


LO 8-3 Describe two types of vertical integration along the industry value chain: backward and forward vertical integration.
LO 8-4 Identify and evaluate benefits and risks of vertical integration. LO 8-5 Describe and examine alternatives to vertical integration. LO 8-6 Describe and evaluate different types of corporate diversification. LO 8-7 Apply the core competence – market matrix to derive different
• Economies of scope
➢ Savings that come from producing more outputs or providing different services at less cost
❖ Ex: Amazon range of products & services
➢ Explains and predicts the scope of the firm ➢ "Market vs. firms" have differential costs
• Transaction costs
➢ Costs associated with economic exchanges
➢ Competitive bidding process ➢ Less than one-year term ➢ Lower prices cost advantages



What Do Managers Do? (cont.)
• Management Roles
• specific categories of managerial behavior
• Interpersonal - involve people and
duties that are ceremonial and symbolic in nature
• published principles of management
• fundamental, teachable rules of management
© Prentice Hall, 2002
Born 1856; died 1915
Known as ‘father of scientific management’
In 1881, as chief engineer for Midvale Steel, studied how tasks were done
Began first time & motion studies
© Prentice Hall, 2002
Organizational Levels
Top Managers
Middle Managers
First-line Managers
Non-managerial Employees
© Prentice Hall, 2002
• Informational - receiving, collecting,


8th edition Steven P. Robbins
Mary Coulter
Copyright ? 2005 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved.
Follow this Learning Outline as you read and study this chapter.
Why Look at Individual Behavior?
? Describe the focus and the goals of organizational behavior.
? Explain why the concept of an organization as an iceberg is important to understanding organizational behavior.
?Individual behavior
? Attitudes, personality, perception, learning, and motivation
?Group behavior
? Norms, roles, team building, leadership, and conflict
? Discuss how managers can shape behavior.
Understanding Individual Behavior
? Organizational Behavior (OB)
?The actions of people at work
? Dual Focus of OB
? Explain how operant conditioning helps managers understand, predict, and influence behavior.


包括战略分析和战略选择两个过程。 2.战略实施和控制
第八章 战略管理——8.2 战略环境分析
8.2.1 宏观环境分析—PEST 宏观环境分析的内容:确认和评价政治、经济、
科技、社会文化等因素对企业战略目标和战略选择 的影响。
第八章 战略管理——8.2 战略环境分析
1.政治环境因素分析 政治因素是指对企业经营活动具有现实的利潜
第八章 战略管理——8.1 战略管理概述
2.魁因的定义 美国管理学教授魁因(J.B. Quinn)认为,战略
是一种模式或计划,它将一个组织的主要目的、政 策与活动按照一定的顺序结合成一个紧密的整体。 包括以下内容:
(1)有效的正式战略包括三个基本因素:①可 以达到的最主要的目的(或目标)②指导或约束经营 活动的重要政策③可以在一定条件下实现预定目标 的主要活动程序或项目。
在作用与影响的政治力量、政治制度、体制、方针 政策,同时也包括对企业经营活动加以限制和要求 的法律和法规等。
(1)政治因素分析的内容 ①企业所在地区和国家的政局稳定状况 ②执政党所要推行的基本政策以及这些政策的
第八章 战略管理——8.2 战略环境分析
③政府对企业行为的影响 ④法律对企业的影响 ⑤各种政治利益集团对企业活动产生影响 ⑥国际政治形势及其变化 (2)政治环境因素对企业影响的特点 ①直接性 ②难于预测性 ③不可逆转性
第八章 战略管理——8.3 战略制定
市场 增长率

? 高 题

业务转换方向 资金投向 战略选择

低狗 清算
低 1.0 高
图 8-3 BCG矩阵




管理追求效率(efficiency)和效果(effectiveness)管理职能(management functions):计划(planning)、组织(organizing)、领导(leading)、控制(controlling)管理者角色(management roles):人际关系角色(interpersonal roles)、信息角色(information roles)、决策角色(decision roles) 成功的管理者和有效的管理者并不等同,在活动时间上,有效的管理者花费了大量的时间用于沟通,而网络联系(社交等)占据了成功的管理者很大部分时间。



2章管理的演进1、20世纪以前的管理:亚当·斯密的劳动分工理论(division of labor)产业革命(industrial revolution)2、多样化时期(20世纪):科学管理(scientific management):弗雷德里克·泰勒一般行政管理理论(general administrative theory):亨利·法约尔(principles of management)、马克斯·韦伯(bureaucracy) 人力资源方法(human resources approach):权威的接受观点(acceptance view of authority),霍桑研究,人际关系运动(卡内基、马斯洛),行为科学理论家(behavioral science theorists) 定量方法(quantitative approach)3、近年来的趋势(20世纪后期):趋向一体化过程方法(process approach)系统方法(systems approach):封闭系统和开放系统(closed systems)权变方法(contingency approach):一般性的权变变量包括组织规模、任务技术的例常性、环境的不确定性、个人差异4、当前的趋势和问题(21世纪):变化中的管理实践全球化(globalization)工作人员多样化(work force diversity)道德(morality)激励创新(innovations)和变革(changes)全面质量管理(total quality management, TQM):由顾客需要和期望驱动的管理哲学授权(delegation)工作人员的两极化(bi-modal work force)3章组织文化与环境:管理的约束力量1、组织组织文化(organizational culture)被用来指共有的价值体系。


• 组织战略的新方向
➢ 电子商务战略 ➢ 顾客服务战略 ➢ 创新战略
• 使用网络:
➢ 创造出雇员能随时随地访问的知识基地 ➢ 把客户作为帮助设计、测试和推出新产品的伙伴 ➢ 真正实现无纸化 ➢ 实时物流管理 ➢ 改变整个组织中大量工作任务的本质
• BCG 矩阵
➢ 有波士顿咨询集团开发 ➢ 考虑市场份额和行业增长速度 ➢ 公司归类为:
❖ 现金牛:低增长,高市场份额 ❖ 明星: 高增长,高市场份额 ❖ 问号:高增长,低市场份额 ❖ 瘦狗:低增长率,低市场份额
图表 8–5 BCG 矩阵
• 业务层或竞争性战略
➢ 一种注重组织应该怎样在每项业务上展开竞争的战略
资料来源: Based on F. David, Strategic Management, 11 ed. (Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2007), p.70.
• 步骤2:外部分析
➢ 分析具体的、特定的和一般的环境,以发现正在发生的
• 更新战略
➢ 发展战略,以应对导致组织绩效下降的弱点
❖ 紧缩战略:重点是消除非致命性弱点和恢复力量来解决目前的业 ❖ 扭转战略:通过使用强有力的措施,削减成本、重组业务,以解
• 当组织的公司战略包含多种业务时,管理者可以运 组合矩阵对业务组合进行管理,如 BCG矩阵



• 进货物流:对码头活动进行有效布局。 • 生产作业:有效利用运输车队。 • 市场营销:购买大幅面广告;通过军事化管理 最大限度利用销售力量。 • 服务:通过服务维修指南,使重复维修的电话 减至最少。适用同一型号的维修工具,使成本 减至最低。
• 2、新兴行业中企业的战略对策 【案例分析】 • (1)尽量赢得在新兴行业中的领导地位。 • (2)使企业自身在技术上趋于完善,逐步提高产品的 质量,开发有吸引力的特色产品和性能。 • (3)一旦出现了占统治地位的技术,应积极采纳。 • (4)同关键的供应商建立联盟关系,获取关键的原材 料或零配件。
• 视频:科技演绎新兴产业魅力
• • • •
2、新兴行业中企业的战略对策 【案例分析】 (5)选择适当的进入时机。 (6)追寻新的顾客群。 (7)降低首次购买者试用公司第一代产品的代价和难 度。 • (8 )采用削价的策略来吸引后来的对价格敏感的购 买者。
【案例分析】 • 3、采用重点集中战略的风险 • (1)当大范围提供服务的竞争对手与实施重点集中战 略企业间的成本差距变大时,使针对一个狭窄的目标 市场的产品或服务丧失成本优势或差异优势。 • (2)由于技术进步、替代品出现、价值观念改变、消 费者偏好变化等战略目标发生变化,使细分市场与整 体市场之间对所希望的产品和服务差距缩小。 • (3)竞争对手在战略目标市场中又找到细分市场,使 原重点集中的市场显得不够集中。 • (4)重点关注的市场被其他市场的竞争者侵占。 • (5)重点关注的市场需求发生重大变化。


复习MBA课程中财务、会计和经济学中与战略管理的相关 的部分
Finance/Accounting 财务/会计
Financial Budgets as strategies 财务预算也是战略
Types of Budgets:
• Capital budgets 资本预算
• Expense budgets 费用预算

Consumer group profiles
Marketing Issues 市场营销问题
Market Segmentation 市场细分
Based on: 基于: • Geographic variables
地域差异 • Demographic variables
”当市场之窗的开闭速度变得更快,将研发 同企业战略比以前更紧密地联系到一起就 显得尤为重要。“
—William Spenser—
-威廉 斯宾塞-
Implementing Strategies 战略实施
“Most of the time, strategists should not be formulating strategy but rather implementing strategies they already have.”
External Audit
Chapter 3 第三章
Vision &
Mission Statements 制定愿景和使命陈述
Chapter 2 第二章
Long Term Objectives 建立长期目标
Chapter 5 第五章
Internal Audit







第二节战略管理层次一.公司层战略1.公司层战略【corporate-level strategy】:寻求确定公司应当从事何种事业。



二.事业层战略1.事业层战略【business-level strategy】:寻求决定公司应当如何在其每一个事业领域内开展竞争。



2.战略事业单位【strategic business unit SBU】:一项单独的事业或事业组合,独立经营和制定自己的战略。





• Explain the universality of management concept. • Discuss why an understanding of management is
important even if you don’t plan to be a manager. • Describe the rewards and challenges of being a manager.
• Explain how communication can flow in an organization. • Describe the three common communication networks. • Discuss how managers should handle the grapevine.
What Is Communication?
• Communication
➢ The transfer and understanding of meaning.
❖ Transfer means the message was received in a form that can be interpreted by the receiver.
communication and how to overcome them.
L E A R N I N G O U T L I N E (cont’d)
Follow this Learning Outline as you read and study this chapter.
Organizational Communication
❖ Understanding the message is not the same as the receiver agreeing with the message.


传统的管理理念已无法获得竞争.力,管理者必须培养全新的管理理16 念——灵活创新、高效统一、应变自如
21st Century Competitive Landscape (Cont’d)
Hypercompetition – extremely intense rivalry among competing firms, characterized by Escalating & increasingly aggressive competitive moves Assumptions of market stability replaced with notion of instability and change
战略领导力 战略型企业家
安索夫 1976年 《从战略规划到战略管理》中最 早提出
最早的定义:战略管理是将企业的日常业务决策 同长期计划决策相结合而形成的一系列经营管理 业务。
实际上,战略管理的关键词不是战略也不是管理, 而是动态的管理。
定义:企业确定其使命,根据组织外部环境和内 部条件设定企业的战略目标,为保证目标的正确 落实和实现进行谋划,并依靠企业内部能力将这 种谋划和决策付诸实施,以及在实施过程中进行 控制的一个动态管理过程。
执行的重要决策,采取的途径和行动以及为实 现目标对企业主要资源分配的一种模式。
在这其中,明茨伯格认为战略形式分为自发产 生的战略,已设计的战略,实现的战略等。


Strategic Management in Today’s Environment (cont’d)
• Discuss the implications of dynamic and uncertain environments on organizational strategy.
• Explain the rule of three and its significance to strategic management.
strategy. • Describe two renewal strategies.
Copyright © 2005 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. *
L E A R N I N G O U T L I N E (cont’d)
Follow this Learning Outline as you read and study this chapter.
• Discuss what studies of the effectiveness of strategic management have shown.
The Strategic Management Process
• List six steps in the strategic management process.
Copyright © 2005 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. *
L E A R N I N G O U T L I N E (cont’d)
Follow this Learning Outline as you read and study this chapter.


• Job Specification
➢ A written statement of the minimum qualifications that a person must possess to perform a given job successfully.
Copyright © 2005 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved.
• Human Resource (HR) Planning
➢ The process by which managers ensure that they have the right number and kinds of people in the right places, and at the right times, who are capable of effectively and efficiently performing their tasks.
• Adds value to the firm
➢ High performance work practices lead to both high individual and high organizational performance
Copyright © 2005 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved.
Current Issues in Human Resource Management
• Explain how managers can manage downsizing. • Discuss how managers can manage workforce diversity. • Tell what sexual harassment is and what managers need


• Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB)
➢ Discretionary behavior that is not a part of an employee’s formal job requirements, but which promotes the effective functioning of the organization.
8th edition Steven P. Robbins
Mary Coulter
Copyright © 2005 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved.
Follow this Learning Outline as you read and study this chapter.
L E A R N I N G O U T L I N E (cont’d)
Follow this Learning Outline as you read and study this chapter.
• Explain how an understanding of perception can help managers better understand individual behavior.
• Discuss how managers can shape behavior.
Understanding Individual Behavior
• Organizational Behavior (OB)
➢ The actions of people at work


• Describe strategies applying e-business techniques. • Explain what strategies organization might use to become
more customer oriented. • Describe innovation strategies organizations might use.
Follow this Learning Outline as you read and 源自tudy this chapter.
The Importance of Strategic Management
• Define strategic management.
• Explain why strategic management is important.
8th edition Steven P. Robbins
Mary Coulter
PowerPoint Presentation by Charlie Cook Copyright © 2005 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved.
Copyright © 2005 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved.
implementation, and evaluation.
Types of Organizational Strategies
• Tell what strategies each level of management is typically responsible for.
• Describe the three major types of corporate strategies. • Explain the three growth strategies. • Discuss when organizations might pursue a stability



EightStrategic Management1. INTRODUCTION.Effective managers recognize the role that strategic management plays in their organization’s performance. An underlying theme of this chapter is that good strategies can lead to high organizational performance.2. THE IMPORTANCE OF STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT.The role that the environment plays has influenced managers in developing a systematic means of analyzing the environment, assessing their organization’s strengths and weaknesses, identifying opportunities that would give the organization a competitive advantage, and incorporating these findings into their planning. The value of thinking strategically has an important impact on organization performance.A. What is strategic management?1. Strategic management is that set of managerial decisions andactions that determines the long-run performance of anorganization.2. It entails all of the basic management functions—planning,organizing, leading, and controlling.B. Why is Strategic Management Important?1. One reason strategic management is important is because it canmake a difference in how well an organization performs.2. Another reason has to do with the fact that organizations of alltypes and sizes face continually changing situations.3. Strategic management is also important because of the nature oforganizations. They are composed of diverse divisions, units,functions and work activities that need to be coordinated.4. Strategic management is also important because it’sinvolved in many of the decisions that managers make.3. THE STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT PROCESS.The strategic management process is s six-step process that encompasses strategic planning, implementation, and evaluation. (See Exhibit 8.1)A. Step 1: Identifying the Organization’s Curre nt Mission, Objectives, andStrategies.1.Every organization needs a mission,which defines the purpose ofthe organization. What is the organization’s reason for being inbusiness? Exhibit 8.2 describes some common components found inorganizational mission statements.2. It’s also important to identify the organization’s currentobjectives and strategies, as well.B. Step 2: External Analysis.1. Managers in every organization need to do an external analysis.Factors such as competition, pending legislation, and laborsupply could have an impact.2. After analyzing the environment, managers need to assess whatthey have learned in terms of opportunities and threats.Opportunities are positive trends in external environmentalfactors; threats are negative trends.3. The same environment can present opportunities to oneorganization and pose threats to another in the same industrybecause of different resources and capabilities.C. Step 3: Internal Analysis.1. Should lead to a clear assessment of the organi zation’s resourcesand capabilities.2. Any activities the organization does well or any uniqueresources that it has are called strengths.3. Weaknesses are activities the organization does not do well orresources it needs but does not possess.If any of the organizational capabilities or resources areexceptional or unique, they’re called the organization’s corecompetencies.anizational culture is important in internal analysis. It canpromote or hinder an organization’s strategic actions.5. Combined external and internal analyses are called SWOTanalysis because it’s an analysis of the organizations’ strengths,weaknesses, opportunities and threats.D. Step 4: Formulating Strategies.1. After the SWOT, managers develop and evaluate strategicalternatives and select strategies that are appropriate.2. Strategies need to be established for corporate, business andfunctional levels.E. Step 5: Implementing Strategies.1. A strategy is only as good as it implementation.F.Step 6:Evaluating Results.1. How effective have the strategies been? Are adjustmentsnecessary?4. TYPES OF ORGANIZATIONAL STRATEGIES.There are three different and distinct levels of strategy: corporate, business, and functional. (See Exhibit 8.4)A. Corporate Level StrategyThe corporate-level strategy seeks to determine what businesses acorporation should be in or wants to be in.1.Three main corporate strategies:a.Growth: growth strategy seeks to increase theorganization’s business by expanding the number ofproducts offered or markets served.b.Stability. A stability strategy is characterized by anabsence of significant change.c.Renewal. Renewal strategies are deployed when theorganization is in trouble. Two such strategies areretrenchment strategy and turnaround strategy.1.Corporate Portfolio Analysis. Used when an organization’scorporate strategy involves a number of businesses.a.BCG Matrix helps to identify which businesses offer highpotential and which are a drain on organizational resources. B.Business-Level StrategySeeks to determine how an organization should compete in each of itsbusinesses.1.The Role of Competitive Advantage. Competitive advantage iswhat sets an organization apart, that is, its distinct edge. Thesecome from the firm’s core co mpetencies.2.Quality as a Competitive Advantage. If implemented properly,quality can be a way for an organization to create a sustainablecompetitive advantage.1. Sustaining Competitive Advantage. Enables the organization tokeep its edge despi te competitors’ actions or evolutionarychanges in the industry.4. Competitive strategies developed out of the work of MichaelPorter. His framework suggests that managers can choose fromamong three generic strategies. Porter’s major contribution hasbeen to carefully outline how managers can create and sustain acompetitive strategy in order to earn above-average profitability.a. Industry analysis is an important step in Porter’sframework. He says there are five competitive forces atwork in an industry. (See Exhibit 8.7).1) Threat of new entrants is determined by barriersto entry, which are factors that determine howeasy or hard it is for new competitors to enter anindustry.2) Bargaining power of buyers are factors thatdetermine the amount of influence that buyershave in an industry.3) Threat of substitutes is a factor that determineswhether or not customers will switch theirbusiness to a competitor.4) Bargaining power of suppliers are forces thatdetermine the power that suppliers have overfirms in the industry.5) Existing rivalry includes factors that determinehow intense the competitive rivalry will beamong firms currently in the industry.5. Porter then goes on to state that management must choose astrategy that will give it a competitive advantage over its rivals.There are three generic competitive strategies. Which onemanagers select depends on the organization’s strengths andcore competencies and its competitors’ weaknesses.a. A cost leadership strategy is the strategy anorganization follows when it wants to be the lowest-costproducer in the industry.b. The differentiation strategy is the strategy a firmfollows when it wants to be unique in its industry alongdimensions valued by buyers.c. The focus strategy is the strategy a company followswhen it pursues a cost or differentiation advantage in anarrow industry segment.6. Porter proposed that a firm could not successfully pursue acombination of these competitive strategies and used the termstuck in the middle to describe organizations that cannotcompete through cost leadership, differentiation, or focusstrategies.7. However, a growing number of research studies have shown thata dual emphasis on low costs and differentiation can result inhigh performance. This app roach isn’t easy to implement,however.C. Functional Level StrategyThe functional-level strategy seeks to determine how to support thebusiness-level strategy.B. New Directions in Organizational Strategies.1. Strategies for Applying e-Business Techniques. Using theInternet, companies have created knowledge bases thatemployees can tap into anytime, anywhere. E-Business as astrategy can develop a sustainable competitive advantage, beused as a differentiator, or act as a focuser.2. Customer Service Strategies. These strategies give customerswhat they want, communicate effectively with them, and provideemployees with customer service training.3. Innovation Strategies. Can focus on breakthrough products orthen can include the application of existing technology to newuses. An organization that is first to bring a product innovationto the market or to use a new process innovation is called a firstmover.1. Perform a SWOT analysis on a local business you think you know well. What, ifany, competitive advantage has this organization staked out?Answers to this question will vary. Depending on the number of “available”businesses to study, you might need to assign this question to teams of students.Encourage them to thoroughly cover each area of the SWOT. To save time and hassle, you might want to discuss with students ways to find information for doing a SWOT before sending them out to do this assignment.2. How might the processes of strategy formulation, implementation, andevaluation differ for (a) large businesses, (b) small businesses, (c) not-for-profit organizations, and (d) global businesses?Hopefully, students will recognize that the processes of strategy formulation, implementation, and evaluation won’t differ for these differe nt types of organizations, but the content of the processes will very likely differ.3.“The concept of competitive advantage is as important for not-for-profitorganizations as it is for for-profit organization.” Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Explain, using examples to make your case.Students should be able to recognize that although the not-for-profit organizations are not attempting to make a profit, they are attempting to be successful and remain productive, and that the correct strategy is what will allow this existence.4. Should ethical considerations be included in the analyses of an organization’sinternal and external environments? Why or why not?Ethical considerations should be included in every activity of an organization.Another question to pose to students is what would ethical considerations include?5. How could the Internet be helpful to managers as they follow the steps in thestrategic management process?The Internet allows the manager access to so much more information almost instantaneously about competitors, environmental factors, and customers. This information improves the manager’s ability to make sound strategic management decisions.6.Find examples of five different organizational mission statements. Using themission statements, describe what types of corporate-level and business-level strategies each organization might use to fulfill that mission statement. Explain your rationale for choosing each strategy.Students will select a wide range of companies and mission statements. This is an excellent opportunity for students to differentiate between corporate-level and business-level strategies. You may want to “assign” at least one firm that has several business units associated with it.。



Copyright © 2005 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved.
Who Are Managers?
• Manager
Someone who works with and through other people by coordinating and integrating their work activities in order to accomplish organizational goals.
Follow this Learning Outline as you read and study this chapter.
Who Are Managers?
• Describe who is doing managerial work in today’s organizations. • Define who managers are. • Explain how manager differ from non-managerial employees. • Discuss how to classify managers in organizations.
Copyright © 2005 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved.
Classifying Managers
• First-line Managers
Are at the lowest level of management and manage the work of non-managerial employees.
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战略管理概念与案例英文版第八版教学设计 (3)

战略管理概念与案例英文版第八版教学设计 (3)

Teaching Design for the 8th Edition of Concepts in StrategicManagement and CasesIntroductionThe 8th edition of Concepts in Strategic Management and Cases is a highly regarded textbook in the field of strategic management. Written by Arthur A. Thompson Jr. and Margaret A. Peteraf, the book provides a comprehensive overview ofstrategic management concepts and theories, as well aspractical examples and case studies. This teaching design is med at instructors who will be using the 8th edition of the textbook in their courses.Learning Objectives•Understand the key concepts and theories in strategic management•Apply strategic management frameworks to analyze business situations•Evaluate strategic decisions and their impact on business performance•Develop critical thinking and analytical skills through case analysisCourse OutlineWeek Topic Learning Objectives1 Introduction toStrategic Management Understand the key concepts in strategic management2 External Analysis Apply external analysisframeworks to business cases 3 Internal Analysis Apply internal analysisframeworks to business cases4 Business-LevelStrategy Analyze business-level strategies and their implementation5 Corporate-LevelStrategy Analyze corporate-level strategies and their implementation6 InternationalStrategy Analyze international strategies and their implementation7 StrategyImplementation Evaluate the implementation of strategic decisions8 Evaluation andControl Understand the importance of evaluation and control in strategic management9 Case Analysis Develop critical thinking andanalytical skills through caseWeek Topic Learning ObjectivesanalysisClassroom ActivitiesThe following classroom activities are designed to enhance student learning and engagement:Case AnalysisCase analysis is an integral part of the course and will be conducted during the second half of the semester. The instructor may assign cases or allow students to select cases independently. Each student group will be responsible for presenting their analysis of the case, including a discussion of the company’s external and internal environment,strategic options, and implementation issues. Other students will be encouraged to ask questions and provide constructive feedback.DebateDebate is an effective way to encourage critical thinking and argumentation. The instructor may organize debates on controversial topics related to strategic management, such as the importance of corporate social responsibility, the roleof the CEO in strategy formulation, or the benefits and drawbacks of mergers and acquisitions.Board GameA board game can be used to simulate strategic decision-making in a fun and interactive way. The goal of the game is to guide a company to success by making strategic decisions and responding to market changes. Students will work in small teams to develop a strategy, implement it, and evaluate its performance. The instructor will act as a facilitator and provide guidance and feedback.AssessmentThe following assessment methods are suggested:Case Analysis (50%)Each student group will be required to submit a written report and make an oral presentation on a case analysis. The report should include a description of the company, its industry and competitive environment, its internal resources and capabilities, its strategic options, and an evaluation of its implementation.Class Participation (20%)Class participation will be evaluated based on attendance, preparation, and contributions to class activities such as case discussion, debate, and board game.Final Exam (30%)The final exam will cover all the materials discussed in the course. It will consist of multiple-choice questions, short-answer questions, and essay questions.ConclusionThe teaching design presented in this document ms to provide instructors with a comprehensive and flexible approach to teaching strategic management. By using the 8th edition of Concepts in Strategic Management and Cases as the textbook, students will gn a solid foundation of strategic management concepts and theories, as well as practical skills in case analysis and strategic decision-making. The classroom activities and assessment methods suggested in this design are intended to enhance student learning and engagement, and foster critical thinking and analytical skills.。

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Types of Organizational Strategies (cont’d)
• Discuss the BCG matrix and how it’s used. • Define SBUs and business-level strategies. • Describe the role of competitive advantage in business-
• Describe strategies applying e-business techniques. • Explain what strategies organization might use to become
more customer oriented. • Describe innovation strategies organizations might use.
• Define strategic management. • Explain why strategic management is important. • Discuss what studies of the effectiveness of strategic
management have shown.
implementation, and evaluation.
Types of Organizational Strategies
• Tell what strategies each level of management is typically responsible for.
• Describe the three major types of corporate strategies. • Explain the three growth strategies. • Discuss when organizations might pursue a stability
level strategies. • Explain Porter’s five forces model. • Describe three generic competitive strategies. • Tell what it means to be stuck in the middle. • Define functional-level strategies.
第8章战略管理罗宾斯管 理学第8版讲义全集,英
Follow this Learning Outline as you read and study this chapter.
The Importance of Strategic Management
L E A R N I N G O U T L I N E (cont’d)
Follow this Learning Outline as you read and study this chapter.
The Strategic Management Process (cont’d)
ØDefine strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. ØDiscuss what happens during strategy formulation,
Strategic Management in Today’s Environment (cont’d)
• Discuss the implications of dynamic and uncertain environments on organizational strategy.
• Explain the rule of three and its significance to strategic management.
internal analyses. • Explain the role of resources, capabilities, and core
competencies in the internal analysis.
•Copyright © 2005 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. *
strategy. • Describe two renewal strategies.
•Copyright © 2005 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. *
L E A R N I N G O U T L I N E (cont’d)
Follow this Learning Outline as you read and study this chapter.
The Strategic Management Process
• List six steps in the strategic management process. • Explain why it’s important to know an organization’s
mission. • Describe what managers do when they do external and
•Copyright © 2005 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. *
L E A R N I N G O U T L I N E (cont’d)
Follow this Learning Outline as you read and study this chapter.
•Copyright © 2005 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. *
Strategic Management
• The set of managerial decisions and actions that determines the long-run performance of an organization.