



Passage 1

It seems quite clearly unjust to pay two people different amounts of money for doing the same work. But it is not as easy as it appeals at first __1__ to introduce equal pay for equal work.

Two people may be working side by side in a factory and doing the same work, but one may be doing it twice as fast as the __2__; or one may be making no mistakes, while the other is making a lot. In some kinds of work, one can solve the problem of speed if one pays by the amount of work to be done and not by the hour: work paid

for in this __3__ is called piece-work. But it is not always possible to do this, so it is sometimes useful to pay workers at different rates, which take differences in skill into __4__. This usually means that the younger and therefore less experienced worker gets less than the __5__ and more experienced one, which seems reasonable enough. A:other B:sight C:older D:way E:account


1、答案:B分析句子成分可知所缺项应该是一个名词,与介词at 构成介宾结构,排除选项A、C,E选项意思不对,短语at first sight 第一眼看上去…。

2、答案:A空缺处所在句子中有one may…,与之对应可考虑the other,意思是:一个…,另一个….,故选other。

3、答案:D分析句子成分可知本剧的主语是work,谓语是空格后的is called,所以空格处应填入一个名词与之前的in this 构成方式状语,意思是“以这种方式付款”。

4、答案:E空格前是介词into,空格后是句号,可见空格处必须是名词,再考虑固定短语take …into account,意思是“把…考虑进去”。

5、答案:C通读本句可见比较结构:the younger 与the older,故选C。

Passage 2

Many Chinese students don't pay much attention to spoken English at school. They think it necessary to practice speaking English in class. Here is a story to show you how important it is to speak the English language 1 in everyday life.

A foreigner once got hungry and went into a restaurant in London. He sat down at a table.

When the waiter came, he opened his mouth, put his fingers 2 it and took them out again in order to express that he wanted something to eat for he could not speak English.

The waiter soon brought a cup of tea. The man shook his head. The waiter then

took away the tea and brought a cup of coffee. The man again shook his head. The man tried again and again, but he wasn't able to make 3 understood. Finally another man came in. He spoke English clearly and fluently. In a few minutes, there was a large plate of meat and vegetables on the table 4 him.

So you see a man often goes hungry if he doesn't 5a foreign language.

A:into B:freely C:before D:himself E:master



2、答案:A空格后的it 指代前文的mouth,put the finger into his mouth,意思就很明了,即:把手指头放进嘴里。

3、答案:D根据上下文,结合短语“make sb. Understood 是别人明白自己的话”,综合判断选择himself。



Passage 3

There is an old saying that husbands and wives start to look and behave like each other after a time. I don't know if this was true of my mother and father.

Both of my parents had brown hair and brown eyes and low voices. My father,

__1__, was eight years older than my mother and taller and thinner. He was built as straight as an arrow. My mother was shorter and had a rounder and fuller face and she looked as soft as a pillow.

My mother was quieter and talked less than my father did. She was also a much more patient person than my father. My father was more experienced in life. He was __2__ to doing everything quickly. My mother, on the other hand, worked and spoke more slowly.

They were fond of nature and sports, such as walking, gardening and swimming. They were both __3__ in reading and music, but my father preferred history books, while my mother liked to read romantic novels. In music, their types were similar, and they were never proud of listening to it. Most of the time they were in agreement on bringing __4__ their children. They both believed in giving them love and neither one believed in punishing them physically. At times, their personalities were very much alike, but at other times, they seemed very __5__. Perhaps that is why none of their children knows which parent he looks or behaves like.

A:however B:interested C:up D:used E:different



2、答案:D空格前是系动词was,空格后是to doing,再结合句子的意思,考虑be used to doing这个短语,意思是“习惯于做…”。

3、答案:B空格处应填入形容词与空格前的were构成句子的谓语,再结合短语“be interested in doing”,故选B。

4、答案:C通读本句,再结合空格前的bring,考虑短语“bring sb. up”,意思是“把孩子抚养成人”。


Passage 4

American people divide their days into several blocks of timeand plan different activities 1 different times.

American time is "on the dot"(准确地). If something is supposed to happen at Eight o'clock, it will begin at eight. Americans value promptness(准时)and may become angry if a person is more than 15 minutes late 2 a good reason. If you know you are going to be late, call in advance and let someone know.3 you arrive late, you should apologize and explain why. Americans arrive 4 time for doctors' appointments. The doctor may keep you 5 , but if you keep the doctor waiting, you may get a bill with the doctor's time!

A:for B:waiting C:on D:if E:without



2、E without a good reason意思是“缺乏一个好的理由”。


4、C表示时间的短语“on time”意思是“按时到达”。

5、B短语“keep sb. waiting”意思是“让某人久等”。

Passage 5

The Ministry of Education has spared no efforts to bring on IT learning. What is its main aim? Is it to teach students how to learn the computer or is it meant to change the usual method of teaching in order to 1 students’ strong interest in computers?

Teaching students computer knowledge and skills is different 2 giving class lessons through the use of computers. And schools are beginning to pay much attention to using computers to teach students. There is no 3 about the fact that IT learning plays an important role as a new teaching tool in this day of

technology. 4 , views differ on whether the schools can achieve their targets, as success 5 on whether they can make use of computers effectively.

A:However B:doubt C:match D:from E:depends


1、C 句子的主语是IT learning(即:using computers to teach students),IT learning 是教师的教学行为,不可能show students’ strong interest in computers,只能是教师用计算机辅助教学与学生对计算机的浓厚兴趣相一致,故用match(find sth.like or suitable for use with相称,相配)。

2、D different与from搭配,在这里表示“教学生有关计算机的知识技能与通过使用计算机辅助教学是不同的两件事”。



5、Edepend on:依靠;lead to:导致;result in:造成、引起;believe in:信赖,E项符合文意。

Passage 6

Let’s take the subject of Chinese as an example and see 1difficulties the experts face in their IT management. At present,20 percent of lessons are given with the help of computers. In other words, in a period of 10 weeks, a Chinese-language teacher must spend two weeks to teach the subject the new 2.In carrying out such a major policy as IT learning, the experts should know the 3that different teachers teaching different subjects have different demands, thus making it 4to see the policy through

Some teachers, having already got some computer knowledge, will still be forced to 5the training courses with those who have zero knowledge about computer A:fact B:hard C:what D:way E:attend




3、A 同位语从句中所表达的内容(执教不同学科的老师有不同的要求)是一个事实。


5、E training course应该是attend,即根据上述政策,懂得计算机知识的教师也得去参加计算机教学的培训课程。

Passage 7

Tim Becker and his neighbors are doing something to make their neighborhood a trouble-free area.

When Tim Becker gets in his car to go shopping, he doesn’t 1 drive to a store and back home. He always looks carefully up and down the streets of his neighborhood. He looks for anything 2 such as strange cars, loud noises,broken windows, or people gathering on street comers.

Tim belongs to a neighborhood watch group in Stoneville, Indiana, USA. The neighborhood watch group 3on the third Wednesday of every month. That’s when Tim gets together withabout ten of his neighbors to discuss community 4.Members of the neighborhood watch group want to help the police 5their homes, streets, and families safe.

A:meets B:unusual C:just D:safety E:keep


1、C本题考查副词词义辨析及学生依据语境选用恰当副词的能力。从后面的句子可以知道Tim Becker去买东西时不只是从家到商店直来直去,而是还要在居民区里巡视,所以应选用副词just。

2、B 本题考查考生根据上下文对所给形容词做出判断选择的能力。Tim是为了社区安全进行巡视,应注意一些可疑情况,且后面举的例子也是一些反常情况,属于“unusual”。

3、A本题考查根据上下文做出判断及动词词意的辨析。此题的提示在后面一句,即“…Tim gets together with…”,所以本句应理解为“社区巡视组的成员每月的第三个星期三会面一次。”



Passage 8

People do not analyze every problem they meet. Sometimes they try to remember a solution from the last time they had a 1 problem. They often accept the opinion or ideas of other people. Other times they begin to act without thinking; they try to find a solution by trial and error. 2, when all of these methods fail, the person with a problem has to start analyzing. There are six 3 in analyzing a problem.

4 the person must recognize that there is a problem. For example, Sam’s bicycle is broken, and he cannot ride it to class as he usually does. Sam must

5 that there is a problem with his bicycle.

A:First B:similar C:stages D:see E:However


1、B从上文的提示“try to remember a solution from the last time”,表明人们一旦遇上类似的问题,首先想到的是上次碰到这类问题的解决办法。只有问题“类似”,才会想到“上一次”的办法。


3、C 从下文的列举看,作者讲的是解决问题的六个阶段,且层层深入(stage:a period in a course of events),而不是在阐述解决问题的六个办法、条件、顺序。

4、A. 下文next,finally等表明作者在列举分析问题、解决问题的几个步骤,故填first(首先),与下文呼应。

5、D作为分析的第一步,Sam必须查看自行车的毛病出在哪儿。see在此的含义是:examine or recognize by looking。

Passage 9

He has been called the “missing link”.Half-man, half-beast. He is supposed to live in the highest mountain in the world—Mount Everest.

He is known as the Abominable Snowman. The 1 of Snowman has been around for 2 . Climbers in the 1920s reported finding marks like those of human feet high up on the side of Mount Everest. The native people said they 3this creature and called it the “Yeti”,and they said that they had 4 caught Yetis on two occasions 5 none has ever been produced as evidence.

A:even B:story C:knew of D:many years E:though


1、B 从该段叙述的多年来人们关于生存在喜马拉雅山上的雪人的传说及下文Over the years,the story of the Yetis has continued.和These days,only a few people continue to take the story of the Abominable Snowman seriously.就不难看出此空应填story。

2、A. 短文大部分描述的是多年来人们对于世界最高峰——珠穆朗玛峰上有关雪人存在的传说、考察和猜想,文中Climbers in the 1920s reported finding marks like those of human feet high up on the side of Mount Everest 及In 1916,Eric Shipton took photographs of a set of tracks in the snow of Everest.等信息,则清楚地说明了此空应填many years。

3、D短文第二段中they said that they had 4 caught Yetis on two occasions 5 none has ever been produced as evidence(证据)说明了人们对珠穆朗玛峰上雪人的存在只不过是听说而已,却拿不出任何证据,自然最佳答案应该选knew of了。

4、A.上文20世纪20年代的登山者报告,在珠穆朗玛峰坡上发现了像人脚印一样的足迹。当地人听说过这种动物并给其起名为“雪人”。这里they said that they had caught Yetis on two occasions 是当地人叙述雪人存在的一种更为真实的情况,因此此空应填副词even,意思是“甚至”,用来加强语气,强调谓语动词,故最佳答案选A。

5、E主句中叙述了they had even caught Yetis on two occasions,从句none has ever been produced as evidence则否定了上述情况的真实性,表示的是让步意义,故此空应填though,引导一个让步状语从句。

Passage 10

Most worthwhile careers require some kind of specialized training.Therefore, the choice of a job should be made even before the choice of a curriculum (课程)in high schoo1.Actually, 1 , most people make several job choices during their working lives, 2 because of economic and industrial changes and partly to improve theirposition.The“one perfect Job”does not exist. Young people should

3 enter into a broad flexible(灵活的)training program that Will 4them for a field of work rather than for a single 5 _.

A:however B:therefore C:partly D:job E:prepare




3、B 考查连词。既然一个完美的工作并不存在,所以年轻人就必须接受广泛而灵活的训练。

4、E考查动词。prepare sb for sth使……为……作准备。

5、.D 空格处为句尾,之前是single,结合句意可推断应填入名词job,意思是“单个的工作”。


一、高中英语完形填空 1.阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出可以填入空白 处的最佳选项。 Failing Successfully Two years ago I took part in a speech competition and delivered a memorized speech. It was a hard time for me when the judge 1 the winners. At last, the moment of truth came. I got the worst. After not being placed in the competition, I really wanted to 2 again. I realized that finding the right topic was the most important part of the whole 3 . It needs to be motivational and inspirational to the 4 . So I reworked my speech for the following year, 5 a different topic and spending many hours before the computer and in libraries doing research. Then I worked 6 the speech, line by line, word by word, making it 7 better. The next year I participated in the competition again. I gave my 8 in two parts, one was about my own experience and the other was about the feelings that people usually have when giving a speech—how 9 it is, standing on a stage all alone, with everyone sitting and watching them. My speech 10 down well and I was hoping to do that a little bit better. 11 , my wish didn't come true. The competition was so fierce and again I wasn't 12 . I was deeply disappointed, since I couldn't accept the fact that I had 13 twice in something that I had worked so hard on. However, I knew that losing is 14 and part of life. One of the judges said to me that my speech was quite good, 15 it needed to be better if I wanted to go any further. He advised me to struggle to 16 something like some of the empty gestures. He said that I would surely succeed someday. While I didn't earn 17 as a result of the competition, I did gain a new viewpoint. I discovered that I could fail successfully. I think I'll 18 to work hard and enter the next competition. Now, whenever I'm faced with a defeat, I 19 myself of what a famous person said, "The path was worn and slippery. My foot slipped from under me, knocking the other out of the way, but I recovered and said to myself that it's a slip and not a 20 ." 1. A. announced B. predicted C. observed D. interviewed 2. A. suffer B. compete C. win D. check 3. A. range B. condition C. system D. process 4. A. audience B. companion C. director D. author 5. A. reviewing B. supposing C. picking D. comparing 6. A. during B. against C. behind D. through 7. A. increase B. flow C. expose D. occur 8. A. choice B. instruction C. reason D. speech 9. A. annoying B. surprising C. frightening D. confusing 10. A. went B. dropped C. slowed D. rolled 11. A. Angrily B. Sadly C. Strangely D. Eagerly




一、完型填空 “Mom, can I have some money?” Those are the words my mother used to hear all th e time. In return, I heard, “ Why don't you get a job? Not to make me happy, but so that you have your own money and gain a bit more responsibility.” So last year I got a job working about 25 hours a week. For $5 an hour, working as a salesman in a photo studio. After I got this job, I had to do football, homework and job ___21___. It was really hard for me. I was burning out, falling asleep at school and failing in many courses. My teachers were mad ___22___ me and yelled at me: why have a job? I missed a lot practice in football team and could only ___23___ back down at the match. My coach was cold at me with an unasked question: why have a job? I told them it was for the things I need, when actually it was for the things I wanted. Needing and wanting are different. Needing something is like your only shoes have holes in them. But wanting is to have every new brand sneaker just because you like it. I start to think about if I did a wrong thing. Slowly, I learnt to ___24___ my money better so that I could have more time for school and football. I learnt to make a wise decision ___25___ what I need and what I want. 1、 A、on B、manage C、sit D、at E、at the same time 参考答案:E 解析: 【答案】E【解析】考查介词词组。at the same time“同时”。 2、 A、on


【英语】中考英语完形填空真题 一、中考英语完形填空(含答案详细解析) 1.请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。Sometimes choosing where to eat in Suzhou is something of a challenge. No matter how 1 the food tastes at a chosen restaurant, one may always wonder. "Is there anything better on the next street'?" However, I've found the 2 to this question. When I'm asked to name my favourite place to eat in Suzhou, I will reply 3 . "Song He Lou Restaurant". Why is Song He Lou so special 4 hundreds of restaurants? Well, for me it comes down to a perfect balance of delicious food, pleasant atmosphere(氛围)and a near perfect location. Before coming to Suzhou, I was 5 by my friends from other cities in China that the food could be too sweet. For the first few months I chose to eat in Sichuan or Hunan style restaurants instead of eating much 6 food. However, after falling in love with the city. I came to realize that the food is so closely 7 with its local culture. 8 I asked a local friend to recommend the best place to try real local style food. She came up with the 9 of Song He Lou. For a first-time visitor, "Song Shu Gui Yu" and "Xie Fen Tofu" are excellent 10 . Suzhou has slow become my home and I have a lifetime to enjoy each and every dish on the menu. 1. A. bad B. hot C. good D. cold 2. A. attention B. excuse C. answer D. distance 3. A. right away B. in surprise C. at most D. over there 4. A. between B. against C. among D. beyond 5. A. changed B. warned C. encouraged D. supported 6. A. fresh B. local C. Chinese D. frozen 7. A. connected B. covered C. compared D. charged 8. A. Or B. But C. Yet D. So 9. A. suggestion B. way C. money D. design 10. A. conditions B. habits C. challenges D. choices 【答案】(1)C;(2)C;(3)A;(4)C;(5)B;(6)B;(7)A;(8)D;(9)A;(10)D; 【解析】【分析】短文大意:文本以松鹤楼饭店为例说明了饮食与当地文化的关系。 (1)形容词辨析和语境理解。句意:无论选择的餐馆的食物味道多好,有人可能总想知 道“临街还有更好的吗?”bad坏的;hot热的;good好的;cold冷的。根据"Is there anything better on the next street'? 可知此处指食物多好,故选C。 (2)名词辨析和语境理解。句意:然而,我已经发现了这个问题的答案。attention注意力;excuse措辞;answer答案;distance,根据this question可知此处指答案,the answer to the question问题的答案,故选C。 (3)短语辨析和语境理解。句意:当我被问道在苏州吃最好的地方时,我会马上回答“松 鹤楼饭店。”right away立刻,马上;in surprise吃惊;at most最多;over there在那里,根 据答语 "Song He Lou Restaurant"此处指回答的速度快,可知是马上回答的。故选A。


大学英语口语测试试题 1.Shopping 1)Do you enjoy shopping? Why or why not? I seldom go shopping. It takes too much time. I like to go shopping very much. It is so interesting. 2) What do you usually buy when you go shopping? I only shop for daily necessities, such as toothbrush, toothpaste, toilet paper, cleansing cream, soap, shampoo, washing powder… I like music/books so sometimes I go to campus bookstores to look for my favorite CDs/the recent bestsellers. 3) Where do you usually go shopping, supermarkets or department stores? Downtown or in campus stores ? I usually do my shopping at large supermarkets/campus stores/shops nearby since they often have good buys/it saves time. I enjoy shopping at supermarkets. I love to see shelf on shelf stacked with all kinds of delicious /nice things. Supermarkets are so convenient. You can get almost everything you want in a big supermarket. I hate shopping in a supermarket. It’s always so crowded/the quality of goods is questionable/not so good/ not guaranteed. I like going shopping in big department stores downtown because I think they offer a better service. 4)When you buy a dress or a coat, which do you give first priority to: color, price, quality, style or brand name? I think price/color/style/quality is the most important. I love to buy clothes that are in fashion but they are mostly too expensive for me. I love buying things when they are on sale and I often manage to get a good deal. 5) Do you enjoy bargaining? Are you good at it? I love sales/enjoy bargaining/am good at bargaining with street peddlers. I always/never ask for a discount. 2. Sports 1) Do you like sports? What is your favorite sport? I like swimming/jogging/fishing/tennis, etc. My favorite sport is basket/volleyball/football, etc. 2)Do you like jogging? Why or why not? Jogging is considered a healthy sport for both the young and the old/for people of all ages. Many people begin jogging because they believe it is a very good form of exercise/can make their hearts stronger / can help them lose weight. Jogging against the cold wind is also a test of one’s will power. 3)Why do people need to play sports? Playing sports can help us to relax. Sitting in a chair all day has made me very lazy. I can get my figure back if I play a sport. I can meet some new friends when I play sports.


1.Nasreddin was a poor man, so he tried to grow __1__ he could in his own garden, so that he would not have to buy so many in the market。 One evening he heard a noise in his garden and looked out of the window. A white ox had got into the garden and __2__ his vegetables. Nasreddin at once took his stick, ran out and chased the ox, but he was too old to catch it. When he got back to his garden, he found that the ox had ruined most of his precious vegetables。 __3__, while he __4__ in the street near his house, he saw a cart with two white oxen which looked very much like the one that __5__ his vegetables. He was carrying his stick with him, __6__ he at once began to beat the two oxen with it. As neither of them looked more like the ox that had eaten his vegetables than the other, he beat both of them equally hard。 The owner of the ox and cart was drinking coffee in a __7__ coffee-house. When he saw __8__ Nasreddin was doing __9__ his animals, he ran out and shouted, “What are you doing? What have those poor animals done to you for you to beat them like that?”

【英语】 英语中考英语完形填空(word)

【英语】英语中考英语完形填空(word) 一、中考英语完形填空(含答案详细解析) 1.阅读下面短文,从每小题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳选项。 I went to school in China for four years and for another six years in Canada. There are two teachers from these countries that really impressed me even though they are very 1 . When I 2 to Canada, I couldn't even order food on the flight. After two months on an ESL (English as a Second Language) course, I got my first 3 card. My mark in English was 65. I was very 4 . I couldn't 5 what would be said at the parent-teacher interview. "Hello!" Mrs. Franceschini welcomed my parents. "Richard just came to Canada a few months ago. I am amazed at how his English has 6 so fast," she said. "On his first day, he was very shy and only used 7 words. Now he can answer and ask questions by us in whole sentences." 8 many other Chinese parents, my mom asked if she could give me extra homework. "Don't worry. Richard is already working very hard," Mrs. Franceschini laughed. Then she shook my hand. "Richard, you did a good job. I am 9 of you!" she said. Back in Shanghai, my teacher Miss Li was very 10 . In a test, my average(平均分)was 97, top of the class. I was proud to take parents 11 the interview. Miss Li told my parents, "Feng Yu is doing pretty well. But because of his 12 , he lost 3 points in math. Otherwise he would be the top of the school." I thought she was being 13 to me. But when I was about to leave, I realized Miss Li was ver nice. She hosted a party for me and gave me a big card. Her phone number and e-mials address were on the card. "Feng Yu, you re my best student. I 14 you a successful life," she wrote. "If you want to talk or need any help, I am always here for you." Miss Li and Mrs. Franceschini are both great teachers, just in different ways. One built up my learning abilities. 15 gave me tons of confidence and made learning enjoyable. I'm proud to have had them as my teachers. 1. A. kind B. strict C. similar D. different 2. A. moved B. arrived C. reached D. visited 3. A. birthday B. green C. report D. ID 4. A. satisfied B. upset C. serious D. careful 5. A. imagine B. tell C. wonder D. doubt 6. A. changed B. improved C. spoken D. increased 7. A. long B. popular C. simple D. complete 8. A. With B. Except C. Against D. Like 9. A. proud B. certain C. afraid D. free 10. A. patient B. strict C. friendly D. hard-working 11. A. in B. off C. to D. up 12. A. method B. action C. habit D. carelessness


一、高中英语完形填空 1.阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 The stage lights dimmed, and I took a quick look from behind the heavy black curtains into the audience. Blinded by the lights, I quickly 1 . It seems that a great number of eyes were looking at me. I took a deep 2 as the music of my dance began to play. I entered the stage and began my 3 , the graduation test of the classical Indian dance. After a decade of learning this art form, I had 4 been considered ready to take on the most difficult act. The test is the most important event in a dancer's life as it pays 5 to all the factors in one's life that 6 the dance form: one's culture and family. The performance is undertaken only by the most 7 and determined students. It is a difficult process that requires much 8 . For more than six months, I spent two to three hours every day 9 these dances. Many times, I 10 myself to my physical and mental breaking point, but still I would not stop. I could not give up. There was always so much more to do and so much more to 11 . I 12 a lot about myself in those tiring hours. I learned that I was far too 13 to give up, and I was too proud to prove myself 14 after I had set an unrealistic goal. Even with physical pain and mental 15 , I forced myself to meet my 16 . Even when I was at the end of my 17 , there was always something driving me on, forcing me not to give up. Fortunately, I made it. What I had done 18 the success. It was in those hours that I learned what a dancer 19 is. Those time was evidence that I could 20 something I set out to do. 1. A. pulled back B. set off C. reached out D. broke away 2. A. sleep B. thought C. breath D. sorrow 3. A. career B. attempt C. response D. performance 4. A. easily B. eventually C. absolutely D. desperately 5. A. debt B. visit C. interest D. respect 6. A. develop B. rescue C. introduce D. promote 7. A. focused B. beautiful C. intelligent D. considerate 8. A. talent B. strength C. commitment D. comprehension 9. A. recording B. practicing C. discussing D. designing 10. A. applied B. addicted C. treated D. pushed 11. A. forget B. design C. learn D. research 12. A. abandoned B. discovered C. controlled D. undertook 13. A. brilliant B. brave C. stubborn D. discourage 14. A. wrong B. nervous C. frightened D. careless 15. A. function B. action C. level D. stress


(英语)英语完形填空模拟试题及解析 一、完形填空 1.完形填空 Mr. Ma, a famous mental (心理的) doctor from Beijing said at a meeting, "Now many young students have mental problems. Some students become 1 because they have to study very hard. Others have 2 getting on well with people around them like their parents and classmates." Then Mr. Ma gave some 3 . A middle school student from Xi'an was doing badly in his lessons. He thought his teachers and friends often 4 him, and he became so nervous and worried that one night he 5 his home without telling his parents. Another student, a 14-year-old schoolgirl from Shanghai, was very afraid of exams. While she was reading the exam paper, she 6 think of anything to write. A recent report from Jiefang Daily says about 18% of the young 7 in Shanghai have mental problems. 8 many of them won't go and ask for help. Some think they will look silly 9 they go to see a doctor. Others won't talk about their secrets. At the end of the meeting, Mr. Ma 10 some good ideas to young people: Talk to your parents or teachers often. Take part in group activities. Try to get on well with the people around you. Go to see a doctor if you often feel unhappy. 1. A. worried B. excited C. happy D. confident 2. A. rules B. trouble C. ways D. excuse 3. A. experiences B. questions C. examples D. decisions 4. A. laughed at B. aimed at C. looked up D. picked up 5. A. passed B. left C. helped D. lost 6. A. mustn't B. couldn't C. needn't D. shouldn't 7. A. teachers B. parents C. students D. doctors 8. A. Fortunately B. Naturally C. Hardly D. Unluckily 9. A. whether B. where C. how D. if 10. A. booked B. replied C. offered D. stopped 【答案】(1)A;(2)B;(3)C;(4)A;(5)B;(6)B;(7)C;(8)D;(9)D;(10)C; 【解析】【分析】文章大意:一位来自北京著名的心理医生通过具体事例介绍了学生存在的心理问题,以及对此应采取的建议及措施。 (1)句意:一些学生变得担心的主要原因是因为必须努力学习。A 担心;B 兴奋;C 开心;D 自信。根据后文中的语句because they have to study very hard.提示可知,孩子们很紧张,很担心,故选A。 (2)句意:还有些人很难与周围的人相处融洽,比如父母和同学。A 规则;B 困难;C 方式;D 借口。固定短语have trouble doing sth做某事有困难。根据上文语句Now many


【英语】英语中考英语完形填空100及答案1 一、中考英语完形填空(含答案详细解析) 1.阅读下面短文,理解其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 My neighbor is a doctor. He and his wife are some of the 1 people I have ever met. A few years ago, we started this kind of "favor war "where one of us would do something kind for the other, such as 2 the driveway or building a shed, and next time the other would 3 to top it with another favor. Yesterday morning there was about 2 or 3 feet of snow on the ground and I 4 he shoveled (铲) my driveway for me when I was out on a business trip last 5 . So I took out my shovel and took care of both our sidewalks and driveways because it was my turn to do a favor 6 . It took a while but I finished it and got into my car for work. That night I got a 7 on my door, it was my neighbor. He immediately shook my hand and thanked me for shoveling 8 driveway and sidewalk, so that he was able to get to work earlier and 9 a boy. "As soon as I started the car early this morning, a(n) 10 came through that a young boy in our neighborhood was seriously ill. 11 , my partner and I were only about 2 minutes away, but the closest ambulance (救护车) 10 minutes," added he. "A young boy got to live his life 12 you did me the favor earlier this morning." It wasn't too much 13 to shovel a driveway, but what I did got a young boy to see his family again, go back to school again and live his life again. 14 favor is too small. Even the smallest favor can make the biggest 15 . One favor will always be followed by another. 1. A. nicest B. busiest C. richest D. happiest 2. A. looking for B. going down C. cleaning up D. walking across 3. A. try B. stop C. agree D. refuse 4. A. saw B. thought C. expected D. remembered 5. A. spring B. summer C. autumn D. winter 6. A. soon B. back C. again D. first 7. A. note B. kick C. gift D. knock 8. A. my B. our C. his D. your 9. A. met B. saved C. supported D. encouraged 10. A. call B. card C. letter D. invitation 11. A. Finally B. Actually C. Luckily D. Suddenly 12. A. when B. unless C. because D. though 13. A. practice B. trouble C. attention D. experience 14. A. No B. Any C. Some D. Each 15. A. choice B. progress C. decision D. difference 【答案】(1)A;(2)C;(3)A;(4)D;(5)D;(6)B;(7)D;(8)C;(9)
