案

优质资料---欢迎下载Unit 2 Working the land阅读课一、教学内容Warming up (p. 9); Pre-reading (p. 9); Reading (p. 10)二、教学目标1. 能力目标●学生能够利用文章信息填表格,归纳文章的中心思想,并找出文中的支撑句。
2. 语言目标●重点词汇和短语sunburnt, struggle, decade, super, output, crop, hunger, disturbing, expand, circulate,battle, freedom, equip, therefore, grain, export, nationality, occupationwork the land, thanks to, rid … of …, be satisfied with …, would rather●重点句子Indeed, his sunburnt face and arms and his slim, strong body are just like those ofmillions of Chinese farmers, for whom he has struggled for the past five decades.This special strain of rice makes it possible to produce one-third more of the crop in thesame fields.Dr Yuan searched for a way to increase rice harvests without expanding the area of thefields.Thanks to his research, the UN has more tools in the battle to rid the world of hunger.Dr Yuan is satisfied with his life. However, he doesn’t care about being famous.He therefore gives millions of yuan to equip others for their research in agriculture.3. 文化目标学生能够了解我国的著名农业科学家、中科院院士袁隆平及其科研成果,以及他的杂交水稻技术对我国乃至世界其他国家的巨大影响。
优质高一英语人教版必修4教案:Unit2Period1 Reading+Word版含解析

教学设计Periods 1 Warming up and ReadingThe General Idea of This Period This period includes Warming up,Pre-reading,Reading and Comprehending of Unit2.It introduces something about agriculture,especially about Dr Yuan and his super hybrid rice.It can help the students,especially the students in cities,know something about agriculture.In fact this world faces a serious problem—starvation.So after reading the passage about Dr Yuan the students will know the importance of his achievement to man.Of course they will learn from Dr Yuan some noble characters,and learn how they should try their best to make contributions to the society. Teaching Important PointsHelp the students to understand the passage better. Learn and master the important words and phrases in this period. How to help the students make up their minds to make contributions to the society in the future like Dr Yuan. Teaching Difficult Points How to help the students improve their reading ability and understand the passage better. How to master the important language points in this passage. Teaching Methods Fast reading to get the general idea of the text. Detail reading to understand the passage better. Explanation to help the students master some language points. Discussion to help the students understand better what they’ve learned and to use the knowledge they’ve learned in this period. Teaching AidsA tape recorder A multimedia Three Dimensional Teaching Aims Knowledge and Skills Train the students’ reading ability. Learn the following useful words,expressions and drills: Words:sunburn,struggle,super,expand,circulate,equip,export Expressions:rid...of,be satisfied with,lead a...life,search for,would rather,thanks to,with the hope of,rather than Drills: 1) This special strain of rice makes it possible to produce one-third more of the crop in the same fields. 2) He cares little about spending the money on himself or leading a comfortable life. 3) He also doesn’t care about being famous. 4) He feels it gives him less freedom to do his research. 5) His other hobbies include playing mah-jong,swimming and reading. 6) Wishing for things,however,costs nothing. Enable the students to learn more about agriculture,countryside and farming.They can exchange their experience with each other by talking and realize the role that agriculture plays in human life from this part. Process and Strategies Fast reading to make the students get the main idea of the passage. Explanation to make the students master some language points. Feelings and Value It can help the students,especially the students in cities,know something about agriculture. Teaching Procedures Step 1 Warming up T:Good morning / afternoon everyone.Ss:Good morning / afternoon,teacher. T:In unit 1 the previows we learnt some great women.Today we’ll learn something about a famous man.At first let’s look at the following pictures and tell me what the people are doing?Ss:They are farming. T:Are you from a farmer’s family?What do you know about farming? (Show the following chart word by word on the screen,and ask them to tell more.)soil crops ploughing weather and climate irrigating ... T:Maybe everyone knows something about the modern agriculture,but do you know anything about the agriculture in the past?Then show the students the following pictures: Agriculture in the pastThe modern agricultureStep 2 Pre-reading The purpose of this step is to let the students know the importance of rice.Byanswering the two questions,the students can easily understand why we call Dr Yuan Longping a pioneer for all people,and why he devotes all his life to the rice research.T:What is the main food in all East Asian and Southeast Asian countries? Ss:Rice.It is said that there are 2.4 billion people to eat rice every day throughout the world. T:What do you think would happen if there was suddenly no rice to eat? Ss:If that happened,people there would suffer from starvation.People would be panic(惊慌) and the whole country would get into trouble. T:But today it will not happen because Dr Yuan Longping helps us.So today we’ll learn a passage about Dr Yuan,the Father of hybrid rice.Let’s come to the text.Step 3 Fast reading The reading material is about an agricultural pioneer named Yuan Longping whoworked hard at a new strain of rice.It has proved so successful that his technology spread into other countries.The purpose of the fast reading is to let the students find some useful information,and get familiar with the text.So in this step,the teacher can design some questions the for the students,so that they can easily find the answers and finish the reading task. T:Read the text fast and find out the answers to the questions on the screen.Then I’d like to ask you to answer them. Show the questions on the screen and give the students three minutes to read the text quickly. 1.What is Dr Yuan’s appearance?2.What’s his achievement? 3.Do you think he is a great man?Why? Three minutes later. T:Now who would like to answer the first question? S:1.He has a sunburnt face and arms and a slim,strong body.He is more like a farmer than a scientist. T:You are right,very good!What about the second one? S:2.He grows what is called super hybrid rice,which makes it possible to produce one-third more of the crop in the same fields.Thanks to his research,the UN is trying to rid the world of ing his hybrid rice farmers’ producing harvests twice as large as before. T:Do you think he is a great man?Why? (Ss give their own answers.) Step 4 Detailed reading T:Please read the text again,and try to find the answers for the following questions:I’ll give you four minutes. 1.Why did Dr Yuan want to increase the rice output when he was young? 2.How does he help rid the world of hunger? 3.What kind of life is Dr Yuan leading? e a few words to describe Dr Yuan’s personality. Four minutes later. T:Who have found the answer for the first question? Suggested answers: 1.Dr Yuan wanted to increase the rice output because he saw many people go hungry when he was young. 2.He helps the world get rid of hunger by producing a hybrid strain of rice which increase the harvest. 3.Dr Yuan is leading a simple life,doing his research,listening to his music andriding his motor-bike.4.Dr Yuan is a simple,academic man who is more interested in helping others thanbeing famous.Step 5 Extensive readingT:Now please read the text for the third time,then fill the following chart:Ss read and fill the chart:NameYuanLongpingBornGraduatedAppearanceHe has __________ face and arms.His body is __________ but __________.All this makes him look as a real __________.He succeeded in __________.He became the first agricultural __________ in the world to grow Achievements__________ whose output is high.He helped the government highlyincrease the __________ of grain.1.care little for __________Personality 2.would like to live a life of __________3.has great __________.Step 6 DiscussionDo you want to end the famine(饥荒)in the world?If you had the chance to do one thingto help end hunger in the world,what would you do ?Invent a new kind of plant to produce more food.Find a sort of fertilizer(肥料)to give rice enough nutrition.Stop the pollution to the environment and protect the soil in the field.Step 7 Language pointsThe teacher explains the important words and expressions from the reading.Try touse as many examples as possible to illustrate the point.After illustration,theteacher can give the students some exercise to consolidate their understanding.Step 8 Homework Finish the exercises on Workbook. Prepare for the next class. The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard Unit 2 Working the land Period 1 Warming up and Reading Language focus 1.rid...of make sb./sth.free from (sb./sth.unpleasant) e.g.We all wish that we would rid the world of famine. The farmer recently tried to rid the house of rats. 2.lead a...life,live a...life e.g.Now we are leading a happy life. In the old days farmers led a terrible life in the country. 3.would rather,prefer to e.g.I’d rather walk than take a bus. I’d rather you knew that now,than afterwards. Record after TeachingActivities and Research Research on cropsThis activity is intended for group cooperation.The students have to assign themselves the work.The students are asked to study three or four crops that are grown on the land,including where it grows;the varieties;its ideal environment.This activity is important for the students as it encourages independent learning and develops research skills.1.Assign each group to find out the information of one kind of crop. 2.Students can search some information on the Internet,they can also gain a lot of information from a good set of encyclopedia. 3.Encourage them to do the work out of school as homework or independent project work. 4.Help the students organize their information under the three headings:geography,varieties and environment. 5.When students present their work,praise their efforts in class and give them encouragement and suggestions to improve the quality of their future projects.6.Teacher can also display the students’ projects for other classes and their parents to see. Reference for Teaching Background Information 1.Crops 1)CucumbersCucumbers are grown for eating fresh or preserving as pickles.They must be grown in warm temperatures and full sunlight,and will not stand frost.Cucumbers mature quickly and are best suited to large gardens but can be grown in small areas if caged or trellised. Cucumbers do best in loose,sandy loam soil but can be grown in any well drained soil.Remove rocks,large sticks and trash before preparing the soil.Leave fine pieces of plant material such as dead grass and small weeds.They will help enrich the soil when turned under.Spade the soil to a depth of 8 to 12 inches.This is about the depth reached by most shovels or spading forks.Turn each shovel of soil completely over so all plant materials are covered with soil. 2)TomatoesTomatoes are warm season plants requiring at least six hours per day.Temperatures are very important.Most varieties of tomatoes will not set fruit unless the average nighttime temperature stays above 55 degrees.If nighttimetemperatures are expected to drop below 55 degrees,protect the plants using a polyethylene film.One of the most common problems with tomatoes is called blossom end rot which appears as a gray or dark leathery scar or rot on the blossom end of the fruit.It is usually caused by sudden or inconsistent moisture levels in the soil.It can also be caused by a lack of calcium in the soil.Another common problem of tomatoes is blossom drop.This can occur if nighttime temperatures drop below 55 degrees and plants are not protected.Germination and tube growth are so slow that the blossoms drop off before they can be fertilized. 3)PeasPeas are a frost-hardy,cool-season vegetable that can be grown throughout most of the United States,wherever a cool season of sufficient duration exists.For gardening purposes,peas may be classified as garden peas (English peas),snap peas and snow peas (sugar peas).Garden pea varieties have smooth or wrinkled seeds.The smooth-seeded varieties tend to have more starch than the wrinkled-seeded varieties.The wrinkled-seeded varieties are generally sweeter and usually preferred for home use.The smooth-seeded types are used more often to produce ripe seeds that are used like dry beans and to make split-pea soup.Snap peas have been developed from garden peas to have low-fiber pods that can be snapped and eaten along with the immature peas inside.Snow peas are meant to be harvested as flat,tender pods before the peas inside develop at all.The Southern pea (cowpea) is an entirely different warm-season vegetable that is planted and grown in the same manner as beans.2.Is Organic Food Safe? anic food is as safe to consume as any other kind of food.Just as withany kind of produce,consumers should wash before consuming to ensure maximum cleanliness.As cited above,organic produce contains significantly lower levels of pesticide residues than conventional produce.It is a common misconception that organic food could be at greater risk of E.coli contamination because of raw manure application although conventional farmers commonly apply tons of raw manure as wellwith no regulation anic standards set strict guidelines on manure use in organic farming:Either it must be first composted,or it must be applied at least 90 days before harvest,which allows ample time for microbial breakdown of any pathogens.Why does organic cost more? The cost of organic food is higher than that of conventional food because the organic price tag more closely reflects the true cost of growing the food:substituting labor and intensive management for chemicals,the health and environmental costs of which are borne by society.These costs include cleanup of polluted water and remediation of pesticide contamination.Prices for organic foods include costs of growing,harvesting,transportation and storage.In the case of processed foods,processing and packaging costs are also anically produced foods must meet stricter regulations governing all these steps than conventional foods.The intensive management and labor used in organic production are frequently (though not always) more expensive than the chemicals routinely used on conventional farms.There is mounting evidence that if all the indirect costs of conventional food production were factored into the price of food,organic foods would cost the same,or,more likely,be cheaper than conventional food. 3.International Coalition Proposes World Hunger Reforms Rome,Italy,May 28 \—An international coalition promoting plant-based solutions to world hunger proposed sweeping reforms to delegates to the Food and Agriculture Organization meeting on world food security in Rome.The purpose of the meeting was to repair a flawed process that was supposed to reduce the number of chronically hungry people in the world by half by the year . The coalition’s position paper makes several creative points to clear the impasse: A key root cause of world hunger,aside from natural disasters,pests,and wars,has been the insistence first by colonial powers and now by corporate interests on production of cash crops for export,in place of sufficient nutritious,safe,andaccessible food for the local population.International trade can not solve world hunger because it shifts limited agricultural resources to production of cash crops for export,and people who don’t have access to food and other basic necessities of life have nothing to trade.Western meat industries,facing public awareness of the health impacts and strict environmental regulations at home,seek to exploit the natural resources,cheap labor,and potential markets of low-income food-deficient nations (LIFDNs).The definition of food security as the sustainable availability of sufficient amounts of nutritious,safe,and accessible foodstuffs leads inevitably to the choice of plant-based solutions and the avoidance of animal-based solutions.Affluent nations should act upon their moral obligation to provide the resources necessary to transport and distribute western food surpluses to the world’s hungry people and to help set up sustainable production of sufficient nutritious,safe,and accessible locally grown plant-based foods.They should reduce their own dependence on animal-based diets to release foodstuffs for the hungry.LIFDNs should scrutinize carefully all offers of resources to make sure that these truly meet their needs,rather than those of western corporate interests.They should insist on building up sustainable production of sufficientnutritious,safe,and accessible locally grown plant-based foods.In addition to distributing the position paper to the delegates,coalition activists also handed out leaflets at the FAO Rome headquarters.Additional actions are planned in connection with the World Food Summit to be held in Rome in November.Members of the coalition include FARM,a U.S.non-profit organization which has promoted sustainable,humane farming practices since 1976,and two Italian groups,Societa Vegetariana (Milan) and Progetto Vivere Vegan (Florence).4.Hunger:Vegetarian Solutions Now—VegfamVegfam is a charitable organization with the mission to feed the hungry without exploit in animals.It was founded in 1963 in England by Chris and Janet ter Ruth and Friedenstern Howard became Trustees.Frieden and others continue its work today out of the office in Devon,England.(VEGFAM,The Sanctuary,Nr Lydford,Okehampton,Devon EX20 4AL,England)For over 30 years,Vegfam has been working with and influencing major charities around the world,by co-financing projects that do not exploit animals.Vegfam works through indigenous on-the-spot representatives,and works with existing charities to support immediate and long-term food and water-aid projects.In working with existing charities,Vegfam educates these groups about the need for relief efforts that do not feed the hungry at the expense of animals and the environment.Short-term aid for famine victims includes purchasinggrains,legumes,fruits,nuts,and vegetables,and providing water supplies.Long-term aid includes providing seeds for planting,irrigation projects,digging water wells,providing fruit and nut trees,providing vegetable plots and/or training people to grow vegetables,and Leaf Concentrate projects.Some of the countries aided by Vegfam areIndia,Bangladesh,Vietnam,Sudan,Ethiopia,Nigeria/Biafra,Somalia,Syria,Lebanon,Zi mbabwe,and many more.In 1994 help was sent to Angola,Rwanda,and Bosnia.Donations made in 1995 were,in sterling;(1 = about $1.60),and the amounts are small compared to need,to: MALAWI (Monkey Bay) 1000 to finance running a Fruit Tree Nursery.The project is done in conjunction with Concern Universal and the Wildlife Society of Malawi.INDIA (Madurai) 1265 for two wells in Karumbalai for poor villagers who would otherwise have to walk afar.1935 to feed orphans in the orphanage at Chathirpatti.(The orphans are taken in from various disasters inIndia:flood,earthquake,plague,etc.) Both of these efforts are in support of the work of Pastor Jesudoss.INDIA (Jaipur) 500 for the leaf concentrate child feeding programs run by Find Your Feet.INDIA (Himalayas Kumaon) 500 for a medicinal and culinary herb nursery which will help subsistence farmers earn a living and overcome a food shortage,and preserve the wild-growing herbs that are being excessively harvested.EL SALVADOR 2500 for growing and drying cowpea leaves to add to children’s snacks to alleviate malnutrition,in cooperation with a local agency,and Find Your Feet.So far in 1996 donations have been made to:INDIA,through Pastor Jesudoss:500 to help feed refugees from Sri Lanka,and 1220 to the orphanage.ZAMBIA:3000 for a maize grinding mill,donated through the Zambian Society Of Vegetarians.MEXICO:2000 for a dried leaf project of FIND YOUR FEET with cooperation of a local agency.NIGERIA,and awaiting funding,is a soy flour distribution project to be conducted by the Nigerian Vegetarian Society.5.Something About Chinese AgricultureChina is a country whose population ranks the first in the world.In order to feed the whole population,Chinese farmers must produce enough food.On the other hand,they should produce more and better products which can be exported to improve their living standard.But China only has 7% of the land which can be used for farming.Therefore,farmers in China have always been looking for better methods and techniques to produce more food.They have also had to find ways to work on more land with fewer hands.In the past 20 years,great achievements have been made in China and China’s farming.With the help of new techniques and the outstanding work of scientists,China has not only solved the problem of hunger but also taken a lead in agricultural research,especially in super hybrid rice,crop genome,fertilizer andso on,causing products to multiply.It is a kind of agriculture although there are differences between land agriculture and water agriculture.Fish farming involves human help and produces fish protein crops rather than vegetable or meat protein crops.It has been used for 2000 years in China,Egypt and Rome.Fish can either be kept in earthen ponds or in cages with flowing water passing over the fish.If fish are kept in earthen ponds they can be fed either with extra natural food or with specially produced fish food.If fish are kept in cages they have to be fed on the specially produced fish food.When the fish are ready to be harvested and sold for eating,the earthen ponds can be emptied (if all the fish are to be harvested) or the water reduced (if some of the fish are to remain).In the cages all the fish would be harvested together.There is the problem of disease with fish kept in cages.They are generally too close together so they get lice.These parasites can be killed by giving medicine to the fish.But as time goes by,the medicine is not able to kill all the lice.So if some of the lice get onto the wild fish they kill many of them as wild fish have no medicine to protect them.So fish farming can cause problems for wild populations of fish.6.Modern AgricultureFor thousands of years traditional agriculture in China did not change very much.Most farms were one-family businesses.Although China is a very big country,only 7% of the land can be used for farming.It is on this arable land that the farmers produce food for the whole population of China.It is from the early 1990s that scientists started to develop new techniques to increase agricultural production without harming the environment.Chemical fertilization,for example,helps to produce better crops,but is harmful to the environment.New techniques should increase agricultural production but also be friendly to environment.Future agriculture should depend on high technology as well as traditional methods.Not only food production is important but also taking care of the environment.The biggest problem of Chinese farmers is the shortage of arable ing the latest technologies,Chinese scientists grow vegetables in greenhouses.The roots ofthese vegetables are not planted in earth but hang in water that contains all the nutrients they need to grow.Today,many vegetables are not grown in gardens but in greenhouses.They are protected from the wind,rain and insects.The temperature is controlled with computers,or kept the same,no matter how the weather is outside.Language points1.Dr Yuan grows what is called super hybrid rice.袁博士种植了被人称作超级杂交水稻的稻谷。

为了帮助你的学习更上一层楼,一起看看高中英语必修四unit2教案!欢送查阅!高中英语必修四unit2教案1教学目标Objectives:1. Instructional objectivesBy the end of the class, most students are able to:1) Use the words and the phrases they learned to complete the tasks based on the text.2) Pronounce correctly the new words (especially “carnival〞)by themselves and with the help of the teacher.3) More than half of the students can speak fluently and accurately about their views towards carnival in pairs with the teacher’s scaffolding.2. Educational objectivesBy the end of the class, students are able to:Improve their cultural awareness from carnival and learn more about its influence on the western culture after class3. Personal objectives:1) Be confident of standing on the stage and speak clearly and spontaneously.2) Encourage students to speak in the class with different kind of techniques.教学重难点Focal points:By the end of the class, students are able to:1) Improve the main reading skills through completing reading tasks in pair work and group work.2) Use the table to finish their essay about their favorite film. Difficult points:By the end of the class, students are able to:1) speak fluently and accurately about their favorite films in pairs with the teacher’s scaffolding.2) Write a film review according to the table and the text.教学过程Procedures and time allotmentStage 1 Getting students ready for learningT: Class begins!Ss:…T: Good afternoon, class!Ss:…T: Today, let’s come to Culture Corner. Module 4. Do you know Chinese festivalsSs:…T: First, Work in groups, discuss and make a list of Chinese festivals in English. (1min).Ss:…T: OK, time is up. You know Chinese festivalsSs:…T: very good. For example1.New Year’s Day 元旦节(1月1日)2. Spring Festival 春节(农历正月初一)3. Lantern Festival 元宵节(农历正月15)4. the Qingming Festival 清明节(4月5日)5. Dragon Boat Festival 端午节(农历5月初五6. Double-ninth Day 重阳节(农历9月初九)7.National Day 国庆节(10月1日)T: And festivals brought us much traditional knowledge. So, festival is beautiful. Do you know foreign festivalsSs:...T: In the textbook, there are some festivals with pictures. Do you know the right descriptions about themSs:...T: This festival is at the end of October, when “ghosts〞come out. Ss:...T: This is when Americans remember the hard times when they first arrived in the country.Ss:..T: This is a festival of color, which marks the beginning of spring in India.Ss:...T: This is a Christian festival which comes in the middle of winter Ss:...T: Let’s watch a video. Can you guess what festival it is .T: They are dressed up in special clothes, and they are wear masks. Ss:...T: now, First question is how do people feel on this festival Second is what festival is itSs:...T: Yes, very good. Now, let’s watch a video about Carnival. Ss:...T: what do you remember about carnivalSs:...T: Where did it firstSs:...Stage 2 Pre-readingStep 1. Listen to the tape.T: Lets listen to the following passage to learn more about carnival. Try to find out what places are mentioned in terms of carnival celebrations. Ss:..T:...Step 2. Scan the passage and try to answer the questions.T: What is the meaning of carnivalSs:...T: Originally it meant “with no meat〞but now it symbolizes “life〞. Step 3. Read the passage and match column A with column B.T: OK, now I will give you 1 minute to read it again and then I will ask you someStage 3 While-readingStep 1 Read the passage. Choose the best answers to the two sentences.T: are you finish Let’s look at the questions.first question is Today Carnival has become a celebration of ____. Which one you chooseA. freedomB. harvestC. life itselfD. successSs:...T: YES, very good. Next question is We need to _____ to understandwhat carnival is all about.A. look at the history of AmericaB. go to AmericaC. look at the meeting of two cultures---European and AfricanD. Both A and CSs:...T:....Step 2 check whether the statements are true or false.T: …T: Now, let’s check.With the opening of huge farms and plantations, many Africans went to look for jobs in America., what’s your idea Ss:…T: Do you agreeSs:…T: Excellent, in paragraph 2, this marked the beginning of the slave trade. So the question 1 is False.T: next question 2, The Europeans imported their festivals and later the slaves learned from them and added their traditions.Ss:...T: very good. This answer in paragraph 3.Ss:...T: question 3,The slave trade was abolished and the salves took over the carnival.Ss:...T: the last, With the passing of time, carnival became a festival of the black people only.Ss:…T:Exactly! Superb!Step 3 Skimming for specific informationTask: Answer the questions according to the passage.T: Read the text carefully and answer the questions.Next, we will read the text again to explore how the text organized. 3minutes, Let’s go!T: Now, let’s check your answers. What is carnival todaySs:Carnival today is an international, multicultural experience.T:The second question is Where were the slaves taken fromSs:In AfricaT:....T: Excellent!Stage5 Post-readingDiscussion: Useful questions to make up dialoguesT: there have seven questions, useful questions to make up dialogues. Have you dressed up in special clothes2 What did you wear3 How did you feel4 Did you eat special food5 Did you give or receive gifts6 Did you have a holiday from school7 Did you enjoy yourself with your family or friendsT: I will divide the class into 3 students in a group. 3 minutes, 1, 2, begin!Ss:...T:Time is up. which one do you chooseSs:....T: Yes, so the theme of Frankenstein is about science and humanity. T: OK, next group, do you have other answerSs:...课后习题homeworkDo exercises on Page 37-38.高中英语必修四unit2教案2Period 12 warming up and readingTeaching Aims:1.Enable the students to talk about the qualities needed to be a good reporter and how to conduct a good interview2. Enable the students to learn some reading strategies3. Enable the students to learn the necessary qualities in their future jobImportant Points and difficult pointsLearn about how to be a good reporterTeaching methodsStrategic reading method; Task-based methodTeaching procedures:I. Elaboration (warming up): Help the students to relate their known knowledge to the topic that will be learnedTask 1 :( group discussion) Talk about jobs in China DailyTypes of jobs What it involvesreporterTask2: Predict what is going to be learned by looking at the title of the text. Which type of job will be talked about in the textII. Prediction (pre-reading):Task 3: Predict the main idea of the text by discussing the following questions:1. What are the qualities a good news reporter needs to have (Have group discussion first and then finish Part 1 individually)2. What your first day at school was like How would you feel on your first day at work (Group discussion)III. Skimming, scanning, analyzing (Reading Comprehending)Task 4: Read the text quickly to get a general idea of the text.Task 5: Divide the passage into three sections and match the followingmain ideas to the three sections:How to get an accurate storyHow to protect a story from accusationsHow to become a reporterThe skills neededThe importance of listeningStages in researching a storyHow to check factsHow to deal with accusations of printing liesWork in a teamTask 6 Read quickly to find out the information to fill in the form below Task 7: Tell what is required for a reporter and a photographer patient; imaginative ; well-organized; technically good; polite; concise; thorough; creative; curious; careful; gifted; professionalA reporter A photographerIV. SummarizingTask 8: Write a summary of the textV. AssignmentRead an English newspaper and retell the main idea of one article in it. Period 34 Words ExpressionsTeaching Aims:Get the students to know how to use some words and expressionscorrectly and appropriatelyImportant Points and difficult pointsUse some words and expressions correctly and appropriately Teaching methodsDemonstrating and summarizing; practicingTeaching procedures:1. occupation n.1). Teaching is my occupation. 职业2). Swimming is my occupation. 使…忙碌的事情;消遣occupy v.occupied=busyoccupy oneself in/with sth.employment; occupation; job; profession; vocation; work; trade He is looking around for .: artistHe is out of .She chose teaching as her .She’s a lawyer by .He’s a carpenter by .2. assign v.assignment n.She gladly accepted the assignment. (分派的任务;工作)The English assignment is a book report. (课外作业,功课) 3. on one’s ownof one’s ownfor one’s ownWe should complete the test _________4. experienced adj.be experienced in/at sth/doing sth.Who is experienced in cooking in your home5. The first/last time + 时间状语从句The first time I came here, I was not used to the climate here. Cover n. 封面,掩盖(物) ;v.1). Tom will covered the outbreak of the disease.2). The road was covered with snow.3). She laughed to cover her worry.4). The red army covered about 30 miles a day.5). Is the money enough to cover the cost of a new shirt7. Be eager for sth. (sucess)to do sth.that clauseHe is eager to see his daughter.We are eager that the project should be started earlybe anxious about =be worried about8. Concentrate on sth./doing sth.We should concentrate on our study.Tom is concentrating on fishing.9. of +抽象名词(importance; value; use; help; benefit)of special interest=of no use=The meeting is of great importance.=Each minute is _____ for us.of greatly valuablegreat valuableof great valuefor much value10. acquire; get; gain1). I sat in the front of the bus to ___ _ a good view of the countryside.2). Gradually we _______ experience in how to do the work.3). They _____the victory after a bloody battle.11. have a nose for 嗅觉灵敏She has an ear for music. 有鉴赏能力She has an eye for color and style in clothes. 有眼光12. Meanwhile=in the meanwhile=in the meantime=at the same timeMother went shopping; meanwhile, I cleaned the house 13. trade n. v.1). Japan does lots of trade with the United States.2). He is a shoemaker by trade.3). She trades 3 apples for some bananas.14. Trick1). 窍门,手法2). play a trick(joke)on sb.=make fun of sb. (玩笑,恶作剧)3). He got into the building by a trick (诡计,花招)15. Challenge1).He challenge my view on that matter.2).To finish the job in 2 days was a real challenge.16. Supportn. 1).I need your support.v. 1)为…提供证据,证实2) The old man entered the room supported by his grandson.3). He has always supported the weaker party.4). He has a large family to support.17. Case1).He thought he had solved the problem , but that was not the case.2).Here is a case of being careless.3).We will look into that case.in case of sth. 如果,万一…in that/this case 在那样/这样情况下in no case 决不in case + 从句以防;可能;倘假设Take an umbrella in case it rains.(in case 从句常用一般现在时表将来, 或should+do)17. accuse sb. of sth.=charge sb. with sth.Tom ____ his boss of having broken his word.blamedaccusedchargedscolded18. so as to do sth. 只能在句末= in order to do sth.=so that + 从句= in order that + 从句I got up at five so as to catch the train=19. admitadmit doing /having doneadmit sb. Into/to (the university)Lily finally admitted___ my umbrella by mistake.to taketo have takenhaving takenhave taken20. n. adj.profession professional 具有….特点Finish Ex 3 on Page 29AssignmentFinish Ex1 and Ex 2 on Page 28 and Ex 3 on Page 29 (Discovering useful words and expressions)Finish Ex 2 , Ex3 on Page 63 and Ex4 on Page 64 (Using words and expressions) in Workbook.Period 5 GrammarTeaching Aims:Get the students to use “Inversion〞correctly and appropriately Important Points and difficult pointsUse “Inversion〞correctly and appropriatelyTeaching methodsTask-based method; Demonstrating; discussion; summarizing; practicingTeaching procedures:I. PresentationTask 1: Comprehend the following sentencesOnly then did I begin my work on designing a new bridge.=I began my work on designing a new bridge only then.2. Not only was there a Christmas tree, but also exciting presents under it.=There was not only a Christmas tree, but also exciting presents under it.Inversion: 起强调作用II. Analyzing summarizingTask 2: Find 4 examples of inversion in the reading passage1. Never will Zhou Yang forget his first assignment at the office of China Daily.2. Only when you have seen what he or she does, can you cover a story by yourself.3. Not only am I interested in photography, but I took a course at university.4. Only if you ask many different questions will you acquire all the information you need to knowTask 3: Analyze the sentences above and summarize the rules1. Why can these sentences use inversion2. How are these inverted sentences made※ 否认副词no;not;hardly, little, seldom, never, no sooner…than, no more, not only, only 等开头的句子要局部倒装。

33 我是一只蜜蜂,在祖国的花园里,飞来飞去,不知疲倦地为祖国酿制甘甜的蜂蜜;我是一只紫燕,在祖国的蓝天上,穿越千家万户,向祖国向人民报告春的信息;我是一滴雨点,在祖国的原野上,从天而降,滋润干渴的禾苗;我是一株青松,在祖国的边疆,傲然屹立,显示出庄严的身姿。

人教版必修四Unit2(Reading:APioneerForAllPeople)教案(1)Book4 Unit2 Working the landA Pioneer For All People(Reading)一.教材分析:本单元的中心话题是农业,内容涉及到我国著名的杂交水稻专家袁农平先生的贡献、化肥对土地耕种的影响以及开展有机生态耕种等等。
高中英语必修四:unit2 Reading 教案

Unit 2 Sports eventsReadingThe Olympic GamesTeaching Aims:1.Enhance students’ reading abilities.2.Enable students to adopt the strategy reading a speech and catch the main ideaof the text.Teaching Important Points:1.Help Ss know some background knowledge about the history and the development ofthe Olympic Games.2.Help them learn some language points.Teaching Methods:1. Improve the students’ reading comprehension.1.Practice to get the students to master what they’ve learnt.2.Discussion to make every student work in class.Teaching aids:1.the multi-media2.the blackboard.Teaching procedures:Step 1 Lead- in1. Show pictures about Olympic Games to motivate the Ss’ enthusiasm.2. Talk about the Olympics and encourage the students to share their information and express their opinions.As we all know, the Olympic Games are held every four years and it is a great honor for a country to host the Games.How much do you know about the Olympics, for example, its history, ceremonies andsporting events?1. How many Olympic games did you see? Where were they held?2. Do you think they are exciting?3. Who is your favorite athlete and who do you think is the greatest Olympian?Why?Step 2 Fast readingAsk Ss to scan the article and answer the three questions in Part A.1. What is the speech about?The histor y and significance of the Olympic Games.2. What was Pierre de Coubertin’s hope when he brought the Olympic Games backto life?He hoped that the Olympic Games would make it possible for people of allcountries to live side by side in peace.3. What does speaker wish for at the end of the speech?He wishes the Olympic Movement a successful future to match its past glory.Step 3 Careful reading1. Read the passage again and check the errors in each sentence.1) According to the speech, the speaker is an athlete. an LOC member2). The first an cient Olympic Games were held in AD776. 776BC3). Everyone was allowed to take part in the ancient Olympics. Only men were4). The contemporary Olympi c Games were first held in Rome in 1896. Athens5). At the 2008 Beijing Olympic, the Chinese women’s badminton team won the goldmedal for the first time in history. gymnastics6). Zhang Ning was in her late thirties when she competed in the 2008 Olympic Games.early2. Try to fill in the form according to the passage.Answers:ATrue (T) or false (F).1) Mr Johnson introduced the reason why the ancient Olympics were not held in detail.( F )2) The long jump, wrestling and running were included in the ancient Olympics. ( T )3) Single women in ancient times were allowed to take part in the competition held。
【公开课教案】人教版高中英语必修四Unit2 Reading 教案

procedure ___
(40mins) Step2 Skimming
Task1: What’s the text mainly about?
A. How to rid the world of hunger.
B. How super hybrid rice was developed.
C. A brief introduction to Yuan Longping and his super hybrid
Para 2. Dr Yuan’s biography Work out the right time order:_________ Teaching a. He was born into a poor farmer’s family. procedure b. He graduated from Southwest Agriculture college. (40mins) c. Chinese farmers produced fifty-six million tons of rice.
D. How super hybrid rice was circulated to other countries.
Task2 Read and Match
A. Dr Yuan’s biography(传记).
B. Dr Yuan’s appearance and achievements.
Para 4: Dr Yuan’s dreams 1)His first dream: (rice plants) __________________a kind of rice that
新课标 人教版高一英语必修4Unit2全单元教案

高一英语必修4Unit2全单元教案Unit 2 Working the land课型设计与课时分配:The first period: ReadingThe second period Words and GrrmmarThe third period Extensive ReadingThe four period ListeningThe five period WritingThe six period SummaryThe First Period ReadingTeaching goals1.Target Languagea.词汇和短语sunburn, struggle, super, expand, circulate, equip, export, rid…of, be satisfied with, lead a…life, search for, would rather, thanks to, with the hope of, rather thanb.重点句子This special strain of rice makes it possible to produce one-third more of the crop in the same fields. P10He cares little about spending the money on himself or leading a comfortable life. P10 He also doesn’t care about being famous. P10He feels it gives him less freedom to do his research. P10His other hobbies include playing mah-jong, swimming and reading. P10Wishing for things, however, costs nothing. P102. Ability goalsEnable students to learn more about agriculture, countryside and farming. By talking they can exchange their experience with each other. By reading they will realize the role that agriculture plays in human life. In fact this world faces a serious problem-starvation. So after reading the passage about Dr Yuan students will know the importance of his achievement to man. Of course they will learn from Dr Yuan some noble character.3.Learning ability goalsHelp students learn how to describe Dr Yuan Longping including his personality.A.Teaching important points1. Help to comprehend the text and grasp the main idea of the text.2.Grasp the usage of some words and expressions.3.How to help students make up their minds to make contributions to motherland in the future like Dr Yuan.B.Teaching difficult points1.How to help students learn more about agriculture.2.Help students really master the usage of words and expressions.C.Teaching aidsA tape recorder, a projector and a computer.D. Teaching procedures & waysStep 1 Greeting and leading inlook at the two pictures on Page 9 and answer the questions:1. What are the people doing?2.Can you tell me something about rice?.Step 2 Warming up1.Discussion: (group work)Have you ever grown any plants? If so, what did you do to grow them? If not, what kind of plant would you like to grow? How will you grow it?Step 3 Pre-readingThe purpose of this step is to let students know the importance of rice. By answering the two questions, students can easily understand why we call Dr Yuan Longping a pioneer for all people, and why he devotes all his life to the rice research.1.What do you think would happen if tomorrow there was suddenly no rice to eat?2. If you hadthe chance to doone thing to helpend famine in theworld, what wouldyou do?Step 4 FastReadingThe purpose offast reading is tolet students findsome usefulinformation, andget familiar withthe text. So inthis step, teacherdesigns somequestions for students, so that they can easily find the answers and finish the reading task.1. What does Dr Yuan look like?2. What’s his achievement?3. What do you think of him?Step 5 Careful Reading and Explanation1.Give students 3 minutes to read and find the main idea of the text. While students are doing this, teacher show the chart on the screen. After they have finished their task, ask them to look at the screen and fill in it.Show the chart on the screen.Five minutes later, teachers can ask some of them to fulfil the chart. They can use words, phrases, or sentences to do this. Here is a sample for teacher to refer to.nguage points:1)“…for that’s how he regards himself”.“how he regards himself”, means how he thinks of himself. It refers to a person’s self-image .2) “…has more, rather than fewer troubles.”?while “…has more, rather than fewer troubles” means that you expect fewer troubles but in face you get more than you thought you would.3)struggle v to make great effortse.g. They have struggled for years to free their country from the enemy.I’m struggling to finish the huge helping you gave me.4)sunburnt adj sun-tannede.g. His sunburnt skin looks healthy.5)super adj (infml) excellent; splendide.g. You’ll like her, she’s super.You look super in your new clothes.It was super of you to help.6)expand v(cause sth to) become greater in size, number or importancee.g. Metals expand when they are heated.Why not try to expand your story into a novel?7)circulate v(cause sth to) pass from one person, place, etc to anothere.g. People who circulate false news are to be blamed.Yet reports of this kind have been circulated by our newspapers.The news of the enemy’s defeat quickly circulated round the town.8)equip vsupply sb/sth (with what is needed, for a particular purpose)e.g. Now all fishing boats are radio-equipped.They can’t afford to equip their army properly.Please equip yourself with sharp pencil and a rubber for the exam.9)export vsend(goods) to another country for salee.g. India exports tea and cotton to many different countries.This company has a large home market but doesn’t export.10) rid…of make sb/sth free from(sb/sth unpleasant)e.g. We all wish that we would rid the world of famine.The farmer recently tried to rid the house of rats.11)lead… a life, live… a lifee.g. Now we are leading a happy life.In the old days farmers led a terrible life in the country.12) be satisfied with, be content withe.g. The young lady isn’t satisfied with the peaceful life.Are you satisfied with his answers?13) would rather, prefer toe.g. I’d rather walk than take a bus.I’d rather you knew that now, than afterwards.Step 5 Listening and Post-readingAt first, let students listen to the tape, and then finish the exercise in Comprehending. In Step IV and V, we have involved some questions in Exercise 3, so teachers can choose some questions to do. For Exx 1 and 2, teachers can leave some time for students to finish and then check the answers with the whole class.Step 6 Summary and HomeworkToday we talked about agriculture. And we also read about Dr Yuan Longping. We have known much about the great scientist. OF course we have learned some words and expressions about farming. Please try to grasp these words and expressions after class. Now please look at the poem on the screen: Farmers weeding at noon,Sweat down the field soon.Who knows food on a tray,Due to their toiling day.Do you know it? Read it and say whot does it mean?(It’s 悯农 written by Li Shen.)The title is A HARD-WORKING FARMER. This is my gift to you. Please read it together. OK, hope you can remember it when you are having your dinners. Besides, I’d like you to think: even if Dr Yuan’s dreams come true, can this really solve the starvation? Why? This is the homework. Think it over. Next time I’ll ask some of you to give your opinion in the class. Another one is to finish the exercises in learning about Language. Exercise 1,2 and 3 are about useful words and expressions. Finish them.The Second Period Words and GrammarTeaching goals 教学目标1.target language 目标语言a.词汇和短语sunburnt, hunger, expand, circulate, struggle, export , output, satisfied , strain , rid ……of , lead a ….life, would rather , thanks tob .语法The-ing form as subject and object.2.Ability goals能力目标Enable students to master the usage of the words and expressions above and use the –ing form as subject and object correctly and freely.3. Learning ability goals 学能目标Help students learn how to use these words and expressions freely to express their ideas and use the–ing form as subject and object as they like. They can also practise actively and attentively do that they reach their goalsA. Teaching important points 教学重点The usage of the important words and the-ing form used as subject and object .B.Teaching important words pointsHow to use the words and expressions and the-ing form freely .C. Teaching methodExplaining , discussing and practicing .D. Teaching aidsA projector and a computer.E. Teaching procedures & waysStep 1 Greeting and revisionFree talk:1. What’s your breakfast ?2. When you are eating at the dinning-room, do you often find some food thrown away ?Step II word studyA. Complete the exercise on the screen. Teaches shows the following in the screenComplete the sentences with the words from the box in proper forms. SomeWords may not be used.Sunburnt, strain, output , export , rid …of , would rather , increase ,satisfied , super ,lead…a life , thanks to , struggleWith the development of science and technology china is ____ many kinds ofelectric products to developing countries.Yao Ming plays basketball in NBA and he is a ____ basketball star._____ bad weather ,our football match has to be put off.Now the old couple _____ simple but happy _____ in the countryside .Judging from his ___ _face and arms , he works in the open air .I’m very tired . I _____ have a good sleep than go to the cinema .The ____ of corn this year is double that of last year .We ____ wheat to Russia and import silk from Japan .The basketball league _____ by adding four new terns .The people _____ to get out of the burning building .A few minutes later , the teacher may ask some students to read out their answers and give the Chinese meaning of each sentence . The teacher corrects any mistake and gives some explanations.Answers to the sentences:1.exporting2.super3.thank to4. is leading a …life5.sunburnt6.would rather7.output8.export 9. was strained 10.struggledB.Finish the Exx 1,2 and 3 on page 11.Step III grammarThere are two tasks in this step. One is to do some explanations about the structure ; the other is to do some exercises in the discovering useful structures in page 12.Task 1A. The following sentences are from the text. There are some useful structures in them . Let students translate them and pay attention to these boldface words .plete the sentences with the given words in proper forms.Check the answers and correct mistakes if there is any and do some explanations at the same time .Task 2A .Do some exercises: Please do ex 2 on page 12. You are asked to rewrite the following sentences using the -ing form as the subject .Ask some students to do them one by one .B. Do Exercise 3. This time join the two halves to sentences.C. Finish EX4 in page 13. Use the following phrases with the –ing form to describe a person you admire.Teacher can give students four minutes to write a short passage by themselves and then ask one or two students to give their answers.Step IV Using StructuresA.Finish Exercise 1 on Page 50. Check their answers with the whole class .B. Exercise Now work in pairs or groups to finish this task.Step V HomeworkFinish all Exercises on Page 49.The Third Period Extensive ReadingTeaching language1.Target languageA 重点词语mineral , reduce , organic , level , whatever , bacteria , refer to , year after yearB 重点句型It also refers to crops growing with natural rather than chemical fertilizers. P13Putting this in their fields, they argue, makes the soil……… P13This is importing because developing a healthy soil reduces diseases …… P13However, using chemical fertilizers is a big problem. P13Firstly , leaving chemicals in the ground a long time is not good for ……… P13Instead, organic farmers insist on changing crop every two or three years. P14These put the minerals back into the soil, making it rich and healthy … P14…make sure that what is left in the ground after harvesting becomes a …… P142.Ability goals 能力目标Enable Ss to master the main idea of the text and know the ways of organizing articles.3.Learning ability goals 学能目标Help students learn how to enlarge the words and know the ways of the same topic.A.Teaching important and difficult points1.How to grasp the main idea of the passage.2.How to grasp the words and phrases and be able to use them of the same topic.B.Teaching methodsShow questions, read fast, find the main idea carefully and finish all the tasks.C.Teaching aidsA recorder and a projector.D.Teaching procedures & waysStep I GreetingStep II ReadingThere are three tasks in this. Teachers can ask students to read the articles one paragraph by one paragraph. Ask them some questions about the passages. There are three paragraph in the article.In each passage, there are one or two questions. When students finish these questions, they will find that the structure of the text has turned up.Task 1 : Questions about the text. Show the questions on the screen: what is the organic farming?what is the advantage of using natural fertilizer?Read the text one paragraph by one paragraph and answer the questions. Task 2: Structure of the textLook at the screen. This is the structure of the text. Read it and retell the text according This is the structure of the text. Read it and text according to it.Give students some time to retell the text by themselves.if time permits, teacher can ask some of them to read out his or her passage.Task 3: Exercises on Page 14Because some of the exercises have been involved in Step II, teachers can leave this part to students.For Exercise 3, here is a simple:Organic farming means crops growing with natural fertilizers instead of chemical ones. Yhe natural fertilizer which is natural waste from animals does good to soil. It makes the soil richer in minerals while chemical fertilizers damage the soil, leaving chemicals fertilizers in the ground for a long time and killing both helpful and harmful bacteria and pests. Organic farmers keep the soil rich and healthy by changing plants every two or three years, planting different crops in different layers and planting grass between crops to prevent wind or water from carrying away the soil.Step III Listening and Language points1.Listen to the text carefully and pay attention to meanings of the bold words and try to grasp the main idea of each paragraph.2.Check the meanings of the bold words. “refer to ” means “mean ”.“minerals ” means “substances that bodies needs in slight amount ”. “Reduce ” means “make smaller in number ”.“Supply ” means “something provided“bacteria ” and “poests ” mean “microscopic organisms that exist in large number in air, water and soil and insects or animals that destroy plants ”.“level ” means “layer ”.“whatever ” means “no matter what ” .3. Do some explanations about some important words and phrases. Show the following sentences on the screen:Step IV Further readingTranslate the sentences and pay attention to the boldfaced parts of each sentence.Step V Reading on Page 51A. Answer these questions:1: What’re his ambitions or dreams?2.What made him have such ambition?3.How did he get his achievement?4. How many suggestions did he give to farmers?5. What’s his contribution?B. Fill in the chart in Page 52.After students finish the chart, check the answers.Step VI HomeworkTo collect some information about the safety and importance of green food.The Fourth Period ListeningTeaching goals 教学目标By listening the materials, require the students to grasp the ways of listening and try to improve their listening ability.1.Ability goalsGet the key words of each listening material, and then get the main ideas of theirs, so that students can catch the passage and realize the purpose of listening.a.Change what they heard into their own thoughts and express them out in their language.2.Learning ability goalsHelp students get some skills in listening: First listening to get a general idea; second listening to find some key words and write down the required information; finally, check the answers.A.Teaching important and difficult pointsTrain to get the key words by reading the questions before listening, understand the whole passage and then answer some questions about the text.B.Teaching methodsInstruction and practiceC.Teaching aidsA tape recorder and a projectorTeaching procedures & waysStep I Lead-inFree Talk:Where did you go over your weekend?Step II Listening on Page 141. Teacher shows the following words and asks students to tell their meanings in Chinese.valley competitor determined pour carrots cucumbers pumpkins attackwildfire sigh solid2. Listen to the tape for the first time, and get a general idea of the passage.3.Listen to the tape again and fill in the chart in Exercise 1, page 14.Show the answer chart on the screen for students so that they can check it quickly.4.Listen to the tape once again. This time we’ll finish Exercise 2 and 3.Step III Listening on Page 48Play the tape for three times. Ask students to finish the whole exercises And then check the answer with the whole class.Step IV Listening on Page 50This is an easy listening material. The purpose is to give students some information about early faming methods in different area of the world. What students should do is to read the descriptions on Page 50,and match them with the correct sites on Page51. listen twice.Check the answers with the whole class.Step V Summary and HomeworkToday we mainly do some listening practice. Desert is expanding continuously, which makes us worried. As students we should pay more attention to the environmental problems. We should try to play our role in stopping our earth from becoming word please do more practice after class so as to improve your listening ability.The Fifth Period WritingTeacher goals1.Target languageI would rather ...I don't ...because ...I'd prefer ...because ...It's a great pity that ...Should I/ we ...?It's better to ...This is good value because ...If I have a choice I'd choose ...because ...What is the advantage of ...?You need to ...2.Ability goalsTo improve students' integrating skills. It helps students express themselves and develop anargument to try to persuade to believe that their ideas are correct.3.Learning ability goalsLet students learn how to express themselves and write a clear and attractive poster to persuade to believe what they say.A.Teaching important and difficult points1.To understand what they read.2.How to find reasons to persuade people to believe what they say.3.How to write an attractive poster.B.Teaching methodsReading, speaking ,discussing and writing.C.Teaching aidsA projector and a recorder.D.Teaching procedures & waysStep I Lead-inThere are three main tasks in these period.1.Deal with the reading. Speaking and Writing on Page 15.2.Do SPEAKING AND WRITING TASK on Page 53.3.Finish TALKING on Page 48Step Ⅱ Reading1.This is the first step of Reading, Speaking and Writing. In the three steps, teacher should remind students the following: for reading, they should get the key words of the passage, in order to get a good understanding and make a good base for the writing; for speaking, they should attend to what they will do. Be careful not be off the point; for writing ,the most important thing is to practise writing using phrases, instead of the whole sentences. Give students a minute to read it and then show a chart on the screen to let them make sure the important points of this passage.Read Exercise 2 and then finish the task with the words and expressions below. Make sure that all that the students say is to persuade people to buy their food! So please don't be off this point. Give students some time to do this.Step Ⅲ SpeakingThree minutes later, teacher can collect students' ideas. There are two kinds of ways to do this task. One is the seller's speech; he other is dialogue between two students. Students can choose either of them to practise the phrases below.Step Ⅳ WritingIn this part the students should not use the whole sentences, using phrases or notes is OK. Ask students to read the instructions, and the example on Page 16 carefully. And then write down their poster.Give students three minutes to practise. And give them enough help, if some of them need it. Three minutes later teacher can ask one or two pairs of students to-act out their dialogues.Step V TalkingThe purpose of this task is to let students practice how to persuade others, using some useful expressions below the instructions. There are two points that students should pay attention to. One is that they must know what is the subject they will talk about; the other is that they should use the expressions to practice presuasive skill. So, there are two tasks to finish the talking. First, teacher should help the students to remember who is Leng Jianli and what did she do. Second, askthe students to practice.the chart will give you more information about Leng Jianli. Maybe it is useful to your talking.Read the instructions in Talking on Page 48. Step Ⅳ Speaking and Writing Task on Page 53If time permits, teacher can do the "Speaking and Writing task on Page 53 in this period, or leave it as homework.Sample writing:A fish farm is a pond or cage in the sea where farmers raise fish. In this case farmers can help fish grow faster to be big enough. This summer holiday I'm going to visit a fish farm near Yingshan lake.A fish farmer has to be careful when he keeps fish in a pond .He must keep the water of the ponds from becoming too dirty. He also is to keep fish very close together.What I am most interested in is to feed fish. I think fish must be fed regularly--twice or three times a day. I enjoy the scene in which fish jump up to take food. Besides feeding, the other task I have to do is to try to stop fish being affected by disease. I understand that fish disease are a serious problem. If that happened, all the fish in the pond would die. So I have to examine fish for disease. If so,I have to give some medicine to the fish.I imagine I'll be busy on a fish farm and have a good time. Step Ⅶ Homework1.Finish the Project on Page49 .2.Summing up on Page 16. The sixth Period Teaching goals 1.Target languageWord and expressions of this unit. 2.Ability goalsEnable students to summarize what they learned and make a check by themselves. 3.Learning ability goalsHelp Ss learn how to summarize what they have learned according to the instructions in the Summing up and Checking Yourself.A.Teaching important and difficult points How to review and conclude what students learned.B.Teaching methodsHelp students learn by themselves. C.Teaching aids A projector.C.Teaching procedures & ways Step I Exx on page 49For Exx 1 and 2, teacher can show them the answer sheet, so that they can check the answers quickly. For Exercise 3, teacher can ask some of them to go to the blackboard to write down their translation. And then check them with the whole class. If there are some problems, teacher can ask student to discuss and give them some suggestions to solve them.Step II Summary1.Fill in the chart on Page 16 to sum up what we have learned in this unit.Step III ProjectAs for project on Page 54.teachers can ask the students to choose three kinds of crops and refer to some books to find out where they are grown. Students may be asked to make a booklet after class and display it on the classroom wall for the rest of the class to enjoy. The contents of the booklet include if they can be grown in different climate and countries and where they cannot be grown.Here are some information for them to refer to::Cucumbers are grown for eating fresh or preserving as pickles. They must be grown in warm temperatures and full sunlight, and will not stand frost. Cucumbers mature quickly and are best suited to large gardens but can be grown in small areas if caged or trellised.Cucumbers do best in loose, sandy loam soil but can be grown in any well drained soil. Remove rocks, large sticks and trash before preparing the soil. Leave fine pieces of plant material such as dead grass and small weeds. They will help enrich the soil when turned under. Spade the soil to a depth of 8 to 12 inches. This is about the depth reached by most shovels or spading forks. Turn each shovel of soil completely over so all plant materials are covered with soil.Tomatoes are warm season plants requiring at least six hours per Temperatures are very important. Most varieties of tomatoes will not set fruit unless the average nighttime temperature stays above 55degrees. If nighttime temperatures are expected to drop below 55 degrees, protect the plants using a polyethylene film.One of the most common problems with tomatoes is called blossom end rot which appears as a gray or dark leathery scar or rot on the blossom end of the fruit. It can also be caused by a lack of calcium in the soil. Another common problem of tomatoes is blossom drop. This can occur if nighttime temperatures drop below 55 degrees and plants are not protected. Germination and tube growth are so slow that the blossoms drop off before they can be fertilized.Peas are a frost-hardy, cool-season vegetable that can be grown throughout most of the United States, wherever a cool season of sufficient duration exists. For gardening purposes, peas may be classified as garden peas (English peas), snap peas and snow peas(sugar peas). Garden pea varieties have smooth or wrinkled seeds. The smooth-seeded varieties tend to have more starch than the wrinkled-seeded varieties. The wrinkled-seeded varieties are generally sweeter and usually preferred for home use. The smooth-seeded types are used more often to produce ripe seeds that are used like dry beans and to make split-pea soup. Snap peas have been developed from garden peas to have low-fiber pods that can be snapped and eaten along with the immature peas inside. Snow peas are meant to be harvested as flat, tender pods before the peas inside develop at all. The Southern pea (cowpea) is an entirely different warm-season vegetable that is planted and grown in the same manner as beans.Step IV Checking yourselfThis is a chance for students to collect knowledge they have learned in this unit. Teacher can give the students some time to discuss it and then finish the questions in the chart. Doing this task can improve students ability of teaching by oneself.Step V Homework1.Preview the next unit2.Show the students some English farming proverbs and ask the students learn them by heart:。
人教版高中英语必修四Unit2 reading 教学设计

人教版高中英语必修四Unit 2 Working the landReadingA pioneer for all the people Teaching plan九台区第四中学Unit 2 Working the land ReadingA pioneer for all the people Teaching aims1, Knowledge goals1)Yuan Longping grows what is called super hybrid rice.2)In 1973,he became the first agricultural pioneer in the world to grow rice that has a high output.3)This special strain of rice makes it possible to produce one-third more of the crop in the same fields.4) Spending money on himself or leading a comfortable life also means very little to him..2, Ability goalsEnable Ss to learn more about agriculture, and food supply around the world .By reading they will realize the role that agriculture plays in human life ,and by analyzing the structure of the passage ,teacher can help students form the reading ability further.3, Moral goalsIn fact this world faces a serious problem—starvation. So after reading the passage about Dr Yuan , students will know the importance of his achiev ement to human beings . Of course, they will learn Dr Yuan’s noble characters. At the same time ,help Ss learn how to describe great person, like Dr Yuan Long ping including his personality.Teaching important pointsa. Help to comprehend the text and grasp the main idea of the text.b. Grasp the usage of some words and expressions.c. How to help students make up their minds to make contributions to motherland in the future like Dr Yuan.Teaching difficult pointsTeaching aidsa projector and a computer,chalks, blackboard, booksTeaching procedures & waysStep 1. Lead- inEnjoy a short film and light students’ patriotic enthusiasm and introduce the topic of this unit.Step 2 Pre-reading1, Show the students some pictures and ask the question1) More than 800 million people go to bed hungry every day. the World Health Organization (WHO)2) About 24,000 people die every day from hunger or hunger-related causes. Three-fourths of the deaths are children under the age of five (The purpose of this step is to let students know the importance of rice. By answering the two questions, students can easily understand why we call Dr Yuan Long ping a pioneer for all people, and why he devotes all his life to the rice research.)2, Facing the problem, our China has a great scientist who plays an important role in helping the world end hunger. He is the father of hybrid rice. Do you know who he is? (Yuan Longping)He saw the great need for increasing the rice output through the advancement of science and technology when he was young. He has (struggled ) for the past five (decades) to grow (super) hybrid rice. This special strain of rice makes it possible to produce one-third more of the crop in the same fields . Father of Hybrid RiceStep2 Skimming: Listen to the tape carefully then answer these questions.1)When and who did become the first agricultural pioneer in the world to grow rice that has a high output?2)What did Yuan Long ping invent?Step3.scanning Find out the topic sentences of each paragraph Para. 1: He became the first agricultural pioneer in the world to grow rice that has a high output.Para.2:He has devoted his life to finding ways to grow more and more rice..Para.3:He cares little about spending the money on himself and would rather keep time for his hobbies.Para.4 Dr. Yuan’s dreams.Write down Yuan Long ping’s personal informationStep 4 Careful reading(The purpose of careful reading is to let students find some useful information, and get familiar with the text. Learn about some important sentences and phrases)Step 6 Thinking1. What good qualities do you think Dr Yuan have as a great scientist ?2. If you had the chance to do something to help end hunger in the world, what would you do ?1 .Invent a new kind of plant to produce more food.2. Find a sort of fertilizer to give rice enough nutrition(营养)and let them grow quickly and have high product.3. Stop the pollution to the environment and protect the soil in the field. Step 7 Summary and HomeworkToday we learn about agriculture. And we also read about Dr Yuan Longping. We have known much about the great scientist.homework :.2.Finish the exercises in Learning about Language. P 122. Retell the passageDesign of the blackboardTeaching reflection。
人教课标版高中英语必修4 Unit2_Reading_名师教学设计

Unit2 Reading 名师教学设计Post-Reading nother 200,000 yuan to students from Southwest University. Ask Ss who benefited from Yuan’s research (who are “all people”).s contributions to different people from different pers pectives.2. Tell Ss that Southwest University has decided to invite four groups of people to make a video, inwhich they express their feelingsfor Dr. Yuan. The video can be shown to Dr. Yuan himself and evento the world to show how great aperson he is. Ask Ss to play one of the four roles (UN officials, farmers from India, agricultural scientists and students from Southwest University) and to express theirfeelings to Dr. Yuan.3. Make a conclusion:It’s nice to be important, but it’smore important to be nice!4. Homework: write an introduction to an alumnus from your school.教学流程示意图板书设计A Pioneer for All PeopleI. StructureII. DetailsII. QualitiesIII. Feelings教学设计特色分析一、教师对文本的解读正如程惠云老师指出的,教师作文本分析的主要任务是挖掘文本的教育教学价值。
人教版必修四Unit 2 reading 教案

unit 2 working the landTeaching aims:to know about the agricultural pioneer Y uan Longping.to promote the Ss’ abilities of reading comprehension.to make the Ss’ understand the meaning of hunger.Teaching methods:listening, reading and discussion,cooperative learning and practicing. Important points:train Ss’ reading skills, finish comprehending questionsDifficult points:improve Ss’ reading abilityTeaching processtask1 lead-inuse the poem The Peasant’s Lot to lead Ss to new lesson.A Pioneer For All Peopleintroduce Yuan Longping.设计意图:运用学生们比较熟悉的古诗导课,更容易让学生进入话题,并且让学生介绍袁隆平院士比老师一言堂有意义。
task2 skimmingListen and match the following main ideas with the right paragraphs.Para1 A. Dr Yuan’s dreams.Para2 B. Dr Yuan’s personality.Para3 C. Dr Yuan’s biography.Para4 D. Dr Yuan’s appearance and his achievement.设计意图:在听录音的过程中,攫取主题句并归纳段落意义,是对学生听力的极大要求也是对学生专心程度的检测。
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d. Nearly 200 million tons of rice was produced by growing his hybrid rice.
e. He searched for a way to increase rice outputs without expanding the area of fields.
Para. 3 Dr Yuan’s personality and hobbies
Which of the following description about Dr Yuan’s personality is not
Para 4: Dr Yuan’s dreams
1)His first dream: (rice plants) ____________ (each ear) ______________ (each grain) _____________
focus & skim for the main idea of the text and scan for detailed information
Teaching methods
Task-based teaching method Discussion
Step1: Lead-in
Task 2:Discussion
What do you want to do in the future and why?
Step5Homework Teaching
1) Read and review the text;
procedure 2) Underline the new words and phrases in the text.
learn some information about Chinese agriculture(农耕文化), traditional Chinese virtues(传统美德) and Dr Yuan Longping; ② skim for the main idea of the text and scan for detailed information;
Para 2. Dr Yuan’s biography Work out the right time order:_________
a. He was born into a poor farmer’s family. b. He graduated from Southwest Agriculture college. c.in 1950 Chinese farmers produced fifty-six million tons of rice.
Step2 Skimming
Task1:prediction What may be the style of the passage? Task2 Read and Match
A. Dr Yuan’Yuan’s hobbies and personality.
C. Dr Yuan’s biography(传记)
D. Dr Yuan’s appearance.
Step3 Scanning
Para. 1 Dr Yuan’s appearance and achievement Answer the questions 1)what does Dr Yuan look like? 2)what is his achievement?
Traditional Chinese virtues Don’t waste , Be grateful Hardworking,selfless
________a kind of rice that could _________________
2)His second dream:To _____________________
Step4 Post-reading(consolidation)
Task1: choose a number and do as instructed(1,2,3,4,5,6)
1) Look and say 2) How to grow rice? Traditional Farmingsteps:____________________________________________________ 3)Enjoy a poem by LiShen
Teaching procedure (45mins)
f. He helps rid the world of hunger by circulating his knowledge in less developed countries.
Reading tip :time order (1930,1950,1953,after graduation, recent, now)
T ips: ①keys words↔time (Verb/noun phrases) ②put them in right order
Unit2 Working the land A pioneer for all people
Step1:lead-in --farming steps Step2:skimming--main idea Yuan Longping, Super hybrid rice Step3:scanning--details Step4:post-reading
A Lesson Plan for Reading in Unit2, Book4
Teaching Book4 Unit2 Working the land
A pioneer for all people
Teaching objectives