第十二章 人格人格概述人格的含义区别于他人稳定而统一的特质人格的特征独特性稳定性统合性功能性人格的结构气质,性格,认知风格,自我调控等人格特质理论奥尔波特的特质理论共同特质个人特质首要特质中心特质次要特质卡特尔的人格特质理论个别特质和共同特质表面特质和根源特质体质特质和环境特质气质特质,能力特质,动力特质艾森克的三因素模型外倾性(E)神经质(N)精神质(P)艾森克人格问卷(EPQ)大五人格理论塔佩斯,麦克雷,科斯塔O开放性C责任心E外倾性A宜人性N 神经质“神人外开心”七因素模型特里根 因素分析法正负情绪性,正负效价,可靠性,宜人性,因袭性人格类型理论单一类型理论-弗兰克‘法利代表:T型人格T+型冒险朝向积极健康的方向体格T+型新奇刺激的身体运动智力T+型科学探索等智力活动T-型冒险行为朝向破坏性质对立类型理论福利曼和罗斯曼A型人格敌意,竞争,性情急躁,复有上进心,苦干,时间紧迫感,外箱,言语举止敏捷,社会适应性差B型人格缺乏时间紧迫和竞争意识,满足感强,性情温和举止稳当荣格 根据 兴趣和关注点指向外倾型人格内倾型人格人的心理活动有 思维,感觉,感情,知觉四种基本功能2X4=8种人格类型整合理论-艾森克类型水平特质水平习惯反应水平特殊反应水平精神分析的人格理论弗洛伊德的人格理论人格结构本我自我超我人格发展阶段埃里克森人格发展八阶段阿德勒的个体心理学自卑感与追求卓越生活风格和创造性自我社会兴趣荣格的分析心理学 人格结构组成意识个体潜意识集体潜意识常见的自我防御机制压抑,投射,转移,自居,合理化,反向,固着,退化补偿,否认,曲解,升华人本主义人格理论马斯洛的需要层次理论自我实现是马斯洛人格理论的核心罗杰斯的人格理论气质含义:表现在强度,速度,稳定性和灵活性等方面动力特质的心理特征总和气质的理论体液说胆汁质多血质黏液质抑郁质艾森克的类型理论内外倾神经质(稳定性)巴甫洛夫高级神经活动类型学说强度,平衡性,灵活性性格含义性格是指与社会道德评价相联系的人格特质是个人社会规范,伦理道德方面的各种习性的总称类型斯普兰格经济型,理论型,审美型,权力型,社会型,宗教型霍兰德实际型,调查型,艺术型,社会型,企业型,传统型性格与气质的关系区别气质是先天的,无好坏之分,性格是后天环境形成,有好坏气质更多体现生物属性,性格社会属性,人格差异的核心是性格差异联系性格可以掩蔽和改造气质,气质也会使性格带有某种色彩认知风格威特金场独立型场依存型隐蔽图形/镶嵌图形测验卡根冲动型沉思型达斯同时型(右脑)继时型(左脑)影响人格形成与发展的因素自然物理因素生物遗传因素家庭环境因素早期童年因素学校教育因素社会文化因素自我调控因素。
人格的发展历程 概述及解释说明
人格的发展历程概述及解释说明1. 引言1.1 概述人格发展是一个持续而复杂的过程,涉及个体从出生到成年的一系列变化和转变。
2. 人格的发展历程2.1 定义与背景人格是指每个人独特的心理组织和行为模式,是影响个体思考、情感和行为方式的内部结构。
2.2 基因与环境的影响人格发展受到遗传基因和环境两方面的影响。
2.3 儿童期的人格发展儿童期是人格发展中最关键的阶段之一。
– 幼儿期-成年初期:自我同一性,道德观与法制观,人生观和价 值观等的形成。
第三节 学生健全人格的培养
(二)、促进学生人格发展的教育措施 重视学生人格的整体发展
• 唯智主义 vs 全人教育
– “你是教数学的老师吗,答:我是教学生学数学的老师”—盖茨
• 教书&育人
– 教书无法使得学生皆成才,但育人则可使学生皆成人
持续保持家庭和朋友间的亲密关系,并将其传递给下一代,同时关心和促进 下一代的幸福
第二节 贯穿毕生的人格发展
序号 阶段
8 成年晚期 65岁到死亡 享受生活,依赖,失去配偶,健康不良,死亡
回顾一生,评价自己的人生 发展危机:完善感与绝望感
各种人格特质的成分处于相互影响,相互制约的发展过程中, 但是发展史不均衡的。
• 人格的整体性特征的发展是是快慢不等速的。
– 幼儿期加速—儿童期平稳—青春期加速—中年期平稳—老年期衰退
• 各种人格特质发展的起止时间,发展速度和成熟时期各不相同。
– 气质差异—性格差异—人生观价值观差异
• 皮亚杰道德发展四阶段
发展阶段的划分扩充到老年期 现代发展心理学:从更宏观、更全面、更长远的
角度来考察个体人格的发展变化过程,扩大了传 统儿童心理学的研究领域。
(二)环境因素与人格发展 1、胎内环境与出生后环境 2、自然环境与社会环境 例如:家庭教养方式与孩子的性格特征的
1、婚姻关系进入深沉期 2、中年是离婚的危险期
1、感知觉退行性变化明显:视觉、听觉、味觉、嗅觉、皮肤觉 2、记忆减退
1、流体智力:随神经系统的成熟而提高。成人阶段呈缓慢下降趋势,老年期明显减退。 2、晶体智力:通过掌握社会文化经验而获得。随经验和知识的积累呈上升趋势,到老年期也一样。
(4)潜伏期(6-11岁):儿童解决了恋父或恋 母情结后力比多冲动就处于暂时的潜伏状态,性 兴趣被其他兴趣所取代,如探索自然环境、知识 学习、文体活动、同伴交往等,自我和超我部分 得到更大的发展。
(5)生殖期(12岁以后):由于性器官的成熟,性冲动再次萌发,由“自恋”转变成“异性恋”,个体开始摆脱对父母的依赖,容易对成人产生抵触情绪,逐渐成为社会中的一个独立成员。 (二)埃里克森的心理社会发展论 1、特点:重视毕生发展、整体发展、社会文化因素
The Unique Character of Hester Prynnein the Scarlet LetterI Nathaniel Hawthorne and the Scarlet LetterWith the publication of the Scarlet Letter,Nathaniel Hawthorne became one of the greatest writer at that time and built his reputation as a major American author. Since then people began to take great interest in all aspects of his life and biographical and critical studies have been written about him and his works, which make him become more and more famous and popular. Moreover, many people have shown an ever-increasing interest in his works. In the history of American literature during the romantic, Nathaniel Hawthorne ranks first in almost everyone’s mind.Hawthorne was born on the fourth of July, in 1840 in Salem, Massachusetts; some of his ancestors were prominent in the Puritan theocracy of seventeenth century New England. One of his ancestors was a colonial magistrate notorious for his participation in the persecution of Quakers, and another was a judge at the Salem Witchcraft Trail in 1692. Gradually, the family began to decline. Hawthorne’s father was a sea captain who died in an accident and left his mother and himself alone. Y oung Hawthorne was aware of the misdeeds of his Puritan ancestors and great influenced by them.In Bowdoin College he developed friendship with many important persons who had all exerted influence on his life and creation. From 1825 to 1837 Hawthorne lived in solitude and seclusion, and read widely. In process of probing into the nature of human beings, he successfully created a typical woman who left deep impression on people.The story of the Scarlet Letter begins in seventeenth-century Boston, a puritan settlement. Hester Prynne is a woman who is led from the town prison with her illegal infant daughter, Pearl. Hester Prynne is found guilty of having been adulterous and is sentenced to wear a scarlet letter to show her sin. Hester’s husband, a scholar much older than her, sends her ahead to America, but he never arrives in Boston, because he has been lost at sea. While waiting for her husband, Hester has a love affair with a young minister Arthur Dimmesdale. Hester’s husband, who is now practicing medicine and calling himself Roger Chillingworth tries to reveal the true criminal and makes his revenge. Dimmesdale seeks to hide his sin, upholding the rightness of his ministry as the excuse. However, he appears to be wasting away and suffers from mysterious heart trouble, seemingly caused by psychological distress. This secret does not flee from theterrible perception of Hester’s husband, Chillingworth .Making use of his profession, he destroys Dimmesdale step by step until death and in this way Chillingworth changes from a victim into a devil. In the meantime, Hester acquires a real significance when she reestablishes a meaningful relationship with her fellowmen.Since the Scarlet Letter was published it has been regarded as one of the greatest works in American literature. Through the analysis of the main characters and the different meanings of the scarlet letter A, we can see Hawthorne is a master of symbolism, and his influence has been great.II The Unique Character of Hester in the Scarlet LetterThe Scarlet Letter focuses on the theme of guilt and punishment and describes a moving love story. The author created successfully a typical woman, Hester Prynne, who left a deep impression on the readers.2.1 Hester’s FirmnessHester is a woman who has great courage to devote to true love, a woman who experiences hard life and longs for freedom. She loves her life, and no matter how difficult it is, she tries her best to struggle against the adversity.The beginning of the story, which gives many descriptions on the appearance of Hester Prynne. It reads that,The door of jail being flung open from within, there appeared, Hester Prynne who bore in her arms a child, a baby of some three months ol d. On the threshold of the prison-door, she repelled the town-beadle by an action marked with natural dignity and force of character, and stepped into the open air as if by own free will, when Hester Prynne finally stands on the scaffold. She is crowded by many people.①We can see that Hester sustains herself under the heavy weight of a thousand and unrelenting eyes, all fixed upon her, and concentrate upon her bosom. It’s almost intolerable to her, but to our surprise is that when she stood fully before the crowd, With a burning blush, and a haughty smile, and a glance that would not be abashed, looked around at her townspeople and neighbors. On the breast of her gown, in fine red cloth, surrounded with elaborate embroidery and fantastic flourishes of gold thread, appeared the letter A. The Y oung woman was tall. With a figure of perfect elegance on a large scale who was lady-like. Characterized by a certain state and dignity, rather than by the delicate, evanescent, and indescribable grace.②Obviously Hester wanted to display her challenges to the whole dismal severity of the puritanical code of law.In addition, Hester’s dependence and self-reliance were also reflected in her hard life. After having experienced hard life and suffered insult and persecution, she went on living bravely in difficulties and hardships, and she faced her existence as a human being rather than escaped and committed suicide. She never quarreled with the public, and did not seek to acquire anything beyond subsistence. With the development of the story, the author constantly endows the letter A with new meanings, which Changes from a symbol of shame to a token of beauty, Hester’s life eventually acquires a real significance and the letter A on her breast changes from “Adultery”to “Able”and “Angel”.Hester’s firm conviction keeps Hester in Boston close to Dimmesdale all those long, sad years.The tendency of her fate and fortunes had been to set her free … shame, Despair, Solitude!③Those had been her teachers, and she learned from them and they had made her strong.2.2 Hester’s RebellionHester is rebellious, and in a sense, her rebellious actions mark the maturity of herself. Hester’s first rebellion is seen in chapter seven at the Governor’s Hall .In order to defend her right to raise Pearl, Hester doesn’t fear in the confrontation with Governor Bellingham. Although she is alone in the world and casted off by it, she feels that she possesses indefeasible rights against the world, and is ready to defend them to the death. Furthermore, Pearl is her very life, her only treasure purchased with all she had and the only thing to connect her parents forever, so although Hester is isolated and cast off from help and it seems scarcely an unequal match between the Puritanical Magistrates, Hester Prynne still set forth from her solitary cottage and gets ready to defend herself. At Governor’s Hall Hester realizes that she has the responsibility and capacity to bring up the child, so she repeals, raising her voice almost to a shriek. “God gave her into my keeping; I will not give her up!”④Her extraordinary courage and rebellious spirit were revealed completely.Hester’s second rebellion is showed by exposing her former husband, the true identity of Chillingworth.It has been seven years since Hester Prynne was released from the jail. Seven years ago, when Hester Prynne was still in prison, her former husband Chillingworth came to the prison and talked with her, asking Hester to hide his true identity. The life and fame of Dimmesdale were in his hands, so in order not to destroy her lover, Hester had no choice but to make a promise to Chillingworth. In some senses, Hester Prynne was right and was worthy of understanding. Moreover, at that time she didn’t know C illingworth’s real motive of doing this. But when she had witnessed the misery of the minister, she began to realize her husband’s true purpose. Moreover Dimmesdale was almost on the verge of lunacy; he got to further internalize his guilt and self-punishment and led to still more deterioration in his physical and spiritual condition. Hester was upset in mind and was afraid of losing her beloved. Therefore, she determined to redeem her error to stop Chillingworth from hurting Dimmesdale further. We were told that in chapter fourteen, Hester and the Physician.When we last spoken together said Hester now seven years ago, it was your pleasure to extort a promise of secrecy. As touching the former relations betwixt yourself and me. I have to be silent, yet it was not without heavy misgivings that I thus bound myself. However In pledging myself to keep your counsel I was betraying him…I must reveal the secret answered Hester firmly.⑤Finally, Hester Prynne resolved to meet Chillingworth, and do what might be in her power for the rescue of the victim on whom he had so evidently set his gripe. We dare say that Hester’s rupture with Chillingworth just symbolized. “Divorce”–the action only modern woman dare to take. Meanwhile, it manifested that there existed indeed feminist ideas in Hester’s mind.The third rebellion of Hester Prynne was fiercer, reflecting her tenacious desire and radical thought. She persuaded the minister Dimmesdale to pursue a new Life with her. No matter how difficult it is, she wants to look for a new way of life with her beloved.Is the world then, so narrow? Doth the Universe Lie within the compass of yonder lawn; whither leads yonder forest track? There thou art free! So brief a Journey would bring thee from a world where thou mayest still be happy.⑥Dimmesdale’s inner world was full of conflicts between natural attribute and social attribute, such as impulse and repentance, honesty and hypocrisy, love and religious doctrine, Dimmesdale didn’t want to confess this, so he chose to conceal it, thus became weaker and more dependent upon Puritan creed for seven years. It was much to beregretted that Dimmesdale a victim of religions belief thought that he was powerless to go, because he was wretched and sinful. He had no other thought than to drag on his earthy existence in the sphere where providence had placed him. At this crucial moment, in order to arouse him to pragmatic idealism, Hester tried her best to persuade the minister.Thou art crushed under the seven years weight of misery. But thou shalt leave it all behind thee! ….. Leave this wreek and ruin here where it hath happened…Begin all anew! The future is yet full of trail and success…. Exchange this false Life of thine for a true one …. Preach! Write! Act! Do anything, save to Lie down and die!⑦Encouraged by Hester, the minister eventually determined to flee with her. We were told that after discussing with Hester Prynne, the excitement gave Mr. Dimmesdale more physical energy, and he went back to town at a rapid pace.In order to give Dimmesdale encouragement and hope, she resolutely took the scarlet letter from her bosom and threw it to a distance among the withered leaves, in which the burden of shame and anguish depart from her spirit, her sex, youth, and the whole richness of her beauty come back.All of the above is just the reflection of the unique character of Hester Prynne, who is difference from others. She retains her self-respect and survives her punishment with dignity, grace and ever-growing strength of character.III The Contrast between Hester and the Major Male CharactersIn the Scarlet Letter, Hester is a unique character, and through the contrast between her and Chillingworth, her and Dimmesdale, her and Governor Bellingham, her and the reverend clergyman of Boston John Wilson, we can easily see that Hester Prynne is not only a beautiful but a sincere and kind hearted woman with a true love in her heart.3.1 The Contrast between Hester and ChillingworthIn chapter two of the book, we were told that Hester Prynne was found guilty of having been adulterous and was sentenced to wear a scarlet letter A to show her sin. When she was on the scaffold, which was the first time for the readers to witness the appearance of the protagonist, she was found to be,A young woman, with a figure of perfect elegance…. The young woman wastall, with dark and abundant hair, she was lady-like, too after the manner of thefeminine gentility of those days; characterized by a certain state and dignity rather than by the delicate, evanescent and indescribable grace, which is now recognized as its indication.As every reader noticed at the beginning of the story, Hester’s personality is described vividly and completely, her pride and her beauty are emphasized. Chillingworth is just the opposite. Hester and Chillingworth’s marriage was a big mistake; he cheats Hester and makes her his wife. He tries to use tricks and fraud to fill the gaps between him and Hester, but there is a kind of mental gap that can never be filled up. Roger Chillingworth, as his name suggests, is a man deficient in human warmth, his twisted stooped deformed shoulders mirror his distorted soul.Chillingworth was small in stature with a furrowed visage, which, as yet, could hardly be termed aged. Although, by a seeming careless arrangement of his heterogeneous garb, he had endeavored to conceal or abate the peculiarity. It was sufficiently evident to Hester Prynne,that one of this man’s shoulders rose higher than the other.⑧However, we cannot say one is good or bad just from one’s appearance, but Chillingworth even took revenge as the aim of his life, he avenged himself not only on Dimmesdale, but on Hester as well. He is so hypocritical that once he said and he had no desire to take vengeance on Hester but latter, he broke his promise and paid no heed to his own sin and even took revenge as his biggest pleasure.I shall seek this man, as I have sought truth in books, as I have sought gold inalchemy. There is a sympathy that will make me conscious of him. I shall see him tremble, I shall feel myself shudder, suddenly and unawares sooner or later, he must needs be mine.⑨Chillingworth was interested in revenge, not justice, and he sought the deliberate destruction of others rather than a redress of wrongs. He was in great contrast with the beautiful and kind-hearted Hester.3.2The Contrast between Hester and DimmesdaleIn the novel, Hester was more courageous and steadfast. Her scarlet letter was put on her bosom by sentence and she bravely admitted her guilt and was ready to accept her punishment the scarlet letter cultivated her and made her strong in mind. It liberated her rather than punished her. The pressure and punishment that Hester withstood bravely came from three sides: religion, society and individuals. Religion punished her with thescarlet letter, because adultery was sternly forbidden by the puritan system, society put its blame upon Hester. People of the town believed that Hester was a witch and they wanted to ruin her life because they actually thought she was bad; and in an individual sense, she was ostracized and was criticized no matter where she went. But as time went on, people did not look down upon her any longer, because she had made them believe that she was a woman who deserved respect and the scarlet letter became a token that brought happiness and relief to people. Hester was no longer seen as a person of sin but as an “angel”and as an” able”,Hester had got a new realization about sin and had learned now to deal with the letter and had grown stronger from it, even though she was severely tortured by the church, sent to Jail, exposed publicly, forced to wear the scarlet letter A etc.In contrast to Hester Prynne, Dimmesdale, who sins performs adultery with Hester Prynne is coward and weak-willed, and he is the invisible letter A. According to the seventeenth century Puritan doctrine, a minister is forbidden to fall in love with his parishioner, especially a woman who has been married like Hester, he violates the severe doctrine. Due to his cowardice and hypocrisy, he has no courage to confess his sin publicly. By wearing the A Hester Prynne allows herself to be read by others. But Dimmesdale is an inward book, and nobody can read him by his outward appearance. We can only see the sign sometimes appears on his body as physical stigmata and sometimes is imprinted in the sky at night. The more Dimmesdale makes an outward confession, the more intense his inward book becomes. Gradually he becomes careworn and his eyes have a world of pain. Hester Prynne is a woman who has great courage to devote to real love, a woman who experiences hard life and longs for happiness and freedom .She suffers a lot in order to protect Dimmesdale from losing the fame and dignity. However, the minister has no courage to admit that he loves for Hester. As a clergyman, what he does might be good for the development of society; it’s hard or impossible for him to break away from the yoke of religion for he is pious to it. Dimmesdale is a good example to show the persecution of Puritanism upon human being. Dimmesdale is a holy clergyman who has high social status and lots of parishioners, so he tries to curb and hide his sin. But gradually he feels his hypocrisy and the flame of guilt starts to gnaw his fragile mind. Although he also dreams of pursuing freedom and happy life and safeguarding the social status, and caring for the fame and prestige, there seems no choice for him. On that occasion, he undergoes thetragic experience for wholly seven years.I am powerless to go! Wretched and sinful as I am, I have had no other thoughtthan to drag on earthly. Existence in the sphere where Providence hath placed me.Lost as my own souls. I would still do what I may for other human souls.⑩All these words, his hesitation was reflected clearly.Dimmesdale’s tragedy was inevitable. He lived in the period where conservation and asceticism played the dominating role in people’s life. He faced powerful pressure. Dimmesdale was incapable of breaking the bonds of creed and the religious community that he belonged to. If he left them he would lose his bearings, he would be bewildered, and he would even be at the mercy of fate. So he became a prey under the shackles of Calvinism.Compared with Dimmesdale, Hester retains her self- respect and survives her punishment with dignity, grace and ever-growing strength of character. In chapter seven we are told that Hester Prynne gives her back to the Dimmesdale,Meddle no more with it! Begin all anew! Hast thou exhausted possibility in the failure of this one trial? Not so! The future is yet fall of trial and success. There is happiness to be enjoyed! There is good to be done, Exchange this false life of thine for a true one.○113.3 The Contrast between Hester,Bellingham and WilsonThe author gives many comments on Bellingham and John Wilson. Governor Bellingham is the former governor and the man who wants to take Pearl away from Hester, but he decides to allow Pearl to stay with her mother after Hester forces Dimmesdale to plead on her behalf. John Wilson, the eldest clergyman in Boston, is a friend of Arthur Dimmesdale. Bellingham lives in a luxurious mansion. He is commonly known to be a witch who ventures into the forest at night to ride with the “Black Man”. His appearance on public occasions reminds the reader of the hypocrisy and hidden evil in puritan society.This was a large wooden house built in a fashion of which there are specimens still extant in the streets of our elder towns; the walls being overspread with a kind of stucco. In which fragments of broken glass were intermixed, so that when sunshine fell aslant-wile over the front of the edifice, it glittered and sparkled as if diamonds had been flung against it by the double handful the brilliancy might have befitted Aladdin’s palace, rather than the mansion of a grave old Puritan ruler.○12In the novel, Hester finds a cottage in the woods near the outskirts of the city and she spends her time working on the projects that bring her incomes, and devotes the remainder of her work to creating garments for the poor. S he lives simply with the sole exception that she creates amazing dresses of fabrics for Pearl. At the same time the author pointed out that it is an error to suppose that our grave forefathers-though accustomed to speak and think of human existence as a state merely of trial and warfare and though unfeigned prepared to sacrifice goods and life at the behest of duty-made, it a mater of conscience to reject such means of comfort, or even luxury as lay fairly within their grasp. This creed was never taught, for instance, by the venerable pastor. John Wilson, the old clergyman, nurtured at the rich bosom of the English church, had a long-established and legitimate taste for all good and comfortable things. The genial benevolence of his private life had won him warmer affection than was accorded to any of his professional contemporaries.However, Hester Prynne is well known for her submissiveness, for she never complains. She never battles with the public, but submitted, she nurses and aids the poor. In return, they say bitter things to her, yet she accepts them all. She submits everything on the outside, and at last, she wins a moral victory with her honesty.By contrasting with the major male characters in the novel, the unique character of Hester Prynne is obvious to us all.IV Hester’s Consciousness of FeminismAll of the above is just the reflection of Hester’s unique. In a sense, the clique also means the potential feminist ideas. But as we know, at that time, Puritanism plays a very important rule in people’s life and rules over people. One of the laws of Puritanism is abstinence. If someone doesn’t obey it, she or he will be regarded, as sinner and the behavior will be great shame. Moreover, Hester does not want to live without true love and in order to pursue her happiness and freedom, she becomes the sacrificial object of Puritanism. Although Hester suffers enormously from the shame of her public disgrace and from the isolation of her punishment, in her inmost heart she can never accept the Puritan interpretation of her act, and she retains her self-respect and survives her punishment with dignity, grace and ever-growing strength of character, Hester’s radical thought, tenacious desire and a fierce mind are just what feminism advocates. Hester Prynne is resurrected by her pious atonement, refiguring the scarlet letter as a symbol of her own experiences and character. She achieves spiritual greatness because she dares totrust herself and to believe in the possibility of a new morality in the new world. Although she is a sinner, her wiliness and confidence plays an active role in promoting the development of feminism later. Through H ester’s life story, we have to think about how woman can gain their deserved rights of equality and freedom. Could it be true that she has no choic e to live but only to die? I don’t think so, Hester’s image, her martial spirits and also her radical feminist ideas which maybe not realized at that time will encourage today’s people to strive after the rights that belay to them. This is the very positive social significance of the Scarlet Letter. Through the above discussion, we can conclude that Hester is resurrected by her pious atonement, and the process can be found clearly in the changes of the meaning of the scarlet letter A.The Scarlet Letter attained an immediate and lasting success because it addressed spiritual and moral issues from a uniquely American standpoint.In 1850, adultery was an extremely risquésubject, but because Hawthorne had the support of the New England literary establishment, The Scarlet Letter passed easily into the realm of appropriate reading. The book represents the height of Hawthorne's literary genius. It remains relevant for its philosophical and psychological depth, and continues to be read as a classic on a universal theme.The Scarlet Letter was the first, and the tendency of criticism is to pronounce it the most impressive, also, of these ampler productions. It has the charm of unconsciousness, but the author did not realize while he worked, that this "most prolix among tales" was alive with the miraculous vitality of genius. It combines the strength and substance of an oak with the subtle organization of a rose, and is great, not of malice aforethought, but inevitably. It goes to the root of the matter, and reaches some unconventional conclusions, which, however, would scarcely be apprehended by the readers nowadays, for the external or literal significance of the story, though in strict correspondence with the spirit, conceals that spirit from the literal eye.Notes①The Scarlet Letter, Yili people’s Press, 2001.P8② Ibid,P8③ Ibid,P10④ Ibid,P106⑤ Ibid,P247⑥ Ibid,P10⑦ Ibid,P21⑧ Ibid,P46⑨ Ibid,P246⑩Ibid,P86⑪Ibid,P90⑫Ibid,P106Bibliography1.Wu Weiren, History and Anthology of American LiteratureBeijing: Foreign language Teaching and Research Press, 19902.Chang Raoxin,A Survey of American Literature the 2nd Edition Nan Kai University Press, 20043.The Scarlet Letter,Yili people’s Press, 20014.Doubleday, Neal G, Hawthorne’s Hester and Feminism.The Critical Response reprinted from PMLA, LIV, 1939,188.5.Nathaniel Hawthorne,The Scarlet Letter, Bantam Books, 1986.。
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海丝特脱 掉红字)珠儿将不认海丝特 。珠儿是海丝特 中间 的证据,而且海丝特将无法摆脱它。 自然 人与社会人冲突 的焦 点体现 在丁梅斯代尔身上。 面对教 区的教 民,他 是受人尊 敬的牧师 ,而 对海斯 特而
l自 然人和社会人的冲突
在这部小说中,主人公海丝特・ 白兰和她的女儿珠儿代 表白 然 人,而社会人是由亚瑟. 丁梅斯代尔和罗杰・ 齐灵渥斯 这对情敌代表。 霍桑在 描述海丝特 作为自然 人部 分最为生动的冲突 , 在海斯特 身上体现为追求真爱与坚 守妇道之 间的冲突 。在 第 2章 ( 市场 )中,当那 年轻 的妇 女— —就是婴 儿的母 亲——全身位 立在人群面前 时,她的第一个冲动似乎就是 把孩子抱在胸 前 ; 她 这么做与其说 是出于母 爱的激情 ,不 如说可 以借此掩 盖钉在她衣裙上的标记 。然而,她很快就 醒悟过来了,用她耻辱的一个标 记来掩盖另一个标记是无
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导读: 本文是关于《人格的发展》读后感, 希望能帮助到您!
有道德上的人格,它指一个人的品德和操守;有法律意义上的人格, 它指享有法律地位的人;有文学意义上的人格, 它指人物心理的独特性和典型性.在心理学上, 由于心理学家各自的研究取向不同,对人格的看法也有很大差异。
我们认为, 人格是构成一个人的思想, 情感及行为的特有统合模式,这个独特模式包含了一个人区别于他人的, 稳定而统一的心理品质.
“决定事件的人格是什么?说明人格的事件又是什么?”, 英美作家亨利·詹姆斯叩问学者, 从古到今, 人类始终痴迷于探求人格的形成, 试图解答是什么导致了人与人之间的巨大差异,又是什么导致了个人内部的多样性。
《人格的发展》是国家职业心理咨询师丛书之一, 所讨论的就是各种人格发展的既定模型。
书中阐述每种模型在以下两方面的理论观点:正常个体发展的构成要素, 以及个体形成相对稳定的特质和特征的过程.从弗洛伊德及其他精神分析大师的开创性著作到埃里克森和莱文森的阶段发展理论, 还包括存在主义、来访折中心理论对人格理论的新发展.强调不同人格发展理论中的闪光点, 对理论保持批判态度, 探寻了为前人著作所忽视的人格发展理论的重要层面, 其中包括灵性、种族和性别认同的发展。
瓦尔·西蒙诺维兹和彼得·皮尔斯都是资深的咨询师和督导, 因此在书中理论观点中结合自身的咨询案例, 增强了此书的可读性, 但此书有点专业, 较适合学心理学专业的人士阅读。
1.人类心灵抹不去的红字——解读《红字》中牧师丁梅斯代尔的形象 [J], 陈潇潇
2.本我、自我、超我中挣扎的神父——从弗洛伊德的人格结构理论解读《荆棘鸟》中的拉尔夫 [J], 汪柳花;
3.用弗洛伊德人格结构理论中“三我”解读《马贩子的女儿》中的两性关系 [J], 蔡璐璐
4.从弗洛伊德人格结构理论视角分析《红字》中清教主义的积极意义 [J], 李芊芊
5.解读《骆驼祥子》中的虎妞——以弗洛伊德的人格结构理论为视角 [J], 梅菊因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。
2005年第12期(总第179期)学术论坛ACADEM IC FORUMNO.12,2005(Cumulatively NO.179)人格结构的裂变与升华———《红字》中丁梅斯代尔与齐灵渥斯的人格对比评析胡铁生,王丽莉(吉林大学外语教学与研究中心,吉林长春130012) [摘 要]美国浪漫主义作家霍桑小说《红字》中的丁梅斯代尔和齐灵渥斯是两个对立人物。
[关键词]人格结构;丁梅斯代尔;齐灵渥斯;社会与人;裂变与升华[中图分类号]I106.4 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1004-4434(2005)12-0153-04 弗洛伊德心理哲学认为,人格是一个动态的能量系统,由本我、自我和超我三个子系统构成。
1.人类心灵抹不去的红字——解读《红字》中牧师丁梅斯代尔的形象 [J], 陈潇潇
2.分裂的自我:《红字》中阿瑟·丁梅斯代尔形象解读 [J], 苏玉鑫
3.人格结构的裂变与升华--《红字》中丁梅斯代尔与齐灵渥斯的人格对比评析 [J], 胡铁生;王丽莉
4.分裂的自我:《红字》中阿瑟·丁梅斯代尔形象解读 [J], 苏玉鑫
5.《红字》中齐灵渥斯形象的新解读 [J], 戚涛;郝燕
⼈格的层次⼈格的层次(Levels of Personality)由英国斯旺西⼤学⼼理学家M.柯克提出的⼀种⼈格理论,1984年,柯克写成《⼈格的层次》⼀书,引起西⽅⼼理学界的强烈反响。
” 综上所述,笔者认为,所谓人格,是一个人先天所拥有的以及其后天社会化的过程中所形成的独特的、持久的、稳定的心理特质和倾向。
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2005年第12期(总第179期)学术论坛ACADEM IC FORUMNO.12,2005(Cumulatively NO.179)人格结构的裂变与升华———《红字》中丁梅斯代尔与齐灵渥斯的人格对比评析胡铁生,王丽莉(吉林大学外语教学与研究中心,吉林长春130012) [摘 要]美国浪漫主义作家霍桑小说《红字》中的丁梅斯代尔和齐灵渥斯是两个对立人物。
[关键词]人格结构;丁梅斯代尔;齐灵渥斯;社会与人;裂变与升华[中图分类号]I106.4 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1004-4434(2005)12-0153-04 弗洛伊德心理哲学认为,人格是一个动态的能量系统,由本我、自我和超我三个子系统构成。