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Little Tommy had a horrible cold. His nose was red and he felt cold. Little Lingling had a fever, hot! Her face was wet and she felt hot.


Sam and Amy had a picinic last Sunday. They went there by bus. They______some birds and they____beautifully. They_____some food and _____some drinks. They_____in the park. They also helped teachers too. They had a busy day.


( )1. I helped my brother____ English.

A. learns

B. learn

C. learned

( )2.They will go to the park_______ Sunday.

A. in


C. to

( )3.Today is Monday, and tomorrow is __________.

A. Thursday


C. Wednesday

( )st Sunday we went to _____ earth. A.a B.an C.the

( )5.The girls danced_______ yesterday.

A. beauty

B. beautiful

C. beautifully

()6. It will_______in Beijing.

A. sunny

B. hot

C. snowy

()7. Sam_______ lots of chocolate yesterday.

A. have


C. had

()8. How old____ you in that photo? A. are B. was C. Were ()9. This robot can’t______. A. swim B.to swim C. Swimming ()10.Will it ______ the housework? ---No, it won’t.

A. To do

B. do

C. doing


()1.Are you naughty ? A. Yes, it will.

()2.Is it tall ? B.Go swimming.

()3.What will Shanshan do on Monday? C.No ,I am not. ()4.Will it be sunny tomorrow? D. Yes ,it is.

()5. Will you take a ball? E. No, I won’t. ( ) 6. Where is Shenzhen? F. It is Amy’s house. ( ) 7. Whose house is it? G. No, I am not. ( ) 8. Did you play the piano? H. Yes, I did.

( ) 9. Are you naughty? I. No, he didn’t.. ( )10. Did he travel by train? H. It is in the south of China.


Amy :Did you have a nice holiday, Xiaoyong?

Xiaoyong: ____________________

Amy :Did you go to Hangzhou?

Xiaoyong: __________________________.

Amy :Did you visit the famous West Lake?

Xiaoyong: ___________ Look! _____________________.

Amy :Did you see your friend Lili?

Xiaoyong: ______________________


Yesterday Lingling and Amy went to the park. They were hungry and thirsty. So they bought some sandwiches and some water. They carried them to a table. They had them for lunch. Then they played in the park. But Lingling fell off the swing. She bumped her head, and she had a headache. They went home by bus.

( )1.Lingling and Amy went to the park yesterday.

( )2.They were hungry and thirsty.

( )3.They didn’t buy any sandwiches and water.

( )4.Lingling fell off her bike.

( )5.Lingling had a headache, because she bumped her head.


1、London is a big ________(城市).

2、My grandparents were __________(年轻的) then.

3、Our classroom was_______(脏的), but now it’s _____(干净的)

4、Sam played on the _____(电脑)yesterday.


1. lots, of, we, saw, people (.)

2. we, to, China, visit, want (.)

3. with, sang, Amy, happily, I (.)
