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business results ➢ Engagem ent = how m uch you w ant to and actually
do to im prove business results
H ew itt A ssociates
[C lie n t N6 a m e ]
The Engagement M odel
T aiw an
A sia
• M eeting the needs of custom ers
• Acquiring and retaining talent
• O rganisational culture
▪ M eeting the needs of custom ers
▪ Acquiring and retaining talent fairly
➢ M ost significant people issue:
➢ Em ployee w orkload and stress reduction
H ew itt A ssociates
[C lie n t N1 a m e ]
K ey Business Issues Identified by C EO s across the R egion
and behaviours
T otal C om pensation
➢ Pay/Financial recognition ➢ Benefits
Q uality of Life
➢ Physical environm ent ➢ Tim e/W ork/Life
E ngagem ent
W ork A ctivities
K ey Business Issues for Ford L io H o
➢ Five key business issues:
➢ M eeting C ustom ers N eeds ➢ C om petitors ➢ B rand equity/ B rand recognition ➢ A cquisition & retention of talent ➢ Econom ic conditions
[C lie n t N4 a m e ]
The Engagement M odel
➢ W e see Engagem ent w hen ...
C onsistently speak positively about the organization to
co-w orkers, potential em ployees and m ost critically,
[C lie n t N7 a m e ]
Ford Lio H o — E ngagem ent Scores & Factors
[C lie n t N1 a m e ]
Engagem ent = Satisfaction
➢ Satisfaction = how m uch you like it here ➢ C om m itm ent = how m uch you w ant to im prove
▪ O rganisation culture
• Technology
• Increasing brand equity/brand recognition
H ew itt A ssociates
[C lie n t N2 a m e ]
K ey People Issues Identified by C EO s across the R egion
➢ Im pact ➢ Challenge/Interest ➢ Status/Pride
L eadership
➢ Credibility ➢ Trust
R elationships
➢ Co–w orkers ➢ M anagers ➢ Custom ers
H ew itt A ssociates
T aiw an
A sia
▪ Attract and Retain talent
▪ Develop em ployees for m anagem ent positions
▪ Developing the talent the business needs
▪ Growth and developm ent of talent
➢ The Seven Factors of Engagem ent:
O pportunity
➢ Growth/ Developm ent
➢ Advancement ➢ Interaction
C ulture and Purpose
➢ Sense of purpose ➢ Organisational values
➢ A lignm ent— alignm ent betw een CEO , PPI and em ployee perspective
➢ Engagem ent Factors— % satisfied w ith Engagem ent drivers
H ew itt A ssociates
custom ers (current and potential)
H ave an intense desire to rem ain w ith the organization
H ew itt A ssociates
A re com m itted, exert extra effort and are engaged in w ork that contributes to business
▪ M anager lack people m anagem ent skills
▪ Com m unication
H ew itt A ssociates
[C lie n t N3 a m e ]
Key W ords
➢ Engagem ent Score— % of em ployees answ ering 4.5 and above to core Engagem ent item s w ithin survey