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Part One: Listening (40分)(每小题念3遍)

Ⅰ.Listen and choose. 听音,选择相应的图片,将序号填入()内。(10分)

()1. A. B.

()2. A. B.

()3. A. B.

()4. A. B.

()5. A. B.

Ⅱ. Listen and number. 听音,排序,将相应的数字编号“1、2、3、4、5”填在()内。(5分)

What are they doing tomorrow?


Ⅲ. Listen and match. 听音,连线。(10分)

Ⅳ. Listen and choose. 听音,根据听到的内容,选择合适的答句,将序号填在( )内。(5分)

( )1.A. I’m going bowling. B. I’m going to the movies.

( )2.A. They are $98. B. They are $89.

( )3.A. You should sit down. B. You should go to see the doctor.

( )4.A. I never do that. B. Sure. I have to wash the dishes every evening. ( )5.A. Once a week. B. Once a month.

Ⅴ.Listen, choose and write.听音,选词填空。(5分)

In a _____________ mall, there are many shops and _____________. People can _____________ in a shopping mall, but _____________ are not allowed. My mother likes _____________ shopping there.

Lily Mike Ann Ken Tingting once a week every day twice a month every morning three times a week cars, shopping, going, walk, restaurants

Ⅵ. Listen and choose. 听对话,将恰当的句子的序号填在___上。(5分)

A: Good morning. __________________

B: Yes, I prefer that sweater.

A: __________________

B: The white one. __________________

A: It’s $87.

B: Oh, __________________ How much is the black one?

A: Sixty-five yuan.

B: __________________ I’ll take it.

A: Here you are.

B: Thank you.

1. How much is it?

2. it’s too expensive.

3. Can I help you?

4. Which one?

5. It’s cheap and nice.

Part Two: Reading and Writing (40分)

Ⅰ. Read and choose. 根据提示将下列单词分类,将序号填在___ 上。(10分)

A. take out the trash

B. angry

C. water the flower

D. Italy

E. history

F. doing karate

G. China

H. geography

I. worried

J. playing tennis

1. Mexico ___________ ___________

2. walk the dog ___________ ___________

3. math ___________ ___________

4. going bowling ___________ ___________

5. happy ___________ ___________

Ⅱ. Read and choose. 选择恰当的句子完成对话,将序号填在___ 上。(5分)

1. - I feel scared.

- _______

A. You should have a rest.

B. You should take deep breaths.

C. You should visit the doctor.

2. – How much are these yellow gloves?


A. They are 24 yuan.

B. She has a pair of sunglasses.

C. She doesn’t like it.

3. - What are you doing next Friday?

- _______

A. I like sports.

B. I am having a ski class.

C. I often go to the park.

4. - How often do you visit your grandparents?

- _______

A. Once a week.

B. Yes, I do.

C. I’m going swimming.

5. - _______

- I think art is more interesting than math.

A. Do you like math?

B. What’s your favorite subject?

C. Which subject is more interesting, art or math?

Ⅲ. Read and write. 读一读,完成右边的表格。(5分)

Ⅳ. Read and choose. 读短文,根据上下文内容选词填空。(5分)

Sue, Ken and Ann wanted to ___________ a gift for Daniel. They ___________ a shopping mall. They didn’t want Daniel to know this. Ann ___________ Daniel to go to a bookstore. They only had $20. They chose a pair of ___________ for Daniel. Buying gifts for people wasn’t ___________.

Ⅴ. Read and check. 读短文,判断下列句子是否与短文内容相符,相符写“T ”,不相符写“F ”。(5分)

Coffee (咖啡) has become the most popular American drink. Today people in the United States drink more coffee than people in any of the other countries (国家). People drink coffee at breakfast, at lunch, at dinner and between meals. They drink hot coffee or coffee

Name: Lisa Age: _________ Height: _____________ Where from: ______________ Favorite subject: ______________________ Pet: _________ My name is Lisa. I’m from Canada. I am twelve years old. I’m 167 centimeters tall. I am the tallest girl in my class. I like science and math. My science teacher is very funny. And my math teacher is nice. I have a pet. It’s a dog. I walk my dog every day. I like playing the violin. easy, asked, buy, sunglasses, went to
