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Module1 Deep South单元练习


21. These creatures live in the d of the Pacific Ocean.

22. Things fall to the ground because of the earth's g .

23. Many famous novels, such as “The tale of two cities”and “The note of millionaire”are

a for use of course book in school.

24. He can b a ball on his nose for five minutes.

25. Chinese people usually have dinner with friends and relatives to further p their relationship.

26. Although we are facing new difficulties and s challenges, I am sure we can get through to the finals.

27. The People's Republic of China returned to the Games after 32 years' a .

28. She's very m about her success. She never shows off.

29. He wasn't very strong, but nothing could d him from entering the competition.

30. In an e , dial 911 for police, the fire department or an ambulance.

31. He makes a living by t animals and selling their fur.

32. The boy was so angry that he stood there, g at me without a word.

33. His parents tried to d him from becoming a singer.

34. You must show your a earnings in the tax form.

35. Unfortunately, the ship sank on its first v across the sea.


36. Anyone with an (每年的) income of under 5,000 yuan may be eligible to apply.

37. The company has put up many advertisements to (促进) its sales.

38. Her (缺席) meant that she had to give up such a good position.

39. It is (不正常) to be so hot in March.

40. I work for a (商业的) radio station.

41. The film is (改编) from a novel with the same name.

42. What he said (使泄气) me from taking part in the game.

43. As a student, you have to (平衡) work and play, or you might fail your exams.

44. In case of (紧急情况), to stay calm is the most important thing.

45. We all regard it as an (鼓舞) for us to continue our trip on foot.

46. They stood there, (怒视) at each other.

47. The (探险家) told the boys about his adventures in the Arctic.

48. Chris needs to be in a place without the (极度的) pressure.

49. The (严厉的) teacher has gone abroad. You can breathe freely again.

50. My parents thought it was (反常的) for a boy to be interested in ballet(芭蕾).


51. 最重要的事情是你的学习。

is your study.

52. (饭后散步) is a very good


53. The train (驶离伦敦) at nine.(词数不限)

54. 万一发生火灾,请按红色按钮。

fire, press the red button please.

55. Up to now, the World Expo (举行了) in 24 cities of 13 countries including China. (hold)

56. 参加会议的人数大约是1,000,他们中的许多人是来自国外的专家。(词数不限)

people at the meeting was about 1,000, and were experts from abroad.

57. (很明显) the people present at the meeting that they must be all in favour of the proposal.

58. He (已经适应了) the cold weather.

59. It is good manners (尊敬) the elders. (show) (词数不限)

60. 我到那儿的时候发现他正在修理农具。

When I got there, I him farm tools.


61. the Olympic Games is a great honor and a great responsibility for a city.

A. Host

B. To host

C. Held

D. Hold

62. --- What do you think of store shopping in the future?

--- Personally, I think it will exist along with home shopping but .

A. will never replace

B. would never replace

C. will never be replaced

D. would never be replaced

63. You don't have to know the name of the author to find a book. You find the book by the title.

A. must

B. need

C. can

D. would

64. the difference between the two research findings will be one of the worst mistakes you make.

A. Ignore

B. Ignoring

C. Ignored

D. Having ignored

65. We on this project for four hours. Let's have a rest.

A. are working

B. have been working

C. worked

D. had worked

66. was reported that 115 miners trapped in the flooded mine for eight days were pulled out alive at last.

A. What

B. It

C. That

D. Which

67. All the photos in the report are provided by the Students' Union, unless otherwise .

A. noted

B. being noted

C. to be noted

D. having been noted

68. The cause he had devoted himself to a perfect success.

A. proving

B. proved

C. was proved

D. hag been proved
