
给⼤家整理了“国外点餐必备实⽤英语⼝语”,欢迎阅读参考!更多相关讯息请关注!西餐配菜⼀般分为:1、appetizer 开胃菜/ aperitif 开胃酒2、main course 主菜3、soup 汤4、dessert 甜品5、drink /beverage 酒⽔/饮料(drink 在餐厅⾥⼀般是含有酒精的饮品,那么饮料除了beverage 还可以⽤soft drink,也就是汉语翻译的软饮)那么我们⼀般⽐较⾼频会⽤到的就餐⼝语来现学⼏句吧:1、I’d like a table for two, please.我想要⼀张两⼈座的桌⼦。
2、I don’t know much about sth. What do you recommend?我对…不是很了解。
3、May I see a menu?我能看下菜单么?我的菜我做主,对于有主见的同学来说,只有我⾃⼰才知道我⾃⼰要吃啥。
4、I’m ready to order.我准备点餐了。
I’m starving to death. 说得我都饿了。
5、Check please~ Do you accept credit? Put it in this card.买单。
不过⽼外⼀般聚餐的话是各付个的(并不绝对),各⾃付就是separate checks。
不过咱中国⼈会抢着买单This is my treat.或是说It’s on me. 这顿我请了。

⽆忧考英语⼝语频道为⼤家整理的旅游常⽤英语⼝语:西安各种传统美⾷的英语读法,供⼤家参考:)西安的美⾷,你都尝过了吗?你知道它英语怎么读不?Xi’an cuisine, you have tasted it? Do you know how to read English it not?1.⽺⾁泡馍(Pita Bread Soaked in Lamb Soup)Pita Bread Soaked in Lamb Soup是陕西的风味美馔,尤以XIan最享盛名。
2.⾁夹馍(Chinese hamburger )Chinese hamburger,制作简单,实际是两种⾷物的绝妙组合:腊汁⾁,⽩吉馍。
3.⿇酱凉⽪(Cold noddle with sesame)Cold noddle with sesame具有“筋”“薄”、“细”、“穰”四⼤特⾊。
“筋”,是说劲道,有嚼头;“薄”,是说蒸得薄; “细”,是说切得细; “穰”,是说柔软。
4.粉蒸⾁(Steamed pork with rice and flour)Steamed pork with rice and flour为中国传统的待客名菜。
5.⼋宝稀饭(Eight Delicacies Rice)Eight Delicacies Rice是陕西古典甜菜,⾹甜、软糯,⼜营养丰富。

以下是整理的《校园英语⼝语对话:校园饮⾷》,希望⼤家喜欢!⼀、talk show【脱⼝⽽出】1、Do you have reservations? 您订位了吗? reservation :预定预约 Room reservation 订房2、Is this for here or to go? 在这⾥吃还是带⾛? Can I order take-out here? 我可以叫菜带⾛吗? take-out 带⾛的菜3、Would you like a table in the smoking or nonsmoking section? 您要在吸烟区还是⾮吸烟区4、You would better not jump the line? 你不要插队 jump the line 插队5、What is today’s specialty? 今天的特⾊菜是什么? Specialty:特⾊菜6、I am afraid we will have to cancel the order. 恐怕那道菜我们不要了 cancel the order 不点了7、What would you recommend? 你们推荐什么? What do you think I should order? What is your suggestion? What do you suggest to order?8、I’ll treat you tonight No, let’s go Dutch. 今天晚上我请客别了,我们AA制吧。
go Dutch AA制也可以说 split the bill9、还要别的什么吗? And what to follow? Won’t you have more? Anything else you want? Is there anything else that you’d like?⼆、美⾷ steam 蒸 steamed dumplings 蒸饺 dessert 甜品通常⽤复数形式 desserts mutton kebab ⽺⾁串 well-done 全熟的rare 半熟的 e.g. :Would you like you steak well-done or rare? 您的⽜排是要全熟的还是三分熟的?。

这家餐馆的中国菜太好吃了AI'm glad we came here. This is really delicious!很高兴来到这里。
BI was worried you would think it was too far to drive.我担心你会觉得开车太远。
AWell, it's true I've never driven two hours just to get lunch.But really, I think it's worth it.这倒是真的,我从未开过两个小时的车子,只是为了吃顿午餐。
BI think if you try some more authentic Chinese food,you might understand how we students from Taiwan suffer.如果你再吃些地道的中国菜,你就会了解我们台湾学生所遭受的了。
AHow do you mean "suffer"?你说“遭受”是什么意思?BI mean, in Milwaukee there is no good Chinese food.So we miss the food in T aiwan too much.Sometimes we just have to drive down here to Chicago to find something better.在密尔瓦基市都没有好吃的中国菜,所我们很怀念台湾的食物。
AEven in the winter?连冬天都这样吗?BYes, even in the winter.是的,甚至在冬天也是这样。

介绍中国美食的英语口语1.Chinese food is so diverse and delicious.中国美食种类繁多,味道美极了。
2.Chinese dumplings are a traditional favorite, with a thin wrapper and a filling of meat and vegetables.饺子是中国的传统美食,皮薄馅儿大,有肉馅儿和蔬菜馅儿两种。
3.The Chinese pancake is a thin, round bread that is often used for dipping in sauces or as a wrap for meats and vegetables.葱油饼是一种薄而圆的面包,常常用来蘸酱或包裹肉类和蔬菜。
4.Chinese noodles are made from wheat flour and are often served in a broth or sauce.中国面条是用小麦粉做的,通常放在肉汤或酱汁里。
5.Chinese-style barbecued meats are usually seasoned with soy sauce, sugar, and other spices before being grilled over an open flame.中国式烧烤的肉类通常会用酱油、糖和其他香料腌制后,在明火上烧烤。
6.Chinese soups are often made from a combination of various meats, vegetables, and seasonings and are served hot or cold depending on the season.中国汤通常是各种肉类、蔬菜和调味品的组合,根据季节可以提供热的或冷的。
7.Chinese fried rice is a simple dish of rice fried with eggs and seasonings and is often served as a breakfast dish or snack.炒饭是一道简单的菜肴,米饭与鸡蛋和其他调味品一起炒制而成,通常作为早餐或零食食用。

Are you going to order drinks?
I'd like something strong.
I'II have all different flavors.
19.The host usually prepares a sumptuous meal.
20.Do you like those siiacks?
21.Longevity noodles symbolize longevity.
Most Chinese people like tea.
Would you like to order some drinks with you meal?
They have a lot of different drinks. It's hard to pick up one.
People can enjoy both cooking and eating.
I feel sick at the sight of it.
How about having egg drop soup?

【导语】饮⾷是⼀种⽂化,是我们每天必不可少的话题,那么你想学习有关饮⾷的英语对话?下⾯是由为⼤家带来常见饮⾷英语对话,供你学习!【篇⼀】常见的饮⾷英语⼝语对话 L: Do you like cooking, Julia? J: I really enjoy it, especially when it ends up tasting good! L: How often do you usually cook? J: I usually make a few salads for lunch throughout the week and I make dinner about 6 times a week. L: That's a lot of cooking. You must save a lot of money by eating at home so much. J: I do. If you cook at home, you can eat healthy food cheaply. L: What kind of dishes do you usually make? J: I almost always make either a beef roast or a chicken roast with asparagus, parsnips, peas, carrots and potatoes on Sunday. L: Do you make a lot of traditional British food? J: Aside from the Sunday roast, we usually eat bangers and mash, toad in a hole, or fish'n chips once a week. L: How about spicy food? J: My family loves spicy food. We often eat Chinese, Thai, Indian, or Mexican food when we're in the mood for spice. L: What's your favourite dish to make? J: Iabsolutely love making mousakka, which is a Greek dish with eggplant. But it takes a lot of time, so I don't often make it.【篇⼆】常见的饮⾷英语⼝语对话 C: Would you like a cup of mint tea? M: That would be nice, thanks. Could I have a lemon in it as well? C: Sure. M: Do you need any help in the kitchen? C: I could use a little help with the sauce. Do you mind? M: Not at all. What do you need me to do? C: Well, after you wash your hands, you could add the mustard to the milk in the saucepan. M: Do I need to stir it? C: Yes, milk should always be stirred when it's being heated. If it's not, it could burn or congeal. M: How long should I stir the milk and the mustard? C: Just bring it to a simmer. M: Do I need to add any other seasoning to it? C: You can sprinkle it with some pepper and salt if you want. M: What should I do when it starts simmering. C: You can add some soy sauce, vinegar, red chilli powder, and some sesame seeds. M: What are we going to eat this sauce with? C: It's going to go over some noodles. M: I'll just grate a bit of cheese on it, too. C: If you think it'll taste good, go head...【篇三】常见的饮⾷英语⼝语对话 J: Morgan, can I ask you a question? M: Sure, what is it? J: I was just wondering if many Chinese people take their leftover food home from a restaurant. M: In most cities in China, doggie bags are quite uncommon. J: What happens to all the leftover food? M: It usually goes to the dump. J: That seems like an awful waste! Why don't people order fewer dishes so that they don't have to throw so much away at the end of the meal? M: Ordering a lot of food at restaurants is just a tradition in China. You know, in the past, people could not afford to eat out like they can today. J: I guess that makes sense. I just think it would make more sense to take the leftovers home. M: Well, if you want, you can take the leftovers home. J: No, that's OK. You konw what they say: When in Rome... M: I was impressed that you tried the pig's feet. I heard that may foreigners don't like to eat them. J: Many people in my generation don't eat pig's feet, but my parents grew up eating them, so I think they're OK. M: Did you like them? You could take the last one home with you. J: That's OK. I'll try anything once, but sometimes, once is enough!【篇四】常见的饮⾷英语⼝语对话 S: Come on, have a drink with us! J: Well, ok. I guess it is happy hour. What are you guys drinking? S: I'm having a whisky coke, Gavin is having a Long Island Iced Tea, and Olivia is having an Irish coffee. J: That's quite a mix. Can I see the wine list? S: Don't you like to drink cocktails? J: I can't drink vodka because it goes straight to my head. S: How about whiskey? J; Whiskey doesn't sit with me too well, either. Trust me, red wine is the best choice for me. S: How many glasses of red wine do you need to drink to get drunk? J: I don't know. I haven't been drunk in a long time. S: You're such a sensible drinker. J: How many cocktails does it take to get you drunk? S: I don't know. I'm so drunk already that I've forgotten how may I've had! J: you're going to have a big hangover tomorrow, aren't you? S: Probably. But I know how to cure a hangover, so it's OK. J: How do you do that? S: I just need to take an aspirin with a glass of water tonight, go to sleep, wake up, have a few cups of coffee, and then I'm sorted. J: How are you getting home tonight? S: I'll call a cab. I never drink alcohol if I have to drive. J: That's the most sensible thing you've said so far! S: Maybe we're a lot more like each other than I'd thought!。

【导语】在中国,⼀双筷⼦就可以吃遍天下美⾷,但对于西⽅美⾷以及餐桌礼仪,你⼜了解多少呢?下⾯是由⽆忧考整理的关于美⾷英语⼝语对话【五篇】,⼀起来了解下吧!【篇⼀】关于美⾷英语⼝语对话 Hey!That food was terrific.I can't eat another bite.Are you sure you don't want another dish? 嘿!⾷物很美味。
你确定你不要再来⼀道菜? No.I'm full.My stomach isn't growling at me any more. 不,我饱了。
I know what you mean.I'm so full that I can burst. Shall we go then? 我明⽩你的意思。
那么我们⾛了吗? I'm all set.Thank you for the dinner.Jack. 我吃饱了.杰克,谢谢你的晚餐。
You are welcome. 不客⽓。
【篇⼆】关于美⾷英语⼝语对话 A:Can you manage chopsticks? 你能⽤筷⼦吗? B:Why not? See. 为什么不能?看! A:Good mastery. How do you like our Chinese food? 好功夫。
你觉得我们中国⾷物怎么样? B:Oh,at! It's delicious. You see, I am already putting on weight. There is one thing I don't like however, MSG. 太好了,真好吃。
A:What's wrong with MSG? It helps to bring out the taste of the food. 味精怎么了?它可以使⼈吃起菜来津津有味。

可以用以下句子来问服务员:- Can I see the menu, please?(我可以看一下菜单吗?)- What do you recommend here?(这里有什么推荐菜品?)- Do you have a vegetarian menu?(你们有素食菜单吗?)了解了菜单后,可以用以下句子来点菜:- I would like to order the beef steak, please.(我想点一份牛排。
)- Can I have the chef’s special, please?(我想要尝一下厨师特制的菜品。
)- I’ll have the seafood pasta, please.(我要一份海鲜面。
1. Ordering food 点菜- Can I have a menu, please? 我可以要一份菜单吗?- What would you recommend? 你推荐什么菜?- I'd like to order the special of the day. 我想点今日特色菜。
- Could you tell me more about this dish? 你能告诉我更多关于这道菜的信息吗?- Can I get a starter/soup/salad, please? 我可以要一个开胃菜/汤/沙拉吗?- I'll have the steak, medium rare. 我想要一份牛排,五分熟。

关于美食的英语口语我们如果想要学好英语口语的话,就要好好背背英语哦,所以今天就给大家整理了有关英语口语的情景对话跟分享一下,所以同学们要多多学习一下,享受印度美食In dian foodASo where is this mystery restaura nt that we are going to?那个我们要去的神秘的餐厅在哪儿?Bit' s an In dia n restaura nt! I know you have n ever had In dia n food, so I thought you might want to try.那是个印度餐馆!我知道你没有吃过印度的食物,所以我想也许你会想尝试一下。
AThat sounds great! I am crav ing some type of beef dish.听起来不错!我想吃牛肉菜。
BWell, Indian cuisine actually doesn' t serve beef. You see, cows are a sacred ani mal, a very importa nt eleme nt in the Hindu religi on, so beef is not eate n.嗯,事实上印度菜谱里没有牛肉。
AI see, so what are we hav ing? Chicke n?我知道了,所以我们可以吃什么呢?鸡肉吗?BThere are many amaz ing dishes to choose from. We can have some chicken tikka masala which is an amazing curry. It& #39; s a bit spicy, but I thi nk you can han die it.这里有很多美味可以选择。

关于美食的英语情景口语对话如今,英语已经成为了世界语,渗透在全世界的每一个角落,政治、经济、文化、娱乐,下面小编今天就给大家分享一下英语的情景对话,仅供参考油炸的东西不健康AThe fried shrimp is crunchy! But my mom will never cook shrimp this way. She always says that fried food is not healthy.炸虾好脆耶!可我妈妈从来不这么煮虾。
BHow does she cook the shrimp?那她是怎么煮虾的?AShe often cooks it in a large pan of boiling water.她经常把虾放在一大盆沸水里煮。
BI don't like that. I like fried food, fried potatoes, fried chicken, fried sausage…I can't see why fried food is not healthy.我可不喜欢。
AMy mom says it has a lot of fat. I also suggest you do not eat so many fried things.我妈说它含有很多脂肪。
BIt's all right! I often fry sausages when my mom is not at home.没事!我经常趁我妈妈不在的时候炸香肠吃。
AReally? I really want to have a try!真的?我真想试一下耶!BCome to my house this Sunday. My mom will not be at home then. We can cook some wonderful fried food by ourselves!那这个星期天来我家。

- The service was excellent and the food was outstanding.
- I had a disappointing experience at that restaurant.
1. Talking about food:
- What's your favorite cuisine?
- The food was overcooked and the service was slow.
5. Ordering in a restaurant:
- Can I see the menu, please?
- I would like to order the steak, medium rare.
- I love Italian food. Their pasta is amazing.
- Have you ever tried French cuisine?

I'd like to try some real Chinese (Western) cuisine. 我想尝一尝某些真正的中国(西方)菜肴。
What would you recommend?
Well, it depends.
There are mainly eight Chinese cuisines.
They are spicy hot.
I like hot dishes.
You can try it.
It might be too hot for me.
What are some special Beijing dishes?
There's the Beijing roast duck.
I'd like very much to try it.
You can find it in most restaurants.
Not too far but not too near either.
A taxi will take you there in 15 minutes. 出租车15分钟就到了。

Buddha Jumps over the Wall, or Fo Tiao Qiang, is a variety of shark fin(鱼翅) soup in Cantonese(广东的) and Fujian cuisine. It„s sometimes also called Consummation of Happiness and Longevity(福 寿全). The dish has been counted as a Chinese delicious food since it‟s created during the Qing Dynasty (1644-1912). It„s famous for its rich taste, various high-quality ingredients(食材) and special manner of cooking(独特的烹饪方式). Literally(从字面 上来看), the dish‟s name means “a Buddhist monk jumps over the wall”, hinting(暗示) that it can lure(引诱) the vegetarian monks from their temples to eat the meat-based dish(荤菜). A typical recipe contains many ingredients, such as quail eggs(鹌鹑 蛋), bamboo shoots, scallops(扇贝), sea cucumber(海参), abalone(鲍鱼), shark fin, chicken, Jinhua ham , pork tendon(猪蹄 筋), ginseng(人参), mushrooms, taro(芋头),etc.

介绍中国传统美食的英语素材1. Dim sum (点心) - a type of Cantonese cuisine that consists of small, bite-sized portions of food served in bamboo steamers or on small plates.2. Peking duck (北京烤鸭) - a famous dish from Beijing that features crispy skin and tender meat, typically served with thin pancakes, scallions, and sweet bean sauce.3. Hot pot (火锅) - a communal meal where diners cook raw ingredients, such as meat, vegetables, and seafood, in a pot of boiling broth at the table.4. Kung pao chicken (宫保鸡丁) - a spicy Sichuan dish made with diced chicken, peanuts, and vegetables, flavored with chili peppers and Sichuan peppercorns.5. Dumplings (饺子) - a popular Chinese snack or meal consisting of small pockets of dough filled with meat, vegetables, or seafood, and then boiled or fried.6. Fried rice (炒饭) - a staple dish made by stir-frying rice with vegetables, meat, and eggs, often with soy sauce and other seasonings.7. Chow mein (炒面) - similar to fried rice, but made with noodles instead of rice, and often with additional ingredients like bean sprouts, shrimp, or pork.8. Mooncakes (月饼) - a traditional Chinese pastry eaten during the Mid-Autumn Festival, typically filled with sweet bean paste or lotus seed paste and sometimes containing a salted egg yolk in the center.9. Spring rolls (春卷) - a crispy appetizer made by wrapping vegetables and sometimes meat or shrimp in a thin pastry wrapper, then deep-frying until golden brown.10. Wontons (馄饨) - another type of dumpling, but with thinner skin and a variety of filling options, including pork, shrimp, and vegetable mixtures.。

When it comes to food, I have a lot of favorites. One
of my all-time favorites is sushi. I love the combination
of flavors and textures in each bite, from the fresh fish
to the chewy rice. Another dish I can never resist is pizza. There's just something about melted cheese and tomato sauce on a crispy crust that makes my mouth water. And of course, I can't forget about dessert. I have a sweet tooth, so anything from chocolate cake to ice cream is a winner in my book.
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AI'm glad we came here. This is really delicious!
BI was worried you would think it was too far to drive.
AWell, it's true I've never driven two hours just to get lunch.But really, I think it's worth it.
BI think if you try some more authentic Chinese food,you might understand how we students from Taiwan suffer.
AHow do you mean "suffer"?
BI mean, in Milwaukee there is no good Chinese food.So
we miss the food in Taiwan too much.Sometimes we just have to drive down here to Chicago to find something better.
AEven in the winter?
BYes, even in the winter.
AAnd even if it takes two hours, huh?
BWhy not? I've been craving good food for three weeks now.I'm too sick of hamburgers and pizza!
AWell, this really is delicious, I have to admit.I can understand better now why you and your friends are always whining.
BDon't tease me! Good food is really important to Chinese!
AI know. I can see that. This is what is called "dim sum," right?
BYes, all these dishes are different "dim sum" dishes.You can't find this kind of thing except for in a few cities in America.
ASo when you Chinese think of Chinatown,you mostly think of food. Is that right?
BOf course.I will try to buy some things at the Asian grocery down the block too.Then I can do a little cooking in my apartment.
AAnd maybe we can go to a good Italian restaurant for dinner, after the museum.Chicago has some great Italian restaurants.
BNo way!
AWhat do you mean?
BWe're going up to the "new" Chinatown for dinner.I already know where we're going to go.
AAlright, alright. I am happy to try more Chinese food.Will it be dim sum again?
BNo, dim sum is usually eaten around lunch time,or sometimes closer to breakfast.We'll try more Taiwanese style up at the "new" Chinatown.
ATaiwanese style? Isn't dim sum Taiwanese style?
BNo, dim sum is more Cantonese style.But of course you can buy it in Taiwan.
AI wonder if you can cook things this good.
BI'm a great cook actually. You will see.
AWaiter, a menu please!
BHere you are.
AThank you. Could you tell me the specials today?
BThe special today is fried chicken, and beef is good too. 今天的特色菜是炸鸡,牛肉也不错。
AOk, let's think about it for a minute.
BWell, I'll be back in a minute.