

教育话题历来被认为是最容易的话题,但 今天这个题目不但新,而且论述起来有一 定的难度。
今年第三次考到教育话题,也是教育话题 里面相对比较难的题目。难点仍然是在扣 题。
这个题稍微有一点抽象,是一个纯粹的说 理的题目。如果你懂得如何灵活运用之前 的一些题目素材,那么很多素材和词汇都 可以转化到这个题目中来。
offer more affordable houses for the needy
the society more become more stable
strike a balance:
depending on specific factors, governments of all levels should have their own approaches and take many factors into consideration: population density/ the severity of the environment problem For example, in some metropolitan cities in China, like Shanghai and Beijing, it is absurd to expect the municipal governments to build an equal number of trees.
With enough housing for locals to live, trees are needed to cool down the cities and towns. Many cities have to heavily reply on air-conditioning to decrease the indoor temperature during summer. With more trees planted, the outside temperature can be adjusted to a lower level. As a benefit, it will be cooler in people's homes.

6月22日雅思写作思路解析附7分范文06-22 利弊类–环保话题More and more people buy and use their own car. Do you think advantages of this trend for individuals overweigh the disadvantages for environment?题目大意:越来越多的人开私车。
这种潮流对个人的好处和对环境的害处哪个更大?思路:题目问的是利弊,可以用三种答复:1〕利>弊,2〕弊>利3〕利弊相等在利弊的PK时,要注意2点:1〕对单个利弊的论证的合理性;2〕两者比拟的侧重,即在严重性方面能表达出一方>另一方;分析利弊时,尽量从多个角度阐述,多问问自己这个好处是否站得住脚,或这个害处是否是不可解决的;让论证更严密;关键词advantages of this trend for individuals: 对好处有明确限定——针对个人disadvantages for environment:对害处也有明确限定——针对环境提纲梳理如下:范文It has been a popular trend that a growing number of people tend to buy their own cars. While its benefits to individuals are beyond doubt, I would say that detrimental effects of the driving trend on environment are far outweighing.From an individual perspective, the trend of life-on-wheels can be seen as positive for both comfortable and convenient reasons. Firstly, it is not difficult to imagine the comfort of driving to work in comparison with the feeling of being sandwiched in the packed subway during rush hours. Also, for some travelers who need to commute between cities frequently, driving by themselves is sometimes a relatively more affordable and convenient alternative to air flights, which is more expensive and irritating when considering the cumbersome security procedures at airports, if not the common place delay.However, these superficial benefits mentioned above are not justified enough to offset its damage to the environment. Out of all the problems,the carbon dioxide commissions stand out as the most serious symptom of the problem to which I see the prevailing driving lifestyle as the answer. Another apprehension we cannot afford toignore is potential exhaustion of fuel energy with the rising number of cars. Some might argue that both problems could be mitigated by the electronic car, which are reckoned as a cleaner and energy saving alternative to its traditional counterparts in the near future.Nevertheless, this might lead to a new problem: how to deal with the discarded old models? Given the fact that most of their materials and engines arenon-biodegradable, they might stay in the junk yard for decades.In conclusion, although the benefits of private cars cannot be denied, I would say these merits for individuals should be at the sacrificeof environment.相关词汇:Detrimental 有害的Sandwich 被夹在中间Commute 往返穿梭Irritating 恼人的Cumbersome 繁琐的Superficial 外表的Symptom 病症Prevailing 泛滥的Apprehension 担忧Mitigate 减少Non-biodegradable 无法降解的Sacrifice 牺牲相关句型:While its benefits arebeyond doubt, I would say that detrimental effects are far outweighing.… can be seen as positive for both comfortable andconvenient reasons.… are not justified enough to offset its damage to … .… stand out as the most serious symptom of the problem towhich I see … as the answer。

Example 1 Advertising encourages people to buy in quantity rather than promoting itsquality.To what extent do you agree or disagree?广告鼓励人们购买大量的产品而不是促进提升产品的质量。
广告的本质之一其实就是帮助卖家(selling agencies)或者厂商(manufactures)提升产品知名度(increase the brand reputation),从而打开市场(explore the wider markets), 提升产品的销售额(boost the sales rates),怂恿或者引领消费者购买更多的产品(encouraging and leading the consumers to spend their salaries to purchase large quantities of products), 所以考生从正面来回答(agree)的话,就可以从以上这些角度来入手,写起来应该不难。
而且考生们还要知道厂商或者销售商是付钱给广告商的(advertisement agencies receive payment from manufacturers), 如果人们买得多,对广告商本身也有好处。

雅思写作范文及思路点拨:素食主义真的健康吗?真题范文:In some countries there is not enough recycling of waste materials (eg. Paper, glass and cans.) What are the reasons and solutions?——2022年9月26日环保类雅思写作真题雅思写作题目讲解文章结构:5段首段:导入话题,简述主体主体段1:缺少回收意识是没有足够的回收利用缘由之一。
结尾段:总结上文雅思写作参考范文The last years has witnessed the increase in the awareness of environmental protection. However, there are still a lot of waste materials that have not been recycled. This essay will mainly discuss the reasons of this problem and suggest some solutions.在过去的几年里,环保意识的提高。
One main reason of this problem may be that the public haven’t realized the importance of recycling wastes. As economy develops, people have high incomes and can afford a large number of items. At the same time, they don’t know how to deal with what they have used and haven’t realized that their buying habits will cause the consumption of energy, crease waste and increase pollution.造成这一问题的一个主要缘由可能是公众没有意识到垃圾回收的重要性。

1. Some people say the government should not put money in the arts, such as music, opera and paintings, but instead should spend more money on basic facility. Discuss both views and give your opinion. 政府投资艺术还是基础设施建设。
2. Some people said the government should not put money on building theatres and sports stadiums, and they should spend more money on medical care and education. Do you agree or disagree? 政府投资体育娱乐还是医疗教育。
3. Some people say that the government should pay for the health and education of its citizens, but other people say that it is not the government’s responsibility. What is your opinion? 政府是否应该承担人们的医疗教育。


例如:1. Some people believe that children should start school at a very young age, while others believe that children should not begin formal education until they are older. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.这类题目的写作要点是:1)分段写作:为了使文章层次分明,可以将文章分为两到三个段落。
2)运用连接词:在正文的开头和结尾,可以使用一些连接词和短语,比如"on the one hand","on the other hand","in conclusion"等,来表示论述的转折和总结。
例如:2. In many countries, people are living longer. What are the reasons for this? What are the effects of this trend?写作时应注意以下几个方面:1)四段结构:可以将文章分为四个段落。

现代科技的一一些正面面影响(该总结涵盖了几几乎所有关于现代科技考题的常见论点和相关扩展, 同时也为所有科技和教育结合的考题提供了论点, 如: 远程教育的利弊和高高科技对孩子子的影响;所有论点都以动词短语的形式出现, 请根据具体的题目目添加主语或者变成以人人做主语的句子子。
最快捷的复习方方法是:过一一遍中文文翻译, 同时记一一些关键词, 不必逐字逐句背诵)效率论点:Assist people to enhance efficiency. 协助人人们提高高效率扩展提示示1:With the help of fax, e-mail and other communication devices, the amount of manual work is reduced to the minimum and people are able to perform daily tasks in a more efficient way. 有了传真, 电子子邮件和其他通讯设备的帮助, 人人工工劳动量被减少到最低并且人人们能以一一种更高高效的方方式工工作扩展提示示2:One can perform many tasks at home, such as shopping, banking and business interaction. This spares people from travelling back and forth, saving a large amount of time for more creative work. 人人们可以在家做很多事情, 诸如购物, 银行行交易和生生意往来。
这让人人们免于到处奔波, 节约了大大量时间去做更有创造力力的工工作方方便灵活论点:Provide considerable convenience and flexibility. 提供了巨大大的方方便性和灵活性扩展提示示: For example, the Internet opens up more opportunities for home working and distance learning. By working remotely, employees can choose to perform daily work after they finish household chores or childcare responsibilities, rather than sticking to a fixed timetable. Students can manage time and plan their learning process according to their actual command of lessons, since on-line courses spare them from struggling to keep up with teachers in classes. 比比如说, 网网络为在家办公和远程教育提供了更多机会。

For:1. The social development is based on science, as any high technological product derives from scientific theories.2. The payment for those who are engaged in science is still at a low level, which should be changed. Therefore, the support from the government is indispensable.3. Emphasis from the government will ignite the passion of citizens so that science will be promoted to a higher level.Against:Science and arts should be placed equally1. It cannot be denied that the modern material aspect of civilization is created by the modern technology. It is scientists’ hard work that prospers the material life.2. Our life is greatly enriched by the works of arts, such as literature, painting and mu1233. Without the contribution from the workers of the arts, such as social workers, litterateurs and legist, the society cannot remain healthy, peaceful and stable, and people cannot engage in the scientific work in a good environment. Therefore, it is necessary to put equal emphasis on the science and arts.2、衡量政府成功是否以经济繁荣为标志?For:1. The economy is the criterion of a country or government’s success.2. The economy is the fundamental of everything.3. Without economic prosperity, happiness is just the castle in the air.4. The economic situation is the most objective criterion.5. A powerful economy is the cornerstone of social development. With a strong economy, we can havea prehensive welfare system accessible to all citizens.6. With a sound economy, our people will have sufficient access to free medical care and education.7. Along with economic prosperity, our national defense system will be greatly enhanced.Against:1. The criterion of a country or government’s success should be citizens’satisfaction to the country or the government.2. The criterion of a country or government’s success should be the country’s prehensive strength.3. With money while devoid of sense of security, life will bee dull and monotonous.4. Money is omnipotent, so that economic level isn’t everything of a country.5. Without a sense of security, a democratic atmosphere, economic prosperity doesn't mean everything.6. It is not unmon that in some countries that boast so-called economic prosperity, corruption and discrimination are prevalent.3、强迫退休制度For:1. Every one is human with limited energy and vigor; therefore, after an exhausting working life, one tends to be increasingly slow both in mind and action. Remaining in one’s post would undoubtedly impair one’s physical and emotional health.2. When one reaches an old age, he/she tends to be more conservative and reluctant to accept new ideas and innovations. They are likely to adhere to past practices and old ways. One’s originality and creativity will dry out. They always hesitate to strive forward.3. Too many old people remaining in high positions will hinder the development of society.4. Offer more employment opportunities and promotion to the young so that they will be able to give full play to their talent.5. If one never stops working, what’s the point of life"Against:1. Different occupations have their diverse traits and distinguishing features. Some jobs call for special psychological requirements. For example, professors, doctors and research fellows are always required to work into their seventies for their rich experience and academic achievements, while professional athletes, such as gymnasts, retire even at the age of twenty.2. Some people think working gives them the mental satisfaction/contentment and a role in society. If they are obliged to withdraw from work to plete domesticity, they will feel that they are abandoned by the society and useless. Work brings social and personal esteem.3. It is regarded as a breadwinning process. Retirement will bring about some financial troubles.4. It is unfair to some people who have studied for years to obtain a higher degree. If they are required to retire at the same age as those who receive shorter schooling, they cannot enjoy the same length of working. It is also a great waste of talents.5. Thanks to the improvement in medical science, people enjoy a much life span/expectancy. We should redefine the term "old age〞.6. Chronological age is not always a true indicator of one’s capabilities.7. It would be more economical to some employers to retain the old hands than to spend more time and money training greenhands.8. Older workers usually are more stable, skilled and experienced than younger ones. It is deemed as an economic asset.Conclusion/suggestion:1. One’s retirement age should be decided according to one’s own conditions and willingness. We shall adopt a flexible and rational retirement age so that different age can have a chance to give play to their talents and wisdom.2. We should implement the policy of mandatory retirement, because it really brings us a good many benefits. The policy is not only good to the old, but also beneficial to the young.4、体罚是否为好的教育方式FOR:1. We should teach children to respect discipline.2. Discipline is the basis of all achievement.3. Children are hardy creatures.4. It moulds strong and real character.5. It helps to reinforce the authority of teachers and parents.6. Sometimes children will test the patience of their parents and teacher; teachers and parents should not be too permissive; otherwise they will spoil the children.7. Permissiveness results in undisciplined children.8. Parental laxity leads to the spread of juvenile delinquency.Against:1. Children shouldn’t be exposed to parental abuse (emotionally and physically).2. It seriously violates the legal rights and interests of children.3. It is tremendously cold-blooded and unhealthy, resulting in life-long adverse/negative repercussions/rebellious reaction.4. It endangers children’ physical and mental development.5. Not "you spare the rod〞 but "spare〞 the "reaction and attention〞 and you spoil the child. We should employ moderate and appropriate discipline.6. It is a kind of brutality and cruelty which may lead to injury or even death of the student.7. Achieve the reverse result.8. Research reveals that students who suffer from corporal punishment tend to resort to violence in their future life.5、小孩是学会竞争还是合作For petition:1. petition is inevitable; it’s human nature.2. petition builds character; it strengthens our self-esteem.3. petition is regarded as an open and fair race where success goes to the swiftest people regardless of their social status.4. petition is required to help us reach our fullest potential.5. Natural selection and survival of the fittest.For Cooperation:1. Cooperation offers us a break from the pressure and stress of petition.2. A win-win approach tends to fosters exploration of the root causes of the conflict and leads to constructive, sustainable solutions with positive expectation for future encounters.3. Cooperative groups display more coordinated efforts, more division of labor, more acceptance of other ideas, and fewer munication difficulties than petitive groups.4. Two heads are better than one.5. Cooperation is marvelously successful at helping children to municate effectively, to trust in others and to accept those who are different from themselves.6、广泛使用机器人是好事还是坏事For:1. The employment of robots on assembly lines saves a lots of labor forces.2. This trend not only improves the work efficiency, but also enhances accuracy.3. Robots can take the place of human beings and work in the dangerous environment or the places not accessible for us.4. Robots can work around the clock, never knowing tiredness.Against:1. As robots are designed by human beings, what they do is just to follow the instruction and preset programming by human being.2. Once there is something wrong with the electric or programms, robot will bee a good-to-nothing machine.3. Robots cannot work creatively when confronted with plicated situations.4. With the excessive dependence on robots, human beings will degenerate into a kind of animals that only to take food.7、明星高薪是否合理?For:1. The stars are talented people.2. Their brilliant performances enrich people’s cultural/spiritual life, which partly contributes to the spiritual civilization.3. They bring great pleasure and happiness to ordinary people. They make money by means of their skills and they deserve it. No one forces you to pay for his/her performance. Both are willing.4. Some of the stars also have undergone painstaking training and practice. No pains, no gains. The road to success may not be easy for most pop stars, which may set examples for the youngsters.5. Different occupations or professions can mand a different amount of money.6. They sacrifice a lot for what they gain including privacy.7. They bring benefits to the tertiary industry and prosper some professions like entertainment and related ventures.8. It is an inevitable oute of the market economy. We should not make a fuss of it. It is decided by the market.Against:1. We should value the talents who promote the welfare of the society as a whole rather than these pop stars.2. We can live without pop stars, but cannot without a doctor or a teacher. Our society can proceed well without these stars.3. The value of knowledge is depreciating.4. Discourage /strike the initiative and zeal of people in other fields.5. Impose an adverse influence on the development of the next generation, which may easily bee money-oriented.6. This phenomenon, to some extent, even contaminates the order of the day/general mood.7. What they pay cannot equal their gain.8. They make little contribution to the development of the society pared with the scientists.9. With the quick-earned money the pop star’s vanity may quickly expand and their souls may be distorted. Conclusion:It is essential that effective measures should be taken to redress such inequality and disparity. The government should levy heavier ine tax on these stars in order to narrow the gap between the ine of so-called pop stars and that of the ordinary professions such as doctors and teachers.G类1.妇女犯罪1. The rapid development of society and the changes of people’s value of the world account mainly for the issue.2. With the eye-catching development of economy, many young women go out to find a job, which renders them more opportunities to contact the outside world.3. Women’s quality attributes partly to the rise of criminal rate.4.The prosperity and luxury in some metropolises are very attractive to some young women.5. Some of women leave the countryside in the hope that they can make a good fortune in the cities, where they often find themselves disappointed for lack of good education or skills.6. The over-description of violence on the media leads young women astray.Suggestion:1. The government should pay more attention to the problem and issue relevant laws to crack down young women crimes.2. We should strengthen education and raise the quality of people, helping them set up a correct outlook of the world.2.家庭和睦问题Causes:1. Mobility. Nowadays many jobs require workers who are ready and able to move off the land and to move again whenever necessary.2. Changes in customs and habits have a significant impact on people’s concept of and attitude towards familial life.3. Fierce petition. One has to work and study hard to meet the demand of society and face the challenge. Both husband and wife have to go out work full-time to support the family. Too occupied to spare time for one’s family.4. In this busy modern world in which material things are much valued, people are attaching less importance to emotion and therefore are growing more and more isolated and indifferent.5. While fast urban development enables people to enjoy better living conditions, people have to spend more on muting every day.Suggestion:1. Keep this line of munication open. Frank exchanges are of great importance.2. Eat as a family. Dinner is a valuable opportunity for the family to spend time together.3. Never bring your office work home, and always keep in mind that home is home.4. Share the same pastimes.5. A loving atmosphere. Do what you can to create a tranquil harmonious home.6. When you are out, make sure that you call home regularly.3.新生总是会由不适应的问题,为什么,如何解决Causes:1. Part of the difficulties they face over this period is due to a changed academic environment.2. When proceeding to a university or a new school overseas, a student may face a different set of academic norms and expectations.3. Challenges also e from their peers. To ensure that their study performance is equal to or better than their fellow students, they need to work very hard, under great psychological pressure.4. For many students, this may be their first foray beyond the borders of the family home, perhaps living in another city or country.5. These new students are likely to find it hard to get used to and blend into the local culture, especially in the case of overseas students.Suggestion:1. School authorities may play an important role in helping students to settle in.2. The orientation program could last long enough to enable students to feel at home.3. Such programs should be on a more individual basis so that new students can get a clearer picture of school rules and facilities.4. It would be a good idea for schools to organize some excursions and outings during the first days.4.私立学校Public School1、 Public education is the fundamental way to prepare children from diverse ethnic,religious,and class backgrounds to live as responsible citizens in a democracy。

一[雅思题目]Some reports have discovered the incidence of violence foryoungwomen is increasing. Give possible reasons and recommendationstothe situation.分析女性犯罪越来越高的原因It is reported that the proportion of young femalecriminalunfolds a steady increasing trend, and women crime,especially theyoung females delinquency has become a serioussocial problemindeed. Young women, as the most peaceable parts ofhuman, arealways regarded as the last aim by the police office. Whythey goastray is mainly due to the two following reasons: one istheir owncharacter peculiarity, the other is from socialpressure.As far as the former, for one thing, the female is sensitivetothe trifles and sentimental to the reins and loves.Sensitivityoften puts them to the edge unnecessarily and formsextreme ideas,which frequently leads to directcriminal.Frangibility ofsensibility makes them so depressed and despairedthat they have ahigh probability to do the illegal behavior whenthey slip down inloves.As for the latter reason, the social pressure comesoftraditionally sexual discrimination and survival competition. Itisno denying the fact that the contemporary including the womenareconfronted with the more severe competition than theirancestorswere, and in addition to this point, females still have tostrugglewith the deep-booted discrimination.When young women make their debut in the society, all kindsofcrises, trouble and pressure lay them into flat, which compelsthemto avenge and relieve their feeling with lawless methodsinunassisted situation. Ponderance of young female criminalrevealslong-term negligence to the females inner and outercircumstance.It is almost impossible to change females nature, sothe societyshould take more care of women, especially for the youngwomen. Forexample, some psychological courses and the methods ofsolvingproblem are effective measures to adjust the mood of women.In themeantime, prejudice to women should be out of the socialstage andfair, equal and friendly atmosphere should be set up,which canhelp women to take part in the formal and rationalcontention.Additionally, the society should approbate thefemalesindispensable position of community and encourage them toshowtheir special aptitude and intelligence.Undisputablely, the rising criminal rate of young womenhasrelation to both females themselves and irrationalsocialphenomena. Care and equity are the best way to solvethisincreasing problem, after all, they are less aggressive.二[题目]Some people think that machine translation is highly developedintoday’s society. Therefore it is not necessary for childrentolearn a foreign language. What’s your opinion?随着机器翻译技术的发展,孩子需要学习外语吗?[雅思作文/写作范文](Sample 1)With the rapid development of modern science, computers havebeenplaying a more important role in our daily lives. It is suchaworldwide trend that there is no exception for Chinese.Many people regard the computer as the magic machine. It cansolvemany problems quickly and efficiently, and best of all, itcantranslate all kinds of languages. By using the computer you canjustput ail the original versions into it and then you will getthe fasttranslation. So some parents raise doubts about thenecessity fortheir children to learn foreign languages so hard anymore.At first thought, it seems that the computers can really helpusto do so. But if you look in- sue the matter deeply, you may findadifferent answer. First of all, machines can never puters are created by man and are controlled by humanbrains. Wecan never rely too much on machines; otherwise we willbecome theslave of them one day. On the contrary, we need to enrichourknowledge as much as possible so that we can catch up with thefastpace of the world. It is very necessary to learn more languagessoas to upgrade our abilities to follow the progress oftheworld.And furthermore, it will do good to children if they learnmorelanguages. Both their brain and their thinking modules canbenefitfrom it. When they grow up, they can easily accept variouskinds ofcultures and communicate with foreigners, which canfavorablyenhance the mutual understanding and developinternationalbrotherhood.So, we can clearly see that, though computers can begoodtranslators, people still need to learn more languages with aviewto improving their abilities and facilitating theirfuturecommunication with people from othercultures.[雅思作文/写作范文](Sample2)An argument occasionally these days is that some peopleoftenthink machine translation can take place of the childrensstudy ofa foreign language. As far as I am concerned, I canttotally agreewith this opinion.It first comes to the point that machine translation is nothighefficiency. The human language is so complex that nowadays nosuchmachine can translate one language to another sufficientlyandtotally. The machine can only provide some words or piecesofhalf-baked sentences. So we human beings, especially children,maynot rely on this kind of machine, at least recently.On the other hand, if the real machine that the whole sentencecanbe translated completely turn to reality, children should notbetaught not study a foreign language. The reason is thelanguage(especially speaking) is made up of not only the grammarand wordsbut also tones and mood. And when children are studying alanguage,he is not discovering an unknown area, but wild his logicandideation. Additionally, even if the machine will be out of workoneday occasionally in future, he can talk with otherforeignersfreely.Frankly, the loss of language sensitivity is much popularthesedays. Many peoples speaking and grammar is terrible.Childrenoften study wrong speaking from annoying TV programs anduntrainedbroadcasters. The invention of translation machine willmake itworse. The problem whether to teach the boys and girlsforeignlanguages or not needs to be treated seriously.In a word, in modern society the translation machine isstealingour sensitivity of the language. People should do somethingtoprevent the loss of language ability, especially inthechildhood.When you are old and grey and full of sleep,And nodding by the fire, take down this book,And slowly read, and dream of the soft lookYour eyes had once, and of their shadows deep;How many loved your moments of glad grace,And loved your beauty with love false or true,But one man loved the pilgrim soul in you,And loved the sorrows of your changing face; And bending down beside the glowing bars, Murmur, a little sadly, how love fledAnd paced upon the mountains overheadAnd hid his face amid a crowd of stars.The furthest distance in the worldIs not between life and deathBut when I stand in front of youYet you don't know thatI love you.The furthest distance in the worldIs not when I stand in front of youYet you can't see my loveBut when undoubtedly knowing the love from both Yet cannot be together.The furthest distance in the worldIs not being apart while being in loveBut when I plainly cannot resist the yearningYet pretending you have never been in my heart.The furthest distance in the worldIs not struggling against the tidesBut using one's indifferent heartTo dig an uncrossable riverFor the one who loves you.倚窗远眺,目光目光尽处必有一座山,那影影绰绰的黛绿色的影,是春天的颜色。

常见的雅思写作主题以及写作技巧和思路1. 教育类题目:-题目示例:Some people believe that children should be taught academic subjects at school, while others believe that practical skills are more important. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.-写作思路:可以从教育的目标、学科与实践技能的重要性、学生的兴趣和能力等方面展开讨论,并给出自己的观点。
2. 社会类题目:-题目示例:In many countries, the gap between the rich and the poor is becoming wider. What problems does this create? What solutions can you suggest?-写作思路:可以从收入不平等的影响、社会不稳定性、教育和机会不公等方面探讨问题,并提出解决方法。
3. 环境类题目:-题目示例:Some people think that environmental problems are too big for individuals to solve. Others believe that individuals can make a difference. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.-写作思路:可以从环境问题的严重性、个人行为对环境的影响、政府和个人的责任等方面进行讨论,并给出自己的观点。
4. 科技类题目:-题目示例:Some people believe that technology has made our lives more complicated, while others disagree. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.-写作思路:可以从科技带来的便利与挑战、人际关系的变化、个人使用科技的态度等方面展开讨论,并给出自己的观点。


例如:“Some people believe that it is better to live in a big city, while others think that living in a small town is more preferable Discuss both views and give your own opinion”对于这类题型,首先要清晰地阐述题目中的两种观点。
例如:“The use of mobile phones has increased significantly in recent years Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this trend”在应对这类题目时,要全面地分析问题的各个方面。

而中国考生在写essay时常见的一个问题恰恰是考前准备了语言,临场读懂了题目,很快形成了观点,但是却不知该从哪些角度来支持自己的thesis statement。
所以主体段落观点单调,思维陈旧,内容空洞,为达到字数而把一个观点写了再写等问题常常会充斥在文章的body part。
例如:讨论是否将动物用于科学实验:Some scientists claim that experiments carried out on animals would be crucial for potential breakthroughs in treating some of the most-feared incurable diseases.讨论社会道德下滑:Development of science and technology has given birth to materialism and capitalism which favor the research for economic growth and freedom of men. Consequently, no spiritual, moral, and traditional values are taken into account.压力大的原因:The rapid development of science and technology makes work today more demanding than it used to be.亲情淡漠的原因:The availability of a great variety of high-tech recreational facilities also diverts people from enjoying chats with the members of their families.环保全球化的原因:Developing countries lack sufficient numbers of qualified scientists and other skilled personnel to cope with the increasingly serious environmental problems, such as the ozone depletion, the marine pollution and the like.。

常见话题分类及分论点词汇短语总结⼀一.教育1. 学习⾳音乐、体育的重要性培养团队精神和思考能⼒力Foster team spirit critical thinking提升⽂文化修养和对⽂文学艺术的欣赏⽔水平self-cultivation, an appreciation of art and literature.提⾼高⾝身体素质,养成良好的⽣生活习惯Develop physical fitness, healthy lifestyle2. 学习数学的重要性培养独⽴立思考、创造性思考、分析和解决问题能⼒力independent and critical thinking, analysing skills and problem-solving ability数学是很多学科的基础Fundamental subject3.孩⼦子是否应该obey the rules由于年轻和缺乏经验,孩⼦子容易误⼊入歧途,所以很多时候他们需要⽼老师和⽗父母的建议和指导。
go astrayInexperienced be more likely to do孩⼦子迟早都要⾃自⼰己做决定,如果他们从⼩小只会服从命令,那么会慢慢失去主见。
the ability and desire to form their own opinion4.孩⼦子成长谁负责?parents家长以⾃自⼰己为榜样,帮助孩⼦子形成正确的⼈人⽣生观和价值观role modelhelp foster in the young the morally sound values and outlook on the world and life孩⼦子早年⼤大部分时间与家长在⼀一起,家长塑造孩⼦子们的性格Shape personalityteacher/ school传授理论知识impart knowledge platform提⾼高⼈人际交往能⼒力interpersonal skills媒体对孩⼦子的影响Questionable contents教育类核⼼心词汇:theoretical 理论的practical 实际的scope of knowledge 知识⾯面lighten the burden of 减轻...的负担nurture 培养,教育 motivation 动⼒力physical ⾝身体上的psychological ⼼心理上的intelligence 智⼒力,智能intellectual 智⼒力的,有智⼒力的,n. 知识分⼦子motivate 激发potential 潜在的,潜⼒力talent 天才,才能qualify (使)具有资格discipline 纪律,学科subject 科⽬目,学科adolescent 青少年,青春期的mature 成熟的interactive 互动的,交互式的learn by rote 死记硬背feedback 反馈learner-oriented 以学⽣生为导向的exam-oriented education 应试教育force-feed the students 填鸭式教法教学⽣生raise family 养家achieve life value 实现⼈人⽣生价值degree factory 学历⼯工⼚厂all-rounded 全⾯面的impart knowledge 传授知识obtain/ acquire/gain knowledge and skills获得知识和技能quality education素质教育team spirit 团队精神become qualified employees 成为合格雇员adapt to 适应某事dampen the students’ enthusiasm 打击学⽣生的积极性enrich one’s social and life experience 丰富了社会和⽣生活阅历practical and professional skills 实⽤用的职业技能become competitive in the job market 在职场上有竞争⼒力make contributions to social progress 对社会进步做出贡献encourage students to think critically and independently ⿎鼓励学⽣生批判地和独⽴立地思考promote students’ physical, intellectual and emotional development促进学⽣生的⾝身体、智⼒力和情感发展help foster in the young the morally sound values and outlook on the world and life 帮助年轻⼈人树⽴立正确的价值观、世界观、⼈人⽣生观A school is society in miniature. 学校是社会的⼀一个缩影。
雅思写作大作文思路总结 二十四类话题思路详细剖析.doc

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国际关系国际关系的重要性可以从various international problems 这个角度想Nuclear weapon、suicideterrorist strikes poverty等老人进养老院Live in nursing home or live at their own homes远程工作学习Pro——节省交通成本、不用每天穿制服、钱全部用于在投资Con——工作效率降低,引起交流上的孤立(拖延症啊~~~)更有效率More effective and efficient效率降低productivity can seriously decrease与传统方式相比Compared to the tradition pattern弹性工作制flexible working合适的时间suitable time节约交通时间save the traffic congestion time合理安排时间arrange schedule more properlyThose working from home as independent contractors lose these social aspects that can sometimes make work more enjoyable. Some dislike the social isolation associated with working from home to such an etent that they decide to seek other forms of employment that involve social interaction.化石能源和可替代能源(核能)核能nuclear power核泄漏nulear leakage(结果将是)无法挽救的irretrievable切尔诺贝利核泄漏Chernobyl nuclear leakage释放大量的核辐射release of substantial amounts of radiation过早死亡premature deaths看书与看电视Each type of programme has its unique role in inspiring people's imagination or developing language skills.批判思维critical thinkingEducational channel 教育频道广告包含审美观和意识形态Advertisement bears aesthetical and ideological values.谈话秀展示语言艺术talk shows display the art of languages教育内容谁决定?Teachers should decide what subjects and lesson contents students should enroll in university because decision made by government is somewhat policy-oriented.It has long been argued amid the community: Which one counts more, authority or academy? Notwithstanding the fact that our current pedagogy is so much clinging to the central committee, the educational system is in a blockbuster amount of outcry for reform. Does the temporarysystem still embrace rationality? Or is it the ripe juncture to refurnish it out and out? I personally took a deep look in it.In the showdown between authority and academy, the former arguably outweighs the latter. Politics is a compulsory course in all kinds of enrollment examinations as well as all levels of educational institutions. The government, or a commander-in-chief to be vivid, needs to be held accountable for the stability of society. Education is by all means an almighty tool to incubate a behaving generation. With social development gaining momentum, a farsighted power base generally with a broader scope than the individuals, needs to build up particular majors specializing in fledgling domains involving cleaning energy, high-tech innovation, interpretation, to name but a few. Trained personnel in such fields are usually more fit into the society.Arguments being articulated above though, academy-oriented teaching methodology is so far still reputed for its own merits. With teachers gaining more says in selecting knowledge, the students will presumably be inculcated with a more objective perception of the curriculum. Without authority barging in, the possibility of the impartiality being jeopardized is excluded for the mission of serving the regime is no longer valid. Only under such circumstance can the intrinsic value of the subject be authentically and manifested to the thirsty learners in an untangled manner. An untarnished and pristine academic ambience is colossally demanding by numerous pundits for the sake of equity and truth.To sum up, there's no such inception that is appropriate to be dubbed "sheerly right" or "starkly wrong" . The righteous one solely lies in the rationality of adapting it. Authority, in China's case, can never be an outlier standing by the side of academic circle owing to its unique national condition.不断丢弃物品的社会The phenomenon that modern society is a throw-away society is because people value convenience above enviromental protection.It is not reasonable to deride the importance of "things" because things are key in shaping our daily lives for its functional utility as well as psychological impact.Price, of course, is a critical factor behind the paper explosion. it is almost cheaper for the consumer to buy and discard a new one than to send an ordinary dress to the cleaners. Soon it will be. But more than economics is involved, for the extension of the throw-away culture has important psychological consequences.当然,价格是纸用品猛增的重要原因。
Paper clothes are particularly suitably for children, Writes one fashion expert: “Little girls will soon be able to spill ice cream, draw pictures and make cutouts on their clothes while their mothers smile benignly at their creativity.”And for adults who want to express their own creativity, there is even a “paint-yourself-dress”complete with brushes. Price: $2.00.纸衣服是最适合孩子的。