
Terms and Definitions (5 points each):WASPWhite Anglo-Saxon Protestant, commonly abbreviated to the acronym WASP, is a sociol ogical and cultural ethnonym that originated in the United States and Canada.The term originated in reference to white North Americans of British d escent, who were Protestant in religious affiliation. It initially applied to people with histories in the upper class Northeastern establishment, who were alleged to form a powerful elite.The original WASP establishment created and dominated the social structure of the United States and its significant institutions when the country's social structure took shape in the 17th century until the 20th century.ExodusThe action and the phenomenon of l eaving one’s native country to settl e abr oad.American Exceptionalism (美国例外论)American exceptionalism refers to the theory that the United States is qualitatively different from other countries. In this view, America's exceptionalism stems from its emergence from a revolution, becoming "the first new nation," and devel oping a uniquely American ideol ogy, based on liberty, egalitarianism, individualism, populism and laissez-faire. This observation can be traced to Alexis d e Tocqueville, the first writer to describe the United States as "exceptional" in 1831 and 1840. Historian Gord on Wood has argued, "Our beliefs in liberty, equality, constitutionalism, and the well-being.第二个答案:Every American who ever lived, with the exception of one group, was either an immigrant himself or a descendant of immigrants。

第7章美国文学Ⅰ. Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F):1. American literature is mainly about the seeking of the American people for success and happiness. _____【答案】T【解析】美国文学主要是关于美国人民追寻成功和幸福。
2. Rip Van Winkle was a character created by James Fenimore Cooper. _____【答案】F【解析】《瑞普·凡·温克》是小说家及历史家华盛顿·欧文(Washington Irving)的名篇。
3. The Leather-Stocking Tales consist of five novels depicting the American West. _____【答案】T【解析】《皮袜子故事集》是美国作家詹姆斯·费尼莫尔·库柏(James Fenimore Cooper)的系列小说,共包含《杀鹿者》(The Deerslayer)、《最后的莫希干人》(The Last of the Mohicans)、《探路人》(The Pathfinder)、《拓荒者》(The Pioneer)和《大草原》(The Prairie)等五部小说。
4. Before Mark Twain, all major American writers were born on the East Coast. _____ 【答案】T【解析】马克·吐温(Mark Twain),美国作家、演说家,生于美国密苏里州佛罗里达。

American Family1.The middle-aged people and elderly people generally live with their married children in America(F)2.The nuclear family is the fundamental family pattern in the United States now(T)3.In the post-civil war period,the African American family in the South was not only more nuclear,but also more male dominated(T)4.In America,The pre-industrial family is a kind of Democratic family(F)5.Mother and Father equally have the final say on family matters in most modern American families(T)6.Upper-class families don’t aspire to be upwardly mobile because they are always there(T)7.What does a nuclear family consist of (B)A.parents and family kin or other members of the communityB.it consists of parents and their dependent or minor children onlyC.it consists of two parents and their children8.Who takes care of the dependent children in a one-parent family in America?(C)A.The grandparentsB.The governmentC.mother and father9.Many American children must develop self-dependent to adjust themselves to (C)A.their parent’s unhappy marriageB.the new lifestyle of American familyC.dramatic social and economic change in new century10.Which of the following is not the effects of the Women’s Liberation movement in the 1960’s(B)A.women should have the same social and economic rights and priviledges as menB.women should go out to start their own business instead of staying at home to take care of their childrenC.women should obtained many political and legal rights previously open to men11.Which of the following statements is not ture?(C)A.In America,individuals freely contracted marriage based on love in modern family patternB.In 19th century,children were largely used as labor force, making children earn a living was seen not only as economically necessary but also morally soundC.In African American family,the slave can choose their husbands and wives by themselvesAmerican Education1 The expenditure in American public schools is guided or decided by (D)A.TeachersB. StudentsC. headmastersD. boards of education2 In the US school systems, which of the follow decision is true?(C)A.Elementary school, grammar schoolB.Elementary school, junior high schoolC.Elementary school, secondary schoolD.unior high school, senior high school3 Three of the following universities have large endowments from wealthy benefactors . which is the exception?(B)A.Harvard universityB.The state university of New YorkC.Yale universityD.Princeton university4 Both public and private universities depend on the following sources of income except(A)A.InvestmentB. student tuition C endowments D government funding5 How many percent of American students go to public schools? (A)85% B. 65% C 50% D 25%6 American middle school system is consist if middle school and high school, the high school is divided into junior high school and senior high school. (T)7 The basic classes of middle school are math, English, PE, history, and health (T)8 Children start school when they are six years old, in some states they must stay in school until they are fifteen.(F)9.Parent do not have to pay for education of the public school, because the schools receive many from the government(T)10. It’s false that most people stereotype the American middle school is easy to pass.(T)American labour1.From what we know of the original African families from which many black Americans came.(T)2.The Japanese worked hard for low pay and without complaining.(T)3.In the nineteenth century in Mexican American families Husbands raised cattle and wives tended the housework!(T)4.It was not until in the 1850s that working men's societies made a comeback.(T)Reason: Before 1860, union members never exceeded 1% of total labor force. From then on , labors has risen up5.In the United States, the balance of power is different from other advanced industrial nations. It's true?(T)Reason: in the US, the power is clearly in favor of the employers. So, most of them look after business interests first, welfare of labor.6.The AFL-CIO is especially connected with global trade issue.(T)7.National Labor Relations Board isn't an independent federal agency.(F)8.What did the workers want to gain in the labor movement?A: material status and social status9.Which law became the first law to prohibit racial discrimination?(B)A. Taft-Hartley ActB. Fair Employment ActC. National Labor or Relations Act10.Which one is not American national trade union organizations?(D)A. AFL-CIOB. IWW (Industrial Workers of the WorldC. Ctw (Change to Win Federation)D. ILD (International Labor Organization)American values and characteristicsQuestion: true or false for American values and characteristics1 In 1863, Abraham Lincoln issued the famous Emancipation Proclamation to ablish the slavery。

“美国社会与文化”课后练习题I. 单选1.Which of the following statement is CORRECT about the geographic location ofthe United States of America?A.South of North America, southern temperate zone;B.South of North America, northern temperate zone;C.North of North America, northern temperate zone;D.North of South America, southern temperate zone.2.The boundary line between America and Mexico, starts from the mouth of the RioGrande River and finally ends at the ___________ seashore.A. AtlanticB. PacificC. IndianD. Oceanic3. _________, known as the Eastern Coastal Plain, is a wide strip between the Atlantic and the Appalachians.A. Mexico seacoastB. Caribbean seacoastC. Bering seacoastD. Atlantic seacoast4. Rocky Mountains stretch all the way from ________ to _________.A. Mexico, the ArcticB. Mexico, the AtlanticC. Alaska, the AtlanticD. Alaska, Mexico5.The Yellow Stone National Park is located in __________.A. the Grand CanyonB. the Rocky MountainsC. the Death ValleyD. the Willamette Valley6.According to functionalist perspective, which one is not mentioned as the functionof education?A.Providing custodial careB.Promoting national unityC.Reducing unemploymentD.Teaching knowledge and skills7.“Head Start” movement was conducted to __________.A.Give every child equal opportunity to receive education.B.Bring those who were at disadvantage to have equal opportunity to receiveeducation.C.Initiate an optional course in school.D.Improve the academic performance of students.8.Regarding the education reforms, _________.A.New paradigm supporters are confident in markets.B.Systemic reformers believe in consumers.C.The new paradigm and the old one are totally different.D.Both the reforms reached good result.9.Which of the following is related closely to religion?A.public schoolsB.Private schoolsmunity schoolsD.Parochial schools10.For the schools at local level, _____________.A.the central government assigns the president.B.V oted governing board is responsible for the governance of the local school.C.The education quality is not very high-standard.D.Teachers are less-paid than the state-run schools.11.The sources of American Folk Music are _________.A.the British Isles and AfricaB.the British Isles and AsiaC.European countriesD.All of the above12.American Folk Music represents ________.A.the American IndiansB.the tribal music of primitive peoplesC.American cultureD.The western American lives13.The foremost form of Anglo-Celtic folk music is ________.A.church musicB.BalladryC.Tribal musicD.Harmonic music14.Bob Dylan is ____________.A.American folk singer folksinger, banjo playerC.American singer and composerD.American folksinger and song writer15.A disc jockey is supposed to ___________.A.Design the programs for radio stations.B.Mix different kinds of music togetheranize the dancing tuneD.Blend only certain types of music together to create new ones.16.Donkey stands for________.A. Democratic PartyB. Republican PartyC. Labor PartyD. Federalist Party17. The president of the United States must be at least ________.A. 40 years oldB. 35 years oldC. 45 years oldD. 37 years old18. Which of the following is not considered as the cornerstone of traditionalAmerican belief?A. Individual FreedomB. Equality of OpportunityC. Material WealthD. Racial Diversity19. _____ is responsible for the relation of the United States with foreign countries.A. congressB. presidentC. ambassadorD. chief judge20. The president can veto any bills passed by congress, unless ______ in each housevote to override the veto.A. 2/3B. 3/4C. 4/5D. 1/221.Juvenile Crime, in law, term denoting various offenses committed by children oryouths under the age of _______.A. 16B. 14C. 18D. 2022.Which country remains the only Western democracy that imposed the deathpenalty on some of those convicted of murder?_______A. CanadaB. the United StatesC. EnglandD. Germany23.The largest and best organized association standing for firearm users in Americastates, “ Guns don’t kill people, people kill people”, which is _________.A. NRAB. Gun ClubC. WHOD. ARA24.Series of studies clearly show that ______ and violence are interrelated.A. RaceB. SexC. AgeD. Drugs25.The unlawful killing of a human being by a person who had an intent to kill is thedefinition of the crime of ______.A. MurderB. ManslaughterC. AssaultD. Battery26.What is the scientific definition of family given by sociologists?A.We are born into a family, mature in a family, form new families, and leavethem at our death. Family life is a universal human experience.B.The family is a fundamental God given institution built into the very natureof the universe.C.The family is an arbitrary cultural structure. It is a group of people heldtogether by bonds of love and affection.D.The family is a group of people who are related to one another by bonds ofblood, marriage, or adoption and who live together, form an economic unit,and bear and raise children.27.What is the basis for traditional family structure?A.Extended familyB.Nuclear familyC.KinshipD.Immediate family28.What are the diverse patterns of contemporary families?A.Singlehood, Postponing Marriage, Cohabitation, Dual-Earner Marriages,Two-Parent and One-Parent Households, Stepfamilies, Gay and LesbianMarriagesB.Singlehood, Postponing Marriage, Cohabitation, Dual-Earner Marriages,Two-Parent and One-Parent HouseholdsC.Singlehood, Postponing Marriage, Cohabitation, Dual-Earner Marriages,Stepfamilies, Gay and Lesbian MarriagesD.Singlehood, Postponing Marriage, Cohabitation, Two-Parent and One-ParentHouseholds, Gay and Lesbian Marriages29. What are the major family problems?i.Divorceii.Remarriageiii.Violenceiv.Work and Family InequalityA. (1) (2) (3)B. (1) (3) (4)C. (1) (2) (4)D. (1) (2) (3) (4)30. What are the causes for an aging American society?(1) A continued low fertility rate(2)Ever-greater life expectancy rate due to advances in medicine(3)The baby boom generation reaching old age.(4)Improved social services and more favorable public policiesA. (1) (2) (4)B. (1) (2)(3)C. (1)(2)(3)(4)D. (2)(3)(4)31.There occurred three times of immigration waves since 1620. The third wave tookplace ___________, and the number of immigrants rose to 23,500,000, most of whom came from such South-eastern European countries as Italy and Russia.A. between 1820 and 1850B. between 1851 and 1870C. between 1871 and 1920D. between 1881 and 192032.In 1886, _________ gave the United States the Statue of Liberty as a gesture offriendship, and since then the Statue, which is standing on an island near Ellis Island, has become a symbol of hope, lighting the way for new arrivals.A.FranceB. BritainC.GermanyD. Spain33.In recent decades, some important legislative documents have remapped the orderof American immigration policies. Among them, ___________ gave the priority to the applicants for family reunification, and since then the number of Asian immigrants has increased rapidly.A. the Immigration Act of 1965B. the Illegal Immigration ActC. the USA Patriot Act of 2001D. the Exclusion Act of 188234.Americans make active use of their legal system and take great pride in being alitigious people. The underlined part means that ___________.A.Americans are fully aware of their legal rightsB.Americans are protective towards their legal rightsC.Americans are jealous of others’ legal rightsD.Americans are fond of taking matters to a court of law35.Like al other judges, ___________ are appointed by the president with theapproval and consent of the senate.A. the district judges B the Attorney GeneralC. Chief of JusticeD. justice of the peace36.The most important element in US economy against inflation was____________.A. the federal Reserve BoardB. the International Monetary FundC. the World BankD. big corporations37.The following are the strengths of the US economy except __________.A. the highest standard of livingB. the lowest unemployment rateC. low rate of savingsD. high productivity of US industries38.Which of the following is not included as essential elements in Americaneconomic system?A. Productivity.B. Income equality.C. Creativity.D. Stability.39.Which combination is right?A.Passing of the Social Security Act---- post-1960B.President Nixon---- the Great SocietyC.President Carter---- the Great SocietyD.President Reagan---- the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act40.Which of the following is not the major role that the US media is playing?A. WatchdogB. Speech RectifierC. SignalerD. Common CarrierII.名词解释1)Gold Rush2) Martin Luther King Jr.3) The New Deal4) The Great Depression5) Laissez-Faire6) Affirmative Action Program7) The Baby Boom8) The Great Society9) Racism10) Ku Klux Klan11) Original Sin (Inherent Sinfulness)12) Welfare State13) Westward Expansion14) WASP15) Rating Code16) McCarthyism17) American Dream18) the Iron Curtain19) the Marshall Plan20) Watergate Scandal21) extended family22) nuclear family23) Hispanic Americans24) Manifest Destiny25) Separation of PowersIII. Essay Questions1) How would you describe the relationship between President and Congress in theUnited States?2) Do you think economic affluence will inevitably lead to consumerism andexcessive individualism? Why or why not?3) What are the major American values? What are the changes in the American values?What are the factors that contribute to these changes?4) What is the origin of the myth of Asian Superiority? Why do you think the myth ofAsian Superiority is harmful?5) What are some of the characteristics of American education? How do Americansview the role of education in American society and in their individual life?6) America is widely accepted as the engine of the world economy. In what way doyou think the American economy has influenced and will influence the world?7) Immigration takes place with, at least, two forces at work, namely the pull forceand the push force. Pick any one ethnic group in the United States as an example and illustrate its experience in the “pull and push” framework.8) Throughout the U.S. history, the two major parties, the Republican and theDemocratic, have been holding powers alternatively in the country. What key functions have they played in American politics? Why is it that minor parties in the U.S. have never been able to challenge the two-party system in the power struggle of American politics?9) The death penalty and gun control have been issues of bitter controversy in nationaland state politics of the United States. Discuss the reasons why Americans are so divided over these two issues, and explain how values and principles clash with each other in these two controversial issues.10) Sports, particularly football, have traditionally played a significant role inAmerican colleges and universities. What are their social, cultural, and economic implications for universities and students?Basic American values:Individual freedom --- the freedom of individuals to fulfill their own individual needsand do as they wishSelf-reliance --- being able to take care of themselves and not depend on others for supportEquality of opportunity --- having an equal chance to succeed, regardless of whethersex, race, or ageCompetition --- having to compete with others for success, rather than expecting to be given something for freeMaterial wealth --- viewing possessions as the mark of having status in the societyand as the natural reward for hard workHard work --- the belief that everyone should work hard, sometimes for very long hours, to be successful。

美国UNIT 3 1。
What is an American? He is either a European, or the descendant of a European,hence that strange mixture of blood,which you will find in no other country。
He is an American,who leaving behind him all his ancient prejudices and manners, receives new ones from the new mode of life he has embraced,the new government he obeys,and the new rank he holds. .。
Here individuals of all nations are melted into a new race of men,whose labors and posterity will one day cause great changes in the world。
The American is a new man,who acts new principles;he must therefore entertain new ideas,and form new opinions。
4 。
In what way did Puritanism influence American culture?A. Today, Puritans are no longer in existence. But their legacies are still felt in American society and culture。
For example,the Puritans hoped to build ”a city upon hill” an ideal community. Since that time, Americans have viewed their country as a great experiment,a worthy model for other nations. This sense of mission has been very strong in the minds of many Americans。
美国社会与文化 - 美国移民

History of American Immigration
The history of American Immigration
• America was originally inhabited for several thousand years by numerous American Indian peoples who had probably emigrated from Asia. European exploration and settlement from the 16th century began displacement of the Indians.
In 2009, a study by the Cato Institute, a free market think tank, found that legalization of low-skilled illegal resident workers in the US would result in a net increase in US GDP of $180 billion over ten years..Immigrants were involved in the founding of many prominent American high-tech companies, such as Google, Yahoo, Sun Microsystems, and eBay.
The history of American Immigration
• 1、 the Colonial Period
• 2、 Declaration of Independence

武汉大学美国社会与文化慕课答案答案均来自本人收集整理,未经授权禁止转载,还需要其它答案的同学,可以直接发私哦,私都会一一回复的,评论不回复哈!1、The US is locatedA、in the Eastern HemisphereB、in the Western HemisphereC、between the Pacific and the Indian OceansD、between the Atlantic and the Mediterranean答案:in the Western Hemisphere--------------------------------2、Which is the highest mountain range in North America?A、Pacific CoastB、Rocky MountainsC、Appalachian MountainsD、Canadian Shield答案:Rocky Mountains--------------------------------3、Which event directly provoked the American Revolution?A、The France-Britain WarB、Imposition of new taxes by BritainC、The Boston Tea Party incidentD、No representation of the colonies in the British Parliament答案:The Boston Tea Party incident--------------------------------A、Benjamin FranklinB、Thomas JeffersonC、John AdamsD、Robert Livingston答案:--------------------------------5、The Gilded Age refers to an era of rapid growth and blatant corruption in the late 19th century. The name was borrowed from a novel written byA.the United States in 120s.B.the United States in early 20th century.C.the United States in 1950s.D.the United States in late 20th century.答案:B--------------------------------1、The First Article of the US Constitution gives the law-making power toA、Congress (the legislative branch)B、President (the executive branch)C、Supreme Court (he Judicial branch)D、The States答案:C 此题为细节题,根据文章“The Tournament starts each year six weeks before the first Monday in August.”可知C 为正确答案。

P20Even though the U.S.A. is all about self-reliance , individualism and self-esteem, religion is very important . A great variety of faiths are represented in the United States. Religion in itself is a value that helps keep people together.State and church are separate and religion is not taught in public school, but Christian values are often mingled into the concept of American values . This can be seen ,for example, in the Pledge of Allegiance and in sayings like”In God We Trust” and”God bless you”.Since Americans move so often,their church becomes a network where they can make new friends and be included in the community.This should not be so hard considering that the three qualities that are often emphasized as typically American are informality, a general friendliness to strangers,and a strong community feeling.P36Historically, some of the extremely wealthy Americans have made generous contributions to help others. In the early 1900s, for example, Andrew Carnegie, a famous American businessman, gave away more than $300 million to help support schools and universities and to build public libraries in thousands of communities in the United States. The motive for humanitarianism and volunteerism is strong:Many Americans believe that they should devote part of their time and wealth to religious or humanitarian causes in order to be acceptable in the eyes of God and in the eyes of other Americans. Many businesses encourage their employees to do volunteer work, and individuals may get tax deductions for money given to charity.P46The willingness to experimentand invent led to another American trait, a "cando" spirit, or a sense of o ptimism that every problem has a solution. Americans like to believe that a d ifficult problem can be solved immediately--------an impossible one may take a littlelonger. They take pride in meeting challenges and overcoming difficult obstacle s. This cando spirit has traditionally given Americans a sense of optimism about themselves and their country. Many like to say that if the United States can land a man on the moon, no problem on earth is impossible.P48Many Americans believe that when the founding fathers wrote the Constitution, they meant to ensure the right of people to own guns. They would argue that law-abiding citizens should be allowed to keep guns in their own homes. The frontier strengthened the tradition of owning guns because it was an unsettled region and settlers need guns for hunting and protection. They had to be tough, and part of the frontier legacy is the physical prowess and rugged individualismof Western movie heroes. Frontier settlers were also known for their inventiveness and their can-do spirit.P79In spite of the nation’s immigrant tradition,it still is not easy being a newc omer to the U.S.Often,there is family conflict because parents hold onto “old-country”ways while their children become Americanized.For many adult immigrants,learning English is a very difficult task.Finding a good job in this highly technological nation is another challenge.Nevertheless,most immigrants love their adopted land and live happily in it.The U.S.has given many people a sense of hope and safety that they never had before.In return,immigrants have enriched their adopted land with their skills,talents,ideas,and hard work. The U.S.A.is a strong and prosperous country largely because it is a nation of immigrants.P91American people do not like arranged marriages.Before marriage,one first goes out with someone for a while,and usually they know each other through social contract.There is not much practical consideration concerning marriage,and usually America people place priority on “love” over family background or financial conditions.How can the wedding guests know what gifts the couple wants?They can go to the department store where they can get a list from the bridal registry ,and the items on the things the couple wants to receive.On the wedding day,a ceremony is conducted by the minister and there the couple swears their lifelong devotion to each other . After the ceremony,there comes the wedding reception where the wedding guests can enjoy the food , drinks and dances.P99Sometimes, newcomers to the U.S. mistakenly conclude that Americans simply leave their elderly parents in nursing homes. Millions of middle-aged Americans members of the “sandwich generation”-take care of both their elderly parents and their children. However, for elderly people who are very ill or disabled , a nursing home may be the only alternative if their children are working and no one is home during the day to take care of them. Family members usually select a nursing home nearby so that they can visit often. Americans are constantly seeking new ways of caring for increasing numbers of older people with physical limitations.P103Most American attitudes about good manners(礼貌) relate to showing respect and consideration for others. Americans believe that all people are entitled(有资格的) to equal opportunity and respect. No one is privileged(享有特权的),and no one is worthless. A person who acts very humble(谦逊的) and timid(羞怯的) willmake his or her American friends uncomfortable. On the other hand, a domineering person will have trouble keeping American friends. A polite but assertive(独断的) manner is socially acceptable. No matter what your status is in relation to other people, feel free to look directly into his eyes and speak your true feelings. Occasionally, it is a social necessary to tell a ”white lie” and compliment(恭维,称赞) someone on something you don’t really like. But, most of the time, you can express your true opinions. Americans won’t mind if you disagree with them as long as you show respect for them and their ideas.P114The nation’s major citie s are among its most popular tourist attractions. All year round, tourists jam the streets and hotels of Manhattan; they come to see the skyscrapers(摩天大楼),visit museums, art galleries, theaters, and famous specialty shops, and eat in the elegant(优雅的) and exotic(异国的) restaurants. Besides New York, people are also attracted by cities like Los Angeles, San Francisco, New Orleans, and Philadelphia. With Hollywood as the home of the American movie industry, and Disneyland, the nation’s most fabulous(极好的) amusement park, Los Angeles becomes a fascinating place for people of all ages. As for San Francisco, it is the leading seaport(港口) of the Pacific Coast(太平洋海岸). It is famous for its bridges, cable cars(缆车), breathtaking(令人窒息的) scenery and seafood. To the visitors, New Orleans has its especial attraction. With many remainders of Old Europe and the Old south, this birthplace of jazz gives people a feeling of continental flavor. Compared with other cities, Philadelphia stands as a historical place. People come here to see the Liberty Bell that had announced the signing of the Declaration of Independence, and visit the building where the nation’s Constitution had been signed.P149So why, after all these years, is the world stuck on Elvis? The answer lies in culture: Elvis Presley is American myth personified. He is greater than the sum of his songs and movies; he symbolizes the American Dream. Born in poverty, Elvis used his innate talent to rise above his condition and achieve his dream, without coming from a socially connected, politically powerful, or wealthy family. He propelled himself from an unknown hillbilly singer to international super-stardom as a rock’ n’ roll performer, only to die young and leave behind a growing legion of fans.Those fans choose to ov erlook Elvis’ drug dependency and other excessive behavior, preferring instead to recall what they see as his better nature. During his lifetime, Elvis donated money to charities and brought gifts for the poor and his family and friends. Furthermore, the hometown boy who made good never left the comfort of Memphis, always keeping close to his roots, remembering the people and places from which he came.For some, the reasons behind the continued celebration of Elvis’s life are not so mythical. So many talents today are one-hit wonders, unable to lay claim as the world’s greatest entertainer. Elvis had talent, strength, and charisma. He changed a generation. Sam Phillips, who first recorded Elvis on Sun Records, gives a simple response when asked about Elvis’s undying popularity, “Elvis has lasted because he was one of us.”。

英语国家社会与文化入门(下册)(简称国概)美国重要单元之一UNIT7——EDUCATION IN THE UNITED STATES

Going to School in America Today每年秋季近50万青少年通过美国约10万小学和中学新学年开始学校的门口走。
Education—A Local Matter从夏威夷到特拉华州,从阿拉斯加到路易斯安那州,在美国50个州都有其自己的法律规范的教育。

第11章美国人的生活方式:寻找一个可靠的概括Ⅰ. Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F):1. According to the author, it is not very difficult to generalize about the American way of life. _____【答案】F【解析】目前美国只有3.1亿人,不到中国人口的四分之一,但在美国,文化上的一致性不如中国,这使得我们很难概括美国人的生活方式。
2. Hollywood films give the wrong impression that all Americans are rich. _____ 【答案】T【解析】好莱坞电影给人的错误印象就是所有的美国人都很富有。
3. Over the last 40 years about 11% or 15% of the population are classified as living in poverty. _____【答案】T【解析】在过去的40年里,美国大约有11%或15%的人口被划分为贫困人口。
4. According to the essay, there is more violence in American life than in other industrialized countries generally. _____【答案】T【解析】教材中提到由于美国人可以合法持枪,所以在美国人的生活中,暴力事件比其他工业化国家要多,而且暴力的威胁经常被新闻媒体渲染。
5. The introduction of “no-fault” divorce laws has contributed to a major decline in the divorce rate since the late 1970s. _____【答案】F【解析】自上世纪70年代末以来,《无过错离婚法》的出台使得离婚率大幅上升。

美国社会与文化复习题答案一、选择题1. 美国的首都是哪里?A. 纽约B. 洛杉矶C. 华盛顿特区D. 芝加哥答案:C2. 美国的国庆日是哪一天?A. 1月1日B. 7月4日C. 12月25日D. 11月11日答案:B3. 美国的官方语言是什么?A. 英语B. 西班牙语C. 法语D. 德语答案:A4. 美国的货币单位是什么?A. 欧元B. 英镑C. 美元D. 日元答案:C5. 美国的国花是什么?A. 玫瑰B. 郁金香C. 菊花D. 玫瑰答案:D二、填空题6. 美国的地理特征包括____、____和____。
答案:山脉、平原、沙漠7. 美国的人口主要由____、____和____组成。
答案:白人、黑人、拉丁裔8. 美国的两大政党是____和____。
答案:民主党、共和党9. 美国的著名文化象征包括____、____和____。
答案:自由女神像、好莱坞、麦当劳10. 美国的高等教育体系中,____和____是两种主要的学位类型。
答案:学士、硕士三、简答题11. 简述美国的多元文化特点。
12. 描述美国独立战争的背景和结果。
四、论述题13. 论述美国梦的概念及其对美国社会的影响。

第3章美国的起始Ⅰ. Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F):1. The question “What is an American?” was first asked by J. Hector St. John de Crevecoeur. _____【答案】T【解析】什么样的人叫美国人?这一经典的问题是由法国农人赫克托·圣约翰·德克雷夫科尔在他的《美国农人书简》一书中提出来的。
2. Christopher Columbus discovered America in 1492. _____【答案】T【解析】克里斯托弗·哥伦布是西班牙著名航海家,于1492年第一个发现美洲大陆。
3. The first English permanent settlement was founded in California. _____【答案】F【解析】1607年,英国有3艘船只行驶到北美,殖民者史密斯等在弗吉尼亚亨利角登陆,并定居下来。
4. Massachusetts was established by English puritans who separated themselves from the Roman Catholic Church. _____【答案】F【解析】这批出逃的清教徒并非是从罗马天主教反叛而出,而是从英国国教中反叛而出。
5. The state of Pennsylvania used to be inhabited by the Quakers. _____【答案】T【解析】宾夕法尼亚州曾属于威廉佩恩,而他本人则信仰贵格派,他决定按照贵格会的理想,建立一个宗教信仰和政治自由的地方。
6. The theory of politics of the American Revolution came from John Locke, a French philosopher in the 17th century. _____【答案】F【解析】洛克是十七世纪英国著名哲学家。

第10章美国的社会问题I.Deride whether the following statements are true(T)or false(F):1.The United States was founded on the principle of human equality,and in reality the nation has lived up to that ideal._____【答案】F【解析】直到现在,美国仍然歧视黑人,所以该国还没有实现人类平等这一理想。
2.The largest of the racial and ethnic minorities in the United States now is the blacks,or Afro-Americans,who account for11.7%of the population._____【答案】F【解析】白人是美国最大的族群,据2000年人口普查数据显示,美国有2.11亿白人,占全国总人数的75%。
3.In1863,President Abraham Lincoln signed The Emancipation Proclamation which together with the l3th Amendment to the Constitution in1865legally abolished the slavery._____【答案】T【解析】1983年美国总统亚伯拉罕·林肯公布《解放黑人奴隶宣言》(The Emancipation Proclamation),其主张所有美利坚联邦叛乱下的领土之黑奴应享有自由,然而豁免的对象未包含未脱离联邦的边境州,以及联邦掌控下的诸州。

美国社会与文化Part I Geography1. The two newest states Alaska and Hawaii are separated from the continental United States: Alaska borders on northwestern Canada, and Hawaii lies in the central Pacific. 阿拉斯加与加拿大西北部接壤,夏威夷则位于太平洋中部。
2. Of all the states of America, Alaska is the largest in area and Rhode Island the smallest. But on themainland Texas is the largest state of the country.阿拉斯加是美国面积最大的州,罗得岛州最小。
3. The Rockies, the backbone of the North American continent, is also known as the Continental Divide.落基山脉是北美大陆的脊梁,也被称为大陆分水岭。
4. The two main mountain ranges in America are the Appalachian Mountains and the Rocky mountains. The Appalachians run slightly from northeast tosouthwest and the Rocky Mountains run slightly from northwest to southeast.阿巴拉契亚山脉和落基山脉是美国的两座达山脉。

Name: Student No.: Class:I.Brief-answer questions (本题满分35分)Passage OneEvery year, one American family in five moves to a new home. Most of these new homes are in the Sunbelt States, a nickname for the warm, sunny states of the South and Southwest. The Sun Belt has seen substantial population growth in recent decades, partly fueled by a surge in retiring baby boomers who migrate domestically, as well as the influx of immigrants, both legal and illegal. People are also moving because jobs and industries have shifted from Frostbelt to the Sunbelt. Known for its cold, frost-producing winters and heavy snowfall, the Frost Belt is generally considered to include the Northeastern United States, the Great Lakes Region and much of the Upper Midwest. For many years, the Frost Belt was the center of American economic activity, and the most populous part of the United States. However, in the past several decades, the Frost Belt had already been experiencing a stagnating population. For instance, the following states experienced the least population growth during the 1990s: District of Columbia (-5.7%), North Dakota (0.5%), West Virginia (0.8%), Pennsylvania (3.4%) and Connecticut (3.6%).This Frostbelt-Sunbelt Shift is also a shift from the previously economically and politically important Northeast to the South and West. Warmer climate, and a boom in the agriculture industry allowed for the southern third of the U.S.A. to grow by leaps and bounds economically. The climate stimulates not only agricultural growth but was also a haven for many retirees who set up retirement communities in places such as Florida and Arizona. Industries such as aerospace, defense and oil boomed in the Sun Belt. The oil industry helped propel many southern states such as T exas and Louisiana forward and tourism exploded in Florida and southern California.The economic emergence of the Sun Belt also had political ramifications. Since 1970, the Sun Belt has gained 25 electoral votes, which were shifted mainly from Northern and Midwestern states. In the next two decades, it is predicted some states will record stunning gains: Florida (+9 House seats), Texas (+8), and Arizona (+5), and the big losers are New York (-6), Ohio (-4), Pennsylvania (-4), and Illinois (-3). So the House and Electoral Vote gains and losses from region to region over the next few decades will be eye-catching, even spectacular and these figures will have enormous consequences for the economies of the various regions.1、According to the above passage, please draw rough borderlines on the U.S. map belowmarking the regions covered by Frostbelt and Sunbelt respectively. (本小题4分)2、Please categorize the following cities into Frostbelt cities (FC) and Sunbelt cities (SC).(本小题6分)Milwaukee __FC____ Austin ___SC____ Las Vegas ___SC_____Chicago ___FC____ Phoenix ___SC____ Buffalo ___FC______Houston ___SC____ Dallas __SC______ Cincinnati ___FC______ Kansas City __FC______ San Diego _____SC______ San Jose ___SC______3、Please list major factors which contribute to the rapid development of Sunbelt regions according to the above passage. (本小题4分)答:Warmer climate, and a boom in the agriculture industry allowed for the southern third of the U.S.A. to grow by leaps and bounds economically. The climate stimulates not only agricultural growth but was also a haven for many retirees who set up retirement communities in places such as Florida and Arizona. Industries such as aerospace, defense and oil boomed in the Sun Belt. The oil industry helped propel many southern states such as Texas and Louisiana forward and tourism exploded in Florida and southern California.4、How do you understand the bolded phrase “House seats”? Which House does the “House” in this passage specifically refer to? And why does the population growth or decline have an impact on the number of Seats? (本小题6分)答:Refers to the seats in the house of Representatives。

英语国家社会与文化上册答案上册15单元1. What are the unique features of the Australian continent?答:Isolated from other major land masses, Australia’s distinctive fl ora and fauna evolved through its l ong period as an island continent.2 Discuss the social and cultural values embodied in the Dreaming.讨论社会和文化价值在做梦中的体现Membership in a particular language group was of great social and cultural significance. Traditionally, languages belong to tracts of country which, in the belief system of the Dreaming, have been put in their places by Dreamtime creator figures.3. Why d oes the author say that ‘In most of the languages there is no distinction between the words for “belief”,”law” and “knowl edge”? Do you think it’s true in your own language?The sacred creation stories are not only explanations about how the country came to be formed, they also provid e principl es of how peopl e shoul d live and interact with others, especially with whom they may or may not intermarry.4. (1)What d o you know about Zheng He’s voyages in the 15th cen tury?(2)Do you think his fleet got to the northern part of Australia?(3)Why?答:(1)Yes. (2)Yes.(3) In 1405, Zhu Di the Ming emperor commissioned his admiral ZhengHe to take 317 of his ships to the Mid dl e East and Eastern Africa .Between 1405 and 1433 ZhengHe mad e seven trips routinely passing through what we now call Southeast and South Asia .I am sure that ZhengHe had gone there ,because there is evid ence that several ships from that armada land ed on the Aru Islands to the north of Arnhem Land.5. What is the impact of the assimilation policy on the indigenous peopl e? 同化政策对本土人民的影响是什么?答:The missionaries on the “protected reserves” set out d estroy the culture of the Dreaming and to replace it with Christianity. As the children grew to adulthood many of them had lost both their families and their culture. They were empl oyed as d omestic servants or on cattle stations .Young Aboriginal women were continually at risk of rape. Aboriginal peopl e were exclud ed from the social ,the political ,the education ,the health services and other aspects. Racism was an entrenched part of Australian culture until the 1960s and operated at the personal and institutional l evel.Unit 181. Do you think the Australia government system is a d emocratic one? Why? Australia has what has been call ed a “Wash minster” form of polity. In other words it is a mixture of the US, Washington system of government and the British, Westminster system: the political structure is based on a Fed eration of States and has a three-tier system of government but the chief executive is a Prime Minister not a Presid ent.2. Why d o you think Australia ad opted the “Wash minister” form of polity? Do you think it refl ects the advantages of both systems?The political structure of Australia is based on a Fed eration of State and has a three-tier system of government, but the chief executive is a Prime Minister not a Presid ent.Yes. Although Australia has a three-tier system of government, the Prime Minister and his Cabinet at fed eral l evel is the acknowl edged centre of Australia parliamentary power.3. Do you think the pluralist form of government is id eal? What are its drawbacks? Yes. Citizens can choose the government and exert their power. This system secures transparency and thus accountability. Pluralism provid es for a ready mad e alternative government. The Australian government system is a d emocratic one. Australians und erstand and conduct life upon a basic commitment to different.4. Do you think the government can improve the efficiency of the social welfare and social security services by contracting them out to private sector?Yes. It is being encouraged to focus on producing program as marketabl e commodities to reduce its d epend ence upon government funding.5. Is the l oss of social ca pital a necessary cost in maintaining a country’s strong economy? Why?Yes. Both the Labor and Coalition Parties have been instrumental in d eregulating the economy. The Coalition is associated with the most stringent forms, and the Labor Party is aligned with a political program.As citizens, Australians today are d ebating whether the l oss of “social capital”---the cut-backs of public spending on education, health and the public broad caster---is a necessary cost in maintaining Australia’s position as one of the “strong” economies in gl obal l eague tabl es. However, the Coalition is associated with the most stringent forms of economic rationalism especially with making a balanced budget the programmer focusing more on the balance between social and economic aspects of Australian life.Unit 201. Why d o you think there was strong racism against Chinese and Pacific Island ers in Australia in the late 19th century?The Chinese constituted the third largest group and were subjected to racism at many l evels. They were the target of physical attacks. Pacific Island ers were kidnapped by the “Blackbird er’s”.2. Do you think Multiculturalism enabl es migrants from other countries to have equality? Why?Yes. Multiculturalism was id entified as comprising three areas of policy: Cultural Id entity, Social Justice, Economic Efficiency.3. Do you think the aboriginal peopl e achieved equality after Mabo and Wikd ecisions? Why?No. There are still many social issues of equity that need to be ad dressed.4. Why d oes the author say“History, culture and politics, the‘ way we see’ and ‘the ways we act’, are intertwined”?The d ocumentation of the wrongs is now a recognized part of the history of Australia. It forms part of the curriculum in schools.5. Why d o you think there are different interpretations of history?Those historians and politicians who want to “disremember” and those who want to reveal the racism that has been part of the construction of mod ern Australian society加拿大unit161. Discuss the similarities and differences in the government systems between the United kingd om, the United States and Canada.——Like Britain, Canada is a monarchy. Canada’s system of government is parliamentary d emocracy as well as the British system. The biggest differences between Canada and the UK are that Canada is a fed eration, which is the biggest similarity between the United States and Canada.2. What are some of the characteristics of the Canadian party system? ——Throughout most of the 20th century ,fed eral political power has been hel d by either the liberal or by the progressive conservatives. Then, regional parties began to arise. And in the last d ecad es the political landscape has altered, with regional parties thriving and national parties failing.3 What are some of the things that make Canada a unique and interesting country?Pierre Trud eau introduced vigorous programs to promote the use French throughout Canada . His efforts to unite the country were successful to a d egree in that many Canadians became familiar with, and committed to French heritage and saw his element as one of the things that mad e Canada unique and interesting.4 Who d o you think the author says that Canada has avoid ed the worst excesses of intol erance and prejudice?——What Canada policy-makers have tried to d o is to find peaceful and fair means to resolve complicated political issues which in so many regions of the worl d have l ed to war, bl oodshed and injustice . Boring or not, Canada has avoided the worst excesses of intol erance and prejudice that have characterizes many nationsUnit181 Comment (评论)on the sentence “As is the case in other industrialized(工业化的)countries, more Canadians now provid e services than make things”.Canada has seen the export of services as being important to the worl d economy, and has actively pursued the liberalization(自由)of trad e in services through forums(讨论区)like GATT(关贸总协定) and the Free Trad e Agreement 。

美国社会与文化练习All the following universities and colleges are located in New England, except _____.A. YaleB. HarvardC. OxfordD. Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyUncle Tom’s Cabin and Roots are two novels which give a vivid description of the miserable life of the _____.A. early settlersB. PuritansC. native IndiansD. black slavesMany early Chinese immigrants worked in the mining industry, especially in the _____.A. gold minesB. silver minesC. coal minesD. copper minesThe Declaration of Independence was drafted by _____.A. James MadisonB. Thomes JeffersonC. Alexander HamiltonD. George WashingtonOn July 4, 1776, _____ adopted the Declaration of Independerce.A. the First Continental CongressB. the Second Continental CongressC. the Third Continental CongressD. the Constitutional ConventionThe victory of _____ was the turning point of the War of Independence.A. SaratogaB. GettysburgC. TrentonD. YorktownTen amendments introduced by James Madison in 1789 were added to the Constitution. They are known as _____.A. the Articles of ConfederationB. the Bill of RightC. the Civil RightsD. Federalist Papers55. President Jefferson bought _____ from France and doubled the country’s territory.A. New MexicoB. the Louisiana TerritoryC. KansasD. OhioDuring the WWII, the Axis powers were mainly made up by __.A. Germany, France and JapanB. France, Japan and BritainC. Germany, Italy and BritainD. German, Italy and JapanIn 1932, in the depth of the depression, the American people chose _______ as their next president who promised a "new deal" to get America out of depression.A. Theodore RooseveltB. Franklin D. RooseveltC. Woodrow WilsonD. Herbert HooverMartin Luther King, Jr., a young black clergyman, became a national leader A. Boycott B. Civil RightsC. SegregationD. IntegrationThe Constitution of the United States provides that _______ shall be President of the Senate.A. the Secretary of StateB. the Chief JusticeC. the PresidentD. the Vice President_____ was the only American president who was re-elected three times in succession.A. Theodore RooseveltB. George WashingtonC. FranklinD. Roosevelt D. Thomas JeffersonWhich of the following statements about American education is wrong?A Elementary and secondary education in America is free and compulsoryB Private schools are financially supported by religious or nonreligious private organizations or individuals.C There are more public colleges and universities than the private onesD Credits taken at community colleges are normally applicable to requirement for a four-year bachelor’s degree._____ is a symbol of American theatre and world-class entertainment.A BroadwayB Wall StreetC The Fifth AvenueD Times Square____ was an actor before he became the President.A Ronald ReaganB Abraham LincolnC Herbert HooverD Jimmy CarterNew Englanders were originally known as _____, which come to stand for all Americans.A HippiesB YankeesC Uncle SamD Brother JonathanWhich sport is supposed to be America’s national sport and used to be call “American’s favorable pastime”?A baseballB basketballC footballD cricketChristmas is usually connected to ____A the reunion of a large familyB the eating of Easter eggsC the resurrection of ChristD the forgiving of other’s sinsThe largest of the ethnic minorities in America is ____A the blacksB the Mexico-AmericansC the Spanish-AmericansD the Chinese____is written by Walt Whitman.A Representative MenB English TraitsC NatureD Leaves of GrassThe following were some of the characteristics of Protestantism except ___.A. challenging the authority of the Pope.B. salvation through faith.C. salvation through the church.D. establishing a direct contact with God.Which of the following American values did NOT come from Puritanism?A. Separation of state and church.B. Respect of education.C. Intolerant moralism.D. A sense of mission.The following were the founding fathers of the American Republic except ____.A. George Washington.B. Thomas Jefferson.C. William PennD. Benjamin FranklinWhich of the following was NOT a denomination of Protestantism?A. Catholics.B. Puritans.C. QuakersD. Church of England.“No taxation without representation” was the rallying cry of ____.A. the settlers of VirginiaB. the people of PennylvaniaC. the colonists in New England.D. the people of the 13 colonies on the eve of the American Revolution. Which of the following states refused to participate in the Constitutional Convention?A. VirginiaB. Rhode IslandC. New YorkD. MarylandWhich of the following statements is NOT correct? When the Constitution was written, ____.A. there was a Bill of Rights in the Constitution.B. there was no Bill of Rights.C. the Constitution did not have any words guaranteeing the freedoms or the basic rights and privileges of citizens.D. a “Bill of Rights” was added to the Constitution was made.Which of the following is the only branch that can make federal laws, and levy federal taxes?A. the executiveB. the legislativeC. the judicialD. the presidentWhich of the following is NOT a power of the president?A. The president can veto any bill passed by Congress.B. The president has the authority to appoint federal judges as vacancies occur.C. The president can make laws.D. The president broad powers, with the executive branch, to issue regulations and directives regarding the work of the federal departments.The Bill of Rights consists of ___.A. 10 very short paragraphs in an amendment.B. 10 amendments adopted in 1787.C. 10 amendments added to the Constitution in 1791.D. the amendments concerning freedom of religion, of speech and of the press. Which of the following is NOT guaranteed in the Bill of Rights ?A. The freedom of religion.B. The freedom of searching a person’s home by police.C. The freedom of speech and of the press.D. The right to own weapons if one wishes.When did President Nixon make a trip to China to improve relations with the People’s Republic of China?A. In 1972B. In 1973C. In 1970D. In 1971Which of the following subjects are NOT offered to elementary school students?A. Mathematics and languagesB. Politics and business educationC. Science and social studies.D. Music and physical educationThe expenditure in American public schools is guided by or decided by___ A. teacher B. students C. headmasters D. boards of educationIn the United States school systems, which of the following divisions is true?A. Elementary school, grammar schoolB. Elementary school, junior high schoolC. Elementary school, secondary schoolD. Junior high school, senior high schoolWhich of the following is NOT mentioned in American higher education?A. Universities and collegesB. Research institutionsC. Technical institutionsD. Undergraduate institutionsThree of the following factors have contributed to the flourishing of large universities in America, which is the exception?A. Large universities offer the best libraries and facilities for scientific research.B. Large universities provide students with “mainframe”computersC. Large universities offer scholarships to all studentsD, Large universities attract students with modern laboratoriesNearly all students want to get into more desirable institutions because____. A, they find it easy for them to get jobs after having gradual from one of themB. they enjoy the high prestige of these institutionsC. they like the teachers and surroundings in these institutionsD. they prefer to have the Scholastic Aptitude TestsIn order to go to university, secondary school students must meet the following requirements except that_____.A. they have high school records and recommendations from their teachersB. they make good impressions during the interviewC. they get good scores in the Scholastic Aptitude TestsD. they pass the college entrance examinationsTo get a bachelor’s degree, an undergraduate student is required to do the following except_____A. attending lectures and complete assignmentB. passing examinationsC. taking certain subjects such as history, language and philosophyD. earning a certain number of credits at the end of the four years at college Powers of the American president: ①The president is the head of the executive branch(行政部门首脑). ②He is also head of state(元首) elected by the whol nation. ③he has some legislative powers(立法权); ④he is responsible for the relations of the United States with foreign nations; ⑤he signs Bills passed by Congress into law.⑥he appoints federal officials;⑦hehas some judicial powers;⑧commander-in-chief(总司令)⑨he can serve for no more than 2 term期不超过2届。

一.Listening Comprehension (1*10=10)【1个对话,2篇段落】二.Multiple choice (1*20=20)【单元测试中1-8单元的选择题】三.Term Explanation (5*4=20)1.Blended Family 7Blended family is one type of the American family stuctures.This is a family chooses in which two persons remarry . These two persons both once got divorced ,but have children. In the new family ,they make both groups of children live together.2.The Great Depression 2During most of the 1920s,the Unite States enjoyed a period of unbalanced prosperity.①The boom was fueled by an inflated stock market, which later led to a crash on October 29, 1929.②This, along with many other economic factors, triggered a world-wide depression known as the Great Depression. During this time, the United States experienced deflation, unemployment increased from 3% in 1929 to 25% in 1933, and manufacturing output collapsed by one-third.3.Mother's Day 4①The modern Mother's Day as celebrated in the US holiday as a day to honor mothers and motherhood; especially within the context of families, and family relationships.②It is now celebrated on various days in many parts of the world. The United States celebrates Mother's Day on the second Sunday in May.③The holiday was created by Anna Jarvis in Grafton, West Virginia, in 1908 as a day to honor one's mother.4.The lvy league 5①The Ivy League is an athletic conference comprising 8 private institutions of higher education such as Harvard University , Yale University and so on in the Northeastern United States.②In addition, Ivy League schools are often viewed by the public as some of the most prestigious universities worldwide and are often ranked amongst the best universities in the United States and worldwide.75.Affirmative Action is a policy or program intended to promote access to education Affirmative action①or employment for minority groups and women.past of redress the effects affirmative action policies is to ②Motivation for discrimination and to encourage public institutions such as universities, hospitals, and police forces to be more representative of the population.36.The Bill of RightsThe Constitution has twenty-seven amendments. The first ten, collectively known ①, were ratified simultaneously by 1791. The following seventeen Bill of Rights as the were ratified separately over the next two centuries.They were introduced by Jame Madison and Thomas Jefferson was a supporter of ②the bill of rights.of press, Freedom of freedom of speech, the ③For example , First Amendment–from Protection Third Amendment–Religion, and of assembly; right to petition.. quartering of troops.7.April Fool's Day 4①April Fool's Day is a day celebrated in many countries on April 1.②The day is marked by the commission of hoaxes and other practical jokes of varying sophistication on friends,family members,enemies,and neighbors.③April Fool's Day thus developed into an international fun fest, so to speak, with different nationalities specializing in their own brand of humor at the expense of their friends and families.8.SAT 5①Scholastic Assessment Test and Scholastic Aptitude Test②The SAT and ACT are the most common standardized tests that students take when applying to college.③Most competitive schools also require two or three SAT Subject Tests, (formerly known as SAT IIs), which are shorter exams that focus strictly on a particular subject matter.④Possible scores range from 600 to 2400, combining test results from threewriting .critical reading and 800-point sections . Including math四.True or False (1*10=10)【教学课件中的内容】五.Questions (10*2=20)1.What are the advantages and disadvantages of jury system(陪审团制度) in the Judicial System(司法系统) of the United States?3Advantages:Firstly, it is formed by ordinary people who have different kinds of jobs. Secondly , it is democratic . Thirdly , it help to enhance the credibility of the trial(提高审判公信力. Fourthly , it has law-making function(造法功能). The last , it also has educational function(教育功能)Disadvantages:Firstly,most members of the jury do not have the legal expertise(缺乏法律专业知识). What's more, if the Government cannot protect the jury well , the situation that thejury is being bought off or being threatened will be frequently happen. This will enable the upper social strata to have a good umbrella.(如果政府对陪审团保护不利的情况下,很容易发生陪审团被买通被威胁的事件,这样使社会上层人士有个很好的保护伞。
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