舞出我人生 Step Up 中英文剧本
女性励志外国电影推荐中文片名:《舞出我人生》英文片名:Step up导演:安妮·弗莱彻主演:查宁·塔图姆、珍娜·迪万、瑞切尔·格里菲斯剧情简介:每个人都该有追逐梦想的机会,但有的人遇到的仅仅挫折。
every second chance begins with a first step.本片是首席编舞安妮弗莱彻的电影导演处女作,讲述了一个街舞青年和一个芭蕾舞演员搭档参加舞蹈大赛、改变人生的故事。
2.舞出我人生2本片为XX年大卖座影片舞出我人生(step up)的续集。
他们凑到一起组成了一个舞蹈团,在得知巴尔德摩有一个名叫the streets的地下街舞比赛后,他们便踌躇满志的踏上了征程,结果他们所面对的对手竟然是410。
……3.舞出我人生3d电影依旧讲述发生在纽约地下街舞圈的故事一群年轻人包括卢克(rick malambri)、娜塔莉(sharni vinson)以及纽约大学的新生莫斯(adam g. sevani)组成团队为了高额奖金和世界上最好的街舞舞者一绝高下而这次比赛也将永远改变他们的生活……4.甜心辣舞哈尼丹尼尔斯(杰西卡艾尔芭饰)和所有的美国女孩一样,大方、开朗,充满朝气,惟一也是最大的不同便是有股子对舞蹈的执着精神。
学舞蹈从失败到成功的作文英文回答:Dancing, like any other skill, is a journey filled with challenges, setbacks, and triumphs. My own path fromfailure to success in dance has been an arduous one, marked by countless hours spent practicing, overcoming fears, and persevering through adversity.In the beginning, I was a clumsy and uncoordinated dancer. My feet stumbled, my arms flailed, and I struggled to keep up with the rhythm. I was constantly comparing myself to the more talented dancers in my class, which only fueled my feelings of inadequacy.However, instead of giving up, I resolved to work harder. I started attending extra rehearsals, staying late after class to practice, and seeking guidance from my instructors. I was determined to prove to myself that I could succeed, even if it took more effort than others.As I practiced diligently, I slowly but surely noticed an improvement in my skills. My body became more graceful, my movements more fluid, and my timing more precise. I began to gain confidence in my abilities and to enjoy dance more than ever before.Yet, just when I thought I had overcome my initial challenges, I faced a new setback. During a performance, I tripped and fell on stage. The audience gasped, and I felt a wave of embarrassment wash over me.In that moment, I could have easily given up. I could have let my fear of failure consume me. But I rememberedall the hard work I had put in, and I refused to let a single mistake define me.I got back up, brushed off my costume, and continued dancing. The audience erupted in applause, and I realized that it was not the fall that mattered, but how I chose to respond to it.From that day forward, I embraced failure as an opportunity for growth. I learned to use my setbacks as motivation to work even harder. I surrounded myself with supportive friends and family who believed in me, even when I doubted myself.Over time, my dedication and resilience paid off. I became a more skilled and expressive dancer. I won competitions, performed at prestigious events, and even taught dance to others.The journey from failure to success in dance has been an invaluable experience for me. It has taught me the importance of perseverance, resilience, and the power of believing in myself. It has also shown me that true success is not measured by the absence of failure, but by how we overcome it.中文回答:舞蹈,就像任何其他技能一样,是一段充满挑战、挫折和胜利的旅程。
《舞出我人生》励志电影基本信息《舞出我人生》(英语:step up)是一部XX年上映的美国舞蹈浪漫电影, 以大量舞蹈和身体语言说故事并由hip hop街舞风格贯穿主轴. 导演安妮弗莱彻, 查宁塔图姆、珍娜迪万主演, XX年8月11日上映.电影剧情来自巴尔摩底层社会身份卑微却目中无人寻求一切机会拼命想摆脱这种不如意生活跳舞就变成了惟一能够释放灵魂梦想;巴尔摩最优秀表演艺术学院顶级芭蕾舞演员每天都为能攀升至舞蹈艺术殿堂而不懈地努力们世界之间有着不可跨越鸿沟可一切都阻止不了这两个有天分年轻人之间的激情碰撞--你可能觉得这一个苦甜参半青春故事其实它更像一个关乎梦想变为现实美妙童话一生都环境艰苦城市街头讨生活泰勒盖奇却从没有因为生命困顿而放弃梦想知道自己如此与众不同终有一天会离开这里展开新生活因为打架而被强制进行社区劳动泰勒从没想过自己命运这一刻发生了根本改变马里兰艺术学校进行社区服务演出时吸引了一位名叫诺拉女孩注意诺拉这所学校天之娇女、芭蕾舞天才正为学校最有影响力舞蹈大赛备战可搭档却这时不幸受伤诺拉遇到泰勒之前对于寻找新搭档一事已经接近绝望偷偷地注意着泰勒一举一动发现舞技虽然未经雕琢但极强乐感和律感都表示这一名天生舞者诺拉将新搭档这个机会给了泰勒可当两人开始训练时却因为太过两极分化生活背景而使得关系一度紧张……都考虑过放弃泰勒和诺拉因为各自目坚持着度过了磨合期当一切渐渐上了轨道之后泰勒用最实际行动向自己以及诺拉证明:尽情舞动人生比想象得还要美妙. 女主角是一个普通的女生, 因为热爱舞蹈而与男主角产生一段爱情故事.影片评价个性张扬的街头嘻哈与高贵典雅的芭蕾可以在舞台上完美的契合, 就像泰勒(钱宁塔图姆饰)与诺拉(珍娜迪温)的结合一样. 这是一个奇迹, 还是一种宿命.泰勒是来自巴尔的摩的底层社会的反叛青年, 诺拉是就读与贵族艺校的优秀的芭蕾舞学生. 诺拉要参加的高级舞蹈比赛, 需要一个舞技超群的舞伴, 而泰勒刚好因为被罚在艺术学校社区服务而闯入诺拉的视野. 泰勒随意自如的街头舞蹈吸引了诺拉, 舞台上的一次次合作, 让这两个同样执着于艺术的孩子擦出律动的火花.两条原本平行的直线, 交汇于舞蹈的光辉.。
STEP UP 舞出我人生 街舞电影
ZhouZhihuan,LiuWenbing,ChenFengnan are
responsible for searching information. The slides are made by myself.
The Mob: Mob is a flashing(快 闪) club created by Sean. It is a top dancing crew in Miami . This creove them, someone do not.
His hairstyle is very impressive. He is funny and humorous. He loves shoes and street dance. He values friendship. He struggles for his dream. Moose is a indispensable character in step up 2 3 4.
At the begining of the file – the flashing on the street.
The flashing in the art gallery(美术馆). Sean wants to tell Emily how great the mob is.
The flashing in a resaurant. Emily’s first flashing after being a member of The MOB.
Director: Jon Chu
Published in 2012
Emily Sean is the leader of Mob.
男主角:Robert Hoffman 中文名:罗伯特·霍夫 曼) 在影片中是一 个充满热情,阳光, 又多才多艺的少年 性格外向的他与他 的街舞梦想相织在 一起,勇敢的追求 作品: 燃烧的棕榈 Burning Palms(2010)… Chad Bower 舞动 Move (2010)…Himself (2009)…Garth 舞出我人生: 舞出我人生: 街舞 Step Up 2 : The Streets (2008) ... Chase Collins(2005) ... Dancer (as Robert James Hoffma
பைடு நூலகம்
女主角:Briana Evigan(布莱恩娜·伊 维根) 在影片中是一个 叛逆,热情,开放, 又有梦想和追求的少 女。在她监护人的责 备和劝说下,她仍勇 敢地追求自己的梦想, 不放弃,不泄气,有担当, 当排舞房被410舞团 破坏,柯林斯校长质问 由谁承担后果时,安迪 挺身而出,性格倔强又 不乏热情和勇气。
• • • •
主讲:刘柏青 pp t制作:刘柏青 刘超 黄丽玮 资料收集:李慧 魏玥 涂鑫婷 影片分析:谢婷 周莎莎 罗倩 段红玉
美国青少年观反票选大奖(Teen choice Award)2008 Choice movie breakout femace(提名) 布莱恩娜·伊维根 MTV电影奖 2008 最佳银幕亲吻(布莱恩娜·伊维根 罗伯 特·霍夫曼
• 一群来自艺术院校的孩子们,拥有精湛的舞技和一腔自命不凡的青春 热血,为梦想突破环境的限制,和规章制度的约束,以一个集多种才 华与于一体的学生组合,将他们活力四射的一面尽情的展现在属于他 们的独一无二的舞台上。可以说这部影片最吸引人的地方便是炫目的 舞技,灵动的步伐和充满活力的街舞,可以说整部影片都贯穿着舞蹈, 无论是排练,舞吧的比赛。还是party,甚至简单的上楼梯的过程是有 舞蹈来完成的。堪称一部不折不扣的舞蹈片。最大的卖点,当然是其 中的劲歌热舞,幕后力邀了简马尔。西姆森,高擦(Hi-Hat)和大卫。 斯科特(Dave Scott)三位大牌舞指,为这部影片中演员震撼的舞蹈 功底做出了铺垫。 • 也许这部影片中平面化的角色,陈腐的故事线,虚软无力的爱情,让 人难堪的且沉闷的无力的说教让人觉得不够惊艳,但是观众只要一欣 赏到这部影片,就会被音乐神奇的冲击力给牢牢的吸引。然后看见一 个长得不错的女孩在雨中性感而奔放的跳舞。
舞出我人生英文Dancing Through My LifeIntroductionDance has always been an integral part of human culture, serving as a form of expression, entertainment, and even therapy. In this article, we will explore the significance of dance in my life and how it has influenced my personal growth and development. Through dance, I have discovered an avenue for self-expression, a means of connecting with others, and a path to finding joy and fulfillment.Discovering DanceFrom a young age, I found myself captivated by the art of dance. Influenced by the graceful movements of ballet and the vibrant rhythms of hip hop, I embarked on my own dance journey. I enrolled in dance classes and soon realized that it was both physically demanding and emotionally enriching. Dance allowed me to express my innermost thoughts and feelings without the need for words, and through this art form, I discovered a unique way to communicate.The Path to Self-ExpressionAs I continued to explore different dance styles, I became aware of the power of movement in conveying emotions. Whether it was the fluidity of contemporary dance or the precise footwork of tap dance, each style allowed me to delve deeper into my own emotions and express them in a way that words could not. Through dance, I found a sense of liberation and learned toembrace vulnerability, as I was able to convey my true self without fear of judgment.Connecting with OthersBeyond serving as a personal outlet, dance also provided me with the opportunity to connect with others on a deeper level. Dance, by its very nature, is a communal activity, often performed in groups or pairs. Through collaborative routines and shared experiences, I formed strong bonds with my fellow dancers. The synchronization required in partner or group dances allowed us to develop a sense of trust and unity, fostering a supportive community that extended beyond the studio walls.Overcoming ChallengesWhile dance has brought immense joy and fulfillment to my life, it has also presented its fair share of challenges. Mastering complex choreography, refining techniques, and pushing physical limitations required perseverance and discipline. There were times when I stumbled and fell during performances, but these setbacks only fueled my determination to improve. The setbacks taught me the value of resilience and the importance of embracing failure as an opportunity for growth.Beyond the Dance FloorDance has not only impacted my life within the studio or on stage, but it has also had a profound influence in other aspects of my life. The dedication and discipline required in dance spilled over into my academic pursuits, ensuring that I approach them with the same level of commitment. Additionally, I discovered a newfound appreciation for music, as danceallowed me to explore different genres and rhythms, exposing me to a diverse range of musical styles.ConclusionIn conclusion, dance has played an indelible role in my life, shaping me into the person I am today. Through dance, I have found self-expression, forged strong connections with others, and overcome challenges. It has taught me the value of discipline, resilience, and the importance of embracing one's true self. As I continue to dance through my life, I am grateful for the joy and fulfillment it brings, and I eagerly anticipate the discoveries that await me on the dance floor.。
Step Up《舞出我人生(2006)》完整中英文对照剧本
This is definitely the wickedest thing I ever hear in my life!这是我这辈子听到的最糟糕的事情Y o, Mac, Mac, Mac,麦克麦克麦克What? Hey, man, you wanna do a lap?干什么? 嘿伙计想出去兜兜风吗?Does it look like I need to do a lap?你看着我现在像想出去兜风的吗?Just go, Man, this party's wack,快走吧伙计这派对上都是些怪人Who is this guy? This is my little brother Skinny,这家伙是谁? 是我的小兄弟斯肯尼None other than,正是鄙人So, uh, how you doin'? Hey, man, what you doin'?那嗯你好啊? 嘿伙计你要干嘛?Why don't I come back a little later? What? No, no我看我还是等会儿再过来吧什么? 不不You must have the recessive genes in the family,你一定是遗传了家里的隐性基因Recessive what? Girls here is just stuck up, that's all,隐性什么? 不过这里的女孩儿都太骄傲自大了Is that what it is, Skinny? Let's bounce, Where's Tyler?你怎么这样呢斯肯尼? 咱们走吧泰勒在哪儿呢?Where you think he at?你觉得他能在哪儿?What you doin' with my girl? PJ, we're dancin',你跟我的马子干什么呢? PJ 我们只是在跳舞而已Shut up, you bitch, I didn't see your name on her, man,闭嘴吧臭婊♥子♥ 她身上写着是你的马子了吗伙计? Hey, come on, PJ!嘿别闹了 PJ!Yeah, check him out! (boy #2) White boy's whoopin' on PJ!耶扁他这个白人小子敢惹PJ!Get off him!好好教训他一下Better rethink your strategy, A'ight, man, you got it,你们最好给我放老实点好吧伙计你赢了Come on, Tyler, let's go, Skinny, let's go,快点泰勒咱们走斯肯尼咱们走Tyler, let's go, man, Skinny, come on, man,泰勒咱们走斯肯尼咱们走Get off me! Go, man,别碰我快走吧伙计Why you pushin' me so much?你为什么要推我?Tyler, move! Stop pushin',泰勒快走别推我You just wanna be Rocky,你想当洛奇吗?I started nothin', You always finishin' it,我没干什么啊你总是这样Wanna pull guns? I'll show you mine, Shut up, man,想掏枪吗? 那就看看我的吧! 你闭嘴吧你Do you feel like because you a white boy, you got to overcompensate sometimes? 你是不是因为自己是个白人经常自我感觉良好啊?Wow! Wow!喔! 喔!You got me all figured out, Montel,你好像很了解我的样子蒙泰尔I may be Montel, but you Jerry Springer.我要是蒙泰尔那你就是杰瑞·斯普林格Yo, yo, check this out,你们看哪You Montel, you Jerry Springer and I'm Jenny Jones.你是蒙泰尔你是杰瑞·斯普林格那我呢珍妮·琼斯Nah, Nah, nah, Nah, man,哪哪哪哪伙计He's like Ellen. Except Ellen get more chicks,他就像艾伦除了艾伦比他的孩子多之外Aah-ha-ha!哈-哈-哈Hey, shut up,嘿闭嘴I can't believe you fought PJ, man, Hold up, That's PJ,真不敢相信你打了PJ 伙计等等那是PJ啊Man伙计What is he doin'? Skinny, what are you他在干什么呢? 斯肯尼你要干?What the hell you think you doin'? Am l the only one not tryin' to get us killed? 你在干什么呢? 难道不是我避免了咱们被♥干♥掉吗?I ain't afraid of him,我可不怕他You waited till the car got around the corner before you threw something, 你应该等到车拐过弯之后再扔东西That's real brave, I ain't afraid of nobody,你可真有胆量啊我可不怕任何人I ain't afraid of you and I'm definitely not afraid of you,我不怕你的我一点都不怕你I'll throw something at you, That's how you miss,我用东西砸你你肯定砸不到的Stand still, then,站住别动Where was it? There,还有什么东西? 在那儿Oh哦Hey, yo, come on, man! I know this place,嘿快过来伙计们我知道这个地方It's that school,这是那个学校This don't look like no school,这儿看起来不像是个学校It is a school, I'll show you,这儿是个学校我带你们看Skinny!斯肯尼!He's your brother, You go get him, Come on,他是你的兄弟你跟他去吧快点I ain't goin' in there, Come on,我不想进去快点Damn!该死Watch yourself, Come on, man,看好你自己快点伙计Shh, shh, shh,嘘嘘嘘This looks like a museum, It's not a museum,这儿看起来像个博物馆这儿不是博物馆Ty, man, quit playin', man,伙计们别玩了Look, Skinny's right, This is a school,看斯肯尼是对的这儿是个学校Arts school,I told you,艺术学校我跟你说过了Who goes here, then?都是谁到这里来上学呢Look like some stuck-up rich folks,都是些高傲自大的富家子弟Look at these dudes,看看这些纨绔子弟All sweet with the shirts all tight like they spray-painted 'em on,都穿着紧身的T恤就像在身上喷了漆一样Yeah,是啊It do show off their muscles pretty nice, though,那是为了展示他们的肌肉No, I'm just No, no, Don't touch me,不我只是不不别碰我Mac, I'm just Don't touch me,麦克我只是别碰我I'm just sayin' they in good shape is all,我只是说他们的身材很棒We need to get you a girl fast, I got girls, I just don't show 'em to ya, 我们得抓紧给你找个姑娘我有只不过没带给你们看罢了Why? Y'all are gonna try and take 'em,为什么? 那样你们都会去泡她们What you talkin' about?Check this out!你说什么呢? 快来看看Look at this place, We got nothin' like this in our school,看看这个地方我们学校可没有这种地方That's 'cause our school's broke, Hey, yo, wait up,这就是我们学校差的原因嘿你们等等These rich kids get everything,这些富家子弟什么都有What is this, man? Seems like a playground to me,这是什么伙计? 看起来像是为我准备的游戏场Look at this stuff,看看这些Let's bounce, man,咱们走吧Skinny, what are you? It was a accident,斯肯尼你在干嘛? 只不过是个意外Skinny, don't worry, These rich kids can afford this, Look, Ha!斯肯尼不必担心这些富家子弟负担的起的看哈Look, look,看看Hey, heads up! Whoa!嘿看着点哦哇!Whoo-hoo-hoo!哦-哦-哦!I challenge you,我挑战你!I win!我赢了It's a rumble, Aah!废话什么? 啊!That ain't funny, man,那可不怎么好玩伙计Look out! Whoa!小心点哦Hey, yo, yo, watch out!嘿你你小心点Ha-ha!哈哈!Having fun? Get off me!很有意思是吧? 放开我Party's over, You're comin' with me,派对结束了你们都跟我来I didn't do nothin', man, Get offGo, go, go, man,我什么都没干放开我走走快走伙计Yo, Ty!泰勒!Man, just go, Go!伙计走吧快走Very noble, Shut up, rentacop!很义气啊闭嘴二鬼子Breaking and entering, vandalism of the Maryland School of the Arts, 非法闯入恶意破坏马里兰艺术学校You a student there? No,你是那里的学生吗? 不是You've been in this courtroom several times,你已经来这个审判庭很多次了Where are your foster parents?你的养父母去哪里了?Can you answer me with a sentence?你能不能说句话回答我的问题?My foster mom's trying to get off work,我的养母正在找工作OK, Mr, Gage, look,好的盖奇先生This is the way we play the game here, You break it, you buy it,这是我们的游戏规则你打坏了那你就得赔200 hours of community service to be performed at the scene of the offense 罚你做200小时的社区劳动就在你的犯罪场所the Maryland School of the Arts,马里兰艺术学校I got here as fast as I could,我已经尽快赶来了We're back,我们回来了What'd he get? 200 hours community service,这次又是什么? 200小时的社区劳动Won't make it, He's never stayed with anything,没用的他在哪里都呆不住的Why do you care? You get your check every month,你还关心吗? 你每个月都收你的支票就是了Kids, wash up, What did you say?孩子们去洗洗你说什么Wait, slow down, You're makin' Bill dizzy and he's not even drunk yet,慢点你们这么闹会让比尔犯晕的他还没喝醉呢Guys, come on, Let's just have a nice快点在我不得不回去工作之前dinner before I have to go back to work,咱们一起吃一顿丰盛的晚餐吧I'm not hungry,我不饿Hey, shut up! I'm trying to watch this!嘿闭嘴我要看这个节目呢Are you going to prison?你会去坐牢吗?How many times do I have to tell you to knock?我告诉你多少次了要敲门?That's where my dad is, at the supermax,我爸爸就在超级安全监狱服刑He liked it better at Jessup,比起杰萨普来他更喜欢那里No, Camille, I'm not goin' to prison,不卡米尔我不会去坐牢的But they are gonna have to take me to prison if you don't start knocking,但是如果你不再敲门的话他们就会让我去坐牢Get outta here,快出去吧Excuse me,对不起I see, We were hoping to link the fund-raiser to the fall showcase, Mm-hm,我明白了我们本希望把募捐者放在秋季的演出中So we absolutely can't do it on a Friday?所以我们肯定不能在星期五做I'm Tyler Gage, I'm here to我是泰勒·盖奇我来这儿是Come in, Mr, Gage, Take a seat,进来吧盖奇先生坐吧We'll just have to move the event till March and hope the Pratts come through, 我们不得不把这些项目推迟到3月份希望能顺利过关Thanks, Denise,多谢丹尼斯Well, I see that you're overwhelmed with remorse,我看到说你已经深感悔过You have no idea of the consequences of your actions, do you?你知不知道你的行为的后果?Yeah, 200 hours,知道 200小时劳动Actually, there's a little more to it,实际上还要更多一点Most of our students are here on scholarship,我们这儿大多数的学生都是得奖学金的The cost of repairing the damage that you did维修你所破坏的一切费用is roughly the equivalent of one student's tuition,等于我们学校一个学生的学费Do you understand what that means?你明白这意味着什么吗?You just cost someone their future,你在毁掉一个人的未来Sorry,对不起Look, I'm just here to do my hours,听着我是来做我的社区劳动的It says here that your school day finishes at two,上面说你上课要到2点Per the court's order, you're to report here and stay until 5:30,根据法庭的判决你要到这里报到然后待到5:30Now, if you'll follow me, Mr, Gage,现在请跟我来盖奇先生I have someone who is very eager to meet you,我要引荐一个很想见你的人Mr, McCaffrey, Director Gordon,麦克卡菲先生戈登校长This is Tyler Gage, your new intern,这是泰勒·盖奇你的新伙计I'd like a daily report on his activities,我要他的每天活动的汇报Great, Here you go,太好了给你And stop and bring it around front停下来然后到前面来and one, two, three, four, five, six, seven,一二三四五六七And a-one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, go!一二三四五六七走!One, two, three, four and five, six, seven, And up!一二三四五六七起!And now up!现在起来!Um, hello, Who is that?嗯嗨那是谁?Come on, he is fine,看他很不错啊Don't you have a boyfriend?你没有男朋友吗?Yes, and my boyfriend would appreciate my good taste, Thank you, 我男朋友也会欣赏我的口味的谢谢One, two, three, four, five, six, seven,一二三四五六七And a-one, two and three and four.一二三四Good, Nora, Six, seven,好的诺拉六七And a-one, two, three, four, five, six, seven,一二三四五六七And a-one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight,一二三四五六七八And one, two, three, four...一二三四Hey, Hey,嘿嘿And a-one, two, three, four and five, six, seven,一二三四五六七And a-one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight,一二三四五六七八Good class, you guys, Good job,好的你们好样的So I'll see you at rehearsal, OK, Andrew? You got it,那我们就在排练时再见了好吗安德鲁? 没问题Hey, baby, Hey,嘿宝贝儿嘿Walk you to your next class? I just gotta stop by my locker, 和你一起上下节课怎么样? 我刚要去我的储物柜那边All right, How are you?好的你怎么样Good, How was class? It was good,挺好你的课怎么样? 挺好的Guys, is that our new janitor?那是我们新的看门人吗?He's not a janitor, That's the guy who trashed the theater, 他不是看门的他是那个破坏剧院的家伙Really?真的吗?Ooh,哦I love a man in a uniform,我喜欢穿制♥服♥的男人Hey,嘿You with the garbage-man jumpsuit,你穿着垃圾清理员的制♥服♥啊How about a wash and wax?给我洗一下车然后打个蜡怎么样?Cool out, I know that car belongs to somebody,当然好了不过我知道那车肯定不是你的We'll leave it here for you to drive over to Omar's,我们把它留在这儿你开去找奥马尔好了And make sure he pays for the last car we brought him,记得让他为这最后一辆车付钱Whassup, man?你怎么样伙计?Man, look at this thing, I think it's got plastic spinners,伙计看这儿这应该是个塑料的控制器What's up with the girls here?这儿的女孩怎么样?Damn, They look like the girls from the "Candy Shop" videos,该死她们就象黄色录像里的女孩They might look like 'em, but they don't dance like 'em,她们长得很像但是跳舞不像Oh, yeah? So, you been workin' 'em out?哦是吗? 那你搞定了他们了吗?I been workin' 'em out, I been givin' 'em something like我正在搞呢我正在给看她们一些Whassup? That's what you showed 'em?什么? 你跟她们秀这个了?Hey, yo,嘿OK, Whoo!好啊哦That's whassup? And what they do?就这样吗? 那他们呢?Be like twinkle-toes,就像舞王一样Aah! Ha-ha!啊哈哈!What'd you do after that?那你然后呢?Can you please stop thinking about the senior showcase for one second? 你就不能不想那个演出吗?It's not just that, It's everything Nora, Nora! Look,不是那样只不过每件事诺拉诺拉你看Got a track for the showcase,找到一个演出的曲子It's the same tempo, same rhythm as the track you got,和你找的那个节奏和韵律都一样but I really believe this'll take your routine to the next level,但我真的相信这能让你的演出更上一层楼Next level? Yeah,更上一层楼? 是啊Thanks a lot, Miles, Nora, listen, wait,谢谢迈尔斯诺拉听着你等等Not that it's not already at the next level Quit while you're ahead, Stop, 这和你想得并不一样还是见好就收吧你别说了I need you to stop and take a breath, You're startin' to make me nervous, 你需要停下来休整一下你这个样子已经让我很紧张了I know, I'm just stressed, You need a break,我知道我只是压力有点大你需要休息一下Colin's playin' Saturday night, You haven't been there forever,科林周六晚上一直在玩你也一直没有去Hold on, Who's Colin? Lucy's older boyfriend,等等谁是科林? 露西的老男朋友He's sophisticated, A real man, Sophisticated? Real man?他是饱经风霜真正的男人饱经风霜? 真正的男人?His butt's gonna be surrounded by a lot of real men when he goes to jail, 等他进了监狱他周围就全是真正的男人了How long have you had your license -six months, seven?你拿到你的驾驶执照多长时间了? 六个月还是七个月?I am very mature for my age, Thank you,我很成熟的谢谢你That's great, That's so perfect for the witness stand,太棒了这样正好可以出席证人席When are you gonna stop changin' her music?你什么时候才能不给她换音乐了?I'm just tryin' to help her, Nora, come on,我只是想要帮她诺拉走了Just go, Just go,走吧走吧Please, come on,快点Hey, man, what you doin'?嘿伙计你干什么呢?Come on, man, They got that,来吧伙计他们要比一下Tired of gettin' dogged on yet? Oh, yeah, Let's go,还不服气吗? 哦耶来吧!Whassup?怎么样?Yeah, Yeah,耶耶Bounce! Throw that, Tyler!来一个传过来泰勒Ha!哈!A'ight.好的Pick 'em up, pick 'em up,教训下他们教训下他们Come on, man, Come on,来吧伙计来吧Hey, man, put me down,嘿伙计把我放下来Come on, man, Ahhaha!快点伙计啊哈哈Get off me! You playin', baby?别碰我! 玩儿一下宝贝儿Go! Mac, Mac,上! 麦克麦克Got him, Got him! Get him,行了行了Ohh!哦!Whoo!哦!Put my money here, baby, Hey, baby, Nice game,把我的钱放在这儿宝贝儿嘿宝贝儿打得不错That's wonderful, Jack, Congratulations,太棒了杰克祝贺你You're late, Not really,你迟到了没有吧You're so eager to get to work you're sprinting off to the supply closet?你是急着去干活还是急着去上厕所?It's 1 5 minutes, Don't I get a grace period or something?还有15分钟我连这点自♥由♥时间都没有吗?You've neither earned one, nor are you entitled, But you can stay 1 5 minutes later, 原来没有现在也没有但是你可以多呆15分钟Andrew, oh, my God, What happened?安德鲁天哪发生什么事了?Came down on my ankle wrong in class today,今天上课时摔到了脚踝Are you OK? Yeah, It's just a sprain,你没事吧? 还行只是扭伤而已Doctor says I have to stay off of it, I'm really sorry,医生说我今天必须得休息我真的很抱歉For what? It's not your fault, I know, Nora,为什么要道歉? 这不是你的错我知道诺拉It's just that the showcase means a lot to both of us,只是那个演出对我们两个意味非凡Maybe you could find someone to rehearse with in the meantime,现在也许你应该另外找个人排练了I should be back before you know it,我会尽早康复返回的Yeah, Um是的嗯Don't worry about it, I'll be OK,别担心我没事All right, Cool, I'll see you later,好吧再见OK,好的What's up, man? 'Sup?有事吗伙计? 没事Hey, where you from? I grew up in McCulloh Homes,喂你是哪里人? 我在麦克卡伦长大Oh, word,哦是吗That's where my boy Mac is from, He lives over at Heritage now, though, 我兄弟麦克就在那里长大虽然他现在住在继承来的房♥子里Oh, yeah?噢是吗?I don't live over there no more, I live with my aunt now,我已经不在那里住了我现在和我姨妈住I'll check you a little later, all right?我过会儿再来检查怎么样?A'ight, A'ight,好的好的Later,再见He only has a bad sprain, I need someone to rehearse with until he gets better, 他的扭伤很严重在他恢复之前我要另外找人排练You know all the stuff I have going on with the labels,你知道的我必须得按计划办事How come Miles can find the time to help me?那迈尔斯怎么有时间帮我呢?No offense to Miles, but he's not involved in every aspect of the music as I am, 别拿迈尔斯说事他和我不一样我要负责所有的事情Look, all I need is somebody, Brett, to rehearse with just for a couple of weeks, 听着我需要个人布莱特只要陪我排练几周就好I wanna help you, You know I do, I'm just so close with my music,你知道的我也想帮你但我先得弄好我的音乐I gotta give it everything I have right now,我现在必须全身心投入Look, you're gonna do great, You always do,你肯定会做的很好你一直都是这样的Yeah,是啊All right, sweetie.好的宝贝Thank you guys so much for coming to the audition,感谢大家前来捧场Ready? No!准备好了吗? 还没有!Sorry, I'm not ready yet,对不起我还没准备好Thank you,谢谢你Next?下一个?Like this,像这样Jump, See?跳看到了?It's not that hard, OK? Yeah,这并不难不是吗? 是的Hold me, Great,抓住我很好No,不用谢谢No! Oh!不! 噢!Oh! I got it,天哪! 我做到了You did it, No, no, no你做到了不不不Thank you, Thanks,谢谢谢谢I'll do it,我能做到Do what?做到什么?I don't know, Whatever y'all were tryin' to do out here,我不知道就是你刚才试的那些东西You wanna lift me? Are you kidding?你想把我举起来吗? 你在开玩笑吧?Does it look like I'm kiddin'?我像是在开玩笑吗?OK, I get it, You're not gonna use me to get out of cleaning the windows,明白了你也甭想利用我就可以不擦窗户了even if you were capable of dancing,就算你会跳舞OK, I'm not trying to get out of anything and I know you saw me the other day, 好的我没有想逃避什么我知道几天前你看到我了Thank you, but I can find someone else,谢谢但我会另外找人的OK,好的I was just tryin' to help,我只是想帮忙OK, wait,好吧等一下Catch me,抓住我Now what?现在怎么了?Um, um嗯嗯Put me down,No, What about choreographing a solo?不行设计成独舞怎么样?I don't have time to work out a solo, Not a good one, anyway,我没时间去设计独舞了不管怎样这可不是个好主意Have you talked to the sophomores?你和二年级的人说过了吗?I've auditioned a bunch of them, None of them can handle it,我试过他们中的一些人了都不行My dance has a lot of lifts in it and you know how hard the我的舞蹈里有很多举起的动作你知道这有多难I can't believe there's no one else, None who have the time,我不相信居然没有人了没有人有时间And you say that he can dance?你说他可以跳?He's adequate, Adequate?他还算差强人意了差强人意?See, that's my concern, He's not taking this seriously,那是我所关心的事他不会把这事当真的Look, I'm sorry,对不起It's just you all be talkin' about dancin' like it's rocket science or something, 你们在说的是一板一眼地跳舞It's just for a couple of weeks until Andrew gets better,只需要安德鲁恢复前的几个星期Yeah,是的This would be your risk, Nora,你在冒险诺拉It's your senior piece,这是你的毕业演出啊I know,我知道Don't make me regret my decision,别让我后悔自己的决定啊2:30 tomorrow, Bring your tights,明天两点半带着你的紧身衣Tights? Wait, what?紧身衣? 等一下什么?Aah!啊!I'm gonna beat you,我要打败你Anything interesting happen in school today?今天学校有什么好玩的事情吗?Malcolm, enough,马尔科姆够了No,不Sit down, Thank you,快坐下谢谢Eat,吃吧Mm嗯Anything special at school today?今天学校有什么特别的事情吗?I found a rehearsal partner,我找到一起排练的人了so now I won't miss a beat when Andrew gets back,这样等安德鲁恢复了我就不会差的太多Your applications arrived from Cornell and Brown,你的科内尔和布朗大学的申请已经回复了I put them on your bed,我把它放在你床上Remember our deal, Nora,诺拉记住我们的约定If you don't get a job from the showcase,如果你在演出中得不到工作机会的话you go to school in the fall,秋天时你就要去上学OK,好的I'm not late,我没迟到吧You're not dressed, either, You can change in the bathroom, 你也没穿该穿的衣服去洗手间换衣服吧Done,好了I asked you to bring tights, Do I look like I own tights?我让你带紧身衣的我看起来像有紧身衣的吗?Shoes? Move better with 'em on,鞋子呢? 穿着会好些Afraid you might slip and fall?你害怕滑倒跟摔跟头吗?How you wanna do this? I'll start with a combination, 你想怎么弄? 我想从组合开始OK,好的Step, knee, step, fan,走膝盖走转圈step, turn, ball change, contract,走转弯换下蹲OK? Mmhm,行吗? 嗯I'll take it slow,我会慢慢的And step, knee,然后走膝盖step, fan, and走转圈然后You got that?Yeah,明白了吗? 是的So, from the fan所以从转圈开始turn, ball change, contract,转弯换下蹲OK, Um好的嗯Let's do it again,让我们再来一遍Five, six, seven, eight, Step, knee五六七八走膝盖Oh, My bad,噢,我的错No, Uh, so Go,呃然后继续Step, knee, fan走膝盖转圈Wow,喔He looks like the real deal,他和个真事一样Take a break, Grab a coffee with me,休息一下一起喝杯咖啡去吧I can't, I have a lot to do,我不行我有很多事要做That's for damn sure, Brett他妈的肯定的布莱特I'm sorry, You got a problem?对不起有什么问题吗?No, No, I'm all about rehabilitation,没有没有我只是来随便看看We could discuss this outside, Why do you think you're so tough? 我们出去说你以为你是谁啊?Why don't you test me? OK, stop,那你为什么不来试试呢? 好了别说了Brett, everything's OK, all right?布莱特一切都很顺利不是吗?I'll meet you later,我一会儿再找你OK, OK,好的好的What? Again,怎么了? 重来And...接着Yo, Omar!哟奥马尔!Your boys are here, man!你的小弟们来了O, look what we got for you, man,噢看看我们给你带来了什么伙计Let's go, baby,来吧亲爱的I heard you havin' a party on Friday, Mmhm,我听说星期五你们有个聚会嗯嗯Yeah, you know we up in there, Uhuh,你知道我们会来的呃呃You dudes is froze out, especially after what happened last time, 你们不能再在这儿混了特别是上次那件事之后What you mean, we froze out?你是什么意思? 我们不能在这儿混了?I ain't start that, That was PJ,不是我的事是PJThat ain't even right,那还是不对We can take this car to Stuckey's, Probably get more money, too,我们可以把这车给斯达奇可以多弄到些钱I'm sorry, Yeah,对不起你说什么You could take this car to Stuckey's,你要把这车给斯达奇You know something, Mac? You young dudes ain't got no respect, No loyalty,麦克你知道吗? 你这样的年轻人得不到任何尊敬和忠诚Why don't you bring me a Escalade or something to get back in my good graces? 你为什么不给我找个台阶下看看能不能原谅你们呢?We just got you this car, An Escalade,我们刚拿到这车找个台阶We'll get you an Escalade, What did you say?我们会给你一个台阶下的你刚才说什么?Nothin', man, Yeah, nothing,没什么先生好吧没什么So, can I still come to the party?那么我还能来参加聚会吗?Skinny, come on! He ain't say nothin' about me,斯肯尼出来! 他没说我什么He said y'all couldn't go to the party, He didn't say nothin' about Skinny,他说你不能去参加聚会他刚才可没说斯肯尼什么Will you shut up?闭嘴!Ready? Down, up, step, turn,准备好了? 下上走转弯Pique and What the hell is a pique?侧弯然后侧弯是什么鬼东西?This is a pique,这就是侧弯We do the turn and land face to face, OK?我们要转弯然后面朝面怎么样?I get it Do it again,我知道了再来It's just What?刚才什么?It's just stiff, This whole thing is stiff, It's boring,太呆板了整个都很呆板没劲Boring?没劲?Don't look at me like I'm stupid, I know you know what I'm sayin', 别看着我好像我是傻子我想你知道我说的是什么Fine, Well, that's the way it is, so行这样这个就是这种方式然后Fine,好Ready? And准备好了? 然后Down, up下上step, turn, pique, and走转身侧弯然后Like this? Um像这样? 嗯OK, I am starving,好了我饿了Tyler's just here until Andrew's back,安德鲁回来之前泰勒会在这里And why is this the first time I'm hearin' about it?为什么我头一回听说呢?We still have work to do,我们还有事情要做Wait, I can't watch? Is he that bad?等一下我不能看? 他不是那个坏?Goodbye, You can tell me!再见你得告诉我!OK,好吧OK, um好嗯I'll see you tomorrow, All right, I'll see you tomorrow,明天见那好明天见OK,好Can you come to the club and hear me sing with Colin on Saturday? 你星期六能来俱乐部听我和科林唱歌♥吗?Ooh, maybe you can bring Tyler,噢也许你该带上泰勒Can you stop talking about how hot he is?你能否不要再提他是多么火热了吗?OK, Brett's not around,好吧布莱特不在so why do you keep denying the obvious? It's so obvious,你为什么拒绝这么明显的事? 太明显了OK, fine, Tyler's good looking, but he's annoying,好吧泰勒长得确实很不错但是也让人讨厌See? Your guard's up, and that must mean that you like him,看到没? 你的反击在加强那说明你喜欢他You couldn't be more wrong, Ooh!你大错特错了! 噢!And defensive, too.你也不必这样吧You know, that must mean that you, um really, really like him,你知道那一定说明嗯你非常非常喜欢他I'm just sayin',我只是说Look, Miles sent me another MP3,看迈尔斯给我发了另一段mp3Ugh,啊Better listen to it now,你现在最好听着He'll call in five minutes, askin' what you think,他会在五分钟内打电♥话♥ 问你感觉怎么样You've been gettin' on Miles' case a lot lately,你近来很关心迈尔斯的事情Because he's irritating,因为他很气人Ooh,噢Defensive, What does that mean again? Just listen to the track, OK? 自我保护现在又是什么意思? 听你的音乐行吗?Hm,嗯It's good,很好Whatever,不管怎样说I'm so serious, If you don't stop laughing我是认真的如果你再这样笑OK, no!好吧不笑!Are you serious? Ready?你是认真的? 准备好了?Whatever,不管怎样I'm sorry,我很抱歉What next?接下来的呢?Six, seven, eight,六七八Pique and grab侧弯然后抓住Turn, down,转弯下Lena got Cap'n Crunch,丽娜弄到了嘎吱上尉Peanut butter Cap'n Crunch, Told you she likes us, 花生酱的嘎吱上尉告诉你她喜欢我们Camille, would you get outta here? Fine,卡米丽你能出去吗? 好的It's not my fault!It is your fault不是我的错! 这不是你的错Camille, come here for a second,卡米丽在这儿呆一会儿吧Shut up,闭嘴You gonna give me a little bit of that?你想给我一点吗?One bite,一点One. One bite,一一点Hurry up,快点That was the biggest bite I've ever seen,那是我见过最大的一口Get your own,去拿你自己的I spit on that spoon, Yeah, now you give it back,。
[7] 。
Step Up 3原声插曲一开始莫斯的公园战:NASA ft. Spank Rock, M.I.A., Santogold - Whachadoin 莫斯戳泡泡时的插曲:Estelle ft. Kardinal Offishall - I Can Be a Freak路克载莫斯的时候:Jay-Z - Empire State of Mind到路克家他开门的时候:K'Naan - ABC's刚到舞窟时的歌:T-Pain - Take Your Shirt Off路克在舞窟跟女主角玩躲猫猫:Static Revenger and Richard Vission ft. Luciana - I Like That女主角在扩音室练舞:T ania Doko - Joyride屋顶训练:Jesse McCartney - Up (Remix)团队练习:Chromeo - Fancy Footwork到第一场比赛时:Savage ft. Soulja Boy - Swing比赛开始,红勾:Mims - Move If You Wanna海盗队:Busta Rhymes - Tear Da Roof Off男女主角拿思乐冰走在路上背景音乐:Trey Songz - Already Taken 思乐冰把戏:Laza Morgan - This Girl第二场比赛音乐:Madcon - Beggin'海盗队庆祝玩吉他英雄唱歌:Eddie Schwartz - Hit Me With Your Best Shot(原唱歌手:Pat Benatar)男女主角探戈:Jazmine Sullivan - Bust Your Windows海盗队解散大家都在吵架时:Jessie J - Who U R莫斯去道歉在街上跳舞:Fred Astaire - I Won't Dance莫斯跟路克在咖啡厅背景音乐:Joe Brooks - Superman第二集队员回来出场时:J Cole - Who Dat莫斯介绍他的旧队员/团练:Flo Rida ft. David Guetta - Club Can't Handle Me 总决赛刚开始别人在跳的片段:Wale ft. Lady Gaga - Chillin第一回合海盗队:歌手还不知道- Tommy’s Theme第一回合武士队:Get Cool ft. Petey Pablo - Let Me C It第二回合海盗队:Timbaland - Ease Off The Liquor第二回合武士队:The Roots - Here I Come第三回合海盗队:Outkast - Ghetto Musick第三回合武士队:Rye Rye ft. MIA - Bang然后女主角出来跳:Ericka June - Work The Middle跳完后观众欢呼时的插曲:Sophia Fresh - This InstantLED第一首:Fly Stylz - Crush the FloorLED第二首:DJ Laz ft. Flo Rida, Casely - Move Shake Drop(Remix)小海盗跳完后LED第三首:David Rush ft. Pitbull, Kevin Rudolf - Shooting Star比赛结束观众欢呼时:T.I. ft. Keri Hilson的Got Your Back录像回忆片段,莫斯要主修两学系的时候:Blue October - Congratulations 车站道别片段:Scott Mallone - What We Are Made Of电影结束舞蹈片段:Get Cool - Shawty Got Moves一个舞者在椅子上SOLO:Common ft. Lily Allen - Driving Me Wild其他我没听到别人说有出现的:舞窟:Electrixx - Tetris思乐冰走在路上时:Roscoe Dash ft. T-Pain - My Own Step女主角生日:Jim Long - Concerto for 2 Violins, Strings and Continuo in DMinor。
中文片名:一公升的眼泪英文片名:1 Litre of Tears导演:冈村力主演:加藤和子、大西麻惠、松金米子、芦川芳美剧情简介:这是木藤亚也14岁到21岁期间中所写的日记,电视剧注满了她努力对抗病魔及对生命热情奋斗的感人事迹!女主角木藤亚也,因为一场突如其来的病变脊髓小脑病症,使其身体运动机能衰弱,手脚自主活动与语言能力逐渐丧失,直至患病末期只能无助地躺在床上,面对生命的无助,却勇敢地生存至最后一秒,直至生命机能停止而死亡……《一公升的眼泪》以七零年代末期的文化重镇名古屋为故事背景,一位十五岁的国三少女木藤亚也,正要展开人生中最灿烂的高中生涯。
get up(舞出我人生)
Ciara - Get Up (featuring Chamillionaire) He saidHi’ my name is so and soBaby can you tell me yours?Y ou look like you came to doOne thing (Set it off)’I started on the leftAnd I had to take him to the rightHe was out of breathBut he kept o n dancin’ all nightY ou tryin’ admit itBut you just can fight the feelin insideY ou know itAnd I can see it in your eyesY ou want meY ou smooth as ya motherY ou’re so undercoverBy the way that you was watchin’ me Ooh! uhThe way you look at meI’m feelin’ you’ uhI just can’t help itTryin’ to keep it cool’ uhI can feel it in the beat’ uhWhen you do those things to me’ uh Don’t let nothin’ stop youM-ooo-ve’ ring the alarmThe club is jumpin’ nowSo get up!I said ’Ciara’s on your radio’ Everybody turn it up’Spicy just like hot sauceCareful’ you might burn it upY ou can do the pop lockRagtime’ don’t stopThat’s the way you gotta getGet it’ make ya body rockY ou tryin’ admit itBut you just can fight the feelin insideY ou know itCuz I can see it in your eyesY ou want meY ou smooth as a motherY ou’re so undercoverBy the way that you was watchin’ meOoh! uhThe way you look at meI’m feelin’ you’ uhI just can’t help itTryin’ to keep it cool’ uhI can feel it in the beat’ uhWhen you do those things to me’ uhDon’t let nothin’ stop youM-ooo-ve’ ring the alarmThe club is jumpin’ nowSo get up!Ooh’ I love the way you vibe with meDance with me foreverWe can have a good time’ follow meTo the beat togetherY ou and me’ one on oneBreakin’ it downY ou can’t walk away nowWe bout to turn this place outIt’s the kid stay ridin’ bigThe one the police tried to catch ridin’ dirtyIn the club before eleven o’clockLike I’m tryin to catch it down kinda early Look’ ya thick her hair brown and curlyShe love the way my ride shinin pearlyCity boys say she fine a prettyIn the country boys say she fine and ’purrty’My pockets thick as green’ it’s curvyAnd the ladies know soon as they see my jewelry If bein’ fresh to death is a crimeI think it’s time for me to see the juryY ou know Chamillionaire stay on the grindA hustla like me is hard to findI ain’t really impressed’ yesUnless it’s about some dollar signsAin’t really dont need to call y ou fineI know you be hearin’ that all the timeI’m watchin’ you do ya step’ do ya stepY ep it’s goin downOoh! uhThe way you look at meI’m feelin’ you’ uhI just can help itTryin’ to keep it cool’ uhI can feel it in the beat’ uhWhen you do those things to me’ uh Don’t let nothin’ stop youM-ooo-ve’ ring the alarmThe club is jumpin’ nowSo get up!Ooh! uhThe way you look at meI’m feelin’ you’ uhI just can’t help itTryin’ to keep it cool’ uhI can feel it in the beat’ uhWhen y ou do those things to me’ uh Don’t let nothin’ stop youM-ooo-ve’ ring the alarmThe club is jumpin’ nowSo get up!I got to have you babyUh’ I feel itI got to have you babyI got to have you babyUh’ I feel itI got to have you baby。
电影舞出我人生stepup英文影评THE FILM REVIEW ABOUT STEP UPStep up is a bittersweet story of youth. T o a higher degree,it is a wonderful fairy tale that tells us dreams can come true .At the beginning of the film, we see two different lifestyles of young people to grow. In the bright and spacious studio,the ballet dancers are busy with warm-up exercises; while,in a dark square of old factories or warehouses , a gang of young men who are likely to be separated from the mainstream social values are dancing at their will. However, although the two pictures display different environments. One showing the noble,elegant ballet, the other fulling of uninhibited and passionate hip-hop, but they repeat the same spin, jump, which let me feel the same love and the pursuit of dance .Then, the film go to Tyler, the hero's world, he loves dancing, and then he did not dance limited,or obey the norms of general dance, but make some arbitrary, dynamic actions . And in the crowded,dark warehouse, we can see,even as a esne living at the bottom, Tyler's has inner courage and the spirit of fighting against evil forces. Moreover,he has two sincere brothers named Mac & Skinny.In their playful activities, Tyler smashed a piece of window as a consequence of accidentally throwing a piece of glass.Then,out of curiosity, the three guys walked into the Maryland School of the Arts,which seems like a museum to them.In the initial, the three brothers do not agree with the students here. Mac regarded the students as some stuck-up rich folks, Tyler laughed at them because they all sweet with the shirts all tight like theyspray-painted them on, Skinny made fun of the dancers' tights do show off their muscles pretty nice, though . From here we can know that people living at the bottom of society in the United States, there is a hatred and disdain to rich people psychological. Tyler accidentally opened a door,a door laying the foundation of the whole story. The door leads them to the theater of Maryland School of the Arts, they were chasing,trashing the theatre.Finally,they made the theatre into a totally mess. Suddenly and unfortunately,with a bright lighted, the school guard found them.T o help Mac and Skinny run away, Tyler undertook the punishment of breaking and entering, vandalism of the Maryland School of the Arts on his own.At this time,we know, Tyler was an orphan, with lots of problems.Because the judge said Tyler has been in this courtroom several times. The punishment given by the judge was 200 hours of community service to be performed at the scene of the offence the Maryland School of the Arts.At the school for compulsory labor, Tyler met Nora, the best ballet dancer, sparing no effort to practice every day in order to climb to the top hall of arts . in Maryland School of the Arts in Baltimore. An unintended opportunity, Nora saw Tyler dancing to his friends, found that though his dancing was unpolished, but his strong sense of musicality and rhythm displayed Tyler's natural ability. Nora was engaged to prepare for her final shoucase, but unfortunately her partner got injured and couldn't rehearse with Nora.So, selecting another male dancer, became the urgency.In the choosing process, no one could meet her requirements,so the issue of finding a new partner really despaired Nora. But by this time, Tyler told Nora that he couldmeet her requirements of the male dancer, which was really astonished her.After a series of tests, Nora gave Tyler the opportunity and the two guys began to work together to prepare for Nora's final showcase.The encounter between Tyler and Nora, represented two different cultures and worlds how to adapt to each other, and change each other.Tyler was one of those who have dreams but do not actively pursue, because many of the lessons he has learned to when his rise to the hope, there will always be a daydream; but Nora is completely opposite to Tyler, and she was one of those who are aware of what they want, and make every effort and fight for their dreams.When they met,the two young face their own biggest setbacks in life, Nora's partner bacame a problem, while Tyler, from the bottom of Baltimore community, though he has discovered his talent for dancing, but his living environment did not allow him to let the talent developed. Because in the pragmatic place, "Dance is the thing of concern to the rich"In ttheir training, they learnt a lot from each other which they never know before.Two parallel lines, intersect in the glorious dance. The dance combined flamboyant street hip-hop with elegant ballet ,can be a perfect fit on the stage, like the encounter between Tyler and Nora. This is a miracle, or a feeling,or a fascinating fate. After they linked together, makes their relationship once was tense because their life backgrounds were too polarized.First stage, they contracted with each other and had low-touch, they both considered giving up. But then,on behalf of both their goals, they had held a run-in period, and then kept changing themselves to adapt to each other.Eventually, they found a completely different self from the previous self.Eventually, two people pushed aside all obstacles and difficulties.In Nora's showcase,Tyler and Nora displayed a wonderful showcase with the combination of noble ballet dancing and flamboyant street hip-hop. Benefitingby the glorious showcase,Nora got the job offer from an Artist Management Company. And at the same time,Tyler got the transferring opportunity to the Maryland School of the Arts to realize his inward dream.In this film,dancing not only representatives the dazzlingly visual dancing moves,but a sense of having a more positive life attitude and a healthy spirit of struggling to dance teaser to express inner feelings. The art of dance with the magical charm and temptation in this film,has high entertainment appreciations and artistic merits.Tyler and Nora's dance with the biggest passion proved themselves and others: the life enjoyed with dancing, even beautiful than we can imagine.。
一开始莫斯的公园战:NASA ft. Spank Rock, M.I.A., Santogold - Whachadoin 莫斯戳泡泡时的插曲:Estelle ft. Kardinal Offishall - I Can Be a Freak 路克载莫斯的时候:Jay-Z - Empire State of Mind到路克家他开门的时候:K'Naan - ABC's刚到舞窟时的歌:T-Pain - Take Your Shirt Off路克在舞窟跟女主角玩躲猫猫:Static Revenger and Richard Vission ft. Luciana - I Like That女主角在扩音室练舞:Tania Doko - Joyride屋顶训练:Jesse McCartney - Up (Remix)团队练习:Chromeo - Fancy Footwork到第一场比赛时:Savage ft. Soulja Boy - Swing比赛开始,红勾:Mims - Move If You Wanna海盗队:Busta Rhymes - Tear Da Roof Off男女主角拿思乐冰走在路上背景音乐:Trey Songz - Already Taken思乐冰把戏:Laza Morgan - This Girl第二场比赛音乐:Madcon - Beggin'海盗队庆祝玩吉他英雄唱歌:Eddie Schwartz - Hit Me With Your Best Shot(原唱歌手:Pat Benatar)男女主角探戈:Jazmine Sullivan - Bust Your Windows海盗队解散大家都在吵架时:Jessie J- Who You Are莫斯去道歉在街上跳舞:Fred Astaire - I Won't Dance莫斯跟路克在咖啡厅背景音乐:Joe Brooks - Superman第二集队员回来出场时:J Cole - Who Dat莫斯介绍他的旧队员/团练:Flo Rida ft. David Guetta - Club Can't Handle Me 总决赛刚开始别人在跳的片段:Wale ft. Lady Gaga - Chillin第一回合海盗队:Zion I & The Grouch - One第一回合武士队:Get Cool ft. Petey Pablo - Let Me C It第二回合海盗队:Timbaland - Ease Off The Liquor第二回合武士队:The Roots - Here I Come第三回合海盗队:Outkast - Ghetto Musick第三回合武士队:Rye Rye ft. MIA - Bang然后女主角出来跳:Ericka June - Work The Middle跳完后观众欢呼时的插曲:Sophia Fresh - This InstantLED第一首:Fly Stylz - Crush the FloorLED第二首:DJ Laz ft. Flo Rida, Casely - Move Shake Drop(Remix)小海盗跳完后LED第三首:David Rush ft. Pitbull, Kevin Rudolf - Shooting Star 比赛结束观众欢呼时:T.I. ft. Keri Hilson - Got Your Back录像回忆片段,莫斯要主修两学系的时候:Blue October - Congratulations车站道别片段:Scott Mallone - What We Are Made Of电影结束舞蹈片段:Get Cool - Shawty Got Moves一个舞者在椅子上SOLO:Common ft. Lily Allen - Driving Me Wild略有略无出现的:舞窟:Electrixx - Tetris思乐冰走在路上时:Roscoe Dash ft. T-Pain - My Own Step女主角生日:Jim Long - Concerto for 2 Violins, Strings and Continuo in D Minor 未知片段:Wisin Y Yandel - Irresistible。
舞出我人生的中英文台词汇总舞出我人生的中英文台词汇总1. Why dont you do your thing? Were gonna do ours.干你的事儿去,井水不犯河水2.We didnt work this hard to just give up.我们还没尽全力怎么能言败呢3. But its always been about doing it their way and its just not me.但那是按照他们的规则我做不成我自己4. Theres nothing that we can do for someone who doesnt appreciate whats in front of them.对于一个不懂得珍惜良机的人来说,无论我们如何努力都是徒劳5. Because the best part of The Streets is, its not about what youve got. Its what you make of what youvegot.因为街舞争锋的真谛不在于你已经学到的而在于你通过它所学到的6. Were all here because we have this thing we do. We dance.我们之所以相聚是因为都爱跳舞7. It became the hub and I got a front row seat to history.那里渐变为街舞的'中心年幼的我,早早见证了历史8. My mom would tell me, Dont give up, just be you, cause lifes too short to be anybody else.妈妈对我说不要放弃做自己就好了因为人生很短根本没时间模仿别人.9. Whatever you need to make an action sequence work onstage.舞台上的任何的动作他都游刃有余10. Now, I know each and every one of you knows what its like to be forced to conform and become an MSArobot, right?我知道你们每个人都了解像个机器人般,被强迫服从MSA的痛苦,是吧?。
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- Is that what it is, Skinny? - Let's bounce, Where's Tyler?
- 你怎么这样呢,斯肯尼? - 咱们走吧,泰勒在哪儿呢?
Where you think he at?
- 这儿看起来像个博物馆 - 这儿不是博物馆
# You got the dance flo' so hot
# You workin' that, you trickin' that
# You trickin' that shit like a plot
# Show off that body you got
# You got the dance flo' so hot
- 还有什么东西? - 在那儿
Hey, yo, come on, man! I know this place,
It's that school,
- This don't look like no school, - It is a school, I'll show you,
# Get up
# I'm goin' five on the Richter scale The highest number you can roll is 1 2
- # Shorty, shake it like a... - # Show off that body you got
# You workin' that, you trickin' that
# You trickin' that shit like a plot
(# hip-hop)
(boy) Whoo-ee!
Y o, Mac, Mac, Mac,
- What? - Hey, man, you wanna do a lap?
(# "Show Me the Money" by Petey Pablo)
# Can't nobody do it like I do it
# When I do it,dawg, I do it
# Break it down, put your back into it Y'all ain't ready for the shit I'm doin'
- 闭嘴吧,臭婊子 - 她身上写着是你的马子了吗,伙计?
(girl) Hey, come on, PJ!
- (boy) Yeah, check him out! - (boy #2) White boy's whoopin' on PJ!
- 耶,扁他 - 这个白人小子敢惹PJ!
你是不是因为自己是个白人 经常自我感觉良好啊?
Wow! Wow!
- You got me all figured out, Montel, - I may be Montel, but you Jerry Springer.
- 你好像很了解我的样子,蒙泰尔 - 我要是蒙泰尔,那你就是杰瑞·斯普林格 (两人均是美国脱口秀节目主持人)
- 我看我还是等会儿再过来吧 - 什么?不,不
You must have the recessive genes in the family,
Recessive what? Girls here is just stuck up, that's all,
Yo, yo, check this out,
- You Montel, you Jerry Springer and I'm,,, - Jenny Jones.
- 你是蒙泰尔,你是杰瑞·斯普林格,那我呢 - 珍妮·琼斯(女脱口秀主持人)
Nah, Nah, nah, Nah, man,
舞出我人生 Step Up 中英文剧本
(boys) Fight!
(sirens wailing)
This is definitely the wickedest thing I ever hear in my life!
- 我没干什么啊 - 你总是这样
- Wanna pull guns? I'll show you mine, - Shut up, man,
- 想掏枪吗?那就看看我的吧! - 你闭嘴吧你
Do you feel like because you a white boy, you got to overcompensate sometimes?
- # Get up, get up - # How'd you change the sound?
# Took the other one I had, swapped it out
# Kept somethin' in the background
# You know the song Do it with the background
- (Mac) Tyler, move! - Stop pushin',
- 泰勒,快走 - 别推我
You just wanna be Rocky,
你想当洛奇吗? (史泰龙电影中的拳手角色)
- I started nothin', - You always finishin' it,
我不怕你的 我一点都不怕你
- I'll throw something at you, - That's how you miss,
- 我用东西砸你 - 你肯定砸不到的
- Stand still, then, - (laughing)
- Where was it? - There,
- 这儿看起来不像是个学校 - 这儿是个学校,我带你们看
- Skinny! - (laughs, grunts)
- He's your brother, You go get him, - Come on,
- 他是你的兄弟,你跟他去吧 - 快点
I can't believe you fought PJ, man, Hold up, That's PJ,
真不敢相信你打了PJ,伙计 等等,那是PJ啊
- What is he doin'? - Skinny, what are you,,,
- 他在干什么呢? - 斯肯尼,你要干...?
- 这家伙是谁? - 是我的小兄弟,斯肯尼
None other than,
- So, uh, how you doin'? - Hey, man, what you doin'?
- 那,嗯,你好啊? - 嘿,伙计,你要干嘛?
- Why don't I come back a little later? - What? No, no,,,
快点,泰勒,咱们走 斯肯尼,咱们走
Tyler, let's go, man, Skinny, come on, man,
泰勒,咱们走 斯肯尼,咱们走
- Get off me! - Go, man,
- 别碰我 - 快走吧,伙计
Why you pushin' me so much?
- He's like Ellen. - Except Ellen get more chicks,
- 他就像艾伦(女脱口秀主持人) - 除了艾伦比他的孩子多之外
Hey, shut up,
# Show off that body you got
# You got the dance flo' so hot
# You workin' that, you trickin' that
# You trickin' that shit like a plot
# Show off that body you got
- That's real brave, - I ain't afraid of nobody,
- 你可真有胆量啊 - 我可不怕任何人
I ain't afraid of you and I'm definitely not afraid of you,
- I ain't goin' in there, - Come on,
- 我不想进去 - 快点
Watch yourself, Come on, man,
Shh, shh, shh,
- This looks like a museum, - It's not a museum,