全新版大学英语综合教程4课后翻译汇总(中英双语版)全新版大学英语综合教程4课后翻译汇总(中英双语版)Translation Unit 11、多尔蒂先生和他的家人目前正在农场忙于秋收。
Mr. Doherty and his family are currently engaged in getting the autumn harvest in on the Farm.2、我们不能低估敌人,他们装备了最先进的武器。
We must not underestimate the enemy. They are equipped with the most sophisticated weapons.3、菲尔已三个月没有找到工作了,正变得越来越绝望。
Having been out of a job/Not having had a job for3 months, Phil is getting increasingly desperate.4、作为项目经理,山姆办事果断,工作效率高,且判断准确。
Sam, as the project manager, is decisive, efficient, and accurate in his judgment.5、既然已证实这家化工厂是污染源,村委会决定将其关闭,为此损失了一百个工作岗位。
Since the chemical plant was identified as the source of pollution, the village neighborhood xxmittee decided to close it down at the cost of 100 jobs.Unit21、空气中有一种不寻常的寂静,只有远处响着大炮的声音。
There was an unusual quietness in the air, except for the sound of artillery in the distance. 2、在某些非洲国家城市的扩展已引起生活水平相当大的下降和社会问题的增多。
新世纪大学英语教材系列(第二版)综合教程4 翻译U1~U6
综合教程4翻译及参考答案U1~U6Unit 11.这个村子离边境很近,村民们一直担心会受到敌人的攻击。
(live in fear of)The village is so close to the border that the villagers live in constant fear of attacks from the enemy.2.这个国家仅用了20年的时间就发展成了一个先进的工业强国。
(transform)In only twenty years the country was transformed into an advanced industrial power.3.看到项目顺利完成,那些为此投入了大量时间和精力的人们都感到非常自豪。
(invest in)Seeing the project completed successfully, those who invest a wealth of time and energy in it feel very proud.4.鉴于目前的金融形势,美元进一步贬值(devalue)是不可避免的。
(inevitable)Given to the current financial situation, it is inevitable that the US dollars will be further devalued.5.现在的汽车太多了,这个地区的道路几乎无法应对当前的交通状况。
(cope with)There are so many cars nowadays that the rose in this area can hardly cope with the current traffic situation.6.天气没有出现好转的迹象,所以政府号召我们做好防洪的准备。
(show signs of; call upon)The weather didn’t show signs of improvement, so the government called upon us to make a good preparation for floods.7.那场车祸以后,爱丽丝卧床十几年不起,所以她的康复真是一个奇迹。
Unit 11 .只管我在那家企业有时机升职,我仍旧选择了走开,去从事我热爱的工作。
Although I could have been promoted in that company, I chose to leave in order topursue a career that I love.2 .你最初要遵照的不是你的老板,而是这个行业的规则。
The first thing you need to comply with is not your boss, but the rules of theindustry.3 .一份好的简历是找到工作的第一步,所以今日我们提出议论的是怎样写份好简历。
A well-prepared resume is the first step in finding a good job, so what we bringup for discussion today is how to write a good resume. 4.人们工作常常是为了糊口,而不是出于喜好。
More often than not, people are working for the sake of earning a livingrather than for their interest.5 .据面试官反应,大多数接受面试的毕业生都说不出他们能为企业做些什么。
According to the feedback from the interviewers,most of the graduates who attended the interview couldn’ t make clear what they can contribute to the company.Unit21 念书不不过影响到个人,还影响到整个民族。
(not only + inversion; as a whole)Not only does reading influence a single person, but it also influences a nationas a whole.2. 和老者在一同就像是读一本厚厚的书,令人爱不忍释。
新世纪大学英语综合教程4第四册课文全翻译A B
7A1|返朴归真| 琳达·韦尔特纳“我们讨论的是简化生活,而不是物质匮乏,”我的朋友萨拉解释说,“绝对不是你不可以做你喜欢的那些事情,而是你在改变,不再喜欢同样的事情罢了。
新世纪大学英语综合教程4课后翻译1、这个村子离边境很近,村民们一直担心会受到敌人的攻击The village is so close to the border that the villagers live in constant fear of attacks from the enemy.2. 这个国家仅用了20年的时间就发展成了一个先进的工业强国In only twenty years the country was transformed into an advanced industrial power.3.看到项目顺利完成,那些为此投入了大量时间和精力的人们都感到非常自豪This company has evolved into one of the major chemical manufacturing bases in this region.4.鉴于目前的金融形势,美元进一步贬值是不可避免的Given the current financial situation, it is inevitable that the US dollar will be further devalued.5.现在的汽车太多了,这个地区的道路几乎无法应对当前的交通状况There are so many vehicles nowadays that the roads in this area are barely adequate to cope with the present traffic.6.天气没有出现好转的迹象,所以政府号召我们做好防洪的准备The weather showed no signs of getting better so the government called upon us to get prepared for floods.7.那场车祸以后爱丽丝十几年卧床不起,所以她的康复真是一个奇迹Alice had been confined to bed for over10 years after the traffic accident, and so her recovery seemed nothing short of a miracle.8. 这些同学对世界杯十分关注,每天至少花两个小时看比赛的现场直播The students were all very much concerned about the WorldCup,spending at least two hours every day watching thelive matches on TV.9.托马斯说他家半个世纪前就在佛罗里达定居了Thomas said that his family had settled in Florida more than half a century ago.10. 寻找他人的帮助,别自己一个人扛着。
P25 Unit 11、这个村子离边境很近,村民们一直担心会受到敌人的攻击。
The village is so close to the border that the villagers live in constant fear of attacks from the enemy.2、这个国家仅用了20年的时间就发展成了一个先进的工业强国。
In only twenty years the country was transformed into an advanced industrial power.3、这个公司已经发展成为这个地区主要的化工生产基地之一。
The company has evolved into one of the major chemical manufacturing bases in this region.4、鉴于目前的金融形势,美元进一步贬值(devalue)是不可避免的。
Given the current financial situation, it is inevitable that the US dollor will be further devalued.5、政府号召市民就控制水污染问题献计献策,但响应却不强烈。
The government’s call for suggestions about the control of water pollution produced very little response from the citizens.6天气没有出现好转的迹象,所以政府号召我们做好防洪的准备。
The weather showed no signs of getting better so the government called upon us to get prepared for floods.7、科学家曾一度认为没有比原子更小的东西了,但现在大多数人都知道原子是由更小的粒子(particle)构成的。
Unit 11这个村子离边境很近,村民们一直担心会受到敌人的攻击。
(in fear of)2这个国家仅用了20年的时间就发展成了一个先进的工业强国。
(transf orm)3这个公司已经发展成为这个地区主要的化工生产基地之一。
(evolve)4鉴于目前的金融形势,美元进一步贬值 (devalu e) 是不可避免的。
(respon se)6天气没有出现好转的迹象,所以政府号召我们做好防洪的准备。
(show signsof; call upon)7科学家曾一度认为没有比原子更小的东西了,但现在大多数人都知道原子是由更小的粒子(partic le)构成的。
(at one time)8这些同学对世界杯十分关注,每天至少花两个小时看比赛的现场直播。
(be concer ned about; at least)9因为得不到贷款,无法按时开业,这家百货商店损失惨重。
(come by; lose out)10我们不能到那里散步,因为那里有一个海军基地,禁止游客进入。
(off limits)1. The villag e is so closeto the border that the villag ers live in consta nt fear of attack s from the enemy.2. In only twenty yearsthe countr y was transf ormed into an advanc ed indust rialpower.3. This compan y has evolve d into one of the majorchemic al manufa cturi ng basesin this region.4. Giventhe curren t financ ial situat ion, it is inevit ablethat the US dollar will be furthe r devalu ed.5. The govern ment's call for sugges tions aboutthe contro l of waterpollut ion produc ed very little respon se from the citize ns.n mentcalled6. The weathe r showed no signsof gettin g better so the goverr ed for floods.upon us to get prepa7. At one time scient iststhough t that therewas nothin g smalle r thans ts of even smalle r an atom but now most people know that an atom consipartic les.8. The studen ts were all very much concer ned aboutthe WorldCup, spendi ngat leasttwo hourseveryday watchi ng the live matche s on TV.9. The depart mentstorelost out becaus e loanswere very hard to come by and it couldnot startbusine ss on time.s e thereis a navy base there,which10. We can't go therefor a walk becauis off limits to touris ts.Unit 21他的确懂得很多理论,但是,一碰到实际工作就显得非常无知。
(turn up)I had arranged for them to meet each other at the pub,but the young m an never turned up.2.你无法仅凭表象判断形势是否会变得对我们不利。
(tell from appearance)You cannot tell merely from appearances whether things will turn out unfavourable to us or not.3.那个士兵每次打仗都冲锋在前,从而赢得了国家的最高荣誉。
(stand in the gap)The soldier,who stood in the gap in every battle,gained the highest ho nors of the country.4.主席讲话很有说服力,委员会其他成员都听从他的意见。
(yield to) The chairman spoke so forcefully that the rest of the committee yielded to his opinion.5.他们现在生活富裕了,但也曾经历坎坷。
(ups and downs)They are well-to-do now,but along the way they had their ups and dow ns.6.这次演讲我将说明两个问题。
(address oneself to)There are two questions to which I will address myself in this lecture.7.我们正筹划为你举办一次盛大的圣诞聚会。
(in sb.’s honour)We are planning a big Christmas party in your honour.8.听到那个曲子,我回想起了儿童时代。
新世纪综合教程4 中英翻译
一1)这个村子离边境很近,村民们一直担心会受到敌人的攻击The village is so close to the border that the villagers live in constant fear of attacks1)这个村子离边境很近,村民们一直担心会受到敌人的攻击The village is so close to the border that the villagers live in constant fear of attacks10)我们不能到那里散步,因为那里有一个海军基地,禁止游客进入We can’t go there for a walk because there is navy base there, which is off limits to二4)我在上小学时就看过那部电影,可就是一时想不起它的名字来I saw the film when I was in the primary school, but the title just won’t come to mind6)有必要知道他的身高吗?在我看来,这与他能否成为一个好律师没有关系Is it necessary to know his height? To me, it is not relevant to whether he can be a good lawyer or notstart business on time.10)我们不能到那里散步,因为那里有一个海军基地,禁止游客进入We can’t go there for a walk because there is navy base there, which is off limits to tourists.1) 他的确懂得很多理论,但是,一碰到实际工作就显得非常无知He really knows a lot about theory, but when it comes to actual work, he seems to be quite ignorant.2)最新调查表明,大多数市民支持政府再建立一个新图书馆的计划The latest survey shows that the majority of the citizens support the government’s planto build a new library.3)这两个国家之所以能够成功地达成科学技术合作协定是因为有利于他们进行合作的好几种因素一直在发挥作用The two countries could reach agreement successfully on scientific and technological cooperation because several factors favorable to their cooperation had been at work.4)我在上小学时就看过那部电影,可就是一时想不起它的名字来I saw the film when I was in the primary school, but the title just won’t come to mindfor the moment.5)尽管他每天平均工作12个小时,他仍然陷于重重债务之中He has been stuck with heavy debt though he works about twelve hours every day on average.6)有必要知道他的身高吗?在我看来,这与他能否成为一个好律师没有关系Is it necessary to know his height? To me, it is not relevant to whether he can be a good lawyer or not.7)橱柜被安装到墙里,既节约空间,使用起来又方便The cupboard is built into the wall so that it both saves space and is convenient to use.8)这些工人挣的钱比我们多,可话又说回来,他们的工作也比我们危险的多These workers earn more than we do, but the other side of the coin is their job is moreDangerous.三1)大多数人都坚信法庭一定会严惩那些银行抢劫犯Most people strongly believe that the court will no doubt punish the bank robbers Severely3)根据所获得的情报,警察封锁了街道并且抓获了抢劫银行的罪犯Acting on the information they received, the police closed off the streets and caught the5)政府正在调查这么多人下岗的原因,并设法帮助下岗工人再就业The government is looking into the causes of so many layoffs and is trying to help the laid-off workers to be re-employed四(2)她对自己的新工作很满意,因为这份工作正好与她的兴趣相符 She is very satisfied with her new job as it coincides with her interests.4)为了把孩子们抚养成人,这位母亲真是经历了各种磨难To bring her children up, the mother really went through all kinds of hardships.(8)要是能得到大多数女生支持的话,你赢的选举成为学生会主席的机会是很大的If you can get the support of the majority of the girls, you stand a good chance of winning the election and becoming Chairman of the Students Union.五(3)那个年轻教师在激发学生努力学习方面很有技巧The young teacher is skilled at motivating his students to study hard.5)要在这家公司找到一个管理职位,你恐怕至少要和20个人竞争I’m afraid that you’ll have to compete with at least fifty people for an administrative5)要在这家公司找到一个管理职位,你恐怕至少要和20个人竞争I’m afraid that you’ll have to compete with at least fifty people for an administrative六4)我正准备把合同翻译成英语,突然意识到合同涉及的双方都是中国公司I was setting out to translate the contract into English when it dawned upon me that both4)我正准备把合同翻译成英语,突然意识到合同涉及的双方都是中国公司I was setting out to translate the contract into English when it dawned upon me that both10)她从小就努力按照父母的教导去生活,形成了一整套为人处事的行为准则From childhood, she tried to live by the teaching of her parents and gradually accumulated单项一7.In order to avoid possible infection by the unknown viruses ,the researchers are protected from head to foot with caps, face masks and white gowns. 为了避免可能感染未知病毒,研究人员正在保护从头到脚用帽子,口罩和白色长袍。
新世纪⾼等院校英语专业本科⽣系列教材综合教程4(第2版)U1~U8paraphrase与中译英答案1, Britain has been in too long a period of stillness without taking any particular action against the enemy.2, We are sure to experience both Triumph and Disaster, but must avoid clouding our judgment through exaggerating their importance.3, Never give in unless we are convinced that it is honourable and sensible for us to do so.4, Other nations thought that Britain was completely conquered.5, We will win as long as we hold on to the end.1. I had arranged for them to meet each other at the pub, but the young man never turned up.2. You cannot tell merely from appearances whether things will turn out unfavourable to us or not.3. The soldier, who stood in the gap in every battle, gained the highest honors of the country.4. the chairman spoke so forcefully that the rest of the committee yielded to his opinion.5. They are well-to-do now, but along the way they had their ups and downs.6. There are two questions to which I will address myself in this lecture.7. We are planning a big Christmas party in your honour.8. Hearing that tune threw my mind back to my childhood.1. The phrase “personal space” has odd touch that was characteristic of the 1970s.2. In hot summer days people can be drawn to each other, especially to the opposite sex ( or feel disgusted with the closeness of others. )3. People in different regions are given different sizes of personal space.4. It is quite common that one person occupies a booth and a set of facing seats designed for four people.5. The author hopes that his own stand against the shrinking of personal space, while small in itself, will nonetheless eventually have a dramatic effect in the same way as the breeze from a butterfly’s wings in Japan, if it initiates a chain of waves, may eventually produce a tidal wave in California.1. The pigeon was wedged in the fork of a branch and it fell after a while.2. The payment that the motorist will have to make is proportional to the amount of damage he has done to the other person’s car.3. You can only enter the cave by inching through a narrow tunnel on your stomach.4. She stammered some apology for entering my office without knocking as she sidled towards thedoor.5. He took pains to explain to me that I was not being dismissed because I didn’t do my work well but because the company was confronted by financial troubles.6. The enlistment of young soldiers infused new hope and morale into the army.7. Once the older boys stake a claim to the lawn, the younger ones had to give way to them to avoid conflict.8. The man following her made her uneasy and she couldn’t help quickening her steps.1. As the Internet can be reached and used with relatively few restrictions, it plays a role in connecting people globally, which is comparable to traveling through international waterways.2. A lot of people talk about the "new information age", but not so many people are acquainted withthe idea that the Internet separates people from each other and fragments society further as a result.3. I think that in our society the top priority is given to the satisfaction of one's immediate needs. The Internet is the best means to achieve this purpose, for on the Internet one can do whatever he likes to.1, There's no denying that smoking is addictive. And once you are addicted, it's very difficult to get rid of the habit.2, In a Japanese-made video game, players can simulate the experience of AIDS from HIV infection until death.3, I’m sure he was in earnest when he said that you could use this money to continue your study of music.4, We can only increase production at the expense of quality, which could ruin the company's reputation.5, She is not often given to anger, but this time she really lost her temper.6, A teacher of foreign language should possess at the very least a graduate degree from a certified education school or institute if he is to teach high school.7, I soon perceived that I couldn't make him change his mind.1, The responsibility was therefore placed on Yamahata's shoulders to record the effects systematically and incidentally with a great and simple artistry.2, That vanished city rather than its remains represents the true measure of the event.3, In the photographs Nagasaki regains its own status.4, The human imagination had been exhausted and stopped at the wreckage of the first ruined city and failed to reach even the outskirts of Nagasaki.5, Apart from the pictures of Nagasaki we seem to need some other picture to inspire in us a hope of life to counterbalance the sense of doom suggested by the ruined Nagasaki.1. Their cattle were branded with the letter C.2. In this season Brooks has really come into his own as a goal scorer.3. An economic crisis is hanging over that country.4. He is the man who really gives the order, but he always remains in the background.5. After dispatching the messenger, what is left for us to do is nothing but to wait.6. You just have to call and he's here in a flash.7. They have lived in the shadow of war for totally seventeen years.8. These are the last seven Northeast Tigers in existence. If human beings failed to protect them, the tigers of this species would face extinction.1, Slowly, the movie gave a panoramic picture of the characteristics of friendship.2, This was not simply a shift from one fashion to another, but a trend toward more realistic and natural depictions in cinema-making.3, The tendency to present only men as capable of true friendship was challenged by the appearance of a more subtleapproach.4, Buddies act tough to show off to each other, so would not reveal weakness; friends show their need for each other and are ready to confess weakness.1. Your remarks do make sense, but the way of expression borders on rudeness.2. Any unemployed person counts as deserving government help.3, On the whole I am quite satisfied with the experiment.4. A person's appearance makes a difference in how others judge him.5. Advertising tends to portray women in very traditional roles.6. Having inherited a considerable fortune, the twin sisters just couldn't wait to show off their jewelry.7, Public interests once again shifted its focus to the changes in the urban environment.8, The new type of trains can run smoothly at the speed of about 500 kilometres per hour; in contrast, the old ones are slow and clumsy.1, July 4 is one of the times I, as a native American, feel instinctively uneasy about the great gaps in our children’s understanding of their American identity, and thus I am motivated to do something to fill the gaps.2, And living away from our native country does not matter much.3, In the days when I lived in France as an expatriated child, French children were dressed in the unique French style, thus looking quite different from their counterparts in other countries.4, Full immersion in a truly foreign world no longer seems possible in Western countries, and I think this is a deplorable impact of globalization upon the growth of children in a foreign country. 1, The hall resonated with the notes of the trumpet solo.2, I saw, in my mind's eye, the pale face of the mother when she heard the news of her son's death. 3, The way he walks reminds me of the way his father used to walk.4, I mixed the dates up and arrived on the wrong way.5, Her heart swelled with pride when she learned that her daughter had been admitted by Oxford University.6,Theoretically speaking, the whole population should have direct access to information without waiting for its being filtered by the government or the media.7, Democrats have launched a campaign to win women voters in this presidential election.8, After he inherited his father's estate, he was immersed in all kinds of sensuous pleasures.1.He almost had no sense of responsibility.2.He wrote large numbers of letters begging for money. In some letters he was servile withoutshame, and in other letters he loftily offered his targeted benefactor the privilege of contributing to his support. If the recipient refused to accept his offer, i.e. refused to lend him money, he would fly into a rage.3.He would use his influence on as many people as possible in order to meet some admirer of hiswho was only too glad to offer him his help.4.Since Wagner was driven by such tremendous forces, it is no surprise that he didn’t behave likea normal human being.1, For the sake of your family, you should look before you leap and not take so many risks.2. I feel a bit out of sorts after last night's heavy drink.3. His father pulled endless wires and got him a position in an inflated government department.4. If you read his letter carefully, you can find his real intention between the lines.5. I knew I was downright rude to him, but I found excuses for myself.6. Many of the outstanding figures of the past were exceptionally versatile men. Leonardo da Vinci, for instance, rolled a painter and an inventor into one.7. He finally killed himself after being under the torment of insomnia for many years.8. He was dumb with amazement.1. “Yes, I am going down,”he says, meaning literally that he is going down with the bed butmetaphorically that his physical condition is doing from bad to worse.2. The wild, relaxed laughter is a totally new sound in the world that nobody has ever heard. The joyful laughter could even give a promising future to caner patients.3. The aide looks across at me, shaking her head to express her frustration and pursing her lips to signal her annoyance.1. Searchlights fingered across the black water.2. Since a robbery happened in this building, the night watchman has become more careful and makes his rounds once every hour.3. He stuck to his plan, though there was nothing left to prop him up.4. He is paid by the police to spy on the activities of the terrorists.5. In time they will come to accept the harsh reality.6. That man’s behavior looks very suspicious. He is pretending to sleep, but now and then he steals a furtive glance at the passers-by.7. The social and economic changes that have taken place in this country are so sweeping that it has dwarfed all its neighbors.8. In the dim light of the daybreak, I saw a dark shape looming athwart the door.。
Unit.1Shortly after the government’s new policy was put into effect , the economy of our co untry began to show signs of recovery. 后不久,政府的新政策付诸实施,我国经济开始出现复苏迹象。
2. The citizens have called upon the local authorities to minimize environmental destr uction by banning the use of all poisonous chemicals immediately. 市民呼吁地方当局立即禁止所有有毒化学物质的使用,以尽量减少对环境的破坏3. It’s known to all that military bases are off limits to outsiders. 它是已知的限制外人的所有军事基地。
4. She never participated in any violent sports games in fear of getting injured. 她从来不参加任何剧烈运动游戏中得到受伤的恐惧。
5. It seems that all of us are rushing around trying to get things done in a hurry—we all need to slow down and take it easy. 看来,我们所有人都在四处奔波,试图把事情做在赶时间,我们都需要慢下来,很容易。
6. Many trees in this area have been cut down to make room for buildings ,which has worsened our living environment. 在这一领域的许多树木被砍伐,使建筑物的房间,我们的生活环境恶化。
新世纪综合教程4 中英翻译
一1)这个村子离边境很近,村民们一直担心会受到敌人的攻击The village is so close to the border that the villagers live in constant fear of attacks1)这个村子离边境很近,村民们一直担心会受到敌人的攻击The village is so close to the border that the villagers live in constant fear of attacks10)我们不能到那里散步,因为那里有一个海军基地,禁止游客进入We can’t go there for a walk because there is navy base there, which is off limits to二4)我在上小学时就看过那部电影,可就是一时想不起它的名字来I saw the film when I was in the primary school, but the title just won’t come to mind6)有必要知道他的身高吗?在我看来,这与他能否成为一个好律师没有关系Is it necessary to know his height? To me, it is not relevant to whether he can be a good lawyer or notstart business on time.10)我们不能到那里散步,因为那里有一个海军基地,禁止游客进入We can’t go there for a walk because there is navy base there, which is off limits to tourists.1) 他的确懂得很多理论,但是,一碰到实际工作就显得非常无知He really knows a lot about theory, but when it comes to actual work, he seems to be quite ignorant.2)最新调查表明,大多数市民支持政府再建立一个新图书馆的计划The latest survey shows that the majority of the citizens support the government’s planto build a new library.3)这两个国家之所以能够成功地达成科学技术合作协定是因为有利于他们进行合作的好几种因素一直在发挥作用The two countries could reach agreement successfully on scientific and technological cooperation because several factors favorable to their cooperation had been at work.4)我在上小学时就看过那部电影,可就是一时想不起它的名字来I saw the film when I was in the primary school, but the title just won’t come to mindfor the moment.5)尽管他每天平均工作12个小时,他仍然陷于重重债务之中He has been stuck with heavy debt though he works about twelve hours every day on average.6)有必要知道他的身高吗?在我看来,这与他能否成为一个好律师没有关系Is it necessary to know his height? To me, it is not relevant to whether he can be a good lawyer or not.7)橱柜被安装到墙里,既节约空间,使用起来又方便The cupboard is built into the wall so that it both saves space and is convenient to use.8)这些工人挣的钱比我们多,可话又说回来,他们的工作也比我们危险的多These workers earn more than we do, but the other side of the coin is their job is moreDangerous.三1)大多数人都坚信法庭一定会严惩那些银行抢劫犯Most people strongly believe that the court will no doubt punish the bank robbers Severely3)根据所获得的情报,警察封锁了街道并且抓获了抢劫银行的罪犯Acting on the information they received, the police closed off the streets and caught the5)政府正在调查这么多人下岗的原因,并设法帮助下岗工人再就业The government is looking into the causes of so many layoffs and is trying to help the laid-off workers to be re-employed四(2)她对自己的新工作很满意,因为这份工作正好与她的兴趣相符 She is very satisfied with her new job as it coincides with her interests.4)为了把孩子们抚养成人,这位母亲真是经历了各种磨难To bring her children up, the mother really went through all kinds of hardships.(8)要是能得到大多数女生支持的话,你赢的选举成为学生会主席的机会是很大的If you can get the support of the majority of the girls, you stand a good chance of winning the election and becoming Chairman of the Students Union.五(3)那个年轻教师在激发学生努力学习方面很有技巧The young teacher is skilled at motivating his students to study hard.5)要在这家公司找到一个管理职位,你恐怕至少要和20个人竞争I’m afraid that you’ll have to compete with at least fifty people for an administrative5)要在这家公司找到一个管理职位,你恐怕至少要和20个人竞争I’m afraid that you’ll have to compete with at least fifty people for an administrative六4)我正准备把合同翻译成英语,突然意识到合同涉及的双方都是中国公司I was setting out to translate the contract into English when it dawned upon me that both4)我正准备把合同翻译成英语,突然意识到合同涉及的双方都是中国公司I was setting out to translate the contract into English when it dawned upon me that both10)她从小就努力按照父母的教导去生活,形成了一整套为人处事的行为准则From childhood, she tried to live by the teaching of her parents and gradually accumulated单项一7.In order to avoid possible infection by the unknown viruses ,the researchers are protected from head to foot with caps, face masks and white gowns. 为了避免可能感染未知病毒,研究人员正在保护从头到脚用帽子,口罩和白色长袍。
新世纪高等院校英语专业本科生系列教材综合教程4(第2版) U1~U8 paraphrase与中译英答案
1, Britain has been in too long a period of stillness without taking any particular action against the enemy.2, We are sure to experience both Triumph and Disaster, but must avoid clouding our judgment through exaggerating their importance.3, Never give in unless we are convinced that it is honourable and sensible for us to do so.4, Other nations thought that Britain was completely conquered.5, We will win as long as we hold on to the end.1. I had arranged for them to meet each other at the pub, but the young man never turned up.2. You cannot tell merely from appearances whether things will turn out unfavourable to us or not.3. The soldier, who stood in the gap in every battle, gained the highest honors of the country.4. the chairman spoke so forcefully that the rest of the committee yielded to his opinion.5. They are well-to-do now, but along the way they had their ups and downs.6. There are two questions to which I will address myself in this lecture.7. We are planning a big Christmas party in your honour.8. Hearing that tune threw my mind back to my childhood.1. The phrase “personal space” has odd touch that was characteristic of the 1970s.2. In hot summer days people can be drawn to each other, especially to the opposite sex ( or feel disgusted with the closeness of others. )3. People in different regions are given different sizes of personal space.4. It is quite common that one person occupies a booth and a set of facing seats designed for four people.5. The author hopes that his own stand against the shrinking of personal space, while small in itself, will nonetheless eventually have a dramatic effect in the same way as the breeze from a butterfly’s wings in Japan, if it initiates a chain of waves, may eventually produce a tidal wave in California.1. The pigeon was wedged in the fork of a branch and it fell after a while.2. The payment that the motorist will have to make is proportional to the amount of damage he has done to the other person’s car.3. You can only enter the cave by inching through a narrow tunnel on your stomach.4. She stammered some apology for entering my office without knocking as she sidled towards thedoor.5. He took pains to explain to me that I was not being dismissed because I didn’t do my work well but because the company was confronted by financial troubles.6. The enlistment of young soldiers infused new hope and morale into the army.7. Once the older boys stake a claim to the lawn, the younger ones had to give way to them to avoid conflict.8. The man following her made her uneasy and she couldn’t help quickening her steps.1. As the Internet can be reached and used with relatively few restrictions, it plays a role in connecting people globally, which is comparable to traveling through international waterways.2. A lot of people talk about the "new information age", but not so many people are acquainted withthe idea that the Internet separates people from each other and fragments society further as a result.3. I think that in our society the top priority is given to the satisfaction of one's immediate needs. The Internet is the best means to achieve this purpose, for on the Internet one can do whatever he likes to.1, There's no denying that smoking is addictive. And once you are addicted, it's very difficult to get rid of the habit.2, In a Japanese-made video game, players can simulate the experience of AIDS from HIV infection until death.3, I’m sure he was in earnest when he said that you could use this money to continue your study of music.4, We can only increase production at the expense of quality, which could ruin the company's reputation.5, She is not often given to anger, but this time she really lost her temper.6, A teacher of foreign language should possess at the very least a graduate degree from a certified education school or institute if he is to teach high school.7, I soon perceived that I couldn't make him change his mind.1, The responsibility was therefore placed on Yamahata's shoulders to record the effects systematically and incidentally with a great and simple artistry.2, That vanished city rather than its remains represents the true measure of the event.3, In the photographs Nagasaki regains its own status.4, The human imagination had been exhausted and stopped at the wreckage of the first ruined city and failed to reach even the outskirts of Nagasaki.5, Apart from the pictures of Nagasaki we seem to need some other picture to inspire in us a hope of life to counterbalance the sense of doom suggested by the ruined Nagasaki.1. Their cattle were branded with the letter C.2. In this season Brooks has really come into his own as a goal scorer.3. An economic crisis is hanging over that country.4. He is the man who really gives the order, but he always remains in the background.5. After dispatching the messenger, what is left for us to do is nothing but to wait.6. You just have to call and he's here in a flash.7. They have lived in the shadow of war for totally seventeen years.8. These are the last seven Northeast Tigers in existence. If human beings failed to protect them, the tigers of this species would face extinction.1, Slowly, the movie gave a panoramic picture of the characteristics of friendship.2, This was not simply a shift from one fashion to another, but a trend toward more realistic and natural depictions in cinema-making.3, The tendency to present only men as capable of true friendship was challenged by the appearance of a more subtle approach.4, Buddies act tough to show off to each other, so would not reveal weakness; friends show their need for each other and are ready to confess weakness.1. Your remarks do make sense, but the way of expression borders on rudeness.2. Any unemployed person counts as deserving government help.3, On the whole I am quite satisfied with the experiment.4. A person's appearance makes a difference in how others judge him.5. Advertising tends to portray women in very traditional roles.6. Having inherited a considerable fortune, the twin sisters just couldn't wait to show off their jewelry.7, Public interests once again shifted its focus to the changes in the urban environment.8, The new type of trains can run smoothly at the speed of about 500 kilometres per hour; in contrast, the old ones are slow and clumsy.1, July 4 is one of the times I, as a native American, feel instinctively uneasy about the great gaps in our children’s understanding of their American identity, and thus I am motivated to do something to fill the gaps.2, And living away from our native country does not matter much.3, In the days when I lived in France as an expatriated child, French children were dressed in the unique French style, thus looking quite different from their counterparts in other countries.4, Full immersion in a truly foreign world no longer seems possible in Western countries, and I think this is a deplorable impact of globalization upon the growth of children in a foreign country. 1, The hall resonated with the notes of the trumpet solo.2, I saw, in my mind's eye, the pale face of the mother when she heard the news of her son's death. 3, The way he walks reminds me of the way his father used to walk.4, I mixed the dates up and arrived on the wrong way.5, Her heart swelled with pride when she learned that her daughter had been admitted by Oxford University.6,Theoretically speaking, the whole population should have direct access to information without waiting for its being filtered by the government or the media.7, Democrats have launched a campaign to win women voters in this presidential election.8, After he inherited his father's estate, he was immersed in all kinds of sensuous pleasures.1.He almost had no sense of responsibility.2.He wrote large numbers of letters begging for money. In some letters he was servile withoutshame, and in other letters he loftily offered his targeted benefactor the privilege of contributing to his support. If the recipient refused to accept his offer, i.e. refused to lend him money, he would fly into a rage.3.He would use his influence on as many people as possible in order to meet some admirer of hiswho was only too glad to offer him his help.4.Since Wagner was driven by such tremendous forces, it is no surprise that he didn’t behave likea normal human being.1, For the sake of your family, you should look before you leap and not take so many risks.2. I feel a bit out of sorts after last night's heavy drink.3. His father pulled endless wires and got him a position in an inflated government department.4. If you read his letter carefully, you can find his real intention between the lines.5. I knew I was downright rude to him, but I found excuses for myself.6. Many of the outstanding figures of the past were exceptionally versatile men. Leonardo da Vinci, for instance, rolled a painter and an inventor into one.7. He finally killed himself after being under the torment of insomnia for many years.8. He was dumb with amazement.1. “Yes, I am going down,”he says, meaning literally that he is going down with the bed butmetaphorically that his physical condition is doing from bad to worse.2. The wild, relaxed laughter is a totally new sound in the world that nobody has ever heard. The joyful laughter could even give a promising future to caner patients.3. The aide looks across at me, shaking her head to express her frustration and pursing her lips to signal her annoyance.1. Searchlights fingered across the black water.2. Since a robbery happened in this building, the night watchman has become more careful and makes his rounds once every hour.3. He stuck to his plan, though there was nothing left to prop him up.4. He is paid by the police to spy on the activities of the terrorists.5. In time they will come to accept the harsh reality.6. That man’s behavior looks very suspicious. He is pretending to sleep, but now and then he steals a furtive glance at the passers-by.7. The social and economic changes that have taken place in this country are so sweeping that it has dwarfed all its neighbors.8. In the dim light of the daybreak, I saw a dark shape looming athwart the door.。
U4工作、劳动和玩耍就我所知,汉娜 ·阿伦特小姐是界定工作和劳动之间本质区别的第一人。
一个职位是劳动还是工作, 并不取决于这个职位本身, 而是取决于占据这个职位的个人自己的情趣。
譬如,一个园丁或者鞋匠也许就是一个工作者, 而一个银行职员则可能是一个劳动者。
在一个现代化的技术社会里, 总人口中有多大比例的人能够像我一样有幸成为工作者呢?我估计大概有 16%,而且,我认为这个数字将来也不会增加。
技术和劳动的分工成就了两件事:通过在许多领域取消了特别才能和技术的需要, 把过去本来令人愉快的大量受雇职业的工作变成了令人厌倦的劳动;通过提高生产力, 缩短了劳动所需的时间。
新世纪大学英语综合教程4 课文翻译
Unit1 Text A人在自然界亚历山大·斯伯金人类生活在大自然的王国里。
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(turn up)I had arranged for them to meet each other at the pub,but the young m an never turned up.2.你无法仅凭表象判断形势是否会变得对我们不利。
(tell from appearance)You cannot tell merely from appearances whether things will turn out unfavourable to us or not.3.那个士兵每次打仗都冲锋在前,从而赢得了国家的最高荣誉。
(stand in the gap)The soldier,who stood in the gap in every battle,gained the highest ho nors of the country.4.主席讲话很有说服力,委员会其他成员都听从他的意见。
(yield to) The chairman spoke so forcefully that the rest of the committee yielded to his opinion.5.他们现在生活富裕了,但也曾经历坎坷。
(ups and downs)They are well-to-do now,but along the way they had their ups and dow ns.6.这次演讲我将说明两个问题。
(address oneself to)There are two questions to which I will address myself in this lecture.7.我们正筹划为你举办一次盛大的圣诞聚会。
(in sb.’s honour)We are planning a big Christmas party in your honour.8.听到那个曲子,我回想起了儿童时代。
(throw one’s mind back)Hearing that tune threw my mind back to my childhood.Unit21.那只鸽子被卡在树杈里,不多一会儿就跌落下来。
(wedge)The pigeon was wedged in the fork of a branch and it fell after a while. 2.驾车人该付多少钱需要根据他对别人车子造成损坏的程度而定。
(be proportional to)The payment that the motorist will have to make is proportional to the amount of damage he has done to the other person’s car.3.你只有伏在地上慢慢爬过一条狭长的地道才能进入山洞。
(inch) You can only enter the cave by inching through a narrow tunnel on your s tomach.4.她一面结结巴巴地为没有敲门就进入我的办公室而道歉,一面羞怯地朝门口走去。
(sidle)She stammered some apology for entering my office without knocking as she sidled towards the door.5.他尽力向我解释说不是因为我工作不好而解雇我,而是因为公司面临着财政困境。
(take pains to)He took pains to explain to me that I was not being dismissed because I d idn’t do my work well but because the company was confronted by finan cial troubles.6.年轻士兵的入伍给军队带来了新的希望并鼓舞了士气。
(infuse...into...)The enlistment of young soldiers infused new hope and morale into the army.7.一旦大一些的男孩子们声称草坪属于他们,小一些的孩子就只好退避三舍。
(stake a claim to)Once the older boys stake a claim to the lawn,the younger ones had to give way to them to avoid conflict.8.跟在她身后的人让她心神不安,她不由得加快了脚步。
(make sb.uneasy)The man following her made her uneasy and she could n’t help quickening her steps.Unit31.无可否认,香烟会使人上瘾。
(addict)There’s no denying that smoking is addictive.And once you are addicted,it’s very difficult to get rid of the habit.2.在日本人生产的一种电子游戏中,玩游戏的人可以模拟艾滋病患者从染上艾滋病毒直到死亡的经历。
(simulate)In a Japanese-made video game,players can simulate the experience of AIDS from HIV infection until death.3.我肯定,他说你可以用这笔钱继续学习音乐是认真的。
(in earnest) I’m sure he was in earnest when he said that you could use this moneyto continue your study of music.4.我们只能以牺牲质量为代价来提高产量,但这可能会损害公司的声誉。
(at the expense of)We can only increase production at the expense of quality,which could r uin the company’s reputation.5.她难得生气,不过这次她可真的是发脾气了。
(be given to)She is not often given to anger,but this time she really lost her temper.6.一名外语教师如果要在中学任教,他最起码要持有正规教育院校颁发的学位证书。
(at the very least)A teacher of foreign language should possess at the very least a graduat e degree from a certified education school or institute if he is to teach hi gh school.7.我很快觉察到我无法使他改变想法。
(perceive)I soon perceived that I couldn’t make him change his mind.Unit41.他们的牛都打上了字母C的烙印,所以很容易辨认。
Their cattle were branded with the letter“C”so that they could be easily identified.2.本赛季他真正发挥了一个的分手的作用。
In this season he has really come into his own as a scorer.3.一场经济危机正威胁着那个国家。
An economic crisis is hanging over that country.4.他是真正发号施令的人物,但他总是躲在幕后。
He is the man who really gives the order,but he always remains in the ba ckground.5.派出信使后,我们所能做的就只有等待了。
After dispatching the messenger,what is left for us to do is nothing but t o wait.6.你只要一叫,他马上就到。
You just have to call and he’s here in a flash.7.他们在战争的阴霾下整整生活了17年。
They have lived in the shadow of war for altogether seventeen years. 8.这些是现存的最后7只东北虎,如果人类不加以保护的话,这一种群的老虎将濒临灭亡。
These are the last seven Northeast Tigers in existence.If human beings fa iled to protect them,the tigers of this species would become distinct.Unit51.你的话的确有理,但你的表达方式近于粗暴。
Your remarks do make sense,but the way of expression borders on rude ness.2.失业人员都应该得到政府的帮助。
Any employed person counts at deserving government help.3.总的来说,我对这项实验是相当满意的。
On the whole I am quite satisfied with the experiment.4.一个人的外表会影响别人对他的看法。
A person’s appearance makes a difference in how others judge him.5.广告倾向于把妇女描绘成非常传统的角色。
Advertising tends to portray women in very traditional roles.6.刚刚继承了一大笔遗产的孪生姐妹急不可耐地炫耀她们的珠宝首饰。
Having inherited a considerable fortune,the twin sisters just couldn’t w ait to show off their jewelry.7.公众关注的中心再次转移到了城市环境的变化问题。