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六年级上册Unit 1—Unit 3


on foot by train by plane by ship by subway how go to school traffic traffic light traffic rule get to library post office hospital cinema bookstore science museum where please next to turn right turn left go straight far from walk straight get on today tomorrow tonight weekend next week this morning

this afternoon this evening take a trip read a magazine go to the cinema visit grandparents play sports comic book post card newspaper magazine dictionary buy


(1) go school to how do you ( ? )


(2) on foot usually I to school go ( .)


(3) red light stop a at (.)


(4) where cinema is the (?)


(5) I sometimes go bike by ( .)


(6) at a go green light ( . )


(7) wait light yellow at a (.)


(8) can how get Zhongshan Park to I ( ? )


(9) No.15 bus you go by can the ( . )


(10) next to It’s hospital the ( . )


(11)turn at left the cinema ( .)


(12) I’m visit my grandparents going to this weekend ( . )


(13) are what going to on you do the weekend (? )


(14) this afternoon where you are going ( ? )


(15) buy to are you what going ( ? )


(16) I going am to a comic book buy ( . )


六年级上册Unit 4—Unit 6


ride a bike dive play the violin make kites collect stamps live

teach go watch read watch cartoons like doing listen to music

every day go to work go home go to bed bike show in the evening

s inger artist TV reporter student teacher dancer doctor farmer engineer accountant policeman salesperson cleaner work

baseball player stream vapour come from seed soil sprout plant should then river lake sea


(1)hobby is your what (? )


(2) d oes your mother what do ( ?)


(3) i s she TV reporter a ( . )

