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主语+have(has)been+ 动词-ing

肯定式 I/We have been working.

疑问式 Have you been working?

简略回答 Yes,I/we have. No,I/we haven't.

肯定式 He/She/It has been working. 疑问式 Has he/she/it been working?

简略回答 Yes,he/she/it has. No,he/she/it hasn't.


The Chinese have been making paper for two thousand years.



We have been waiting for you for half an hour.



They have been living in this city for ten years.

They have lived in this city for ten years.



I have been writing a book.(动作还将继续下去)


I have written a book.(动作已经完成)



I have known him for years.


* I have been knowing...

这类不能用于现在完成进行时的动词还有:see, feel ,have ,exist ,know ,belong to,love 爱,like喜欢,hate讨厌,等等。



She has slept for 6 hours and still can not wake up.

She has been sleeping for 6 hours and still can not wake up.


It has been raining for 3 days。



Ann is very tired. She has been working hard.

Why are you clothes so dirty? What have you been doing?

2) 表示一个从过去开始但仍在进行的行动,如:

It has been raining for two hours. (现在还在下)

Jack has been feeling very well recently.

3) 表示一个从过去开始延续到现在,可以包括现在在内的一个阶段内,重复发生的行动,


She has been playing tennis since she was eight.

4) 现在完成时强调动作行为的结果、影响,而现在完成进行时只强调动作行为本身,如:Tom’s hands are very dirty. He ha s been repairing the car.

The car is going again now. Tom has repaired it.



A. Correct the following sentences.

1. All these years they are contributing articles to our magazine.

2. I have been drinking five cups of coffee this afternoon.

3. What have you been doing before you left Oxford?

4. It's a good job. Have you done it all by yourself?

5. Alice didn't see much of Henry lately.

6. I'm glad to tell you that you passed the exam.

B. Complete the following sentences with the right form of the verbs given.

1. You know, I ________ (look) for a job for three months, and this is my first formal interview.

2. My sister ________ (stay) in Beijing for three months last year.

3. The little boy is dirty all over because he ________ (play) in the mud all the morning.

4. I ________ (wonder) if you were free this afternoon.

5. Here he is! We ________ (wait) anxiously for him since last night.

C. Make the best choices.

1. —I’m sure Andr ew will win the first prize in the final.

— I think so. He ________ for it for months. (2008江苏)

A. is preparing

B. was preparing

C. had been preparing

D. has been preparing

2. By the time he realizes he _________ into a trap, it’ll be too late for hi m to do anything about it. (2008山东)

A. walks

B. walked

C. has walked

D. had walked

3. So far this year we _______ a fall in house prices by between 5 and 10 percent. (2008福建)

A. saw

B. see

C. had seen

D. have seen

4. Cathy is taking notes of the grammatical rules in class at Sunshine School, where

she ______ English for a year. (2007湖南)

A. studies

B. studied

C. is studying

D. has been studying

5. Danny _________ hard for long to realize his dream and now he is popular. (2007福建)

A. works

B. is working

C. has worked

D. had worked
