
2019 年中考英语单项选择题汇编(动词时态)7.I s c a r e d o f dog s e v e r s i n c e a dog hu r t m e w h e n I w a s f i v e y e a r s o l d.(2018杭州)A.w ill b eB.w a sC.h a v e b ee nD.w o u l d b e参考答案:C5.-B e n a n d S u e a r e n’t h o m e,a r e t h e y?-N o.T h e y t o L o n do n o n b u s i n e ss.(2018江西)A.have goneB.goC.have beenD.w ill go参考答案:A18.-W h y d i d t h e c a r h i t t h e bo y?-B e c a u s e t h e d r i v e r o n t h e p h o n e a t t h a t t i m e.(2018天津)A.t a l kB.i s t a l k i n gC.w a s t a l k i n gD.h a v e t a l k e d参考答案:C14.-W h e r e i s L i n d a?I c a n’t f i n d h e r a n y w h e r e.-S h e t h e f l o w e r s i n t h e g a r d e n.(2018三亚)A.w a t e r sB.w a t e r e dC.i s w a t e r i n g参考答案:C6.M i ss B r o w n,w e c l e a n i n g o u r c l a ss r oo m.C a n w e go h o m e n o w?(2018广州)A.f i n i s hB.f i n i s h i n gC.a r e f i n i s h e dD.h a v e f i n i s h e d参考答案:D10.-I c a ll e d y o u a t h a l f p a s t n i n e t h i s m o r n i n g,b u t t h e r e w a s n o a n s w e r.-O h,s o rr y.I w i t h m y c o u s i n i n t h e s u p e r m a r k e t.(2018克拉玛依)A.s h opp i n gB.w a s s h opp i n gC.shoppedD.w ill s h op参考答案:B12.-W h e n y o u h e r e?-T w o d a y s a go.(2018天津)A.d i d;c o m eB.h a v e;c o m eC.w ill;c o m eD.do;c o m e参考答案:A4.-W h e r e i s J o a n?-S h e a n o v e l i n h e r s t u d y.(2018苏州)A.has readB.readsC.w ill r e a dD.i s r e a d i n g参考答案:D7.—M i ss L i n m y d e s k-m a t e w i t h h e r l e ss o n s w h e n I l e f t s c h oo l.—S h e i s r e a ll y a n i c e t e a c h e r.(2018福州)A.h e l p sB.i s h e l p i n gC.w a s h e l p i n g参考答案:C3.-S h a ll w e go o u t f o r a w a l k.B ill?-I’m a f r a i d n o t.I t o u t s i d e n o w.(2018三亚)A.w a s r a i n i n gB.r a i n e dC.i s r a i n i n g参考答案:C10.S o f a r,t h e A II B(亚投行)57c o un t r i e s t o b e t h e f o un d i n g m e m b e r s.(2018福州)A.a tt r a c t e dB.h a s a tt r a c t e dC.w ill a tt r a c t参考答案:B4.-W ill y o u s ee t h e f il m C i n d e r e ll a w i t h u s t o n i g h t?-N o,I i t l a s t w ee k.(2018长沙)A.s eeB.h a v e s ee nC.s a w参考答案:C9.-D o y o u h a v e a n y p l a n s f o r t o n i g h t?-Y e s,I a t t h e n e w I t a li a n r e s t a u r a n t i n t o w n.(2018江西)A.eatB.have eatenC.ateD.a m go i n g t o e a t参考答案:D7.-I c a ll e d y o u l a s t n i g h t,b u t y o u d i d n’t a n s w e r.-S o rr y,G r a c e.I I a m A S i n g e r w h e n t h e p h o n e r a n g.(2018长沙)A.a m w a t c h i n gB.w a s w a t c h i n gC.h a v e w a t c h e d参考答案:B9.P r e m i e r Zh o u E n l a i f o r m a n y y e a r s,h e s t ill li v e s i n t h e h e a r t s o f C h i n e s e p e op l e.(2018安顺)A.d i e dB.w a s d i e dC.h a s b ee n d i e dD.h a s b ee n d e a d参考答案:D10.M a r y w i t h h e r p a r e n t s o f t e n f o r a w a l k i n t h e p a r k a f t e r s u pp e r.(2018安顺)A.goB.i s go i n gC.a r e go i n gD.go e s参考答案:D11.W e s o m e r obo t s a t h o m e i n t h e f u t u r e,a n d t h e r e s o m e i n t h e o ff i c e,t oo.(2018安顺)A.w ill h a v e;w ill h a v eB.h a v e;w ill b eC.w ill h a v e;w ill b eD.w ill h a v e;a r e参考答案:C7.-C a t h y,c a n y o u a n s w e r t h e doo r?I t h e r oo m.-I’m c o m i n g,m u m.(2018安徽)A.c l e a nB.c l e a n e dC.h a v e c l e a n e dD.a m c l e a n i n g参考答案:D6.-O u r c l a ss m a t e s w e n t t o a c o n c e r t y e s t e r d a y a f t e r n oo n.-W h a t a p i t y!I m y h o m e w o r k.(2018泰安)A.had doneB.w a s do i n gC.a m do i n gD.w o u l d do参考答案:B5.S t op s m o k i n g,J o e!Y o u y o u r s e l f i f y o u k ee p o n do i n g i t li k e t h a t!(2018重庆A/C卷)A.w ill k illB.h a v e k ill e dC.k illD.k ill e d参考答案:A6.-I t o t h e c i n e m a y e s t e r d a y.-I t’s a p i t y.Y o u d i d n’t i n v i t e m e.(2018娄底)A.goB.w e n tC.h a v e go n e参考答案:B8.-H a v e y o u w a t c h e d t h e n e w m o v i e J u r a ss i c w o r l d,S t e v e n?-N o t y e t.I i t w i t h m y c o u s i n t h i s e v e n i n g.(2018温州)A.w ill w a t c hB.w a s w a t c h i n gC.w a t c h e dD.h a v e w a t c h e d参考答案:A9.T oo m a n y p e op l e w e r e a b s e n t.T h e c h a i r p e r s o n w a r n e d t h a t h e t h e m ee t i n g i f n e c e ss a r y.(2018无锡)A.w o u l d c a n c e lB.c a n c e ll e dC.w o u l d s t a r tD.started参考答案:A13.M o t h e r o f t e n t e ll s m e,“I h op e y o u w h a t I y o u t o do a t s c h oo l!” (2018武威)A.w o n’t f o r g e t;h a v e t o l dB.do n’t f o r g e t;w ill t e llC.d i d n’t f o r g e t;t e llD.h a v e n’t f o r go tt e n;a m t e lli n g参考答案:A4.-H e y,J e nn y.L e t’s go h o m e t og e t h e r.-J u s t a m o m e n t.I a n e-m a il.(2018武威)A.s e n dB.s e n tC.a m s e n d i n gD.h a v e s e n t参考答案:C13.-L u c y,w h a t w e r e y o u do i n g a t n i n e l a s t n i g h t?-I t h e p i a n o.I u s u a ll y p r a c t i c e t h e p i a n o a t t h a t t i m e.(2018襄阳)A.p l a yB.p l a y e dC.w a s p l a y i n gD.a m p l a y i n g参考答案:C4.O v e r f i f t y c o un t r i e s t h e A II B(亚投行)s o f a r.A.j o i n e dB.w a s j o i n i n gC.h a d j o i n e dD.h a v e j o i n e d参考答案:D13.-W h a t w e r e y o u do i n g a t8:00l a s t S un d a y?-I r u bb i s h w i t h m y c l a ss m a t e s b y Z i j i a n g R i v e r.(2018益阳)A.p i c k e d u pB.a m p i c k i n g u pC.w a s p i c k i n g u p参考答案:C7.-W h y d i d n’t y o u b u y a n y b r e a d?-S o rr y,I.(2018重庆A/C卷)A.f o r g e tB.f o r go tC.r e m e m b e rD.r e m e m b e r e d参考答案:B4.P l e a s e w a i t.S h e t o y o u i n a f e w m i nu t e s.(2018重庆B卷)A.t a l kB.t a l k e dC.h a v e t a l k e dD.w ill t a l k参考答案:D17.-W h e n s h a ll w e b e g i n o u r m ee t i n g?-W e’ll b e g i n i t w h e n H e l e n.(2018重庆B卷)AesB.c a m eC.w ill c o m eDe参考答案:A3.Bob t oo k a p h o t o o f h i s g i r l f r i e n d w h il e s h e a t t h e p a r t y.A.d a n c e sB.w a s d a n c i n gC.has dancedD.i s d a n c i n g参考答案:B2019 年中考英语单项选择题汇编(被动语态)8.M a n y h o u s e s b y t h e e a r t h q u ak e a n d t h o u s a n d s o f p e op l e w e r e l e f t h o m e l e ss.(2018广州)A.damagedB.w e r e d a m a g e dC.w e r e d a m a g i n gD.a r e d a m a g e d参考答案:B9.—D o n’t s m o k e h e r e,D a d.S m o k i n g i n p u b li c p l a c e s.—O h,s o rr y.I’ll s t op r i g h t n o w.(2018福州)A.i s n’t a ll o w e dB.a r e n’t a ll o w e dC.do e s n’t a ll o w参考答案:A5.-L il y,w ill y o u go t o J e nn y’s b i r t h d a y p a r t y t h i s S a t u r d a y?-I’m n o t s u r e.B e c a u s e I s o f a r.(2018泰安)A.h a v e i n v i t e dB.w a s n’t i n v i t e dC.h a v e b ee n i n v i t e dD.w ill b e i n v i t e d参考答案:C10.Y o u c a n’t w e a r s h o e s i n s i d e t h i s p l a c e.I t.(2018江西)A.do e s n’t a ll o wB.i s n’t a ll o w e dC.h a s n’t a ll o w e dD.w a s n’t a ll o w e d参考答案:B13.U N I C E F(联合国儿童基金会)w a s i n1946.I t w o r k s t o h e l p c h il d r e n li v e a b e tt e r li f e.(2018 三亚)A.p i c k e d u pB.putC.set up参考答案:C7.T h e n o v e l b y m a n y p e op l e t od a y.(2018天津)A.is readB.are readC.readsD.w e r e r e a d参考答案:A12.-D i d J a c k c o m e t o o u r p a r t y y e s t e r d a y?-N o,h e.(2018克拉玛依)A.d i d n’t i n v i t eB.w a s n’t i n v i t e dC.i s n’t i n v i t e dD.h a s n’t i n v i t e d参考答案:B4.-W h o’s t h e b a b y i n t h e p h o t o?-I t’s m e.T h e p h o t o t e n t e a r s a go.(2018三亚)A.tookB.was takenC.w a s t ak i n g参考答案:B4.S o m e s t u d e n t s i n t h i s s c h oo l a b r o a d a s e x c h a n g e s t u d e n t s e v e r y y e a r.(2018自贡)A.s e n tB.s e n dC.a r e s e n t参考答案:C7.-C l a u d i a,a r e y o u go i n g t o M i k e’s b i r t h d a y p a r t y o n S un d a y?-U n l e ss I.(2018益阳)A.a m i n v i t e dB.i n v i t e dC.w a s i n v i t i n g参考答案:A17.-H o w c l e a n y o u r c a r i s!-T h a n k y o u.I tv e r y o f t e n.(2018重庆A/C卷)A.is washedB.washesC.w a s w a s h e dD.w a s h e d参考答案:A10.O u r n e w li b r a r y l a s t y e a r.W e e n j o y r e a d i n g a n d s t u d y i n g i n i t.(2018重庆B卷)A.b u il d sB.b u il tC.i s b u il tD.w a s b u il t参考答案:D4.A n e w s c h oo l l a s t y e a r i n m y h o m e t o w n.A.s e t u pB.sets upC.is set upD.was set up参考答案:D。

2019年中考英语试题分类汇编09《动词》1.(2019•营口)﹣What should I do,doctor?﹣_____ healthy,you should do more exercise.()A.Keep B.Keeping C.To keep D.To be kept 2.(2019•营口)These days people in China _____ take too much money when shopping because they often use Alipay or WeChat Pay.()A.needn't B.mustn't C.shouldn't D.can't 3.(2019•莱芜区)If you want to try some local food,don't _________ the food festival this weekend.()A.miss B.carry C.hold D.bring 4.(2019•徐州)Hello,Joe.I didn't _________ to see you today.I thought you were away on holiday.()A.want B.prepare C.expect D.agree 5.(2019•徐州)﹣﹣﹣I didn't see you at Jim's party last week.﹣﹣﹣I had to work that evening,so I _________ go.()A.needn't B.mustn't C.couldn't D.shouldn't 6.(2019•徐州)It's important for us ___________ good manners.()A.having B.have C.to have D.had 7.(2019•莱芜区)一I just saw Peter in the library.﹣It _______ be him.He is studying in the classroom.()A.needn't B.mustn't C.shouldn't D.can't 8.(2019•上海)Would you mind _____ care of my pet fish while I'm away on holiday?()A.take B.taken C.to take D.taking 9.(2019•上海)The host told a joke at the party and made the guests______ a lot.()A.laugh B.laughing C.to laugh D.laughed 10.(2019•上海)According to the rule,used batteries _______ be dropped in the red bin for harmful wastes.()A.must B.need C.can D.may 11.(2019•沈阳)You always be careful with electricity for safety.()A.must B.can C.mustn't D.can't 12.(2019•云南)I can't find my keys.Maybe I _______ them at home this morning.()A.left B.forget C.lost D.missed 13.(2019•云南)﹣I've got a toothache,mom.﹣Oh,you _______ eat too much candy.()A.shouldn't B.needn't C.should D.need 14.(2019•日照)You _____ be very tired with the long drive.Let's stop to have a rest.()A.must B.can C.shall D.need15.﹣You smoke at the oil station,it's too dangerous.﹣I'm sorry,I won't.()A.couldn't B.needn't C.wouldn't D.mustn't 16.(2019•日照)﹣﹣﹣Are you feeling any better now?﹣﹣﹣No.I have taken some medicine,but it just doesn't _____.()A.use B.care C.help D.fit 17.(2019•常州)﹣﹣﹣______________I keep the book for a week?﹣﹣﹣Sorry,I'm afraid you ______________.()A.Need;couldn't B.Need;can'tC.May;couldn't D.May;can't18.(2019•铁岭)The cover of the book comfortable.It's made of silk.()A.tastes B.feels C.looks D.sounds 19.(2019•铁岭)The dictionary belong to Sam.You can see his name on it.()A.can B.must C.need D.would 20.(2019•辽阳)It's impolite to________your teachers' office without knocking at the door.()A.describe B.check C.choose D.enter 21.(2019•辽阳)The dish smells delicious,but it a little salty.()A.looks B.tastes C.feels D.sounds 22.(2019•大庆)You'd better _____ hard from now on,____ you will fail in the exam.()A.work;and B.working;orC.working;and D.work;or23.(2019•本溪)As far as I know,the robot that can sweep the floor ________ in the 1980s.()A.is invented B.inventedC.was invented D.has invented24.(2019•大庆)How long will it ____ you to fly to Beijing from your hometown?()A.spend B.take C.pay D.use 25.(2019•葫芦岛)New energy cars have been ______ to cut down air pollution.()A.discovered B.found C.invented D.refused 26.(2019•抚顺)Sometimes the smooth surface of the lake really ______________ like a mirror.()A.sounds B.looks C.smells D.tastes 27.(2019•镇江)Yao Ming,a basketball giant ,___________ water polo when he was young.()A.is playing B.used to playC.is used to playing D.was playing28.(2019•包头)Stephen Hawking has _______great success as a scientist.()A.allowed B.achieved C.practiced D.promised29.﹣﹣﹣I'm going to add some tomato sauce to the salad,if you don't ___________.﹣﹣﹣Not at all.Go ahead.()A.care B.agree C.mind D.insist 30.(2019•本溪)﹣﹣﹣Look at the dark clouds,and the wind is blowing strongly.﹣﹣﹣It ______that a big storm is coming.()A.sounds B.seems C.feels D.smells 31.(2019•包头)﹣________ I have a word with you,Mr.Green?It won't take long.﹣Okay.()A.Should B.May C.Need D.Must 32.(2019•包头)﹣Why were you so angry with your daughter?﹣She was busy_______and taking selfies(自拍)when I was talking to her.()A.texting B.to text C.text D.texted 33.(2019•镇江)When I think of the worried _______ of foreign students who are learning Chinese,I can go to study English calmly.()A.looks B.designs C.efforts D.needs 34.(2019•本溪)Frank is an honest boy and he never tells a lie.We all _______ him.()A.miss B.mind C.doubt D.trust 35.(2019•葫芦岛)﹣Is the woman Miss Zhao?﹣It ______ be her.She has gone to Qingdao for a meeting.()A.can't B.needn't C.must D.may 36.(2019•抚顺)In the summer camp,the boy learned to ___________ all kinds of difficulties.()A.manage B.protect C.remain D.control 37.(2019•葫芦岛)Fred hopes ______ his spoken English,so he practices it every day.()A.improve B.improves C.improving D.to improve 38.(2019•镇江)To my surprise,Daniel's parents allowed him ___________ Shanghai Disneyland with me.()A.to visit B.visiting C.visit D.visits 39.(2019•无锡)With their new lock,you __________ search for keys in your bag any more.Isn't it cool?()A.needn't B.can't C.mustn't D.shouldn't 40.(2019•抚顺)It's a rule that students ___________ bring mobile phones to our school.()A.mustn't B.wouldn't C.needn't D.couldn't 41.(2019•本溪)The man _______ be a doctor in this hospital,but I'm not sure.()A.must B.would C.can D.might 42.(2019•盘锦)﹣﹣﹣My best friend went abroad.I miss her and feel down today.﹣﹣﹣Don't be sad.Here is good news for you _______.()A.cheer up B.cheering upC.cheered up D.to cheer up43.(2019•南通)He_____like coffee.I see him drink a cup at times.()A.must B.may C.can't D.mustn't 44.(2019•贵港)﹣﹣﹣I have trouble the new word.Can you help me?﹣﹣﹣Sure.You can look it up in the dictionary.()A.understanding B.to understandC.understand D.understood45.(2019•南通)﹣Excuse me,can you teach me how to _____ this new word?﹣No problem.Look at my mouth and listen carefully.()A.prove B.pronounce C.prepare D.produce 46.(2019•东营)﹣﹣﹣The sale of oil﹣fueled vehicles(燃油车)will be stopped in Hainan province by 2030.﹣﹣﹣Well,it will help the environment.()A.improve B.study C.pollute D.control 47.(2019•贵港)﹣﹣﹣Joe,don't eat too much ice﹣cream.﹣﹣﹣OK,mom.But it really good.()A.feels B.looks C.tastes D.sounds 48.(2019•昆明)Y unnan Museum is such an interesting place that many kids have fun _____ it.()A.visiting B.to visit C.reading D.to read 49.(2019•大庆)﹣﹣﹣Would you like ____ a film with us tonight?﹣﹣﹣Sorry,I have to help my mother do housework.()A.see B.to see C.seeing D.to seeing 50.(2019•大庆)We ____ pay to get into the concert,because it's free.()A.mustn't B.can'tC.don't need to D.might not51.(2019•鄂州)I think AI (人工智能)in many fields will to help us solve many problems in the future.()A.used,be used B.is used,be usedC.used,use D.is used,use52.(2019•鄂州)﹣﹣﹣Jimmy,I don't like my classmate Bob.He is so noisy.﹣﹣﹣Oh,so he is.But you cannot avoid him.He sits next to you.()A.meet B.to meet C.meeting D.to meeting 53.﹣Will you stay here for dinner with us?﹣Sorry,I ____________.My mother is waiting for me at home.()A.mustn't B.can't C.needn't D.couldn't 54.noise pollution,and we can live in a quiet environment.()A.Prevent B.Preventing C.Prevented D.To prevent55.I like the TV program The Reader best.I think we should spend as much time as we can in our spare time.()A.read B.to read C.reading D.reads56.He_________ me his name,but I can't remember it now.()A.tells B.will tell C.told D.is telling 57.(2019•毕节市)Betty is often seen the lonely old man with his housework.()A.to help B.helping C.helps D.helped 58.(2019•遂宁)These foreigners are practicing_____Chinese.()A.to speak B.speaking C.speak D.speaks 59.(2019•宜昌)﹣﹣Did you_______ the International Marathon in Lan Zhou on June 2,2019?﹣﹣Of course.How exciting!()A.watch B.review C.suppose D.discover 60.(2019•铜仁市)﹣﹣Kankang,I saw your English teacher in the office just now.﹣﹣It _______be him.He______to Shanghai on business.()A.must;has gone B.must;has beenC.can't;has been D.can't;has gone61.(2019•北京)Sam with his friends every weekend.()A.skates B.is skatingC.has skated D.was skating62.﹣I can't find my phone anywhere.﹣You have lost it while shopping.()A.may B.can C.should D.would 63.(2019•湖北)﹣The driver be hurt badly in the accident.﹣That's true.Let's send him to the hospital as soon as possible.()A.need B.can't C.must D.may not 64.(2019•武汉)﹣﹣﹣Try this soup,you ______like it.﹣﹣﹣Wow! This is delicious!()A.must B.will C.shall D.can 65.(2019•铜仁市)Mr.Wang together with his wife and children _________in the countryside.()A.enjoys living B.enjoy livingC.enjoys to live D.enjoy to live66.(2019•铜仁市)﹣﹣﹣Look! There is a man _____Taiji near the river.﹣﹣﹣Wow! It's my teacher,Mr.Wu.()A.perform B.performs C.performing D.performed 67.(2019•百色)The teachers often tell us _____in the river.It's dangerous.()A.not swim B.don't swimC.not swimming D.not to swim68.(2019•湖北)﹣﹣﹣What does Huawei's newest smartphone look like?﹣﹣﹣It's wonderful! You can it in half just like closing a book.()A.hand B.pass C.fold D.cut 69.(2019•宜昌)﹣﹣A little bird entered through the open window to join us for dinner last night.﹣﹣Wow,the unexpected guest ________welcomed.()A.will be B.must be C.won't be D.mustn't be 70.(2019•河池)﹣Is that red schoolbag Mary's?﹣It____be hers.She hates that color.()A.may B.must C.can 't D.might 71.(2019•内江)﹣__I return the books this week?﹣No,you __.You can do that next week.()A.Must;can't B.May;needn'tC.Need;mustn't D.Must;needn't72.(2019•河南)You can't change who you are by reading a book or change the way you act by watching a video.What_____is what you do,not what you know.()A.includes B.decides C.means D.matters 73.(2019•武汉)﹣﹣﹣I won't tell this to anyone,﹣﹣﹣?()A.Agree B.Guess C.Hope D.Promise 74.(2019•呼和浩特)﹣Jack,let′s have a picnic after school.﹣Sorry.I have_____Frank to work on the biology report with him.()A.advised B.expected C.suggested D.promised 75.(2019•天水)I saw her flowers in the garden when I passed by.A.to water B.water C.watering D.watered 76.(2019•黔南州)﹣﹣﹣Look! The light in your bedroom is still on.﹣﹣﹣Sorry,I forgot ()A.to tum it off B.to turn it downC.to turn it up D.to turn it on77.(2019•武汉)﹣﹣﹣Have you chemistry for the coming exam?﹣﹣﹣Yes.I'm quite ready for it.()A.repeated B.copied C.marked D.reviewed 78.(2019•天水)Businessmen prefer e﹣mails to communicate with each other rather than phone calls.()A.write,make B.to write,makeC.to write,to make D.write ,to make79.(2019•天水)﹣﹣﹣Listen! Is that Linda playing the piano in the room?﹣﹣﹣No.It be Linda,she has gone to London.()A.may not B.needn't C.can't D.mustn't 80.(2019•河南)﹣﹣﹣Do you always get up so early?﹣﹣﹣Yes,the first bus.My home is far away from school.()A.catch B.to catch C.catching D.caught 81.(2019•黄石)﹣The beautiful lady with glasses over there looks like our English teacher.﹣It _____be her.She has gone abroad.()A.can't B.may not C.mustn't D.needn't 82.(2019•毕节市)﹣﹣﹣I take the magazine out of the reading room?﹣﹣﹣I'm sorry you .()A.Could;couldn't B.Must;couldn'tC.Will;can't D.May;can't83.(2019•河南)Jerry didn't pay me back,but he promised that he this Sunday.()A.must B.could C.would D.should 84.(2019•天水)Hong Kong Disneyland is well worth .()A.to visit B.visited C.visit D.visiting 85.(2019•黄石)In February,Chinese tech company Huawei _____Mate X,a foldable(可折叠的)5G mobile phone.()A.is introducing B.introducedC.introduces D.was introduced86.(2019•安顺)﹣What time do you get up in the morning on school days?﹣I get up at 7:00 every morning to avoid __________the early bus.()A.miss B.missed C.missing D.to miss 87.(2019•新疆)Not only Jack but also I______crazy about the football match.()A.am B.is C.are D.be 88.(2019•盐城)Each of us _____ a life goal,which will guide us to a bright future.()A.has B.have C.will have D.had 89.(2019•广东)Young people are encouraged to work hard ____their own dreams.()A.achieve B.achieves C.to achieve D.achieved 90.(2019•盐城)Mr Wu keeps __________ his students that the future belongs to the well﹣educated.()A.telling B.to tell C.ordering D.to order 91.(2019•安顺)﹣What a heavy rain!﹣So it is.I prefer ___________ rather than ____________ on such a rainy day.()A.to go out,staying at homeB.staying at home,go outC.going out,stay at homeD.to stay at home,go out92.(2019•新疆)Mum likes______soap operas.Let's buy a TV for her.()A.becoming B.watching C.looking D.smelling 93.(2019•河池)My parents don't allow me___TV on school nights.()A.to watch B.watch C.watches D.watching 94.(2019•盐城)Size and type do not matter ﹣you ______ do almost anything if you never give up.()A.should B.must C.need D.can 95.(2019•广东)Dirty air and water are harmful.They ____ kill plants,and even people.()A.can B.can't C.should D.shouldn't 96.(2019•安顺)﹣Mr.Wang,please speak loudly in the hall to make yourself _______ while ________are there.﹣Fine,thanks for telling me about that.()A.understood,others B.understand,otherC.understand,others D.understanding,other 97.(2019•新疆)David,______you please sweep the floor and take out the trash?()A.Could B.may C.might D.must 98.(2019•北京)﹣Lily,_____ you finish the letter in ten minutes?﹣Yes,I can.()A.must B.should C.need D.can 99.(2019•咸宁)﹣Listen! Is Sarah singing in the neighbor's room?﹣No.It ____be Sarah.She has gone to Italy.()A.needn't B.may not C.can't D.won't 100.(2019•安徽)The designer has tried every possible way to make the robot light,so you _____ worry about its weight.()A.must B.may C.can't D.needn't 101.(2019•内江)﹣Where is Mike?﹣I saw him__ with Mr.Smith in the hallways just now.()A.to talk B.talking C.talked D.talks 102.(2019•兰州)We are supposed____some housework with our parents when we have free time.()A.to share B.sharing C.shared D.share 103.(2019•重庆)Miss Chen,my dear English teacher,often encourages me ______the challenges in my study.()A.face B.faces C.facing D.to face 104.(2019•江西)You'll have to ______ the books because there aren't enough for everyone.()A.pack B.sell C.choose D.share 105.(2019•孝感)一May I join the art club,Dad?一If you have interest,you ________.()A.should B.can C.have to D.must 106.(2019•孝感)一In my opinion,animals shouldn't be kept for fun.一I think so.Forests are the best places for animals ______________.()A.live B.living C.to live D.to live in 107.(2019•兰州)The magazine____Lucy's.We can see her name on the cover.()A.mustn't be B.can't be C.must be D.needn't be 108.(2019•温州)We don't allow taking magazines out,but you____copy the article you need on the machine over there.()A.can B.must C.should D.would 109.(2019•宿迁)﹣Mum,may I go to see a film with my cousin?﹣You _______ go if you have finished your homework.()A.must B.need C.should D.can 110.(2019•孝感)Hurry up! We're late.I don't want to ________the start of the film.()A.catch B.get C.miss D.lose 111.(2019•安徽)﹣Hello,Beijing Hotel.Can I help you?﹣Yes,I'd like to _____ a single room for two nights.()A.enter B.move C.book D.provide 112.(2019•咸宁)﹣Come and see! The baby is crying.﹣Please do something to make him____.()A.stop crying B.stop to cryC.crying D.cry113.(2019•咸宁)﹣Have you ever heard that China is building a nationwide 5G network?﹣Right.5G will allow us____English movies faster than ever.()A.download B.downloadsC.to download D.downloading114.(2019•兰州)In the near future,there____ selt﹣driving cars in our city.()A.is B.was C.are D.will be115.﹣Some people don't show their talents at the very beginning.﹣I agree.Even Einstein ____________ read until he was seven.()A.can't B.mustn't C.couldn't D.needn't116.﹣Please stay with me this weekend.﹣I'm sorry,but my father and I planned _________ Beijing a long time ago.()A.visit B.visiting C.to visit D.visited117.﹣This task is really beyond me.﹣Well,if you _________solve it,you won't get paid.()A.can't B.needn't C.mustn't D.shouldn't 118.(2019•武威)﹣Whose cap is this?Is it Cindy's ?﹣It _____ be hers.Don't you remember she even didn't come to the party?()A.can't B.might C.may not D.must119.In his e﹣mail,David promised _________his daughter during her stay in Japan.()A.visiting B.visit C.visited D.to visit120.﹣﹣Alex,why didn't you answer my call at nine last night?﹣﹣Sorry.I___my mobile phone at home.I___basketball in the park with my friends.()A.forgot;played B.forgot;was playingC.left;played D.left;was playing121.After the terrible explosion(爆炸)in Xiangshui,Yancheng,many people from cities around came to hospitals to _________blood.()A.devote B.create C.donate D.celebrate 122.﹣﹣Can I____ Robinson Crusoe?Mrs Zhao.﹣﹣Sure,it's very interesting,but you can only ____it for two weeks.()A.borrow;lend B.lend;borrowC.borrow;keep D.lend;keep123.(2019•天津)We should making a noise in the library.()A.avoid B.prefer C.practise D.enjoy 124.(2019•天津)You walk on the wet hill path because you fall and hurt yourself.()A.must;might not B.mustn't;mightC.needn't;need D.must;must125.(2019•天津)The government is setting up nature parks protect pandas.()A.to help B.help C.helped D.helps 126.(2019•连云港)Through the stories behind the idioms,we would be able to fully____China′s culture,history and tradition.()A.understand B.search C.compare D.imagine 127.(2019•凉山州)We should keep quiet in the library.We_____speak loudly.()A.must B.mustn't C.can D.needn't 128.(2019•重庆)He took off his expensive watch ____ the fact that he was rich.()A.to hide B.hid C.hide D.hidden 129.(2019•南京)﹣﹣﹣Do you have any plans for the holiday?﹣﹣﹣Yes,I' m planning to travel to Jiuzhaigou.I'm looking forward to _____the colourful lakes and amzing waterfalls.()A.see B.seeing C.sees D.saw 130.(2019•扬州)﹣Daniel,do you know that bees never get lost.﹣Yes,Bees always remember _____ the same way as they went.()A.come back B.came backC.coming back D.to come back131.(2019•连云港)According to the notice,guests at this hotel____use the sports center at no extra cost.()A.can B.should C.must D.need 132.(2019•南充)﹣﹣Mum,may I play computer games this evening ?﹣﹣No way,you _____ finish your homework.()A.can B.must C.may D.will 133.(2019•滨州)﹣Mum,it's too hot.________ I swim in the lake?﹣No,you ___________.That's too dangerous!()A.Should;can't B.Need;mustn'tC.Must;needn't D.Could;mustn't134.(2019•青岛)As middle school students,we follow the public rules wherever we go.()A.would B.should C.might D.could 135.(2019•滨州)﹣Tom,__________ the umbrella with you.Look at the dark sky,it's going to rain.﹣Thank you,Dad.()A.take B.wear C.use D.make 136.(2019•新疆)﹣I'm afraid his radio is too noisy.Will you please_____him to _____a little.﹣Sure.()A.ask,turn it down B.allow,turn onC.tell,turn it up D.advise,turn it off137.(2019•南充)﹣﹣﹣I tried to make Alice______her mind but I found it difficult.﹣﹣﹣Well,I saw you_______ that when I went past.()A.changed;do B.changes;doingC.change;to do D.change;doing138.(2018•苏州)﹣What do you think of Jason?﹣He has me with his good sense of humour.()A.impressed B.admired C.reminded D.warned 139.(2018•苏州)She be slow,but at least she doesn't make stupid mistakes.()A.needn't B.may C.can't D.shall 140.(2018•无锡)I don't have much money,but I'd like to buy my dad something really special,if you know what I __________.()A.want B.care C.mean D.prefer参考答案与试题解析1.(2019•营口)﹣What should I do,doctor?﹣_____ healthy,you should do more exercise.()A.Keep B.Keeping C.To keep D.To be kept【分析】﹣我该怎么办,医生?﹣为了保持健康,你应该多做运动.【解答】句意:﹣我该怎么办,医生?﹣为了保持健康,你应该多做运动.这里to引导的不定式表目的.故选:C.【点评】不定式在句子中可做主语、宾语、表语、定语、状语和宾语补语.要结合语境选择合适用法,注意一些固定搭配.2.(2019•营口)These days people in China _____ take too much money when shopping because they often use Alipay or WeChat Pay.()A.needn't B.mustn't C.shouldn't D.can't【分析】如今中国人购物时不必带太多钱,因为他们经常使用支付宝或微信支付.【解答】needn't不必,mustn't禁止,shouldn't不应该,can't不能;根据句意"如今中国人购物时不必带太多钱,因为他们经常使用支付宝或微信支付"可知,要填"不必",其它选项语意不通.故选:A.【点评】考查情态动词.要根据情态动词的含义和用法,进行比较,找出正确答案.3.(2019•莱芜区)If you want to try some local food,don't _________ the food festival this weekend.()A.miss B.carry C.hold D.bring【分析】如果你想尝试一些当地的食物,不要错过这个周末的美食节.【解答】miss错过;carry搬走;hold持有;拥有;bring带来.根据语境可知如果你想尝试一些当地的食物,不要错过这个周末的美食节.故选:A.【点评】了解各选项的含义及用法,根据语境作答.4.(2019•徐州)Hello,Joe.I didn't _________ to see you today.I thought you were away on holiday.()A.want B.prepare C.expect D.agree【分析】你好,乔伊.我今天没有想到能见到你.我认为你去度假了.【解答】want想要;prepare准备;expect期望;预料;agree同意.根据"我认为你去度假了"可知"我今天没有想到能见到你".故选:C.【点评】了解各选项的含义及用法,根据语境作答.5.(2019•徐州)﹣﹣﹣I didn't see you at Jim's party last week.﹣﹣﹣I had to work that evening,so I _________ go.()A.needn't B.mustn't C.couldn't D.shouldn't【分析】﹣﹣上周吉姆的聚会上我没见到你.﹣﹣那天晚上我得工作,所以我不能去.【解答】考查情态动词.A.needn't不必.B.mustn't不允许.C.couldn't不能.D.shouldn't 不应该.根据I had to work that evening"那天晚上我得工作"可知,应该是"不能"去聚会.用过去式couldn't.【点评】情态动词无人称和数的变化;不能单独使用,必须与其后的动词原形构成谓语.否定形式通常在后面加not.要结合语境,选择合适的情态动词.6.(2019•徐州)It's important for us ___________ good manners.()A.having B.have C.to have D.had【分析】有礼貌对我们很重要.【解答】考查不定式.A.having动名词/现在分词.B.have有,动词原形.C.to have 不定式.D.had过去式.It is+形容词+for sb to do sth"做某事对某人来说是…"It是形式主语,不定式是真正主语.用to have.故选:C.【点评】不定式在句子中可做主语、宾语、表语、定语、状语和宾语补语.要结合语境选择合适用法,注意一些固定搭配.7.(2019•莱芜区)一I just saw Peter in the library.﹣It _______ be him.He is studying in the classroom.()A.needn't B.mustn't C.shouldn't D.can't【分析】﹣﹣我刚在图书馆看见彼得.﹣﹣不可能是他,他正在教室里学习.【解答】考查情态动词.A.needn't不必.B.mustn't不允许.C.shouldn't不应该.D.can't 不可能.结合语境"﹣﹣我刚在图书馆看见彼得.﹣﹣__是他,他正在教室里学习."可知,表示否定推测用can't"不可能".故选:D.【点评】情态动词无人称和数的变化;不能单独使用,必须与其后的动词原形构成谓语.否定形式通常在后面加not.要注意情态动词的不同用法.8.(2019•上海)Would you mind _____ care of my pet fish while I'm away on holiday?()A.take B.taken C.to take D.taking【分析】我外出度假时,你介意照看我的宠物鱼吗?【解答】根据句意:我外出度假时,你介意照看我的宠物鱼吗?考查句型mind doing sth 介意做某事.故选:D.【点评】熟悉动名词的用法,结合题意,给出答案.9.(2019•上海)The host told a joke at the party and made the guests______ a lot.()A.laugh B.laughing C.to laugh D.laughed【分析】主人在晚会上讲了一个笑话,使客人们大笑不已.【解答】根据句意:主人在晚会上讲了一个笑话,使客人们大笑不已.考查句型make sb do sth使某人做某事.故选:A.【点评】熟悉动词固定搭配的用法,结合题意,给出答案.10.(2019•上海)According to the rule,used batteries _______ be dropped in the red bin for harmful wastes.()A.must B.need C.can D.may【分析】根据规定,用过的电池必须放在红色的箱子里,以防产生有害废物.【解答】考查情态动词辨析,A.must 必须B.need需要C.can能,会D.may可以,可能;根据be dropped in the red bin for harmful wastes,结合选项可知句意:根据规定,用过的电池必须放在红色的箱子里,以防产生有害废物.【点评】解答此类试题时,务必根据题目的要求,在准确理解句子意思的前提下,结合时态准确作答11.(2019•沈阳)You always be careful with electricity for safety.()A.must B.can C.mustn't D.can't【分析】为了安全,你必须一直小心用电.【解答】考查情态动词辨析.must必须,强调主观意愿;can能,表能力或许可,否定式是can't;mustn't一定不要,表禁止.根据be careful with electricity for safety可知BCD 三项不合句意,句意:为了安全,你必须一直小心用电.故选:A.【点评】解答此类试题时,务必根据题目的要求,在准确理解句子意思的前提下,结合时态准确作答12.(2019•云南)I can't find my keys.Maybe I _______ them at home this morning.()A.left B.forget C.lost D.missed【分析】我找不到我的钥匙.也许我今天早上把它们留在家里了.【解答】本题考查动词词义辨析.left/leave丢下……,其后一般需接地点状语;forget 忘记,其后直接接所忘记的东西,无需接宾语;lost丢失,在此处不符合语境;missed 错过,不符合句意和语境.故选:A.【点评】动词词义辨析题,需理解所给选项的词义,结合题干做出正确判读.13.(2019•云南)﹣I've got a toothache,mom.﹣Oh,you _______ eat too much candy.()A.shouldn't B.needn't C.should D.need【分析】﹣妈妈,我牙痛.﹣奥,你不应该吃太多糖果.【解答】根据句意:﹣妈妈,我牙痛.﹣奥,你不应该吃太多糖果.结合选项,A.不应该B.不必C.应该D.需要,选项A符合题意.故选:A.【点评】熟悉情态动词的基本用法,结合题意,给出答案.14.(2019•日照)You _____ be very tired with the long drive.Let's stop to have a rest.()A.must B.can C.shall D.need【分析】长途开车你一定非常累了.让我们停下来休息.【解答】A表示一定,B表可以,C将要,D表示需要.根据题干Let's stop to have a rest.可知让我们停下来休息是因为长途开车一定累了,表示对现在情况的肯定推测,则应用must+be.故选:A.【点评】本题考查情态动词表推测的用法,基础题,掌握常见的情态动词,再根据题干即可作出选择.15.﹣You smoke at the oil station,it's too dangerous.﹣I'm sorry,I won't.()A.couldn't B.needn't C.wouldn't D.mustn't【分析】﹣你不能在加油站吸烟,太危险了.﹣我很抱歉,我不会了.【解答】A表示不能,B表示不必,C表示不会,D表示不能,表禁止.根据题干中it's too dangerous.可知加油站是禁止吸烟的,则应用mustn't.故选:D.【点评】本题考查情态动词辨析,基础题,熟悉四个选项的含义,再根据题干即可作出选择.16.(2019•日照)﹣﹣﹣Are you feeling any better now?﹣﹣﹣No.I have taken some medicine,but it just doesn't _____.()A.use B.care C.help D.fit【分析】﹣现在你感觉好点了吗?﹣没有.我已经吃药了,但是没用.【解答】use用;使用;care关心;help帮助,有用;fit合适.根据答语中的No,可知已经吃药了,但是没用.故选:C.【点评】了解各选项的含义及用法,根据语境作答.17.(2019•常州)﹣﹣﹣______________I keep the book for a week?﹣﹣﹣Sorry,I'm afraid you ______________.()A.Need;couldn't B.Need;can'tC.May;couldn't D.May;can't【分析】﹣这本书我可以借一周吗?﹣抱歉,我恐怕你不能.【解答】need作实义动词,表示需要,且作情态动词也表示需要,常用于否定句和疑问句.can't和couldn't都表示不能,could是can的过去式.may表示可能、可以.根据题干可知这本书我可以借一周吗,第一空表示请求,则可用may.其中根据题干中sorry可知说话人拒绝了对方借书的请求,则否定回答是can't.故选:D.【点评】本题考查情态动词,基础题,熟悉常见情态动词的含义及用法,再根据题干即可作出选择.18.(2019•铁岭)The cover of the book comfortable.It's made of silk.()A.tastes B.feels C.looks D.sounds【分析】这本书的封面摸起来很舒服.它是丝绸做的.【解答】tastes尝起来;feels感觉起来,摸起来;looks看起来;sounds听起来.根据语境可知书的封面是丝绸做的,应该是摸起来很舒服.故选:B.【点评】了解各选项的含义及用法,根据语境作答.19.(2019•铁岭)The dictionary belong to Sam.You can see his name on it.()A.can B.must C.need D.would【分析】这个字典一定属于萨姆.你可以在上面看到它的名字.【解答】A表示可以,B表示必须,C表示需要,D表示将、将会.根据题干中You can see his name on it.可知你可以在字典上面看到萨姆的名字,由此可推测出这个字典是萨姆的,表示对现在的情况肯定推测,则应用must+动词原形.故选:B.【点评】本题考查情态动词表推测的用法,再根据题干即可作出选择,难度一般.20.(2019•辽阳)It's impolite to________your teachers' office without knocking at the door.()A.describe B.check C.choose D.enter【分析】不敲门就进教师办公室是不礼貌的.【解答】describe 描述;check核对;choose选择;enter进入,根据意思:不敲门就进教师办公室是不礼貌的.故用enter.故选:D.【点评】此题考查动词词义辨析,熟知动词意思与用法,结合语境,仔细分析,可得出答案.21.(2019•辽阳)The dish smells delicious,but it a little salty.()A.looks B.tastes C.feels D.sounds【分析】这道菜闻起来很香,但尝起来有点咸.【解答】look看起来;taste尝起来;feel感觉起来;sounds听起来.根据意思:这道菜闻起来很香,但尝起来有点咸.故用taste.故选:B.【点评】此题考查动词词义辨析,熟知动词意思与用法,结合语境,仔细分析,可得出答案.22.(2019•大庆)You'd better _____ hard from now on,____ you will fail in the exam.()A.work;and B.working;orC.working;and D.work;or【分析】你最好努力学习!否则你将考试失败.【解答】had better do sth.最好做某事.and和,并且,表示递进关系,or否则,表示转折.根据语境可知"你最好努力学习,否则你将考试不及格".故选:D.【点评】本题考查动词的固定搭配,根据句意创设,掌握具体用法便可选出.23.(2019•本溪)As far as I know,the robot that can sweep the floor ________ in the 1980s.()A.is invented B.inventedC.was invented D.has invented【分析】据我所知,能扫地的机器人是20世纪80年代发明的.【解答】根据意思:据我所知,能扫地的机器人是20世纪80年代被发明的.一般过去时态的被动态,was/were done.主语是单数,故用was.故选:C.【点评】此题考查实义动词的过去分词,熟知其意思用法,结合语境,仔细分析,可得出答案.24.(2019•大庆)How long will it ____ you to fly to Beijing from your hometown?()A.spend B.take C.pay D.use【分析】从北京飞往你的家乡会花费你多长时间?【解答】spend用于sb spend…on sth或者sb spend…in doing sth(in可以省略),spend的主语必须是人,可以指花费时间、也可以指花费金钱;take 用于it takes sb…to do sth句型,仅指花费时间(three hours等),必须用it作形式主语;pay是指支付,付账,主语必须是人,use,使用;use sth to do sth;根据句中的How long 可知句中指的是"花费多长时间";而且主语是It;故用句型it takes sb…to do sth.故选:B.【点评】首先根据语境,细读选项,掌握常用句型,然后通过题干中的已供信息,捕捉到解题线索.25.(2019•葫芦岛)New energy cars have been ______ to cut down air pollution.()A.discovered B.found C.invented D.refused【分析】为了减少空气污染,发明了新能源汽车.【解答】四个选项都是过去分词,该句用的是现在完成的被动语态结构,即have been done.A表示发现,B表示找到,C表示发明,D表示拒绝.根据题干可知为了减少空气。

2019全国中考英语真题分类汇编:情态动词(分省汇编,最新最全,含解析)1.(2019·北京)Lily, _____ you finish the letter in ten minutes?Yes, I can.A.mustB.shouldC.needD.can 2.(2019·天津)You walk on the wet hill path because you fall and hurt yourself.A.must; might notB.mustn’t; mightC.needn’t; needD.must; must3.(2019·内蒙古)________ I have a word with you, Mr. Green? It won’t take long. Okay.A.ShouldB.MayC.NeedD.Must 4.(2019·辽宁)Must I sweep the floor at once? No, you______. You may do it later.A.mustn’tB.can’tC.shouldn’tD.needn’t 5.(2019·辽宁)These days people in China _____ take too much money when shopping because they often use Ali pay or We Chat Pay.A.needn’tB.mustn’tC.shouldn’tD.can’t 6.(2019·辽宁)Must we take the underground to the airport?Yes,we .The traffic is very heavy now.A.must B.can C.may D.would 7.(2019·辽宁)Whose tennis balls are these?Are they Linda's?No,they be hers.She doesn't like playing tennis.A.must B.could C.might D.can't 8.(2019·辽宁)You smoke at the oil station,it's too dangerous.I'm sorry,I won't.A.couldn'tB.needn'tC.wouldn'tD.mustn't 9.(2019·辽宁)You always be careful with electricity for safety.A.must B.can C.mustn't D.can't 10.(2019·辽宁)The dictionary ▲belong to Sam.You can see his name on it. A.can B.must C.need D.would11.(2019·辽宁)It's a rule that students ___________ bring mobile phones to our school. A.mustn't B.wouldn't C.needn't D.couldn't 12.(2019·辽宁)The man _______ be a doctor in this hospital, but I’m not sure. A.must B.would C.can D.might 13.(2019·吉林)Alice ________ be very interested in physics. She spends all her spare time on it.A.mustB.mustn'tC.needD.can't 14.(2019·黑龙江)Mom, may I go to the party with my friends tonight?Yes, you ________. But you ________ be back by 10:00 pm.A.can; may B.must; have to C.may; must 15.(2019·黑龙江)That ________ be an alienthere’s no such thing!A.might B.must C.can’t 16.(2019·黑龙江)We ____ pay to get into the concert, because it’s free. A.mustn’t B.can’t C.don’t need to D.might not 17.(2019·上海)According to the rule,used batteries be dropped in the red bin for harmful wastes.A.must B.need C.can D.may 18.(2019·江苏)Size and type do not matter – you ______ do almost anything if you never give up.A.shouldB.mustC.needD.can 19.(2019·江苏)I didn't see you at Jim's party last week. I had to work that evening, so I _________ go.A.needn'tB.mustn'tC.couldn'tD.shouldn't 20.(2019·江苏)______________I keep the book for a week?Sorry, I'm afraid you ______________.A.Need; couldn't B.Need; can't C.May; couldn't D.May; can’t 21.(2019·江苏)With their new lock, you __________ search for keys in your bag any more. Isn’t it cool?A.needn’t B.can’t C.mustn’t D.shouldn’t 22.(2019·江苏)He like coffee. I see him drink a cup at times. A.must B.may C.can’t D.mustn’t 23.(2019·江苏)According to the notice, guests at this hotel __________use the sportscenter at no extra cost.A.can B.should C.must D.need 24.(2019·江苏)This task is really beyond me.Well, if you _________solve it, you won't get paid.A.can't B.needn't C.mustn't D.shouldn't 25.(2019·江苏)Some people don't show their talents at the very beginning.I agree. Even Einstein ____________ read until he was seven.A.can'tB.mustn'tC.couldn'tD.needn't 26.(2019·宿迁市钟吾初级中学)–Mum, may I go to see a film with my cousin?You _______ go if you have finished your homework.A.must B.need C.should D.can 27.(2019·浙江)We don’t allow taking magazines out, but you ____________ copy the article you need on the machine over there.A.canB.mustC.shouldD.would 28.(2011·浙江)Dad, can I go to the movies tonight?Sure, but you ________ come back home before 9 o’clock.A.can B.must C.may D.might 29.(2019·安徽)The designer has tried every possible way to make the robot light, so you _____ worry about its weight.A.must B.may C.can’t D.needn’t 30.(2019·山东)How is your friend going to the station?I'm not sure. He ____take a taxi there.A.must B.has to C.may 31.(2019·山东)You ______ be very tired with the long drive. Let’s stop to have a rest. A.must B.can C.shall D.need 32.(2019·山东)Mum, it’s too hot. ________ I swim in the lake?No, you ___________. That’s too dangerous!A.Should; can’t B.Need; mustn’t C.Must; needn’t D.Could; mustn’t 33.(2019·山东)As middle school students, we follow the public rules wherever we go.A.would B.should C.might D.could 34.(2019·湖北)The beautiful lady with glasses over there looks like our English teacher.It be her. She has gone abroad.A.can't B.may not C.mustn't D.needn’t 35.(2019·湖北)A little bird entered through the open window to join us for dinner last night.Wow, the unexpected guest welcomed.A.will beB.must beC.won’t beD.mustn’t be 36.(2019·湖北)Listen! Is Sarah singing in the neighbor room?No. It be Sarah. She has gone to Italy.A.needn’t B.may not C.can’t D.won’t 37.(2019·湖北)The driver be hurt badly in the accident.That’s true. Let’s send him to the hospital as soon as possible.A.need B.can’t C.must D.may not 38.(2019·湖北)May I join the art club, Dad?If you have interest, you ________.A.should B.can C.have to D.must 39.(2019·湖南)Every one of us ________ always breathe the same breath and share the same future as the people.A.mightB.shouldC.could 40.(2019·湖南)Who is singing in the next room?It____be Lisa,but I'm not sure.A.must B.may C.need 41.(2019·湖南)Will Sam go to the cinema with us tonight?I'm not sure. He ________ not be free.A.may B.Should C.can42.(2019·湖南)一Is that boy Scott?一No,it be Scott.Scott is much taller..A.can B.can't C.mustn't 43.(2019·湖南)May I take the magazine out of the reading room?No, you ____________. Please read it here.A.mustn't B.wouldn't C.needn't 44.(2019·广东)Dirty air and water are harmful. They ____ kill plants, and even people. A.can B.can’t C.should D.shouldn't45.(2019·广西)Time is limited! You'd better your time any more.A.not to waste B.waste C.not waste 46.(2019·广西)Can you drive on the righthand side of the road in China?That’s a rule.A.Yes, we can. B.Yes, we must. C.Yes, we should. 47.(2019·广西)Is that red schoolbag Mary’s?It_______be hers. She hates that color.A.may B.must C.can’t D.might 48.(2019·广西)Must I hand in the homework right now?________. That’s the rule.A.Yes, you can. B.No, you can't. C.Yes, you must D.No, you mustn’t.49.(2019·四川)Zhao Liying, who played in Legend of Chu Qiao, says: “As an actress, you _______ be hardworking.”A.can B.may C.must 50.(2019·四川)We should keep quiet in the library. We speak loudly. A.must B.mustn’t C.can D.needn’t 51.(2019·四川)The girl in the music room __________ be Celia. She has gone to the dining hall.A.can’t B.must C.may 52.(2019·四川)_______I return the books this week?No, you _______. You can do that next week?A.Must; can’t B.May ; needn’t C.Need ; mustn’t D.Must ; needn’t 53.(2019·四川)I can’t find my phone anywhere.You have lost it while shopping.A.may B.can C.should D.would 54.(2019·四川)Is that Tom over there?It ____ be him. He is on the plane to Chengdu now.A.can’t B.might not C.must 55.(2019·四川)Where is Monica? I can’t find her anywhere.She be in the library. She loves reading books when she is free.A.mustB.needC.can’t56.(2019·贵州)“Kangkang, I saw your English teacher in the office just now.”“It ___ be him. He ___ to Shanghai on business.”A.must; has gone B.can’t; has been C.must; has been D.can’t; has gone 57.(2019·贵州)“Dad,my bike is broken. I use yours?”“Sure!It's in the backyard.”A.Must B.Should C.May58.(2019·贵州)I take the magazine out of the reading room?I’m sorry you .A.Could; couldn’t B.Must; couldn’t C.Will; can’t D.May; can’t 59.(2019·云南)I've got a toothache,mom.Oh,you eat too much candy.A.shouldn't B.needn't C.should D.need 60.(2019·甘肃)Whose cap is this? Is it Cindy’s?It___be hers. Don't you remember she even didn't come to the party?A.can’t B.might C.may not D.must 61.(2019·新疆)David, you please sweep the floor and take out the trash? A.could B.may C.might D.must参考答案1.D【解析】句意:Lily,你可以在十分钟之后完成这封信吗?是的,我能。

2019年中考英语单项选择题汇编(动词时态)7.I _____ scared of dogs ever since a dog hurt me when I was five years old。
will beB.wasC.have beenD.would be参考答案:C5.-Ben and Sue aren’t home, are they?-No. They _____ to London on business. (2018江西)A。
have goneB。
have beenD. will go参考答案:A18。
-Why did the car hit the boy?-Because the driver _____ on the phone at that time. (2018天津)A。
talkB. is talkingC. was talkingD。
have talked参考答案:C14。
-Where is Linda? I can’t find her anywhere.-She _____ the flowers in the garden. (2018三亚)A. watersB. wateredC. is watering参考答案:C6。

2019年中考英语单项选择题汇编(动词时态)7.I _____ scared of dogs ever since a dog hurt me when I was five years old. (2018杭州)A.will beB.wasC.have beenD.would be参考答案:C5.-Ben and Sue aren’t home, are they?-No. They _____ to London on business. (2018江西)A. have goneB. goC. have beenD. will go参考答案:A18.-Why did the car hit the boy?-Because the driver _____ on the phone at that time. (2018天津)A. talkB. is talkingC. was talkingD. have talked参考答案:C14.-Where is Linda? I can’t find her anywhere.-She _____ the flowers in the garden. (2018三亚)A. watersB. wateredC. is watering参考答案:C6.Miss Brown, we _____ cleaning our classroom. Can we go home now?(2018广州)A.finishB.finishingC.are finishedD.have finished参考答案:D10.-I called you at half past nine this morning, but there was no answer.-Oh, sorry. I _____ with my cousin in the supermarket. (2018克拉玛依)A. shoppingB. was shoppingC. shoppedD. will shop参考答案:B12.-When _____ you _____ here?-Two days ago. (2018天津)A. did; comeB. have; comeC. will; comeD. do; come参考答案:A4.- Where is Joan?- She _____ a novel in her study. (2018苏州)A. has readB. readsC. will readD. is reading参考答案:D7.— Miss Lin _____ my desk-mate with her lessons when I left school.—She is really a nice teacher.(2018福州)A.helpsB.is helpingC.was helping参考答案:C3.-Shall we go out for a walk. Bill?-I’m afraid not. It _____ outside now. (2018三亚)A. was rainingB. rainedC. is raining参考答案:C10.So far, the AIIB(亚投行)_____ 57 countries to be the founding members.(2018福州)A.attractedB.has attractedC.will attract参考答案:B4.-Will you see the film Cinderella with us tonight?-No, I _____ it last week. (2018长沙)A.seeB.have seenC.saw参考答案:C9.-Do you have any plans for tonight?-Yes ,I _____ at the new Italian restaurant in town. (2018江西)A. eatB. have eatenC. ateD. am going to eat参考答案:D7.-I called you last night , but you didn’t answer.-Sorry, Grace. I _____ I am A Singer when the phone rang. (2018长沙)A.am watchingB.was watchingC.have watched参考答案:B9.Premier Zhou Enlai _____ for many years, he still lives in the hearts of Chinese people. (2018安顺)A.diedB.was diedC.has been diedD.has been dead参考答案:D10.Mary with her parents often _____ for a walk in the park after supper. (2018安顺)A.goB.is goingC.are goingD.goes参考答案:D11.We _____ some robots at home in the future, and there _____ some in the office, too. (2018安顺)A.will have; will haveB.have; will beC.will have; will beD.will have; are参考答案:C7.-Cathy, can you answer the door? I _____ the room.-I’m coming, mum. (2018安徽)A.cleanB.cleanedC.have cleanedD.am cleaning参考答案:D6.-Our classmates went to a concert yesterday afternoon.-What a pity! I _____ my homework. (2018泰安)A.had doneB.was doingC.am doingD.would do参考答案:B5.Stop smoking, Joe! You _____ yourself if you keep on doing it like that! (2018重庆A/C卷)A.will killB.have killedC.killD.killed参考答案:A6.-I _____ to the cinema yesterday.-It’s a pity. You didn’t invite me. (2018娄底)A.goB.wentC.have gone参考答案:B8.-Have you watched the new movie Jurassic world, Steven?-Not yet. I _____ it with my cousin this evening. (2018温州)A. will watchB. was watchingC. watchedD. have watched参考答案:A9.Too many people were absent. The chairperson warned that he _____ the meeting if necessary. (2018无锡)A. would cancelB. cancelledC. would startD. started参考答案:A13.Mother often tells me, “I hope you _____ what I _____ you to do at school!” (2018武威)A.won’t forget; have toldB.don’t forget; will tellC.didn’t forget; tellD.haven’t f orgotten; am telling参考答案:A4.-Hey, Jenny. Let’s go home together.-Just a moment. I _____ an e-mail. (2018武威)A.sendB.sentC.am sendingD.have sent参考答案:C13.-Lucy, what were you doing at nine last night?-I _____ the piano. I usually practice the piano at that time. (2018襄阳)A.playB.playedC.was playingD.am playing参考答案:C4.Over fifty countries _____ the AIIB(亚投行) so far.A.joinedB.was joiningC.had joinedD.have joined参考答案:D13.-What were you doing at 8:00 last Sunday?-I _____ rubbish with my classmates by Zijiang River. (2018益阳)A.picked upB.am picking upC.was picking up参考答案:C7.-Why didn’t you buy any bread?-Sorry, I _____. (2018重庆A/C卷)A.forgetB.forgotC.rememberD.remembered参考答案:B4.Please wait. She _____ to you in a few minutes. (2018重庆B卷)A.talkB.talkedC.have talkedD.will talk参考答案:D17.-When shall we begin our meeting?-We’ll begin it when Helen _____.(2018重庆B卷)AesB.cameC.will comeDe参考答案:A3.Bob took a photo of his girlfriend while she _____ at the party.A.dancesB.was dancingC.has dancedD.is dancing参考答案:B2019年中考英语单项选择题汇编(被动语态)8.Many houses _____ by the earthquake and thousands of people were left homeless.(2018广州)A.damagedB.were damagedC.were damagingD.are damaged参考答案:B9.—Don’t smoke here, Dad. Smoking _____ in public places.—Oh, sorry. I’ll stop right now.(2018福州)A.isn’t allowedB.aren’t allowedC.doesn’t allow参考答案:A5.-Lily, will you go to Jenny’s birthday party this Saturday?-I’m not sure. Because I _____ so far. (2018泰安)A.have invitedB.wasn’t invi tedC.have been invitedD.will be invited参考答案:C10.You can’t wear shoes inside this place. It _____.(2018江西)A. doesn’t allowB. isn’t allowedC. hasn’t allowedD. wasn’t allowed参考答案:B13.UNICEF(联合国儿童基金会)was _____ in 1946. It works to help children live a better life. (2018三亚)A. picked upB. putC. set up参考答案:C7.The novel _____ by many people today. (2018天津)A. is readB. are readC. readsD. were read参考答案:A12.-Did Jack come to our party yesterday?-No, he _____.(2018克拉玛依)A. didn’t inviteB. wa sn’t invitedC. isn’t invitedD. hasn’t invited参考答案:B4.-Who’s the baby in the photo?-It’s me. The photo _____ ten tears ago. (2018三亚)A. tookB. was takenC. was taking参考答案:B4.Some students in this school _____ abroad as exchange students every year. (2018自贡)A.sentB.sendC.are sent参考答案:C7.-Claudia, are you going to Mike’s birthday party on Sunday?-Unless I _____.(2018益阳)A.am invitedB.invitedC.was inviting参考答案:A17.-How clean your car is!-Thank you. It _____ very often. (2018重庆A/C卷)A.is washedB.washesC.was washedD.washed参考答案:A10.Our new library _____ last year. We enjoy reading and studying in it. (2018重庆B卷)A.buildsB.builtC.is builtD.was built参考答案:D4.A new school _____ last year in my hometown.A.set upB.sets upC.is set upD.was set up参考答案:D。

2019全国中考英语真题分类汇编:动词短语(分省汇编,最新最全,含解析)1.(2019·天津)If you want to join the Music Club. the form, please.A.go outB.fill outC.get upD.warm up 2.(2019·河北)On the first day of Chinese New Year, we_________ new clothes and visit people.A.pick up B.put on C.take off D.throw away 3.(2019·山西)Fighting for your dream is like climbing a mountain. Whatever difficulties you meet, don’t. Just move on.A.set offe ouC.give up4.(2019·内蒙古)Everything from how we cook meat to what we eat for dinner can_____our brain health.A.take pride inB.have an interest inC.play a role inD.believe in 5.(2019·内蒙古)Ben was helping his mother when the rain began to beat heavily ________the windows.A.against B.across C.above D.below 6.(2019·内蒙古)I really need to ta ke more exercise because I’m _______weight. A.putting down B.putting on C.putting off D.putting away 7.(2019·辽宁)Could you please help me______ the notices after school?Yes, sure.A.give oute outC.work outD.sell out 8.(2019·辽宁)We’l l visit the ol d people’s home this weekend. How can we let all the students know it?We’d better _____ notices around the school.A.make upB.put upC.take upD.look up 9.(2019·辽宁)It is getting dark.Why not the lights?A.turn on B.take away C.pick up D.put away 10.(2019·辽宁)These days,it is popular to old clothes to the secondhand store.Yes,it's a good way.I'll do it from now on.A.give away B.give out C.give up D.give back 11.(2019·辽宁)John didn't get the job he wanted.Let's go and .A.turn him downB.call him backC.cheer him upD.let him down12.(2019·辽宁)Last week,some students an English play at Rosie Bridge School. A.put out B.put away C.put on D.put up 13.(2019·辽宁)My cousin volunteers in the Children's Home.His job is to ▲food and clothes.A.sell out B.work out C.hand out D.find out 14.(2019·辽宁)Success ______________ hardworking people in the end.A.agrees to B.talks to C.belongs to D.shouts to 15.(2019·辽宁)Will Bob help me look after my pet dog when I'm away.Of course. He won't ____________your request. He loves animals a lot.A.put down B.write down C.turn down D.take down 16.(2019·辽宁)To feed her little son. Mrs. Smith has to _______ the vegetables and meat. A.make up B.put up C.set up D.cut up 17.(2019·吉林)Mr. Smith is helping his little son ________ the broken bicycle in the yard.A.fix upB.look upC.wake upD.cut up 18.(2019·吉林)We always our classroom every Friday afternoon.A.clean up B.put up C.use up 19.(2019·黑龙江)________ I came back home yesterday, my mother was looking ________ a magazine.A.While; through B.When; through C.When; around 20.(2019·黑龙江)Sam, your postcards are everywhere. Will you please ________ them ________?OK, mum. I’ll do it right now.A.put; away B.take; away C.send; away 21.(2019·黑龙江)Miss Li likes swimming very much and now she ________ on Saturday afternoon.A.used to swim B.is used to swim C.is used to swimming 22.(2019·黑龙江)Some students don't know how to___________ worries.They can ask their teachers and parents for help.A.belong to B.deal with C.call in 23.(2019·黑龙江)It’s not good for you to smoke so much, you’d better ________.A.give up it B.give them up C.give it up 24.(2019·黑龙江)Our school has ________ a sign at the gate, saying “Greet your child with a smile, not a mobile”.A.put up B.put off C.put on 25.(2019·黑龙江)My car _____ yesterday .Could you please give me a ride tomorrow? I’m sorry I can’t,I’m ______ Dalian tomorrow morning.A.breaks down;flying at B.has broken down; flying atC.broke down;flying to D.had broken down:flying to 26.(2019·上海)We communicate each other in many ways,such as by email or by phone.A.on B.through C.in D.with 27.(2019·江苏)Every time Tom is late, he'll ___________ an excuse. So I wonder what his excuse is this time.A.set upB.put upC.take upD.make up 28.(2019·江苏)He chose to study in a junior school near his home. It __________ to be a wise decision.A.put out B.put on C.turned out D.turned on 29.(2019·江苏)Honey, come and help me _____ the picture of balloons from the magazine. OK, Granny. I’m c oming.A.carry out B.work out C.cut out D.hand out 30.(2019·江苏)On April 15, a fire ___________ in Notre Dame, an 850yearold cathedral in the heart of Paris.A.ran out B.broke out C.turned out D.carried out 31.(2019·江苏)Some jazz musicians are great because they can music while playing.A.put up B.set up C.take up D.make up 32.(2019·江苏)April 15 was a sad day for France. A large fire __________at the Cathedral of NotreDame.A.broke out B.carried out C.gave out D.ran out 33.(2019·江苏)A forest fire _____________ at the end of March in Liangshan, Sichuan Province. Firemenrushed into the mountains but 27 of them never came back.A.turned out B.carried out C.put out D.broke out 34.(2019·江苏)Would you please ____________ the light? I can't sleep well with it on.A.turn onB.turn offC.turn toD.turn around 35.(2019·江苏)Tina comes to China in order to experience Chinese culture and ________ which university is the best for her to attend.A.put out B.stay out C.find out D.run out 36.(2019·江苏)Read the sentence. “I can tell her anything because she can keep a secret.”The underlined word “because” is used to ________.A.connect ideas B.create new wordsC.show time D.give examples37.(2019·安徽)Shall we go to the airport to ___ your sister?I don’t think it’s neces sary. She will come here by taxi.A.see off B.pick up C.look after D.come across 38.(2019·福建)My deskmate and I are going to a talk show at the party to celebrate the 70th birthday of our motherland.A.hand in B.put on C.take out39.(2019·山东)Lucy,when you leave the room, please ____the light. OK, Mom. A.put off B.turn of C.turn up40.(2019·山东)The traveler ______ his map to make sure he was not lost.A.looked after B.looked up C.looked for D.looked down 41.(2019·山东)I’m g oing to learn some basic life skills, like cooking, washing clothes and tidying the rooms.So am I. We shouldn’t always_________ our parents.A.look after B.depend on C.take pride in D.get on with 42.(2019·山东)Could we _________ the arriving time for school to 8:00 am, Mr. Li? You mean 7:30 is a little earlier? Let’s discuss it with the headmaster.A.find out B.give up C.put off D.cut out 43.(2019·山东)They’ll succeed in working out the problem because they never____________.A.wake up B.give up C.look up D.make up 44.(2019·山东)The English Speech Competition the best in her. As a result, she is more active now.A.checked out B.tried out C.left out D.brought out 45.(2019·河南)I asked my father to _______ me _______ at the school gate at 6:30 so that we could visit Grandma together.A.pick; up B.turn; down C.let; down D.cheer; up 46.(2019·湖北)About 20 million people in the world have no enough safe drinking water. So we should how to deal with the problems of water.A.put onB.look afterC.think aboutD.get on with 47.(2019·湖北)Shall we_____the things we don’t use to the people in need?Good idea.A.put offB.set outC.get intoD.give away 48.(2019·湖北)Jimmy, the books are everywhere in your study.Sorry, Mom. I’ll____at once.A.put them on B.put them away C.put them out D.put them up 49.(2019·湖北)Your sister _ your mother very much.Many people regard them as sisters when they hang out together.A.cares for B.takes after C.helps out D.believes in 50.(2019·湖北)Does the old man have to his wife?Yes. They have no children to depend on.A.look after B.look for C.look up D.look like 51.(2019·湖北)Tom, What are you doing?I’m drawing because I want to be a painter.A.taking upB.cleaning upC.putting upD.making up 52.(2019·湖北)In my opinion, animals s houldn’t be kept for fun.I think so. Forests are the best places for animals ______________.A.live B.living C.to live D.to live in 53.(2019·湖北)All the members decided to ________the money from the book sale to homeless people.A.give up B.give away C.take up D.take away 54.(2019·湖南)She will ________ the silk dress and wear it.A.put awayB.put upC.put on 55.(2019·湖南)The volunteers ________ the sick kids in the hospital on weekends. A.look after B.look for C.look through56.(2019·湖南)Tony,it's cold outside. your coat when you go out.All right,Mom.A.Put up B.Put off C.Put on 57.(2019·湖南)Where is Mr. Green?He _________the bookshop. You have to wait for him.A.was going to B.has gone to C.has been to 58.(2019·广西)Dad, I don't know this new word.Well, you can _______________ in the dictionary.A.look up it B.look it up C.look it around 59.(2019·广西)I heard that Paul hurt himself badly in the earthquake.Yes.The doctor had to his right leg to save him.A.cut up B.cut out C.cut off D.cut down 60.(2019·广西)The oil on the earth will one day.I think so.We should make good use of it.A.find out B.work out C.give out D.run out 61.(2019·广西)Zhang Lan usually looks after her little brother at home when her mother is away.A.looks up B.looks out C.looks over D.takes care of 62.(2019·广西)John, please _________your dictionary from the schoolbag and look up the new word.A.take away B.take up C.take off D.take out 63.(2019·四川)In the face of difficulty, never _____ and you will succeed sooner or later. A.give back B.give in C.give away 64.(2019·四川)My uncle is against wasting anything.No wonder he would rather _____ the old bike than ______ a new one.A.repair;to buy B.to repair:buy C.repair;buy 65.(2019·四川)Where will the 2022 Winter Olympics____,Cindy?In Beijing,the capital of China,the first city to host both Summer and Winter Olympics.A.be taken place B.take placeC.take part D.be taken part66.(2019·四川)Julie has made great progress. How did she make it?She works much harder than before. She says if she doesn’t catch up, she will be left out.A.be angry B.fall behind C.give in D.get excited 67.(2019·四川)We’d better __________ our sports meeting because it’s going to rain. A.put on B.put up C.put off68.(2019·四川)What’s the meaning of “One Belt and One Road”?Let me the words in the new dictionary.A.look at B.look for C.look after D.look up 69.(2019·四川)–It’s already 7:50. If you want to get to the meeting on time, you must, Jack.–I see. I’ll walk quickly.A.hurry upB.ring upC.stay up70.(2019·贵州)The doctor told me to give up smoking.从下面各题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出与划线部分意思相同或相近的最佳选项.A.give in B.give away C.practice D.stop 71.(2019·贵州)Do you know how to work out the difficult math problem?从下面各题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出与划线部分意思相同或相近的最佳选项.A.bring out B.carry on C.solve D.do with 72.(2019·贵州)Dad,I don't know how to repair my bike.Could you give me a hand?从下面各题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出与划线部分意思相同或相近的最佳选项.A.hand in B.help me C.find out D.drive me 73.(2019·贵州)We,Chinese people,are proud of the Great Wall.从下面各题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出与划线部分意思相同或相近的最佳选项.A.take pride in B.take action onC.take a look at D.take part in74.(2019·贵州)We must keep off the forest fire if there is one.It's dangerous to stay near it.从下面各题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出与划线部分意思相同或相近的最佳选项.A.catch up with B.put offC.keep up with D.stay away from75.(2019·贵州)Look! The light in your bedroom is still on.Sorry,I forgotA.to tum it off B.to turn it downC.to turn it up D.to turn it on76.(2019·贵州)“Do you know anything about C919?” “Of course. It’s a kind of plane which ___ China.”A.is made of B.is made in C.is made from D.is made up of 77.(2019·贵州)My father __________to his workplace by bus, but now he__________there by bike.Really? You have an environmentallyfriendly father.A.used to go, is used to go B.used to going, is used to goC.is used to go, is used to going D.used to go, is used to going 78.(2019·贵州)I don't think teachers should give too much homework to_______ the free time of students.Exactly!A.give up B.take up C.look up D.put up 79.(2019·云南)What's up,Lisa?I have to hand in the report tomorrow,but I can't anything to write.A.talk of B.think of C.speak of D.hear of 80.(2019·云南)Did you go to the library with Helen yesterday?No. I waited and waited but she stood me up at last.A.stood in a long line B.stood with meC.didn't turn me down D.didn't show up81.(2019·云南)The PLA Navy(中国人民解放军海军) has been greatly helping keep world peace,As a Chinese. I am it.A.responsible for B.proud of C.full of D.known for 82.(2019·甘肃)Don’t forget to____the lights when they are not in use!A.turn over B.turn off C.turn up D.turn on参考答案1.B【解析】句意:如果你想加入音乐俱乐部。

2019-2020学年度最新全国中考英语汇编解析:动词1、(2016•黑龙江)Though she often makes her little brother ______,she was made ______ by himthis morning.()A.cry;to cry B.to cry;cryC.cry;cry【考点】实义动词.【分析】虽然她经常让她的弟弟哭,但今天早上她被他弄哭了.【解答】答案:A.根据Though she often makes her little brother ______,she was made ______ by himthis morning,可知本句考查了make的用法,通常用于make sb do sth 让某人做某事,后面跟不带to的不定式,但是用于被动语态时,省略的不定式符号to要还原出来,所以本句应该选A.2、(2016•广东)Unless the weather______,we'll have to cancel the picnic.()A.improve B.improvesC.improved D.will improve【考点】实义动词的单数第三人称形式.【分析】除非天气有所改善,否则我们必须取消野餐.【解答】答案:Bunless引导一个表假设的条件状语从句,在含有条件状语从句的复合句中,如果主句是一般将来时,从句用一般现在时表将来,从句的主语the weather是第三人称单数,所以谓语动词用单三形式,故选B.3、(2016•滨州)-I'm sorry I ________ my exercise book at home this morning.-It doesn't matter.Don't forget ________ it here this afternoon.()A.left;to take B.forgot;bringingC.left;to bring D.forgot;to bring【考点】实义动词的过去式;动词的固定搭配.【分析】-对不起,今天早晨我把作业本忘在家里了.-没关系,不要忘了今天下午带来.【解答】答案:C 本题考查动词词义的辨析,根据关键词I'm sorry,可知是把作业本忘在家里了,leave,把某物忘在某地;forget to do sth,忘记做某事;bring,带来;take,带走;故选C4、(2016•包头)This beautiful poem by Li Bai is still popular today.It has the test of time.()A.failed B.stood C.taken D.made【考点】实义动词的过去分词.【分析】李白的这首优美的诗句现在仍然受欢迎,它已经经受住了时间的考验.【解答】答案:B.fail失败,不能,B.stand站,忍受,承受,C take带走,花费,D make 制作.根据It has the test of time,可知这里的句意应该是它已经经受住了时间的考验,这里出现了has,可知本句应该用现在完成时,动词应该用过去分词形式.故选B.5、(2016•厦门)---Tom,let's hang out after school.---Sorry.I have_____Frank to work on the biology report with him.()A.advised B.expected C.promised【考点】实义动词的过去分词.【分析】-汤姆,咱们放学后出去玩吧.-对不起,我已经答应弗兰克要和他一起为生物学报告而工作.【解答】答案:C.各个选项的意义分别是A advise 建议;B expect 期待; C promise 承诺.跟语境"sorry(对不起)"以及"work on the biology report with him(和他一起为生物学报告而工作)"可以推知本空应填"许诺",又"许诺"是已经完成的动作,结合have故本句应为现在完成时态,故用其过去分词promised,故答案选C6、(2016•威海)Their football team was____in that important game.()A.won B.beaten C.failed【考点】实义动词的过去分词.【分析】他们的足球队在那场重要的比赛中被打败了.【解答】答案:B.根据语境可知,由于主语Their football team 是动(was+词的动作承受者,结合was可知本句是一般过去时的被动语态,过去分词).首先分析A:won 是win的过去分词,意思赢得…比赛.它的宾语应是某某比赛.B:beaten是beat的过去分词,意思是打败、战胜某人或某集体.C:failed 是fail的过去分词,意思是做事失败,是不及物动词.由their football team(他们的足球队)是一个由人组成的集体,在本题中只有beat能作为主语"their football team"的施动者,故答案为B.7、(2016•南京)-Have you read the book Jane Eyre?-Yes.It's a famous book and really worth_______.()A.to read B.reading C.to be read D.read【考点】实义动词的现在分词.【分析】--你读过≤简•爱≥这本书吗?--嗯,它是一本名著,很值得一读.【解答】答案:B 根据关键词worth联系选项可知此处运用了be worth doing sth 值得做…这一固定用法,故此处应选read的动名词形式reading,意为"值得一读"故选B8、(2016•黑龙江)A Christmas Carol is a famous short novel ______ by Charles Dickens.()A.written B.was writtenC.wrote【考点】实义动词的现在分词.【分析】《圣诞颂歌》是由查尔斯•狄更斯写的一篇著名的短篇小说.【解答】答案:A结合语境推测本句的句意是"《圣诞颂歌》是由查尔斯•狄更斯写的一篇著名的短篇小说.",设空处单词在本句中作后置定语,修饰前面的名词novel,由于novel与write在逻辑上是被动关系,所以用过去分词作定语,故选A.9、(2016•)After she finished the story,Alice wrote a review for her school newspaper.()A.read B.reads C.to read D.reading【考点】实义动词的现在分词.【分析】当她读完故事以后,Alice为她的校报写了一篇读后感.【解答】答案为D本题考查固定短语finish doing sth,表示结束做某事.后一句是Alice写了一篇读后感,表示是做另一件事,after为时间介词,引导的句子做时间状语,因此可推知是结束了做某事之后,应该为finish doing sth.10、(2016•福州)-Mum,what are you cooking in the kitchen?It _____ so good!-Fried noodles.()A.smells B.tastes C.sounds【考点】系动词.【分析】--妈妈,你在厨房里正做什么?它闻起来太好闻了.--炒面.【解答】答案:A.根据what are you cooking in the kitchen,可以推断应该是妈妈正在厨房里饭,还没有做完,因此是闻起来而不是尝起来.smell为闻起来,taste为尝起来,sound为听起来,因此符合题意的是smell.故选:A.11、(2016•济南)-Do you like the songs by Taylor?-Yes.Country music nice and full of feelings.()A.sounds B.listens C.hears D.looks【考点】系动词.【分析】--你喜欢泰勒的歌吗?--是的,乡村音乐听上去优美且富有感情.【解答】答案:A.结合选项可知本题考查感官动词,首先明确选项中每个单词的意思:A:听起来;B:听(强调动作);C:听见(强调结果);D:看起来;根据设空处后面的nice,结合题干推测答语的句意是"是的,乡村音乐听上去优美且富有感情.",所以sounds 符合句意,故选A.12、(2016•东营)-Good morning.I'd like a birthday gift for my mother.-What about this scarf?It is beautiful and it______ soft and smooth.()【考点】系动词.【分析】--上午好,我想给我妈妈买一个生日礼物.--这条围巾怎么样?它很漂亮而且摸上去柔软光滑.【解答】答案:A.结合选项可知本题考查系动词,首先明确选项中每个单词的意思:A:摸上去/感觉;B:看上去;C:似乎;D:变成;根据设空处后面的soft and smooth,结合题干推测答语的句意是"这条围巾怎么样?它很漂亮而且摸上去柔软光滑.",所以feels 符合句意,故选A.13、(2016•丹东)-Why do you ______ so upset?A.look B.sound C.smell D.feel【考点】系动词.【分析】--你为什么看上去那么伤心?--因为在英语比赛中我没有获得第一名.【解答】答案:A.结合选项可知本题考查系动词,首先明确选项中每个单词的意思:A:看上去;B:听起来;C:闻起来;D:感觉;根据设空处后面的so upset,结合题干推测句意是"你为什么看上去那么伤心?",所以look 符合句意,故选A.14、(2016•A.sounds B.tastes C.feels D.smells【考点】系动词.【分析】这张床感觉柔软舒适.【解答】答案:C.考察感官动词;感官动词sound译为听上去;taste 译为尝起来;feel 译为感到/摸起来;smell译为闻起来.15、(2016•)The twins fond of the new idea in the magazinearticle.()A.be B.am C.is D.are【考点】系动词;谓语.【分析】这个双胞胎很喜欢这份艺术杂志上的新点子.【解答】答案为D此处考查主谓一致.主语为the twins,表示双胞胎,是两个人,为复数,因此谓语的系动词为are.16、(2016•大庆)The cake tastes and it is really delicious.()A.well B.badly C.good D.bad【考点】系动词.【分析】蛋糕尝起来很好,真的很美味.【解答】答案:C根据设空处后面的it is really delicious推测句意是"蛋糕尝起来很好,真的很美味.",taste是系动词,系动词后面跟形容词作表语,选项C和选项D都是形容词,根据句意选good,故选C17、(2016•滨州)-Must I go to law school and be a lawyer like you,Dad?-No,you _____,son.You're free to make your own decision.()A.can't B.mustn't C.shouldn't D.needn't【考点】情态动词.【分析】句意:--我一定要上法律院校成为像您一样的律师吗,爸爸?--不,不需要,儿子,你可以自由的决定.【解答】答案:D.根据No和You're free to make your own decision.可知下面为否定回答,must的含义是必须一定,其否定形式mustn't表示禁止的含义.在这里不是禁止的意思.must的否定回答一般可借助于needn'和don't have to来构成.故选D.18、(2016•黔南州)-How is your grandma?-She's fine.She used to____TV at home after supper.But now she is used to___out for a walk.()A.watch;go B.watching;goC.watching;going D.watch;going【考点】情态动词;动名词.【分析】--你的奶奶怎么样?--她很好.她过去常常晚饭后在家看电视.但是现在她习惯了出去散步.【解答】答案:D.used to do sth过去常常做某事,to是不定式符号,后面接动词原形;be used to doing sth习惯于某事,to是介词,后面接名词或者动名词作宾语.故选D.19、(2016•绵阳)-Is Mr Brown driving here?A.may B.shall C.need D.must【考点】情态动词.【分析】--布朗先生开车来这里吗?--我不确定.他可能坐火车来.【解答】答案:A.may可能;shall将要;need需要;must一定,必须.根据I'm not sure,可知这里的意思是我不确定,可能会坐火车来.may可能.故选A20、(2016•绵阳)How kind you are!You always do what you can ______ others.()A.help B.helping C.helps D.to help【考点】情态动词.【分析】你是多么的善良啊!你总是尽你所能的去帮助别人.【解答】答案:D.根据You always do what you can,可知这里的意思是你总是尽你所能的做某事,what you can 是作do的宾语从句的,后面的成分应该是做目的状语,在这里应该用动词不定式形式.选D.21、(2016•黔南州)All passage _____go through safety check before they take a plane.()A.can B.may C.must D.ought【考点】情态动词.【分析】句意:所有乘客在上飞机之前都要经过安检.【解答】can能,能够;may可以,可能;must必须,一定;Ought 应该.故选C22、(2016•福州)-Look at the young lady in red.Is it Mrs.King?-No,It ________ be her.She is wearing a white dress today.()A.can B.may C.must D.can't【分析】--看这个穿红衣服的女士,是金夫人吗?--不,不可能是她.她今天穿了一件白色的连衣裙.【解答】答案:D.can能够,可以;may可以,可能;must必须,一定;can't不能.根据She is wearing a white dress today,可知她今天穿了一件白色的连衣裙,所以穿红衣服的女士不可能是金夫人.can't不能,故选D.23、(2016•株洲)The passengers _______show their ID cards before getting on the plane.()A.might B.must C.could【考点】情态动词.【分析】在登上飞机之前乘客必须出示他们的身份证.【解答】答案:B.might可能;must一定;could可能;could和might都有表示猜测的意思.而且语气都比较委婉.但是could的肯定语气是大于might的.而且could 还带有一种"竟然,难以置信"的语气在里头.根据The passengers _______show their ID cards before getting on the plane,可知在登上飞机之前乘客必须出示他们的身份证.must一定,必须.故选B.24、(2016•十堰)All the students _____ know cheating in the exam is not allowed.()A.need B.may C.must D.can【分析】所有的学生都必须知道在考试中作弊是不允许的.【解答】答案:C.need需要;may可以;must一定,必须;can可能.根据All the students _____ know cheating in the exam is not allowed.可知所有的学生都必须知道在考试中作弊是不允许的,这是法律明文规定的,都必须遵守的,must一定,必须.故选C25、(2016•邵阳)-Must I clean the room now,Mom?-No,_________.()A.you mustn't B.you needn'tC.you can't【考点】情态动词.【分析】--妈妈,我现在必须打扫房间吗?--不,你不必.【解答】答案:B.根据No.可知下面为否定回答,must的含义是必须一定,其否定形式mustn't表示禁止的含义.在这里不是禁止的意思.must的否定回答一般可借助于needn'和don't have to来构成,表不必.故选B 26、(2016•郴州)-Mum,I'm going climbing.Must I clean the room now?-No,you_____________.You can do it this evening.()A.can't B.mustn't C.needn't【分析】--妈妈,我将要去爬山.我现在必须打扫房间吗?--不,你不必.你可以今天晚上打扫.【解答】答案:C.根据No和You can do it this evening.可知下面为否定回答,must的含义是必须一定,其否定形式mustn't表示禁止的含义.在这里不是禁止的意思.must的否定回答一般可借助于needn'和don't have to来构成,表不必.故选C.27、(2016•长沙)-Finally,they came back.-They ______be hungry after such a long walk.()A.can't B.must C.needn't【考点】情态动词.【分析】--他们终于回来了.--走了这么长的路他们一定饿了.【解答】答案:B.can't不可能;must一定,必须;needn't不必.根据after such a long walk,可知走了这么长的路他们一定饿了.must一定,必须.故选B 28、(2016•安徽)Please don't make so much noise.I_____hear the speaker very well.()A.needn't B.mustn't C.can't D.shouldn't【考点】情态动词.【分析】请别这么吵.我听不清演讲者的话了.needn't不必;mustn't不可以;can't不能;shouldn't不应该.根据I_____hear the speaker very well.可知这里的意思是不能很好的听清演讲者的话了.can't不能.故选C.29、(2016•包头)Ladies and gentlemen,let me,if I ,introduce you my manager,Bill Wealth.()A.will B.should C.must D.may【考点】情态动词.【分析】女士们,先生们,如果可以的话,让我给你们介绍一下我的经理Bill Wealth.【解答】答案:D.will将要;should应该;must一定,必须;may可以.根据let me,if I ,introduce you my manager,可知这里的意思应该是如果可以的话,让我给你们介绍一下我的经理,may可以,表请求.故选D.30、(2016•随州)-Let's go climbing,shall we?-You______be joking!Don't you know I'm afraid of high places?()A.must B.can C.may D.should【考点】情态动词.【分析】--让我们去爬山,好吗?--你一定是在开玩笑,难道你不知道我恐高吗?can可以,能够,should应该,may可能,must必须,一定.也表示肯定的推测.根据Don't you know I'm afraid of high places,可知我恐高,所以你一定是在开玩笑.must必须,一定.故选A31、(2016•宁夏)-Can I go swimming,Mom?-Certainly.But you ____ be back by four.()A.can B.may C.might D.must【考点】情态动词.【分析】--我可以去游泳吗,妈妈?--当然可以.但你必须在四点之前回来.【解答】答案:D.can能够,可能;may可以;might可能;must一定,必须.can 可表示"可以,能够",即表示允许或者能力,也可表推测.常常用于否定推测.may 也可表示"可以"的意思,表征求意见或允许;might比may表达更委婉一些.根据But you ____ be back by four,可知这里表示四点之前必须回来,是要求,must一定,必须.故选D.32、(2016•绥化)一Mum,must I clean my room?-No,you .()A.mustn't B.needn't C.can't【考点】情态动词.【分析】--妈妈,我必须打扫房间吗?--不,你不必.根据No,可知下面为否定回答,must的含义是必须一定,其否定形式mustn't表示禁止的含义.在这里不是禁止的意思.must的否定回答一般可借助于needn'和don't have to来构成,表不必.故选B 33、(2016•河南)---You look very pretty,if I say so.---Thanks a lot for saying that.()A.must B.may C.will D.have to【考点】情态动词.【分析】--你看起来很漂亮,如果我可以这么说.--多谢你那样说.【解答】答案:B.must一定,必须;may可以;will将要;have to不得不.根据You look very pretty,if I--say so.可知这里的意思是你看起来很漂亮,如果我可以这么说,在这里may表示可以,故选B34、(2016•山西)-Many people play with mobile phones all day instead of reading books.-That's too bad.Everyone _______ be a book lover.Reading is more enjoyable.()A.may B.should C.would【考点】情态动词.【分析】--许多人整天玩手机而不是看书.--这太糟糕了.每个人都应该是一个爱书者.阅读更有趣.may,可能,也许;should 表义务,意为"应该"(某件事宜于做),用于各种人称;would将要,一种更委婉的说法.根据Everyone _______ be a book lover,可知这里是说每个人都应该是一个爱书者,表示某件事宜于做,所以这里用should.故选B.35、(2016•天津)---Mum,I play football this afternoon?---Sure,but you finish your homework first.()A.may;could B.can;mustC.can;mustn't D.may;can't【考点】情态动词.【分析】--妈妈,今天下午我可以去踢足球吗?--当然可以.但是你必须先完成作业.【解答】答案:B.can能,可能;may可能;must一定,必须;could可能,表示更委婉的说法,mustn't不可以;can't不可能;can和may在表示可能性上,can的语气比may要强烈,may要显得婉转.而且can多用于口语,在正式用于中多用may.can表示可能,多用于否定句与疑问句.根据I play football this afternoon,可知这里表示一种请求,这里用can 表示能;再根据but you…finish your homework first,可知这里必须先完成作业,语气较为强烈,所以在这里用must表示一定要做的事.故选B36、(2016•海南)-Must I clean the room now?-No,you ________.You can do it later.()A.needn't B.can't C.may not【考点】情态动词.【分析】--我现在必须打扫房间吗?--不,你不必.你可以晚些时候打扫.【解答】答案:A.根据No和You can do it later.可知下面为否定回答,must的含义是必须一定,其否定形式mustn't表示禁止的含义.在这里不是禁止的意思.must的否定回答一般可借助于needn'和don't have to来构成,表示不必.故选A37、(2016•黑龙江)My grandfather _____ live in the countryside,but now he ______ living in the city.()A.used to;used toB.got used to;gets used toC.used to;gets used to【考点】情态动词.【分析】我爷爷过去住在乡下,但是现在,他习惯了城市的生活.【解答】答案:C.38、(2016•泉州)-What's wrong with Judy?She has been absent for two days.-Oh,she be ill.Let's go to ask Mr.Green.()A.may B.need C.would【考点】情态动词.【分析】--Judy怎么了?她缺席了两天了.--哦,她可能病了.让我们去问一下Green先生吧.【解答】答案:A.may可能;need需要;would将会.根据She has been absent for two days.可知这里说她缺席了两天了.可以推断她可能病了.may可能;故选A39、(2016•咸宁)--Do you think that kobe will be elected as the MVP this year?--It_________him.He has retired(退役)since April 13.()A.can't be B.mustn't be C.must be D.can be【考点】情态动词.【分析】--你认为科比会当选今年的MVP吗?--不可能是他.他从4月13日起就退役了.【解答】答案:A.can't不可能;mustn't禁止,不可以;must一定,必须;can be可能是.根据He has retired(退役)since April 13.可知他从4月13日起就退役了,所以今年的MVP不可能是他.can't不可能,本题中没有其它动词,所以后面加上be动词.故选A40、(2016•盐城)--Is that man Mr Green?--It be him.He has gone to Paris on business.()A.may B.must C.can't D.shouldn't【考点】情态动词.【分析】--那个人是Green先生吗?--不可能是他.他出差去巴黎了.【解答】答案:C.may可能;must一定,必须;can't不可能;shouldn't不应该.根据He has gone to Paris on business,可知他出差去巴黎了,所以那个人不可能是Green先生,can't不可能.故选C。

【命题趋势】1.考察在特殊语境中动词、连系动词、助动词及情态动词的运用2.实义动词的词义辨析【动词定义】:表示动作和状态的词【动词分类】:动词按照其词义和在句中的作用可分为:实义动词、连系动词、助动词和情态动词【近四年中考考前分析】She is a friendly girl and always gets on well with others.She becomes more beautiful than three years ago.她比三年前漂亮多了。
The window remained open all the night.这扇窗子整夜开着。
The food in that restaurant looks delicious, but it tastes bad.那家餐馆的食物看起来不错,但尝起来难吃。
It’s getting warmer and warmer.天气渐渐变得暖和。
【中考专题训练】【2013江苏泰州1】—What do you think of the song “You and Me”?— It ________ great. I love singing it.A. tastesB. looksC. smellsD. sounds【2013四川宜宾2】—What do you think of the zongzi?—They ______ delicious. Are they made by your mother?A. soundB. tasteC. feelD. look 【2013山东临沂3】25. —Do you know the song Gangnam Style?—Of course. It interesting.A. tastesB. smellsC. soundsD. feels【2014山东潍坊3】—What will a science museum be like if you are asked to build one?—I hope it will _____ like a book.A.tasteB.soundC.lookD.smell主要的助动词有【2013湖北随州2】22. —Hello, Lisa. What's the matter?—I ______find my mobile phone. _______ you seen it?A.couldn't; DidB. can't; HaveC. need ; HadD. must; Are ( ) —Who _____ the first paper in the world?—Cai Lun______A.invented;didB.was invented;wasC.did invented ;wasD.invented;wasB A三实义动词实义动词分为及物动词和不及物动词Could I use your computer?Vegetables help you to keep in good health.make sb do sthlet sb do sthhave sb do sthsee sb. do sthwatch sb. do sthhear sb.do sthnotice sb. do sthTom lent me a book yesterday.【拓展】具有类似用法的还有:give sb.sth.= give sth.to sb.pass sb.sth.= pass sth.to sb.post sb.sth.= post sth.to sb.lend give sb.sth.= lend sth.to sb.offer sb.sth.= offer sth.to sb.buy sb.sth.= buy sth.for sb.Tom arrived in Shanghai last Sunday.He talks in a loud voice.She can sing English songs.(及物)She sings well.(不及物)I often listen to music on weekends.She can sing English songs.(及物)She sings well.(不及物)1)动词+介词Tom is looking for his lost pen.What are you talking about?之间。

2019-2020年中考英语试题汇编动词和情态动词o She’s Teahouse _____ the changes in Chinese society over fifty years. (2015天津)A. describesB. improvesC. preparesD. corrects参考答案:A5.-How is Tom now?-I hear the company _____ him a good job, but he refused it. (2015呼和浩特)A.providedB.offeredC.passedD.introduced参考答案:B3.Fresh food is good for you . But you have to _____ it first because sometimes ita little dirty. (2015江西)A. tasteB. smellC. washD. plant参考答案:C9.-Tom, it’s cold outside. _____ your coat when yo u go out.-OK, Mom. (2015克拉玛依)A. Take offB. Take awayC. Put awayD. Put on参考答案:D6.-You say you are short of money. Why not sell your old gold watch for some money? -Oh, I can’t, because it was a gift from my wife. I promised her I would never _____ it. (2015襄阳)A.care aboutB.look afterC.stick toD.part with参考答案:D13.The boy has a good habit to _____ all the things in right places. (2015呼和浩特)A.put awayB.put upC.take awayD.take up参考答案:A10.I really need to take more exercise because I’m _____ weight.(2015杭州)A.putting offB.putting onC.putting downD.putting away参考答案:B11.—What did you do on Earth Day this year?—We _____ a show to spread the message about protecting the environment.(2015福州)A.put onB.put upC.put away参考答案:A15.Yunnan is beautiful and I’m _____ visiting it again. (2015天津)A. keeping clear ofB. suffering fromC. looking forward toD. running away from参考答案:C5.—It will _____ only about 50 minutes to travel to Mount Wuyi by high-speed railway. —Wow, how exciting! I can’t wait.(2015福州)A.takeB.spendC.cost参考答案:A7.When I got to the bus stop. I missed the early bus and I had to _____ the next one. (2015德州)A.give upB.keep offC.call offD.wait for参考答案:D9.We planned to meet at 10:30 at the station last Sunday, but Bob didn’t _____ until 12:00. (2015安徽)A.turn upB.give upC.stay upD.grow up参考答案:A8.Dreams are beautiful. However, to _____ them needs lots of time and work. (2015安徽)A.discoverB.findC.achieveD.stop参考答案:C11.-Do you know our new manager?-Yes. He _____ to be a friend of my brother. (2015苏州)A. turns upB. turns onC. turns outD. turns off参考答案:C4.It is necessary for everyone to _____ a good habit of reading. (2015济宁)A.enjoyB.chooseC.developD.accept参考答案:C5.The running water makes the stones _____ very smooth. (2015安徽)A.soundB.tasteC.smellD.feel参考答案:D9.Bob is taking the desks away because they _____ too much room. (2015天津)A. stand upB. pick upC. take upD. listen up参考答案:C8.—The school network will be shut down for safety reasons.—That doesn't _____ me at all. I'm not a net-worm, anyway. (2015无锡)A. satisfyB. surpriseC. worryD. include参考答案:C14.-What’s wrong with you, Eric? You look tired.-I _____ to prepare for the final exam last night. (2015安顺)A.picked upB.woke upC.put upD.stayed up参考答案:D14.The exam is over and the results will be _____ on Friday afternoon. (2015泰安)A.put downB.put offC.put upD.put away参考答案:C5.We have to _____ the bike ride because of the bad weather. (2015济宁)A.put offB.turn offC.take offD.get off参考答案:A9.-Has Jane done the washing yet?-You cannot _____ her to do such a thing. (2015苏州)A. wantB. hopeC. expectD. wish参考答案:C6.-Jenny, I hear there will be an art club in our school.-Wonderful! I can’t wait to _____ it. (2015温州)A. repeatB. forgetC. receiveD. join参考答案:D5.The governments should _____ the use of new types of energy to make a greener world. (2015无锡)A. push inB. push forC. put outD. put up参考答案:B12.The Apple Watch is very beautiful, but it’s too expensive. So I can’t _____ it. (2015武威)A.saveB.supportC.offerD.afford参考答案:D2.-It’s reported that Chinese _____ more than 40 minutes a day reading WeChat(微信).-It’s true. But I think WeChat is taking too much of our time. (2015襄阳)A.spendB.costC.payD.take参考答案:A5.-Could you _____ the computer for me, dear? I want to check my e-mails.-Certainly, I’ll do it right away. (2015襄阳)A.turn onB.turn downC.turn offD.turn up参考答案:A12.The boy is sleeping. Please _____ the radio. (2015益阳)A.turn upB.turn offC.turn on参考答案:B11.-Dear sister, does the TV show Dad comes back _____ our father?-Sure, Dad has been away for about ten years. (2015自贡)A.let you downB.help you outC.remind you of参考答案:C13.-Do you think our basketball team will win the match?-Yes, we have better players. So I _____ them to win. (2015自贡)A.hopeB.helpC.expect参考答案:C8.They walked home last night because they couldn’t _____ to take a taxi. (2015重庆A/C卷)A.leaveB.buyC.affordD.allow参考答案:C6.They all _____ Laura about building a museum here. (2015重庆A/C卷)A.waited forB.handed inC.agreed withD.knocked at参考答案:C6.-Your mother _____ younger than she is.-Thank you for saying so. (2015重庆B卷)A.looksB.listensC.seesD.hears参考答案:A15.It’s getting dark. Would you please _____ the light? (2015重庆B卷)A.get onB.get offC.turn onD.turn off参考答案:C2015年中考英语单项选择题汇编(情态动词)5.Harry’s been driving all day, he _____ be tired. (2015杭州)A.needB.canC.shallD.must参考答案:D4.—Doctor Wang, I’m feeling much better. Must I go on taking the medicine?—No, yo u _____. You’ll get well soon.(2015福州)A.can’tB.mustn’tC.needn’t参考答案:C6.-Is that man Mr. Smith?-It _____ be him. He has gone to New York on business. (2015天津)A. may notB. needn’tC. can’tD. mustn’t参考答案:C11.-Excuse me. Can you tell me what time it is now?-Sorry. I _____. My watch doesn’t work. (2015三亚)A. can’tB. shouldn’tC. mustn’t参考答案:A5.-You _____ park here! Look at the sign, it says “No parking”.-Sorry, I didn’t notice that sign just now. (2015苏州)A. won’tB. needn’tC. mustn’tD. co uldn’t参考答案:C5.-Mr. Wang, must I come again to clean the classroom on Sunday?-No, you _____. I have asked Kate to do it. (2015德州)A.can’tB.mustn’tC.needn’tD.shouldn’t参考答案:C4.—I think we need to sit down and have a talk.—I _____ agree more. Let's take the bench over there. (2015无锡)A. couldB. couldn'tC. shouldD. shouldn't参考答案:B1.-_____ I use your dictionary?-Of course. But please return it to me before you leave. (2015长沙)A.MustB.NeedC.May参考答案:C3.-He _____ be in the classroom, I think.-No, he _____ be in the classroom. I saw him go home a minute ago. (2015安顺)A.can; may notB.must; may notC.may; mustn’tD.may; can’t参考答案:D6.-Must I return the hook tomorrow morning?-No, you _____.You can keep it longer. (2015克拉玛依)A. mustn’tB. can’tC. needn’tD. couldn’t参考答案:C7.Nathan likes his job because he _____enjoy the beauty of nature. (2015江西)A. canB. mustC. shouldD. is supposed to参考答案:A14.-Do you have any plans for this Sunday?-I’m not sure. I _____ go to the countryside to see my grandmother. (2015安徽)A.canB.mustC.mayD.need参考答案:C11.Nowadays, all passengers _____ go through safety check before take a train. (2015泰安)A.canB.mayC.mustD.will参考答案:C8.-Must I clean the classroom now?-No, you _____.(2015娄底)A.mustn’tB.can’tC.needn’t参考答案:C11.The woman _____ be our English teacher. She has gone to Canada. (2015益阳)A.can’tB.needn’tC.mustn’t参考答案:A12.It’s surprising that Mr. Ma’s little daughter _____ speak English so well. (2015重庆A/C卷)A.mustB.canC.mustn’tD.can’t参考答案:B16.-Have you decided which high school to choose?-Not yet. I _____ go to Guangming High School. (2015重庆B卷)A.mustB.shouldn’tC.mayD.needn’t参考答案:C8.-Must I sing the song in Russian?-No, you _____. It’s up to you.A.mustn’tB.can’tC.don’tD.needn’t参考答案:D2019-2020年中考英语试题汇编动词时态和被动语态7.I _____ scared of dogs ever since a dog hurt me when I was five years old. (2015杭州)A.will beB.wasC.have beenD.would be参考答案:C5.-Ben and Sue aren’t home, are they?-No. They _____ to London on business. (2015江西)A. have goneB. goC. have beenD. will go参考答案:A18.-Why did the car hit the boy?-Because the driver _____ on the phone at that time. (2015天津)A. talkB. is talkingC. was talkingD. have talked参考答案:C14.-Where is Linda? I can’t find her anywher e.-She _____ the flowers in the garden. (2015三亚)A. watersB. wateredC. is watering参考答案:C6.Miss Brown, we _____ cleaning our classroom. Can we go home now?(2015广州)A.finishB.finishingC.are finishedD.have finished参考答案:D10.-I called you at half past nine this morning, but there was no answer.-Oh, sorry. I _____ with my cousin in the supermarket. (2015克拉玛依)A. shoppingB. was shoppingC. shoppedD. will shop参考答案:B12.-When _____ you _____ here?-Two days ago. (2015天津)A. did; comeB. have; comeC. will; comeD. do; come参考答案:A4.- Where is Joan?- She _____ a novel in her study. (2015苏州)A. has readB. readsC. will readD. is reading参考答案:D7.— Miss Lin _____ my desk-mate with her lessons when I left school.—She is really a nice teacher.(2015福州)A.helpsB.is helpingC.was helping参考答案:C3.-Shall we go out for a walk. Bill?-I’m afraid not. It _____ outside now. (2015三亚)A. was rainingB. rainedC. is raining参考答案:C10.So far, the AIIB(亚投行)_____ 57 countries to be the founding members.(2015福州)A.attractedB.has attractedC.will attract参考答案:B4.-Will you see the film Cinderella with us tonight?-No, I _____ it last week. (2015长沙)A.seeB.have seenC.saw参考答案:C9.-Do you have any plans for tonight?-Yes ,I _____ at the new Italian restaurant in town. (2015江西)A. eatB. have eatenC. ateD. am going to eat参考答案:D7.-I called you last night , but you didn’t answer.-Sorry, Grace. I _____ I am A Singer when the phone rang. (2015长沙)A.am watchingB.was watchingC.have watched参考答案:B9.Premier Zhou Enlai _____ for many years, he still lives in the hearts of Chinese people. (2015安顺)A.diedB.was diedC.has been diedD.has been dead参考答案:D10.Mary with her parents often _____ for a walk in the park after supper. (2015安顺)A.goB.is goingC.are goingD.goes参考答案:D11.We _____ some robots at home in the future, and there _____ some in the office,too. (2015安顺)A.will have; will haveB.have; will beC.will have; will beD.will have; are参考答案:C7.-Cathy, can you answer the door? I _____ the room.-I’m c oming, mum. (2015安徽)A.cleanB.cleanedC.have cleanedD.am cleaning参考答案:D6.-Our classmates went to a concert yesterday afternoon.-What a pity! I _____ my homework. (2015泰安)A.had doneB.was doingC.am doingD.would do参考答案:B5.Stop smoking, Joe! You _____ yourself if you keep on doing it like that! (2015重庆A/C卷)A.will killB.have killedC.killD.killed参考答案:A6.-I _____ to the cinema yesterday.-It’s a pity. You didn’t invite me. (2015娄底)A.goB.wentC.have gone参考答案:B8.-Have you watched the new movie Jurassic world, Steven?-Not yet. I _____ it with my cousin this evening. (2015温州)A. will watchB. was watchingC. watchedD. have watched参考答案:A9.Too many people were absent. The chairperson warned that he _____ the meeting if necessary. (2015无锡)A. would cancelB. cancelledC. would startD. started参考答案:A13.Mother often tells me, “I hope you _____ what I _____ you to do at school!” (2015武威)A.won’t forget; have toldB.don’t forget; will tellC.didn’t forget; tellD.haven’t forgotten; am telling参考答案:A4.-Hey, Jenny. Let’s go home together.-Just a moment. I _____ an e-mail. (2015武威)A.sendB.sentC.am sendingD.have sent参考答案:C13.-Lucy, what were you doing at nine last night?-I _____ the piano. I usually practice the piano at that time. (2015襄阳)A.playB.playedC.was playingD.am playing参考答案:C4.Over fifty countries _____ the AIIB(亚投行) so far.A.joinedB.was joiningC.had joinedD.have joined参考答案:D13.-What were you doing at 8:00 last Sunday?-I _____ rubbish with my classmates by Zijiang River. (2015益阳)A.picked upB.am picking upC.was picking up参考答案:C7.-Why didn’t you buy any bread?-Sorry, I _____. (2015重庆A/C卷)A.forgetB.forgotC.rememberD.remembered参考答案:B4.Please wait. She _____ to you in a few minutes. (2015重庆B卷)A.talkB.talkedC.have talkedD.will talk参考答案:D17.-When shall we begin our meeting?-We’ll begin it when Helen _____.(2015重庆B卷)esB.cameC.will comee参考答案:A3.Bob took a photo of his girlfriend while she _____ at the party.A.dancesB.was dancingC.has dancedD.is dancing参考答案:B2015年中考英语单项选择题汇编(被动语态)8.Many houses _____ by the earthquake and thousands of people were left homeless.(2015广州)A.damagedB.were damagedC.were damagingD.are damaged参考答案:B9.—Don’t smoke here, Dad. Smoking _____ in public pl aces.—Oh, sorry. I’ll stop right now.(2015福州)A.isn’t allowedB.aren’t allowedC.doesn’t allow参考答案:A5.-Lily, will you go to Jenny’s birthday party this Saturday?-I’m not sure. Because I _____ so far. (2015泰安)A.have invitedB.wasn’t invitedC.have been invitedD.will be invited参考答案:C10.You can’t wear shoes inside this place. It _____.(2015江西)A. doesn’t allowB. isn’t allowedC. hasn’t allowedD. wasn’t allowed参考答案:B13.UNICEF(联合国儿童基金会)was _____ in 1946. It works to help children live a better life. (2015三亚)A. picked upB. putC. set up参考答案:C7.The novel _____ by many people today. (2015天津)A. is readB. are readC. readsD. were read参考答案:A12.-Did Jack come to our party yesterday?-No, he _____.(2015克拉玛依)A. didn’t inviteB. wasn’t invitedC. isn’t invitedD. hasn’t invited参考答案:B4.-Who’s the baby in the photo?-It’s me. The photo _____ ten tears ago. (2015三亚)A. tookB. was takenC. was taking参考答案:B4.Some students in this school _____ abroad as exchange students every year. (2015自贡)A.sentB.sendC.are sent参考答案:C7.-Claudia, are you going to Mike’s birthday party on Sunday?-Unless I _____.(2015益阳)A.am invitedB.invitedC.was inviting参考答案:A17.-How clean your car is!-Thank you. It _____ very often. (2015重庆A/C卷)A.is washedB.washesC.was washedD.washed参考答案:A10.Our new library _____ last year. We enjoy reading and studying in it. (2015重庆B卷)A.buildsB.builtC.is builtD.was built参考答案:D4.A new school _____ last year in my hometown.A.set upB.sets upC.is set upD.was set up参考答案:D。

2019年中考英语单项选择题汇编(动词)o She’s Teahouse _____ the changes in Chinese society over fifty years. (2019天津)A. describesB. improvesC. preparesD. corrects参考答案:A5.-How is Tom now?-I hear the company _____ him a good job, but he refused it. (2019呼和浩特)A.providedB.offeredC.passedD.introduced参考答案:B3.Fresh food is good for you . But you have to _____ it first because sometimes it a little dirty. (2019江西)A. tasteB. smellC. washD. plant参考答案:C9.-Tom, it’s cold outside. _____ your coat when you go out.-O, Mom. (2019克拉玛依)A. Take offB. Take awayC. Put away参考答案:D6.-You say you are short of money. Why not sell your old gold watch for some money?-Oh, I can’t, because it was a gift from my wife. I promised her I would never _____ it. (2019襄阳)A.care aboutB.look afterC.stick toD.part with参考答案:D13.The boy has a good habit to _____ all the things in rigA.put awayB.put upC.take awayD.take up参考答案:A10.I really need to take more exercise because I’m _____ weight.(2019杭州)A.putting offB.putting onC.putting downD.putting away参考答案:B11.—What did you do on Earth Day this year?—We _____ a sA.put onC.put away参考答案:A15.Yunnan is beautiful and I’m _____ visiting it again. (2019天津)A. keeping clear ofB. suffering fromC. looking forward toD. running away from参考答案:C5.— It will _____ only about 50 minutes to travel to Mount Wuyi by higA.takeB.spendC.cost参考答案:A7.When I got to the bus stop. I missed the early bus and I had to _____ the next one. (2019德州)A.give upB.keep offC.call offD.wait for参考答案:D9.We planned to meet at 1030 at the station last Sunday, b ut Bob didn’t _____ until 1200. (2019安徽)A.turn upB.give upC.stay up参考答案:A8.Dreams are beautiful. However, to _____ them needs lots of time and work. (2019安徽)A.discoverB.findC.achieveD.stop参考答案:C11.-Do you know our new manager?-Yes. He _____ to be a friend of my brother. (2019苏州)A. turns upB. turns onC. turns outD. turns off参考答案:C4.It is necessary for everyone to _____ a good habit of reading. (2019济宁)A.enjoyB.chooseC.developD.accept参考答案:C5.The running water makes the stones _____ very smooth. (2019安徽)A.soundB.tasteC.smellD.feel参考答案:D9.Bob is taking the desks away because they _____ too much room. (2019天津)A. stand upB. pick upC. take upD. listen up参考答案:C8.—The school network will be shut down for safety reasons.—That doesn't _____ me at all. I'm not a net-worm, anyway. (2019无锡)A. satisfyB. surpriseC. worryD. include参考答案:C14.-What’s wrong with you, Eric? You look tired.-I _____ to prepare for the final exam last night. (2019安顺)A.picked upB.woke upC.put upD.stayed up参考答案:D14.The exam is over and the results will be _____ on Friday afternoon. (2019泰安)A.put downB.put offC.put up参考答案:C5.We have to _____ the bike ride because of the bad weather. (2019济宁)A.put offB.turn offC.take offD.get off参考答案:A9.-Has Jane done tA. wantB.C. expectD. wish参考答案:C6.-Jenny, I hear there will be an art club in our school.-Wonderful! I can’t wait to _____ it. (2019温州)A. repeatB. forgetC. receiveD. join参考答案:D5.The governments should _____ the use of neA. push inB. push forC. put outD. put up12.TA.saveB.supportC.offerD.afford参考答案:D2.-It’s reported that Chinese _____ more than 40 minutes a day reading WeChat(微信).-It’s true. But I think WeChat is taking too much of ou r time. (2019襄阳)A.spendB.costC.payD.take参考答案:A5.-Could you _____ the computer for me, dear? I want to check my e-mails.-Certainly, I’ll do it rigA.turn onB.turn downC.turn offD.turn up参考答案:A12.The boy is sleeping. Please _____ the radio. (2019益阳)A.turn upB.turn offC.turn on11.-Dear sister, does the TV sA.let you downB.C.remind you of参考答案:C13.-Do you think our basketball team will win the match?-Yes, we have better players. So I _____ them to win. (2019自贡)A.B.helpC.expect参考答案:C8.TA.leaveB.buyC.affordD.allow参考答案:C6.They all _____ Laura about building a museum here. (2019重庆A/C卷)A.waited forB.handed inC.agreed withD.knocked at参考答案:C6.-Your mother _____ younger than she is.-Thank you for saying so. (2019重庆B卷)A.looksB.listensC.seesD.hears参考答案:A15.It’s getting dark. Would you please _____ the light? (2019重庆B卷)A.get onB.get offC.turn onD.turn off参考答案:C2019年中考英语单项选择题汇编(情态动词)5.Harry’s been driving all day, he _____ be tired. (2019杭州)A.needB.canC.shallD.must参考答案:D4.—Doctor Wang, I’m feeling much better. Must I go on taking the medicine?—No, you _____. You’ll get well soon.(2019福州)A.can’tB.mustn’tC.needn’t参考答案:C6.-Is that man Mr. Smith?-It _____ be him. He has gone to New York on business. (2019天津)A. may notB. needn’tC. can’tD. mustn’t参考答案:C11.-Excuse me. Can you tell me what time it is now?-Sorry. I _____. My watch doesn’t work. (2019三亚)A. can’tB. shouldn’tC. mustn’t参考答案:A5.-You _____ park here! Look at the sign, it says “No parking”.-Sorry, I didn’t notice that sign just now. (2019苏州)A. won’tB. needn’tC. mustn’tD. couldn’t参考答案:C5.-Mr. Wang, must I come again to clean the classroom on Sunday? -No, you _____. I have asked ate to do it. (2019德州)A.can’tB.mustn’tC.n eedn’tD.shouldn’t参考答案:C4.—I think we need to sit down and have a talk.—I _____ agree more. Let's take the bench over there. (2019无锡)A. couldB. couldn'tC. shouldD. shouldn't参考答案:B1.-_____ I use your dictionary?-Of course. But please return it to me before you leave. (2019长沙)A.MustB.NeedC.May参考答案:C3.-He _____ be in the classroom, I think.-No, he _____ be in the classroom. I saw him go home a minute ago. (2019安顺)A.can; may notB.must; may notC.may; mustn’tD.may; can’t参考答案:D6.-Must I return the hook tomorrow morning?-No, you _____.You can keep it longer. (2019克拉玛依)A. mustn’tB. can’tC. needn’tD. couldn’t7.Nathan likes his job because he _____enjoy the beauty of nature. (2019江西)A. canB. mustC. shouldD. is supposed to参考答案:A14.-Do you have any plans for this Sunday?-I’m not sure. I _____ go to the countryside to see my grandmother. (2019安徽)A.canB.mustC.mayD.need参考答案:C11.Nowadays, all passengers _____ go through safety check before take a train. (2019泰安)A.canB.mayC.mustD.will参考答案:C8.-Must I clean the classroom now?-No, you _____.(2019娄底)A.mustn’tB.can’tC.needn’t11.TA.can’tB.needn’tC.mustn’t参考答案:A12.It’s surprising that Mr. Ma’s little daughter _____ speak English so well. (2019重庆A/C卷)A.mustB.canC.mustn’tD.can’t参考答案:B16.-Have you decided which high school to choose?-Not yet. I _____ go to Guangming High School. (2019重庆B卷)A.mustB.shouldn’tC.mayD.needn’t参考答案:C8.-Must I sing the song in Russian?-No, you _____. It’s up to you.A.mustn’tB.can’tC.don’tD.needn’t徐州市2019年初中毕业、升学考试英语试题姓名考试证号一、选择填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)1.—Lily, there is _________ schoolbag near t—Yes, it is. Thank you!A. aB. anC. theD. 不填2.Li Yuchun is my favourite singer. I once met her _________ 2012 in Hunan.A. toB. onC. atD. in3.—Please don’t thro—_________, I won’t.A. Excuse meB. That’s all rightC. SorryD. It doesn’t matter.4.—Which country is the Great Wall in?—It’s in __________.Canada China The USA Australia5.If you _________ your name on tA. cut downB. look downC. turn downD. write down6.—_________ model plane is this?—I think it’s Jim’s. Look, his name is on it.A. WhoB. WhatC. WhoseD. Where7.This is not my Waldman. It’s _________. Mine is over there.A. ourB. hersC. yourD. my8.I’m sleepy. I prefer __________ at home to going out for a walk.A. sleepingB. to sleepC. sleptD. sleeplie _________ a picture when Mr. Green came in.A. drawB. will drawC. drewD. was drawing10.David, get up early, ________ you’ll catch the early bus.A. butB. andC. afterD. or11.I ________ watch this TV programme. It’s very interesting.A. oftenB. neverC. hardlyD. seldom12.—Can I borrow your ruler, please?—Yes, you ________. But you must return it to me before lunchtime.A. haveB. canC. mustD. used to13.—What a beautiful dress you are wearing today!—_________. It’s nice of you to say so.A. Not at allB. Never mindC. Oh, noD. Thanks14.—Could you tell me __________ yesterday?—Because my bike was broken on my way here.A. why you came lateB. why do you come lateC. why you come lateD. why did you come late15.—If I work hard at my lessons from now on, can I do well in them?—Sure. ___________.A. All rivers run into seaB. Every day is not SundayC. Better late than neverD. Practice makes perfect二、完形填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)根据短文内容,从各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

+was/were+ 动词的现在分词,主语是第三
人称单数所以 be 动词用 was, cook 的现在分词是 cooking;故答案选 D。
4.– What’ s your father doing now?He ______–the room.
A. cleaned 【答案】 D
B. cleans
C. has cleaned
A. has cooked B. cooked C.have cooked D. had cooked
【答案】 D
等到 / 到 …时候为止,用于表示一段时间,主句需用完成时。根据从句时态(
A. waited B.waits C. is waiting D. was waiting 【答案】 D
A. waited 一般过去时;
B. waits 一般现在时; C. is waiting 现在进行时; D. was waiting 过去进行时。 when 引导的时
中考英语试卷分类汇编英语动词的时态 ( 及答案 ) 及解析
1.—What do you often do at weekends?
—I often ________ visit
B. visited
【答案】 A
C. have visited
D. will visit
过”之意,表示经验; have been to 的意思是 “过去到过而现在已返回 ”,它强调 “最近的经
2020全国中考英语试题分类汇编 :实义动词(教师卷)

2020全国中考英语试题分类汇编:实义动词1.Many tourists prefer five—star hotels because they think expensive hotelsalways_____ (提供)guests with better service.A.preventB.protectC.presentD.provide【来源】江苏泰州【答案】D【解析】句意:许多游客喜欢五星级酒店,因为他们认为昂贵的旅馆总是给客人提供更好的服务。
A. prevent动词,阻止;B. protect动词,保护;C. present动词,提出、呈现;D. provide动词,提供。
固定搭配provide sb. with sth., 提供给某人某物。
2.—He said he wanted to own a big farm— Who____what he says? He is such a big mouth.A.knowsB.wondersC.caresD.remembers【来源】湖北武汉【答案】C【解析】句意:—他说他想拥有一个大农场。
a big mouth的意思不是“有一张大嘴”,而是“说话冒失,把不该说的话也说出来,毫无顾忌”,所以“谁会在乎(care)呢?”,故选C。
3.— Who______the computer?— Sorry, I' ve no idea. But it has changed the world greatlyA.inventedB.discoveredC.madeD.played【来源】湖北武汉【答案】A【解析】句意:—谁发明了电脑?—对不起,我不知道。
A.发明 B.发现C.制作D.玩耍,discover指“发现或找到”某种自然界本来已存在,但以前未被人类发现或认识的事物,所以不能说“发现了”电脑,排除B,invent“发明”,指创造出原来自然界不存在的东西,可以说“发明了”电脑,这是前者在发问是谁发明了电脑,不是制作/玩电脑,排除C/ D,故选 A。

2019年中考英语试题分类汇编09《动词》1.(2019•营口)﹣What should I do,doctor?﹣_____ healthy,you should do more exercise.()A.Keep B.Keeping C.To keep D.To be kept 2.(2019•营口)These days people in China _____ take too much money when shopping because they often use Alipay or WeChat Pay.()A.needn't B.mustn't C.shouldn't D.can't 3.(2019•莱芜区)If you want to try some local food,don't _________ the food festival this weekend.()A.miss B.carry C.hold D.bring 4.(2019•徐州)Hello,Joe.I didn't _________ to see you today.I thought you were away on holiday.()A.want B.prepare C.expect D.agree 5.(2019•徐州)﹣﹣﹣I didn't see you at Jim's party last week.﹣﹣﹣I had to work that evening,so I _________ go.()A.needn't B.mustn't C.couldn't D.shouldn't 6.(2019•徐州)It's important for us ___________ good manners.()A.having B.have C.to have D.had 7.(2019•莱芜区)一I just saw Peter in the library.﹣It _______ be him.He is studying in the classroom.()A.needn't B.mustn't C.shouldn't D.can't 8.(2019•上海)Would you mind _____ care of my pet fish while I'm away on holiday?()A.take B.taken C.to take D.taking 9.(2019•上海)The host told a joke at the party and made the guests______ a lot.()A.laugh B.laughing C.to laugh D.laughed 10.(2019•上海)According to the rule,used batteries _______ be dropped in the red bin for harmful wastes.()A.must B.need C.can D.may 11.(2019•沈阳)You always be careful with electricity for safety.()A.must B.can C.mustn't D.can't 12.(2019•云南)I can't find my keys.Maybe I _______ them at home this morning.()A.left B.forget C.lost D.missed 13.(2019•云南)﹣I've got a toothache,mom.﹣Oh,you _______ eat too much candy.()A.shouldn't B.needn't C.should D.need 14.(2019•日照)You _____ be very tired with the long drive.Let's stop to have a rest.()A.must B.can C.shall D.need15.﹣You smoke at the oil station,it's too dangerous.﹣I'm sorry,I won't.()A.couldn't B.needn't C.wouldn't D.mustn't 16.(2019•日照)﹣﹣﹣Are you feeling any better now?﹣﹣﹣No.I have taken some medicine,but it just doesn't _____.()A.use B.care C.help D.fit 17.(2019•常州)﹣﹣﹣______________I keep the book for a week?﹣﹣﹣Sorry,I'm afraid you ______________.()A.Need;couldn't B.Need;can'tC.May;couldn't D.May;can't18.(2019•铁岭)The cover of the book comfortable.It's made of silk.()A.tastes B.feels C.looks D.sounds 19.(2019•铁岭)The dictionary belong to Sam.You can see his name on it.()A.can B.must C.need D.would 20.(2019•辽阳)It's impolite to________your teachers' office without knocking at the door.()A.describe B.check C.choose D.enter 21.(2019•辽阳)The dish smells delicious,but it a little salty.()A.looks B.tastes C.feels D.sounds 22.(2019•大庆)You'd better _____ hard from now on,____ you will fail in the exam.()A.work;and B.working;orC.working;and D.work;or23.(2019•本溪)As far as I know,the robot that can sweep the floor ________ in the 1980s.()A.is invented B.inventedC.was invented D.has invented24.(2019•大庆)How long will it ____ you to fly to Beijing from your hometown?()A.spend B.take C.pay D.use 25.(2019•葫芦岛)New energy cars have been ______ to cut down air pollution.()A.discovered B.found C.invented D.refused 26.(2019•抚顺)Sometimes the smooth surface of the lake really ______________ like a mirror.()A.sounds B.looks C.smells D.tastes 27.(2019•镇江)Yao Ming,a basketball giant ,___________ water polo when he was young.()A.is playing B.used to playC.is used to playing D.was playing28.(2019•包头)Stephen Hawking has _______great success as a scientist.()A.allowed B.achieved C.practiced D.promised29.﹣﹣﹣I'm going to add some tomato sauce to the salad,if you don't ___________.﹣﹣﹣Not at all.Go ahead.()A.care B.agree C.mind D.insist 30.(2019•本溪)﹣﹣﹣Look at the dark clouds,and the wind is blowing strongly.﹣﹣﹣It ______that a big storm is coming.()A.sounds B.seems C.feels D.smells 31.(2019•包头)﹣________ I have a word with you,Mr.Green?It won't take long.﹣Okay.()A.Should B.May C.Need D.Must 32.(2019•包头)﹣Why were you so angry with your daughter?﹣She was busy_______and taking selfies(自拍)when I was talking to her.()A.texting B.to text C.text D.texted 33.(2019•镇江)When I think of the worried _______ of foreign students who are learning Chinese,I can go to study English calmly.()A.looks B.designs C.efforts D.needs 34.(2019•本溪)Frank is an honest boy and he never tells a lie.We all _______ him.()A.miss B.mind C.doubt D.trust 35.(2019•葫芦岛)﹣Is the woman Miss Zhao?﹣It ______ be her.She has gone to Qingdao for a meeting.()A.can't B.needn't C.must D.may 36.(2019•抚顺)In the summer camp,the boy learned to ___________ all kinds of difficulties.()A.manage B.protect C.remain D.control 37.(2019•葫芦岛)Fred hopes ______ his spoken English,so he practices it every day.()A.improve B.improves C.improving D.to improve 38.(2019•镇江)To my surprise,Daniel's parents allowed him ___________ Shanghai Disneyland with me.()A.to visit B.visiting C.visit D.visits 39.(2019•无锡)With their new lock,you __________ search for keys in your bag any more.Isn't it cool?()A.needn't B.can't C.mustn't D.shouldn't 40.(2019•抚顺)It's a rule that students ___________ bring mobile phones to our school.()A.mustn't B.wouldn't C.needn't D.couldn't 41.(2019•本溪)The man _______ be a doctor in this hospital,but I'm not sure.()A.must B.would C.can D.might 42.(2019•盘锦)﹣﹣﹣My best friend went abroad.I miss her and feel down today.﹣﹣﹣Don't be sad.Here is good news for you _______.()A.cheer up B.cheering upC.cheered up D.to cheer up43.(2019•南通)He_____like coffee.I see him drink a cup at times.()A.must B.may C.can't D.mustn't 44.(2019•贵港)﹣﹣﹣I have trouble the new word.Can you help me?﹣﹣﹣Sure.You can look it up in the dictionary.()A.understanding B.to understandC.understand D.understood45.(2019•南通)﹣Excuse me,can you teach me how to _____ this new word?﹣No problem.Look at my mouth and listen carefully.()A.prove B.pronounce C.prepare D.produce 46.(2019•东营)﹣﹣﹣The sale of oil﹣fueled vehicles(燃油车)will be stopped in Hainan province by 2030.﹣﹣﹣Well,it will help the environment.()A.improve B.study C.pollute D.control 47.(2019•贵港)﹣﹣﹣Joe,don't eat too much ice﹣cream.﹣﹣﹣OK,mom.But it really good.()A.feels B.looks C.tastes D.sounds 48.(2019•昆明)Y unnan Museum is such an interesting place that many kids have fun _____ it.()A.visiting B.to visit C.reading D.to read 49.(2019•大庆)﹣﹣﹣Would you like ____ a film with us tonight?﹣﹣﹣Sorry,I have to help my mother do housework.()A.see B.to see C.seeing D.to seeing 50.(2019•大庆)We ____ pay to get into the concert,because it's free.()A.mustn't B.can'tC.don't need to D.might not51.(2019•鄂州)I think AI (人工智能)in many fields will to help us solve many problems in the future.()A.used,be used B.is used,be usedC.used,use D.is used,use52.(2019•鄂州)﹣﹣﹣Jimmy,I don't like my classmate Bob.He is so noisy.﹣﹣﹣Oh,so he is.But you cannot avoid him.He sits next to you.()A.meet B.to meet C.meeting D.to meeting 53.﹣Will you stay here for dinner with us?﹣Sorry,I ____________.My mother is waiting for me at home.()A.mustn't B.can't C.needn't D.couldn't 54.noise pollution,and we can live in a quiet environment.()A.Prevent B.Preventing C.Prevented D.To prevent55.I like the TV program The Reader best.I think we should spend as much time as we can in our spare time.()A.read B.to read C.reading D.reads56.He_________ me his name,but I can't remember it now.()A.tells B.will tell C.told D.is telling 57.(2019•毕节市)Betty is often seen the lonely old man with his housework.()A.to help B.helping C.helps D.helped 58.(2019•遂宁)These foreigners are practicing_____Chinese.()A.to speak B.speaking C.speak D.speaks 59.(2019•宜昌)﹣﹣Did you_______ the International Marathon in Lan Zhou on June 2,2019?﹣﹣Of course.How exciting!()A.watch B.review C.suppose D.discover 60.(2019•铜仁市)﹣﹣Kankang,I saw your English teacher in the office just now.﹣﹣It _______be him.He______to Shanghai on business.()A.must;has gone B.must;has beenC.can't;has been D.can't;has gone61.(2019•北京)Sam with his friends every weekend.()A.skates B.is skatingC.has skated D.was skating62.﹣I can't find my phone anywhere.﹣You have lost it while shopping.()A.may B.can C.should D.would 63.(2019•湖北)﹣The driver be hurt badly in the accident.﹣That's true.Let's send him to the hospital as soon as possible.()A.need B.can't C.must D.may not 64.(2019•武汉)﹣﹣﹣Try this soup,you ______like it.﹣﹣﹣Wow! This is delicious!()A.must B.will C.shall D.can 65.(2019•铜仁市)Mr.Wang together with his wife and children _________in the countryside.()A.enjoys living B.enjoy livingC.enjoys to live D.enjoy to live66.(2019•铜仁市)﹣﹣﹣Look! There is a man _____Taiji near the river.﹣﹣﹣Wow! It's my teacher,Mr.Wu.()A.perform B.performs C.performing D.performed 67.(2019•百色)The teachers often tell us _____in the river.It's dangerous.()A.not swim B.don't swimC.not swimming D.not to swim68.(2019•湖北)﹣﹣﹣What does Huawei's newest smartphone look like?﹣﹣﹣It's wonderful! You can it in half just like closing a book.()A.hand B.pass C.fold D.cut 69.(2019•宜昌)﹣﹣A little bird entered through the open window to join us for dinner last night.﹣﹣Wow,the unexpected guest ________welcomed.()A.will be B.must be C.won't be D.mustn't be 70.(2019•河池)﹣Is that red schoolbag Mary's?﹣It____be hers.She hates that color.()A.may B.must C.can 't D.might 71.(2019•内江)﹣__I return the books this week?﹣No,you __.You can do that next week.()A.Must;can't B.May;needn'tC.Need;mustn't D.Must;needn't72.(2019•河南)You can't change who you are by reading a book or change the way you act by watching a video.What_____is what you do,not what you know.()A.includes B.decides C.means D.matters 73.(2019•武汉)﹣﹣﹣I won't tell this to anyone,﹣﹣﹣?()A.Agree B.Guess C.Hope D.Promise 74.(2019•呼和浩特)﹣Jack,let′s have a picnic after school.﹣Sorry.I have_____Frank to work on the biology report with him.()A.advised B.expected C.suggested D.promised 75.(2019•天水)I saw her flowers in the garden when I passed by.A.to water B.water C.watering D.watered 76.(2019•黔南州)﹣﹣﹣Look! The light in your bedroom is still on.﹣﹣﹣Sorry,I forgot ()A.to tum it off B.to turn it downC.to turn it up D.to turn it on77.(2019•武汉)﹣﹣﹣Have you chemistry for the coming exam?﹣﹣﹣Yes.I'm quite ready for it.()A.repeated B.copied C.marked D.reviewed 78.(2019•天水)Businessmen prefer e﹣mails to communicate with each other rather than phone calls.()A.write,make B.to write,makeC.to write,to make D.write ,to make79.(2019•天水)﹣﹣﹣Listen! Is that Linda playing the piano in the room?﹣﹣﹣No.It be Linda,she has gone to London.()A.may not B.needn't C.can't D.mustn't 80.(2019•河南)﹣﹣﹣Do you always get up so early?﹣﹣﹣Yes,the first bus.My home is far away from school.()A.catch B.to catch C.catching D.caught 81.(2019•黄石)﹣The beautiful lady with glasses over there looks like our English teacher.﹣It _____be her.She has gone abroad.()A.can't B.may not C.mustn't D.needn't 82.(2019•毕节市)﹣﹣﹣I take the magazine out of the reading room?﹣﹣﹣I'm sorry you .()A.Could;couldn't B.Must;couldn'tC.Will;can't D.May;can't83.(2019•河南)Jerry didn't pay me back,but he promised that he this Sunday.()A.must B.could C.would D.should 84.(2019•天水)Hong Kong Disneyland is well worth .()A.to visit B.visited C.visit D.visiting 85.(2019•黄石)In February,Chinese tech company Huawei _____Mate X,a foldable(可折叠的)5G mobile phone.()A.is introducing B.introducedC.introduces D.was introduced86.(2019•安顺)﹣What time do you get up in the morning on school days?﹣I get up at 7:00 every morning to avoid __________the early bus.()A.miss B.missed C.missing D.to miss 87.(2019•新疆)Not only Jack but also I______crazy about the football match.()A.am B.is C.are D.be 88.(2019•盐城)Each of us _____ a life goal,which will guide us to a bright future.()A.has B.have C.will have D.had 89.(2019•广东)Young people are encouraged to work hard ____their own dreams.()A.achieve B.achieves C.to achieve D.achieved 90.(2019•盐城)Mr Wu keeps __________ his students that the future belongs to the well﹣educated.()A.telling B.to tell C.ordering D.to order 91.(2019•安顺)﹣What a heavy rain!﹣So it is.I prefer ___________ rather than ____________ on such a rainy day.()A.to go out,staying at homeB.staying at home,go outC.going out,stay at homeD.to stay at home,go out92.(2019•新疆)Mum likes______soap operas.Let's buy a TV for her.()A.becoming B.watching C.looking D.smelling 93.(2019•河池)My parents don't allow me___TV on school nights.()A.to watch B.watch C.watches D.watching 94.(2019•盐城)Size and type do not matter ﹣you ______ do almost anything if you never give up.()A.should B.must C.need D.can 95.(2019•广东)Dirty air and water are harmful.They ____ kill plants,and even people.()A.can B.can't C.should D.shouldn't 96.(2019•安顺)﹣Mr.Wang,please speak loudly in the hall to make yourself _______ while ________are there.﹣Fine,thanks for telling me about that.()A.understood,others B.understand,otherC.understand,others D.understanding,other 97.(2019•新疆)David,______you please sweep the floor and take out the trash?()A.Could B.may C.might D.must 98.(2019•北京)﹣Lily,_____ you finish the letter in ten minutes?﹣Yes,I can.()A.must B.should C.need D.can 99.(2019•咸宁)﹣Listen! Is Sarah singing in the neighbor's room?﹣No.It ____be Sarah.She has gone to Italy.()A.needn't B.may not C.can't D.won't 100.(2019•安徽)The designer has tried every possible way to make the robot light,so you _____ worry about its weight.()A.must B.may C.can't D.needn't 101.(2019•内江)﹣Where is Mike?﹣I saw him__ with Mr.Smith in the hallways just now.()A.to talk B.talking C.talked D.talks 102.(2019•兰州)We are supposed____some housework with our parents when we have free time.()A.to share B.sharing C.shared D.share 103.(2019•重庆)Miss Chen,my dear English teacher,often encourages me ______the challenges in my study.()A.face B.faces C.facing D.to face 104.(2019•江西)You'll have to ______ the books because there aren't enough for everyone.()A.pack B.sell C.choose D.share 105.(2019•孝感)一May I join the art club,Dad?一If you have interest,you ________.()A.should B.can C.have to D.must 106.(2019•孝感)一In my opinion,animals shouldn't be kept for fun.一I think so.Forests are the best places for animals ______________.()A.live B.living C.to live D.to live in 107.(2019•兰州)The magazine____Lucy's.We can see her name on the cover.()A.mustn't be B.can't be C.must be D.needn't be 108.(2019•温州)We don't allow taking magazines out,but you____copy the article you need on the machine over there.()A.can B.must C.should D.would 109.(2019•宿迁)﹣Mum,may I go to see a film with my cousin?﹣You _______ go if you have finished your homework.()A.must B.need C.should D.can 110.(2019•孝感)Hurry up! We're late.I don't want to ________the start of the film.()A.catch B.get C.miss D.lose 111.(2019•安徽)﹣Hello,Beijing Hotel.Can I help you?﹣Yes,I'd like to _____ a single room for two nights.()A.enter B.move C.book D.provide 112.(2019•咸宁)﹣Come and see! The baby is crying.﹣Please do something to make him____.()A.stop crying B.stop to cryC.crying D.cry113.(2019•咸宁)﹣Have you ever heard that China is building a nationwide 5G network?﹣Right.5G will allow us____English movies faster than ever.()A.download B.downloadsC.to download D.downloading114.(2019•兰州)In the near future,there____ selt﹣driving cars in our city.()A.is B.was C.are D.will be115.﹣Some people don't show their talents at the very beginning.﹣I agree.Even Einstein ____________ read until he was seven.()A.can't B.mustn't C.couldn't D.needn't116.﹣Please stay with me this weekend.﹣I'm sorry,but my father and I planned _________ Beijing a long time ago.()A.visit B.visiting C.to visit D.visited117.﹣This task is really beyond me.﹣Well,if you _________solve it,you won't get paid.()A.can't B.needn't C.mustn't D.shouldn't 118.(2019•武威)﹣Whose cap is this?Is it Cindy's ?﹣It _____ be hers.Don't you remember she even didn't come to the party?()A.can't B.might C.may not D.must119.In his e﹣mail,David promised _________his daughter during her stay in Japan.()A.visiting B.visit C.visited D.to visit120.﹣﹣Alex,why didn't you answer my call at nine last night?﹣﹣Sorry.I___my mobile phone at home.I___basketball in the park with my friends.()A.forgot;played B.forgot;was playingC.left;played D.left;was playing121.After the terrible explosion(爆炸)in Xiangshui,Yancheng,many people from cities around came to hospitals to _________blood.()A.devote B.create C.donate D.celebrate 122.﹣﹣Can I____ Robinson Crusoe?Mrs Zhao.﹣﹣Sure,it's very interesting,but you can only ____it for two weeks.()A.borrow;lend B.lend;borrowC.borrow;keep D.lend;keep123.(2019•天津)We should making a noise in the library.()A.avoid B.prefer C.practise D.enjoy 124.(2019•天津)You walk on the wet hill path because you fall and hurt yourself.()A.must;might not B.mustn't;mightC.needn't;need D.must;must125.(2019•天津)The government is setting up nature parks protect pandas.()A.to help B.help C.helped D.helps 126.(2019•连云港)Through the stories behind the idioms,we would be able to fully____China′s culture,history and tradition.()A.understand B.search C.compare D.imagine 127.(2019•凉山州)We should keep quiet in the library.We_____speak loudly.()A.must B.mustn't C.can D.needn't 128.(2019•重庆)He took off his expensive watch ____ the fact that he was rich.()A.to hide B.hid C.hide D.hidden 129.(2019•南京)﹣﹣﹣Do you have any plans for the holiday?﹣﹣﹣Yes,I' m planning to travel to Jiuzhaigou.I'm looking forward to _____the colourful lakes and amzing waterfalls.()A.see B.seeing C.sees D.saw 130.(2019•扬州)﹣Daniel,do you know that bees never get lost.﹣Yes,Bees always remember _____ the same way as they went.()A.come back B.came backC.coming back D.to come back131.(2019•连云港)According to the notice,guests at this hotel____use the sports center at no extra cost.()A.can B.should C.must D.need 132.(2019•南充)﹣﹣Mum,may I play computer games this evening ?﹣﹣No way,you _____ finish your homework.()A.can B.must C.may D.will 133.(2019•滨州)﹣Mum,it's too hot.________ I swim in the lake?﹣No,you ___________.That's too dangerous!()A.Should;can't B.Need;mustn'tC.Must;needn't D.Could;mustn't134.(2019•青岛)As middle school students,we follow the public rules wherever we go.()A.would B.should C.might D.could 135.(2019•滨州)﹣Tom,__________ the umbrella with you.Look at the dark sky,it's going to rain.﹣Thank you,Dad.()A.take B.wear C.use D.make 136.(2019•新疆)﹣I'm afraid his radio is too noisy.Will you please_____him to _____a little.﹣Sure.()A.ask,turn it down B.allow,turn onC.tell,turn it up D.advise,turn it off137.(2019•南充)﹣﹣﹣I tried to make Alice______her mind but I found it difficult.﹣﹣﹣Well,I saw you_______ that when I went past.()A.changed;do B.changes;doingC.change;to do D.change;doing138.(2018•苏州)﹣What do you think of Jason?﹣He has me with his good sense of humour.()A.impressed B.admired C.reminded D.warned 139.(2018•苏州)She be slow,but at least she doesn't make stupid mistakes.()A.needn't B.may C.can't D.shall 140.(2018•无锡)I don't have much money,but I'd like to buy my dad something really special,if you know what I __________.()A.want B.care C.mean D.prefer参考答案与试题解析1.(2019•营口)﹣What should I do,doctor?﹣_____ healthy,you should do more exercise.()A.Keep B.Keeping C.To keep D.To be kept【分析】﹣我该怎么办,医生?﹣为了保持健康,你应该多做运动.【解答】句意:﹣我该怎么办,医生?﹣为了保持健康,你应该多做运动.这里to引导的不定式表目的.故选:C.【点评】不定式在句子中可做主语、宾语、表语、定语、状语和宾语补语.要结合语境选择合适用法,注意一些固定搭配.2.(2019•营口)These days people in China _____ take too much money when shopping because they often use Alipay or WeChat Pay.()A.needn't B.mustn't C.shouldn't D.can't【分析】如今中国人购物时不必带太多钱,因为他们经常使用支付宝或微信支付.【解答】needn't不必,mustn't禁止,shouldn't不应该,can't不能;根据句意"如今中国人购物时不必带太多钱,因为他们经常使用支付宝或微信支付"可知,要填"不必",其它选项语意不通.故选:A.【点评】考查情态动词.要根据情态动词的含义和用法,进行比较,找出正确答案.3.(2019•莱芜区)If you want to try some local food,don't _________ the food festival this weekend.()A.miss B.carry C.hold D.bring【分析】如果你想尝试一些当地的食物,不要错过这个周末的美食节.【解答】miss错过;carry搬走;hold持有;拥有;bring带来.根据语境可知如果你想尝试一些当地的食物,不要错过这个周末的美食节.故选:A.【点评】了解各选项的含义及用法,根据语境作答.4.(2019•徐州)Hello,Joe.I didn't _________ to see you today.I thought you were away on holiday.()A.want B.prepare C.expect D.agree【分析】你好,乔伊.我今天没有想到能见到你.我认为你去度假了.【解答】want想要;prepare准备;expect期望;预料;agree同意.根据"我认为你去度假了"可知"我今天没有想到能见到你".故选:C.【点评】了解各选项的含义及用法,根据语境作答.5.(2019•徐州)﹣﹣﹣I didn't see you at Jim's party last week.﹣﹣﹣I had to work that evening,so I _________ go.()A.needn't B.mustn't C.couldn't D.shouldn't【分析】﹣﹣上周吉姆的聚会上我没见到你.﹣﹣那天晚上我得工作,所以我不能去.【解答】考查情态动词.A.needn't不必.B.mustn't不允许.C.couldn't不能.D.shouldn't 不应该.根据I had to work that evening"那天晚上我得工作"可知,应该是"不能"去聚会.用过去式couldn't.【点评】情态动词无人称和数的变化;不能单独使用,必须与其后的动词原形构成谓语.否定形式通常在后面加not.要结合语境,选择合适的情态动词.6.(2019•徐州)It's important for us ___________ good manners.()A.having B.have C.to have D.had【分析】有礼貌对我们很重要.【解答】考查不定式.A.having动名词/现在分词.B.have有,动词原形.C.to have 不定式.D.had过去式.It is+形容词+for sb to do sth"做某事对某人来说是…"It是形式主语,不定式是真正主语.用to have.故选:C.【点评】不定式在句子中可做主语、宾语、表语、定语、状语和宾语补语.要结合语境选择合适用法,注意一些固定搭配.7.(2019•莱芜区)一I just saw Peter in the library.﹣It _______ be him.He is studying in the classroom.()A.needn't B.mustn't C.shouldn't D.can't【分析】﹣﹣我刚在图书馆看见彼得.﹣﹣不可能是他,他正在教室里学习.【解答】考查情态动词.A.needn't不必.B.mustn't不允许.C.shouldn't不应该.D.can't 不可能.结合语境"﹣﹣我刚在图书馆看见彼得.﹣﹣__是他,他正在教室里学习."可知,表示否定推测用can't"不可能".故选:D.【点评】情态动词无人称和数的变化;不能单独使用,必须与其后的动词原形构成谓语.否定形式通常在后面加not.要注意情态动词的不同用法.8.(2019•上海)Would you mind _____ care of my pet fish while I'm away on holiday?()A.take B.taken C.to take D.taking【分析】我外出度假时,你介意照看我的宠物鱼吗?【解答】根据句意:我外出度假时,你介意照看我的宠物鱼吗?考查句型mind doing sth 介意做某事.故选:D.【点评】熟悉动名词的用法,结合题意,给出答案.9.(2019•上海)The host told a joke at the party and made the guests______ a lot.()A.laugh B.laughing C.to laugh D.laughed【分析】主人在晚会上讲了一个笑话,使客人们大笑不已.【解答】根据句意:主人在晚会上讲了一个笑话,使客人们大笑不已.考查句型make sb do sth使某人做某事.故选:A.【点评】熟悉动词固定搭配的用法,结合题意,给出答案.10.(2019•上海)According to the rule,used batteries _______ be dropped in the red bin for harmful wastes.()A.must B.need C.can D.may【分析】根据规定,用过的电池必须放在红色的箱子里,以防产生有害废物.【解答】考查情态动词辨析,A.must 必须B.need需要C.can能,会D.may可以,可能;根据be dropped in the red bin for harmful wastes,结合选项可知句意:根据规定,用过的电池必须放在红色的箱子里,以防产生有害废物.【点评】解答此类试题时,务必根据题目的要求,在准确理解句子意思的前提下,结合时态准确作答11.(2019•沈阳)You always be careful with electricity for safety.()A.must B.can C.mustn't D.can't【分析】为了安全,你必须一直小心用电.【解答】考查情态动词辨析.must必须,强调主观意愿;can能,表能力或许可,否定式是can't;mustn't一定不要,表禁止.根据be careful with electricity for safety可知BCD 三项不合句意,句意:为了安全,你必须一直小心用电.故选:A.【点评】解答此类试题时,务必根据题目的要求,在准确理解句子意思的前提下,结合时态准确作答12.(2019•云南)I can't find my keys.Maybe I _______ them at home this morning.()A.left B.forget C.lost D.missed【分析】我找不到我的钥匙.也许我今天早上把它们留在家里了.【解答】本题考查动词词义辨析.left/leave丢下……,其后一般需接地点状语;forget 忘记,其后直接接所忘记的东西,无需接宾语;lost丢失,在此处不符合语境;missed 错过,不符合句意和语境.故选:A.【点评】动词词义辨析题,需理解所给选项的词义,结合题干做出正确判读.13.(2019•云南)﹣I've got a toothache,mom.﹣Oh,you _______ eat too much candy.()A.shouldn't B.needn't C.should D.need【分析】﹣妈妈,我牙痛.﹣奥,你不应该吃太多糖果.【解答】根据句意:﹣妈妈,我牙痛.﹣奥,你不应该吃太多糖果.结合选项,A.不应该B.不必C.应该D.需要,选项A符合题意.故选:A.【点评】熟悉情态动词的基本用法,结合题意,给出答案.14.(2019•日照)You _____ be very tired with the long drive.Let's stop to have a rest.()A.must B.can C.shall D.need【分析】长途开车你一定非常累了.让我们停下来休息.【解答】A表示一定,B表可以,C将要,D表示需要.根据题干Let's stop to have a rest.可知让我们停下来休息是因为长途开车一定累了,表示对现在情况的肯定推测,则应用must+be.故选:A.【点评】本题考查情态动词表推测的用法,基础题,掌握常见的情态动词,再根据题干即可作出选择.15.﹣You smoke at the oil station,it's too dangerous.﹣I'm sorry,I won't.()A.couldn't B.needn't C.wouldn't D.mustn't【分析】﹣你不能在加油站吸烟,太危险了.﹣我很抱歉,我不会了.【解答】A表示不能,B表示不必,C表示不会,D表示不能,表禁止.根据题干中it's too dangerous.可知加油站是禁止吸烟的,则应用mustn't.故选:D.【点评】本题考查情态动词辨析,基础题,熟悉四个选项的含义,再根据题干即可作出选择.16.(2019•日照)﹣﹣﹣Are you feeling any better now?﹣﹣﹣No.I have taken some medicine,but it just doesn't _____.()A.use B.care C.help D.fit【分析】﹣现在你感觉好点了吗?﹣没有.我已经吃药了,但是没用.【解答】use用;使用;care关心;help帮助,有用;fit合适.根据答语中的No,可知已经吃药了,但是没用.故选:C.【点评】了解各选项的含义及用法,根据语境作答.17.(2019•常州)﹣﹣﹣______________I keep the book for a week?﹣﹣﹣Sorry,I'm afraid you ______________.()A.Need;couldn't B.Need;can'tC.May;couldn't D.May;can't【分析】﹣这本书我可以借一周吗?﹣抱歉,我恐怕你不能.【解答】need作实义动词,表示需要,且作情态动词也表示需要,常用于否定句和疑问句.can't和couldn't都表示不能,could是can的过去式.may表示可能、可以.根据题干可知这本书我可以借一周吗,第一空表示请求,则可用may.其中根据题干中sorry可知说话人拒绝了对方借书的请求,则否定回答是can't.故选:D.【点评】本题考查情态动词,基础题,熟悉常见情态动词的含义及用法,再根据题干即可作出选择.18.(2019•铁岭)The cover of the book comfortable.It's made of silk.()A.tastes B.feels C.looks D.sounds【分析】这本书的封面摸起来很舒服.它是丝绸做的.【解答】tastes尝起来;feels感觉起来,摸起来;looks看起来;sounds听起来.根据语境可知书的封面是丝绸做的,应该是摸起来很舒服.故选:B.【点评】了解各选项的含义及用法,根据语境作答.19.(2019•铁岭)The dictionary belong to Sam.You can see his name on it.()A.can B.must C.need D.would【分析】这个字典一定属于萨姆.你可以在上面看到它的名字.【解答】A表示可以,B表示必须,C表示需要,D表示将、将会.根据题干中You can see his name on it.可知你可以在字典上面看到萨姆的名字,由此可推测出这个字典是萨姆的,表示对现在的情况肯定推测,则应用must+动词原形.故选:B.【点评】本题考查情态动词表推测的用法,再根据题干即可作出选择,难度一般.20.(2019•辽阳)It's impolite to________your teachers' office without knocking at the door.()A.describe B.check C.choose D.enter【分析】不敲门就进教师办公室是不礼貌的.【解答】describe 描述;check核对;choose选择;enter进入,根据意思:不敲门就进教师办公室是不礼貌的.故用enter.故选:D.【点评】此题考查动词词义辨析,熟知动词意思与用法,结合语境,仔细分析,可得出答案.21.(2019•辽阳)The dish smells delicious,but it a little salty.()A.looks B.tastes C.feels D.sounds【分析】这道菜闻起来很香,但尝起来有点咸.【解答】look看起来;taste尝起来;feel感觉起来;sounds听起来.根据意思:这道菜闻起来很香,但尝起来有点咸.故用taste.故选:B.【点评】此题考查动词词义辨析,熟知动词意思与用法,结合语境,仔细分析,可得出答案.22.(2019•大庆)You'd better _____ hard from now on,____ you will fail in the exam.()A.work;and B.working;orC.working;and D.work;or【分析】你最好努力学习!否则你将考试失败.【解答】had better do sth.最好做某事.and和,并且,表示递进关系,or否则,表示转折.根据语境可知"你最好努力学习,否则你将考试不及格".故选:D.【点评】本题考查动词的固定搭配,根据句意创设,掌握具体用法便可选出.23.(2019•本溪)As far as I know,the robot that can sweep the floor ________ in the 1980s.()A.is invented B.inventedC.was invented D.has invented【分析】据我所知,能扫地的机器人是20世纪80年代发明的.【解答】根据意思:据我所知,能扫地的机器人是20世纪80年代被发明的.一般过去时态的被动态,was/were done.主语是单数,故用was.故选:C.【点评】此题考查实义动词的过去分词,熟知其意思用法,结合语境,仔细分析,可得出答案.24.(2019•大庆)How long will it ____ you to fly to Beijing from your hometown?()A.spend B.take C.pay D.use【分析】从北京飞往你的家乡会花费你多长时间?【解答】spend用于sb spend…on sth或者sb spend…in doing sth(in可以省略),spend的主语必须是人,可以指花费时间、也可以指花费金钱;take 用于it takes sb…to do sth句型,仅指花费时间(three hours等),必须用it作形式主语;pay是指支付,付账,主语必须是人,use,使用;use sth to do sth;根据句中的How long 可知句中指的是"花费多长时间";而且主语是It;故用句型it takes sb…to do sth.故选:B.【点评】首先根据语境,细读选项,掌握常用句型,然后通过题干中的已供信息,捕捉到解题线索.25.(2019•葫芦岛)New energy cars have been ______ to cut down air pollution.()A.discovered B.found C.invented D.refused【分析】为了减少空气污染,发明了新能源汽车.【解答】四个选项都是过去分词,该句用的是现在完成的被动语态结构,即have been done.A表示发现,B表示找到,C表示发明,D表示拒绝.根据题干可知为了减少空气。

2019-2020 年中考英语试题汇编动词和情态动词o She’s Teahouse the changes in Chinese society over fifty years. (2015 天津)A.describesB.improvesC.preparesD.corrects参考答案:A5.-How is Tom now?-I hear the company him a good job, but he refused it. (2015 呼和浩特)A.providedB.offeredC.passedD.introduced参考答案:B3.Fresh food is good for you . But you have to it first because sometimes ita little dirty. (2015 江西)A.tasteB.smellC.washD.plant参考答案:C9.-Tom, it’s cold outside.your coat when you go out.-OK, Mom. (2015 克拉玛依)A.Take offB.Take awayC.Put awayD.Put on参考答案:D6.-You say you are short of money. Why not sell your old gold watch for some money? -Oh, I can’t, because it was a gift from my wife. I promised her I would never it. (2015 襄阳)A.care aboutB.look afterC.stick toD.part with参考答案:D13.The boy has a good habit to all the things in right places. (2015 呼和浩特)A.put awayB.put upC.take awayD.take up参考答案:A10.I really need to take more exercise because I’m weight.(2015 杭州)A.putting offB.putting onC.putting downD.putting away参考答案:B11.—What did you do on Earth Day this year?—We a show to spread the message about protecting the environment.(2015 福州)A.put onB.put upC.put away参考答案:A15.Yunnan is beautiful and I’m visiting it again. (2015 天津)A.keeping clear ofB.suffering fromC.looking forward toD.running away from参考答案:C5.— It will only about 50 minutes to travel to Mount Wuyi by high-speed railway.—Wow, how exciting! I can’t wait.(2015 福州)A.takeB.spendC.cost参考答案:A7.When I got to the bus stop. I missed the early bus and I had to the next one. (2015 德州)A.give upB.keep offC.call offD.wait for参考答案:D9.We planned to meet at 10:30 at the station last Sunday, but Bob didn’t until12:00. (2015 安徽)A.turn upB.give upC.stay upD.grow up参考答案:A8.Dreams are beautiful. However, to them needs lots of time and work. (2015 安徽)A.discoverB.findC.achieveD.stop参考答案:C11.-Do you know our new manager?-Yes. He to be a friend of my brother. (2015 苏州)A.turns upB.turns onC.turns outD.turns off参考答案:C4.It is necessary for everyone to a good habit of reading. (2015 济宁)A.enjoyB.chooseC.developD.accept参考答案:C5.The running water makes the stones very smooth. (2015 安徽)A.soundB.tasteC.smellD.feel参考答案:D9.Bob is taking the desks away because they too much room. (2015 天津)A.stand upB.pick upC.take upD.listen up参考答案:C8.—The school network will be shut down for safety reasons.—That doesn't me at all. I'm not a net-worm, anyway. (2015 无锡)A.satisfyB.surpriseC.worryD.include参考答案:C14.-What’s wrong with you, Eric? You look tired.-I to prepare for the final exam last night. (2015 安顺)A.picked upB.woke upC.put upD.stayed up参考答案:D14.The exam is over and the results will be on Friday afternoon. (2015 泰安)A.put downB.put offC.put upD.put away参考答案:C5.We have to the bike ride because of the bad weather. (2015 济宁)A.put offB.turn offC.take offD.get off参考答案:A9.-Has Jane done the washing yet?-You cannot her to do such a thing. (2015 苏州)A.wantB.hopeC.expectD.wish参考答案:C6.-Jenny, I hear there will be an art club in our school.-Wonderful! I can’t wait to it. (2015 温州)A.repeatB.forgetC.receiveD.join参考答案:D5.The governments should the use of new types of energy to make a greener world. (2015 无锡)A.push inB.push forC.put outD.put up参考答案:B12.The Apple Watch is very beautiful, but it’s too expensive. So I can’tit. (2015 武威)A.saveB.supportC.offerD.afford参考答案:D2.-It’s reported that Chinese more than 40 minutes a day reading WeChat(微信). -It’s true. But I think WeChat is taking too much of our time. (2015 襄阳)A.spendB.costC.payD.take参考答案:A5.-Could you the computer for me, dear? I want to check my e-mails.-Certainly, I’ll do it right away. (2015 襄阳)A.turn onB.turn downC.turn offD.turn up参考答案:A12.The boy is sleeping. Please the radio. (2015 益阳)A.turn upB.turn offC.turn on参考答案:B11.-Dear sister, does the TV show Dad comes back our father?-Sure, Dad has been away for about ten years. (2015 自贡)A.let you downB.help you outC.remind you of参考答案:C13.-Do you think our basketball team will win the match?-Yes, we have better players. So I them to win. (2015 自贡)A.hopeB.helpC.expect参考答案:C8.They walked home last night because they couldn’t to take a taxi. (2015 重庆 A/C 卷)A.leaveB.buyC.affordD.allow参考答案:C6.They allA.waited forB.handed inC.agreed withD.knocked at参考答案:C6.-Your mother Laura about building a museum here. (2015 重庆 A/C 卷)younger than she is.-Thank you for saying so. (2015 重庆 B 卷)A.looksB.listensC.seesD.hears参考答案:A15.It’s getting dark. Would you please the light? (2015 重庆B 卷)A.get onB.get offC.turn onD.turn off参考答案:C2015 年中考英语单项选择题汇编(情态动词)5.Harry’s been driving all day, he be tired. (2015 杭州)A.needB.canC.shallD.must参考答案:D4.—Doctor Wang, I’m feeling much better. Must I go on taking the medicine?—No, you . You’ll get well soon.(2015 福州)A.can’tB.mustn’tC.needn’t参考答案:C6.-Is that man Mr. Smith?-It be him. He has gone to New York on business. (2015 天津)A.may notB.needn’tC.can’tD.mustn’t参考答案:C11.-Excuse me. Can you tell me what time it is now?-Sorry. I . My watch doesn’t work. (2015 三亚)A.can’tB.shouldn’tC.mustn’t参考答案:A5.- You park here! Look at the sign, it says “No parking”.-Sorry, I didn’t notice that sign just now. (2015 苏州)A.won’tB.needn’tC.mustn’tD.couldn’t参考答案:C5.-Mr. Wang, must I come again to clean the classroom on Sunday?-No, you . I have asked Kate to do it. (2015 德州)A.can’tB.mustn’tC.needn’tD.shouldn’t参考答案:C4.—I think we need to sit down and have a talk.—I agree more. Let's take the bench over there. (2015 无锡)A.couldB.couldn'tC.shouldD.shouldn't参考答案:B1.-I use your dictionary?-Of course. But please return it to me before you leave. (2015 长沙)A.MustB.NeedC.May参考答案:C3.-He be in the classroom, I think.-No, he be in the classroom. I saw him go home a minute ago. (2015 安顺)A.can; may notB.must; may notC.may; mustn’tD.may; can’t参考答案:D6.-Must I return the hook tomorrow morning?-No, you .You can keep it longer. (2015 克拉玛依)A.mustn’tB.can’tC.needn’tD.couldn’t参考答案:C7.Nathan likes his job because he enjoy the beauty of nature. (2015 江西)A.canB.mustC.shouldD.is supposed to参考答案:A14.-Do you have any plans for this Sunday?-I’m not sure. I go to the countryside to see my grandmother. (2015 安徽)A.canB.mustC.mayD.need参考答案:C11.Nowadays, all passengers go through safety check before take a train. (2015 泰安)A.canB.mayC.mustD.will参考答案:C8.-Must I clean the classroom now?-No, you .(2015 娄底)A.mustn’tB.can’tC.needn’t参考答案:C11.The woman be our English teacher. She has gone to Canada. (2015 益阳)A.can’tB.needn’tC.mustn’t参考答案:A12.It’s surprising that Mr. Ma’s little daughter speak English so well. (2015 重庆 A/C 卷)A.mustB.canC.mustn’tD.can’t参考答案:B16.-Have you decided which high school to choose?-Not yet. I go to Guangming High School. (2015 重庆B 卷)A.mustB.shouldn’tC.mayD.needn’t参考答案:C8.-Must I sing the song in Russian?-No, you . It’s up to you.A.mustn’tB.can’tC.don’tD.needn’t参考答案:D2019-2020 年中考英语试题汇编动词时态和被动语态7.I scared of dogs ever since a dog hurt me when I was five years old. (2015 杭州)A.will beB.wasC.have beenD.would be参考答案:C5.-Ben and Sue aren’t home, are they?-No. They to London on business. (2015 江西)A.have goneB.goC.have beenD.will go参考答案:A18.-Why did the car hit the boy?-Because the driver on the phone at that time. (2015 天津)A.talkB.is talkingC.was talkingD.have talked参考答案:C14.-Where is Linda? I can’t find her anywhere.-She the flowers in the garden. (2015 三亚)A.watersB.wateredC.is watering参考答案:C6.Miss Brown, we cleaning our classroom. Can we go home now?(2015 广州)A.finishB.finishingC.are finishedD.have finished参考答案:D10.-I called you at half past nine this morning, but there was no answer.-Oh, sorry. I with my cousin in the supermarket. (2015 克拉玛依)A.shoppingB.was shoppingC.shoppedD.will shop参考答案:B12.-When you here?-Two days ago. (2015 天津)A.did; comeB.have; comeC.will; comeD.do; come参考答案:A4.- Where is Joan?- She a novel in her study. (2015 苏州)A.has readB.readsC.will readD.is reading参考答案:D7.— Miss Lin my desk-mate with her lessons when I left school.—She is really a nice teacher.(2015 福州)A.helpsB.is helpingC.was helping参考答案:C3.-Shall we go out for a walk. Bill?-I’m afraid not. It outside now. (2015 三亚)A.was rainingB.rainedC.is raining参考答案:C10.So far, the AIIB(亚投行)57 countries to be the founding members. (2015 福州)A.attractedB.has attractedC.will attract参考答案:B4.-Will you see the film Cinderella with us tonight?-No, I it last week. (2015 长沙)A.seeB.have seenC.saw参考答案:C9.-Do you have any plans for tonight?-Yes ,I at the new Italian restaurant in town. (2015 江西)A.eatB.have eatenC.ateD.am going to eat参考答案:D7.-I called you last night , but you didn’t answer.-Sorry, Grace. I I am A Singer when the phone rang. (2015 长沙)A.am watchingB.was watchingC.have watched参考答案:B9.Premier Zhou Enlai for many years, he still lives in the hearts of Chinese people. (2015 安顺)A.diedB.was diedC.has been diedD.has been dead参考答案:D10.Mary with her parents often for a walk in the park after supper. (2015 安顺)A.goB.is goingC.are goingD.goes参考答案:D11.We some robots at home in the future, and there some in the office, too. (2015 安顺)A.will have; will haveB.have; will beC.will have; will beD.will have; are参考答案:C7.-Cathy, can you answer the door? I the room.-I’m coming, mum. (2015 安徽)A.cleanB.cleanedC.have cleanedD.am cleaning参考答案:D6.-Our classmates went to a concert yesterday afternoon.-What a pity! I my homework. (2015 泰安)A.had doneB.was doingC.am doingD.would do参考答案:B5.Stop smoking, Joe! You yourself if you keep on doing it like that! (2015 重庆A/C 卷)A.will killB.have killedC.killD.killed参考答案:A6.-I to the cinema yesterday.-It’s a pity. You didn’t invite me. (2015 娄底)A.goB.wentC.have gone参考答案:B8.-Have you watched the new movie Jurassic world, Steven?-Not yet. I it with my cousin this evening. (2015 温州)A.will watchB.was watchingC.watchedD.have watched参考答案:A9.Too many people were absent. The chairperson warned that he the meeting if necessary. (2015 无锡)A.would cancelB.cancelledC.would startD.started参考答案:A13.Mother often tells me, “I hope you what I you to do at school!”(2015 武威)A.won’t forget; have toldB.don’t forget; will tellC.didn’t forget; tellD.haven’t forgotten; am telling参考答案:A4.-Hey, Jenny. Let’s go home together.-Just a moment. I an e-mail. (2015 武威)A.sendB.sentC.am sendingD.have sent参考答案:C13.-Lucy, what were you doing at nine last night?-I the piano. I usually practice the piano at that time. (2015 襄阳)A.playB.playedC.was playingD.am playing参考答案:C4.Over fifty countries the AIIB(亚投行) so far.A.joinedB.was joiningC.had joinedD.have joined参考答案:D13.-What were you doing at 8:00 last Sunday?-I rubbish with my classmates by Zijiang River. (2015 益阳)A.picked upB.am picking upC.was picking up参考答案:C7.-Why didn’t you buy any bread?-Sorry, I . (2015 重庆A/C 卷)A.forgetB.forgotC.rememberD.remembered参考答案:B4.Please wait. She to you in a few minutes. (2015 重庆B 卷)A.talkB.talkedC.have talkedD.will talk参考答案:D17.-When shall we begin our meeting?-We’ll begin it when Helen.(2015 重庆B 卷)esB.cameC.will comee参考答案:A3.Bob took a photo of his girlfriend while she at the party.A.dancesB.was dancingC.has dancedD.is dancing参考答案:B2015 年中考英语单项选择题汇编(被动语态)8.Many houses by the earthquake and thousands of people were left homeless. (2015 广州)A.damagedB.were damagedC.were damagingD.are damaged参考答案:B9.—Don’t smoke here, Dad. Smoking in public places.—Oh, sorry. I’ll stop right now.(2015 福州)A.isn’t allowedB.aren’t allowedC.doesn’t allow5.-Lily, will you go to Jenny’s birthday party this Saturday?-I’m not sure. Because I so far. (2015 泰安)A.have invitedB.wasn’t invitedC.have been invitedD.will be invited参考答案:C10.You can’t wear shoes inside this place. It .(2015 江西)A.doesn’t allowB.isn’t allowedC.h asn’t allowedD.wasn’t allowed参考答案:B13.UNICEF(联合国儿童基金会)was in 1946. It works to help children live a better life. (2015 三亚)A.picked upB.putC.set up参考答案:C7.The novel by many people today. (2015 天津)A.is readB.are readC.readsD.were read参考答案:A12.-Did Jack come to our party yesterday?-No, he .(2015 克拉玛依)A.didn’t inviteB.wasn’t invitedC.isn’t invitedD.hasn’t invited参考答案:B4.-Who’s the baby in the photo?-It’s me. The photo ten tears ago. (2015 三亚)A.tookB.was takenC.was taking4.Some students in this school abroad as exchange students every year. (2015 自贡)A.sentB.sendC.are sent参考答案:C7.-Claudia, are you going to Mike’s birthday party on Sunday?.(2015 益阳)-Unless IA.am invitedB.invitedC.was inviting参考答案:A17.-How clean your car is!-Thank you. Itvery often. (2015 重庆 A/C 卷)A.is washedB.washesC.was washedD.washed参考答案:A10.Our new library last year. We enjoy reading and studying in it. (2015 重庆B 卷)A.buildsB.builtC.is builtD.was built参考答案:D4.A new school last year in my hometown.A.set upB.sets upC.is set upD.was set up参考答案:D。

2019-2020年中考英语试题汇编动词和情态动词o She’s Teahouse _____ the changes in Chinese society over fifty years. (2015天津)A. describesB. improvesC. preparesD. corrects参考答案:A5.-How is Tom now?-I hear the company _____ him a good job, but he refused it. (2015呼和浩特)A.providedB.offeredC.passedD.introduced参考答案:B3.Fresh food is good for you . But you have to _____ it first because sometimes ita little dirty. (2015江西)A. tasteB. smellC. washD. plant参考答案:C9.-Tom, it’s cold outside. _____ your coat when you go out.-OK, Mom. (2015克拉玛依)A. Take offB. Take awayC. Put awayD. Put on参考答案:D6.-You say you are short of money. Why not sell your old gold watch for some money?-Oh, I can’t, because it was a gift from my wife. I promised her I would never _____ it. (2015襄阳)A.care aboutB.look afterC.stick toD.part with参考答案:D13.The boy has a good habit to _____ all the things in right places. (2015呼和浩特)A.put awayB.put upC.take awayD.take up参考答案:A10.I really need to take more exercise because I’m _____ weight.(2015杭州)A.putting offB.putting onC.putting downD.putting away参考答案:B11.—What did you do on Earth Day this year?—We _____ a show to spread the message about protecting the environment.(2015福州)A.put onB.put upC.put away参考答案:A15.Yunnan is beautiful and I’m _____ visiting it again. (2015天津)A. keeping clear ofB. suffering fromC. looking forward toD. running away from参考答案:C5.— It will _____ only about 50 minutes to travel to Mount Wuyi by high-speed railway.—Wow, how exciting! I can’t wait.(2015福州)A.takeB.spendC.cost参考答案:A7.When I got to the bus stop. I missed the early bus and I had to _____ the next one. (2015德州)A.give upB.keep offC.call offD.wait for参考答案:D9.We planned to meet at 10:30 at the station last Sunday, but Bob didn’t _____ until12:00. (2015安徽)A.turn upB.give upC.stay upD.grow up参考答案:A8.Dreams are beautiful. However, to _____ them needs lots of time and work. (2015安徽)A.discoverB.findC.achieveD.stop参考答案:C11.-Do you know our new manager?-Yes. He _____ to be a friend of my brother. (2015苏州)A. turns upB. turns onC. turns outD. turns off参考答案:C4.It is necessary for everyone to _____ a good habit of reading. (2015济宁)A.enjoyB.chooseC.developD.accept参考答案:C5.The running water makes the stones _____ very smooth. (2015安徽)A.soundB.tasteC.smellD.feel参考答案:D9.Bob is taking the desks away because they _____ too much room. (2015天津)A. stand upB. pick upC. take upD. listen up参考答案:C8.—The school network will be shut down for safety reasons.—That doesn't _____ me at all. I'm not a net-worm, anyway. (2015无锡)A. satisfyB. surpriseC. worryD. include参考答案:C14.-What’s wrong with you, Eric? You look tired.-I _____ to prepare for the final exam last night. (2015安顺)A.picked upB.woke upC.put upD.stayed up参考答案:D14.The exam is over and the results will be _____ on Friday afternoon. (2015泰安)A.put downB.put offC.put upD.put away参考答案:C5.We have to _____ the bike ride because of the bad weather. (2015济宁)A.put offB.turn offC.take offD.get off参考答案:A9.-Has Jane done the washing yet?-You cannot _____ her to do such a thing. (2015苏州)A. wantB. hopeC. expectD. wish参考答案:C6.-Jenny, I hear there will be an art club in our school.-Wonderful! I can’t wait to _____ it. (2015温州)A. repeatB. forgetC. receiveD. join参考答案:D5.The governments should _____ the use of new types of energy to make a greener world. (2015无锡)A. push inB. push forC. put outD. put up参考答案:B12.The Apple Watch is very beautiful, but it’s too expensive. So I can’t _____ it. (2015武威)A.saveB.supportC.offerD.afford参考答案:D2.-It’s reported that Chinese _____ more than 40 minutes a day reading WeChat(微信).-It’s true. But I think WeChat is taking too much of our time. (2015襄阳)A.spendB.costC.payD.take参考答案:A5.-Could you _____ the computer for me, dear? I want to check my e-mails.-Certainly, I’ll do it right away. (2015襄阳)A.turn onB.turn downC.turn offD.turn up参考答案:A12.The boy is sleeping. Please _____ the radio. (2015益阳)A.turn upB.turn offC.turn on参考答案:B11.-Dear sister, does the TV show Dad comes back _____ our father?-Sure, Dad has been away for about ten years. (2015自贡)A.let you downB.help you outC.remind you of参考答案:C13.-Do you think our basketball team will win the match?-Yes, we have better players. So I _____ them to win. (2015自贡)A.hopeB.helpC.expect参考答案:C8.They walked home last night because they couldn’t _____ to take a taxi. (2015重庆A/C卷)A.leaveB.buyC.affordD.allow参考答案:C6.They all _____ Laura about building a museum here. (2015重庆A/C卷)A.waited forB.handed inC.agreed withD.knocked at参考答案:C6.-Your mother _____ younger than she is.-Thank you for saying so. (2015重庆B卷)A.looksB.listensC.seesD.hears参考答案:A15.It’s getting dark. Would you please _____ the light? (2015重庆B卷)A.get onB.get offC.turn onD.turn off参考答案:C2015年中考英语单项选择题汇编(情态动词)5.Harry’s been driving all day, he _____ be tired. (2015杭州)A.needB.canC.shallD.must参考答案:D4.—Doctor Wang, I’m feeling much better. Must I go on taking the medicine?—No, you _____. You’ll get well soon.(2015福州)A.can’tB.mustn’tC.needn’t参考答案:C6.-Is that man Mr. Smith?-It _____ be him. He has gone to New York on business. (2015天津)A. may notB. needn’tC. can’tD. mustn’t参考答案:C11.-Excuse me. Can you tell me what time it is now?-Sorry. I _____. My watch doesn’t work. (2015三亚)A. can’tB. shouldn’tC. mustn’t参考答案:A5.- You _____ park here! Look at the sign, it says “No parking”.- Sorry, I didn’t notice that sign just now. (2015苏州)A. won’tB. needn’tC. mustn’tD. couldn’t参考答案:C5.-Mr. Wang, must I come again to clean the classroom on Sunday?-No, you _____. I have asked Kate to do it. (2015德州)A.can’tB.mustn’tC.needn’tD.shouldn’t参考答案:C4.—I think we need to sit down and have a talk.—I _____ agree more. Let's take the bench over there. (2015无锡)A. couldB. couldn'tC. shouldD. shouldn't参考答案:B1.-_____ I use your dictionary?-Of course. But please return it to me before you leave. (2015长沙)A.MustB.NeedC.May参考答案:C3.-He _____ be in the classroom, I think.-No, he _____ be in the classroom. I saw him go home a minute ago. (2015安顺)A.can; may notB.must; may notC.may; mustn’tD.may; can’t参考答案:D6.-Must I return the hook tomorrow morning?-No, you _____.You can keep it longer. (2015克拉玛依)A. mustn’tB. can’tC. needn’tD. couldn’t参考答案:C7.Nathan likes his job because he _____enjoy the beauty of nature. (2015江西)A. canB. mustC. shouldD. is supposed to参考答案:A14.-Do you have any plans for this Sunday?-I’m not sure. I _____ go to the countryside to see my grandmother. (2015安徽)A.canB.mustC.mayD.need参考答案:C11.Nowadays, all passengers _____ go through safety check before take a train. (2015泰安)A.canB.mayC.mustD.will参考答案:C8.-Must I clean the classroom now?-No, you _____.(2015娄底)A.mustn’tB.can’tC.needn’t参考答案:C11.The woman _____ be our English teacher. She has gone to Canada. (2015益阳)A.can’tB.needn’tC.mustn’t参考答案:A12.It’s surprising that Mr. Ma’s little daughter _____ speak English so well. (2015重庆A/C卷)A.mustB.canC.mustn’tD.can’t参考答案:B16.-Have you decided which high school to choose?-Not yet. I _____ go to Guangming High School. (2015重庆B卷)A.mustB.shouldn’tC.mayD.needn’t参考答案:C8.-Must I sing the song in Russian?-No, you _____. It’s up to you.A.mustn’tB.can’tC.don’tD.needn’t参考答案:D2019-2020年中考英语试题汇编动词时态和被动语态7.I _____ scared of dogs ever since a dog hurt me when I was five years old. (2015杭州)A.will beB.wasC.have beenD.would be参考答案:C5.-Ben and Sue aren’t home, are they?-No. They _____ to London on business. (2015江西)A. have goneB. goC. have beenD. will go参考答案:A18.-Why did the car hit the boy?-Because the driver _____ on the phone at that time. (2015天津)A. talkB. is talkingC. was talkingD. have talked参考答案:C14.-Where is Linda? I can’t find her anywhere.-She _____ the flowers in the garden. (2015三亚)A. watersB. wateredC. is watering参考答案:C6.Miss Brown, we _____ cleaning our classroom. Can we go home now?(2015广州)A.finishB.finishingC.are finishedD.have finished参考答案:D10.-I called you at half past nine this morning, but there was no answer.-Oh, sorry. I _____ with my cousin in the supermarket. (2015克拉玛依)A. shoppingB. was shoppingC. shoppedD. will shop参考答案:B12.-When _____ you _____ here?-Two days ago. (2015天津)A. did; comeB. have; comeC. will; comeD. do; come参考答案:A4.- Where is Joan?- She _____ a novel in her study. (2015苏州)A. has readB. readsC. will readD. is reading参考答案:D7.— Miss Lin _____ my desk-mate with her lessons when I left school.—She is really a nice teacher.(2015福州)A.helpsB.is helpingC.was helping参考答案:C3.-Shall we go out for a walk. Bill?-I’m afraid not. It _____ outside now. (2015三亚)A. was rainingB. rainedC. is raining参考答案:C10.So far, the AIIB(亚投行)_____ 57 countries to be the founding members.(2015福州)A.attractedB.has attractedC.will attract参考答案:B4.-Will you see the film Cinderella with us tonight?-No, I _____ it last week. (2015长沙)A.seeB.have seenC.saw参考答案:C9.-Do you have any plans for tonight?-Yes ,I _____ at the new Italian restaurant in town. (2015江西)A. eatB. have eatenC. ateD. am going to eat参考答案:D7.-I called you last night , but you didn’t answer.-Sorry, Grace. I _____ I am A Singer when the phone rang. (2015长沙)A.am watchingB.was watchingC.have watched参考答案:B9.Premier Zhou Enlai _____ for many years, he still lives in the hearts of Chinese people. (2015安顺)A.diedB.was diedC.has been diedD.has been dead参考答案:D10.Mary with her parents often _____ for a walk in the park after supper. (2015安顺)A.goB.is goingC.are goingD.goes参考答案:D11.We _____ some robots at home in the future, and there _____ some in the office, too. (2015安顺)A.will have; will haveB.have; will beC.will have; will beD.will have; are7.-Cathy, can you answer the door? I _____ the room.-I’m coming, mum. (2015安徽)A.cleanB.cleanedC.have cleanedD.am cleaning参考答案:D6.-Our classmates went to a concert yesterday afternoon.-What a pity! I _____ my homework. (2015泰安)A.had doneB.was doingC.am doingD.would do参考答案:B5.Stop smoking, Joe! You _____ yourself if you keep on doing it like that! (2015重庆A/C卷)A.will killB.have killedC.killD.killed参考答案:A6.-I _____ to the cinema yesterday.-It’s a pity. You didn’t invite me. (2015娄底)A.goB.wentC.have gone参考答案:B8.-Have you watched the new movie Jurassic world, Steven?-Not yet. I _____ it with my cousin this evening. (2015温州)A. will watchB. was watchingC. watchedD. have watched参考答案:A9.Too many people were absent. The chairperson warned that he _____ the meeting if necessary. (2015无锡)A. would cancelC. would startD. started参考答案:A13.Mother often tells me, “I hope you _____ what I _____ you to do at school!” (2015武威)A.won’t forget; have toldB.don’t forget; will tellC.didn’t forget; tellD.haven’t forgotten; am telling参考答案:A4.-Hey, Jenny. Let’s go home together.-Just a moment. I _____ an e-mail. (2015武威)A.sendB.sentC.am sendingD.have sent参考答案:C13.-Lucy, what were you doing at nine last night?-I _____ the piano. I usually practice the piano at that time. (2015襄阳)A.playB.playedC.was playingD.am playing参考答案:C4.Over fifty countries _____ the AIIB(亚投行) so far.A.joinedB.was joiningC.had joinedD.have joined参考答案:D13.-What were you doing at 8:00 last Sunday?-I _____ rubbish with my classmates by Zijiang River. (2015益阳)A.picked upB.am picking upC.was picking up参考答案:C7.-Why didn’t you buy any bread?-Sorry, I _____. (2015重庆A/C卷)A.forgetB.forgotC.rememberD.remembered参考答案:B4.Please wait. She _____ to you in a few minutes. (2015重庆B卷)A.talkB.talkedC.have talkedD.will talk参考答案:D17.-When shall we begin our meeting?-We’ll begin it when Helen _____.(2015重庆B卷)esB.cameC.will comee参考答案:A3.Bob took a photo of his girlfriend while she _____ at the party.A.dancesB.was dancingC.has dancedD.is dancing参考答案:B2015年中考英语单项选择题汇编(被动语态)8.Many houses _____ by the earthquake and thousands of people were left homeless.(2015广州)A.damagedB.were damagedC.were damagingD.are damaged参考答案:B9.—Don’t smoke here, Dad. Smoking _____ in public places.—Oh, sorry. I’ll stop right now.(2015福州)A.isn’t allowedB.aren’t allowedC.doesn’t allow5.-Lily, will you go to Jenny’s birthday party this Saturday?-I’m not sure. Because I _____ so far. (2015泰安)A.have invitedB.wasn’t invitedC.have been invitedD.will be invited参考答案:C10.You can’t wear shoes inside this place. It _____.(2015江西)A. doesn’t allowB. isn’t allowedC. hasn’t allowedD. wasn’t allowed参考答案:B13.UNICEF(联合国儿童基金会)was _____ in 1946. It works to help children live a better life. (2015三亚)A. picked upB. putC. set up参考答案:C7.The novel _____ by many people today. (2015天津)A. is readB. are readC. readsD. were read参考答案:A12.-Did Jack come to our party yesterday?-No, he _____.(2015克拉玛依)A. didn’t inviteB. wasn’t invitedC. isn’t invitedD. hasn’t invited参考答案:B4.-Who’s the baby in the photo?-It’s me. The photo _____ ten tears ago. (2015三亚)A. tookB. was takenC. was taking4.Some students in this school _____ abroad as exchange students every year. (2015自贡)A.sentB.sendC.are sent参考答案:C7.-Claudia, are you going to Mike’s birthday party on Sunday?-Unless I _____.(2015益阳)A.am invitedB.invitedC.was inviting参考答案:A17.-How clean your car is!-Thank you. It _____ very often. (2015重庆A/C卷)A.is washedB.washesC.was washedD.washed参考答案:A10.Our new library _____ last year. We enjoy reading and studying in it. (2015重庆B 卷)A.buildsB.builtC.is builtD.was built参考答案:D4.A new school _____ last year in my hometown.A.set upB.sets upC.is set upD.was set up参考答案:D。

2019年中考英语单项选择题汇编(动词时态)7.I _____ scared of dogs ever since a dog hurt me when I was five years old. (2018杭州)A.will beB.wasC.have beenD.would be参考答案:C5.-Ben and Sue aren’t home, are they?-No. They _____ to London on business. (2018江西)A. have goneB. goC. have beenD. will go参考答案:A18.-Why did the car hit the boy?-Because the driver _____ on the phone at that time. (2018天津)A. talkB. is talkingC. was talkingD. have talked参考答案:C14.-Where is Linda? I can’t find her anywhere.-She _____ the flowers in the garden. (2018三亚)A. watersB. wateredC. is watering参考答案:C6.Miss Brown, we _____ cleaning our classroom. Can we go home now?(2018广州)A.finishB.finishingC.are finishedD.have finished参考答案:D10.-I called you at half past nine this morning, but there was no answer.-Oh, sorry. I _____ with my cousin in the supermarket. (2018克拉玛依)A. shoppingB. was shoppingC. shoppedD. will shop参考答案:B12.-When _____ you _____ here?-Two days ago. (2018天津)A. did; comeB. have; comeC. will; comeD. do; come参考答案:A4.- Where is Joan?- She _____ a novel in her study. (2018苏州)A. has readB. readsC. will readD. is reading参考答案:D7.— Miss Lin _____ my desk-mate with her lessons when I left school.—She is really a nice teacher.(2018福州)A.helpsB.is helpingC.was helping参考答案:C3.-Shall we go out for a walk. Bill?-I’m afraid not. It _____ outside now. (2018三亚)A. was rainingB. rainedC. is raining参考答案:C10.So far, the AIIB(亚投行)_____ 57 countries to be the founding members.(2018福州)A.attractedB.has attractedC.will attract参考答案:B4.-Will you see the film Cinderella with us tonight?-No, I _____ it last week. (2018长沙)A.seeB.have seenC.saw参考答案:C9.-Do you have any plans for tonight?-Yes ,I _____ at the new Italian restaurant in town. (2018江西)A. eatB. have eatenC. ateD. am going to eat参考答案:D7.-I called you last night , but you didn’t answer.-Sorry, Grace. I _____ I am A Singer when the phone rang. (2018长沙)A.am watchingB.was watchingC.have watched参考答案:B9.Premier Zhou Enlai _____ for many years, he still lives in the hearts of Chinese people. (2018安顺)A.diedB.was diedC.has been diedD.has been dead参考答案:D10.Mary with her parents often _____ for a walk in the park after supper. (2018安顺)A.goB.is goingC.are goingD.goes参考答案:D11.We _____ some robots at home in the future, and there _____ some in the office, too. (2018安顺)A.will have; will haveB.have; will beC.will have; will beD.will have; are参考答案:C7.-Cathy, can you answer the door? I _____ the room.-I’m coming, mum. (2018安徽)A.cleanB.cleanedC.have cleanedD.am cleaning参考答案:D6.-Our classmates went to a concert yesterday afternoon.-What a pity! I _____ my homework. (2018泰安)A.had doneB.was doingC.am doingD.would do参考答案:B5.Stop smoking, Joe! You _____ yourself if you keep on doing it like that! (2018重庆A/C卷)A.will killB.have killedC.killD.killed参考答案:A6.-I _____ to the cinema yesterday.-It’s a pity. You didn’t invite me. (2018娄底)A.goB.wentC.have gone参考答案:B8.-Have you watched the new movie Jurassic world, Steven?-Not yet. I _____ it with my cousin this evening. (2018温州)A. will watchB. was watchingC. watchedD. have watched参考答案:A9.Too many people were absent. The chairperson warned that he _____ the meeting if necessary. (2018无锡)A. would cancelB. cancelledC. would startD. started参考答案:A13.Mother often tells me, “I hope you _____ what I _____ you to do at school!” (2018武威)A.won’t forget; have toldB.don’t forget; will tellC.didn’t forget; tellD.haven’t f orgotten; am telling参考答案:A4.-Hey, Jenny. Let’s go home together.-Just a moment. I _____ an e-mail. (2018武威)A.sendB.sentC.am sendingD.have sent参考答案:C13.-Lucy, what were you doing at nine last night?-I _____ the piano. I usually practice the piano at that time. (2018襄阳)A.playB.playedC.was playingD.am playing参考答案:C4.Over fifty countries _____ the AIIB(亚投行) so far.A.joinedB.was joiningC.had joinedD.have joined参考答案:D13.-What were you doing at 8:00 last Sunday?-I _____ rubbish with my classmates by Zijiang River. (2018益阳)A.picked upB.am picking upC.was picking up参考答案:C7.-Why didn’t you buy any bread?-Sorry, I _____. (2018重庆A/C卷)A.forgetB.forgotC.rememberD.remembered参考答案:B4.Please wait. She _____ to you in a few minutes. (2018重庆B卷)A.talkB.talkedC.have talkedD.will talk参考答案:D17.-When shall we begin our meeting?-We’ll begin it when Helen _____.(2018重庆B卷)AesB.cameC.will comeDe参考答案:A3.Bob took a photo of his girlfriend while she _____ at the party.A.dancesB.was dancingC.has dancedD.is dancing参考答案:B2019年中考英语单项选择题汇编(被动语态)8.Many houses _____ by the earthquake and thousands of people were left homeless.(2018广州)A.damagedB.were damagedC.were damagingD.are damaged参考答案:B9.—Don’t smoke here, Dad. Smoking _____ in public places.—Oh, sorry. I’ll stop right now.(2018福州)A.isn’t allowedB.aren’t allowedC.doesn’t allow参考答案:A5.-Lily, will you go to Jenny’s birthday party this Saturday?-I’m not sure. Because I _____ so far. (2018泰安)A.have invitedB.wasn’t invi tedC.have been invitedD.will be invited参考答案:C10.You can’t wear shoes inside this place. It _____.(2018江西)A. doesn’t allowB. isn’t allowedC. hasn’t allowedD. wasn’t allowed参考答案:B13.UNICEF(联合国儿童基金会)was _____ in 1946. It works to help children live a better life. (2018三亚)A. picked upB. putC. set up参考答案:C7.The novel _____ by many people today. (2018天津)A. is readB. are readC. readsD. were read参考答案:A12.-Did Jack come to our party yesterday?-No, he _____.(2018克拉玛依)A. didn’t inviteB. wa sn’t invitedC. isn’t invitedD. hasn’t invited参考答案:B4.-Who’s the baby in the photo?-It’s me. The photo _____ ten tears ago. (2018三亚)A. tookB. was takenC. was taking参考答案:B4.Some students in this school _____ abroad as exchange students every year. (2018自贡)A.sentB.sendC.are sent参考答案:C7.-Claudia, are you going to Mike’s birthday party on Sunday?-Unless I _____.(2018益阳)A.am invitedB.invitedC.was inviting参考答案:A17.-How clean your car is!-Thank you. It _____ very often. (2018重庆A/C卷)A.is washedB.washesC.was washedD.washed参考答案:A10.Our new library _____ last year. We enjoy reading and studying in it. (2018重庆B卷)A.buildsB.builtC.is builtD.was built参考答案:D4.A new school _____ last year in my hometown.A.set upB.sets upC.is set upD.was set up参考答案:D。

2019年中考英语真题汇编:动词及动词短语1、(2019·福建)--- I have trouble English, Mr. Lee.--- Why not go to the English Corner and try to talk with others?A. readingB. writingC. speaking2、(2019·江西)You’ll have to ______ the books because there aren’t enough for everyone.A. packB. sellC. chooseD. share3、(2019·江苏连云港)Through the stories behind the idioms, we would be able to fully __________China's culture, history and tradition.A. understandB. searchC. compareD. imagine4、(2019·山东临沂)Roy works in London. It _________him about half an hour to get to work by bus every day.A. costsB. spendsC. takes5、(2019·江苏泰州)After the terrible explosion(爆炸) in Xiangshui, Yancheng, many people from cities around came to hospitals to _________blood.A. devoteB. createC. donateD. celebrate6、(2019·湖北武汉)—Have you ______chemistry for the coming exam? —Yes. I’m quite ready for it.A. repeatedB. copiedC. markedD. reviewed7、(2019·湖北孝感)Hurry up! We're late. I don't want to ________the start of the film.A. catchB. getC. missD. lose8、(2019·湖北襄阳)—What does Huawei’s newest smartphone look like? —It’s wonderful! You can it in half just like closing a book.A. handB. passC. foldD. cut9、(2019·湖北襄阳)—Does the old man have to his wife?—Yes. They have no children to depend on.A. look afterB. look forC. look upD. look like10、(2019·黑龙江大庆)How long will it ____ you to fly to Beijing from your hometown?A. spend B .take C. pay D. use11、(2019·江苏无锡)---I’m going to add some tomato sauce to the salad, if you don’t ___________.---Not at all. Go head.A. careB. agreeC. mindD. insist12、(2019·江苏无锡)On April 15, a fire ___________ in Notre Dame, an 850-year-old cathedral in the heart of Paris.A. ran outB. broke outC. turned outD. carried out13、(2019·湖北荆州)—We are planning a Yangtze River Protection Day this weekend. Do you have any advice?—You’d better signs around the school to tell all the students about that.A. make upB. put upC. set upD. show up14、(2019·广西北部湾经济区)John, please _________your dictionary from the schoolbag and look up the new word.A. take awayB. take upC. take offD. take out15、(2019·江苏南京)Tina comes to China in order to experience Chinese culture and which university is the best for her to attend.A. put outB. stay outC. find outD. run out16、(2019·贵州安顺)-I don't think teachers should give too much homework to_______ the free time of students.-Exactly!A. give upB. take upC. look upD. put up2019年中考英语分类汇编:动词及动词短语答案以及解析1.A2.D3.A4.C5.C6.D7.C8.C9.A10.B11.C12.B13.B14.D15.C16.B。

中考英语复习之动词分类及动词短语⼀、动词的分类(实义动词、系动词、助动词、情态动词)1.实义动词(包括及物动词和不及物动词)2.系动词(⼀是⼀感⼀保持,起来四个好像变了仨)be,feel,stay,keep,look,smell,taste,sound,seem,turn,become,get3.助动词(进⾏时be+V-ing,被动语态be+V-ed,完成时have/has/had+V-ed,将来时will/would/shall+V原,⼀般现在时do/does,⼀般过去时did)4.情态动词(can,could,may,might,must,need,shall,should,will,would)★(1).不及物动词没有被动语态;(2).⾮延续性动词不能与表⽰⼀段时间的词语连⽤(否定句除外)⼆、易混词辨析ed to do sth表⽰过去常常做某事 be used to doing sth表⽰习惯于做某事2.dress sb/oneself给某⼈穿⾐服, put on穿上,戴上,表动作;wear穿着,戴着,表状态,与be in同义。
3.see看见,表结果;look,看,表动作,不及物动词,后⾯须加介词at才能跟宾语;watch看(电视、⽐赛) read看(书、报),表⽰阅读4.bring(带来,拿来),表⽰从远处拿到说话者的地⽅take(拿⾛,带⾛),表⽰从说话者的地⽅拿到远处fetch(去拿来),表⽰⼀个来回、往返的过程carry,⽤⼒搬运,没⽤⽅向性5.die,死,不及物动词,⾮延续性动词(die of死于)dead死的,形容词,表状态;death,死,名词;dying垂死的,要死的,形容词His grandfather died two years ago.= His grandfather has been dead for wo years.= His grandfather has been dead since wo years ago.6.sb spend some time on sth某⼈花费多少时间在某事上sb spend some time (in) doing sth某⼈花费多少时间做某事it takes sb some time to do sth做某事花费了某⼈多少时间sb pay some money for sth某⼈为某物⽀付了多少钱sth cost sb some money某物花费某⼈多少钱7.look for强调寻找的过程,find强调寻找的结果8.listen to强调听的动作,hear强调听的结果9.hang的过去式(过去分词)hung悬挂,hanged绞死,吊死10.lose输(lose to sb输给某⼈) fail指失败或未能做成某事(fail/pass the exam)beat打败,后接sb或某⽀队伍 win赢得(荣誉、地位、⽐赛)11.lose丢失,失去;forget忘记(forget to do sth 忘记去做某事,forget doing sth 忘记做过某事)leave sth +地点(吧某物落在某地)12.think of想到,认为;think about考虑;think over仔细考虑,反复思考13.may be(可能是)为情态动词加原形表⽰推测,在句中做谓语;maybe (⼤概,也许)为副词,相当于perhaps,⽤于句⾸My father may be at home now.= Maybe my father is at home now.三、常见的动词短语1.look for寻找, look after照顾, look forward to doing sth渴望做某事, look at看着,look up抬头看,查找,look like看起来像,look through浏览,look out当⼼2.put off推迟,put on穿上,上演,put away把…收起来,put up举起,建造,张贴,put out扑灭,put down写下,放下3. turn down把⾳量开⼩⼀点;拒绝;turn up把⾳量开⼤⼀点;出现,turn over翻开;翻转,,turn on 打开(电灯等) turn off 关(电灯等)4.be friendly/kind to对…友好,be different from与…不同,be afraid of害怕,be popular with受…欢迎,be interested in对…感兴趣,be surprised at对…惊讶,be proud of(take pride in)对…感到⾃豪,be strict with sb对某⼈严格,be strict in sth 对某事严格, be good at擅长,be sure of/about对…有把握,be made up of由…构成,be angry with sb对某⼈⽣⽓;be busy with sth忙于;be full of/filled with装满了,be late for…迟到,be covered with覆盖着be famous/known for因…;be famous/known as作为…有名5.get on/along (well) with与某⼈相处(融洽),在…进展(顺利),get up起床,get on上车(船、飞机),get off下车get home到家,get out (of) (从…)出去,get to到达get together聚会,get over克服,get used to习惯于6.take off(飞机)起飞,脱掉(⾐服),take away拿⾛;take out取出,take up占据时间、空间,开始从事,拿起,take photos 照相,take one's place= take the place of sb坐某⼈的座位;代替某⼈的职务 take a seat就坐take a shower淋浴,洗澡take care of照顾 take care⼩⼼,当⼼take one’s temperature量体温 take part in参与,参加 take it easy别着急,慢慢来7.agree with sb同意某⼈agree to do sth同意做某事8.pick up拾起,捡起,拿起,收听,⽤车接送客⼈、货物,收拾、整理;pick out挑选。
2020全国中考英语试题分类汇编 :非谓语动词(教师卷)

2020全国中考英语试题分类汇编:非谓语动词1.Our teacher often asks us _______ time.A. not wasteB. not to wasteC. don’t wasteD. doesn’t waste【来源】辽宁阜新【答案】B【解析】句意:我们的老师经常让我们不要浪费时间。
ask sb not to do sth要求某人不要做某事,故为not to waste,故选B。
2.Some people enjoy ______ out their messages in bottles when they travel on the sea.A. to sendB. sendC. sendingD. sent【来源】江苏南京【答案】C【解析】句意:一些人在海上旅行时喜欢用“漂流瓶”发送信息。
enjoy doing sth. 喜欢做某事,故选C。
3.Remember _______ some fruit when you come back.A. buyingB. to buyC. buy【来源】湖南邵阳【答案】B【解析】句意:当你回来的时候记得去买一些水果。
buying买,动名词形式;to buy 动词不定式形式;buy动词原形。
句中谓语动词是remember,常用于句型remember to do sth.“记得去做某事”,还没有做;或者remember doingsth.“记得做过某事”,已经做过了。
4.—Jack, remember ______ off the lights when _______your bedroom.—OK, I won’t forget, Mom.A. turning; leavingB. to turn; leaveC. turning; leftD. to turn; leaving【来源】四川达州【答案】D【解析】句意:—杰克,记得离开卧室时把灯关掉。
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2019-2020年中考英语试题分类汇编:动词【2014徐州】7. I think our government should pass a law to food waste.A. saveB. increaseC. protectD. reduce 【答案】D【2014无锡】9.Your application won’t until you complete the survey.A.acceptB.receiveC.be acceptedD.be rece ived 【答案】C【2014临沂】It ________ about eight minutes for sunlight (阳光) to travel from the sun to the earth.A. takesB. spen dsC. costsD. pays【答案】A【2014乐山】25.–I can’t stand the smell of the stinking tofu.–Would you like to have a try? It ________ quite delicious!A.looksB. soundsC. tastes【答案】C【2014天津】 He was wearing a pair of sunglasses and I didn’t _____him at first.A. adviseB. promiseC. recogniseD. hear【答案】C【2014福州】---Liu Ming,is that our headmaster Miss Chen over there ? -- It can’t be her . She _______Xiamen for a meeting.A. has been toB. has gone toC. has been away【答案】B【2014武汉】–This is quite a new phrase.--Right. It has already ____the language.A. spokenB. usedC. enteredD. covered【答案】C【2014武汉】—How’s now?--I hear the company ______ him a very good job, but he turned it down.A. donatedB. servedC. offeredD. introduced【答案】C【2014黄冈】The boy said no, so the monster breathed on the road and made it disappear.A. repliedB. refusedC. relaxedD. regarded【答案】B【2014重庆】—Could I use your bike? Mine is broken.—Certainly.But please______it back soon.I need it this afternoon.A. giveB. lendC. borrowD. keep【答案】A【2014丹东】—What are you listening to?—A song by Huo Zun. It ______ beautiful.A. tastesB. soundsC.looks D. smells【答案】B【2014安徽】 Mum, what are you cooking? It_______ so sweet.A. tastesB. feelsC. soundsD. smells【答案】D【2014安徽】I don't _______ the heat, for I'm used to hot weather.A. likeB. mindC. knowD. stand【答案】B【2014安徽】 He is an h onest boy. I have no reason to _______ what he said.A. hearB. doubtC. repeatD. believe【答案】B【2014烟台】---Would you mind not_____ noise? Alice is sleeping.–---Sorry, I didn’t know. I________ she was awake.A. make, thinkB. making, thoughtC. making, thinkD. make, thought【答案】B【2014达州】—I’m sorry I ________ my exercise book at home this morning.—It doesn’t matter. Don’t forget ________ it here this afternoon.A. left; to takeB. forgot; bringingC. left; to bringD. forgot; to bring【答案】C【2014烟台】---How long may I ____ your dictionary? ---For one week.But it mustn’t ______ to others.A. keep, be lentB. borrow, lendC. lend, be borrowedD. have, borrow【答案】A【2014安顺】 Look, the set of keys on the teacher's desk.A. areB. wereC. isD.was【答案】C【2014菏泽】—How do you like the fish I cooked for you?—I haven’t had it yet. However, it ________ good.A. smellsB. tastesC. soundsD. feels【答案】A【2014宜宾】 I ________ $300 for the bike.A. tookB. spentC. costD. paid【答案】D【2014东营】People were excited when they saw “Monkey King” 2014the Yellow River Estuary (入海口,河口) International Marat hon.A. losingB. runningC. refusingD.forgetting【答案】B【2014黔西南州】The students ought to wear school uniforms when they’re at school.A. are supposed toB. are allowed toC. would like toD. love to【答案】A【2014河北】Don’t forget ______ thanks when other people help you.A. acceptB. to acceptC. sayD. to say 【答案】D【2014河北】 Mom is cooking dinner. It ______ so nice.A. smellsB. tastesC. feelsD. sounds【答案】A【2014河南】Choosing the right circle of the friends will ____ us a lot of troubles, heartaches and possibly a life of deep regret.A. saveB. shareC. keepD. bring【答案】A【2014南京】We all know that learning a foreign language _______ time and effort.A. requiresB. reducesC. removesD. repeats【答案】A【2014扬州】 - What do you think of your school, Linda? - It's a good place for us to ________ ourselves for the future.A. promiseB. proveC. prepareD. present【答案】C【2014十堰】—Smart phones are more and more popular now.—So they are. But they still ________ too much.A. payB. costC. takeD. spend【答案】B【2014鄂州】— A new shop ____________ for a week nearby. Let’s have a look there.— Good idea. But i t doesn’t ______ on Mondays.A. opened; openedB. has been opened; openC. has opened; openedD. has been open; open【答案】D。