



HS3/HS4/HS5虚拟(十合一)仪器使用指南(中文说明)Copyright Reserved 200x目录前言系统介绍示波器(Oscilloscope)文件(File)保存仪器设置到磁盘(Saving instrument settings on disk)从硬盘恢复仪器设置(Restore instrument settings from disk)设置数据文件类型(Setting the data file type)设置波形读取方法(Setting the Waveform read method)写波形数据到硬盘(Write waveform to disk)从硬盘中读取波形(Read waveform from disk)硬考贝打印输出(Print)显示任务工具栏(Show instrument task bar)测量(Measure)通道1(CH1)通道2(CH2)通道1和通道2(CH1 and CH2)XY 模式(XY mode)自动设置(auto setup)停止测量(Stop continuous measurements)完成单次测量(perform a single measurement)跟踪模式(Envelope model)测量后恢复跟踪(Reset envelop after)完成平均测量(Perform averaging of)自动保存测量(Auto disk)通道1(CH1)灵敏度(Sensitivity)信号耦合(Signal coupling)直流硬化偏移(DC hardware offset)软件增益(Software gain)软件偏移(Software offset)反向(Invert)测量单位(Unit of measure)增益单位(Units gain)偏移单位(Units offset)鼠标在垂直轴上灵敏度(Mouse sensitivity vertical axis)通道2(CH2)见通道1各项内容基址(Time base)采样频率(Samples Frequency)记录长度(Record length)预置触发值(Pre ttigger value)观察记录偏移(Record view offset)观察记录增益(Record view gain)鼠标调整预触发位置的灵敏度(Mouse sensitivity pre tigger position adjustment)触发(Trigger)触发源(Source)触发方式(Mode)触发电平(Level CH1)触发电平(Level CH2)触发滞后(Hysteresis CH1)触发滞后(Hysteresis CH2)时间中止(Time out)游标(Cursors)无游标(No cursors)大游标(Large cursors)小游标(Small cursors)数学(Math)不计算(No math)CH1+CH2CH1-CH2CH2-CH1参数(References)拷贝基激活的通道到参考通道(Copy live to refs)显示临时参考通道1(Display Ref1)显示临时参考通道2(Display Ref2)更新注释(Updata comment)刻度参考(Scale references)设置(Setting)注释(Comment)增加注释标签(Add a comment label)上升时间指示(Rise time indicators)帮助(Help)目录(Contents)关于(About)伏特计(Voltmeter)文件(File)保存仪器设置(Save instrument setting)恢复仪器设置(Restore instrument setting)显示仪器任务工具条(Show instrument task bar)测量(Measure)通道1(CH1)通道2(CH2)通道1和通道2(CH1 and CH2)停止连续测量(Stop continuous measuring)完成单次测量(Perform single measurment)捕捉(Acquisition)时间(Time)滞后(Hysteresis)写数据(Write data)设置(Setting)通道(Chinnels)显示(Display)声音(Sound)频率范围(Frequency range)快速测量(Fast measuring)平均值(Mean values)瞬态波形记录仪(Transient recorder) 文件(File)保存仪器设置到磁盘(Saving instrument settings on disk)从硬盘恢复仪器设置(Restore instrument settings from disk)设置数据文件类型(Setting the data file type)设置波形读取方法(Setting the Waveform read method)写波形数据到硬盘(Write waveform to disk)从硬盘中读取波形(Read waveform from disk)硬考贝打印输出(Print)显示任务工具栏(Show instrument task bar)测量(Measure)通道1(CH1)通道2(CH2)通道1和通道2(CH1 and CH2)开始测量(Start measuring)停止测量(Stop measuring)滚动模式(Scroll mode)通道1(CH1)灵敏度(Sensitivity)信号耦合(Signal coupling)直流硬化偏移(DC hardware offset)软件增益(Software gain)软件偏移(Software offset)反向(Invert)测量单位(Unit of measure)增益单位(Units gain)偏移单位(Units offset)鼠标在垂直轴上灵敏度(Mouse sensitivity vertical axis)通道2(CH2)见通道1各项内容基址(Time base)采样速度(Sampling speed)记录长度(record length)观察记录偏移(Record view offset)观察记录增益(Record view gain)游标(Cursors)无游标(No cursors)大游标(Large cursors)小游标(Small cursors)参数(References)拷贝基激活的通道到参考通道(Copy live to refs)显示临时参考通道1(Display Ref1)显示临时参考通道2(Display Ref2)更新注释(Updata comment)刻度参考(Scale references)当测量时显示临时参考区内容(Show references while measuing)设置(Setting)注释(Comment)增加注释标签(Add a comment label)上升时间指示(Rise time indicators)水平轴类型(Horizontal axis)频谱分析仪(Spectrum analyzer) 文件(File)保存仪器设置到磁盘(Saving instrument settings on disk)从硬盘恢复仪器设置(Restore instrument settings from disk)设置数据文件类型(Setting the data file type)设置波形读取方法(Setting the Waveform read method)写波形数据到硬盘(Write waveform to disk)从硬盘中读取波形(Read waveform from disk)硬考贝打印输出(Print)显示任务工具栏(Show instrument task bar)测量(Measure)通道1(CH1)通道2(CH2)通道1和通道1(CH1 and CH2)开使连续测量(Start continuous measuring)完成单次测量(Perform single measurment)通道1(CH1)灵敏度(Sensitivity)信号耦合(Signal coupling)直流硬化偏移(DC hardware offset)软件增益(Software gain)软件偏移(Software offset)轴类型(Axis type)增益单位(Units gain)偏移单位(Units offset)鼠标在垂直轴上灵敏度(Mouse sensitivity vertical axis)通道2(CH2)见通道1各项内容频率轴(Frequency axis)频率范围(Frequency range)记录长度(record length)观察记录偏移(Record view offset)观察记录增益(Record view gain)轴类型(Axis type)游标(Cursors)无游标(No cursors)大游标(Large cursors)小游标(Small cursors)参数(References)拷贝基激活的通道到参考通道(Copy live to refs)显示临时参考通道1(Display Ref1)显示临时参考通道2(Display Ref2)更新注释(Updata comment)刻度参考(Scale references)设置(Setting)注释(Comment)增加注释标签(Add a comment label)快速富立叶变换窗口功能(FFT windows function)垂直日志轴范围(Vertiaal log axis range)波形发生器(Function generator)函数发生器(Function generator)前言:许多研究电信号工程师,虽然进行的测量并不都是电信号,而是用特殊的传感器将物理变量转换为电信号进行测量。

AD4001 AD4005 数据手册说明书

AD4001 AD4005 数据手册说明书

16位、2 MSPS/1 MSPS 、精密差分SAR ADC数据手册AD4001/AD4005Rev. ADocument FeedbackInformation furnished by Analog Devices is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by Analog Devices for its use, nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties that may result from its use. Specifications subject to change without notice. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of Analog Devices. Trademarks andregistered trademarks are the property of their respective owners.One Technology Way, P .O. Box 9106, Norwood, MA 02062-9106, U.S.A.Tel: 781.329.4700 ©2017 Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved. Technical Support /cnADI 中文版数据手册是英文版数据手册的译文,敬请谅解翻译中可能存在的语言组织或翻译错误,ADI 不对翻译中存在的差异或由此产生的错误负责。

如需确认任何词语的准确性,请参考ADI 提供的最产品特性吞吐速率:2 MSPS/1 MSPS 可选INL :±0.4 LSB (最大值) 保证16位无失码 低功耗9.5 mW (2 MSPS),4.9 mW (1 MSPS)(仅VDD ) 80 μW (10 kSPS),16 mW (2 MSPS)(总计)SNR :典型值96.2 dB (1 kHz, V REF = 5 V);典型值95.5 dB (100 kHz) THD :典型值−123 dB (1 kHz, V REF = 5 V);典型值−99 dB (100 kHz) 易用特性可降低系统功耗和复杂性 输入过压箝位电路减少了非线性输入电荷反冲 高阻态模式 长采集阶段 输入范围压缩快速转换时间支持很低的SPI 时钟速率 SPI 可编程模式、读/写能力、状态字 差分模拟输入范围:±V REF0 V 至V REF (V REF 在2.4 V 至5.1 V 之间)单电源工作:1.8 V ,逻辑接口电压:1.71 V 至5.5 V SAR 架构:无延迟/流水线延迟,首次转换有效 精确的首次转换保证工作:−40°C 至+125°CSPI/QSPI/MICROWIRE/DSP 兼容串行接口以菊花链形式连接多个ADC ,并能提供繁忙指示10引脚封装:3 mm × 3 mm LFCSP 、3 mm × 4.90 mm MSOP 封装应用自动测试设备 机器自动化 医疗设备 电池供电设备 精密数据采集系统概述AD4001/AD4005是低噪声、低功耗、高速、16位精密逐次逼近型寄存器(SAR)模数转换器(ADC)。


GE 能源集团
OC 6000e
文件号:GEK-114946 版 本:1.0
Indicates a procedure or condition that, if not strictly observed, could result in personal injury or death. 警示在某种环境或条件下, 警示在某种环境或条件下,若不严格遵守就会造成人身伤害或 危急生命。 危急生命。
目 录
第 1 章 概述
1.1 过程控制站与处理器单元 ........................................................................................................................... 1 1.1.1 节点号 ................................................................................................................................................................. 1 1.1.2 DPU 运行状态 ................................................................................................................................................. 1 1.1.3 DPU 的组态信息 ............................................................................................................................................ 1 1.2 DPU 组态过程 ..................................................................................................................................................... 2 1.3 DPU 组态文件 ..................................................................................................................................................... 2 1.4 组态页 ..................................................................................................................................................................... 2 1.5 功能块 ..................................................................................................................................................................... 3 1.5.1 功能块的外观 ................................................................................................................................................. 3 1.5.2 数据类型 ............................................................................................................................................................ 5 1.5.3 执行序号 ............................................................................................................................................................ 6 1.5.4 功能块属性....................................................................................................................................................... 7 1.5.5 输入、输出及参数 ....................................................................................................................................... 8 1.5.6 点目录 ................................................................................................................................................................. 9 1.5.7 操作器 ...............................................................................................................................................................10

Agilent L4433A 双 四通道4x8 Reed矩阵数据手册说明书

Agilent L4433A 双 四通道4x8 Reed矩阵数据手册说明书

• LXI compliance includes built-in Ethernet connectivity• Fully-featured graphical web interface • Dual 4x8, 8x8, or 4x16 2-wire configura-tions• 64 2-wire or 128 1-wire cross points • High speed reed relays• Analog bus connection• Relay counter• ±150 V peak, 0.5 A switch, 1.5 A carry current• Software drivers for most common programming environments Dual/quad 4x8 Matrix offers highperformance signal switchingThe Agilent L4433A is a high-speedreed relay matrix that is LXI Class Ccompliant. With its small size andEthernet connectivity, this matrix canbe placed wherever your applicationneeds it.The Agilent L4433A offers a flexibleconnection path between your deviceunder test (DUT) and your test equip-ment, allowing different instrumentsto be connected to multiple points onyour DUT at the same time. Thisinstrument can be configured as a2-wire or a 1-wire matrix, increasingthe number of cross points. Multiplematrices can be combined through theanalog buses connector to create alarger matrix.Using this LXI instrument, you’ll getall the benefits of an Ethernet con-nection, instrument web server, stan-dard software drivers and more. TheLXI standard is supported by multiplevendors, enabling lower cost of testwith accelerated test integration anddevelopment.Figure 1. L4433A Dual/Quad 4 x 8 Real Matrix.Switch features for flexible and reliable connectionsThe L4433A features a full cross point matrix that allows you to connect any row to any column. This is a conve-nient way to connect multiple test instruments to multiple points on a DUT. With its high-speed reed relays you will get a fast response.Each cross point in the matrix switch has two wires - high and low - for the measurement. Or, if you prefer, you can configure the L4433A as a single wire matrix, increasing the number of cross points to 128. The L4433A also has in-rush resistors on each column for added protection. Expand your matrix using the analog bus connector to create a larger matrix, or easily con-nect to an external measurement device like a DMM.The sequence feature defines switch closures and controls and can be used to easily change to different switch setups. Simply assign a sequence, give it a name and then execute itwith the custom name you created.External trigger capabilities make iteasy for you to time and synchronizeswitch closures and openings.The L4433A also includes a relaycounter to monitor and help you deter-mine when relays are nearing theirend of life.Easily route signals to an externalDMMThe L4433A switches support signalsup to ±150 V and 0.5 A so that noexternal signal conditioning isrequired. The analog bus connectorcan be used to easily route your matixswitch signals to an external device.System connections you can trustThe L4433A comes with two heavyduty 50-pin Dsub connectors that pro-vide simple, reliable connectionoptions. Each connector uses 30 microinches of gold to ensure repeatableand accurate measurements. Otherconnection options include:• Detachable terminal blocks with strainrelief• Low-cost, standard 50-pin Dsub connec-tor kits and cables• Mass interconnect solutionsEthernet connectivity enables simpleconnection to the network andremote access to measurementsThe Ethernet interface offers high-speed connections for remote accessand control. You can set up a privatenetwork to filter out unwanted LANtraffic and speed up the I/O through-put, or take advantage of the remotecapabilities and distribute your testsworldwide. Monitor, troubleshoot, ordebug your application remotely.Ethernet communication also can beused with the support of LAN socketsconnections.Figure 2. The Web interface makes it easy to set up, troubleshoot and maintain your test remotely.The optional GPIB interface has many years of proven reliability and can be used for easy integration into existing applications.The L4433A ships with the Agilent E2094N I/O Libraries Suite, which enables connections for Agilent and non-Agilent modular and traditional instruments. This makes it easy for you to configure and integrate instruments into your system. Fully featured graphical web interface makes it easy to set up and trouble-shoot your tests from anywhere in the worldThe built-in web server provides remote access and control of the instrument via a Java-enabled browser such as Internet Explorer. Using the web server, you can set up, troubleshoot, and monitor yourinstrument from remote locations.• View and modify instrument setup • Open or close switches • Send, receive or view SCPI com-mands • Define and execute switch sequences • View error queue • Get status reports on relay counts, firmware revisions, and more Additionally, since the web server is built into the instrument, you can access it on any operating system that supports a web browser without having to install special software. Password protection and LAN lockout are also provided to limit access for additional security. Software for most popular program-ming environments Full support for standard programming environments ensures compatibility and efficiency. You can use direct I/O with your own software, or use standard IVI and LabVIEW software drivers that pro-vide compatibility with the most popular development environments:• Agilent T&M Toolkit for Microsoft Visual and Agilent VEE Pro • National Instruments LabVIEW, LabWindows/CVI, TestStand, and Switch Manager • Microsoft C/C++ and Visual BasicPower buttonStatus LEDsExternal trigger to synchronize events Optional GPIB Built-in EthernetAnalog bus for connection to other devices Easy connection options with terminal blocks, standard 50-pin cables or connector kits10 V, 100 mA Rated load 10 M 10 kOpen / close time, typical0.5 ms / 0.5 msAnalog bus connection Yes1 DC or AC RMS voltage, channel-to-channel or channel-to-earth2 Peak voltage, channel-to-channel or channel-to-earth3 Into analog bus connector4 50 Ohm source, 50 Ohm load, differential measurements verified (Sdd21)5 With input resistors bypassed. Bypassing resistors will reduce lifetime of relays. See the rated load relay life characteristics.6 Limited to 6 W channel resistance power loss per module7 Power restrictions allow only 20 channels to be closed at one time8 With 100 Ohm input protection resistors9 Channel resistance is typically < 1.5 Ω b ut can go as high as 50 Ω when a channel is used in measurement applications with < 10 mA load current. Increased relay channel resistance for measurements with load currents below 10 mA can occur on cards that have been out of service or following relay inactivity for periods of greater than 1 week. Switching relays for 2K cycles prior to use may reduce the variation in channel resistance. Applies to the 34931A and 34932A. Agilent recommends the use of 4-wire Ohms for resistance measurements. For high accuracy voltage measurements, select the DMM input resistance setting of > 10 G ohms to minimize the impact of relay contact resistance.Measurement Accuracy For accuracy measurement specification, combine the DMM offset with the switch offset.Bandwidth of the switch may offset the accuracy of the AC measurement.1 Load I/O Libraries Version M for Windows NT support or version 14.0 for Windows 98 SE supportAdds GPIB interfaceOption 0B0Deletes printed manual set, full docu-mentation included on CD ROM Option ABAEnglish printed manual set Connection OptionsSelect terminal block for discrete wir-ing, cables or connector kits. Cables and connector kits require 2 per instru-ment.34933TTerminal block for 34933A and L4433A dual 4x8 MatrixY1135A1.5 m 50-pin Dsub, M/F twisted pair with outer shield cable – 300 VY1136A3 m 50-pin Dsub, M/F twisted pair with outer shield cable – 300 VY1139ASolder cup connector kit with female 50-pin Dsub Note: when using the L4400 series rackmount kit, use the Y1139A solder cupconnector kit rather than the 34921Tterminal block.For additional information please visit:/find/L4433A5989-1439EN, Agilent E2094N I/OLibraries Suite 15.5Agilent Channel Partnersoffice. The complete list is available at:/find/contactus Americas Canada (877) 894 4414 Brazil (11) 4197 3600Mexico 01800 5064 800 United States (800) 829 4444 Asia Pacific Australia 1 800 629 485China 800 810 0189Hong Kong 800 938 693India 1 800 112 929Japan 0120 (421) 345Korea 080 769 0800Malaysia 1 800 888 848Singapore 180****8100Taiwan 0800 047 866Other AP Countries (65) 375 8100 Europe & Middle East Belgium 32 (0) 2 404 93 40 Denmark 45 45 80 12 15Finland 358 (0) 10 855 2100France 0825 010 700* *0.125 €/minute Germany 49 (0) 7031 464 6333 Ireland 1890 924 204Israel 972-3-9288-504/544Italy 39 02 92 60 8484Netherlands 31 (0) 20 547 2111Spain 34 (91) 631 3300Sweden 0200-88 22 55United Kingdom 44 (0) 118 927 6201For other unlisted countries:/find/contactus (BP-7-22-13)Product specifications and descriptions in this document subject to change without notice.© Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2013Published in USA, September 24, 20135989-4826EN/quality /find/myagilent A personalized view into the information most relevant to /find/AdvantageServices Accurate measurements throughout the life of your instruments.Agilent Advantage Services /find/ThreeYearWarranty Agilent’s combination of product reliability and three-year warranty coverage is another way we help you achieve your business goals: increased confidence in uptime, reduced cost of ownership and greater convenience.Agilent Electronic Measurement Group DEKRA Certified ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management System /find/channelpartners Get the best of both worlds: Agilent’s measurement expertise and product breadth, combined with channel partner convenience.LAN eXtensions for Instruments puts the power of Ethernet and the Web inside your test systems. Agilent is a founding member of the LXI 。



TMX Series Professional Matrix SwitchersTMX-0401MA混合矩阵Installation and Operation Manual安装及操作手册V 1.0重要的安全说明重要的安全说明1. 在安装和使用设备前请先仔细阅读本安全操作规程。

2. 请保存好您的安全操作指南便于以后作参考用。

3. 请遵守所有设备操作指南中的“警告”事项。

4. 须遵守各项操作指南中的规章原则。

5. 清洁设备:清洁设备之前,请先关闭设备电源,从插座中拔出设备插头,将各连接的系统单元拆分出来,清洁时请用干燥的软布擦拭。

6. 未经生产厂家同意,不要使用任何不匹配的附件配置,这都有可能引起危险事故。

7. 勿将设备置于潮湿的地方或靠近热源,以免发生危险。

8. 勿将设备放置在不稳固的台面上;在运输过程中避免设备遭受强烈振动而引起损坏,建议在运输前选用合适的包装或使用原包装。

9. 请勿阻塞设备上的通风开口,并保持室内的空气通畅,便于设备的维护。

10. 供电电压:AC 100V-240V 50 Hz/60 Hz11. 接地插头:三针接地插头12. 设备连接所需要的延长电缆线请绕道穿行,勿有重物挤压,这样能有效维护系统的正常工作。

13. 确保设备不被任意拆开机壳,也不允许任何硬质导体或液态物质残留在机壳内。

14. 设备有需要维护时,不要自行拆卸,请及时与距离您最近的台电售后服务中心取得联系。

15. 所有TAIDEN产品将提供一定期限(详见保修卡)免费保修,但人为损坏除外,例如:A. 设备因人为作用被摔坏;B. 因操作员操作不当而导致设备受损;C. 自行拆卸后而导致部分设备零件受损或丢失。

16. 用指定连接电缆线连接设备。

17. 设备长期不予使用时,请关掉电源,最好拔掉电源插头。

18. 在您收到货品时,请将附置的《保修卡》填妥,并邮寄到台电客户服务中心。


研创物联 UWB Mini4sPlus 使用手册说明书

研创物联 UWB Mini4sPlus 使用手册说明书

研创物联UWB系列开发板Mi n i4sP lu s开发板- 操作使用手册Version 1.1 (2019.04.04)目录研创物联定位开发套件及配件介绍 (3)研创UWB系列产品 (3)研创物联UWB系列模块详细参数对比 (3)模块介绍 (3)应用场合 (4)国内外室内定位技术的优缺点 (4)专业术语表 (5)主要参数 (6)出厂程序固件 (6)硬件参数 (6)硬件IO分配一览 (6)实测频谱 (7)研创UWB产品能用在哪些场合? (8)国内外主流室内定位技术的优缺点? (8)常见技术问题问答 (9)原理 (9)使用 (9)UWB MINI4sPlus定位套件测试说明 (10)模式配置 (10)定位测试:3基站+1标签测试 (10)定位测试:4基站+多标签测试 (12)测距测试:1基站+3标签测试 (13)研创定位系统数据入网解决方案简介 (14)概述 (14)模块二次开发 (15)开发环境和工具 (15)固件更新 (15)从串口输出数据的方法 (15)从USB虚拟串口输出数据的方法 (16)PC上位机通讯数据格式与二次开发 (18)实时定位系统上位机简介 (18)实时定位系统上位机界面 (18)数据帧TOF Report Message (20)日志文件Log Files (21)三边定位法Trilateration的原理与计算方法 (21)UWB产品化开发 (23)数据标定方法 (23)进一步提升测距刷新速率的方法 (23)进一步提升定位刷新速率的方法 (24)遮挡对室内定位UWB 的影响 (24)AT指令集 (25)AT+SW指令(8标签及以下) (25)AT+QSET指令(9标签及以上) (25)文档管理信息表 (27)关于研创物联 (28)研创物联定位开发套件及配件介绍研创UWB系列产品产品级基站UWB Pro-Anc 标签UWB Pro-Tag开发板级Mini3 / Mini4开发板Mini3s 开发板Mini3sPlus/4sPlus开发板手持器 / Smartlink 模组级DWM1000-陶瓷天线(进口)DWM1000-SMA MAX2001-陶瓷天线MAX2001- SMA 芯片级DW1000 (进口)研创物联UWB系列模块详细参数对比Mini3s模块Mini3sPlus模块Mini4sPlus模块ProTag标签发行时间2016.10.2 2017.5.17 2018.8.14 2018.5.17特色性价比高距离远功耗低可充电,距离远PCB尺寸46mm * 20mm 58mm*24mm 47mm*26mm 50mm*35mm PCB板材高频4层板高频4层板高频4层板高频4层板供电接口USB/正负接线柱USB/正负接线柱USB/正负接线柱USB USB通讯接口√√√√TTL串口接口√√√√SWD下载调试接口√√√√主控芯片STM32F103T8U6 STM32F103T8U6 STM32F103C8T6 STM32F103T8U6 锂电池管理芯片××√√加速度传感器××√×天线外置棒状天线外置棒状天线陶瓷板载天线陶瓷板载天线发射功率-42dbm/Mhz -22dbm/Mhz -45dbm/Mhz -30dbm/Mhz 工作信道CH2 / CH5 CH2 CH2 CH2稳定有效覆盖半径80m 300m 30m / 500m 200m测距精确度误差<10 cm <10 cm <10 cm <10 cm定位精确度误差<15 cm <15 cm <15 cm <15 cm 模块介绍概述UWB Mini4sPlus采用“底板+模块”的架构。



EVBUM2520/DNCP4306 Synchronous Rectification Evaluation Board User's ManualDescriptionThis evaluation board user’s manual describes a high efficiency synchronous rectification evaluation board that can easily replace a secondary side rectification diode in an SMPS.The NCP4306 is used as synchronous rectification controller. The evaluation board has very few external components and illustrates how small and effective such a design can be.The NCP4306 features a very precise 0 mV turn −off comparator that supports even very low current flowing through the MOSFET even when very low RDSON synchronous MOSFETs is used.NCP4306 can be used in application working in CCM without external synchronization thanks to very low propagation delay and strong driver.Key Features•Precise Turn −off Comparator •Wide Input V oltage Range •High Operation Frequency •Strong MOSFET Driver •High Efficiency•Adjustable Minimum On and Off Times •Adjustable Light Load Detection Feature•Capable to Operate in Positive and Negative Branch •Small SizeTable 1.SMPS TypeSupply VoltageReverse VoltageEffective ResistanceFlyback, QR3.5 − 35 V150 V10 m WEVAL BOARD USER’S MANUALFigure 1. Evaluation Board PhotoCONNECTION DIAGRAMFigure 2. Possible Connections into Circuita)b)The evaluation board can be connected in circuit wherethe rectification diode is in the positive or negative branch.When connection to a positive branch is used, it is necessaryto use an external power supply (or auxiliary winding withrectification) to provide power to the evaluation board. VCCshould be referenced to A1 or A2 points.EVALUATION BOARD SCHEMATICFigure 3. Schematic of the NCP4306The evaluation board was designed to support a minimal external component count implementation. C1 is decoupling capacitor that should be placed as close as possible to the VCC and GND pins. Resistors RMIN_TON and RMIN_TOFF are used to set the protection interval when the synchronous MOSFET is turned on and off. It may be needed to adjust them according to used SMPS. RLLD sets light load detection time and CLLD is optional for LLD voltage decoupling. Components CSNB, RSNB1 and RSNB2 form a snubber circuit.Transistor M1 is 150 V V DS capable with R DSON of 9.3 m W typ@10 V .CIRCUIT LAYOUTThe PCB consists of a 2 layer FR4 board with 35 m m copper cladding. All components are surface mount. Critical component such as blocking capacitor C1 has to be placed carefully near the IC. The synchronous driver path to the MOSFET was done with very low resistance and parasitic inductance to minimize emissions and minimize turn−on and turn−off times. The same is true for the CS pin. For the CS pin, a kelvin contact was done to be able to sense the voltage directly at the drain. Improper connection of the GND and CS connects can impact the turn−off process especially when a very low R DSON MOSFET is used.Figure 4. Top LayerFigure 5. Bottom LayerFigure 6. Top Side ComponentsFigure 7. Bottom Side ComponentsFigure 8. Evaluation Board PhotosBILL OF MATERIALTable 2. BILL OF MATERIAL FOR THE NCP4306 PUT−IN BOARD D2PAK 150 VDesigna-tor Qty Description Value Tolerance Footprint Manufacturer Manufacturer PartNumberSubstitutionAllowedC11Ceramic Capacitor 2.2 m F / 50 V10%1206KEMET C1206C225K5RACTU Yes CLLD1Ceramic Capacitor1n20%0805KEMET C0805C102M5RACTU YesCSNB1Ceramic Capacitor1n25%1206TDKCorporation C3216C0G2J122J085AAYesIC11Secondary SideSynchronousRectificationController NCP4306AADZZZA−SOIC−08ONSemiconductorNCP4306AADZZZADR2GNoM11N−Channel PowerMOSFET FDB110N15A−D2PAK ONSemiconductorFDB110N15A YesRVCC1Resistor SMD 2.2 W1%0805YAGEO RC0805FR−072R2L Yes RLLD1Resistor SMD91 k W1%0805YAGEO RC0805FR−0791KL Yes R MIN_TOFF1Resistor SMD27 k W1%0805YAGEO RC0805FR−0727KL Yes R MIN_TON1Resistor SMD15 k W1%0805YAGEO RC0805FR−0715KL Yes R TRIG_PD1Resistor SMD10 k W1%0805YAGEO RC0805FR−0710KL Yes RSNB11Resistor SMD15 W1%1206YAGEO RC1206FR−0715RL Yes RSNB21Resistor SMD NU−1206−−Yes NOTE:All components are Pb−Free.PUBLICATION ORDERING INFORMATIONTECHNICAL SUPPORTNorth American Technical Support:Voice Mail: 1 800−282−9855 Toll Free USA/Canada Phone: 011 421 33 790 2910LITERATURE FULFILLMENT :Email Requests to:*******************ON Semiconductor Website: Europe, Middle East and Africa Technical Support:Phone: 00421 33 790 2910For additional information, please contact your local Sales Representative。

Keysight U2751A USB模块开关矩阵数据表说明书

Keysight U2751A USB模块开关矩阵数据表说明书

U2751A U2751AKeysight U2751AUSB Modular Switch MatrixData SheetThe Keysight Technologies, Inc. U2751A USB modular switch matrix offers a high quality, low-cost switching solution for automated testing. It has 32 two-wire cross points organized in a four rows by eight columns (4 x 8) coniguration enabling connection with any combination of rows and columns, including multiplechannels at the same time.02 | Keysight | U2751A USB Modular Switch Matrix - Data SheetFeatures– 32 two-wire cross points in 4x8 configuration– Minimal crosstalk at up to 45 MHz– Bandwidth of 45 MHz without the terminal block– Relay cycle counter– Flexible connection configurations – capable of multiple closed channels simultaneously– Hi-Speed USB 2.0 (480 Mbps)– Bundled software – Keysight Measurement Manager (KMM)– Command logger function– Wide range of Application Development Environments (ADEs) compatibility– Standalone and modular– SCPI and IVI-COM supported– USB 2.0 and USBTMC-USB488 standardsAffordable, reliable and lexible switching solution– Minimal crosstalk at up to 45 MHz for more accurate measurements– Bandwidth of 45 MHz without terminal block allows you to perform high bandwidth measurements with minimum insertion loss – Work in comfort and convenience with the bundled KMM software on your PC with quick and easy installation – Flexible standalone or modular capability enables you to have lower startup cost– SCPI and IVI-COM supported and a wide range of ADEs compatibility minimize your work time and increase software options – Easy-to-use KMM software that includes the command logger function that helps you easily convert SCPI commands into snippets VEE, VB, C++ and C# codeThe U2922A terminal block is an optional accessory used with the U2751A. The U2922A, weighing approximately 100g with screw-type terminals offers a conve-nient and simple way of making connection to the switch matrix for prototyping applications or for an actual system deployment. It allows the user to configure a wide variety of routing options and matrix topologies.Flexible connection with minimal crosstalkKeysight U2922A 32-ChannelTerminal BlockFigure 1. U2922A with U2751A used as a standalone deviceFigure 2. U2751A with U2922A used as a modular deviceThe U2715A offers the most flexible connection path between the device under test (DUT) and test equipment, allowing different instruments to be connected to multiple points on your DUT at the same time. In addition to this flexible connection path, the U2751A has minimal crosstalk which allows for better measurement accuracy with wider range of test applications03 | Keysight | U2751A USB Modular Switch Matrix - Data SheetProduct characteristics and general speciicationsRemote interface Hi-Speed USB 2.0USBTMC-USB488 1Power consumption +12 VDC, 2 A maximum Installation Category IIOperating environmentOperating temperature from 0 °C to +50 °CRelative humidity at 20% to 85% RH (non-condensing)Altitude up to 2000 meters Pollution Degree 2For indoor use onlyStorage complianceStorage temperature from –20 °C to 70 °C Safety complianceCertified with:IEC 61010-1:2001/EN 61010-1:2001 (2nd Edition) USA: ANSI/UL 61010-1:2004Canada: CSA C22.2 No.61010-1:2004EMC complianceIEC 61326-1:2002/EN 61326-1:1997+A2:2001+A3:2003Canada: ICES-001:2004Australia/New Zealand: AS/NZS CISPR 11:2004Measurement compliance CAT II 300 V Over-voltage protection Shock and vibration Tested to IEC/EN 60068-2IO connector DSub 25 maleDimension (w × d × h)Module dimension:120.00 mm × 183.00 mm × 44.00 mm (with bumpers) 105.00 mm × 175.00 mm × 25 mm (without bumpers)Weight480 g (with bumpers)428 g (without bumpers)WarrantyOne year for U2751AThree months for standard shipped accessoriesProduct outlook and dimensionsFront viewRear viewStandard shipped accessories–12 V, 2 A AC/DC Power adapter –Power cord–Plug-in connectors and cable casing –USB Standard-A to Mini-B interface cable–L-Mount kit (used with modular product chassis)–Keysight USB Modular Products Quick Start Guide–Keysight Measurement Manager Quick Reference Card–Keysight USB Modular Products Reference CD-ROM–Keysight Automation-Ready CD-ROM (contains the Keysight IO Libraries Suite)–Certificate of Calibration120.00 mm183.00 mm1. Compatible with Microsoft Windows operating systems only. Requires a direct USB connection to thePC so the appropriate driver can be installed in the USB modular instrument.Optional accessories–U2922A 32-channel terminal block –USB secure 2-m cable04 | Keysight | U2751A USB Modular Switch Matrix - Data SheetProduct speciicationsChannels/configuration 4 × 8, 2-wire Switch typeArmature latching–No load–10 V, 100 mA –Related load 100 M 10 M 100 k Open/close time4 ms/4 ms1. DC or AC rms, channel-to-channel or channel-to-earth.2. Limited to 6 W channel resistance power loss per module.3. 50 Ω source, 50 Ω load, differential measurements verified with a 4-port network analyzer (Sdd21).05 | Keysight | U2751A USB Modular Switch Matrix - Data SheetKeysight MeasurementManagerThe Keysight Measurement Manager (KMM) is an application data viewer software that comes with the standard purchase of the U2700A Series USB modular instruments. This software is designed to help you perform quick device configuration, data logging and data acquisition using the products.Supported features found in theU2751A modular switch matrix:– Command logger– Self-test– Option to save the currentinstrument configuration to a file Keysight Measurement Manager prerequisites Prior to installing the Keysight Measurement Manager software, ensure that your PC meets the following minimum system requirements for installation and operation.OperatingsystemWindows XP ServicePack 3 (or later)1Windows Vista(32-bit) Service Pack1 and 22Windows 7 (32-bitand 64-bit)3, 4Processor speed 600 MHz or higherrequired, 800 MHzrecommended1 GHz 32-bit (x86) 3 GHz 32-bit (x86)Memory 256 MB minimum(1 GB or greaterrecommended)1 GB minimum2 GB minimumHard-disk space 1.5 GB minimum 1.5 GB minimum 1.5 GB minimum Video Super VGA (800 ×600) 256 colors ormoreSupport for DirectX 9graphics with 128 MBgraphics memoryrecommended5Support for DirectX 9graphics with 128 MBgraphics memoryrecommended5CD-ROM drive orDVD-ROM drive6Required Required RequiredBrowser Microsoft Internet Ex-plorer 5.01 or greaterMicrosoft InternetExplorer 7 or greaterMicrosoft InternetExplorer 7 or greater1. Supported Windows XP editions — Home or Professional2. Supported Windows Vista (32-bit) editions — Home Basic, Home Premium, Business, or Ultimate3. Supported Windows 7 (32-bit and 64-bit) editions — Home Basic, Home Premium, Professional,Enterprise, or Ultimate4. Keysight Measurement Manger for Windows 7 64-bit support is a 32-bit application running on a WOW64(Windows-on-Windows 64-bit) emulator.5. Super VGA graphics is supported for Windows Vista and Windows 7.6. The type of media provided with the product determines whether a CD-ROM drive or DVD-ROM drive is required.Keysight IO Libraries Suite 15.1 and above1Keysight T&M Toolkit Runtime version 2.12Keysight T&M Toolkit Redistributable Package 2.1 patch2Microsoft .NET Framework version 2.021. Available on the Keysight Automation-Ready CD-ROM2. Bundled with Keysight Measurement Manager software application installer06 | Keysight | U2751A USB Modular Switch Matrix - Data SheetOther products in the Keysight USB Modular Test Instruments FamilyU2722A/U2723A USB Modular Source Measure Unit Features:–Three-channel SMU with four-quadrant source/measure operation–High measurement sensitivity of 100 pA with 16-bit resolution for all voltage and current ranges –0.1% basic accuracy–Embedded test scripts (for U2723A)For more information: /find/U2722A /find/U2723AU2741A USB Modular Digital Multimeter (DMM) Features:–Fast reading speed (up to 100 Sa/s)–Wide range of basic measurement functions, including frequency and temperature measurementsFor more information: /find/U2741AU2701A/U2702A USB Modular Oscilloscope Features:–High sampling rate up to 500 MSa/s, enabling accurate measurement analysis –Up to 32 MB large memory–Fast fourier transfer (FFT) and waveform math functions enables easy waveform calculation For more information: /find/usbscopeU2761A USB Modular Function/Arbitrary Waveform Generator Features:–Direct digital synthesis (DDS) waveform generator–Pulse generator that can generate pulse signal as stimulus –Easy customization with Arbitrary Waveform Editor –Internal modulation capability simplifies test setup For more information: /find/U2761AU2781A USB Modular Product Chassis Features:–Expansion of channels for each modular product –Multiple instrument synchronization–Internal and external 10 MHz reference clock –High-speed USB 2.0–SSI/Star trigger bus synchronization between external trigger source and modulesFor more information: /find/U2781A07 | Keysight | U2751A USB Modular Switch Matrix - Data Sheet08 | Keysight | U2751A USB Modular Switch Matrix - Data SheetOrdering informationThis information is subject to change without notice.© Keysight Technologies, 2013–2014Published in USA, August 3, 20145991-0187EN09 | Keysight | U2751A USB Modular Switch Matrix - Data SheetmyKeysight/find/mykeysightA personalized view into the information most relevant to you.AdvancedTCA ® Extensions for Instrumentation and Test (AXIe) is an open standard that extends the AdvancedTCA for general purpose andsemiconductor test. Keysight is a founding member of the AXIe consortium. LAN eXtensions for Instruments puts the power of Ethernet and the Web inside your test systems. Keysight is a founding member of the LXI consortium.PCI eXtensions for Instrumentation (PXI) modular instrumentation delivers a rugged, PC-based high-performance measurement and automation system.Three-Year Warranty/find/ThreeYearWarrantyKeysight’s commitment to superior product quality and lower total cost of ownership. The only test and measurement company with three-year warranty standard on all instruments, worldwide.Keysight Assurance Plans/find/AssurancePlansUp to five years of protection and no budgetary surprises to ensure your instruments are operating to specification so you can rely on accurate measurements./quality Keysight Technologies, Inc.DEKRA Certified ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management SystemKeysight Channel Partners/find/channelpartnersGet the best of both worlds: Keysight’s measurement expertise and product breadth, combined with channel partner convenience.ATCA ®, AdvancedTCA ®, and the ATCA logo are registered US trademarks of the PCI Industrial Computer/find/U2751AFor more information on KeysightTechnologies’ products, applications or services, please contact your local Keysight office. The complete list is available at:/find/contactus Americas Canada (877) 894 4414Brazil 55 11 3351 7010Mexico001 800 254 2440United States (800) 829 4444Asia Paciic Australia 1 800 629 485China800 810 0189Hong Kong 800 938 693India 1 800 112 929Japan 0120 (421) 345Korea 080 769 0800Malaysia 1 800 888 848Singapore 180****8100Taiwan0800 047 866Other AP Countries (65) 6375 8100Europe & Middle East Austria 0800 001122Belgium 0800 58580Finland 0800 523252France 0805 980333Germany ***********Ireland 1800 832700Israel 1 809 343051Italy800 599100Luxembourg +32 800 58580Netherlands 0800 0233200Russia 8800 5009286Spain 0800 000154Sweden 0200 882255Switzerland0800 805353Opt. 1 (DE)Opt. 2 (FR)Opt. 3 (IT)United Kingdom0800 0260637For other unlisted countries:/find/contactus(BP-06-23-14)U2751A U2751A。

TS431 431A 431B 数据手册

TS431 431A  431B 数据手册

Recommend Operating Condition
Cathode Voltage Range Cathode Current Range (for regulation) Vka Ik Ref ~ 36 1 ~ 100 V mA
Electrical Characteristics
(Ta=25 C, unless otherwise specified.) Parameter Reference voltage TS431 TS431A TS431B Deviation of reference input voltage, over temp. (Note 4) Reference Input current Radio of change in Vref to change in cathode Voltage Deviation of reference input current, over temp. Minimum operating cathode current Off-state Cathode Current Dynamic Output Impedance ∆Vref Ta = full range Vka =Vref, Ik=10mA (Figure 1) R1=10KΩ, R2= ∞ , Ika=10mA (Figure 2) Ika=10mA, Vka = 10V to Vref, Vka = 36V to 10V (Figure 2) Ta= full range Iref(DEV) R1=10KΩ, R2= ∞ , Ika=10mA (Figure 2) Ika(min) Ioff |Zka| Vka=Vref (Figure 1) Vref=0V (Figure 3) f<1KHz, Vka=Vref Ika=1mA to 100mA (Figure 1) Vka=36V ---0.4 -0.22 0.6 1.0 0.5 mA uA Ω -0.4 1.2 uA Vref Vka =Vref, Ik=10mA (Figure 1) Symbo Test Conditions Min 2.450 2.475 2.487 -3 2.495 Typ Max 2.550 2.525 2.513 17 mV V Unit



HCS301 DATASHEET 中文版翻译:Nforever of WEE 1.产品特点:1.1安全性●28位可编程序列号●64位可编程加密密钥●每次发射都是唯一的●发射码长度为66位●32位滚动码●34位固定码(28位序列号+4位按键代码+2状态码)●加密密钥读取保护1.2工作范围● 3.5V~13.0V电压范围●4按键输入●可选择传输速度●自动完成编码●电压低检测可led指示●电压低检测可发送检测信号●非易失性同步数据1.3其他●与HCS300功能相同●方便的编程接口●内置EEPROM●内置时钟源和定时组件●按键输入内置下拉电阻●LED口过流保护●外接元件很少1.4典型应用●汽车RKE 系统●汽车报警系统●汽车防盗控制●遥控车库●身份认证●防盗报警系统2.产品说明:HCS301是微芯公司针对RKE系统出品的高安全性滚动码编码器。











输入通道.........................................................................................3 ‐ 1
输入面板概述.................................................................................................. 3 ‐ 1 INPUT FADER SELECT输入推子选择按键(推子层选择).................. 3 ‐ 2 输入通道推子.................................................................................................. 3 ‐ 3 ON按键............................................................................................................ 3 ‐ 3 SOLO按键....................................................................................................... 3 ‐ 3 SELect按键...................................................................................................... 3 ‐ 4 输入通道状态窗口.......................................................................................... 3 ‐ 4 旋钮.................................................................................................................. 3 ‐ 4


——活动模式:330μA at 1M据保持):0.1μA
注释:1.外部信号每次将中断标志置位,t int 周期和时间参数必须满足条件。即使触发信号比t int短,也可能会使标志位置位。为了确保标志可靠置位,信号周期和时间都应满足条件。
4. 低功耗模式2(LPM2):CPU停止工作,外围模块继续工作,ACLK有效,SMCLK和MCLK环路控制无效,DCO的DC发生器关闭。







由于我们水平有限,以及我们手中资料不全,书中难免会有错误之处,欢迎指正!目录发动机控制模块(ECM) (2)自动温控系统(TAU) (8)电子燃油喷射系统(LH) (11)点火控制模块(EZL/EIS) (16)电子稳定程序(ESP) (19)自动变速箱系统(EGS) (21)电子感应式刹车控制(SBC) (23)仪表板系统(KI) (25)防盗系统(ATA) (29)主动车身控制系统(ABC) (32)自动空调系统(AAC) (34)诊断模块(DM) (37)软顶敞蓬车系统(RST) (44)电子油门踏板(EFP) (47)防抱死制动系统(ABS) (49)电子换档杆模式(ESM) (51)发动机控制模块(ECM)冷却液温度(℃)冷却液温度是由冷却液温度传感器提供给发动机电控系统的冷却液温度参数的模拟信号。




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@ 23 °C ± 3 °C ≥ 38 dB, InstaCal™ 校准 ≥ 42 dB, OSL 校准 (OSLN50-1, OSLNF50-1)
幅度 平均 限制线 频率范围 显示范围 测试范围 偏置范围 驻波 最大功率 接口 精度 频率响应和线性度 温度影响
最大值, 最小值, 偏置, 相对 开/关, 单位, 自动刻度 运行平均, 最大保持 开/关, 运行/保持, 平均模式 连续/单次 限制线 开/关, 限制线 上升/下降 50 MHz 到 4 GHz –100 dBm 到 +100 dBm –33 dBm 到 +20 dBm 最大 ± 100 dB, 用户可以设定值 1.5:1 典型值 +27 dBm, ± 45 VDC (损坏电平) N(m) 型, 50 Ω ± 0.7 dB (0 dBm, 1 GHz CW,@23 °C ± 3 °C) 增加 ± 0.8 dB (± 0.5 dB 典型值) 增加 ± 0.02 dB 每 1 °C 变化 (典型值)



Min — 0.2 0.05 0.02 0.4 0.1 0.04 38 4.95 11.85 23.28 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —Байду номын сангаас— — — — — — — — — — — — 400 — 5 –0.1 — — — 0 0 0 1500 — 10
(2) (2) (2)
SLTS146B - MARCH 2001 - REVISED MAY 2004
Characteristic Ouput Power Output Current
(Unless otherwise stated, Ta =25°C, V in =53 V, Cout =0 µF, and Io 1 = Io2 =Io typ) Symbol Po(tot) Io1, Io2
Package Top View
Vo 1 (+) COM Vo 2 (–)
1 2 3
18 17
+Vin –Vin
N/C N/C 8 9 12 11 ±Vo Adjust # Remote On/Off #
# For more information on the Remote On/Off control and output voltage adustment, refer to the application notes.
PT4310 Series Typ
— 0.6 0.25 0.125 — — — — 5.05 12 24 ±0.5 ±1 ±1 ±25 100 250 275 ±5 ±4 5.4 12.7 24.8 82 85 82 50 90 250 ±75 ±200 ±500 5 2.5 0.4 1 0.25 0.5 1 — 36 — — –0.2 10 1 — — — — 1100 —


注:1. 所示开关为逻辑“0”输入

数据手册 DS-107-00017CN
注:逻辑“0” ≤ 0.8V,逻辑“1” ≥ 2.4V 订购信息
注:Intersil无铅产品采用特殊的无铅材料制成,模塑料/晶片的附属材料和100%无光泽锡盘引脚符合 RoHS标准,兼容SnPb和无铅低温焊接操作。Intersil无铅产品在无铅峰值回流温度中属于MSL级别分类, 完全满足和超过IPC/GEDEC JSTD-020的无铅要求。
数据手册 DS-107-00017CN
电池供电,手提和便携式设备 ——蜂窝式/移动式电话,寻呼机 ——膝上型,笔记本,掌上型 PDAs 通信系统 ——无线电收音机 ——用户交换机,自动用户交换机 测试设备 ——逻辑和光谱分析器 ——便携式仪表,数字式电压表,数字万用表 医学设备 ——超声波,MRI,CAT 扫描 ——心电图仪,血液分析器 平视显示器 音频和视频转换 通用目的电路 ——+3V/+5V 数模转换器和模数转换器 ——抽样和保持电路 ——数字滤波器 ——运算放大器增益转换电路 ——高频模拟转换 ——高速多路复用 ——积分复位电路
最大引线温度(10s,低温焊接)…………………………………… 260℃
最大储存温度范围 ………………………………………… -65℃到 150℃
最大引脚温度范围(低温焊接 10s) ……………………… 300℃

精密可调稳压器 SDC431 数据手册说明书

精密可调稳压器 SDC431 数据手册说明书

概述 SDC431是一款三脚封装的可调稳压器,在工作温度范围内其热稳定性良好。

它通过外部的两个分压电阻调节输出电压,调节范围在2.5V 到36V 之间。


特点⏹ 精准可调输出电压范围:2.5V ~36V⏹ 输出动态阻抗低:0.15Ω ⏹ 陷电流能力:1.0mA ~100mA⏹ 输出电压噪声低⏹ 响应速度快⏹封装形式:TO-92、SOT-23应用⏹ 充电器 ⏹电压适配器 ⏹ 开关电源 ⏹精确电压基准图1. 封装形式SOT-23TO-92 SD CCONFI D EN TIA L D O管脚描述阴极基准阳极Package: TO-92阳极基准阴极Package: SOT-23图2. 管脚排布功能框图图3. 功能框图SD CCI D EIA L D O订购信息SDC431Circuit Type TO-92: WSOT-23: RE1: Pb-freeG1: Halogen-free Blank : Bulk TR : Tape Reel or Ammo X X -XX X Voltage Tolerance A : 0.4% A1: 0.3%A2: 0.3%Blank : StandardH : High StabilitySD EN TIA L D O表1. 极限参数表2. 推荐工作条件S D C C表3. 电气特性S D特性曲线阴极电流(m A )150100500-50-100-2.0- KA =V REF Ta=25℃阴极电压(V )图4. 阴极电流 vs. 阴极电压基准电压变化(m V )-8.0-16-24-3210203040V KA阴极电压(V)I KA =10mA Ta=25℃图6. 基准电压变化 vs. 阴极电压 01234123输入输出电压(V )时间(uS)5645677inputoutput图8. 脉冲响应阴极电流(μA )800600400200-200-2.0-1.00 1.0 2.0 3.0V KA =V REFTa=25℃I MIN阴极电压(V )图5. 阴极电流 vs. 阴极电压关断阴极电流(n A )90806040200-60-202060100120温度(℃)10305070-4004080°C图7. 关断阴极电流 vs. 温度SD CCONFI D EN TIA L D O典型应用图图9. V out=(1+R2/R3)*V REF图10. I O =V REF /R2SD CCO封装尺寸 TO-92SD CCONFI DSOT-23SD CCDTO-92(Ammo)D CCONFI D EN TIA L D O数据手册 December, 2014 Rev. 2.1 11/11 ©2014 Shaoxing Devechip Microelectronics Co., Ltd. 绍兴光大芯业微电子有限公司 / 重要声明 本文件仅提供公司有关产品信息。



智能串口协议转换模块SS-431产品手册REV 1.0上海泗博自动化技术有限公司SiboTech Automation Co., Ltd技术支持热线:021-5102 8348E-mail: support@目录1 引言 (3)1.1关于说明书 (3)1.2版权信息 (3)1.3相关产品 (3)1.4术语 (3)2 产品概述 (4)2.1产品功能 (4)2.2产品特点 (4)2.3技术指标 (5)3 产品外观 (6)3.1产品外观 (6)3.2指示灯 (7)3.3配置开关 (7)3.4通信端口 (8)3.4.1 端口定义 (8)3.4.2 RS-485端口技术规格 (10)4 使用方法 (11)4.1配置模块 (11)4.2软件配置 (11)4.3运行 (11)4.3.1 数据交换 (11)4.3.2 自定义协议 (12)4.3.3 通用模式 (15)5 配置前注意事项 (20)5.1用户界面 (21)5.2设备视图操作 (23)5.2.1 设备视图界面 (23)5.2.2 设备视图操作方式 (23)5.2.3 设备视图操作种类 (24)5.3配置视图操作 (25)5.3.1 子网配置视图界面 (25)5.3.2 节点配置视图界面 (30)5.3.3 命令配置视图界面 (30)5.3.4 注释视图 (33)5.4冲突检测 (33)5.4.1 命令列表操作 (34)5.4.2 内存映射区操作 (34)5.5硬件通讯 (35)5.5.1 串口配置 (36)5.5.2 上载配置 (36)5.5.3 下载配置 (37)5.6加载和保存配置 (38)5.6.1 保存配置工程 (38)5.6.2 加载配置工程 (38)5.7EXCEL文档输出 (38)6 安装 (40)6.1机械尺寸 (40)6.2安装方法 (40)7 运行维护及注意事项 (41)附录:MODBUS协议 (42)1 引言1.1 关于说明书本说明书描述了转换模块SS-431的各项参数,具体使用方法和注意事项,方便工程人员的操作运用。



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台 1
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㎡ 90
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3、封装封装形式宽度引脚间距封装说明订货型号SOP28 7.62mm 300mil 1.27mm 50mil 标准的28脚贴片CH423S SDIP28 10.16mm 400mil 1.78mm 70mil 窄距28脚双列直插CH423D4、引脚5、功能说明5.1. 内部电路原理(用于解释功能,不含动态驱动,仅供参考)5.2. 一般说明本手册中的数据,以B 结尾的为二进制数,以H 结尾的为十六进制数,否则为十进制数,标注为x 的位表示该位可以是任意值。

单片机(也可以是CPU 、DSP 、微处理器、MCU 等控制器)通过2线串行接口控制CH423芯片,CH423的2线串行接口是由硬件实现的,单片机可以频繁地通过串行接口进行高速操作,而绝对不会降低CH423的工作效率。

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HCS-4311M带有RS-422、RS-485控制口,并内置了多种专业 摄像机的控制协议,可控制台电HCS-3313C, SONY, PELCO, Panasonic等多种专业摄像机。
HCS-4311M有一个TAINET接口,可以连接台电会议系统或台 电中控系统进行控制;还有一个 RS-232口,可以用其它公司的中控 系统、或电脑及其他控制设备进行控制。
■ 重量:7 kg
HCS-4311M是一款专为会议应用而设计的多功能专业混合矩 阵,它包含1个8×4路的视频矩阵、1个4×1路的VGA矩阵、1个6×1 路的立体声音频矩阵,并具有视频信号倍线功能,可以将复合视频、 S-VIDEO信号转换成VGA信号。独有的画面静止功能和OSD功能, 可以实现完美的摄像机自动跟踪功能。
■ 信号输入端口: 8 路复合视频信号通过 BNC 头输入 2 路 S-VIDEO 信号通过 S 端子输入 3 路 VGA 信号通过 15 针 HDF 接口输入 6 路立体声音频信号通过 RCA 接口输入
■ 信号输出端口: 4 路复合视频信号通过 BNC 头输出 2 路 VGA 信号通过 15 针 HDF 接口输出(其中 VGA2 固定 输出复合视频和 S-VIDEO 的倍线信号,VGA1 可选择输出 任一路 VGA 输入信号或 VGA2 信号) 1 路立体声音频信号通过 XLR 平衡输出
■ 独有的画面静止功能,可以将一些无意义的画面不做显示(例如 摄像机高速转动过程中的画面),从而实现完美的摄像机自动跟 踪功能
■ OSD 功能,可以在预置位显示代表姓名等信息 ■ 内置倍线器,普通视频转换为高分辨率 VGA 信号输出,支持分
辨率从 800×600 到 1280×1024,刷新频率可调。倍线输出图像 可调亮度、对比度、饱和度 ■ 满载带宽:250 MHz (-3 dB) ■ 1 路 RS-422/485 控制口,并内置了多种专业摄像机的控制协议, 可控制台电 HCS-3313C, SONY, PELCO, Panasonic 等多种专 业摄像机 ■ 1 个 TAINET 控制接口,用以连接台电中控系统或者台电会议系 统主机 ■ 1 个 RS-232 口,可以连接中控系统、电脑及其他控制设备进行 控制 ■ 自定义场景保存及场景调用功能 ■ 掉电现场切换记忆保护功能 ■ LCD 显示屏:实时显示系统状态 ■ 前面板按键控制,方便手动切换 ■ 面板按键锁定保护功能 ■ 结构紧凑,2U 高度和较轻的重量 ■ 外型尺寸 长×宽×高 (mm):430×325×99