主持节目单及传串词 英语

主持节目单及传串词英语以下是一份主持节目单及传串词的英文版本:[Title: "Welcome to the Show"][Opening remarks]Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to our show! Tonight, we have a lineup of exciting performances that are sure to entertain and inspire. Thank you for joining us as we celebrate the best of [insert genre or theme of the show].[Introduction of first act]Our first act is a [describe the act, including their style, music, or theme]. Please join me in giving them a warm welcome.[Transition between acts][Insert a short, humorous anecdote or observation about the previous act. Then segue into the next act.][Closing remarks]Thank you all for joining us tonight. We hope you enjoyed the show. Remember, this is just the beginning. We have more exciting events coming up soon. Stay tuned and don't miss out on the fun! Goodnight, everyone!请注意,这只是一个示例,您可以根据具体的节目单和传串词进行修改和调整。


英语表演主持词Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, a warm welcome to all of you gathered here tonight. We have an exciting evening ahead filled with talent and entertainment. Without further ado, let's kick off this wonderful event.Our first performer tonight is a young and incredibly talented singer who has been making waves in the music industry. She will be gracing us with her powerful vocals and mesmerizing stage presence. So, put your hands together for an unforgettable performance by our very own rising star!Next up, we have a dynamic duo of dancers who are ready to take the stage by storm. With their flawless synchronization and breathtaking dance moves, get ready to be amazed by their performance. This performance promises to be an exhilarating sensory experience that will leave you wanting more.Now, it's time to shift gears a bit with a heartwarming poetry recitation. Our next performer will captivate your hearts with beautifully chosen words and emotions. Get ready to be transported into another world as this talented poet takes us on a journey through his words.As the evening unfolds, we have a special treat for all the comedy enthusiasts in the audience. Our next performer is known for his sharp wit and hilarious observations. Brace yourselves for a night filled with laughter as he serves up a dose of belly-aching humor! Moving on, we have a mesmerizing display of acrobatics that willleave you on the edge of your seats. Watch in awe as our performers flawlessly execute gravity-defying stunts and jaw-dropping maneuvers. This act promises to be a true spectacle that will leave everyone awestruck.Last but not least, we have a live band ready to rock the stage and fill the air with electrifying energy. With their infectious beats and soulful melodies, get ready to dance the night away. This performance will surely have you up on your feet and grooving to the music.So, ladies and gentlemen, sit back, relax, and enjoy an evening filled with extraordinary talent and unforgettable moments. Let the show begin!。

a:dumplingisatraditionalchinesefood,fullofdelicioustasteand ancientintelligenceb:饺子是中国一大传统美食,深深蕴藏着鲜香美味与古人的智慧。
a:tonight,it'sourhonourtogathertogetherandenjoytheentert ainmentofmakingdumplingsandsharingculturesb:今晚,让我们欢聚一堂,共同分享包饺子的乐趣,共同体验多文化的魅力!a:nothingmoretosay,justlet'sstartourfantasticjourneyofdum plings!b:别的也不再多说,就让我们现在开始我们的“饺子之旅”!a:ready?go!showtime演出阶段a:aftersuchabusyandhappytime,let'sjustberelaxedandenjoyexcelle ntperformancenow,it'stheshowtime!b:结束了忙碌充实的动手时光,现在让我们都来放松心情,一起欣赏来自中外的精彩表演!a:first,let'senjoyanamazingkongfushowfromtheassociationo ftaijiquanb:下面让我们来欣赏来自太极拳协会的武术和太极表演。
a:terrific!chinseskongfuisfullofmagic,haveyoubeenexcitedby that?oknow,let'senjoyaclassicalmusic,aerhurecitalfromzhangyib:中华武术博大精深,是不是已经震惊在座了呢?那好,现在我们来欣赏一曲中国传统艺术,来自张怡的二胡独奏,大家欢迎。

英语演讲主持串词篇一:英语演讲串词最终版A:(比赛前,主持人在幕后提醒:My friends this competition isbeginning,please switch off your cell phones,thanks for your cooperationB:亲爱的观众朋友们,比赛即将开始,为了保证比赛的顺利进行,请您将您的手机处于关闭状态,谢谢合作!)A: Good evening, distinguished guests, dear teachers and fellowstudentsB:尊敬的各位来宾,亲爱的老师们,同学们,大家晚上好A:Welcome to the English Speech Competition. of Computer College in China West Normal UniversityB:欢迎来到西华师范大学计算机学院英语演讲比赛现场A:I am **B;I’m**A:We are glad to stand here to host the feast.B:我们很高兴能在这里为大家主持这场盛宴A:So, today, a very exciting day, it is the last stage of this year’s competition. You know, during the past few weeks the competition has undergone a fierce selection throughout the college. the con’testants tonight are here to prove to us, they are the best English speakers among our college.B:,今天,一个非常令人兴奋的一天,这是本次英语演讲的决赛。

英语演讲比赛主持人话语英语演讲比赛主持人话语篇一:英语演讲比赛主持人开场白英语演讲比赛主持人开场白﹑结束语A: Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen !welcome to the 2010-2011 “jianianhua” English speaking contest. Weare very happy to gather here hold an English afternoonparty. I am happy to stand here and have thisopportunity to share something with you guys.B: 尊敬的各位领导,各位来宾,亲爱的同学们,大家中午好(合)!欢迎来到2010—2011年英语“嘉年华”演讲比赛的现场。
比赛即将开始,为了保证比赛的顺利进行,请您将您的手机处于关闭状态,谢谢合作!A: first of all ,let me introduce our distinguished guestsafternoon today .Mr. …(and so on)B: 首先,让我来给大家介绍一下今天来的评委及其嘉宾。
姓名…………让我们再次以热烈的掌声欢迎各位领导的到来!A: welcome.A: there are all together 100 contestants to compete intoday’s English speaking contest.B: 今天有100位优秀的同学参加这次英语演讲比赛。
A: now let me introduce the rules of this competition.There is 2 parts in today’s competition.1 is stpreparedSpeech, you will introduce yourself. And each of contests has 2 minutes to present prepared speech. B: 现在我给大家介绍一下比赛规则。

Part1:opening speechGood morning, Ladies and Gentlemen, It is a great pleasure for me to welcome you to today’s International conference. I am zhu xuefu from DLUT , China, and I am going to be the host for this morning’s session.Today, our discussion topic is about Protection of the Environment. The goals of this Conference are twofold. First, it should provide a forum for the exchange of information between participants in this interdisciplinary meeting. Second, it should stimulate the interest and ambition of participants from all over the world to cooperate in their efforts to call for all people to protect our environment. First ,let's clap our hands and welcome the chairman of the conference fujie,who comes from school of physical and optelectronic engineering of DUT,China,to have an opening speech!OK,that’s all about the chairman ‘s introduction ,now,let’s go on the next stage of the conference ,which is about making an oral presentation about Protection of the environment.Part2:speaker,quesitionThe first paper this morning will be presented by Lishaohui, postgraduate of Institude of Chemical Technology at DUT ,China,and his topic is Chemical Methods to Solve the Environmental Problems.Now let’s welcome Mr.li to give us the speech with warm round applause.Ok,that is about MrLi’s speech ,it is really very excellent,his speech is mainly about how to resolve polluted problem,there are two ways in Chemical methods :one is from the source of energy,the other is govern the contaminated environment.Now, I think we have just a few minutes for any questions that anyone might have. Who would like to lead off? Okay, we have one. Go ahead.That is a really good question ,Mr Li,would you like to give an answer towards this question? Sorry, the schedule is very [rather] tight. We haven’t any time for discussion, so we must go on to the next paper.The next paper will be presented by Hanzengxi, postgraduate of Computer scicence and Technology of DUT ,China, and his topic is Roots and Shoots. Now let’s welcome Mr.Han to give us the speech with our warm round of applause.Ok,that is about MrLi’s speech ,his speech is mainly about an organization about called Root and Shoots: Roots and shoots is an environmental group. More and more people came to focus on the organization and took part in the Roots and Shoots club . Now, I think we have just a few minutes for any questions that anyone might have. Who would like to lead off? Okay, we have one. Go ahead.:would you like to comment on that?Part3:Okay, well, as time is limited . I am sorry to say that this session will have to stop here.Now ,let’s welcome the chairman ,Miss Fu to give us a Closing speech.•。


英语课串词篇一:英语活动主持词英语狂欢会主持词T:togetherT:Goodafternoon,dearteachersandfriends,welcometotheEnglishcrazyparty ofXingguoPrimarySchool.Thisisaseasonofcoldwinter.wewouldliketospen dthiswonderfultimetogether!iamthehostmissXue.(尊敬的老师,亲爱的同学们,下午好!欢迎大家参加兴国小学英语狂欢会,在寒冷的冬天,我们却满怀热情,愿我们共同度过这一美好的时刻!)Hello!mynameis--------,iamhonoredtothehostoftoday’sEnglishparty.Pleaseactivelyparticipatein.Thankyouverymuch!(我是主持人薛老师,很荣幸成为今天英语朗读比赛的主持人!请大家积极参与,谢谢大家!)Hi!mynameismisszhou.iamgladverymuchwitheveryonethroughthiswonde rfulmoment.(我是周老师,很高兴和大家一起度过这一美好时刻!)now,ihavethegreatprivilegeofpresentingtoday’sjudgesforthis.Theyare mr.Gu,directorandEnglishteacher.miss.Yang,teamleaderandEnglishteacher.miss.zhang,Englishteacher.miss.Li,Englishteacher.miss.Yang,Englishteacher.miss.Liu,Englishteacher. Pleasewelcomethemwithwarmlyapplause!(鼓掌!)现在,让我隆重介绍本次狂欢会的裁判员老师,他们依次是顾老师、杨老师、李老师、杨老师、刘老师、让我们用热烈的掌声欢迎他们!) now,wewouldliketoinvitemissyangintroducetherulesforthispartyanddeclar etheopeningoftheEnglishparty,welcome!现在,我们邀请赵老师介绍比赛规则并宣布英语狂欢会正式开始,大家欢迎!Thankyouforyourspeech.Thispartyisagoodopportunitytodisplayoursuccess fulteachingandtoshowallyourself.So,ihopethateveryonewillenjoythisexciti ngpartyandbenefitfromit.谢谢missyang!这次大会是我们英语教学成果的一次展示和对英语学习兴趣激发的一次好机会。

英语主持人开场白英语主持人开场白英语主持人是非常考验口语水平的,下面就是小编为您收集整理的英语主持人开场白的相关文章,希望可以帮到您,如果你觉得不错的话可以分享给更多小伙伴哦!篇一:英语演讲比赛主持人串词Good evening, my dear teachers and schoolmates (或classmates,视参赛人群而定), nice to see you here!!( nice to see you here要重读.)This is the English Speaking Contest of our grade, and thank you for coming today!welcome to the 14th) please allow me to introduce myself, your host for today. I’m Sammy from Cla6, Grade 2005.(译文:女士们,先生们,大家晚上好!欢迎来到05级英语演讲比赛的现常首先,请允许我来个自我介绍。
)There are all together 26 contestants to compete in today’s English Speaking Competition, all from Grade 2005. And this competition will be mediated by a panel of five judges. Also on the panel are “question masters” who will be responsible for raising questions of today’s contestants. Now, I have the great privilege of presenting today’s judges.(译文:角逐今晚比赛的有26名选手,他们均来自外院05级的同学。

英语主持人串词【篇一:英语主持词】英语演讲主持词t: togetherm: male hostf: female hostt: good afternoon, dear teachers and friends, welcome to the english speech contest of xiguan primary school. this is a season of crisp autumn. we would like to spend this wonderful time together!(尊敬的老师,亲爱的同学们,下午好!欢迎大家参加西关小学英语朗读比赛,这是一个秋高气爽的季节,愿我们共同度过这一美好的时刻!)f: hello! my name is gou mengjiao, i am honored to the host of today’s english speech contest. please actively participatein .thanks!(我叫苟梦娇,很荣幸成为今天英语朗读比赛的主持人!请大家积极参与,谢谢大家!)m: hi! my name is xu chenghan. i am glad very mach with everyone through this wonderful moment.(我是徐成涵,很高兴和大家一起度过这一美好时刻!)f: now, i have the great privilege of presenting today’s judges for this english speech contest. they aremr.zhao, english teacher.miss.fu ,english teacher.miss.li,english teacher.miss.ding, english teacher.miss.nan, english teacher.miss.fen, english teacher.miss.li, math teacher.miss.lu, math teacher.miss.ma, math teacher.miss.zhao, english teacher.miss.lu, english teacher.please welcome them with warmly applause!(鼓掌!)m:现在,让我隆重介绍本次演讲比赛的评委,他们是赵老师、伏老师、李老师、丁老师、南老师、冯老师、李老师、卢老师、马老师、赵老师、卢老师。

英文主持词篇一:英语串词开场:Goodmorning ,ladies andgentlmen .Goodmorning ,myteachersand friends.老师们,同学们,大家好I’’m Kelly , I’m inClass 3,Grade5.I’m Bobo , I’minClass6, Grade2.我们听英语,听出不一样的快乐,我们说英语,说出多彩校园生活,。
我们演英语,演出属于我们自己的STILE.Welcometo ourEnglishFestival .WelcometoHuaying SchoolLearn English ( ) SpeakEnglish ()EnjoyEnglish( ) Love English ( )We likeEnglish .首先,有请郭校长为英语周致辞。
Mr.Guo . Welcome .1.英语童谣来到我们的,更融入了我们的生活,请欣赏为我们带来的英语童谣表演 NumberSongs.2 No. 2isfromGrade 4.The Funny words .3. 白雪公主和七个小矮人的故事,你一定听说过吧,请欣赏英语剧SnowWhite,from Grade5 .4, No. 4 isfrom grade2,.请欣赏带来的儿歌表演A reyou sleeping5.同学们,你们喜欢喜羊羊吗?请欣赏六年级带来的英语剧表演The sheep and the wolf .6.伟大的航海家哥伦布发现了新大陆,同学们。
让我们随着音乐和哥伦布穿越大海,一起远航,请欣赏英语剧表演 Iamsailing .我们读英语,读遍世界的每个角落我们唱英语,唱出身边真善美的歌。
同学们,让我们喊出我们的口号Ibelieve , Icando .Thankyou , myteachers .Thank you , my friends .See you nextyear . Bye – bye .篇二:英语风采大赛中英文双语主持稿L: Good evening ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the 2022 Graduate English talent competitionheld by School of LawH: 尊敬的老师,亲爱的同学们,大家晚上好!欢迎来到2022年中南财经政法大学法学院研究生英语风采大赛的演出现场。

英语配音比赛全程英语主持人串词完整版全程台词一、开场白:A: Ladies and gentlemen. Good morning! Wele to our party today! Thank you for being here!B: 各位领导、老师、同学大家上午好!A:To show English variety, to enrich extracurricular activities,to improve English level, and to cultivate the prehensive abilities.B:展现英语风采,丰富课余生活,提高英语水平,培养综合能力。
A: You perform while I sing, our school life is colorful.B:你想我做,团结合作展现风采。
A: Let us deduce a life with the movie of colorful。
A:Undoubted,everyone is a movie lover.From English dubbing we can speak perfect English,get rid of dumb English and rebuild themselves.B: 毫无疑问,通过英语配音,我们能够说一句流利而标准的英语,从而真正意义上告别聋哑英语,重塑自我。
A:That's very interesting. And after five fierce preliminary contests in which Romantic love movies, Exciting action movies ,or documentaries calling our memory, and science fictions attracting our eyes,It bees very exciting.B:在经历了五院初赛层层选拔之后,在品味浪漫温馨的爱情喜剧,惊险刺激的动作片,唤醒记忆的纪录片和叹为观止的科幻片之后,让这场趣味盎然的英语配音大赛同时挑战十足。

主持人串词:(1) Good afternoon, my dear teachers and students ,亲爱的老师们,同学们大家下午好(2) Welcome to the English Speaking Contest of Yuying Experimental School in Shijiazhuang.欢迎大家来到我们石家庄育英实验中学英语演讲比赛的现场(3) There are all together________ contestants .今天的参赛者共有_________(4) As we all know, Speaking is a good way to learn English. Today we are here together to speak, to show, to learn. I hope we’ll make good use of this chance. 众所周知,“说”是学习英语的一个很好的方法。
(6)We are happy you will be here. And we hope you will enjoy yourselves. Thank you. 很高兴在这里看到大家,希望大家能度过一个愉快的下午(7) We are waiting for your wonderful performances, and we wish you good luck. 期待大家的精彩表现,祝大家好运。
(8)Now. The English Speaking Contest is begin! Let’s welcome the 1st contestant__________现在宣布我们的演讲比赛正式开始,有请第一位选手__________. (9)Thank you. Now let’s welcome the 2nd contestant_________(10)Now let’s welcome the 3rd contestant__________. .........And now let’s have a short breath and wait for the final results.(音乐)颁奖环节:(1)L and G, after our judges` discussion, the exciting moment is coming.First, I would like to announce the third prize winners:welcome to the stage and let`s to give the prize.(2)AND then the second prize winners are :welcome to the stage and let`s to give the prize.(3)L and G can you feel the most exciting moment, right now, what I am going to announce is the first prize winners:welcome to the stage and let`s to give the prize.(11) Till now, Our competition has to an end. look forward to the next year’s competitio n! Thanks to all guests , judges and all the contestants. Thank you for coming! Bye!…….至此,石家庄育英实验中学的演讲比赛接近尾声了,期待下一年的比赛,同学们可以再次一展风采。

用英语讲中国故事主持人串词Host: Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to "Telling China's Stories". Tonight, we will take you on a journey through the rich history and culture of China.Host: China has a long and fascinating history that stretches back over 5,000 years. From the Xia Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty, China has undergone many changes and has made significant contributions to the world.Host: One of the most famous stories from China's history is the legend of the Yellow Emperor. According to mythology, the Yellow Emperor was the first emperor of China and the creator of the Chinese civilization.Host: Another important figure in Chinese history is Confucius. Confucius was a philosopher and educator who founded Confucianism, one of the most influential philosophical and ethical systems in China.Host: China is also known for its many technological advances, such as the invention of gunpowder, paper-making, and the compass.Host: Another fascinating aspect of Chinese culture is its traditional arts, such as calligraphy, painting, and opera. These arts have a long history dating back thousands of years and are still popular today.Host: China has also made significant contributions to the field of science and medicine. Notable figures include Shen Nong, the father of Chinese medicine, and Zhang Heng, the inventor of the world's first seismograph.Host: All in all, China's rich history and culture have left an enduring legacy that continues to influence the world. Join us next time for another installment of "Telling China's Stories". Thank you for watching!。

英语主持串词【篇一:2016英语晚会主持词】2016年5月25日英语晚会主持词p:thank you for your wonderful performance . please givethem your loud applause .a:谢谢!谢谢同学们精彩的表演。
让我们以热烈的掌声感谢他们!p:ladies and gentleman , boys and girls , good evening ! welcome to our english party .i’m the host , peter .a:i’m athena .p:we are happy to gather here and hold an english party . it’s our great honor, isn’t it ?a:我们很高兴能欢聚一堂举办这次英语晚会,这是我们无上的荣幸,不是吗?p: first of all , please allow me to introduce the distinguished leaders ,judges and guests in the evening party .a:首先,请允许我介绍一下参与这次晚会的领导、评委和嘉宾朋友们。
p:they are ....a:他们是........p:let’s give our warmly welcome .a:让我们再次以热烈的掌声欢迎他们的到来!peter, do you still remember your first day at school ?p:yes, of course . everyone may have some unforgettable experience in school life .let’s enjoy english drama peter’s first day at school . performer: class6. clap your hands for their performance .a:接下来请欣赏英语短剧:peter’s first day at school 表演者:七(6)班掌声有请!a:boys and girls , are you happy tonight ? do you want to playa game ? clap your hands for miss qian.(let’s hug 钱婷)p: when you read , you begin with?a: abcp: when you sing, you begin with ?a: do re mip:let’s enjoy english mini musical drama : do re mi performers: class7a:下面请欣赏英语音乐剧,表演单位:七(7)班,掌声有请!p:thanks for their performance. it’s wonderful ,isn’t it ? there are many choices in life . are youregretful for your choice ? let’s enjoy poetry reading : the road not taken .performers:class 8a:生活中我们总是面临很多选择,那么你对未选择的路遗憾过吗?下面请欣赏诗朗诵:the road not taken 表演单位:七(八)班p:clap your hands for miss zhou. she will bring us a surprise . (you do, i guess 周利平)a:peter, look, there are many animals in our party.p:yes, they are really very lovely . let’s invite them to join our party . clap your hands for crazy animals . performers : class 1 a:下面请欣赏情景剧:crazy animals ,表演单位七(1)班,掌声有请!a:are you proud of yourself ? we are proud of you . let’s enjoy chorus:proud of you . performers:class 14 . 掌声有请七(14)班同学们为我们带来小合唱proud of you .p: everyone is so great ! it’s time for a break . let’s play a game : simon says . clap your hands for miss xu .(simon says 徐瑾)a:wherever you go,whatever you do, i’m right here waiting for you .let’s enjoy dancing: right here wai ting for you . 无论你在何地,无论你做何事,我一直在这儿等你,下面请欣赏right here waiting for you performers: class 7/9/16 表演单位:7/9/16班p:wolf is coming is an educational and well-known story in china . maybe you know this story, but you never see the story performed by our students .a:狼来了是一个家喻户晓富有教育意义的故事,也许大家都知道这个故事,但你们从来没有看过我们同学们自己演的故事吧!p: clap your hands for class 2 . wolf is coming .a:掌声有请七(2)班的同学们为我们带来英语故事:狼来了!p:wonderful performance! thank you . clap your hands for miss huang .blow out the candles. (黄志芬)p:childhood is like a chocolate, the sweet taste is always in our memory .let’s enjoy singing and dancing :childhood . performers :class13a:童年像一块巧克力,它的甜永远留在我们记忆中。

英语演讲主持人串词【篇一:英语演讲比赛主持人串词】中学生英语演讲比赛主持人用稿(串台词)good evening, my dear teachers and schoolmates (或classmates,视参赛人群而定), nice to see you here!!( nice to see you here要重读.)this is the english speaking contest of our grade, and thank you for coming. weve got 25 contestants. they come from different classes of grade two, and we can see their confidence and smile already, right? this is going to be an interesting and exciting competition!!firstly, lets warmly welcome our director yan to make remarks. (现在让我们以热烈的掌声欢迎颜主任给我们讲话)okay, well, id like to introduce you the judges of this contest, they are miss fu , miss chen, miss luo , miss he, miss liu, miss zeng. (挨个介绍评委.)now lets give you a brief account of grading method and scoring results: thereare 10 points in grading, and each judge gives grade based on the performancesof the contestants: including pronunciation, intonation, content, stage mannerand presentation. do away with a maximum score and a minimum mark(去掉一个最高分和最低分),the final score isthe averaged calculation of four figuressumming up.okay, since youve already known these, i think it time tobegin! so lets get started!! first lets welcome contestant number one!! hes ***, from class, his topic is___(介绍第一个选手的题目)以下是几个例子(供参考):1、now. lets warmly welcome contestant no.1xxx. her topic is “my school life” and contestant no.2 ,get ready ,please.now, judges show us contestant no.1’s points, please.?okay, now contestant no.1’s final score has comeout ,it’s?congratulations.2、lets warmly welcome contestant no.2 xxx .and contestant no.3 ,get ready ,please.and after all the contestants finish their speeches, our judges will have a short discussion about their marks standard.now, we are taking a break. and we’ll start again in 10 minutes. now, lets warmly welcome our director tang to draw a conclusion.after our judges’ discussion, now the result has come out.1.first, i would like to announce the winning prize winners. they are xxx xxx xxx xxx xxxnow, lets warmly welcome our director yan to give them awards.2、 first, i would like to announce the third prize winners:xxx xxx xxx xxx xxxnow,lets warmly welcome our director tang to give them awards.3、and then, the second prize winners:xxx xxx xxx xxx xxxnow,lets warmly welcome our director li to give them awards.4、my dear teachers and schoolmates, now it’s coming to the most exciting moment! right now, what i am going to announce is the first prize winners:now,lets warmly welcome our director zeng to give them awards.thanks for the contestants excellent performance, thanks for the judgessuitable and marvellous comments,thanks for the audiencespatient and attentive listening ,i hope all the contestants will get a good score,and everyone here could really enjoy todays wonderfulperformance .and ,i do hope that all the students here not only learn something from the speeches,but also,they learn to be brave andconfident,so next time,more and more students will stand on the stage to give us terrific speeches. at last thank you for giving me this chance to make a short speech,thank you all! so much for this evening’s english speech contest.good bye everyone! good night!谢谢今天选手的精彩表演,谢谢评委适当的、精彩的评论,谢谢观众们的耐心和认真的倾听。

英语晚会主持词开场⽩英语晚会主持词开场⽩【篇⼀:中英⽂晚会主持词】开场⽩:单:dear leaders ,teachers ,colleagues ,good morning!亲爱的领导,⽼师,同事们,早上好!单:time flies ,the youth are bloom here.时光荏苒,青春在这⾥绽放。
单:as time goes by ,our dream are still bright.岁⽉更迭,梦想依旧灿烂。
单:the situation now is full of beauties ,sweet and passion.此情此景是美好的,是温馨的,是充满激情的。
合:we get together.let’s enjoy the fun .我们相聚在这⾥,让响彻云霄的快乐在这⾥汇成为欢乐的海洋。
单:we are very honored to host this party, our colleagues prepared some splendid programs. 我们⾮常荣幸,组织了这场汇报演出,我们的同事精⼼准备了⼀些极好的节⽬。
单:everybody, are you ready?and then,let the party begin.⼤家做好准备了吗?让我们开始演出吧。
视频:《贸⼤⽣活》单:how time flies ,we have finished the three-month study,all precious moments will beremembered forever,now, let’s go for the vcr to searc h for the valuable memeries. 眨眼间,三个⽉的学习⽣活已结束,所有的瞬间都在此刻定格,于是便有了我们独有的回忆,下⾯就让我们在vcr中去回味,感悟最美好的曾经。
单:give more thanks to gongxiannan and zhaoxingmin.after the vcr,we will show our strongconfidence.let’s invite dongguoqing declain a poetryi thin k i can再次感谢巩向楠和赵兴民,接下来我们将呐喊出⼼中最强的信⼼,下⾯有请董国庆带来的诗朗诵《i think i can》单:have you ever seen our study achivements?please allow us to continue our learningshow.next, we will watch a scene play.⼤家是否看到了我们的学习成果了呢?让我们继续我们的学习秀吧。
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英语主持串词篇一:2016英语晚会主持词2016年5月25日英语晚会主持词P:Thankyouforyourwonderfulperformance.Pleasegivethemyourlou dapplause.A:谢谢!谢谢同学们精彩的表演。
让我们以热烈的掌声感谢他们!P:Ladiesandgentleman,boysandgirls,goodevening!WelcometoourE nglishparty.I’mthehost,Peter.A:I’mAthena.P:WearehappytogatherhereandholdanEnglishparty.It’sourgreathonor,isn’tit?A:我们很高兴能欢聚一堂举办这次英语晚会,这是我们无上的荣幸,不是吗?P:Firstofall,pleaseallowmetointroducethedistinguishedleader s,judgesandguestsintheeveningparty.A:首先,请允许我介绍一下参与这次晚会的领导、评委和嘉宾朋友们。
P:Theyare....A:他们是........P:Let’sgiveourwarmlywelcome.A:让我们再次以热烈的掌声欢迎他们的到来!Peter,doyoustillrememberyourfirstdayatschool?P:Yes,ofcourse.Everyonemayhavesomeunforgettableexperiencein schoollife.Let’senjoyEnglishdramaPeter’sFirstDayatSchool.Performer:Class6.Clapyourhandsfortheirper formance.A:接下来请欣赏英语短剧:Peter’sFirstDayatSchool表演者:七(6)班掌声有请!A:Boysandgirls,areyouhappytonight?Doyouwanttoplayagame?Clap yourhandsforMissQian.(Let’shug钱婷)P:Whenyouread,youbeginwith?A:ABCP:Whenyousing,youbeginwith?A:DoReMiP:Let’senjoyEnglishMiniMusicalDrama:DoReMiPerformers:Class7A:下面请欣赏英语音乐剧,表演单位:七(7)班,掌声有请! P:Thanksfortheirperformance.It’swonderful,isn’tit?Therearemanychoicesinlife.Areyouregretfulforyourchoice?Let’senjoypoetryreading:TheRoadNotTaken.Performers:Class8A:生活中我们总是面临很多选择,那么你对未选择的路遗憾过吗?下面请欣赏诗朗诵:TheRoadNotTaken表演单位:七(八)班P:ClapyourhandsforMissZhou.Shewillbringusasurprise.A:Whereveryougo,whateveryoudo,I’mrightherewaitingforyou.Let’senjoydancing:RightHereWaitingforyou.无论你在何地,无论你做何事,我一直在这儿等你,下面请欣赏rightherewaitingforyouperformers:Class7/9/16表演单位:7/9/16班P:WolfisComingisaneducationalandwell-knownstoryinChina.Mayb eyouknowthisstory,butyouneverseethestoryperformedbyourstudents.A:狼来了是一个家喻户晓富有教育意义的故事,也许大家都知道这个故事,但你们从来没有看过我们同学们自己演的故事吧!P:ClapyourhandsforClass2.Wolfiscoming.A:掌声有请七(2)班的同学们为我们带来英语故事:狼来了!P:Wonderfulperformance!Thankyou.ClapyourhandsforMissHuang.B lowoutthecandles.A:Wehaveseenthewonderfulshowofthestudents.Whatabouttheteach ers?我们已经看了学生们的精彩展演,那么老师呢?P:Wearegladtoinvitetheleaders,judgesandteacherstojointhegam e:CatchtheChair.A:我们很高兴邀请现场的领导,老师,评委参加抢凳子游戏,掌声有请!(王荣丽)P:MonkeyHitLadyWhiteiswell-knowntoallofus.MonkeyKingissmart andbrave.AndLadyWhiteischangeableandgoodatmakingbadblood.A:三打白骨精是西游记中家喻户晓的精彩故事,孙悟空聪明勇敢,嫉恶如仇,白骨精善变,还特别擅长挑拨离间?P:AreyoulookingforwardtheEnglishdramaMonkeyHitLadyWhite?Let’sgiveourwarmlywelcometotheperformersfromClass11.A:有没有很期待英语话剧《三打白骨精》?让我们以热烈的掌声欢迎11班的同学们给我们带来精彩的表演,掌声有请!P:Thankyou.Becauseofyou,weenjoythisnicenight.Let’senjoyjazze.Performers:Class2A:Oh,wonderfulperformance!Welc omeMissLintoorganizeasingingcompetition.Welcome!A,B,C,D:Goodeveningladiesandgentlemen,boysandgirls!A,B,C,D:尊敬的领导、老师们,亲爱的同学们,晚上好!C:AwarmwelcometoyoualltotheEnglishShow.Tonight,GradeFivepup ilswillshowtheirwonderfulEnglishpronunciationandintonation. AndGrade4pupilswillalsoactoutsomeinterestingEnglishplays. D:欢迎各位来到我们小学高段的英语晚会。
A:We’rehonoredtohaveourguests.TheyarePrincipalMrLi,andMissYe,___ _____B:我们很荣幸请来了今晚的嘉宾:李建明校长,校长助理叶和丽,刘文娟主任,周英副主任_____________,doyouknowEarthDay?D:Yes.It'sonApril22nd.Itremindseveryonethatweshouldprotecta ndhelpsavetheEarth.C:You'reright.Let'swelcometheboysandthegirlsfromClass3and6G rade4totellushowtosavetheEarthD:我们的地球正面临危机,如何保护地球呢?下面四年级3班和6班的同学将为大家带来课本剧《保护地球》,请欣赏。
3.A:ThanksforClass3and6.Areyouscaredofmonsters?B:Yes,monstersareusuallyhorrible.A:Butsometimeshumanbeingsaremorehorriblethanmonsters.Why?Le t'swatch.B:谢谢四三和四六班的精彩演出!在这我也呼吁大家要保护地球!现在我们人类比怪兽还可怕!为什么呢?有请五年级七班和八班的同学带来的节目《怪兽电力公司》。
大家欢迎!4.C:Theyarefantastic!Doyoulikeseeingtherainbowsinthesky?Theya resoamazing.Nowlet’senjoyaplay“rainbowconnection”.Welcome!D:五年级的同学们表现棒极了!你们喜欢彩虹吗?下面有请英语角A班的同学们为我带来他们的表演《彩虹链接》5.A:Thanksfortheirexcellentperformance!Christmasisthehappiest festivalinwesterncountries.InChina,childrenloveChristmastoo.Weusuallyhaveago odtimeatthattime.WhataboutArthur?Next,let’senjoyArthurChristmas.B:谢谢他们的精彩表演!无论是在西方国家还是在中国,圣诞节都是孩子们最喜欢的节日。
亚瑟的圣诞节又是怎么样的呢?下面请大家欣赏五年级四班和五班的节目《亚瑟圣诞》6.C:Onedayagroupofinsectswereplayinghappilyintheforest.Sudden lytheyheardsomeonecrying“Help!Help!”Whathappened?D:Let’sshareadramafromourtextbookcalled “RickyLearnsalesson."WelcomethestudentsfromClass1andClass5.Pleaseenjoy!C:森林里的小昆虫们正忙碌着,突然传来了一阵呼救声,发生了什么事呢?请欣赏来自四(1)班和四(5)班的课本剧《Ricky得到了教训》7.A:Next,PleaseenjoyEnglishmoviedubbingshow《Ice-age4》fromClass9andClasstenGrade5B:接下来,请欣赏五年级9班和10班同学带来的英语配音秀--冰河世纪4片段。
大家欢迎!8.C:Doyouknowthemagiclamp?It'sverywonderful.Nowpleaseenjoythe EnglishstoryTaleofAlladinD:大家对阿拉丁神灯的故事熟悉吗?请欣赏来自四(2)和四(4)班的同学带来的话剧《阿拉丁神灯》9.C:Thanksforclass2andclass4.NowIwanttotellyouastoryaboutAnna .Sheisthelittleprincess,sheisbraveandhelpful.whenhersisterE lsashowedthemagicpowerintheascendingceremony,andfrozethepal ace,Annawentontheadventuretobreakthespell.nowpleaseenjoythe dubbingprogrammefromClass2&6Gradefive:D:谢谢四(2)和四(4)班的精彩演出。