牛津阅读树 自然拼3 (5-8)单词翻译

牛津阅读树年级 It was last revised on January 2, 2021牛津阅读树 1 1-1 BIG Feet.Come and look at this.Come and look at this. Is it a big monster?Come and look at this. Is it a big dinosaur?Come and look at this. Is it a big giant?No. It is Dad.英 [mnst(r)] n. 怪物;恶魔,恶人英 [dans:(r)] n. [生]恐龙,守旧落伍的人,过时落后的东西英 [dant] n. 巨人,大汉;巨兽,巨物;卓越人物1-2 Go Away, Floppy.Go away, Floppy.Go away, Floppy. We are skipping.Go away, Floppy. We are painting.Come back, Floppy. Floppy, come back.We are sorry.1. skip英 [sk?p] vi. 跳;跳绳;悄悄溜走;快速转移英 [pe?nt] n. 颜料,涂料;绘画作品;胭脂等化妆品;色彩,装饰[英] [flpi:] adj.松软的;懒散的1-3 Hide and Seek.Can you see us?Can you see me Yes, I can see you.Can you see me Yes, we can see you.Can you see me Yes, we can see you.We can all see Dad.英 [ha?d] vt. 隐藏;躲避英 [si:k] vt. 寻找,探寻;追求,谋求1-4 Look at Me.Look at me, Mum.Look at me, Mum. Look at me on my bike.Look at me, Mum. Look at me on my bike.Look at me, Mum. Oh, no!Look at me!1. bike[ba?k] n. 自行车;摩托车;电动自行车1-5Kipper's Diary.Monday: It was a wet day.Tuesday: It was a windy day. I went to the shops.Wednesday: It was a sunny day. I went to the pool.Thursday: It was a hot day. I went to the park.Friday: It was a fun day.[mnde] n. 星期一;周一2. wet英 [wet] adj. 湿的;下雨的;懦弱的;(儿童)尿湿尿布的3. Tuesday英 [tju:zde] n. 星期二英 [wndi] adj. 有风的;腹胀的;吹牛的;空谈的英 [p] vt.& vi. (到…)去买东西[购物];逛商店6. Wednesday英 [wenzde] n. 星期三7. sunny英 [sni] adj. 和煦的:照到阳光的;快活的,性情开朗亲切的英 [pu:l] n. 水池;石油层;英 [θ:zde] n. 星期四,礼拜四,周四英 [h?t] adj. 热的;辣的;激动的;热门的英 [pɑ:k] n. 公园;停车场12. Friday英 [frade] n. 星期五,周五,礼拜五13. fun英 [f?n] adj. 使人愉快的;开心的1-6 The PancakeThe frying pan,the flour, the eggs,the milk, the butter,the pancake,the pancake race.[英][pnkek]n.烙饼,薄煎饼;粉饼;平降,平坠[英]['fra]v.油炸,油煎( fry的现在分词 );皮肤晒黑;煎炸;油发[英][fla(r)]n.面粉;vt.撒上粉[英][eg]n.鸡蛋,蛋;家伙[英][m?lk]n.奶;乳液;母乳;vt.挤奶;榨取[英][bt(r)] n.黄油;黄油状的食品;奉承话;焊膏;[英][re?s].赛跑;竞争;人种;民族1-7 Six in a BedMum and Dad.Mum, Kipper and Dad.Mum, Kipper, Dad and Chip.Biff, Mum, Kipper, Dad, Chip, and Floppy. 1-8Who Is It?Who is it?Biff and Chip.Mum and Kipper.Floppy and a spaceman.No, it’s Dad.[英][hu:] pron.谁;什么人2. spaceman[英][spesmn] n.太空船上的飞行员,宇宙人1-9 Reds and Blues.We are all in red.We are all in blue.Come on the reds! Come on the blues!Who is in red Who is in blueWe are all muddy.[英][red]n.红色;红衣服;红颜料;红葡萄酒[英][blu:] n.蓝色;蓝色制服;蓝颜料[英] [mdi] adj.泥泞的;暗的;模糊的;糊涂的1-10Floppy FloppyOh, Floppy!No, Floppy!Oh, Floppy!No, Floppy!Floppy Floppy.1-11 A Good TrickA rug,a sheet,a big box,a little box,Kipper.[英][g?d] adj.好的;优秀的;有益的;漂亮的,健全的[英][tr?k]n.戏法,把戏;计谋,诀窍;骗局;恶作剧[英][r?g] n.小块地毯;(围盖膝的)围毯,车毯[英][b?ks]n.盒;箱状物;包厢;哨房[英][ltl]adj.小的;琐碎的;娇小的;幼小的1-12 Fun at the BeachDad and Mum.Mum and Dad.Kipper, Chip and Biff,Kipper, Biff and Dad.Mum Chip and Floppy.Chip, Biff and Kipper.Dad and Floppy.Oh Floppy![英][f?n][美]n.乐趣;娱乐活动;嬉戏,嬉闹;有趣的事;adj.使人愉快的;开心的[英][bi:t] n.海滩,海滨;岸上的沙子和卵石。

牛津阅读树1 1-1 BIG Feet.Come and look at this.Come and look at this. Is it a big monsterCome and look at this. Is it a big dinosaurCome and look at this. Is it a big giantNo. It is Dad.1.monster英 m nst r n. 怪物;恶魔;恶人2.dinosaur英 da n s :r n. 生恐龙;守旧落伍的人;过时落后的东西3.giant英 d a nt n. 巨人;大汉;巨兽;巨物;卓越人物1-2 Go Away; Floppy.Go away; Floppy.Go away; Floppy. We are skipping.Go away; Floppy. We are painting.Come back; Floppy. Floppy; come back.We are sorry.1. skip英 sk p vi. 跳;跳绳;悄悄溜走;快速转移2.paint英 pe nt n. 颜料;涂料;绘画作品;胭脂等化妆品;色彩;装饰3.floppy英 fl pi: adj.松软的;懒散的1-3 Hide and Seek.Can you see usCan you see me Yes; I can see you.Can you see me Yes; we can see you.Can you see me Yes; we can see you.We can all see Dad.1.hide英 ha d vt. 隐藏;躲避2.seek英 si:k _blank vt. 寻找;探寻;追求;谋求1-4 Look at Me.Look at me; Mum.Look at me; Mum. Look at me on my bike.Look at me; Mum. Look at me on my bike.Look at me; Mum. Oh; noLook at me1. bikeba k n. 自行车;摩托车;电动自行车1-5Kipper's Diary.Monday: It was a wet day.Tuesday: It was a windy day. I went to the shops.Wednesday: It was a sunny day. I went to the pool.Thursday: It was a hot day. I went to the park.Friday: It was a fun day.1.Monday m nde n. 星期一;周一2. wet英 wet adj. 湿的;下雨的;懦弱的;儿童尿湿尿布的3. Tuesday英 tju:zde n. 星期二4.windy英 w ndi adj. 有风的;腹胀的;吹牛的;空谈的5.shop英 p vt.& vi. 到…去买东西购物;逛商店6. Wednesday英 wenzde n. 星期三7. sunny英 s ni adj. 和煦的:照到阳光的;快活的;性情开朗亲切的8.pool英 pu:l n. 水池;石油层;9.Thursday英θ :zde n. 星期四;礼拜四;周四10.hot英 h t adj. 热的;辣的;激动的;热门的11.park英 pɑ:k n. 公园;停车场12. Friday英 fra de n. 星期五;周五;礼拜五13. fun英 f n adj. 使人愉快的;开心的1-6 The PancakeThe frying pan;the flour; the eggs;the milk; the butter;the pancake;the pancake race.1.pancake英 p nke kn.烙饼;薄煎饼;粉饼;平降;平坠2.frying英'fra v.油炸;油煎 fry的现在分词 ;皮肤晒黑; 煎炸;油发3.flour英 fla rn.面粉;vt.撒上粉4.egg英egn.鸡蛋;蛋;家伙k英m lkn.奶; 乳液;母乳;vt.挤奶;榨取6.butter英 b t r n.黄油;黄油状的食品;奉承话;焊膏;7.race英re s.赛跑;竞争;人种;民族1-7 Six in a BedMum and Dad.Mum; Kipper and Dad.Mum; Kipper; Dad and Chip.Biff; Mum; Kipper; Dad; Chip; and Floppy.1-8Who Is ItWho is itBiff and Chip.Mum and Kipper.Floppy and a spaceman.No; it’s Dad.1.who英hu: pron.谁;什么人2. spaceman英 spe sm n n.太空船上的飞行员;宇宙人1-9 Reds and Blues.We are all in red.We are all in blue.Come on the reds Come on the bluesWho is in red Who is in blueWe are all muddy.1.red英redn.红色;红衣服;红颜料;红葡萄酒2.blue英blu: n.蓝色;蓝色制服;蓝颜料3.muddy英 m di adj.泥泞的;暗的;模糊的;糊涂的1-10Floppy FloppyOh; FloppyNo; FloppyOh; FloppyNo; FloppyFloppy Floppy.1-11 A Good TrickA rug;a sheet;a big box;a little box;Kipper.1.good英g d adj.好的;优秀的;有益的;漂亮的;健全的2.trick英tr kn.戏法;把戏;计谋;诀窍;骗局;恶作剧3.rug英r g n.小块地毯;围盖膝的围毯;车毯4.box英b ksn.盒;箱状物;包厢;哨房5.little英 l tladj.小的;琐碎的;娇小的;幼小的1-12 Fun at the BeachDad and Mum.Mum and Dad.Kipper; Chip and Biff;Kipper; Biff and Dad.Mum Chip and Floppy.Chip; Biff and Kipper.Dad and Floppy.Oh Floppy1.fun英f n美n.乐趣;娱乐活动;嬉戏;嬉闹;有趣的事;adj.使人愉快的;开心的2.beach英bi:t n.海滩;海滨;岸上的沙子和卵石。

3-1 The Duck RaceWilma had an idea.The children made six ducks.“Let’s have a duck race,” said Wilma. Mum began the race.“Drop the ducks in,” said Mum.The ducks went down the stream.Oh no! Wilma’s duck sank.Chip’s duck got stuck in the reeds. Biff’s duck got stuck in the weeds. Wilf’s duck got stuck on a log.“Get it off with a stick,” said Chip. Kipper’s duck went fast.It went past Dad’s duck.Two swans flew down.They landed on the ducks!“Six soggy ducks,” said Kipper.(word count 89)3-2 Sniff“Will you look after Sniff today?”said Mrs May.Wilf and Wilma were happy.They wanted to look after the puppy. They took Sniff to the park.The puppy was excited.Sniff liked to roll on her back…jump up for a stick…run after a ball…and bark at a cat.Then Sniff went in the mud.She ran after a duck.She jumped in the pond, and she barked at a dog.“I am hot,” said Wilf. “I want a rest.”“I am hot, too,”said Wilma. “I want a drink.Mum couldn’t find Sniff.She couldn’t find Wilf and Wilma.Mum and Dad looked and looked. “They must be lost” said Mum.They were fast asleep.“They are worn out,” said Dad.(word count 126) 3-3 Pond DippingWilf and Wilma were at the pond. The net got stuck.“Help me pull,” said Wilf.They pulled the net.It was stuck on some junk.Wilma got a big stick.“Let’s pull it out,” she said.Wilf and Wilma pulled.They couldn’t pull the junk out. Mum and Dad helped.They pulled out an old pram. Plop!A frog hopped out.It made Wilf jump.Splash! A fish jumped up.“A pram full of fish,” said Dad. “Pram dipping!” said Wilma.(word count 83)3-4 The Ice RinkWilf and Dad went to the ice rink. They put skates on.They went on to the ice.“Hold my hand,” said Dad.Wilf held Dad’s hand.“This is fun,” said Wilf.Wilf let go of his Dad’s hand.He began to skate.Whoops! Wilf sat down with a bump. “This ice is cold,” said Wilf.Dad began to skate.He went round the rink.“Look at me spin!” said Dad. “Look at me jump!”Dad got some cold drinks.“Look out, Dad,” said Wilf.Oh no! A banana skin.(word count 90)3-5 The Mud BathDad was playing football.He ran with the ball.“Go on Dad!” called Chip. “Kick it!”Dad fell over in the mud. Splat!“Bad luck, Dad!” said Biff.“Oh Dad,” said Mum. “What a mess!”“I want a bath,” said Dad.Dad went up to the bathroom.He ran a bath.Dad came down.There was football on TV.Dad looked at the football.“Go on!” he called. “Kick it!”Dad forgot the bath.Drip! Drop! Drip!Plop! Plop! Splat!“What was that?” said Dad.Splash! “Oh no,” said Dad.(word count 91)3-6 The Steel BandA band came to play.“My name is Stan,” said a man.“I want you to help us.”“I want you to clap,” he said. “Clap your hands and tap your feet.”“I want you to sing a song.”“Sing it with us.”The children sang with the band. “Now clap as you sing,” said Stan. “Who wants to play in the band?”The children put up their hands. Everyone wanted to play.“You can all play,” said Stan.Wilf hit the drum.“Tap it,” said Stan. “Don’t bang it.”What a grand band!(word count 94)3-7 On the SandBiff and Chip played on the sand. Dad went to sleep.Biff and Chip put sand on Dad. They made a sandcastle.They put Dad’s hat on top.They went to get an ice cream.Dad was still asleep.Chip looked at the donkeys. Biff looked at the boat.They looked at the go-karts.They looked at Dad’s hat.“Oh no!” said Biff.Dad was hiding.Biff was cross.The hat was on a stick.(word count 75)3-8 The Egg HuntKate came to stay.Mum and Kate made a cake.Kate put little eggs on it.Wilma looked at the little eggs.She had an idea.Wilma went to the park.She wanted to hide some eggs. She put them in the trees.She put them in the flowers.Wilf and Kate came to park.“You can look for eggs,” said Wilma. Kate looked for the eggs.“Where are they?” she said.The squirrels had them. “Squirrels like eggs,” said Kate. “So do I,” she said.(word count 86)3-9 Nobody Wanted to PlayWilf was cross.Nobody wanted to play.He went to the park.Wilf played on the rocket.“I am a spaceman,” he said.He played on the see-saw.“I am a juggler,” he said.He played on the horse.“I am a cowboy,” he said.He played on his bicycle.“I am a stuntman,” he said.He climbed up the ladder.“I am a fireman,” he said.He climbed on the wall.“I am a spider man,” he said.Whoops!(word count 80)3-10 A Cat in the TreeFloppy barked at a cat. The cat ran up a tree.Biff was cross with Floppy.Wilma climbed on the wall.Wilma climbed up the tree.She couldn’t get the cat.Wilma couldn’t get down.Wilma’s dad was cross.He put the ladder up.Wilma climbed down.Wilma’s dad climbed the tree.He couldn’t get the cat.Wilma’s dad was stuck.The cat jumped down.The fireman put a ladder up.Wilma’s dad climbed down.“Oh no!” said everyone.(word count 79)3-11 The Rope SwingThe children went to the stream.They looked at the swing.Wilf climbed on the swing.Chip pushed Wilf.Floppy looked at the rope.Biff climbed on the swing.Floppy barked and barked.Chip climbed on the swing.Floppy barked and barked and barked. Kipper went on the swing.“What a silly dog!” said Kipper.Wilma went on too.“What a silly dog!” said Wilma.The children went home.Floppy looked at the rope.Splash! Oh no!(word count 77)3-12 By the StreamMum and Dad sat on the rug. The children played by the stream.Biff went on the bridge.They dropped sticks in the water. Kipper couldn’t see.Kipper climbed up.He dropped Teddy in the water.“Get Teddy,” said Kipper.Biff couldn’t get Teddy.“Get Teddy,” said Kipper.Mum couldn’t get Teddy.“I want Teddy,” said Kipper.Dad couldn’t get Teddy.Dad fell in.Splash!“I am a frogman,” said Dad.(word count 71)3-13 Kipper the ClownThe children put on a circus.Kipper was a clown.Floppy pulled his leg.Chip was a strong-man.He made everyone laugh.Wilma and Biff did gymnastics. Everyone had a drink.“What a good circus!” said Mum.Wilf was a stuntman.Kipper was fed up.He wanted to be a stuntman.“Look at me!” he said.Everyone looked at Kipper.Oh no!“I’m a clown, after all,” said Kipper. (word count 69)3-14 Strawberry JamDad wanted to make jam.He picked some strawberries.They were too small.Mum took everyone to the pick-your-own.“You can all help,” said Dad.They all picked straKipper put some in his pocket.Chip took the strawberries to the car. The car was locked.He forgot about the strawberries.The children had an ice cream.It was time to go home.The car ran over the strawberries. “Oh no!” said everyone.“Traffic jam!” said Dad.(word count 77)3-15 The Jumble SaleMum and Dad were spring-cleaning. Mum looked in a drawer.Dad threw things out.The children looked at the junk.They played with the old toys.Mum put the old toys in the car.The children were sad.They all went to the jumble sale.The children wanted to buy something. “What a lot of junk!” said Wilf.The children saw their toys.They counted their money.It was time to go home.“What’s in the bags?” said Mum.Oh no!(word count 81)3-16 At the SeasideThe family went to on holiday.Wilf and Wilma went, too.The hotel had burned down.“Sorry!” said the man.They looked at a new hotel.“Too expensive,” said Mum.They looked at an old hotel.“No, thank you,” said Dad.Every hotel was full.“Sorry!” said everyone.They had to go home.But the car broke down.A farmer stopped his tractor.“Can I help?” he said.The farmer had a bus.“You can stay here,” he said. “What a good holiday!” said Wilf. (word count 85)3-17 Kipper's IdeaDad took Kipper to school.They went past the library.A lady was painting the wall.Kipper ran into the playground.He wanted to play.There was a drawing on the wall.It was a drawing of Kipper.The wall looked a mess.Mrs May was cross.The children were painting.Kipper had an idea.Miss Green drew circles on the wall. The children painted faces.The wall looked good.Everyone liked it.“Good for Kipper!” everyone said. (word count 78)3-18 The SnowmanIt was snowing. “Hooray,”said the children.They saw Wilf and Wilma.Wilf was sweeping the snow.Biff had a good idea.She made a giant snowball.Everyone pushed the snowball.Floppy barked and barked.Wilf had an idea.He wanted to play a trick.The children made a giant snowman. Wilf’s dad opened the door.He saw the snowman.Wilma’s mum took a photograph.The snow fell off the roof.“Six snowmen!” said Wilma’s dad. (word count 76)3-19 The BarbecueWilf’s dad wanted a party. He put up some lights.Wilma and Dad made a barbecue. Wilf and Mum took the food outside. Everyone helped.The dads lit the fire.The fire went out.The children were hungry.The dads lit the fire again.It began to rain.The dads cooked burgers.The children were fed up.The burgers burned.“Yuk!” said Chip.Oh no!The dads got wet.“Hooray!” said the children.(word count 73)3-20 The CarnivalThe mums and dads were busy.They m ade a giant shoe.They put it on a trailer.The children dressed up.Dad was the old lady.The giant shoe looked good.They took it to the carnival.The car broke down.“Oh no!” everyone said.“Come on!” said Wilma.Biff, Chip, and Wilf pushed.“Come on!” said Kipper.“Come on!” said everyone.There was an old lady.She lived in a shoe.She had so many children.It was a good job, too.(word count 82)3-21 At the PoolKipper went to the swimming pool. Wilma’s mum took him.She took Biff and Chip, too.It was a new pool.Everyone wanted to swim.Kipper looked for his trunks. He couldn’t find them.Kipper couldn’t go in the pool. “Sorry,” said the man.Wilma’s mum was in the water. “Oh dear,” she said.Wilma’s mum took Kipper to a shop. She bought him new trunks.They went back to the pool.“Oh no!” said Kipper.“I put them on at home,” he said. (word count 84)3-22 Bull’s – eye!Everyone went to the school fair. Wilma wanted a book.Her dad bought it for her.Wilf kicked the ball.He won a goldfish.Dad wanted to win a teddy.He had to hit a bull’s-eye.Dad got cross.He couldn’t hit the bull’s-eye. Wilma was in the gym display.Wilf and Dad forgot to watch her. Wilma was cross.“You forgot to watch,” she said.Wilf and Wilma had a fight.They bumped into Dad.Bull’s-eye! Dad won a teddy. (word count 81)3-23 Book WeekIt was book week.The children made books.They made a big picture.They put it on the wall.An author came.He made everyone laugh.The children dressed up.Kipper was a caterpillar.He ate an apple.They had a book party.Kipper ate a lettuce.He was the hungry caterpillar.There was a book sale.Kipper was hungry.“I am a hungry Kipper,” he said.(word count 67)3-24 The Cold DayThe children were in the sea.They played in the waves.Dad made them laugh.Everyone was cold.Kipper was very cold.Everyone wanted to jog.Kipper sat on the rug."Come on, Kipper,” said Mum.“I’m too cold,” said Kipper."Come on, Kipper,” said Dad. “I’m too cold,” said Kipper. "Come and help,” said everyone. “I’m too cold,” said Kipper.“Ice cream!” said Kipper.He ran to the van.Everyone looked at Kipper.“I’m not that cold,” he said(word count 80)3-25 Midge in HospitalMidge fell off his bike.The ambulance came.The man looked at Midge’s foot. They took Midge to hospital. Midge was frightened.He didn’t want to go to hospital. A doctor looked a t Midge’s foot. A doctor gave Midge a sweet. Midge’s mum came to see him. She gave him a toy. Midge’s nan came to see him. She gave him some fruit. Midge’s friends came to see him. They gave him some books. “It’s not so bad in hospital,” said Midg e. “It’s good to be home.”(word count 87)3-26 Joe and the BikeJoe went to speedway. Joe liked speedway.His dad was a speedway rider. Joe’s dad was in a race.He was in front.“Come on!” shouted Joe.Joe’s dad fell off.“Oh no!” said Joe.Joe’s dad pushed his bike. “What a rider!” said Joe.It was Joe’s birthday.His dad gave him a bike.Joe liked the bike.Joe was in a race.He was in front.“Come on!” shouted Dad.Joe fell off.“Oh no!” said Dad.“What a rider!” said Dad.(word count 84)3-27 Roy and the BudgieRoy had a budgie.He called it Joey.Joey flew out side.“Oh no!” said Roy.Roy couldn’t see Joey.Joey flew away.Roy went to the wood.He looked for Joey.Roy couldn’t get Joey.An ostrich was in the wood. Roy looked at the ostrich.The ostrich looked at Roy. They saw the zoo-keeper.The zoo-keeper had a budgie. “It’s my o strich,” said the zoo-keeper.“It’s my budgie,” said Roy. “Thanks,” they said.(word count 75)3-28 Midge and the EggsMidge’s mum wanted some eggs. Midge went to the egg shop. He put the eggs in a bag. “Come and play,”said his friends. “I can’t,” said Midge. “My Mum wants these eggs.” Midge saw his friend.The friend had a go-kart.Midge wanted a go.Midge put the bag down.He went on the go-kart.He forgot the eggs.A man put the bag in the cart. “Oh no!” said Midge.“The eggs!” Midge’s mum looked at the bag.“Sorry, Mum,” said Midge. Midge’s mum went to the egg shop.She got some more eggs. She put the eggs in a basket.Oh no!(word count 105)3-29 Pip at the ZooPip went to the zoo.Pip’s dad was a zoo-keeper.Pip helped her dad.Pip gave the deer some food. The deer pushed Pip over.Pip gave the monkeys some bananas.A monk ey took Pip’s hat.Pip gave the elephants some water. The elephant took Pip’s sweets. Pip gave the parrots some fruit. A parrot pecked her finger. “Do you want to feed the crocodiles?”“No thanks,” said Pip.(word count 69)3-30 Pip and the Little MonkeyPip was at the zoo.Pip’s dad was a zoo-keeper. Pip helped her dad.They looked at a little monkey. They monkey was ill.They took the monkey home. The monkey got better.Pip played with it. They took the monkey to the zoo. Pip cried and cried.She wanted to keep the monkey. They went to the monkey house. The little monkey ran to its mum. The little monkey jumped and jumped.It was happy.Pip was happy too.(word count 80)3-31 Floppy and the PuppetsThe children had some puppets."This puppet is Dad," said Biff."And this puppet is Mum." "This is the dog," said Kipper.Floppy was not happy. He did not like the puppets.Floppy barked and barked."The puppets upset him," said Mum. Floppy got into his basket. He fell asleep and had a dream.Oh no! Mum and Dad were puppets. So were the children.The Biff puppet gave Floppy bits of wood to eat.Then the children played with the dog puppet.Floppy was not happy.Floppy sat up. It had been a bad dream. Floppy was happy to wake up.(word count 101)3-32 Monkeys on the carMum and Dad took the children to the safari park.“Stop in the car,” said the man . "Or a lion will get you ," said Dad.They saw the zebras. "A zebra crossing ," said Biff.They saw the elephants. "Look at the baby elephant," said Kipper.They saw the lions. "I can see lion cub," said Chip.The monkeys jumped on the car. Theypulled at the wipers.The monkeys pulled and pulled.They pulled the wipers off. "Oh no," said Dad."You bad monkeys !" said Biff."I see you had monkeys on the car," said the man."Yes! And monkeys in the car," said Dad. (word count 109 )3-33 Dragons!The children went to the woods with Mrs May.You can make wigwams,” said Mrs May. The children went to get sticks.“Look at that!” said Biff.“It’s a dragon!” said Wilf.“Did you see the green dragon?”said Biff.“Don’t be silly!” said Chip.“Look,” said Wilf. “Did you see that?”“It’s a red dragon!” said Biff.“Did you see the dragons?” said Wilf. “Don’t be silly!” said Chip.“See!” said Biff. “We did see dragons.”“They are in a play. We can go and see it,” said Mrs May.So the children went to see the play. The dragons sang a song.Then the dragons did a jig. “The dragons are fun,” said Chip.(word count 116)3-34 The Enormous PictureThe minibus broke down.“It will cost a lot to fix it,” said Mrs May. “We need lots of money,” said Chip. “We can paint an enormous picture,”said Chip.“We can all paint a bit,” he said.“We can,” said Mrs May.Mrs May made a copy of the picture. She cut it into squares.“Paint a big picture of your bit,” said Mrs May.Biff had to paint yellow petals.Chip just had to paint a yellow square. Mrs May took all the children’s squares. She made an enormous picture. People came to see the enormous picture.It made a lot of money.The minibus was mended.“The enormous picture did a good job,”said Mrs May.“That is not as good as our enormous picture!” said Chip.(word count 130)3-35 Gran and the Go-kartsGran took the children to a go-kart track. “Can I have that go-kart?” said Chip. “Yes. Put on this kit,” said a man.Biff,Chip and Wilf began to race.Wilf went fast.Biff and Chip went fast too.But Wilf won the race!“That was such fun!” said the children. “You can go again,” said Gran.“And I will race you all!”The children went fast.Gran went fast too.Gran went faster and faster.She went past Wilf.But Gran went too fast.Oh no!“Bad luck, Gran,” said Biff.“I’ll win next time!” said Gran.(word count 97)3-36 Helicopter RescueThe children saw a helicopter.“It’s a rescue helicopter,” said Chip. “You can go in and look,” said a man. The children went into the helicopter. They saw the cockpit.“We pull people up with this winch,” said the man.Rescue! Rescue! Rescue!“It’s a call-out,” said the man.“We must rescue a boat.”The helicopter took off.“Look! That is the boat,” said Mum.The helicopter went to the boat.It had hit a rock.The boy was hurt.They took him up on the winch.“That was a real rescue!” said Chip. (word count 94)3-37 King of the CastleMum and Dad took the children to see a castle.A big coach was in the car park.The castle had a moat and lots of turrets.“Look!” said Chip. “I am a knight!”Nadim said, “I will be a knight, too!”“I will be the queen,” said Biff.“Then I will be the king,” said Chip. “No, I am the king!” said Kipper.“I AM THE KING!” shouted a man.Dad was high up in a turret.“NOW BOW DOWN TO THE KING!”shouted Dad.All the people from the coach saw him. Then they all made a bow.“Quick! We need to tell them. Dad is not the king,” said Chip.“No,” said Biff. “Wait.”“Such a good castle, dear,”said a woman. “And we saw the king!”(word count 130)3-38 Bug HuntBiff and Kipper went on a bug hunt in the garden.“Look! A big bug in the soil!” said Kipper. Biff ran to get a jar.The jar had holes in the lid for air.Biff and Kipper had a good look. “What is it?” said Kipper. “Dad has got a good insect book,” said Biff. “Let’s check it!”They put the jar down in the kitchen. Mum was peckish.“I think I will have toast and jam this morning,” she said.Mum got the butter.“What are you having?” said Chip. “Toast,”said Mum. “What with?”said Chip.Mum took the lid off the jar.The bug shot out.“A BUG!” shouted Mum.“A bug on toast?” said Chip.“YUCK!”(word count 121)3-39 Mister HaggisA parrot flew on to the shed.The parrot was green with a red head. Dad ran down to see it.The parrot flew down and sat on Dad’s head.“Mister Haggis! it said.Then it sat on Dad’s arm.“Sing us a song,” it said.“Oh!” said Wilf. “Can we keep it?”“No,” said Mum.Mum put up a poster.“It is a missing parrot,” she said.“Sing us a song,” said the parrot.Mum got food for the parrot.“Night-night, Mister Haggis,” it said. “Will it ever stop chattering?”said Wilma.The parrot did not stop.“Night-night, Mister Haggis,” it said.At last a man came.“Can you stop him chattering?”said Wilma.“Yes, but you need to cover him up,” he said.“Night-night, Mister Haggis,”said the man.(word count 131)3-40 A Walk in the SunThe children went for a walk.They were near a farm.“I can hear a hen!” said Lee.“That is a rooster, not a hen,” said a man in big boots.Further along, Kipper saw a sheep. “The farmer is giving that sheep a haircut!” he said.“He is shearing its coat, not cutting its hair,” said the man.“We need to go past that farmhouse,”said Mum.“That is a barn, not a farmhouse,”said the man.“This way,” said the man.“I am not sure that is right,” said Lee. “That is a bull, not a cow!”It was a big bull with long horns!“Run!” they all shouted.“Go up that oak tree!” shouted Mum. The man went up the tree.“This is a beech tree, not an oak,” said the man.(word count 135)3-41 Green sheetsIt was Dad’s turn to do the washing.He put the sheets in the washing machine.“I need all the washing now!”he shouted.Kipper got his washing and so did Chip. “Put it down there,” said Dad.“I will do it in a bit,” said Biff.Biff had a look at her PE kit.It had mud on it.“This needs washing,” she said. “Well, put it in the washing machine,”said Mum.Biff put the PE kit in and Mum went to turn it on. All the green ran out of Biff’s shorts.Oh no! All the washing was green.“Oh dear! said Mum. “I did not mean this to happen.”“Well, I think green sheets look good,”said Mum.Biff took her PE kit to school.“Well, I think my green kit looks good,”said Biff.(word count 139)3-42 Road BurnerNadim had a car for his birthday.“It’s called the Road Burner,” he said. “It can go fast!”“Wow! It can zoom!” said Kipper.The children had a go.“It is hard to turn,” said Chip, “if you go too fast.”A man went past on a scooter.His wallet fell out of his pocket.The children saw the wallet.“We need to stop him,” said Biff.“Stop!” they yelled.“He cann ot hear us,” said Chip.But the man did not stop.He did not look back.Nadim had a plan.He put the wallet on the Road Burner. Then he sent it off.The scooter was fast, but the Road Burner was faster.The man saw his wallet on the Road Burner.“Thank you,” he said.“You did me a good turn.”(word count 133)。

WORD格式牛津的阅读树 3 (30 本)3-1 The Steel Band. 3-15 Kipper's Idea.3-2 Pond Dipping. 3-16 Srawberry Jam.3-3 Sniff. 3-17 The Jumble Sale.3-4 The Duck Race. 3-18 The Snowman.3-5 The Ice Rink. 3-19 At the Pool.3-6 The Mud Bath. 3-20 Book Week.3-7 Joe and the Bike. 3-21 Bull's-eye!.3-8 Midge and the Eggs. 3-22 The Barbecue.3-9 Midge in Hospital. 3-23 The Carnival.3-10 Pip and the Little Monkey. 3-24 The Cold Day.3-11 Pip at he Zoo. 3-25 A Cat in the Tree.3-12 Roy and the Budgie. 3-26 By the Stream.3-13 At the Seaside. 3-27 Nobody Wanted to Play. 3-14 Kipper the Clown. 3-28 On the Sand.3-29 The Egg Hunt. 3-30 The Rope Swing.3-1 The Steel Band.A band came to play.“ My name isStan, ” said a man. “ I want you to help us. ”“ I wantyou to clap, ” he saidClap. your“hands and tap you feet. ”“ I want you to sing a song. ” “ Sing it with us. ”The children sang with the band. “ Now clap as you sing ” said “ Who wants to play in the band? ” The children put up their hands.Everyone wanted to play. “ You can all play, ” said Stan. Wilf hitthe drum. “ Tap it, ” said Stanbang. it.“ ”DonWhat’ a grand band!1. Stan[st?n] n. [男子名 ]斯坦 (Stanley 的昵称 )(m.)2. tap[英] [t?p] vt.开发;(从容器等)汲取(液体);割[打]开⋯取[放]液体vi.轻声走;跳踢踏舞3.bang [英] [b??] vt. 猛击,猛撞3-2 Pond Dipping.Wilf and Wilma were at the pond.The net got stuck. “ Help me pull, ” said Wilf. They pulled the net.It was stuck on some junk . Wilma got a big stick. “ Let ’ s pull it out, she said.Wilf and Wilma pulled. They couldn Dad helped. They pulled out an old It made Wilf jump.pull the’t junk out. Mum and pram. Plop! A frog hopped out.Splash! A fish jumped up. “ A pram full of fish, ” said Dad. dipping! ” said Wilma.4.stuck[英] [st?k] v. 刺(stick 的过去式及过去分词) adj. 动不了的;被卡住的;被⋯缠住的;被⋯难住的,不知所措5.junk[英] [d???k] n. 废旧物品,破烂物;中国式平底帆船;6.pram[英 ] [pr?m] n. <英 >(手推的)婴儿车;(送牛奶的)手推车;平底船7.plop[英] [pl?p] n. 扑通声,啪嗒声 vi. 扑通地坠落8.hop out[英] [h?p aut] [体]后摆;跳下3-3 Sniff.“ Will you look after Sniff today? ” said Mrs May.Wilf and Wilma were happy. They wanted to look after the puppy.They took Sniff to the park. The puppy was excited.2Sniff liked to roll on her back ⋯ jump up for a stick...run after a ball ⋯ and bark at a cat.Then Sniff went in the mud. She ran after a duck.She jumped in the pond and she barked at a dog. “ I am hot, ”Wilf. “ I want a rest. ”“ I am hot, too, ” said Wilma. “ I want a drink. ”Mum couldn ’ t find Sniff. She couldn ’ t find Wilf and Wilma.Mum and Dad looked and looked. “ They lostmust ”be said Mum.They were fast asleep. “ They are worn out, ” said Dad.9. mud[英 ] [m?d] n.泥,泥淖;没价值的东西,污物;3-4 The Duck Race.Wilma had an idea.The children made six ducks. “ Let ’ s have a duck race,”said Mum began the race. “ Drop the duckssa i n,d Mum. ”The ducks went down the stream. Oh no! Wilma sank’. s duckChip ’ s duck got stuck in thereeds. Biff ’ s duck got stuck in theweeds. Wilf ’ s duck got stuck on a log. “ Get it off with a stick,said Chip. Kipper ’ s duck went fast. It went past duckDad. Two ’ sswans flew down. They landed on the ducks! “ Six soggy ducks,”said Kipper.10.sank[英] [s??k] v. (使)下沉,(使)沉没( sink的过去式)11.reed[英] [ri ?d] n. 芦苇;芦苇杆;[乐]舌簧12.weed[英] [wi:d] n. 杂草;野草;废物;烟草13.swan[英] [sw?n] n. 天鹅;诗人,歌手33-5 The Ice Rink.Wilf and Dad went to the ice rink . They put skates on. They went on to the ice. “ Holdmy hand, ” said Dad. Wilf held Dad “ This is fun, ” saidWilfWilflet. go of his Dad ’’ s s hand. He began to skate.Whoops! Wilf sat down with a bump. “ This ice is cold, ”said Wilf.Dad began to skate. He went round the rink.“ Look at mespin! ”said Dad. “ Look at me jump! ”Dad got some cold drinks. “ Look out, Dad, ” said Wilf. Oh no! A banana skin.14.ice rink[英] [ais r??k] n. 溜冰场;滑冰场15.whoops[英 ] [hw?ps, w?ps, hwu:ps, wu:ps] int. <口>哎哟(犯明显错误时的道歉)16.bump[英] [b?mp] n. 碰撞,撞击;肿块;隆起物;鹭鸶的叫声17.spin[英] [spin] vi. 快速旋转;3-6 The Mud Bath.Dad was playing football.He ran with the ball. “ Go on Dad! Dad fell over in the mud. Splat!” called Chip.“ Bad luck, Dad!“ Kick it!” said Biff.“ Oh Dad, ” said Mum.“ What a messwant. a ”bath,“I” said Dad.Dad went up to the bathroom. He ran a bath. Dad came down.There was football on TV.Dad looked at the football. “ Go on! ”he called. “ Kick it! forgot the bath. Drip! Drip! Drip!Plop! Plop! Splat! ”What was that? ”said Dad. Splash! “ O said Dad.3-7 Joe and the Bike.Joe went to speedway.Joe liked speedway. His dad was a speedway rider.Joe ’ s dad was in a race. He was in front. “ Come on! ”shoute Joe ’ s dad fell off. “ Oh no! ” said Joe.Joe ’ s dad pushed his bike. “ What a rider! ”said Joe.It was Joe ’ s birthday. His dad gave him a bike. Joe lied the bike.Joe was in a race. He was in front. “ Come on!. Joe” shouted Dadfell off. “ Oh no! ” said Dad.“ What a rider! ”said Dad.18.speedway[英] [?spi:d?we] n. 赛车跑道3-8 Midge and the Eggs.4Midge ’ s mum wanted some eggs.“ Come Midge went to the egg shop. He put the eggs in a bag.play, ” said his friends. can ’ t, ”“I said Midge.“ My Mum wants these eggs. ”Midge saw his friend. The friend had a go-kart . Midge wanted a go.Midge put the bag down. He went on the go-kart. He forgot theeggs. A man put the bag in the cart. “ Oh no! ” said Midge. eggs! ”Mi dge’ s mum looked at the bag. “ Sorry, Mum, ” said Midge.Midge ’ s mum went to the egg shop. She got some more eggs. She put the eggs in a basket.Oh no!19.Midge 米吉20.go-kart[英] [?ɡ?u?kɑ:t] n. 游戏用的无车体小型汽车,其商标名3-9 Midge in Hospital.Midge fell off his bike.The ambulance came. The man looked an Midge Midge to hospital.’ s foot. They took Midge was frightened.He didn ’ t want to go to hospital.A doctor looked at Midge ’ s foot. A doctor gave Midge a sweet.Midge ’ s mum came to see himShe. gave him a toy.Midge ’s nan came to see him. She gave him some fruit.Midge ’ s friends came to see him. They gave him some books.not so bad in hospital, ” said Midge. “ It ’ s good to be home. 21.nan[英] [n?n] n. 奶奶(小孩儿语);圆盘烤饼53-10 Pip and the Little Monkey.Pip was at the zoo.Pip ’ s dad was a zoo-keeper. Pip helped her dad.They looked at a little monkey. They monkey was ill. They took the monkey home.The monkey got better. Pip played with it. They took the monkey to the zoo.Pip cried and cried. She wanted to keep the monkey.They went to the monkey house. The little monkey ran to its mum. The little monkeyjumped and jumped. It was happy. Pip was happy too.3-11 Pip at he Zoo.Pip went to the zoo.Pip ’ s dad waszooa-keeper. Pip helped her dad.Pip gave the deer some food. The deer pushed Pip over.Pip gave the monkeys some bananas. A monkey took Pip ’ s hat. Pi gave the elephants some water. The elephant took Pip ’ s sweets gave the parrots some fruit. A parrot pecked her finger. “ Do youwant to feed the crocodiles? ” “ No thanks, ” said Pip.22.peck[英] [pek] vt. 啄,啄食;啄出,啄穿;3-12 Roy and the Budgie.Roy had a budgie. He called it Joey.Joey flew out side. “ Oh no! ” said Roy.Roy couldn ’t getJoey. Joey flew away. Roy went to the wood. He looked for Joey.Roy couldn ’ t see Joey. ostrichAn was in the wood. Roy looked at the ostrich. Theostrich looked at Roy. They saw the zoo-keeper. The zoo-keeper had a budgie.“ It ’ s my ostrich, e”zoosaid-keeperth. “ It ’ s my budgie, ” said Roy.“ Thanks, ” they said.25. Joey [男子名 ] 乔伊 Joseph的昵称23.Roy n.罗伊(男子名)24.budgie[英] [?b?d?i] n. 相思鹦鹉 3-13 At the Seaside.The family went on holiday. Wilf and Wilma went, too. The hotelhad burned down. “ Sorry!said the” man.6They looked at a new hotel. “ Too expensive, ” said Mum. Theylooked at an old hotel. “ No, thank you, ” said Dad. Ever hotel was full. “ Sorry! ” said everyone. They had to go home. But the carbroke down.A farmer stopped his tractor. “ Can I help? ” he said.The farmer had a bus. “ You can stay here, ” he said.“ What a good holiday! ” said Wilf.3-14 Kipper the Clown.The children put on a circus.Kipper was a clown. Floppy pulled his leg.Chip was a strong-man. He made everyone laugh. Wilma and Biff did gymnastics.Everyone had a drink. “ What a good circus! ” said Mum. Wilf wasa stuntman. Kipper was fed up .He wanted to be a stuntman. “ Look at me! ” he said. Everyonelooked at Kipper. Oh no! “ I ’ m a clown, after all, ” said Kipp26.circus[英] [?s?:k?s] n. 马戏,马戏团;马戏表演(常在大帐篷里进行);27.gymnastics[英] [d??m?n?st?ks] n. 体操,体育;体操运动28.stuntman[英] [?st?nt?m?n] n. 特技替身演员29.feed up[英] [fi:d ?p] 养肥;养壮;<口>处于情绪低落状态;对⋯厌烦3-15 Kipper's Idea.Dad took Kipper to school.They went past the library. A lady was painting the wall. Kipper ran into theplayground. He wanted to play.There was a drawing on the wall. It was a drawing of Kipper. The wall looked amess. Mrs May was cross. The children were painting. Kipper had an idea.Miss Green drew circles on the wall. The children painted faces.The wall looked good. Everyone liked it.“ Good for Kipper! ”everyone said.3-16 Srawberry Jam.Dad wanted to make jam.He picked some strawberries. They were too small.Mum took everyone to the pick-your- own. “ You can all help, ”said Dad. They all picked strawberries. Kipper put some in his pocket.Chip took the strawberries to the car. The car was locked.He forgot about the strawberries.7The children had an ice cream. It was time to go home. The car ranover the strawberries. “ Oh no! ” said everyone. “ Traffic jam! Dad.3-17 The Jumble Sale.Mum and Dad were spring-cleaning .Mum looked in a drawer. Dad threw things out.The children looked at the junk . They played with the old toys.Mum put the old toys in the car. The children were sad.They all went to the jumble sale.The children wanted to buy something. “ What a lot of junk! ”Wilf. The children saw their toys. They counted their money.It was time to go home. “ What’ s in the bags? ” said Mum. Oh no!30.spring-cleaning[英] [?spr???kli:n??] n. 春季大扫除,大扫除31. drawer[英] [dr?:] n.抽屉;开票人,出票人;起草者;酒馆侍者32.junk[英] [d???k] n. 废旧物品,破烂物;中国式平底帆船;便宜货33.jumble sale[英] [?d??mb?l seil] n. (义卖时的)杂物拍卖3-18 The Snowman.It was snowing. Hooray,“ ” said the children.They saw wilf and Wilma. Wilf was sweeping the snow. Biff had a good idea. Shemade a giant snowball.Everyone pushed the snowball. Floppy barked and barked.Wilf had an idea. He wanted to play a trick. The children made a giant snowman.Wilf ’ s dad opened the door. He saw the snowman.Wilma ’ s mum took a photograph. The snow fell off the roof.snowmen! ” said Wilma ’ s dad.34.Hooray [英] [h??re?]万岁3-19 At the Pool.Kipper went to the swimming pool.Wilma ’ s mum took him. She took Biff and Chip, too. It was a new pool. Everyonewanted to swim.Kipper looked for his trunks. He couldn ’ t find them. Kippercouldn ’ t go in the pool. “ Sorry, ” said the man.Wilma ’ s mum was in the water. “ Oh dear, ”she said.Wilma ’ s mum took Kipper to a shop. She bought him new trunks.They went back to the pool. “ Oh no! ” said Kipper.8“ I put them on at home, ” he said.35. trunks[tr ??ks] n. 树干( trunk 的名词复数 );衣箱;象鼻3-20 Book Week.It was book week.The children made books.He made everyone laugh.The children dressed up. Kipper was a caterpillar . He ate an apple.They had a book party.Kipper ate a lettuce. He was the hungry caterpillar. There was abook sale. Kipper was hungry. “ I am a hungry Kipper, ”he said 36.caterpillar[英] [?k?t ?pil?] n. 毛虫;履带;履带拖拉机3-21 Bull's-eye!.Everyone went to the school fair.WORD格式Wilma wanted a book. Her dad bought it for her. Wilf kicked the ball. He won the goldfish.Dad wanted to win a teddy. He had to hit a bull ’s-eye. Dad got cross. He couldn ’ t hit the-eyebull. ’sWilma was in the gym display . Wilf and Dad forgot to watch her.Wilma was cross. “ You forgotwa t ch,o ”she said. Wilf and Wilma had a fight. They bumped into Dad.Bill ’s-eye! Dad won a teddy.40. gym display体育展示37.bull's-eye[英] [?b?lz?a?] n. 靶心;的38.gym[英] [d?im] n. <非正 >健身房;体育馆;室内健身操;体操39.display[英] [dis?plei] n.展览,陈列;陈列品,展览品41. bump[英] [b?mp] vt.& vi. 碰撞,冲撞;颠簸 vi. 颠簸着前进3-22 The Barbecue.Wilf ’ s dad wanted a party. He put up some lights.Wilma and Dad made a barbecue. Wilf and Mum took the food outside. Everyone helped. The dads lit the fire.The fire went out. The children were hungry. The dads lit the fire again. It began to rain.The dads cooked the burgers. The children were fed up.9The burgers burned. “ Yuk! ” said Chip. Oh no! The dads got wet.“ Hooray! ” said the children.42.barbecue[英] [?bɑ:bikju:] n. 烤肉;烧烤野餐;(常用于室外的)金属烤架43.burgers[?b?:ɡ?z] n. 汉堡包( burger的名词复数);3-23 The Carnival.The mums and dads were busy.They made a giant shoe. They put it on a trailer . The children dressed up. Dad was the old lady.The giant shoe looked good. They took it to the carnival. The car broke down. “ Oh no! ” everyone said.“ Come on! said Kipper. ”said Wilma. Biff, Chip, and Wilf pushed.“ Come on! ” said everyone.“ ComeThere was an old lady. She lived in a shoe. She had so many children. It was a good job, too.44. trailer[ 英] [?tre?l?] n. 拖车;追踪者;103-24 The Cold Day.The children were in the sea.They played in the waves. Dad made them laugh. Everyone was cold. Kipper was very cold.Everyone wanted to jog. Kipper sat on the rug."Come on, Kipper, ” said Mum."Come on, Kipper, ” said Dad.and help, ” said everyone. “ I said Kipper. He ran to the van. “ I ’ m too cold,“ I ’ m too cold,’ m too cold, ”” said Kipper.” said Kipper. "Cosaid Kipper. “Everyone looked at Kipper. “ I ’ m not that cold, ” he said.45.jog[英] [d??ɡ]vt.& vi. 慢跑;轻推,轻撞;蹒跚行进;使颠簸46.rug[英] [r?ɡ] n. 小块地毯;〈英〉(围盖膝的)围毯,车毯;3-25 A Cat in the Tree.Floppy barked at a cat. The cat ran up a tree.Biff was cross with Floppy. Wilma climbed on the wall. Wilmaclimbed up the tree. She couldn ’ t get the cat. Wilmatgetcouldn down. Wilma ’ s dad wascross. He put theladder up. Wilmaclimbed down.Wilma ’ s dad climbed the tree. He couldn ’ t get the cat.Wilma ’ s dad was stuck. The cat jumped down.’ s dad climbed down. “ Oh The fireman put a ladder up. Wilma saideveryone.48. stuck[英] [st?k] adj. 动不了的;被卡住的;被⋯缠住的; v. 刺(stick的过去式及dder[英] [?l?d?] n. 梯子,阶梯;梯状物;途径;过去分词)113-26 By the Stream.Mum and Dad sat on the rug.The children played by the stream. Biff went on the bridge. Theydropped sticks in the water. Kipper couldn ’ t see. Kipper climbedup. He dropped Teddy in the water. “ Get Teddy, ” said Kipper. Bif couldn ’ t get Teddy. “ Get Teddy, ” said Kipper. Mum couldn ’Teddy. “ I want Teddy, ” said Kipper. Dad couldn ’ t get Teddy. D fell in .Splash!“ I am a frogman, ” said Dad.3-27 Nobody Wanted to Play.Wilf was cross.Nobody wanted to play. He went to the park.Wilf played on the rocket. “ I am a spaceman, ” he said. He playedon the see-saw. “ I amjugglera , ” he said. He played on the horse.“ I am acowboy , ” he said. He played on his bicycle. “ I am a stuntman, ” he said. He climbed up the ladder. “ I ame a fireman, said. He climbed on the wall. “ I am a spiderman, ” he said. Wh51.stuntman[英] [?st?nt?m?n] n. 特技替身演员49.juggler[英] [?d??gl?] n. 玩杂耍的人;杂耍,把戏50.cowboy[英] [?ka??b??] n. 牛仔;牧童;富有冒险精神的英雄3-28On the Sand.Biff and Chip played on the sand.Dad went to sleep. Biff and Chip put sand on Dad. They made asandcastle. They put Dad ’ s hat on top. They went to get an ice cream. Dad was stillasleep. Chip looked at the donkeys. Bifflooked at the boat. They looked at the go-karts.They looked at Dad ’ s hat. “ Oh no! ” said Biff. Dad was hiding. Biff was cross. The hat was on a stick.52. donkey[英] [?d??ki] n. 驴,毛驴;笨蛋,傻瓜;3-29 The Egg Hunt.Kate came to stay.12Mum and Kate made a cake. Kate put little eggs on it. Wilma looked at thelittle eggs. She had an idea.Wilma went to the park. She wanted to hide some eggs. She put them in the trees.She put them in the flowers.Wilf and Kate came to the park. “ You can look for eggs, ”sai Wilma. Kate looked for the eggs. “ Where are they? ” she said. Thesquirrels had them. “ Squirrel like eggs, ” said Kate. “ So d said.3-30 The Rope Swing.The children went to the stream.They looked at the swing. Wilf climbed on the swing. Chip pushed Wilf. Floppylooked at the rope.Biff climbed on the swing. Floppy barked and barked.Chip climbed on the swing. Floppy barked and barked and barked.Kipper went on the swing. “ What a silly dog! ” said kippy. Wilma went on too. “ What a silly dog! ”said Wilma. The children went home. Floppy looked at the rope. Splash! Oh no!53.silly [英] [?sili] adj. 蠢的;糊涂的;不明事理的;没头脑的13。
牛津阅读树自然拼3 (9-12)单词翻译

had supper
It got dark. 天黑了。
Dad got a light.
Floppy was barking.
Dad led the goat back to the barn.
at midmight
turn the car alarm off
He had to fix it.
A barn owl was hooting.
A cow was mooing. 奶牛在哞哞叫
up and down
it got lighter and lighter
Book 3
Dad took Kipper to a farm.
You can park near the barn.
Book 3
You will get hurt.
put the toad down 把蟾蜍放下了
loads of toads
put the coat on 穿上了外套
pick up
Get them off the road. 让它们离开公路。

5-1 The Magic Key5-2 Pirate Adventure5-3 The Dragon Tree5-4 Gran5-5 Castle Adventure5-6 Village in the Snow5-7 The Whatsit5-8 Underground Adventure 5-9 Vanishing Cream5-10 It’s Not Fair5-11The Great Race5-12 A Monster Mistake5-13 The New Baby5-14 Camping Adventure5-15 Scarecrows5-16 Noah’s Ark Adventure5-17 A New Classroom5-18 Mum to the Rescue5-19 Sleeping Beauty5-20 The Adventure Park5-21 Kipper and the Trolls5-22 Safari Adventure5-23 Dad’s Run5-24 Drawing Adventure5-1 The Magic KeyThe box was by Chip’s bed. Something was glowing inside it. Chip looked at the box. “It’s magic,” he said. Chip ran into Biff’s room. “Biff,” he called. “Look at the box.” Biff and Chip looked at the box. Something was glowing inside it. They opened the box. They looked inside. “It’s magic,” they said. A key was in the box. The key was glowing. “It’s a magic key,”said Biff. She picked up the key and the magic began. Biff and Chip got smaller and smaller and smaller. “Oh help!” said Biff. “It’s magic,” said Chip. Biff and Chip looked at the room. Everything looked big. “Look at my big slippers,” said Biff. “Everything looks big.” Chip picked up a pencil. “Look at this big pencil,” he said. Biff picked up a pin. “Look at this big pin,” she said. They looked at the house. It looked like a big house. The windows were glowing. “It’s magic,” said Chip. Biff and Chip ran to the house. They looked in the window. Biff went to the door. She pushed and pushed, but she couldn’t get in. They went to the window. Chip pulled and pulled, but he couldn’t get in. Something was coming. Chip picked up the pin. “Oh help!” he said. It was a little mouse. Biff and Chip looked at the mouse. The mouse ran away. Something was glowing. It was the magic key. Biff picked it up. Biff and Chip got bigger and bigger and bigger. “Oh no!” said Biff. “Oh help!” said Chip. “It’s the magic,” they said. The magic was over. “What an adventure!” said Biff and Chip.5-2 Pirate AdventureBiff was looking at a book. The book was about pirates. “I don’t like pirates,” she said. Wilfand Wilma came to play. They went to Biff’s room. They looked at the little house. “It’s a magic house,” said Biff. “Don’t be silly,” said Wilma. They looked at the key. “It’s magic key,”said Chip. “Don’t be silly,” said Wilf. The key began to glow. The magic was working. “Oh help!” said Wilma. The magic was working. The children got smaller and smaller and smaller. “Oh no!” said Wilf. “Oh help!” said Wilma. “We don’t like this,” they said. They looked at the house. The windows were glowing. Biff went to the door. She put the key in the lock. She opened the door. The children went inside the house. “It’s a magic house,” they said. “Look at the sand,” said Biff. “Look at the sea,” said Chip. “Come on,” they said. They ran to the sea. Wilf picked up a shell. Chip picked up a coconut. Biff climbed up a tree. Wilma went in the sea. “This is magic,”they said. They played on the sand. They played in the sea. “What an adventure!” said Biff. A pirate came up. He looked at the children. “Children!” said the pirate. “Pirates!” said the children. “Oh help!” they said. “Come on,” said the pirates. The pirates had a boat. They went to the pirate ship. “I don’t like pirates,” said Biff. “Look at that pirate,”said Biff. “Look at that big rope,”said Chip. “I’m frightened,”said Wilf. “We wanted a party,” said the pirate. “Nobody wanted to come. Will you come to the party?”The children went to the party. It was a good party. “I like pirates,” said Biff. The key was glowing. It was time to go. “Goodbye,” said Chip. “Thank you for the party.”“Oh no!” said the pirates. “What an adventure!” said Wilma. “I liked the pirates,” said Biff. Wilf looked at the little hat.5-3 The Dragon TreeKipper was looking at a book. The book was about a dragon. Kipper couldn’t read the story. Biff didn’t want to read it. She didn’t like dragons. Kipper went into Chip’s room. Chip read the story. “I like dragons,” said Chip. Something was glowing. It was the magic key. “Oh no!”said Chip. Chip picked up the box. He ran into Biff’s room. “The magic is working,” he said. Biff picked up the key. They looked at the magic house. “The door is open,” said Biff. The magic was working. It took the children inside. It took Floppy too. It took them to a wood. Floppy didn’t like the wood. He was frightened. Biff pulled Floppy. “Come on,”she said. “Don’t be silly.” An owl flew out of a tree. Floppy didn’t like the owl. He ran away. Floppy ran out of the wood. “Come back,” called Biff. “Come back,” called Chip. It was no good. Floppy ran and ran. “Oh help!”said Biff. The children looked for Floppy. They called and called. “Floppy! Come back!” they called. The children came to a tree. It was called “The Dragon Tree”. A dragon lived under the tree. The dragon had Floppy. He wanted Floppy for supper. Floppy was frightened. “Oh no!” said Biff. “What a nasty dragon! I don’t like dragons!” Biff looked at the dragon’s tail. She took off her belt. She put it round the tail. Chip helped her. Kipper went inside the tree. He pulled Floppy out. Chip helped him. The dragon was cooking. It didn’t see them. “Come on!” called Chip. They ran and ran. The key was glowing. “The key is glowing,” called Biff. “It’s time to go home.”“What an adventure!” said Chip. “I don’t like dragons,” said Biff.5-4 GranA car came to the house. The children ran to see. “It’s Gran,” said Kipper. “Come in,” said Mum. “Come in,” said Dad. The children helped. They took Gran’s things. “What a lot of things!” said Kipper. The children liked Gran and Gran liked the children. “Come and see my toys,” said Kipper. “Come and see my room,” said Biff. “Come and play,” said Chip. Gran played with the children. They played inside. “Oh no!” said Mum. They went outside and played football. “Oh no!” said Dad. Gran took the children out. They went in Gran’s old car. Wilf and Wilma went too. “What an old car!” said Wilf. “It’s a good car,” said Gran. Gran took them to the fun park. “This looks fun,” said Gran. “Come on, everyone.” The children began to run. They wanted to go on everything. “Come on, Gran,” they called. “Look at this,” said Kipper. “It’s a castle. “It’s called Jumping Castle.” The children went on the Jumping Castle. “This is fun,” called Wilma. The children jumped and jumped, and bounced and bounced. “Come on, Gran,” they called. Gran went on the castle. She jumped and bounced. “Good old Gran,” called the children. Gran made a hole in the castle. “Oh no!” said the children. The castle began to go down. A man ran up. He was cross with Gran. “Look at my castle,” he yelled. “Go home,” yelled the man, “and don’t come back.” Gran took the children home. Biff told Mum about the castle. Mum was cross with Gran. Gran was sad. Gran was in Chip’s room. She looked at th e magic key. The key was glowing. Gran picked up the key and ran into Biff’s room. “Look at this,” she said. “Oh no!” said Kipper. “It’s the magic. The magic is working.” The magic took them to a new adventure.5-5 Castle AdventureThe magic took them to a castle. Three witches lived in the castle. They were nasty witches. One was a black witch. One was a red witch. One was a green witch. The magic took the children inside the castle. It took them to a room. A frog was in the ro om. “I am a king,” said the frog. “I am the king of this castle.” The witches turned me into a frog. Help me,” he said. A witch was coming. It was the black witch. “Look out!” said the frog. The witch opened the door. Gran pushed the witch. Chip took the w itch’s keys. They ran out of the room. Chip locked the door. The witch couldn’t get out. Everyone ran. “Look out!” called Chip. A witch was coming. It was the red witch. “I don’t like witches,” said Gran. She put a net over the witch. The witch couldn’t ge t out. “Good old Gran,” called Biff. Gran went to the green witch. “I don’t like witches,” said Gran. “I don’t like nasty witches.” Gran threw the witch on the floor. “Help!” yelled the witch. “Good old Gran,” said the children. Some frogs came in and jump ed on the table. One was the king. “Help us,” he said. Biff and Gran looked in the witches’ book. The frogs turned into people. “Thanks!” said the King. The witches turned into frogs. Gran put the book on the fire. “Oh no!” said the witches. The king had a party. Everyone went to it. “What a good party!” said Chip. “What an adventure!” said Biff. “I like adventures,” said Gran. “Good old Gran!” said everyone. The magic key was glowing. “It’s time to go,” said Biff. “Goodbye,” said the king. The magic took t hem back to Biff’s room. They fell on to Biff’s bed. “Oh no!” said Mum.5-6 Village in the SnowThe children were at school. It was playtime. “Come in,” called Mrs. May. Mrs. May told the children a story. The story was about a village. The village was in the mountains. Everyone liked the story. It was called The Village in the Snow. The children went to Biff’s room. They wanted an adventure. Biff picked up the magic key. The key began to glow. “The magic is working,” said Biff. T he magic took the children to the village in the snow. “It’s lovely,” said Biff. Kipper jumped in the snow. “I like the snow,” he called. “This is fun.” They played in the snow. They made a snowman and put Kipper’s hat on top. They jumped in the snow. They threw snowballs. “Look,” said Wilma. They saw a little boy. The boy was pulling a toboggan. Some big boys ran up. They pushed the little boy over. They pushed the toboggan over and they ran away. The children ran up. They helped the little boy. Kipper picked up his hat. The little boy told them about the big boys. Kipper was cross. Kipper put on the little boy’s hat. He put on his coat. “Come on,” he called. The big boys looked at Kipper. Kipper looked like the little boy. “Come on,” said the big boys. The children threw snowballs at the big boys. “Help! Help!” yelled the big boys. The big boys ran away. The little boy jumped and jumped in the snow. The children put the little boy on the toboggan. They pulled him home. The little boy lived with his grandfather. Grandfather gave the children a drink. The children told Grandfather about the big boys. They told Grandfather about the snowball fight. The children played in the snow. They went on the toboggan. “This is fun,” said Wilf. The magic key began to glow.“It’s time to go,” said Biff. “Come on,” she said. The magic took the children home. “What an adventure!” said Chip.5-7 The WhatsitMum and Dad painted the kitchen. Dad painted the ceiling. Mum painted the walls. Mum pulled up the old carpet. “The walls look good,” she said. “But this looks a mess.” Dad looked at the floor. “We need a new carpet,” said Biff. Mum found a trap door. She pulled it up. Everyone looked. “It’s a caller,” said Dad. Mum went into the cellar. “It looks big,” she said. The children looked in. “It looks dark,” said Biff. “It looks spooky,” said Chip. Dad got light. They went into the cellar. Kipper found an old sheet. “I’m a ghost,” he said. “Whooooooooooooaa...!” “Look at this,” said Kipper. “What is it?” asked Chip. “I don’t know,”said Mum. “It’s a whatsit,” said Dad. Wilf and Wilma came to play. They looked at the whatsit. “What is it?” asked Wilma. “It’s a whatsit,” said Chip. “We found it in the cellar.” Two men came to the house. They came in a lorry. They took away the old things. One man looked at the whatsit. “What is it?” he asked. “It’s a whatsit,” said Dad. The men took the whatsit. They put it in a lorry. A car stopped. A lady jumped out and called to the men. “Stop!” she said. The lady wanted the whatsit. She wanted it f or a museum. The men put it in the car. The lady gave Dad some money. “Come to the museum,” she said, “and bring the children.” The whatsit was in the museum. Mum and Dad went to see it. They took Biff, Chip and Kipper. “So that’s what it is,” said Dad. Mu m and Dad had a surprise. It was for the children. “What is it?” asked Biff. “It’s a whatsit,” said Dad. He pulled off the sheet. Thewhatsit was a snooker table. “It’s brilliant!” they said.5-8 Underground AdventureThe children were in the cellar. They wanted to find a secret tunnel. The children looked everywhere. They tapped on the floor. They tapped on the walls. But there was no secret tunnel. “It’s no good,” said Biff. Kipper ran to the cellar. He had the magic key. The key w as glowing. They ran to Biff’s bedroom. “Come on!” called Kipper. “It’s time for a magic adventure.” The magic took them underground. They were in a big tunnel. Wilma picked up a lamp. “Come on,” she said. “Let’s go!” There were elves in the tunnel. But th ey were shy. “Oh no!” they said. “Children!” The children went down the tunnel. They didn’t see the elves. “This way,” said Wilma. The children came to a big cave. “Wow!” said Biff. The elves looked at the children. “Oh dear!” said the elves. “Oh dear! Oh dear!” The cave had an echo. “Whoooooaa!” called Kipper. “Whoooooaa!” went the echo. “Whoooooaa!” went Kipper. The elves laughed. They laughed and laughed. The elves came out. They ran to say hello. “Whoooooaa!” they went. “Whoooooaa!” went the echo. And e veryone laughed. The elves were sad. They had no work. “Can you help?” said the elves. “Our gold has run out. We don’t know what to do.” Wilma had a good idea. She told the elves what it was. The elves liked Wilma’s idea. They painted some signs. The child ren helped. The elves put light in the caves. The cave looked beautiful. People came to see them. The elves were happy. The elves were busy. “Thanks to the children,” they said. The magic key began to glow. It was time to go home. “What an adventure!” said Wilf. “I have a good idea,” said Chip. “What do you think?”5-9 Vanishing CreamThe children were at school. They made a little theatre. They made it out of a box. The children put on a play. The play was about a wizard. He was called Wizard Blot. Wizard Blot made mistakes. Wizard Blot made a spell. The spell went wrong. “Oh dear! Oh dear!” said Wizard Blot. Everyone laughed. Everyone liked the play. Mrs. May liked Wizard Blot. Biff was in her room. The key began to glow. “Chip! Chip!” called Biff. Chip ran into Biff’s bedroom. The magic took them inside the little house. The magic took them to Wizard Blot’s house. The Wizard wanted some help. “Come in!” said the Wizard. “I wanted one helped, but two will do.” “Come in!” said the Wizard. “You can wash up, then you can tidy up.” Biff and Chip looked at the mess. “Don’t be lazy,” said the Wizard, “Or I’ll turn you into frogs.” Biff and Chip did the washing up. “I don’t like this,” said Chip, “But I don’t want to be a frog.” “I don’t like ironing,” said Biff, “but we don’t want to be frogs.” Oh no! Biff dropped a bottle. It was vanishing cream. “Help!” said Biff. “This is vanishing cream.” Chip looked at his hands. “Oh no,” he said. “Bits of us are vanishing.” He rubbed his face. “Oh no!” said Biff. “Your face is vanishing.” A man came to the house. He climbed through the window. The man didn’t see Biff and Chip. He took all the Wizard computer disks. “Help! Help!” said the man. “I’m being attacked by the washing.” Wizard Blot came back. Biff told him about the vanishing cream. Chip gave Wizard Blot the computer disks. The Wizardwas pleased. It was time to go home. “Thank you,” said Wizard Blot. “Do come again.” Biff had a little bottle. “Don’t droop it,” said Chip. “It’s vanishing cream.”5-10 It’s Not FairMrs. May was ill. The children had a new teacher. He was called Mr. Fry. It was story time. The children sat in the reading corner. Mr. Fry had a new story. The story was about a king. He was called King Arthur. “Here is King Arthur,” said Mr. Fry, “and here are his knights. They lived a long time ago.” King Arthur had a round table. All the knights sat round it. They liked the round table. The children did a project. The boys were knights. “It’s not fair,” said Biff. Biff wanted to b e a knight. “It’s not fair,” she said. “Why can’t girls be knig hts?” Biff was in her room. She wanted to go skateboarding. But the magic key began to glow. “Oh blow!” said Biff. “I wanted to go skateboarding.” The magic took Biff to King Arthur’s castle. It put her in a dress. “Yuk!” said Biff. “I wanted to be a knight. Knights don’t wear dresses.” Biff was cross with the magic. She saw some knights. “Can I be a knight?” she said. The knights laughed. “But you are a girl,” they said. “Girls can’t be knights.” Biff got on her skateboard. “You couldn’t do that,” she said. “Now can I be a knight?” The knights were amazed. “We’ll have to ask King Arthur,” said the knights. The knights took Biff to King Arthur. “This is Biff,” they said. “She wants to be a knight.” King Arthur laughed. “Girls can’t be knights,” he said. “Why not?” asked Biff. King Arthur called a meeting but the knights argued. No one wanted to sit down. They all wanted to sit near King Arthur. Biff had a good idea. She spoke to King Arthur. “Get a round table,” she said. The knights liked the round table. “It’s brilliant!” they said. “Now we won’t argue.” The knights sat round the table. “See!” said Biff. “Now can I be a knight?” But everyone laughed. “I’m sorry,” said King Arthur, “but girls can’t be knights.” The magic adventure was over. “It’s not fair,” said Biff. “Girls are as good as boys.”5-11The Great RaceGran wanted a new car. Biff and Chip were sad. They liked Gran’s old car. Gran liked this car. Biff was worried. The car was too fast for Gran. Gran bought the fast car. She drove it home. “Oh no!” said Dad. Mum was cross with Gran. “That car is too fast,” she said. Gran was upset. The magic key glowed. The magic took Biff and Chip. It took Gran, too. The magic took them to a race. “Come on,” said Gran. “This is my new car.” “Oh Gran!” said Biff. “What would Mum say?” “Never mind Mum,” said Gran. Gran found a map. They all looked at it. A man looked at Gran. He was a bad man. He was called the Baron. The children looked at the Baron. The Baron looked at the children. “Ha!” said the Baron. “You won’t win.” A man changed the signpost. “Ha! Ha!” said the man. “Now the Baron will win.” The map blew away. “Which way?” asked Gran. Chip didn’t know. They didn’t see the signpost. Gran turned left.“Grrr!” said the man. They came to the mountains. “Slow down,” shouted Biff. “No. This is fun,” said Gran. The Baron put oil on the road. “That will do it,” he said. “That will stop them.” The car skidded on the oil. It crashed through the fence and went down the mountain. “Hold on,” shouted Gran. “Oh no!” shouted Biff. “Oh help!” shouted Chip. The Baron was behind. Gran was in front. She was winning the race.Biff looked behind. “Come on Gran,” she shouted. “Which way?” called Gran. Chip didn’t know. Gran turned on to a bridge. The bridge was dangerous. “Not this way!” called Chip. The bridge broke. The Baron’s car crashed down into the river. Gran won the race. “Hooray!” called Biff and Chip. The magic key glowed. Gran took the fast car back. She bought a little car. “This one will do,” she said.5-12 A Monster MistakeMum and Gran went on holiday. They went to Scotland. They took the children. They stayed in a cottage. The cottage was by a lake. It had a boat. “I like it here,” said Biff. “We can go sailing.” “And fishing,” said Kipper. Everyone had a good time. Biff and Kipper went fishing. Gran and Chip painted a picture. Mum sat in the sun and read a book. “This is fun,” she said. Everyone looked at Gran’s picture. “Oh Gran!” said Chip. She had painted a monster. Kipper looked at the monster. Gran laughed. “There’s no such thing,” she said. Mum went shopping. She took Kipper. Biff and Chip stayed with Gran. Mum looked at the shops. “Let’s get Dad a postcard,” she said. Kipper went into a shop. “I want a monster for me and a postcard for Dad,” he said. Kipper posted the card to Dad. “I wish Dad was here,” he said. Gran wanted to play a joke on Mum. “Let’s make a monster,” she said. “I don’t get it,” said Biff. “Wait and see,” said Gran. They put the monst er in the lake. It made the children laugh. “It looks brilliant!” said Chip. “What a good joke,” said Biff. “What a good joke to play on Mum.” Mum and Kipper came back. Gran pulled the rope. The monster went across the lake. “A real monster,” said Kipper. “I don’t believe it,” said Mum. “There’s no such thing.” Some people saw Gran’s monster. They were amazed. They took photographs. The children watched television. “Gran’s monster!” said chip. “Oh no!” groaned Biff. The next day lots of people came. There were lots and lots and lots of people. They wanted to see the monster. “Oh Gran!” said Mum. “Now look what you’ve done.” Gran told everyone about the monster. “It was just a joke,” she said. A man from the television came. Mum was cross with Gran but everyo ne laughed. Gran was sorry. “A monster?” she said. “There is no such thing.”5-13 The New BabyJo had some good news. She was expecting a baby. “What good news!” said everyone. Wilma’s mum found the old buggy. “Oh look!” said Wilma’s dad. “Wilf had it when he was a baby.” The buggy looked a bit scruffy. A wheel had come off. “We can do it up,” said Wilma’s mum. Wilma told Biff and Chip. “Jo is expecting a baby,” she said. “What good news!” said Chip. Biff and Chip went home. “Jo is expecting a baby,” said Chip. “What good news!” said Mum. Dad found the old cot. “Oh look!” said Mum. “Kipper had it when he was a baby.” The cot looked a bit scruffy. It needed a new mattress. “We can do it up,” said Dad. Biff and Chip told Kipper. “Jo is exp ecting a baby,” they said. “That’s brilliant!” said Kipper. Kipper found an old toy rabbit. It looked a bit scruffy. “Can we do it up?” he asked. Kipper was in Miss Green’s class. He told Miss Green about Jo’s baby. “How exciting!” said Miss Green. Kipper looked puzzled. “When will Jo’s baby come?” he asked. Miss Green told the children about babies. Mums and dads came to school. They toldthe children about babies too. Kipper played with the baby. He gave it a rattle. The baby made a funny noise. The children made a book. The book was about babies. Kipper gave Jo the book. Biff and Chip gave Jo the cot. Jo was pleased. Wilf wanted the baby to be a girl. Wilma wanted it to be a boy so Wilf made a big chart. “The baby is coming,” said Jo. “It’s time to go.” “How exciting,” said Wilf. Wilma called her mum. “Jo’s baby is coming,” she called. “How exciting!” said Wilma’s mum. Jo went to the hospital. She went in the car. “Good luck,” called Wilma’s mum. Jo was in hospital. She had a baby girl. “She is called Vicky,” said Jo. Jo brought Vicky home. Everyone wanted to see the new baby. Jo looked at Kipper. “You know about babies,” she said. “Do you want to help?” Kipper looked at Vicky. “No, thank you,” said Kipper.5-14 Camping AdventureMum and Dad went camping. They took children. They went to a farm. Mum and Dad had a new tent. They put it up. Wilf helped. Wilma got some water. “I like it here,” she said. “I like camping.” Mr. Jones was the farmer. He had to milk the cows. “Come and watch,” he said. “What a lot of cows!” said Wilf. Mr. Jones laughed. “We milk them every day,” he said. Mum wanted some milk. She went to the farmhouse. “I want some eggs too,” said Mum. Mrs. Jones was expecting a baby. She was expecting it soon. “It may come today,” she said. Dad cooked supper. “I like it here,” said Wilf. “It’s fun in this tent.” Everyone went to bed but there was a storm. Nobody could sleep. The wind blew. Everyone had to get up. The wind blew the tent down. They had to go to the farmhouse. Mr. Jones called Mum. “The baby is coming,” he said. Mrs. Jones had to go to hospital. She got in the car. Mum helped her. The storm got worse. The wind blew and blew. The wind blew a big tree down. The car couldn’t get past. Mr. and Mrs. Jones went back to the house. Mr. Jones called for help. He called the hospital. “A helicopter’s coming,” he said. Mr. Jones pointed to a field. “The helicopter can land there,” he said. Mr. Jones got some bags. The children helped. They got some big stones. They made a big cross out of the bags. They put stones on the bags. The helicopter came. It landed near the cross. “At last!” said Mr. Jones. There was a doctor in the helicopter. “Come on!” said Mr. Jones. The doctor ran to the house but Mum came to the door. She was la ughing. “Too late!” said Mum. “Mrs. Jones has had the baby. She’s had a baby boy.” Everyone looked at the baby. “He’s very sweet,” said Wilma. “Will he like camping?”5-15 ScarecrowsBiff and Chip had a little garden. They planted seeds and they put in plants. The birds liked the garden. They ate the seeds and pecked the plants. Biff was cross. “Look at the birds,” she said. “Go away! Go away!” Biff and Chip had an idea. “Let’s make a scarecrow,” they said. “What a good idea,” said Mum. They got some old clothes and made the scarecrow’s body. Mum helped them. Biff got a bag. Chip painted a face on it. Mum made the scarecrow’s hair. Chip wanted the scarecrow to be a boy. He called it Fred. Biff wanted it to be a girl. “All scarecrows are boys,” saidChip. The key began to glow. The magic took them inside the little house. The magic took them to a field. The scarecrow came to life. “I’m alive!” called Fred. Fred jumped in the air. “It’s magic!” he called. There were some scarecrows in the lane. Fred waved at th em. Fred ran up to the scarecrows. “Hello!” he called. “Where are you going?” A scarecrow pointed to a barn. “We’re going to the barn dance. You can come too.” Then the scarecrows looked at Biff and Chip. “Oh dear! You can’t come.” Biff and Chip weren’t scarecrows. They couldn’t go to the dance but Fred had an idea. Fred made Biff and Chip into scarecrows. They went to the dance. The band began to play. “Come on,” called Fred. “Let’s dance.” Biff began to dance with the scarecrows. “This is fun,” called Chi p. Biff danced with Fred. Chip danced with Biff. They all danced with the scarecrows. “See!” said Biff. “There are girl scarecrows. I told you so.” Suddenly, the key glowed. It was time to go home. “Oh no!” said Fred. The magic took them home. Biff and Chi p had an idea. “I didn’t know there were girl scarecrows,” said Mum. “Well, there are,” said Chip.5-16 Noah’s Ark AdventureIt rained and rained. It rained all day long. The children were fed up. The children went outside. They wanted to play but it was too wet. Dad looked out of the window. “Come inside,” he said. “It’s too wet to play outside.” The children went to Biff’s room. Suddenly, the key began to glow. It was time for a magic adventure. “What a good job!” said Kipper. “I want a magic adventure. I’m fed up with all the rain.” The magic key took them into a new adventure. But it was raining. “Oh no!” said Kipper. “We don’t want an adventure in the rain.” The children saw a boat. “What is it?” asked Kipper. “It’s Noah’s Ark,” said Biff. “Noah has to put the animals on the Ark or they will drown,” said Chip. “It’s raining so much,” said Biff. “The water’s going to cover everything.” “Don’t worry,” said Chip. “Noah will save all the animals.” “Will he save us too?” asked Kipp er. “Hello,” said Noah. “What do you want? Have you come to help?” Noah looked at the water. He pointed at the Ark. “I want some help,” he said. The children looked at the animals. “It is time to put the animals on to the Ark,” said Noah. The animals went on to the Ark. They went on in twos. First, Noah put the big animals on. A man pushed the elephants. They pulled the crocodiles up in a big net. A camel didn’t want to go on to the Ark. They pushed it and pulled it. “All the animals are on,” said Noah. “It’s time to go. Please get on to the Ark.” The children went on to the Ark. Noah looked at Floppy. “Stop!” shouted Noah. “I’m sorry,” said Noah. “We put two dogs on the Ark. We can’t have three dogs.” The children couldn’t leave Floppy. “Floppy can’t go on the Ark, so we won’t go on it,” said Biff. The Ark sailed away. The children floated in Noah’s big umbrella. “It’s still raining,” said Biff. Just then, the magic key began to glow. The magic took the children home. “What an adventure!” said Biff. “Oh no!” said Kipper.5-17 A New ClassroomSome people came to the school. They put a fence across the playground. The children looked at the fence. “What is it for?” asked Wilf. Nobody knew. A lorry came to the school. It had blocks on it. “What are they for?” as ked Biff. Then a digger came. The children were excited. Some men dug a long trench across the playground. “What is it for?” everyone asked. It was time to go in。

牛津阅读树级Document serial number【KK89K-LLS98YT-SS8CB-SSUT-SST108】5-1T h e M a g i c K e y 5-2 Pirate Adventure5-3 The Dragon Tree5-4 Gran5-5 Castle Adventure5-6 Village in the Snow5-7 The Whatsit5-8 Underground Adventure5-9 Vanishing Cream5-10 It’s Not Fair5-11The Great Race 5-12 A Monster Mistake5-13 The New Baby5-14 Camping Adventure 5-15 Scarecrows5-16 Noah’s Ark Adventure 5-17 A New Classroom5-18 Mum to the Rescue5-19 Sleeping Beauty5-20 The Adventure Park5-21 Kipper and the Trolls 5-22 Safari Adventure5-23 Dad’s Run5-24 Drawing Adventure5-1 The Magic KeyThe box was by Chip’s bed. Something was glowing inside it. Chip looked at the box. “It’s magic,” he said. Chip ran into Biff’s room. “Biff,” he called. “Look at the box.” Biff and Chip looked at the box. Something was glowing inside it. They opened the box. They looked inside. “It’s magic,” they said. A key was in the box. The key was glowing. “It’s a magic key,” said Biff. She picked up the key and the magic began. Biff and Chip got smaller and smaller and smaller. “Oh help!”said Biff. “It’s magic,” said Chip. Biff and Chip looked at the room. Everything looked big. “Look at my big slippers,” said Biff. “Everything looks big.” Chip picked up a pencil. “Look at this big pencil,” he said. Biff picked up a pin. “Look at this big pin,” she said. They looked at the house. It looked like a big house. The windows were glowing. “It’s magic,” said Chip. Biff and Chip ran to the house. They looked in the window. Biff went to the door. She pushed and pushed, but she couldn’t get in. They went to the window. Chip pulled and pulled, but he couldn’t get in. Something was coming. Chip picked up the pin. “Oh help!” he said. It was a little mouse. Biff and Chip looked at the mouse. The mouse ran away. Something was glowing. It was the magic key. Biff picked it up. Biff and Chip got bigger and bigger and bigger. “Ohno!” said Biff. “Oh help!” said Chip. “It’s the magic,” they said. The magic was over. “What an adventure!” said Biff and Chip.5-2 Pirate AdventureBiff was looking at a book. The book was about pirates. “I don’t like pirates,” she said. Wilf and Wilma came to play. They went to Biff’s room. They looked at the little house. “It’s a magic house,” said Biff. “Don’t be silly,” said Wilma. They looked at the key. “It’s magic key,” said Chip. “Don’t be silly,” said Wilf. The key began to glow. The magic was working. “Oh help!” said Wilma. The magic was working. The children got smaller and smaller and smaller. “Oh no!” said Wilf. “Ohhelp!” said Wilma. “We don’t like this,” they said. They looked at the house. The windows were glowing. Biff went to the door. She put the key in the lock. She opened the door. The children went inside the house. “It’s a magic house,” they said. “Look at the sand,” said Biff. “Look at the sea,” said Chip. “Come on,” they said. They ran to the sea. Wilf picked up a shell. Chip picked up a coconut. Biff climbed up a tree. Wilma wentin the sea. “This is magic,” they said. They played on the sand. They played in the sea. “What an adventure!” said Biff. A pirate came up. He looked at the children. “Children!” said the pirate. “Pirates!” saidthe children. “Oh help!” they said. “Come on,” said the pirates. The pirates had a boat. They went to the pirate ship. “I don’t like pirates,” said Biff. “Look at that pirate,” said Biff. “Look at thatbig rope,” said Chip. “I’m frightened,” said Wilf. “We wanted a party,” said the pirate. “Nobody wanted to come. Will you come to the party?” The children went to the party. It was a good party. “I like pirates,” said Biff. The key was glowing. It was time to go. “Goodbye,”said Chip. “Thank you for the party.”“Oh no!” said the pirates.“What an adventure!” said Wilma. “I liked the pirates,” said Biff.Wilf looked at the little hat.5-3 The Dragon TreeKipper was looking at a book. The book was about a dragon. Kippercouldn’t read the story. Biff didn’t want to read it. She didn’t like dragons. Kipper went into Chip’s room. Chip read the story. “I like dragons,” said Chip. Something was glowing. It was the magic key. “Ohno!” said Chip. Chip picked up the box. He ran into Biff’s room. “The magic is working,” he said. Biff picked up the key. They looked at the magic house. “The door is open,” said Biff. The magic was working. Ittook the children inside. It took Floppy too. It took them to a wood. Floppy didn’t like the wood. He was frightened. Biff pulled Floppy. “Come on,” she said. “Don’t be silly.” An owl flew out of a tree. Floppy didn’t like the owl. He ran away. Floppy ran out of the wood. “Come back,” called Biff. “Come back,” called Chip. It was no good. Floppy ran and ran. “Oh help!” said Biff. The children looked for Floppy. They called and called. “Floppy! Come back!” they called. The children came to a tree. It was called “The Dragon Tree”. A dragon lived underthe tree. The dragon had Floppy. He wanted Floppy for supper. Floppy was frightened. “Oh no!” said Biff. “What a nasty dragon! I don’t like dragons!” Biff looked at the dragon’s tail. She took off her belt. Sheput it round the tail. Chip helped her. Kipper went inside the tree. He pulled Floppy out. Chip helped him. The dragon was cooking. It didn’t see them. “Come on!” called Chip. They ran and ran. The key was glowing. “The key is glowing,” called Biff. “It’s time to go home.”“What an adventure!” said Chip. “I don’t like dragons,” said Biff.5-4 GranA car came to the house. The children ran to see. “It’s Gran,”said Kipper. “Come in,” said Mum. “Come in,” said Dad. The children helped. They took Gran’s things. “What a lot of things!” said Kipper. The children liked Gran and Gran liked the children. “Come and see my toys,” said Kipper. “Come and see my room,”said Biff. “Come and play,” said Chip. Gran played with the children. They played inside. “Oh no!” said Mum. They went outside and played football. “Oh no!” said Dad. Gran took the children out. Th ey went in Gran’s old car. Wilf and Wilma went too. “What an old car!” said Wilf. “It’s a good car,” said Gran. Gran took them to the fun park. “This looks fun,” said Gran. “Come on, everyone.” The children began to run. They wanted to go on everything. “C ome on, Gran,” they called. “Look at this,” said Kipper. “It’s a castle. “It’s called Jumping Castle.” The children went on the Jumping Castle. “This is fun,” called Wilma. The children jumped and jumped, and bounced and bounced. “Come on, Gran,” they call ed. Gran went on the castle. She jumped and bounced. “Good old Gran,” called the children. Gran made a hole in the castle. “Oh no!” said the children. The castle began to go down. A man ran up. He wascross with Gran. “Look at my castle,” he yelled. “Go home,”yelled the man, “and don’t come back.” Gran took the children home. Biff told Mum about the castle. Mum was cross with Gran. Gran was sad. Gran was in Chip’s room. She looked at the magic key. The key was glowing. Gran picked up the key and ran into B iff’s room. “Look at this,” she said. “Oh no!” said Kipper. “It’s the magic. The magic is working.” The magic took them to a new adventure.5-5 Castle AdventureThe magic took them to a castle. Three witches lived in the castle. They were nasty witches. One was a black witch. One was a red witch. One was a green witch. The magic took the children inside the castle. It took them to a room. A frog was in the room. “I am a king,”said the frog. “I am the king of this castle.” The w itches turned me into a frog. Help me,” he said. A witch was coming. It was the black witch. “Look out!” said the frog. The witch opened the door. Gran pushed the witch. Chip took the witch’s keys. They ran out of the room. Chip locked the door. The witch couldn’t get out. Everyone ran. “Look out!” called Chip. A witch was coming. It was the red witch. “I don’t like witches,” said Gran. She put a net over the witch. The witch couldn’t get out. “Good old Gran,”called Biff. Gran went to the green witch. “I don’t like witches,” said Gran. “I don’t like nasty witches.” Gran threwthe witch on the floor. “Help!” yelled the witch. “Good old Gran,” said the children. Some frogs came in and jumped on thetable. One was the king. “Help us,” he said. Biff and Gran lo oked in the witches’ book. The frogs turned into people. “Thanks!” said the King. The witches turned into frogs. Gran put the book on the fire. “Oh no!” said the witches. The king had a party. Everyone went to it. “What a good party!” said Chip. “What ana dventure!” said Biff. “I like adventures,” said Gran. “Good old Gran!” said everyone. The magic key was glowing. “It’s time to go,” said Biff. “Goodbye,” said the king. The magic took them back to Biff’s room. They fell on to Biff’s bed. “Oh no!” said Mum.5-6 Village in the SnowThe children were at school. It was playtime. “Come in,” called Mrs. May. Mrs. May told the children a story. The story was about a village. The village was in the mountains. Everyone liked the story. It was called The Village in the Snow. The children went to Biff’s room. They wanted an adventure. Biff picked up the magic key. The key began to glow. “The magic is working,” said Biff. The magic took the children to the village in the snow. “It’s lovely,” s aid Biff. Kipper jumped in the snow. “I like the snow,” he called. “This is fun.” They played in the snow. They made a snowman and put Kipper’s hat on top. They jumped in the snow. They threw snowballs. “Look,” said Wilma. They saw a little boy. The boy wa s pulling a toboggan. Some big boys ran up. They pushed the little boy over. They pushed the toboggan over and they ran away. The children ran up. They helped the little boy. Kipper picked up his hat. The little boy told them about the big boys. Kipper was cross. Kipper put on the little boy’s hat. He put on his coat. “Come on,” he called. The big boys looked at Kipper. Kipper looked like the little boy. “Come on,” said the big boys. The children threw snowballs at the big boys. “Help! Help!” yelled the big boys. The big boys ran away. The little boy jumped and jumped in the snow. The children put the little boy on the toboggan. They pulled him home. The little boy lived with his grandfather. Grandfather gave the children a drink. The children told Grandfather about the big boys. They told Grandfather about the snowball fight. The children played in the snow. They went on the toboggan. “This is fun,” said Wilf. The magic key began to glow. “It’s time to go,” said Biff. “Come on,” she said. The magic took the children home. “What an adventure!” said Chip.5-7 The WhatsitMum and Dad painted the kitchen. Dad painted the ceiling. Mum painted the walls. Mum pulled up the old carpet. “The walls look good,” she said. “But this looks a mess.” Dad looked at the floor.“We need a new carpet,” said Biff. Mum found a trap door. She pulled it up. Everyonelooked. “It’s a caller,” said Dad. Mum went into the cellar. “It looks big,” she said. The children looked in. “It looks dark,” said Biff.“It looks spooky,” said Chip. D ad got light. They went into the cellar. Kipper found an old sheet. “I’m a ghost,” he said. “Whooooooooooooaa...!” “Look at this,” said Kipper. “What is it” asked Chip. “I don’t know,” said Mum. “It’s a whatsit,” said Dad. Wilf and Wilma came to play. They looked at the whatsit. “What is it” asked Wilma. “It’s a whatsit,” said Chip. “We found it in thecellar.” Two men came to the house. They came in a lorry. They took away the old things. One man looked at the whatsit. “What is it” he asked. “It’s a whatsit,” said Dad. The men took the whatsit. They put it in a lorry. A car stopped. A lady jumped out and called to the men. “Stop!” she said. The lady wanted the whatsit. She wanted it for a museum. The men put it in the car. The lady gave Dad some money. “Come to the museum,” she said, “and bring the children.” The whatsit was in the museum. Mum and Dad went to see it. They took Biff, Chip and Kipper. “So that’s what it is,” said Dad. Mum and Dad had a surprise. It was for the children. “What is it” asked Biff. “It’s a whatsit,” said Dad. He pulled offthe sheet. The whatsit was a snooker table. “It’s brilliant!” they said. 5-8 Underground AdventureThe children were in the cellar. They wanted to find a secret tunnel. The children looked everywhere. They tapped on the floor. They tapped on the walls. But there was no secret tunnel. “It’s no good,” said Biff.Kipper ran to the cellar. He had the magic key. The key was glowing. They ran to Biff’s bedroom. “Come on!” called Kipper. “It’s tim e for a magic adventure.” The magic took them underground. They were in a big tunnel. Wilma picked up a lamp. “Come on,” she said. “Let’s go!” There were elves in the tunnel. But they were shy. “Oh no!” they said. “Children!” The children went down the tunnel. They didn’t see the elves. “This way,” said Wilma. The children came to a big cave. “Wow!” said Biff. The elves looked at the children. “Oh dear!” said the elves. “Oh dear! Oh dear!” The cave had an echo. “Whoooooaa!” called Kipper. “Whoooooaa!” went the echo. “Whoooooaa!” went Kipper. The elves laughed. They laughed and laughed. The elves came out. They ran to say hello. “Whoooooaa!” they went. “Whoooooaa!” went the echo. And everyone laughed. The elves were sad. They had no work. “Can you help” said the elves. “Our gold has run out. We don’t know what to do.” Wilma had a good idea. She told the elves what it was. The elves liked Wilma’s idea. They painted some signs. The children helped. The elves put light in the caves. The cave looked beautiful. People came to see them. The elves were happy. The elves were busy. “Thanks to the children,” they said. The magic key began to glow. It was time to go home. “What anadventure!” said Wilf. “I have a good idea,” said Chip. “What do you think”5-9 Vanishing CreamThe children were at school. They made a little theatre. They madeit out of a box. The children put on a play. The play was about a wizard. He was called Wizard Blot. Wizard Blot made mistakes. Wizard Blot made a spell. The spell went wrong. “Oh dear! Oh dear!” said Wizard Blot. Everyone laughed. Everyone liked the play. Mrs. Mayliked Wizard Blot. Biff was in her room. The key began to glow. “Chip! Chip!” called Biff. Chip ran into Biff’s bedroom. Themagic took them inside the little house. The magic took them to Wizard Blot’s house. The Wizard wanted some help. “Come in!” said the Wizard. “I wanted one helped, but two will do.” “Come in!” said the Wizard. “You can wash up, then you can tidy up.” Biff and Chip looked at the mess. “Don’t be lazy,” said the Wizard, “OrI’ll turn you into frogs.” Biff and Chip did the washing up. “I don’t like this,” said Chip, “But I don’t want to be a frog.”“I don’t like ironing,” said Biff, “but we don’t want to be frogs.” Oh no! Biff dropp ed a bottle. It was vanishing cream.“Help!” said Biff. “This is vanishing cream.” Chip looked at his hands. “Oh no,” he said. “Bits of us are vanishing.” He rubbedhis face. “Oh no!” said Biff. “Your face is vanishing.” A man came to the house. He climbed through the window. The man didn’tsee Biff and Chip. He took all the Wizard computer disks. “Help! Help!” said the man. “I’m being attacked by the washing.” Wizard Blot came back. Biff told him about the vanishing cream. Chip gave Wizard Blot the computer disks. The Wizard was pleased. It was timeto go home. “Thank you,” said Wizard Blot. “Do come again.” Biff had a little bottle. “Don’t droop it,” said Chip. “It’s vanishing cream.”5-10 It’s Not FairMrs. May was ill. The children had a new teacher. He was called Mr. Fry. It was story time. The children sat in the reading corner. Mr. Fry had a new story. The story was about a king. He was called King Arthur. “Here is King Arthur,” said Mr. Fry, “and here are his knights. They lived a long time ago.” King Arthur had a round table. All the knights sat round it. They liked the round table. Thechildren did a project. The boys were knights. “It’s not fair,” said Biff. Biff wanted to be a knight. “It’s not fair,” she said. “Why can’t girls be knig hts?” Biff wa s in her room. She wanted to go skateboarding. But the magic key began to glow. “Oh blow!” said Biff. “I wanted to go skateboarding.” The magic took Biff to King Arthur’s castle. It put her in a dress. “Yuk!” said Biff. “I wanted to be a knight. Knights do n’t wear dresses.” Biff was cross with the magic. She saw some knights. “Can I be a knight” she said.The knights laughed. “But you are a girl,” they said. “Girlscan’t be knights.” Biff got on her skateboard. “You couldn’t do that,” she said. “Now can I be a knight” The knights were amazed. “We’ll have to ask King Arthur,” said the knights. The knightstook Biff to King Arthur. “This is Biff,” they said. “She wantsto be a knight.” King Arthur laughed. “Girls can’t be knights,” he said. “Why not” asked Bif f. King Arthur called a meeting butthe knights argued. No one wanted to sit down. They all wanted tosit near King Arthur. Biff had a good idea. She spoke to King Arthur. “Get a round table,” she said. The knights liked the round table. “It’s brilliant!” they said. “Now we won’t argue.” The knights sat round the table. “See!” said Biff. “Now can I be a knight” But everyone laughed. “I’m sorry,” said King Arthur, “but girls can’t be knights.” The magic adventure was over. “It’s notfair,” said Biff. “Girls are as good as boys.”5-11The Great RaceGran wanted a new car. Biff and Chip were sad. They liked Gran’sold car. Gran liked this car. Biff was worried. The car was too fast for Gran. Gran bought the fast car. She drove it home. “Oh no!”said Dad. Mum wa s cross with Gran. “That car is too fast,” she said. Gran was upset. The magic key glowed. The magic took Biff and Chip. It took Gran, too. The magic took them to a race. “Come on,” said Gran. “This is my new car.” “Oh Gran!” said Biff. “What would Mum say” “Never mind Mum,” said Gran. Gran found a map.They all looked at it. A man looked at Gran. He was a bad man. Hewas called the Baron. The children looked at the Baron. The Baron looked at the children. “Ha!” said the Baron. “You won’t win.”A man change d the signpost. “Ha! Ha!” said the man. “Now theBaron will win.” The map blew away. “Which way” asked Gran. Chip didn’t know. They didn’t see the signpost. Gran turned left.“Grrr!” said the man. They came to the mountains. “Slow down,” shouted Biff. “No.This is fun,” said Gran. The Baron put oil onthe road. “That will do it,” he said. “That will stop them.” The car skidded on the oil. It crashed through the fence and went downthe mountain. “Hold on,” shouted Gran. “Oh no!” shouted Biff. “Oh help!” shou ted Chip. The Baron was behind. Gran was in front. She was winning the race. Biff looked behind. “Come on Gran,” she shouted. “Which way” called Gran. Chip didn’t know. Gran turnedon to a bridge. The bridge was dangerous. “Not this way!” called Chip. The bridge broke. The Baron’s car crashed down into the river. Gran won the race. “Hooray!” called Biff and Chip. The magic key glowed. Gran took the fast car back. She bought a little car. “This one will do,” she said.5-12 A Monster MistakeMum and Gran went on holiday. They went to Scotland. They took the children. They stayed in a cottage. The cottage was by a lake. It had a boat. “I like it here,” said Biff. “We can go sailing.” “And fishing,” said Kipper. Everyone had a good time. Biff and Kipper went fishing. Gran and Chip painted a picture. Mum sat in the sun and read a book. “This is fun,” she said. Everyone looked at Gran’s picture. “Oh Gran!” said Chip. She had painted a monster. Kipper looked at the monster. Gran laughed. “There’s no such thing,” sh e said. Mum went shopping. She took Kipper. Biff and Chip stayed with Gran. Mum looked at the shops. “Let’s get Dad a postcard,” she said. Kipper went into a shop. “I want a monsterfor me and a postcard for Dad,” he said. Kipper posted the card to Dad. “I wish Dad was here,” he said. Gran wanted to play a joke on Mum. “Let’s make a monster,” she said. “I don’t get it,” said Biff. “Wait and see,” said Gran. They put the monster in the lake. It made the children laugh. “It looks brilliant!” said Chip. “What a good joke,” said Biff. “What a good joke to play on Mum.” Mum and Kipper came back. Gran pulled the rope. The monster went across the lake. “A real monster,” said Kipper. “I don’t believe it,” said Mum. “There’s no such thing.” Some people saw Gran’s mon ster. They were amazed. They took photographs. The children watched television. “Gran’s monster!” said chip. “Ohno!” groaned Biff. The next day lots of people came. There werelots and lots and lots of people. They wanted to see the monster. “Oh Gran!” said Mum. “Now look what you’ve done.” Gran told everyone about the monster. “It was just a joke,” she said. A man from the television came. Mum was cross with Gran but everyone laughed. Gran was sorry. “A monster” she said. “There is no such thing.”5-13 The New BabyJo had some good news. She was expecting a baby. “What good news!” said everyone. Wilma’s mum found the old buggy. “Oh look!” said Wilma’s dad. “Wilf had it when he was a baby.” The buggy looked a bit scruffy. A wheel had co me off. “We can do it up,” said Wilma’s mum. Wilma told Biff and Chip. “Jo is expecting a baby,” she said. “What good news!” said Chip. Biff and Chip went home. “Jo is expecting a baby,” said Chip. “What good news!” said Mum. Dad found the old cot. “Oh look!” said Mum. “Kipper had it when he was a baby.” The cot looked a bit scruffy. It needed a new mattress. “We can do it up,” said Dad. Biff and Chip told Kipper. “Jo is expecting a baby,” they said. “That’s brilliant!” said Kipper. Kipper found an old toy rabbit. It looked a bit scruffy. “Can we do it up” he asked. Kipper was in Miss Green’s class. He told Miss Green about Jo’s baby. “How exciting!” said Miss Green.Kipper looked puzzled. “When will Jo’s baby come” he asked. Miss Green told the children about babies. Mums and dads came to school. They told the children about babies too. Kipper played with the baby. He gave it a rattle. The baby made a funny noise. The children madea book. The book was about babies. Kipper gave Jo the book. Biff and Chip gave Jo the cot. Jo was pleased. Wilf wanted the baby to be a girl. Wilma wanted it to be a boy so Wilf made a big chart. “The baby is coming,” said Jo. “It’s time to go.” “How exciting,” said Wilf. Wilma called her mum. “Jo’s baby is coming,” she called. “How exciting!” said Wilma’s mum. Jo went to the hospital. She went in the car. “Good luck,” called Wilma’s mum. Jo was in hospital. She had a baby girl. “She is called Vicky,” said Jo. Jo brought Vicky home. Everyone wanted to see the new baby. Jo lookedat Kipper. “You know about babies,” she said. “Do you want to help” Kipper looked at Vicky. “No, thank you,” said Kipper.5-14 Camping AdventureMum and Dad went camping. They took children. They went to a farm. Mum and Dad had a new tent. They put it up. Wilf helped. Wilma got some water. “I like it here,” she said. “I like camping.” Mr. Jones was the farmer. He had to milk the cows. “Come and watch,”he said. “What a lot of cows!” said Wilf. Mr. Jones laughed. “We milk them every day,” he said. Mum wanted some milk. She went tothe farmhouse. “I want some eggs too,” said Mum. Mrs. Jones was expecting a baby. She was expecting it soon. “It may come today,” she said. Dad cooked supper. “I like it here,” said Wilf. “It’s fun in this tent.” Everyone went to bed but there was a storm. Nobody could sleep. The wind blew. Everyone had to get up. The wind blew the tent down. They had to go to the farmhouse. Mr. Jonescalled Mum. “The baby is coming,” he said. Mrs. Jones had to go to hospital. She got in the car. Mum helped her. The storm got worse. The wind blew and blew. The wind blew a big tree down. The car couldn’t get past. Mr. and Mrs. Jones went back to the house. Mr. Jones called for help. He called the hospital. “A helicopter’s coming,” he said. Mr. Jones pointed to a field. “The helicoptercan land there,” he said. Mr. Jones got some bags. The children helped. They got some big stones. They made a big cross out of the bags. They put stones on the bags. The helicopter came. It landed near the cross. “At last!” said Mr. Jones. There was a doctor inthe helicopter. “Come on!” said Mr. Jones. The doctor ran to the house but Mum came to the door. She was laughing. “Too late!” said Mum. “Mrs. Jones has had the baby. She’s had a baby boy.” Everyone looked at the baby. “He’s very sweet,” said Wilma.“Will he like camping”5-15 ScarecrowsBiff and Chip had a little garden. They planted seeds and they put in plants. The birds liked the garden. They ate the seeds and pecked the plants. Biff was cross. “Look at the birds,” she said. “Go away! Go away!” Biff and Chip had an idea. “Let’s make a scarecrow,” they said. “What a good idea,” said Mum. They got some old clothes and made the scarecrow’s body. Mum helped them. Biff got a bag. Chip painted a face on it. Mum made the scarecrow’s hair. Chip wanted the scarecrow to be a boy. He called it Fred. Biff wanted it to be a gir l. “All scarecrows are boys,” said Chip. The key began to glow. The magic took them inside the little house. The magic took them to a field. The scarecrow came to life. “I’malive!” called Fred. Fred jumped in the air. “It’s magic!” he called. There were some scarecrows in the lane. Fred waved at them. Fred ran up to the scarecrows. “Hello!” he called. “Where are you going” A scarecrow pointed to a barn. “We’re going to the barn dance. You can come too.” Then the scarecrows looked at Biff and Chip. “Oh dear! You can’t come.” Biff and Chip weren’t scarecrows. They couldn’t go to the dance but Fred had an idea. Fred made Biff and Chip into scarecrows. They went to the dance. The band began to play. “Come on,” called Fred. “Let’s dance.” Biff began to dance wit h the scarecrows. “This is fun,” called Chip. Biff danced with Fred. Chip danced with Biff. They all danced with the scarecrows. “See!” said Biff. “There are girl scarecrows. I told you so.” Suddenly, the key glowed. It was time to go home. “Oh no!” said F red. The magic took them home. Biff and Chip had an idea. “I didn’t know there were girl scarecrows,” said Mum. “Well, there are,” said Chip.5-16 Noah’s Ark AdventureIt rained and rained. It rained all day long. The children were fed up. The children went outside. They wanted to play but it was too wet. Dad looked out of the window. “Come inside,” he said. “It’s too wet to play outside.” The children went to Biff’s room. Suddenly, the key began to glow. It was time for a magic adventure. “What a good job!” said Kipper. “I want a magic adventure. I’m fed up with all the rain.” The magic key took them into a new adventure. But it was raining. “Oh no!” said Kipper. “We don’t want an adventure in the rain.” The children saw a boat. “What is it” asked Kipper. “It’s Noah’s Ark,” said Biff. “Noah has to put the animals on the Ark or they will drown,” said Chip. “It’s raining so much,” said Biff. “The water’s going to cover everything.” “Don’t worry,” said Chip. “Noah will save all the a nimals.” “Will he save us too” asked Kipper. “Hello,” saidNoah. “What do you want Have you come to help” Noah looked at the water. He pointed at the Ark. “I want some help,” he said. The children looked at the animals. “It is time to put the animals on to the Ark,” said Noah. The animals went on to the Ark. They went on in twos. First, Noah put the big animals on. A man pushed the elephants. They pulled the crocodiles up in a big net. A camel didn’t want to go on to the Ark. They pushed it and pulled it.“All the animals are on,” said Noah. “It’s time to go. Please get on to the Ark.” The children went on to the Ark. Noah looked at Floppy. “Stop!” shouted Noah. “I’m sorry,” said Noah. “We put two dogs on the Ark. We can’t have three dogs.” The childrencoul dn’t leave Floppy. “Floppy can’t go on the Ark, so we won’t go on it,” said Biff. The Ark sailed away. The children floated in Noah’s big umbrella. “It’s still raining,” said Biff. Just then, the magic key began to glow. The magic took the children home. “What an adventure!” said Biff. “Oh no!” said Kipper.5-17 A New ClassroomSome people came to the school. They put a fence across the playground. The children looked at the fence. “What is it for” asked Wilf. Nobody knew. A lorry came to the school. It had blocks on it. “What are they for” asked Biff. Then a digger came. The children were excited. Some men dug a long trench across the playground. “What is it for?” everyone asked. It was time to go in but the children didn’t want to. They liked the digger. Mrs. May looked at the trench. “It’s for a new classroom,” sh e said. The children were excited. They wanted to find out about the new classroom. The children looked at some books. Wilf found a book about diggers. Chip painted a picture of one. Mrs. may took children outside. They talked about the digger. Mrs. May took a photograph. Everyone looked at the blocks. “The classroom will go on the blocks,” said Mrs. may. Then a crane came to the school. The children were excited. They looked at the driver. “What i s the crane for”asked Biff. “Wait and see,” said Mrs. May. The children watched the crane. It lifted the classroom over the wall. Everyone watched the classroom. “Don’t drop it,” called Chip. Biff looked at the classroom. Something was wrong. “Mrs. May! Mrs. May!” called Biff. “Don’t shout, Biff,” said Mrs. May. The crane put the classroom down. It put the classroom on the blocks. The crane lifted the roof and put it on the classroom. Something was wrong. “Mrs. may!” called Biff. “Something is wrong.” “Don’t shout, Biff,” said Mrs. May. Everyone gasped. The classroom was upside down. “Ohdear!” said Mrs. May. “I said something was wrong,” said Biff. “But nobody would listen. The crane put classroom the right way up.。

牛津少儿英语Unit 5 - 8总结Unit 5单词:(16个)1.yo-yo溜溜球2.kite风筝3.car书4.ball 球5.doll 娃娃6.puzzle 拼图7.robot 机器人8.jump rope跳绳9. bat 球棒10. bicycle 自行车11. big大的12. little小的13.long长的14.short 短的15.round圆的16.square正方形的句子:(18个)1.Happy birthday, Jenny.生日快乐,珍妮。
2.How old are you? 你几岁了?3.I’m seven years old. 我七岁了。
4.This is for you. 这是给你的。
5.Thank you. 谢谢6.Wow, A robot! Thank you.哇,机器人。
7.What is it?. 它是什么?8.It’s little. What is it ?它是小的,它是什么?9.I don’t know. 我不知道。
10.It’s a doll. 是个娃娃。
11.Is it a ball? 它是个球吗?12.No, it isn't. 不,它不是。
13.Is it a yo-yo? 它是个溜溜球吗?14.Yes, it is 是的,它是。
15.It’s a little yo-yo . 它是一个小溜溜球。
16.can you play with a yo-yo你会玩溜溜球吗?17.Yes, I can. 是的,我会。
18.No, I can’t. 不,我不会。
短语(6个)1.play with a yo-yo 玩溜溜球2.throw a ball扔球,投球3.catch a ball接球4.hit a ball击球5.do a puzzle拼拼图6.jump rope跳绳Kk kite Ll lion Mm mother Nn notebook 单词:(8个)2.tree(s)树3.cloud(s)云4.puddle水坑5.in 在里面6.on 在上面7.under 在下面8.by 在旁边句子:(14个)1.How’s the weather?天气怎么样?2.It’s sunny. 晴天。
译林牛津8A unit5-8 单词默写 中文版

野生的,野生状态蜜蜂自由的,不受约束的迷路的一道菜,盘,碟迷路不可能与…一样同情储存,节省同情,怜悯条纹死一会儿,一段时间事实上,实际上特性,才能海豚猎人大熊猫捉住,捕获松鼠狼斑马厚的,浓的意思是,意味着失去,输掉出生,出世生存,生计开始,起初杀死一开始人不幸地,伤心地你的真诚的面临,面对难过的,遗憾的以食…为生遗憾,可惜主要地,大部分卖,出售结果憾事,羞愧因此行动,表演危险疾病处境危险接受行动,行为报告采取行动尾巴立刻,马上昆虫保护区活动,移动法律,法规缓慢地没有一个白天出生时,诞生时要不然,否则关闭的蝙蝠下列各词的名词形式mean kindill sickact feelshop celebratehappy begindecide darkinvite meetdiscuss collect观鸟计算总数市场描述是的理解,明白母鸡重要性美味的,可口的写下,记下鹤东南方麻雀覆盖,包括羽毛丹顶鹤天鹅望远镜鹰清晰地宽的,宽大的说话人,演讲者翅膀旅行种类申请罕见的,稀有的表格大自然,自然界地址湿地主席提供介绍庇护所自然的,天然的野生动物名词后缀(指人)极好的,完美的speak周围,绕一整圈visit一年到头tour然而dance逗留,停留win容易地,不费力地piano百分之…science以便,为的是act空间art领导,带领drive导致farm越来越少paint此外play渔民,钓鱼的人report捕鱼,钓鱼work政府write防止,预防协会,社会记录改变,变化旅行者,观光者打赌,敢说有雾的有雨的有雪的蝴蝶阵雨回忆,记忆小河,溪流阴凉处堆在...之上收割,收获庄稼,收成当...时;随着温度下降,落下上升;升起云踢发烧咳嗽糟糕的暴风雪风大约阳光其余的部分度数少量有一点吹大声地给...打电话雾困倦的光亮光亮的突然的雪球打仗(架)深的结冰的陆地激动人心的投,扔尖叫雪人冰到处cloud luckwind healthrain sleepsnow shinesun noisefog fun灾难最后,终于用拖把擦干净日光完全地安全的地震睡着的成千上万的在...以后事故,意外的事损坏,打破长途汽车出故障,坏掉猛撞,碰撞因为,由于洪水,水灾尽可能...冲走毛巾,浴巾村庄,乡村规则闪电铁路风暴,暴风雨烧伤,烫伤雷,雷声女儿着火孙女轻微的儿子摇动,震动木板响亮的,大声的工作日炸弹头痛害怕,恐惧牙痛方向乡下,农村四面八方家务活当...的时候,和...同时烙饼,薄饼砖,砖块几乎,将近崩塌,坍塌清除,整理摇动,震动在后面寂静的呼喊,喊叫声一点也不找到出路是否黑暗紧张不安的活着的心脏仍然规律作响由于,既然困住的冷静头脑平静,镇定wild closedfree batdish beeNo way lostpity Get lostHave/ take pity on The same ...as die saveIn fact stripedolphin whileGiant panda quality squirrel hunterzebra catchmean wolfBe born thick beginning loseIn the beginning livingsadly killface humanLive on Yours sincerely mainly sorryresult pityAs a result selldanger shameIn danger actaction illnessTake action acceptRight away report reserve taillaw insectnone moveAt birth slowly daytime otherwisebirdwatching space market leadhen Lead to yummy Less and less crane moreover sparrow fisherman feather fishswan government eagle prevent broad society wing recordtype changerare tourist nature count wetland describe provide understand cover importance wildlife Write down perfect South-east round coverAll year round Red-crowned while Binoculars stay clearly easily speaker cent tourPer cent application In order to form address introduce chairperson naturalbet wind foggy around rainy sunshine snowy rest butterfly degree shower bit memory A bit stream blow shade loudpile ringupon fog harvest sleepy crop shineas shiny temperature sudden drop snowball rise fight cloud deepkick frozen fever land cough exciting awful Throw snowman scream snowman everywhere icedisaster Calmmop Calm downup since earthquake stillThousands of aliveaccident darkcoach Find one’s way out crash shoutflood At lastWash away daylightvillage safelightning asleepstorm afterthunder breakCatch fire Break down slight Because of shake As ... As possible loud towelbomb rulefear railway Direction burnIn all directions Daughterwhile granddaughter brick sonCome down grandson shaking boardsilent weekday Not... At all headacheif toothache nervous countrysideheart houseworkbeat pancaketrapped nearlymind clearbehind。

牛津树1-9中文翻译1. 失望:失望是一种情感,表示对某件失望和沮丧,例如:Iwas filled with disappointment。
2. 诚实: 诚实是指做事可信可靠,行为诚恳正直,例如:He is honest。
3. 憎恨: 憎恨是一种感情,用来描述对某人或某事的深深的讨厌,例如:I hate him。
4. 安全: 安全指的是不会受伤害,受到保护的状态,例如:This place is safe。
5. 诚信: 诚信指一种守信忠实、遵守诺言、不作欺骗的可靠行为,例如:He is considered trustworthy。
6. 理解: 理解是指从所接触的事情中获得知识的能力,例如:She understands the subject well。
7. 成功: 成功是指实现个人期望和规定,例如:He issuccessful in his career。
8. 慷慨: 慷慨是指一种乐于散施恩惠或提供帮助的美德,例如:She is generous to help us。
9. 经验: 经验是指一种把过去的信息换算成现在能够实现目标的方式,例如:He learned from his experience。
例句:1. I was filled with disappointment when I found out Ididn't get the job. 我得知自己没有得到这份工作时,非常失望。
2. He is honest and always keeps his promises. 他很诚实,而且总是守约。
3. I can't stand her. I hate her so much. 我受不了她,我非常讨厌她。

牛津树绘本第三阶3-1 The Duck RaceWilma had an idea.The children made six ducks.“Let’s have a duck race,” said Wilma. Mum began the race.“Drop the ducks in,” said Mum.The ducks went down the stream.Oh no! Wilma’s duck sank.Chip’s duck got stuck in the reeds. Biff’s duck got stuck in the weeds. Wilf’s duck got stuck on a log.“Get it off with a stick,” said Chip. Kipper’s duck went fast.It went past Dad’s duck.Two swans flew down.They landed on the ducks!“Six soggy ducks,” said Kipper.(word count 89)3-2 Sniff“Will you look after Sniff today?”said Mrs May.Wilf and Wilma were happy.They wanted to look after the puppy. They took Sniff to the park.The puppy was excited.Sniff liked to roll on her back…jump up for a stick…run after a ball…and bark at a cat.Then Sniff went in the mud.She ran after a duck.She jumped in the pond, and she barked at a dog.“I am hot,” said Wilf. “I want a rest.”“I am hot, too,”said Wilma. “I want a drink.Mum couldn’t find Sniff.She couldn’t find Wilf and Wilma.Mum and Dad looked and looked. “They must be lost” said Mum.They were fast asleep.“They are worn out,” said Dad.(word count 126) 3-3 Pond DippingWilf and Wilma were at the pond. The net got stuck.“Help me pull,” said Wilf.They pulled the net.It was stuck on some junk.Wilma got a big stick.“Let’s pull it out,” she said.Wilf and Wilma pulled.They couldn’t pull the junk out. Mum and Dad helped.They pulled out an old pram. Plop!A frog hopped out.It made Wilf jump.Splash! A fish jumped up.“A pram full of fish,” said Dad. “Pram dipping!” said Wilma.(word count 83)3-4 The Ice RinkWilf and Dad went to the ice rink. They put skates on.They went on to the ice.“Hold my hand,” said Dad.Wilf held Dad’s hand.“This is fun,” said Wilf.Wilf let go of his Dad’s hand.He began to skate.Whoops! Wilf sat down with a bump. “This ice is cold,” said Wilf.Dad began to skate.He went round the rink.“Look at me spin!” said Dad. “Look at me jump!”Dad got some cold drinks.“Look out, Dad,” said Wilf.Oh no! A banana skin.(word count 90)3-5 The Mud BathDad was playing football.He ran with the ball.“Go on Dad!” called Chip. “Kick it!”Dad fell over in the mud. Splat!“Bad luck, Dad!” said Bif f.“Oh Dad,” said Mum. “What a mess!”“I want a bath,” said Dad.Dad went up to the bathroom.He ran a bath.Dad came down.There was football on TV.Dad looked at the football.“Go on!” he called. “Kick it!”Dad forgot the bath.Drip! Drop! Drip!Plop! Plop! Splat!“What was that?” said Dad.Splash! “Oh no,” said Dad.(word count 91)3-6 The Steel BandA band came to play.“My name is Stan,” said a man.“I want you to help us.”“I want you to clap,” he said. “Clap your hands and tap your feet.”“I want you to sing a song.”“Sing it with us.”The children sang with the band. “Now clap as you sing,” said Stan. “Who wants to play in the band?”The children put up their hands. Everyone wanted to play.“You can all play,” said Stan.Wilf hit the drum.“Tap it,” said Stan. “Don’t bang it.”What a grand band!(word count 94)3-7 On the SandBiff and Chip played on the sand. Dad went to sleep.Biff and Chip put sand on Dad. They made a sandcastle.They put Dad’s hat on top.They went to get an ice cream.Dad was still asleep.Chip looked at the donkeys. Biff looked at the boat.They looked at the go-karts.They looked at Dad’s hat.“Oh no!” said Biff.Dad was hiding.Biff was cross.The hat was on a stick.(word count 75)3-8 The Egg HuntKate came to stay.Mum and Kate made a cake.Kate put little eggs on it.Wilma looked at the little eggs.She had an idea.Wilma went to the park.She wanted to hide some eggs. She put them in the trees.She put them in the flowers.Wilf and Kate came to park.“You can look for eggs,” said Wilma. Kate looked for the eggs.“Where are they?” she said.The squirrels had them. “Squirrels like eggs,” said Kate. “So do I,” she said.(word count 86)3-9 Nobody Wanted to PlayWilf was cross.Nobody wanted to play.He went to the park.Wilf played on the rocket.“I am a spaceman,” he said.He played on the see-saw.“I am a juggler,” he said.He played on the horse.“I am a cowboy,” he said.He played on his bicycle.“I am a stuntman,” he said.He climbed up the ladder.“I am a fireman,” he said.He climbed on the wall.“I am a spider man,” he said.Whoops!(word count 80)3-10 A Cat in the TreeFloppy barked at a cat. The cat ran up a tree.Biff was cross with Floppy.Wilma climbed on the wall.Wilma climbed up the tree.S he couldn’t get the cat.Wilma couldn’t get down.Wilma’s dad was cross.He put the ladder up.Wilma climbed down.Wilma’s dad climbed the tree.He couldn’t get the cat.Wilma’s dad was stuck.The cat jumped down.The fireman put a ladder up.Wilma’s dad climbed down.“Oh no!” said everyone.(word count 79)3-11 The Rope SwingThe children went to the stream.They looked at the swing.Wilf climbed on the swing.Chip pushed Wilf.Floppy looked at the rope.Biff climbed on the swing.Floppy barked and barked.Chip climbed on the swing.Floppy barked and barked and barked. Kipper went on theswing.“What a silly dog!” said Kipper.Wilma went on too.“What a silly dog!” said Wilma.The children went home.Floppy looked at the rope.Splash! Oh no!(word count 77)3-12 By the StreamMum and Dad sat on the rug. The children played by the stream.Biff went on the bridge.They dropped sticks in the water. Kipper couldn’t see.Kipper climbed up.He dropped Teddy in the water.“Get Teddy,” said Kipper.Biff couldn’t get Teddy.“Get Teddy,” said Kipper.Mum couldn’t get Teddy.“I want Teddy,” said Kipper.Dad couldn’t get Teddy.Dad fell in.Splash!“I am a frogman,” said Dad.(word count 71)3-13 Kipper the ClownThe children put on a circus.Kipper was a clown.Floppy pulled his leg.Chip was a strong-man.He made everyone laugh.Wilma and Biff did gymnastics. Everyone had a drink. “What a good circus!” said Mum.Wilf was a stuntman.Kipper was fed up.He wanted to be a stuntman.“Look at me!” he said.Everyone looked at Kipper.Oh no!“I’m a clown, after all,” said Kipper. (word count 69)3-14 Strawberry JamDad wanted to make jam.He picked some strawberries.They were too small.Mum took everyone to the pick-your-own.“You can all help,” said Dad.They all picked straKipper put some in his pocket.Chip took the strawberries to the car. The car was locked. He forgot about the strawberries.The children had an ice cream.It was time to go home.The car ran over the strawberries. “Oh no!” said everyone.“Traffic jam!” said Dad.(word count 77)3-15 The Jumble SaleMum and Dad were spring-cleaning. Mum looked in a drawer. Dad threw things out.The children looked at the junk.They played with the old toys.Mum put the old toys in the car.The children were sad.They all went to the jumble sale.The children wanted to buy something. “What a lot of junk!” said Wilf.The children saw their toys.They counted their money.It was time to go home.“What’s in the bags?” said Mum.Oh no!(word count 81)3-16 At the SeasideThe family went to on holiday.Wilf and Wilma went, too.The hotel had burned down.“Sorry!” said the man.They looked at a new hotel.“Too expensive,” said Mum.They looked at an old hotel.“No, thank you,” said Dad.Every hotel was full.“Sorry!” said everyo ne.They had to go home.But the car broke down.A farmer stopped his tractor.“Can I help?” he said.The farmer had a bus.“You can stay here,” he said. “What a good holiday!” said Wilf. (word count 85)3-17 Kipper's IdeaDad took Kipper to school.They went past the library.A lady was painting the wall.Kipper ran into the playground.He wanted to play.There was a drawing on the wall.It was a drawing of Kipper.The wall looked a mess.Mrs May was cross.The children were painting.Kipper had an idea.Miss Green drew circles on the wall. The children painted faces.The wall looked good.Everyone liked it.“Good for Kipper!” everyone said. (word count 78)3-18 The SnowmanIt was snowing. “Hooray,”said the children.They saw Wilf and Wilma.Wilf was sweeping the snow.Biff had a good idea.She made a giant snowball.Everyone pushed the snowball.Floppy barked and barked.Wilf had an idea.He wanted to play a trick.The children made a giant snowman. Wilf’s dad opened the door.He saw the snowman.Wilma’s m um took a photograph.The snow fell off the roof.“Six snowmen!” said Wilma’s dad. (word count 76)3-19 The BarbecueWilf’s dad wanted a party. He put up some lights.Wilma and Dad made a barbecue. Wilf and Mum took the food outside. Everyone helped.The dads lit the fire.The fire went out.The children were hungry.The dads lit the fire again.It began to rain.The dads cooked burgers.The children were fed up.The burgers burned.“Yuk!” said Chip.Oh no!The dads got wet.“Hooray!” said the children.(word count 73)3-20 The CarnivalThe mums and dads were busy.They m ade a giant shoe.They put it on a trailer.The children dressed up.Dad was the old lady.The giant shoe looked good.They took it to the carnival.The car broke down.“Oh no!” everyone said.“Come on!” said Wilma.Biff, Chip, and Wilf pushed.“Come on!” said Kipper.“Come on!” said everyone.There was an old lady.She lived in a shoe.She had so many children.It was a good job, too.(word count 82)3-21 At the PoolKipper went to the swimming pool. Wilma’s mum took him.She took Biff and Chip, too.It was a new pool.Everyone wanted to swim.Kipper looked for his trunks. He couldn’t find them.Kipper couldn’t go in the pool. “Sorry,” said the man.Wilma’s mum was in the water. “Oh dear,” she said.Wilma’s mum took Kipper to a shop. She bought him new trunks.They went back to the pool.“Oh no!” said Kipper.“I put them on at home,” he said. (word count 84)3-22 Bull’s – eye!Everyone went to the school fair. Wilma wanted a book.Her dad bought it for her.Wilf kicked the ball.He won a goldfish.Dad wanted to win a teddy.He had to hit a bull’s-eye.Dad got cross.He couldn’t hit the bull’s-eye. Wilma was in the gym display.Wilf and Dad forgot to watch her. Wilma was cross. “You forgot to watch,” she said.Wilf and Wilma had a fight.They bumped into Dad.Bull’s-eye! Dad won a teddy. (word count 81)3-23 Book WeekIt was book week.The children made books.They made a big picture.They put it on the wall.An author came.He made everyone laugh.The children dressed up.Kipper was a caterpillar.He ate an apple.They had a book party.Kipper ate a lettuce.He was the hungry caterpillar.There was a book sale.Kipper was hungry.“I am a hungry Kipper,” he said.(word count 67)3-24 The Cold DayThe children were in the sea.They played in the waves.Dad made them laugh.Everyone was cold.Kipper was very cold.Everyone wanted to jog.Kipper sat on the rug."Come on, Kipper,” said Mum.“I’m too cold,” said Kipper."Come on, Kipper,” said Dad.“I’m too cold,” said Kipper. "Come and help,” said everyone. “I’m too cold,” said Kipper.“Ice cream!” said Kipper.He ran to the van.Everyone looked at Kipper.“I’m not that cold,” he said(word count 80)3-25 Midge in HospitalMidge fell off his bike.The ambulance came.The man looked at Midge’s foot. They took Midge to hospital. Midge was frightened.He didn’t want to go to hospital. A doctor looked a t Midge’s foot. A doctor gave Midge a sweet. Midge’s mum came to see him. She gave him a toy. Midge’s nan came to see him. She gave him some fruit. Midge’s friends came to see him. They gave him some books. “It’s not so bad in hospital,” said Midg e. “It’s good to be home.”(word count 87)3-26 Joe and the BikeJoe went to speedway. Joe liked speedway.Hi s dad was a speedway rider. Joe’s dad was in a race.He was in front.“Come on!” shouted Joe.Joe’s dad fell off.“Oh no!” said Joe.Joe’s dad pushed his bike. “What a rider!” said Joe.It was Joe’s birthday.His dad gave him a bike.Joe liked the bike.Joe was in a race.He was in front.“Come on!” shouted Dad.Joe fell off.“Oh no!” said Dad.“What a rider!” said Dad.(word count 84)3-27 Roy and the BudgieRoy had a budgie.He called it Joey.Joey flew out side.“Oh no!” said Roy.Roy couldn’t see Joey.Joey flew away.Roy went to the wood.He looked for Joey.Roy couldn’t get Joey.An ostrich was in the wood. Roy looked at the ostrich.The ostrich looked at Roy. They saw the zoo-keeper.The zoo-keeper had a budgie. “It’s my o strich,” said the zoo-keeper.“It’s my budgie,” said Roy. “Thanks,” they said.(word count 75)3-28 Midge and the EggsMidge’s mum wanted some eggs. Midge went to the egg shop. He put the eggs in a bag. “Come and play,”said his friends. “I can’t,” said Midge. “My Mum wants these egg s.” Midge saw his friend.The friend had a go-kart.Midge wanted a go.Midge put the bag down.He went on the go-kart.He forgot the eggs.A man put the bag in the cart. “Oh no!” said Midge.“The eggs!” Midge’s mum looked at the bag.“Sorry, Mum,” said Midge. Midge’s mum went to the egg shop.She got some more eggs. She put the eggs in a basket.Oh no!(word count 105)3-29 Pip at the ZooPip went to the zoo.Pip’s dad was a zoo-keeper.Pip helped her dad.Pip gave the deer some food. The deer pushed Pip over.Pip gave the monkeys some bananas.A monk ey took Pip’s hat.Pip gave the elephants some water. The elephant took Pip’s sweets. Pip gave the parrots some fruit. A parrot pecked her finger. “Do you want to feed the crocodiles?”“No thanks,” said Pip.(word count 69)3-30 Pip and the Little MonkeyPip was at the zoo.Pip’s dad was a zoo-keeper. Pip helped her dad.They looked at a little monkey. They monkey was ill.They took the monkey home. The monkey got better.Pip played with it. They took the monkey to the zoo. Pip criedand cried.She wanted to keep the monkey. They went to the monkey house. The little monkey ran to its mum. The little monkey jumped and jumped.It was happy.Pip was happy too.(word count 80)3-31 Floppy and the PuppetsThe children had some puppets."This puppet is Dad," said Biff."And this puppet is Mum." "This is the dog," said Kipper.Floppy was not happy. He did not like the puppets.Floppy barked and barked."The puppets upset him," said Mum. Floppy got into his basket. He fell asleep and had a dream.Oh no! Mum and Dad were puppets. So were the children.The Biff puppet gave Floppy bits of wood to eat.Then the children played with the dog puppet.Floppy was not happy.Floppy sat up. It had been a bad dream. Floppy was happy to wake up.(word count 101)3-32 Monkeys on the carMum and Dad took the children to the safari park.“Stop in the car,” said the man . "Or a lion will get you ," said Dad.They saw the zebras. "A zebra crossing ," said Biff.They saw the elephants. "Look at the baby elephant," said Kipper.They saw the lions. "I can see lion cub," said Chip.The monkeys jumped on the car. Theypulled at the wipers.The monkeys pulled and pulled.They pulled the wipers off. "Oh no," said Dad."You bad monkeys !" said Biff."I see you had monkeys on the car," said the man."Yes! And monkeys in the car," said Dad. (word count 109 ) 3-33 Dragons!The children went to the woods with Mrs May.You can make wigwams,” said Mrs May. The children went to get sticks.“Look at that!” said Biff.“It’s a dragon!” said Wilf.“Did you see the green dragon?”said Biff.“Don’t be silly!” said Chip.“Look,” said Wilf. “Did you see that?”“It’s a red dragon!” said Biff.“Did you see the dragons?” said Wilf. “Don’t be silly!” said Chip.“See!” said Biff. “We did see dragons.”“They are in a play. We can go and see it,” said Mrs May.So the children went to see the play. The dragons sang a song.Then the dragons did a jig. “The dragons are fun,” said Chip.(word count 116)3-34 The Enormous PictureThe minibus broke down.“It will cost a lot to fix it,” said Mrs May. “We need lots of money,” said Chip. “We can paint an enormous picture,”saidChip.“We can all paint a bit,” he said.“We can,” said Mrs May.Mrs May made a copy of the picture. She cut it into squares.“Paint a big picture of your bit,” said Mrs May.Biff had to paint yellow petals.Chip just had to paint a yellow square. Mrs May took all the children’s squares. She made an enormous picture. People came to see the enormous picture.It made a lot of money.The minibus was mended.“The enormous picture did a good job,”said Mrs May.“That is not as good as our enormous picture!” said Chip.(word count 130)3-35 Gran and the Go-kartsGran took the children to a go-kart track. “Can I hav e that go-kart?” said Chip. “Yes. Put on this kit,” said a man.Biff,Chip and Wilf began to race.Wilf went fast.Biff and Chip went fast too.But Wilf won the race!“That was such fun!” said the children. “You can go again,” said Gran.“And I will race you all!”The children went fast.Gran went fast too.Gran went faster and faster.She went past Wilf.But Gran went too fast.Oh no!“Bad luck, Gran,” said Biff.“I’ll win next time!” said Gran.(word count 97)3-36 Helicopter RescueThe children saw a helicopter.“It’s a rescue helicopter,” said Chip. “You can go in and look,” said a man. The children went into the helicopter. They saw the cockpit.“We pull people up with this winch,” said the man.Rescue! Rescue! Rescue!“It’s a call-out,” said the man.“We must rescue a boat.”The helicopter took off.“Look! That is the boat,” said Mum.The helicopter went to the boat.It had hit a rock.The boy was hurt.They took him up on the winch.“That was a real rescue!” said Chip. (word count 94)3-37 King of the CastleMum and Dad took the children to see a castle.A big coach was in the car park.The castle had a moat and lots of turrets.“Look!” said Chip. “I am a knight!”Nadim said, “I will be a knight, too!”“I will be the queen,” said Biff.“Then I will be the king,” said Chip. “No, I am the king!” said Kipper.“I AM THE KING!” shouted a man.Dad was high up in a turret.“NOW BOW DOWN TO THE KING!”shouted Dad.All the people from the coach saw him. Then they all made a bow.“Quick! We need to tell them. Dad is not the king,” said Chip.“No,” said Biff. “Wait.”“Such a good castle, dear,”said a woman. “And we saw the king!”(word count 130)3-38 Bug HuntBiff and Kipper went on a bug hunt in the garden.“Look! A big bug in the soil!” said Kipper. Biff ran to ge t a jar.The jar had holes in the lid for air.Biff and Kipper had a good look. “What is it?” said Kipper. “Dad has got a good insect book,” said Biff. “Let’s check it!”They put the jar down in the kitchen. Mum was peckish.“I think I will have toast and jam this morning,” she said.Mum got the butter.“What are you having?” said Chip. “Toast,”said Mum. “What with?”said Chip.Mum took the lid off the jar.The bug shot out.“A BUG!” shouted Mum.“A bug on toast?” said Chip.“YUCK!”(word count 121)3-39 Mister HaggisA parrot flew on to the shed.The parrot was green with a red head. Dad ran down to seeit.The parrot flew down and sat on Dad’s head.“Mister Haggis! it said.Then it sat on Dad’s arm.“Sing us a song,” it said.“Oh!” said Wilf. “Can we keep it?”“No,” said Mum.Mum put up a poster.“It is a missing parrot,” she said.“Sing us a song,” said the parrot.Mum got food for the parrot.“Night-night, Mister Haggis,” it said. “Will it ever stop chattering?”said Wilma.The parrot did not stop.“Night-night, Mister Haggis,” it said.At last a man came.“Can you stop him chattering?”said Wilma.“Yes, but you need to cover him up,” he said.“Night-night, Mister Haggis,”said the man.(word count 131)3-40 A Walk in the SunThe children went for a walk.They were near a farm.“I can hear a hen!” said Lee.“That is a rooster, not a hen,” said a man in big boots.Further along, Kipper saw a sheep. “The farmer is giving that sheep a haircut!” he said.“He is shearing its coat, not cutting its hair,” said the man.“We need to go past that farmhouse,”said Mum.“That is a barn, not a farmhouse,”said the man.“This way,” said the man.“I am not sure that is right,” said Lee. “That is a bull, not a cow!”It was a big bull with long horns!“Run!” they all shouted.“Go up that oak tree!” shouted Mum. The man went up the tree.“This is a beech tree, not an oak,” said the man.(word count 135)3-41 Green sheetsIt was Dad’s turn to do the washing.He put the sheets in the washing machine.“I need all the washing now!”h e shouted.Kipper got his washing and so did Chip. “Put it down there,” said Dad.“I will do it in a bit,” said Biff.Biff had a look at her PE kit.It had mud on it.“This needs washing,” she said. “Well, put it in the washing machine,”said Mum.Biff put the PE kit in and Mum went to turn it on. All the green ran out of Biff’s shorts.Oh no! All the washing was green.“Oh dear! said Mum. “I did not mean this to happen.”“Well, I think green sheets look good,”said Mum.Biff took her PE kit to school.“Well,I think my green kit looks good,”said Biff.(word count 139)3-42 Road BurnerNadim had a car for his birthday.“It’s called the Road Burner,” he said. “It can go fast!”“Wow! It can zoom!” said Kipper.The children had a go.“It is hard to turn,” said Chip, “if you go too fast.”A man went past on a scooter.His wallet fell out of his pocket.The children saw the wallet.“We need to stop him,” said Biff.“Stop!” they yelled.“He cann ot hear us,” said Chip.But the man did not stop.He did not look back.Nadim had a plan.He put the wallet on the Road Burner. Then he sent it off. The scooter was fast, but the Road Burner was faster. The man saw his wallet on the Road Burner.“Thank you,” he said.“You did me a good turn.”(word count 133)。

3-1 The Steel Band.A band came to play.“My name is Stan,” said a man. “I want you to help us.”“I want you to clap,” he said. “Clap your hands and tap you feet.”“I want you to sing a song.” “Sing it with us.”The children sang with the band. “Now clap as you sing” said Stan.“Who wants to play in the band ” The children put up their hands.Everyone wanted to play. “You can all play,” said Stan.Wilf hit the drum. “Tap it,” said Stan. “Don’t bang it.”What a grand band!1. Stan[st n] n. [男子名]斯坦(Stanley 的昵称)(m.)2. tap[英] [t p] vt. 开发;(从容器等)汲取(液体);割[打]开…取[放]液体vi. 轻声走;跳踢踏舞3. bang [英] [b ] vt. 猛击,猛撞3-2 Pond Dipping.Wilf and Wilma were at the pond.The net got stuck. “Help me pull,” said Wilf.They pulled the net. It was stuck on some junk.Wilma got a big stick. “Let’s pull it out,” she said.Wilf and Wilma pulled. They couldn’t pull the junk out.Mum and Dad helped. They pulled out an old pram.Plop! A frog hopped out. It made Wilf jump.Splash! A fish jumped up. “A pram full of fish,” said Dad.“Pram dipping!” said Wilma.4. stuck[英] [st k] v. 刺(stick 的过去式及过去分词) adj. 动不了的;被卡住的;被…缠住的;被…难住的,不知所措5. junk[英] [d k] n. 废旧物品,破烂物;中国式平底帆船;6. pram[英] [pr m] n. <英>(手推的)婴儿车;(送牛奶的)手推车;平底船7. plop[英] [pl p] n. 扑通声,啪嗒声vi. 扑通地坠落8. hop out[英] [h p aut] [体]后摆;跳下3-3 Sniff.“Will you look after Sniff today ” said Mrs May.Wilf and Wilma were happy. They wanted to look after the puppy.They took Sniff to the park. The puppy was excited.Sniff liked to roll on her back… jump up for a stick...run after a ball… and bark at a cat.Then Sniff went in the mud. She ran after a duck.She jumped in the pond and she barked at a dog.“I am hot,” said Wilf. “I want a rest.”“I am hot, too,” said Wilma. “I want a drink.”Mum couldn’t find Sniff. She couldn’t find Wilf and Wilma.Mum and Dad looked and looked. “They must be lost” said Mum.They were fast asleep. “They are worn out,” said Dad.9. mud[英] [m d] n. 泥,泥淖;没价值的东西,污物;3-4 The Duck Race.Wilma had an idea.The children made six ducks. “Let’s have a duck race,” said Wilma. Mum began the race. “Drop the ducks in,” said Mum.The ducks went down the stream. Oh no! Wilma’s duck sank. Chip’s duck got stuck in the reeds. Biff’s duck got stuck in the weeds. Wilf’s duck got stuck on a log. “Get it off with a stick,” said Chip. Kipper’s duck went fast. It went past Dad’s duck.Two swans flew down. They landed on the ducks!“Six soggy ducks,” said Kipper.10. sank[英] [s k] v. (使)下沉,(使)沉没( sink的过去式)11. reed[英] [ri d] n. 芦苇;芦苇杆;[乐]舌簧12. weed[英] [wi:d] n. 杂草;野草;废物;烟草13. swan[英] [sw n] n. 天鹅;诗人,歌手3-5 The Ice Rink.Wilf and Dad went to the ice rink. They put skates on.They went on to the ice. “Hold my hand,” said Dad.Wilf held Dad’s hand. “This is fun,” said Wilf.Wilf let go of his Dad’s hand. He began to skate.Whoops! Wilf sat down with a bump. “This ice is cold,” said Wilf. Dad began to skate. He went round the rink.“Look at me spin!” said Dad. “Look at me jump!”Dad got some cold drinks. “Look out, Dad,” said Wilf.Oh no! A banana skin.14. ice rink[英] [ais r k] n. 溜冰场;滑冰场15. whoops[英] [hwps, wps, hwu:ps, wu:ps] int. <口>哎哟(犯明显错误时的道歉)16. bump[英] [b mp] n. 碰撞,撞击;肿块;隆起物;鹭鸶的叫声17. spin[英] [spin] vi. 快速旋转;3-6 The Mud Bath.Dad was playing football.He ran with the ball. “Go on Dad!” called Chip. “Kick it!”Dad fell over in the mud. Splat! “Bad luck, Dad!” said Biff.“Oh Dad,” said Mum. “What a mess.” “I want a bath,” said Dad.Dad went up to the bathroom. He ran a bath.Dad came down. There was football on TV.Dad looked at the football. “Go on!” he called. “Kick it!”Dad forgot the bath. Drip! Drip! Drip!Plop! Plop! Splat!” What was that ” said Dad. Splash! “Oh no,” said Dad.3-7 Joe and the Bike.Joe went to speedway.Joe liked speedway. His dad was a speedway rider.Joe’s dad was in a race. He was in front. “Come on!” shouted Joe.Joe’s dad fell off. “Oh no!” said Joe.Joe’s dad pushed his bike. “What a rider!” said Joe.It was Joe’s birthday. His dad gave him a bike. Joe lied the bike.Joe was in a race. He was in front. “Come on!” shouted Dad.Joe fell off. “Oh no!” said Dad.“What a rider!” said Dad.18. speedway[英] [ spi:d we ] n. 赛车跑道3-8 Midge and the Eggs.Midge’s mum wanted some eggs.Midge went to the egg shop. He put the eggs in a bag.“Come and play,” said his friends. “I can’t,” said Midge.“My Mum wants these eggs.”Midge saw his friend. The friend had a go-kart. Midge wanted a go. Midge put the bag down. He went on the go-kart. He forgot the eggs.A man put the bag in the cart. “Oh no!” said Midge. “The eggs!” Midge’s mum looked at the bag. “Sorry, Mum,” said Midge. Midge’s mum went to the egg shop. She got some more eggs.She put the eggs in a basket. Oh no!19. Midge米吉20. go-kart[英] [ ɡ u kɑ:t] n. 游戏用的无车体小型汽车,其商标名3-9 Midge in Hospital.Midge fell off his bike.The ambulance came. The man looked an Midge’s foot.They took Midge to hospital. Midge was frightened.He didn’t want to go to hospital.A doctor looked at Midge’s foot. A doctor gave Midge a sweet. Midge’s mum came to see him. She gave him a toy.Midge’s nan came to see him. She gave him some fruit. Midge’s friends came to see him. They gave him some books. “It’s not so bad in hospital,” said Midge.“It’s good to be home.”21. nan[英] [n n] n. 奶奶(小孩儿语);圆盘烤饼3-10 Pip and the Little Monkey.Pip was at the zoo.Pip’s dad was a zoo-keeper. Pip helped her dad.They looked at a little monkey. They monkey was ill.They took the monkey home.The monkey got better. Pip played with it.They took the monkey to the zoo.Pip cried and cried. She wanted to keep the monkey.They went to the monkey house. The little monkey ran to its mum. The little monkey jumped and jumped. It was happy.Pip was happy too.3-11 Pip at he Zoo.Pip went to the zoo.Pip’s dad was a zoo-keeper. Pip helped her dad.Pip gave the deer some food. The deer pushed Pip over.Pip gave the monkeys some bananas. A monkey took Pip’s hat. Pip gave the elephants some water. The elephant took Pip’s sweets. Pip gave the parrots some fruit. A parrot pecked her finger.“Do you want to feed the crocodiles ” “No thanks,” said Pip.22. peck[英] [pek] vt. 啄,啄食;啄出,啄穿;3-12 Roy and the Budgie.Roy had a budgie. He called it Joey.Joey flew out side. “Oh no!” said Roy.Roy couldn’t get Joey. Joey flew away.Roy went to the wood. He looked for Joey.Roy couldn’t see Joey. An ostrich was in the wood.Roy looked at the ostrich. The ostrich looked at Roy.They saw the zoo-keeper. The zoo-keeper had a budgie.“It’s my ostrich,” said the zoo-keeper. “It’s my budgie,” said Roy. “Thanks,” they said.23. Roy n. 罗伊(男子名)24. budgie[英] [ b d i] n. 相思鹦鹉25. Joey [男子名] 乔伊Joseph的昵称3-13 At the Seaside.The family went on holiday. Wilf and Wilma went, too.The hotel had burned down. “Sorry!” said the man.They looked at a new hotel. “Too expensive,” said Mum.They looked at an old hotel. “No, thank you,” said Dad.Ever hotel was full. “Sorry!” said everyone.They had to go home. But the car broke down.A farmer stopped his tractor. “Can I help ” he said.The farmer had a bus. “You can stay here,” he said.“What a good holiday!” said Wilf.3-14 Kipper the Clown.The children put on a circus.Kipper was a clown. Floppy pulled his leg.Chip was a strong-man. He made everyone laugh.Wilma and Biff did gymnastics.Everyone had a drink. “What a good circus!” said Mum.Wilf was a stuntman. Kipper was fed up .He wanted to be a stuntman. “Look at me!” he said.Everyone looked at Kipper. Oh no!“I’m a clown, after all,” said Kipper.26. circus[英] [ s :k s] n. 马戏,马戏团;马戏表演(常在大帐篷里进行);27. gymnastics[英] [d m n st ks] n. 体操,体育;体操运动28. stuntman[英] [ st nt m n] n. 特技替身演员29. feed up[英] [fi:d p] 养肥;养壮;<口>处于情绪低落状态;对…厌烦3-15 Kipper's Idea.Dad took Kipper to school.They went past the library. A lady was painting the wall.Kipper ran into the playground. He wanted to play.There was a drawing on the wall. It was a drawing of Kipper.The wall looked a mess. Mrs May was cross.The children were painting. Kipper had an idea.Miss Green drew circles on the wall. The children painted faces.The wall looked good. Everyone liked it.“Good for Kipper!” everyone said.3-16 Srawberry Jam.Dad wanted to make jam.He picked some strawberries. They were too small.Mum took everyone to the pick-your-own. “You can all help,” said Dad. They all picked strawberries. Kipper put some in his pocket.Chip took the strawberries to the car. The car was locked.He forgot about the strawberries.The children had an ice cream. It was time to go home.The car ran over the strawberries. “Oh no!” said everyone.“Traffic jam!” said Dad.3-17 The Jumble Sale.Mum and Dad were spring-cleaning.Mum looked in a drawer. Dad threw things out.The children looked at the junk. They played with the old toys.Mum put the old toys in the car. The children were sad.They all went to the jumble sale.The children wanted to buy something. “What a lot of junk!” said Wilf. The children saw their toys. They counted their money.It was time to go home. “What’s in the bags ” said Mum.Oh no!30. spring-cleaning[英] [ spr kli:n ] n. 春季大扫除,大扫除31. drawer[英] [dr :] n. 抽屉;开票人,出票人;起草者;酒馆侍者32. junk[英] [d k] n. 废旧物品,破烂物;中国式平底帆船;便宜货33. jumble sale[英] [ d mb l seil] n. (义卖时的)杂物拍卖3-18 The Snowman.It was snowing. “Hooray,” said the children.They saw wilf and Wilma. Wilf was sweeping the snow.Biff had a good idea. She made a giant snowball.Everyone pushed the snowball. Floppy barked and barked.Wilf had an idea. He wanted to play a trick.The children made a giant snowman.Wilf’s dad opened the door. He saw the snowman.Wilma’s mum took a photograph. The snow fell off the roof.“Six snowmen!” said Wilma’s dad.34. Hooray [英] [h re ] 万岁3-19 At the Pool.Kipper went to the swimming pool.Wilma’s mum took him. She took Biff and Chip, too.It was a new pool. Everyone wanted to swim.Kipper looked for his trunks. He couldn’t find them.Kipper couldn’t go in the pool. “Sorry,” said the man.Wilma’s mum was in the water. “Oh dear,” she said.Wilma’s mum took Kipper to a shop. She bought him new trunks. They went back to the pool. “Oh no!” said Kipper.“I put them on at home,” he said.35. trunks[tr ks] n. 树干( trunk的名词复数);衣箱;象鼻3-20 Book Week.It was book week.The children made books.They made a big picture. They put it on the wall.An author came. He made everyone laugh.The children dressed up. Kipper was a caterpillar.He ate an apple. They had a book party.Kipper ate a lettuce. He was the hungry caterpillar.There was a book sale. Kipper was hungry.“I am a hungry Kipper,” he said.36. caterpillar[英] [ k t pil ] n. 毛虫;履带;履带拖拉机3-21 Bull's-eye!.Everyone went to the school fair.Wilma wanted a book. Her dad bought it for her.Wilf kicked the ball. He won the goldfish.Dad wanted to win a teddy. He had to hit a bull’s-eye.Dad got cross. He couldn’t hit the bull’s-eye.Wilma was in the gym display. Wilf and Dad forgot to watch her.Wilma was cross. “You forgot to watch,” she said.Wilf and Wilma had a fight. They bumped into Dad.Bill’s-eye! Dad won a teddy.37. bull's-eye[英] [ b lz a ] n. 靶心;的38. gym[英] [d im] n. <非正>健身房;体育馆;室内健身操;体操39. display[英] [dis plei] n. 展览,陈列;陈列品,展览品40. gym display体育展示41. bump[英] [b mp] vt.& vi. 碰撞,冲撞;颠簸vi. 颠簸着前进3-22 The Barbecue.Wilf’s dad wanted a party. He put up some lights.Wilma and Dad made a barbecue. Wilf and Mum took the food outside. Everyone helped. The dads lit the fire.The fire went out. The children were hungry.The dads lit the fire again. It began to rain.The dads cooked the burgers. The children were fed up.The burgers burned. “Yuk!” said Chip.Oh no! The dads got wet.“Hooray!” said the children.42. barbecue[英] [ bɑ:bikju:] n. 烤肉;烧烤野餐;(常用于室外的)金属烤架43. burgers[ b :ɡ z] n. 汉堡包( burger的名词复数);3-23 The Carnival.The mums and dads were busy.They made a giant shoe. They put it on a trailer.The children dressed up. Dad was the old lady.The giant shoe looked good. They took it to the carnival.The car broke down. “Oh no!” everyone said.“Come on!” said Wilma. Biff, Chip, and Wilf pushed.“Come on!” said Kipper. “Come on!” said everyone.There was an old lady. She lived in a shoe. She had so many children.It was a good job, too.44. trailer[英] [ tre l ] n. 拖车;追踪者;3-24 The Cold Day.The children were in the sea.They played in the waves. Dad made them laugh.Everyone was cold. Kipper was very cold.Everyone wanted to jog . Kipper sat on the rug ."Come on, Kipper, ” said Mum. “I’m too cold, ” said Kipper."Come on, Kipper, ” said Dad. “I’m too cold, ” said Kipper."Come and help, ” said everyone. “I’m too cold, ” said Kipper.“Ice cream! ” said Kipper. He ran to the van.Everyone looked at Kipper. “I’m not that cold, ” he said.45. jog [ 英] [d ɡ ] vt.& vi. 慢跑;轻推,轻撞;蹒跚行进;使颠簸46. rug [ 英] [r ɡ ] n. 小块地毯;〈英〉(围盖膝的)围毯,车毯;3-25 A Cat in the Tree.Floppy barked at a cat. The cat ran up a tree.Biff was cross with Floppy. Wilma climbed on the wall.Wilma climbed up the tree. She couldn’t get the cat.Wilma couldn’t get down. Wilma’s dad was cross.He put the ladder up. Wilma climbed down.Wilma’s dad climbed the tree. He couldn’t get the cat.Wilma’s dad was stuck. The cat jumped down.The fireman put a ladder up. Wilma’s dad climbed down.“ Oh no! ” said everyone.47. ladder[ 英] [ l d ] n. 梯子,阶梯;梯状物;途径;48. stuck[ 英] [st k] adj. 动不了的;被卡住的;被… 缠住的;v. 刺(stick 的过去式及过去分词)3-26 By the Stream.Mum and Dad sat on the rug.The children played by the stream. Biff went on the bridge.They dropped sticks in the water. Kipper couldn’t see.Kipper climbed up. He dropped T eddy in the water.“ Get T eddy, ” said Kipper. Biff couldn’t get T eddy.“ Get T eddy, ” said Kipper. Mum couldn’t get T eddy.“I want T eddy, ” said Kipper. Dad couldn’t get T eddy.Dad fell in .Splash!“I am a frogman, ” said Dad.3-27 Nobody Wanted to Play.Wilf was cross.Nobody wanted to play. He went to the park.Wilf played on the rocket. “I am a spaceman, ” he said.He played on the see-saw . “I am a juggler , ” he said.He played on the horse. “I am a cowboy , ” he said.He played on his bicycle. “I am a stuntman , ” he said.He climbed up the ladder. “I am a fireman, ” he said.He climbed on the wall. “I am a spiderman, ” he said.Whoops!49. juggler [ 英] [ d gl ] n. 玩杂耍的人;杂耍,把戏50. cowboy [ 英] [ ka b ] n. 牛仔;牧童;富有冒险精神的英雄51. stuntman [ 英] [ st nt m n] n. 特技替身演员3-28 On the Sand.Biff and Chip played on the sand.Dad went to sleep. Biff and Chip put sand on Dad.They made a sandcastle. They put Dad’s hat on top.They went to get an ice cream. Dad was still asleep.Chip looked at the donkeys . Biff looked at the boat.They looked at the go-karts.They looked at Dad’s hat. “ Oh no! ” said Biff.Dad was hiding. Biff was cross.The hat was on a stick.52. donkey[ 英] [ d ki] n. 驴,毛驴;笨蛋,傻瓜;3-29 The Egg Hunt.Kate came to stay.Mum and Kate made a cake. Kate put little eggs on it.Wilma looked at the little eggs. She had an idea.Wilma went to the park. She wanted to hide some eggs.She put them in the trees. She put them in the flowers.Wilf and Kate came to the park. “ You can look for eggs, ” said Wilma. Kate looked for the eggs. “ Where are they ” she said.The squirrels had them. “ Squirrel like eggs, ” said Kate.“ So do I, ” she said.3-30 The Rope Swing.The children went to the stream.They looked at the swing. Wilf climbed on the swing.Chip pushed Wilf. Floppy looked at the rope.Biff climbed on the swing. Floppy barked and barked.Chip climbed on the swing. Floppy barked and barked and barked. Kipper went on the swing. “ What a silly dog! ” said kippy.Wilma went on too. “ What a silly dog! ” said Wilma.The children went home. Floppy looked at the rope.Splash! Oh no!53. silly [ 英] [ sili] adj. 蠢的;糊涂的;不明事理的;没头脑的。

牛津树阅读目录Stage 33-6 The Steel Band.3-3 Pond Dipping.3-2 Sniff.3-1 The Duck Race.3-4 The Ice Rink.3-5 The Mud Bath.3-26 Joe and the Bike.3-28 Midge and the Eggs.3-25 Midge in Hospital.3-30 Pip and the Little Monkey. 3-29 Pip at he Zoo.3-27 Roy and the Budgie.3-16 At the Seaside.3-13 Kipper the Clown.3-17 Kipper's Idea.3-14 Srawberry Jam.3-15 The Jumble Sale.3-18 The Snowman.3-21 At the Pool.3-23 Book Week.3-22 Bull's-eye!.3-19 The Barbecue.3-20 The Carnival.3-24 The Cold Day.3-10 A Cat in the Tree.3-12 By the Stream.3-9 Nobody Wanted to Play.3-7 On the Sand.3-8 The Egg Hunt.3-11 The Rope Swing.Stage 44-13 Nobody Got Wet.4-15 Poor Old Mum.4-14 The Weather Vane.4-18 The Balloon.4-17 The Camcorder.4-16 The Wedding.4-20 Swap!4-21 The Flying Elephant.4-19 Wet Paint.4-24 Everyone Got Wet. 4-23 The Dragon Dance. 4-22 The Scarf.4-24 Dad's Jacket.4-26 Stuck in the Mud.4-27 The Den.4-30 An Important Case. 4-28 Look Smart.4-29 Tug of War.4-6 Adam Goes Shopping. 4-2 Adam's Car.4- 1 Lucky the Goat.4-5 Mosque School.4-4 Yasmin's Dress.4-3 Yasmin and the Flood. 4-9 Come In!4-7 House for Sale.4-8 The New House.4-11 The Play.4-10 The Secret Room.4-12 The Storm.Stage 51. The Magic Key2. Pirate Adventure3. The Dragon Tree4. Gran5. Castle Adventure6. Village in the Snow7. The whatsit8. Underground Adventure9. Vanishing Cream10. It’s not Fair11. The Great Race12. The monster Mistake13. The New Baby14. Camping Adventure15. Scarecrows16. Noah’s Ark Adventure17. A New Classroom18. Mum to the Rescue19. Sleeping Beauty20. The Adventure Park21. Kipper and Trolls22. Safari Adventure23. Dad’s Run24. Drawing AdventureStage 61. In the garden2. kipper and the Giant3. The Outing4. Land of Dinosaurs5. Robin Hood6. The Treasure Chest7. A Fright in the Night8. Rotten Apples9. The Laughing Princess10. Christmas Adventure11.The Go-kart Race12. The Shiny Key13. Paris Adventure14. The Stolen Crown part 115. The Stolen Crown part 216. Ship the trouble17. Homework18. Olympic Adventure19.Dad’a Grand Plan20. Mirror Island21. Don’t be SillyStage 71. Red Planet2. Lost in the Jungle3. The Broken Roof4. The lost Key5. The Willow Pattern Plot6. Submarine Adventure7. The motorway8. The Bully9. The Hunt for Gold10.Chinese Adventure11. Roman Adventure12. The Jigsaw Puzzle13. The Power Cut14. Australian Adventure15. The Riddle Stone part 116. The Riddle Stone part 2 17. A sea Mystery18. The Big Breakfast19. The Joke Machine Stage 81. The Kidnappers2. Viking Adventure3. The Rainbow machine4. The Flying Carpet5. A Day in London6. Victorian Adventure7. Pocket Money8. The Evil Genie9. Save Floppy10.What was it like?11.Flood12.Egyptian AdventureStage 91. Green Island2. Storm Castle3. Superdog4. The litter Queen5. The Quest6. Survival Adventure7. The Blue Eye8. Rescue!9. Dutch Adventure10. The finest in the Land11.The Flying Machine12. Key Trouble。
牛津树自然拼读 词汇表

不过,我可以为你提供一些在自然拼读教材中常见的词汇样本,以给你一个大致的印象:apple-苹果baby-婴儿cat-猫dog-狗egg-鸡蛋fish-鱼garden-花园happy-开心的insect-昆虫jump-跳跃kite-风筝lamp-灯monkey-猴子nest-巢orange-橙子purple-紫色quiet-安静的rabbit-兔子sun-太阳umbrella-伞violin-小提琴water一水xylophone-木琴yellow-黄色zoo-动物园除此之外,还有许多其他的单词,例如:* bag-书包* ball-球* car-汽车* dog-狗狗* fan-风扇* fish-鱼* fox-狐狸* gloves-手套* house-房子* kite-风筝* lamp-灯* mouse-老鼠* paint-颜料* pencil-铅笔* phone-电话* pig-猪* plate-盘子* rain-雨* rubbish-垃圾* shirt-衬衫* shoes-鞋子* snake-蛇* stars-星星* street-街道* train-火车等等。
牛津英语阅读树Floppy Phonics 自然拼系列Stage 1 (1-12)英文单词翻译

Book 10
Book 11
a sun hat
Book 12
Book 1
Kipper 举办海盗聚会
Book 2
Floppy 得到一个狗牌
dog tag
Book 6
Kipper 把锅放在箱子上
Book 8
Put on the lid.
Put it on.
Book 9放Fra bibliotek边帽包
Book 4

牛津树中文翻译Oxford Tree,又称牛津阅读树,是一套著名的英语分级阅读教材,起源于英国,被广泛应用于全球的英语教学中。
2.按英语水平划分:牛津树分为Starter(入门级)、Level 1-6(基础级至进阶级)和Tree Tops(高级)三个层次,共9个级别,适合不同程度的英语学习者。
牛津树书籍的推荐:1.幼儿版:推荐《Biff, Chip and Kipper Stories》系列,适合幼儿阶段的孩子阅读。
2.儿童版:推荐《Magic Tree House》系列,适合小学生阅读。
3.基础级至进阶级:推荐《Roald Dahl》的作品,如《Charlie and the Chocolate Factory》、《Matilda》等,适合初、高中生阅读。
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Mum was cooking
cook a pie
took off
Book 3
3-7 leek hotpot
Book 3
3-5 Quick Quick
shot off
got stuck
get him out
get me out
哎哟(突然疼痛时发出 的声音)
What is it?
Book 3
3-8 Queen’s Maid
fell down
did all the jobs
a lot of jobs
Will that be all ?
get paid
get down
Be quick
a good job
Will this do it ? 这能行吗?
Book 3
3-6 The rook and the Ring
Will it die?
call him Ron