舞出我人生三部曲 所有插曲





第一节:热身运动舞曲:爱情火龙果演唱:赵真1-1、肩部拍打齐步走1-2、腰腹拍打1-3、击肋拍打1-4、直臂拍打第二节:上肢运动演唱:我爱草原我爱你演唱:琪琪格2-1、屈平环臂2-2、直臂上展2-3、侧展下环2-4、直臂上举第三节:腰腹运动舞曲:幸福的舞曲演唱:蒋婴3-1、直臂侧平3-2、交叉侧展3-3、点肩上举3-4、交叉下摆第四节:扩胸运动舞曲:亲爱的姑娘演唱:陈咏4-1、平屈扩胸齐步走4-2、前屈扩胸4-3、搭肩扩胸4-4、下直扩胸第五节:跳跃运动舞曲:感觉自己萌萌哒演唱:贾玲、王维5-1、点脚跳跃5-2、侧平上展5-3、直臂上展5-4、拍手跳跃第六节:甩手运动舞曲:小鲜肉演唱:冷漠、云飞儿6-1、直臂下蹲齐步走6-2、屈直上展6-3、前直环绕6-4、侧直上展第七节:体转运动舞曲:小苹果大菠萝演唱:郎郎7-1、直臂后摆齐步走7-2、上直摇摆7-3、前直摇摆7-4、垂直摇摆第八节:下肢运动女神啾啾啾演唱:NGirls8-1、侧展合十齐步走8-2、直臂上交叉8-3、前直拍手8-4、直臂下交叉第九节:自由运动舞曲:我爱的人在新疆演唱:乌兰托娅9-1、下环屈平齐步走9-2、转腕上举合十9-3、单环屈摆9-4、转腕侧出手第十节:肩部运动舞曲:自在美演唱:赵真10-1、平屈上展齐步走10-2、前直侧展10-3、侧展外环10-4、侧屈前直第十一节:胯摆运动舞曲:你是我的小绵羊演唱:张艺源11-1、屈直侧环齐步走11-2、屈平环绕11-3、前展屈臂11-4、后屈侧出手第十二节:整理运动舞曲:毛主席语录演唱:冷漠12-1、点脚抬腿出胯12-2、点脚前踢腿12-3、侧抬摆臂1爱情火龙果MP3歌词:爱情火龙果演唱:赵真粉红色的外衣谁为你做的为什么你的样子就像一团火爱你的人怎么怎么怎么那么多想要把你吃掉我真的舍不得妹妹可爱的脸也是粉红色妹妹含情的眼像牡丹花开过为我送来一个热吻一阵阵秋波老天怎么这么好让你爱上我你的爱就像火龙果酸酸甜甜滋润我心窝夏日你的清凉陪着我快乐冬天是你燃烧了我的寂寞你的爱就像火龙果同在我怀里只喜欢你一个春去秋又来就算四季过等到明年春天再回来陪我香蕉说他喜欢我可我只觉得他有点色荔枝长得晶莹剔透可是吃多会上火西瓜约我K歌葡萄加我微博橘子QQ留言草莓微信给我在我心中早有所属我宁愿孤单寂寞我心中只有一本爱就是我的火龙果粉红色的外衣谁为你做的为什么你的样子就像一团火爱你的人怎么怎么怎么那么多想要把你吃掉我真的舍不得妹妹可爱的脸也是粉红色妹妹含情的眼像牡丹花开过为我送来一个热吻一阵阵秋波老天怎么这么好让你爱上我你的爱就像火龙果酸酸甜甜滋润我心窝夏日你的清凉陪着我快乐冬天是你燃烧了我的寂寞你的爱就像火龙果同在我怀里只喜欢你一个春去秋又来就算四季过等到明年春天再回来陪我你的爱就像火龙果酸酸甜甜滋润我心窝夏日你的清凉陪着我快乐冬天是你燃烧了我的寂寞你的爱就像火龙果同在我怀里只喜欢你一个春去秋又来就算四季过等到明年春天再回来陪我2我爱草原我爱你我爱草原我爱你歌词琪琪格我爱草原我爱你.lrc歌词感谢音乐巴士黎起铮编辑歌词匹配时间为: 03 分39 秒的歌曲我爱草原我爱你词曲:陈伟演唱:琪琪格这儿并不是我的家却将我的脚步留下不为漫山遍野的花你的笑容醉了云霞这儿并不是我的家却让我梦里总牵挂不为风中奔驰的马马背上的你更潇洒我爱草原我爱你你的怀抱最豁达像烈烈的酒像心儿融化风霜雪雨我都不怕我爱草原我爱你你的山水会说话那火火的歌从冬唱到夏我想和你一起唱遍天涯这儿并不是我的家却将我的脚步留下不为漫山遍野的花你的笑容醉了云霞这儿并不是我的家却让我梦里总牵挂不为风中奔驰的马马背上的你更潇洒我爱草原我爱你你的怀抱最豁达像烈烈的酒像心儿融化风霜雪雨我都不怕我爱草原我爱你你的山水会说话那火火的歌从冬唱到夏我想和你一起唱遍天涯我爱草原我爱你你的怀抱最豁达像烈烈的酒像心儿融化风霜雪雨我都不怕我爱草原我爱你你的山水会说话那火火的歌从冬唱到夏我想和你一起唱遍天涯我想和你一起唱遍天涯3幸福舞曲幸福舞曲作词:许斌作曲:轻云望月编曲:望海高歌演唱:熊七梅昨夜细雨一直到晨曦洗涤了绿荫和大地微风送来了清爽的空气让心灵得到舒展的时机海边传来晨练的乐曲节奏伴随跳动的步履欢乐潇洒迎来旭日冉冉升起幸福是时代变迁的给与风景如画沁透人们的遐想欢乐拓展了精神的日益向上跳跃是夕阳之歌的美丽乐章健康是大海一帆风顺的远航霞光里有他有我也有你尽情的跳着一二三四五六七大爱是人间万物生灵的主题再现了文明健康接力不息让我们同跳幸福舞曲海边传来晨练的乐曲节奏伴随跳动的步履欢乐潇洒迎来旭日冉冉升起幸福是时代变迁的给与风景如画沁透人们的遐想欢乐拓展了精神的日益向上跳跃是夕阳之歌的美丽乐章健康是大海一帆风顺的远航霞光里有他有我也有你尽情的跳着一二三四五六七大爱是人间万物生灵的主题再现了文明健康接力不息让我们同跳幸福舞曲风景如画沁透人们的遐想欢乐拓展了精神的日益向上跳跃是夕阳之歌的美丽乐章健康是大海一帆风顺的远航霞光里有他有我也有你尽情的跳着一二三四五六七大爱是人间万物生灵的主题再现了文明健康接力不息让我们同跳幸福舞曲4亲爱的姑娘歌曲名:亲爱的姑娘歌手:陈咏亲爱的姑娘作词:阿郎作曲:阿郎原唱:陈咏编曲:喜子红红的脸庞像那花儿在开放迷人的大眼睛映着美丽的衣裳羞涩的目光仿佛在给我希望不顾一切爱上了你美丽的姑娘亲爱的姑娘你走在我的心上我愿为你日夜牵绊朝思暮想亲爱的姑娘你走在我的身旁我愿陪你到天荒地老到地久天长红红的脸庞像那花儿在开放迷人的大眼睛映着美丽的衣裳羞涩的目光仿佛在给我希望不顾一切爱上了你美丽的姑娘亲爱的姑娘你走在我的心上我愿为你日夜牵绊朝思暮想亲爱的姑娘你走在我的身旁我愿陪你到天荒地老到地久天长亲爱的姑娘你走在我的心上我愿为你日夜牵绊朝思暮想亲爱的姑娘你走在我的身旁我愿陪你到天荒地老到地久天长5感觉自己萌萌哒感觉自己萌萌哒作词:刘维作曲:刘维演唱:贾玲,刘维贾玲看着我的脸你怎么会突然害羞是不是被我的美貌冲昏了头我知道我完美的让你无路可走其实我只是有一点可爱过头刘维你会萌萌的害羞会萌萌的摇头会萌萌的说贾玲讨厌讨厌讨厌刘维我要你爱我永久萌翻你小宇宙永远要记得贾玲女人本来就很美贾玲,刘维感觉自己萌萌哒心里开出了花快乐就PAPAPA感觉自己萌萌哒想和你么么哒烦恼就PAPAPA~感觉自己萌萌哒感觉自己萌萌哒感觉自己萌萌哒刘维心里一直有句话感觉自己萌萌哒拍照不美不用怕感觉自己萌萌嗒贾玲就算体重一百八感觉自己萌萌哒我身轻如燕哈哈哈感觉自己萌萌哒贾玲看着我的脸你怎么会突然害羞是不是被我的美貌冲昏了头我知道我完美的让你无路可走其实我只是有一点可爱过头刘维你会萌萌的害羞会萌萌的摇头会萌萌的说贾玲讨厌讨厌讨厌刘维我要你爱我永久萌翻你小宇宙永远要记得女人本来就很美贾玲,刘维感觉自己萌萌哒心里开出了花快乐就PAPAPA感觉自己萌萌哒想和你么么哒烦恼就PAPAPA感觉自己萌萌哒感觉自己萌萌哒感觉自己萌萌哒刘维心里一直有句话感觉自己萌萌哒拍照不美不用怕感觉自己萌萌嗒贾玲就算体重一百八感觉自己萌萌哒我身轻如燕哈哈哈感觉自己萌萌哒贾玲,刘维感觉自己萌萌哒心里开出了花快乐就PAPAPA感觉自己萌萌哒想和你么么哒烦恼就PAPAPACome On Barbie Let's Go Party 快来啊追我啊Come On Barbie Let's Go Party 感觉自己萌萌哒Come On Barbie Let's Go Party 好想和你么么哒MuaMuaMua感觉自己萌萌哒感觉自己萌萌哒6小鲜肉<小鲜肉>词曲陈伟编曲于秋实录音军创录音棚混音阿KEN伴唱梦然演唱云飞儿RAP:冷漠制作人陈伟你的嘴角三十度微笑就连谷歌也百度不到比阳光闪耀比春风逍遥世界忽然变的更美妙你的眼里三千度火苗让我的心piapia的乱跳青春永不老世界都颠倒气死岁月这把杀猪刀你就是我的小鲜肉怎么看你都看不够一日不见就浑身难受好象睡觉找不到枕头你就是我的小鲜肉总想陪在你的左右不离不弃到天长地久就象奥特曼和小怪兽说唱:冷漠时间就象那多事的小偷关键的时刻就把你带走你还没笑够我也看不够藏着的情话还没说出口每天我守望你来的路口好象担心你离开了地球我的小鲜肉多想咬一口拥有了你我再也无所求7小苹果大菠萝小苹果大菠萝作词:郎郎(马志锋)作曲:郎郎(马志锋)原唱:郎郎(马志锋)你是我的小苹果,我是你的大菠萝让我牵着你的手,为你唱首歌你是我的小苹果,我是你的大菠萝让我牵着你的手,为你唱首歌小苹果,小苹果,我是你最爱的大菠萝小苹果,小苹果,你是我心中最美的一个小苹果,小苹果,和你在一起真的很快乐小苹果,小苹果,让我为你唱首歌,一首最爱的歌(说唱rap:小苹果那个大菠萝你们在一起真的很适合苦已过,那个涩也过,和和美美甜甜蜜蜜暖心窝苹果也不错呀,菠萝也不错,姑娘小伙幸福美满快快乐乐过甜甜是苹果呀,酸酸是菠萝酸酸甜甜很般配那叫一个乐)你是我的小苹果,我是你的大菠萝让我牵着你的手,为你唱首歌你是我的小苹果,,我是的大菠萝让我牵着你的手,为你唱首歌小苹果,小苹果,我是你最爱的大菠萝小苹果,小苹果,你是我心中最美的一个小苹果,小苹果,和你在一起真的很快乐小苹果,小苹果,让我为你唱首歌,一首最爱的歌8女神啾啾啾《女神啾啾啾》演唱:N Girls词:马智勇曲:老猫(RockCat)啾啾啾啾女神啾啾啾~啾啾啾啾女神啾啾啾~什么时候自拍变成一种流行病朋友圈里美颜瘦脸磨皮不能停败家同款大街小巷都布灵布灵(bling bling)哪款男生才是我的命中注定杀时间就一个人去电影院吃冰淇淋情侣一旁大秀恩爱卿卿我我真要命我的男神赶快和我来场偶遇行不行暖男大叔小鲜肉一起去旅行什么自在什么态女神和你谈恋爱什么妖精什么怪是我的小可爱什么香水什么派好想和你谈恋爱什么时代什么爱对我来表白啾~啾~啾~啾I need you,啾~啾~啾~啾I want you,啾~啾~啾~啾I love you啾啾啾啾啾啾——啾啾啾啾啾坏脾气小任性都是可爱的表现疼我宠我惯着我你说爱我没底线美女经过你的身边我要你视而不见姐妹们请和我男神要划清界线(说唱)大眼妹长腿妹女神都是我的好姐妹大派对小派对女神的风格全都对味长睫毛假睫毛女神的电眼要你疯掉摇一摇跳一跳女神就要听到你尖叫9我爱的人在新疆我爱的人儿在新疆作词:郑琳作曲:杜长江编曲:李凯稠录音:周晓明演唱:乌兰托娅伴唱:黑鸭子组合白天呀我的心绕着那天池转夜晚呀我的爱也站在那天山上守在你的身旁吃一口哈密瓜就甜透我的向往喝一杯葡萄酒就陶醉我的心房只因我爱上的人儿你在新疆总让我时时刻刻把你思量看一眼西山月就引发我的想象想一想雪莲花就开在我的梦乡只因我爱上的人儿你在新疆常让我打开心窗把你遥望自从你追求理想参军去了边防从此新疆就不再是那遥远的地方多想呀我的歌给你带去欢畅化作呀我的情温暖着你的胸膛自从你追求理想参军去了边防从此新疆就不再是那遥远的地方多想呀我的歌给你带去欢畅化作呀我的情温暖着你的胸膛给你一份力量给你一份力量10自在美自在美作词:马双云作曲:路勇编曲:李凯稠演唱:赵真风儿吹开花儿美小草舞蹈鸟儿飞谁的歌声万物醉醉的白云笑出泪仰望高山望流水蝴蝶飞飞来聚会一路高歌到天黑醉的星星来排队唱出情歌自在自在美仿佛身边还有还有谁一起来唱一起自在美唱到月亮听入睡唱出情歌自在自在美有你有我永远不会累一起沉醉一起自在美潇潇洒洒唱一回风儿吹开花儿美小草舞蹈鸟儿飞谁的歌声万物醉醉的白云笑出泪仰望高山望流水蝴蝶飞飞来聚会一路高歌到天黑醉的星星来排队唱出情歌自在自在美仿佛身边还有还有谁一起来唱一起自在美唱到月亮听入睡唱出情歌自在自在美有你有我永远不会累一起沉醉一起自在美潇潇洒洒唱一回Rap:唱吧唱掉烦恼一堆唱吧唱出快乐相随唱吧唱的年轻十岁唱吧唱出自在美唱出情歌自在自在美仿佛身边还有还有谁一起来唱一起自在美唱到月亮听入睡唱出情歌自在自在美有你有我永远不会累一起沉醉一起自在美潇潇洒洒唱一回潇潇洒洒唱一回11你是我的小绵羊你是我的小绵羊歌词填词:张艺源谱曲:张艺源编曲:关剑MV导演:王海萍每日每夜都守在你住处等待我的女神再次出现我要抓住一切机会可能伺机将你冰冷的心俘虏我等你等到每天天黑黑我想你想到无法入睡我爱你肥肥的肉柔软的毛爱你身上那股膻膻味道你是我的小小小绵羊咩~~~~咩咩咩我是你的灰灰灰太狼喔~~~~喔喔喔你是我的小小小绵羊咩~~~~咩咩咩我是你的武武武大郎喔~~~~喔喔喔我要一层一层一层一层的脱掉你的毛快到锅里来呀快到锅里来我要把你吃掉哇我要把你吃掉娘子!我等你等到每天天黑黑我想你想到无法入睡我爱你肥肥的肉柔软的毛爱你身上那股膻膻味道你是我的小小小绵羊咩~~~~咩咩咩我是你的灰灰灰太狼喔~~~~喔喔喔你是我的小小小绵羊咩~~~~咩咩咩我是你的武武武大郎喔~~~~喔喔喔说唱:你是一只什呀什么羊喜洋洋、懒洋洋还是一只小肥羊我是一只什呀什么狼灰太狼、红太郎还是你的武大郎你是一只什呀什么羊喜洋洋、懒洋洋还是一只小肥羊我是一只什呀什么狼灰太狼、红太郎还是你的武大郎呜~~你是我的小小小绵羊咩~~~~咩咩咩我是你的灰灰灰太狼喔~~~~喔喔喔你是我的小小小绵羊咩~~~~咩咩咩我是你的武武武大郎喔~~~~喔喔喔歌曲赏析神曲《你是我的小绵羊》集合了众多神曲元素。


7.1、WTW-16P ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 6 7.2、WTW-28P(板号 V1.1) .............................................................................................................................................................................7 7.3、WTW-28P(板号 V1.2) ...................................................................................................................................................8 7.4、WT588D-32L ..................................................................................................................................................................................................9 7.5、WT588D-18P............................................................................................................................................................................................... 10 7.6、WT588D-20SS ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 11 8、引脚详细描述 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 11 9、电气参数...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 12 10、环境绝对极限参数................................................................................................................................................................................................... 13 11、控制模式 ................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 13 11.1、MP3 模式 .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 13 11.2、按键控制模式.............................................................................................................................................................................................. 13

U Must Be舞出我人生1插曲

U Must Be舞出我人生1插曲

"U Must Be" - Gina Rene歌词When I'm with you (when I'm with you)You know you make my daysSo beautiful with your different ways (you know it)You make me lighter (yeah, ah)I'm moving with the wind (movin' with the wind)Love, you know what you got for meI got for you too, we can't pretend (I got for you too)Give me another chance to breathe inYou got all the things I'm needin'Together we're just so completeYou must be the reason I'm aliveGive me another chance to breathe in (yeah)You got all the things I'm needin' (all the things I need)Together we're just so completeYou must be the reason I'm alive (put it on me)It's all so new, yet so familiar (so familiar)Everytime I'm next to youI feel something like forever (you know how it is)Yes, that's right,Come on and talk to me (come on talk to me)Let some of that sweet poetic love fall over meGive me another chance to breathe inYou got all the things I'm needin' (you got all the things I need) Together we're just so completeYou must be the reason I'm aliveGive me another chance to breathe in (another chance to breathe in) You got all the things I'm needin' (you got all the things I need) Together we're just so completeYou must be the reason I'm aliveGive me another chance to breathe inYou got all the things I'm needin'Together we're just so completeAll this time I've been lookin' for someone like youI never really thought you existedNow I see my dreams are all coming true (you got all the things I'm needin') I just want to stay right here with you (together we're just so complete)You say I'm like fresh air for the birth of your new eyes (new eyes) I say you're like the sun bright enlightening my skies today (my skies) We got together to create a new world (a new world)Only a real man can understand the gift of this girl (oh yeah)Bells are ringin','Cause what you're bringin' has got me singin' (got me singin')Now I can breathe in, you're all I'm needin'Love is a-breezin', spring is the seasonI'm feeling so alive inside and you must be the reasonAll this time I've been lookin' for someone like youI never really thought you existedNow I see my dreams are all coming true (all coming true)I just want to stay right here with youGive me another chance to breathe in (ooh, give me)You got all the things I'm needin' (all your lovin' baby)Together we're just so complete (you know that I love you, you got me) You must be the reason I'm aliveGive me another chance to breathe in (ooh, baby you got me)You got all the things I'm needin' (you got all the things I need, yeah) Together we're just so complete (baby)You must be the reason I'm alive (you know I love you, I love)Give me another chance to breathe in (love you baby)You got all the things I'm needin' (yeah)Together we're just so completeYou must be the reason I'm aliveI feel so alive with youI feel so alive, I feel so alive with you。



《勇敢的我》是由李进与何佳乐共同作词,何佳乐作曲,金志文演唱 的一首歌曲。
《勇敢的我》这首歌由音乐人李进、何佳乐为金志文量身打造词曲, 金志文本人亲自改编制作,在流行摇滚中融入了动漫里中西合璧、史诗般 的大气风格。
在接到制作方邀请后,小文对这首歌十分重视,亲自为《勇敢的我》 编曲制作。他表示:“自己一口气把目前已经播出的《超神学院》看完了, 觉得是一部想象力特别了不起的奇幻作品。在制作时,金志文完全按照电 影大片主题曲的感觉进行发挥,唱的时候脑海里一直在想着片里的情节。” 最终呈现的《勇敢的我》极具画面感,在金志文标志性金属嗓音的演绎和 层次感丰富的编曲搭配下,犹如在短短三分钟内演绎了一出惊心动魄的大 片。
《春夜喜雨》是张靓颖演唱的歌曲,由杜甫和何佳乐作词,何佳乐作 曲。
歌曲歌词 哪来的一抹云 遮了我的月 半山腰浓雾下 风撩拨弄弦 清清浅浅 喜雨春夜 哪开的一池艳 染了整片天
《舍离断 (Live)》是《中国好歌曲第三季》选手何佳乐演唱的歌曲, 戴荃编曲,收录在2016年3月18日发行的专辑《中国好歌曲第三季第8期》 中。
《舍离断》是2017年1月28日上映电影《十全九美之真爱无双》的主 题曲,由杨子轩重新编曲,何佳乐演唱。
长夜晚 光阴慢 都说恩怨两难断 心难安扰纷乱 有几人能不纠缠 不坐仙山不坐禅 笑我打水用竹篮
《生生》是由何佳乐作词、作曲、田汨编曲、毛不易演唱的歌曲,电 视剧《玉骨遥》主题曲,于2023年7月5日发行
《问回答》是由何佳乐作词、作曲并演唱的一首歌曲,于2016年7月 27日发行。



第七张专辑--S.H.E《Encore!安可》 《 第七张专辑 !安可》
已经很精彩,还要给你更精彩!! 专辑名称:Encore 安可 演唱歌手:S.H.E 唱片公司:华研国际 发行时间:2004年11月12日 专辑语种:国语专辑1CD 01 候鸟词:方文山曲:周杰伦 编曲: 洪敬尧 02 痛快词:施人诚曲:左安安 编曲: Geo 03 别说对不起词:俞方曲:Britney Spears,Annette Stamatelatos 04 我爱你词:姚若龙曲: Geoman/Villalon from Sweetbox 05 斗牛士之歌词:姚若龙曲:左安安 06 对号入座词:于光中曲:Bob Heatlie 07 金钟罩铁布衫词:Funck 曲:Funck 08 大女人主义词:徐世珍曲:曹格 09 不在场词:李焯雄曲:王美莲 10.保持微笑词:施人诚曲:黄威尔
第四张专辑--S.H.E《Together 新歌 精选》 《 新歌+精选 精选》 第四张专辑
唱片公司:华研国际 发行时间:2003年1月23日 专辑语种:国语专辑2CD 【CD 1】S.H.E 半熟卵期音乐全纪录 01 Always On My Mind 02 白色恋歌 03 天使在唱歌 04 我和幸福有约定 05 Beauty Up My Life 06 恋人未满 07 美丽新世界 08 热带雨林 09 Remember 10.爱呢 11.Belief 12.Watch Me Shine 13.冰箱 14.你还好不好 15 爱情的海洋 16.爱我的资格 【CD 2】S.H.E半熟卵期传奇 全纪录VCD 1.S.H.E“回到未来-精选 集超爆笑电视广告完整版” 2.S.H.E出道大回顾访 谈 3.“Remember一定会” 舞蹈教学 4.“恋人未满”、 “Remember”、“美丽新世 界”MV 5.演唱会片段 6.“I've never been to me”遗珠MV 7.“Always On My Mind”MV 8.出道全程珍贵精华花 絮



然而走进一所以传统舞蹈为主的艺术学校,自由惯了的安迪 还是感到些许不适应--那种所谓的“高雅艺术”,她一直都 没办法全盘接受。与此同时,她与以前“410”的舞伴们的 关系也是越拉越远,在她缺席了几次舞蹈队的训练之后,队 长塔克将她除名……颇有点不服气的安迪决定在学校重新招 揽舞伴组团,而被她招至旗下的,也大多和她一样,是学校 的叛逆者、另类。由于太过招摇,安迪不出意外地引起了布 莱克·柯林斯的愤怒,这个势利自私的前芭蕾舞明星正好也 是掌管学校的人。不过颇有讽刺意味的是,布莱克的弟弟蔡 斯却渐渐被安迪的魅力所吸引,虽然他也是在正规的艺术院 校的传统熏陶下长大的,可是一直梦想着成为一名街头舞者, 所以他也加入了安迪的舞蹈队。 想当然,安迪的这种做法根本已经违反了学校严格的规章制 度,再加上他们受到了其他舞队的羞辱和排斥,于是他们决 定参加一次地下舞蹈竞赛,以证明自己的实力。而他们面对 的最大对手,就是由塔克领导的“410”。
男主角罗伯特·霍夫曼演绎坏小子蔡 斯,不仅神形兼备,跳舞时超级的协 调性与柔韧性,简直释放了一种情感 上的洪流,让人臣服。
该片作为续集遵循了原 著影片的常规,运用热 情洋溢的街头舞者去 PK傲慢、极端保守、 拥有良好的修养的传统 艺术捍卫者。 但本片的亮点在于它阐述 了舞蹈与人生真谛,歌颂 舞者应有的挑战精神,结 合音乐刺激了观众的生命 激情。更有精彩的街舞场 景,当镜头完全关注在舞 蹈上时,充实的画面饱满 得让人无话可说。
他出生在Gainesville, Florida,七岁的时候搬到 Madison, Alabama,Jerky Boys中的Johnny Brennan 是他心中的英雄之一,他喜欢拍摄短片(自己创作 编剧导演),通过这些录影带他在互联网上拥有了大批观众, 看完迈克尔·杰克逊的《Thriller》之后他发现自己对舞蹈的 热情。



"U Must Be" - Gina Rene歌词When I'm with you (when I'm with you)You know you make my daysSo beautiful with your different ways (you know it)You make me lighter (yeah, ah)I'm moving with the wind (movin' with the wind)Love, you know what you got for meI got for you too, we can't pretend (I got for you too)Give me another chance to breathe inYou got all the things I'm needin'Together we're just so completeYou must be the reason I'm aliveGive me another chance to breathe in (yeah)You got all the things I'm needin' (all the things I need)Together we're just so completeYou must be the reason I'm alive (put it on me)It's all so new, yet so familiar (so familiar)Everytime I'm next to youI feel something like forever (you know how it is)Yes, that's right,Come on and talk to me (come on talk to me)Let some of that sweet poetic love fall over meGive me another chance to breathe inYou got all the things I'm needin' (you got all the things I need) Together we're just so completeYou must be the reason I'm aliveGive me another chance to breathe in (another chance to breathe in) You got all the things I'm needin' (you got all the things I need) Together we're just so completeYou must be the reason I'm aliveGive me another chance to breathe inYou got all the things I'm needin'Together we're just so completeAll this time I've been lookin' for someone like youI never really thought you existedNow I see my dreams are all coming true (you got all the things I'm needin') I just want to stay right here with you (together we're just so complete)You say I'm like fresh air for the birth of your new eyes (new eyes) I say you're like the sun bright enlightening my skies today (my skies) We got together to create a new world (a new world)Only a real man can understand the gift of this girl (oh yeah)Bells are ringin','Cause what you're bringin' has got me singin' (got me singin')Now I can breathe in, you're all I'm needin'Love is a-breezin', spring is the seasonI'm feeling so alive inside and you must be the reasonAll this time I've been lookin' for someone like youI never really thought you existedNow I see my dreams are all coming true (all coming true)I just want to stay right here with youGive me another chance to breathe in (ooh, give me)You got all the things I'm needin' (all your lovin' baby)Together we're just so complete (you know that I love you, you got me) You must be the reason I'm aliveGive me another chance to breathe in (ooh, baby you got me)You got all the things I'm needin' (you got all the things I need, yeah) Together we're just so complete (baby)You must be the reason I'm alive (you know I love you, I love)Give me another chance to breathe in (love you baby)You got all the things I'm needin' (yeah)Together we're just so completeYou must be the reason I'm aliveI feel so alive with youI feel so alive, I feel so alive with you。

Low Flo Rida featuring TPain舞出我人生插曲2歌词

Low Flo Rida featuring TPain舞出我人生插曲2歌词

LowFlo-Rida Ft. T-pain[Chorus:]Shawty had them Apple Bottom Jeans [Jeans]Boots with the fur [With the fur]The whole club was lookin at her She hit the flo [She hit the flo] Next thing you knowShawty got low low low low low low low lowThem baggy sweat pantsAnd the Reeboks with the straps [With the straps]She turned around and gave that big booty a smack [Ayy] She hit the flo [She hit the flo]Next thing you knowShawty got low low low low low low low low[Verse 1:]I ain't never seen nuthin that'll make me go,This crazy all night spendin my doughHad a million dollar vibe and a bottle to goDem birthday cakes, they stole the showSo sexual, she was flexible Professional, drinkin X and ooo Hold up wait a minute, do I see what I think IWhoa Did I think I seen shorty get lowAin't the same when it's up that closeMake it rain, I'm makin it snowWork the pole, I got the bank rollImma say that I prefer them no clothesI'm into that, I love women exposedShe threw it back at me, I gave her moreCash ain't a problem, I know where it goesShe had them[Chorus:]Apple Bottom Jeans [Jeans]Boots with the fur [With the fur]The whole club was lookin at herShe hit the flo [She hit the flo]Next thing you knowShawty got low low low low low low low lowThem baggy sweat pantsAnd the Reeboks with the straps [With the straps]She turned around and gave that big booty a smack [Ayy] She hit the flo [She hit the flo]Next thing you knowShawty got low low low low low low low low [Verse 2:]Hey Shawty what I gotta do to get you homeMy jeans full of gwapAnd they ready for ShonesCadillacs Maybachs for the sexy grownPatrone on the rocks that'll make you moanOne stack (come on) Two stacks (come on) Three stacks (come on, now that's three grand) What you think I'm playin baby girl I'm the man, I'll bend the rubber bandsThat's what I told her, her legs on my shoulderI knew it was ova, that Henny and ColaGot me like a SoldierShe ready for Rover, I couldn't control herSo lucky oo me, I was just like a cloverShorty was hot like a toasterSorry but I had to fold her, Like a pornography posterShe showed her[Chorus:]Apple Bottom Jeans [Jeans]Boots with the fur [With the fur]The whole club was lookin at herShe hit the flo [She hit the flo]Next thing you knowShawty got low low low low low low low lowThem baggy sweat pantsAnd the Reeboks with the straps [With the straps]She turned around and gave that big booty a smack [Ayy]She hit the flo [She hit the flo]Next thing you knowShawty got low low low low low low low low[Verse 3:]Whoa Shawty Yea she was worth the money Lil mama took my cash,And I ain't want it back,The way she bit that rag,Got her them paper stacks,T attoo Above her crack,I had to handle that,I was on it, sexy woman, let me showninThey be want it two in the morninI'm zonin in them rosay bottles foaminShe wouldn't stop, made it dropShorty did that pop and lock,Had to break her off that gwapGah it was fly just like my glock[Chorus:]Apple Bottom Jeans [Jeans]Boots with the fur [With the fur]The whole club was lookin at herShe hit the flo [She hit the flo]Next thing you knowShawty got low low low low low low low lowThem baggy sweat pantsAnd the Reeboks with the straps [With the straps]She turned around and gave that big booty a smack [Ayy] She hit the flo [She hit the flo]Next thing you knowShawty got low low low low low low low lowC'mon。



1. 'Bout It - Yung Joc/3LW (最后舞蹈展示上的音乐,影片中是混合伴奏音乐,舞蹈别出心裁)2. Get Up - Ciara/Chamillionaire (影片结束歌曲)3. (When You Gonna) Give It Up To Me - Sean Paul/Keyshia Cole(Nora和Tyler在俱乐部晚会上开始交谈前的歌曲)4. Show Me The Money - Petey Pablo (影片开始部分的歌曲)5. 80's Joint - Kelis (Tyler and Camille 在自家门口外跳舞时歌曲)6. Step Up - Samantha Jade (Nora和Tyler第三次合练时的歌曲)7. Say Goodbye - Chris Brown (Nora和Lucy交谈时一段非常轻的音乐)8. Dear Life - Anthony Hamilton (原来的男舞者伤愈回来后,男女主角发生了争执男主角到公交车上时播放的一首插曲)9. For the Love - Drew Sidora/Mario (Miles 和Lucy /Tyler 和Nora在俱乐部晚会上交谈时的歌曲)10. Ain't Cha - Clipse/Re-Up Gang/Roscoe P. Goldchain (出现于影片开始不久的家庭party上)11. I'mma Shine - YoungBloodZ (Omar 举办的party上,Mac弟弟Skinny挨枪前的歌)12. Feelin' Myself - Dolla (男主角Tyler 破坏东西被逮后,回家躺在自己房间里戴上耳机时的歌曲)13. 'Til the Dawn - Drew Sidora (在俱乐部晚会上Lucy演唱的歌曲,高潮部分,舞蹈很棒)14. Lovely - Deep Side (没出现在影片中)15. U Must Be - Gina Rene (Nora和Tyler在外面练舞时的歌曲,很浪漫的情景!)16. Made - Jamie Scott (在俱乐部晚会上开始时的歌曲)影片中出现的非原声音乐1. Attention Please - Alias (Omar举办的party上的歌曲之三)2. Canon In D - Nuttin but Stringz (在学校走廊上两名黑人拉小提琴手拉的乐曲)3. Cleaning Song - Ron Feemster (Tyler在学校打扫是背景音乐)4. Crazy Strings - Chris N Drop (Nora和Tyler 第一次合练之前,Nora一个人在练舞时录音机里播放的音乐)5. Damn - Novel (Nora 和Tyler 跳舞作乐,拥抱,接吻时的歌曲)6. Get It - Tip T.I. Harris (男主角Tyler在家庭party上跳舞时的音乐)7. Maidens of the Grove - Jeanette Ortea Et. Al (在学校走廊上三名女生唱的歌曲)8. Imma Shine - Youngbloodz (instrumental version) (Miles为Nora或团队排练制作的伴奏音乐)9. Little Dap - Mark Ronson (Tyler和他的朋友打篮球时的音乐)10. Love Life - Fatboy Slim / Macy Gray (女主角Nora试练一个个男伴舞时的歌曲)11. Philosophy - Josh Henderson (Nora男友Brett在录音棚录音时的的歌曲)12. Pushin' -C Ride (Tyler和Mac开着偷来的车到Omar处的歌)13. Shiloh's Piano - Shiloh Monaco (钢琴演奏曲--学校负责人Gordon视察一名学生弹钢琴时)14. What Up - Rhymefest (Omar举办的party上的歌曲之二)15. The Choice is Yours - Black Sheep (Tyler的黑人朋友开车来学校,Tyler在学校停车场附近跳舞时的歌曲)16. Toma - Armando Perez / Lil Jon (Omar举办的party上的歌曲之一)17. Tonight - Kwame B Holland (Miles为Nora 或团队排练制作的伴奏音乐)18. Violette - Kathleen Crees (Tyler站在阳台上开始的背景音乐)19. Showcase Song - Mario / Petey Pablo (mix) (最后舞蹈展示上的音乐,舞蹈独具一格)Step up2: 1.Is it you---Cassie 2.Push---Enrique Iglesias 3.Hypnotized---Plies 4.Low---Florida 5.Killa---Cherish 6.Shake Your pom pom---Missy Elliott 7.Church---T-pain 8.Let it go---Ale brittit 9.Can't Help but wait---Plies 10.Ain't No stressin---Montana Tucker 11.Ching a ling---Missy Elliott 12.Lives In da club---Sophia Fresh 13.Impossible---Bayje 14.Say Cheese---KC 15.Girl you know---Scarface 16.369---Cupid 附: 1. "Low" Flo Rida featuring T-Pain 3:50(影片后部分”地下街舞秀“开始时及影片结束后第一首音乐) 2. "Shake Your Pom Pom" Missy Elliott 4:00 (女主角Andie和她团队练舞时及影片结束后他们“自娱自乐”时的音乐) 3. "Killa" Cherish featuring Yung Joc 3:50 (女主角在舞台上面试跳舞时的音乐) 4. "Hypnotized" Plies featuring Akon 3:08 (女主角面试失败后跟她朋友在一起时的音乐) 5. "Is It You" Cassie 3:57 (影片结束后字幕滚动时的倒数第二首歌) 6. "Can't Help But Wait (Remix)" Trey Songz featuringPlies 3:24 7. "Church" T-Pain 4:00 (女主角与第一部中的男主角比舞时的音乐)8. "Ching-a-Ling" Missy Elliott 3:38 (女主角的团队第一次在“地下街舞俱乐部”,“敌对”团队跳舞“炫耀”时的音乐)9. "Push" Enrique Iglesias 3:28 10. "369" Cupid featuring BoB 3:31 (男主角向女主角一一介绍组成团队的成员时的背景音乐)11. "Impossible" Bayje 4:08 (影片结束后字幕滚动时的最后一首歌)12. "Lives in Da Club" Sophia Fresh featuring Jay Lyriq 3:28 13. "Girl You Know (Remix)" Scarface featuring Trey Songz 4:15(男主角送女主角回她朋友那,及女主角跟她的朋友第一次出现分歧时的背景音乐)14. "Say Cheese" KC 4:05 15. "Let It Go" Brit & Alex 3:21 16. "Ain't No Stressin" Montana Tucker, Sikora and Denial 4:19。



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那些百听不厌的纯音乐歌单68664那些百听不厌的纯音乐谁见到过风标签:轻音乐简介:重新排列了一下曲目,按作曲家或风格分类,排名不分先后~~歌曲列表1PneumaticTokyoEnV - Pneumatic Tokyo2Dream Land DaysKirby's Dream Band - The Pink Album3Monkeys Spinning MonkeysKevin MacLeod - Monkeys Spinning Monkeys4Merry GoKevin MacLeod - Silent Film:Light Collection5Zigeunerweisen Op.20Various Artists - 50 Best Romantic Classics6Where are youAniFace - Where are you7青石巷魏琮霏- Wei8happy tree friends 主题曲Various Artists - 最新热歌慢摇939The Benny Hill Show ('Yakety Sax')Boots Randolph - Television's Greatest Hits, Vol.6: RemoteControl10? ?? ????? - Winter Story11?????????????- ?????12鳥獣戯画(原曲:佐渡の二ッ岩)梶迫小道具店-M3313賭神卢冠廷- 赌神电影原声14PolskaSava -Aire15睡莲A Water Lily贾鹏芳- 和平之月·二胡16乡间的小路(笛子)群星- 音乐诗画·夏17佐渡ノ化狸(原曲:佐渡の二ッ岩)Sound Refil - 晴雲秋月18From the Ashes RebornTwelve Titans Music - More Than Human19夏遊び、神遊び狐の工作室- 東方幻想界-風神録の音-20PitcairnStoryMichael Conn - Globe Trekker - Epic21风の誓い梁邦彦- The Gate of Dreams22Into The SunLiquid Cinema - 最新热歌慢摇10223??? ??? ?? ???Sweet Latte- ??? ??? ?? ???24??(Inst.)V.A. - ??? OST25Epic Hollywood TrailerPeter McIsaac Music - Epic Hollywood Trailer26Grad Erlija -Retrospektiva-Rigel Theatre - Grad Erlija -Retrospektiva-27今日ぞハレの日、われらが祭りForest306 - Flowers28Die Fledermaus - Overture (2004 Digital Remaster)Sergiù Celibidache / Münchner Philharmoniker - Opera Overtures29深谷幽兰周子雷- 千年风雅30春告鳥藤原道山- かぎぅた31渔舟唱晚中央民族乐团- 古筝传奇32Rain坂本龍一- 199633ATRIA -With Earth's Shadow-Rigel Theatre - SOLROS ~Eternal Memory~34Rachmaninov : Piano Concerto No.3 in D minor Op. 30 _ I. Allegro ma non tantoVladimir Horowitz - Live at Carnegie Hall35?? ?? ??? ??Crepe - Always By Your Side36New Light No ChoirMark Petrie - 1M1 Music Volume 837岭头山色群星- 空山寂寂38StarlightEpicMusicVn - LYRA39Concerto in A minor for 4 keyboards, BWV1065: I. AllegroJean-Pierre Wallez - Bach: Keyboard Concertos40黑小伙A Black Guy(蒙古族民歌)贺西格- 归来的马41Last ReunionEpicMusicVn -Lament of Valkyrie42Main themeMili - MuNiCa - Cry of Pluto (Original Sound Track)43Whatever徐梦圆- Alone44时雨徐梦圆- 曾经的纯音乐45古筝梁祝中央民族乐团- 古筝传奇46崖下栖心群星- 空山寂寂47归雁(2008 Instrumental Version)月吟诗- [原创][2008] 归雁48云水禅心群星- 听筝49摇篮曲Lullaby(蒙古族民歌)贺西格- 归来的马50万吨匿名信闫东炜- 【音游专辑】风屿51诗をひとつまみししまいブラザーズ- 小楽符52Merry Christmas Mr. LawrenceRin' - Christmas CoverSongs53Cello RomaanceShire Music - Epic World Volume5 Archangel 大天使(2014)54AnonymousNoicybino - L.A.N.E55山野幽居王俊雄- 书香音乐系列(一)云水56平湖秋月中央民族乐团- 古筝传奇57梦里水乡群星- 中国笛子58Qapad NanAlborada Del Inka - Alborada Del Inka 259BWV 1060, AllegroJulia Fischer - BachConcertos60Beyond The Trails Of TearsAmanecer Ecuador - The Wolf Spirit61ModeratoFritz Reiner - Rachmaninoff Concerto No.2 & Rhapsody On A Theme Of Paganini62Train Station Lullaby (Lullatone remix) - remixI Am Robot and Proud - Uphill City Remixes & Collaborations63if...DAISHI DANCE - beatlessBEST... Mellow Relaxation.64水姻缘蒋倩- 古筝新韵1-水姻缘65夜宴紫禁宫李志辉- 李志辉作品精选集66春江花月夜(古筝)王玽- 21世纪中国音乐民族器乐欣赏(三)67百花魁と白徳利ぽんきち- Flower Garden68??? ?? ??? (SBS'?' ???)(SBS '?' 插曲)Crepe - Always By Your Side69达古拉包朝克- 马头琴魂传说70here comes the sweater weatherLullatone - Falling for Autumn - EP71禅茶一味群星- 莲心不染72中华民谣群星- 中国笛子73晚秋(古筝)群星- 国乐.发烧品74BambooPiano Master - Beautiful Forest75醉红颜刘依朵- 新水浒传电视原声带76Piano Concerto No.3 in D minor, Op.30 : 3. Finale (Alla breve)Vladimir Ashkenazy - Sergei Rachmaninoff - Complete Works For Piano77虚静巫娜- 天禅78命(原曲:next to you)S9ryne - 【寄生獣セイの格率】Doujin Music79荀彧(纯音乐版)群星- 热门华语25880Beethoven - Piano Sonata No. 17 in D minor (‘Tempest’), Op. 31/2: AllegrettoMaurizio Pollini - Maurizio Pollini Edition81爱江山更爱美人群星- 茶韵古筝82Harvest Moon (Cornflowers II)Sopor ?ternus & the Ensemble of Shadows - Children of the Corn83樱华彩(off vocal)himmel - 樱华彩84El Condor PasaLeo Rojas - Spirit Of The Hawk85Love Story ThemeMantovani & His Orchestra - Mantovani's Film Favourites86一起走过的日子李炜- 魔筝(流行篇)87Concerto No.3 in G majorBWV.1048 - 1. (ohne Satzbezeichnung)Karl Richter /Münch ener Bach-Orchester - Brandenburg Concertos Nos.1 - 688平静的喜悦巫娜- 天禅89印度琵琶之魂缪晓铮- 印度琵琶90Trinity: Con la Stella Di VicesceriffoFranco Micalizzi - Lo Chiamavano Trinita (They Call Me Trinity)91子规声里驻年光Rhododendrons In Springtime群星- 花间集92轻风四季音色- 春夏之交,轻旋淡律93微风细雨张毅- 一听钟情94君心我心(琵琶)群星- 国乐.发烧品95江上清风游变奏的梦想- 循梦渡96Love home小周- Love home97のんびり晴ればれ(M-40AB/M-41AB/M-60A)多田彰文- ジャングルはいつもハレのちグウオリジナル?サウンド?トラック98Prelude in G Minor, Op. 23,No.5Sergei Rachmaninoff - A Window In Time Rachmaninoff performs his solo piano works99城里的月光蒋倩- 古筝新韵2-情深深雨蒙蒙100The Godfather: Main ThemeAndré Rieu - The 100 Most Beautiful Melodies (6 CD Box Set)101フンフンフン?だよ、らき☆すた神前暁- らき☆すたDVD Vol.01 限定版特典CD102The Conqueror Worm IISopor ?ternus & the Ensemble of Shadows - Sanatorium Altrosa103世事如风古琴、箫、巴乌群星- 秋水悠悠104月下独酌王俊雄- 书香音乐系列(五)花间梦事105蝴蝶与蓝Butterfly & Blue吴莉- 蝴蝶与蓝106任逍遥巫娜- 天禅107Over the HillsDavid Arkenstone - Celtic Journeys: A David Arkenstone CelticCollection108Hungarian Dance No.5 in G minor - Orchestrated by Martin Schmeling (?-1943)Johannes Brahms / Wiener Philharmoniker / Claudio Abbado - Brahms: 21 Ungarische Tanze (Hungarian Dances)109谷雨伴奏桑葚上的猴子- 谷雨110Sarasate: Zigeunerweisen, Op.20James Levine / Wiener Philharmoniker / Anne / Sophie Mutter - ASM35 - The Complete Musician - Highlights111Symphony No.9 in E minor, op.95 'From the New World': 4. Allegro con fuocoHerbert von Karajan / Wiener Philharmoniker - Dvo?ák: Symphonie No.9 'From the New World' / Smetana: Moldau112飘摇周桃桃- 夜宴.情筝113Il Buono il Brutto il Cattivo (Titoli)Ennio Morricone - The Good, the Bad and the Ugly114変态乳牛Tom-H@ck - 仆は友达が少ないオリジナルサウンドトラック115山凤归了古琴、箫、排箫群星- 秋水悠悠116O Son Do ArLuar Na Lubre - XV Aniversario117Violin Concerto N.2 in B Minor 'La Campanella': III. Rondò, Andantino Allegretto Moderato 'La Campanella'Salvatore Accardo - Niccolò Paganini: The Complete Violin Concertos118The Good, the Bad, and theUglyCalifornia Guitar Trio - An Opening Act: On Tour with King Crimson119漫漫千里行蒋婷/ 磯村由纪子- 蓝色的思念120John Ryan's PolkaBallycastle - Best of Bagpipes121こなたのテーマ、インドバージョン神前暁- らき☆すたDVD Vol.05 限定版特典CD122H?gt, kemur ljósieólafur Arnalds - ...and they have escaped the weight of darkness123AtlanticSleeping at Last - Atlas:Oceans124Georges Bizet: Habanera from Carmen / La Cumparsita(比才:卡门- 哈巴涅拉/假面舞会)Martynas - Martynas125记得风潮唱片- 国外代理馆-韩国HUKS MUSIC系列-幸福不思议126SambaLudovico Einaudi - I Giorni127“冬のソナタ”~初めから今まで中村由利子- 恋人たちLovers128Espana CaniAndré Rieu - The 100 Most Beautiful Melodies (6 CD Box Set)129Speak Softly, LoveDavid Davidson - Silver Screen Classics130Yankee Doodle/Battle Cry Of FreedomCraig Duncan - Country Mountain America131Radetzky March Op. 228 (2005 Digital Remaster)Herbert von Karajan - 100 BestKarajan132Requiem For A DreamJennifer Thomas - Illumination133你不是真正的快乐赵海洋- 热门华语233134Requiem for a dreamCorde Oblique - Per le strade ripetute135The Happy Troll (Griefing ThemeSong)D1ofaquavibe - The Happy Troll (Griefing Theme Song)136NostalgieLuigi Rubino - A Theme for theMoon137Tango para Mi Padre y MarialunaAshram - Shining Silver Skies138Faidherbe square (instrumental)ProleteR - Curses from past times139未闻花名- 口琴版V.A. - 最新热歌慢摇95140D'invernoLuigi Rubino - A Theme for the Moon141茜云遠TONE音- 远TONE音142《夜色钢琴曲》愿得一人心赵海洋- 《夜色钢琴曲》143遗忘石进- 夜的钢琴曲Ⅱ144Strings For A Queen (Original Mix)ELYZA / Xan - XAN & ELYZA145Glorious Morning(游戏《战争进化史》/《米拉奇战记》配乐)Waterflame - Community Favorites146Fell for UNoicybino - Fell forU147Tiny Heart,Tiny LoveDJ Soviet - Tiny Heart ,Tiny Love148BWV 1041, (Allegro moderato)Julia Fischer - Bach Concertos149天之痕(钢琴版)群星- 热门华语218150Astral Requiem(星际安魂曲)山下直人- 最新热歌慢摇71151森林古堡文武贝- 森林古堡152Adagio for Summer WindKey Sounds Label - クドわふたーオリジナルサウンドトラック153Old MoneyPiano Tribute Players - Piano Tribute to Lana Del Rey, Vol. 2154The Moon Represents My HeartKenny G - Love Ballads1551967ゴンチチ- humble music156L a veilléeYann Tiersen - LesRetrouvailles157夏祭り、夢花火。




2006年BBC ⾃然纪录⽚《地球脉动》⼀经推出就被奉为经典,收获了艾美奖、⽪博迪奖等34项⼤奖。




上线之10年后《地球脉动II》来了,后,⾖瓣⽂艺青年们⼀度给出了⾼达10分的满分,可是更多的⽹友却说:其实我愿意给11分!超长预告⽚《地球脉动II》 | 02'46''⼀位⼼中静⽔流深的⽼⼈,也将⼀⽣贡献与此。

David Attenborough ⼤卫·阿滕伯勒公爵是英国⽣物学家、博物学家、英国⼴播公司电视节⽬主持⼈及制作⼈。


⽽这⼀次,《地球脉动Ⅱ》由David⽼爷⼦监制,并且亲⾃解说,⽽⽽今年他刚好90岁!巨⼤的投⼊,艰难的摄制过程《地球脉动 II》的制作团队历时 2089 个拍摄⽇,历经 117 趟摄制之旅,⾛访 40 个不同国家,才拍出了这部纪录⽚。









Step Up 3原声插曲一开始莫斯的公园战:NASA ft. Spank Rock, M.I.A., Santogold - Whachadoin 莫斯戳泡泡时的插曲:Estelle ft. Kardinal Offishall - I Can Be a Freak路克载莫斯的时候:Jay-Z - Empire State of Mind到路克家他开门的时候:K'Naan - ABC's刚到舞窟时的歌:T-Pain - Take Your Shirt Off路克在舞窟跟女主角玩躲猫猫:Static Revenger and Richard Vission ft. Luciana - I Like That女主角在扩音室练舞:T ania Doko - Joyride屋顶训练:Jesse McCartney - Up (Remix)团队练习:Chromeo - Fancy Footwork到第一场比赛时:Savage ft. Soulja Boy - Swing比赛开始,红勾:Mims - Move If You Wanna海盗队:Busta Rhymes - Tear Da Roof Off男女主角拿思乐冰走在路上背景音乐:Trey Songz - Already Taken 思乐冰把戏:Laza Morgan - This Girl第二场比赛音乐:Madcon - Beggin'海盗队庆祝玩吉他英雄唱歌:Eddie Schwartz - Hit Me With Your Best Shot(原唱歌手:Pat Benatar)男女主角探戈:Jazmine Sullivan - Bust Your Windows海盗队解散大家都在吵架时:Jessie J - Who U R莫斯去道歉在街上跳舞:Fred Astaire - I Won't Dance莫斯跟路克在咖啡厅背景音乐:Joe Brooks - Superman第二集队员回来出场时:J Cole - Who Dat莫斯介绍他的旧队员/团练:Flo Rida ft. David Guetta - Club Can't Handle Me 总决赛刚开始别人在跳的片段:Wale ft. Lady Gaga - Chillin第一回合海盗队:歌手还不知道- Tommy’s Theme第一回合武士队:Get Cool ft. Petey Pablo - Let Me C It第二回合海盗队:Timbaland - Ease Off The Liquor第二回合武士队:The Roots - Here I Come第三回合海盗队:Outkast - Ghetto Musick第三回合武士队:Rye Rye ft. MIA - Bang然后女主角出来跳:Ericka June - Work The Middle跳完后观众欢呼时的插曲:Sophia Fresh - This InstantLED第一首:Fly Stylz - Crush the FloorLED第二首:DJ Laz ft. Flo Rida, Casely - Move Shake Drop(Remix)小海盗跳完后LED第三首:David Rush ft. Pitbull, Kevin Rudolf - Shooting Star比赛结束观众欢呼时:T.I. ft. Keri Hilson的Got Your Back录像回忆片段,莫斯要主修两学系的时候:Blue October - Congratulations 车站道别片段:Scott Mallone - What We Are Made Of电影结束舞蹈片段:Get Cool - Shawty Got Moves一个舞者在椅子上SOLO:Common ft. Lily Allen - Driving Me Wild其他我没听到别人说有出现的:舞窟:Electrixx - Tetris思乐冰走在路上时:Roscoe Dash ft. T-Pain - My Own Step女主角生日:Jim Long - Concerto for 2 Violins, Strings and Continuo in DMinor。



1. alicia keys、jay z - empire state of mind2. busta rhymes - tear da roof off3. chromed - fancy footwork4. common - drivin' me wild - ft.lily allen5. eminem - superman6. Estelle feat. Kardishal - Freak7. fergie - here i come8. Flo-Rida feat. David Guetta - Club Can't Handle Me9. flo rida、pitbull - laz - move shake drop10. get cool - shawty got moves11. hit me with your best shot12. houston - i like that13. Jesse McCartney - Turn It Up14. k'naan - abcs15. Madcon Beggin (Original version)16. Mims - Move (If Y ou Wanna)17. sophia fresh - no te quiero18. plus one - let me be the one19. roxette - joyride20. rye rye - bang - feat. m.i21. scott mallone - what we are made of22. sophia fresh - this instant23. spirit of the radio - bonus trackza morgan - this girl25. t - pain - roscoe dash - fabo - my own step26. t - pain - take your shirt off27. trey songz - already taken28. wale&lady gaga - chillin29. N.A.S.A (Feat. M.I.A., Spank Rock, Santigold, Nick Zinner) - Whachadoin?30. young jeezy - who dat31.Jazmine feat. The Dream - Bust Y our Windows (Remix)32.Wisin y Y andel- Irresistible33. Get Cool (Feat. Petey Pablo)- Let Me C It34.Jessie J - Who U R1. Low (FloRida feat. T-Pain)2. Shake Y our Pom Pom (Missy Elliott)3. Killa (Cherish feat. Y ung Joc)4. Hypnotized (Plies feat. Akon)5. Is It Y ou (Cassie)6. Can't Help But Wait (Trey Songz feat. Plies) (Remix)7. Church (T-Pain feat. Teddy V erseti)8. Ching-A-Ling (Missy Elliott)9. Push (Enrique Iglesias)10. 3-6-9 (Cupid feat. B.o.B )11. Impossible (Bayje)12. Lives In Da Club (Sophia Fresh feat. Jay Lyriq)13. Girl Y ou Know (Scarface feat. Trey Songz)14. Say Cheese (KC)15. 15.Let It Go (Brit & Alex)16. Ain't No Stressin (Montana Tucker, Sikora and Denial)1 Start of something New2 Get'cha Head in the Game3 What I've Been Looking For4 What I've Been Looking For (reprise)5 Stick to the Status Quo6 When There Was Me and Y ou7 Bop to the Top8 Breaking Free9 We're All in this Together10 I Can't Take My Eyes Off of Y ou11 Get'cha Head in the Game (by B5)。

'Til the Dawn - Drew Sidora舞出我人生插曲

'Til the Dawn - Drew Sidora舞出我人生插曲

Drew Sidora - 'Til The DawnDrew:Ah, Ah (x4)Yeaah, ooh, woaa, woaa, whoa whuh-oh, no, no(Out on the weekend, Out on the weekend, Out on the weekend, Out on the weekend)Let them in, get the lights, let party beginMix a little love, get the mood jumpinFrom New York to Miami by tenI think I'm ready to goHigh, every time that we hit up our spotSee everyone in line, and they payin a lot'Cept their payin for the nightCuz the drinks are fixedBut the music is freeYou want it, you got itYou need it, but you know you gotta have it boyThe music is freein'(Out on the weekend, Out on the weekend, weekend)This is for the girl s comin' from NYCI'm feelin' you like yous familyAnd everybody down from LA to BCRockin' to the same old CDsThis is for the kids in the clubs and the streetTalkin' bout you work three deityGet on the dance floor where the music is freeSlip, gone until the dawn's gone with meGone until the dawn's gone with meWhere the music is freeSlip, gone until the dawn's gone with me(Out on the weekend, on the weekend, weekend)*spoken:Now all my ladies,Move it to the front,Show 'em what you gotOoh, ooh, oohOh, Oh oohOh, Oh oohOh, Oh ooh, ooh, oohFellas?Oh, like that(scratched:All my ladies, A-A-All my ladies-Oh... ahAll my ladies, A-A-All my ladies-Oh... ahOh....Oh, Oh (x4)Mario:And all my ladies say (Ah, Ah)And all the fellas say (Ah, Ah)Everybody say (Ah, Ah)Come dance with me, ohh (Ah Ah)Drew:And they say we allDance like this, we have the men in bed and offTill there mornin', t here we go lettin offTyler's droppin onto the table topOnce again, you can shake your thang and there aint no copsThis is for the girl s comin' from NYCI'm feelin' you like yous familyAnd everybody down from LA to BCRockin' to the same old CDsThis is for the kids in the clubs and the streetTalkin' bout you work three deityGet on the dance floor where the music is freeSlip, gone until the dawn's gone with meThis is for the girl s comin' from NYCI'm feelin' you like yous familyAnd everybody down from LA to BCRockin' to the same old CDsThis is for the kids in the clubs and the streetTalkin' bout you work three deityGet on the dance floor where the music is freeSlip, gone until the dawn's gone with meGone until the dawn's gone with meWhere the music is freeSlip, gone until the dawn's gone with me (Out on the weekend, on the weekend, weekend)。

Shake Your Pom Pom Missy Elliott 舞出我人生2插曲

Shake Your Pom Pom Missy Elliott 舞出我人生2插曲

[Chorus:]I see you got low,And you got plenty more to show, (go)Shake it like a pom pom,Like a pom pom,Shake it like a pom pom,Like a pom pom, (go)Like you tryna win a contest fa'sho,Oh,Show you how to shake it,How the booty shakin',Show you how to shake it,See how the booty shakin'[Verse 1:]See the booty shake,Like an earthquake,There is no escape,When I shake it in your face,Now don't you wanna tape my booty shakin' on your tape, So show it to yours boys,See the look on all they face,I move it to the left, move it to the right,Double time, double time, iight,Show 'em what they like,Look at it, look at it,Slow motion, freeze,Stop for the camera,Paparazzi wanna see,Cheese,Hello, hey how you doin'?,I shake it like this,Let me see if you can do it,Drop, drop, drop, drop, drop it on the one,Shake, shake, shake, shake,They face all stunned,If you got it, got it, got it,Move if kinda fast,Boys all dance,While they tryna make a pass,(whistle)Whistle while you work,Go' head do your dirt,Even if you like to flirt,Lift up your skirt,Then turrn 'em out,One lil' girl,Go 'head shake it out...[Chorus:]I see you got low,And you got plenty more to show, (go) Shake it like a pom pom,Like a pom pom..。

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《舞出我人生1》1. 'Bout It - Yung Joc/3LW (最后舞蹈展示上的音乐,影片中是混合伴奏音乐,舞蹈别出心裁)2. Get Up - Ciara/Chamillionaire (影片结束歌曲)3. (When You Gonna) Give It Up To Me - Sean Paul/Keyshia Cole(Nora和T yler在俱乐部晚会上开始交谈前的歌曲)4. Show Me The Money - Petey Pablo (影片开始部分的歌曲)5. 80's Joint - Kelis (Tyler and Camille 在自家门口外跳舞时歌曲)6. Step Up - Samantha Jade (Nora和T yler第三次合练时的歌曲)7. Say Goodbye - Chris Brown (Nora和Lucy交谈时一段非常轻的音乐)8. Dear Life - Anthony Hamilton (原来的男舞者伤愈回来后,男女主角发生了争执男主角到公交车上时播放的一首插曲)9. For the Love - Drew Sidora/Mario (Miles 和Lucy /Tyler 和Nora在俱乐部晚会上交谈时的歌曲)10. Ain't Cha - Clipse/Re-Up Gang/Roscoe P. Goldchain (出现于影片开始不久的家庭party上)11. I'mma Shine - YoungBloodZ (Omar举办的party上,Mac弟弟Skinny挨枪前的歌)12. Feelin' Myself - Dolla (男主角T yler破坏东西被逮后,回家躺在自己房间里戴上耳机时的歌曲)13. 'Til the Dawn - Drew Sidora (在俱乐部晚会上Lucy演唱的歌曲,高潮部分,舞蹈很棒)14. Lovely - Deep Side (没出现在影片中)15. U Must Be - Gina Rene (Nora和Tyler在外面练舞时的歌曲,很浪漫的情景!)16. Made - Jamie Scott (在俱乐部晚会上开始时的歌曲)影片中出现的非原声音乐1. Attention Please - Alias (Omar举办的party上的歌曲之三)2. Canon In D - Nuttin but Stringz (在学校走廊上两名黑人拉小提琴手拉的乐曲)3. Cleaning Song - Ron Feemster (Tyler在学校打扫是背景音乐)4. Crazy Strings - Chris N Drop (Nora和Tyler第一次合练之前,Nora一个人在练舞时录音机里播放的音乐)5. Damn - Novel (Nora 和Tyler 跳舞作乐,拥抱,接吻时的歌曲)6. Get It - Tip T.I. Harris (男主角Tyler在家庭party上跳舞时的音乐)7. Maidens of the Grove - Jeanette Ortea Et. Al (在学校走廊上三名女生唱的歌曲)8. Imma Shine - Youngbloodz (instrumental version) (Miles为Nora或团队排练制作的伴奏音乐)9. Little Dap - Mark Ronson (Tyler和他的朋友打篮球时的音乐)10. Love Life - Fatboy Slim / Macy Gray (女主角Nora试练一个个男伴舞时的歌曲)11. Philosophy - Josh Henderson (Nora男友Brett在录音棚录音时的的歌曲)12. Pushin' - C Ride (Tyler和Mac开着偷来的车到Omar处的歌)13. Shiloh's Piano - Shiloh Monaco (钢琴演奏曲--学校负责人Gordon视察一名学生弹钢琴时)14. What Up - Rhymefest (Omar举办的party上的歌曲之二)15. The Choice is Yours - Black Sheep (Tyler的黑人朋友开车来学校,T yler在学校停车场附近跳舞时的歌曲)16. Toma - Armando Perez / Lil Jon (Omar举办的party上的歌曲之一)17. Tonight - Kwame B Holland (Miles为Nora或团队排练制作的伴奏音乐)18. Violette - Kathleen Crees (T yler站在阳台上开始的背景音乐)19. Showcase Song - Mario / Petey Pablo (mix) (最后舞蹈展示上的音乐,舞蹈独具一格)------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------《舞出我人生2》1 "Get Down" -Busta Rhymes (影片中开始不久一群街舞爱好者在地铁火车上捣蛋跳舞时的音乐)2 "Midnight" -Pitbull ft. Casely (第一次女主角出现在“地下街舞俱乐部”时的音乐)3 "The Way I Are" -Timbaland featuring Keri Hilson and DOE (Moose在学校里石阶上跳舞时的音乐)4 "We All Want the Same Thing" -Kevin Michael (女主角第一次在学校里及端着食物时的背景音乐)5 "Whenever There Is You" -Koop6 "The Clapping Song (Clap Pat Clap Slap)" -Shirley Ellis7 "Bring Me Flowers" -Hope Shorter8 "Lights Off" -Trick Daddy9 "Bounce" -Timbaland featuring Missy Elliott, Dr. Dre and Justin Timberlake (女主角的团队第二次集体训练时及最后“雨中舞”的音乐之一)10 "Independent" -Webbie featuring Lil Phat and Lil Boosie (女主角的团队在“地下街舞俱乐部”第一次集体跳舞“出丑”时的音乐(但个人认为他们组成才不久跳成这样也不是很差,如果跳得再统一点,再协调点也是挺好看的,看来实力都保留到了最后了))11 "No Te Veo (Remix)" -Casa de Leones (家庭派对时的音乐之一)12 "Everything I Can't Have" -Robin Thicke (家庭派对时的音乐之一)13 "The Humpty Dance" -Digital Underground (“敌对”的团队成员在看视频里女主角的团队跳舞戏弄他们时的音乐)14 "Haterz Everywhere" -BoB and Wes Fif15 "Mmm..." -Laura Izibor (学校练舞室遭”报复“后,女主角团队他们心情低落时的背景音乐)16 "The Diary of Jane" -Breaking Benjamin17 "Money in the Bank" -Swizz Beatz (“雨中舞”音乐之一)18 "I'm a G" -Yung Joc (”地下街舞秀“中穿红衣戴白面罩的团队跳舞时的音乐)19 "The Potion" -Ludacris (”地下街舞秀“中”敌对“团队跳舞的音乐20 "Killin' in the Name of" -Rage Against the Machine21 "Show Me" -Tania featuring Yung Craze22 "Let's Go"-Kwame B. Holland23 "Work It" -Pretty Ricky24 "Slide N Crank" -Kwame B. Holland------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 《舞出我人生3》一开始莫斯的公园战:N ASA ft. Spank Rock, M.I.A., Santogold - Whachadoin莫斯戳泡泡时的插曲:Estelle ft. Kardinal Offishall - I Can Be a Freak路克载莫斯的时候:Jay-Z - Empire State of Mind到路克家他开门的时候:K'Naan - ABC's刚到舞窟时的歌:T-Pain - Take Your Shirt Off路克在舞窟跟女主角玩躲猫猫:Static Revenger and Richard Vission ft. Luciana - I Like That女主角在扩音室练舞:Tania Doko - Joyride屋顶训练:Jesse McCartney - Up (Remix)团队练习:Chromeo - Fancy Footwork到第一场比赛时:Savage ft. Soulja Boy - Swing比赛开始,红勾:Mims - Move If You Wanna海盗队:Busta Rhymes - Tear Da Roof Off男女主角拿思乐冰走在路上背景音乐:Trey Songz - Already Taken思乐冰把戏:Laza Morgan - This Girl第二场比赛音乐:Madcon - Beggin'海盗队庆祝玩吉他英雄唱歌:Eddie Schwartz - Hit Me With Your Best Shot(原唱歌手:Pat Benatar) 男女主角探戈:Jazmine Sullivan - Bust Your Windows海盗队解散大家都在吵架时:Jessie J - Who You Are莫斯去道歉在街上跳舞:Fred Astaire - I Won't Dance莫斯跟路克在咖啡厅背景音乐:Joe Brooks - Superman第二集队员回来出场时:J Cole - Who Dat莫斯介绍他的旧队员/团练:Flo Rida ft. David Guetta - Club Can't Handle Me总决赛刚开始别人在跳的片段:Wale ft. Lady Gaga - Chillin第一回合海盗队:歌手还不知道- Tommy’s Theme第一回合武士队:Get Cool ft. Petey Pablo - Let Me C It第二回合海盗队:Timbaland - Ease Off The Liquor第二回合武士队:The Roots - Here I Come第三回合海盗队:Outkast - Ghetto Musick第三回合武士队:Rye Rye ft. MIA - Bang然后女主角出来跳:Ericka June - Work The Middle跳完后观众欢呼时的插曲:Sophia Fresh - This InstantLED第一首:Fly Stylz - Crush the FloorLED第二首:DJ Laz ft. Flo Rida, Casely - Move Shake Drop(Remix)小海盗跳完后LED第三首:David Rush ft. Pitbull, Kevin Rudol f - Shooting Star比赛结束观众欢呼时:T.I. ft. Keri Hilson - Got Your Back录像回忆片段,莫斯要主修两学系的时候:Blue October - Congratulations车站道别片段:Scott Mallone - What We Are Made Of电影结束舞蹈片段:Get Cool - Shawty Got Moves一个舞者在椅子上SOL O:Common ft. Lily Allen - Driving Me Wild略有略无出现的:舞窟:Electrixx - Tetris思乐冰走在路上时:Roscoe Dash ft. T-Pain - My Own Step女主角生日:Jim Long - Concerto for 2 Violins, Strings and Continuo in D Minor未知片段:Wisin Y Yandel - Irresistible。
