
Hale Waihona Puke 13、遵守纪律的风气的培养,只有领 导者本 身在这 方面以 身作则 才能收 到成效 。—— 马卡连 柯 14、劳动者的组织性、纪律性、坚毅 精神以 及同全 世界劳 动者的 团结一 致,是 取得最 后胜利 的保证 。—— 列宁 摘自名言网
31、只有永远躺在泥坑里的人,才不会再掉进坑里。——黑格尔 32、希望的灯一旦熄灭,生活刹那间变成了一片黑暗。——普列姆昌德 33、希望是人生的乳母。——科策布 34、形成天才的决定因素应该是勤奋。——郭沫若 35、学到很多东西的诀窍,就是一下子不要学很多。——洛克
钻井行业专业英语-钻机设备 电动钻机部件的中英文对照表
11、战争满足了,或曾经满足过人的 好斗的 本能, 但它同 时还满 足了人 对掠夺 ,破坏 以及残 酷的纪 律和专 制力的 欲望。 ——查·埃利奥 特 12、不应把纪律仅仅看成教育的手段 。纪律 是教育 过程的 结果, 首先是 学生集 体表现 在一切 生活领 域—— 生产、 日常生 活、学 校、文 化等领 域中努 力的结 果。— —马卡 连柯(名 言网)

钻井设备及工具序号名称英文1海水泥浆seawater mud2开钻spud in3(井架大门处)坡板ramp4(卡瓦)锥形座slip socket bowl5(内管)注水泥管柱stinger strings6(刹把)调节螺栓adjusting bole7(刹带的)平衡杠equalizing yoke 820"“ L”型接头type "l" connector9TOTCO承托环TOTCO ring baffle plate 10安全带safty -strap(belt)11安全接头safety jont12安全卡瓦safety clamp(slips) 13安全开关safety switch14安全网safety net15安全限位档块safety stop16扳手加长套筒nigger-head17般土bentonite18饱和盐水泥降saturated salt-water mud 19泵冲pump stroke20泵冲stoke21泵冲数传感器pump stoke sensor 22泵冲数计数器pump stroke counter 23泵冲数指示器pump stroke indicator 24泵入水泥塞pump down plug25泵速pump speed26泵效pump efficiency27泵压pump pressure28壁钩wall hook29壁厚wall thickness30扁锉flat(round,square)file 31扁嘴钳flat bit tongs32变换接头crossover joint(x/o) 33变压器transformer34表层套管surface casing35表观黏度apparent viscosity 36表面活性剂interface level indicator 37宾汉模型bingham model38不漏no leak39不锈钢stainless steel40侧钻side tracking41插人头stinger42插入式注水泥stab-in cementing43柴油engine oil44柴油机diesel engine45常闭阀normal close valve46常开阀normal open valve47超载overload48车床lathe49沉砂bottom fill50沉砂池setting pit51承托环retaining ring (support ring) 52吃水线draft line53迟到时间log time54冲管wash pipe55冲刷井段wash out section56抽吸swabbing57抽吸压力swab pressure58绸化时间thicking time59出口outlet60初切力initial gel-strength61初探井exploratory well62除垢剂degasser efficiency63除气器degasser64除砂(泥)器desander(desilter)65储能器accumulator66储气筒gas holdre(tank)67传动链条driving chain68传真facsimile69吹扫作业blow job70吹压压力blowing pressure71垂深vertical depth72锤子hammer73磁力打捞工具lubrication hole74刺坏erode out75从动轴driven shaft76错扣thread alternating77打好背钳back up attachment78打捞杯junk sub79打捞工具fishing tool80打捞公锥fishing nipple81打捞公锥fishing tap(taper)82打捞钩fishing hook83打捞管柱fishing string84打捞颈fishing neck85打捞矛fishing spear86打捞母锥fishing socket87打捞头fishing head88打捞震击器fishing jars89打捞爪junk catcher90打捞作业sishing operation91打字机typewriter92大钩hook93大钩弹簧hook spring94大钩负荷hook load95大钩位置hook position96大门gate97大钳tong98大钳搭绞部位tong space99大钳刻痕tong mark100大钳扭矩tong torque101大钳平衡器tong bucket102大钳牙板tong dies103大鼠洞rat hole104带帽螺栓nut bolt105待命stand-by106待命费stand-by rate107戴纳钻具dyna-drill108单根吊卡single join elevator 109单闸阀防喷器single ran type preventer 110担架stretcher111淡水fresh water112挡泥板mud guard113导档齿轮reverse gear114导管conductor115倒大绳slip drilling line 116倒开门吊卡side door elevator 117倒扣back off118倒扣工具reversing tool119低固相泥浆low solid mud 120低压管线locking flange 121底塞bottom piug 122地层formation 123地层测试formation test 124地层水formation wter 125电传打字电报telex126电传打字机teletype127电动机electrical motor 128电焊条welding electrode 129电话telephone 130电机,马达motor131吊车crane132吊耳、吊环eye plate133吊卡elevator134吊卡耳环elevator link 135吊卡-卡盘elevator-spider 136吊索sling137调节阀regulator valve 138调节泥浆mud conditioning 139蝶阀butterfly valve 140钉子nail141顶(底)塞top(bottom) plug 142定位浮标locating buoy 143定向井directional well 144定向钻井directional drilling 145动力扳手power wrench 146动力大钳power tong 147动力供应设备power supply unit 148动力卡瓦power slip 149短起下short trip 150短钻杆pup pipe joint 151对扣台(下套管用)stabbing board 152钝钻头分级dull bit grading 153鹅颈管goose neck pipe 154额定流量rated flow 155发电机generator 156阀,凡尔valve157阀弹簧valve spring 158阀盖,阀帽valve bonnet159阀杆valve lever160阀门valve161阀密封valve seal162阀面valve face163阀箱,闸室chamber gate164法兰flange165凡尔体valve body166凡尔座balve cup(seat)167反循环reverse circulation168反循环打捞篮reverse circulation junk basket 169反循环阀reverse circulation valve 170反循环接头pump-out reversing sub 171反循环孔reverse circulation port 172方保接头kelly pretective sub173方补心kelly bushing174方入kelly down175方入kelly in176方入深度kelly dowm depth177方余kelly up178方钻杆考克kelly cock179方钻杆旋转短节kelly spinner180防毒面具gas mask181防喷bolwout control182防喷器blow-out preventer183防喷器控制盘BOP control pannel184防喷器平台BOP deck185防喷设备blowout control equipment 186防喷演习BOP drill187房间,寝室chamber188放压管线relief line189非磁钻铤non-magnetic drilling collar 190分级箍DV collar191分级注水泥squeeze cementing192分离器seperator193风速表anemometer194扶正器stabilizer195浮阀float valve196浮箍floating collar197浮鞋float shoe198腐蚀corrosion199缸套line reeving200钢圈ring gasket201钢丝绳打捞钩spud spear202高压管线hagh pressure line 203割大绳cut off drilling line 204隔膜泵membrane pump 205工具钢tool steel206工具接头tool joint207工作救生衣work life jacket208工作压力working pressure 209公扣pin210功能测验function test211狗腿dog leg212狗腿率dog leg ratio213固井泵cenmenting pump 214固井管线cementing line215固井配方cementing formulation 216固井失败cement failure217固井质量检查cementing bond log 218固相含量solid content219刮管器casing scraper220关井shut-in221关井套压shut-in casing pressure 222关井钻杆压力shut-in drill pipe pressure 223管内压降pressure loss in pipe 224管钳slide tongs225贯眼钻杆接头full hole joint226惯性inertia227惯性刹车inertia brake228灌泥浆管线fill up line229灌注泵charge pump230硅酸盐水泥portland cement 231滚筒drum232滚筒高速(低速)drum hight air clutch 233滚筒离合器drum clutch234滚筒容量drum capacity235锅炉boiler236海上offshore237海水淡化装置swawater distillation unit 238海水管线seawater line239侯凝wait on cementing 240猴台monkey board241厚壁钻杆heavy wall drill pipe 242虎钳vice(=vise)243护丝thread protector 244滑车装绳数lifting sub245滑扣thread slipping246滑轮pulley247划眼reaming248环空流速annular velocity 249环形BOP annular BOP250缓冲罐pressure snubbling tank 251缓凝剂retarder252回压back pressure253混合泵mixing pump254混合漏斗mixing hopper255活塞piston256活塞杆piston rod257活塞皮碗piston up258机械钻速penetration rate259急救设备first-aid equipment 260急救箱first-aid kit261挤水泥squeeze cement262计时器、秒表timer263计算尺slide rule264记录record265记录纸recording paper266加热盘管heating coil267加油孔lube oil pump268加重材料weighting materials 269加重钻杆heavey weight drill pipe 270甲板deck271减震器shock absorber272剪切闸板防喷器blind shear ram preventer 273键槽卡钻key-seating sticking 274键槽破坏器key seat reamer275降失水剂filtration-reducing agent 276交流电驱动alternating current drive 277绞车draw works278绞车电机drawworks motor279绞盘、绞机windlass280搅拌器agitator281接触井底on bottom282接头sub283接头,单根joint284接线盒rosette285节流阀choke valve286节流阀、阻流器choke287节流阀位置指示器choke position indicator 288近钻头扶正器near-bit stabilizer 289进气管admission pipe 290井底压力bottom-hole pressure 291井架derrick292井架大门v-door293井口甲板cellar deck294井口喇叭管bell nipple295井口流压well head flow pressure 296井口装置well-head equipment 297井喷blowout298井位well location299井斜测量deviation survey 300井眼尺寸hole size301井眼纠斜hole straightening 302井涌kick303静压static pressure304救生服survival suit305救生圈life buoy306救生艇lifeboat307救生衣life jacket308卷尺tape measure309卡点sticking point310卡点测定仪free point indicator 311卡盘spider312卡钳callipers313卡瓦slip314卡瓦补心slip bushing315卡瓦槽slip groove316卡瓦打捞筒slip socket317卡瓦牙slip insert318卡瓦牙板slip dog319卡钻sticking320开泵循环下放wash dowm321开口扳手open-ended spanner 322开眼器hole opener323开眼钻头spudding bit324开钻泥浆spud mud325可变载荷variable load326可控硅thyristor327可膨胀式救生阀inflatable liferaft328可移动式1211灭火器portable 1211 extinguisher 329空气包air chamber330空气离合器drum low air clutch 331空压机compressor332空载、空车no load333控制井涌kick control334控制钻进control drilling335快速联结quikck connection 336捞砂滚筒sand reel337老虎钳bench vise338冷凝器condenser339冷却水泵cooling-water pump 340离合器clutch341离开井底off-bottom342立根盒容量setback capacity343立管stand pipe344链chain345链钳chain pipe tong346链钳chain tong347两通阀two way valve348临界速度critical velocity349灵敏度sensitivity350灵敏指针vernier351领眼钻头pilot bit352流量计flowing meter353流量警报器flow alarm354流量指示器flowing indicator 355流压flowing pressure356硫化氢气体检测系统H2S gas detection system 357笼式打捞篮junk basket358漏斗粘度计funnel viscometer359漏失实验leak-offtest360漏油oil leak361螺钉screw362螺帽nut363螺栓bolt364螺丝刀screw driver365螺旋钻铤spiral drill collar366裸眼open hole367马达油motor oil368盲板防喷器blind ram preventer 369锚anchor370锚泊系统mooring system371锚头cat-head372锚头绳cat line373锚头绳爪cat line grip374锚头轴cat shaft375铆钉river376梅花扳手ring spanner377母扣box378内管注水泥inner string cementing 379内卡钳internal callipers380内平钻杆接头internal flush joint 381内外加厚internal external upset 382内岩心筒inner core barrel383耐磨补心wear bushing384耐油橡胶oil resistant gom385泥包ball up386泥饼filter cake387泥浆泵mud pump388泥浆泵安全阀mud relieg valve389泥浆比重计mud balance390泥浆槽mud ditch391泥浆池mut pit392泥浆池测定演习pit drill393泥浆处理材料mud conditioning materials 394泥浆返出管线mud rutern line395泥浆计量罐trip-tank396泥浆量mud volume397泥浆流量计mud flow meter398泥浆录井mud logging399泥浆枪 mud gun400泥浆清洁器mud cleaner401泥浆体积指示器mud volume indicator 402泥浆添加剂mean tide level403泥浆液位计pit level meter404泥浆中的气gas in mud405泥浆柱mud additive406泥浆柱mud column407泥线mud line408泥质砂岩shaly sand409镊子nipper410爬杆boom411排出阀discharge valve412排出管线discharge line413排气孔vent hole414排烟管engine exhaust line415盘根盒stuffing box416旁通by-pass417旁通塞by-pass plug418抛锚船anchor boat419泡沫灭火系统foam fire extinguishing sysem 420疲劳极限fatigue limit421平地铣鞋flat bottom mill422平均潮面mean sea level423平均海平面maximum speed424评估井evaluation well425启动(泵)start ip(pump)426起阀座器valve seat grab427起下钻trip428起下钻时间tripping time429气层gas reservoir430气动工具pneumatic tool431气动绞车air-operated hoist432气管线air line433气含量gas content434气焊torch435气侵gas cut436气显示gas showing437气压表air pressure gauge438气压计barometer439钳头tong head440钳子pincers441潜水泵submerged pump442浅层气shallow gas443桥塞bridge plug444撬杠pinch bar445请病假sick leave446球阀ball valve447驱动轴drive shaft448取心筒鞋core barrel shoe449取心爪core basket450取心钻头core bit451燃油(柴油)fuel(diesel oil)452绕性接头flexible joint453热交换器heat exchanger454人孔、检修孔manhole455人孔盖manhole cover456乳化剂emulsifying agent457入井工具down hole tool458入口inlet459软(绳)梯rope laddre460软地层soft formation461润滑油泵low pressure line462三通tee463三牙轮钻头three-cone bit464扫线用管线blow line465刹把brake level(brake handle) 466刹带brake line (brake staple) 467砂轮机grinder468砂桥sand bridge469筛布screen cloth470上扣过紧overtonging471上扣猫头make out catchead 472上提,遇卡overpull473烧碱caustic soda474升船jacking475升降室jack house476升降系统jacking system477生产层套管production casing478生活水(淡水)portable water (fresh water)479绳套、接环eye splice480失水fluid loss481失水测定仪filtration test apparatus482事故troubles483试运转、试车test run484试纸test paper485收发报机transceiver486手动阀manual valve487手钳子pliers488手提式CO2灭火器CO2 hand-portable fire-extingusisher 489手提式干粉灭火器portable dry powder fire extinguisher 490手摇钻manual drill491甩钻杆lay down the drill pipe492双端螺栓stud493双母接头box-box connection494双头螺栓stud bolt495双闸板防喷器double ram type preventer 496水击water hammer497水龙带hose498水龙头swivel499水泥cement500水泥冲洗cement flush501水泥串槽cement channeling502水泥回堵plugging back503水泥浆cement slurry504水泥胶结cement bond505水泥面top of the cement506水泥塞cement plug507水泥伞cement basket508水泥头cementing head509水泥阻流环cement retainer510水平仪level511水位报警器liquid level alarm512水眼nozzle513水眼尺寸nozzle size514水眼效率nozzle efficiency515丝扣thread516丝扣油thread dope517司钻监视器driller's monitor518司钻控制台driller's console519死绳dead line520死绳固定器dead line anchor521死绳固定器膜片dead line diaphragm 522四通阀four-way valve523松开捞矛releasing spear524苏打soda525塑料plastics526塑性黏度plastic viscosity527缩径井眼tight hole528锁紧法兰lock bolt529锁紧螺栓liner530太平门fire escape531坍塌sloughing ,caving 532逃生呼吸器escape bresthing apparatus 533套管程序casing program534套管尺寸casing size535套管打捞矛casing spear536套管打捞筒casing bowl537套管大钳casing tong538套管吊卡casing elevator539套管隔刀casing cutter540套管接箍casing coupling541套管卡瓦casing slip542套管平台casing monkey board 543套管四通casing spool544套管头casing head545套管鞋casing shoe546套管悬挂器casing hanger547套筒扳手socket548梯形扣buttress549梯子laddre550提伸短节listing plug551天车crown block552天车防碰装置crown block protector 553天车防碰装置crown block saver 554天车梁crown block beam 555停工时间down time556通风设备rrentilation557通井wiper trip558通径drifting559通径规drift mandrel560拖航灯navigation lights561拖缆towing line562脱扣thread off563外部割刀external cutter564外卡钳external cutter565外岩心筒outer core barrel566弯管knee pipe567危险品danderous objects568尾管liner569尾水behind water570卫生水管线sanitary line571位置指示器position indicator572温度计thermometer573涡磁刹车eddy current brake 574无返出no return575无缝钢管seamless pipe576吸入阀suction valve577吸入管线suctionline578铣具milling tool579铣鞋millingshoe580下入工具running tool581下套管run casing582先行水ahead water583消防报警系统fire alarm system584消防服fireman's suit585消防斧fire hatchet586消防管线fire line587消防面罩fire mask588消防演习fire drill589消音器ato-muffler590销子pin591小鼠洞mouse hole592卸扣猫头magnetic fishing tool 593卸扣液缸hydraulic break-out cylinder 594卸载unload595信号、信号灯lantern596絮凝作用flocculation597旋塞阀plug valve598循环circulation599循环池active tank600压舱水ballast water601压差卡钻differential pressure sticking 602压井kill well603压井管线kill line604压力表pressure gauge605压力试验pressure test606压载preloading607压载水preload water608牙轮cone609牙轮打捞器cone fisher610牙轮卡死cone lock611牙嵌离合器jaw cluth612岩心烘箱core drying oven613岩心取样coring sample614岩心爪core catcher615岩心爪外套core catecher case616阳离子表面活性剂cationic surface active agent 617液动阀hydraulic valve618液动试压泵hydraulic (press)test pump 619液压泵hydraulic pump620液压大钳hydraulic tibg621液压绞车hydraulic-powered winch 622液压锚头hydraulic catwork623液压油箱hydraulic reserviur 624翼状扶正器wing stabilizer625应急牙嵌离合器emergency jaw clutch 626硬地层hard formation627油层压力oil reservoir pressure 628油尺oil-level dipstick629油封oil seal630油柜oil tank631油基泥浆oil-base mud632油漆刷paint brush633油位oil level634油位检查丝堵oil level check plug 635油压表oil pressure guage636油页岩oil shale637游动滑车traveling block638运转时间running time639晕船sea sick640造扣thread making641造斜器whip stock642增稠剂viscosifier643闸门阀gate valve644粘土泥浆clay base mud645障碍灯obstruction light646照明lighting647针形阀needle valve648振动筛shalc shaker649震击器jar650正规钻杆接头regular tool joint651直流电驱动direct current drive652直升机平台helicopter port653值班船stand-by boat654止回阀、回压凡尔check valve655指梁finger board656指示灯、标志灯marker lamp657指重表weight indicator658中间套管intermediate casing659中文名称English name660钟摆钻具组合pendulum bottom hole assembly 661重晶石barite662轴shaft663转盘rotary table664转盘大补心master bushing665转盘电机rotary table motor666转盘风机rotary table motor blower 667转盘高度table height668转盘扭矩table torque669转盘扭矩表rotary torque indicator670转盘转速fotary speed671转盘转速表rotary speed indicator672桩腿leg673装卸防喷器BOP handling674自动灌浆浮鞋fill-up float shoe675自动螺母扳手nut spinner676阻流管汇choke-line manifold677阻流管线choke line678钻杆drill pipe679钻杆防喷器drilling stem valve 680钻杆刮泥器drill pipe wiper681钻杆卡瓦drill pipe slip682钻刚内防喷器intermnal blowout preventer 683钻进承包商drilling contractor684钻进时间drilling hours685钻进突变drilling break686钻井报表drilling report687钻井成本drilling cost688钻井程序drilling preogram689钻井大绳drilling line(workline) 690钻井日报drilling daily report 691钻井水drilling water692钻井作业drilling operation693钻具组合drilling assembly694钻台rig floor695钻铤drill collar696钻铤卡瓦drill collar slip697钻头bit698钻头IADC编码bit IADC code699钻头成本bit cost700钻头齿bit teeth701钻头规bit gauge702钻头进尺bit footage703钻头类型bit type704钻头磨损bit wear705钻头时间bit time706钻头寿命bit lift707钻头位置bit position708钻头系列号bit series number709钻头直径bit diameter710钻头装卸器bit breaker711钻压weight on bit712钻柱drill string713最小速度maximum pressure 714左旋“J”型槽left-hand J-slot715作业者operator716作业指令working instruction 717坐卡瓦setting slip。

OD casings. All materials required for redressing of mills shall be provided by the Contractor.修复磨鞋的材料由承包商提供。
Redressing of mill shall be carried out by the Contractor at well site.对磨鞋的修复由承包商在井场进行。
(vii) Full Circle Releasing Spear: One (1) each for hand ling 5”, 5.1/2”, 7”, 9.5/8” & 13.3/8” casing. The spear should be complete with all accessories including the guide. Suitable cross-over sub for connecting the same to tubing & / or drill pipe string should be provided.全圆形可退打捞矛:对于打捞5”, 5.1/2”, 7”, 9.5/8”& 13.3/8”的套管每种尺寸各一个;打捞矛带所有所需的附件包括引鞋,并提供合适的变径接头用于连接油管或者钻杆。
e) Super Fishing Jar : Straight pull, capable of transmitting full torque in either direction, ability to deliver rapid series of blows when desired, easy closing or resetting, complete with circulation hole & cone type piston assembly of the following sizes:超级震击器:直拉式,能够全方位传递扭矩,能进行快速系列震击,易于关闭或重置,配循环孔和锥形活塞组合,配备尺寸如下:i) OD=7.3/4” and ID=3.1/16”, 6.5/8 API Reg RH top sub box connection & bottom pin connection, - One (1) No.外径=7.3/4” 和内径=3.1/16”, 6.5/8 API REG RH上体母扣&下体公扣连接,一个。

钻井设备及工具中文名称English name中文名称English name 储能器accumulator刮管器casing scraper循环池active tank套管鞋casing shoe(刹把)调节螺栓adjusting bole套管卡瓦casing slip进气管admission pipe套管打捞矛casing spear搅拌器agitator套管四通casing spool空气包air chamber套管大钳casing tong气管线air line锚头绳cat line气动绞车air-operated hoist锚头绳爪cat line grip交流电驱动alternating current drive锚头轴cat shaft环形BOP annular BOP锚头cat-head消音器ato-muffler井口甲板cellar deck水泥cement球阀ball valve水泥伞cement basket井口喇叭管bell nipple水泥塞cement plug老虎钳bench vise水泥阻流环cement retainer钻头bit固井质量检查cementing bond log钻头装卸器bit breaker水泥头cementing head钻头规bit gauge固井管线cementing line盲板防喷器blind ram preventer固井泵cenmenting pump剪切闸板防喷器blind shear ram preventer链chain防喷器blow-out preventer链钳chain pipe tong螺栓bolt链钳chain tong防喷器控制盘BOP control pannel房间,寝室chamber防喷器平台BOP deck阀箱,闸室chamber gate底塞bottom piug灌注泵charge pump母扣box止回阀、回压凡尔check valve刹把brake level(brake handle)节流阀、阻流器choke刹带brake line (brake staple)阻流管线choke line桥塞bridge plug节流阀位置指示器choke position indicator梯形扣buttress节流阀choke valve蝶阀butterfly valve阻流管汇choke-line manifold旁通by-pass离合器clutch旁通塞by-pass plug导管conductor牙轮cone卡钳callipers牙轮打捞器cone fisher套管打捞筒casing bowl牙轮卡死cone lock套管接箍casing coupling冷却水泵cooling-water pump套管隔刀casing cutter取心筒鞋core barrel shoe套管吊卡casing elevator取心爪core basket套管悬挂器casing hanger取心钻头core bit套管头casing head岩心爪core catcher套管平台casing monkey board岩心爪外套core catecher case岩心烘箱core drying oven外部割刀external cutter变换接头crossover joint(x/o)吊耳、吊环eye plate天车crown block绳套、接环eye splice天车梁crown block beam灌泥浆管线fill up line死绳dead line失水测定仪filtration test apparatus死绳固定器膜片dead line diaphragm指梁finger board死绳固定器dead line anchor打捞钩fishing hook除气器degasser打捞头fishing head井架derrick打捞震击器fishing jars除砂(泥)器desander(desilter)打捞颈fishing neck直流电驱动direct current drive打捞公锥fishing nipple排出管线discharge line打捞作业sishing operation排出阀discharge valve打捞母锥fishing socket双闸板防喷器double ram type preventer打捞矛fishing spear入井工具down hole tool打捞管柱fishing string绞车draw works打捞公锥fishing tap(taper)绞车电机drawworks motor打捞工具fishing tool通径规drift mandrel法兰flange钻铤drill collar扁锉flat(round,square)file钻铤卡瓦drill collar slip扁嘴钳flat bit tongs钻杆drill pipe平地铣鞋flat bottom mill钻杆卡瓦drill pipe slip绕性接头flexible joint钻杆刮泥器drill pipe wiper浮鞋float shoe钻柱drill string浮阀float valve司钻控制台driller's console浮箍floating collar司钻监视器driller's monitor四通阀four-way valve钻井大绳drilling line(workline)卡点测定仪free point indicator钻杆防喷器drilling stem valve贯眼钻杆接头full hole joint驱动轴drive shaft漏斗粘度计funnel viscometer从动轴driven shaft传动链条driving chain储气筒gas holdre(tank)滚筒drum大门gate滚筒容量drum capacity闸门阀gate valve滚筒离合器drum clutch鹅颈管goose neck pipe滚筒高速(低速)drum hight air clutch空气离合器drum low air clutch锤子hammer分级箍DV collar加重钻杆heavey weight drill pipe厚壁钻杆heavy wall drill pipe涡磁刹车eddy current brake高压管线hagh pressure line吊卡elevator开眼器hole opener吊卡耳环elevator link大钩hook吊卡-卡盘elevator-spider大钩弹簧hook spring应急牙嵌离合器emergency jaw clutch水龙带hose(刹带的)平衡杠equalizing yoke卸扣液缸hydraulic break-out cylinder 外卡钳external cutter液压锚头hydraulic catwork液压泵hydraulic pump上扣猫头make out catchead液压油箱hydraulic reserviur手摇钻manual drill液压大钳hydraulic tibg手动阀manual valve液动阀hydraulic valve转盘大补心master bushing液动试压泵hydraulic (press)test pump铣鞋millingshoe液压绞车hydraulic-powered winch铣具milling tool混合漏斗mixing hopper惯性inertia混合泵mixing pump惯性刹车inertia brake猴台monkey board入口inlet电机,马达motor内岩心筒inner core barrel小鼠洞mouse hole中间套管intermediate casing泥浆比重计mud balance钻刚内防喷器intermnal blowout preventer泥浆清洁器mud cleaner内卡钳internal callipers泥浆槽mud ditch内外加厚internal external upset挡泥板mud guard内平钻杆接头internal flush joint泥浆枪 mud gun泥浆泵mud pump震击器jar泥浆泵安全阀mud relieg valve牙嵌离合器jaw cluth泥浆返出管线mud rutern line接头,单根joint泥浆池mut pit笼式打捞篮junk basket打捞爪junk catcher钉子nail打捞杯junk sub近钻头扶正器near-bit stabilizer针形阀needle valve方补心kelly bushing扳手加长套筒nigger-head方钻杆考克kelly cock镊子nipper方保接头kelly pretective sub非磁钻铤non-magnetic drilling collar 方钻杆旋转短节kelly spinner常闭阀normal close valve键槽破坏器key seat reamer常开阀normal open valve压井管线kill line水眼nozzle弯管knee pipe螺帽nut带帽螺栓nut bolt梯子laddre自动螺母扳手nut spinner水平仪level提伸短节listing plug油位oil level滑车装绳数lifting sub油位检查丝堵oil level check plug缸套line reeving油柜oil tank尾管liner油尺oil-level dipstick锁紧螺栓liner开口扳手open-ended spanner锁紧法兰lock bolt外岩心筒outer core barrel低压管线locking flange出口outlet润滑油泵low pressure line加油孔lube oil pump油漆刷paint brush磁力打捞工具lubrication hole领眼钻头pilot bit公扣pin卸扣猫头magnetic fishing tool销子pin钳子pincers螺钉screw撬杠pinch bar螺丝刀screw driver活塞piston无缝钢管seamless pipe活塞皮碗piston up立根盒容量setback capacity活塞杆piston rod沉砂池setting pit手钳子pliers轴shaft旋塞阀plug valve振动筛shalc shaker气动工具pneumatic tool减震器shock absorber硅酸盐水泥portland cement倒开门吊卡side door elevator动力卡瓦power slip单根吊卡single join elevator动力供应设备power supply unit单闸阀防喷器single ran type preventer 动力大钳power tong计算尺slide rule动力扳手power wrench管钳slide tongs缓冲罐pressure snubbling tank吊索sling生产层套管production casing卡瓦slip滑轮pulley卡瓦补心slip bushing反循环接头pump-out reversing sub卡瓦牙板slip dog短钻杆pup pipe joint卡瓦槽slip groove卡瓦牙slip insert快速联结quikck connection卡瓦打捞筒slip socket(卡瓦)锥形座slip socket bowl(井架大门处)坡板ramp套筒扳手socket大鼠洞rat hole卡盘spider正规钻杆接头regular tool joint螺旋钻铤spiral drill collar调节阀regulator valve钢丝绳打捞钩spud spear放压管线relief line开眼钻头spudding bit承托环retaining ring (support ring)插入式注水泥stab-in cementing反循环阀reverse circulation valve对扣台(下套管用)stabbing board反循环打捞篮reverse circulation junk basket扶正器stabilizer反循环孔reverse circulation port不锈钢stainless steel导档齿轮reverse gear立管stand pipe倒扣工具reversing tool插人头stinger钢圈ring gasket(内管)注水泥管柱stinger strings梅花扳手ring spanner双端螺栓stud铆钉river双头螺栓stud bolt转盘rotary table盘根盒stuffing box转盘电机rotary table motor接头sub转盘风机rotary table motor blower吸入管线suctionline吸入阀suction valve安全卡瓦safety clamp(slips)表层套管surface casing安全接头safety jont水龙头swivel安全限位档块safety stop安全开关safety switch卷尺tape measure安全带safty -strap(belt)三通tee捞砂滚筒sand reel丝扣thread筛布screen cloth丝扣油thread dope护丝thread protector先行水ahead water三牙轮钻头three-cone bit环空流速annular velocity大钳tong表观黏度apparent viscosity大钳平衡器tong bucket倒扣back off大钳牙板tong dies回压back pressure钳头tong head打好背钳back up attachment大钳刻痕tong mark泥包ball up大钳搭绞部位tong space压舱水ballast water工具接头tool joint尾水behind water工具钢tool steel宾汉模型bingham model顶(底)塞top(bottom) plug钻头成本bit cost水泥面top of the cement钻头直径bit diameterTOTCO承托环TOTCO ring baffle plate钻头进尺bit footage游动滑车traveling block钻头IADC编码bit IADC code泥浆计量罐trip-tank钻头寿命bit lift两通阀two way valve钻头位置bit position钻头系列号bit series number井架大门v-door钻头齿bit teeth阀门valve钻头时间bit time阀,凡尔valve钻头类型bit type凡尔体valve body钻头磨损bit wear阀盖,阀帽valve bonnet吹扫作业blow job凡尔座balve cup(seat)扫线用管线blow line阀面valve face吹压压力blowing pressure阀杆valve lever井喷blowout阀密封valve seal防喷bolwout control起阀座器valve seat grab防喷设备blowout control equipment 阀弹簧valve spring装卸防喷器BOP handling灵敏指针vernier沉砂bottom fill虎钳vice(=vise)井底压力bottom-hole pressure双母接头box-box connection壁钩wall hook套管程序casing program冲管wash pipe套管尺寸casing size耐磨补心wear bushing阳离子表面活性剂cationic surface active agent 井口装置well-head equipment烧碱caustic soda造斜器whip stock水泥胶结cement bond翼状扶正器wing stabilizer水泥串槽cement channeling 20"“ L”型接头type "l" connector固井失败cement failure水泥冲洗cement flush水泥浆cement slurry固井配方cementing formulation循环circulation粘土泥浆clay base mud控制钻进control drilling岩心取样coring sample腐蚀corrosion临界速度critical velocity气显示gas showing天车防碰装置crown block protector硬地层hard formation天车防碰装置crown block saver井眼尺寸hole size割大绳cut off drilling line井眼纠斜hole straightening危险品danderous objects大钩负荷hook load除垢剂degasser efficiency大钩位置hook position井斜测量deviation survey初切力initial gel-strength压差卡钻differential pressure sticking内管注水泥inner string cementing定向钻井directional drilling表面活性剂interface level indicator定向井directional well方入kelly down狗腿dog leg方入深度kelly dowm depth狗腿率dog leg ratio方入kelly in停工时间down time方余kelly up通径drifting键槽卡钻key-seating sticking钻具组合drilling assembly井涌kick钻进突变drilling break控制井涌kick control钻进承包商drilling contractor压井kill well钻井成本drilling cost甩钻杆lay down the drill pipe钻进时间drilling hours漏失实验leak-offtest钻井作业drilling operation左旋“J”型槽left-hand J-slot钻井程序drilling preogram迟到时间log time钻井报表drilling report低固相泥浆low solid mud钻井日报drilling daily report最小速度maximum pressure钻井水drilling water平均海平面maximum speed钝钻头分级dull bit grading平均潮面mean sea level戴纳钻具dyna-drill泥浆添加剂mean tide level乳化剂emulsifying agent泥浆柱mud additive刺坏erode out泥浆柱mud column评估井evaluation well调节泥浆mud conditioning初探井exploratory well泥浆处理材料mud conditioning materials 疲劳极限fatigue limit泥线mud line自动灌浆浮鞋fill-up float shoe泥浆录井mud logging泥饼filter cake泥浆量mud volume降失水剂filtration-reducing agent不漏no leak絮凝作用flocculation无返出no return流压flowing pressure水眼效率nozzle efficiency失水fluid loss水眼尺寸nozzle size地层formation离开井底off-bottom地层测试formation test海上offshore地层水formation wter漏油oil leak淡水fresh water油层压力oil reservoir pressure功能测验function test耐油橡胶oil resistant gom气含量gas content油封oil seal气侵gas cut油页岩oil shale泥浆中的气gas in mud油基泥浆oil-base mud气层gas reservoir接触井底on bottom裸眼open hole开钻spud in作业者operator开钻泥浆spud mud上提,遇卡overpull挤水泥squeeze cement上扣过紧overtonging分级注水泥squeeze cementing钟摆钻具组合pendulum bottom hole assembly待命stand-by机械钻速penetration rate待命费stand-by rate塑性黏度plastic viscosity启动(泵)start ip(pump)塑料plastics静压static pressure水泥回堵plugging back卡钻sticking管内压降pressure loss in pipe卡点sticking point压力试验pressure test泵冲stoke泵入水泥塞pump down plug抽吸压力swab pressure泵效pump efficiency抽吸swabbing泵压pump pressure转盘高度table height泵速pump speed转盘扭矩table torque泵冲pump stroke试纸test paper额定流量rated flow绸化时间thicking time划眼reaming错扣thread alternating记录record造扣thread making记录纸recording paper脱扣thread off松开捞矛releasing spear滑扣thread slipping缓凝剂retarder缩径井眼tight hole反循环reverse circulation大钳扭矩tong torque钻台rig floor起下钻trip转盘转速fotary speed起下钻时间tripping time下套管run casing事故troubles运转时间running time垂深vertical depth下入工具running tool增稠剂viscosifier砂桥sand bridge侯凝wait on cementing饱和盐水泥降saturated salt-water mud壁厚wall thickness晕船sea sick开泵循环下放wash dowm海水泥浆seawater mud冲刷井段wash out section坐卡瓦setting slip水击water hammer浅层气shallow gas钻压weight on bit泥质砂岩shaly sand加重材料weighting materials短起下short trip井口流压well head flow pressure关井shut-in井位well location关井套压shut-in casing pressure通井wiper trip关井钻杆压力shut-in drill pipe pressure作业指令working instruction请病假sick leave工作压力working pressure侧钻side tracking倒大绳slip drilling line坍塌sloughing ,caving苏打soda软地层soft formation固相含量solid content锚anchor救生圈life buoy抛锚船anchor boat救生衣life jacket风速表anemometer救生艇lifeboat重晶石barite照明lighting气压计barometer水位报警器liquid level alarm般土bentonite定位浮标locating buoy锅炉boiler人孔、检修孔manhole爬杆boom人孔盖manhole cover防喷演习BOP drill指示灯、标志灯marker lamp手提式CO2灭火器CO2 hand-portable fire-extingusisher隔膜泵membrane pump空压机compressor锚泊系统mooring system冷凝器condenser马达油motor oil吊车crane拖航灯navigation lights甲板deck空载、空车no load柴油机diesel engine障碍灯obstruction light吃水线draft line超载overload电动机electrical motor泥浆池测定演习pit drill排烟管engine exhaust line可移动式1211灭火器portable 1211 extinguisher柴油engine oil手提式干粉灭火器portable dry powder fire extinguisher 逃生呼吸器escape bresthing apparatus生活水(淡水)portable water (fresh water)传真facsimile压载水preload water消防报警系统fire alarm system压载preloading消防演习fire drill通风设备rrentilation太平门fire escape软(绳)梯rope laddre消防斧fire hatchet接线盒rosette消防管线fire line安全网safety net消防面罩fire mask卫生水管线sanitary line消防服fireman's suit海水淡化装置swawater distillation unit急救设备first-aid equipment海水管线seawater line急救箱first-aid kit分离器seperator泡沫灭火系统foam fire extinguishing sysem值班船stand-by boat燃油(柴油)fuel(diesel oil)担架stretcher防毒面具gas mask潜水泵submerged pump发电机generator救生服survival suit砂轮机grinder电话telephone硫化氢气体检测系统H2S gas detection system电传打字机teletype热交换器heat exchanger电传打字电报telex加热盘管heating coil试运转、试车test run直升机平台helicopter port温度计thermometer可膨胀式救生阀inflatable liferaft可控硅thyristor升降室jack house计时器、秒表timer升船jacking气焊torch升降系统jacking system拖缆towing line信号、信号灯lantern收发报机transceiver车床lathe变压器transformer桩腿leg打字机typewriter卸载unload可变载荷variable load排气孔vent hole电焊条welding electrode绞盘、绞机windlass工作救生衣work life jacket气压表air pressure gauge流量警报器flow alarm流量指示器flowing indicator流量计flowing meter泥浆流量计mud flow meter泥浆体积指示器mud volume indicator油压表oil pressure guage泥浆液位计pit level meter位置指示器position indicator压力表pressure gauge泵冲数计数器pump stroke counter泵冲数指示器pump stroke indicator泵冲数传感器pump stoke sensor转盘转速表rotary speed indicator转盘扭矩表rotary torque indicator灵敏度sensitivity指重表weight indicator。

NO ITEMDESCRIPTION - Owner: Zhongyuan Petroleum Exploration Bureau.- Model : ZJ50J- Make: Zhongyuan Petroleum Equipment CO. China - Year of make: 2003-6- Input Power: 1,500HP- Fuel consumption: 24bbl/day.- Drilling depth w/ 5" DP: 2800~ 4500m - Drilling depth w/ 4-1/2" DP: 3500~ 5000m - Max. load of hook: 3,150KN - Mast height : 44.8m- Area of platform: L x W =10x12=120 m2- Model: JJ315/44.8-K- Make: Zhongyuan Petroleum Equipment CO. China - Year of make: 2003-6.- Width of floor: 12m.- Max. Static load: 3150KN.- Working height: 44.8m- Set back capacity : 4,500m 5"DP - Resist wind rating: 180km/h without DP, 130 km/h w/ DP, and - 20 km/h when rigging-up.-Model: DZ315/9-S - Make: Zhongyuan Petroleum Equipment CO. China- Year of make: 2003-6- Clear Height: 7.38 m- Dimension: L x W x H = 10x12 x9 m - Height under rotary table beam: 7.38 m - Rotary beam load: 3150KN- Max. Static load: 3500KN-Model: JC-50J - Make: Lanzhou Petro-chemical Machinery Work, China - Year of make: 2003-6- Input Power: 1,500 HP- Auxiliary brake: DSF45, Eddy Current - Torque: 60KN.m- Drilling line guide: Yes.- Maximum. line pull(12lines): 3150KN - Dimension of drum (DiameterxLength ): 685x1245mm - Hoisting gear: 4forward & 2 reverse - Rotary Gear: 4forward & 2 reverse-Model : YC-350- Make: Lanzhou Petro-chemical Machinery Work, China- Year of make: 2003-6- Max. Static load: 3500kN- Dia. of sheaves: 1270mm- Dia. of drilling line: 1-3/8"4Travelling Assembly 2Substructu re 3Drawworks DrillingRig 1Mast- Number of sheaves: 6- Standards: 6x19 S+IWRC+RL+EIPS- Size: 1-3/8"- Breaking strength: 275kN- Number: 2 reels, 1200 meter for one reel - Model: TC-315- Make: Lanzhou Petro-chemical Machinery Work, China - Year of make: 2003-6- Number of sheaves: 7- Dia. Of sheaves: 1270mm- Drilling line: 1-3/8"- Max. Rating load: 3500KN- Model: JZG35-R- Make: Jianghan Petroleum Machinery Manufacturing Plant ( JPMMP), China - C/w one (1) wobble pump and sufficient high pressure bearing hoses to connect Weight Indicator.- Year of make: 2003-6-- Model: ZP-275- Make: Lanzhou Petro-chemical Machinery Work, China Opening:27-1/2"- Year of make: 2003-3- Static rating load: 4500kN- Max. Speed: 250 rpm- Gear Ratio: 3.67- Model: SL-450- Make : Lanzhou Petro-chemical Machinery Work, China - Year of make: 2003-6- Max. Static load: 4500kN - Working pressure: 5000psi - Washing pipe size: 75 mm- Max. speed: 300 rpm - Connection: Top: 6-5/8" Reg. LH,- Bottom: 6-5/8" Reg. LH - Connection between goose neck and rotary hose: 4" API Std. 5 B- Model: FSK-15- Make: China - Making up torque: 2169 lb-ft - Rated speed: 72 rpm- Working pressure: 0.5- 0.8 MPa- Model: FW-275- Make: LANZHOU LS —NATIONAL OILWELL - PETROLEUM ENGINEERING CO.LTD - Torque: 28KN.m- Model: GF 5-1/4″- Torque: 122.91 lb-ft- Make: LANZHOU LS —NATIONAL OILWELL 12Roller Bushing10KellySpinner &Pipe Spinner 11MasterBushing 8RotaryTabl e 9Swivel 6Crown Block 7DeadlineAnchor Assembly5DrillingLines- PETROLEUM ENGINEERING CO.LTD -Mud Pump- Model: 3NB-1300C- Make: Lanzhou Petro-chemical Machinery Work, China Suction line: 12"- Input power: 1300HP- Rated speed :120RPM- Stroke length :305mm- Suction and discharge line :12”/ 4”- Liner :130mm~180mm- Insurance valves and line: 2"- Air Chamber: KB-23- Pump Strainer: Yes - Flow/Pressure/Stroke Table (Attachment)Discharge line- 5" x 5,000 psi Single HP line c/w pressure gauge and valves - Goose neck WP: 5,000 psi - Rotary Hose: 3"ID x 5,000 psi x 50 ft - Mud line manifold: 5,000 psiMain Engine- Model: P12V190B - Make: Jinan Diesel Engine Company Ltd - Output power: 1200HP for eachCompound- Model: BC732-612- Make: LANZHOU LS —NATIONAL OILWELL - PETROLEUM ENGINEERING CO.LTD -Model: VOLVO TAD1631G/HC24441F1- Make: Swedish/ Taiyuan, Shanxi - Output Power: 400 KW EnergySaving- Model: 1FC-502-6LA42Generator -Power rating: 544HP - Rotate speed rating: 1,000rpm - Voltage rating: 400V- Frequency: 50Hz- Make: Taiyuan, Shan Xi- Consists of eight (8) pieces to accommodate 3500 m of 7" casing stacked in threelayers.- One rack to be reserved for drill pipe or other tools.- Racks are triangle, constructed from tubing.- Racks are 8.5 m long and 1.05m high.17 PipeRacks 18Cat Walks -Consist of two (2) pieces, w/ total length of 14 m and 1.0 m height 14Prime Mover and Transmissi on 15Generators 16Bushing13Mud PumpMud Mixing Pump - Model : SB150- Make : Zhongyuan Petroleum Machinery Manufacturing Plant - Discharge : 127 mm- Suction: 152 mm- Capacity: 200m 3/h- Drive: 55 KW motor.Desander Pump- Model : SB150- Make : Zhongyuan Petroleum Machinery Manufacturing - Plant- Discharge : 127 mm- Suction: 152 mm- Capacity: 200m 3/h- Drive : 55KW motor.Desilter Pump- Model : SB150- Make : Zhongyuan petroleum Machinery Manufacturing - Plant- Discharge : 127 mm- Suction: 152 mm- Capacity: 200m3/h- Drive: 55KW motorWater Pump- Model: 3K-6- Capacity: 12 m 3/h- Drive: 4KW motorJet Pump- Model: JD30-50- Capacity: 30 m³/h- Drive: 5.5KW motor Spray Water Pump- Model : 12 PL- Flow: 9 m³/h- Drive: 0.75 KW motor Submersible Pumps- Model: QW30-12-5.5- Flow : 30 m³/h- Drive: 5.5 KW motor- Model: JZZ2—240- Make: Jianghan petroleum Machinery Manufacturing - Plant- Parameter: Weight On Bit(WOB), Hook Load(HL) Time - Distribution(TD)- Dead line load: 3,000 KN.- C/w: Dead line anchor, hose, etc.20WeightIndicator 19PumpingSystem-Model: TZC-S - Make: Zhongyuan Drilling Instrument Factory- Parameter: Weight On Bit (WOB), Hook Load (HL),Hook - Height ,Drilling speed, Stand Pipe Pressure,- Casing Pressure ,Volume of Mud Tank ,Total - Volume of Mud Tank ,Changing Volume of - Mud, Volume of Trip Tank ,Displacement of - Flowout, Revolution Per Minute(RPM), Rota - Torque(RT), Pump Pressure(PP), Pump Stroke - (PS),Total Pump Stroke, Drilling Depth (DD)-Survey Instrument- Model: DAZ-E- Make: Xi'an Instrument Flant - Size: 35 mm- Ranges: 0~20o Survey Winch- Model: CG10A- Make: Shan dong Tai an - MotorHP: 5.5KW motor - Slick line: Ф2.8 mm-Model: ZTG-1- Make: Zhongyuan Drilling Instrument Factory - Size range: 70-500 mm- Model: TJG-01- Make: Zhongyuan Drilling Instrument Factory - Size ranges: 4-1/2", 9-5/8", 13-3/8"Double Rams- Model: 2FZ 35-70- Make: Shanghai Petroleum Machinery Works (SPMW)- Year of make: 2001- Size & WP: 13-5/8" x 10,000 psi - Connection: Bottom and top inserted thread.Single Ram- Model: FZ 35-70- Make: Shanghai Petroleum Machinery Works (SPMW)- Year of make: 2001.- Size & WP: 13-5/8" x 10,000 psi - Connection: Bottom and top inserted threadAnnular- Model: FH 35-35/7025Blow Out Prevention Equipment (BOP)22Survey Equipmen t 23Bit Gauges 24CasingDrift 21Parameter Instrument- Make: SPMW- Year of make: 2001- Size & WP: 13-5/8" x 5,000 psi - Connection: Flanged bottom, top insert thread - C/w: Rubber as spare. Drilling Spool- Model: ST 35-70- Make: SPMMP- Year of make: 2001.- Size & WP: 13-5/8" x 13-5/8" x 10,000 psi - Flanges: Bottom and top flange - Outlets: 4 -1/16"Gate Valve- Model: TF70-103- Make: SPMMP- Size & WP: 4-1/16" x 10,000 psi - Type: Manual control Spacer- Size: 13-5/8"x10,000psi - Height: 0.78 mAccumulator - Model: FKQ-S2106- Make: Shanghai Petroleum Machinery Works - Volume: 169 gal- Control Pressure : 3,000 psi - Plunger Pump Model/ HP: Y07-00, 15KW - Air Pump Model: Y04-00- Driving Motor HP: 15KW ( Ex)- Number of Control stations: 6Driller Control Panel- Model: FKQ-6006- Make: Shanghai Petroleum Machinery Works - Location: Rig floor near by Driller - Number of Control stations: 6Chicksan Joint- Size & WP: 2" x 10,000 psi - Length: 2 ft for each jointChoke Manifold- Model: JG/Y70- Size & WP: 4-1/16" x 10,000 psi27BOPControlSystem 28Choke and Kill ManifoldKill Manifold- Model : YG70- Size & WP: 4-1/16" x 10,000 psiFlare Lines- 4" ID x5,000 psi x 100 m length.Manual Plate Valve- Size & WP: 4-1/16" x10,000 psi - Make: Jin hu Machinery Works Hydraulic Plate Valve- Size & WP: 4-1/16" x 10,000 psi - Make: Jin hu Machinery WorksDrop In Valve- Model : HY-62- Make: SPMMP- Size: 2-11/16" OD x 1-3/8" ID - Conn. 4-1/2" IF- Used for 5" DP Check Valve- Model: FF-159/35- Make: SPMMP- Size and WP: 5" x 10,000 psi- Model: LZCQ/4.5- HP: 15KW- Rotary Speed: 970 rpm- Capacity: 200m³/h- Efficiency: 85%--99%- Model: ZCQ760- Body OD: 760mm- Capacity: 220—250m³/h - Input size: 4-1/2˝- Output size: 8˝ or 6˝- Exhaust size: 6˝-Upper kelly cock: 10,000 psi WP - Lower kelly cock: 10,000 psi WP - Safety valves: 5" x10,000 psi WP - Cross-over1# Tank (Settling Tank)- Dimensions: L x W x H = 9.5 x 2.5 x 1.9 m - Volume: 200bbls32Kelly Cock 33Mud Tanks 29Inside BOP 30Degasser 31Mud GasSeparator KillManifold- Agitator HP: 11KW- Mud Gun Size/WP: 20 mm/ 2 MPa - Number of chamber: 3(Include on trip tank chamber)2# Tank (Circulating Tank)- Dimensions: L x W x H = 9.5 x 2.5 x 1.9m - Volume: 220 bbls- Agitator HP: 11 KW- Mud Gun Size/WP: 20 mm/2 MPa - No of Chamber: 2-3# Tank (Circulating Tank)- Dimensions: L x W x H = 9.5 x 2.5 x 1.9 m - Volume: 260 bbls- Agitator HP: 11 KW- Mud Gun Size/WP: 20 mm/2 MPa - No of Chamber: 24# Tanks (Suction Tank)Dimensions: L x W x H = 9.5 x 2.5 x 1.9 m - Volume: 260 bbls- Agitator HP: 11KW- Mud Gun Size/WP: 20 mm/2 MPa - No of Chamber:5# Tanks (Suction Tank and mixing tank)Dimensions: L x W x H = 9.5 x 2.5 x 1.9 m - Volume: 260 bbls- Agitator HP: 11KW- Mud Gun Size/WP: 20 mm/2 MPa - No of Chamber: 25# Tanks (Premix Tank and storage tank)- Dimensions: L x W x H = 9.5 x 2.5 x 1.9 m - Volume: 220 bbls- Agitator HP: 11KW- Mud Gun Size/WP: 20 mm/2 MPa - No of Chamber: 2-Trip Tank- Dimensions: L x W x H = 3.5 x 2.5 x 1.9 m - Volume: 100 bbls- Agitator HP: 7.5 KW- Pump Model HP: 6580 125—A 2 x 5.5 KW 60m³/hShale Shaker- Model: SSZS II 34Solid Control Equipment- Type: Double deck liners- Make: Zhongmei Fangbao Co. Ltd - Capacity: 1,400 GPM, w/ mud viscosity of 20 seconds - Amplitude: 8 mm- Frequency: 18.3-20 H Z - Screen: 20 40 60 80 100 120 mesh Desander- Model: ZQ300J300x2- Make : Zhongyuan Machinery Research Institute - Capacity: 960 GPM - Fed by : 4 PNL Centrifugal pump - WP: 28.57-57.14 Psi - Shale shaker: Driven by an explosion proof 3 HP motor - Screen: 80-200 mesh - .Desilter- Model: ZQJ100 X 10- Make: Zhongyuan Machinery Research Institute - Size: 100 mm x 10 cones.- Capacity: 440-860 GPM - WP: 34.08-49.7 Psi - Fed by : 4 PNL Centrifugal Pump - Shale shaker: Driven by an explosion proof 2.86 HP motor - Screen: 100-240 mesh Centrifuge- Model: LW500x1250—N - Make: Jin hua Railway Machinery Plant- Capacity: 50 m 3/h- Power supply: 22 KW, 380V, 50Hz, 3 phases.Mud Mixing Hopper- Model: HQ-200B - Make: Zhongyuan Petroleum Machinery Manufacturing - Plant- Capacity: 200 m 3/h - Fed by: DWSB 2-150 (5″x 6″)Centrifugal Pumps Drill Collar - 9"OD x 3-1/4"ID x 30 ft long for each, 7-5/8"Reg.35DrillingString Equipment- 8"OD x 3-1/4"ID x 30 ft long for each, 6-5/8"Reg.- 8"OD x 3-1/4"ID x 30 ft long, 6-5/8"Reg(Monel)- 6-1/4"OD x 2-13/16"ID x 30 ft long for each, 4"IF (Spiral )- 6-1/4"OD x 2-13/16"ID x 30 ft long, 4"IF(Monel)Lifting Subs- For 9" OD DC, 7-5/8" Reg.- For 8"OD DC, 6-5/8" Reg.- For 6-1/4" OD DC, 4"IF-Drill Pipe- 5" OD, 108 mm ID G105, NC 50, 90O Degree, 30 ft for each,- 5" OD, 75 mm ID G105, NC 50, 90O Degree, 30 ft for each,(HWDP )Kelly- 5-1/4" Square, 40 ft long, 37 ft working length, 6-5/8" Reg LH Top Box x NC 50 Pin Bottom.Stabilizer- 310mm(8"Body)- 214mm(6-1/4"Body)Bit Float Valve- 6-1/4"OD- 8"ODCrossovers and Bit Subs- All necessary subs available on wellsiteElevator and Slips - As necessaryLong Links- Model: DH250- Make: RPMP- Load Capacity: 250t- Size: 2-3/4"x108"-Bit Breaker- For 17-1/2" Bit Model/Make: ZTH 17-1/2"/ZMMP - For 12-1/4" Bit Model/Make: ZTH 12-1/4"/ZMMP - For 8-1/2" Bit Model/Make: ZTH 8-1/2"/ZMMPRotary Tong- Model: 0340/B 36DrillingTools- Type: "B" Type- Make: RPMP- Range: From 88.9 mm~~244.48 mm- Max. Make-up torque: 54.225lb-ftPower Tong- Model: ZQ-100- Type: Hydraulic power- Make: RPMMP- Size Range: From 3-1/2" to 8"- Max. Torque: 72.330lb-ft- Oil Tank Volume: 1.2 m³- Motor HP: 45KWAir Winch- Model: QJ5- Make: Yantai Petroleum Machinery Plant- Load Capacity: 5 tonHand Tool- As necessaryWelding Machine- Model: ZXT-400C- Make: Beijing Welding Machine Manufacturing Plant Gas Cutting Facilities- Model: G01-100- Make: Zhongyuan New Technology Development Co.Overshot - Model: LT206 8-1/8"OD, w/ Box conn. With different- size Spiral and Basket catch- Model: LT194 7-5/8"OD, w/ Box. Conn. With different - size Spiral and Basket catchSpear- Model: LM34 LM44 LM50 with different slips-Reverse Circulation Junk Basket- Model: LL77 7-7/8" OD Reverse circulation junk basketJunk Mill37FishingTools- 11-1/4" Flat Bottom Mill.- 8" Flat Bottom Mill.Drilling Jar- Model: ZSJ62 6-1/4" OD Drilling jar- Model: ZSJ80,8" OD Drilling jarBoot Basket- Skirted Junk sub for 12-1/4" holeFuel Tank- Size: 2.5 m OD x 6 m L - Volume: 25 m³-Size: 2.5 m OD x 6 m L- Volume: 18+3 m³-- Pump Model /HP: YB-125 /1.25KW- Motor Model /HP: YB-1.5-4/ 1.5 KWEngine Oil Tank- Size: 1.5 m OD x 4 M L- Volume: 6 m³Water Tank (For drilling use)- Size: 5m x 2.6 m x 2.2 m- Volume: 45 m³- Pump Model/ HP: WSB-125 /1.25 KW /50 L/min- Motor Model/ HP: YB-1.5-4 /1.5 KWWater Tank ( For camp use)- Size: 3.5m x 2m x 2.3m- Volume: 16 m³- Pump Mode /HP: WSB-125/1.25 KW/50L/min- Motor Model /HP: YB-1.5-4 /1.5KWWaste Oil Tank- Size: 2 m x 2m x 1.5 m- Volume: 6 m³- 4 x 4 jeep make in Japan- 5 tons truck make in ChinaTool & Materials House38Fuel/Lubes/Water Tanks 39Vehicles 40Houses- Used for rig spare parts, handling tools, and general materials for operation.- Size: L x W x H = 6 m x 2.5 m x 2.5 m- Description: With materials shelfMechanic Shop- Designed for Mechanical engineer and superintend use.- Size: L x W x H = 6 m x 2.5 m x 2.5 m- Description: Special repairing tools, hand tools,Mud Lab.- Size: L x W x H = 6 m x 2.5 m x 2.5 m- Description: Mud weight balance, PH-meter , viscometer,- funnel viscometer, shearometer, test paper and - measuring glasses, etc.Dog House- Size: L x W x H = 6 m x 2.5 m x 2.5 mSite Portable Toilet- Size: L x W x H = 6 m x 2.5 m x 2.5 mFor BRCL's Site Representative (1 person)- Size: L x W x H = 8.5 m x 2.5 m x 2.5 m- Description of facilities: c/w desk, lamp, one bed, AC, bath room For BRCL's Site Interpreter(1 person)- Size: L x W x H = 8.5 m x 2.5 m x 2.5 mDescription of facilities: c/w desk, lamp, one bed, AC, bath roomFor Contractor's Site Representative (2 persons)- Size: L x W x H = 8.5 m x 2.5 m x 2.5 m- Description of facilities: c/w desk, lamp, two bed, AC, bath room For Tool Pusher & Chinese Engineers (2 persons)- Size: L x W x H =6.0 m x 2.5 m x 2.5 m- C/w :Two desk, two beds, two desk, two lamps, AC, bath roomFor Others (4 persons)- Size: L x W x H = 6 m x 2.5 m x 2.5 m- C/w :Two desk, four bed0-1000 ppm AC, bath roomRadio Communication and Site Office- Size: L x W x H = 6 m x 2.5 m x 2.5 m- Description of facilities: Facsimile machine, long distance phone, etc.41Camps 40HousesPortable Kitchen Room- Size: L x W x H = 6 m x 2.5 m x 2.5 m- C/w :Cooking facilitiesPortable Dinning Room- Size: L x W x H = 6 m x 2.5 m x 2.5 m- C/w:Table, chairs, AC, etcLaundry Room- S ize : L x W x H = 6 m x 2.5 m x 2.5 m- C/w: Washing machine, dryer, etcPublic Bathing Room- Size: L x W x H = 6 m x 2.5 m x 2.5 m- C/w: Shower, dryer, fans, and other washing facilities-Work mask MMR respiratorToxic Gas Detector- Model: HS560-D- Make: Haige Industrial Science Instrument Co.,Ltd- Measure range (ppm): 0-1000 ppmInflammable Gas Detector- Model: CD-210- Make: Haige Industrial Science Instrument Co.,Ltd- Measure range (ppm): 0-1000 ppmSmoke Detector- Model: JTY-LT-9306B- Make: Haige Industrial Science Instrument Co.,Ltd- Measure range (ppm): 0-1000 ppmHandrail & LadderCrown Block Saver- Model: Crown-O-Matic- Make: LPMMPDerrick Escape Chute- Model: TS-00- Make: LPMMP- Capacity: 85 kgEngine Shutoffs and Exhaust- Engine shut off facility- Anti-spark spray:Kick Detector System (mud)42SafetyFacilities- Model: TDK-1A- Make: Xin xiang Instrument Plant- Volume range: < 3 m³- Alarm system: ElectricPersonal Protection Facility- As necessary.Safety Warning Plate(In Chinese, English )As necessaryFirst Aid- c/w: Medicine, cotton, tools, stretcher, pastes, eye washing bottle,- etc.Fire Extinguishers - 8-kg, Dry Chemical, hand portable type- 35-kg, Dry Chemical wheeled type- 70-kg, Dry Chemical wheeled typeFire Hose- Size: 95 mm- Length: 200 m- Other Fire tools43FireFightingFacilitiesQTY 序号项 目描 述数量- 所有者: 中原石油勘探局- 型 号 : ZJ50D- 制造厂家: 上海三高石油设备有限公司- 制造日期: 2001年- 输入功率: 1500 马力- 5" 钻杆钻深: 5000米- 最大钩载: 3150 KN- 井架有效高度 : 45 m- 钻台面积: 12mx10.31m- 型号: JJ315/45-K- 制造厂家: 上海三高石油设备有限公司- 制造日期: 2001年- 底跨:8mx2.65 米- 顶跨:2.1mx2.05m - 最大静载: 3150 kN - 工作高度: 45 m - 二层台排放能力: 5"钻杆5000米- 抗风速:无钻杆和大钩负荷时,172km/h ;满立根和无大钩负荷时: 130 km/h ;起放井驾时, 30 km/h 。
钻机各部件中英图解Drilling Rig Components

Drilling Rig ComponentsPetex and the University of Texas Austin© Petex 2001Drilling Rig Components1.Crown Block and WaterTable2.Catline Boom and HoistLine3.Drilling Line4.Monkeyboard5.Traveling Block6.Top Drive7.Mast8.Drill Pipe9.Doghouse10.Blowout Preventer11.Water Tank12.Electric Cable Tray13.Engine Generator Sets14.Fuel Tank15.Electrical Control House16.Mud Pumps17.Bulk Mud ComponentTanks18.Mud Tanks (Pits)19.Reserve Pit20.Mud-Gas Separator21.Shale Shakers22.Choke Manifold23.Pipe Ramp24.Pipe Racks25.AccumulatorAdditional rig components not illustrated at right.26.Annulus27.Brake28.Casing Head29.Cathead30.Catwalk31.Cellar32.Conductor Pipe33.Degasser34.DesanderEquipment used in drilling48.Ram BOP49.Rathole50.Rotary Hose51.Rotary Table52.Slips53.Spinning chain54.Stairways55.Standpipe56.Surface Casing57.SubstructureCrown Block and Water TableAn assembly of sheaves or pulleys mounted on beams at the top of the derrick. The drilling line is run over the sheaves down to the hoisting drum.A structural framework erected near the top of the derrick for lifting material. 35. Desilter 36. Drawworks 37. Drill Bit 38. Drill Collars 39. Driller's Console 40. Elevators 41. Hoisting Line 42. Hook 43. Kelly44. Kelly Bushing 45. Kelly Spinner 46. Mousehole47. Mud Return Line58. Swivel 59. Tongs 60. Walkways61. Weight Indicatorpipe or casing from orMonkeyboardThe derrickman's workingplatform. Double board, tribbleboard, fourable board; a monkeyboard located at a height in thederrick or mast equal to two,three, or four lengths of piperespectively.Traveling BlockAn arrangement ofpulleys or sheavesthrough which drillingcable is reeved, whichmoves up or down inthe derrick or mast.table. The top drivecontrol console onwhich cannot be raisedDrill PipeThe heavy seamless tubing usedto rotate the bit and circulate thedrilling fluid. Joints of pipe 30feet long are coupled togetherwith tool joints.DoghouseA small enclosure on the rig floor used as an office for the driller or as a storehouse for small objects. Also, any small building used as an office or for storage.A large valve, usually installedabove the ram preventers, thatforms a seal in the annular spacebetween the pipe and well bore or,if no pipe is present, on the wellbore itselfthe power from the controlEngine Generator SetsA diesel, LiquefiedPetroleum Gas (LPG), naturalgas, or gasoline engine, alongwith a mechanicaltransmission and generatorfor producing power for thedrilling rig. Newer rigs useelectric generators to powerelectric motors on the otherparts of the rig.Fuel TanksFuel storage tanks for the power generatingsystem.On diesel electric rigs, powerful diesel engines drivecontrol cabinet or panel. Electricity is fed to electricMud PumpA large reciprocatingpump used tocirculate the mud(drilling fluid) on adrilling rig.in StorageHopper type tanks forstorage of drilling fluidcomponents.Mud PitsReserve PitsA mud pit in which a supply ofdrilling fluid has been stored. Also,a waste pit, usually an excavated,earthen-walled pit. It may be linedwith plastic to prevent soilcontamination.from the mud coming out ofShale Shaker Choke ManifoldPipe RampPipe RacksA horizontal support for tubulargoods.AnnulusCasing HeadA heavy, flanged steel fitting connected to the first string of casing. It provides a housing for slips and packing assemblies, allows suspension of intermediate and production strings of casing, and supplies the means for the annulus to be sealed off. Also called a spool.The ramp at the side of thedrilling rig where pipe islaid to be lifted to thederrick floor by the catlineor by an air hoist.CellarA pit in the ground toprovide additional heightbetween the rig floor andthe well head toaccommodate theinstallation of blowoutpreventers, ratholes,mouseholes, and so forth. Italso collects drainage waterand other fluids fordisposal.Conductor PipeThe largest diameter casing and the topmost length of casing. It is relatively short and encases the topmost string of casing.The equipment used to remove unwanted gas from a liquid, especially from drilling fluid.DesilterA centrifugal device, similar to a desander, used to remove very fine particles, or silt, from drilling fluid. This keeps the amount of solids in the fluid to the lowest possible level.Drill BitThe cutting or boring element usedin drilling oil and gas wells. Mostbits used in rotary drilling areroller-cone bits. The bit consists ofthe cutting elements and thecirculating element. The circulatingelement permits the passage ofdrilling fluid and uses the hydraulicforce of the fluid stream to improvedrilling rates.Drill CollarA heavy, thick-walled tube, usually steel, used betweenthe drill pipe and the bit in the drill stem. It is used to putweight on the bit so that the bit can drill.the platform, where the drillerElevatorsA set of clamps thatgrips a stand, orcolumn, of casing,tubing, drill pipe, orsucker rods, so thestand can be raised orlowered into the hole.Hoisting LineA wire rope used in hoisting operations. Must conform to the API standards for its intended uses.HookA large, hook-shaped device from whichthe elevator bails or the swivel issuspended. It is designed to carrymaximum loads ranging from 100 to 650tons and turns on bearings in its supportinghousing.KellyThe heavy square or hexagonal steel member suspended from the swivel through the rotary table. It is connected to the topmost joint of drill pipe to turn the drill stem as the rotary table turns.Kelly SpinnerA device for spinning the drill pipe. Replaces the spinning chain.connections at the well boreRam Blowout PreventerA blowout preventer that usesrams to seal off pressure on ahole that is with or without pipe.It is also called a ram preventer.Ram-type preventers haveinterchangeable ram blocks toaccommodate different O.D. drillpipe, casing, or tubing.A hole in the rig floor 30with casing that projectsRotary HoseThe hose on a rotary drilling rig thatconducts the drilling fluid from the mudpump and standpipe to the swivel andkelly; also called the mud hose or thekelly hose.rotary, or rotary machine, used toare fitted to drive and support theNote the pipe spinner (in red) onSlipsWedge-shaped pieces of metal with teeth or other gripping elementsthat are used to prevent pipe fromslipping down into the hole or tohold pipe in place. Rotary slips fitaround the drill pipe and wedgeagainst the master bushing tosupport the pipe. Power slips arepneumatically or hydraulicallyactuated devices that allow thecrew to dispense with the manualhandling of slips when making aconnection. Packers and otherdown hole equipment are securedin position by slips that engage thepipe by action directed at thesurface.Spinning ChainA relatively short length of chain attached to the tong pull chain on the manual tongs used to make up drill pipe. The spinning chain is attached to the pull chain so that a crew member can wrap the spinning chain several times around the tool joint box of a joint of drill pipe suspended in the rotary table. After crew members stab the pin of another tool joint into the box end, one of them then grasps the end of the spinning chain and with a rapid upward motion of the wrist "throws the spinning chain"causes it to unwrap from the box and coil upward onto the body of the joint stabbed into the box. The driller then actuates the makeup cathead to pull the chain off of the pipe body, which causes the pipe to spin and thus the pinStairwaysStairs leadingfrom one level toanother. Protectedwith handrails.A vertical pipe rising along the sidedischarge line leading from the mudpump to the rotary hose and throughwhich mud is pumped going into theSurface CasingUsually the first casing to be run in a well. This is done after spudding-in so a blowout preventer can be installed before drilling is started.SubstructureThe foundation on which thederrick or mast and usually thedrawworks sit; contains spacefor storage and well controlequipment.SwivelA rotary tool that is hung fromthe rotary hook and travelingblock to suspend and permit freerotation of the drill stem. It alsoprovides a connection for therotary hose and a passageway forthe flow of drilling fluid into thedrill stem.The large wrenches used forcasing, tubing, or other pipe;hydraulically operated toolsthat spin the pipe up and, inWalkwaysWeight IndicatorA device for measuring theweight of the drill string.Monthly calibration tocalculated drill stringweight is required by API.。

石油钻井设备基础知识培训Drilling equipments basic knowledge training胜利油田新耐捷目录Content一,钻井工艺基本知识Drilling basic knowledge二,钻机类型及组成Rig type and composition三,动力系统P o w e r s y s t e m四,旋转系统R o t a t i n g s y s t e m五,提升系统H o i s t i n g s y s t e m六,循环固控系统Circulating System 七,井控系统W e l l C o n t r o l S y s t e m一.钻井施工基本知识石油钻井:是指利用专用设备和技术,在预先选定的地表位置处,向下或一侧钻出一定直径的孔眼,一直达到地下油气层的工作。
Oil drilling: To drill certain diameter holes down or side tounderground reservoir in pre-selected location usingspecialized equipment and technology.钻井方法的发展:(1)人工掘井:1521年之前。
(4)旋转钻:1901 年发展起来的,旋转钻井是靠动力带动钻头旋转,在旋转的过程中对井底岩石进行破碎,同时循环钻井液以清洁井底的钻井方法。
History of drilling:(1)Manual drilling (dug well by hands): before the year of1521.(2)Manual impact drill: between the year of 1521 to 1835,drill holes by hand, bailer,special bits, hanging rope andbeam, etc.3) Mechanical percussion drilling (chopping drilling):between the year of 1859 to 1901, an earlier method ofdrilling used before the introduction of modern rotarymethods.The bit used to break rock was not rotated butreciprocated by means of a strong wire rope. Rock breakingand cuttings clearing are conducted by turn.(4) Rotary drilling: developed in the year of 1901; to breakrocks by power driven rotating bit and clean well bycirculating drilling fluid.Rotary drilling includes rotary table drilling, downholepower drilling and top-drive rotary drilling.开钻前施工Work prior to spudding1、定井位1. Well locaton2、道路勘察2. Road survey3、基础施工3. Foundation construction4、搬家4. Move camp5、安装设备5. Equipment installation钻井施工6、一次开钻Primary spudding7、二次开钻Secondary spudding8、钻进Drill ahead9、起钻Pull out10、换钻头Change bit11、下钻Run in hole完井施工Well completion12、完井电测Completion log13、下套管固井Run casing for well cementation钻井施工工序Drilling procedures钻井就是利用钻机设备及破岩工具破碎地层形成井筒的工艺过程,目地是进行地质评价、发现油气藏、开发油气藏。
钻井平台设备 图解 1

bull nose:用来封住casing string的钢板(焊在下端部),球面形或半椭球形,像个牛鼻子。
cathead:在drill floor上的cat head用来辅助吊sand line的,如下图红色的cat head,顶部的轮子下面有个液压泵,旁边的轮子可以像合页一样转动,用来调整拉拽的角度。
cat walk:在船上的catwalk大家都知道的吧,在平台上也有类似的结构。
在钻井系统中指的是和vee-door下面的pipe ramp链接的窄长平台,用来运送钻井所需的工具、管子等这个图是陆地上catwalk。
图中是工人在上面选管子准备运到drill floor上。
dog house:dog house 又叫boiler house这个只有在陆地钻井时看的到,就是一个在拖车上的小房间,或是在卡车上分割出来的小房间。
finger board:在derrick上用来扶持接好的drill pipe和coller的。
在平台和钻井船上,finger board是在derrick的里面的。
见下图这些大手指上还有些小手指,管子运过来的时候会自动打开,(图中正在打开,管子放好后会关闭)有了这套系统,就不需要monkey board 了。

Illustrated GlossaryDrilling Rig ComponentsClick on the name below or a number on the graphic to see a definition and a more detailed photo of the object.1. Crown Block and Water Table(天车)2. Catline Boom and Hoist Line(悬臂吊绳缆)3. Drilling Line(钻井大绳)4. Monkeyboard(二层台)5. Traveling Block(游车)6. Top Drive(顶驱)7. Mast(井架)8. Drill Pipe(钻杆)9. Doghouse(司钻偏房)10. Blowout Preventer(防喷器)11. Water Tank(水箱)12. Electric Cable Tray(电缆托盘)13. Engine Generator Sets(发电机组)14. Fuel Tank(储油罐)15. Electrical Control House(电气控制房)16. Mud Pumps(泥浆泵)17. Bulk Mud Component Tanks(泥浆桶箱)18. Mud Tanks (Pits(泥浆罐)Equipment used in drilling48. Ram BOP(闸板防碰器)49. Rathole(小鼠洞)50. Rotary Hose(钻井水龙带)51. Rotary Table(转盘)52. Slips(转盘卡瓦)19. Reserve Pit(泥浆池)20. Mud-Gas Separator(液气分离器)21. Shale Shakers(振动筛)22. Choke Manifold(节流管汇)23. Catwalk(猫道)24. Pipe Racks (钻杆架25. Accumulator(蓄电池)Additional rig components not illustrated at right.26. Annulus(环空)27. Brake(刹车)28. Casing Head(套管头)29. Cathead(猫头)30. Catwalk(猫道)31. Cellar(圆井)32. Conductor Pipe(导向套管)33. Degasser(除气器)34. Desander(除沙器)35. Desilter(除泥器)36. Drawworks(钻井绞车)37. Drill Bit(钻头)38. Drill Collars(钻铤)39. Driller's Console(司钻控制台)40. Elevators(吊卡)41. Hoisting Line(提升绳)42. Hook(大钩)43. Kelly(方钻杆)44. Kelly Bushing(方钻杆补心)53. Spinning chain(旋扣链)54. Stairways(楼梯)55. Standpipe(立管)56. Surface Casing(表层套管)57. Substructure(底座)58. Swivel(水龙头)59. Tongs(大钳)60. Walkways(过道)61. Weight Indicator(指重器)45. Kelly Spinner(方钻杆旋转器)46. Mousehole(大鼠洞)47. Mud Return Line(泥浆返回管线)。

XFJD6.9 XFJD6.10 XFJD6.11竖井钻机配件手册目录明细表明细表明细表明细表明细表明细表明细表图号:SJZ6.7-081400名称:操纵台明细表明细表明细表明细表明细表明细表明细表明细表32969 10 SKP Q=30 31652 1010 PASTILLE SKP 30 弯头42281 10 FILTRE 过滤器33382 6 SKP Q 6 30036 TE 18 150 三通47659 10 RACC TOURNANT D12 D12内丝螺旋接头47660 6 RACC TOURN.D19 D19内丝螺旋接头43365 6 SOUPAPE 15B (NOIR) 15B黑色阀41805 6 COUDE 45¢ MF34G EQ 弯头41860 2 ELECTROVANNE 20 BARS 电子阀59161 2 VANNE /REGULATION 1'' 流量计53916 5 TUB T MFF34G 带内丝螺旋三通54469 10 TUB T FFF34G EQ LG 螺旋三通59527 10 TUB C D12 EQ. ECR1/2''+JNT D12 螺旋三通59765 10 TUB C45¢ D18+JNT 45¢ D18螺旋接头59766 10 TUB C45¢ D25 EQ ECR.+JNT 45¢ D25内丝螺旋接头7002072 4 FAISC ADAPT DINAMP * 流量控制器72096 10 SUPP MANO /SORTIES 1/2'' 1/2变径接头71366 2 MANO 05/25B.D100 EQ.F34G ARR. 变径接头72759 10 JNT TRAV.EXT 1'' 管径堵头70579 4 ROBINET A CLAPET MM1/2 1/2阀门70726 10 TUB T MFM34G 螺旋接头8042251 10 ECR 1'' D44 H13 D44管头31483 10 RACC FF34G+JNT 34G接头31245 10 RACC TUB.26X34 26x34变径41701 10 COUDE 90° MF34G +JNT 90°弯头4049001 4 CLAPET AR (//) M34GX4 M34GX4阀门59409 4 FILTRE BV 1''1/2 50M 15B 过滤器40256 5 TUB T FFF 34G EQ. 螺旋三通接头54465 10 TUB T MFF34G EQ LG 带内丝螺旋三通接头39746 10 TRAV CUVE 34G/LG X 34G 掐口接头56971 2 SOUPAPE 3B (BLANC) 3B白色阀54467 10 TUB L MF34G EQ LG 螺旋接头70096 10 ECROU 1''1/2 1/2 螺母接头53917 10 TUB L MF34G 直角弯头52076 3 CART JAUNE CALIB.40/10 F 黄色管颈52133 10 UNION SIMPLE M3/8xF D12 M3/8xF D12接头5414591 1 SACHET 8 KWIX R5X ROUGE R5X喷头5414566 1 SACHET 8 KWIX ADX BLEU NOZAL ADX喷头5414568 32 SACHET 8 KWIX ADX MARRON ADX喷头SKP 8 KWIX AFX GRIS AFX喷头32969 10 SKP Q=30 31652 1010 PASTILLE42281 10 FILTRE33382 6 SKP Q 6 30036 TE 18 15047659 10 RACC TOURNANT D1247660 6 RACC TOURN.D1943365 6 SOUPAPE 15B (NOIR)41805 6 COUDE 45¢ MF34G EQ41860 2 ELECTROVANNE 20 BARS59161 2 VANNE /REGULATION 1''53916 5 TUB T MFF34G54469 10 TUB T FFF34G EQ LG59527 10 TUB C D12 EQ. ECR1/2''+JNT59765 10 TUB C45¢ D18+JNT59766 10 TUB C45¢ D25 EQ ECR.+JNT7002072 4 FAISC ADAPT DINAMP *72096 10 SUPP MANO /SORTIES 1/2''71366 2 MANO 05/25B.D100 EQ.F34G ARR.72759 10 JNT TRAV.EXT 1''70579 4 ROBINET A CLAPET MM1/270726 10 TUB T MFM34G8042251 10 ECR 1'' D44 H1331483 10 RACC FF34G+JNT31245 10 RACC TUB.26X3441701 10 COUDE 90° MF34G +JNT4049001 4 CLAPET AR (//) M34GX459409 4 FILTRE BV 1''1/2 50M 15B40256 5 TUB T FFF 34G EQ.54465 10 TUB T MFF34G EQ LG39746 10 TRAV CUVE 34G/LG X 34G56971 2 SOUPAPE 3B (BLANC)54467 10 TUB L MF34G EQ LG70096 10 ECROU 1''1/253917 10 TUB L MF34G52076 3 CART JAUNE CALIB.40/10 F52133 10 UNION SIMPLE M3/8xF D125414591 1 SACHET 8 KWIX R5X ROUGE5414566 1 SACHET 8 KWIX ADX BLEU NOZAL 5414568 32 SACHET 8 KWIX ADX MARRON 5414536 1 SKP 8 KWIX AFX GRIS。

Drilling Rig Components1. Crown Block and Water Table(天车)2. Catline Boom and Hoist Line(悬臂吊绳缆)3. Drilling Line(钻井大绳)4. Monkeyboard(二层台)5. Traveling Block(游车)6. Top Drive(顶驱)7. Mast(井架)8. Drill Pipe(方钻杆)9. Doghouse(司钻偏房)10. Blowout Preventer(防喷器)11. Water Tank(水箱)12. Electric Cable Tray(电缆托盘)13. Engine Generator Sets(发电机组)14. Fuel Tank(储油罐)15. Electrical Control House(电气控制房)16. Mud Pumps(泥浆泵)17. Bulk Mud Component Tanks(泥浆桶箱)18. Mud Tanks (Pits)(泥浆罐)19. Reserve Pit(泥浆池)20. Mud-Gas Separator(离心器)21. Shale Shakers(振动筛)22. Choke Manifold(节流管汇)23. Pipe Ramp(管子坡道)24. Pipe Racks (钻杆架)25. Accumulator(蓄电池)26. Annulus(环空)27. Brake(刹车)28. Casing Head(套管头)29. Cathead(猫头)30. Catwalk(钻杆走道)31. Cellar()32. Conductor Pipe(导向套管)33. Degasser(脱气器)34. Desander(除沙器)35. Desilter(除泥器)36. Drawworks(绞车)37. Drill Bit(钻头)38. Drill Collars(钻铤)39. Driller's Console(司钻控制台)40. Elevators(吊卡)41. Hoisting Line(提升绳)42. Hook(大钩)43. Kelly(方钻杆)44. Kelly Bushing(方钻杆补心)45. Kelly Spinner(方钻杆旋转器)46. Mousehole(大鼠洞)47. Mud Return Line(泥浆返回管线)Equipment used in drilling48. Ram BOP(闸板防碰器)49. Rathole(小鼠洞)50. Rotary Hose(钻井水龙带)51. Rotary Table(钻盘)52. Slips(钻盘卡瓦)53. Spinning chain()54. Stairways(楼梯)55. Standpipe(立管56. Surface Casing(套管)57. Substructure(绞车)58. Swivel(水龙头)59. Tongs(大钳)60. Walkways(过道)61. Weight Indicator(指重器)。

Illustrated GlossaryDrilling Rig ComponentsClick on the name below or a number on the graphic to see a definition and a more detailed photo of the object.1.Crown Block and Water Table(天车)2.Catline Boom and Hoist Line(悬臂吊绳缆)3.Drilling Line(钻井大绳)4.Monkeyboard(二层台)5.Traveling Block(游车)6.Top Drive(顶驱)7.Mast(井架)8.Drill Pipe(方钻杆)9.Doghouse(司钻偏房)10.Blowout Preventer(防喷器)11.Water Tank(水箱)12.Electric Cable Tray(电缆托盘)13.Engine Generator Sets(发电机组)14.Fuel Tank(储油罐)15.Electrical Control House(电气控制房)16.Mud Pumps(泥浆泵)17.Bulk Mud Component Tanks(泥浆桶箱)18.Mud Tanks (Pits)(泥浆罐)19.Reserve Pit(泥浆池)20.Mud-Gas Separator(离心器)21.Shale Shakers(振动筛)22.Choke Manifold(节流管汇)23.Pipe Ramp(管子坡道)24.Pipe Racks (钻杆架)25.Accumulator(蓄电池)Additional rig components not illustrated at right.26.Annulus(环空)27.Brake(刹车)28.Casing Head(套管头)29.Cathead(猫头)30.Catwalk(钻杆走道)31.Cellar()32.Conductor Pipe(导向套管)33.Degasser(脱气器)34.Desander(除沙器)35.Desilter(除泥器)36.Drawworks(绞车)37.Drill Bit(钻头)38.Drill Collars(钻铤)39.Driller's Console(司钻控制台)40.Elevators(吊卡)Equipment used in drilling48.Ram BOP(闸板防碰器)49.Rathole(小鼠洞)50.Rotary Hose(钻井水龙带)51.Rotary Table(钻盘)52.Slips(钻盘卡瓦)53.Spinning chain()54.Stairways(楼梯)55.Standpipe(立管)56.Surface Casing(套管)57.Substructure(绞车)58.Swivel(水龙头)59.Tongs(大钳)60.Walkways(过道)61.Weight Indicator(指重器)41.Hoisting Line(提升绳)42.Hook(大钩)43.Kelly(方钻杆)44.Kelly Bushing(方钻杆补心)45.Kelly Spinner(方钻杆旋转器)46.Mousehole(大鼠洞)47.Mud Return Line(泥浆返回管线)。

钻机部件英文钻机用语套管头casing head 坡道ramp 倒档reverse gear 数据采集系统data acquisition system 发动机油门engine throttle 护罩hood shield, guard, housing双头螺栓bolt with two nuts 过车桥cross bridge 钢性梁rig id beam 管具操作系统锁定机构pipe handler lock 气动卡盘 air spider 轴承座bearing seat垫环ring gasket 液压缓冲装置hydraulic buffer d evice 钢板弹簧悬挂steel plat e spring suspension 闸/刹把brake handle 气动卡瓦air slip 安装孔 mounting hole卡瓦悬挂器slip casing hanger 电动卷绳器electrical line coiler 空气悬挂air suspension 自动吊卡关闭按钮elevator close 排气阀outlet valve 径向radial direction截止阀压力表needle valve&gauge 液压升降台hydraulic lifter/lifting table 液压助力转向hydraulilc assist steering 起下钻tripping 百叶窗shutter 轴向axial direction试压塞test plug 游车悬吊装置traveling-block handling device 轴距 axle b ase/wh eel base 绞车互锁总控按钮drawworks interlock override 储气筒g as receiver/air drum 天车台water table试压塞密封件seal of test plug 总装配件assembly components 接近角approach angle 空气/气胎离合器air clutch 底座substructure 花纹板checkered plate防磨套wear ring 随机钻井工具auxiliary d rilling tools 离去角departure angle 滚筒离合器drum clutch 信号灯signal light 导气接头gas adapter二层台racking platform 防喷盒saver/stuffing box 转弯直径turning diameter 定向钻井directional drilling 轮毂hub 绳卡rope clamp,line anchor钢梁及斜杆steel b eam&brail 衬套bushing 爬坡度climbing gradient 连接界面/接口interface 死绳固定器deadline anchor/fixer 二层台mon keyboard游车拖台travelling block board 转盘防滑垫anti-slip pad 离地间隙ground clearance 中心管正转quill forward 自控滑车self-controlled block pulley 泥浆储备池,备用泥浆池reserve pit泥浆补给罐trip tank 游车拖台traveling block supporter 钢铸壳体cast steel bod y 倒扣卸开backoff 导轨guide rail 泥浆振动筛shale shaker猫道及电缆槽catwalk,cable steel channel 安全护栏safety rail 捞沙筒sand line drum 紧扣扭矩,拧管扭矩,上扣扭矩make-up torque 转盘方补芯rotary master bushing 泥浆气体分离器mud-gas separator管架pipe rack 井架运输架derrick carrier 双排链double line chain 补给/加液泵make-up pump 转盘平补芯rotary flat bushing 节流管汇choke manifold灌注泵charging pump 吊装索具sling 转盘传动装置rotary driving device 电机定子stator 小车bogie 套管头casing head卷绳器drilling line spooler 起吊大绳hoisting line 过卷触阀overrunning valve 电机转子rotor 单臂吊环single elevator link 猫头cathead天车crown block 起升大绳悬挂装置hoisting line hanging device 气囊推盘式air sac push plate 多针接头multi-pin connector 侧开式吊卡side door elevator 导管conductor pipe过渡梁pass through beam 大钳平衡重tongs balance(weight) 喷水冷却wat er spray cooling 动力源,发电机组power unit 漏斗hopp er,filler 水龙带rotary hose地面管汇ground manifold 供油系统oil supply system 气压喷水air pressure spray water 载荷通道检验报告load path inspection certificate 液面指示装置level indicator 钻台下的圆井/方井cellar泥浆管汇mud manifold 供水系统water supply system 制动扭矩 braking torque 转向系统steering system 砂泵sand pump 大鼠洞rathole钻台偏房doghouse 空气系统air supply system 进气压力air inlet pressure 承载能力liftingcapacity 吸入管suction pipe 小鼠洞 mousehole液压站h ydraulic power unit 水龙带rotary hose 防反转装置anti-reverse rotation device 最大扭矩速度speed at max torque 排出管线exhaust/discharge pipeline 表层套管,地面套管surface casing动力气源房rig service air system 旋扣器spinner 伸缩液压缸telescopic hydraulic cylilnder 最大速度时扭矩torque at max speed 焊渣weld slag 提升钢绳hoisting line防喷器blowout preventer 传动装置transmission device 丝杠screw b ar 最大功率输出power input max 毛刺burr 泥浆回管线mud return line吊装装置handling system 驱动电机drive motor 捞沙绳sand line 吊耳,孔板pad eye 壁厚wall thickness 猫头绳catline绞车水柜drawworks cistern 主机host 指梁finger beam 反扭矩梁spread beam 底漆primer/ground coat 水龙头吊环swivel b ail空气包及空气包支架air case &air case stand 井口设备wellhead equipment 冲管wash pipe 矛头spear point 面漆top/over coating 减震器shock absorber转盘梁rotary table beam 液压钻杆大钳hydraulic drill pipe tong 鹅颈管接头goosenec k joint 清管器go-devil 无损探伤non destructive testing 往复泵、循环泵reciprocating pump立根合梁set back beam 液压套管大钳hydraulic casing tong 水龙带swivel hose 配重单元sinker weight unit 磁粉探伤 magnetic particle inspection 方钻杆旋扣器kelly spinner防爆电路explosion proof electrical circuit 液压猫头hydraulic cathead 下体接头bottom joint 顿钻钻井cable drilling 配套设备matching /support equipment 防喷器闸板ram block双立管double stand pipe 液压动力站hydraulic power station 立根盒容量setback capacity 杆式顿钻rod tool drilling 冷冻干燥机freeze dryer 排出管线discharge line固井管汇cementing manifold 连接管线connecting pipe 踢脚板kick plate 司钻控制台driller's console 泥气分离器poor boy水龙头swivel 泥浆入口及出口管线mud pump inlet/suction pipe line and discharge pipe line 防爆日光灯ex/explosion-proof fluorescent light 管道系统、抽水管系统plumbing s ystem 空气过滤系统air filtration system 滑轮车组,滑车block螺旋钻铤spiral drill co llar 地面高压管汇ground high pressure manifold 逃生滑道escape slide 发电机开关柜generator switch panel 螺杆空压机screw air compressor 供带盘,绕线车supply reel卡瓦slip 双立管double stand pipes 控制台console 空气进气系统air inlet system 储气罐air storage/receiver 上扣make up吊卡elevator 主发电机组 main generator 吊钳油缸tong cylinder 中冷器芯aftercooler core 除油器deoiler, degreaser 卸扣break out凹座recess 辅发电机组auxilia ry generator 液压绞车hydraulic winch 空气滤清器air cleaner 橇装底座skid seat 母扣box四方钻杆square kelly 发电机房generator room 绞车滚筒drawworks drum 烟滤soot filter 变压器transformer 公扣pin方钻杆kelly 电控和转换系统electric control &tranformation system 柴油发动机油门、熄火engine throttle、stop 维护指示器service indicator 电控柜electric control cabinet 石灰岩lime streak钻杆drill pipe 泥浆罐mud tank 天车排气阀air release valve of crown block 空燃比率控制air fuel ratio control 国家防火协会NFPA(national fire protection association) 砂岩地层sandstone stringer手动钳manual tong 混合系统mixing system 油泵卸荷relief of hydraulic pump 气控pneumatic control 负载分配开关load distribution switch 冲击荷载shock load正规扣接头梢reg pin 除砂器desander 轮毂 wheel hub 调速器governor,speed regulator 发电机generator 司钻driller提升接头lifting sub 除泥器desilter 滑车block pulley 外部速度降external droop 电压表voltage meter 钻井技师tool pusher钻头短节bit sub 除气器degasser 船型底座shipboard substructure 节温器及外壳thermostat and housing 电压电流显示仪表voltammeter 铣齿钻头milled-tooth bit正规扣接头盒reg box 振动筛shaker, shaking screen 转盘方补芯rotary master bushing 缸套水泵jacket water pump 备用控制箱backup control box 镶硬合金齿的牙轮钻头carbide-insert bit浮阀float val ve 搅拌器agitator 气动卡瓦air slip 波纹管exhaust fittings 电磁启动器electromagnetic starter 硬质合金,碳化钨tungsten carbide四通cross 控制闸门control valve 转盘平补芯rotary flat bushing 排气法兰exhaust flange 强光灯highlight 硬质合金hard metal转换短节,过渡接头cross over sub 接头joint 指重器weight indicator 排气歧管exhaust manifold 荧光灯fluorescent lamp 侧向力lateral force内平钻杆接头IF 螺杆泵screw pump 导轨和小车guide and b ogie 燃油滤清器fuel filter 照明分电箱lighting power divider 刮刀钻头drag dit套管casing 空气压缩机air compresser 单臂吊环single elevator link 燃油输送泵fuel transfer pump 插接板control panel 牙轮钻头rolling cone bit, roller cone bit , roller rock bit, roller bit,cone bit补芯bushing 闸阀gate valve 侧开平式吊卡side door flat elevator 燃油软管fuel lines 指示灯indicating/pilot lamp 金刚钻头diamond bit转盘rotary table 干燥器dryer 随机易损件random replacement parts 手油泵fu el priming pump 有毒可燃气体探测仪toxic combustible gas detector 喷射式钻头jet bit嵌入式卡瓦座insert bowl 空气储罐air tanks/ reservior 测井logging 飞轮flywheel 接线盒joint box 钝钻头,磨损的钻头dull bit方补芯,主补心master bushing 干燥房drying house 撬装skid-mounted 飞轮壳flywheel housing 气体检测仪gas d etector 水眼p ort。

high speed centrifuge drilling machanicl repairing house
• 泥浆泵护罩
cover, transmission device
casing sealing grease drill tools screw thread grease
mat for rotary table shoulder pole
• 防溢管 • 起架大绳 • 钻头盒 • 堵塞器 • 扩孔方瓦 • 扩孔方瓦 • 吊卡 • 套管吊钳 • 套管吊卡 • 多片式卡瓦
towel feeding Rubber Pipe
palm rope steel wire
cylinder explosion-proof electromotor
• 钢丝钳 • 电笔 • 光咀钳 • 挡圈钳 • 小剪刀 • 管子割刀片 • 管子扳手 • 割咀 • 砂纸 • 电工刀
wire cutter electrical pen combination pliers block circle tong small scissors pipe cutter reamer
portable grinding wheel machine pressure indicator
double scale pressure multimeter acetylene reductor
oxygen reductor pressure meter general pressure meter
multi flashboard AC contact instrument explosion-proof press button belt pyrocondensation instrument insulation glove low pressure switch Pressure Meter Pressure Meter water/oil filter core

Illustrated Glossary词汇说明表Drilling Rig Components钻机组成Click on the name below or a number on the graphic to see a definition and a more detailed photo of the object.点击横线上的名字或者图表中的数字可查看该对象的定义和更详细的图片。
1.Crown 顶点,王冠Block块,组织and Water Table(天车)2.3.Drilling Line(钻井大绳)4.Monkeyboard(二层台)5.Traveling Block(游车)6.Top Drive(顶驱)7.Mast(井架)8.Drill Pipe(钻杆)9.Doghouse(司钻偏房)10.Blowout爆裂,喷出Preventer(防喷器)11.Water Tank坦克;水槽;池塘(水箱)12.Electric Cable 电缆Tray托盘(电缆托盘)13.Engine Generator发电机Sets(发电机组)14.Fuel 燃料Tank(储油罐)15.Electrical Control House(电气控制房)16.Mud Pumps(泥浆泵)17.Bulk容量Mud Component Tanks(泥浆桶箱)18.Mud Tanks (Pits)(泥浆罐)19.Reserve 储备Pit(泥浆池)20.Mud-Gas Separator(液气分离器)21.Shale页岩Shakers(振动筛)22.Choke窒息Manifold多种(节流管汇)23.Catwalk(猫道)24.Pipe Racks (钻杆架)25.Accumulator(蓄电池)Additional rig components not illustrated at right.在右边图上没有显示的其他钻机部件。

dHiorericztoionntaall ddirriellctional drill Trencher Ditcher
GBS HBR505D 60系列 凯斯
威猛 GC18(12)
6.2 水泥罐车
6.3 载重汽车
6.4 拖车
cement tank truck autotruck trailer
6.5 6.6
7 桥梁施工机械
7.1 架桥机 7.2 运梁车
DF450 DCY450
8 地铁施工机械
8.1 8.2 地下连续墙挖掘机 8.3 地下连续墙液压挖掘机 8.4 地下自卸车
法国地基处理 公司
5 起重机械, Lifting and hoisting equipment
5.1 门座式起重机
Gantry crane
5.2 塔式起重机
Tower crane
5.3 高架门座式起重机 High-level gantry crane
5.4 摆塔式缆索起重机 Luffing cable crane
石打石立轴冲击式破碎机 shaft impact crusher
碾压混凝土连续搅拌设 Uninterrupted mixing
备 3.8
unit for roller compacted concrete(RCC)
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Illustrated Glossary
Drilling Rig Components
Click on the name below or a number on the graphic to see a definition and a more detailed photo of the object.
1.Crown Block and Water Table(天车)
2.Catline Boom and Hoist Line(悬臂吊绳缆)
3.Drilling Line(钻井大绳)
5.Traveling Block(游车)
6.Top Drive(顶驱)
8.Drill Pipe(方钻杆)
10.Blowout Preventer(防喷器)
11.Water Tank(水箱)
12.Electric Cable Tray(电缆托盘)
13.Engine Generator Sets(发电机组)
14.Fuel Tank(储油罐)
15.Electrical Control House(电气控制房)
16.Mud Pumps(泥浆泵)
17.Bulk Mud Component Tanks(泥浆桶箱)
18.Mud Tanks (Pits)(泥浆罐)
19.Reserve Pit(泥浆池)
20.Mud-Gas Separator(离心器)
21.Shale Shakers(振动筛)
22.Choke Manifold(节流管汇)
23.Pipe Ramp(管子坡道)
24.Pipe Racks (钻杆架)
Additional rig components not illustrated at right.
28.Casing Head(套管头)
32.Conductor Pipe(导向套管)
37.Drill Bit(钻头)
38.Drill Collars(钻铤)
39.Driller's Console(司钻控制台)
Equipment used in drilling
48.Ram BOP(闸板防碰器)
50.Rotary Hose(钻井水龙带)
51.Rotary Table(钻盘)
53.Spinning chain()
56.Surface Casing(套管)
61.Weight Indicator(指重器)
41.Hoisting Line(提升绳)
44.Kelly Bushing(方钻杆补心)
45.Kelly Spinner(方钻杆旋转器)
47.Mud Return Line(泥浆返回管线)。