
德国瓦克HCR固体硅橡胶(挤出用)产品应用产品分类产品类别理化性质机械性能ELASTOSIL®_R_401/10挤出件(工艺) 硅橡胶(HTV)过氧化物用途广泛标准ELASTOSIL®_R_401/20挤出件(工艺) 硅橡胶(HTV)过氧化物用途广泛标准ELASTOSIL®_R_401/30_OH挤出件(工艺) 硅橡胶(HTV)过氧化物抗流挂标准ELASTOSIL®_R_401/40挤出件(工艺) 硅橡胶(HTV)过氧化物用途广泛标准ELAST OSIL®_R_401/50挤出件(工艺) 硅橡胶(HTV)过氧化物用途广泛标准ELASTOSIL®_R_401/55挤出件(工艺) 硅橡胶(HTV)过氧化物用途广泛标准ELASTOSIL®_R_401/60挤出件(工艺) 硅橡胶(HTV)过氧化物用途广泛标准ELASTOSIL®_R_401/70挤出件(工艺) 硅橡胶(HTV)过氧化物用途广泛标准ELASTOSIL®_R_401/80挤出件(工艺) 硅橡胶(HTV)过氧化物用途广泛标准ELASTO SIL®_R_401/90挤出件(工艺) 硅橡胶(HTV)过氧化物用途广泛标准ELASTOSIL®_R_402/60挤出件(工艺) 硅橡胶(HTV)过氧化物良好的抗流挂性高撕裂强度ELASTOSIL®_R_402/65挤出件(工艺) 硅橡胶(HTV)过氧化物良好的抗流挂性标准ELASTOSIL®_R_402/75挤出件(工艺) 硅橡胶(HTV)过氧化物良好的抗流挂性标准ELASTOSIL®_R_416/70挤出件(工艺) 硅橡胶(HTV)过氧化物良好的抗流挂性标准ELASTOSIL®_R_420/30挤出件(工艺) 硅橡胶(HTV)过氧化物用途广泛高撕裂强度;耐磨性更强ELASTOSIL®_R_420/40挤出件(工艺) 硅橡胶(HTV)过氧化物用途广泛高撕裂强度;耐磨性更强ELASTOSIL®_R_420/50挤出件(工艺) 硅橡胶(HTV)过氧化物用途广泛高撕裂强度;耐磨性更强ELASTOSIL®_R_420/60挤出件(工艺) 硅橡胶(HTV)过氧化物用途广泛高撕裂强度;耐磨性更强ELASTOSI L®_R_420/70挤出件(工艺) 硅橡胶(HTV)过氧化物用途广泛高撕裂强度;耐磨性更强ELASTOSIL®_R_490/55挤出件(工艺) 硅橡胶(HTV)过氧化物耐低温性;抗辐射性标准ELASTOSIL®_R_500/60挤出件(工艺) 硅橡胶(HTV)过氧化物用途广泛标准ELASTOSIL®_R_500/70挤出件(工艺) 硅橡胶(HTV)过氧化物用途广泛标准ELASTOSIL®_R_501/65挤出件(工艺) 硅橡胶(HTV)过氧化物用途广泛标准ELASTOSIL®_R_501/75挤出件(工艺) 硅橡胶(HTV)过氧化物阻燃高撕裂强度ELASTOSIL®_R_502/70挤出件(工艺) 硅橡胶(HTV)过氧化物耐热;耐化学腐蚀;耐膨胀标准ELASTOSIL®_R_510/60挤出件(工艺) 硅橡胶(HTV)过氧化物耐热标准ELASTOSIL®_R_510/70挤出件(工艺) 硅橡胶(HTV)过氧化物耐热标准产品应用产品分类产品类别理化性质机械性能ELASTOSIL®_R_701/80 挤出件(工艺) 硅橡胶(HTV)过氧化物耐膨胀;耐化学腐蚀;无需后固化低压缩形变率ELASTOSIL®_R_750/40挤出件(工艺) 硅橡胶(HTV)过氧化物耐热标准ELASTOSIL®_R_750/50挤出件(工艺) 硅橡胶(HTV)过氧化物耐热标准ELASTOSIL®_R_756/60挤出件(工艺) 硅橡胶(HTV)过氧化物耐热高撕裂强度ELASTOSIL®_R_756/70挤出件(工艺) 硅橡胶(HTV)过氧化物耐热高撕裂强度ELA STOSIL®_R_770/50挤出件(工艺) 硅橡胶(HTV)过氧化物阻燃,优良的烟气物性高撕裂强度ELASTOSIL®_R_770/60挤出件(工艺) 硅橡胶(HTV)过氧化物阻燃,优良的烟气物性标准ELASTOSIL®_R_770/75挤出件(工艺) 硅橡胶(HTV)过氧化物阻燃,优良的烟气物性标准ELASTOSIL®_R_780/80挤出件(工艺) 硅橡胶(HTV)过氧化物耐化学腐蚀;耐膨胀标准ELASTOSIL®_R_861/60挤出件(工艺) 硅橡胶(HTV)过氧化物耐化学腐蚀;耐蒸煮性;平衡低压缩形变率;高弹性ELASTOSIL®_R_861/70挤出件(工艺) 硅橡胶(HTV)过氧化物耐化学腐蚀;耐蒸煮性低压缩形变率;高弹性ELASTOSIL®_R_plus4110/60挤出件(工艺) 硅橡胶(HTV)铂催化用途广泛高撕裂强度ELASTOSIL®_R_plus4110/70挤出件(工艺) 硅橡胶(HTV)铂催化用途广泛高撕裂强度ELASTOSIL®_R_plus4305/30挤出件(工艺) 硅橡胶(HTV)铂催化用途广泛高撕裂强度ELASTOSIL®_R_plus4305/40挤出件(工艺) 硅橡胶(HTV)铂催化用途广泛高撕裂强度ELASTOSIL®_R_plus4305/50挤出件(工艺) 硅橡胶(HTV)铂催化用途广泛高撕裂强度ELASTOSIL®_R_plus4305/60_MH挤出件(工艺) 硅橡胶(HTV)铂催化用途广泛高撕裂强度ELASTOSIL®_R_plus4305/70挤出件(工艺) 硅橡胶(HTV)铂催化用途广泛高撕裂强度ELASTOSIL®_R_plus4305/80挤出件(工艺) 硅橡胶(HTV)铂催化用途广泛高撕裂强度ELASTOSIL®_R_plus4305/90挤出件(工艺) 硅橡胶(HTV)铂催化用途广泛高撕裂强度ELASTOSIL®_R_plus4306/70挤出件(工艺) 硅橡胶(HTV)铂催化低挥发性标准ELASTOSIL®_R_plus4360/60挤出件(工艺) 硅橡胶(HTV)铂催化用途广泛高弹性;低压缩形变率ELASTOSIL®_R_plus4366/60 挤出件(工艺) 硅橡胶(HTV)铂催化低摩擦系数标准ELASTOSIL®_R_plus4370/40挤出件(工艺) 硅橡胶(HTV)铂催化自粘高撕裂强度ELASTOSIL®_R_plus4370/50挤出件(工艺) 硅橡胶(HTV)铂催化自粘高撕裂强度ELASTOSIL®_R_plus533/60_A/B挤出件(工艺) 硅橡胶(HTV)铂催化用途广泛耐磨性更强ELASTOSIL®_R_plus573/50_A/B挤出件(工艺) 硅橡胶(HTV)铂催化导电;平衡—ELASTOSIL®_R_plus573/70_A/B挤出件(工艺) 硅橡胶(HTV)铂催化导电—ELASTOSIL6reg_R_401/60KX 挤出件(工艺) 硅橡胶(HTV)过氧化物抗流挂标准。

瓦克胶粉328参数一、瓦克胶粉328的物理参数:1.外观:白色粉末状2.固含量:99%3.pH值:6.5-7.54. 粘度:100-200mpa.s(25℃)5.平均粒径:10-100微米6.密度:1.2-1.4克/立方厘米7.一次胶:≥95%8.水含量:≤1.0%二、瓦克胶粉328的主要应用领域:1.木制家具:瓦克胶粉328具有较高的粘结强度和抗水性能,适用于木质家具的粘接、修复和装饰材料的制作。

DIN ISO 2115
DIN ISO 2115
VINNAPAS® 5010N是一种具有抗皂化性能的可再分散醋酸乙烯/乙烯共聚胶粉。
VINNAPAS® 5010N特别适用于与其他无机粘合剂如水泥、硬石膏、石膏及石灰混合使用或者单独作为粘结成分,用于制造柔性建筑粘合剂、墙面与地面找平材料、填缝剂、抹灰以及修补砂浆等。
VINNAPAS® 5010N能够提高改性混合料的粘合性、抗析强度、可塑性、耐磨性及施工性,并且对材料的流动性、触变性以及保水性等没有任何不利影响。因此,它对各种为达到特殊性能的砂浆添加剂有很好的相容性。
DIN ISO 1625
DIN ISO 1625

LI Xia,XIE Qin,KANG Nai-wen
(Chemical Industry Research Institute Co.,Ltd.,China Bluestar,Chengdu 610041,Sichuan)
Abstract:The paper reviews the methods of epoxy modified silicone resin and research status, and pros- pects the epoxy m odified silicone resin in high and new technology in the field of application.
庭 护理 用 品原 料 展 览 (PCHi) 上 推 出多 功 能 有 机硅 弹 性体 凝 胶 BELSIL@EG 2、轻 盈 不 黏 腻 的 油包 水 乳 化 剂 BELSIL@SPG 128 VP及 可 用 于精 华 原液 的肤感 调 节剂 BELSIL@DMC 6038。
BELSIL@EG 2为 乙烯 基 型 有 机 硅 弹 性 体 凝 胶 ,以其独 特感 官特 性 ,广泛 地应 用 于各种 个人 护 理 品配方 中 ,满足 市场 和 消费者 日益 提高 的性 能需 求 。添 加一 定量 在抗 衰老 面霜 、眼部精 华配 方 中 ,BELSIL@EG2不仅 能够 提 升肤 感 ,还 可抚 平 细纹 ,其 特有 的哑光特 性使 填补 的视 觉效 果更 柔 和 、 自然 。在 经皮水 分 流 失测 试 中 ,BELSIL@ EG2表 现 出 比常用 滋 润油 脂 更 长 效 的保 湿 性 能 。 BELSIL@EG2也 可应 用在 各类 底妆 产 品 中提 升铺 展性能 ,轻盈而不粘腻的透气保护膜赋予皮肤更 持 久 的 柔 软 贴 肤 感 。使 用 了 添 加 BELSIL ̄EG2 的 BB霜之后 ,能使肤色均匀 ,毛孔隐形 ,达到 多效合 一 的效 果 。此 外 ,应 用 在 发 尾油 配 方 中 , 能够提升顺滑度的同时,且无多余油腻感 ,使发 质丰盈 自然 。
ASTM A328-03

Designation:A 328/A 328M –03American Association StateHighway and Transportation Officials StandardAASHTO No.:M 202Standard Specification forSteel Sheet Piling 1This standard is issued under the fixed designation A 328/A 328M;the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of original adoption or,in the case of revision,the year of last revision.A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.A superscript epsilon (e )indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.1.Scope *1.1This specification covers carbon steel sheet piling of structural quality for use in the construction of dock walls,sea walls,cofferdams,excavations,and like applications (see Specification A 572/A 572M).1.2When the steel is to be welded,it is presupposed that a welding procedure suitable for the grade of steel and intended use or service will be utilized.See Appendix X3of Specifica-tion A 6/A 6M for information on weldability.1.3The values stated in either inch-pound units or SI units are to be regarded as standard.Within the text,the SI units are shown in brackets.The values stated in each system are not exact equivalents;therefore,each system must be used inde-pendently of the bining values from the two systems may result in nonconformance with this specification.1.4For sheet piling produced from coil and furnished without heat treatment or with stress relieving only,the additional requirements,including additional testing require-ments and the reporting of additional test results,of Specifi-cation A 6/A 6M apply.2.Referenced Documents 2.1ASTM Standards:A 6/A 6M Specification for General Requirements for Rolled Structural Steel Bars,Plates,Shapes,and Sheet Piling 2A 36/A 36M Specification for Carbon Structural Steel 2A 307Specification for Carbon Steel Bolts and Studs,60000psi Tensile Strength 3A 325Specification for Structural Bolts,Steel,Heat Treated,120/105ksi Minimum Tensile Strength 3A 325M Specification for High-Strength Bolts for Struc-tural Steel Joints [Metric]3A 502Specification for Steel Structural Rivets 3A 563Specification for Carbon and Alloy Steel Nuts 3A 563M Specification for Carbon and Alloy Steel Nuts [Metric]3A 572/A 572M Specification for High-Strength Low-Alloy Columbium-Vanadium Structural Steel 2F 568M Specification for Carbon and Alloy Steel Externally Threaded Metric Fasteners 33.General Requirements for Delivery3.1Sheet piling furnished under this specification shall conform to the requirements of the current edition of Specifi-cation A 6/A 6M,for the specific sheet piling ordered,unless a conflict exists,in which case this specification shall prevail.3.2Coils are excluded from qualification to this specifica-tion until they are processed into finished sheet piling.Sheet piling produced from coil means sheet piling that has been cut to individual lengths from a coil.The processor directly controls,or is responsible for,the operations involved in the processing of a coil into finished sheet piling.Such operations include decoiling,leveling,hot-forming or cold-forming (if applicable),cutting to length,testing,inspection,conditioning,heat treatment (if applicable),packaging,marking,loading for shipment,and certification.N OTE 1—For sheet piling produced from coil and furnished without heat treatment or with stress relieving only,two test results are to be reported for each qualifying coil.Additional requirements regarding sheet piling produced from coil are described in Specification A 6/A 6M.4.Appurtenant Materials4.1When components of a steel structure are identified with this ASTM designation but the product form is not listed in the scope of this standard,the material shall conform to one of the standards listed in Table 1unless otherwise specified by the purchaser.Table 1does not provide any specification require-ments to a manufacturer or processor.Orders to a manufacturer or processor should describe the required ASTM designation for product forms not listed in the scope of this specification.1This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee A01on Steel,Stainless Steel,and Related Alloys and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee A01.02on Structural Steel for Bridges,Buildings,Rolling Stock,and Ships.Current edition approved April 10,2003.Published May 2003.Originally published in st previous edition approved in 2000as A 328/A 328M –00.2Annual Book of ASTM Standards ,V ol 01.04.3Annual Book of ASTM Standards ,V ol 15.08.1*A Summary of Changes section appears at the end of this standard.Copyright ©ASTM International,100Barr Harbor Drive,PO Box C700,West Conshohocken,PA 19428-2959,United States.5.Process5.1The steel may be made by any process that produces material meeting the requirements set forth in this specifica-tion.6.Chemical Requirements6.1The heat analysis shall conform to the requirements prescribed in Table 2.6.2The steel shall conform on product analysis to the requirements prescribed in Table 2,subject to the product analysis tolerances in Specification A 6/A 6M.7.Mechanical Requirements7.1The material,as represented by the test specimens,shall conform to the requirements as to tensile properties prescribed in Table 3.7.2A minimum tensile strength of 60ksi [415MPa]and a minimum yield point of 36ksi [250MPa]shall be permitted for piling sections used in the fabrication of cold-formed connections.8.Keywords8.1carbon;cofferdams;dock walls;excavations;sea walls;sheet piling;steel;structural steelSUPPLEMENTARY REQUIREMENTSThe following supplementary requirement shall apply only when specified in the purchase order:S99.Interlock StrengthS99.1.The minimum strength of the interlocked joint re-quired for certain services may be specified for certain sheet piling sections subject to specific agreement between the material purchaser and the manufacturer.SUMMARY OF CHANGESCommittee A01has identified the location of selected changes to this standard since the last issue (A 328/A 328M-00)that may impact the use of this standard.(1) 1.4,3.1,3.1.1(renumbered as 3.2),and Note 1have been revised to be consistent with the terminology and requirementsof A 6/A 6M.ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned in this ers of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights,and the risk of infringement of such rights,are entirely their own responsibility.This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and if not revised,either reapproved or withdrawn.Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters.Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible technical committee,which you may attend.If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards,at the address shown below.TABLE 1Appurtenant Material SpecificationsN OTE 1—The specifier should be satisfied of the suitability of these materials for the intended position or mechanical prop-erties,or both,may be different than specified in A 328/A 328M.CommodityASTM Specification of Material to be Furnished with Steel Sheet Piling Plates,bars,structural shapes A 36/A 36MRivets A 502,Grade 1or Grade 2BoltsA 307,Grade A or F 568M,Class 4.6High strength bolts A 325or A 325M Steel nutsA 563or A 563MTABLE 2Chemical RequirementsElementComposition,%Heat analysisPhosphorus,max 0.035Sulfur,max0.04Copper (when specified),min0.20TABLE 3Tensile RequirementsTensile strength,min,ksi [MPa]70[485]Yield point,min,ksi [MPa]39[270]Elongation in 8in.[200mm],min,%A 17Elongation in 2in.[50mm],min,%20ASee Elongation Requirement Adjustments in the Tension Tests section of Specification A 6/A 6M.See Specimen Orientation in the Tension Tests section of Specification A 6/A 6M.This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International,100Barr Harbor Drive,PO Box C700,West Conshohocken,PA19428-2959, United States.Individual reprints(single or multiple copies)of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above address or at610-832-9585(phone),610-832-9555(fax),or service@(e-mail);or through the ASTM website().。


• 30KG/60KG铁桶包装。常温避光、密闭防 潮,贮存期24个月。
• 非危险品,适合常规运输。
• 大洋消泡剂 • 谢谢
• 凭借其结构上的优势,132消泡剂比传统的 有机硅消泡剂所使用的量少。这使它非常 适用于洗涤剂和其他一些高浓度表面活性 剂的配方,以确保相当持久的抑泡能力。
• 尽管它的粘度相对较高,它仍然易于分散 在水的表面上。除了洗涤剂以外,132消泡 剂 对含有润湿剂的系统也有作用,其功效 受到剪切和分散力的作用而减小。132消泡 剂在无水的合成树脂方面也具有抑泡和去 泡的效果。
一、ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ品参数
• 型号:132消泡剂 • 外观:油状,不透明,无色 • 成分:有机硅消泡剂 • 产品等级:工业级 • 水中溶解度:良好
• 132消泡剂是一种带有粘性的、不透明的消 泡复合物,对很多种表面活性剂均有效用。
• 132消泡剂基于高分子聚硅氧烷,其平均粘 度约20000mPa s。即使只是很少量也能显 著减少洗涤剂和含有高浓度表面活性剂的 系统的泡沫。

下面是最为常用的功能性助剂:GSY PA-90适用于汽车内饰、家私海绵等海绵制品,也可直接添加到聚醚多元醇等里面使用,GSY PA-90W主要适用于水性聚氨酯。
经过大量的在CTI、GST、谱尼、SGS等第三方测试机构的“袋式法、VDA278”测试结果显示,添加GSY PA-90除醛剂千分之五左右可有效消除泡沫种醛类含量80%以上,此外本品对苯类物质亦有一定的消除效果,为各汽车内饰件企业通过各种测试标准提供了有利保证。
产品目录:应根据产品气味大小,添加量为: 0.1-0.5%, 跟原料拌5分钟左右即可安排加工,塑料制品,橡胶制品,加工出来的产品要放凉,气味才慢慢开始消失。
FC-3283 MSDS[2]
![FC-3283 MSDS[2]](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/91f3798084868762caaed596.png)
Material Safety Data SheetCopyright, 2005, 3M Company. All rights reserved. Copying and/or downloading of this information for the purpose of properly utilizing 3M products is allowed provided that: (1) the information is copied in full with no changes unless prior written agreement is obtained from 3M, and (2) neither the copy nor the original is resold or otherwise distributed with the intention of earning a profit thereon.SECTION 1: PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATIONPRODUCT NAME: FC-3283 FLUORINERT Brand Electronic LiquidMANUFACTURER: 3MDIVISION: Electronics Markets Materials DivisionADDRESS: 3M CenterSt. Paul, MN 55144-1000EMERGENCY PHONE: 1-800-364-3577 or (651) 737-6501 (24 hours)Issue Date: 04/26/2005Supercedes Date: 11/22/2004Document Group: 06-4521-8Product Use:Intended Use:For industrial use only. Not intended for use as a medical device or drug.Specific Use:Testing Fluid or Heat Transfer Fluid for ElectronicsSECTION 2: INGREDIENTSIngredient C.A.S. No.% by WtPERFLUORO COMPOUNDS, (PRIMARILY COMPOUNDS WITH 986508-42-1 100CARBONS)SECTION 3: HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION3.1 EMERGENCY OVERVIEWSpecific Physical Form: LiquidOdor, Color, Grade: Colorless, odorless liquid.General Physical Form: LiquidImmediate health, physical, and environmental hazards: None known.3.2 POTENTIAL HEALTH EFFECTSEye Contact:Contact with the eyes during product use is not expected to result in significant irritation.Skin Contact:Contact with the skin during product use is not expected to result in significant irritation.Inhalation:If thermal decomposition occurs:May be harmful if inhaled.Ingestion:No health effects are expected.3.3 POTENTIAL ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTSThis compound is completely fluorinated (perfluorinated), or it contains perfluorinated portions. Perfluoroalkyl groups resist degradation in most natural environments. This low-solubility substance has insignificant toxicity to aquatic organisms (Lowest LL50 or EL50 is >1000 mg/L). LL50 (Lethal Level) and EL50 are similar to LC50 and EC50, but tests the water phase from incompletely-miscible mixtures. Take precautions to prevent direct release of this substance to the environment. ATMOSPHERIC FATE: Perfluoro compounds (PFCs) are photochemically stable and expected to persist in the atmosphere for more than 1000 yrs. PFCs have high global warming potentials (GWP), exceeding 5000 (100-yr ITH). The Ozone Depletion Potential (ODP) is Zero.SECTION 4: FIRST AID MEASURES4.1 FIRST AID PROCEDURESThe following first aid recommendations are based on an assumption that appropriate personal and industrial hygiene practices are followed.Eye Contact: Flush eyes with large amounts of water. If signs/symptoms persist, get medical attention.Skin Contact: Wash affected area with soap and water. If signs/symptoms develop, get medical attention.Inhalation: If signs/symptoms develop, remove person to fresh air. If signs/symptoms persist, get medical attention.If Swallowed: No need for first aid is anticipated.SECTION 5: FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES5.1 FLAMMABLE PROPERTIESAutoignition temperature Not ApplicableFlash Point Not ApplicableFlammable Limits - LEL [Details: Nonflammable]Flammable Limits - UEL [Details: Nonflammable]5.2 EXTINGUISHING MEDIAMaterial will not burn.5.3 PROTECTION OF FIRE FIGHTERSSpecial Fire Fighting Procedures: Wear full protective equipment (Bunker Gear) and a self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA). Water may be used to blanket the fire. Exposure to extreme heat can give rise to thermal decomposition.Unusual Fire and Explosion Hazards: No unusual fire or explosion hazards are anticipated. No unusual effects are anticipated during fire extinguishing operations. Avoid breathing the products and substances that may result from the thermal decomposition of the product or the other substances in the fire zone. Keep containers cool with water spray when exposed to fire to avoid rupture.Note: See STABILITY AND REACTIVITY (SECTION 10) for hazardous combustion and thermal decomposition information.SECTION 6: ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURESAccidental Release Measures: Observe precautions from other sections. Call 3M- HELPS line (1-800-364-3577) for more information on handling and managing the spill. Evacuate unprotected and untrained personnel from hazard area. The spill should be cleaned up by qualified personnel. Ventilate the area with fresh air. Contain spill. Working from around the edges of the spill inward, cover with bentonite, vermiculite, or commercially available inorganic absorbent material. Mix in sufficient absorbent until it appears dry. Collect as much of the spilled material as possible. Clean up residue with an appropriate organic solvent. Read and follow safety precautions on the solvent label and MSDS. Place in a metal container approved for transportation by appropriate authorities. Seal the container. Dispose of collected material as soon as possible.In the event of a release of this material, the user should determine if the release qualifies as reportable according to local, state, and federal regulations.SECTION 7: HANDLING AND STORAGE7.1 HANDLINGAvoid skin contact with hot material. For industrial or professional use only. No smoking: Smoking while using this product can result in contamination of the tobacco and/or smoke and lead to the formation of the hazardous decomposition products mentioned in the Reactivity Data section of this MSDS. Store work clothes separately from other clothing, food and tobacco products. Use general dilution ventilation and/or local exhaust ventilation to control airborne exposures to below Occupational Exposure Limits. If ventilation is not adequate, use respiratory protection equipment.7.2 STORAGEStore away from heat. Keep container tightly closed. Keep container in well-ventilated area.SECTION 8: EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTION8.1 ENGINEERING CONTROLSProvide appropriate local exhaust when product is heated. Provide appropriate local exhaust ventilation on open containers. For those situations where the fluid might be exposed to extreme overheating due to misuse or equipment failure, use with appropriate local exhaust ventilation sufficient to maintain levels of thermal decomposition products below their exposure guidelines.8.2 PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT (PPE)8.2.1 Eye/Face ProtectionAvoid eye contact.The following eye protection(s) are recommended: Safety Glasses with side shields.8.2.2 Skin ProtectionAvoid skin contact with hot material. Wear appropriate gloves, such as Nomex, when handling this material to prevent thermal burns. Avoid skin contact.Select and use gloves and/or protective clothing to prevent skin contact based on the results of an exposure assessment. Consult with your glove and/or protective clothing manufacturer for selection of appropriate compatible materials.Gloves made from the following material(s) are recommended: Nitrile Rubber.8.2.3 Respiratory ProtectionUnder normal use conditions, airborne exposures are not expected to be significant enough to require respiratory protection. Avoid breathing of vapors, mists or spray.Select one of the following NIOSH approved respirators based on airborne concentration of contaminants and in accordance with OSHA regulations: Half facepiece or fullface air-purifying respirator with organic vapor cartridges. Consult the current 3M Respiratory Selection Guide for additional information or call 1-800-243-4630 for 3M technical assistance. If thermal degradation products are expected, use fullface supplied air respirator.8.2.4 Prevention of SwallowingDo not eat, drink or smoke when using this product. Wash exposed areas thoroughly with soap and water.8.3 EXPOSURE GUIDELINESNone EstablishedSECTION 9: PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIESSpecific Physical Form: LiquidOdor, Color, Grade: Colorless, odorless liquid.General Physical Form: LiquidAutoignition temperature Not ApplicableFlash Point Not ApplicableFlammable Limits - LEL [Details: Nonflammable]Flammable Limits - UEL [Details: Nonflammable]Boiling point 123 - 133 ºCDensity 1.8 g/mlVapor Density Approximately 18 [@ 23 ºC] [Ref Std: AIR=1]Vapor Pressure Approximately 14 mmHg [@ 23 ºC]Specific Gravity Approximately 1.8 [Ref Std: WATER=1]pH Not ApplicableMelting point Not ApplicableSolubility in Water NilEvaporation rate < 1 [Ref Std: BUOAC=1]Volatile Organic Compounds [Details: Exempt]Percent volatile Approximately 100 %VOC Less H2O & Exempt Solvents [Details: Exempt]Viscosity Approximately 0.7 centistoke [@ 25 ºC]SECTION 10: STABILITY AND REACTIVITYStability: Stable.Materials and Conditions to Avoid: Finely divided active metals; Alkali and alkaline earth metals; Heat(greater than 200 ºC) Hazardous Polymerization: Hazardous polymerization will not occur.Hazardous Decomposition or By-ProductsSubstance ConditionHydrogen Fluoride At Elevated Temperatures - greater than 200 ºCPerfluoroisobutylene (PFIB) At Elevated Temperatures - greater than 200 ºCHazardous Decomposition: Hydrogen fluoride has an ACGIH Threshold Limit Value of 3 parts per million (as fluoride) as a Ceiling Limit and an OSHA PEL of 3 ppm of fluoride as an eight hour Time-Weighted Average and 6 ppm of fluoride as a Short Term Exposure Limit. The odor threshold for HF is 0.04 ppm, providing good warning properties for exposure.SECTION 11: TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATIONProduct-Based Toxicology Information:A Material Toxicity Summary Sheet (MTSS) has been developed for this product. Please contact the address listed on the first page of this MSDS to obtain a copy of the MTSS for this product.Please contact the address listed on the first page of the MSDS for Toxicological Information on this material and/or itscomponents.SECTION 12: ECOLOGICAL INFORMATIONECOTOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATIONTest Organism Test Type ResultFathead Minnow, Pimephales promelas 96 hours Lethal Concentration 50% >1000 mg/lNot determined.CHEMICAL FATE INFORMATIONTest Type Result Protocol20 days Biological Oxygen Demand NilChemical Oxygen Demand NilNot determined.SECTION 13: DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONSWaste Disposal Method: Reclaim if feasible. As a disposal alternative, incinerate in an industrial or commercial facility in the presence of a combustible material. Combustion products will include HF. Facility must be capable of handling halogenated materials.To reclaim or return, check product label for contact.EPA Hazardous Waste Number (RCRA): Not regulatedSince regulations vary, consult applicable regulations or authorities before disposal.SECTION 14:TRANSPORT INFORMATIONID Number(s):98-0211-7386-3, 98-0212-2887-3, 98-0212-2908-7, ZF-0002-1344-5, ZF-0002-1345-2, ZF-0002-1356-9 Please contact the emergency numbers listed on the first page of the MSDS for Transportation Information for this material.SECTION 15: REGULATORY INFORMATIONUS FEDERAL REGULATIONSContact 3M for more information.311/312 Hazard Categories:Fire Hazard - No Pressure Hazard - No Reactivity Hazard - No Immediate Hazard - Yes Delayed Hazard - NoSTATE REGULATIONSContact 3M for more information.CHEMICAL INVENTORIESThe components of this product are in compliance with the chemical notification requirements of TSCA.All applicable chemical ingredients in this material are listed on the European Inventory of Existing Chemical Substances (EINECS), or are exempt polymers whose monomers are listed on EINECS.The components of this product are listed on the Canadian Domestic Substances List.The components of this product are listed on the Australian Inventory of Chemical Substances.The components of this product are listed on Japan's Chemical Substance Control Law List (also known as the Existing and New Chemical Substances List.)The components of this product are in compliance with notification requirements in the Philippines.Contact 3M for more information.INTERNATIONAL REGULATIONSContact 3M for more information.This MSDS has been prepared to meet the U.S. OSHA Hazard Communication Standard, 29 CFR 1910.1200.SECTION 16: OTHER INFORMATIONNFPA Hazard ClassificationHealth: 3 Flammability: 0 Reactivity: 0 Special Hazards: NoneNational Fire Protection Association (NFPA) hazard ratings are designed for use by emergency response personnel to address the hazards that are presented by short-term, acute exposure to a material under conditions of fire, spill, or similar emergencies. Hazard ratings are primarily based on the inherent physical and toxic properties of the material but also include the toxic properties of combustion or decomposition products that are known to be generated in significant quantities.HMIS Hazard ClassificationHealth: 0 Flammability: 0 Reactivity: 0 Protection: X - See PPE section.Hazardous Material Identification System (HMIS(r)) hazard ratings are designed to inform employees of chemical hazards in the workplace. These ratings are based on the inherent properties of the material under expected conditions of normal use and are not intended for use in emergency situations. HMIS(r) ratings are to be used with a fully implemented HMIS(r) program. HMIS(r) is a registered mark of the National Paint and Coatings Association (NPCA).Reason for Reissue: Added OUS stock number.Revision Changes:Copyright was modified.Section 3: Potential effects from inhalation information was modified.Section 4: First aid for inhalation - medical assistance - was modified.Section 15: 311/312 Immediate Hazard score was modified.Section 10: Hazardous decomposition or by-products phrase was added.Section 10: Hazardous decomposition or by-products comment was deleted.DISCLAIMER: The information in this Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) is believed to be correct as of the date issued. 3M MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR COURSE OF PERFORMANCE OR USAGE OF TRADE. User is responsible for determining whether the 3M product is fit for a particular purpose and suitable for user's method of use or application. Given the variety of factors that can affect the use and application of a 3M product, some of which are uniquely within the user's knowledge and control, it is essential that the user evaluate the 3M product to determine whether it is fit for a particular purpose and suitable for user's method of use or application.3M provides information in electronic form as a service to its customers. Due to the remote possibility that electronic transfer may have resulted in errors, omissions or alterations in this information, 3M makes no representations as to its completeness or accuracy. In addition, information obtained from a database may not be as current as the information in the MSDS available directly from 3M.3M MSDSs are available at 。

Wacker sn-卫生中性胶是一种单部件、低模量、粘附性好的中性硅密封胶。
在低温 (-40 ℃) 至高温 (+120 ℃) 下保持弹性

下边我们简单阐述⼀下,⽡克胶粉的各牌号胶粉以及主要特性:中性VINNAPAS 4015 N标准型产品,适⽤于需要⾼粘结强度的应⽤VINNAPAS 4023 N适⽤于瓷砖胶粘剂的标准型产品VINNAPAS 5010 N在各种应⽤中久经考验的标准型产品VINNAPAS 5044 N外墙外保温系统和⾼柔性应⽤的典范增强增强VINNAPAS 5028 E确保C1和C2瓷砖胶粘剂具有良好的粘附⼒和耐⽔性VINNAPAS 7055 E即使在低温下仍具有增强的抗裂性和抗冲击性VINNAPAS 7220 E确保⾼品质柔性C2瓷砖胶粘剂具有优异耐⽔性的典范憎⽔VINNAPAS 5048 H具有良好柔性和极强憎⽔性的产品,可确保极佳的施⼯性能(尤其是抹⾯砂浆)VINNAPAS 7031 H施⼯性极佳且⽤途⼴泛的憎⽔性产品VINNAPAS 8031 H确保良好施⼯性和低粘性的憎⽔性产品VINNAPAS 8034 H确保良好施⼯性和低粘性的⾼憎⽔性产品触变VINNAPAS 5012 T确保C1和C2胶粘剂及其它应⽤具有较⾼的抗流挂性VINNAPAS 5047 T具有⾼柔性和极佳施⼯性的触变性产品流平VINNAPAS 5023 L特别推荐⽤于含有三聚氰胺磺酸盐的最终产品流动VINNAPAS 5014 F专门⽤于配制具有剪切稀化流变性的可泵送⾃流平砂浆的可再分散乳胶粉中性VINNAPAS 4015 N标准型产品,适⽤于需要⾼粘结强度的应⽤VINNAPAS 4023 N适⽤于瓷砖胶粘剂的标准型产品VINNAPAS 5010 N在各种应⽤中久经考验的标准型产品VINNAPAS 5044 N外墙外保温系统和⾼柔性应⽤的典范增强增强VINNAPAS 5028 E确保C1和C2瓷砖胶粘剂具有良好的粘附⼒和耐⽔性VINNAPAS 7055 E即使在低温下仍具有增强的抗裂性和抗冲击性VINNAPAS 7220 E确保⾼品质柔性C2瓷砖胶粘剂具有优异耐⽔性的典范憎⽔VINNAPAS 5048 H具有良好柔性和极强憎⽔性的产品,可确保极佳的施⼯性能(尤其是抹⾯砂浆)VINNAPAS 7031 H施⼯性极佳且⽤途⼴泛的憎⽔性产品VINNAPAS 8031 H确保良好施⼯性和低粘性的憎⽔性产品VINNAPAS 8034 H确保良好施⼯性和低粘性的⾼憎⽔性产品触变VINNAPAS 5012 T确保C1和C2胶粘剂及其它应⽤具有较⾼的抗流挂性VINNAPAS 5047 T具有⾼柔性和极佳施⼯性的触变性产品流平VINNAPAS 5023 L特别推荐⽤于含有三聚氰胺磺酸盐的最终产品流动VINNAPAS 5014 F专门⽤于配制具有剪切稀化流变性的可泵送⾃流平砂浆的可再分散乳胶粉其中很多牌号⾮主流牌号在⼤陆销售的主要就是开始介绍过的⼏种牌号,⽬前的国内市场⾜以使⽤。
瓦克988胶水 参数

二、瓦克988胶水的主要参数1. 混合比例:A:B=2:1;2. 固化时间:常温下24小时;3. 操作时间:25℃下约60分钟;4. 粘度:A组份1500-2500mPa·s,B组份200-400mPa·s;5. 密度:A组份1.20g/cm³,B组份1.00g/cm³。
三、瓦克988胶水的特点和优势1. 高强度:经过固化后,该胶水能够达到很高的拉伸强度和抗剪切强度。
2. 高粘度:该胶水具有很好的流动性和填充性能,在使用时可以填补表面不平整处。
3. 耐腐蚀性:该胶水能够在酸碱等恶劣环境下长期保持稳定性。
4. 耐高温性:该胶水能够在高温环境下长期保持稳定性,不会发生分解或变质。
5. 易于操作:该胶水的混合比例简单,操作方便,适用于各种复杂形状的结构粘合。
四、瓦克988胶水的应用领域1. 建筑领域:该胶水可以用于建筑物的粘接、填缝和修补等工作。
2. 汽车领域:该胶水可以用于汽车零部件的粘接和修补等工作。
3. 航空航天领域:该胶水可以用于飞机、卫星等航空航天器件的制造和维修等工作。
4. 电子领域:该胶水可以用于电子元器件的封装和固定等工作。
五、瓦克988胶水的使用方法1. 按照混合比例将A组份和B组份混合均匀;2. 在表面上涂抹一层薄薄的胶水;3. 将两个需要粘合的部件放在一起,并施加足够压力;4. 等待24小时后,待固化完成后即可进行下一步工作。
六、瓦克988胶水的注意事项1. 在使用时要严格按照混合比例进行混合;2. 在使用前要将A组份和B组份分别搅拌均匀,避免出现不均匀的情况;3. 在使用过程中要注意安全,避免接触皮肤和眼睛等部位;4. 在固化过程中,要保持环境温度适宜,避免出现温度过高或过低的情况;5. 在存放时,要放置在阴凉干燥处,并注意防潮、防火等问题。

比重 1.06KG/L
pH 2.9
Hi-Mar Malaysia Specialties Chemicals,LLC.

1.瓦克推出新型LED制造用有机硅弹性体 [J],
2.瓦克有机硅部门推出防腐防潮有机硅凝胶 [J],
3.瓦克展出化妆品用有机硅弹性体凝胶 [J], 王芸菲
4.瓦克展出供化妆品及抗衰老产品使用的有机硅弹性体凝胶 [J],
5.瓦克有机硅推出用于灌封敏感电子元器件的超透明有机硅凝胶 [J], 尹磊

瓦克力推两款有机硅离型图层瓦克力推两款有机硅离型涂层瓦克化学集团近日推出两种适用于中国标签行业的有机硅产品,一种是用于生产烘焙纸和离型纸的有机硅乳液DEHESIVE 490,另一种是适用于纸张涂层的无溶剂型有机硅DEHESIVE 906 AMA。
DEHESIVE 490是一种含非阳离子乳化剂的加成固化三组分有机硅乳液,低温也能迅速固化,并具有优异的离型稳定性和抗剪切强度。
DEHESIVE 906 AMA是一种完全无溶剂的加成固化有机硅,具有良好的流动性,即使在较高涂布速度下,也不易出现雾化。
据悉,福特这次批准使用的PPG清漆产品包括多功能DELTRON DC2000超快干清漆、NEXA AUTOCOLOR P190-6800 HS Express 清漆以及ENVIROBASE High Performance EC800 EC800 Ultra Fast 2.1清漆。
分子量 328 杀虫剂


1. 高度纯度:瓦克气相二氧化硅的纯度极高,可以满足高标准的应用需求。
2. 良好的分散性:它是一种极好的分散剂,可以帮助将其他物质均匀地分散在液体中。
3. 优良的化学稳定性:瓦克气相二氧化硅在强酸、强碱或高温条件下均能保持稳定的化学性质。
4. 良好的绝缘性能:它具有较高的绝缘性能,可用于制作电子元件和电路板等。
5. 优异的吸附性能:瓦克气相二氧化硅具有优异的吸附性能,可以用于吸附液体中的杂质和异味。
1. 涂料行业:作为增稠剂、触变剂和防沉剂,用于提高涂料的性能和稳定性。
2. 橡胶行业:作为补强剂和助剂,用于提高橡胶的耐磨性、强度和耐老化性能。
3. 胶黏剂行业:作为增稠剂、触变剂和防沉剂,用于提高胶黏剂的施工性和稳定性。
4. 油墨行业:作为分散剂和稳定剂,用于提高油墨的印刷效果和稳定性。
5. 化妆品行业:作为添加剂,用于提高化妆品的稳定性和保湿效果。
6. 其他领域:如电子、食品、医药等行业也有广泛的应用。