
英语晚会主持稿英语晚会主持稿 3女生: ladies and gentlemen.男生:boys andgirls。
合:大家早上好.(鞠躬)女: today is an important day.today is a happy day.男:今天是一个特别的日子,今天是一个激动人心的日子.女: welcome to our english party.enjoy english ,enjoy life.男:欢迎来参加我们的英语联欢会,享受英语,享受生活。
女:let’s enjoyourdance首先让我们欣赏小组唱《fivelittle duck》五只小鸭子。
男:大家掌声欢迎!女:fathermother teachersi love you!男:爸爸,妈妈还有老师,我们爱你,你们带给我们的太多太多,我们无语言谢,就让我们用一首诗歌来表达我们的感激之情请欣赏诗朗诵《感恩》抽奖环节女:让我们再次用热烈的掌声恭喜这些幸运者!(等观众鼓掌)接下来请杨晨为我们演唱具有雪域风情的《哦,香格里拉》男:我是i ii,你是you you you(边走边念)女:你在念什么呀?听起来朗朗上口的。
《proudofyou》抽奖男:很早很早以前有这么一个故事:有一天,5只小鸭子离家出走了,妈妈可着急了,历尽千辛万苦地出去找他们的孩子,不知道后来有没有找到,现在让我们一起欣赏四年级小朋友带来的小组唱五只小鸦子《five little ducks》女:哈哈,鸭妈妈终于找到了五只小鸭子,真让人高兴下面让我们感受一下富有活力的《街舞》表演女:wonderfull他们的`表演真是太精彩了!现在准备上场的是低年级小朋友,他们表演的是《英语字母歌》女:英文的歌曲活泼俏皮,中文歌曲也独具特色。

英语演讲比赛主持稿1A: Good Morning, ladies, gentlemen and my fellow students: I’m very pleased to be the hostess for todays competition ,to give the opening speech for everybody. Now you are watching the “My college and my Dream” Cup English speech contest. Thank you for coming to this competition. In todays show. There are 17 contestants comingfrom different classes. All of them are freshmen. I hope you can have a good day!B:女士们先生们,各位早上好!首先非常荣幸的担任这次比赛的主持人,接下来你们将看到的是“我的大学我的梦”杯英语演讲比赛,在此次比赛中有17名来自不同班级的大一选手参赛。
A: Now, I will tell you something about this contest in general. Today’s contest includes Prepared contest,Questions and Answers, Impromptu speech and T alent show. The judges will judge you by substance style, delivery and pronunciation of your speech. The rewards contain a First winner, two Second winners, three Third winners and five Excellent winnersB:现在我将简要的介绍一下比赛规则,本次比赛分为主体演讲,现场提问,即兴演讲和才艺展示四个部分。

英语晚会主持稿一、开场主持人1:Ladies and Gentlemen, Welcome to our English Evening Party! This is a place where language and culture come alive, where we can all relax and enjoy the beauty of the English language.主持人2:Tonight, we have a wonderful program planned for you, filled with poetry readings, music performances, and engaging conversations.主持人1:So, grab a seat, make yourself comfortable, and get ready to join us on this语言文化之旅. Let's begin our journey with a piece of poetry.二、诗歌朗诵主持人2:Now, please enjoy this beautiful poem written by a renowned English poet.(诗歌朗诵)三、音乐表演主持人1:What an inspiring poem! Thank you for that performance. Now, let's move on to our next segment, a musical performance.主持人2:Our musicians are going to play a traditional English folk song for us. You're going to love it.(音乐表演)四、对话交流主持人1:What an enchanting tune! Thank you for that performance. Now, let's move on to our next segment, a conversation between two guests.主持人2:We have a special guest here tonight who is a native English speaker. He/She is going to talk about his/her experiences learning a foreign language. (对话交流)五、结束主持人1:Thank you so much for joining us tonight. We hope you enjoyed the program.主持人2:Remember, this is just a small taste of what the English language has to offer. There's so much more to explore. So, stay curious, keep learning, and enjoy the beauty of the English language.主持人1&2:Goodnight everyone!。

第1篇Welcome to our English Research and Teaching Activity. It is my great honor to stand here as the host of today's event. Before we delve into the program, let me take a moment to express my heartfelt gratitude toall the participants for joining us. Your presence here today signifies the dedication and passion we all share for English education.As we gather here today, we aim to explore and exchange ideas on various aspects of English teaching and research. This activity is an excellent opportunity for us to enhance our teaching skills, share our experiences, and foster collaboration within our educational community.Now, let's begin the program with the opening remarks by our esteemed director of the English Department, Dr. [Name].[Dr. [Name]]: Thank you, [Host's Name]. It is indeed a pleasure to be here today. I would like to extend my warmest welcome to all the participants. The purpose of this English Research and Teaching Activity is to provide a platform for us to engage in meaningful discussions, share our knowledge, and learn from one another. I believe that through this activity, we will be able to improve our teaching practices and contribute to the development of English education in our country.Now, let's move on to the first session of the program. We have invited renowned experts in the field of English education to share theirinsights and experiences with us. The first speaker is Dr. [Name], a professor at [University Name]. Dr. [Name] will be presenting on thetopic of "Innovative Teaching Strategies for English Language Learning."[Dr. [Name]]: Thank you, Dr. [Name]. Good morning, everyone. It is my pleasure to be here today. In my presentation, I will be discussing some innovative teaching strategies that can be implemented in English language learning. These strategies include technology integration, project-based learning, and collaborative learning. By adopting these strategies, we can create a more engaging and interactive learning environment for our students. I will also be sharing some practical examples and resources that you can use in your own teaching practices.Now, let's proceed to the next session, where we will have a panel discussion on "The Role of Technology in English Language Teaching." Our esteemed panelists include Dr. [Name], Dr. [Name], and Mr. [Name].Moderator: Thank you, Dr. [Name]. We are now joined by our panelists for the panel discussion on the role of technology in English language teaching. Before we begin, could each panelist please introduce themselves and share their thoughts on the topic?[Dr. [Name]]: Good morning, everyone. My name is Dr. [Name], and I am a professor at [University Name]. I believe that technology plays acrucial role in English language teaching. With the advent of technology, we now have access to a wide range of resources and tools that can enhance our teaching practices.[Dr. [Name]]: Thank you, Dr. [Name]. My name is Dr. [Name], and I am a professor at [University Name]. I agree with Dr. [Name]. Technology can provide students with personalized learning experiences and makelearning more engaging. However, it is important to strike a balance between technology and traditional teaching methods.[Mr. [Name]]: Good morning, everyone. My name is Mr. [Name], and I am a practicing English teacher. I believe that technology can be a powerful tool in English language teaching. However, it is essential to use it effectively and purposefully.Moderator: Thank you, panelists. We have received some excellentinsights from you. Now, let's move on to the interactive session, where you, the participants, can ask questions and engage in discussions with our panelists.[Participant 1]: Thank you for the presentation. I have a question about the integration of technology in English language teaching. How can we ensure that technology does not overshadow the importance of human interaction in the classroom?[Panelist 1]: That is a great question. It is important to remember that technology should be used as a supplement to traditional teaching methods, not as a replacement. By incorporating technology thoughtfully,we can create a more dynamic and interactive learning environment that complements human interaction.[Participant 2]: I would like to know more about the challenges we may face when implementing technology in the classroom. How can we overcome these challenges?[Panelist 2]: Implementing technology in the classroom may indeed come with its own set of challenges. However, with proper planning, training, and support, we can address these challenges. It is crucial to invest in professional development opportunities for teachers to enhance their technological skills.Now, let's move on to the next session, where we will have a workshop on "Effective Assessment Techniques in English Language Teaching." Our facilitator for this session is Ms. [Name], a highly experienced English teacher.Ms. [Name]: Good morning, everyone. It is my pleasure to facilitate this workshop on effective assessment techniques in English language teaching. In this session, we will explore various assessment methods that can be used to evaluate students' language proficiency and learning outcomes. We will also discuss how to design effective assessment tasks andprovide constructive feedback to students.Now, let's proceed to the lunch break. During this time, you can network with fellow participants, share your thoughts, and exchange ideas.After the lunch break, we will have a guest lecture by Mr. [Name], an expert in English curriculum development. Mr. [Name] will be presenting on the topic of "Developing a Comprehensive English Curriculum."[Mr. [Name]]: Thank you, Ms. [Name]. Good afternoon, everyone. It is my pleasure to be here today. In my lecture, I will be discussing the importance of developing a comprehensive English curriculum that aligns with the needs and interests of our students. I will also be sharing some practical tips and resources that you can use to design effective curricula for your students.Now, let's move on to the final session of the program, where we will have a group activity. We have divided you into small groups, and each group will be given a specific task to complete. The task is to designan innovative teaching activity that integrates technology and project-based learning. You will have 30 minutes to work on this task, and each group will have an opportunity to present their activity to the rest of the participants.[Group 1]: Thank you for the opportunity to present our activity. Our group has designed a project-based learning activity that focuses on environmental conservation. We will be using technology tools, such as virtual reality and interactive maps, to engage our students inexploring the impact of human activities on the environment.[Group 2]: Our group has developed an activity that encourages students to become global citizens. We will be using social media platforms and video conferencing tools to connect our students with their peers from different countries, enabling them to learn about different cultures and perspectives.[Group 3]: We have designed a storytelling activity that promotes creativity and critical thinking. Our students will be using digital storytelling tools to create short videos or podcasts that tell a story based on a given theme.Moderator: Thank you, all the groups for your excellent presentations. We have witnessed some truly innovative and engaging teaching activities.Now, let's come to the closing remarks of the program. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the speakers, panelists, facilitators, and participants for their contributions to this event. Your presenceand active participation have made this activity a resounding success.I would also like to express my gratitude to the organizing committeeand the administrative staff for their hard work and dedication in making this event possible.As we conclude today's English Research and Teaching Activity, I hopethat you have gained valuable insights and ideas that will enhance yourteaching practices. Let us continue to collaborate, share our experiences, and contribute to the growth and development of English education in our country.Thank you once again for joining us. We look forward to seeing you all again in our future activities. Have a wonderful day, and goodbye![Applause]第2篇Good morning/afternoon! It is my great pleasure to stand before youtoday to host the English Research and Teaching Activity. As we all know, the development of English education is of great importance in our country, and this activity aims to promote the quality of English teaching and enhance the research level of English teachers.First of all, let me extend our warmest welcome to all the participants who have gathered here today. We have invited a group of distinguished experts, experienced teachers, and passionate educators to share their insights and experiences with us. We hope that through this activity, we can all learn from each other and contribute to the continuous improvement of English education.The agenda for today's activity is as follows:1. Opening Remarks2. Keynote Speech3. Group Discussion4. Workshops5. Panel Discussion6. Closing RemarksNow, let's begin with the opening remarks.1. Opening RemarksLadies and gentlemen, esteemed colleagues, and friends,Welcome to the English Research and Teaching Activity. On behalf of the organizing committee, I would like to express our sincere gratitude to all the participants for joining us today. This activity is an important platform for us to exchange ideas, share experiences, and explore innovative teaching methods in English education.As we all know, English is an essential language for global communication and an indispensable tool for personal and professional development. In recent years, the Chinese government has attached great importance to the development of English education, and the demand for high-quality English teachers has been increasing. However, the rapid development of English education also poses challenges to us. How can we improve the quality of English teaching? How can we cultivate more excellent English teachers? These are the questions we will discuss and explore today.2. Keynote SpeechNext, we will have a keynote speech delivered by Dr. [Name], a renowned expert in English education. Dr. [Name] will share his insights and experiences on the current trends and challenges in English education. Please welcome Dr. [Name] to the stage.[Dr. [Name] delivers the keynote speech]Thank you, Dr. [Name], for your enlightening speech. Your insights and experiences have provided us with valuable guidance for our work in English education. Now, let's move on to the next part of the program.3. Group DiscussionIn the following group discussion, we will divide the participants into several groups and discuss the following topics:- How to improve the students' speaking skills in English?- How to integrate technology into English teaching?- How to foster a positive learning atmosphere in the classroom?Each group will have 30 minutes to discuss the topics and then present their findings to the whole group. Let's get started.[Group discussions take place][Each group presents their findings]4. WorkshopsAfter the group discussions, we will have several workshops conducted by our experts and experienced teachers. These workshops will focus on practical skills and techniques that can be applied in English teaching. The topics of the workshops include:- Techniques for teaching reading comprehension- Strategies for teaching vocabulary- Tips for creating effective lesson plansPlease join the workshop that interests you and learn from our experts.[Workshops take place]5. Panel DiscussionNext, we will have a panel discussion on the topic of "The Future of English Education." Our panelists will include experts, teachers, and students. They will share their views on the future trends and challenges of English education. Let's welcome the panelists to the stage.[Panel discussion takes place]6. Closing RemarksLadies and gentlemen, esteemed colleagues, and friends,As we draw the curtains on today's English Research and Teaching Activity, I would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to all the participants for their active participation and contributions. Throughthis activity, we have not only gained valuable insights and experiences but also established new friendships and partnerships.In conclusion, let us continue to work together to improve the qualityof English education, cultivate more excellent English teachers, andhelp our students achieve their full potential. Thank you for your attention, and I hope you have enjoyed today's activity.Finally, let's give a round of applause to all the participants, experts, and organizers for their hard work and dedication. Goodbye, and see you next time![Applause]Thank you.第3篇IntroductionGood morning, esteemed colleagues, distinguished guests, and dear participants. It is my great pleasure to stand before you today to welcome you to our English Research and Development Activity. This event is a platform for us to come together, share our insights, and discuss innovative strategies to enhance the quality of English languageteaching and student learning outcomes. Today, we are here to explore new horizons, foster collaboration, and inspire one another to excel in our professional endeavors. Let us begin with the warmest of greetings and an overview of the day's agenda.Agenda Overview1. Opening Remarks2. Keynote Speech3. Panel Discussion4. Workshops5. Interactive Sessions6. Conclusion and Next Steps1. Opening RemarksLadies and gentlemen, let us begin with the opening remarks. I wouldlike to extend a warm welcome to all of you. Your presence here today is a testament to your dedication and commitment to the field of English language education. As we embark on this journey of knowledge sharingand professional growth, I am confident that we will leave here with new ideas, renewed enthusiasm, and a shared vision for the future of English language teaching.2. Keynote SpeechNow, let us move on to the keynote speech. We have the honor of having Dr. Jane Smith, a renowned expert in English language pedagogy, deliver her insights on "Innovative Teaching Methods for the 21st Century."[Dr. Jane Smith takes the stage]Dr. Jane Smith:Good morning, everyone. It is a great pleasure to be here today. Thefield of English language teaching has evolved significantly over the years, and it is crucial for us to adapt our teaching methods to meetthe changing needs of our students. In this keynote speech, I would like to discuss some innovative teaching methods that can help us create a more engaging and effective learning environment.Firstly, let us talk about the importance of technology in the classroom. Technology can provide us with tools to create interactive and personalized learning experiences. For instance, we can use educational apps, online platforms, and multimedia resources to enhance our lessons and cater to different learning styles.Secondly, we need to focus on student-centered learning. This approach empowers students to take ownership of their learning process. By encouraging group work, project-based learning, and collaborative activities, we can foster critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and communication abilities.Lastly, it is essential to promote cultural awareness and global citizenship. English is not just a language; it is a bridge that connects us to the world. By incorporating global issues, diverse cultures, and real-world contexts into our lessons, we can help our students develop a broader perspective and become responsible global citizens.Thank you for your attention, and I look forward to our discussions throughout the day.[Dr. Jane Smith concludes her speech]3. Panel DiscussionNext, we have a panel discussion featuring experts from various educational institutions. The topic for today's discussion is "Challenges and Solutions in English Language Teaching."[Panelists take the stage]Moderator:Ladies and gentlemen, our esteemed panelists have extensive experience in the field of English language teaching. Let's dive into the first question: What are the most significant challenges faced by English language teachers today?[Panelists share their insights]Moderator:Thank you, panelists. Those were some insightful responses. Now, let's move on to the second question: How can we address these challenges effectively?[Panelists discuss potential solutions]Moderator:Thank you for your valuable contributions. It is clear that collaboration, continuous professional development, and a willingness toembrace change are key to overcoming the challenges we face in English language teaching.4. WorkshopsWe now have a series of workshops designed to provide practical skills and tools for English language teachers. Each workshop will be led by an expert in the field.Workshop 1: Effective Classroom Management TechniquesWorkshop 2: Integrating Technology into English Language TeachingWorkshop 3: Developing Language Skills through Project-Based LearningWorkshop 4: Assessment Strategies for English Language LearningPlease feel free to attend any workshop that interests you. Remember to take notes and engage in discussions with your fellow participants.5. Interactive SessionsNow, let us engage in interactive sessions where you can share your experiences, challenges, and successes with your peers. These sessions are designed to foster collaboration and provide a platform for knowledge exchange.6. Conclusion and Next StepsAs we come to the end of our English Research and Development Activity, I would like to take a moment to thank all of you for your participation and contributions. Today, we have shared ideas, discussed challenges, and explored innovative teaching methods. It is now time to reflect on what we have learned and plan for the future.I urge each of you to take the knowledge and insights gained today back to your classrooms and professional lives. Let us work together to create a positive and supportive environment for our students, and let us continue to strive for excellence in English language teaching.In closing, I would like to remind you that this event is just the beginning. As we move forward, let us maintain open communication, shareresources, and support one another in our professional growth. Thank you once again for your dedication and commitment to the field of English language education.Closing RemarksLadies and gentlemen, this concludes our English Research and Development Activity. We hope that you have found today's sessions informative and inspiring. Do not forget to connect with your fellow participants and continue the conversation. We look forward to seeing you all at future events and wish you a productive and fulfilling journey in English language teaching.Thank you for your attention, and have a great day!。

主持稿英语开场白篇1Woman: Songs curl old speechMale: dance to celebrate Chinese New YearDistinguished guestsDear colleaguesGood evening everyone!Man: just past 20__ years, the company is carrying a year. Company x year...... (the companys performance), relying on __ more resources and support platform, to further strengthen the product technology research and development strength, in the entire industry suffered winter environment, we are not intimidated by difficulties, the companys business has maintained sustained and steady development, and achieved good results.Female: success with hardships, joy with sweat. In the bustling about every day, we imperceptibly ushered in the new year 20__!Boy: today, let us have a joyous gathering here, imagine a better tomorrow. NowUnited: __20__ annual meeting officially started!主持稿英语开场白篇2(male) distinguished leaders,(female) dear guests,(male) friendsGood evening everyone!(male) fireworks spring news early, Taofu years old were everywhere;(female) spring breeze dancing in front of Liu Yuan, rain drives spending;(male) in the old words, beautiful moment of spring, we ushered in the __X 20__ reunion gala.(female) me tonight? -- all my colleagues in the company? Together, like yesterday??and?the future outlook of the company?!(male) looking back on the past, the year of the monkey? In me? Every Forget, she gave us hope, harvest, more important is to give us the experience of growth.(female), future? A year? A year of the rooster, usher in a better tomorrow. We firmly believe that: in Chinas sustained rapid economic development driven by the companys business will be able to prosper, her tomorrow will be better.(male) firecrackers?(female) and send warm welcome spring May the new year (male) gun My good luck?The rooster crow (female) may give us peace and happiness of vocal cords(male) Im the host(female) Im the host(male) I am here today, is the company s colleagues, at the same time very honored, we also invited customers and manufacturers of guests. They are: Mr. __X, Mr. __X, Mr. __X (female) Mr. __X, Mr. __,(33) the development and success of the company is inseparable from your strong support and help, and we, in the face of such a strong hand, say that it is a grand welcome and heartfelt feeling.(male) please have the following general manager of the company, Mr. __X came to power, Mr. __X in 20__, it is the three diamond jubilee, married? Er, the birth, the performance of the company on the upgrade gratifying. Let us warm applause for his sincere blessing (applause), please Mr. __X for our new year greetings.Annual event hosted the opening remarks seven (brief opening remarks):Hostess: distinguished guestsModerator: Dear staff Good evening everyone!Female Moderator: Here we first to wish you all a (hand bow)Moderator: time, such as running water, a years time so quietly slipped away, so hastily.Female host: a review of 20__, we __ achievement is gratifying. These are all my colleagues here cannot do without effort and company leadership.Moderator: here on behalf of the company, I would like to express my gratitude to all of you. Thank you for your hard work.Moderator: the new year began, in the face of the dead 20__, let us look back on it, let us summarize it, let us remember it!Female Moderator: Tonight we use the song, cheers to greet the new 20__!主持稿英语开场白篇3Good evening,ladies and gentlemen,:welcome to __ china night, i am the hostess for today.here, i’d like to say thank you to all the experts and scholars being present,thank you for joining the activity.as it is known to everyone ,the chinese culture enjoys a long history with chinese kongfu,peking opera and acrobatics glittering and shining in every corner of the world. on the splendid stage tonight ,we will dedicate you a series of excellent performances and sure we will venture together into the mysterious chinese culture.red,known as the symbol of happiness and celebration, had brought the charm and strength od chinese culture into all parts of the world .today, we will start our china night with a fantastic chinese traditional dancing.主持稿英语开场白篇4Man:Dear colleagues. Good evening, guys.Woman: in the golden autumn, the fragrance of Osmanthus fragrans, in this big day of national celebration.Man: stop! Stop - stop! I read less, you dont cheat me, listen to you say so, I instantly feel mywhole people are confused!Woman: whats the matter? On this happy day.Man: I said, can we still have fun together? This evening is the time for many departments of Shanghai Yihong group company to get together and share the year-end grand meeting. You are both osmanthus and fragrant. Whats the matter? Together with you, you are holding a rabbit on the osmanthus tree. After the Mid Autumn Festival and the 11th National Day, how do you want to spend the Spring Festival together? Big day? After that, you plan to live in the tree? Monkey!?Woman: ouch, I hate it. I dont mean that. Im very happy and excited when I see a small group of us togetherMan: talk well!Woman: good! Hello, guys. Im Guan Yan, the host of the party today.Man: Hello guys, Im Bao Erchao, the host of the party today.Together: I wish you a happy new year and all the best!主持稿英语开场白篇5Man:Dear leaders and guests:Dear colleagues:Good afternoon, everyone!Man: the moon is like a song, and the light is like a dreamWoman: time flies, time fliesMan: the harvest gongs and drums, wake up the new yearsWoman: blooming plum, writing spring informationMan: 365 unforgettable days in the past 20__ year, from the dancing snowflakes, from the peoples fingers, quietly flow away.Woman: a year back, everything is new, we are about to enter the 20__ years full of expectation and charmMan: on this day of going forward, we have gathered together to hold a happy and peaceful party, celebrate our achievements and look forward to our future. Here, lets express our sincere thanks to our customers who have always supported usFemale: at the same time, I send sincere greetings to all the staff and say:He: you are hard!Woman: and I wish you all good health in the new year, all the best, and work well! Happy family!Man: looking back on every achievement, we all unite the hard work and hard work of the leading group of the company, and the hard work and sweat of all the staff.Woman: the change of years is the same as the joint development of all members of the company, the same is hope, and the dream is rising.Man: without a cold, how can plum blossom put on the nose. The pain of compression, drinking the bitter coffee at night, without rhythm of water waves, is just a salty and astringent life. Without civilized water and fire, we can never get rid of disaster. Life is like climbing a mountain, life is like a river. Please enjoy the song live out to yourself from.Woman: as you all know, Latin dance is regarded as the most enjoyable and sexy fitness exercise. Please enjoy the hot feeling brought by passion Latin dance~Man: its a peaceful night, its a happy night, and theres no sleep tonight.Woman: today we are together. Today we are singing and dancing. Today we are together.Man: we are with us - how many days and nights have passed, there are pain, grievances, heartache, sweetness and smile.Female: Its our warm home, where we can realize our dream. Listen to the song today!。

英语主持稿开场白英语主持稿开场白精选篇1Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to Liujiaxia middle school English Reading Competition. (中文)In order to improve our spoken English, Develop our interest and motivation in learning English, provide a stage to show and enhance themselves, we have decided to host this English Speaking Competition., I hope This is a great afternoon, and this is a harvest afternoon.为了提高我们的英语口语,培养学习英语的兴趣和积极性,给学生提供一个展现自我,提升自我的机会和舞台我校决定举办这次英语演讲比赛。
In todays competition, there are 14 students; they are all the excellent students in each class. So, we sure that today will be a very wonderful competition.今天的比赛,总共有14名选手,他们都是每个班级中的优秀选手。
所以,我们相信今天的比赛将会很精彩! OK, now allow me to introduce the distinguished judges. They are ………. . 现在请允许我介绍尊敬的评委老师,他们是…(中文)英语主持稿开场白精选篇2Ladies and Gentlemen, Good morning! Im very glad to stand here and give you a short speech. Mans life is a proceof growing up, actually Imstanding here is a growth. If a persons life must constituted by various choices, then I grow up along with these choices. Once I hope I can study in a college in future, however thats passed, as you know I come here, now I wonder what the future holds for me.When I come to this school, I told to myself: this my near future, all starts here. Following I will learn to become a man, a integrated man, who has a fine body, can take on important task, has independent thought, an open mind, intensive thought, has the ability to judge right and wrong, has a perfect job. Once my teacher said :” you are not sewing, you are stylist; never forget which you should lay out to people is your thought, not craft.” I will put my personality with my interest and ability into my study, during these proceI will combine learning with doing. If I can achieve this “future”, I think that I really grow up. And I deeply believe kindred, good-fellowship and love will perfection and happy in the future. How to say future? Maybe its a nice wish. Lets make up our minds, stick to it and surely well enjoy our life.英语主持稿开场白精选篇3Good afternoon,everyone,my honoured teachers and my fellow students.Im very honoured to be the host for todays competition this afternoon to give the opening speech for everybody.now you are watchingthe 1th “Welcome New Year”Cup English speech contest. This is the final of senior and junior groups. Thank you for coming to this afternoons competition. In todays show. There are 21 contestants in both groups.They are coming from different Classes of different Grades. I hope we can exchange experiences of how to learn English better.These experiences will be very useful for the students in our school.So I hope well all make good use of this opportunity.英语主持稿开场白精选篇4A:Good Moring, ladies ,gentlemen and my fellow students: Im very pleased to be the hostess for todays competition ,to give the opening speech for everybody.now you are watching the “My college and my Dream”Cup English speech contest. Thank you for coming to this competition.In todays show. There are 17 contestants coming from different Classes .All of they are freshman. I hope you can have a good day!英语主持稿开场白精选篇5Chinese people always appreciate the purposes and principles of Olympic ideal, support the efforts of Olympic Games to promote world peace. The Chinese Government and people are doing our the utmost/best to prepare for the __ Olympic Games in Beijing, and shooting at the pageant with advocating Olympic ideal,sparkpluging world peace and enhancing the relationships among the world. Olympic spirit are gonna spread again in orient cultural ancientChina.英语主持稿开场白精选篇6Welcome to the debating competition of the issue “the advantages s and disadvantages of Qinghai—Tibet railway”. We have 8debators today,4 on each side and the positive side is leaded by __X,the rest debaters are __, __. And the members of the negative team are __,__ is the leader of their team .ok ,good luck to they(.or hot welcome to them.) Next, I want to introduce today’s judges, they are our dear instructor mrsyan,and our classmates __ ,__,__ ,__, hot welcome to all of you .and thanks to all for joining today’s debating competition.Now, I would like to introduce the rules for the contest.The first is the time .each debater is allowed to express in limited.Secondly, speakers are not allowed to bring any notes in hand.Thirdly,Welcome comeback ,after our judges’ discussion, the most exciting moment is coming, the winner of today’s debating competition is the---.and the best debater is .congratulation!i hope we can express ourselves on the stage in English ,I hope we can show what we have learned in the competition, I hope we can exchangeexperience of how to learn English better, I hope we all make good use of this opportunity to improve ourselves.Ok, this is the end of today’s English debating competition .thank you all for join us today, I hope all of you can have a good time .thankyou .。

英语演讲比赛主持词_英语演讲比赛(中英文双语)主持稿英语演讲比赛主持词(一)A:Good Moring, ladies ,gentlemen and my fellow students:I m very pleased to be the hostess for today's competition ,to give the opening speech for everybody.now you are watching the My college and my Dream Cup English speech contest. Thank you for coming to this competition. In today's show. There are 17 contestants coming from different Classes .All of they are freshman. I hope you can have a good day! B:女士们先生们,各位早上好!首先非常荣幸的担任这次比赛的主持人,接下来你们将看到的是我的大学我的梦杯英语演讲比赛,在此次比赛中有17名来自不同班级的大一选手参赛。
A:Now,I will tell you something about this contest in general,Today s contest includes Prepared contest,Questions and Answers,Impromptu speech and Talent show。
The judges will judge you by substance style,delivery and pronunciation of your speech。
The rewards contain a First winner two Second winners three Third winners and five Excellent winnersB:现在我将简要的介绍一下比赛规则,本次比赛分为主体演讲,现场提问,即兴演讲和才艺展示四个部分。

英语⼝语主持⼈优秀稿⼦ 以下是店铺收集整理关于英语⼝语⼤赛主持稿优秀范⽂,希望对你有所帮助! 英语⼝语⼤赛主持稿范⽂⼀: M:Boys and girls. T: Ladies and gentlemen. 合:Good morning. ⼤家早上好! M: Today is a special day. T: Why? M: Because we’ll hold the fourth English speaking contest of our school. T: Wow!因为我们学校将举⾏第四届英语⼝语⼤赛。
That’s fantastic! M: It means we can speak English bravely and fluently. T: 是呀!这意味着我们孩⼦们可以⼤胆流利说英语。
合:让我们预祝本次⼤赛圆满成功! M: Firstly, let’s welcome our headmaster Mr Hu give us the opening speech. T: ⾸先,让我们热烈欢迎胡校长为我们致开幕词。
胡校长做开幕词! M:Next, let’s introduce our judges. T: 接下来,让我们介绍本次⼤赛的评委。
他们是:我们⽤最热烈的掌声欢迎他们的到来! M:Ok, let me introduce the contest rules. 现在由我来介绍本次⼤赛规则: 本次⼤赛分为两⼤组:⼩学组和初中组 ⼤赛由三个环节组成,每个环节⼗分⼩学组参赛规则是: 1.认读单词(10个),背课⽂ 2.课外知识展⽰ (唱英⽂歌,说歌谣,诗歌,故事等等) 3.⾃我介绍并与主持⼈英语问答交流(五个问题) 初中组参赛规则: 1. 背课⽂ 2. 课外知识展⽰(唱英⽂歌,说歌谣,诗歌,故事等等) 3.⾃我介绍并与主持⼈问答交流(五个问题) T:Now , the contest begins. M: 现在⽐赛正式开始, Let’s welcome the NO. 1 contestant ______ . welcome! 学⽣⽐赛结束 T:现在有请我们的袁校长为本次⼤赛做总结。

主持稿英文版篇一:英语口语比赛主持稿首届层山小学生英语口语比赛主持稿开场白:1: Good morning, ladies and gentlemen.2: Good morning, fellow students.1: Today we are very happy and excited, because we are here, holding the First Cengshan Primary School English speaking xxpetition.2:今天我们相聚在这里,快乐又激动。
1: English is such a beautiful language. We can use it to travel around the world.2:英语是一门美丽的语言,用英语我们可以周游世界。
1: By learning English we can know the people in the other side of the world. What are they likeWhat are they talking What are they thinking2:有了英语,我们可以认识全世界不同的国家,地球那端的人,他们是怎么样的,他们在想什么,讨论什么?1: In today's show, there are 16 contestants. They xxe from different classes of different schools. But they have the same aim,that is to practice English.2:今天的比赛总共有16名,他们来自不同学校不同的班级,但是大家都有一个共同的目标,那就是学好英语。
1: In today’s show, we have two rounds. The First Round, including two parts. One is One-minute introducing yourself. The other is Free Show. In the end of free show, our judges will give each contestant one or two questions. the Second Round is reading show,then answer the judge two questions.. And I would like to take this opportunity to wish this English speaking xxpetition can be a perfect success.2:今天的比赛总共有2轮,第一轮分为2个环节,第1环节是一分钟自我介绍,第2环节是自选内容展示。

英语演讲比赛主持人演讲稿英语演讲比赛主持人演讲稿篇一:英语演讲比赛主持人开场白定稿英语演讲比赛主持人开场白﹑结束语A: Good afternoon, Everybody!ele to the 14thWeek English speaking contest. We are very happy to gatherhere hold an English afternoon party. I am happy to stand here and have this opportunity to share something ithyou guys.B: 亲爱的孟老师,亲爱的同学们,大家中午好!欢迎来到14周英语演讲比赛的现场。
比赛即将开始,为了保证比赛的顺利进行,请您将您的手机处于关闭状态,谢谢合作!A: first of all ,let me introduce our distinguished guests afternoon today .Mrs MengB: 首先,让我来给大家介绍一下今天来的嘉宾:孟老师让我们再次以热烈的掌声欢迎孟老师的到来!A: ele.A: there are all together 10 contestants to pete in today’s English speaking contest.B: 今天有10位优秀的同学参加这次英语演讲比赛。
A: No let me introduce the rules of this petition. There is 2 parts in today’s petition.1st is prepar ed Speech, you ill introduce yourself. And each of contests has 5 minutes to present prepared speech.B: 现在我给大家介绍一下比赛规则。

英语口语比赛主持词范文篇1开场白:Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen.Good afternoon, fellow students.Today we are very happy and excited, because we are here, holding the First Duduler School English speaking competition.今天我们相聚在这里,快乐又激动。
English is such a beautiful language. We can use it to travel around the world.英语是一门美丽的语言,用英语我们可以周游世界。
By learning English we can know the people in the other side of the world. What are they like? What are they talking? What are they thinking? 学好了英语口语,我们可以认识全世界不同国家的人,他们是怎么样的,他们在想什么,讨论什么?In today's show, there are 43 contestants. They come from different classes of different schools. But they have the same aim, that is to practice English.今天的比赛总共有43名选手,他们来自不同学校不同的班级,但是大家都有一个共同的目标,那就是学好英语。

英语比赛主持词1杨:Dear ladies and gentlemen 。
Distinguished guests ,and honorable judges。
Welcome to Chemical department English Talent Competition。
good evening ,李:尊敬的各位嘉宾,亲爱的同学们,大家晚上好。
杨:This conpetition enjoys a wide-spread participation among our school.And today,our teams are from Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Academy,Foreign Languages Academy and Architecture and Civil Engineering Academy、李;今天晚上我们的比赛可谓是高手云集,群雄争霸,来自化学化工学院,土木与工程学院,外国语学院的7支参赛队将在这个舞台上展现他们独特的英语魅力。
杨:There are so many students to participate。

英文主持词篇一:英语串词开场:Goodmorning ,ladies andgentlmen .Goodmorning ,myteachersand friends.老师们,同学们,大家好I’’m Kelly , I’m inClass 3,Grade5.I’m Bobo , I’minClass6, Grade2.我们听英语,听出不一样的快乐,我们说英语,说出多彩校园生活,。
我们演英语,演出属于我们自己的STILE.Welcometo ourEnglishFestival .WelcometoHuaying SchoolLearn English ( ) SpeakEnglish ()EnjoyEnglish( ) Love English ( )We likeEnglish .首先,有请郭校长为英语周致辞。
Mr.Guo . Welcome .1.英语童谣来到我们的,更融入了我们的生活,请欣赏为我们带来的英语童谣表演 NumberSongs.2 No. 2isfromGrade 4.The Funny words .3. 白雪公主和七个小矮人的故事,你一定听说过吧,请欣赏英语剧SnowWhite,from Grade5 .4, No. 4 isfrom grade2,.请欣赏带来的儿歌表演A reyou sleeping5.同学们,你们喜欢喜羊羊吗?请欣赏六年级带来的英语剧表演The sheep and the wolf .6.伟大的航海家哥伦布发现了新大陆,同学们。
让我们随着音乐和哥伦布穿越大海,一起远航,请欣赏英语剧表演 Iamsailing .我们读英语,读遍世界的每个角落我们唱英语,唱出身边真善美的歌。
同学们,让我们喊出我们的口号Ibelieve , Icando .Thankyou , myteachers .Thank you , my friends .See you nextyear . Bye – bye .篇二:英语风采大赛中英文双语主持稿L: Good evening ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the 2022 Graduate English talent competitionheld by School of LawH: 尊敬的老师,亲爱的同学们,大家晚上好!欢迎来到2022年中南财经政法大学法学院研究生英语风采大赛的演出现场。

英文主持稿(一) M refers to Monica N refers to Nomad [我进场,女声]M:Good evening,friends.I’m the host of tonight’s show,Nomad. [你进场,男声]N: Good evening,ladies and gentlemen.I’m Monica,the hostess of tonight’s contest. T:Welcome to the live show of our singing competition,the finals of Campus Idol. M:To start with,we’d like to thank all of you for coming here to join us. [N:yep,thanks for being with us tonight.] N:Oklet’s get down to business directly,I’d like to introduce the judges of tonight’s contest first.They are……[applause] M:And the special guests are……let’s show our warmest welcome to them again. N:Ok.Now.I’d like to welcome_____to give the opening address for us……thanks for____address.It’s time for show now.We are pleased to invite Guitar Association to start the contest by bringing us their performance_______.Let’s welcome them. M:Waothank you.What a wonderful performance it is.I think you’ve been waiting for so long.And now it’s time for the contestants. We announce tonight’s contest begins now.Let’s warmly welcome the NO.1 contestant ____. She has brought us the song ____ sung by Groove Coverage.Welcome______ N:You look so beautiful tonight.I can’t even take my eyes off you. M:Ohreally? N:Not you.[我走向2号选手,二人摆个pose,你介绍2号选手。

本文格式为 Word 版,下载可任意编辑
A:Welcome you,too!
B: Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen!女士们,先生们,下
truth, with love to withstand the cold;
G: Good afternoon, my dearest teachers and friends 友爱的
本文格式为 Word 版,下载可任意编辑
to enjoy this wonderful time; 甲:今日,我们相约在这里,享受缘分带给我们的快乐,享受这
G: Today we are gathered here together, heart to feel the
A:Good afternoon!
〔活动开始〕〔主持 AB 轮番报幕〕
〔A:下面请观赏第一个节目,来自于 XX 班的 XXXX,第二个节目 XXX
B: warm floral away the bitter cold of winter,

英语主持开场白〔共4篇〕第1篇:英语主持词开场白英语主持词开场白【篇1:晚会主持稿英文】por una cabeza is a claic tango from the claic movie scent of a woman , next ,ma li with other students will perform this tango, please wele!uygur dance is one of most amazing dances in the world, for it has its own unique style, now please enjoy uighur dance happy dancing.by liu yuqing and other students.guzheng is one of the representative ancient chinese musical instruments, but also an embodiment of chinese culture accumulated over thousands of years!now let‘s enjoy the music yuzhouchangwana famous chinese singer song zuying once sang a famous song-jasmine in vienna golden concert hall, tonight the young teachers from my university willsing the series of folk songs including jasmine, please enjoy it!i think a lot of students do want to have a close contact and munication with american students, don‘t you? well, next we are going to play a game with the american students, i hope you can take an active part in.and here are the rules for the game ? ? ? ? ? ?hip-hop is the symbol of youth and vitality, modernity and paion, now please enjoy breaking dance!英语演讲主持人开场白good afternoon, everyone.wele to our english speech contest.it‘s pleasure to be the host for this contest.today many contestants will take part init.now let‘s wele number 1 from grade 8:well done!let‘s wele number 2.good job……sounds good…..congratulations!st but not the least(最后但也是最重要的), boys and girls.i think all of us have learned a lot from this contest.thank you, bye.【篇3:英语演讲比赛主持人开场白】英语演讲比赛主持人开场白﹑完毕语a: good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen!wele to the 2023-2023 ―jianianhua‖ english speaking contest.weare very happy to gather here hold an english afternoon party.i am happy to stand here and have this opportunity to share something with you guys.b: 尊敬的各位领导,各位来宾,亲爱的同学们,大家中午好〔合〕!欢送来到2023—2023年英语―嘉年华‖演讲比赛的现场。

英文主持人演讲稿篇一:英文学术会议主持人发言稿模拟国际会议主持词一、开题语Good morning, ladies and gentleman. Welcome to Chicago, a beautiful city of America. I’m^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^, from*********** University of a very very great pleasure to participate in the 110TH Association of American Geographers Conference as the chairman,its my first time to do I really enjoy being stay here with you this morning.The International Geography Conference has been held 110th times by the Association of American Geographers (AAG) institute since 1904. The purpose of the conferences have contributed to share our experiences and knowledge of the advancement of geography, frontier developments and reaserches, as well as possible applications of them in solving practical problems. A lot of current issues have been discussed, and some of them have been effectively soluted.Welcome to the Association of AmericanGeographers' Annual Meeting in Los Angeles, California! You will be joined by fellow geographers, GIS specialists, environmental scientists, and other leaders for the latest in research and applications in geography, sustainability, and GIS science. The meeting will be held from December14 to December18, XX, and will feature over 6,000 presentations, posters, workshops, and field trips by leading scholars, experts, and researchers.Today, as the first time of the conference debut in this city, we’ll have a unique session. The topic of prepared presentations is the application of quantitative methods in Geography , Today’s speakers will share their thoughts on how to effectively run models in different issues and give a reasonable answer. Then, we’ll have a Question and Answer session, which allows the everyone to ask some questions you may be interested. I am sure that you will find some topics to be presented both interesting and informative.二、介绍第一个演讲者Now, Let me introduce the first speaker, who isvery very rich, not in dollars, but in knowledge and experiences, She got her in the natural geography ***********University, followed by a series of teaching and research positions at Sun Yat-sen University. Please don’t hesitate to join me in welcoming our first speaker, Prof.********, whose topic is***************. Welcome.三、对第一个演讲者做总结an innovative the impact of climate change and human activities on runoff changes is a problem that has puzzled researchers for a long time. This study has developed a framework to separate the impacts of climate change and human activities to surface runoff. The information from this study will assist with better use and management of water resources for residents and economicdevelopment in southern China. Thank you for the excellent presentations and ideas.四、介绍第二个演讲者Now, I’ll be very pleased and excited to introduce the next speaker, Prof.************, who is the Prof. of^^^^^^^^^^ University.To represent the sponsor host unit ,it’s the fifth time for him to be the final presenter. He breadth and depth of knowledge, profound discoveries and distinctive ideas always cause shock at the conference. Today, Mr He entitl is*****************五、对第二个演讲者做总结Thank you for the impressive speech . Prof. He. We are delighted to be able to share your new specific strategies and techniques. Prof. He’s speech is about frontier science, which is profound and predictive, greatly widen our horizon, as least my horizon. Prof SYC has given an eye opener as well as a very meaningful lesson. Thank you again, Prof ^^^^^^^^^^六、进入提问环节Ladies and gentleman, our distinguished speakers have finished their presentations, we now enter into the question and answer session. During this session, Prof. HYQ. and I will be very happy to answer your questions.Are there any questions七、对提问做总结Ok, Well,I’m sorry to say that this session will have to stop here. Thank you for your questions. I hope this was as good a session for you as it was for us.八、会议结束语Ladies and Gentlemen,I shall end here by thanking you for coming to the The 110th International geography Conference. I hope that you have benefited much from the conference and from discussions with colleagues.I would like to thank AAG institute for offering me the opportunity to be the Chairman. Thanks to everybody who has contributed to the conference and all other participants. Thank you for your time and attendance.Ladies and gentlemen, you have my best wishes for your still greater achievements in your career. Now, I declare the conference closed. Let’s meet again in New York XX.篇二:英文学术会议主持人发言稿Good morning,ladies and to Harbin,a beautiful northland ice city of ’m ABC,from school of economics and management of a very very greatpleasure to participate in the 5TH International Finance Conference as the chairman,its my first time to do I really really enjoy being stay here with you this International Finance Conference has been held 4th times by CFA institute since 1998. The purpose of the conference is to share our experiences and knowledge in regard to the theory, frontier developments and reaserches, as well as possible applications of them in solving practical problems A lot of current issues have been discussed,and some of them have been effectively soluted..Today,as the first time of the conference debut in this city,we’ll have a unique topic of prepared presentations is the application of quantitative methods in Finance ,Today’s speakers will share their thoughts on how to effectively run models in different issues and give a reasonable ,we’ll have a Q&A session,which allows the everyone to ask some questions you may be interested. I am sure that you will find some topics to be presented both interesting and informative. Now,Let me introduce the first speaker,who is very very rich,not in dollars,but inknowledges and experiences,He got his in financial economics at the UCB,followed by a series of teaching and research positions at MIT and Harvard. Please dont hesitate to join me in welcoming our first speaker, , whose topic is entitled threshold effect between the scale of shadow banking and the stability of the banking system. Welcome.Thank you for the impressive speech .As far as we konw,shadow banking system played an important role in the last Financial crisis mainly derived from its high leverage and asymmetric information produced a supervision lack of information, regulators were unable to measure the actual risk of the financial is crucial for to take a further knowledge of approaches to gauge the risk exposure more entirely and more SYC has given an eye opener as well as a very meaningful you again,Prof SYC.Plz alow me to introduce the next speaker, wusiqin,who is the corporate department manager of China construction bank in Harbin. She holds a Bachelor degree of Science in engineering of HIT,she also holds a master of business administration ofRenmin university of topic today is Coordinated development trend of china’s Science-technology finance and economic growth welcome miss wu.Thank you for your speech,Miss wu. We are delighted to be able to share your new specific strategies and techniques. Miss wu’s speech is about frontier science,which is profound and predictive,greatly widen our horizon,as least my horizon. Anyway, I would like to express to her the most sincere appreciationThe next speaker,, has hosted a daily TV program with respect to economic issues on the and has appeared on CCTV,who is also the author of an upcoming book named .So to speak to you on iNNovationCapability of High tech Enterprises by Gray theory, please weclome Mr JXS with the warmest applause.Wow What an innovative idea,to quantify the Inonovation ability and classify into different categories. Try to think about it and you’ll find its very enlightening. Thank you for the excellent presentations and ideas.Now,I ll be very pleased and excited to introduce the next speaker,Mrs Hujianjie,who is the vice president of CFA represent the sponsor host unit ,it’s the fifth time for her to be the final breadth and depth of knowledge,profound discoveries and distinctive ideas always cause shock at the ,Mrs Hu will address you on Relationship between stock liquidity and asset liquidity of listed companies,I cant wait to her inspiring ideas. WelcomeThank you very much for the extremely enlightening presentation. Generally,we wanna investigate the correlation of asset liquidity and stock liquidity, thereby linking stock liquidity to corporate finance the relationship between asset liquidity and stock liquidity is her speech, Mrs hu introduce a useful model to explore the ambiguous relationship,which may shed new light on the importance of firm’s investment and financing decisions.Ladies and gentleman,our distinguished speakers hv finished their presentations,we now enter into the question and answer this session,,,, and I will be veryhappy to answer as many of your questions as we could.Are there any questionsOk,Well,I m sorry to say that this session will have to stop you for your hope this was as good a session for you as it was for us.Ladies and Gentlemen,I shall end here by thanking you for coming to the The 5th International finance Conference. I hope that you have benefited much from the conference and from discussions with colleagues.I would like to thank and the CFA institute for offering me the opportunity to be the Chairman.Thanks to everybody who has contributed to the conference and all other you for your time and attendance.Ladies and gentlemen, you have my best wishes for your still greater achievements in your career. Now, I declare the conference meet again in Beijing in 2018.篇三:英语仿照秀比赛主持人演讲稿英语口语比赛主持词女:Dear teachers男:Dear students合:Good afternoon ! Welcome to the English Talk Show of Qingdao Experimental School .女:为了丰硕校园文化生活,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,展示我校学生的英语口语水平,提高学生的口语交际能力,增进学生开口学英语的良好气氛形成,咱们举行这次比赛。

英语演讲比赛主持稿范文主持人一、good afternoon,everyone,my honoured teachers and my fellow students.i’m very pleased to be the hostess for today’s competition ,to give the opening speech for everybody.now you are watching the 1th “welcome new year”cup english speech contest. thank you for coming to this afternoon’s competition. in today’s show. there are 19 contestants.they are coming from different classes of different grades. i hope we can exchange experiences of how to learn english better.these experiences will be very useful for the students in our school.so i hope we’ll make good use of this opportunity.各位老师、亲爱的同学们,很高兴今天能担任此次比赛的主持人,今天是我们职业中学首届“迎新年”杯英语演讲比赛,在今天的比赛中有19名选手参赛,他们是来自不同的年级不同的班级。
二、ok, now ,i think it’s better for me to introduce our judges.评委:丁校长、金校长、崔主任、赵赟、彭志平、王海燕、李瑞珍、张靖雯、牟秀丽,let’s warmly welcome 大家欢迎!三、ok,it’s time for show好,现在开始比赛1、now. let’s warmly welcome contestant no.1 彭永霞.from班:周丽13、青岛电子一班:宋彤霞14、机电班:祁亮宏15、综合高二:杨金梅16、上海中芯班:魏莉17、天津二班:韩强18、天津一班:漆双福19、综合高三:赵霞20、职高二:漆巧莲六、and after all the contestants finished their speeches, let’s warmly welcome our headmaster mr.ding。