中山市 八年级英语 语法填空训练八年级英语专项训练含答案解析

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Technology(科技)makes our life easier and better than before. Many think it is great. For most people, technology means you can do ________(much) in less time and have fun while doing it. Here's one example. People ________( make) letters with smoke from planes. People can see the letters from the streets, buildings and places far ________ the sky. It's called skywriting. It began in England. In 1922, the ________(one)words written in the sky over America were "Hello USA". That year skywriting started to be used for advertising. Then it kept popular for a long time. It's difficult ________(put)a message into the sky. The pilot must count numbers to know when to turn the smoke on and off. ________ wind moves the letters, the pilot should watch their shadows on the ground or their shapes in the sky. If it's a ________ (snow) day, the pilot in the plane can't see the white letters, ________ we can see them in the sky on the ground. People are so ________ (create)to have romantic time! However, for some people, technology is not just for fun. It can change their ________(life). Most believe tomorrow's technology comes out right side up!

【答案】 more;made;from;first;to put;The;snowy;but;creative;lives

【解析】【分析】本文通过介绍用飞机喷烟雾的科技方法,让我们了解科技能改变生活。(1)句意:科技意味着你可以用更少的时间做更多的事情。根据in less time可知是比较级,much的比较级是more,故填more。

(2)句意:人们用飞机上的烟写字母。根据下文 It began in England 可知是过去时,make 的过去时是made ,故填made。

(3)句意:人们可以从街上、建筑物上和远处看到这些字母。根据the sky可知很远,far from,固定搭配,距离……远,故填from。

(4)句意:在1922年,第一批写在美国上空上的字母是Hello USA。根据It began in England 可知此处是序数词表示首次,one的序数词是first,故填first。

(5)句意:向天空传递信息很难。It's difficult to do,固定搭配,做某事很难,故填to put。


(7)句意:如果是下雪天,飞机上的飞行员看不到白色的字母,但是我们可以在地面上看到天空中的它们。 day是名词,其前应是形容词做定语表示天气,snow的形容词是snowy,下雪的,故填snowy。

(8)句意:如果是下雪天,飞机上的飞行员看不到白色的字母,但是我们可以在地面上看到天空中的它们。根据上文的 the pilot in the plane can't see 可知此处是转折关系,故是转折连词but,但是,故填but。





Chelsea Fearce is seventeen years old. There are five ________(person) in her family. They are poor and they live in a shelter(收容所). " ________(get)a shower, food and clean clothes was not easy for me," Fearce said. "I'm worried ________my family and my home life. I know I have to become much stronger, ________I study hard."

When she was in high school, Fearce often ________(stay)up late. She wanted to live a ________(good) life than before. She just told ________(her) to keep working.

Fearce overcame(克服)all the problems. She got high grades and she became ________college student. "Never give up! Do what you ________(true) have to do right now so that you can have a future that you really need ________(have)." Fearce told everyone.【答案】 persons;Getting;about;so/and;stayed;better;herself;a;truly;to have 【解析】【分析】主要讲了家境贫穷的Chelsea Fearce是怎样成为一名大学生的。



(3)句意:我担心我的家人和我家的生活。be worried about担心,故填about。





(8)句意:她取得了高分,并且成为一名大学生。student是可数名词单数,并且college 以辅音音素开头,所以用a,故填a。


(10)句意:目的是你有一个你真的需要有的未来。need to do sth.需要做什么,故填to have。

