
______________________,man-made wonders are more exciting than natural ones.2.它都有两千多年的历史了。
It’s______________2000years old.3.它为中国数百万的人口供电。
It produces electricity for______________people in China.4.我下了车,穿过了一道门,沿着一条黑暗的小路前行。
I got out of the car,______________a gate and walked along a dark path.5.在我下面很远的地方,地面(仿佛在随光线)向下延伸,(逐渐)退落到下面的一条河里。
Far below me,the ground______________and down to a river.6.即使你把世界上最高的两座建筑物叠在一起放在谷底,他们依旧到不了顶。
If you put the two tallest buildings in the world__________________each other at the bottom of the canyon,they still would not reach the top.Module21.从那时开始,中国人(每年)都庆祝国庆节。
People have celebrated the National Day______________.2.那一天有各种各样的节日活动。
On that day,there are___________________holiday activities.3.大多数人都会在七月或八月的某段时间休假。
Most people____________________sometime in July or August.4.孩子们玩得可开心了。

九上第二单元1.花和草都没有了!The flowers and grass ______ ______ .2.有几家化工厂正往小溪里排放污水。
There are several chemical factories ______ waste water ______ the stream 3.政府已经采取了一些有效措施来阻止它。
The government has done ______ ______ to stop it.4.无论如何,我希望政府能尽快解决这个问题。
______ , I hope the government will ______ this problem soon5我们不应该乱扔垃圾。
We shouldn't leave rubbish ______ ______ ______ .6.别在公共场所随地吐痰。
Don’t spit anywhere ______ ______ .7.别践踏草坪和摘花。
Don't ______ ______ grass or pick flowers8.每一个人都应该保护野生动物,多植树。
Everyone should ______ ______ wild animals and plant more trees.9.一些动物正处于完全灭亡的危险之中。
Some animals are in danger of ______ ______ completely10.人类乱砍乱伐。
People have ______ ______ too many trees11.结果是大量的肥沃的土地变成了荒漠。
______ ______ ______ , a lot of rich land has changed into desert.12.树可以防风固土。
Trees can stop the wind from ______ earth ______ .13.森林可以储存大量的水分。
期末专项训练之完成句子 牛津深圳版九年级英语上册

九上完成句子期末专项复习(广州专用)一、完成句子考点归纳1.感叹句2.宾语从句3.被动语态4.常考句型(so..・that;四个"花费” ;not...until; it is+adj+(for/of sb) to do sth 等)5.短语(以九年级上册为主)二、完成句子题组训练2020-2021学年广东省广州市六、完成句子(共5题,每小题2分,共10分)1.上个月他们采取行动来防止水污染。
Last month they _____________________ to prevent water pollution.2.那些消防员们真勇敢!____________________ firemen they are!3.她的视力太差了,无法通过视力测试。
Her eyesight is ___________________________________________ t he eyesight test.4.我想知道他们是否将要搬到上海。
I wonder ___________________________________________ to Shanghai.5.公共场所不允许大声喧哗。
We ________________________________ to speak loudly ___________ public.2020-2021广东省广州市花都区第二节完成句子(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据所给的汉语内容,用英语完成下列句子。
(每空限填一词)9.我们都想知道他在哪买到春运的车票的.We all want to know ___________________________________ for the Spring Festival travel season.10.多么令人兴奋的消息啊!我们校足球队赢得了第一名。
____________________ news it is! Our school football team won the first prize.11 .保持均衡的饮食对我们来说很有必要。

1, my uncle____________ a black sweater.(use)2.在学校,马克对体育运动很感兴趣,他打棒球也踢足球2,Mark ___________ sports at school, he plays baseball as well as soccer.(be)3.我过去,每天都看到他踢足球。
3,I used to ______________football every day.(see)4.他想知道如何处理这个问题。
4,He wanders ________ this problem.(deal)5.老师在讲话时,我们应该保持沉默。
5,we should_________ When the teacher is speaking.(keep)6。
6,they have______ playing Golf.(take)7。
7,he likes_________ in his free time. (hang)8。
大多数人对他敢怒不敢言8,most people hate him, but they don't ____________.(dare)9,我们购物的时候花了一个小时,随着人群走。
9, we spent an hour _________ when we did the shopping.(walk) 10,我过去害怕在公共场合发表演讲10,I used to be afraid of __________. (give)11那些狗是用来帮助盲人的吗?11.are those dogs _________ the blind.(use)12,珍妮以前在学校里并不受欢迎,12.Jenny __________be popular in school.(use)13,你表妹以前害怕独自一人,不是吗,13.your cousin used to be afraid of__________, didn't she.(be)14,我不习惯午饭吃这么多14.I ____________so much for lunch (be)15,我小时候总是照顾我的小弟弟,15,I always _________my little brother when I was young. (look)16我过去常常害羞,而且看着沉默,16,I used to ___________. (be)17,今天莎莉又没来上学他缺课三天了17.today Sally didn't come to school again, she __________ class for three days.(be) 18凯伦想成为明星,这样她就能得到很多的关注,18.karen wants to become a star so that she can___________ .(get) 19,这本词典正是我在找的。

My brother ill a bad cold.2、这个年轻人的生活充满了希望。
The young man has a life hope.3、大家都应该尽力帮助这位残疾人。
Everyone try to help the man.4、两年前她嫁给了约翰。
She Jhon two years .5、除了等待,我别无选择。
I have no to wait.6、这个孩子对未来的梦想很美好。
The boy’s for the is very beautiful.7、他有时候思考生活的目的是什么。
He thinks about his in life .8、我不确定去哪里找到他。
I’m not sure where him.9、同学之间应当友好相处。
Students should good others.10、请在这儿写下你的电话号码。
Please your telephone.11、雷锋给许多人树立了榜样。
Lei Feng was a many people.12、这个好消息使他很开心。
The good news made very .13、这次事故后,他失去了奔跑的能力。
After the accident ,he lost his run.14、对这位年轻母亲来说,孩子就意味着一切。
For the young mother,the baby .15、我希望过无悔的生活。
I hope to live my life any .16、这个国家的人们仍然在使用一些古老的工具。
Many old tools still in this country.17、付出很多辛苦之后,他找到了解决问题的办法。
a lot of ,he found ways to solve the problem.18、珍妮没有和妈妈道别就走了。
Jenny left “ Goodbye” to her mum.19、她不仅会唱歌,还会作曲。

2.Everybody has strong points . We should each other. 每个人都有优点,我们应该互相学习。
3. I can't help you . --I'm too busy.我现在不能帮你--我太忙了。
4. He decided to English , because he just failed the exam.他决定专攻英语,因为他刚考试不及格。
6.He doing the homeworksupper.晚饭之后他开始做作业。
7.Fruits and vegetables you.水果和蔬菜对你有益。
8.His parents him.他的父母对他要求非常严格。
9. him two hours to do the homework .他花了两个小时做作业。
10.John has a lot of family rules. Peter.约翰家有许多家规,彼得家也是这样。
11.We about something and then in Chinese.在某些事情上我们越谈越起劲,最后干脆用中文说。
12. I in grammar.在语法方面,我屡次出错。
13. Students in Grade Nine are allowed until late at night.九年级的学生应该被允许熬夜(读书)。
14.So I lots of grammar in every class.因此我决定每节课多做些语法笔记。
15.Also I in class, because I thoughtmy classmatesmight me.我也害怕在课堂上发言,因为我以为同学们会笑话我。
16.They talk homework.他们不是做作业而是闲聊。
17.Time ,good friendship may be lost.随着时间的消逝,友情也会冷淡消失。

The pants _______ _____my brother's. They are _____ ______ long ______ him.2.这些天我们镇上在发生一些非同寻常的事情。
These days _________ _________ is happening in our town.3.我觉得它(体形)太大不会是狗。
I think it was ________big ________ be a dog.4.一定有什么东西在光顾我们附近的家园。
There ________ be something ________ the homes in our neighborhood.5.响声制造者在附近引起恐慌很开心。
The noise-maker is________ too much fun________ fear in the neighborhood.6.我简直无法想象这儿曾经有个小渔村。
I can't imagine that it ________ ________ ________a smallfishing village here.7.你认识那个留胡子的男士吗?Do you know the man _________ beard?8.没有人知道巨石阵是干什么用的。
No one is sure what Stonehenge ________ ________ ________.9.并且或许我们永远不可能知道,但是我们的确知道他们一定是很勤劳的。
And perhaps we might never know, but we do know they ________ ________ ________ hard-working!10.尽管我的祖父六十多岁了,他还是努力学习电脑,以便跟上时代。
Although my grandfather is over 60 years old, he still studies computer hard ________ ________ he might keep up with times.11.比起果汁来,我更喜欢喝咖啡。
牛津译林版九年级英语上册Unit 1完成句子专题练习( 有答案)

牛津译林版九年级英语上册Unit 1完成句子专题练习1 孙浩是这家公司的总经理,他工作总是高标准。
Sun Hao is ___________________________. He always__________________________.2 对医生们来说,失之毫厘,谬以千里,他们承担不起任何失误。
To the doctors, ______________________________. They _______________________.3 发令枪响后,吴大境一直处于领先地位。
After the starting gun went off, Wu Dajing___________________________________.4 姜文话不多,但是他的作品常常很有说服力。
Jiang Wen has few words, but ______________________________________.5 我随时乐意接受新的挑战。
I’m ready ___________________________________________________.6 刚才没有人注意他所说的话。
No one____________________________________________________ just now.7 他的勇敢的行为赢得了老师们的高度赞扬。
His brave act _____________________________________________.8 他的新作在上周的书展上未得到任何关注。
__________________________________ his new work at the book show last week.9 他妹妹五岁时就把大部分的空余时间都投入到学习弹钢琴上去了。
At the age of 5, her sister _________________________________ play the piano.10我爸爸曾是连接上海到南京高速铁路的总工程师。

一、否定句He should be allowed to hang out with his friends after school.(改为否定句)He be allowed to hang out with his friends after school.1.Jenny does exercise in the cold winter.(改为否定句)Jennyexercise in (he cold winter. Doesn't do2.The students put up the picture on the wall this morning.(改为否定句)The students up the picture on the wall tliis morning, didn't put3.Paul has finished his homework.(改为否定句)Paul his homework. Hasn't finished4.The music festival is supposed to be put off.(改为否定句)The music festival supposed to be put off. Is not5.James cut up the bread with a knife.(改为否定句)James up the bread with a knife.didn't cut6.The hen laid an egg this morning.(改为否定句)The hen an egg this morning. Didn't lay7.The meal cost us a lot of money.(改为否定句)didn't costThe meal us a lol of money.8.I think we should wear school uniforms to school.(改为否定句)I think we wear school uniforms to school, don't should9.The book must belong to Tony.(变为否定句)The book belong to Tony.canU10.Jay Chou has got talent in music.(变为否定句)Jay Chou got talent in music. Hasn't二、对划线部分提问The telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bel.(对戈U线部分提问) was the telephone invented? Who by1.The surface of the earth used to be covered by water billions of years ago.(对划线部分提问) the surface of the earth use to be covered by billions of years ago? What didHe has been away from his hometown since 15 years ago.(对划线部分提问)has he been away from his hometown?how long2.It takes me 10 minutes to walk to school every day.(对划线部分提问)does it take you to walk to school every day? How long3. 1 used to learn cooking by watching cooking videos.(对划线部分提问)you use to learn cooking? How did4.People are supposed to wash hands before having meals.(对划线部分提问) people supposed to do before having meals? What are5.He spread love and joy by "eating everyone wi【h kindness and warmlh (对划线部分提问) he spread love and joy? How did(sprcad 过去式为原形)Ifs January 26lh today.(对划线部分提问)the today? (1). What's (2). dateWe will build another 3 bridges over Yangtze River in Chongqingin two years.(对划线部分提问)will you build another 3 bridges over Yangtze River in Chongqing? How soon1(). It is five kUometers from our school to the post office.(对划线部分提问) is it from our school to the post office?how soon11.Lucy and her parents used to live in a small house .(对划线部分提问)Lucy and her parents use to live? WheredidLily would like to take a trip after the final examination.(对划线部分提问) Lily like to do after the finalexamination ? What would12.It's about 30 minules' drive from Shapingba to Rongqiao,(对划线部分提问)is it from Shapingba (o Rongqiao?howfar三、法为同义幻」、We wonder what we are supposed to do for the homeless people in Indonesia (改为同义句) We wonder dofor thehomeless people in Indonesia .what to1.They couldn't continue to play soccer because it was raining heavily.(改为同义句)They were soccer by the heavyrain stopped playingYour teachers will take pride in you because of your courage.(改为同义句)should (2). notYour teachers will be you because of your courage.(l). proud (2). ofAlthough wc were apart, wc received letters from each other a lot last ycar.(改为同义句)Although we were apart, weeach other a lot last year. Heard from2.Edward not only likes the Chinese people but also he likes Chinese culture.(改为同义句)Not only EdwardtheChinese food but also he likes Chinese culture. Docs like Tim hardly ever joins in outdoor activities after class.(改为同义句)Tim hardly ever in outdoor activities after class. Takes partOur school is serious about life education so we set up many classes about ii(改为同义句)Our School life education so wc set up many classes about it.takes seriouslyCarmen prefers listening to music to seeing a movie on weekends.(改为同义句)Carmen would listen to music see a movie on weekends.rather thanRachel is wondering where she can borrow a book.(改为同义句)Rachel is wondering borrow a book. Where toShe spent 200 dollars on a red drees last weekend.(改为同义句)A red dress 2(X) dollars last weekend.cost herWe couldn't get there on time because of the heavy snow.(改为I司义句)The heavy snow us getting (here on time.stopped fromThe customs are different. You should learn about them before leaving.(改为同义句)Before leaving, you should learn about the customs different. Which /that are3.He spent 100 dollars on his new coal yesterday4改为同义句)His new coat 100 dollars yesterday. Cost him4.I think middle school students should learn to use time well.(改为同义句)I think middle school students shouldlearn to time to good. put use5.They won't drop by a friend's house unless they call first.(改为同义句)They won't drop by a friend's house they callfirst. If don't6.The schoolbag on the teacher's desk is Jenny's. She left it there yesterday.(改为同义右J)The schoolbag on the teacher's desk Jenny. She left it there yesterday. Belong to四、完成译句1.两国间的丝绸贸易最早发生于1978年。

I _____ _____ _____ _____ my friends from college all the time.2。
我哥哥去游泳了.My brother has _____ _____.3.在过去的十年我们国家取得了巨大进步。
Our country has _____ great _____ in the past ten years。
4.我虽然没时间去旅游,但是仍然觉得这个假期很愉快._____ I had no time _____ travel, I still felt very happy this holiday。
5.为了养家糊口,她不得不放弃了学业._____ _____ _____ support her family, she has to drop school.6.我想阻止她抓那个球,但是她没有听到。
I want to _____ her _____ _____ the ball, but she didn’t hear me。
打电脑游戏不但耗费时间,而且有害健康.Playing computer games not only takes much time but also is _____ _____ _____。
I would like tea _____ _____coffee。
My uncle _____ _____ _____ _____ his hometown for quite a few years.10。
你知道印度人口比美国的还多吗?Do you know that the population of India is _____ than _____ of America?11.你们是怎样处理塑料袋的?How do you deal with _____ _____?12.那个小女孩的父母决定待在家里不出去了。

九年级英语完成句子专练及答案1.To my surprise。
he has already changed his life.2.In the end。
the XXX.3.From this year on。
students won't worry about their study anymore.4.The Chinese government asks people to pay n to XXX.5.XXX.6.Although I didn't do well in my lessons。
I never gave up.7.How long did Bob hold the world record in the long jump?8.XXX't hold back tears when he heard the sad news.9.The train had already left when I got to the train XXX.10.The world will e much more beautiful if XXX.11.We should line up to get on the bus.12.XXX.13.XXX.XXX days.Recently。
we had a great time playing on Sunday.So far。
XXX.It is raining heavily。
so it's best for you to stay at home.We are proud of China。
which will host the 29th Olympic Games.If I have free time tomorrow。
I will play chess with you.Please don't give up when you XXX.XXX.All the XXX with the nice service during the Beijing Olympics.Up to now。

1.你通过读课本做语法练习来学习英语吗?Do you learn English reading your or doing ?2.把每一门课程需要掌握的笔记都复习一下.all the you cover for each course.3.-你是怎样练习写作的? -通过给笔友写信。
-Do you ?-By to my pen pals.4.看英语杂志是学习新单词的最好方法.English magazines is the learn new words. 5.关于这些问题他们已报道得够多了,但依然没有引起公众多大的重视。
They have reported enough about these problems, but the public still don’t much .6.比赛前,裁判警告他不要忘记了比赛规则.Before the match, the judges him the rules.7.泰萨摆出了她最好的衣服准备在聚会时穿。
Tessa her best dress at the party.8.在新年那天,他请他们吃了一顿好饭.He to a good New Year s Day.9.这个老板以打手掌来惩罚那个男孩The boss that boy on the palms.10.你那样乱开车最后总要进医院才了事。
You’ll in hospital you drive your car that.11.请告诉我事是什么时候发生的好吗?Could you please tell me ?12.我想知道明天能什么时候来参加会to the meeting tomorrow.13.-你能告诉我在哪里可以找到商场吗?-对不起,我不太清楚。
-Can you tell me a mall?-Sorry, I’m not .14.我问柜台后面的女售货员是否有明信片。

The police have ______________ who stole the woman’s necklace. (find)2.木兰打扮得像一个男孩,代替父亲去参军打仗。
Mulan ____________________ a boy and took her father’s place to fight in the army. ( dress )3.这本书与电脑有关。
The book __________________________ computers. ( have )4.她并没有参与做出此决定。
She didn’t ______________________ making this decision. ( play )5.我们才仅仅完成工作的一部分。
We are still only ________________________ the job. ( halfway)6.你愿意和我们在周一晚上闲逛吗?Can you ___________ with us on Monday night? (hang)7.过去的几年中国发生了巨大的变化。
Great changes _________________ in China in the past few years. (take)8.我们做任何决定之前必须认真思考。
We must ________________ before we make any decision. ( think)9.如今多亏了互联网,我们在家里就能买到我们想要买的东西。
Today,_____________ the Internet, we can do all our shopping from home. (thank) 10.医生叫我躺下休息两天。
The doctor asked me ______________ and rest for two days. (lie)11.你似乎发烧了,为什么不量量你的体温?You seem to have a fever! Why not _________________________ ? (take)12.我总是帮助老师分发试卷。

完成句子专练(一空一词)1. 你认为骑自行车去上班怎么样?What do you think of to work?2. 你们什么时候从澳大利亚回来的?When did you from Australia?3. 今天下午你们能完成那个数学课题吗?Can you the math project this afternoon?4. 如果你想加入我们,请你给我打电话。
Please call me if you want to .5. 她每天做家务需要一个小时。
her one hour to do housework every day.6. Tom打算后天动身去上海。
Tom’s Shanghai the day after tomorrow.7. 我们在机场不期而遇。
We met at the airport .8. Kate 不想让她的父母失望。
Kate doesn’t want to her parents .9. 从下周开始,我们每周休息一天。
From next week on, we will a day every week.10. 操场上一点有很多男孩在踢足球。
There be many boys soccer on the playground.11. 我喜欢能跟着唱的音乐。
I like music that I can with.12. 我们经常在一起讨论数学问题。
We often to discuss math problems.13. 我们应该远离污染保持健康。
We stay away from pollution and .14. 你现在必须休息几分钟。
Now you must it for a few minutes. 15. 通常情况下,你应当先将重要的东西打包。
, you should pack the important things first.16. 我们正在考虑去北京工作。

The match will begin in a minute. there by taxi.2、多吃些蔬菜,对你的身体有好处.your health to eat more vegetables.3、他还太小,不能学开车。
He is how to drive a car.4、那张光盘我花了10元钱。
I that CD.5、如果我坐飞机去海南,要用多长时间?If I go to Hainan by plane, ____ to get there?6、妈妈工作总是很忙,但她一有空就帮我复习功课.My mother her work,but when she is free,she will第二组:5.我一到那儿就给你发短信。
I will send you a short message ______________________ I get there。
李老师太忙了,顾不上休息.Miss Li is _____________ busy __________________ she has no time to have a rest。
Mum asks me ___________________ my homework in time every day.8.李明不仅擅长物理,而且化学也很棒。
Li Ming is good at _______________ physics, __________________ chemistry。
As middle school students,_____________________________________________.第三组:1. 你最好现在就起床,别再上学迟到了。
You’d better get up now. Don’t school again。

冀教版九年级上册词组及短语总复习赢得一块金牌__________同时_________警告某人要做某事______________在13 岁时______________ 再试两次_______________________________尽你所能得快___________________可以做某事_____________________________ 第一次____________________________据说,听说_____________________放弃________________停顿做某事__________________________赶上……_____________________坚持做某事_____________________________ 轮流做某事____________________________打破一个世界纪录________位于,坐落于________________最高的楼房之一____________________________ 一般程度,平均程度上_____________如此小的一个动物___________________ 越来越流行__________________________单腿站___________________________ 写下来______________________一张……的清单__________________________ 想出________________全世界人们________________________弹吉他_____________________________顺便说一下___________________赚钱______________吃的好东西___________越……,越……_____________为……付款____________________________开会____________________________ 别害怕____________________________处理,对待___________________________ 有用的东西__________________________支撑___________________________没什么大不了的,没什么严重__________________叫醒___________________查找_______________________坐起来_____________________发高烧_____________收到某人的来信_______________吃药_________一个星期一次_______________与……不同_________________________________ 拥有安康的饮食______________代替……________________由……制成的_________________在……的边缘___________________许多________________________准许某人做某事____________________________ 敢做某事________________________11岁的儿子_________________看着某人做某事_____________________鼓励某人做某事_____________________ 充满费事〔问题〕的一生__________________感冒___________________________ 在……获得成功______________呆在床上_________________________________ 生病住院_____________________向……学习_______________________________ 因……而知名_______________________以……〔身份〕知名__________________ 叫某人做某事__________________犯错误_________________________________ 以……开始____________________开始做某事______________________________ 树立典范___________________举个……的例子_____________________________ 如此……以致……_________________献身于……___________________除……以外______________________________关心_________________从事于______________________和其别人一起_______________被尊称为……_______________在他的业余时间里_______________________ 首先_________________日复一日_____________________给某人做手术_____________________________进展急救__________________在艰辛的环境里__________________完成做某事_____________________生某人的气______________________向某人问好______________听从我的警告_____________________照顾______________小心_________________足够高____________给某人写信________________回绝做某事____________________________不必做某事__________________ 假装做某事_______________________带某人去……_________1阻止某人做某事__________________________匆忙,赶时间__________________决不做某事,千万别做某事___________这个问题的答案___________________扑灭_______让……单独带呆着_______________从……营救……_______九年级英语完成句子专练〔一〕1.令我惊奇的是,他已经改变了他的生活_____ my surprise,he has _____ _____ _____ already.2.在最后,全体人员作出了一个困难的决定。

专题完成句子100题期中真题+名校模拟一、完成句子参考答案:1.turning grey【详解】根据中英文对照可知,此处缺少“变得灰白”,其英文表达为turn grey,此时turn应用现在分词turning,与空前的is构成现在进行时的结构。
故填turning grey。
2.government social natural worse worse【详解】“政府”翻译为the government;“社会活动”翻译为social activities;“自然环境”翻译为natural environment;“越来越差”是形容词比较级worse and worse。
3.millions of as a result【详解】根据中英文对照,第一空应填“数百万”,其英文表达为millions of;第二空应填“(作)为……的结果”,可以用as a result of表示。
故填millions of;as a result。
4.It’s clear that【详解】结合句意可知,空格处应为“很明显”,根据“you take the wrong book”可知,此处为it’s+adj.+that从句“……是……的”,“明显的”clear,故空格处应填It’s clear that。
5.probably more than had something to do with【详解】此句是复合句,前面是There be 句型,后面是who引导的定语从句,从语境上看,前面是过去时“There was”,后面也需要过去时。
后面的动词短语是“had something to do with”,表示“与……有关”。
前面句子表示“可能不只一个”用“probably more than one”。
故填probably more than;had something to do with。
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1. I _____ _____ ______ to talk with her.我没机会和她谈话。
2.Everybody has strong points . We should _____ _____ each other.每个人都有优点,我们应该互相学习。
3. I can't help you _____ ______ . --I'm too busy.我现在不能帮你--我太忙了。
4. He decided to _____ ______ English , because he just failed the exam.他决定专攻英语,因为他刚考试不及格。
6.He ______ doing the homework_________supper.晚饭之后他开始做作业。
7.Fruits and vegetables ______ _____ _____ you.水果和蔬菜对你有益。
8.His parents _____ _____ _____ him.他的父母对他要求非常严格。
9. ____ _____ him two hours to do the homework .他花了两个小时做作业。
10.John has a lot of family rules. _____ _____ Peter.约翰家有许多家规,彼得家也是这样。
11.We ________ about something and then _______ _________ in Chinese.在某些事情上我们越谈越起劲,最后干脆用中文说。
12. I ____________ ____________ in grammar.在语法方面,我屡次出错。
13. Students in Grade Nine are allowed ________ ________ ________ until late at night.九年级的学生应该被允许熬夜(读书)。
14.So I ________ ______ ________ lots of grammar ________ in every class.因此我决定每节课多做些语法笔记。
15.Also I ________ ________ ________ ________ in class, because I thoughtmy classmates might _____ ________ me.我也害怕在课堂上发言,因为我以为同学们会笑话我。
16.They talk _____________ ______ ________ homework.他们不是做作业而是闲聊。
17.Time ________ _________,good friendship may be lost.随着时间的消逝,友情也会淡漠消失。
18.How do we _________ ________ our problems?我们要如何处理这些棘手的事情呢?19.But now I ________ ________ __________ ________ sports.但是我现在对运动更感兴趣。
20.I've tried to make my mother _______ ________ _________me.我努力想让母亲更多地注意到我。
21. Luckily, his mother was very patient, and didn't________ ________trying to help him.幸运的是,他的母亲很有耐心,并且从不放弃对他的帮教。
22. I hope you can _____________ me ___________ some information about the kinds of vacations that your firm can offer.我希望贵公司能给我提供一些旅游度假方面的信息。
23. Social situations ________ bother you ________ ________ _________.社会状况根本不会打扰你。
24. If you don't know how to spell new words,_______ them _______ in the _________.如果有拼写不出来的新单词,你就查查字典。
25. The music ____________ me ________ Brazilian dance music.这首曲子让我想到巴西舞曲。
26. Y ou always ________ ________ ________ good solutions to people's problems.你总能提出(想出)帮助他人解决难处的好办法。
27. _____ __________ , though, France is quite an expensive place.尽管总体上来讲,法国是个消费水平极高的地方。
28. He might be running to ________ _________ _________.他也许正跑去搭车呢。
29. I'd like to go___________ _______________.我想到一处让我能放松身心的地方。
30. . It seems some students would like to start work as _________ as __________, so that they can help provide better lives for their parents.似乎一些学生立马就想(上班去)开始工作,这样就能给双亲提供更好的生活条件。
31.Some of her best loved photos are ____ _____________ in this exhibition.在这次摄影展中,展出了她的一些最中意的作品32. I'd like to ______ ___________, butI only eat food that tastes______ .我想保持健康,但是我只吃口味好的食品。
33. Y our friends would probably say that you are _______to _______ _________.你的朋友们也许会说你很容易相处。
34. I go to sleep ________ my bedroom ________ ________.我开着卧室的灯睡觉。
35. Our teachers believe that if we did that, we would ________ ___________ _______ our clothes ________our studies.我们的老师们相信如果我们那样做(穿自家的衣服),我们会更多地注意衣服而非学业。
36. She doesn't want ________ ________ her friends ________.她不想让朋友们失望。
37. It is very important to dream , so ______on to your dreams, one day they may just come ______. 有梦想(理想)十分重要,坚持理想(不懈努力),有朝一日理想终将实现。
38.She ____________ ______________ ______________ go out at night.她晚上不敢走出去.39. I couldn't __________ ___________ last night, because I was too _____________.我昨晚无法入睡, 因为我太激动了.40._______ the teacher's ________, she passed her maths exam.在老师的帮助下,她数学考试及格了。
41.I'll call you ______ __________ _______ I get home.我一回家就给你打电话。
42.We've ________ _______ _________ Tianjin.我们从来没有去过天津。
43.Y ou must ______ ____ ____ the others,if you fall behind them.如果你落在别人后面,你必须赶上他们44.I'm sure he can ________ _______that maths problem.我确信他能算出那道数学题。
45.Shall we ________ _______ working now?现在我们能继续工作了吗?46.He learns English by __________ ________ _____________.他通过编(写)对话来学习英语。
47. ________ ________,I realized that it doesn't matter if you don'tunderstand every word.随后我认识到如果无法每个单词都弄明白,那也不碍事。
48. __________________________________(他过去玩电脑游戏的时间太多)he was not interested in his lessons. (spend)49. ---What’s the matter? My clothes_____________________(过时了). (style)50.-----Why did you look upset? -----I__________________.(与同学吵架了)(argue)51. ----How do you study English?---I study _________________(练习讲英语) with classmates. (by)52 -----_______________________? (电话是谁发明的) (invent) ----- By Bell.53.Could you tell me__________________(银行在哪里)?(where)54 I like musicians__________________________ (演奏不同音乐的)(who)55 I_____________________ (茶与咖啡相比,更喜欢茶)(prefer)56 -----How does he get to school?-----He_______________________.(宁愿步行而不乘车) (prefer)57.He wateched TV___________________(而不是做作业)last night. (instead)58. -----I have never been to Beijing. -------_____________. (我哥哥也是)(neither)59.Now more and more students__________________(爱上玩电脑游戏)(fall)60. I don't think students______________________. (不被允许扎耳朵)(allow)61.The teacher said I ________________(能做得更好)history. (well)62 ----What’s your favorite sport? -----I _________________(擅长打篮球)(good).63.He____________________(过去常常打篮球)but now he__________________(习惯于踢足球)(use).64. Tea___________________(偶然间发明的)and potato schips____________________(错误发明的). (invent)65. Y ou______________________(被期望握手)when you meet friends in China. (suppose)66. The cup _____________________________(用来喝茶的)(use).67.The watch__________________(属于Lucy)( belong) . it__________________(不可能是我的)(be)68. He went to school___________________(没有吃早饭). Because he got up late.(without)69. Y our idea _____________________(和我的相似)(similar)70.Wang Hai ___________________(一个八岁的男孩)likes reading very much. (eight) 71. Now more and more people___________________(对学习英语感兴趣)English. (interest) 72.Why don’t you__________________Beij ing this summer?(考虑去参观)(consider)73. They________________(严格要求)their children and __________ their work.. (strict) 74.He got up early_______________________(为了赶上)the early bus. (order)75.There are_______________(好几百)students in their school. (hundred)76. This song________________________(使我想起我的朋友). (remind)77.His father ________________________(决定戒烟)last year. (decision)78. I like misic_______________________.(我能随着唱的)(that)79.He won the first prize in the match. We __________________.(为他骄傲)(proud)80. Children need_________________________(八小时的睡眠). (least)81.The man ___________________(和英语老师谈话的)is my uncle ( who)82._____________________(当我到达学校时)the students had already left. (by)83. I am sorry I ________________________(把作业忘记在家了) (leave)84.------Where would you like to visit ?-----I would like to go_____________(暖和的地方)(warm)85. The boy is _____________ (足够的大)to go to school. (enough)86.-----What do you think of the TV play? -----I____________(不能容忍)(stand)87. ________________________(我妈妈和爸爸都是)teachers. (both)88.The book__________(引起我的兴趣)I _______________(我对他很感兴趣)(interest) 89._______________(由于下雨)(because), we had to____________(推迟举行)the sports meeting(put)。