1. Once upon a time…(从前,从前...)这是许多英语故事的开头,介绍了故事的背景和起源。
2. In a small village…(在一个小村庄里...)这个故事发生在一个安静而祥和的村庄里,为观众展示了一个和谐的社区。
3. A talented painter named Ma Liang...(一个名叫马良的有才华的画家...)马良是一个聪明、有天赋的年轻画家,他的出现在故事中起到了关键作用。
4. Dreams of bringing happiness to the village...(梦想给村庄带来幸福...)马良渴望用自己的绘画才华让整个村庄充满幸福和快乐。
5. A magical paintbrush...(一支神奇的画笔...)马良收到了一支神奇的画笔,它可以实现他的每一个愿望。
6. Painting a mouth-watering feast...(画出一桌美味的盛宴...)马良利用他的画笔画出了一桌令人垂涎的盛宴,让村庄的人们尽情享受美食。
7. A greedy and selfish emperor...(一个贪婪自私的皇帝...)皇帝得知了马良的神奇画笔,并迫使马良为他画出珍贵的物品。
8. The power of kindness...(善良的力量...)马良用他的善良和慷慨,帮助了那些需要帮助的人。
9. The emperor's downfall...(皇帝的垮台...)皇帝贪婪的行为最终被揭露,他失去了权力和尊严。
10. The triumph of goodness...(善良的胜利...)马良最终用他的善良和正义战胜了邪恶,使整个村庄重新恢复了幸福和团结。
a:dumplingisatraditionalchinesefood,fullofdelicioustasteand ancientintelligenceb:饺子是中国一大传统美食,深深蕴藏着鲜香美味与古人的智慧。
a:tonight,it'sourhonourtogathertogetherandenjoytheentert ainmentofmakingdumplingsandsharingculturesb:今晚,让我们欢聚一堂,共同分享包饺子的乐趣,共同体验多文化的魅力!a:nothingmoretosay,justlet'sstartourfantasticjourneyofdum plings!b:别的也不再多说,就让我们现在开始我们的“饺子之旅”!a:ready?go!showtime演出阶段a:aftersuchabusyandhappytime,let'sjustberelaxedandenjoyexcelle ntperformancenow,it'stheshowtime!b:结束了忙碌充实的动手时光,现在让我们都来放松心情,一起欣赏来自中外的精彩表演!a:first,let'senjoyanamazingkongfushowfromtheassociationo ftaijiquanb:下面让我们来欣赏来自太极拳协会的武术和太极表演。
a:terrific!chinseskongfuisfullofmagic,haveyoubeenexcitedby that?oknow,let'senjoyaclassicalmusic,aerhurecitalfromzhangyib:中华武术博大精深,是不是已经震惊在座了呢?那好,现在我们来欣赏一曲中国传统艺术,来自张怡的二胡独奏,大家欢迎。
英语演讲主持串词篇一:英语演讲串词最终版A:(比赛前,主持人在幕后提醒:My friends this competition isbeginning,please switch off your cell phones,thanks for your cooperationB:亲爱的观众朋友们,比赛即将开始,为了保证比赛的顺利进行,请您将您的手机处于关闭状态,谢谢合作!)A: Good evening, distinguished guests, dear teachers and fellowstudentsB:尊敬的各位来宾,亲爱的老师们,同学们,大家晚上好A:Welcome to the English Speech Competition. of Computer College in China West Normal UniversityB:欢迎来到西华师范大学计算机学院英语演讲比赛现场A:I am **B;I’m**A:We are glad to stand here to host the feast.B:我们很高兴能在这里为大家主持这场盛宴A:So, today, a very exciting day, it is the last stage of this year’s competition. You know, during the past few weeks the competition has undergone a fierce selection throughout the college. the con’testants tonight are here to prove to us, they are the best English speakers among our college.B:,今天,一个非常令人兴奋的一天,这是本次英语演讲的决赛。
1. 曾经的痛苦只为与你幸福的在一起。
我们的爱直到永远,下面请欣赏睡美人I would like to be with you regardless of any pains, and all I am waiting for is your coming and waking me up, our love is forever. Now please enjoy sleeping beauty.2. 《孔雀东南飞》!看,那幕感人的爱情故事,历久弥新,它已向我们飞来!《peacock fling southeast》!Look, that moving love story becomes fresher as time goes by. it is fling towards us!3. Next one is a familiar fairy tale “A Little Red Riding Hood” Do you remember the clever girl and the sly wolf? Now let’s enjoy it.接下来是大家都所熟知的童话故事《小红帽》。
你还记得那个聪明的小女孩和狡猾的大灰狼吗?现在我们就来一起欣赏吧4. A:提到兔子和农夫,你会想到什么?B:当然是想到关于兔子那个传统的中国成语故事《守株待兔》啊。
A:what will you think of when I mentioned a rabbit and famer?B:Of course that Chinese idiom story 《Stand by a tree stump waiting for a hare》.A:Sure, let us see what surprise the 《New stand by a tree stump waiting for a hare》can give us.5. 这是继西游记之后的又一经典著作,接下来请大家欣赏《大话西游》It’s another classic after the west travels, and then please enjoys "Big words of western tour".6. 接下来讲述的是一个美丽的公主和七个可爱的小矮人的故事,请欣赏《白雪公主与七个小矮人》Next story is about a beautiful princess and seven dwarves, please enjoy snow white and the Seven Dwarfs7.XX,问你个问题啊,你知道江南盛产什么吗?xx,May I ask you a question? Do you know what is the most famous thing in South River Land?当然知道,江南盛产才子和佳人啊Of course, South River Land is famous for its gifted scholars and beautiful ladies透漏给你个小秘密,唐伯虎一直以来都是我心中的白马王子,应该大多数女生都梦想成为秋香吧!Let me tell you a secret. Tang Bohu is always my prince charming, I thinkmost girls dream of becom ing qiuxiang,right?是的,那么今天,四大才子也来到了我们的比赛现场Yes, today, The Four Scholar also came to our play Competition有请艺术设计一二班的同学给我们带来的话剧: 唐伯虎点秋香!That’s great,let’s welcome team 7 《Flirting Scholar》8. Long ago, there was a crazy country, trying to show the crazy history by crazy ways. Do you want to know what happened at that time? Ok, next show will tell you the truth. Please enjoy The Emperor And The Assassin很久以前有一个疯狂的国家,试图用疯狂的方式显示疯狂的历史。
英语节目表演串词English TV Show Performances in a Word ChainIntroduction:English TV shows are a great way to improve language skills while being entertained. In this article, we will explore a variety of English TV show performances, focusing on their unique features and why they have captivated audiences worldwide.1. Comedy:Comedy shows, such as "Friends" and "The Office," have gained immense popularity for their hilarious performances. The actors' impeccable timing and witty dialogues keep viewers engaged and laughing throughout each episode. These shows often rely on observational humor and situational comedy to create memorable moments.2. Drama:Dramatic performances, like those seen in "Breaking Bad" and "Game of Thrones," have left audiences on the edge of their seats. The intense acting, gripping storylines, and unexpected plot twists make for captivating viewing experiences. Theseshows often explore complex themes and showcase actors' abilities to convey a wide range of emotions.3. Action:Action-packed shows, such as "Stranger Things" and "The Walking Dead," offer thrilling performances that keep viewers hooked. The adrenaline-inducing sequences, impressive special effects, and dynamic characters make for an exhilarating watch. These shows often feature intense fight scenes, suspenseful chases, and high-stakes situations.4. Mystery:Mystery shows, like "Sherlock" and "True Detective," provide captivating performances that keep viewers guessing until the very end. The intricate plotting, clever clues, and brilliant detective work by the characters make for a suspenseful experience. These shows often feature complex puzzles, hidden secrets, and intense investigations.5. Sci-Fi:Sci-fi shows, such as "Black Mirror" and "Stranger Things," offer mind-bending performances that push the boundaries of imagination. The futuristic settings, thought-provokingconcepts, and stunning visual effects create a unique viewing experience. These shows often explore themes like advanced technology, alternate realities, and the impact of scientific advancements on society.6. Fantasy:Fantasy shows, like "Game of Thrones" and "The Witcher," transport viewers to magical worlds filled with mythical creatures and epic battles. The elaborate costumes, intricate set designs, and fantastical storylines make for a visually stunning performance. These shows often delve into themes of power, honor, and the struggle between good and evil.7. Reality TV:Reality TV shows, such as "Survivor" and "The Voice," offer unscripted performances that showcase real people in various challenges and competitions. The raw emotions, intense rivalries, and unexpected twists make for compelling viewing. These shows often feature a diverse cast of characters and provide insights into human behavior and personal growth.8. Animation:Animated shows, like "The Simpsons" and "Rick and Morty,"provide performances that appeal to audiences of all ages. The vibrant visuals, witty humor, and imaginative storytelling create an immersive experience. These shows often tackle a wide range of topics and can be enjoyed by both children and adults.Conclusion:English TV show performances come in various genres and offer unique experiences for viewers. Whether it's the laughter-inducing comedy, the heart-pounding drama, or the mind-bending sci-fi, there is something for everyone. So next time you want to practice your English skills, consider watching a captivating TV show and immerse yourself in the world of English language entertainment.。
英语展示串词以下是一些英语展示串词,可用于各种场合,如学校演讲、商业展示等:1."Hello everyone, I'm [Your Name] and I'm here today to talk about [Topic]. I'll be discussing [Main Point 1], [Main Point 2], and [Main Point 3]. First, let's start with [Starting Statement]."2."As we all know, [Topic] is a very important issue today. I'm here to share my thoughts and ideas on how we can [Solution]. So, let's get started."3."Today, I'm going to talk about [topic]. This is an issue that concerns us all, and I believe that by understanding [Main Point 4], we can all make a difference."4."Good afternoon, everyone. I'm [your name], and I'm excited to share my knowledge on [topic]."5."Ladies and Gentlemen, I stand here today to speak abouta subject that is close to my heart - [topic]. It's something that we all interact with on a daily basis."6."Hello everyone, I'm [Your Name] and I'm here to present my research on [Topic]. I'll be discussing my findings on [Main Point 1], [Main Point 2], and [Main Point 3]."7."As we stand on this platform, I feel compelled to speakabout an issue that is close to my soul - [Topic]. It's something that affects us all, and it's time for us to stand up and be heard."8."Good morning, everyone. I'm [Your Name], and I'm here today to talk about [Topic]. This is a subject that is close to my heart, and I hope that by the end of my talk, you will understand why it matters to us all."9."I stand before you today to talk about [Topic], a subject that I am passionate about. I believe that by understanding [Main Point 1], we can all make a positive change in our world."10."Hello everyone, I'm [Your Name]. I'm thrilled to be here today to share my expertise on [Topic]. I'll be discussing [Main Point 1], [Main Point 2], and [Main Point 3], and I hope that by the end of my talk, you will have gained a new perspective on [Topic]."。
以下是英语活动主持人串词的一些技巧和范例:1. 开场白Good morning/afternoon/evening, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to today's event. It's such a pleasure to see so many enthusiastic participants here today. My name is [name], and I will be your host for this event.大家早上/下午/晚上好,女士们先生们。
2. 活动介绍Before we get started, let me give you a brief introduction of today's event. Our theme today is [theme], and we have a wide range of activities planned for you. We will start with [activity], followed by [activity], and we will conclude with [activity]. We hope you will enjoy these activities and have a great time.在我们开始之前,让我简单介绍一下今天的活动。
英语主持人串词【篇一:英语主持词】英语演讲主持词t: togetherm: male hostf: female hostt: good afternoon, dear teachers and friends, welcome to the english speech contest of xiguan primary school. this is a season of crisp autumn. we would like to spend this wonderful time together!(尊敬的老师,亲爱的同学们,下午好!欢迎大家参加西关小学英语朗读比赛,这是一个秋高气爽的季节,愿我们共同度过这一美好的时刻!)f: hello! my name is gou mengjiao, i am honored to the host of today’s english speech contest. please actively participatein .thanks!(我叫苟梦娇,很荣幸成为今天英语朗读比赛的主持人!请大家积极参与,谢谢大家!)m: hi! my name is xu chenghan. i am glad very mach with everyone through this wonderful moment.(我是徐成涵,很高兴和大家一起度过这一美好时刻!)f: now, i have the great privilege of presenting today’s judges for this english speech contest. they aremr.zhao, english teacher.miss.fu ,english teacher.miss.li,english teacher.miss.ding, english teacher.miss.nan, english teacher.miss.fen, english teacher.miss.li, math teacher.miss.lu, math teacher.miss.ma, math teacher.miss.zhao, english teacher.miss.lu, english teacher.please welcome them with warmly applause!(鼓掌!)m:现在,让我隆重介绍本次演讲比赛的评委,他们是赵老师、伏老师、李老师、丁老师、南老师、冯老师、李老师、卢老师、马老师、赵老师、卢老师。
我们演英语,演出属于我们自己的STiLE. welcometoourEnglishFestival.welcometoHuayingSchoolLearnEnglish()SpeakEnglish()EnjoyEnglish()LoveEnglish()welikeEnglish.首先,有请郭校长为英语周致辞。
mr.Guo.welcome.1.英语童谣来到我们的学校,更融入了我们的生活,请欣赏一年级为我们带来的英语童谣表演numberSongs.2no.2isfromGrade4.TheFunnywords.3.白雪公主和七个小矮人的故事,你一定听说过吧,请欣赏英语剧Snowwhite,fromGrade5.4,no.4isfromgrade2,.请欣赏二年级带来的儿歌表演areyousleeping? 5.同学们,你们喜欢喜羊羊吗?请欣赏六年级带来的英语剧表演Thesheepandthewolf.6.伟大的航海家哥伦布发现了新大陆,同学们。
英语主持串词【篇一:2016英语晚会主持词】2016年5月25日英语晚会主持词p:thank you for your wonderful performance . please givethem your loud applause .a:谢谢!谢谢同学们精彩的表演。
让我们以热烈的掌声感谢他们!p:ladies and gentleman , boys and girls , good evening ! welcome to our english party .i’m the host , peter .a:i’m athena .p:we are happy to gather here and hold an english party . it’s our great honor, isn’t it ?a:我们很高兴能欢聚一堂举办这次英语晚会,这是我们无上的荣幸,不是吗?p: first of all , please allow me to introduce the distinguished leaders ,judges and guests in the evening party .a:首先,请允许我介绍一下参与这次晚会的领导、评委和嘉宾朋友们。
p:they are ....a:他们是........p:let’s give our warmly welcome .a:让我们再次以热烈的掌声欢迎他们的到来!peter, do you still remember your first day at school ?p:yes, of course . everyone may have some unforgettable experience in school life .let’s enjoy english drama peter’s first day at school . performer: class6. clap your hands for their performance .a:接下来请欣赏英语短剧:peter’s first day at school 表演者:七(6)班掌声有请!a:boys and girls , are you happy tonight ? do you want to playa game ? clap your hands for miss qian.(let’s hug 钱婷)p: when you read , you begin with?a: abcp: when you sing, you begin with ?a: do re mip:let’s enjoy english mini musical drama : do re mi performers: class7a:下面请欣赏英语音乐剧,表演单位:七(7)班,掌声有请!p:thanks for their performance. it’s wonderful ,isn’t it ? there are many choices in life . are youregretful for your choice ? let’s enjoy poetry reading : the road not taken .performers:class 8a:生活中我们总是面临很多选择,那么你对未选择的路遗憾过吗?下面请欣赏诗朗诵:the road not taken 表演单位:七(八)班p:clap your hands for miss zhou. she will bring us a surprise . (you do, i guess 周利平)a:peter, look, there are many animals in our party.p:yes, they are really very lovely . let’s invite them to join our party . clap your hands for crazy animals . performers : class 1 a:下面请欣赏情景剧:crazy animals ,表演单位七(1)班,掌声有请!a:are you proud of yourself ? we are proud of you . let’s enjoy chorus:proud of you . performers:class 14 . 掌声有请七(14)班同学们为我们带来小合唱proud of you .p: everyone is so great ! it’s time for a break . let’s play a game : simon says . clap your hands for miss xu .(simon says 徐瑾)a:wherever you go,whatever you do, i’m right here waiting for you .let’s enjoy dancing: right here wai ting for you . 无论你在何地,无论你做何事,我一直在这儿等你,下面请欣赏right here waiting for you performers: class 7/9/16 表演单位:7/9/16班p:wolf is coming is an educational and well-known story in china . maybe you know this story, but you never see the story performed by our students .a:狼来了是一个家喻户晓富有教育意义的故事,也许大家都知道这个故事,但你们从来没有看过我们同学们自己演的故事吧!p: clap your hands for class 2 . wolf is coming .a:掌声有请七(2)班的同学们为我们带来英语故事:狼来了!p:wonderful performance! thank you . clap your hands for miss huang .blow out the candles. (黄志芬)p:childhood is like a chocolate, the sweet taste is always in our memory .let’s enjoy singing and dancing :childhood . performers :class13a:童年像一块巧克力,它的甜永远留在我们记忆中。
英文歌曲表演串词【篇一:英语晚会串词】( a:四年级男生 b:四年级女生 c:五年级男生 d:五年级女生)a, b, c, d: good evening ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls! a, b, c, d:尊敬的领导、老师们,亲爱的同学们,晚上好!c: a warm welcome to you all to the english show. tonight, grade five pupils will show their wonderful english pronunciation and intonation. and grade 4 pupils will also act out some interesting english plays.d: 欢迎各位来到我们小学高段的英语晚会。
a: we’re honored to have our guests. they are principal mr li, and miss ye, ________ b: 我们很荣幸请来了今晚的嘉宾: 李建明校长,校长助理叶和丽, 刘文娟主任,周英副主任_____________(主持人带头鼓掌)a: and our dear judges. they areb: 还有尊敬的评委老师们, 他们是2.c: (d的英文名字), do you know earth day?d: yes. its on april 22nd. it reminds everyone that we should protect and help save theearth.c: youre right. lets welcome the boys and the girls from class 3 and 6 grade 4 to tellus how to save the earthd:我们的地球正面临危机,如何保护地球呢?下面四年级3班和6班的同学将为大家带来课本剧《保护地球》,请欣赏。
幼儿英语节目串词(二)song:>T:great!boysandgirls!see,allyourparentsarearo undyou,Let’ssayhellotothem,ok?c:ok!T:hello,daddy!(mummy,grandp a,grandma)c:hello,daddy!(mummy,grandpa,grandma)T:my babies,areyouhappy?c:Yes,I’mhappy!T:Let’sdoachant,ok?幼儿英语节目串词(三)毛:这一切都要感谢我们的父母。
镇:请欣赏由Followme3A班带来的这首欢快的歌曲——《bythebeach》篇二:幼儿园文艺汇演托小中大班中英文串词托班串词20XX年6月1、《herewego》女1:welcomeeverybody!男1:Todayweholdabigeventtogiveourstudentsthechancetosho wyourselves.女2:ourToddlerswillbesinginganddancing–男2:wehopeyouwillenjoyit.Let`sbegin!女1:亲爱的弟弟妹妹,男1:亲爱的爸爸妈妈,女2:爷爷奶奶,你们好!(鞠躬)女1:六月的阳光红红的,男1:六月的鲜花艳艳的,女2:六月的歌声甜甜的,男2:六月的欢笑美美的。
英语晚会主持词开场⽩英语晚会主持词开场⽩【篇⼀:中英⽂晚会主持词】开场⽩:单:dear leaders ,teachers ,colleagues ,good morning!亲爱的领导,⽼师,同事们,早上好!单:time flies ,the youth are bloom here.时光荏苒,青春在这⾥绽放。
单:as time goes by ,our dream are still bright.岁⽉更迭,梦想依旧灿烂。
单:the situation now is full of beauties ,sweet and passion.此情此景是美好的,是温馨的,是充满激情的。
合:we get together.let’s enjoy the fun .我们相聚在这⾥,让响彻云霄的快乐在这⾥汇成为欢乐的海洋。
单:we are very honored to host this party, our colleagues prepared some splendid programs. 我们⾮常荣幸,组织了这场汇报演出,我们的同事精⼼准备了⼀些极好的节⽬。
单:everybody, are you ready?and then,let the party begin.⼤家做好准备了吗?让我们开始演出吧。
视频:《贸⼤⽣活》单:how time flies ,we have finished the three-month study,all precious moments will beremembered forever,now, let’s go for the vcr to searc h for the valuable memeries. 眨眼间,三个⽉的学习⽣活已结束,所有的瞬间都在此刻定格,于是便有了我们独有的回忆,下⾯就让我们在vcr中去回味,感悟最美好的曾经。
单:give more thanks to gongxiannan and zhaoxingmin.after the vcr,we will show our strongconfidence.let’s invite dongguoqing declain a poetryi thin k i can再次感谢巩向楠和赵兴民,接下来我们将呐喊出⼼中最强的信⼼,下⾯有请董国庆带来的诗朗诵《i think i can》单:have you ever seen our study achivements?please allow us to continue our learningshow.next, we will watch a scene play.⼤家是否看到了我们的学习成果了呢?让我们继续我们的学习秀吧。
【篇二:英语活动主持词-中英】英语组活动主持稿男(毛):distinguished leaders女(张):尊敬的各位领导男: dear teachers and students女:亲爱的老师们、同学们合: good afternoon毛:today we are very happy that we will hold the third 〝happy english game competition〞 of tianxing hemingway school. welcome to the competition. and we are honored to be today’s english party host and hostess. i’m the host mark.张:i’m hostess lulu男:i’m host .女:i’m hostess .毛:before our activity, let’s warmly welcome miss xue make a speech. 张:欢迎薛老师致辞。
男:to improve students’ english ability and their enthusiasm for english is the final purpose of this competition. we hope that students can enjoy learning english and teamwork in the games. the slogan of this competition is learning english with happiness, finding the distance in competition.女:本次竞赛活动旨在通过一系列的英语游戏竞赛,使学生在欢声笑语中体验英语的乐趣以及团队作战的默契,从而激发同学们的热情和动力,起到提高全校学生英语素质的作用。
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集团标准化工作小组 #Q8QGGQT-GX8G08Q8-GNQGJ8-MHHGN#
杨:Good morning , ladies and gentlmen .
郑:Good morning , my teachers and friends.
杨:I’’m David , I’m in Class 4,Grade 5.
郑:I’m Anna , I’m in Class 5, Grade 4.
杨:Learn English .Speak English. Enjoy English. Love English. We all like English.
郑:Welco me to our English Festival .
杨:Welcome to Zhong Shanlu School
郑:First, let’s get to know the guests.
1.中山路小学校长致辞 (10 mins)
郑: Let’s welcome Pricipal Mr Chen.
2.欧文英语校长致辞(10 mins)
郑:Thank you, Mr. Chen.
杨: Le t’s welcome the principal Ms. Xu, from Owen Englsih.
杨:the Sighing ceremony.
4.外籍老师代表致辞 (5 mins) 装扮成圣诞老人,发糖
杨:Look,who’s coming
郑:Santa Clause is coming.
5.学生代表致辞(5 mins)
杨: How happy we are to have such a foreign English teacher class in our school! 郑:在学校就可以有高质的外籍老师英语课,我们是多么高兴啊!
Let’s welcome William from Class 5, Grade 4.
杨: 有请来自四年级五班的张茂桥同学发言。
四年级:On, in under. Apple song. (歌曲表演唱)
郑:David,do yo like singing English songs
杨: Yes, yes.
郑:Let’s enjoy the English songs from Grade 4. On, in under. Apple song.
杨: 请欣赏四年级歌曲表演。
On, in under. Apple song.
三年级:A story telling (3 mins) 王佳琦
郑:I like the story, The Three pigs. Do you like it
杨: Yes, yes.
郑:Let’s enjoy a story telling the three pigs.
杨: 请欣赏三年级的英语讲故事。
郑:Hello, Ben.
六年级:I saw the wind (诗歌朗诵)
郑:I saw the wind.
杨: Nor you or I.
郑:but when the leaves are falling.
杨: I know the wind is passing by.
郑:请欣赏六年级诗歌朗诵:I saw the wind.
一年级二年级:: what’s your name Head, shoulders, knees and toes.(歌曲表演唱) How are you ABC song. (歌曲表演唱)
郑:English songs and chants help us learn English.
杨: Let’s welcome the little children from Grade 1 and 2. they will sing for us.
郑:有请一二年级的弟弟妹妹们带来的歌曲表演唱what’s your name Head, shoulders, knees and toes. How are you ABC song.
Ending :
I believe , I can do .
Thank you , my teachers .
Thank you , my friends .
Merry Christmas and happy new year.。