
give weapon_upgradepack_incendiary 燃烧子弹升级铁盒
give melee 猎人僵尸的手
give weapon_gnome 圣诞老人
give weapon_fireworkcrate 一盒烟花
sb_move 0 所有电脑队友停止移动
sb_escort 1 强制所有电脑队友保护你紧跟在你身边
sb_open_fire 1 强制所有电脑队友不停的开火
sb_crouch 1 强制所有电脑队友蹲下
sb_flashlight 1 强制所有电脑队友使用手电筒(-1为强制不使用)
sb_give * 给予所有电脑一个道具或武器(*代表物品名如fireaxe参见下面的道具参数)
upgrade_add Incendiary_ammo 获得燃烧子弹的升级效果
upgrade_add explosive_ammo 获得爆炸子弹的升级效果
sb_give_random_weapon 给每个电脑随机分配一把武器
cl_showfps 1 显示帧数(1=显示帧数和地图名2=显示帧数和平滑率3=服务器信息4=显示帧数和日志文件)
thirdpersonshoulder 第三人称模式(再输入一次可还原为第一人称)
nb_delete_all 踢掉所有电脑队友和附近的僵尸和所有的特殊僵尸(但是所有的僵尸还是会刷新)
give weapon_sniper_awp 麦格农大型狙击枪(CS隐藏武器重新读取地图才有伤害)
give weapon_sniper_scout 斯太尔小型狙击枪(CS隐藏武器重新读取地图才有伤害)

god 1 无敌noclip 穿墙sv_infinite_ammo 1 无限弹药不换弹夹give health 加满血give ammo 加满弹夹melee_range 70 (预设为70)近战武器的伤害范围数值越高能砍得越远sb_dont_bash 1 强制电脑队友不用手推sb_dont_shoot 1 强制电脑队友不开枪sb_takecontrol * 游戏中在4个人物之间切换控制(*代表Ellis,Nick,Rochelle,Coach也可以不要后缀为随机切换)sb_move 0 所有电脑队友停止移动sb_escort 1 强制所有电脑队友保护你紧跟在你身边sb_open_fire 1 强制所有电脑队友不停的开火sb_crouch 1 强制所有电脑队友蹲下sb_flashlight 1 强制所有电脑队友使用手电筒(-1为强制不使用)sb_give * 给予所有电脑一个道具或武器(*代表物品名如fireaxe参见下面的道具参数) sb_give_random_weapon 给每个电脑随机分配一把武器cl_showfps 1 显示帧数(1=显示帧数和地图名2=显示帧数和平滑率3=服务器信息4=显示帧数和日志文件)thirdpersonshoulder 第三人称模式(再输入一次可还原为第一人称)nb_delete_all 踢掉所有电脑队友和附近的僵尸和所有的特殊僵尸(但是所有的僵尸还是会刷新)nb_blind 1 所有电脑僵尸都看不到你(但是撞到僵尸还是会攻击你)cl_drawhud 0 关闭所有的界面包括准星(现实模式)---------------------------------------------z_add 创造一个普通僵尸z_spawn jockey 创造一个Jockey骑头怪z_spawn charger 创造一个Charger小坦克z_spawn spitter 创造一个Spitter口水婆z_spawn hunter 创造一个Hunter猎人怪z_spawn smoker 创造一个Smoker烟怪z_spawn boomer 创造一个Boomer爆炸怪z_spawn tank 创造一个Tank大坦克z_spawn witch 创造一个Witch女巫z_speed 250 普通僵尸的移动速度z_health 50 普通僵尸的生命值z_tank_health 4000 Tank大坦克的生命值z_tank_speed 210 Tank大坦克的移动速度z_witch_speed 300 Witch女巫的移动速度z_witch_health 1000 Witch女巫的生命值z_witch_damage 100 Witch女巫的伤害值z_exploding_health 50 Boomer爆炸怪的生命值z_exploding_speed 175 Boomer爆炸怪的移动速度z_gas_health Smoker烟怪的生命值z_gas_speed Smoker烟怪的移动速度z_hunter_health 250 Hunter猎人怪的生命值z_hunter_speed 300 Hunter猎人怪的移动速度z_spitter_health 100 Spitter口水婆的生命值z_spitter_speed 210 Spitter口水婆的移动速度z_charger_health 600 Charger小坦克的生命值z_charge_max_speed Charger小坦克的移动速度z_charge_max_damage Charger小坦克的摔击伤害z_jockey_health 325 Jockey骑头怪的生命值z_jockey_speed 250 Jockey骑头怪的移动速度z_jockey_ride_damage Jockey骑头怪的每秒伤害z_special_spawn_interval 45 刷新特殊僵尸的时间间隔---------------------------------------------------------- upgrade_add Incendiary_ammo 获得燃烧子弹的升级效果upgrade_add explosive_ammo 获得爆炸子弹的升级效果upgrade_add laser_sight 获得激光瞄准的升级效果----------------------------------------------------------- give adrenaline 肾上腺素针give defibrillator 电震仪器give first_aid_kit 医药包give pain_pills 药丸give gascan 汽油红桶give propanetank 煤气罐give oxygentank 氧气瓶give pipe_bomb 炸弹give molotov 燃烧酒瓶give vomitjar 胆汁瓶give autoshotgun 1代的连发散弹枪give shotgun_spas 2代的连发散弹枪give pumpshotgun 1代的单发散弹枪give shotgun_chrome 2代的单发散弹枪give hunting_rifle 1代的连狙give sniper_military 2代的连狙give rifle M16步枪give rifle_ak47 AK47步枪give rifle_desert SCAR步枪give smg 小型冲锋枪give smg_silenced 消声器小型冲锋枪give pistol 手枪give pistol_magnum 玛格南手枪give crowbar 铁撬棍(仅限第1、2、4大关战役可用)give fireaxe 斧头(仅限第1、2、4大关战役可用)give katana 东洋武士刀(仅限第1、2、4大关战役可用)give weapon_chainsaw 电锯give weapon_grenade_launcher 榴弹发射器give cricket_bat 板球棒(仅限第1、3大关战役可用)give baseball_bat 棒球棍(不可用或未知)give frying_pan 平底锅(仅限第3、4、5大关战役可用)give electric_guitar 电吉他(仅限第2、5大关战役可用)give tonfa 警棍(仅限第5大关战役可用)give machete 砍刀(仅限第3、5大关战役可用)give weapon_upgradepack_explosive 爆炸子弹升级铁盒give weapon_upgradepack_incendiary 燃烧子弹升级铁盒give melee 猎人僵尸的手give weapon_gnome 圣诞老人give weapon_fireworkcrate 一盒烟花give weapon_sniper_awp 麦格农大型狙击枪(CS隐藏武器重新读取地图才有伤害)give weapon_sniper_scout 斯太尔小型狙击枪(CS隐藏武器重新读取地图才有伤害)give weapon_smg_mp5 MP5冲锋枪(CS隐藏武器重新读取地图才有伤害)give weapon_rifle_sg552 SIG SG552步枪(CS隐藏武器重新读取地图才有伤害)------------------------------------------------------------warp_all_survivors_here 所有人传送到你身边warp_all_survivors_to_checkpoint 所有人传送到CHECKPOIN(好像就是终点安全门) warp_all_survivors_to_finale 所有人传送到最后一关(不太明白)warp_to_start_area 所有人传送到下一关(可是每次起点安全门)引用:以上指令为相对高级,因为会涉及修改配置文件,不过不用担心,因为只要退出游戏并重新进入就会恢复原状的。

BF2载具代码:载具TWEAK文件位置:X:\bf2\mods\bf2\Objects_server\Vehicle\Air空Land 陆sea海\XXXXusapc_lav25 美军装甲运兵车apc_btr90 中东装甲运兵车apc_wz551 解放军装甲运兵车ustnk_m1a2 美军M1A2艾布达姆斯主战坦克rutnk_t90 俄制T90主战坦克tnk_type98 中国98式主战坦克usair_f18 美军F18大黄蜂攻击机ruair_mig29 米格29攻击机air_j10 歼10歼击机usair_f15 美军F15鹰攻击机ruair_su34 SU-34鸭嘴兽攻击机air_su30mkk SU30MKK攻击机air_f35b 美军F35B攻击机usaav_m6 美军M6布莱德利防空战车aav_tunguska 俄制通古斯卡防空战车aav_type95 解放军95式防空战车usaas_stinger 美军毒刺防空导弹igla_djigit 解放军红箭防空导弹wasp_defence_front MK15密集阵wasp_defence_back MK15密集阵usthe_uh60 美军黑鹰直升机the_mi17 中东联军米17直升机chthe_z8 解放军直8直升机ahe_ah1z 美军超级眼镜蛇武装直升机ahe_havoc 中东联军米格18浩劫直升机ahe_z10 解放军直10武装直升机jeep_faav 美军突击车usjep_hmmwv 美军悍马吉普车jep_paratrooper 解放军伞兵突击车jep_mec_paratrooper 中东联军突击车jep_vodnik 中东联军吉普车jep_nanjing 解放军南京吉普车uslcr_lcac 未知,最好别动boat_rib 像皮艇wreck_btr90_static 中东装甲运兵车残骸(最好别动)wreck_f15_static 美军F15战机残骸(最好别动)wreck_uh60_static 美军黑鹰直升机残骸(最好别动)欧洲力量资料片:X:/bf2/mods/bf2/Levels/欧盟地图/server/Objects/Vehicles/xpak2_vehicles/XXXXxpak2_eurofighter 欧洲台风联合战机xpak2_tiger 欧洲虎式武装直升机xpak2_faav 欧盟突击车xpak2_hmmwv 欧盟悍马xpak2_lav25 欧盟装甲运兵车xpak2_tnkc2 英国挑战者2主战坦克xpak2_tnkl2a6 德国豹2A6式主战坦克装甲狂暴(复仇女神)资料片:X:/bf2/mods/bf2/booster_server/Vehicles/xpak2_vehicles/XXXX air_a10 美军A10攻击机air_su39 俄制苏39攻击机she_littlebird 美军小鸟侦察直升机she_ec635 欧洲联合直升机(中东联合军)che_wz11 解放军武直11侦察直升机xpak2_fantan 解放军强5(番摊)攻击机xpak2_musclecar 平民轿车xpak2_semi 平民挂车特种部队资料片:X:/bf2/mods/xpack/Objects_server/vehicles/xpak_vehicles/XXXX xpak_apache 阿帕奇武装直升机xpak_atv 未知车辆xpak_bmp3 俄罗斯装甲运兵车(使用坦克炮)xpak_civ1 平民车辆xpak_civ2 平民车辆xpak_forklift 未知车辆xpak_hummerTOW 反战车悍马(加装陶式导弹)xpak_jetski 未知车辆xpak_M1A2 M1A2特种主战坦克载具修改:ObjectTemplate.damage 武器的单发伤害值ObjectTemplate.material 武器的弹药材质100 载具血量,最多为9999100 载具血量,最多为9999设定弹夹中弹药的参数,-1为无限设置备用弹的,-1为无限载具装甲材质载具上下颠倒每秒受到的伤害载具在浅水每秒受到的伤害载具在深水每秒受到的伤害载具最大浅水深度载具最大深水深度载具爆炸冲击力载具最大爆炸冲击力载具爆炸伤害载具爆炸冲击波范围载具爆炸材质载具装甲材质(31:直升机装甲32:战机装甲71:轻型地面装甲72:重型地面装甲98:超重型装甲110:超轻型装甲怎样给载具添加雷达扫描,下面这段代码在战地2/mods/bf2/object_server.zip里面的Objects_server.zip\Vehicles\海或者陆或者空\具体坦克或者其他载具/载具名.tweak文件中,在rem ---BeginComp:Radio ---ObjectTemplate.createComponent Radiorem ---EndComp ---下加入rem ---BeginComp:Ability ---ObjectTemplate.createComponent Ability500 扫描范围(500范围可以扫描大半个16人地图)rem ---EndComp ---仅在1.41版本及以上可用(上面这段代码可能是加入无线电的技能,就是能使用无线电,应该任何载具都有的,也就是说,无论是越野车,还是装甲车,还是飞机还是橡皮艇都可以加入下面那段代码,增加雷达扫描)。

打开控制台输入Sv_C heats 1下面就是命令代码:go d 1 无敌no clip穿墙s v_inf inite_ammo 1 无限弹药不换弹夹giv e hea lth 加满血gi ve am mo 加满弹夹me lee_r ange70 (预设为70)近战武器的伤害范围数值越高能砍得越远s b_don t_bas h 1 强制电脑队友不用手推sb_do nt_sh oot 1强制电脑队友不开枪sb_t akeco ntrol * 游戏中在4个人物之间切换控制(*代表Elli s,Nic k,Roc helle,Coac h也可以不要后缀为随机切换)sb_mo ve 0所有电脑队友停止移动sb_e scort 1 强制所有电脑队友保护你紧跟在你身边sb_o pen_f ire 1强制所有电脑队友不停的开火sb_cr ouch1 强制所有电脑队友蹲下sb_flas hligh t 1 强制所有电脑队友使用手电筒(-1为强制不使用)sb_give * 给予所有电脑一个道具或武器(*代表物品名如f ireax e参见下面的道具参数) sb_give_rando m_wea pon 给每个电脑随机分配一把武器cl_show fps 1显示帧数(1=显示帧数和地图名2=显示帧数和平滑率3=服务器信息4=显示帧数和日志文件)thir dpers onsho ulder第三人称模式(再输入一次可还原为第一人称)nb_dele te_al l 踢掉所有电脑队友和附近的僵尸和所有的特殊僵尸(但是所有的僵尸还是会刷新)n b_bli nd 1所有电脑僵尸都看不到你(但是撞到僵尸还是会攻击你)cl_d rawhu d 0 关闭所有的界面包括准星(现实模式)---------------------------------------------z_add 创造一个普通僵尸z_spawn jock ey 创造一个Joc key骑头怪z_s pawncharg er 创造一个Cha rger小坦克z_spawn spit ter 创造一个Sp itter口水婆z_spaw n hun ter 创造一个Hu nter猎人怪z_spawn smok er 创造一个Smo ker烟怪z_sp awn b oomer创造一个Boome r爆炸怪z_spa wn ta nk 创造一个Tan k大坦克z_spa wn wi tch 创造一个Wi tch女巫z_sp eed 250 普通僵尸的移动速z_h ealth 50 普通僵尸的生命值z_tank_healt h 4000 Tan k大坦克的生命值z_tank_spee d 210 Tank大坦克的移动速度z_witc h_spe ed 300 Wit ch女巫的移动速度z_wit ch_he alth1000Witch女巫的生命值z_w itch_damag e 100 Witc h女巫的伤害值z_explo ding_healt h 50Boome r爆炸怪的生命值z_expl oding_spee d 175 Boom er爆炸怪的移动速度z_ga s_hea lth S moker烟怪的生命值z_g as_sp eed S moker烟怪的移动速度z_hunte r_hea lth 250 Hu nter猎人怪的生命值z_h unter_spee d 300 Hunt er猎人怪的移动速度z_sp itter_heal th 100 Spi tter口水婆的生命值z_s pitte r_spe ed 210 Spi tter口水婆的移动速度z_charg er_he alth600 C harge r小坦克的生命值z_char ge_ma x_spe ed Ch arger小坦克的移动速度z_char ge_ma x_dam age C harge r小坦克的摔击伤害z_joc key_h ealth 325Jocke y骑头怪的生命值z_jock ey_sp eed 250 Jo ckey骑头怪的移动速度z_jocke y_rid e_dam age J ockey骑头怪的每秒伤害z_spec ial_s pawn_inter val 45 刷新特殊僵尸的时间间隔----------------------------------------------------------up grade_addIncen diary_ammo获得燃烧子弹的升级效果up grade_addexplo sive_ammo获得爆炸子弹的升级效果upg rade_add l aser_sight获得激光瞄准的升级效果-----------------------------------------------------------gi ve ad renal ine 肾上腺素针givedefib rilla tor 电震仪器g ive f irst_aid_k it 医药包giv e pai n_pil ls 药丸give gasc an 汽油红桶gi ve pr opane tank煤气罐g ive o xygen tank氧气瓶g ive p ipe_b omb 炸弹giv e mol otov燃烧酒瓶givevomit jar 胆汁瓶gi ve au tosho tgun1代的连发散弹枪g ive s hotgu n_spa s 2代的连发散弹枪give pump shotg un 1代的单发散弹枪tgu n_chr ome 2代的单发散弹枪gi ve hu nting_rifl e 1代的连狙gi ve sn iper_milit ary 2代的连狙giverifle M16步枪giv e rif le_ak47 AK47步枪giverifle_dese rt SC AR步枪givesmg 小型冲锋枪givesmg_s ilenc ed 消声器小型冲锋枪giv e pis tol 手枪giv e pis tol_m agnum玛格南手枪giv e cro wbar铁撬棍(仅限第1、2、4大关战役可用)givefirea xe 斧头(仅限第1、2、4大关战役可用)giv e kat ana 东洋武士刀(仅限第1、2、4大关战役可用)give weap on_ch ainsa w 电锯giveweapo n_gre nade_launc her 榴弹发射器givecrick et_ba t 板球棒(仅限第1、3大关战役可用)givebaseb all_b at 棒球棍(不可用或未知)givefryin g_pan平底锅(仅限第3、4、5大关战役可用)give elec tric_guita r 电吉他(仅限第2、5大关战役可用)givetonfa警棍(仅限第5大关战役可用)give mach ete 砍刀(仅限第3、5大关战役可用)give weap on_up grade pack_explo sive爆炸子弹升级铁盒g ive w eapon_upgr adepa ck_in cendi ary 燃烧子弹升级铁盒gi ve me lee 猎人僵尸的手give weap on_gn ome 圣诞老人g ive w eapon_fire workc rate一盒烟花give weap on_sn iper_awp 麦格农大型狙击枪(CS隐藏武器重新读取地图才有伤害) give weap on_sn iper_scout斯太尔小型狙击枪(CS隐藏武器重新读取地图才有伤害) gi ve we apon_smg_m p5 MP5冲锋枪(CS隐藏武器重新读取地图才有伤害)gi ve we apon_rifle_sg552 SIG SG552步枪(C S隐藏武器重新读取地图才有伤害)。

sv_password - 伺服器密码
sv_lan - 是否用lan (0: no 1: yes)
sv_cheats - 开秘技 (0: no 1: yes)
sv_infinite_ammo - 无限弹(0: no 1: yes, 需要sv_cheats = 1才可使用)
melee - hunter只手(冇用)
molotov - 燃烧弹
oxygentank - 氧气樽
pain_pills - 止痛药
pipe_bomb - 土制铁管炸弹
pistol - 手枪
pistol_magnum - 麦格手枪
propanetank - 石油气
pumpshotgun - 普通散弹
z_common_limit - 同一时间最多出现的丧尸数
z_health - 普通丧尸生命值
survivor_crawl_speed - 游水的速度?(唔肯定)
survivor_crouch_speed - 蹲下走速度
survivor_limp_health - 此数值以下称为受伤(受伤挂)
upgrade_add LASER_SIGHT - 红外线瞄准
z_spawn <物种名>
(空白) - 普通丧尸
upgrade_explosive_bullet_force - 高爆弹力度(似乎对伤害力无帮肋, 只是中弹后会炸飞和轻轻撞后的分别)

《求生之路2》控制台命令(Survival Road 2 console commands)"Survival Road 2" console commandsExplain:Survival Road 2 (Left 4, Dead 2) console commandFor some commands that change the configuration file, I'll add a reminder. Please change it carefully, and change the money. Make sure to back up the configuration file (x:\left 4, dead, 2\left4dead2\cfg)Because we are afraid of getting too many, so that everyone dazzled, so only listed relatively practical instructions, I will continue to choose from the instructions, suitable for everyone to offer.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Press the "~" console to enterSetinfo _114223 114223Sv_cheats 0 closes cheating (default)Sv_cheats 1 opens cheatingSv_alltalk 0 opens global voice calls (default)Sv_alltalk 1 closes global voice calls* command "1" means open "0" to closeStatus game information, view this game, IP and players Ping game delayed viewConnect Connection? Specify IP as gameSensitivity 3 mouse speed (default)Volume 1 volume (default)The cl_showfps 1 screen displays the FPS values and map namesNet_graph 0,1,2,3 displays the current client parameters such as FPS, network connections, upload speed, download speed, and Ping valuesThirdpersonshoulder displays the third person perspective Firstperson displays first person perspectivePause pause gameKill suicide------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Create game------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hostname?? creates a game with the specified hostnameHostname Left 4 Dead 2 creates a game with the specified host called Left 4 Dead 2Map? Create a map and start the gameGame modeMap map name coop campaign modeMap map name versus Adversarial ModeMap map name realism realistic modeMap map name survival survival modeMap map name scavenge scavenger modeMap map name teamscavenge team scavenger modeMap map name teamversus team Adversarial ModeMap names are referenced below:Map c1m1_hotel the first map of the death CenterMap c2m1_highway the first map of the black CarnivalMap c3m1_plankcountry swamp battle first mapThe first map map c4m1_milltown_a mighty stormMap c5m1_waterfront Parish, the first mapChange the map in the gameChangelevel map names, players do not drop, change mapsChangelevel map name, game mode change, game mode, need to restart the game in order to enter into forceChange the difficulty of the gameZ_difficulty, Easy, Easy, Normal, Hard, Expert, corresponding to simple, ordinary, difficult, expertSurvivor_friendly_fire_factor_easy 0.2 simple difficulty teammate damage value (default: 0.2, off: 0)Survivor_friendly_fire_factor_normal 0.2 normal level teammate damage value (default: 0.2 off: 0)Survivor_friendly_fire_factor_hard 0.4 hard difficulty teammate damage value (default: 0.4 off: 0)Survivor_friendly_fire_factor_expert 1 expert difficulty teammate damage value (default: 1 off: 0)Survivor_burn_factor_easy 0.2 simple difficulty fire damage value (default: 0.2, off: 0)Survivor_burn_factor_normal 0.2 normal fire damage value (default: 0.2 off: 0)Survivor_burn_factor_hard 0.4, difficulty, fire damage value (default: 0.4, off: 0)Survivor_burn_factor_expert 1 expert difficulty fire damage (default: 1 off: 0)Administrator instruction:Say content speak [say everybody good] players will see the dialog box into the face: [Concole: Hello everyoneSay_team content is the same as aboveKick game player name TirenZ_difficulty Normal game difficulty (Easy, Normal, Hard, Impossible)Differences check your server settings and the default settings for server settingsRestart restart the game------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Cheating in video games------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------God 1 invincibleBuddha never diesNoclip through wallsImpulse 10 all weapons, bulletsGive health full of bloodGive ammo full clipRespawn the resurrection after death is limited to the resurrection of himself and the resurrection at birthSv_infinite_ammo 1 does not change the infinite ammo clipMelee_range 70 (preset 70) melee weapon damage range, the higher the value, the farther it cutsSb_dont_bash 1 forces computer teammates not to pushSb_dont_shoot 1 forces computer teammates not to shootIn sb_takecontrol * Games, switching between 4 characters (* stands for Ellis, Nick, Rochelle, Coach, and no suffix for random switching)Sb_move 0 all computer teammates stop movingSb_escort 1 forces all computer teammates to keep you close to youSb_open_fire 1 forces all computer teammates to keep firingSb_crouch 1 forces all computer teammates to crouchSb_flashlight 1 forces all computer mates to use flashlights (-1 is mandatory not to use them)Sb_give * gives all computers a prop or weapon (* stands for the item name, such as FireAxe, see the item parameters below)Sb_give_random_weapon assigns a weapon to each computer randomlyCl_showfps 1 display frames (1= display frames and 2= frames and smooth map display rate of 3= server 4= information display frames and log files)Thirdpersonshoulder third person model (again input to revert to the first person)Nb_delete_all kicked off all computer teammates and nearbyzombies and all special Zombies (but all zombies will refresh)Nb_blind 1, all computer zombies can't see you (but hit zombies or attack you)Cl_drawhud 0 off all interfaces including sight (real mode)------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Event controlThe director_force_panic_event outbreak of zombies runaway eventsDirector_panic_forever 1 zombie runaway event does not stop, the waves (default: 0) available on a command activation force, force or next outbreak.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Infection controlZ_add creates an ordinary zombieZ_spawn jockey creates a Jockey riding monsterZ_spawn charger creates a small Charger tankZ_spawn spitter creates a Spitter drool womanZ_spawn Hunter creates a Hunter hunter monsterZ_spawn smoker creates a Smoker smoke monsterZ_spawn Boomer creates a Boomer explosionZ_spawn tank creates a big Tank tankZ_spawn witch creates a Witch witchParameter modificationZ_speed 250 average zombie movement speedZ_health 50 Zombie's life valueZ_tank_health 4000 Tank large tank life valueZ_tank_speed 210 Tank large tank movement speedZ_witch_speed 300 Witch witch move speedZ_witch_health 1000 Witch witch's life valueZ_witch_damage 100 Witch witch damage valueZ_exploding_health 50 Boomer explosion monster's life valueZ_exploding_speed Boomer 175, the velocity of the explosion monsterThe life value of z_gas_health Smoker smoke monsterZ_gas_speed Smoker the moving speed of the smoke monsterZ_hunter_health 250 Hunter hunter monster's healthZ_hunter_speed 300 Hunter the speed of the hunter monsterZ_spitter_health 100 Spitter drool woman's health valueZ_spitter_speed 210 Spitter drool speedZ_charger_health 600 Charger small tank life valueZ_charge_max_speed Charger small tank movement speedZ_charge_max_damage Charger small tank hit damageZ_jockey_health 325 Jockey riding monster's life valueZ_jockey_speed Jockey 250, the speed of the riding monster Z_jockey_ride_damage Jockey riding monsters per second damageZ_special_spawn_interval 45 refreshes the interval of special zombiesGive * get 'supplements'PropsGive adrenaline adrenergic needleGive defibrillator electric shock instrument Give first_aid_kit medical packageGive pain_pills pillsGive Gascan gasoline Red BarrelGive propanetank gas tankGive oxygentank oxygen bottleGive pipe_bomb earth bombsGive Molotov combustion bottleGive vomitjar bile bottlefirearmsGive autoshotgun 1 volleying shotgunGive shotgun_spas 2 volleying shotgunGive pumpshotgun 1 generation single shotgun Give shotgun_chrome 2 generation single shotgunGive hunting_rifle 1 generation semi-automatic sniper rifleGive sniper_military 2 generation semi-automatic sniper rifleGive rifle M16 rifleGive rifle_m60 M60 machine gun needs 2 additional content licensesGive rifle_ak47 AK47 rifleGive rifle_desert SCAR rifleGive SMG small submachine gunGive smg_silenced silencing submachine gunGive pistol pistolGive pistol_magnum magnum pistolGive weapon_grenade_launcher gets grenade launcherCombat weaponGive crowbar iron (only first, second, fourth major battles available)Give FireAxe axe (only first, second, fourth battles are available)Give Katana (Wu Shidao Wodao) (only first, second, fourth mark campaign available)Give golfclub golf clubs need 2 additional content licensesGive chainsaw chainsawGive cricket_bat cricket stick (available for first, third major campaigns only)Give baseball_bat baseball bat (unavailable or unknown)Give frying_pan pan (available for only third, fourth, fifth close battles)给electric_guitar吉他(仅限第2、5大关战役可用)给棍警棍(仅限第5大关战役可用)把弯刀砍刀(仅限第3、5大关战役可用)给weapon_upgradepack_explosive爆炸子弹升级铁盒给weapon_upgradepack_incendiary燃烧子弹升级铁盒给近战猎人僵尸的手给weapon_gnome圣诞老人给weapon_fireworkcrate一盒烟花upgrade_add *武器升级upgrade_add incendiary_ammo获得燃烧子弹的升级效果upgrade_add explosive_ammo获得爆炸子弹的升级效果upgrade_add laser_sight获得激光瞄准的升级效果--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------隐藏武器,所有武器必须要重新读取地图才有伤害,例如过关后。

常用控制台设置命令及效果显示帧数与延迟显示命令(有三种显示方式,另外两种显示太过花俏不再列出):net_graph 1帧数与延迟显示字体大小:net_graphproportionalfont "0"(默认为1,改为0后即显示上图小字体)帧数与延迟显示位置:net_graphpos 1;net_graphpos 2;net_graphpos 3帧数与延迟显示位置微调:net_graphheight "XX";net_graphinsetbottom "XX";net_graphinsetleft "XX";net_graphinsetright "XX" (XX为具体数字从正到负皆可,具体看自身喜好。
)施法距离提示:dota_disable_range_finder 0 (默认为1,开启为0,超出施法距离会提示为红色路径)小地图英雄图标大小:dota_minimap_hero_size 1000 (默认为600,调整为1000后效果如下)英雄血量长度计量单位:dota_health_per_vertical_marker 250(250为默认显示,即在英雄头顶显示1格为250血量,数值可自行设定。
)右键反补:dota_force_right_click_attack 1 (关闭为0)游戏中修改名字:setinfo name "XXX" (搭配十六进制编辑器可弄出想要的神话字体)显示以英雄为圆心的同心园:dota_range_display 1200 (1200为设置的距离,任凭喜好自行设置。

1 什么是模组2 经常修改的几个文件2.1 单机AI相关2.2 地图相关2.3 载具、武器、士兵等等修改3 修改准备4 修改技巧[编辑]什么是模组引用自hongse007的原帖:/viewthread.php?tid=614&extra=page%3D2「MOD」,中文通常稱做「模組」,不過這並非module的簡稱,而是modification,原意為「修改」,縮寫取前三個字母,成為大家朗朗上口的MOD。
遊戲模組在既有的遊戲引擎架構下,改變遊戲的內容、玩法,除了多款《1942》《越南》中的大型模組都已在進行《戰地風雲2》模組的開發之外,也有不少全新的模組開發計劃投入,在結合了指揮體系以及小隊系統後,《戰地風雲2》的模組勢必很有看頭!所以說,若您之後開始覺得玩膩了《戰地風雲2》以及《特戰資料片》,也請各位好好保存這款遊戲,即使您沒有體驗過前作模組所帶來的樂趣,本作蓄勢待發的遊戲模組也絕對值得您期待![编辑]经常修改的几个文件[编辑]单机AI相关\mods\相应模组\AI\[编辑]地图相关\mods\相应模组\Levels\相应地图\server.zip\mods\相应模组\Levels\相应地图\server.zip[编辑]载具、武器、士兵等等修改\mods\相应模组\Objects_server.zip\mods\相应模组\Objects_client.zip\mods\相应模组\Menu_server.zip\mods\相应模组\Menu_client.zip坦克,吉普车,突击车等在Objects_server.zip\Vehicles\Land单兵武器,反坦克导弹(发射器)等在Objects_server.zip\Weapons\Handheld固定翼飞机和直升机在Objects_server.zip\Vehicles\Air固定武器(坦克,吉普车,突击车,碉堡机枪)等在Objects_server.zip\Weapons\stationary 飞机的导弹,反坦克导弹的导弹等在Objects_server.zip\Weapons\Armament\missiles [编辑]修改准备Winrar,用于解压缩和压缩相关的.ai .con .tweak等等涉及到的需要修改的文件都使用记事本打开即可[编辑]修改技巧如果修改完成,进入游戏发现读取到一半跳出,请使用窗口模式启动游戏,就可以在退出时看到错误信息进行相应的补救。
战地2 秘籍

放在游戏目录里f1 -无限的精力给你无限的耐力f2 -无限弹药给你无限弹药f3 -即时获得蓝色团队(笔记)蓝色团队立即赢得了一轮虽然在你赢得了一轮关掉开关在开始下一轮f4 -即时获得蓝色团队掉上面的欺骗下转f5 -即时赢得红团队(笔记)红团队立即赢得了一轮虽然在你赢得了一轮关掉开关在开始下一轮f6 -即时赢得红团队掉上面的欺骗下转f7??蓝色的团队从未赢得蓝色团队将永远无法赢得f8 -红团队从未赢得红团队将永远无法赢得f9 -禁用所有禁用一切。

修改子弹数量(以M95为例)找到以下这段rem ---BeginComp:DefaultAmmoComp ---ObjectTemplate.createComponent DefaultAmmoCompObjectTemplate.ammo.magSize 5 ——弹匣内子弹数量,-1为无限;ObjectTemplate.ammo.nrOfMags 7 ——弹匣数量,-1为无限;ObjectTemplate.ammo.reloadTime 6 ——换弹时间。
rem ---EndComp ---所有武器、载具的弹药数量都可以这么改。
狙击枪连射,不退弹壳(以M95为例)找到以下这段rem ---BeginComp:DefaultAnimationComp ---ObjectTemplate.createComponent DefaultAnimationComp /doc/ad13250506.html,eShiftAnimation 1 ——删掉这一行ObjectT emplate.animation.shiftDelay 1.8 ——删掉这一行rem ---EndComp ---接下来找到这段ObjectTemplate.activeSafe Sound S_ussni_m95_barret_Reload1P ObjectTemplate.modifiedByUser dsuObjectTemplate.soundFilename"objects/weapons/handheld/ussni_m95_barret/sounds/barr ett_1p_reload.wav, objects/weapons/handheld/ussni_m95_barret/sounds/barrett_shift_1p.wav"ObjectTemplate.loopCount 1ObjectTemplate.is3dSound 0ObjectTemplate.stopType 1ObjectTemplate.volume 0.75ObjectTemplate.pitch 1ObjectTemplate.pan 0.5ObjectTemplate.reverbLevel 1把”objects/weapons/handheld/ussni_m95_barret/sounds/b arrett_shift_1p.wav“删掉,只留下”objects/weapons/hand held/ussni_m95_barret/sounds/b arrett_1p_reload. wa v“注意,其它狙击枪"objects/weapons/handheld/ussni_m95_barret/sounds/barr ett_1p_reload.wav”和“objects/weapons/handheld/ussni_m95_barret/sounds/barrett _shift_1p.wav"可不一样,看类似的即可。

《传送门2》常用控制台指令《传送门2》常?控制台指令说明:(需要开启"启?作弊"模式)蓝?(不需要开启"启?作弊"模式)灰?(鸡肋功能)1.控制台开启?法:进?游戏,设置-?标/键盘-启?开发者控制台2."启?作弊"命令开启?法打开控制台"~"(?般键盘是e s c下?的按键)输?s v_c h e a t s1正版?户注意:在"启?作弊"模式下不可解锁成就3.如何使?启动选项正版?户:游戏库-右键p o r t a l-属性-设置启动选项盗版:建?p o r t a l2.e x e的快捷?式-右键快捷?式-属性-?标作弊策略类g o d?敌模式n o c l i p穿墙模式n o t a r g e t敌?停?进攻(其本质就是隐?)b u d d h a类似于?敌模式,会受伤但不会死亡k i l l?杀y飞?模式(鸡肋命令还不如?穿墙)i m p u l s e100打开?电筒(重新输?则关闭)i m p u l s e101获得所有武器(仅适?于p o r t a l不适?于p o r t a l2)i m p u l s e102?底下产??些碎?(其实是彩蛋)(包括?头,?脏,肺部,肌?,甚?是头盖?)(承受能?差的?请别试)s v_p o r t a l_p l a c e m e n t_n e v e r_f a i l1可以把传送门放在任何地?(0为默认值)强?推荐s v_g r a v i t y600改变重?(600为默认值)p o r t a l_d r a w_g h o s t i n g0关闭穿墙显?传送门位置功能武器类g i v e_p o r t a l g u n得到传送门枪道具类e n t_c r e a t e_p a i n t_b o m b_e r a s ee n t_c r e a t e_p a i n t_b o m b_j u m pe n t_c r e a t e_p a i n t_b o m b_p o r t a le n t_c r e a t e_p a i n t_b o m b_s p e e d(都是制造?些凝胶效果有兴趣的玩家??去试试吧)e n t_c r e a t e_p o r t a l_c o m p a n i o n_c u b e制造重?同伴?块e n t_c r e a t e_p o r t a l_r e?e c o r_c u b e制造重?枢轴?块(其实就是能折射激光的?块)e n t_c r e a t e_p o r t a l_w e i g h t e d_a n t i q u e制造?旧重?箱(旧实验室的古董) e n t_c r e a t e_p o r t a l_w e i g h t e d_c u b e制造普通重??块e n t_c r e a t e_p o r t a l_w e i g h t e d_s p h e r e制造重?球体逗游?——中国2亿游戏?户?致选择的”?站式“游戏服务平台。

c12m3_bridge 血腥收获_桥
c12m4_barn 血腥收获_火车站
c12m5_cornfield 血腥收获_农场
c13m1_alpinecreek 喋血寒川_山川
c13m2_southpinestream 喋血寒川_南松河
c13m3_memorialbridge 喋血寒川_断桥
c8m5_rooftop 毫不留情_屋顶
c9m1_alleys 坠机险途_小巷
c9m2_lots 坠机险途_停车场
c10m1_caves 死亡丧钟_收费公路
c10m2_drainage 死亡丧钟_水沟
c10m3_ranchhouse 死亡丧钟_教堂
c10m4_mainstreet 死亡丧钟_小镇
mutation4 【绝境求生】 4人合作 同屏最多8特,战役模式设定,每种特感的出现时间间隔20秒,特感刷新时间15秒,所以是8个槽位同时刷,每个槽位15-20秒刷一个,但特感刷新由导演系统控制,倒计时结束,不会不停的刷新。
mutation5 【四剑客】 4人合作 一出场只有4把武士刀
mutation7 【电锯帮】 4人合作 武器只有4个无限油的电锯
mutation8 【铁人意志】 4人合作 团灭以后直接回到大厅,不会重新开始某个小关游戏
mutation9 【侏儒卫队】 4人合作 玩家必须携带一个侏儒玩偶来躲避丧尸的攻击到达安全门
mutation10 【一人救赎】 4人合作 只有一个人能终关逃生
mutation11 【没有救赎】 8人对抗 全关没有包和药
z_spawn hunter 创造一个Hunter 猎人怪

.d o
O W !
c u -tr a c k
) ) ) )
map ( ) map versus map realism map survival map scavenge -------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------( ) c1m1_hotel 1. c1m2_streets 1. 1 2
.d o
z_spawn boomer Boomer .c ck c u -tr a z_spawn tank Tank z_spawn witch Witch z_speed 250 z_health 50 z_tank_health 4000 Tank z_tank_speed 210 Tank z_witch_speed 300 Witch z_witch_health 1000 Witch z_witch_damage 100 Witch z_exploding_health 50 Boomer z_exploding_speed 175 Boomer z_gas_health Smoker z_gas_speed Smoker z_hunter_health 250 Hunter z_hunter_speed 300 Hunter z_spitter_health 100 Spitter z_spitter_speed 210 Spitter z_charger_health 600 Charger z_charge_max_speed Charger z_charge_max_damage Charger z_jockey_health 325 Jockey z_jockey_speed 250 Jockey z_jockey_ride_damage Jockey z_special_spawn_interval 45 ---------------------------------------------------------upgrade_add Incendiary_ammo upgrade_add explosive_ammo upgrade_add laser_sight ----------------------------------------------------------give adrenaline give defibrillator give first_aid_kit give pain_pills give gascan give propanetank give oxygentank give pipe_bomb give molotov give vomitjar give autoshotgun 1 give shotgun_spas 2

求生之路2控制台命令按“~”控制台输入sv_che ats 0 关闭作弊(默认)sv_che ats 1 打开作弊sv_all talk0 打开全局语音通话(默认)sv_all talk1 关闭全局语音通话*命令中"1"表示打开"0"表示关闭status游戏信息,可查看本游戏IP和玩家ping 游戏延迟查看connec t ... 连接指定IP就行游戏sensit ivity3.0 鼠标速度(默认)volume1.0 音量(默认)cl_sho wfps1 屏幕显示fp s数值和地图名称net_gr aph 0,1,2,3 显示当前客户端参数如f ps 网络连接上传速度下载速度和p ing值pause暂停游戏kill 自杀------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 创建游戏------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------hostna me 创建指定主机名的游戏hostna me Left 4 Dead 2 创建指定主机名为"Left 4 Dead 2" 的游戏map 创建指定地图,并开始游戏游戏模式map 地图名coop 战役模式map 地图名 versus对抗模式map 地图名 realis m 写实模式map 地图名 surviv al 生存模式map 地图名 scaven ge 清道夫模式map 地图名 teamsc aveng e 团队清道夫模式map 地图名 teamve rsus团队对抗模式地图名参考如下:map c1m1_h otel死亡中心第一张地图map c2m1_h ighwa y 黑色狂欢节第一张地图map c3m1_p lankc ountr y 沼泽激战第一张地图map c4m1_m illto wn_a暴风骤雨第一张地图map c5m1_w aterf ront教区第一张地图游戏中更换地图change level地图名玩家不掉线更换地图change level地图名游戏模式更换游戏模式,需要重新开始游戏才能生效更改游戏难度z_diff icult y Easy Easy, Normal, Hard, Expert, 对应简单、普通、困难、专家surviv or_fr iendl y_fir e_fac tor_e asy 0.2 简单难度队友伤害值(默认:0.2 关闭:0)surviv or_fr iendl y_fir e_fac tor_n ormal0.2 普通难度队友伤害值(默认:0.2 关闭:0)surviv or_fr iendl y_fir e_fac tor_h ard 0.4 困难难度队友伤害值(默认:0.4 关闭:0)surviv or_fr iendl y_fir e_fac tor_e xpert1.0 专家难度队友伤害值(默认:1 关闭:0)surviv or_bu rn_fa ctor_easy0.2 简单难度火焰伤害值(默认:0.2 关闭:0)surviv or_bu rn_fa ctor_norma l 0.2 普通难度火焰伤害值(默认:0.2 关闭:0)surviv or_bu rn_fa ctor_hard0.4 困难难度火焰伤害值(默认:0.4 关闭:0)surviv or_bu rn_fa ctor_exper t 1 专家难度火焰伤害值(默认:1 关闭:0)管理员指令:say 内容说话[say 大家好]玩家会见到对话框入面: [Concol e: 大家好]say_te am 内容同上kick 玩家名踢人z_diff icult y Normal游戏难度(Easy, Normal, Hard, Imposs ible)differ ences查看你的伺服器设定与伺服器设定的预设值有什么不同restar t 重新开始游戏------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------游戏作弊------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------god 1 无敌buddha打不死noclip穿墙impuls e 10 全部武器,子彈give health加满血give ammo 加满弹夹respaw n 死亡后复活仅限于复活自己,且在出生点复活sv_inf inite_ammo1 无限弹药不换弹夹melee_range70 (预设为70)近战武器的伤害范围数值越高能砍得越远sb_don t_bas h 1 强制电脑队友不用手推sb_don t_sho ot 1 强制电脑队友不开枪sb_tak econt rol * 游戏中在4个人物之间切换控制(*代表Elli s,Nick,Rochel le,Coach也可以不要后缀为随机切换)sb_mov e 0 所有电脑队友停止移动sb_esc ort 1 强制所有电脑队友保护你紧跟在你身边sb_ope n_fir e 1 强制所有电脑队友不停的开火sb_cro uch 1 强制所有电脑队友蹲下sb_fla shlig ht 1 强制所有电脑队友使用手电筒(-1为强制不使用)sb_giv e * 给予所有电脑一个道具或武器(*代表物品名如firea xe参见下面的道具参数)sb_giv e_ran dom_w eapon给每个电脑随机分配一把武器cl_sho wfps1 显示帧数(1=显示帧数和地图名2=显示帧数和平滑率3=服务器信息4=显示帧数和日志文件)thirdp erson shoul der 第三人称模式(再输入一次可还原为第一人称)nb_d elete_all 踢掉所有电脑队友和附近的僵尸和所有的特殊僵尸(但是所有的僵尸还是会刷新) nb_bli nd 1 所有电脑僵尸都看不到你(但是撞到僵尸还是会攻击你)cl_dra whud0 关闭所有的界面包括准星(现实模式)------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------事件控制direct or_fo rce_p anic_event立即爆发僵尸暴走事件direct or_pa nic_f oreve r 1 僵尸暴走事件不停,即一波接一波(默认:0) 可用上一个命令激活生效,或者下一次爆发时生效。

合作模式建图命令:<死亡中心>map c1m1_hotel旅馆map c1m2_streets街道map c1m3_mall购物中心map c1m4_atrium中厅<黑色狂欢节>map c2m1_highway公路map c2m2_fairgrounds游乐园map c2m3_coaster过山车map c2m4_barns仓房map c2m5_concert音乐会<沼泽激战>map c3m1_plankcountry乡村map c3m2_swamp沼泽map c3m3_shantytown贫民窟map c3m4_plantation种植园<暴风骤雨>map c4m1_milltown_a城镇map c4m2_sugarmill_a糖厂map c4m3_sugarmill_b逃离糖厂map c4m4_milltown_b返回城镇map c4m5_milltown_escape逃离城镇<教区>map c5m1_waterfront码头map c5m2_park公园map c5m3_cemetery墓地map c5m4_quarter特区map c5m5_bridge大桥其它模式建图命令:对抗模式开图格式:MAP 地图名versus举例,这个是第1关对抗命令:map c1m1_hotel versus写实模式开图格式:MAP 地图名realism举例,这个是第1关写实命令:map c1m1_hotel realism生存模式开图格式:map 地图名survival举例,这个是第4关生存命令:map c1m4_atrium survival清道夫模式开图格式:map 地图名scavenge举例,这个是第4关清道夫命令:map c1m4_atrium scavenge其中生存和清道夫可选关卡:生存模式可选关卡1-4 (第1章第4关)2-1 2-4 2-53-1 3-44-1 4-25-2 5-5清道夫可选关卡1-42-13-14-1 4-25-2。

《求生之路2》控制台命令说明:求生之路2(Left 4 Dead 2)控制台命令对于一些会更改配置文件的命令我会加入提醒,请慎重修改,更改钱请务必备份配置文件(x: \left 4 dead 2\left4dead2\cfg)因为怕弄多了让大家眼花缭乱,所以只罗列了相对实用的指令,我会继续从指令中挑选适合给大家献上的。
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------按“~”控制台输入sv_cheats 0 关闭作弊(默认)sv_cheats 1 打开作弊sv_alltalk 0 打开全局语音通话(默认)sv_alltalk 1 关闭全局语音通话*命令中"1"表示打开"0"表示关闭status 游戏信息,可查看本游戏IP和玩家ping 游戏延迟查看connect ... 连接指定IP就行游戏sensitivity 3.0 鼠标速度(默认)volume 1.0 音量(默认)cl_showfps 1 屏幕显示fps数值和地图名称net_graph 0,1,2,3 显示当前客户端参数如fps 网络连接上传速度下载速度和ping值thirdpersonshoulder 显示第三人称视角firstperson 显示第一人称视角pause 暂停游戏kill 自杀------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------创建游戏------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------hostname 创建指定主机名的游戏hostname Left 4 Dead 2 创建指定主机名为"Left 4 Dead 2" 的游戏map 创建指定地图,并开始游戏游戏模式map 地图名coop 战役模式map 地图名versus 对抗模式map 地图名realism 写实模式map 地图名survival 生存模式map 地图名scavenge 清道夫模式map 地图名teamscavenge 团队清道夫模式map 地图名teamversus 团队对抗模式地图名参考如下:map c1m1_hotel 死亡中心第一张地图map c2m1_highway 黑色狂欢节第一张地图map c3m1_plankcountry 沼泽激战第一张地图map c4m1_milltown_a 暴风骤雨第一张地图map c5m1_waterfront 教区第一张地图游戏中更换地图changelevel 地图名玩家不掉线更换地图changelevel 地图名游戏模式更换游戏模式,需要重新开始游戏才能生效更改游戏难度z_difficulty Easy Easy, Normal, Hard, Expert, 对应简单、普通、困难、专家survivor_friendly_fire_factor_easy 0.2 简单难度队友伤害值(默认:0.2 关闭:0) survivor_friendly_fire_factor_normal 0.2 普通难度队友伤害值(默认:0.2 关闭:0)survivor_friendly_fire_factor_hard 0.4 困难难度队友伤害值(默认:0.4 关闭:0) survivor_friendly_fire_factor_expert 1.0 专家难度队友伤害值(默认:1 关闭:0)survivor_burn_factor_easy 0.2 简单难度火焰伤害值(默认:0.2 关闭:0) survivor_burn_factor_normal 0.2 普通难度火焰伤害值(默认:0.2 关闭:0) survivor_burn_factor_hard 0.4 困难难度火焰伤害值(默认:0.4 关闭:0) survivor_burn_factor_expert 1 专家难度火焰伤害值(默认:1 关闭:0)管理员指令:say 内容说话[say 大家好]玩家会见到对话框入面: [Concole: 大家好]say_team 内容同上kick 玩家名踢人z_difficulty Normal 游戏难度(Easy, Normal, Hard, Impossible)differences 查看你的伺服器设定与伺服器设定的预设值有什么不同restart 重新开始游戏------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------游戏作弊------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------god 1 无敌buddha 打不死noclip 穿墙impulse 10 全部武器,子弹give health 加满血give ammo 加满弹夹respawn 死亡后复活仅限于复活自己,且在出生点复活sv_infinite_ammo 1 无限弹药不换弹夹melee_range 70 (预设为70)近战武器的伤害范围数值越高能砍得越远sb_dont_bash 1 强制电脑队友不用手推sb_dont_shoot 1 强制电脑队友不开枪sb_takecontrol * 游戏中在4个人物之间切换控制(*代表Ellis,Nick,Rochelle,Coach也可以不要后缀为随机切换)sb_move 0 所有电脑队友停止移动sb_escort 1 强制所有电脑队友保护你紧跟在你身边sb_open_fire 1 强制所有电脑队友不停的开火sb_crouch 1 强制所有电脑队友蹲下sb_flashlight 1 强制所有电脑队友使用手电筒(-1为强制不使用)sb_give * 给予所有电脑一个道具或武器(*代表物品名如fireaxe参见下面的道具参数) sb_give_random_weapon 给每个电脑随机分配一把武器cl_showfps 1 显示帧数(1=显示帧数和地图名2=显示帧数和平滑率3=服务器信息4=显示帧数和日志文件)thirdpersonshoulder 第三人称模式(再输入一次可还原为第一人称)nb_delete_all 踢掉所有电脑队友和附近的僵尸和所有的特殊僵尸(但是所有的僵尸还是会刷新)nb_blind 1 所有电脑僵尸都看不到你(但是撞到僵尸还是会攻击你)cl_drawhud 0 关闭所有的界面包括准星(现实模式)------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------事件控制director_force_panic_event 立即爆发僵尸暴走事件director_panic_forever 1 僵尸暴走事件不停,即一波接一波(默认:0) 可用上一个命令激活生效,或者下一次爆发时生效。
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常见战地风云2控制台口令集锦常见战地风云2控制台口令集锦Console Commands(控制台命令)To open the BF2 in-game console press the '~' key (or the key above TAB)(按~键或者TAB键)to open/close the console. To see the list of command categories, press the TAB key twice. To see particular sub-types, enter the start of the command press TAB twice. E.g. enter renderer, then press TAB twice to see the renderer sub-class of commands.要在游戏中打开控制台,按~键或者TAB键来控制开或关,要看全部命令表的话按TAB2次,要观看普通(完整)命令?,在命令开始处按TAB2次,要进入渲染选项,然后按TAB2次,来观看渲染选项。
Renderer Commands(渲染命令--关系到画面)renderer.drawHud [0,1] - Turns the Heads Up Display (HUD) on or off.--渲染用户界面,0,1控制开或关。
renderer.drawConsole [0,1] - Turns off access to the in-game console if set to 0.---选0的话,会在游戏中关闭控制台renderer.drawFps [0,1] - Displays the current and average frames per second --(FPS) in the top left corner------在左上角显示帧数(相同设置下,FPS越高表示你机器越NB)Game Commands(游戏命令)game.sayAll [string] - Says the specified text in global chat----与所有玩家交谈game.sayTeam [number] [string] - Says the specified text in team chat--与同组玩家交谈game.lockFps [framerate] - Caps the game's maximum framerate to specified number----控制游戏最大帧数game.allowToggleFullscreen [0,1] - If set to 1 allows toggling of fullscreen/windowed mode game.toggleFullscreen - Toggles between fullscreen and windowed mode----------控制是否全屏Localprofile Commands-----本地文件命令localProfile.setName [name] - Sets the name for your current account-----更改目前帐户localProfile.setNick [nick] - Sets the nickname for your current account----更改当前帐户呢称localProfile.setGamespyNick [GameSpyNick] - Sets the GameSpy login name for your account---设置GAMESPY里面你的呢称localProfile.setEmail [email account] - Sets the email account for the current account---设置帐户的邮箱地址localProfile.setPassword [password] - Sets the password for the current account--为当前帐户设置密码localProfile.setNumTimesLoggedIn [number] - Sets the number of times the player has logged in with the current account----设置玩家自动登陆的次数localProfile.setTotalPlayedTime [seconds] - Sets the time the game has been played using the current account------设置游戏被当前帐户玩的次数localProfile.save - 存盘localProfile.addDemoBookmark [ ] ----增加录象的书签Globalsettings Commands---全局设定globalSettings.setDefaultUser [number] - Sets the profile to use, the first one being 0001, then 0002 etc.---设置要使用的档案,第一个以0001开始,第2个002,等等Sv Commands-----SV命令(一般是用来控制一些调整参数的,尤其是在服务器端在XXXX路径下)These commands are used to adjust server settings, particularly in the Serversettings.con file under your\Documents and Settings\[username]\MyDocuments\Battlefield 2 Demo\Profiles\[profile]\ directory. sv.allowNATNegotiation [0,1] -sv.interface -交流界面sv.timeBeforeRestarting [0,1] ----重新开局的时间sv.autoBalanceTeam [0,1] ---自动平衡sv.teamRatioPercent [0,1] ----队伍比率sv.autoRecord [0,1] ---自动记录sv.demoIndexURL [address] ----录象的路径sv.demoDownloadURL [address] ---录象下载路径sv.autoDemoHook ----自动切换录象sv.demoQuality ---录象质量sv.adminScript ----管理员脚本sv.sponsorText ---sv.sponsorLogoURL [address] -munityLogoURL [address] -交流图标地址sv.radioSpamInterval ---全局广播sv.radioMaxSpamFlagCount -广播最大丢包数sv.radioBlockedDurationTime [seconds] -广播被拦截时间eGlobalRank [0,1] -使用全球排名eGlobalUnlocks [0,1] -使用全球解锁Gamelogic Commands--游戏逻辑命令gameLogic.togglePause - Toggles pausing the game.--使用按键暂停游戏Settingsmanager Commands--设置控制命令These commands set a range of variables. E.g. SettingsManager.boolSet GSUseObjectCache 1. The command used must match the type of variable (e.g. .boolset for Boolean variables, .IntSet for variables requiring integer input, etc.)---这些命令设置了一组有范围的,多样的·#%%……—,物体缓存,基本不用管它)SettingsManager.stringSet ---SettingsManager.boolSet -SettingsManager.IntSet -SettingsManager.floatSet -浮点设置SettingsManager.u32Set -SettingsManager.stringGet -SettingsManager.boolGet -SettingsManager.intGet -SettingsManager.foatGet -SettingsManager.U32Get -Inputdevices Commands--输入设备控制InputDevices.setInvertAxis -颠倒飞行遥感InputDevices.setAxisScale -设置遥感比例Controlmap Commands---地图控制命令These settings should be used in the Controls.con file under your \Documents and Settings\[username]\MyDocuments\Battlefield 2 Demo\Profiles\[profile]\ directory.-这些命令应该在路径XXX下面使用controlMap.deleteControlMap ---删除地图controlMap.dump ---读取地图controlMap.setButtonRiseTime ---设置底段控制时间controlMap.SetButtonFallTime ---设置失败时间controlMap.SetDoubleTapTime -controlMap.addAxisToAxisMapping [string] -controlMap.addButtonsToAxisMapping [string] - controlMap.addKeyAndButtonToAxisMapping [string] - controlMap.addKeysToAxisMapping [string] - controlMap.addButtonToTriggerMapping [string] - controlMap.AddKeyToTriggerMapping [string] - controlMap.setAxisScale -设置比例?controlMap.setYawFactor -controlMap.setPitchFactor -controlMap.addAxisToTriggerMapping -controlMap.InvertMouse [0,1] - Set to 1 for inverted mouse, 0 for default mouse--反转鼠标,1是反,0是不反controlMap.mouseSensitivity [number] - Determines thesensitivity of the mouse--鼠标灵敏度controlMap.keyboardSensitivity [number] - Deterimes the sensitivity of the --键盘灵敏度keyboardMaplist Commands---地图列表命令These commands are used to manage lists of maps by server administrators.mapList.list - Lists map ID numbers, map name, game mode and the number of players if specified.--这些命令用来列出管理员的地图表mapList.configFile [new location for file] - Used to specify the location of the _mapList.con file. Default is \My Documents\Battlefield 2 Demo\ServerConfigs\mapList.load - Makes the server reload _mapList.con--用这个命令来定位于XXXXXX路径的地图mapList.save - Saves the current map list on the server to the file _mapList.con---保存目前地图mapList.mapCount - Shows the total number of maps in the current map list--列出目前地图总数mapList.currentMap - Shows the map list ID number of the current map being --列出目前地图名称mapList.clear - Clears the current map list-清空当前地图列表mapList.remove [map ID number] - Removes the specifiedmap from the map list--删除目前选中地图mapList.append [map name] [game mode] [number of players] - Add a new map to the end of the map list. You must specify the map name and game mode.--添加一个地图到列表末尾,你必须指明地图名称和游戏模式mapList.insert [map ID number] [map name] [game mode] [number of players] - Same as mapList.append command, but with this command you can specify at what map ID number to insert the new map into the list----和添加命令一样,但是这个命令你可以指定地图添加到列表中任意位置Admin Commands-----管理员命令These commands are used by server administrators.--管理员专用admin.listPlayers - Lists the players connected to the server, showing their name, ID number and IP number.----列出目前服务器上所有人员的名字,ID,和IPadmin.runNextLevel - Forces the server to end the round and start the next map in the map list.---强制服务器结束当前局,开始下一局admin.currentLevel - Shows the map list ID number for the current map being played.---列出当前地图的玩家IDadmin.nextLevel - Shows the map list ID number for the next map to be played.---列出下个地图的ID号码admin.restartMap - Restarts the current map.--重开局admin.banPlayer [player ID number] [timeout] - Enter the player ID number you want to ban. Bans the player from the server by using their IP address. The timeout value controls the length of the ban e.g. perm for permanent ban, round to ban them for the rest of the round, and 180 is 180 seconds (3 minutes).-----封锁某玩家ID号,封锁时间由你键如的值确定admin.banPlayerKey [player ID number] [timeout] - Enter the player ID you want to ban. Bans the player from the server by using their CD key hash.--封锁你想封的人的CDKEY,(估计井限于当前服务器)admin.addAddressToBanList [IP address] [timeout] - Enter the IP number you want to ban.--输入那个家伙的IP地址,来封锁他admin.addKeyToBanList [CD key hash] [timeout] - Enter the CD key hash you want to ban.---输入CD-KEY来封他admin.removeAddressFromBanList [IP address] - Enter the IP address to remove from the ban list.---将封锁的IP地址解开admin.removeKeyFromBanList [CD key hash] - Enter the CD key hash you want to remove from the ban list.将封锁的CDKEY解开admin.clearBanList - Clears all ban lists.--清空封锁列表admin.listBannedAddresses - Displays a list of the currently banned IP addresses.--列出一张当前被封的IP地址表admin.listBannedKeys - Displays a list of the currently banned CD keys.同上,CDKEY表admin.kickPlayer [player ID number] - Enter the ID number of the player you --want to kick--踢人Remote Console---移动控制These commands are used by server administrators.----这些是服务器管理员命令To setup remote console access to the server, onthe server create a new plain text document in \admin\ called default.cfg and enter the following text into the new file:--为了建立这个能够连接到服务器的控制,在服务器端建立一个新的TEXT文档,在XXX路径,然后进入文档写下面这些命令:port=4711password=YourPassword---密码Save the file, and start the server. Now you can access the server remotely by using the following commands from a client:--保存,打开服务器,现在你可以通过这种方式,在客户端随意进入服务器,rcon login [YourPassword] - Use this command to login to the server.---连接到服务器(和CS有点象)rcon users - This command lists all the users connected to the server. Very similar to admin.listPlayers----列出所有用户rcon exec [command name] - Replace with a console command you would like to execute on the server. For example: rcon exec admin.kickPlayer 3---使用管理员命令Exit - Quits the game to desktop--退出there is a lot more, ill go thru the render ones, and somebody (T0m ? ) can put them into a pretty list like his.--还有许多,我将学习渲染部分的,有人会把他列成下面这张表样的These are all "renderer." and some you will get "Unauthorized" you should know what to do in such a case --这里是所有渲染指令有些输入后会变成《未确认》,你应该知道怎么办~~vsync [0/1] Vsync On/Off---垂直同步开/关presentAsync ?presentSpinIfBusy ?clearColor ?--色彩screenDumpPath ?---景深dumpScreen ?--截屏occlusionTerrainMaxFrames ?--地表最大帧数occlusionObjectsMaxFrames ?--物体最大帧数enableHWOcclusion ?allowA2M ?stopRenderMovie ?--停止渲染电影drawObjects [0/1] -> Stops Drawing Nearly Everything--绘图---停止绘制附近物体drawDeferred [0/1] -> Didnt notice a Change--绘图延期--忽视改变drawBundledMeshes [0/1] -> Stops Drawing Guns + Some Tiny Terrain ?--绘制材质,列如枪draw1pZOnly [0/1] -> Didnt notice a Change----同上draw1pMeshes [0/1] -> Removes your Arm (First Person) + Darkens your Gun.--同上drawParticles [0/1] -> Removes Dust--去处灰drawStaticMeshes [0/1] -> Stops Drawing 90% of the Buildings--不渲染90%的建筑drawSkinnedMeshes [0/1] -> Stops Drawing All Players (Including your arm)--除了你自己,不渲染其他人drawSkyDome [0/1] -> Stops Drawing Sky (Awsome!)--不渲染天空drawSunFlare [0/1] -> Removes Some Glare from the Sun (Use Previous for no sun)--去处太阳drawRoads [0/1] -> Removes some Road Tracks---移除某些路drawTerrain [0/1] -> Removes Ground--移除地面drawUndergrowth [0/1] -> Removes Grass--移除草drawOvergrowth [0/1] -> Removes Most Trees--移除树drawNametags [0/1] -> Removes all Tags in Game [Players/Flags/Misc]---移除游戏中所有目标drawTrees [0/1] -> Removes rest of the Trees-清除其他树木drawPostproduction [0/1] -> Didnt notice anything.--不提醒任何事drawGraphs ?--图形绘制makeTopWorldScreen -> 4 args -> Unknown--未知glowEnabled -> Unknown--未知glowStrength -> Unknown--未知fogColor [r/g/b] -> Color of Fog -> Example: 255/0/0 -> Red Fog --红雾waterFogStartEndAndBase -> 4 args -> Unknown--未知waterFogColor [r/g/b] -> Color of Fog on Water ?--水上面的雾色。