
第一册第一单元Sharing: Task 1(1) their social life(2) whether they go out a lot and what they did when they went out last night Sharing: Task 2(1) busy(2) friends(3) university(4) social lifeSharing: Task 3Correct order: a, c, e, d, b, fSharing: Task 4Q 1Key(s): danced Q 2Key(s):(1) view of(2) funQ 3Key(s): drinkQ 4Key(s):(1) west(2) delicious mealQ 5Key(s):(1) house(2) television/TVListening: Task 2 Activity 1Q 1Key(s): 1962 Q 2Key(s): fourth/4thQ 3Key(s): 1990Q 4Key(s): 1996Listening: Task 2 Activity 2 (1) teacher(2) cleaned houses(3) lost(4) visited(5) work(6) his wife(7) in his own wordsViewing: Task 2 Activity 1Correct order: a, c, h, f, d, e, g, b Viewing: Task 2 Activity 2(1) home(2) country(3) relatives(4) foreigner(5) speak(6) passed on(7) heat(8) sea(9) happinessRole-playing: Task 2 Activity 1(1) It was great(2) He's a football player/He is a football player(3) It was really beautifulRole-playing: Task 2 Activity 2 Keys: 1, 3, 5, 7, 10Presenting: Task 1 Activity 1Q 1a small town Q 21993Q 32008Q 42003Q 57/sevenPresenting: Task 1 Activity 2 Keys: 1, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10Short conversations1.b2.a3.b4.d5.dLong conversation1.d2.b3.c4.d Passages: Passage 11.d2.d3.b4.a Passages: Passage 2(1) programs/programmes(2) very(3) decisions(4) doing laundry(5) Obviously(6) choices(7) ruining(8) get used to(9) opportunities(10) step back单元检测Part1 c a d d aPart2 c d a b cPart3 c b a b dPart 4:achievementsspecialized/specializedvastprofessionaleducatedwas familiarextensivelyelegantlya great dealBesides第二单元Sharing: Task 1(1) leisure activities(2) how often they go to the cinema, what films they saw last time and their favorite films, actors, and actressesSharing: Task 2(1) a month(2) Not very often(3) once or twice(4) a week(5) every month(6) every fortnightSharing: Task 31.(1) romantic (2) great2.(1) recommend (2) action3.(1) collection (2) real life4.(1) scenes (2) fantasticSharing: Task 4Correct order: c, d, a, bTask 2 Activity 1Key:cListening: Task 2 Activity 2Q 1: blonde Q 2:blueQ 3:darkQ 4:masculineListening: Task 2 Activity 3Row 1: 2Row 2: 4Row 3: 1Row 4: 3Row 5: 2Listening: Task 2 Activity 4(1) tall(2) masculine face/ best-looking(3) black hair(4) dark brown(5) red hair(6) grey(7) slim(8) blonde hair(9) lovelyViewing: Task 2 Activity 12 4 6Viewing: Task 2 Activity 21.(1) garden(2) baby and wife2.(1) traditional values(2) likes3.being togetherRole-playing: Task 2 Activity 1(1) feel like(2) What do you recommend(3) how about(4) What's it about/What is it about(5) Who's in it/Who is in it(6) Do you think(7) Why don't weRole-playing: Task 2 Activity 2Keys: 1, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10Presenting: Task 1 Activity 11. a free concert2. (1) evening (2) City Park3. boyfriend4. (1) a picnic (2) stage (3) lay5. FantasticPresenting: Task 1 Activity 2 b a b a b aShort conversationsd b c a dLong conversationd c b cPassages: Passage 1a b a cPassages: Passage 2(1) comic(2) traffic(3) constantly(4) available(5) took part in(6) attracted(7) audience(8) free of charge(9) put forward单元检测Part1d a c b aPart2a c a c dPart3c a ad dPart4too muchwarningaffected bybackdrive people to suicidepointed outrecentcommitpreventionit's time/it is time第三单元Sharing: Task 1(1) living in London(2) how they feel about London and the most exciting things they have done in London Sharing: Task 2(1) living(2) much(3) interesting places(4) something(6) feel aboutSharing: Task 3Correct order: a, d, b, g, h, f, e, c Sharing: Task 41.(1) exciting(2) amazing concert(3) incredible2.the theater/the theatre3.(1) the best place(2) different(3) compared to4. play football5. (1) interesting things(2) the best thing(3) tickets(4) cultureListening: Task 2 Activity 1 Correct order: a, d, h, e, b, g, c, f Listening: Task 2 Activity 2(1) Australia(2) outback(3) go further(4) frightened(5) Don't move(6) the dogs(7) frighteningViewing: Task 2 Activity 1 Keys: 2, 4Viewing: Task 2 Activity 2biggest islandnervouswomen1500moneyoverwhelmedRole-playing: Task 2 Activity 1It's / It isthereleave a messagecallspeakmomentringnumberthispicking upPresenting: Task 1 Activity 1Row 1:Row 2: 1Row 3:Row 4: 2Presenting: Task 1 Activity 2 Keys: 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9Short conversationsc c bd aLong conversationb c a dPassages: Passage 1c a b cPassages: Passage 2(1) mountainous(2) frightened(3) took place(4) vanish(5) occurred(6) massive(7) caught(8) keep us away from(9) grateful(10) in advance单元检测Part1 c b a a dPart2 c a d b aPart3 a b c d dPart4apply forcommitmentopportunityrestaurantdevelopedworking practicesattendingaddpersonal qualitiesa positive addition第四单元Sharing: Task 1(1) their journey to work(2) how they get to work, what they do on their journey to work and what they like and don't like about their journeySharing: Task 2Row 1: 1Row 2: 2Row 3: 3Row 4: 3, 4Row 5: 1, 3Row 6: 5Sharing: Task 3Q 1Key(s):(1) fresh air(2) avoid holesQ 2Key(s): think aboutQ 3Key(s):(1) dream(2) looking outQ 4Key(s): an accidentSharing: Task 4Correct order: c, e, f, d, a, b Sharing: Task 5Correct order: c, a, b, d, f, e Listening: Task 2 Activity 1Q 1Key(s): When Q 2Key(s): WhatQ 3Key(s): WhoQ 4Key(s): WhatQ 5Key(s): problemQ 6Key(s): HowListening: Task 2 Activity 2(1) 1962(2) 1948(3) leave(4) public transport(5) in and drove(6) private(7) build(8) good condition(9) engineering problem(10) too heavy(11) strong(12) difficult to fly(13) traffic problemsTask 3 Activity 2The Horseless Sulky:• It can only hold two people.• It's difficult to slow down.• It's open to bad weather conditions.The Lightning Bug:• It's very small.• It's difficult to get in and out. Viewing: Task 2 Activity 1Question 1 Key: a Question 2Key: aQuestion 3Key: aQuestion 4Key: bQuestion 5Key: aViewing: Task 2 Activity 2Row 1: 3Row 2: 2Row 3: 1Row 4: 4Row 5: 1Row 6: 3Viewing: Task 2 Activity 3(1) airport managers(2) relax(3) pass the time(4) midnight(5) their flight(6) 300/three hundred(7) 319/three hundred and nineteen(8) 500/five hundredRole-playing: Task 2 Activity 1Q 1Key(s):(1) tied up(2) customer Q 2Key(s):(1) 20(2) coffeeQ 3Key(s):(1) delayed(2) cow(3) stationsRole-playing: Task 2 Activity 2Question 1 Key: b Question 2Key: aQuestion 3Key: bQuestion 4Key: aQuestion 5Key: bQuestion 6Key: bRole-playing: Task 2 Activity 3Keys: 3, 4, 6, 7Presenting: Task 1 Activity 1(1) a vegetarian meal(2) meat(3) his order(4) business class(5) cold(6) the person in chargePresenting: Task 1 Activity 2Question 1 Key: a Question 2Key: bQuestion 3Key: bQuestion 4Key: bQuestion 5Key: aQuestion 6Key: aQuestion 7Key: bQuestion 8Key: aShort conversationsQuestion 1 Key: c Question 2Key: bQuestion 3Key: dQuestion 4Key: dQuestion 5Key: aLong conversationQuestion 1 Key: c Question 2Key: bQuestion 3Key: dQuestion 4Key: dPassages: Passage 1Question 1 Key: c Question 2Key: aQuestion 3Key: dQuestion 4Key: aPassages: Passage 2(1) Gradually(2) enabled(3) vehicles(4) dates back to(5) As a result(6) thoroughly(7) capacity(8) turn(9) automobiles(10) thanks to单元检测Part 1:Q 1 Key: b Q 2Key: bQ 3Key: dQ 4Key: aQ 5Key: dPart 2:Q 1 Key: c Q 2Key: dQ 3Key: aQ 4Key: cPart 3:Q 1 Key: c Q 2Key: bQ 3Key: dQ 4Key: aQ 5Key: cPart4Q 1motor Q 2suffererQ 3range fromQ 4results fromQ 5relies onQ 6 confused Q 7stillQ 8folkQ 9avoidQ 10wing第五单元Sharing: Task 1(1) their holidays(2) what kinds of holidays people like and how they liked their last holiday Sharing: Task 2Keys: 1, 2, 3, 7, 9, 10, 11Sharing: Task 3Keys: 1, 4, 5, 7, 10Sharing: Task 4Q 1Key(s):(1) relaxing(2) fantastic(3) lovely Q 2Key(s): AmazingQ 3Key(s): thoroughly enjoyedQ 4Key(s): Lovely Q 5Key(s): fantasticListening: Task 2 Activity 1(1) comfortable(2) Plane(3) faster(4) In a hotel(5) comfortable(6) In an apartment(7) expensive(8) sightseeing(9) sightseeing(10) interesting(11) In summer(12) better(13) hot weather(14) In spring(15) crowded(16) a restaurant(18) a restaurant(19) quieter(20) A monthViewing: Task 2 Activity 1 Correct order: c, a, f, d, e, b Viewing: Task 2 Activity 2Q 1Key(s):(1) widest(2) cuts through Q 2Key(s):(1) football(2) his careerQ 3Key(s):(1) famous(2) 1800sQ 4Key(s): apparentlyQ 5Key(s): 80/eighty Q 6Key(s): fantastic meatQ 7Key(s): vegetablesQ 8Key(s):(1) family and friends(2) wonderful momentsRole-playing: Task 2 Activity 1 Keys: 2, 4, 5, 8Role-playing: Task 2 Activity 2Q 1Key(s): Could I have Q 2Key(s): can we haveQ 3Key(s): thatQ 4Key(s): French Q 5Key(s): I'd likeQ 6Key(s): The samePresenting: Task 1 Activity 1(1) Italy(2) beach(3) swim(4) bars(5) sit(6) dance(7) fresh vegetables(8) amazingPresenting: Task 1 Activity 2Short conversationsQuestion 1 Key: a Question 2Key: dQuestion 3Key: aQuestion 4Key: cQuestion 5Key: cLong conversationQuestion 1 Key: d Question 2Key: cQuestion 3Key: dQuestion 4Key: cPassages: Passage 1Question 1 Key: d Question 2Key: bQuestion 3Key: aQuestion 4Key: cPassages: Passage 2(1) celebrate(2) provide us with(3) sticking to(4) challenges(5) anticipating(6) portions(7) stuff(8) take hold of(9) effective(10) strategies单元检测Part 1:Q 1 Key: c Q 2Key: cQ 3Key: dQ 4Key:aQ 5Key: aPart 2:Q 1 Key: b Q 2Key: bQ 3Key: bQ 4Key: dPart 3:Q 1Key: bQ 2 Key: c Q 3 Key: a Q 4 Key: b Q 5Key: dPart 4Q 1 Key: hang Q 2 Key: remains Q 3 Key: symbol Q 4 Key: performedQ 5 Key: heldonQ 6 Key: represent Q 7 Key: sweetsQ 8 Key: the holiday seasonQ 9 Key: appeared to Q 10Key:spread to第六单元Sharing: Task 1(1) their lifestyle(2) what things they do to keep fit and what unhealthy eating habits they haveSharing: Task 2(1) exercise (2) full -time (3) runningSharing: Task 3Keys: 1, 5 Sharing: Task 4Correct order: c, e, f, a, d, g, b Sharing: Task 5Q 1Key(s):(1) a sweet tooth(2) sweetQ 2Key(s):(1) coffee(2) chocolate Q 3Key(s):(1) Eating late(2) regularlyQ 4Key(s): too much Q 5Key(s): fast foodQ 6Key(s):(1) far too many(2) cakeListening: Task 2 Activity 1(1) eating problems(2) replace normal(3) food pills(4) taste different(5) its flavor(6) become commonListening: Task 2 Activity 2 Keys: 2Viewing: Task 2 Activity 1Question 1 Key: c Question 2Key: aQuestion 3Key: cQuestion 4Key: dQuestion 5Key: dViewing: Task 2 Activity 2Row 1: 1Row 2: 1Row 3: 1Row 4: 2Row 5: 2Row 6: 1Row 7: 2Row 8: 1Row 9: 2Row 10: 2Role-playing: Task 2 Activity 2Q 1Key(s):d-b-f-e-a-c Q 2Key(s):(1) tea and coffee(2) one small cup(3) painkillers(4) three times a day/3 times a dayQ 3Key(s): Foot pain Q 4Key(s): worry aboutPresenting: Task 1 Activity 1Q 1Key(s): feel relaxed Q 2Key(s): much exerciseQ 3Key(s): sporting hero Q 4Key(s): walk a dayPresenting: Task 1 Activity 2 Keys: 1, 2, 4, 6Short conversationsQuestion 1 Key: c Question 2Key: bQuestion 3Key: dQuestion 4 Key: b Question 5 Key: dLong conversationQuestion 1 Key: c Question 2Key: bQuestion 3Key: aQuestion 4Key: aPassages: Passage 1Question 1 Key: b Question 2 Key: d Question 3 Key: b Question 4 Key: aPassages: Passage 2(1) pressures (2) disappear (3) compromise (4) alcohol (5) intense(6) interferes with (7) undermine(8) pay attention to (9) suffers from (10) competitive单元检测 Part 1:Q 1 Key: aQ 2Key: a Q 3 Key: c Q 4 Key: d Q 5 Key: b Part 2:Q 1 Key: aQ 2Key: cQ 3 Key: bQ 4 Key: bQ 5Key: aPart 3: Q 1 Key: c Q 2Key: c Q 3 Key: d Q 4 Key: dQ 5 Key: dPart 4: Q 1 Key: perfectlyQ 2 Key: sewing Q 3 Key: distant Q 4 Key: suffer fromQ 5 Key: at arm'slengthQ 6 Key: cloudy Q 7 Key: judging Q 8 Key: slightly Q 9 Key: background Q 10 Key: eye views第七单元Sharing: Task 1(1) countryside life and wildlife(2) whether people like to live in the countryside or in the city, what animals they like and what animals they are scared ofSharing: Task 2Keys: 1, 3, 4Sharing: Task 3Correct order: b, f, a, d, e, cSharing: Task 4Q 1Key(s):(1) Snakes(2) the end Q 2Key(s):hateQ 3Key(s):(1) scared of(2) afraid ofQ 4Key(s):(1) horses(2) frighten Q 5Key(s):(1) scares(2) memoriesQ 6Key(s):(1) sharks(2) unknownListening: Task 2 Activity 1(1) 3/three(2) water(3) animals(4) the weather.Listening: Task 2 Activity 2(1) envir. probs.(2) > 6 bil.(3) 2050(4) > 9 bil.(5) popu.(6) probs.Listening: Task 2 Activity 3(1) 3(2) probs.(3) water(4) <(5) 4.5 L(6) 600 L(7) >(8) diffi.(9) animals(10) ↑(11) ↓(12) Rainf.(13) 150,000 km2(14) the weather(15) ↑(16) ↑(17) ↑Viewing: Task 2 Activity 1Question 1 Key: c Question 2Key: cQuestion 3Key: aQuestion 4Key: aViewing: Task 2 Activity 2Q 1Key(s): beautiful Q 2Key(s): magicalQ 3Key(s): lovelyQ 4Key(s): fantastic Q 5Key(s): happyQ 6Key(s): astonishingRole-playing: Task 2 Activity 1Question 1 Key: b Question 2Key: aQuestion 3Key: aRole-playing: Task 2 Activity 2 Correct order: e, a, c, b, d, f, gRole-playing: Task 2 Activity 3Question 1 Key: b Question 2Key: aQuestion 3Key: aQuestion 4 Key: a Question 5Key: bQuestion 6Key: bPresenting: Task 1 Activity 1Q 1Key(s): Fish River Canyon Q 2Key(s): amazingly quietPresenting: Task 1 Activity 2 Keys: 1, 2, 3, 5, 8Short conversationsQuestion 1 Key: c Question 2Key: aQuestion 3Key: bQuestion 4Key: dQuestion 5Key: dLong conversationQuestion 1 Key: d Question 2Key: cQuestion 3Key: dQuestion 4Key: aPassages: Passage 1Question 1 Key: c Question 2Key: cQuestion 3Key: aQuestion 4Key: cPassages: Passage 2(1) participated in (2) access to (3) tremendous (4) currently (5) incredible (6) accompany (7) remarkable (8) amazing(9) catching a glimpse of (10) looking forward to单元检测Part 1:Q 1Key: dQ 2Key: c Q 3 Key: bQ 4 Key: b Q 5 Key: dPart 2: Q 1 Key: aQ 2 Key: bQ 3Key: dQ 4 Key: dPart 3: Q 1 Key: cQ 2 Key: bQ 3 Key: a Q 4 Key: d Q 5 Key: cPart 4: Q 1 Key: dial Q 2 Key: keeper Q 3 Key: smart Q 4 Key: figure outQ 5 Key:chemicallyQ 6 Key: rank high on Q 7 Key: intelligence Q 8 Key: recognize/recognise Q 9 Key: descriptive Q 10 Key: make decisions第八单元Sharing: Task 1(1) shopping(2) how they feel about shopping, where they usually shop, and what they have bought recently Sharing: Task 2Correct order: d, c, a, e, b, fSharing: Task 31.b2.b3.a4.b5.b6.aSharing: Task 4Keys: 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,10,12,13,15,16Listening: Task 2 Activity 1(1) food(2) rubber(3) 1891(4) concentrate(5) the mobile phone(6) 1973(7) countries(8) light(9) 2001(10) 500/five hundredListening: Task 2 Activity 2Keys: 1, 4, 5, 6, 7Viewing: Task 2 Activity 1Q 1Key(s):(1) early 30s(2) 6 billion/six billion Q 2Key(s): computer science studentsQ 3Key(s):(1) tour guide(2) in the group Q 4Key(s): searching the InternetQ 5Key(s):(1) 2000(2) successful business Q 6Key(s):(1) fastest growing(2) most profitableViewing: Task 2 Activity 2 Keys: 4, 5Role-playing: Task 2 Activity 1Question 1 Key: c Question 2Key: bQuestion 3Key: aQuestion 4Key: bQuestion 5Key: cRole-playing: Task 2 Activity 2Row 1: 2Row 2: 1Row 3: 2Row 4: 2Row 5: 1Row 6: 2Row 7: 1Row 8: 1Row 9: 2Row 10: 1Presenting: Task 1 Activity 1Q 1Key(s): footballers Q 2Key(s): fire fightersQ 3Key(s): doctors Q 4Key(s): teachersPresenting: Task 2 Step 1Correct order: b, e, c, d, a, f Short conversa tionsQuestion 1 Key: b Question 2Key: dQuestion 3Key: cQuestion 4Key: bQuestion 5Key: dLong conversationQuestion 1 Key: b Question 2Key: cQuestion 3Key: aQuestion 4Key: dPassages: Passage 1Question 1 Key: c Question 2Key: dQuestion 3Key: bQuestion 4Key: dPassages: Passage 2(1) evidence(2) enhance(3) interviewed(4) rated(5) took into account(6) forecast(7) emerged(8) was related to(9) adapt themselves to(10) original单元检测Part1:Q 1 Key: c Q 2Key: dQ 3Key: aQ 4Key: bQ 5Key: cPart2:Q 1 Key: c Q 2Key: cQ 3Key: bQ 4Key: dQ 5Key: aPart3:Q 1 Key: c Q 2Key: bQ 3Key: dQ 4Key: aQ 5Key: cPart4:Q 1Key: accessible Q 2Key: opens achecking accountQ 3Key: regularlyQ 4Key: ordersQ 5Key: exchangeQ 6 Key: bank account Q 7Key: returnQ 8Key: interestQ 9Key: insteadofQ 10Key: valuable。

第一册第一单元Sharing: Task 1(1) their social life(2) whether they go out a lot and what they did when they went out last night Sharing: Task 2(1) busy(2) friends(3) university(4) social lifeSharing: Task 3Correct order: a, c, e, d, b, fSharing: Task 4Q 1Key(s): danced Q 2Key(s):(1) view of(2) funQ 3Key(s): drinkQ 4Key(s):(1) west(2) delicious mealQ 5Key(s):(1) house(2) television/TVListening: Task 2 Activity 1Q 1Key(s): 1962 Q 2Key(s): fourth/4thQ 3Key(s): 1990Q 4Key(s): 1996Listening: Task 2 Activity 2 (1) teacher(2) cleaned houses(3) lost(4) visited(5) work(6) his wife(7) in his own wordsViewing: Task 2 Activity 1Correct order: a, c, h, f, d, e, g, b Viewing: Task 2 Activity 2(1) home(2) country(3) relatives(4) foreigner(5) speak(6) passed on(7) heat(8) sea(9) happinessRole-playing: Task 2 Activity 1(1) It was great(2) He's a football player/He is a football player(3) It was really beautifulRole-playing: Task 2 Activity 2 Keys: 1, 3, 5, 7, 10Presenting: Task 1 Activity 1Q 1a small town Q 21993Q 32008Q 42003Q 57/sevenPresenting: Task 1 Activity 2 Keys: 1, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10Short conversationsLong conversation Passages: Passage 1Passages: Passage 2(1) programs/programmes(2) very(3) decisions(4) doing laundry(5) Obviously(6) choices(7) ruining(8) get used to(9) opportunities(10) step back单元检测Part1 c a d d aPart2 c d a b cPart3 c b a b dPart 4:achievementsspecialized/specializedvastprofessionaleducatedwas familiarextensivelyelegantlya great dealBesides第二单元Sharing: Task 1(1) leisure activities(2) how often they go to the cinema, what films they saw last time and their favorite films, actors, and actressesSharing: Task 2(1) a month(2) Not very often(3) once or twice(4) a week(5) every month(6) every fortnightSharing: Task 31.(1) romantic (2) great2.(1) recommend (2) action3.(1) collection (2) real life4.(1) scenes (2) fantasticSharing: Task 4Correct order: c, d, a, bTask 2 Activity 1Key:cListening: Task 2 Activity 2Q 1: blonde Q 2:blueQ 3:darkQ 4:masculineListening: Task 2 Activity 3Row 1: 2Row 2: 4Row 3: 1Row 4: 3Row 5: 2Listening: Task 2 Activity 4(1) tall(2) masculine face/ best-looking(3) black hair(4) dark brown(5) red hair(6) grey(7) slim(8) blonde hair(9) lovelyViewing: Task 2 Activity 12 4 6Viewing: Task 2 Activity 21.(1) garden(2) baby and wife2.(1) traditional values3.(2) likes4.being togetherRole-playing: Task 2 Activity 1(1) feel like(2) What do you recommend(3) how about(4) What's it about/What is it about(5) Who's in it/Who is in it(6) Do you think(7) Why don't weRole-playing: Task 2 Activity 2Keys: 1, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10Presenting: Task 1 Activity 11. a free concert2. (1) evening (2) City Park3. boyfriend4. (1) a picnic (2) stage (3) lay5. FantasticPresenting: Task 1 Activity 2 b a b a b aShort conversationsd b c a dLong conversationd c b cPassages: Passage 1a b a cPassages: Passage 2(1) comic(2) traffic(3) constantly(4) available(5) took part in(6) attracted(7) audience(8) free of charge(9) put forward单元检测Part1d a c b aPart2a c a c dPart3c a ad dPart4too muchwarningaffected bybackdrive people to suicidepointed outrecentcommitpreventionit's time/it is time第三单元Sharing: Task 1(1) living in London(2) how they feel about London and the most exciting things they have done in London Sharing: Task 2(1) living(2) much(3) interesting places(4) something(6) feel aboutSharing: Task 3Correct order: a, d, b, g, h, f, e, c Sharing: Task 41.(1) exciting2.(2) amazing concert3.(3) incredible4.the theater/the theatre5.(1) the best place6.(2) different7.(3) compared to4. play football5. (1) interesting things(2) the best thing(3) tickets(4) cultureListening: Task 2 Activity 1 Correct order: a, d, h, e, b, g, c, f Listening: Task 2 Activity 2(1) Australia(2) outback(3) go further(4) frightened(5) Don't move(6) the dogs(7) frighteningViewing: Task 2 Activity 1 Keys: 2, 4Viewing: Task 2 Activity 2biggest islandnervouswomen1500moneyoverwhelmedRole-playing: Task 2 Activity 1It's / It isthereleave a messagecallspeakmomentringnumberthispicking upPresenting: Task 1 Activity 1Row 1:Row 2: 1Row 3:Row 4: 2Presenting: Task 1 Activity 2 Keys: 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9Short conversationsc c bd aLong conversationb c a dPassages: Passage 1c a b cPassages: Passage 2(1) mountainous(2) frightened(3) took place(4) vanish(5) occurred(6) massive(7) caught(8) keep us away from(9) grateful(10) in advance单元检测Part1 c b a a dPart2 c a d b aPart3 a b c d dPart4apply forcommitmentopportunityrestaurantdevelopedworking practicesattendingaddpersonal qualitiesa positive addition第四单元Sharing: Task 1(1) their journey to work(2) how they get to work, what they do on their journey to work and what they like and don't like about their journeySharing: Task 2Row 1: 1Row 2: 2Row 3: 3Row 4: 3, 4Row 5: 1, 3Row 6: 5Sharing: Task 3Q 1Key(s):(1) fresh air(2) avoid holesQ 2Key(s): think aboutQ 3Key(s):(1) dream(2) looking outQ 4Key(s): an accidentSharing: Task 4Correct order: c, e, f, d, a, b Sharing: Task 5Correct order: c, a, b, d, f, e Listening: Task 2 Activity 1Q 1Key(s): When Q 2Key(s): WhatQ 3Key(s): WhoQ 4Key(s): WhatQ 5Key(s): problemQ 6Key(s): HowListening: Task 2 Activity 2(1) 1962(2) 1948(3) leave(4) public transport(5) in and drove(6) private(7) build(8) good condition(9) engineering problem(10) too heavy(11) strong(12) difficult to fly(13) traffic problemsTask 3 Activity 2The Horseless Sulky:• It can only hold two people.• It's difficult to slow down.• It's open to bad weather conditions.The Lightning Bug:• It's very small.• It's difficult to get in and out. Viewing: Task 2 Activity 1Question 1 Key: a Question 2Key: aQuestion 3Key: aQuestion 4Key: bQuestion 5Key: aViewing: Task 2 Activity 2Row 1: 3Row 2: 2Row 3: 1Row 4: 4Row 5: 1Row 6: 3Viewing: Task 2 Activity 3(1) airport managers(2) relax(3) pass the time(4) midnight(5) their flight(6) 300/three hundred(7) 319/three hundred and nineteen(8) 500/five hundredRole-playing: Task 2 Activity 1Q 1Key(s):(1) tied up(2) customer Q 2Key(s):(1) 20(2) coffeeQ 3Key(s):(1) delayed(2) cow(3) stationsRole-playing: Task 2 Activity 2Question 1 Key: b Question 2Key: aQuestion 3Key: bQuestion 4Key: aQuestion 5Key: bQuestion 6Key: bRole-playing: Task 2 Activity 3Keys: 3, 4, 6, 7Presenting: Task 1 Activity 1(1) a vegetarian meal(2) meat(3) his order(4) business class(5) cold(6) the person in chargePresenting: Task 1 Activity 2Question 1 Key: a Question 2Key: bQuestion 3Key: bQuestion 4Key: bQuestion 5Key: aQuestion 6Key: aQuestion 7Key: bQuestion 8Key: aShort conversationsQuestion 1 Key: c Question 2Key: bQuestion 3Key: dQuestion 4Key: dQuestion 5Key: aLong conversationQuestion 1 Key: c Question 2Key: bQuestion 3Key: dQuestion 4Key: dPassages: Passage 1Question 1 Key: c Question 2Key: aQuestion 3Key: dQuestion 4Key: aPassages: Passage 2(1) Gradually(2) enabled(3) vehicles(4) dates back to(5) As a result(6) thoroughly(7) capacity(8) turn(9) automobiles(10) thanks to单元检测Part 1:Q 1 Key: b Q 2Key: bQ 3Key: dQ 4Key: aQ 5Key: dPart 2:Q 1 Key: c Q 2Key: dQ 3Key: aQ 4Key: cPart 3:Q 1 Key: c Q 2Key: bQ 3Key: dQ 4Key: aQ 5Key: cPart4Q 1motor Q 2suffererQ 3range fromQ 4results fromQ 5relies onQ 6 confused Q 7stillQ 8folkQ 9avoidQ 10wing第五单元Sharing: Task 1(1) their holidays(2) what kinds of holidays people like and how they liked their last holiday Sharing: Task 2Keys: 1, 2, 3, 7, 9, 10, 11Sharing: Task 3Keys: 1, 4, 5, 7, 10Sharing: Task 4Q 1Key(s):(1) relaxing(2) fantastic(3) lovely Q 2Key(s): AmazingQ 3Key(s): thoroughly enjoyedQ 4Key(s): Lovely Q 5Key(s): fantasticListening: Task 2 Activity 1(1) comfortable(2) Plane(3) faster(4) In a hotel(5) comfortable(6) In an apartment(7) expensive(8) sightseeing(9) sightseeing(10) interesting(11) In summer(12) better(13) hot weather(14) In spring(15) crowded(16) a restaurant(18) a restaurant(19) quieter(20) A monthViewing: Task 2 Activity 1 Correct order: c, a, f, d, e, b Viewing: Task 2 Activity 2Q 1Key(s):(1) widest(2) cuts through Q 2Key(s):(1) football(2) his careerQ 3Key(s):(1) famous(2) 1800sQ 4Key(s): apparentlyQ 5Key(s): 80/eighty Q 6Key(s): fantastic meatQ 7Key(s): vegetablesQ 8Key(s):(1) family and friends(2) wonderful momentsRole-playing: Task 2 Activity 1 Keys: 2, 4, 5, 8Role-playing: Task 2 Activity 2Q 1Key(s): Could I have Q 2Key(s): can we haveQ 3Key(s): thatQ 4Key(s): French Q 5Key(s): I'd likeQ 6Key(s): The samePresenting: Task 1 Activity 1(1) Italy(2) beach(3) swim(4) bars(5) sit(6) dance(7) fresh vegetables(8) amazingPresenting: Task 1 Activity 2Short conversationsQuestion 1 Key: a Question 2Key: dQuestion 3Key: aQuestion 4Key: cQuestion 5Key: cLong conversationQuestion 1 Key: d Question 2Key: cQuestion 3Key: dQuestion 4Key: cPassages: Passage 1Question 1 Key: d Question 2Key: bQuestion 3Key: aQuestion 4Key: cPassages: Passage 2(1) celebrate(2) provide us with(3) sticking to(4) challenges(5) anticipating(6) portions(7) stuff(8) take hold of(9) effective(10) strategies单元检测Part 1:Q 1 Key: c Q 2Key: cQ 3Key: dQ 4Key:aQ 5Key: aPart 2:Q 1 Key: b Q 2Key: bQ 3Key: bQ 4Key: dPart 3:Q 1Key: bQ 2 Key: c Q 3 Key: a Q 4 Key: b Q 5Key: dPart 4Q 1 Key: hang Q 2 Key: remains Q 3 Key: symbol Q 4 Key: performedQ 5 Key: heldonQ 6 Key: represent Q 7 Key: sweetsQ 8 Key: the holiday seasonQ 9 Key: appeared to Q 10Key:spread to第六单元Sharing: Task 1(1) their lifestyle(2) what things they do to keep fit and what unhealthy eating habits they haveSharing: Task 2(1) exercise (2) full -time (3) runningSharing: Task 3Keys: 1, 5 Sharing: Task 4Correct order: c, e, f, a, d, g, b Sharing: Task 5Q 1Key(s):(1) a sweet tooth(2) sweetQ 2Key(s):(1) coffee(2) chocolate Q 3Key(s):(1) Eating late(2) regularlyQ 4Key(s): too much Q 5Key(s): fast foodQ 6Key(s):(1) far too many(2) cakeListening: Task 2 Activity 1(1) eating problems(2) replace normal(3) food pills(4) taste different(5) its flavor(6) become commonListening: Task 2 Activity 2 Keys: 2Viewing: Task 2 Activity 1Question 1 Key: c Question 2Key: aQuestion 3Key: cQuestion 4Key: dQuestion 5Key: dViewing: Task 2 Activity 2Row 1: 1Row 2: 1Row 3: 1Row 4: 2Row 5: 2Row 6: 1Row 7: 2Row 8: 1Row 9: 2Row 10: 2Role-playing: Task 2 Activity 2Q 1Key(s):d-b-f-e-a-c Q 2Key(s):(1) tea and coffee(2) one small cup(3) painkillers(4) three times a day/3 times a dayQ 3Key(s): Foot pain Q 4Key(s): worry aboutPresenting: Task 1 Activity 1Q 1Key(s): feel relaxed Q 2Key(s): much exerciseQ 3Key(s): sporting hero Q 4Key(s): walk a dayPresenting: Task 1 Activity 2 Keys: 1, 2, 4, 6Short conversationsQuestion 1 Key: c Question 2Key: bQuestion 3Key: dQuestion 4 Key: b Question 5 Key: dLong conversationQuestion 1 Key: c Question 2Key: bQuestion 3Key: aQuestion 4Key: aPassages: Passage 1Question 1 Key: b Question 2 Key: d Question 3 Key: b Question 4 Key: aPassages: Passage 2(1) pressures (2) disappear (3) compromise (4) alcohol (5) intense(6) interferes with (7) undermine(8) pay attention to (9) suffers from (10) competitive单元检测 Part 1:Q 1 Key: aQ 2Key: a Q 3 Key: c Q 4 Key: d Q 5 Key: b Part 2:Q 1 Key: aQ 2Key: cQ 3 Key: bQ 4 Key: bQ 5Key: aPart 3: Q 1 Key: c Q 2Key: c Q 3 Key: d Q 4 Key: dQ 5 Key: dPart 4: Q 1 Key: perfectlyQ 2 Key: sewing Q 3 Key: distant Q 4 Key: suffer fromQ 5 Key: at arm'slengthQ 6 Key: cloudy Q 7 Key: judging Q 8 Key: slightly Q 9 Key: background Q 10 Key: eye views第七单元Sharing: Task 1(1) countryside life and wildlife(2) whether people like to live in the countryside or in the city, what animals they like and what animals they are scared ofSharing: Task 2Keys: 1, 3, 4Sharing: Task 3Correct order: b, f, a, d, e, cSharing: Task 4Q 1Key(s):(1) Snakes(2) the end Q 2Key(s):hateQ 3Key(s):(1) scared of(2) afraid ofQ 4Key(s):(1) horses(2) frighten Q 5Key(s):(1) scares(2) memoriesQ 6Key(s):(1) sharks(2) unknownListening: Task 2 Activity 1(1) 3/three(2) water(3) animals(4) the weather.Listening: Task 2 Activity 2(1) envir. probs.(2) > 6 bil.(3) 2050(4) > 9 bil.(5) popu.(6) probs.Listening: Task 2 Activity 3(1) 3(2) probs.(3) water(4) <(5) L(6) 600 L(7) >(8) diffi.(9) animals(10) ↑(11) ↓(12) Rainf.(13) 150,000 km2(14) the weather(15) ↑(16) ↑(17) ↑Viewing: Task 2 Activity 1Question 1 Key: c Question 2Key: cQuestion 3Key: aQuestion 4Key: aViewing: Task 2 Activity 2Q 1Key(s): beautiful Q 2Key(s): magicalQ 3Key(s): lovelyQ 4Key(s): fantastic Q 5Key(s): happyQ 6Key(s): astonishingRole-playing: Task 2 Activity 1Question 1 Key: b Question 2Key: aQuestion 3Key: aRole-playing: Task 2 Activity 2 Correct order: e, a, c, b, d, f, gRole-playing: Task 2 Activity 3Question 1 Key: b Question 2Key: aQuestion 3Key: aQuestion 4 Key: a Question 5Key: bQuestion 6Key: bPresenting: Task 1 Activity 1Q 1Key(s): Fish River Canyon Q 2Key(s): amazingly quietPresenting: Task 1 Activity 2 Keys: 1, 2, 3, 5, 8Short conversationsQuestion 1 Key: c Question 2Key: aQuestion 3Key: bQuestion 4Key: dQuestion 5Key: dLong conversationQuestion 1 Key: d Question 2Key: cQuestion 3Key: dQuestion 4Key: aPassages: Passage 1Question 1 Key: c Question 2Key: cQuestion 3Key: aQuestion 4Key: cPassages: Passage 2(1) participated in (2) access to (3) tremendous (4) currently (5) incredible (6) accompany (7) remarkable (8) amazing(9) catching a glimpse of (10) looking forward to单元检测Part 1:Q 1Key: dQ 2Key: c Q 3 Key: bQ 4 Key: b Q 5 Key: dPart 2: Q 1 Key: aQ 2 Key: bQ 3Key: dQ 4 Key: dPart 3: Q 1 Key: cQ 2 Key: bQ 3 Key: a Q 4 Key: d Q 5 Key: cPart 4: Q 1 Key: dial Q 2 Key: keeper Q 3 Key: smart Q 4 Key: figure outQ 5 Key:chemicallyQ 6 Key: rank high on Q 7 Key: intelligence Q 8 Key: recognize/recognise Q 9 Key: descriptive Q 10 Key: make decisions第八单元Sharing: Task 1(1) shopping(2) how they feel about shopping, where they usually shop, and what they have bought recently Sharing: Task 2Correct order: d, c, a, e, b, fSharing: Task 3Sharing: Task 4Keys: 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,10,12,13,15,16Listening: Task 2 Activity 1(1) food(2) rubber(3) 1891(4) concentrate(5) the mobile phone(6) 1973(7) countries(8) light(9) 2001(10) 500/five hundredListening: Task 2 Activity 2Keys: 1, 4, 5, 6, 7Viewing: Task 2 Activity 1Q 1Key(s):(1) early 30s(2) 6 billion/six billion Q 2Key(s): computer science studentsQ 3Key(s):(1) tour guide(2) in the group Q 4Key(s): searching the InternetQ 5Key(s):(1) 2000(2) successful business Q 6Key(s):(1) fastest growing(2) most profitableViewing: Task 2 Activity 2 Keys: 4, 5Role-playing: Task 2 Activity 1Question 1 Key: c Question 2Key: bQuestion 3Key: aQuestion 4Key: bQuestion 5Key: cRole-playing: Task 2 Activity 2Row 1: 2Row 2: 1Row 3: 2Row 4: 2Row 5: 1Row 6: 2Row 7: 1Row 8: 1Row 9: 2Row 10: 1Presenting: Task 1 Activity 1Q 1Key(s): footballers Q 2Key(s): fire fightersQ 3Key(s): doctors Q 4Key(s): teachersPresenting: Task 2 Step 1Correct order: b, e, c, d, a, f Short conversa tionsQuestion 1 Key: b Question 2Key: dQuestion 3Key: cQuestion 4Key: bQuestion 5Key: dLong conversationQuestion 1 Key: b Question 2Key: cQuestion 3Key: aQuestion 4Key: dPassages: Passage 1Question 1 Key: c Question 2Key: dQuestion 3Key: bQuestion 4Key: dPassages: Passage 2(1) evidence(2) enhance(3) interviewed(4) rated(5) took into account(6) forecast(7) emerged(8) was related to(9) adapt themselves to(10) original单元检测Part1:Q 1 Key: c Q 2Key: dQ 3Key: aQ 4Key: bQ 5Key: cPart2:Q 1 Key: c Q 2Key: cQ 3Key: bQ 4Key: dQ 5Key: aPart3:Q 1 Key: c Q 2Key: bQ 3Key: dQ 4Key: aQ 5Key: cPart4:Q 1Key: accessible Q 2Key: opens achecking accountQ 3Key: regularlyQ 4Key: ordersQ 5Key: exchangeQ 6 Key: bank account Q 7Key: returnQ 8Key: interestQ 9Key: insteadofQ 10Key: valuable。

新视野大学英语视听说教程第三版第一册练习答案新视野大学英语视听说教程第三版第一册练习答案Unit 1 Traces of the pastListening to the worldSharing2. 1) busy 2)friends 3) university 4) social life3.AEBDCF4.1) danced 2) view of the river 3) fun 4) drink 5) west 6) delicious meal 7) house 8) televisionListening2. 1) 1962 2) fourth 3) 1990 4) 19963. 1) teacher 2) cleaned houses 3) lost 4) visited 5) work 6) his wife 7) in his own wordsViewing1. 1) A famous ballet dancer 2) Havana 3) His home country, family and childhood.2.a c h f d e g bSpeaking for communicationRole-play1.Isabel went for a walk with her boyfriend while Marek played football and cleaned his flat.2.1) It was great. 2) He’s a football player. 3) It was really beautiful.3.1, 3, 5, 7 ,10Further practice in listeningShort conversations BABDDLong conversation DBCDPassage 1 DDBAPassage 21)programs 2) very 3) decisions 4) doing laundry 5) Obviously6)choices 7) ruining 8) get used to 9) opportunities 10) step backUnit 2 A break for funListening to the worldSharing2. 1) once a month 2) Not very often 3) once or twice 4) once a week 5) once every month 6) every fortnight3. 1) romantic 2) great 3) recommend 4) action 5) collection 6) real life 7) scenes 8) fantastic4. c d a bListening2. blonde, blue, dark, masculine3. Woman 1: Sean Connery; Woman 2: Gael Garcia Bernal and Will Smith;Man 1: Judi Dench; Man 2: Scarlett Johansson4.Speakers Height/BuildHair/Beard Eyes Other aspectsWoman 1 tall with abeard/ masculine face/best-lookingWoman 2 / black hair darkbrown feminineface/good-looking/nice smileWoman 3 / red hair / good-lookingMan 1 / / grey lovely/beautiful clothes/kindand intelligentMan 2 slim blonde hair blue lovelyViewing1.1) It is a music festival2)It is held in the Isle of Wight every September.3)I think people can enjoy the music at the festival and have fun with their families and friends.2. 2, 4, 63. 1) garden; baby and wife; 2) traditional values; like; 3) being together Speaking for communicationRole-play1.1)fell like 2) What do you recommend 3) how about 4) What’s it about 5)Who’s in it 6) Do you think 7) Why don’t we2. 1, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10Further practice in listeningShort conversations DBCADLong conversation DCBCPassage 1 ABACPassage 21) comic 2) traffic 3) constantly 4) available 5) took part in6) attracted 7) audience 8) free of charge 9) put forward 10) embraceUnit 3 Life momentsListening to the worldSharing2.1) because there’s so much to do2)He has been to lots of interesting places but there’s always something new to experience3) How do you feel about London?3. A C H B G F D E4. 1) exciting 2) amazing concert 3) incredible 4) the theater 5) the best place 6) different 7) compared to 8) play football 9) interesting things 10) the best thing 11) tickets 12) culture and sportListening2. a d h e b g c f3. 1) In Australia 2) Because he decided to go further after he realized he didn’t know where he was 3) Really frightened 4) Don’t move, and don’t look at the dogs 5) A treeViewing2. Francesco is an architect and historian. He visits the island of Crete and goesto a local wedding.3.2,44.1)Crete is the biggest island in Greece.2)She is a little nervous.3)All the women in the village are helping prepare the wedding feast.4)About 1500 people.5)They give money as gifts.6) There is so much to see, do and eat at the wedding. Francesco is overwhelmed by all that.Speaking for communicationRole-playWhy do they callWhom do theycallCaller 1 A friend The caller has locked her keys in the car and callsher friend to get the spare key.Caller 2 A service person The caller has lost his credit card and calls thebank to report it.Caller 3 A stranger The caller has lost his cell phone and calls his owncell phone to see who has it.2. 1) It’s 2) there 3) leave a message 4) call 5) speak 6) moment 7)ring 8) number 9) this 10) picking upFurther practice in listeningShort conversations CCBDALong conversation BCADPassage 1 CABCPassage 21) mountainous 2) frightened 3) took place 4) vanish 5) occurred6) massive 7) caught 8) keep us away from 9) grateful 10) in advanceUnit 4 Getting from A to BListening to the worldSharing2. A: bus B: car C: walking D: walking, the tube E: bus, walking F: bike3. 1) fresh air 2) avoid holes 3) think about 4) dream 5) looking out of the window 6) an accident4.E F A D B C5.B C A D F E6.1) by underground 2) go to school by bus 3) about an hour 4) listen to music 5) look out of the windowListening1. B C A5. 1) 1962 2) leave their cars at home 3) public transport 4) build 5) keep in good condition 6) 1948 7) got in and drove away 8) engineering problem 9) too heavy 10) strong 11) private 12) difficult to fly 13) traffic problem Viewing2. 1) queuing 2) making phone calls 3) pizza 4) playing outside 5) chess3.A: 3,5 B: 2 C: 1,6 D: 44.1) airport managers 2) relax 3) pass the time 4) midnight 5) their flight 6) 300 7) 319 8) 5005.1) Beijing 2) terrible 3) 7 p.m. 4) a computer problem in the control tower 5) cancelled 6) another flight 7) queue/wait 8) sleeping everywhere at the airport 9) took off 10) 3 o’clock this morningSpeaking for communicationRole-play1. 1) tied up; customer 2) 20; coffee 3) delayed; cow; stations2. 1) all right 2) mean 3) not acceptable 4) won’t 5) really 6) not my fault3. Acceptable: 3,4,6,7Further practice in listeningShort conversations CBDDALong conversation CBDDPassage 1 CADAPassage 21) Gradually 2) enabled 3) vehicles 4) dates back to 5) As a result6) thoroughly 7) capacity 8) turn 9) automobiles 10) thanks toUnit 5 Relax and exploreListening to the worldSharing2. adventure holidays, beach holidays, city breaks, activity holidays, swimming,skiing, relaxing holidays3. 1, 4, 5, 7, 104. 1) relaxing 2) fantastic 3) lovely 4) Amazing 5) thoroughly enjoyed 6) Lovely 7) fantasticListening3. 1) more comfortable 2) Plane 3) faster 4) In a hotel 5) more comfortable 6) In an apartment 7) more expensive 8) Go sightseeing 9) Go sightseeing 10) more interesting 11) In summer 12) better 13) hotter 14) hot weather15) In spring 16) more crowded 17) Go to a restaurant 18) quieter 19) Go toa restaurant 20) quieter 21) more relaxing 22) A month 23) A month Viewing1. 1) La Boca 2) Football and polo 3) Argentinian beef2. c a f d e b3. 1) widest; cuts through 2) football; his career 3) famous; 1800s 4) apparently 5) 80 6) fantastic meat 7) vegetables 8) family and friends; wonderful momentsSpeaking for communicationRole-play1. 2,4,5,82. 1) Could I have 2) can we have 3) that 4) French 5) I’d like 6) The sameFurther practice in listeningShort conversations ADACCLong conversation DCDCPassage 1 DBACPassage 21) celebrate 2) provide us with 3) sticking to 4) challenges 5) anticipating 6) portions 7) stuff 8) take hold of 9) effective 10) strategiesUnit 6 Wit and fitListening to the worldSharing2. 1) exercise 2) full-time 3) running3. 1, 54. D G A E B C F5. 1) a sweet tooth 2) sweet 3) coffee 4) chocolate 5) Eating late 6) regularly 7) too much 8) fast food 9) far too many 10) cakeListening3. 1) eating problems 2) replace normal food 3) eat only food pills 4) taste different 5) change its flavor 6) become common4. 2Viewing1.Play: basketball, badminton, rugby, cricket, volleyball, squash, football, tennisGo: surfing, horse racing, jogging, cycling, swimming, rollerblading, skiing 2. Corbett finds it difficult to keep calm probably because he is beaten by Barker, who has never played squash before.3. C A C D D4. BBBCC BCBCCSpeaking for communicationRole-play1. d b f e a c2. 1) tea and coffee 2) one small cup 3) painkillers 4) three times a day 5) Foot pain 6) worry aboutFurther practice in listeningShort conversations CBDBDLong conversation CBAAPassage 1 BDBAPassage 21) pressures 2) disappear 3) compromise 4) alcohol 5) intense6) interferes with 7) undermine 8) pay attention to 9) suffers from 10) competitiveUnit 7 Weird, wild and wonderfulListening to the worldSharing2. 1, 3, 43. CAFDEB4. 1) Snakes 2) the end 3) hate 4) scared of 5) afraid of 6) horses 7) frighten 8) scares 9) memories 10) sharks 11) unknownListening3. 1) encir. probs. 2) ˃6 bil.3) 2050 4) ˃9 bil.5) popu. 6) probs4. 1) 3 2) probs. 3) water 4) < 5) 4.52L 6) 600 L 7) ˃8) diffi. 9) animals 10) ↑11) ↓12) Rainf. 13) 150,000 k㎡14) the weather 15) ↑16) ↑ 17) ↑Viewing2. 2, 33. CCAA4. 1) beautiful 2) magical 3) lovely 4) fantastic 5) happy 6) astonishing Speaking for communicationRole-play2.BAA3.e a c b d f gFurther practice in listeningShort conversations CABDDLong conversation DCDAPassage 1 CCACPassage 21) participated in 2) access 3) tremendous 4) currently 5) incredible6) accompany 7) remarkable 8) amazing 9) catching a glimpse of 10) looking forward toUnit 8 Money mattersListening to the worldSharing2. CEBADF3. BBABBA4. dress, book, handbad, trousers, trainers, shoes, coat, sunglasses, tops, skirts, telephoneListening1. CABD3. chewing gum, the mobile phone, the iPod and MonopolyMoney-making ideas DetailsChewing gum a food which you don’t eat, a sweet made of rubber,originally made from chicle, but now mostly fromrubber, Wrigley Company started making and selling itin 1891, helps to concentrate, industry: worth nearly 20billion dollars a yearThe mobile phone 1908: the first telephone that could be carried around1973: the modern mobile phone was invented by MartinCooper1980s: mobiles became popularMany countries e.g. the UK, now have more mobilephones than peopleThe iPod Small and light, plays and stores music, Apple inventedit, but Vinnie Chieco gave the iPod its name, 2001: theiPod arrived on the market, from January to March2007, Apple earned 1.8 billion pounds from iPod sales Monopoly 1934: Charles Darrow shoed a game to Parker Brothers;Parker Brothers didn’t want to invest in it;Darrow made 500 copies of the game and sold themunder the name “Monopoly”;The idea of the game: buy streets where you can buildhouses and hotels;Became popular and Parker Brothers agreed to produceit;Sold over 200 million sets;750 million people have played it;Sold in 103 countries and in 37 languages5. 1, 4, 5, 6, 7Viewing2. 1) early 30s; 6 billion 2) computer science students 3) tour guide; in the group 4) searching the Internet 5) 2000; successful business 6) fastest growing; most profitable3. 4,5Speaking for communicationRole-play1. CBABC2. SSCCS CSSCCFurther practice in listeningShort conversations BDCBDLong conversation BCADPassage 1 CDBDPassage 21) evidence 2) enhance 3) interviewed 4) rated 5) took into account6) forecast 7) emerged 8) was related to 9) adapt themselves to 10) original。

2.3 1 3 5 7 10
Presenting 1.1 (1)a small town ( 2 )1993 ( 3 )2008 ( 4 )2003 ( 5 )seven 1.2 1 4 5 7 8 9 10
新视野大学英语(第三版)视听说教程 1
Unit 1
Sharing 1.2 ( 1 )busy ( 2 )friends ( 3 )university (4)social life
1.3 a-c-e-d-b-f 1.4 ( 1 )danced (2)view of ( 3 )fun ( 4 )drink ( 5 )west (6)delicious meal ( 7 )house
Listening 2.1
C 2.2 ( 1 )blonde ( 2 )blue ( 3 )dark ( 4 )masculine
2.4 ( 1 )tall (2)masculine face
(3)black hair (4)dark browlim (8)blonde hair ( 9 )lovely
Sharing 1.2
Unit 2
(1)a month (2)Not very often (3)once or twice (4)a week (5)every month (6)every fortnight
1.3 ( 1 )romantic ( 2 )great ( 3 )recommend ( 4 )action ( 5 )collection (6)real life ( 7 )scenes ( 8 )fantastic 1.4 c-d-a-b

新视野大学英语(第三版)视听说教程1 Unit 1Sharing(1)busy(2)friends(3)university (4)social lifea-c-e-d-b-f(1)danced(2)view of(3)fun(4)drink(5)west(6)delicious meal (7)house(8)TV Listening(1)1962(2)4th(3)1990(4)1996(1)teacher(2)cleaned houses (3)lost(4)visited(5)work(6)his wife(7)in his own wordsViewinga-c-h-f-d-e-g-b(1)home(2)country(3)relatives(4)foreigner(5)speak(6)passed on(7)heat(8)sea(9)happinessRole-playing(1)It was great(2)He's a football player (3)It was really beautiful 1 3 5 7 10 Presenting(1)a small town (2)1993(3)2008(4)2003(5)seven1 4 5 7 8 9 10 Conversations一BABDD二DBCD三DDBA Passage 2(1)programmes (2)very(3)decisions (4)doing laundry (5)Obviously (6)choices (7)ruining (8)get used to (9)opportunities (10)step backNews report一BC二DCUnit testPart ICADDAPart II CDABCPart IIICBABDPart IV(1)achievements (2)specialised(3)vast(4)professional (5)educated(6)was familiar (7)extensively (8)elegantly(9)a great deal (10)BesidesUnit 2 Sharing(1)a month (2)Not very often (3)once or twice (4)a week(5)every month (6)every fortnight(1)romantic (2)great(3)recommend (4)action(5)collection (6)real life(7)scenes(8)fantasticc-d-a-bListening C(1)blonde(2)blue(3)dark(4)masculine(1)tall(2)masculine face (3)black hair (4)dark brown (5)red hair(6)grey(7)slim(8)blonde hair (9)lovelyViewing(1)garden(2)baby and wife(3)traditional values(4)likes(5)being togetherRole-playing(1)feel like(2)What do you recommend (3)how about(4)What's it about(5)Who's in it (6)Do you think (7)Why don't wePresenting(1)a free concert (2)evening (3)City Park (4)boyfriend (5)a picnic (6)stage(7)lay(8)fantastic BABABAConversations一DBCAD二DCBC三ABAC Passage 2(1)comic(2)traffic(3)constantly (4)available (5)took part in (6)attracted (7)audience (8)free of charge (9)put forward (10)embraceNews report一AC二CD Unit testPart IDACBAPart IIACACDPart IIICAADDPart IV(1)too much(2)warning(3)affected by(4)back(5)drive people to suicide (6)pointed out(7)recent(8)commit(9)prevention(10)it's timeUnit 3 Sharing(1)living(2)much(3)interesting places (4)something(5)experience (6)feel abouta-d-b-g-h-f-e-c(1)exciting(2)amazing concert (3)incredible(4)the theatre (5)the best place (6)different(7)compared to (8)play football (9)interesting things (10)the best thing (11)tickets(12)culture Listeninga-d-h-e-b-g-c-f(1)Australia(2)outback(3)go further(4)frightened(5)Don't move (6)the dogs(7)frighteningViewing(1)biggest island (2)nervous (3)women (4)1500(5)money(6)overwhelmed Role-playing(1)It's(2)there (3)leave a message (4)call(5)speak(6)moment(7)ring(8)number(9)this(10)picking up PresentingConversations一CCBDA二BCAD三CABCPassage 2(1)mountainous (2)frightened(3)took place(4)vanish(5)occurred(6)massive(7)caught(8)keep us away from (9)grateful(10)in advanceNews report一CA二DCUnit testPart I CBAADPart IICADBAPart IIIABCDDPart IV(1)apply for(2)commitment(3)opportunity(4)restaurant(5)developed(6)working practices (7)attending(8)add(9)personal qualities (10)a positive additionUnit 4Sharing(1)fresh air (2)avoid holes (3)think about (4)dream (5)looking out (6)an accidentc-e-f-d-a-bc-a-b-d-f-e Listening (1)1962(2)1948(3)leave(4)public transport (5)in and drove(6)private(7)build(8)good condition (9)engineering problem (10)too heavy(11)strong(12)difficult to fly (13)traffic problemsViewingAAABA(1)airport managers (2)relax(3)pass the time (4)midnight(5)their flight (6)three hundred (7)319(8)500Role-playing(1)tied up(2)customer(3)20(4)coffee (5)delayed(6)cow(7)stationsBABABBPresenting(1)a vegetarian meal (2)meat(3)his order(4)business class (5)cold(6)the person in chargeABBBAABAConversations一CBDDA二CBDD三CADA Passage 2(1)Gradually (2)enabled (3)vehicles (4)dates back to (5)As a result (6)thoroughly (7)capacity (8)turn(9)automobiles (10)thanks toNews report一 D D二 D B C Unit testPart IBBDADPart IICDACPart III CBDACPart IV(1)motor (2)sufferer (3)range from (4)results from (5)relies on (6)confused (7)still(8)folk(9)avoid (10)wingUnit 5 SharingAnswers:1 4 5 7 10(1)relaxing(2)fantastic(3)lovely(4)Amazing(5)thoroughly enjoyed (6)Lovely(7)fantastic Listening(1)comfortable (2)Plane(3)faster(4)In a hotel (5)comfortable (6)In an apartment (7)expensive (8)sightseeing (9)sightseeing (10)interesting (11)In summer (12)better(13)hot weather (14)In spring (15)crowded (16)a restaurant (17)quieter(18)a restaurant (19)quieter (20)A monthViewingc-a-f-d-e-b(1)widest (2)cuts through (3)football (4)his career (5)famous (6)1800s(7)apparently (8)80 (9)fantastic meat (10)vegetables (11)family and friends (12)wonderful momentsRole-playing2 4 5 8(1)Could I have(2)can we have(3)that(4)French(5)I'd like(6)The sameConversations一ADACC二DCDC三DBAC Passage 2(1)celebrate (2)provide us with (3)sticking to (4)challenges (5)anticipating (6)portions(7)stuff(8)take hold of (9)effective (10)strategiesNews report一 B D二 A DUnit testPart I CCDAAPart IIBBBDPart IIIBCABDPart IV(1)hang(2)remains(3)symbol(4)performed(5)held on(6)represent(7)sweets(8)the holiday season (9)appeared to (10)spread toUnit 6 Sharing(1)exercise(2)full-time(3)running1 5Answers:c-e-f-a-d-g-b(1)a sweet tooth (2)sweet(3)coffee(4)chocolate (5)Eating late (6)regularly(7)too much(8)fast food(9)far too many (10)cakeListening(1)eating problems (2)replace normal (3)food pills(4)taste different (5)its flavor(6)become common 2ViewingCACDDRole-playingd-b-f-e-a-c(1)tea and coffee (2)one small cup (3)painkillers (4)three times a day (5)Foot pain(6)worry about Presenting (1)feel relaxed (2)much exercise (3)sporting hero (4)walk a day1 2 4 6 Conversations一CBDBD二CBAA三BDBA Passage 2(1)pressures (2)disappear (3)compromise (4)alcohol(5)intense(6)interferes with (7)undermine (8)pay attention to(9)suffers from (10)competitiveNews report一DD二CAUnit testPart IAACDBPart IIACBBAPart IIICCDDDPart IV(1)perfectly (2)sewing (3)distant(4)suffer from(5)at arm's length (6)cloudy(7)judging(8)slightly(9)background (10)eye viewsUnit 7 SharingAnswers:b-f-a-d-e-c(1)Snakes (2)the end (3)hate(4)scared of (5)afraid of (6)horses (7)frighten (8)scares (9)memories (10)sharks (11)unknownListening(1)three(2)water (3)animals (4)the weather. ViewingCCAA(1)beautiful (2)magical (3)lovely (4)fantastic (5)happy (6)astonishingRole-playingBAAe-a-c-b-d-f-gBAAABB Presenting(1)Fish River Canyon (2)amazingly quiet12358 Conversations 一CABDD二DCDA三CCACPassage 2(1)participated in(2)access to(3)tremendous(4)currently(5)incredible(6)accompany(7)remarkable(8)amazing(9)catching a glimpse of (10)looking forward toNews report一BB二CAUnit testPart IDCBBDPart IIABDDPart IIICBADCPart IV(1)dial(2)keeper(3)smart(4)figure out (5)chemically (6)rank high on (7)intelligence (8)recognize(9)descriptive (10)make decisionsUnit 8 Sharingd-c-a-e-b-fBBABBAListening(1)food(2)rubber(3)1891(4)concentrate (5)the mobile phone(6)1973 (7)countries (8)light (9)2001(10 5001 4 5 6 7Viewing(1)early 30s(2)6 billion(3)computer science students (4)tour guide(5)in the group(6)searching the Internet (7)2000(8)successful business (9)fastest growing(10)most profitable Role-playingCBABCPresenting(1)footballers (2)fire fighters (3)doctors (4)teachersb-e-c-d-a-f Conversations一BDCBD二BCAD三CDBDPassage 2(1)evidence(2)enhance(3)interviewed(4)rated(5)took into account (6)forecast(7)emerged(8)was related to (9)adapt themselves to (10)originalNews report一ACA二DCDUnit test Part ICDABCPart IICCBDAPart IIICBDACPart IV(1)accessible(2)opens a checking account (3)regularly(4)orders(5)exchange(6)bank account(7)return(8)interest(9)instead of(10)valuable。

第一单元Sharing 1Reference: their social life Reference: whether they go out a lot and what they did when they went out last night Reference: leisure activities Reference: how often they go to the cinema, what films they saw last time and their favorite films, actors, and actresses2busy friends university social life3.Answers:a-c-e-d-b-f4.danced view of fun drink west delicious meal house television / TVListening2.11962 4th 1990 19962.2teacher cleaned houses lost visited work his wifein his own wordsViewing1A famous ballet dancer. Havana. His home country, family and childhood.2.1Answers:a-c-h-f-d-e-g-b2.2home country relatives foreigner speak passed on heat sea happinessRole-playing2.1It was great He's a football player It was really beautiful2.2135710Presenting1.1a small town 1993 2008 2003 7 / seven1.214578910Conversations1BABDDDBCDPassagesDDBA programmes very decisions doing laundry Obviously choices ruining get used toopportunities step backCheck & check1234Unit testCADDA CDABC CBABDachievements specialised vast professional educated was familiar extensively elegantly a great deal Besides第二单元Sharing 1Reference: leisure activities Reference: how often they go to the cinema, what filmsthey saw last time and their favorite films, actors, and actresses2a month Not very often once or twice a week every monthevery fortnight3.romantic great recommend action collectionreal life scenes fantastic4.Answers: c-d-a-bListening2.1C2.3Women 2 Man 2 Women 1 Man 1 Women 22.4tall masculine face / best-looking black hair dark brown red hairgrey slim blonde hair lovelyViewing2.12462.2garden baby and wife traditional values likesbeing togetherRole-playing2.1feel like What do you recommend how aboutWhat's it about Who's in it Do you think Why don't we2.214578910Presenting1.1a free concert evening City Park boyfrienda picnic stage lay fantastic1.2BABABAConversations1DBCAD DCBCPassagesABAC comic traffic constantly availabletook part in attracted audience free of charge put forward embraceUnit testDACBA ACACD CAADDtoo much warning affected by backdrive people to suicide pointed out recent commitprevention it's time第三单元Sharing 1Reference: living in London Reference: how they feel about Londonand the most exciting things they have done in Londonliving much interesting places somethingexperience feel aboutAnswers: a-d-b-g-h-f-e-cexciting amazing concert incredible the theatrethe best place different compared to play football interesting things the best thing ticketscultureListening2.1Answers: a-d-h-e-b-g-c-fAustralia outback go further frightenedDon't move the dogs frighteningViewing2.12 4biggest island nervous women 1500 money overwhelmedRole-playing2.it's / It is there leave a message call speak moment ring number this picking upPresenting1.1Climbing a volcano Speaker 1Sailing down the Nile Speaker 21.21345789Conversations1CCBDA BCADPassagesCABC mountainous frightened took place vanishoccurred massive caught keep us away from grateful in advanceUnit testCBAAD CADBA ABCDDapply for commitment opportunity restaurant developed working practices attending add personal qualities a positive addition第四单元their journey to workfresh air avoid holes think about dream looking out an accidentcefdab cabdfeWhen What Who What problem How1962, 1948 ,leave, public transport , in and drove ,private,build,good condition,engineering problem,too heavy,strong,difficult to fly,traffic problemsAAABA 321413airport managers,relax,pass the time,midnight,their flight,three hundred,319,500tied up,customer,20,coffee,delayed,cow,stations.BABABB 3467a vegetarian meal,meat,his order,business class,cold,the person in chargeABBBA ABACBDDA CBDD CADAGradually, enabled, vehicles, dates back to, As a result, thoroughly, capacity, turn, automobiles, thanks toBBDAD CDAC CBDACmotor, sufferer, range from, results from, relies on, confused, still, folk, avoid, wing第五单元their holidays123791011 145710 relaxing,fantastic,lovely,Amazing,thoroughly enjoyed,Lovely,fantasticcomfortable,Plane,faster,In a hotel,comfortable,In an apartment,expensive,sightseeing,sightseeing,interesting,In summer,better,hot weather,In spring,crowded,a restaurant,quieter,a restaurant,quieter,A monthCAFDEB widest,cuts throug h,football,his career,famous,1800s,apparently,80,fantastic meat,vegetables,family and friends,wonderful moments2458Could I have+can we have+that++French+I'd like+The sameItaly+beach++swim+bars+sit+dance-fresh vegetables+amazing1347ADACC DCDC DBACcelebrate+provide us with+sticking to+challenges+anticipating+portions+stuff+take hold of+effective+strategiesCCDAA BBBD BCABDhang+remains+symbol+performed+held on+represent+sweets+the holiday season +appeared to+spread totheir lifestyleexercise+full-time+running15Cefadgba sweet tooth+sweet+coffee+chocolate+Eating late+regularly+too much+fast food+far too many+cakeeating problems++replace normal+food pills+taste different+its flavor+become common 2CACDD 11122 12122d-b-f-e-a-c tea and coffe e+one small cup+painkillers+three times a day+Foot pain +worry aboutfeel relaxed++much exercise+sporting hero+walk a day 12461) How often do you do sports?2) What is your favorite sport?3) Which do you prefer, individual sports or team sports?4) Who is your sporting hero? / Do you have a sporting hero? Who is it?5) What sport did you enjoy most in the past? / What sport did you often do in the past?6) What sport would you like to try?CBDBD CBAA BDBApressures+disappear+compromise+alcohol+intense+interferes with+undermine+pay attention to+suffers from+competitiveAACDB AABBA CCDDD perfectly+sewing+distant+suffer from+at arm's length+cloudy +judging+slightly+background+eye viewscountryside life and wildlife134bfadecSnakes+the end+hate+scared of+afraid of+horses+frighten+scares+memories +sharks+unknownthree+water+animals+the weather+envir Probs.+>6 bil+2050+9 bill+popu+probs 3 + probs.+water+<+4.5 L+600 L+>+diffi+animals+↑+↓+Rainf+150,000 km2+the weather+↑+↑+↑CCAA beautiful+magical+lovely+fantastic+happy+astonishing+BAA eacbdfg BAAABB Fish River Canyon+amazingly quiet+12358+CABDD DCDA CCACparticipated in+access to+tremendous+currently+incredible++accompany+remarkable+amazing+catching a glimpse of+l ooking forward toDCBBD ABDD CBADC dia l+keeper++smart+figure out+chemically+rank high on +intelligence++recognize+descriptive+make decisions第八单元Shopping dcaebf BBABBA 14567810 12131516food+rubber+1891+concentrate+the mobile phone+1973+countries+light+2001+500 14567early 30s+6 billion+computer science students++tour guide+in the group+searching the Internet+2000+successful business+fastest growing+most profitable 45CBABC 21221 21121Footballers+fire fighters+doctors+teachers b-e-c-d-a-fThe profession that should get the highest pay:People need special and extensive training to become doctors.They relieve our pain, cure our diseases, and save our lives.Their work is indispensable to everyone and they cannot be replaced by anyone else. The profession that should get the lowest pay:Footballers' work is to entertain some peoIt doesn't add any real value toThey make money simply by playing— it's not real work and it's so easy. BDCBD BCAD CDBDevidence+enhance+interviewed+rated+took into account+forecast++emerged+was related to+adapt themselves to++originalCDABC CCBDA CBDAC accessible+opens a checking account+regularly+orders+exchange+bank account+return+interest+instead of+valuable。

新视野大学英语(第三版)视听说教程第一册练习答案一、Listening Comprehension1. Answer: D. It will be delivered tomorrow.2. Answer: B. He wishes he could go with the woman.3. Answer: A. The woman should practice speaking in English.4. Answer: C. The woman should ask for directions.5. Answer: D. It will rain tomorrow.6. Answer: B. She will check her email first.7. Answer: C. The man shouldn't eat junk food.8. Answer: A. There is a meeting at 4 p.m.9. Answer: B. The man used to live in London.10. Answer: D. She is going to visit the museum.11. Answer: A. They are looking forward to the weekend.12. Answer: C. The man doesn't like sunny weather.13. Answer: B. The woman is entering a singing competition.14. Answer: A. The man is going to the library.15. Answer: C. The woman should try a different approach.二、Reading ComprehensionPart A: Reading Comprehension1. Answer: A. The development of e-books has brought new opportunities for blind readers.2. Answer: D. It can benefit visually impaired readers in various ways.3. Answer: B. In 1928.4. Answer: C. Similar to ripples spreading out in water.5. Answer: D. The ability to customize font size and brightness.6. Answer: B. Provide a better reading experience for people with low vision.7. Answer: A. Smaller and lighter.8. Answer: C. The innovation and advances in technology.9. Answer: B. They offer convenience and accessibility to readers.10. Answer: A. Braille displays are expensive and less portable.Part B: Cloze11. Answer: D. expanding12. Answer: B. encountering13. Answer: C. particularly14. Answer: A. proficiency15. Answer: D. accurate16. Answer: B. effective17. Answer: C. involved18. Answer: A. second19. Answer: B. curriculum20. Answer: D. potential三、Listening and SpeakingPart A: Listening1. D. The man couldn't get a seat on the train.2. C. It is cheaper than driving his own car.3. A. The bus schedule has changed.4. B. She is too young to watch the movie.5. D. The woman didn't expect the weather to be so cold.Part B: Speaking1. I believe attending university abroad is a valuable experience. Firstly, it allows students to immerse themselves in a new culture and gain a broader perspective. Secondly, studying in a foreign country can improve language skills and encourage independence. Finally, international students have the opportunity to make friends from around the world and build a global network. Overall, studying abroad can greatly enhance personal growth and future career prospects.2. In my opinion, technology has both positive and negative effects on society. On one hand, it has greatly improved communication andconvenience in our daily lives. For example, smartphones enable us to connect with people instantly and access information from anywhere. On the other hand, technology has also led to issues such as privacy concerns and decreased face-to-face interaction. Therefore, while technology brings numerous benefits, it is important to use it responsibly and maintain a balance between virtual and real-life interactions.。

第一册第一单元Sharing: Task 1(1) their social life(2) whether they go out a lot and what they did when they went out last night Sharing: Task 2(1) busy(2) friends(3) university(4) social lifeSharing: Task 3Correct order: a, c, e, d, b, fSharing: Task 4Q 1Key(s): danced Q 2Key(s):(1) view of(2) funQ 3Key(s): drinkQ 4Key(s):(1) west(2) delicious mealQ 5Key(s):(1) house(2) television/TVListening: Task 2 Activity 1Q 1Key(s): 1962 Q 2Key(s): fourth/4thQ 3Key(s): 1990Q 4Key(s): 1996Listening: Task 2 Activity 2 (1) teacher(2) cleaned houses(3) lost(4) visited(5) work(6) his wife(7) in his own wordsViewing: Task 2 Activity 1Correct order: a, c, h, f, d, e, g, b Viewing: Task 2 Activity 2(1) home(2) country(3) relatives(4) foreigner(5) speak(6) passed on(7) heat(8) sea(9) happinessRole-playing: Task 2 Activity 1(1) It was great(2) He's a football player/He is a football player(3) It was really beautifulRole-playing: Task 2 Activity 2 Keys: 1, 3, 5, 7, 10Presenting: Task 1 Activity 1Q 1a small town Q 21993Q 32008Q 42003Q 57/sevenPresenting: Task 1 Activity 2 Keys: 1, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10Short conversations1.b2.a3.b4.d5.dLong conversation1.d2.b3.c4.dPassages: Passage 11.d2.d3.b4.a Passages: Passage 2(1) programs/programmes(2) very(3) decisions(4) doing laundry(5) Obviously(6) choices(7) ruining(8) get used to(9) opportunities(10) step back单元检测Part1 c a d d aPart2 c d a b cPart3 c b a b dPart 4:achievementsspecialized/specializedvastprofessionaleducatedwas familiarextensivelyelegantlya great dealBesides第二单元Sharing: Task 1(1) leisure activities(2) how often they go to the cinema, what films they saw last time and their favorite films, actors, and actressesSharing: Task 2(1) a month(2) Not very often(3) once or twice(4) a week(5) every month(6) every fortnightSharing: Task 31.(1) romantic (2) great2.(1) recommend (2) action3.(1) collection (2) real life4.(1) scenes (2) fantasticSharing: Task 4Correct order: c, d, a, bTask 2 Activity 1Key:cListening: Task 2 Activity 2Q 1: blonde Q 2:blueQ 3:darkQ 4:masculineRow 1: 2Row 2: 4Row 3: 1Row 4: 3Row 5: 2Listening: Task 2 Activity 4(1) tall(2) masculine face/ best-looking(3) black hair(4) dark brown(5) red hair(6) grey(7) slim(8) blonde hair(9) lovelyViewing: Task 2 Activity 12 4 6Viewing: Task 2 Activity 21.(1) garden(2) baby and wife2.(1) traditional values3.(2) likes4.being togetherRole-playing: Task 2 Activity 1(1) feel like(2) What do you recommend(3) how about(4) What's it about/What is it about(5) Who's in it/Who is in it(6) Do you think(7) Why don't weRole-playing: Task 2 Activity 2 Keys: 1, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 101. a free concert2. (1) evening (2) City Park3. boyfriend4. (1) a picnic (2) stage (3) lay5. FantasticPresenting: Task 1 Activity 2 b a b a b aShort conversationsd b c a dLong conversationd c b cPassages: Passage 1a b a cPassages: Passage 2(1) comic(2) traffic(3) constantly(4) available(5) took part in(6) attracted(7) audience(8) free of charge(9) put forward(10) embrace单元检测Part1d a c b aPart2a c a c dPart3c a ad dPart4too muchwarningaffected bybackdrive people to suicidepointed outrecentcommitpreventionit's time/it is time第三单元Sharing: Task 1(1) living in London(2) how they feel about London and the most exciting things they have done in London Sharing: Task 2(1) living(2) much(3) interesting places(4) something(5) experience(6) feel aboutSharing: Task 3Correct order: a, d, b, g, h, f, e, cSharing: Task 41.(1) exciting2.(2) amazing concert3.(3) incredible4.the theater/the theatre5.(1) the best place6.(2) different7.(3) compared to4. play football5. (1) interesting things(2) the best thing(3) tickets(4) cultureListening: Task 2 Activity 1Correct order: a, d, h, e, b, g, c, f Listening: Task 2 Activity 2(1) Australia(2) outback(3) go further(4) frightened(5) Don't move(6) the dogs(7) frighteningViewing: Task 2 Activity 1 Keys: 2, 4Viewing: Task 2 Activity 2biggest islandnervouswomen1500moneyoverwhelmedRole-playing: Task 2 Activity 1It's / It isthereleave a messagecallspeakmomentringnumberthispicking upPresenting: Task 1 Activity 1Row 1:Row 2: 1Row 3:Row 4: 2Presenting: Task 1 Activity 2 Keys: 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9Short conversationsc c bd aLong conversationb c a dPassages: Passage 1c a b cPassages: Passage 2(1) mountainous(2) frightened(3) took place(4) vanish(5) occurred(6) massive(7) caught(8) keep us away from(9) grateful(10) in advance单元检测Part1 c b a a dPart2 c a d b aPart3 a b c d dPart4apply forcommitmentopportunityrestaurantdevelopedworking practicesattendingaddpersonal qualitiesa positive addition第四单元Sharing: Task 1(1) their journey to work(2) how they get to work, what they do on their journey to work and what they like and don't like about their journeySharing: Task 2Row 1: 1Row 2: 2Row 3: 3Row 4: 3, 4Row 5: 1, 3Row 6: 5Sharing: Task 3Q 1Key(s):(1) fresh air(2) avoid holesQ 2Key(s): think aboutQ 3Key(s):(1) dream(2) looking outQ 4Key(s): an accidentSharing: Task 4Correct order: c, e, f, d, a, b Sharing: Task 5Correct order: c, a, b, d, f, e Listening: Task 2 Activity 1Q 1Key(s): When Q 2Key(s): WhatQ 3Key(s): WhoQ 4Key(s): WhatQ 5Key(s): problemQ 6Key(s): HowListening: Task 2 Activity 2(1) 1962(2) 1948(3) leave(4) public transport(5) in and drove(6) private(7) build(8) good condition(9) engineering problem(10) too heavy(11) strong(12) difficult to fly(13) traffic problemsTask 3 Activity 2The Horseless Sulky:? It can only hold two people.? It's difficult to slow down.? It's open to bad weather conditions.The Lightning Bug:? It's very small.? It's difficult to get in and out.Viewing: Task 2 Activity 1Question 1 Key: a Question 2Key: aQuestion 3Key: aQuestion 4Key: bQuestion 5Key: aViewing: Task 2 Activity 2Row 1: 3Row 2: 2Row 3: 1Row 4: 4Row 5: 1Row 6: 3Viewing: Task 2 Activity 3(1) airport managers(2) relax(3) pass the time(4) midnight(5) their flight(6) 300/three hundred(7) 319/three hundred and nineteen(8) 500/five hundredRole-playing: Task 2 Activity 1Q 1Key(s):(1) tied up(2) customer Q 2Key(s):(1) 20(2) coffeeQ 3Key(s):(1) delayed(2) cow(3) stationsRole-playing: Task 2 Activity 2Question 1 Key: b Question 2Key: aQuestion 3Key: bQuestion 4Key: aQuestion 5Key: bQuestion 6Key: bRole-playing: Task 2 Activity 3Keys: 3, 4, 6, 7Presenting: Task 1 Activity 1(1) a vegetarian meal(2) meat(3) his order(4) business class(5) cold(6) the person in charge Presenting: Task 1 Activity 2Question 1 Key: a Question 2Key: bQuestion 3Key: bQuestion 4Key: bQuestion 5Key: aQuestion 6Key: aQuestion 7Key: bQuestion 8Key: aShort conversationsQuestion 1 Key: c Question 2Key: bQuestion 3Key: dQuestion 4Key: dQuestion 5Key: aLong conversationQuestion 1 Key: c Question 2Key: bQuestion 3Key: dQuestion 4Key: dPassages: Passage 1Question 1 Key: c Question 2Key: aQuestion 3Key: dQuestion 4Key: aPassages: Passage 2(1) Gradually(2) enabled(3) vehicles(4) dates back to(5) As a result(6) thoroughly(7) capacity(8) turn(9) automobiles(10) thanks to 单元检测Part 1:Q 1 Key: b Q 2Key: bQ 3Key: dQ 4Key: aQ 5Key: dPart 2:Q 1 Key: c Q 2Key: dQ 3Key: aQ 4Key: cPart 3:Q 1 Key: c Q 2Key: bQ 3Key: dQ 4Key: aQ 5Key: cPart4Q 1motor Q 2suffererQ 3range fromQ 4results fromQ 5relies onQ 6 confused Q 7stillQ 8folkQ 9avoidQ 10wing第五单元Sharing: Task 1(1) their holidays(2) what kinds of holidays people like and how they liked their last holidaySharing: Task 2 Keys: 1, 2, 3, 7, 9, 10, 11 Sharing: Task 3 Keys: 1, 4, 5, 7, 10 Sharing: Task 4Q 1Key(s):(1) relaxing(2) fantastic(3) lovely Q 2Key(s): AmazingQ 3Key(s): thoroughly enjoyedQ 4Key(s): Lovely Q 5Key(s): fantasticListening: Task 2 Activity 1(1) comfortable(2) Plane(3) faster(4) In a hotel(5) comfortable(6) In an apartment(7) expensive(8) sightseeing(9) sightseeing(10) interesting(11) In summer(12) better(13) hot weather(14) In spring(15) crowded(16) a restaurant(17) quieter(18) a restaurant(19) quieter(20) A monthViewing: Task 2 Activity 1 Correct order: c, a, f, d, e, bViewing: Task 2 Activity 2Q 1Key(s):(1) widest(2) cuts through Q 2Key(s):(1) football(2) his careerQ 3Key(s):(1) famous(2) 1800sQ 4Key(s): apparentlyQ 5Key(s): 80/eighty Q 6Key(s): fantastic meatQ 7Key(s): vegetablesQ 8Key(s):(1) family and friends(2) wonderful momentsRole-playing: Task 2 Activity 1 Keys: 2, 4, 5, 8Role-playing: Task 2 Activity 2Q 1Key(s): Could I have Q 2Key(s): can we haveQ 3Key(s): thatQ 4Key(s): French Q 5Key(s): I'd likeQ 6Key(s): The samePresenting: Task 1 Activity 1(1) Italy(2) beach(3) swim(4) bars(5) sit(6) dance(7) fresh vegetables(8) amazingPresenting: Task 1 Activity 2 Keys: 1, 3, 4, 7Short conversationsQuestion 1 Key: a Question 2Key: dQuestion 3Key: aQuestion 4Key: cQuestion 5Key: cLong conversationQuestion 1 Key: d Question 2 Key: c Question 3 Key: d Question 4 Key: cPassages: Passage 1Question 1 Key: dQuestion 2 Key: bQuestion 3 Key: aQuestion 4 Key: cPassages: Passage 2(1) celebrate(2) provide us with (3) sticking to (4) challenges (5) anticipating (6) portions (7) stuff(8) take hold of (9) effective (10) strategies单元检测Part 1:Q 1Key: cQ 2Key: c Q 3 Key: dQ 4Key:aQ 5 Key: a Part 2:Q 1Key: bQ 2Key: b Q 3 Key: b Q 4 Key: dPart 3:Q 1Key: bQ 2Key: c Q 3 Key: a Q 4Key: b Q 5 Key: dPart 4Q 1 Key: hang Q 2Key:remainsQ 3Key: symbolQ 4Key: performedQ 5Key: heldonQ 6 Key: represent Q 7 Key: sweets Q 8Key: the holiday seasonQ 9Key: appeared toQ 10Key:spread to第六单元Sharing: Task 1(1) their lifestyle(2) what things they do to keep fit and what unhealthy eating habits they haveSharing: Task 2(1) exercise (2) full-time (3) runningSharing: Task 3Keys: 1, 5Sharing: Task 4Correct order: c, e, f, a, d, g, b Sharing: Task 5Q 1 Key(s):(1) a sweet tooth (2) sweet Q 2 Key(s): (1) coffee (2) chocolate Q 3 Key(s):(1) Eating late (2) regularlyQ 4Key(s): too muchQ 5Key(s): fast foodQ 6 Key(s):(1) far too many (2) cakeListening: Task 2 Activity 1(1) eating problems(2) replace normal(3) food pills(4) taste different(5) its flavor(6) become commonListening: Task 2 Activity 2 Keys: 2Viewing: Task 2 Activity 1Question 1 Key: c Question 2Key: aQuestion 3Key: cQuestion 4Key: dQuestion 5Key: dViewing: Task 2 Activity 2Row 1: 1Row 2: 1Row 3: 1Row 4: 2Row 5: 2Row 6: 1Row 7: 2Row 8: 1Row 9: 2Row 10: 2Role-playing: Task 2 Activity 2Q 1Key(s):d-b-f-e-a-c Q 2Key(s):(1) tea and coffee(2) one small cup(3) painkillers(4) three times a day/3 times a dayQ 3Key(s): Foot pain Q 4Key(s): worry aboutPresenting: Task 1 Activity 1Q 1Key(s): feel relaxed Q 2Key(s): much exerciseQ 3Key(s): sporting hero Q 4Key(s): walk a dayPresenting: Task 1 Activity 2 Keys: 1, 2, 4, 6Short conversationsQuestion 1 Key: c Question 2Key: bQuestion 3Key: dQuestion 4 Key: b Question 5 Key: dLong conversationQuestion 1 Key: c Question 2Key: bQuestion 3Key: aQuestion 4Key: aPassages: Passage 1Question 1 Key: b Question 2Key: dQuestion 3Key: bQuestion 4Key: aPassages: Passage 2(1) pressures(2) disappear(3) compromise(4) alcohol(5) intense(6) interferes with(7) undermine(8) pay attention to(9) suffers from(10) competitive单元检测Part 1:Q 1Key: a Q 2Key: aQ 3Key: cQ 4Key: dQ 5Key: bPart 2:Q 1 Key: aQ 2Key: c Q 3 Key: b Q 4 Key: b Q 5Key: aPart 3:Q 1 Key: cQ 2Key: c Q 3 Key: d Q 4 Key: d Q 5Key: dPart 4:Q 1 Key: perfectly Q 2 Key: sewing Q 3 Key: distant Q 4Key: suffer fromQ 5Key: at arm'slengthQ 6 Key: cloudy Q 7 Key: judging Q 8 Key: slightly Q 9 Key: background Q 10 Key: eye views第七单元Sharing: Task 1(1) countryside life and wildlife(2) whether people like to live in the countryside or in the city, what animals they like and what animals they are scared ofSharing: Task 2Keys: 1, 3, 4Sharing: Task 3Correct order: b, f, a, d, e, cSharing: Task 4Q 1 Key(s): (1) Snakes (2) the end Q 2 Key(s): hate Q 3 Key(s): (1) scared of (2) afraid of Q 4 Key(s): (1) horses (2) frightenQ 5 Key(s): (1) scares(2) memoriesQ 6 Key(s): (1) sharks (2) unknownListening: Task 2 Activity 1(1) 3/three(2) water(3) animals(4) the weather.Listening: Task 2 Activity 2(1) envir. probs.(2) > 6 bil.(3) 2050(4) > 9 bil.(5) popu.(6) probs.Listening: Task 2 Activity 3(1) 3(2) probs.(3) water(4) <(5) 4.5 L(6) 600 L(7) >(8) diffi.(9) animals(10) ↑(11) ↓(12) Rainf.(13) 150,000 km2(14) the weather(15) ↑(16) ↑(17) ↑Viewing: Task 2 Activity 1Question 1 Key: c Question 2Key: cQuestion 3Key: aQuestion 4Key: aViewing: Task 2 Activity 2Q 1Key(s): beautiful Q 2Key(s): magicalQ 3Key(s): lovelyQ 4Key(s): fantastic Q 5Key(s): happyQ 6Key(s): astonishingRole-playing: Task 2 Activity 1Question 1 Key: b Question 2Key: aQuestion 3Key: aRole-playing: Task 2 Activity 2 Correct order: e, a, c, b, d, f, gRole-playing: Task 2 Activity 3Question 1 Key: b Question 2Key: aQuestion 3Key: aQuestion 4 Key: a Question 5Key: bQuestion 6Key: bPresenting: Task 1 Activity 1Q 1Key(s): Fish River Canyon Q 2Key(s): amazingly quietPresenting: Task 1 Activity 2 Keys: 1, 2, 3, 5, 8Short conversationsQuestion 1 Key: c Question 2Key: aQuestion 3Key: bQuestion 4Key: dQuestion 5Key: dLong conversationQuestion 1 Key: d Question 2Key: cQuestion 3Key: dQuestion 4Key: aPassages: Passage 1Question 1 Key: c Question 2Key: cQuestion 3Key: aQuestion 4Key: cPassages: Passage 2(1) participated in (2) access to (3) tremendous (4) currently (5) incredible (6) accompany (7) remarkable (8) amazing(9) catching a glimpse of (10) looking forward to单元检测Part 1:Q 1Key: dQ 2Key: c Q 3 Key: b Q 4 Key: b Q 5 Key: dPart 2: Q 1 Key: aQ 2Key: b Q 3Key: d Q 4 Key: dPart 3: Q 1 Key: cQ 2Key: b Q 3 Key: a Q 4 Key: d Q 5 Key: cPart 4: Q 1 Key: dial Q 2Key: keeper Q 3 Key: smart Q 4Key: figure outQ 5Key:chemicallyQ 6 Key: rank high on Q 7 Key: intelligence Q 8 Key: recognize/recognise Q 9Key: descriptiveQ 10Key: makedecisions第八单元Sharing: Task 1(1) shopping(2) how they feel about shopping, where they usually shop, and what they have bought recentlySharing: Task 2Correct order: d, c, a, e, b, f Sharing: Task 31.b2.b3.a4.b5.b6.aSharing: Task 4Keys: 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,10,12,13,15,16 Listening: Task 2 Activity 1(1) food(2) rubber(3) 1891(4) concentrate(5) the mobile phone(6) 1973(7) countries(8) light(9) 2001(10) 500/five hundredListening: Task 2 Activity 2 Keys: 1, 4, 5, 6, 7Viewing: Task 2 Activity 1Q 1Key(s):(1) early 30s(2) 6 billion/six billion Q 2Key(s): computer science studentsQ 3Key(s):(1) tour guide(2) in the group Q 4Key(s): searching the InternetQ 5Key(s):(1) 2000(2) successful business Q 6Key(s):(1) fastest growing(2) most profitableViewing: Task 2 Activity 2 Keys: 4, 5Role-playing: Task 2 Activity 1Question 1 Key: c Question 2Key: bQuestion 3Key: aQuestion 4Key: bQuestion 5Key: cRole-playing: Task 2 Activity 2Row 1: 2Row 2: 1Row 3: 2Row 4: 2Row 5: 1Row 6: 2Row 7: 1Row 8: 1Row 9: 2Row 10: 1Presenting: Task 1 Activity 1Q 1Key(s): footballers Q 2Key(s): fire fightersQ 3Key(s): doctors Q 4Key(s): teachersPresenting: Task 2 Step 1 Correct order: b, e, c, d, a, fShort conversa tionsQuestion 1 Key: b Question 2Key: dQuestion 3Key: cQuestion 4Key: bQuestion 5Key: dLong conversationQuestion 1 Key: b Question 2Key: cQuestion 3Key: aQuestion 4Key: dPassages: Passage 1Question 1 Key: c Question 2Key: dQuestion 3Key: bQuestion 4Key: dPassages: Passage 2(1) evidence(2) enhance(3) interviewed(4) rated(5) took into account(6) forecast(7) emerged(8) was related to(9) adapt themselves to(10) original单元检测Part1:Q 1 Key: c Q 2Key: dQ 3Key: aQ 4Key: bQ 5Key: cPart2:Q 1 Key: c Q 2Key: cQ 3Key: bQ 4Key: dQ 5Key: aPart3:Q 1 Key: c Q 2Key: bQ 3Key: dQ 4Key: aQ 5Key: cPart4:Q 1Key: accessible Q 2Key: opens achecking accountQ 3Key: regularlyQ 4Key:ordersQ 5Key: exchangeQ 6 Key: bank account Q 7Key: returnQ 8Key: interestQ 9Key: instead ofQ 10Key: valuable。

新视野大学英语(第三版)视听说第一册答案第一单元Sharing: Task 1(1) their social life(2) whether they go out a lot and what they did when they went out last night Sharing: Task 2(1) busy(2) friends(3) university(4) social lifeSharing: Task 3Correct order: A E B D C FSharing: Task 4Q 1Key(s): danced Q 2Key(s):(1) view of theriver(2) funQ 3Key(s): drinkQ 4Key(s):(1) west(2) delicious mealQ 5Key(s):(1) house(2) television/TVListening: Task 2 Activity 1Q 1Key(s): 1962 Q 2Key(s): fourth/4thQ 3Key(s): 1990Q 4Key(s): 1996Listening: Task 2 Activity 2(1) teacher(2) cleaned houses(3) lost(4) visited(5) work(6) his wife(7) in his own wordsViewing: Task 2 Activity 1Correct order: a, c, h, f, d, e, g, b Viewing: Task 2 Activity 2(1) home(2) country(3) relatives(4) foreigner(5) speak(6) passed on(7) heat(8) sea(9) happinessRole-playing: Task 2(1) It was great(2) He's a football player/He is a football player(3) It was really beautifulRole-playing: Task 3Keys: 1, 3, 5, 7, 10Role-playing: Task 41). great2) people were there3) interesting4) nice5) did you leave6) with Jane / by taxi7) I was very tired8) Surely you would be9) didn’t get up until 11 this morning Group discussion: Task 1Q 1a small townQ 2in 1993Q 3in 2008Q 4in 2003Q 5for 7/seven yearsGroup discussion: Task 2 Keys: 1, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10Short conversations1.b2.a3.b4.d5.dLong conversation1.d2.b3.c4.d Passages: Passage 11.d2.d3.b4.aPassages: Passage 2(1) programs/programmes(2) very(3) decisions(4) doing laundry(5) Obviously(6) choices(7) ruining(8) get used to(9) opportunities(10) step back第二单元Sharing: Task 1(1) leisure activities(2) how often they go to the cinema, what films they saw last time and their favorite films, actors, and actressesSharing: Task 2(1) once a month(2) Not very often(3) once or twice(4) once a week(5) once every month(6) every fortnightSharing: Task 31.(1) romantic (2) great2.(1) recommend (2) action3.(1) collection (2) real life4.(1) scenes (2) fantasticSharing: Task 4Correct order: c, d, a, bListening: Task 1The program is about ideas of beauty.Listening: Task 2Q 1: blonde Q 2:blueQ 3:darkQ 4:masculineListening: Task 3Woman 1: Sean ConneryWoman 2: Gael Garcia Bernal and Will Smith Man 1: Judi DenchMan 2:Scarlett JohanssonListening: Task 4(1) tall(2) masculine face/ best-looking(3) black hair(4) dark brown(5) red hair(6) grey(7) slim(8) blonde hair(9) lovelyViewing: Task 22 4 6Viewing: Task 31.(1) garden(2) baby and wife2.(1) traditional values(2) likes3.being togetherRole-playing: Task 1(1) feel like(2) What do you recommend(3) how about(4) What's it about/What is it about(5) Who's in it/Who is in it(6) Do you think(7) Why don't weRole-playing: Task 2Keys: 1, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10Role-playing: Task 31) do you recommend2) How about3) What’s it about4) Who’s in it5) Do you think I’d like it6) if you prefer7) I think you’d like8) Thanks for your recommendationGroup Discussion: Task 11. a free concert2. (1) evening (2) City Park3. her boyfriend4. (1)took a picnic (2) got a place close to the stage (3)chatted and lay in the sun5. FantasticGroup Discussion: Task 21 recently2 in3 We4 a free concert5 fantastic6 really likedShort conversationsd b c a dLong conversationd c b cPassages: Passage 1a b a cPassages: Passage 2(1) comic(2) traffic(3) constantly(4) available(5) took part in(6) attracted(7) audience(8) free of charge(9) put forward(10) embrace第三单元Sharing: Task 1The people in the podcast mainly talk about how they feel about London and the most exciting things they have done in London.Sharing: Task 21 Because there’s so much to do.2 He has been to lots interesting places but there’s always something new to experience.3 How do you feel about London?Sharing: Task 3A C HB G F D ESharing: Task 41.(1) exciting(2) amazing concert(3) incredible2.the theater/the theatre3.(1) the best place(2) different(3) compared to4. play football5. (1) interesting things(2) the best thing(3) tickets(4) culture and sportListening: Task 2Correct order: a, d, h, e, b, g, c, fListening: Task 31 In Australia2 Because he decided to go further after he realized he didn’t know where he was.3 Really frightened.4 Don’t move, and don’t look at the dogs.5 A treeViewing: Task 2He is an architect and historian. he visits the island of Crete and goes to a local wedding. Viewing: Task 3Keys: 2, 4Viewing: Task 41 Crete is the biggest island in Greece.2. a little nervous3. All the women in the village are helping prepare the wedding feast.4 About 15005. money6 overwhelmed --- There is so much to see, do and eat at the wedding. Francesco is overwhelmedby all that.Role-playing: Task 1Role-playing: Task 2 Activity 1It's / It isthereleave a messagecallspeakmomentringnumberthispicking upGroup Discussion: Task 1Speaker 1: climbing a volcanoSpeaker 2: sailing down the NileSpeaker 3: None of themGroup Discussion: Task 2Keys: 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9Short conversationsc c bd aLong conversationb c a dPassages: Passage 1c a b cPassages: Passage 2(1) mountainous(2) frightened(3) took place(4) vanish(5) occurred(6) massive(7) caught(8) keep us away from(9) grateful(10) in advance第四单元Sharing: Task 1(1) their journey to work(2) how they get to work, what they do on their journey to work and what they like and don't like about their journeySharing: Task 2Row 1: 1Row 2: 2Row 3: 3Row 4: 3, 4Row 5: 1, 3Row 6: 5Sharing: Task 3Q 1Key(s):(1) fresh air(2) avoid holesQ 2Key(s): think aboutQ 3Key(s):(1) dream(2) looking out of the windowQ 4Key(s): an accidentSharing: Task 4E F A D B CSharing: Task 5B C A D F ESharing: Task 61)by underground2) go to school by bus3) about an hour4) listen to music5) look out of the windowListening: Task 1B C AListening: Task 2 -4略Listening: Task 51) 19622) leave their cars at home3) public transport4) build5) keep in good condition6) 19487) got in and drove away8) engineering problem9) too heavy10) strong11) private12) difficult to fly13) traffic problemsViewing: Task 21 queueing2 making phone calls3 pizza4 playing outside5 chessViewing: Task 3A: 3, 5B: 2C: 1, 6D: 4Viewing: Task 4(1) airport managers(2) relax(3) pass the time(4) midnight(5) their flight(6) 300/three hundred(7) 319/three hundred and nineteen(8) 500/five hundredViewing: Task 51) Beijing2) terrible3) 7 p.m.4) a computer problem in the control tower5) cancelled6) another flight7) queue/ wait8) sleeping everywhere at the airport9) took off10) 3 o’clock this morningRole-playing: Task 1Q 1Key(s):(1) tied up(2) customer Q 2Key(s):(1) 20(2) coffeeQ 3Key(s):(1) delayed(2) cow(3) stationsRole-playing: Task 2Question 1 Key: b Question 2Key: aQuestion 3Key: bQuestion 4Key: aQuestion 5Key: bQuestion 6Key: bRole-playing: Task 2 Activity 3 Keys: 3, 4, 6, 7 are acceptableGroup discussion Task 1:(1) a vegetarian meal(2) meat(3) his order(4) business class(5) cold(6) the person in chargeGroup discussion Task 2:Question 1 Key: a Question 2Key: bQuestion 3Key: bQuestion 4Key: bQuestion 5Key: aQuestion 6Key: aQuestion 7Key: bQuestion 8Key: aShort conversationsQuestion 1 Key: c Question 2Key: bQuestion 3Key: dQuestion 4Key: dQuestion 5Key: aLong conversationQuestion 1 Key: c Question 2Key: bQuestion 3Key: dQuestion 4Key: dPassages: Passage 1Question 1 Key: c Question 2Key: aQuestion 3Key: dQuestion 4Key: aPassages: Passage 2(1) Gradually(2) enabled(3) vehicles(4) dates back to(5) As a result(6) thoroughly(7) capacity(8) turn(9) automobiles(10) thanks to第五单元Sharing: Task 1(1) their holidays(2) what kinds of holidays people like and how they liked their last holiday Sharing: Task 2Keys: 1, 2, 3, 7, 9, 10, 11Sharing: Task 3Keys: 1, 4, 5, 7, 10Sharing: Task 4Q 1Key(s):(1) relaxing(2) fantastic(3) lovely Q 2Key(s): AmazingQ 3Key(s): thoroughly enjoyedQ 4Key(s): Lovely Q 5Key(s): fantasticListening: Task 3(1) more comfortable(2) Plane(3) faster(4) In a hotel(5) more comfortable(6) In an apartment(7) more expensive(8) Go sightseeing(9) Go sightseeing(10) more interesting(11) In summer(12) better(13) hotter(14) hot weather(15) In spring(16) more crowded(17) Go to a restaurant(18) quieter(19) Go to a restaurant(20) quieter(21) more relaxing(22) A month(23) A monthViewing: Task 2 Correct order: c, a, f, d, e, b Viewing: Task 3Q 1Key(s):(1) widest(2) cuts through Q 2Key(s):(1) football(2) his careerQ 3Key(s):(1) famous(2) 1800sQ 4Key(s): apparentlyQ 5Key(s): 80/eighty Q 6Key(s): fantastic meatQ 7Key(s): vegetablesQ 8Key(s):(1) family and friends(2) wonderful momentsRole-playing: Task 2 Activity 1 Keys: 2, 4, 5, 8Role-playing: Task 2 Activity 2Q 1Key(s): Could I have Q 2Key(s): can we haveQ 3Key(s): thatQ 4Key(s): French Q 5Key(s): I'd likeQ 6Key(s): The sameGroup Discussion: Task 1(1) Italy(2) beach(3) swim(4) bars(5) sit(6) dance(7) fresh vegetables(8) amazingGroup Discussion: Task 2 Keys: 1, 3, 4, 7Short conversationsQuestion 1 Key: a Question 2Key: dQuestion 3Key: aQuestion 4Key: cQuestion 5Key: cLong conversationQuestion 1 Key: d Question 2Key: cQuestion 3Key: dQuestion 4Key: cPassages: Passage 1Question 1 Key: d Question 2Key: bQuestion 3Key: aQuestion 4Key: cPassages: Passage 2(1) celebrate(2) provide us with(3) sticking to(4) challenges(5) anticipating(6) portions(7) stuff(8) take hold of(9) effective(10) strategies第六单元Sharing: Task 1(1) their lifestyle(2) what things they do to keep fit and what unhealthy eating habits they have Sharing: Task 2(1) exercise(2) full-time(3) runningSharing: Task 3Keys: 1, 5Sharing: Task 4D G AE B C FSharing: Task 5Q 1Key(s):(1) a sweet tooth(2) sweetQ 2Key(s):(1) coffee(2) chocolate Q 3Key(s):(1) Eating late(2) regularlyQ 4Key(s): too much Q 5Key(s): fast foodQ 6Key(s):(1) far too many(2) cakeListening: Task 3(1) eating problems(2) replace normal(3) food pills(4) taste different(5) its flavor(6) become common Listening: Task 4 Keys: 2Viewing: Task 3Question 1 Key: c Question 2Key: aQuestion 3Key: cQuestion 4Key: dQuestion 5Key: dViewing: Task 4B B BC C B C B C CRole-playing: Task 1-2Q 1Key(s):d-b-f-e-a-c Q 2Key(s):(1) tea and coffee(2) one small cup(3) painkillers(4) three times a day/3 times a dayQ 3Key(s): Foot pain Q 4Key(s): worry aboutGroup Discussion: Task 11 Does exercise make you feel relaxed?2 How much exercise do you do in a week?3 Do you have a sporting hero?4 How much do you walk a day?Group Discussion: Task 2 Keys: 1, 2, 4, 6Short conversationsQuestion 1 Key: c Question 2Key: bQuestion 3Key: dQuestion 4 Key: b Question 5 Key: dLong conversationQuestion 1 Key: c Question 2Key: bQuestion 3Key: aQuestion 4Key: aPassages: Passage 1Question 1 Key: b Question 2Key: dQuestion 3Key: bQuestion 4Key: aPassages: Passage 2(1) pressures(2) disappear(3) compromise(4) alcohol(5) intense(6) interferes with(7) undermine(8) pay attention to(9) suffers from(10) competitive第七单元Sharing: Task 1whether people like to live in the countryside or in the city, what animals they like and what animals they are scared ofSharing: Task 2Keys: 1, 3, 4Sharing: Task 3C A FDE BSharing: Task 4Q 1Key(s):(1) Snakes(2) the end Q 2Key(s):hateQ 3Key(s):(1) scared of(2) afraid ofQ 4Key(s):(1) horses(2) frighten Q 5Key(s):(1) scares(2) memoriesQ 6Key(s):(1) sharks(2) unknownListening: Task 23/three problems are mentioned. They are related to water, animals and the weather. Listening: Task 3(1) envir. probs.(2) > 6 bil.(3) 2050(4) > 9 bil.(5) popu.(6) probs.Listening: Task 4(1) 3(2) probs.(3) water(4) <(5) 4.52 L(6) 600 L(7) >(8) diffi.(9) animals(10) ↑(11) ↓(12) Rainf.(13) 150,000 km2(14) the weather(15) ↑(16) ↑(17) ↑Viewing: Task 2 statements 2, and 3 are true. Viewing: Task 3C C A AViewing: Task 4Q 1Key(s): beautiful Q 2Key(s): magicalQ 3Key(s): lovelyQ 4Key(s): fantastic Q 5Key(s): happyQ 6Key(s): astonishingRole-playing: Task 2 Activity 1Question 1 Key: b Question 2Key: aQuestion 3Key: aRole-play: Task 2B A ARole-play: Task 3 Correct order: e, a, c, b, d, f, g Role-playing: Task 4Question 1 Key: b Question 2Key: aQuestion 3Key: aQuestion 4 Key: a Question 5Key: bQuestion 6Key: bGroup discussion: Task 1Q 1Key(s): Fish River Canyon in Namibia Q 2Key(s): it is very big and amazingly quiet.Group discussion: Task 2 Keys: 1, 2, 3, 5, 8Short conversationsQuestion 1 Key: c Question 2Key: aQuestion 3Key: bQuestion 4Key: dQuestion 5Key: dLong conversationQuestion 1 Key: d Question 2Key: cQuestion 3Key: dQuestion 4Key: aPassages: Passage 1Question 1 Key: c Question 2Key: cQuestion 3Key: aQuestion 4Key: cPassages: Passage 2(1) participated in(2) access to(3) tremendous(4) currently(5) incredible(6) accompany(7) remarkable(8) amazing(9) catching a glimpse of(10) looking forward to第八单元Sharing: Task 1how they feel about shopping, where they usually shop, and what they have bought recently Sharing: Task 2C E B AD FSharing: Task 31.b2.b3.a4.b5.b6.aSharing: Task 4dress, shoes, book, coat, handbag, sunglasses, tops, skirts, trousers, trainers, telephone Listening: Task 1C A B DListening: Task 3The four money-making ideas are chewing gum, the mobile phone, the iPod and Monopoly. Listening: Task 51, 4, 5, 6, 7Viewing: Task 21 early 30s; 6 billion2 computer science students3 tour guide; in the group4 searching the Internet5 2000; successful business6. fastest growing; most profitable Viewing: Task 3Keys: 4, 5Role-playing: Task 1Question 1 Key: c Question 2Key: bQuestion 3Key: aQuestion 4Key: bQuestion 5Key: cRole-playing: Task 2S C S S C S C C S CGroup discussion: Task 11 footballers2 fire fighters3 doctors4 teachersGroup discussion: Task 21 footballers2 fire fighters3 doctors4 teachersGroup discussion: Task 2A: police officer B. scientist C. doctor D. artist/ painter E. footballer F. fire fighterShort conversationsQuestion 1 Key: b Question 2Key: dQuestion 3Key: cQuestion 4Key: bQuestion 5Key: dLong conversationQuestion 1 Key: b Question 2Key: cQuestion 3Key: aQuestion 4Key: dPassages: Passage 1Question 1 Key: c Question 2Key: dQuestion 3Key: bQuestion 4Key: dPassages: Passage 2(1) evidence(2) enhance(3) interviewed(4) rated(5) took into account(6) forecast(7) emerged(8) was related to(9) adapt themselves to(10) original。

新视野第三版视听说1全套答案第一单元Sharing: Task 1(1) their social life(2) whether they go out a lot and what they did when they went out last nightSharing: Task 2(1) busy(2) friends(3) university(4) social lifeSharing: Task 3Correct order: a, c, e, d, b, fSharing: Task 4Q 1Key(s): danced Q 2Key(s):(1) view of(2) fun Q 3Key(s): drink Q 4Key(s):(1) west(2) delicious meal Q 5Key(s):(1) house(2) television/TVListening: Task 2 Activity 1Q 1Key(s): 1962 Q 2Key(s): fourth/4th Q 3Key(s): 1990 Q 4Key(s): 1996Listening: Task 2 Activity 2(1) teacher(2) cleaned houses(3) lost(4) visited(5) work(6) his wife(7) in his own wordsViewing: Task 2 Activity 1Correct order: a, c, h, f, d, e, g, bViewing: Task 2 Activity 2(1) home(2) country(3) relatives(4) foreigner(5) speak(6) passed on(7) heat(8) sea(9) happinessRole-playing: Task 2 Activity 1(1) It was great(2) He’s a football player/He is a football player(3) It was really beautifulRole-playing: Task 2 Activity 2Keys: 1, 3, 5, 7, 10Presenting: Task 1 Activity 1 Q 1a small town Q 21993 Q 32008 Q 42003 Q 57/sevenPresenting: Task 1 Activity 2 Keys: 1, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10 Short conversations1.b2.a3.b4.d5.dLong conversation1.d2.b3.c4.d Passages: Passage 11.d2.d3.b4.a Passages: Passage 2(1) programs/programmes(2) very(3) decisions(4) doing laundry(5) Obviously(6) choices(7) ruining(8) get used to(9) opportunities(10) step back单元检测Part1 c a d d aPart2 c d a b cPart3 c b a b dPart 4:achievementsspecialized/specializedvastprofessionaleducatedwas familiarextensivelyelegantlya great dealBesides第二单元Sharing: Task 1(1) leisure activities(2) how often they go to the cinema, what films they saw last time and their favorite films, actors, and actressesSharing: Task 2(1) a month(2) Not very often(3) once or twice(4) a week(5) every month(6) every fortnight Sharing: Task 31.(1) romantic (2) great2.(1) recommend (2) action3.(1) collection (2) real life4.(1) scenes (2) fantastic Sharing: Task 4Correct order: c, d, a, bTask 2 Activity 1Key:cListening: Task 2 Activity 2Q 1:blonde Q 2:blue Q 3:dark Q 4:masculineListening: Task 2 Activity 3 Row 1: 2Row 2: 4Row 3: 1Row 4: 3Row 5: 2Listening: Task 2 Activity 4(1) tall(2) masculine face/ best-looking(3) black hair(4) dark brown(5) red hair(6) grey(7) slim(8) blonde hair(9) lovelyViewing: Task 2 Activity 12 4 6Viewing: Task 2 Activity 21.(1) garden(2) baby and wife2.(1) traditional values(2) likes3.being togetherRole-playing: Task 2 Activity 1(1) feel like(2) What do you recommend(3) how about(4) Wh at’s it about/What is it about(5) Who’s in it/Who is in it(6) Do you think(7) Why don’t weRole-playing: Task 2 Activity 2 Keys: 1, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10 Presenting: Task 1 Activity 11. a free concert2. (1) evening (2) City Park3. boyfriend4. (1) a picnic (2) stage (3) lay5. FantasticPresenting: Task 1 Activity 2 b a b a b aShort conversationsd b c a dLong conversationd c b cPassages: Passage 1a b a cPassages: Passage 2(1) comic(2) traffic(3) constantly(4) available(5) took part in(6) attracted(7) audience(8) free of charge(9) put forward(10) embrace单元检测Part1d a c b aPart2a c a c dPart3c a ad dPart4too muchwarningaffected bybackdrive people to suicidepointed outrecentcommitpreventionit’s time/it is time第三单元Sharing: Task 1(1) living in London(2) how they feel about London and the most exciting things they have done in LondonSharing: Task 2(1) living(2) much(3) interesting places(4) something(5) experience(6) feel aboutSharing: Task 3Correct order: a, d, b, g, h, f, e, c Sharing: Task 41.(1) exciting(2) amazing concert(3) incredible2.the theater/the theatre3.(1) the best place(2) different(3) compared to4. play football5. (1) interesting things(2) the best thing(3) tickets(4) cultureListening: Task 2 Activity 1 Correct order: a, d, h, e, b, g, c, f Listening: Task 2 Activity 2(1) Australia(2) outback(3) go further(4) frightened(5) Don’t move(6) the dogs(7) frighteningViewing: Task 2 Activity 1 Keys: 2, 4Viewing: Task 2 Activity 2 biggest islandnervouswomen1500moneyoverwhelmedRole-playing: Task 2 Activity 1 It’s / It isthereleave a messagecallspeakmomentringnumberthispicking upPresenting: Task 1 Activity 1 Row 1:Row 2: 1Row 3:Row 4: 2Presenting: Task 1 Activity 2 Keys: 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9Short conversationsc c bd aLong conversationb c a dPassages: Passage 1c a b cPassages: Passage 2(1) mountainous(2) frightened(3) took place(4) vanish(5) occurred(6) massive(7) caught(8) keep us away from(9) grateful(10) in advance单元检测Part1 c b a a d Part2 c a d b a Part3 a b c d d Part4apply for commitment opportunity restaurant developed working practices attendingaddpersonal qualitiesa positive addition第四单元Sharing: Task 1(1) their journey to work(2) how they get to work, what they do on their journey to work and what they lik e and don’t like about their journeySharing: Task 2Row 1: 1Row 2: 2Row 3: 3Row 4: 3, 4Row 5: 1, 3Row 6: 5Sharing: Task 3Q 1Key(s):(1) fresh air(2) avoid holesQ 2Key(s): think aboutQ 3Key(s):(1) dream(2) looking outQ 4Key(s): an accident Sharing: Task 4Correct order: c, e, f, d, a, b Sharing: Task 5Correct order: c, a, b, d, f, e Listening: Task 2 Activity 1 Q 1Key(s): When Q 2Key(s): What Q 3Key(s): Who Q 4Key(s): What Q 5Key(s): problem Q 6 Key(s): How Listening: Task 2 Activity 2(1) 1962(2) 1948(3) leave(4) public transport(5) in and drove(6) private(7) build(8) good condition(9) engineering problem(10) too heavy(11) strong(12) difficult to fly(13) traffic problems Task 3 Activity 2The Horseless Sulky:• It can only hold two people.• It’s difficult to slow down.• It’s open to bad weather conditions.The Lightning Bug:• It’s very small.• It’s difficult to get in and out. Viewing: Task 2 Activity 1 Question 1Key: a Q uestion 2Key: a Q uestion 3Key: a Q uestion 4Key: b Question 5Key: aViewing: Task 2 Activity 2Row 1: 3Row 2: 2Row 3: 1Row 4: 4Row 5: 1Row 6: 3Viewing: Task 2 Activity 3(1) airport managers(2) relax(3) pass the time(4) midnight(5) their flight(6) 300/three hundred(7) 319/three hundred and nineteen(8) 500/five hundredRole-playing: Task 2 Activity 1Q 1Key(s):(1) tied up(2) customer Q 2Key(s):(1) 20(2) coffee Q 3Key(s):(1) delayed(2) cow(3) stationsRole-playing: Task 2 Activity 2 Question 1Key: b Question 2Key: a Q uestion 3Key: b Question 4Key: a Q uestion 5Key: b Question 6Key: bRole-playing: Task 2 Activity 3 Keys: 3, 4, 6, 7Presenting: Task 1 Activity 1(1) a vegetarian meal(2) meat(3) his order(4) business class(5) cold(6) the person in charge Presenting: Task 1 Activity 2 Question 1Key: a Q uestion 2Key: b Question 3 Key: b Question 4 Key: b Question 5 Key: a Q uestion 6Key: a Q uestion 7Key: b Question 8 Key: aShort conversations Question 1Key: c Q uestion 2Key: b Question 3 Key: d Question 4 Key: d Question 5 Key: aLong conversation Question 1Key: c Q uestion 2Key: b Question 3 Key: d Question 4 Key: dPassages: Passage 1 Question 1Key: c Q uestion 2Key: a Q uestion 3 Key: d Question 4 Key: a Passages: Passage 2(1) Gradually(2) enabled(3) vehicles(4) dates back to(5) As a result(6) thoroughly(7) capacity(8) turn(9) automobiles(10) thanks to单元检测Part 1:Q 1Key: bQ 2Key: bQ 3Key: dQ 4 Key: aQ 5 Key: dPart 2: Q 1 Key: cQ 2 Key: dQ 3 Key: aQ 4 Key: c Part 3:Q 1Key: cQ 2Key: bQ 3Key: dQ 4Key: aQ 5Key: cPart4Q 1motor Q 2 sufferer Q 3 range from Q 4 results fromQ 5relies onQ 6confused Q 7 still Q 8folk Q 9 avoid Q 10 wing第五单元Sharing: Task 1(1) their holidays(2) what kinds of holidays people like and how they liked their last holiday Sharing: Task 2Keys: 1, 2, 3, 7, 9, 10, 11Sharing: Task 3Keys: 1, 4, 5, 7, 10Sharing: Task 4Q 1Key(s):(1) relaxing(2) fantastic(3) lovely Q 2Key(s): Amazing Q 3Key(s): thoroughly enjoyedQ 4Key(s): Lovely Q 5Key(s): fantasticListening: Task 2 Activity 1(1) comfortable(2) Plane(3) faster(4) In a hotel(5) comfortable(6) In an apartment(7) expensive(8) sightseeing(9) sightseeing(10) interesting(11) In summer(12) better(13) hot weather(14) In spring(15) crowded(16) a restaurant(17) quieter(18) a restaurant(19) quieter(20) A month Viewing: Task 2 Activity 1 Correct order: c, a, f, d, e, b Viewing: Task 2 Activity 2 Q 1Key(s):(1) widest(2) cuts through Q 2 Key(s):(1) football(2) his career Q 3Key(s):(1) famous(2) 1800s Q 4Key(s): apparentlyQ 5Key(s): 80/eighty Q 6Key(s): fantastic meat Q 7 Key(s): vegetables Q 8Key(s):(1) family and friends(2) wonderful moments Role-playing: Task 2 Activity 1 Keys: 2, 4, 5, 8Role-playing: Task 2 Activity 2 Q 1Key(s): Could I have Q 2 Key(s): can we have Q 3 Key(s): thatQ 4Key(s): French Q 5Key(s): I’d like Q 6Key(s): The same Presenting: Task 1 Activity 1(1) Italy(2) beach(3) swim(4) bars(5) sit(6) dance(7) fresh vegetables(8) amazingPresenting: Task 1 Activity 2 Keys: 1, 3, 4, 7Short conversations Question 1Key: a Q uestion 2Key: d Question 3 Key: a Q uestion 4Key: c Q uestion 5Key: cLong conversation Question 1Key: d Question 2 Key: c Q uestion 3Key: d Question 4 Key: cPassages: Passage 1 Question 1Key: d Question 2 Key: b Question 3 Key: a Q uestion 4Key: cPassages: Passage 2(1) celebrate(2) provide us with(3) sticking to(4) challenges(5) anticipating(6) portions(7) stuff(8) take hold of(9) effective(10) strategies 单元检测Part 1:Q 1Key: cQ 2Key: cQ 3Key: dQ 4Key: aQ 5Key: aPart 2:Q 1Q 2 Key: bQ 3 Key: bQ 4 Key: dPart 3: Q 1 Key: bQ 2 Key: cQ 3 Key: aQ 4 Key: bQ 5 Key: dQ 1Key: hangQ 2Key: remains Q 3Key: symbol Q 4Key: performedQ 5Key: held onQ 6Key: represent Q 7 Key: sweetsQ 8Key: the holiday season Q 9 Key: appeared toQ 10Key: spread to第六单元Sharing: Task 1(1) their lifestyle(2) what things they do to keep fit and what unhealthy eating habits they haveSharing: Task 2(1) exercise(2) full-time(3) runningSharing: Task 3Keys: 1, 5Sharing: Task 4Correct order: c, e, f, a, d, g, bSharing: Task 5Q 1Key(s):(1) a sweet tooth(2) sweetQ 2Key(s):(1) coffee(2) chocolate Q 3Key(s):(1) Eating late(2) regularlyQ 4Key(s): too much Q 5Key(s): fast food Q 6Key(s):(1) far too many(2) cakeListening: Task 2 Activity 1(1) eating problems(2) replace normal(3) food pills(4) taste different(5) its flavor(6) become common Listening: Task 2 Activity 2 Keys: 2Viewing: Task 2 Activity 1 Question 1Key: c Q uestion 2Key: a Q uestion 3Key: c Q uestion 4Key: d Question 5 Key: dViewing: Task 2 Activity 2 Row 1: 1Row 2: 1Row 3: 1Row 4: 2Row 5: 2Row 6: 1Row 7: 2Row 8: 1Row 9: 2Row 10: 2Role-playing: Task 2 Activity 2Q 1Key(s):d-b-f-e-a-c Q 2Key(s):(1) tea and coffee(2) one small cup(3) painkillers(4) three times a day/3 times a day Q 3Key(s): Foot pain Q 4Key(s): worry about Presenting: Task 1 Activity 1Q 1Key(s): feel relaxed Q 2Key(s): much exerciseQ 3Key(s): sporting hero Q 4Key(s): walk a dayPresenting: Task 1 Activity 2 Keys: 1, 2, 4, 6Short conversationsQuestion 1Key: c Q uestion 2Key: b Question 3Key: dQuestion 4Key: b Question 5Key: dLong conversation Question 1Key: c Q uestion 2 Key: b Question 3 Key: a Q uestion 4 Key: a Passages: Passage 1 Question 1Key: b Question 2 Key: d Question 3 Key: b Question 4 Key: a Passages: Passage 2(1) pressures(2) disappear(3) compromise(4) alcohol(5) intense(6) interferes with(7) undermine(8) pay attention to(9) suffers from(10) competitive单元检测Part 1:Q 1Key: aQ 2Q 3 Key: c Q 4 Key: d Q 5 Key: b Part 2: Q 1 Key: aQ 2 Key: cQ 3 Key: bQ 4 Key: bQ 5 Key: aPart 3: Q 1 Key: cQ 2Q 3Key: dQ 4Key: dQ 5Key: dPart 4:Q 1Key: perfectlyQ 2Key: sewingQ 3Key: distantQ 4Key: suffer fromQ 5Key: at arm’s length Q 6Key: cloudy Q 7 Key: judging Q 8Key: slightly Q 9Key: background Q 10Key: eye views第七单元Sharing: Task 1(1) countryside life and wildlife(2) whether people like to live in the countryside or in the city, what animals they like and what animals they are scared ofSharing: Task 2Keys: 1, 3, 4Sharing: Task 3Correct order: b, f, a, d, e, cSharing: Task 4Q 1Key(s):(1) Snakes(2) the end Q 2Key(s):hate Q 3Key(s):(1) scared of(2) afraid ofQ 4Key(s):(1) horses(2) frighten Q 5Key(s):(1) scares(2) memories Q 6Key(s):(1) sharks(2) unknown Listening: Task 2 Activity 1(1) 3/three(2) water(3) animals(4) the weather. Listening: Task 2 Activity 2(1) envir. probs.(2) > 6 bil.(3) 2050(4) > 9 bil.(5) popu.(6) probs.Listening: Task 2 Activity 3(1) 3(2) probs.(3) water(4)(9) animals(10) ↑(11) ↓(12) Rainf.(13) 150,000 km2(14) the weather(15) ↑(16) ↑(17) ↑Viewing: Task 2 Activity 1 Question 1Key: c Q uestion 2Key: c Q uestion 3Key: a Q uestion 4Key: aViewing: Task 2 Activity 2Q 1Key(s): beautiful Q 2Key(s): magical Q 3Key(s): lovelyQ 4Key(s): fantastic Q 5Key(s): happy Q 6Key(s): astonishingRole-playing: Task 2 Activity 1 Question 1Key: b Question 2 Key: a Q uestion 3Role-playing: Task 2 Activity 2 Correct order: e, a, c, b, d, f, g Role-playing: Task 2 Activity 3 Question 1Key: b Question 2Key: a Q uestion 3Key: aQuestion 4Key: a Q uestion 5Key: b Question 6Key: bPresenting: Task 1 Activity 1Q 1Key(s): Fish River Canyon Q 2 Key(s): amazingly quiet Presenting: Task 1 Activity 2 Keys: 1, 2, 3, 5, 8Short conversationsQuestion 1Key: c Q uestion 2Key: a Q uestion 3Key: b Question 4Key: d Question 5Key: dLong conversationQuestion 1Key: d Question 2Key: c Q uestion 3 Key: d Question 4 Key: a Passages: Passage 1 Question 1Key: c Q uestion 2 Key: c Q uestion 3 Key: a Q uestion 4 Key: c Passages: Passage 2(1) participated in(2) access to(3) tremendous(4) currently(5) incredible(6) accompany(7) remarkable(8) amazing(9) catching a glimpse of(10) looking forward to 单元检测Part 1:Q 1Key: dQ 2Key: cQ 3Key: bQ 4 Key: bQ 5 Key: dPart 2: Q 1 Key: aQ 2 Key: bQ 3 Key: dQ 4 Key: d Part 3: Q 1 Key: cQ 2 Key: bQ 3 Key: aQ 4Key: dQ 5Key: cPart 4:Q 1Key: dialQ 2Key: keeperQ 3Key: smartQ 4Key: figure outQ 5Key: chemically Q 6Key: rank high onQ 7Key: intelligenceQ 8Key: recognize/recognise Q 9Key: descriptiveQ 10Key: make decisions第八单元Sharing: Task 1(1) shopping(2) how they feel about shopping, where they usually shop, and what they have bought recentlySharing: Task 2Correct order: d, c, a, e, b, fSharing: Task 31.b2.b3.a4.b5.b6.aSharing: Task 4Keys: 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,10,12,13,15,16Listening: Task 2 Activity 1(1) food(2) rubber(3) 1891(4) concentrate(5) the mobile phone(6) 1973(7) countries(8) light(9) 2001(10) 500/five hundred Listening: Task 2 Activity 2 Keys: 1, 4, 5, 6, 7Viewing: Task 2 Activity 1Q 1Key(s):(1) early 30s(2) 6 billion/six billion Q 2 Key(s): computer science students Q 3Key(s):(1) tour guide(2) in the group Q 4Key(s): searching the InternetQ 5Key(s):(1) 2000(2) successful business Q 6 Key(s):(1) fastest growing(2) most profitable Viewing: Task 2 Activity 2 Keys: 4, 5Role-playing: Task 2 Activity 1 Question 1Key: c Q uestion 2Key: b Question 3 Key: a Q uestion 4Key: b Question 5 Key: cRole-playing: Task 2 Activity 2 Row 1: 2Row 2: 1Row 3: 2Row 4: 2Row 5: 1Row 6: 2Row 7: 1Row 8: 1Row 9: 2Row 10: 1Presenting: Task 1 Activity 1 Q 1Key(s): footballers Q 2 Key(s): fire fightersQ 3Key(s): doctors Q 4Key(s): teachersPresenting: Task 2 Step 1Correct order: b, e, c, d, a, f Short conversa tions Question 1Key: b Question 2 Key: d Question 3 Key: c Q uestion 4 Key: b Question 5 Key: dLong conversation Question 1Key: b Question 2 Key: c Q uestion 3 Key: a Q uestion 4 Key: dPassages: Passage 1 Question 1Key: c Q uestion 2 Key: d Question 3 Key: b Question 4 Key: dPassages: Passage 2(1) evidence(2) enhance(3) interviewed(4) rated(5) took into account(6) forecast(7) emerged(8) was related to(9) adapt themselves to(10) original单元检测Part1:Q 1Key: c Q 2Key: d Q 3 Key: a Q 4Key: b Q 5 Key: cPart2:Q 1Key: c Q 2Key: c Q 3Key: b Q 4 Key: d Q 5 Key: aPart3:Q 1Key: c Q 2Key: b Q 3 Key: d Q 4 Key: a Q 5Key: cPart4:Q 1Key: accessibleQ 2Key: opens achecking account Q 3 Key: regularly Q 4 Key: orders Q 5 Key: exchangeQ 6Key: bank account Q 7 Key: return Q 8 Key: interestQ 9Key: instead of Q 10 Key: valuable。

新视野大学英语(第三版)视听说教程1完整答案新视野大学英语(第三版)视听说教程1完整答案Unit 1 ListeningPart I1-5 DBACDPart II6-10 DBCADPart III11. B. Preparing for a job interview.12. C. The dress code for the interview.13. A. Being punctual for the interview.14. B. The importance of researching the company.15. D. The significance of body language.Part IV16. B. By starting a conversation with a stranger.17. C. By joining a society or club.18. A. By showing respect and empathy.19. C. Jokes that can be enjoyed by all cultures.20. B. By engaging in small talk.Unit 2 ListeningPart I1-5 CCADBPart II6-10 ABCBCPart III11. D. In a university library.12. B. About borrowing a book.13. C. There's a two-week limit on borrowing.14. D. The books can be renewed online.15. A. To pay the overdue fee at the library.Part IV16. C. The narrator used to dislike reading.17. A. She was remarkably moved by a certain book.18. B. The narrator prefers reading biographies.19. D. Becoming introspective and enhancing creativity.20. C. Reading helps broaden understanding of the world. Unit 3 Listening1-5 DABCDPart II6-10 ADBCCPart III11. C. Taking on part-time jobs.12. A. It is a great way to gain real-life experience.13. C. Taking time management seriously.14. B. To improve their ability to multitask.15. D. Reducing stress and improving work efficiency. Part IV16. C. A high school student preparing for college.17. B. Staying focused while studying.18. A. Developing a study routine.19. D. Managing time effectively.20. A. Achieving academic success with proper planning. Unit 4 ListeningPart I1-5 CCBDD6-10 ADCABPart III11. B. Costs and benefits of living alone.12. C. They find it enjoyable and fulfilling.13. A. They are overwhelmed by responsibilities.14. B. To develop life skills and become independent.15. D. They enjoy the freedom and privacy of living alone. Part IV16. D. She decided to live alone after college.17. B. Respect for each other's privacy.18. C. Opportunities for personal growth.19. A. Finding ways to cope with loneliness.20. D. Adapting to a new living situation.Unit 5 ListeningPart I1-5 DACBAPart II6-10 CABAB11. C. Sound therapy benefiting mental health.12. A. It can calm anxiety and reduce stress.13. C. Reducing symptoms of insomnia.14. B. Enhancing concentration and focus.15. D. It can positively affect one's mood.Part IV16. B. She enjoys listening to nature sounds.17. A. Playing her favorite music helps her relax.18. C. It can evoke emotions and memories.19. D. It has the power to influence emotions.20. A. People's preference for different genres of music. Unit 6 ListeningPart I1-5 BCDACPart II6-10 ABDCDPart III11. D. The relationship between students and teachers.12. A. Encouraging students to ask questions.13. C. The importance of listening to students' ideas.14. B. Recognizing and appreciating students' efforts.15. D. The impact of a positive classroom environment.Part IV16. B. She had a supportive and caring teacher.17. A. The teacher treated each student equally.18. D. By creating a friendly and inclusive atmosphere.19. C. It can have a significant impact on students' success.20. B. A teacher's responsibility to inspire students.Please note that the above answers are based on the information provided. There may be multiple correct answers, so it is recommended to refer to the original material for verification.。

新视野大学英语(第三版)视听说教程 1
1.2 1 busy 2 friends 3 university 4 social life
Unit 1
1 danced
iew of
3 fun
4 drink
5 west
6 delicious meal
7 house 8TV 2.1
学海无 涯
1.2 (1)a month 2 Not very often 3 once or twice (4)a week 5 every month 6 every fortnight
Unit 2
1.3 1 romantic 2 great 3 recommend 4 action 5 collection 6 real life 7 scenes 8 fantastic
1.1 (1)a small town (2)1993 (3)XXXX (4)XXXX
(5)seven 1.2 1 4 5 7 8 9 10
学海无 涯
一 BABDD 二 DBCD 三 DDBA Passage 2 1 programmes 2 very 3 decisions 4 doing laundry 5 Obviously 6 choices 7 ruining 8 get used to 9 opportunities 10 step back
Unit 4
学海无 涯
1.3 1 fresh air 2 avoid holes 3 think about 4 dream 5 looking out 6 an accident 1.4 c-e-f-d-a-b

第一册第一单元Sharing: Task 1(1) their social life(2) whether they go out a lot and what they did when they went out last night Sharing: Task 2(1) busy(2) friends(3) university(4) social lifeSharing: Task 3Correct order: a, c, e, d, b, fSharing: Task 4Q 1Key(s): danced Q 2Key(s):(1) view of(2) funQ 3Key(s): drinkQ 4Key(s):(1) west(2) delicious mealQ 5Key(s):(1) house(2) television/TVListening: Task 2 Activity 1Q 1Key(s): 1962 Q 2Key(s): fourth/4thQ 3Key(s): 1990Q 4Key(s): 1996Listening: Task 2 Activity 2 (1) teacher(2) cleaned houses(3) lost(4) visited(5) work(6) his wife(7) in his own wordsViewing: Task 2 Activity 1Correct order: a, c, h, f, d, e, g, b Viewing: Task 2 Activity 2(1) home(2) country(3) relatives(4) foreigner(5) speak(6) passed on(7) heat(8) sea(9) happinessRole-playing: Task 2 Activity 1(1) It was great(2) He's a football player/He is a football player(3) It was really beautifulRole-playing: Task 2 Activity 2 Keys: 1, 3, 5, 7, 10Presenting: Task 1 Activity 1Q 1a small town Q 21993Q 32008Q 42003Q 57/sevenPresenting: Task 1 Activity 2 Keys: 1, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10Short conversations1.b2.a3.b4.d5.dLong conversation1.d2.b3.c4.d Passages: Passage 11.d2.d3.b4.a Passages: Passage 2(1) programs/programmes(2) very(3) decisions(4) doing laundry(5) Obviously(6) choices(7) ruining(8) get used to(9) opportunities(10) step back单元检测Part1 c a d d aPart2 c d a b cPart3 c b a b dPart 4:achievementsspecialized/specializedvastprofessionaleducatedwas familiarextensivelyelegantlya great dealBesides第二单元Sharing: Task 1(1) leisure activities(2) how often they go to the cinema, what films they saw last time and their favorite films, actors, and actressesSharing: Task 2(1) a month(2) Not very often(3) once or twice(4) a week(5) every month(6) every fortnightSharing: Task 31.(1) romantic (2) great2.(1) recommend (2) action3.(1) collection (2) real life4.(1) scenes (2) fantasticSharing: Task 4Correct order: c, d, a, bTask 2 Activity 1Key:cListening: Task 2 Activity 2Q 1: blonde Q 2:blueQ 3:darkQ 4:masculineListening: Task 2 Activity 3Row 1: 2Row 2: 4Row 3: 1Row 4: 3Row 5: 2Listening: Task 2 Activity 4(1) tall(2) masculine face/ best-looking(3) black hair(4) dark brown(5) red hair(6) grey(7) slim(8) blonde hair(9) lovelyViewing: Task 2 Activity 12 4 6Viewing: Task 2 Activity 21.(1) garden(2) baby and wife2.(1) traditional values(2) likes3.being togetherRole-playing: Task 2 Activity 1(1) feel like(2) What do you recommend(3) how about(4) What's it about/What is it about(5) Who's in it/Who is in it(6) Do you think(7) Why don't weRole-playing: Task 2 Activity 2Keys: 1, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10Presenting: Task 1 Activity 11. a free concert2. (1) evening (2) City Park3. boyfriend4. (1) a picnic (2) stage (3) lay5. FantasticPresenting: Task 1 Activity 2 b a b a b aShort conversationsd b c a dLong conversationd c b cPassages: Passage 1a b a cPassages: Passage 2(1) comic(2) traffic(3) constantly(4) available(5) took part in(6) attracted(7) audience(8) free of charge(9) put forward单元检测Part1d a c b aPart2a c a c dPart3c a ad dPart4too muchwarningaffected bybackdrive people to suicidepointed outrecentcommitpreventionit's time/it is time第三单元Sharing: Task 1(1) living in London(2) how they feel about London and the most exciting things they have done in London Sharing: Task 2(1) living(2) much(3) interesting places(4) something(6) feel aboutSharing: Task 3Correct order: a, d, b, g, h, f, e, c Sharing: Task 41.(1) exciting(2) amazing concert(3) incredible2.the theater/the theatre3.(1) the best place(2) different(3) compared to4. play football5. (1) interesting things(2) the best thing(3) tickets(4) cultureListening: Task 2 Activity 1 Correct order: a, d, h, e, b, g, c, f Listening: Task 2 Activity 2(1) Australia(2) outback(3) go further(4) frightened(5) Don't move(6) the dogs(7) frighteningViewing: Task 2 Activity 1 Keys: 2, 4Viewing: Task 2 Activity 2biggest islandnervouswomen1500moneyoverwhelmedRole-playing: Task 2 Activity 1It's / It isthereleave a messagecallspeakmomentringnumberthispicking upPresenting: Task 1 Activity 1Row 1:Row 2: 1Row 3:Row 4: 2Presenting: Task 1 Activity 2 Keys: 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9Short conversationsc c bd aLong conversationb c a dPassages: Passage 1c a b cPassages: Passage 2(1) mountainous(2) frightened(3) took place(4) vanish(5) occurred(6) massive(7) caught(8) keep us away from(9) grateful(10) in advance单元检测Part1 c b a a dPart2 c a d b aPart3 a b c d dPart4apply forcommitmentopportunityrestaurantdevelopedworking practicesattendingaddpersonal qualitiesa positive addition第四单元Sharing: Task 1(1) their journey to work(2) how they get to work, what they do on their journey to work and what they like and don't like about their journeySharing: Task 2Row 1: 1Row 2: 2Row 3: 3Row 4: 3, 4Row 5: 1, 3Row 6: 5Sharing: Task 3Q 1Key(s):(1) fresh air(2) avoid holesQ 2Key(s): think aboutQ 3Key(s):(1) dream(2) looking outQ 4Key(s): an accidentSharing: Task 4Correct order: c, e, f, d, a, b Sharing: Task 5Correct order: c, a, b, d, f, e Listening: Task 2 Activity 1Q 1Key(s): When Q 2Key(s): WhatQ 3Key(s): WhoQ 4Key(s): WhatQ 5Key(s): problemQ 6Key(s): HowListening: Task 2 Activity 2(1) 1962(2) 1948(3) leave(4) public transport(5) in and drove(6) private(7) build(8) good condition(9) engineering problem(10) too heavy(11) strong(12) difficult to fly(13) traffic problemsTask 3 Activity 2The Horseless Sulky:• It can only hold two people.• It's difficult to slow down.• It's open to bad weather conditions.The Lightning Bug:• It's very small.• It's difficult to get in and out. Viewing: Task 2 Activity 1Question 1 Key: a Question 2Key: aQuestion 3Key: aQuestion 4Key: bQuestion 5Key: aViewing: Task 2 Activity 2Row 1: 3Row 2: 2Row 3: 1Row 4: 4Row 5: 1Row 6: 3Viewing: Task 2 Activity 3(1) airport managers(2) relax(3) pass the time(4) midnight(5) their flight(6) 300/three hundred(7) 319/three hundred and nineteen(8) 500/five hundredRole-playing: Task 2 Activity 1Q 1Key(s):(1) tied up(2) customer Q 2Key(s):(1) 20(2) coffeeQ 3Key(s):(1) delayed(2) cow(3) stationsRole-playing: Task 2 Activity 2Question 1 Key: b Question 2Key: aQuestion 3Key: bQuestion 4Key: aQuestion 5Key: bQuestion 6Key: bRole-playing: Task 2 Activity 3Keys: 3, 4, 6, 7Presenting: Task 1 Activity 1(1) a vegetarian meal(2) meat(3) his order(4) business class(5) cold(6) the person in chargePresenting: Task 1 Activity 2Question 1 Key: a Question 2Key: bQuestion 3Key: bQuestion 4Key: bQuestion 5Key: aQuestion 6Key: aQuestion 7Key: bQuestion 8Key: aShort conversationsQuestion 1 Key: c Question 2Key: bQuestion 3Key: dQuestion 4Key: dQuestion 5Key: aLong conversationQuestion 1 Key: c Question 2Key: bQuestion 3Key: dQuestion 4Key: dPassages: Passage 1Question 1 Key: c Question 2Key: aQuestion 3Key: dQuestion 4Key: aPassages: Passage 2(1) Gradually(2) enabled(3) vehicles(4) dates back to(5) As a result(6) thoroughly(7) capacity(8) turn(9) automobiles(10) thanks to单元检测Part 1:Q 1 Key: b Q 2Key: bQ 3Key: dQ 4Key: aQ 5Key: dPart 2:Q 1 Key: c Q 2Key: dQ 3Key: aQ 4Key: cPart 3:Q 1 Key: c Q 2Key: bQ 3Key: dQ 4Key: aQ 5Key: cPart4Q 1motor Q 2suffererQ 3range fromQ 4results fromQ 5relies onQ 6 confused Q 7stillQ 8folkQ 9avoidQ 10wing第五单元Sharing: Task 1(1) their holidays(2) what kinds of holidays people like and how they liked their last holiday Sharing: Task 2Keys: 1, 2, 3, 7, 9, 10, 11Sharing: Task 3Keys: 1, 4, 5, 7, 10Sharing: Task 4Q 1Key(s):(1) relaxing(2) fantastic(3) lovely Q 2Key(s): AmazingQ 3Key(s): thoroughly enjoyedQ 4Key(s): Lovely Q 5Key(s): fantasticListening: Task 2 Activity 1(1) comfortable(2) Plane(3) faster(4) In a hotel(5) comfortable(6) In an apartment(7) expensive(8) sightseeing(9) sightseeing(10) interesting(11) In summer(12) better(13) hot weather(14) In spring(15) crowded(16) a restaurant(18) a restaurant(19) quieter(20) A monthViewing: Task 2 Activity 1 Correct order: c, a, f, d, e, b Viewing: Task 2 Activity 2Q 1Key(s):(1) widest(2) cuts through Q 2Key(s):(1) football(2) his careerQ 3Key(s):(1) famous(2) 1800sQ 4Key(s): apparentlyQ 5Key(s): 80/eighty Q 6Key(s): fantastic meatQ 7Key(s): vegetablesQ 8Key(s):(1) family and friends(2) wonderful momentsRole-playing: Task 2 Activity 1 Keys: 2, 4, 5, 8Role-playing: Task 2 Activity 2Q 1Key(s): Could I have Q 2Key(s): can we haveQ 3Key(s): thatQ 4Key(s): French Q 5Key(s): I'd likeQ 6Key(s): The samePresenting: Task 1 Activity 1(1) Italy(2) beach(3) swim(4) bars(5) sit(6) dance(7) fresh vegetables(8) amazingPresenting: Task 1 Activity 2Short conversationsQuestion 1 Key: a Question 2Key: dQuestion 3Key: aQuestion 4Key: cQuestion 5Key: cLong conversationQuestion 1 Key: d Question 2Key: cQuestion 3Key: dQuestion 4Key: cPassages: Passage 1Question 1 Key: d Question 2Key: bQuestion 3Key: aQuestion 4Key: cPassages: Passage 2(1) celebrate(2) provide us with(3) sticking to(4) challenges(5) anticipating(6) portions(7) stuff(8) take hold of(9) effective(10) strategies单元检测Part 1:Q 1 Key: c Q 2Key: cQ 3Key: dQ 4Key:aQ 5Key: aPart 2:Q 1 Key: b Q 2Key: bQ 3Key: bQ 4Key: dPart 3:Q 1Key: bQ 2 Key: c Q 3 Key: a Q 4 Key: b Q 5Key: dPart 4Q 1 Key: hang Q 2 Key: remains Q 3 Key: symbol Q 4 Key: performedQ 5 Key: heldonQ 6 Key: represent Q 7 Key: sweetsQ 8 Key: the holiday seasonQ 9 Key: appeared to Q 10Key: spread to第六单元Sharing: Task 1(1) their lifestyle(2) what things they do to keep fit and what unhealthy eating habits they haveSharing: Task 2(1) exercise (2) full -time (3) runningSharing: Task 3Keys: 1, 5 Sharing: Task 4C orrect order: c, e, f, a, d, g, b Sharing: Task 5Q 1Key(s):(1) a sweet tooth(2) sweetQ 2Key(s):(1) coffee(2) chocolate Q 3Key(s):(1) Eating late(2) regularlyQ 4Key(s): too much Q 5Key(s): fast foodQ 6Key(s):(1) far too many(2) cakeListening: Task 2 Activity 1(1) eating problems(2) replace normal(3) food pills(4) taste different(5) its flavor(6) become commonListening: Task 2 Activity 2 Keys: 2Viewing: Task 2 Activity 1Question 1 Key: c Question 2Key: aQuestion 3Key: cQuestion 4Key: dQuestion 5Key: dViewing: Task 2 Activity 2Row 1: 1Row 2: 1Row 3: 1Row 4: 2Row 5: 2Row 6: 1Row 7: 2Row 8: 1Row 9: 2Row 10: 2Role-playing: Task 2 Activity 2Q 1Key(s):d-b-f-e-a-c Q 2Key(s):(1) tea and coffee(2) one small cup(3) painkillers(4) three times a day/3 times a dayQ 3Key(s): Foot pain Q 4Key(s): worry aboutPresenting: Task 1 Activity 1Q 1Key(s): feel relaxed Q 2Key(s): much exerciseQ 3Key(s): sporting hero Q 4Key(s): walk a dayPresenting: Task 1 Activity 2 Keys: 1, 2, 4, 6Short conversationsQuestion 1 Key: c Question 2Key: bQuestion 3Key: dQuestion 4 Key: b Question 5 Key: dLong conversationQuestion 1 Key: c Question 2Key: bQuestion 3Key: aQuestion 4Key: aPassages: Passage 1Question 1 Key: b Question 2 Key: d Question 3 Key: b Question 4 Key: aPassages: Passage 2(1) pressures (2) disappear (3) compromise (4) alcohol (5) intense(6) interferes with (7) undermine(8) pay attention to (9) suffers from (10) competitive单元检测 Part 1:Q 1 Key: aQ 2Key: a Q 3 Key: c Q 4 Key: d Q 5 Key: b Part 2:Q 1 Key: aQ 2Key: cQ 3 Key: bQ 4 Key: bQ 5Key: aPart 3: Q 1 Key: c Q 2Key: c Q 3 Key: d Q 4 Key: dQ 5 Key: dPart 4: Q 1 Key: perfectlyQ 2 Key: sewing Q 3 Key: distant Q 4 Key: suffer fromQ 5 Key: at arm'slengthQ 6 Key: cloudy Q 7 Key: judging Q 8 Key: slightly Q 9 Key: background Q 10 Key: eye views第七单元Sharing: Task 1(1) countryside life and wildlife(2) whether people like to live in the countryside or in the city, what animals they like and what animals they are scared ofSharing: Task 2Keys: 1, 3, 4Sharing: Task 3Correct order: b, f, a, d, e, cSharing: Task 4Q 1Key(s):(1) Snakes(2) the end Q 2Key(s):hateQ 3Key(s):(1) scared of(2) afraid ofQ 4Key(s):(1) horses(2) frighten Q 5Key(s):(1) scares(2) memoriesQ 6Key(s):(1) sharks(2) unknownListening: Task 2 Activity 1(1) 3/three(2) water(3) animals(4) the weather.Listening: Task 2 Activity 2(1) envir. probs.(2) > 6 bil.(3) 2050(4) > 9 bil.(5) popu.(6) probs.Listening: Task 2 Activity 3(1) 3(2) probs.(3) water(4) <(5) 4.5 L(6) 600 L(7) >(8) diffi.(9) animals(10) ↑(11) ↓(12) Rainf.(13) 150,000 km2(14) the weather(15) ↑(16) ↑(17) ↑Viewing: Task 2 Activity 1Question 1 Key: c Question 2Key: cQuestion 3Key: aQuestion 4Key: aViewing: Task 2 Activity 2Q 1Key(s): beautiful Q 2Key(s): magicalQ 3Key(s): lovelyQ 4Key(s): fantastic Q 5Key(s): happyQ 6Key(s): astonishingRole-playing: Task 2 Activity 1Question 1 Key: b Question 2Key: aQuestion 3Key: aRole-playing: Task 2 Activity 2 Correct order: e, a, c, b, d, f, gRole-playing: Task 2 Activity 3Question 1 Key: b Question 2Key: aQuestion 3Key: aQuestion 4 Key: a Question 5Key: bQuestion 6Key: bPresenting: Task 1 Activity 1Q 1Key(s): Fish River Canyon Q 2Key(s): amazingly quietPresenting: Task 1 Activity 2 Keys: 1, 2, 3, 5, 8Short conversationsQuestion 1 Key: c Question 2Key: aQuestion 3Key: bQuestion 4Key: dQuestion 5Key: dLong conversationQuestion 1 Key: d Question 2Key: cQuestion 3Key: dQuestion 4Key: aPassages: Passage 1Question 1 Key: c Question 2Key: cQuestion 3Key: aQuestion 4Key: cPassages: Passage 2(1) participated in (2) access to (3) tremendous (4) currently (5) incredible (6) accompany (7) remarkable (8) amazing(9) catching a glimpse of (10) looking forward to单元检测Part 1:Q 1Key: dQ 2Key: c Q 3 Key: bQ 4 Key: b Q 5 Key: dPart 2: Q 1 Key: aQ 2 Key: bQ 3Key: dQ 4 Key: dPart 3: Q 1 Key: cQ 2 Key: bQ 3 Key: a Q 4 Key: d Q 5 Key: cPart 4: Q 1 Key: dial Q 2 Key: keeper Q 3 Key: smart Q 4 Key: figure outQ 5 Key:chemicallyQ 6 Key: rank high on Q 7 Key: intelligence Q 8 Key: recognize/recognise Q 9 Key: descriptive Q 10 Key: make decisions第八单元Sharing: Task 1(1) shopping(2) how they feel about shopping, where they usually shop, and what they have bought recently Sharing: Task 2Correct order: d, c, a, e, b, fSharing: Task 31.b2.b3.a4.b5.b6.aSharing: Task 4Keys: 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,10,12,13,15,16Listening: Task 2 Activity 1(1) food(2) rubber(3) 1891(4) concentrate(5) the mobile phone(6) 1973(7) countries(8) light(9) 2001(10) 500/five hundredListening: Task 2 Activity 2Keys: 1, 4, 5, 6, 7Viewing: Task 2 Activity 1Q 1Key(s):(1) early 30s(2) 6 billion/six billion Q 2Key(s): computer science studentsQ 3Key(s):(1) tour guide(2) in the group Q 4Key(s): searching the InternetQ 5Key(s):(1) 2000(2) successful business Q 6Key(s):(1) fastest growing(2) most profitableViewing: Task 2 Activity 2 Keys: 4, 5Role-playing: Task 2 Activity 1Question 1 Key: c Question 2Key: bQuestion 3Key: aQuestion 4Key: bQuestion 5Key: cRole-playing: Task 2 Activity 2Row 1: 2Row 2: 1Row 3: 2Row 4: 2Row 5: 1Row 6: 2Row 7: 1Row 8: 1Row 9: 2Row 10: 1Presenting: Task 1 Activity 1Q 1Key(s): footballers Q 2Key(s): fire fightersQ 3Key(s): doctors Q 4Key(s): teachersPresenting: Task 2 Step 1Correct order: b, e, c, d, a, f Short conversa tionsQuestion 1 Key: b Question 2Key: dQuestion 3Key: cQuestion 4Key: bQuestion 5Key: dLong conversationQuestion 1 Key: b Question 2Key: cQuestion 3Key: aQuestion 4Key: dPassages: Passage 1Question 1 Key: c Question 2Key: dQuestion 3Key: bQuestion 4Key: dPassages: Passage 2(1) evidence(2) enhance(3) interviewed(4) rated(5) took into account(6) forecast(7) emerged(8) was related to(9) adapt themselves to(10) original单元检测Part1:Q 1 Key: c Q 2Key: dQ 3Key: aQ 4Key: bQ 5Key: cPart2:Q 1 Key: c Q 2Key: cQ 3Key: bQ 4Key: dQ 5Key: aPart3:Q 1 Key: c Q 2Key: bQ 3Key: dQ 4Key: aQ 5Key: cPart4:Q 1Key: accessible Q 2Key: opens achecking accountQ 3Key: regularlyQ 4Key: ordersQ 5Key: exchangeQ 6 Key: bank account Q 7Key: returnQ 8Key: interestQ 9Key: insteadofQ 10Key: valuable。

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第一单元Sharing 1Reference: their social life Reference: whether they go out a lot and what they did when they went out last night Reference: leisure activities Reference: how often they go to the cinema, what films they saw last time and their favorite films, actors, andactresses 2busy friends university social life3.Answers: a-c-e-d-b-f4.danced view of fun drink west delicious meal house television / TVListening2.11962 4th199019962.2teacher cleaned houses lost visited work his wifein his own wordsViewing1A famous ballet dancer.Havana.His home country, family and childhood.2.1Answers: a-c-h-f-d-e-g-b2.2home country relatives foreigner speakpassed on heat sea happinessRole-playing2.1It was great He's a football playerIt was really beautiful2.2135710Presenting1.1a small town1993200820037 / seven1.214578910Conversations1BABDDDBCDPassagesDDBA programmes very decisions doing laundryObviously choices ruining get used toopportunities step backCheck & check1234Unit testCADDA CDABC CBABDachievements specialised vast professional educated was familiar extensively elegantly a great deal Besides第二单元Sharing 1Reference: leisure activities Reference: how often they go to the cinema, what filmsthey saw last time and their favorite films, actors, andactresses 2a month Not very often once or twice a week every month every fortnight3.romantic great recommend action collectionreal life scenes fantastic4.Answers: c-d-a-bListening2.1C2.3Women 2 Man 2 Women 1 Man 1Women 22.4tall masculine face / best-looking black hair dark brown red hair grey slim blonde hair lovelyViewing2.12462.2garden baby and wife traditional values likes beingtogetherRole-playing2.1feel like What do you recommend how aboutWhat's it about Who's in it Do you think Why don't we2.214578910Presenting1.1a free concert evening City Park boyfrienda picnic stage lay fantastic1.2BABABAConversations1DBCAD DCBCPassagesABAC comic traffic constantly availabletook part in attracted audience free of chargeput forward embraceUnit testDACBA ACACD CAADDtoo much warning affected by backdrive people to suicide pointed out recent commitprevention it's time第三单元Sharing 1Reference: living in London Reference: how they feel about London and the most exciting things they have done in Londonliving much interesting places somethingexperience feel aboutAnswers: a-d-b-g-h-f-e-cexciting amazing concert incredible the theatrethe best place different compared to play football interesting things the best thing ticketscultureListening2.1Answers: a-d-h-e-b-g-c-fAustralia outback go further frightenedDon't move the dogs frighteningViewing2.12 4biggest island nervous women 1500money overwhelmedRole-playing2.it's / It is there leave a message call speakmoment ring number this picking upPresenting1.1Climbing a volcano Speaker 1Sailing down the Nile Speaker 21.21345789Conversations1CCBDA BCADPassagesCABC occurred advance mountainousmassivefrightened took placecaught keep us away fromvanishgrateful inUnit testCBAAD CADBA ABCDDapply for commitment opportunity working practices attending addrestaurantpersonaldevelopedqualities apositive addition第四单元their journey to workfresh air avoid holes think about dream looking out an accidentcefdab cabdfeWhen What Who What problem How1962, 1948,leave,public transport,in and drove build ,good condition,engineering problem ,too heavy,strong to fly,traffic problems ,private ,difficult,AAABA 321413airport managers,relax,pass the time,midnight,their flight,three hundred, 319, 500tied up,customer,20, coffee,delayed,cow, stations.BABABB 3467a vegetarian meal,meat, his order,business class,cold,the person in chargeABBBA ABACBDDA CBDD CADAGradually, enabled, vehicles, dates back to, As a result, thoroughly, capacity, turn,automobiles, thanks toBBDAD CDAC CBDACmotor, sufferer, range from, results from, relies on, confused, still, folk, avoid, wing第五单元their holidays123791011 145710 relaxing ,fantastic,lovely ,Amazing ,thoroughly enjoyed ,Lovely ,fantasticcomfortable ,Plane,faster,In a hotel,comfortable ,In an apartment,expensive,sightseeing,sightseeing, interesting , In summer, better, hot weather ,In spring , crowded, a restaurant,quieter, a restaurant, quieter,A month,80,CAFDEB widest,cuts through,football,his career,famous,1800s,apparentlyfantastic meat,vegetables,family and friends,wonderful moments2458Could I have+ can we have+ that++ French + I'd like+ The sameItaly+ beach++ swim+ bars + sit+dance - fresh vegetables+ amazing1347ADACC DCDC DBAC+ anticipating+portions+celebrate+provide us with+sticking to+challengesstuff+take hold of+effective+strategiesCCDAA BBBD BCABDhang+ remains + symbol + performed +held on+ represent + sweets + the holiday season +appeared to + spread totheir lifestyleexercise+full-time+running15Cefadgba sweet tooth+sweet+coffee+chocolate+Eating late+regularly+too much+fast food + far too many+cakeeating problems++replace normal+food pills+taste different+its flavor+become common 2CACDD 11122 12122d-b-f-e-a-c tea and coffee+ one small cup+painkillers+three times a day+Foot pain+worry aboutfeel relaxed++much exercise+sporting hero+walk a day 12461)How often do you do sports?2)What is your favorite sport?3)Which do you prefer, individual sports or team sports?4)Who is your sporting hero? / Do you have a sporting hero? Who is it?5)What sport did you enjoy most in the past? / What sport did you often do in thepast?6)What sport would you like to try?CBDBD CBAA BDBApressures + disappear+compromise pay attention to+suffers from+alcohol+intense+ competitive+ interferes with+ undermine+AACDBAABBACCDDDperfectly+sewing+distant+judging + slightly+background+eye views+ suffer from + at arm's length+ cloudycountryside life and wildlife134bfadecSnakes+ the end + hate + scared of+afraid of+horses+frighten+scares+memories +s harks +unknownthree + water + animals + the weather+ envir Probs. +>6 bil + 2050+ 9 bill + popu+probs 3 + probs. + water +<+ 4.5 L+ 600 L + >+ diffi+ animals+↑+↓+ Rainf +150,000 km2 + the weather+↑+↑+↑CCAA beautiful+ magical+lovely +fantastic+ happy+ astonishing+BAA eacbdfg BAAABB Fish River Canyon+ amazingly quiet+ 12358+ CABDD DCDACCACparticipated in+ access to + tremendous + currently + incredible++ accompany+remarkable + amazing + catching a glimpse of+ l ooking forward toDCBBD ABDD CBADC dia l + keeper ++ smart + figure out+ chemically + rank high on +intelligence++ recognize + descriptive+make decisions第八单元Shopping dcaebf BBABBA 14567810 12131516food + rubber + 1891+ concentrate+the mobile phone+ 1973+ countries+ light+2001+50014567early 30s+ 6 billion+ computer science students++ tour guide+ in the group+searching the Internet+ 2000+ successful business+ fastest growing+ mostprofitable 45CBABC 21221 21121Footballers+ fire fighters+ doctors+ teachers b-e-c-d-a-fThe profession that should get the highest pay:People need special and extensive training to become doctors.They relieve our pain, cure our diseases, and save our lives.Their work is indispensable to everyone and they cannot be replaced by anyone else.The profession that should get the lowest pay:Footballers' work is to entertain some peoIt doesn't add any real value toThey make money simply by playing— it's not real work and it's so easy.BDCBD BCAD CDBDevidence +enhance+ interviewed+ rated + took into account+ forecast++ emerged+was related to + adapt themselves to++ originalCDABC CCBDA CBDAC accessible+ opens a checking account+ regularly+orders+exchange +bank account+ return+ interest+ instead of+ valuable专业资料学习资料教育培训考试建筑装潢资料。

新视野大学英语视听说教程第三版第一册练习答案Unit 1 Traces of the pastListe ning to the worldShari ng2. 1) busy 2)frie nds 3) uni versity 4) social life3. AEBDCF4. 1) danced 2) view of the river 3) fun 4) drink 5) west 6) delicious meal 7) house 8) televisionListe ning2. 1) 1962 2) fourth 3) 1990 4) 19963. 1) teacher 2) cleaned houses 3) lost 4) visited 5) work 6) his wife 7) in his own wordsViewi ng1. 1) A famous ballet dancer 2) Havana 3) His home country, family and childhood.2. a c h f d e g bSpeak ing for com muni catio nRole-play1. Isabel went for a walk with her boyfriend while Marek played football and cleaned his flat.2. 1) It was great. 2) He'a football player. 3) It was really beautiful.3. 1,3, 5, 7 ,10Further practice in liste ningShort conversations BABDDLong conv ersati on DBCDPassage 1 DDBAPassage 21) programs 2) very 3) decisions 4) doing laundry 5) Obviously6) choices 7) ruining 8) get used to 9) opportunities 10) step backUnit 2 A break for funListe ning to the worldShari ng2. 1) once a month 2) Not very often 3) once or twice 4) once a week 5) once every month 6) every fortnight3. 1) romantic 2) great 3) recommend 4) action 5) collection 6) real life 7) scenes 8) fantastic4. c d a bListe ning2. bion de, blue, dark, masculi ne3. Woman 1: Sea n Conn ery; Woman 2: Gael Garcia Bernal a nd Will Smith;Man 1: Judi Dench; Man 2: Scarlett Johansson4.Viewi ng1.1) It is a music festival2) It is held in the Isle of Wight every September.3) I think people can enjoy the music at the festival and have fun with their families and frie nds.2. 2, 4, 63. 1) garden; baby and wife; 2) traditional values; like; 3) being togetherSpeak ing for com muni catio nRole-play1.1) fell like 2) What do you recomme nd 3) how about 4) What 'it about5) Who'in it 6) Do you thi nk 7) Why don'twe2. 1,4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10Further practice in liste ningShort conversations DBCADLong conv ersati on DCBCPassage 1 ABACPassage 21) comic 2) traffic 3) constantly 4) available 5) took part in6) attracted 7) audienee 8) free of charge 9) put forward 10) embraceUnit 3 Life mome ntsListe ning to the worldShari ng2.1) because theresso much to do2) H e has been to lots of interesting places but ther e always something new to experie nee3) How do you feel about London?3. A C H B G F D E4. 1) excit ing 2) amaz ing con cert 3) in credible 4) the theater 5) the best place6) different 7) compared to 8) play football 9) interesting things 10) the best thi ng 11)tickets 12) culture and sportListe ning2. a d h e b g c f3. 1) In Australia 2) Because he decided to go further after he realized he didti know where he was 3) Really frighte ned 4) Don 'move, and dontlook at the dogs 5) A tree Viewi ng2. Francesco is an architect and historian. He visits the island of Crete and goes to a local wedd ing.3. 2,44.1) Crete is the biggest island in Greece.2) She is a little nervous.3) All the women in the village are helping prepare the wedding feast.4) About 1500 people.5) They give money as gifts.6) There is so much to see, do and eat at the weddi ng. Fran cesco is overwhelmed by all that.Speak ing for com muni catio nRole-play1.2. 1) It' 2) there 3) leave a message 4) call 5) speak 6) moment 7) ring8) number 9) this 10) picking upFurther practice in liste ningShort conversations CCBDALong conv ersati on BCADPassage 1 CABCPassage 21) mountainous 2) frightened 3) took place 4) vanish 5) occurred6) massive 7) caught 8) keep us away from 9) grateful 10) in advaneeUnit 4 Getti ng from A to BListe ning to the worldShari ng2. A: bus B: car C: walking D: walking, the tube E: bus, walking F: bike3. 1) fresh air 2) avoid holes 3) think about 4) dream 5) looking out of the win dow 6) an accide nt4. E F A D B C5. B C A D F E6. 1) by underground 2) go to school by bus 3) about an hour 4) listen to music5) look out of the windowListe ning1. B C A4. 1) 1962 2) leave their cars at home 3) public transport 4) build 5) keep in good condition 6) 1948 7) got in and drove away 8) engineering problem 9) too heavy 10) strong 11) private 12) difficult to fly 13) traffic problem Viewi ng2. 1) queuing 2) making phone calls 3) pizza 4) playing outside 5) chess3. A: 3,5 B: 2 C: 1,6 D: 44. 1) airport managers 2) relax 3) pass the time 4) midnight 5) their flight 6)300 7) 319 8) 5005. 1) Beijing 2) terrible 3) 7 p.m. 4) a computer problem in the control tower 5) can celled 6) ano ther flight 7) queue/wait 8) sleep ing everywhere at the airport9) took off 10) 3 o 'lock this morni ngSpeak ing for com muni catio nRole-play1. 1) tied up; customer 2) 20; coffee 3) delayed; cow; stations2. 1) all right 2) mean 3) not acceptable 4) won ' 5) really 6) not my fault3. Acceptable: 3,4,6,7Further practice in liste ningShort conversations CBDDALong conv ersati on CBDDPassage 1 CADAPassage 21) Gradually 2) enabled 3) vehicles 4) dates back to 5) As a result6) thoroughly 7) capacity 8) turn 9) automobiles 10) thanks toUnit 5 Relax and exploreListe ning to the worldShari ng2. adventure holidays, beach holidays, city breaks, activity holidays, swimming, skii ng, relax ing holidays3. 1,4, 5, 7, 104. 1) relaxing 2) fantastic 3) lovely 4) Amazing 5) thoroughly enjoyed 6)Lovely 7) fan tasticListe ning3. 1) more comfortable 2) Plane 3) faster 4) In a hotel 5) more comfortable 6) In an apartment 7) more expensive 8) Go sightseeing 9) Go sightseeing 10) more in teresting 11) In summer 12) better 13) hotter 14) hot weather 15) In spri ng 16) more crowded 17) Go to a restaura nt 18) quieter 19) Go to a restaura nt 20) quieter 21) more relax ing 22) A mon th 23) A monthViewi ng1. 1) La Boca 2) Football a nd polo 3) Arge ntinian beef2. c a f d e b3. 1) widest; cuts through 2) football; his career 3) famous; 1800s 4) apparently5) 80 6) fantastic meat 7) vegetables 8) family and friends; wonderful momentsSpeak ing for com muni catio nRole-play1. 2,4,5,82. 1) Could I have 2) can we have 3) that 4) French 5) I'd like 6) The sameFurther practice in liste ningShort conversations ADACCLong conv ersati on DCDCPassage 1 DBACPassage 21) celebrate 2) provide us with 3) sticking to 4) challenges 5) anticipating6) portions 7) stuff 8) take hold of 9) effective 10) strategiesUnit 6 Wit and fitListe ning to the worldShari ng2. 1) exercise 2) full-time 3) running3. 1, 54. D G A E B C F5. 1) a sweet tooth 2) sweet 3) coffee 4) chocolate 5) Eating late 6) regularly 7) too much 8) fast food 9) far too many 10) cakeListe ning3. 1) eating problems 2) replace normal food 3) eat only food pills 4) taste different 5) change its flavor 6) become com mon4. 2Viewi ng1. Play: basketball, badminton, rugby, cricket, volleyball, squash, football, tennisGo: surfing, horse racing, jogging, cycling, swimming, rollerblading, skiing2. Corbett finds it difficult to keep calm probably because he is beaten by Barker, who has n ever played squash before.3. C A C D D4. BBBCC BCBCCSpeak ing for com muni catio nRole-play1. d b f e a c2. 1) tea and coffee 2) one small cup 3) pain killers 4) three times a day 5) Foot pain 6) worry aboutFurther practice in liste ningShort conversations CBDBDLong conv ersati on CBAAPassage 1 BDBAPassage 21) pressures 2) disappear 3) compromise 4) alcohol 5) intense6) interferes with 7) undermine 8) pay attention to 9) suffers from 10) competitiveUnit 7 Weird, wild and won derfulListe ning to the worldShari ng2. 1, 3, 43. CAFDEB4. 1) Snakes 2) the end 3) hate 4) scared of 5) afraid of 6) horses 7)frighten 8) scares 9) memories 10) sharks 11) unknownListe ning3. 1) encir. probs. 2) ?6 bil. 3) 2050 4) ?9 bil. 5) popu. 6) probs4. 1) 3 2) probs. 3) water 4) < 5) 4.52L 6) 600 L 7) ? 8) diffi. 9) animals 10) T 11) J 12) Rainf. 13) 150,000 k m214) the weather 15) T16) T17) T Viewi ng2. 2, 33. CCAA4. 1) beautiful 2) magical 3) lovely 4) fantastic 5) happy 6) astonishingSpeak ing for com muni catio nRole-play2. BAA3. e a c b d f gFurther practice in liste ningShort conversations CABDDLong conv ersati on DCDAPassage 1 CCACPassage 21) participated in 2) access 3) treme ndous 4) curre ntly 5) in credible6) accompany 7) remarkable 8) amazing 9) catching a glimpse of 10) looking forward toUnit 8 Money mattersListe ning to the worldShari ng2. CEBADF3. BBABBA4. dress, book, han dbad, trousers, train ers, shoes, coat, sun glasses, tops, skirts, teleph oneListe ning1. CABD3. chew ing gum, the mobile phone, the iPod and Mono poly4.4. 1,4, 5, 6, 7Viewi ng2. 1) early 30s; 6 billi on 2) computer scie nee stude nts 3) tour guide; in the group4) searchi ng the Internet 5) 2000; successful bus in ess 6) fastest grow ing; most profitable3. 4,5Speak ing for com muni catio nRole-play1. CBABC2. SSCCS CSSCCFurther practice in liste ningShort conversations BDCBDLong conv ersati on BCADPassage 1 CDBDPassage 21) evide nee 2) enhance 3) in terviewed 4) rated 5) took into acco unt6) forecast 7) emerged 8) was related to 9) adapt themselves to 10) original。

第一册第一单元Sharing: Task 1(1)t heir social life(2)w hether they go out a lot and what they did when they went out last night Sharing: Task 2(1)b usy(2)f riends(3)u niversity(4)s ocial lifeSharing: Task 3Correct order: a, c, e, d, b, fSharing: Task 4Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Q 5Key(s):danced Key(s): Key(s):drink Key(s): Key(s):(1) viewof (1) west (1) house(2) fun (2) deliciousmeal(2)television/TVListening: Task 2 Activity 1Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4Key(s): 1962 Key(s): fourth/4th Key(s): 1990 Key(s): 1996 Listening: Task 2 Activity 2(1) teacher(2)c leaned houses(3)l ost(4)v isited(5)w ork(6)h is wife(7)i n his own wordsViewing: Task 2 Activity 1Correct order: a, c, h, f, d, e, g, bViewing: Task 2 Activity 2(1)h ome(2)c ountry(3)r elatives(4)f oreigner(5)s peak(6)p assed on(7)h eat(8)s ea(9)h appinessRole-playing: Task 2 Activity 1(1)I t was great(2)H e's a football player/He is a football player(3)I t was really beautifulRole-playing: Task 2 Activity 2Keys: 1, 3, 5, 7, 10Presenting: Task 1 Activity 1Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Q 5a small town 1993 2008 20037/sevenPresenting: Task 1 Activity 2 Keys: 1, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10 Short conversations1.b2.a3.b4.d5.dLong conversation1.d2.b3.c4.d Passages: Passage 11.d2.d3.b4.a Passages: Passage 2(1)p rograms/programmes(2)v ery(3)d ecisions(4)d oing laundry(5)O bviously(6)c hoices(7)r uining(8)g et used to(9)o pportunities(10)step back单元检测Part1 c a d d aPart2 c d a b cPart3 c b a b dPart 4: achievements specialized/specialized vastprofessionaleducatedwas familiarextensivelyelegantlya great dealBesides第二单元Sharing: Task 1(1)l eisure activities(2)h ow often they go to the cinema, what films they saw last time and their favorite films, actors, and actressesSharing: Task 2(1)a month(2)N ot very often(3)o nce or twice(4)a week(5)e very month(6)e very fortnightSharing: Task 31.(1) romantic(2) great2.(1) recommend(2) action3.(1) collection(2) real life4.(1) scenes(2) fantastic Sharing: Task 4 Correct order: c, d, a, bTask 2 Activity 1Key:cListening: Task 2 Activity 2Q 1: Q 2: QQ 4:3:blonde blue damasculinerkListening: Task 2 Activity 3Row 1: 2Row 2: 4Row 3: 1Row 4: 3Row 5: 2Listening: Task 2 Activity 4(1)tall(2)m asculine face/ best-looking(3)b lack hair(4)d ark brown(5)r ed hair(6)g rey(7)s lim(8)b londe hair(9)l ovelyViewing: Task 2 Activity 12 4 6Viewing: Task 2 Activity 21.(1) garden(2) baby and wife2.(1) traditional values(2) likes3.being togetherRole-playing: Task 2 Activity 1(1)f eel like(2)W hat do you recommend(3)h ow about(4)W hat's it about/What is it about(5)W ho's in it/Who is in it(6)D o you think(7)W hy don't weRole-playing: Task 2 Activity 2 Keys: 1, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10 Presenting: Task 1 Activity 11. a free concert2.(1) evening(2) City Park3.boyfriend4.(1) a picnic(2) stage(3) lay5.FantasticPresenting: Task 1 Activity 2b a b a b aShort conversationsd b c a dLong conversationd c b cPassages: Passage 1a b a cPassages: Passage 2(1)c omic(2)t raffic(3)c onstantly(4)a vailable(5)t ook part in(6)a ttracted(7)a udience(8)f ree of charge(9)p ut forward(10) embrace单元检测Part1d a c b aPart2a c a c dPart3c a ad dPart4too muchwarningaffected bybackdrive people to suicidepointed outrecentcommitpreventionit's time/it is time第三单元Sharing: Task 1(1)l iving in London(2)h ow they feel about London and the most exciting things they have done inLondonSharing: Task 2(1)l iving(2)m uch(3)i nteresting places(4)s omething(5)e xperience(6)f eel aboutSharing: Task 3Correct order: a, d, b, g, h, f, e, c Sharing: Task 41.(1) exciting(2)a mazing concert(3)i ncredible2.the theater/the theatre3.(1) the best place(2)d ifferent(3)c ompared to4.play football5.(1) interesting things(2)t he best thing(3)t ickets(4)c ultureListening: Task 2 Activity 1 Correct order: a, d, h, e, b, g, c, f Listening: Task 2 Activity 2(1)A ustralia(2)o utback(3)g o further(4)f rightened(5)D on't move(6)t he dogs(7)f righteningViewing: Task 2 Activity 1Keys: 2, 4Viewing: Task 2 Activity 2biggest islandnervouswomen1500moneyoverwhelmedRole-playing: Task 2 Activity 1It's / It isthereleave a messagecallspeakmomentringnumberthispicking upPresenting: Task 1 Activity 1 Row 1:Row 2: 1Row 3:Row 4: 2Presenting: Task 1 Activity 2 Keys: 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9Short conversationsc c bd aLong conversationb c a dPassages: Passage 1c a b c Passages: Passage 2(1)m ountainous(2)f rightened(3)t ook place(4)v anish(5)o ccurred(6)m assive(7)c aught(8)k eep us away from(9)g rateful(10)in advance单元检测Part1 c b a a d Part2 c a d b a Part3 a b c d d Part4apply forcommitment opportunityrestaurantdevelopedworking practices attendingaddpersonal qualitiesa positive addition第四单元Sharing: Task 1(1)their journey to work(2)h ow they get to work, what they do on their journey to work and what they like and don't like about their journeySharing: Task 2Row 1: 1Row 2: 2Row 3: 3Row 4: 3, 4Row 5: 1, 3Row 6: 5Sharing: Task 3Q1Key(s):(1) fresh air(2) avoidholes Q 2Key(s): thinkabout Q 3(1)d ream(2)l ookingout Q 4Key(s): an accident Sharing: Task 4Correct order: c, e, f, d, a, b Sharing: Task 5Correct order: c, a, b, d, f, e Listening: Task 2 Activity 1Q 1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q 5Q 6Key(s): When Key(s):WhatKey(s):WhoKey(s):WhatKey(s):problemKey(s): HowListening: Task 2 Activity 2(1)1962(2)1948(3)l eave(4)p ublic transport(5)i n and drove(6)p rivate(7)b uild(8)g ood condition(9)e ngineering problem(10)too heavy(11)strong(12)difficult to fly(13)traffic problemsTask 3 Activity 2The Horseless Sulky:?It can only hold two people.?It's difficult to slow down.?It's open to bad weather conditions.The Lightning Bug:?It's very small.?It's difficult to get in and out. Viewing: Task 2 Activity 1Question 1 Question 2 Question 3Question 4Question 5Key: a Key:a Key:aKey:bKey: aViewing: Task 2 Activity 2Row 1: 3Row 2: 2Row 3: 1Row 4: 4 Row 5: 1 Row 6: 3Viewing: Task 2 Activity 3(1)airport managers(2)r elax(3)p ass the time(4)m idnight(5)t heir flight(6)300/three hundred(7)319/three hundred and nineteen(8)500/five hundredRole-playing: Task 2 Activity 1Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Key(s): Key(s): Key(s):(1) tied up (1) 20 (1) delayed(2) customer (2) coffee (2) cow(3)stations Role-playing: Task 2 Activity 2Questio n 1 Key: b Question 2Key: aQuestion 3Key: bQuestion 4Key: aQuestion 5Key: bQuestion 6Key: bRole-playing: Task 2 Activity 3Keys: 3, 4, 6, 7 Presenting: Task 1 Activity 1(1)a vegetarian meal(2)m eat(3)h is order(4)b usiness class(5)c old(6)t he person in chargePresenting: Task 1 Activity 2Question 1 Question 2 Question 3 Question 4 Question 5 Question 6 Question 7 Question 8 Key: a Key: b Key: b Key: b Key: a Key: a Key: b Key: aShort conversationsQuestion 1 Question 2 Question 3Question 5 Question 4Key: c Key: b Key: dKey: a Key: dLong conversationQuestion 1 Key: c Question 2Key: bQuestion 3Key: dQuestion 4Key: dPassages: Passage 1Question 1 Key: c Question 2Key: aQuestion 3Key: dQuestion 4Key: aPassages: Passage 2(1)G radually(2)e nabled(3)v ehicles(4)d ates back to(5)A s a result(6)t horoughly(7)c apacity(8)t urn(9)a utomobiles(10)thanks to单元检测Part 1:Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Q 5Key: b Key: b Key: d Key: a Key: dPart 2:Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4Key: c Key: d Key: a Key: cPart 3:Q 1 Key: c Q 2Key: bQ 3Key: dQ 4Key: aQ 5Key: cPart4Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Q 5motor sufferer range from results from relies onQ 6 Q 7 Q 8 Q 9 Q 10 confused still folk avoid wing第五单元Sharing: Task 1(1)t heir holidays(2)w hat kinds of holidays people like and how they liked their last holiday Sharing: Task 2Keys: 1, 2, 3, 7, 9, 10, 11Sharing: Task 3Keys: 1, 4, 5, 7, 10Sharing: Task 4Q 1 Key(s): Q 2Key(s): AmazingQ 3Key(s): thoroughly enjoyed(1) relaxing(2) fantastic(3) lovelyQ 4Key(s): Lovely Q 5Key(s): fantasticListening: Task 2 Activity 1(1)c omfortable(2)P lane(3)f aster(4)I n a hotel(5)c omfortable(6)I n an apartment(7)e xpensive(8)s ightseeing(9)s ightseeing(10)interesting(11)In summer(12)better(13)hot weather(14)In spring(15)crowded(16)a restaurant(17)quieter(18)a restaurant(19)quieter(20)A monthViewing: Task 2 Activity 1Correct order: c, a, f, d, e, bViewing: Task 2 Activity 2Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4Key(s): Key(s): Key(s): Key(s): apparently(1) widest (1) football (1) famous(2) cutsthrough (2) his career (2) 1800sQ 5 Q 6 Q 7 Q 8Key(s): 80/eighty Key(s): fantasticmeatKey(s):vegetables Key(s):(1) family andfriends(2) wonderfulmomentsRole-playing: Task 2 Activity 1Keys: 2, 4, 5, 8Role-playing: Task 2 Activity 2Q 1 Q 2 Q 3Key(s): Could I have Key(s): can we have Key(s): that Q 4 Q 5 Q 6Key(s): French Key(s): I'd like Key(s): The samePresenting: Task 1 Activity 1(1)I taly(2)b each(3)s wim(4)b ars(5)s it(6)d ance(7)f resh vegetables(8)a mazingPresenting: Task 1 Activity 2Keys: 1, 3, 4, 7 Short conversationsQuestion 1 Key: a Question 2Key: dQuestion 3Key: aQuestion 4Key: cQuestion 5Key: cLong conversationQuestion 1 Key: d Question 2Key: cQuestion 3Key: dQuestion 4Key: cPassages: Passage 1Question 1 Key: d Question 2Key: bQuestion 3Key: aQuestion 4Key: cPassages: Passage 2(1)c elebrate(2)p rovide us with(3)s ticking to(4)c hallenges(5)a nticipating(6)p ortions(7)s tuff(8)t ake hold of(9)e ffective(10)strategies单元检测Part 1:Q 1Q 4Q 2 Q 3 Key: Q 5 Key: cKey: c Key: dKey:aaPart 2:Q 1 Key: b Q 2Key: bQ 3Key: bQ 4Key: dPart 3:Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Q 5 Key: b Key: c Key: a Key: b Key: dPart 4Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Q 5Key: hang Key: Key: symbol Key: performed Key: heldremains on Q 6 Q 7 Q 8 Q 9 Q 10 Key: Key: sweets Key: the Key: appeared to Key:represent holiday spread toseason第六单元Sharing: Task 1(1)t heir lifestyle(2)w hat things they do to keep fit and what unhealthy eating habits they have Sharing: Task 2(1)e xercise(2)f ull-time(3)r unning Sharing: Task 3Keys: 1, 5Sharing: Task 4Correct order: c, e, f, a, d, g, bSharing: Task 5Q 1Key(s):(1) a sweet tooth(2) sweetQ 2 Q 3 Key(s): Key(s):(1) coffee (1) Eating late(2) chocolate (2) regularlyQ 4 Q 5 Q 6Key(s): too much Key(s): fast food Key(s):(1) far toomany(2) cake Listening: Task 2 Activity 1(1)e ating problems(2)r eplace normal(3)f ood pills(4)t aste different(5)i ts flavor(6)b ecome commonListening: Task 2 Activity 2Keys: 2Viewing: Task 2 Activity 1Question 1 Key: c Question 2Key: aQuestion 3Key: cQuestion 4Key: dQuestion 5Key: dViewing: Task 2 Activity 2 Row 1: 1Row 2: 1Row 3: 1Row 4: 2Row 5: 2Row 6: 1Row 7: 2Row 8: 1Row 9: 2Row 10: 2Role-playing: Task 2 Activity 2Q 1 Q 2Key(s): Key(s):d-b-f-e-a-c (1) tea and coffee(2) one small cup(3) painkillers(4) three times a day/3 times a day Q 3 Q 4Key(s): Foot pain Key(s): worry aboutPresenting: Task 1 Activity 1Q 1 Q 2Key(s): feel relaxed Key(s): much exerciseQ 3 Q 4Key(s): sporting hero Key(s): walk a dayPresenting: Task 1 Activity 2Keys: 1, 2, 4, 6Short conversationsQuestion 1 Question 2 Question 3 Key: c Key: b Key: d Question 4 Question 5Key: b Key: dLong conversationQuestion 1 Question 2 Question 3 Question 4 Key: c Key: b Key: a Key: aPassages: Passage 1Question 1 Question 2 Question 3Question 4Key: b Key:d Key:bKey: aPassages: Passage 2(1)p ressures(2)d isappear(3)c ompromise(4)a lcohol(5)i ntense(6)i nterferes with(7)u ndermine(8)p ay attention to(9)s uffers from(10)competitive单元检测Part 1:Q 1 Key: a Q 2Key: aQ 3Key: cQ 4Key: dQ 5Key: bPart 2:Q 1 Key: a Q 2Key: cQ 3Key: bQ 4Key: bQ 5Key: aPart 3:Q 1 Key: c Q 2Key: cQ 3Key: dQ 4Key: dQ 5Key: dPart 4:Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Q 5 Key: perfectly Key: sewing Key: distant Key: suffer from Key: atarm'slength Q 6 Q 7 Q 8 Q 9 Q 10Key: cloudy Key: judging Key: slightly Key: background Key: eye views第七单元Sharing: Task 1(1)c ountryside life and wildlife(2)w hether people like to live in the countryside or in the city, what animals they like and what animals they are scared ofSharing: Task 2Keys: 1, 3, 4Sharing: Task 3Correct order: b, f, a, d, e, cSharing: Task 4Q 1 Q 2 Q 3Key(s): Key(s): Key(s):(1) Snakes hate (1) scared of(2) the end (2) afraid ofQ 4 Q 5 Q 6 Key(s): Key(s): Key(s):(1) horses (1) scares (1) sharks(2) frighten (2) memories (2) unknownListening: Task 2 Activity 1 (1)3/three(2)w ater(3)a nimals(4)t he weather. Listening: Task 2 Activity 2(1)e nvir. probs.(2)> 6 bil.(3)2050(4)> 9 bil.(5)p opu.(6)p robs.Listening: Task 2 Activity 3(1)3(2)p robs.(3)w ater(4)<(5)4.5 L(6)600 L(7)>(8)d iffi.(9)a nimals(10)↑(11)↓(12)Rainf.(13)150,000 km2(14)the weather(15)↑(16)↑(17)↑Viewing: Task 2 Activity 1Question 1 Question 2 Question 3 Question 4 Key: c Key: c Key: a Key: aViewing: Task 2 Activity 2Q 1 Q 2 Q 3Key(s): beautiful Key(s): magical Key(s): lovelyQ 4 Q 5 Q 6Key(s): fantastic Key(s): happy Key(s):astonishing Role-playing: Task 2 Activity 1Question 1 Question 2 Question 3 Key: b Key: a Key: aRole-playing: Task 2 Activity 2 Correct order:e, a, c, b, d, f, g Role-playing: Task 2 Activity 3Question 1 Question 2 Questio n 3Key: b Key: a Key: aQuestion 4 Question 5 Questio n 6Key: a Key: b Key: b Presenting: Task 1 Activity 1Q 1Key(s): Fish River Canyon Q 2Key(s): amazingly quietPresenting: Task 1 Activity 2 Keys: 1, 2, 3, 5, 8Short conversationsQuestion 1 Key: c Question 2Key: aQuestion 3Key: bQuestion 4Key: dQuestion 5Key: dLong conversationQuestion 1 Key: d Question 2Key: cQuestion 3Key: dQuestion 4Key: aPassages: Passage 1Question 1 Key: c Question 2Key: cQuestion 3Key: aQuestion 4Key: cPassages: Passage 2(1)p articipated in(2)a ccess to(3)t remendous(4)c urrently(5)i ncredible(6)a ccompany(7)r emarkable(8)a mazing(9)c atching a glimpse of(10)looking forward to 单元检测Part 1:Q 1 Key: d Q 2Key: cQ 3Key: bQ 4Key: bQ 5Key: dPart 2:Q 1 Key: a Q 2Key: bQ 3Key: dQ 4Key: dPart 3:Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Q 5 Key: c Key: b Key: a Key: d Key: c Part 4:Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Q 5 Key: dial Key: keeper Key: smart Key: figure out Key:chemicallyQ 6 Q 7 Q 8 Q 9 Q 10Key:rank Key: Key: Key: descriptive Key: makehigh on intelligence recognize/recognise decisions第八单元Sharing: Task 1(1)s hopping(2)h ow they feel about shopping, where they usually shop, and what they havebought recentlySharing: Task 2Correct order: d, c, a, e, b, fSharing: Task 31.b2.b3.a4.b5.b6.aSharing: Task 4Keys: 1,4,5,6,7,8,10,12,13,15,16Listening: Task 2 Activity 1(1)f ood(2)r ubber(3)1891(4)c oncentrate(5)t he mobile phone(6)1973(7)c ountries(8)l ight(9)2001(10)500/five hundredListening: Task 2 Activity 2。

新视野大学英语(第三版)视听说教程 1Unit 1Sharing1.2(1)busy(2)friends(3)university(4)social life1.3a-c-e-d-b-f1.4(1)danced(2)view of(3)fun(4)drink(5)west(6)delicious meal(7)house(8)TVListening2.1(1)1962(2)4th(3)1990(4)19962.2(1)teacher(2)cleaned houses (3)lost(4)visited(5)work(6)his wife(7)in his own words Viewinga-c-h-f-d-e-g-b2.2(1)home(2)country(3)relatives(4)foreigner(5)speak(6)passed on(7)heat(8)sea(9)happinessRole-playing2.2(1)It was great(2)He's a football player (3)It was really beautiful1 3 5 7 10Presenting1.1(1)a small town (2)1993(3)2008(4)2003(5)seven1.21 4 5 7 8 9 10 Conversations一BABDD二DBCD三DDBA Passage 2(1)programmes(2)very(3)decisions (4)doing laundry (5)Obviously (6)choices (7)ruining(8)get used to (9)opportunities (10)step backNews report一BC二DCUnit testPart ICADDAPart IICDABCPart IIICBABDPart IV(1)achievements(2)specialised(3)vast(4)professional(5)educated(6)was familiar(7)extensively(8)elegantly(9)a great deal(10)BesidesUnit 2Sharing1.2(1)a month (2)Not very often (3)once or twice (4)a week(5)every month (6)every fortnight1.3(1)romantic (2)great(3)recommend (4)action(5)collection (6)real life(7)scenes(8)fantastic1.4c-d-a-bListening2.1C2.2(1)blonde(2)blue(3)dark(4)masculine2.32.4(1)tall(2)masculine face(3)black hair(4)dark brown (5)red hair(6)grey(7)slim(8)blonde hair (9)lovelyViewing2.12.2(1)garden(2)baby and wife (3)traditional values (4)likes(5)being togetherRole-playing2.1(1)feel like(2)What do you recommend (3)how about(4)What's it about(5)Who's in it(6)Do you think(7)Why don't we2.2Presenting(1)a free concert (2)evening (3)City Park (4)boyfriend (5)a picnic (6)stage(7)lay(8)fantastic1.2BABABA Conversations一DBCAD二DCBC三ABAC Passage 2(1)comic(2)traffic(3)constantly (4)available (5)took part in (6)attracted (7)audience (8)free of charge (9)put forward (10)embraceNews report一AC二CDUnit testPart IDACBAPart IIACACDPart IIICAADDPart IV(1)too much(2)warning(3)affected by(4)back(5)drive people to suicide(6)pointed out(7)recent(8)commit(9)prevention(10)it's timeUnit 3Sharing1.2(1)living(2)much(3)interesting places (4)something(5)experience(6)feel about1.3a-d-b-g-h-f-e-c1.4(1)exciting(2)amazing concert (3)incredible(4)the theatre(5)the best place (6)different(7)compared to (8)play football (9)interesting things (10)the best thing (11)tickets(12)cultureListening2.1a-d-h-e-b-g-c-f 2.2(1)Australia (2)outback (3)go further (4)frightened (5)Don't move (6)the dogs (7)frighteningViewing2.12.2(1)biggest island (2)nervous(3)women(4)1500(5)money(6)overwhelmedRole-playing2.1(1)It's(2)there(3)leave a message (4)call(5)speak(6)moment(7)ring(8)number (9)this(10)picking upPresenting1.11.2 Conversations一CCBDA二BCAD三CABCPassage 2(1)mountainous (2)frightened(3)took place(4)vanish(5)occurred(6)massive(7)caught(8)keep us away from (9)grateful(10)in advanceNews report一CA二DCUnit testPart ICBAADPart IICADBAPart IIIABCDDPart IV(1)apply for(2)commitment(3)opportunity(4)restaurant(5)developed(6)working practices (7)attending(8)add(9)personal qualities (10)a positive additionUnit 4Sharing1.21.3(1)fresh air(2)avoid holes(3)think about(4)dream(5)looking out(6)an accident1.4c-e-f-d-a-b1.5c-a-b-d-f-eListening2.2(1)1962(2)1948(3)leave(4)public transport (5)in and drove(6)private(7)build(8)good condition (9)engineering problem (10)too heavy(11)strong(12)difficult to fly(13)traffic problemsViewing2.1AAABA2.22.3(1)airport managers(2)relax(3)pass the time (4)midnight (5)their flight (6)three hundred (7)319(8)500Role-playing2.1(1)tied up(2)customer (3)20(4)coffee(5)delayed (6)cow(7)stations2.22.3Presenting2.1(1)a vegetarian meal (2)meat(3)his order(4)business class (5)cold(6)the person in charge 2.2ABBBAABAConversations一CBDDA三CADA Passage 2(1)Gradually (2)enabled (3)vehicles (4)dates back to (5)As a result (6)thoroughly (7)capacity (8)turn(9)automobiles (10)thanks toNews report一 D D二 D B CUnit testPart IBBDADPart IICDACPart IIICBDACPart IV(1)motor (2)sufferer (3)range from (4)results from (5)relies on (6)confused (7)still(8)folk(9)avoid (10)wingUnit 5Sharing1.21.3Answers : 1 4 5 7 101.4(1)relaxing(2)fantastic(3)lovely(4)Amazing(5)thoroughly enjoyed (6)Lovely(7)fantastic Listening2.2(1)comfortable(2)Plane(3)faster(4)In a hotel(5)comfortable(6)In an apartment (7)expensive(8)sightseeing(9)sightseeing(10)interesting (11)In summer (12)better(13)hot weather (14)In spring (15)crowded (16)a restaurant (17)quieter (18)a restaurant (19)quieter (20)A monthViewing2.1c-a-f-d-e-b2.2(1)widest(2)cuts through (3)football(4)his career(5)famous(6)1800s(7)apparently(8)80(9)fantastic meat (10)vegetables (11)family and friends (12)wonderful momentsRole-playing2.12 4 5 82.2(1)Could I have(2)can we have(3)that(4)French(5)I'd like(6)The sameConversations一ADACC二DCDC三DBACPassage 2(1)celebrate (2)provide us with (3)sticking to (4)challenges (5)anticipating (6)portions(7)stuff(8)take hold of (9)effective (10)strategiesNews report一 B D二 A DUnit testPart ICCDAAPart IIBBBDPart IIIBCABDPart IV(1)hang(2)remains(3)symbol(4)performed(5)held on(6)represent(7)sweets(8)the holiday season(9)appeared to(10)spread toUnit 6Sharing1.2(1)exercise(2)full-time(3)running1.31 51.4Answers :c-e-f-a-d-g-b(1)a sweet tooth (2)sweet(3)coffee(4)chocolate(5)Eating late (6)regularly(7)too much(8)fast food(9)far too many (10)cakeListening2.1(1)eating problems (2)replace normal (3)food pills(4)taste different (5)its flavor(6)become common2Viewing 2.1 CACDD 2.2Role-playingd-b-f-e-a-c2.3(1)tea and coffee (2)one small cup (3)painkillers(4)three times a day (5)Foot pain(6)worry about Presenting(1)feel relaxed (2)much exercise (3)sporting hero (4)walk a day1.21 2 4 6Conversations一CBDBD二CBAA三BDBAPassage 2(1)pressures (2)disappear (3)compromise (4)alcohol(5)intense(6)interferes with (7)undermine (8)pay attention to (9)suffers from (10)competitiveNews report一DD二CAUnit testPart IAACDBPart IIACBBAPart IIICCDDDPart IV(1)perfectly(2)sewing(3)distant(4)suffer from (5)at arm's length (6)cloudy(7)judging(8)slightly(9)background (10)eye viewsUnit 7Sharing1.21.3Answers :b-f-a-d-e-c1.3(1)Snakes (2)the end (3)hate(4)scared of (5)afraid of (6)horses (7)frighten (8)scares (9)memories (10)sharks (11)unknownListening2.1(1)three(2)water(3)animals (4)the weather.Viewing2.1CCAA2.2(1)beautiful (2)magical (3)lovely (4)fantastic (5)happy (6)astonishingRole-playing2.1BAA2.2e-a-c-b-d-f-g2.3BAAABBPresenting1.1(1)Fish River Canyon (2)amazingly quiet1.212358Conversations一CABDD二DCDA三CCACPassage 2(1)participated in(2)access to(3)tremendous(4)currently(5)incredible(6)accompany(7)remarkable(8)amazing(9)catching a glimpse of (10)looking forward toNews report一BB二CAUnit testPart IDCBBDPart IIABDDPart IIICBADCPart IV(1)dial(2)keeper(3)smart(4)figure out(5)chemically (6)rank high on (7)intelligence (8)recognize(9)descriptive (10)make decisionsUnit 8Sharing1.2d-c-a-e-b-f1.3BBABBA1.4Listening2.1(1)food(2)rubber(3)1891(4)concentrate (5)the mobile phone (6)1973(7)countries(8)light(9)2001(10 5002.21 4 5 6 7Viewing2.1(1)early 30s(2)6 billion(3)computer science students (4)tour guide(5)in the group(6)searching the Internet (7)2000(8)successful business(9)fastest growing(10)most profitable2.2Role-playing2.1 CBABC2.2 Presenting(1)footballers(2)fire fighters (3)doctors(4)teachers1.2b-e-c-d-a-f Conversations一BDCBD二BCAD三CDBDPassage 2(1)evidence(2)enhance(3)interviewed (4)rated(5)took into account (6)forecast(7)emerged(8)was related to(9)adapt themselves to (10)originalNews report一ACA二DCDUnit testPart ICDABCPart IICCBDAPart IIICBDACPart IV(1)accessible(2)opens a checking account。
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新视野大学英语(第三版)视听说第一册答案第一单元Sharing: Task 1(1) their social life(2) whether they go out a lot and what they did when they went out last night Sharing: Task 2(1) busy(2) friends(3) university(4) social lifeSharing: Task 3Correct order: A E B D C FSharing: Task 4Q 1Key(s): danced Q 2Key(s):(1) view of theriver(2) funQ 3Key(s): drinkQ 4Key(s):(1) west(2) delicious mealQ 5Key(s):(1) house(2) television/TVListening: Task 2 Activity 1Q 1Key(s): 1962 Q 2Key(s): fourth/4thQ 3Key(s): 1990Q 4Key(s): 1996Listening: Task 2 Activity 2(1) teacher(2) cleaned houses(3) lost(4) visited(5) work(6) his wife(7) in his own wordsViewing: Task 2 Activity 1Correct order: a, c, h, f, d, e, g, b Viewing: Task 2 Activity 2(1) home(2) country(3) relatives(4) foreigner(5) speak(6) passed on(7) heat(8) sea(9) happinessRole-playing: Task 2(1) It was great(2) He's a football player/He is a football player(3) It was really beautifulRole-playing: Task 3Keys: 1, 3, 5, 7, 10Role-playing: Task 41). great2) people were there3) interesting4) nice5) did you leave6) with Jane / by taxi7) I was very tired8) Surely you would be9) didn’t get up until 11 this morning Group discussion: Task 1Q 1a small town Q 2in 1993Q 3in 2008Q 4in 2003Q 5for 7/seven yearsGroup discussion: Task 2 Keys: 1, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10Short conversations1.b2.a3.b4.d5.dLong conversation1.d2.b3.c4.d Passages: Passage 11.d2.d3.b4.a Passages: Passage 2(1) programs/programmes(2) very(3) decisions(4) doing laundry(5) Obviously(6) choices(7) ruining(8) get used to(9) opportunities(10) step back第二单元Sharing: Task 1(1) leisure activities(2) how often they go to the cinema, what films they saw last time and their favorite films, actors, and actressesSharing: Task 2(1) once a month(2) Not very often(3) once or twice(4) once a week(5) once every month(6) every fortnightSharing: Task 31.(1) romantic (2) great2.(1) recommend (2) action3.(1) collection (2) real life4.(1) scenes (2) fantasticSharing: Task 4Correct order: c, d, a, bListening: Task 1The program is about ideas of beauty.Listening: Task 2Q 1: blonde Q 2:blueQ 3:darkQ 4:masculineListening: Task 3Woman 1: Sean ConneryWoman 2: Gael Garcia Bernal and Will Smith Man 1: Judi DenchMan 2:Scarlett JohanssonListening: Task 4(1) tall(2) masculine face/ best-looking(3) black hair(4) dark brown(5) red hair(6) grey(7) slim(8) blonde hair(9) lovelyViewing: Task 22 4 6Viewing: Task 31.(1) garden(2) baby and wife2.(1) traditional values(2) likes3.being togetherRole-playing: Task 1(1) feel like(2) What do you recommend(3) how about(4) What's it about/What is it about(5) Who's in it/Who is in it(6) Do you think(7) Why don't weRole-playing: Task 2Keys: 1, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10Role-playing: Task 31) do you recommend2) How about3) What’s it about4) Who’s in it5) Do you think I’d like it6) if you prefer7) I think you’d like8) Thanks for your recommendationGroup Discussion: Task 11. a free concert2. (1) evening (2) City Park3. her boyfriend4. (1)took a picnic (2) got a place close to the stage (3)chatted and lay in the sun5. FantasticGroup Discussion: Task 21 recently2 in3 We4 a free concert5 fantastic6 really likedShort conversationsd b c a dLong conversationd c b cPassages: Passage 1a b a cPassages: Passage 2(1) comic(2) traffic(3) constantly(4) available(5) took part in(6) attracted(7) audience(8) free of charge(9) put forward(10) embrace第三单元Sharing: Task 1The people in the podcast mainly talk about how they feel about London and the most exciting things they have done in London.Sharing: Task 21 Because there’s so much to do.2 He has been to lots interesting places but there’s always something new to experience.3 How do you feel about London?Sharing: Task 3A C HB G F D ESharing: Task 41.(1) exciting(2) amazing concert(3) incredible2.the theater/the theatre3.(1) the best place(2) different(3) compared to4. play football5. (1) interesting things(2) the best thing(3) tickets(4) culture and sportListening: Task 2Correct order: a, d, h, e, b, g, c, fListening: Task 31 In Australia2 Because he decided to go further after he realized he didn’t know where he was.3 Really frightened.4 Don’t move, and don’t look at the dogs.5 A treeViewing: Task 2He is an architect and historian. he visits the island of Crete and goes to a local wedding. Viewing: Task 3Keys: 2, 4Viewing: Task 41 Crete is the biggest island in Greece.2. a little nervous3. All the women in the village are helping prepare the wedding feast.4 About 15005. money6 overwhelmed ---There is so much to see, do and eat at the wedding. Francesco isoverwhelmed by all that.Role-playing: Task 1Role-playing: Task 2 Activity 1It's / It isthereleave a messagecallspeakmomentringnumberthispicking upGroup Discussion: Task 1Speaker 1: climbing a volcanoSpeaker 2: sailing down the NileSpeaker 3: None of themGroup Discussion: Task 2 Keys: 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9Short conversationsc c bd aLong conversationb c a dPassages: Passage 1c a b cPassages: Passage 2(1) mountainous(2) frightened(3) took place(4) vanish(5) occurred(6) massive(7) caught(8) keep us away from(9) grateful(10) in advance第四单元Sharing: Task 1(1) their journey to work(2) how they get to work, what they do on their journey to work and what they like and don't like about their journeySharing: Task 2Row 1: 1Row 2: 2Row 3: 3Row 4: 3, 4Row 5: 1, 3Row 6: 5Sharing: Task 3Q 1Key(s):(1) fresh air(2) avoid holesQ 2Key(s): think aboutQ 3Key(s):(1) dream(2) looking out of the windowQ 4Key(s): an accidentSharing: Task 4E F A D B CSharing: Task 5B C A D F ESharing: Task 61)by underground2) go to school by bus3) about an hour4) listen to music5) look out of the windowListening: Task 1B C AListening: Task 2 -4略Listening: Task 51)19622)leave their cars at home3) public transport4) build5) keep in good condition6) 19487) got in and drove away8) engineering problem9) too heavy10) strong11) private12) difficult to fly13) traffic problemsViewing: Task 21 queueing2 making phone calls3 pizza4 playing outside5 chessViewing: Task 3A: 3, 5B: 2C: 1, 6D: 4Viewing: Task 4(1) airport managers(2) relax(3) pass the time(4) midnight(5) their flight(6) 300/three hundred(7) 319/three hundred and nineteen(8) 500/five hundredViewing: Task 51) Beijing2) terrible3) 7 p.m.4) a computer problem in the control tower5) cancelled6) another flight7) queue/ wait8) sleeping everywhere at the airport9) took off10) 3 o’clock this morningRole-playing: Task 1Q 1Key(s):(1) tied up(2) customer Q 2Key(s):(1) 20(2) coffeeQ 3Key(s):(1) delayed(2) cow(3) stationsRole-playing: Task 2Question 1 Key: b Question 2Key: aQuestion 3Key: bQuestion 4Key: aQuestion 5Key: bQuestion 6Key: bRole-playing: Task 2 Activity 3Keys: 3, 4, 6, 7 are acceptableGroup discussion Task 1:(1) a vegetarian meal(2) meat(3) his order(4) business class(5) cold(6) the person in chargeGroup discussion Task 2:Question 1 Key: a Question 2Key: bQuestion 3Key: bQuestion 4Key: bQuestion 5Key: aQuestion 6Key: aQuestion 7Key: bQuestion 8Key: aShort conversationsQuestion 1 Key: c Question 2Key: bQuestion 3Key: dQuestion 4Key: dQuestion 5Key: aLong conversationQuestion 1 Key: c Question 2Key: bQuestion 3Key: dQuestion 4Key: dPassages: Passage 1Question 1 Key: c Question 2Key: aQuestion 3Key: dQuestion 4Key: aPassages: Passage 2(1) Gradually(2) enabled(3) vehicles(4) dates back to(5) As a result(6) thoroughly(7) capacity(8) turn(9) automobiles(10) thanks to第五单元Sharing: Task 1(1) their holidays(2) what kinds of holidays people like and how they liked their last holiday Sharing: Task 2Keys: 1, 2, 3, 7, 9, 10, 11Sharing: Task 3Keys: 1, 4, 5, 7, 10Sharing: Task 4Q 1Key(s):(1) relaxing(2) fantastic(3) lovely Q 2Key(s): AmazingQ 3Key(s): thoroughly enjoyedQ 4Key(s): Lovely Q 5Key(s): fantasticListening: Task 3(1) more comfortable(2) Plane(3) faster(4) In a hotel(5) more comfortable(6) In an apartment(7) more expensive(8) Go sightseeing(9) Go sightseeing(10) more interesting(11) In summer(12) better(13) hotter(14) hot weather(15) In spring(16) more crowded(17) Go to a restaurant(18) quieter(19) Go to a restaurant(20) quieter(21) more relaxing(22) A month(23) A monthViewing: Task 2 Correct order: c, a, f, d, e, b Viewing: Task 3Q 1Key(s):(1) widest(2) cuts through Q 2Key(s):(1) football(2) his careerQ 3Key(s):(1) famous(2) 1800sQ 4Key(s): apparentlyQ 5Key(s): 80/eighty Q 6Key(s): fantastic meatQ 7Key(s): vegetablesQ 8Key(s):(1) family and friends(2) wonderful momentsRole-playing: Task 2 Activity 1 Keys: 2, 4, 5, 8Role-playing: Task 2 Activity 2Q 1Key(s): Could I have Q 2Key(s): can we haveQ 3Key(s): thatQ 4Key(s): French Q 5Key(s): I'd likeQ 6Key(s): The sameGroup Discussion: Task 1(1) Italy(2) beach(3) swim(4) bars(5) sit(6) dance(7) fresh vegetables(8) amazingGroup Discussion: Task 2 Keys: 1, 3, 4, 7Short conversationsQuestion 1 Key: a Question 2Key: dQuestion 3Key: aQuestion 4Key: cQuestion 5Key: cLong conversationQuestion 1 Key: d Question 2Key: cQuestion 3Key: dQuestion 4Key: cPassages: Passage 1Question 1 Key: d Question 2Key: bQuestion 3Key: aQuestion 4Key: cPassages: Passage 2(1) celebrate(2) provide us with(3) sticking to(4) challenges(5) anticipating(6) portions(7) stuff(8) take hold of(9) effective(10) strategies第六单元Sharing: Task 1(1) their lifestyle(2) what things they do to keep fit and what unhealthy eating habits they have Sharing: Task 2(1) exercise(2) full-time(3) runningSharing: Task 3Keys: 1, 5Sharing: Task 4D G AE B C FSharing: Task 5Q 1Key(s):(1) a sweet tooth(2) sweetQ 2Key(s):(1) coffee(2) chocolate Q 3Key(s):(1) Eating late(2) regularlyQ 4Key(s): too much Q 5Key(s): fast foodQ 6Key(s):(1) far too many(2) cakeListening: Task 3(1) eating problems(2) replace normal(3) food pills(4) taste different(5) its flavor(6) become common Listening: Task 4 Keys: 2 Viewing: Task 3Question 1 Key: c Question 2Key: aQuestion 3Key: cQuestion 4Key: dQuestion 5Key: dViewing: Task 4B B BC C B C B C CRole-playing: Task 1-2Q 1Key(s): d-b-f-e-a-c Q 2Key(s):(1) tea and coffee(2) one small cup(3) painkillers(4) three times a day/3 times a dayQ 3Key(s): Foot pain Q 4Key(s): worry aboutGroup Discussion: Task 11 Does exercise make you feel relaxed?2 How much exercise do you do in a week?3 Do you have a sporting hero?4 How much do you walk a day?Group Discussion: Task 2 Keys: 1, 2, 4, 6Short conversationsQuestion 1 Key: c Question 2Key: bQuestion 3Key: dQuestion 4 Key: b Question 5 Key: dLong conversationQuestion 1 Key: c Question 2Key: bQuestion 3Key: aQuestion 4Key: aPassages: Passage 1Question 1 Key: b Question 2Key: dQuestion 3Key: bQuestion 4Key: aPassages: Passage 2(1) pressures(2) disappear(3) compromise(4) alcohol(5) intense(6) interferes with(7) undermine(8) pay attention to(9) suffers from(10) competitive第七单元Sharing: Task 1whether people like to live in the countryside or in the city, what animals they like and what animals they are scared ofSharing: Task 2Keys: 1, 3, 4Sharing: Task 3C A FDE BSharing: Task 4Q 1Key(s):(1) Snakes(2) the end Q 2Key(s):hateQ 3Key(s):(1) scared of(2) afraid ofQ 4Key(s):(1) horses(2) frighten Q 5Key(s):(1) scares(2) memoriesQ 6Key(s):(1) sharks(2) unknownListening: Task 23/three problems are mentioned. They are related to water, animals and the weather. Listening: Task 3(1) envir. probs.(2) > 6 bil.(3) 2050(4) > 9 bil.(5) popu.(6) probs. Listening: Task 4(1) 3(2) probs.(3) water(4) <(5) 4.52 L(6) 600 L(7) >(8) diffi.(9) animals(10) ↑(11) ↓(12) Rainf.(13) 150,000 km2(14) the weather(15) ↑(16) ↑(17) ↑Viewing: Task 2 statements 2, and 3 are true. Viewing: Task 3 C C A AViewing: Task 4Q 1Key(s): beautiful Q 2Key(s): magicalQ 3Key(s): lovelyQ 4Key(s): fantastic Q 5Key(s): happyQ 6Key(s): astonishingRole-playing: Task 2 Activity 1Question 1 Key: b Question 2Key: aQuestion 3Key: aRole-play: Task 2 B A ARole-play: Task 3 Correct order: e, a, c, b, d, f, g Role-playing: Task 4Question 1 Key: b Question 2Key: aQuestion 3Key: aQuestion 4 Key: a Question 5Key: bQuestion 6Key: bGroup discussion: Task 1Q 1Key(s): Fish River Canyon in Namibia Q 2Key(s): it is very big and amazingly quiet.Group discussion: Task 2 Keys: 1, 2, 3, 5, 8Short conversationsQuestion 1 Key: c Question 2Key: aQuestion 3Key: bQuestion 4Key: dQuestion 5Key: dLong conversationQuestion 1 Key: d Question 2Key: cQuestion 3Key: dQuestion 4Key: aPassages: Passage 1Question 1 Key: c Question 2Key: cQuestion 3Key: aQuestion 4Key: cPassages: Passage 2(1) participated in(2) access to(3) tremendous(4) currently(5) incredible(6) accompany(7) remarkable(8) amazing(9) catching a glimpse of(10) looking forward to第八单元Sharing: Task 1how they feel about shopping, where they usually shop, and what they have bought recently Sharing: Task 2C E B AD FSharing: Task 31.b2.b3.a4.b5.b6.aSharing: Task 4dress, shoes, book, coat, handbag, sunglasses, tops, skirts, trousers, trainers, telephone Listening: Task 1C A B DListening: Task 3The four money-making ideas are chewing gum, the mobile phone, the iPod and Monopoly. Listening: Task 51, 4, 5, 6, 7Viewing: Task 21 early 30s; 6 billion2 computer science students3 tour guide; in the group4 searching the Internet5 2000; successful business6. fastest growing; most profitable Viewing: Task 3 Keys: 4, 5Role-playing: Task 1Question 1 Key: c Question 2Key: bQuestion 3Key: aQuestion 4Key: bQuestion 5Key: cRole-playing: Task 2S C S S C S C C S CGroup discussion: Task 11 footballers2 fire fighters3 doctors4 teachersGroup discussion: Task 21 footballers2 fire fighters3 doctors4 teachersGroup discussion: Task 2A: police officer B. scientist C. doctor D. artist/ painter E. footballer F. fire fighter Short conversationsQuestion 1 Key: b Question 2Key: dQuestion 3Key: cQuestion 4Key: bQuestion 5Key: dLong conversationQuestion 1 Key: b Question 2Key: cQuestion 3Key: aQuestion 4Key: dPassages: Passage 1Question 1 Key: c Question 2Key: dQuestion 3Key: bQuestion 4Key: dPassages: Passage 2(1) evidence(2) enhance(3) interviewed(4) rated(5) took into account(6) forecast(7) emerged(8) was related to(9) adapt themselves to(10) original。