高职英语一册第一单元Tips for business reception



1. Bill Gates
William (Bill) H. Bill Gates is the co-founder, chairman and chief software architect of Microsoft Corporation, the world’s largest and most profitable software company. And he is also the richest man in the world.
Warm-up Listening and Speaking Text A Grammar Tips Text B Comprehensive Exercises Practical Reading and Writing
Unit 1 Education
Background Information
Unit 1 Education
Objectives In this unit, you will — read what Bill Gates says about education; — build up your vocabulary relating to campus life;
《实用综合教程(第二版)》第1册电子教案 Unit 1 Education
Background Information
Question 1: Do you know anything about Bill Gates, such as his life and his educational background? Hints 1. Birthday and birthplace: October 28, 1955; Seattle, Washington 2. Educational background: public elementary school private school Harvard University from 1973-1975 (education not completed)


Activity 12
Talk and complete. 用下面语句询问5个以上同学的个人信息,填写表格。
What’s your name?
What’s your first name / last name? Where are you from?
My name’s … / I’m … My first name / last name is … I’m from …
• How are you?你好吗?
Nice to meet you. 很高兴见到你。 How do you do. 你好!(比较正式,现在已较少使
用) 适用于曾经见过一面,但不太熟的人
Nice to see you again. 很高兴再次见到你。
• Jane: Sure!
• 2. Jane: Good morning, Xiaobin. How are you today?
• Zhang Xiaobin: Pretty good, thanks. How about you?
• 3. Jane: How are you doing?
Wang Li
a. telephone number
b. name
c. age
No. 3 Hexi Street, Tianjin
d. address
e. e-mail address
Manager f. job
Activity 14
Read and check. 读以下名片,核对活动13的答案。

高职国际英语1 unit 1

高职国际英语1 unit 1

Unit1People1.Warmingup:Usingthephrases“Howdoyoudo?MynameisNicetomeetyou.”writtenontheboard.2.Focus:Thestudentsareshownpicturesofpeoplemeetingforthefirsttime.Theyarealsosuppli edwithadialoguewhichtheycancopytosaywhattheydowhentheymeetsomebodyfor thefirsttime.Theyjointheirhandsatpalmsandsmile.Theyshakehandsandsmile. Theybowfromthewaistandlowertheireyes.Askstudentsto:1)Matchnationalitieswiththepictures:whichpictureshowsanIndianwoman?WhichpicturesshowstwoJapanesewomen?WhichpictureshowstwoAmericans?Whi chpicturesshowstwoChinesemen?2)Actoutoneofthesegreetingsinclass.Theotherstudentsmustguesshowtheyaregreetingeachother.Areyoubowingfromthewaistandloweringyoureyes?Areyous hakinghandsandsmiling?3)Tellhowtheygreeteachother?Howtheygreetolderpeople?Howtheygreettheirteachers?Howtheygreettheirparentsandotherrelatives?Andactingoutthesediff erentwaysforgreetingpeople.3.TextA:greetingandintroducingpeople1)Newwordsreading2)Askstudentswhattheycanseeinthepictures,howoldtheythinkthepeopleare,whatkindofoccasionitcouldbeandiftheyhaveabarbecueathomeandwhattheybarb ecue.3)Askstudentstoreadoutthetextloudparagraphbyparagraph.Collectanywordswhichstudentshavedifficultypronouncing.Writingthesewordsontheboard.Make alistontheboard.Thenrepeatthewords.4)Askstudentsthefollowingquestions:Howtogreetanolderpersonwhenyoumeethimforthefirsttime?Doyoushakehandswithanolderperson?Doyousmileatanolderperson?Howdoyouintroduceyourselftoanolderperson?Whatdoyousaytoayoungerperson?Howdoyouintroducesomebodyelsetoayoungerperson?Whatdoyousaytosomebodyyoualreadyknow?Howdoyouanswerayoungerpersonyouknowwhogreetsyoufirst?5)PairworkasKateMillerandSungLingstartingfromline17.6)Page5-1:readoutthesentencesandthenpairthem.7)Page5-2:checkthemeaningofthewordsbeforedoing.4.Backgroundinformation:1)studentexchange:increasestudent'sunderstandingandtoleranceofotherculture s,aswellasimprovingtheirlanguageskillsandbroadentheirsocialhorizon.2)Barbecue:anoutdoormeal,usuallyaformofsocialgatheringatwhichmeats,fish,orf owl,alongwithvegetables,areroastedoverawoodorcharcoalfire.5.wordsandexpressions:1)exchangepartner2)BowTheybowedlowtothechairman.Heturnedandbowedtohisboss.BowandarrowsHetookbowonstagetoaudience.3)Next-doorneighbor4)LimpLimphandshakeSheletherwholebodygolimp.Maryhadtwistedherankleandwaslimping.一瘸一拐5)Friend--friendlyunfriend--unfriendly--unfriendliness6)Informal--informally--informality7)Shortperiod8)Formal--formally--formality9)Hadbetterdo10)Informalformalnaturalpersonalprofessionaladditionaleducationalmusicalact ualofficialregionalindustrialinternationalmedicaltraditionalculturalpracticalPage7listening1:Beforeplayingtherecordinggetstudentstoreadthesentences1to6,firstquietlytothe mselves,thenaloud.Makesurethateverybodyhasunderstoodthesentences.Nowplaytherecordingandgetstudentstodotheexercise.Bepreparedtoplaytherecor dingasoftenasthestudentsneedit.Patrick:goodmorning.Excuseme,butareyouMsSusanGarnerfromChicago,pleaseSusan:that'sright.Patrick:howdoyoudo,MsGarner?I'mPatrichChoy.It'snicetomeetyou.I'vecometota keyoutoyourhotel.Susan:howdoyoudo,MrChoy.It'snicetomeetyou,too.Look,mayiintroduceyoutoone ofmycolleagues?ThisistonyHunter.Tony,thisisPatrickChoy.He'scometotakeustoo urhotel.Tony:Fine.Howdoyoudo,MrChoy?It'sapleasuretomeetyou.Patrick:Howdoyoudo,MrHunter.WelcometoHongkong.Tony:Thankyou.I'veheardsomanygoodthingsaboutHongkongthatit'swonderfulto behere.Patrick:that'snicetohear.Now,couldyoucomethisway,please?Thecar'sjustoutsidet hebuilding.It'snotfar.Askstudentstoreadoutthesentencesandsaywhethertheyaretrueorfalse.TextB:BlindDate1.Backgroundinformation:1)Blinddate:itusuallyoccurswhenthetwopeoplepreviouslynotknowingeachotheraregoingoutonadatesetupbyanotherpersonwhoknowsbothpeople.Today,m ostblinddatesaren'ttotallyblindperse,thankstoonlinesocialsitessuchasFacebo okandMySpace,wheremanypeoplehavephotographsofthemselvesthatareea silyaccessiblebyothers.2)Geocaching地理寻宝游戏:isahightechversionofhideandseekandanoutdoorrecreationalactivity,inwh ichtheparticipantsexploretheoutdoorsinsearchofhidden“treasure”andadven turebyusingaGPSreceiverormobiledeviceandothernavigationaltechniques.2.Wordsandexpressions:1)Internetdatingsite2)Icouldnotbelievemyeyes.3)ShebeganmodellinginParisaged15.4)Glamour--glamorous5)Suit--suitable6)Allthegirlsfanciedhim.Lindatookquiteafancytohim.Whatdoyoufancydoing?Ijustfanciedadrink.7)tongue-tied8)Agenerousglassofwine一大杯酒;generosity大量充足9)Tipthewaiteradollar10)Stripedtie条纹领带11)TieupyourshoelaceItiedaknotintherope.12)ican'tstand.13)Ignore--ignorant--ignorance14)Beinnomoodfor.../todo...没心情做某事Beinthemoodfor../todo...有心情做某事Beinamood情绪不好15)misery--miserable--miserably16)Regret--regrettable--regrettably17)Straightaway马上18)Hopefully但愿19)Strikeupaconversationwithsb.搭讪攀谈strick--struck20)Beinconversationwithsb.正在谈话21)Makeconversation搭话找话说说应酬话。



Reading A
建立业务关系通常是公司开展业务的第一步,无论对于新公司 还是老公司都非常重要。对于前者,建立业务关系有助于开展业务 和确保其市场地位;对于后者,建立业务关系则能够使其扩大业务 量、增加营业额。 在国际贸易中,一个公司可以通过某些渠道获得关于潜在客户 的信息,如媒体广告、市场调查、业务关联、商会、国内外贸易交 易展览会或贸易代表团的互访等。国际贸易的买方与卖方之间通常 存在巨大的地理距离,这使买卖双方很难会面,所以通常的做法是 写信给潜在的或可能成为客户的伙伴来建立业务关系。此类信件通 常包括以下信息:
famous multinational companies in the world. Which ones are you familiar with? Please choose and talk about the companies and their products or services briefly.
Reading A
Establish Business Relations
Establishing business relations is usually the first step for a company to do business, and it is very important either for a new firm or an old one. For the former, it helps start business and secure its position on the market; for the latter, it enables the old firm to expand business and increase the turnover. In international business, there are some channels for a business to obtain information about potential customers, such as advertisements in the media, market survey, its business connections, chambers of commerce, trade fairs and exhibitions held both at home and abroad, or mutual visits by trade delegations and groups, etc. The generally enormous geographic distance between the buyer and the seller makes it hard for them to meet, so writing to a potential or prospective client for the establishment of business relations is a common practice. The following information is usually included in this kind of letter:

创新高职英语课件unit 1-lesson 2

创新高职英语课件unit 1-lesson 2

Text B: Different Culture, Different Manners
Translation: Put the following Chinese sentences into English by using the given structures.(p14)
4.Given structure: …tools for…(用于…的工具) 翻译:语言是人们相互交流的重要工具。
限制性定语从句是先行词不可缺少的定语部分,如果去 掉限制性定语从句,主句的意思就不完整。限制性定语从句 只修饰词,不修饰句子。
Text B: Different Culture, Different Manners
E.g. 1. Do you remember the girl who taught us English? 你还记得教我们英语的那个女孩吗? 2. Mr. Zhang, who came to see me yesterday, is my old friend. 昨天来看我的张先生是我的老朋友。
Text B: Different Culture, Different Manners
The difference of
address 称呼 C:highlight the respect for hierarchy and age W:show intimate and close relation
Text B: Different Culture, Different Manners
1. As is known to all, cultures between China and western countries are quite different. as is known to all: 众所周知 定语从句分为限定性定语从句和非限定性定语从句。as



《大学英语》高职高专版B1-Unit1Unit 2 Self-IntroductionAims and RequirementsⅠ. Language Focus1. Communicative Focus自我介绍,涉及姓名、爱好、外貌、身高、体重等2. Focal Words and Expressionscharge, club, file, form, hesitate, hobby, lucky, monitor, overweight, painting, qualified, share, whenever, guest professor, in good health, be skilled in doing sth.3. Focal Functions and Patterns1) Hello! May I introduce myself?Good morning, everyone! I'd like to introduce myself to you.First of all, let me introduce myself to you.2) My name is (Lizzy). I'm from (South Africa).I'm (Wu Yong). I'm (the monitor of the class).I'm (Helen Waters). Please call me (Helen).I'm (an American).3) I like (football) very much. I want to become (a member of the club).I'm interested in (literature) very much. I intend to (study in this class).I'm a qualified (typist). I hope to (work in your company).4) My father is (an Englishman) and my mother is (a Canadian).I have an elder (sister) and a younger (brother).My father is (tall) and my mother is (short).5) I'm (196cm) tall and I weigh (90kg).I'm (170cm) tall and perhaps a little bit (overweight).6) I have (brown curly) hair and (blue) eyes.We have (black) hair, (black) eyes, and (yellow) skin.I'm in (good) health and can (run very fast).7)I like (Chinese culture) so much that my hobbies are (Chinese painting andBeijing Opera).I enjoy (Chinese food) very much and I'm skilled in (using chopsticks).8) I was born in (England) and then we moved to (the States).I spent my childhood in (the countryside) and then we moved (to the city).Ⅱ. Skills Development1. Listening and Speaking熟读对话与课文,背诵课文对话语句,并能就课文内容进行问答。

职通商务英语第1册Unit 1 Business Kalaidoscope

职通商务英语第1册Unit 1 Business Kalaidoscope
• a sociologist studying the complex way in which people interact (with each other) at parties
> interaction
• Keys A. Goods-producing business
bakery, shoe factory, oil plant, vegetable farm, coal mine, B. Service-providing business travel agency, grocery shop, bank, hotel, movie theater, hospital, public transport
group of similar things that belong together in some way :
• a set of tools • a set of chairs • a set of false teeth.
[C] commercial establishment; firm; shop • have/own one‘s own business • She runs a thriving grocery business. • Many small businesses have gone bankrupt
tertiary burns 三度烧伤(极严重的)
• industry, commercial undertaking that provides services :
the hotel, tourist, entertainment, etc industry
Comprehensive Questions:

Unit 1-高职职业综合英语1

Unit 1-高职职业综合英语1
Ford Motor Company is an American multinational corporation and one of the world’s largest automakers.
Wal-Mart Stores, Inc., founded in 1962, is an American public corporation that runs a chain of large, discount department stores. It is the world’s largest public corporation by revenue, according to the “2008 Fortune Global 500”. 收益,营业
9. Each room in this building has its own special __fe_a_t_u_r_e_s__. 10. The area’s rich natural resources have long __f_u_e_l_e_d___
the Russian economy.
Carrefour SA is a French international hypermarket chain, with a global network of outlets. It is the second largest retail group in the world in terms of revenue after Wal-Mart.
Germany ___J_a_p_a_n____ ____U_S_A______
Supermarket Companies
Germany ____U_S_A_____ ___F_r_a_n_c_e___



中职英语基础模块1 教学设计(教案、学案)Unit 1 第一课时Book1 Unit 1 Nice to meet you!一、学情分析本单元是新生入学的第一单元,教学重点是活用招呼用语、彼此了解个人大体信息、制作个人名片、学习不同职业的表达与描述和练习发音。








本单元设计分为4个课时:第一课时lead-in + listening and speaking第二课时reading and writing第三课时language in use + vocabulary consolidation第四课时unit task + pronunciation practice第一课时Lead-in + Listening & Speaking二、教材分析1.教学内容本课时系教材《英语1》(基础模块高教版)第一单元的第一课时,包括Lead-in & Listening and speaking 两部份,具体内容为:招呼用语,听懂并掌握询问和提供个人信息的辞汇、句型。

2.教学重点、难点⑴教学重点:招呼用语,听懂并掌握询问和提供个人信息的辞汇、句型⑵教学难点:个人信息的辞汇、句型三、教学目标1.知识目标⑴掌握与个人信息相关的辞汇,如name, first name; last name; name card; telephone number; age; address; e-mail address; job (engineer; manager; secretary; teacher; student; doctor; nurse; singer; fans); position(boss);⑵掌握提供或询问个人信息时所利用的句型,如:1) about greeting:Good morning. Hi. Nice to meet you.2) about personal informationWhat’s you name? Where are you from? Which company are you from?2.能力目标⑴学生能听懂关于询问和提供个人信息的对话。



高职高专英语一第一单元1.Journey 旅程J 钩子our 我们的n 门ey 眼睛的一边旅程中有人拿着钩子勾住我们的们不小心拍瞎了我的右眼2.overseas 海外的;在(到)海外Over 越过;在...上面sea 海洋s 蛇一条蛇越过海洋到了海外3. Receptionist 接待员Reception 接待;接收ist 人(爱死她)Re 阿姨ce 侧面p 扑倒tion 神阿姨从侧面扑倒了神,神只好接收了他后来却爱死了她,让她成为了接待员4.technical 技术上的Tech 教ni 你cal 打电话教你打电话是个技术上的活5.term 学期,术语T 他er 耳朵m 妈妈每学期他耳朵都要被妈妈拧几次6.yeah 是的Ye 爷爷ah 暗号爷爷和我之间的暗号是是的7.bit 一点点音标记忆8.canteen 食堂;小卖部Cant 餐厅(食堂)ee 两只鹅n 门我在餐厅吃了两只鹅结果吃太多了卡门里出不去了9.chief 主任;主要的Chi 吃 e 鹅 f 飞主任(主要的人)一听说吃鹅,就立马飞下去了10.delicious 可口的,好吃的De 大鹅li 立起来ci 词ous 形容词后缀大鹅听说有可口的好吃的东西吃高兴得立起来做了首词11.employee 职员,雇员Em 恶魔pl 魄力o 鸡蛋y 衣叉ee 两只鹅公司需要的职员(雇员)要有恶魔那样的魄力,能够在衣叉的左边放一个鸡蛋,右边叉两只鹅不掉下去12.engineer 工程师E 鹅n 门g 哥哥in 在...里er 人鹅通过门进到哥哥的肚子里,出来鹅就变成工程师了13.meal 一餐,饭Me 我al 所有的我所有的愿望就是吃一餐好饭14.applause 鼓掌,欢呼Apple 苹果 a 一个u 水桶s 蛇一个水桶里的蛇发现自己在一堆苹果中间,开心得鼓掌,欢呼15.author 作家,作者Au 一个桶th 天河or 人作家天天幻想着可以拿一个桶在天河里洗澡16.clapping 鼓掌,拍手声C 吃lap 辣皮ping 评比吃辣皮的在评比中都能得到鼓掌17.department 部门,系谐音:弟怕他们(部门)踢走他(大鹅的一部分被男人们提住了送交部门)18.dozen (一)打,十二个谐音:十二个大人19.everyone 每个人,人人熟词记忆20.expert 专家,内行的E 鹅x 叉子pet 宠物r 小草鹅拿着叉子叉出了宠物身体里的小草,成为了专家21.honor 荣誉,光荣Ho 猴no 不r 小草猴子说我不要荣誉,只要顶小草做的帽子22.joint venture 合资企业Joint 结合点venture 企业;风险23.passage 通道,(文章的)一章Pass 通过,经过age 年龄通过那个通道,你的年龄就长大了,可以写一章文章了24.pleasure 快乐Please 请u 水桶r 小草我拿着一桶小草,希望你能快乐25.professor 教授Pro 飘柔fe 飞ss 两条蛇or 人自从用了飘柔,教授的头发飞起来像两条蛇在扭动26.secretary 秘书,书记Se 色鬼 c 刺re 阿姨ta 他ry 入院色鬼刺了阿姨一下,阿姨怒了要秘书把他打伤入了医院27.state 州,国家St 石头ate 吃的过去式石头过去吃了一整个国家28.united 联合的Unit 单元ed 耳朵每单元的耳朵都是联合的29.actually 实际上Act 扮演u 桶all 所有的y 衣叉我扮演得很大方,拿着桶把所有的衣叉发给大家,实际上心里在滴血,这得多少钱啊30.born 天生的B 笔or 或者n 门选择笔或者门都是天生的31.chopstick 筷子Ch 吃o 鸡蛋p 皮st 石头ick ic卡一个人用筷子吃鸡蛋皮疯了拿着石头疯狂砸ic卡er 来者Come 来er 人来的人也就是来着33.culture 文化Cul 粗陋tu 突然re 阿姨那些粗陋的文化突然汇入阿姨脑海34.curly 卷曲的Cur 粗人l 来y 衣叉很多粗人的头发都是卷曲的,粗人来了我们要用衣叉对付他们35.hobby 嗜好,业余爱好Ho 猴子bb 宝宝baby y 衣叉猴子宝宝有个奇怪的的嗜好是舔衣叉36.opera 歌剧Ope n 打开ra 嚷每次打开门他就嚷着要听歌剧37.overweight 超重的Over 超过weight 重量超过了重量自然就是超重的38.perhaps 也许P 婆婆er 耳朵hap 害怕s蛇也许婆婆的耳朵害怕蛇39.electronics 电子,电子学Ele 饿了ct 餐厅r 叉子o 鸡蛋nic 尼克s 死饿了去餐厅拿叉子吃了个鸡蛋,尼克就死了,因为叉子带电,被电死了40.limited 有限公司音标记忆41.software 软件Soft 柔软的war 战争 e 鹅鹅用软件发动的战争都是比较柔软的第二单元1.mutual 相互的,共同的Mutu 母兔al 所有的母兔所有的特点都是共同的2.wave 波浪;挥手Wa 哇v 罗马数字5 e 鹅哇有五只鹅摆成波浪形向你挥手3.approach 接近,方式App 苹果roa d路边ch 吃苹果接近路边就被吃了一半4.chance 机会,可能性Ch 吃an 一个ce 策神你能够吃赢一个策神的机会,可能性很小5.experience 经验,体验;经历E 鹅x 剪刀p 劈ri 太阳nc 脑残一只鹅想体验下杀鹅的快感,于是它拿着剪刀劈死了另一只鹅,太阳升起时这只鹅也羞愧死了,简直就是只脑残的鹅6.manager 经理Man 男人age 年龄er 人男人上了一定年纪都能当经理7.outstanding 杰出的Out 出来standing 站立出来站着的都是杰出的8.vacation 假期V 罗马数字 5 A 苹果ca 擦tion 神用五个苹果擦神像,神就会给你假期9.case 情形,案例Ca 擦se 色鬼擦,看情形又是一个色鬼10.concern 关心,关系到Conc 从此er 耳朵n 门从此你要连耳朵门都要关心到11.especially 尤其E 鹅special 特别的ly 副词后缀这只鹅尤其特别12.farewell 辞别,告别Fare 费用well 好的给费用的告别才是好的告别(爸爸跟你辞别)13.formal 正式的Form 形式al 所有的所有的形式必须是正式的(给妈妈的棍子必须是正式的)14.formality 礼节,正式Formal 正式的ity 名词后缀rmal 非正式的In 表否定的前缀formal 正式的rmality 非正式In 表否定的前缀formality 正式17.group 团体,组Grou 果肉p 拼用各种果肉拼成一个组合18.hurry 匆忙,加速Hu 狐rr 两把叉子y 衣叉狐狸拿着两把叉子匆忙把衣叉收起来ck 缺乏La 拉ck 仓库拉进仓库的东西都缺乏特点20.mean 方法;意味着,意思是Me 我an 俺我的意思就是俺21.rank 等级Ran 染k 机关枪染色了的机关枪都是有等级的人才能用的22.relationship 关系Relation 关系(阿姨跟神拉关系)ship 船我们的关系上了船以后也不回变23.respect 尊敬Re 阿姨sp 水平 e 鹅ct 成天阿姨水平很高,连鹅都成天跟着她尊敬她24.seem 似乎,像是See 看见m 妈妈每天做梦她都似乎看见了妈妈25.shake 摇动,握手Sha 杀ke 客杀手在杀客人之前都会摇动或者握客人的手26.similarly 同样地,相似地Similar 相似的ly 副词后缀私密拉到的叉子都是相似的27.simply 只是,简单地音标记忆28.situation 情形,形势situ司徒 a 苹果tion 神司徒看形势连忙拿了个苹果去送给神,求神保佑29.somewhat 有几分,多多少少Some 有的what 多少30.surprised 感到惊讶的Sur 俗人p 旗子rise 上升 d 的俗人看到旗子上升的时候也会感到惊讶31.title 名称,题目,头衔Ti 踢t 他le 了小时候玩游戏,踢他了你就有头衔了,可以加入游戏了32.Whole 全部,整个Who 谁le 乐谁乐了整个一天33.bearer 持有人,搬运着Bear 熊;忍受(熊把自己耳朵吃了还能忍受住)er 人能够忍受的人才能成为持有人34.browse 浏览B 不row 划船se 色鬼不划船的色鬼肯定在浏览什么35.code 密码C 吃o 鸡蛋de 的吃鸡蛋的密码是036.contain 包含,容纳Cont 从头ain 爱你说句从头爱你包含了无数的无奈37.correctly 正确地Correct 正确的ly 副词后缀38.data 数据Da 打ta 他打他以后躲进数据库39.e-mail (发)电子邮件熟词记忆40.foreigner 外国人Fore 前面的i 蜡烛g 哥哥n 门er 人前面的拿着蜡烛的哥哥走进门出来就变成了个外国人rmation 信息,数据In 在...里for 给ma 妈妈tion 神我在里面给妈妈擦神像是为了偷听到更多信息42.introduction 介绍In 在...里tr 突然o 鸡蛋duc 读成tion 神在里面介绍的时候突然把一个鸡蛋读成了神43.naturally 自然地Natura 自然的(哄女(男)朋友说,那图上的叉子自然是全世界最美的)ly 副词后缀44.nowadays 时下,最近音标记忆45.personal 个人的Person 个人al 形容词后缀46.popular 流行的,通俗的Pop 流行音乐熟词记忆47.postal 邮政的Post 邮递al 形容词后缀(泼死他了)48.present 礼物;呈现;出席的P 扑re 阿姨sent 送扑到阿姨前面去送礼物呈现出一种尊敬,同时表示我出席了49.probably 或许Pro 飘柔bab 爸爸ly 副词后缀用飘柔给爸爸洗头或许爸爸就不会再长头皮屑了50.Profession 职业Pro 飘柔fe 飞ss 两条蛇i 蜡烛on 在...上面用飘柔使头发飞舞的那两条蛇才是职业选手,能拿着蜡烛登上冠军宝座51.ritual 仪式Ri 日tu 突然al 所有的太阳在仪式下突然把所有人都晒死了52.shift 变化;班次Shif 是否t 他是否踢他一脚就能有变化53.speaker 说话人Speak 说话er 人54.telephone (打)电话Te 特le 乐phone 电话每次跟人打电话都会特别欢乐55.topic 主题Top 顶端ic ic卡顶端的ic卡正在汇报今日开会主题56.version 版本,翻译V 罗马数字5 er 儿si 死on 在...上面五个儿子都死在版本翻译上面57.written 书写的,书面的熟词记忆(写下特别的你)58.recovery 恢复Re 阿姨 c 吃over 完,结束y 衣叉阿姨吃完后就恢复健康了,可以拿着衣叉到处跑了59.regard 问候,关心Re 阿姨ga 嘎嘎r 小草 d 弟弟阿姨嘎嘎叫着,拿着小草给弟弟,问候,关心弟弟第三单元1.clerk 店员,职员Cl 吃了er 耳朵k 机关枪抢劫的吃了一个店员的耳朵还端着机关枪威胁职员们2.document 文件Docu 动粗men 男人们t 踢动粗的男人们都踢去处理文件3.female 女性(的)Fe 飞male 男性的现在女性的地位飞到了男性的上面4.form 形式,表格For 给m 妈妈给妈妈的都是形式上的东西5.join 参加,加入音标记忆6.librarian 图书馆员Lib 李白ra 让ri 日an 一个李白让太阳成为了一个图书馆员7.matter 物质,事情;有关系,重要Ma 妈妈tt 两把伞er 耳朵妈妈把两把伞挂耳朵上处理重要事情8.nationality 国籍National 国家的ity 名词后缀9.obtain 获得Ob 偶吧tai 泰山n 门偶吧进泰山门获得了很多宝藏10.scholar 学者Schol 词根表示学习ar 爱人学者都把学习当成自己的爱人11.sex 性别熟词12.special 特别的;专刊S 蛇pe 陪ci 刺猬al 所有蛇陪刺猬过的所有日子都是特别的,可以写进专刊13.couple 一对(夫妇),一双Cou 凑ple 拼了凑拼了一对夫妇(一起买东西优惠)14.elder 年长的音标记忆与older对比记忆15.engineering 工程学与engineer对比记忆16.medical 医学的,医药的Me 我di 弟弟cal 擦了我弟弟擦了所有医学的书17.retired 退休的Re 阿姨tired 累了,厌倦了阿姨累了就退休了18.abroad 在国外Ab 阿宝road 公路,马路阿宝在国外的马路上横冲直撞19.agency 代办处,代理机构Age 年龄nc 脑残y 衣叉年龄大了反而脑残了,去代办处买衣叉,费钱费力20.apply 申请,应用Apple 苹果y 衣叉苹果申请拿鹅换个衣叉用21.application 申请,应用谐音:立刻神申请以后苹果立刻变神了22.bear 熊;忍受,带有B 把ear 耳朵熊把自己耳朵吃了还能忍受住疼23.citizen 市民,公民Ci 此ti 题zen 怎么市民们喜欢问此题怎解24.custom 习惯,风俗Cus 粗俗tom 头目丐帮的习惯,风俗是粗俗的人才能当头目25.customs 海关Custom 风俗s 蛇进海关的风俗是要带条蛇走26.enter 进入En 嗯te 特r 人嗯,特别的人才能进入这里ernment 政府G 哥哥over 完了n 门men 男人们t 踢哥哥完了刚进政府门就被男人们踢了出去28.holder 持有人Hold 持有er 人29.particular 特殊的;细节Part 部分ic ic卡u 桶lar 腊肉把那些特殊的部分IC卡放到桶里熏腊肉30.program 节目,项目Pro 飘柔gra 果然m 妈妈用了飘柔果然使妈妈上了节目31.provide 提供Pro 飘柔vi 罗马数字6 de 大鹅飘柔提供给没个顾客六只大鹅32.research 研究Re 阿姨s 蛇ear 耳朵ch 吃阿姨捏着蛇的耳朵吃来做研究33.seal 印章;密封Se 色鬼al 所有的色鬼的所有东西都应该盖公章密封了34.submit 提交,呈交Sub 在...下mit 蜜桃在下面提交蜜桃想门缝过关35.visa 签证Vi 罗马数字6 s 蛇 a 一个现在签证难办,六条蛇才办了一个签证36.whether 是否,无论W 我he 和th 天河er 人我是否能和天河里的人成为朋友37.casual 偶然的,不经意的Cas 擦伤u 桶al 所有的擦伤桶的所有的人都是不经意的38.conversation 交谈,谈话Con 从v 罗马数字 5 er 耳朵sa 洒tion 神从五只耳朵的谈话里我们知道它们要把什么洒在神像上39.cultural 文化的Cul 粗粮tura 突然l 棍子粗粮学了文化后突然变棍子了40.elderly 老年的与elder对比记忆本来是年长的,戳着棍子和衣叉后变老年的了41.generally 通常Ge 哥哥n 门er 耳朵all 所有的y 衣叉哥哥通常打开门把耳朵里所有的耳屎用衣叉挖出来42.hold 把握,拿着熟词记忆43.interview 面谈,面试In 在...里t 他er 耳朵vi 罗马数字6 e 鹅w 我在他耳朵里有六只鹅在给我面试44.low 低的Lo 10 w 我10个我叠起来与天相比也是低的45.position 位置Po 泼si 死tion 神在这个位置上能泼死神46.social 社会的So 搜ci 刺猬al 所有的搜出的刺猬的所有物品都是属于社会的47.Status 身份,状态Sta 是他tu 突然s 死是他突然死了来隐瞒自己的身份第四单元1.arrange 安排A 苹果rr 两把叉子n 门ge 哥哥我拿着两把叉子左边叉片苹果,右边叉片苹果,开着门趾高气扬的安排哥哥做事2.center 中心C 吃 e 鹅n 门te 特r 叉子吃鹅还是要打开门到特别中心的地方去拿着叉子好好享受3.charge 指控;收费;负责Char 插入ge 哥哥我把东西插入哥哥的衣服里,还指控他欺负我,不仅要收费,还得负责哄我4.connect 连接,接触C 吃o 鸡蛋nn 两扇门 e 鹅ct 吃它玩游戏吃鸡蛋必须穿过两扇门接触到鹅才能吃它5.design 设计De 得si 死g 哥哥n 门得我死哥哥才肯帮我设计一张门6.exhibition 展览Ex 儿媳hi 打招呼bi 逼tion 神儿媳Hi了声逼神开展览会7.line 线,行;排队L 棍子in 在...里 e 鹅把棍子里面的鹅排队成线形8.necessary 必需的N 你 e 鹅ce 策ss 两条蛇ary 爱人呀你的鹅策死了两条蛇真是爱人呀,必需好好奖励9.operator 操作员opera 歌剧t 踢or 人林志炫唱歌剧时不小心踢死了个操作员10.pause 暂停;中止Pa 爬u 桶se 色鬼爬到桶里中止色鬼骚扰11.convenient 方便的Con 从v 罗马数字 5 e 鹅ni 你nt哪天从五只鹅里你挑出一只鹅等哪天方便的时候杀了12.forward 向前For 为了war 战争 d 的为了战争的胜利我们必须向前冲13.note 注意;笔记,注No 不t 踢 e 鹅注意不要踢到鹅14.phone (打)电话Ph 破坏one 一个破坏了一个电话15.Arrival 抵达A 某人rr 两把叉子iv 罗马数字4 a 苹果l 棍子A拿着两把叉子和4个苹果戳着棍子终于抵达了目的地16.bank 银行,岸边Ban 办k 卡办卡必须到岸边的银行去17.caller 来电话着Call 电话,呼叫er 人18.delay 延迟;推后谐音:弟累弟弟累了只能延迟,推后了19.dial 拨号;刻度盘Di 弟弟al 所有的弟弟所有的时间都花在拨号给女朋友打电话上20.extension 分机,延长Ex 恶心ten 十si 死on 在...上在这个分机上死了十人,是恶心死的21.institution 机构In 在...里sti 尸体tu 突然tion 神在机构里的尸体突然成神了22.mention 提到Men 男人们tion 神男人们提到神就精神焕发23.order 次序,定购;命令,预定Or 或者 d 大er 耳朵我命令你或者去定购一批大耳朵24.point 要点,点数;指向Po 婆婆in 在...里t 提婆婆在里面提各种要点25.prevent 避免,预防P 扑re 阿姨v 罗马数字 5 e 鹅n 你t 踢扑到阿姨身上的五只鹅是为了避免你踢它们26.save 节约,拯救Sa 洒ve 5只鹅洒水到五只鹅身上是为了拯救它们27.appointment 约会Ap 阿婆point 要点men 男人们t 提阿婆拿着要点和男人们约会提条件28.basic 基本的Bas 八十ic ic卡八十个IC卡是基本的装备29.condition 情况,条件C 吃on 在...上di 地tion 神吃的条件是战胜地上的神30.dictation 听写,口授Di 弟弟 c 吃ta 他tion 神弟弟听到口授,要他吃他神31.efficient 有效率的E 鹅ff 两把斧头ic ic卡i 蜡烛 e 鹅nt 逆天鹅拿着两把斧头砍IC卡,蜡烛点完就砍完了,那效率简直逆天了32.efficiency 效率对比记忆33.energy 能量,能力En 嗯er 耳朵gy 观音嗯,你的耳朵从观音那得到了能量,有了顺风耳的能力34.improve 改良,改善I 我m 妈pro飘柔ve 五只鹅我妈把飘柔给五只鹅,改善它们的条件35.medium 媒体Me 我diu 丢m 妈妈我弄丢了妈妈上媒体找36.notebook 笔记本Note 笔记book 书本37.pad 便笺薄,衬垫Pad 趴到趴到衬垫上玩38.quietly 安静地Qu 去i 蜡烛et 外星人ET ly 副词后缀去了蜡烛ET就安静了39.separate 分开的;分开Se 色鬼pa 怕ra 让t 他 e 鹅色鬼怕让他和鹅分开40.sharpened 锋利的,磨尖的Shar 杀人pen 钢笔ed 耳朵杀人可以用钢笔,因为钢笔耳朵已经被我磨尖了,很锋利41.shorthand 速记Short 短的hand 手短的手可以速记42.tool 工具音标记忆(拿两鸡蛋当工具)43.trick 诡计;欺骗Tri 他日ck 吃亏今日你用诡计欺骗我,他日你总会吃亏第五单元1.available 可得到的,接受探访的Ava 老鼠il 病了able 能老鼠病了可得到的东西很多,还能接受采访2.confirm 确定,确认Conf 从犯i 蜡烛r 叉子m 妈妈确定下是不是从犯拿着蜡烛和叉子杀了妈妈3.mind 思想;介意,留心M 妈妈in 在...里 d 的妈妈脑子里的思想就是要我留心所有事物(民的思想)4.movement 运动Move 移动,迁移men 男人们t 天那些移动的男人们天天在运动5.suppose 假如,推测S 蛇up 向上,上升pose 姿势假如蛇把头向上升摆个姿势会发生什么6.vice-president 副总裁Vice 副的(吃5个冰淇淋就成副的了)President 总裁Pre 怕热side 死的nt 年头在这怕热死的年头,只有当上总裁才能解暑7.contact 接触,联系Con 从ta 他ct 吃他从与他的接触里知道吃住他很容易8.diary 日记,日志Di 弟弟ary 爱人语弟弟整天在日记里写他的爱人语9.production 制造,生产Pro 飘柔duc 督促tion 神飘柔督促神给他们制造生产10.advance 向前,进步Ad 奥迪va 5只苹果n 门ce 侧奥迪载着五只苹果向前从门侧溜了进去11.arrangement 安排Ar 爱人rang 让 e 鹅men 男人们t 谈爱人安排让鹅跟男人们谈判12.clerical 书记的Cl 吃了er 耳朵ic ic卡al 所有的吃了耳朵的ic卡所有的都是书记的13.efficiently 效率高的Efficient 有效率的ly 副词后缀14.executive 主管;执行的ex 恶心 e 鹅cu 粗ti 踢ve 五只鹅恶心的鹅主管粗鲁的踢出去了五只鹅15.firm 公司;坚定的F 发i 蜡烛r 叉子m 妈妈发蜡烛和叉子给妈妈的公司我们应该坚定的支持16.receive 接受,接待Re 阿姨ce 厕所iv 罗马数字4 e 鹅阿姨在厕所杀了四只鹅接待客人17.report 报告Re 阿姨po 婆婆r 人t 踢阿姨整天向婆婆报告有人踢她18.task 任务,工作T 他ask 问他的任务就是问别人的工作是什么19.throughout 遍及,贯穿;到处Through 通过,穿过out 出来Th 天河rou 肉g 哥哥h 哈哈(通过天河就有肉,哥哥笑哈哈了)穿过出来到处都是肉20.typewrite 打字Ty 讨厌pe 陪write 写讨厌陪写字好的人打字21.association 协会,联想As 爱上socia 社会tion 神我在协会爱上了残缺的社会神,联想着和他的相遇22.continually 不断地Cont 从他in 在...里u 桶al 所有的ly 副词后缀从他不断地在桶里放下他所有东西的动作里我们知道他的决心大23.customer 客户Cu 粗s 蛇tom Tom猫er 人粗蛇咬死了Tom猫的客户24.easily 容易地熟词记忆25.employer 雇主对比记忆employee(第一单元)26.judge 判断;法官Jud 剧毒ge 哥哥剧毒的哥哥居然当了法官,他能判断么27.management 管理对比记忆manager(第二单元)28.professional 职业的Pro 飘柔fe 飞s 蛇si 死on 在...上面al 形容词后缀用了飘柔的发丝飞到蛇上,蛇就死在这职业的迷人发丝上29.promote 促进,促销,提升Pro 飘柔mote 模特为了提升飘柔的销量,用模特来打广告30.remain 剩余,依然是Re 阿姨main 主要部分;主要的阿姨依然是我们主要的成员31.routine 日常的;日常工作R 叉子out 出来in 在...里 e 鹅用叉子叉出池子里的鹅是我们的日常工作32.spell 拼写S 蛇pe 陪ll 筷子蛇陪筷子拼写单词33.supervisor 导师,管理者Super 特级的vi 罗马数字 6 s 蛇or 名词后缀人特级的管理者是拥有6条蛇做跟班的人34.trade 贸易,行业;做生意Tra 突然de 的他突然的转行做生意去了35.type 类型;打字讨厌陪人打字36.typist 打字员Ist 名词后缀表示人37.union 联盟,协会U 桶ni 你on 在...上协会里发的桶都有你在上面的签名38.unlikely 不太可能地Un 表否定前缀likely 可能的39.conference 会议Con 从fe 飞ren 人ce 厕所从会议里突然飞出个人来上厕所第六单元1.fax (发)传真Fa 发x 血发带血的传真2.fluently 流利地Flu 俘虏en 摁倒t 他ly 副词后缀俘虏流利地摁倒了他3.model 型号;模型;模特Mode 蓦地l 棍子蓦地一个模特拿着个巨型棍子模型进来4.resource 资源Res 惹上our 我们的 c 吃 e 鹅惹上我们的后果就是要提供资源让我们吃鹅5.market 市场;推销,营销Mark 标志,标记et 额头标记做到额头上再进市场推销6.product 产品Pro 飘柔duc 督促t 他飘柔督促他出新产品7.salesman 男店员拼词记忆8.ability 能力Abili 按比例ty 体验按比例体验活动,能力高者居上9.activity 活动Act 行动,表演iv 罗马数字4 i 蜡烛ty 太有现在开始表演一口气吃4只蜡烛的活动,太有才了10.ahead 向前,在前面A 一个head 头作为一个头儿就要一直在前面,永远向前11.appearance 外表,出现App 苹果ear 耳朵ance 名词后缀他把苹果挂在耳朵上出现了12.boss 老板熟词13.budget 预算Bud 不断get 得到不断得到比预算更多的东西14.career 事业,职业Care 关心er 耳朵关心耳朵是我们永远的事业15.demand 要求De 得man 男人 d 的我们的要求就是得到的要比男人的多16.disturb 扰乱Di 弟弟stu 试图r 叉子 b 把弟弟试图拿叉子把我的思维扰乱17.dress 服装;穿衣服,着装Dre 电热毯ss 两条蛇电热毯穿着衣服把两条蛇热死了18.excellent 卓越的Ex 恶心ce 厕所ll 筷子 e 鹅nt 你听恶心在厕所拿着双筷子吃鹅,你听他还觉得自己挺卓越的19.fashionably 时髦地Fashi 发誓on 在...上ab 阿宝ly 副词后缀我发誓以后一定要更时髦,走在阿宝的上面20.increase 增加In 在...里cr 粗人ease 轻松,舒适(鹅叼着苹果喂蛇,最后蛇把鹅也吃了,蛇过得舒适吧)在粗人里增加点东西让他们过得更舒适21.likely 有可能的(地)熟词22.male 男性的,雄性的Ma 骂le 了被骂了的都是男性的23.neatly 整洁地N 你eat 吃ly 副词后缀你吃完要收拾整洁24.necessarily 必然地Necessary(第四单元)改y为i加ly25.promotion 晋级,促销,促进Promote(第五单元)tion 名词后缀26.quality 质量,性质Quali 圈里ty 特意特意放圈里的都是有质量的27.reservation 保留,预订Res 惹上er 耳朵va 五只苹果tion 神惹上了耳朵可以拿五只苹果求神给你保留点尊严28.restaurant 餐厅Re 阿姨sta 是他u 桶rant 染头阿姨是他提着桶在餐厅染头29.secretarial 秘书的Secret 秘密ari 按日al 所有的秘书的所有东西都按日秘密送到30.urgent 紧急的U 桶r 叉子ge 哥哥nt 那天桶被叉子叉了个洞,哥哥那天状态就变很紧急的了31.weak 弱的We 我们 a 一把k 机关枪敢说我们弱的,我们就端着一把机关枪扫射了你32.anyway 无论如何熟词记忆33.aspirin 阿司匹林谐音34.awful 可怕的Aw 爱我ful 俘虏爱我就要俘虏我,这思想可怕的35.behind 在后;在...后面Beh 背后in 在...里 d 的背后里面的都在后面36.bother 烦扰Bo 博士th 天河er 耳朵博士在天河里失去了耳朵,真烦扰37.casually 偶然地,随意地Casual(第三单元)ly 副词后缀38.consider 考虑Con 从side 侧面,旁边(或谐音死的)r 叉子从侧面(死的)拿着叉子考虑39.controller 控制器,管理人员Cont 从他roll 滚动,转动er 人从他的转动控制器里可以看出他时候做管理人员40.financial 财政的,金融的F 飞in 在...里an 俺ci 刺猬al 所有的飞进去俺看到很多刺猬,卖了所有的刺猬,财政就宽裕了很多41.notice 注意,通知Not 不要ice 冰淇淋注意不要吃冰淇淋,有毒42.pleasant 愉快的Ple 拼了as 爱上ant 蚂蚁拼了命爱上个蚂蚁,真是愉快的43.realize 意识到,实现,了解Real 真实的i 爱z 着 e 鹅现在我才意识到我是真实的爱着鹅44.reply 答复Re 阿姨ply 彭丽媛阿姨拼了命也要答复彭丽媛45.sigh 叹息Sig 四个h 好唉,四个好人又死了,值得叹息第七单元1.agent 代理人Agent 阿根廷去阿根廷当代理人2.description 描述Des 得瑟cri 吃日p 扑tion 神得瑟的人在描述他吃了太阳扑倒神的故事3.relax 放松(relaxing)Re 阿姨la 拉x 星阿姨拉着星星一起放松,休息4.ski 滑雪音标记忆5.sunshine 阳光Sun 太阳shine 光泽;照耀Sunshi 损失ne 呢如果没有阳光就要损失呢(庄稼)6.advice 忠告,劝告A 爱dv DV ice 冰爱看DV的劝告大家少吃冰淇淋7.attractive 吸引人的A 苹果tt 天天rac 绕城t 踢ive 四只鹅苹果天天绕城踢四只鹅走来吸引人的眼球8.bay 海湾Ba 把y 衣服把衣服放海湾里洗9.cable 电缆Ca 擦ble 不了擦不了电缆10.coast 海岸Co 从 a 苹果st 石头从海岸上的苹果里吃出了石头11.hill 小山,山丘Hi 嗨ll 高跷嗨他踩着高跷上了小山12.Hollywood 好莱坞音标记忆13.studio 画室,摄影棚S 收tudi 徒弟o 鸡蛋收徒弟在画室里画鸡蛋14.suggestion 提议,建议,暗示Su 俗gg 哥哥 e 鹅s 杀tion 神俗哥哥建议,暗示鹅去杀神15.universal 通用的,普遍的Un 联合国iv 古罗马数字 4 er 人sal 洒泪联合国里的四个人普遍洒泪16.besides 此外;除此之外Be 白鹅side 死的s 蛇白鹅死的此外蛇也是死的17.consult 查阅Con 从sult 塑料桶从塑料桶里查阅信息18.detailed 详细的De 大鹅t 它ailed 挨了打大鹅它挨了打的详细的情况是什么19.experienced 有经验的Ex 恶心pe 陪ri 太阳 e 鹅nc 脑残 e 鹅 d 打球恶心陪太阳里面的鹅,脑残鹅打球有经验的20.helpful 有帮助的熟词记忆21.own 自己的;拥有的O 鸡蛋w 我n 你鸡蛋是我自己的不是你的。



教案2015 ~2016 学年第一学期分院(部) 数学分院专业数学教育课程名称大学英语1课程代码授课班级2015级汉数学教育普专班授课教师廖雪莲职称助教教材创新大学英语综合教程高职高专版Book1新疆教育学院教务处制课程教案授课题目(或章节)Book 1 Unit 1Reception课型课时10课时教学目标1. Teach the students how to pick up a client at the airport.2. Train the students’ ability to plan a business reception and know some intercultural reception skills.3. Give the students a chance to exchange views on the texts to enable them to havea deeper understanding of the texts and to let the students be acquainted with some new words.4.Teach the students some practical reading skills and writing skills.教学重点1.Knowing how to pick up a client at a airport.2. Email writingeful words and expressions: reception activity track flight pick up entertain available greet plan invite hospitality spa land serve baggage dinner specialty recommend see off celebrate教学难点1. Planning a business reception2. Tenses3. Writing an invitation via email教学方法Interactive approach Situational teaching approach Teamwork methodTask-based teaching method教具PPTBlackboard11. The first two-class-hour session for Warm-up & Unit task (Text A)2. The second two-class-hour session for Section A Tips for Business Reception3. The third two-class session for Section B Reading4. The fourth two-class-hour session for Exercises and grammar5. The last two-class-hour session for Listening comprehension and email writingWarm-up and Unit task (Text A)Step 1 Lead-in: Business reception1. Warm-up questions: What is business reception?A business reception means the first step o impress your client. A good reception can help the following negotiation and the following deals. Reception includes meeting the clients at the airport, reserving hotel rooms for clients, planning recreational activities to entertain clients and hosting a dinner for clients, too.2. The Ss read warm-up 1 and match the names of different activities with their pictures.3. Invite 1-2 Ss to present their answers.4.Invite 3-4 Ss to express their ideas according to the sample.Step 2 Warm-up 21. Ss read Warm-up22.Ask Ss to do a pair work. Try the quiz and check the score for their partner.3.Invite a student to present his/her partner’s result.4.The teacher help to explain some difficult language points.5.Introduce more intercultural business reception skills.Step 3 Assignments1. preview text ASection A Tips for Business ReceptionStep 1 Warm-up questions1. How to track flights status?2. How to pick up your clients?Step2 Reading231. Jigsaw reading let the students share the tips for business reception.2. Rank the steps of picking a client up at the airport.Step 3 Language PointsThe Ss choose some useful expressions and sentences from the passage, and then the teacher demonstrates their usage. The following should be chosen and practiced. The Ss should make up at least two sentences using the chosen phrases in groups.1. reception [ri'sep ʃən] n . 接见;接待;迎接 ;招待会;欢迎会 ;接纳;接受;容纳;【无线电、电视】接收;接收能力; (饭店、旅馆等处的)接待处,招待处 e.g. The reception is over.招待会到此结束。


3) Applied Writing
Learn tofillan application for a visa.
4) Grammar
Master ten parts of speech.
3. Skills Development
1) Listening and Speaking
Students can understand sentences and fill some blanks.
Students can express their opinions.
2)Readingand Translating
The newspaper seeks to be independent of political dogma.
④cherish:be fond of; be attached to
charity慈善ຫໍສະໝຸດ 团体],仁慈,施舍e.g.Life is hope, so we should cherish life.生命就是希望,所以我们要珍爱生命

高教社高职高专英语1 Book1_Unit1(课堂PPT)

高教社高职高专英语1 Book1_Unit1(课堂PPT)

2. Where is the professor from?
S__h_e__i_s__f__r_o_m___t_h_e___U_n__it_e__d__S__t_a_tes of America.
英语 English 1
3. Why do we say Professor Waters is an expert in English teaching?
英语 English 1
Before Reading Detailed Reading After Reading Quit
She is a very good teacher and she is really an expert in English teaching and learning. She is the author of a dozen books in this field. So, it is a pleasure for us to have her as our English teacher here. Now, let’s welcome her to say a few words to us! (Clapping)
英语 English 1
Before Reading Detailed Reading After Reading Quit
How do you do?
(Li Hong is a receptionist. She works at a Guest House of a Technical School. Lizzy is an overseas student. She is from South Africa. Li Hong now is meeting her at the airport.)


Students need to develop good search methods and skills using periodical indexes and online databases, as well as Internet search engines.
The learning environment
The ‘lesson’ is the usual teaching mode. Time spent in class takes up most of students’ learning
Lectures, tutorials , seminars and lab sessions are features of university teaching. These are conducted face-to-face and, increasingly, online.
Students may use the Internet and newspapers for research.
University lecturers usually give out long reading lists. They may point out what is essential to read from the list and what is desirable to read but not crucial.
We rely on you to do the work. 我们依靠你们去做这件事。 You can rely on my watch keeping time. 你可以放心,我的表走得很准。
3. exclusively: adv. not including others; only专有地,唯一地 For example:

高职英语基础教程 教案_U1

高职英语基础教程 教案_U1
To realize the cultural difference
Tolearn the tips for business reception
To know the main idea of Text A
To know the strategies for skimming and scanning during reading.
Teacher guide the students to conclude the strategies for reading (to get the main idea, to read in skimming and scanning)
Step 2
Students simulate their identities, receive letters from customers, record flight information, and write back to customers expressing their willingness to pick them up at the airport
1.Content Analysis
People living in different cultures have different habits, values, and ways of expression. These differences are cultural differences that cause problems when people communicate.Therefore, it is necessary to understand cultural differences and different etiquettes in business communication.

高职高专综合英语unit 1

高职高专综合英语unit 1

1.计算类,数字,价格,熟记和数字相关 的题型。 2.关键词类,相关背景。 3.同义词转换。 passerby=a people who pass by =pedestrian 4.逻辑推理,说话人的语气来判断。
Intensive Reading
China under Globalization • The present situation of “China under Globalization” 1. With the globalization of markets, stiffer competition, new technologies and demanding customers, supply chain management has become the rallying cry of business leaders from around the globe. Why? Because effective supply chain management lets you deliver products and services cheaper, faster, and better. In today’s marketplace, you must have that competitive edge to survive and grow.
8.严师总能出高徒,通宵熬夜不怕苦。 (短对话中出现老师常有高要求,而学生做作业通常要花比预期更多的间。) 9.论文通常要修改,严重一点就重来。 (短对话中,如果有论文或者作业,通常不容易按时完成。) 10.如果遇到有讲座,内容一般都无聊。 (对话中,出现讲座,通常观众不会从头听到尾,要么睡觉,要么不开心。) 11.车船从来不按时,时间一定要记好。 (短对话中,乘坐交通工具,通常不准时。一定要记好时间。) 12.事故灾难不用怕,死里逃生有诀窍。 (短对话中出现事故,一般死不了人。总是有出人意料的事情发生。) 13.生病如需去医院,切记提前要预约。 (中美文化差异,事事都要提前约。) 14.生活当中要买票,基本都是买不到。 (短对话中出现买票,订房,一般很难如意。) 15.对话虽短别大意,关键记住易答题。 (对话中要注意记笔记。特别留意时间,关系,地点,数字,电话号码等。)



Saying Goodbye
Use appropriate expressions to say goodbye, such as "Goodbye," "Take care," "See you later," etc.
Expressing Regret
Express regret for leaving or parting ways, including feelings of sadness or nostalgia.
Maintain a Friendly Tone
Request to Speak to the Person
If the desired person is unavailable, ask if there's someone else who can assist or if you can leave a message.
Start with a greeting, identify yourself, and state the purpose of your call.
Speak in a clear, audible, and respectful tone to convey your message effectively.
Provide your name, phone number, and any other relevant details for the person to get back to you.
Briefly explain the reason for your call so the person knows what to expect when they return your call.
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