大一英语期末考试试题内含答案Directions: Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the words given in the brackets.1.Thank you very much for your ____ advice. I followed it and succeeded at last. (value)2. His business has ____ rapidly since his brother came to help. (development)3. After a two-day discussion, we finally found a ____ to the difficult problem. (solve)4. Prices ____ high for quite a while .People began to complain about it. (remaining)5. I don’t think it ____ to finish all t he work today. We can go on with it tomorrow.(necessity)6. It is obviously not ____ to leave a 3-year-old boy alone at home. (properly)7. The tourists saw a beautiful ____ when they climbed onto the top of the mountain.(scene)8. Traveling in the desert is a challenging ____ to most people. ( inexperience)9. ____, I don’t think it poss ible to finish the task in two days. (person)10. The government must make sure that the economy is developedin the right ____.(direct) ? Vocabulary and Structure Directions: Choose the best one from the four choices to complete the sentence.11. The temperature ____ throughout the day in that part of the country. A. very B. remains C. differs D. varies12. The game is full of violence and will certainly have a bad____ on young players.A. meaningB. painC. lossD. influence13. The warm-hearted elderly lady downstairs is always ____ to help others.A. realB. readyC. practicalD. polite14. The question is ____ difficult in the exam today. Don’t you think so?A. thereforeB. sinceC. ratherD. otherwise15. She used to live in a lovely ____ building near the sea.A. 3-storyB. 3-storiesC. 3-classedD. 3-classes16. There are different ____ of transport in big cities for you to choose when you go out.A. meansB. meanC. meaningsD. meaning17. They did not take a rest until the job was ____ finished.A. straightlyB. speciallyC. completelyD. fairly18. The bookstore owner ____ the old magazines with a new ones to attract more readers.A. requiredB. reviewedC. repeatedD. replaced19. Would you like to buy the book? It is ____ reading.A. worthyB. firmC. furtherD. worth20. She wears sunglasses to ____ her eyes from the sunshine in summer.A. prepareB. produceC. protectD. provide。
大一高等数学期末考试试卷(一)一、选择题(共12分) 1. (3分)若2,0,(),0x e x f x a x x ⎧<=⎨+>⎩为连续函数,则a 的值为( ). (A)1 (B)2 (C)3 (D)-1 2. (3分)已知(3)2,f '=则0(3)(3)lim2h f h f h →--的值为( ). (A)1 (B)3 (C)-1 (D)123. (3分)定积分22ππ-⎰的值为( ).(A)0 (B)-2 (C)1 (D)24. (3分)若()f x 在0x x =处不连续,则()f x 在该点处( ). (A)必不可导 (B)一定可导(C)可能可导 (D)必无极限 二、填空题(共12分)1.(3分) 平面上过点(0,1),且在任意一点(,)x y 处的切线斜率为23x 的曲线方程为 .2. (3分) 1241(sin )x x x dx -+=⎰ . 3. (3分) 201lim sin x x x→= . 4. (3分) 3223y x x =-的极大值为 .三、计算题(共42分) 1. (6分)求20ln(15)lim.sin 3x x x x →+2. (6分)设2,1y x =+求.y '3. (6分)求不定积分2ln(1).x x dx +⎰4. (6分)求3(1),f x dx -⎰其中,1,()1cos 1, 1.x xx f x xe x ⎧≤⎪=+⎨⎪+>⎩5. (6分)设函数()y f x =由方程0cos 0y xt e dt tdt +=⎰⎰所确定,求.dy6. (6分)设2()sin ,f x dx x C =+⎰求(23).f x dx +⎰7. (6分)求极限3lim 1.2nn n →∞⎛⎫+ ⎪⎝⎭四、解答题(共28分)1. (7分)设(ln )1,f x x '=+且(0)1,f =求().f x2. (7分)求由曲线cos 22y x x ππ⎛⎫=-≤≤⎪⎝⎭与x 轴所围成图形绕着x 轴旋转一周所得旋转体的体积.3. (7分)求曲线3232419y x x x =-+-在拐点处的切线方程.4. (7分)求函数y x =+[5,1]-上的最小值和最大值.五、证明题(6分)设()f x ''在区间[,]a b 上连续,证明1()[()()]()()().22bbaab a f x dx f a f b x a x b f x dx -''=++--⎰⎰(二)一、 填空题(每小题3分,共18分) 1.设函数()23122+--=x x x x f ,则1=x 是()x f 的第 类间断点.2.函数()21ln x y +=,则='y.3. =⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛+∞→xx x x 21lim.4.曲线xy 1=在点⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛2,21处的切线方程为 . 5.函数2332x x y -=在[]4,1-上的最大值 ,最小值 . 6.=+⎰dx x x 21arctan . 二、 单项选择题(每小题4分,共20分) 1.数列{}n x 有界是它收敛的( ) .() A 必要但非充分条件; () B 充分但非必要条件 ; () C 充分必要条件; () D 无关条件.2.下列各式正确的是( ) .() A C e dx e x x +=--⎰; () B C xxdx +=⎰1ln ; () C ()C x dx x +-=-⎰21ln 21211; () D C x dx xx +=⎰ln ln ln 1. 3. 设()x f 在[]b a ,上,()0>'x f 且()0>''x f ,则曲线()x f y =在[]b a ,上.() A 沿x 轴正向上升且为凹的; () B 沿x 轴正向下降且为凹的;() C 沿x 轴正向上升且为凸的; () D 沿x 轴正向下降且为凸的.4.设()x x x f ln =,则()x f 在0=x 处的导数( ).() A 等于1; () B 等于1-; () C 等于0; () D 不存在.5.已知()2lim 1=+→x f x ,以下结论正确的是( ).() A 函数在1=x 处有定义且()21=f ; () B 函数在1=x 处的某去心邻域内有定义;() C 函数在1=x 处的左侧某邻域内有定义;() D 函数在1=x 处的右侧某邻域内有定义.三、 计算(每小题6分,共36分) 1.求极限:xx x 1sin lim 20→. 2. 已知()21ln x y +=,求y '. 3. 求函数x x y sin =()0>x 的导数.4. ⎰+dx x x 221. 5. ⎰xdx x cos .6.方程yxx y 11=确定函数()x f y =,求y '.四、 (10分)已知2x e 为()x f 的一个原函数,求()⎰dx x f x 2.五、 (6分)求曲线x xe y -=的拐点及凹凸区间. 六、 (10分)设()()C e x dx x f x++='⎰1,求()x f .(三)一、填空题(本题共5小题,每小题4分,共20分).(1) 210)(cos lim x x x → e1.(2)曲线x x y ln =上与直线01=+-y x 平行的切线方程为1-=x y . (3)已知xxxeef -=')(,且0)1(=f , 则=)(x f =)(x f 2)(ln 21x .(4)曲线132+=x x y 的斜渐近线方程为 .9131-=x y(5)微分方程522(1)1'-=++y y x x 的通解为.)1()1(32227+++=x C x y二、选择题 (本题共5小题,每小题4分,共20分). (1)下列积分结果正确的是( D )(A) 0111=⎰-dx x (B) 21112-=⎰-dx x(C) +∞=⎰∞+141dx x (D) +∞=⎰∞+11dx x(2)函数)(x f 在],[b a 内有定义,其导数)('x f 的图形如图1-1所示,则( D ).(A)21,x x 都是极值点. (B) ()())(,,)(,2211x f x x f x 都是拐点.(C) 1x 是极值点.,())(,22x f x(D) ())(,11x f x 是拐点,2x 是极值点图1-1(3)函数212e e e x x xy C C x -=++满足的一个微分方程是( D ).(A )23e .x y y y x '''--= (B )23e .xy y y '''--=(C )23e .x y y y x '''+-= (D )23e .xy y y '''+-= (4)设)(x f 在0x 处可导,则()()000limh f x f x h h →--为( A ). (A) ()0f x '. (B) ()0f x '-. (C) 0. (D)不存在 .(5)下列等式中正确的结果是 ( A ).(A) (())().f x dx f x '=⎰ (B) ()().=⎰df x f x (C) [()]().d f x dx f x =⎰ (D) ()().fx dx f x '=⎰三、计算题(本题共4小题,每小题6分,共24分). 1.求极限)ln 11(lim 1x x x x --→.解 )ln 11(lim 1x x x x --→=x x x x x x ln )1(1ln lim 1-+-→ 1分=x x x x x ln 1ln lim1+-→ 2分= xx x x x x ln 1ln lim1+-→ 1分= 211ln 1ln 1lim 1=+++→x x x 2分2.方程⎩⎨⎧+==t t t y t x sin cos sin ln 确定y 为x 的函数,求dx dy 与22dx y d .解 ,sin )()(t t t x t y dx dy =''= (3分) .sin tan sin )()sin (22t t t t t x t t dx y d +=''= (6分)3. 4. 计算不定积分.222(1) =2arctan 2 =2d x C =----------+------+---------⎰⎰分分(分4.计算定积分⎰++3011dx xx.解 ⎰⎰-+-=++3030)11(11dx x x x dx x x ⎰+--=30)11(dx x (3分)35)1(323323=++-=x (6分)(或令t x =+1)四、解答题(本题共4小题,共29分).1.(本题6分)解微分方程256xy y y xe '''-+=.2122312*20101*2-56012,31.1()111.21(1)1x x x x r r r r e C e y x b x b e b b y x x e +=----------==----------+-------=+-----------=-=-=-------------解:特征方程分特征解.分 次方程的通解Y =C 分令分代入解得,所以分2.(本题7分)一个横放着的圆柱形水桶(如图4-1),桶内盛有半桶水,设桶的底半径为R ,水的比重为γ,计算桶的一端面上所受的压力.解:建立坐标系如图0220322203*********RRP g R x g R x g R ρρρρ=---------=--------=--------=----------------⎰⎰)分[()]分分3. (本题8分)设()f x 在[,]a b 上有连续的导数,()()0f a f b ==,且2()1b af x dx =⎰,试求()()baxf x f x dx'⎰.222()()()()21 ()221 =[()]()2211=0222b b aabab ba axf x f x dx xf x df x xdf x xf x f x dx '=-----=---------=----------⎰⎰⎰⎰解:分分分分4. (本题8分)过坐标原点作曲线x y ln =的切线,该切线与曲线x y ln =及x 轴围成平面图形D. (1) (3) 求D 的面积A;(2) (4) 求D 绕直线e x =旋转一周所得旋转体的体积V.解:(1) 设切点的横坐标为0x ,则曲线x y ln =在点)ln ,(00x x 处的切线方程是).(1ln 000x x x x y -+= 1分由该切线过原点知 01ln 0=-x ,从而.0e x =所以该切线的方程为.1x e y =1分平面图形D 的面积 ⎰-=-=10.121)(e dy ey e A y 2分(2) 切线xe y 1=与x 轴及直线e x =所围成的三角形绕直线e x =旋转所得的圆锥体积为 .3121e V π= 2分曲线x y ln =与x 轴及直线e x =所围成的图形绕直线e x =旋转所得的旋转体体积为dye e V y 2102)(⎰-=π, 1分因此所求旋转体的体积为).3125(6)(312102221+-=--=-=⎰e e dy e e e V V V y πππ 1分五、证明题(本题共1小题,共7分).1.证明对于任意的实数x ,1x e x ≥+.解法一:2112xe e x x xξ=++≥+解法二:设() 1.x f x e x =--则(0)0.f = 1分 因为() 1.xf x e '=- 1分 当0x ≥时,()0.f x '≥()f x 单调增加,()(0)0.f x f ≥= 2分 当0x ≤时,()0.f x '≤()f x 单调增加,()(0)0.f x f ≥= 2分 所以对于任意的实数x ,()0.f x ≥即1x e x ≥+。
高数(大一上)期末试题及答案第一学期期末考试试卷(1)课程名称:高等数学(上)考试方式:闭卷完成时限:120分钟班级:学号:姓名:得分:一、填空(每小题3分,满分15分)1.lim (3x^2+5)/ (5x+3x^2) = 02.设 f''(-1) = A,则 lim (f'(-1+h) - f'(-1))/h = A3.曲线 y = 2e^(2t) - t 在 t = 0 处切线方程的斜率为 44.已知 f(x) 连续可导,且 f(x)。
0,f(0) = 1,f(1) = e,f(2) = e,∫f(2x)dx = 1/2ex,则 f'(0) = 1/25.已知 f(x) = (1+x^2)/(1+x),则 f'(0) = 1二、单项选择(每小题3分,满分15分)1.函数 f(x) = x*sinx,则 B 选项为正确答案,即当x → ±∞ 时有极限。
2.已知 f(x) = { e^x。
x < 1.ln x。
x ≥ 1 },则 f(x) 在 x = 1 处的导数不存在,答案为 D。
3.曲线 y = xe^(-x^2) 的拐点是 (1/e。
1/(2e)),答案为 C。
4.下列广义积分中发散的是 A 选项,即∫dx/(x^2+x+1)在区间 (-∞。
+∞) 内发散。
5.若 f(x) 与 g(x) 在 (-∞。
+∞) 内可导,且 f(x) < g(x),则必有 B 选项成立,即 f'(x) < g'(x)。
三、计算题(每小题7分,共56分)1.lim x^2(e^(2x)-e^(-x))/((1-cosx)sinx)lim x^2(e^(2x)-e^(-x))/((1-cosx)/x)*x*cosxlim x(e^(2x)-e^(-x))/(sinx/x)*cosxlim (2e^(2x)+e^(-x))/(cosx/x)应用洛必达法则)2.lim {arcsin(x+1) + arcsin(x-1) - 2arcsin(x)}/xlim {arcsin[(x+1)/√(1+(x+1)^2)] + arcsin[(x-1)/√(1+(x-1)^2)] - 2arcsin(x)/√(1+x^2)}lim {arcsin[(x+1)/√(1+(x+1)^2)] - arcsin(x/√(1+x^2)) + arcsin[(x-1)/√(1+(x-1)^2)] - arcsin(x/√(1+x^2))}lim {arcsin[(x+1)/√(1+(x+1)^2)] - arcsin(x/√(1+(x+1)^2)) + arcsin[(x-1)/√(1+(x-1)^2)] - arcsin(x/√(1+(x-1)^2))}lim {arcsin[(x+1)/√(1+(x+1)^2)] - arcsin[(x-1)/√(1+(x-1)^2)]} π/2 (应用洛必达法则)3.y = y(x) 由 x + y - 3 = 0 确定,即 y = 3 - x,因此 dy/dx = -1.4.f(x) = arctan(2x-9) - arctan(x-3) 的导数为 f'(x) = 1/[(2x-9)^2+1] - 1/[(x-3)^2+1],因此 f'(x)。
第一学期期末考试试卷(1)课程名称: 高等数学(上) 考试方式: 闭卷 完成时限:120分钟班级: 学号: 姓名: 得分: . 一、填空(每小题3分,满分15分)1、xx x x 2sin 3553lim 2++∞→ 2、设A f =-'')1(,则=--'--'→hh f f h )12()1(lim 0 3、曲线⎩⎨⎧==-t tey e x 2在0=t 处切线方程的斜率为4、已知)(x f 连续可导,且2)2(,)1(,1)0(,0)(e f e f f x f ===>,='⎰10)2()2(dx x f x f5、已知21)(xe xf x+=,则='')0(f 二、单项选择(每小题3分,满分15分)1、函数x x x f sin )(=,则 ( )A 、当∞→x 时为无穷大B 、当∞→x 时有极限C 、在),(+∞-∞内无界D 、在),(+∞-∞内有界2、已知⎩⎨⎧≥<=1,ln 1,)(x x x e x f x ,则)(x f 在1=x 处的导数( )A 、等于0B 、等于1C 、等于eD 、不存在3、曲线xxe y -=的拐点是( )A 、1=xB 、2=xC 、),1(1-eD 、)2,2(2-e 4、下列广义积分中发散的是( )A 、⎰10sin x dxB 、⎰-101xdx C 、⎰+∞+02/31x dx D 、⎰+∞22ln xx dx5、若)(x f 与)(x g 在),(+∞-∞内可导,)()(x g x f <,则必有( ) A 、)()(x g x f -<- B 、)()(x g x f '<'C 、)(lim )(lim 0x g x f xx xx →→< D 、⎰⎰<0000)()(x x dx x g dx x f三、计算题(每小题7分,共56分)答题要求:写出详细计算过程1、求xx e e x x x x sin )cos 1()(lim 220---→2、求)arcsin(lim 2x x x x -++∞→3、设)(x y y =由03=-+xyy x 确定,求0|=x dy 。
大一计算机期末考试试题及答案一、单选题练习1.完整的计算机系统由( c )组成。
a.运算器、控制器、存储器、输入设备和输出设备b.主机和外部设备c.硬件系统和软件系统d.主机箱、显示器、键盘、鼠标、打印机2.以下软件中,( d )不是操作系统软件。
a.windows xp b.unix c.linux d.microsoft office3.用一个字节最多能编出( d )不同的码。
a. 8个b. 16个c. 128个d. 256个4.任何程序都必须加载到( c )中才能被cpu执行。
a. 磁盘b. 硬盘c. 内存d. 外存5.下列设备中,属于输出设备的是( a )。
a.显示器 b.键盘 c.鼠标d.手字板6.计算机信息计量单位中的k代表( b )。
a. 102b. 210c. 103d. 287.ram代表的是( c )。
a. 只读存储器b. 高速缓存器c. 随机存储器d. 软盘存储器8.组成计算机的cpu的两大部件是( a )。
a.运算器和控制器 b. 控制器和寄存器c.运算器和内存 d. 控制器和内存9.在描述信息传输中bps表示的是( d )。
a.每秒传输的字节数b.每秒传输的指令数c.每秒传输的字数d.每秒传输的位数10.微型计算机的内存容量主要指( a )的容量。
a. ramb. romc. cmosd. cache11.十进制数27对应的二进制数为( d )。
a.1011 b. 1100 c. 10111 d. 1101112.windows的目录结构采用的是( a )。
a.树形结构 b.线形结构 c.层次结构 d.网状结构13.将回收站中的文件还原时,被还原的文件将回到( d )。
a.桌面上b.“我的文档”中c.内存中 d.被删除的位置14.在windows 的窗口菜单中,若某命令项后面有向右的黑三角,则表示该命令项( a )。
a.有下级子菜单b.单击鼠标可直接执行c.双击鼠标可直接执行d.右击鼠标可直接执行15.计算机的三类总线中,不包括( c )。
大一思想政治期末试题及答案一、选择题1.下列选项中,不属于社会主义核心价值观的是:– A. 自由– B. 公正– C. 共享– D. 和谐–答案:A2.世界上第一个社会主义国家是:– A. 苏联– B. 中国– C. 古巴– D. 法国–答案:A3.马克思主义的哲学基础是:– A. 辩证唯物主义– B. 唯心主义– C. 实证主义– D. 相对主义–答案:A4.毛泽东同志提出的“红旗渠”是指:– A. 一种新型农耕工具– B. 一条运输渠道– C. 一种灌溉工程– D. 一项农业技术–答案:C5.中国特色社会主义的总任务是:– A. 建设富强民主文明和谐的社会主义现代化国家– B. 维护国家主权和领土完整– C. 实现中华民族伟大复兴– D. 发展社会主义市场经济–答案:A二、简答题1.辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义的基本原理是什么?答:辩证唯物主义的基本原理包括:物质世界的根本属性是运动和变化的、一切事物都具有相互联系和相互作用的辩证关系、事物的发展是由内因和外因的统一决定的、事物的发展是由量变到质变的、事物的发展是不平衡、不断变动的等等。
大一英语期末考试试题一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. Which of the following words is spelled incorrectly?A. necessaryB. separateC. seperateD. evident2. Fill in the blank with the correct form of the verb:If he ________ (finish) his work by 5 p.m., he can go home early.A. will finishB. finishesC. will have finishedD. finish3. Choose the appropriate word to complete the sentence: The new shopping mall is so large that it can ________ ten thousand people at a time.A. acceptB. exceptC. receiveD. access4. Which sentence is written in the passive voice?A. The committee will hold a meeting next week.B. A meeting has been scheduled by the committee.C. The new law was discussed by the members.D. The teacher is giving us a lot of homework.5. Select the correct synonym for the word "understand":A. comprehendB. misunderstandC. overstandD. underpay6. Rewrite the sentence using the present perfect tense: She has never been to Paris.She has never gone to Paris.7. Choose the correct phrase to replace "at the end of":A. by the end ofB. in the end ofC. on the end ofD. at the end8. Which sentence uses the correct preposition?A. She is good at playing the piano.B. She is good at play the piano.C. She is good to play the piano.D. She is good with play the piano.9. Identify the correct use of "it" as a subject in the sentence:A. It is raining hard outside.B. It is hard to rain outside.C. It is the rain that is hard outside.D. The hard rain is outside.10. Fill in the blank with the correct comparative form:My brother is ________ (tall) than me.A. more tallB. tallerC. less tallD. lesser二、阅读理解(每题2分,共20分)Passage 1:The Internet has changed the way we communicate, learn, and do business. It has brought about a revolution in information technology and has become an essential part of our daily lives. With just a click of a button, we can access a vast amount of information from around the world. However, the Internet also has its drawbacks. It can be a source of misinformation and can lead to addiction, especially among young people.Questions:1. What is the main idea of the passage?A. The Internet has changed our lives.B. The Internet is a source of misinformation.C. The Internet can lead to addiction.D. The Internet is essential for daily life.2. What is the author's attitude towards the Internet?A. NegativeB. PositiveC. NeutralD. IndifferentPassage 2:Many students struggle with time management during the academic year. Balancing classes, assignments, and extracurricular activities can be challenging. Effective time management skills can help students reduce stress and improve academic performance. Some strategies for better time management include creating a study schedule, prioritizing tasks, and taking breaks to avoid burnout.Questions:3. What is the main problem discussed in the passage?A. Academic performanceB. Time managementC. Extracurricular activitiesD. Student stress4. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT a strategy for better time management?A. Creating a study scheduleB. Prioritizing tasksC. ProcrastinatingD. Taking breaks三、完形填空(每题1.5分,共15分)In today's fast-paced world, it's easy to get caught up in the ______ (1) of daily life and forget the importance of taking care of our health. Regular exercise, a balanced diet, and sufficient sleep are all crucial for maintaining goodhealth. However, many people find it difficult to ______ (2) these habits due to busy schedules or lack of motivation.It's important to set realistic goals and find activities that you enjoy to make it easier to ______ (3) a healthy lifestyle.1. A. routineB. rushC. patternD. pace2. A. startB. stopC. maintainD. forget3. A. adoptB. avoidC. escapeD. resign四、翻译(每题2分,共10分)1. 请你把下面的句子翻译成中文:"Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts."2. 请你把下面的句子翻译成英文:"学习英语不仅仅是为了通过考试,更重要的是能够与来自不同文化。
大学英语大一期末考试试题及答案Part I: Listening ComprehensionSection A: Short Conversations1. What is the woman looking for?A. Her purse.B. Her glasses.C. Her homework.D. Her keys.答案:D2. What does the man want to do?A. Meet tomorrow.B. Cancel a meeting.C. Schedule an appointment.D. Plan for a vacation.答案:C3. What is the woman's opinion about the movie?A. She thinks it's too long.B. She finds it exciting.C. She dislikes the ending.D. She prefers the book.答案:B4. What does the man imply about the weather?A. It will get worse.B. It will stay the same.C. It will improve.D. It will rain heavily.答案:C5. Where does this conversation most probably take place?A. At a hotel.B. At a restaurant.C. At a bookstore.D. At an airport.答案:ASection B: Passages6. What is the lecture mainly about?A. A famous musician.B. The history of jazz.C. Blues music.D. Musical instruments.答案:B7. When did the Golden Age of jazz occur?A. In the 1920s and 1930s.B. In the 1940s and 1950s.C. In the 1960s and 1970s.D. In the 1980s and 1990s.答案:A8. How did jazz change during the Swing Era?A. It became more popular.B. It became less popular.C. It became slower.D. It became more formal.答案:A9. What does the speaker say about Duke Ellington?A. He played the piano.B. He composed jazz music.C. He performed in Europe.D. He invented the saxophone.答案:B10. What can be inferred about the future of jazz?A. It will decline in popularity.B. It will remain unchanged.C. It will continue to evolve.D. It will focus more on vocals.答案:CPart II: Reading ComprehensionSection A: Multiple Choice QuestionsPassage 111. Which of the following statements is true about anxiety?A. It is always harmful.B. It is genetically determined.C. It can be effectively treated.D. It is a sign of weakness.答案:C12. According to the passage, cognitive-behavior therapy aims to_______.A. uncover the root cause of anxietyB. alter irrational thoughts and behaviorsC. provide temporary relief from anxietyD. prescribe medications to control anxiety答案:B13. What does the passage say about medication for anxiety?A. It is the most effective treatment.B. It can lead to long-term dependency.C. It is the only treatment available.D. It is typically combined with therapy.答案:D14. How does the author feel about self-help books for anxiety?A. They are ineffective.B. They can be useful in some cases.C. They are superior to therapy.D. They are more popular than therapy.答案:B15. What is the main purpose of the passage?A. To argue against the use of medication for anxiety.B. To promote self-help books for anxiety.C. To outline different treatment options for anxiety.D. To explain the causes of anxiety disorders.答案:CSection B: True or False StatementsPassage 216. The "write it out" technique is recommended for reducing stress.答案:T17. A study found that expressive writing can improve physical health.答案:T18. Expressive writing involves focusing on negative emotions only.答案:F19. Expressive writing is a form of therapy commonly used by psychologists.答案:T20. The article provides examples of specific writing prompts for expressive writing.答案:FPart III: Vocabulary and Structure21. It was not until midnight _______ the storm stopped.A. sinceB. beforeC. thatD. as答案:C22. The company needs to come up with _______ to attract more customers.A. a strategyB. an appointmentC. a promotionD. a replacement答案:A23. _______ difficulties she encountered, she never gave up.A. AlthoughB. BecauseC. WhileD. Since答案:A24. The teacher asked the students _______ quietly during the exam.A. talkB. talkedC. talkingD. to talk答案:D25. Not only _______ delicious, but it is also good for your health.A. it tastesB. that it tastesC. does it tasteD. that tastes答案:CPart IV: Writing26. Write a letter to your professor explaining why you were unable to submit your assignment on time. Include the following details:- Apologize for the late submission.- Explain the reason for the delay.- Request an extension.- Assure that it will not happen again.Dear Professor,I am writing to apologize for the late submission of my assignment. I understand the importance of submitting work on time and take full responsibility for my delay.The reason for the delay is that I had to urgently attend to a family emergency. I received a call from home, informing me that my grandmother had fallen ill and was admitted to the hospital. As a result, I had to travel back to my hometown immediately to be with her and provide support to my family during this difficult time.I understand that this situation is not a valid excuse for my late submission, but I kindly request an extension of X days to complete and submit my assignment. I assure you that I have already started working on it and will prioritize it to ensure its timely submission.I sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused by my late submission and assure you that this will not happen again in the future. I deeply value your understanding and guidance throughout the course and will make every effort to maintain exemplary academic discipline.Thank you for your consideration and understanding.Best regards,[Your Name]Word Count: 482Part V: TranslationTranslate the following paragraph into English:随着科技的快速发展,越来越多的人开始使用智能手机。
大一高等数学期末考试试卷及复习资料详解大一高等数学期末考试试卷(一)一、选择题(共12分)1.(3分)若/3= 2XXV0,为连续函数,则d的值为().a+ x,x>0(A)I (B) 2 (C)3 (D)-I2.(3分)已知厂⑶=2,则Ii y "7⑶的值为().λ→0 2hOOl (B) 3 (C)-I (D)I23.(3分)定积分∫>Λ∕1-COS23Xdx的值为()•■⑷ 0 (B)-2 (C)I (D) 24.(3分)若/⑴在“勺处不连续,则/3在该点处()・(A)必不可导(B)—定可导(C)可能可导(D)必无极限二、填空题(共12分)1.(3分)平面上过点(0,1),且在任意一点(Λ∙,y)处的切线斜率为3疋的曲线方程为_________________________ .2.( 3 分)∫ ι(x2+x4 Sin XyIX = _______ 1-3.(3 分)IilnX2 Sin丄= ・.r→υX4.(3分)y = 2√ -3√的极大值为________________ —2 (6分)设尸冕,求*JT + 1三、计算题(共42分)1.(6 分)求Iim史S.∙*→υ Sin 3x^3.(6分)求不定积分JXIn(I+十)厶.x .v<ι4.(6 分)求J /(X-1)JΛ∖其中/(x)= < l + cosχ,e' +l,x> 1.5.(6分)设函数y = f(x)由方程JO e,M + [cos∕d∕ = 0所确定,求dy.6.( 6 分)设 f f{x)dx = Sin + C,求j + 3)dx.7.(6 分)求极限IinJI÷-Γn→30k 2/7 7四、解答题(共28分)1.(7 分)设,Γ(lnx) = l+x,且/(0) = 1,求32.(7分)求由曲线y = cosx[-^-<x<^及X轴所围成图形绕着X轴旋I 2 2)转一周所得旋转体的体积.3.(7分)求曲线y = x3-3√÷24x-19在拐点处的切线方程•4.(7分)求函数y = x + √∏7在[-5,1]上的最小值和最大值.五、证明题(6分)设厂(X)在区间[“]上连续,证明i a f^dx = ¥ [/(“) + f(b)]+1 [(X - a)(x - b)fj)dx.(二)一、填空题(每小题3分,共18分)1.设函数/(χ)= 2χ2~1 ,则"1是心)的第_________ 类间断点.X -3x + 23.=∙v→∞V X)4・ 曲线 V 在点(扣)处的切线方程 为 ・5 .函数J = 2X 3-3X 2在[-1,4]上的最大值 _________________ ,最小值 __________ .二、 单项选择题(每小题4分,共20分)1.数列&”}有界是它收敛的( )•(A)必要但非充分条件; (C)充分必要条件; 2.下列各式正确的是((B)充分但非必要条件; (D)无关条件.)・(A) je-χdx=e"x+C i(B) J In X(IX = _ + C ; (C)JI 2∕x=2hl (l 2x)+C ;(D) f —5—JX = Inlllx+ C ・' ,J XInX3-设/(x)在RM 上,广(x)>O 且厂(x)>0,则曲线y = f(x)在[“问上•6.∣∙arctanx J l +x 2(IX(小沿X轴正向上升且为凹(B)沿兀轴正向下降且为凹的;的;(D)沿X轴正向下降且为凸(C)沿兀轴正向上升且为凸的;的.则/(x)在兀=0处的导? :( )•4. 设/(*)=XInX ’⑷等于1;(C)等于O ;(D)不存在•5.已知Ihn/(x)= 2,以下结论正确的是()•G)函数在工=1处有定义且/(1)=2 ; (B)函数在;V = I处的某去心邻域内有定义;(C)函数在2 1处的左侧某邻域内有定义;(D)函数在21处的右侧某邻域内有定义.三、计算(每小题6分,共36分)1.求极限:HlnX2 sinx→0X2.已知y = ln(l + χ2),求几3.求函数J = >0)的导数.5.J X COS XdX ・丄 16.方程y x =X y确定函数y = f(x)f求八四、(H)分)已知/为/(X)的一个原函数,求∫x2∕(x}∕x.五、(6分)求曲线,=壮7的拐点及凹凸区间.六、(10 分)设J广(√∑)/X = X(e、' +1)+C ,求/(X)・(三)填空题(本题共5小题,每小题4分,共20分)・±J_(1)⅛(COSX)r = ________ 石________ .(2)曲线A = Xlnx上及直线X-y + l= °平行的切线方程为y =x-∖(3 )已知f f(e x) = xe~x,且/(D = O ,则大一高等数学期末考试试卷及复习资料详解/(X)= _________ /Cv)= 2(In X)________ .X 211(4)曲线V =3777的斜渐近线方程为 _______ V= 3Λ^9,二、选择题(本题共5小题,每小题4分,共20分)・(1)下列积分结果正确的是(D )(2)函数/W 在[恥]内有定义,其导数广⑴的图形如图1-1所示, 则(D ) •(A)刁宀都是极值点.⑻ g ,/3)),(£,/(£))都是拐点.(C) F 是极值点.,U 是拐点. (D) WJy))是拐点,勺是极值点.(3) 函数y = qe v ÷C 2e-÷A -e'满足的一个微分方程是(D ).(A) /-y-2>∙ = 3xe t . (B) /-y-2y = 3e v . (C) / + y-2y = 3Λ∙e c .(D) / + y~2y = 3e r .lim∕(⅞)-∕(⅞~z0 (4) 设/W 在%处可导,则I h 为(A ) •⑷ 广仇). (B) -f ,M.(C) O. (D)不存在.(5)下列等式中正确的结果是((A) (J* /(x)"∙χ)'Z=/W-(C) 町 /(χ)"χ]=/W -) 微分方程= (V+1)-的通解为三、计算J (本 共4小题,每小题6分,共24分).y =3 _5 "3 O(或令 √Γ+χ = r)四、解答题(本题共4小题,共29分)•1. (本题6分)解微分方程r-5∕÷6j = xe -.解:特征方程r 2-5r + 6 = 0 ------------- 1分 特征解斤=2,r 2 =3. ------------ 1分 3x大一高等数学期末考试试卷及复习资料详解 恤(丄—丄)1∙求极限j X-I In —X 11. xlnx-x+1Iim (—— _ ——)IIm ---------In XIUn I XTl x-1 I---- + In xh ∖x Iim x →,X -1 + xln1.1 + In X 1 IUn -------- =— j 1 + In X +1 2Λ = In Sin t2.方程尸COSWSinf 确定V 为X 的函数,dy y ,(f)-=-一 =∕sm∕, 解 JX 十⑴求dx 及Jx 2 .(3分) (6分)arctan JX3. 4.计算不定积分J石(1+『. arctanA∕√7—— (i + χ)=21 arctan √7t∕ arctan y ∕x ——解 Hatan 仇=2 J √x(l + x)=(arctan2+C ——「一 dx4.计算定积分如+曲.'3χ(l -VTTX) 0解 分)oT7⅛7_ V dx = 一J(:(I-、/i+x)〃X(6分)LL i∖l4/1 «\ ? r V 八2.(本题7分)一个横放着的圆柱形水桶(如图4-1),桶内盛有半桶水,设桶的底半径为R ,水的比重为乙计算桶的一端面上所受的压力.解:建立坐标系如图3.(本题8分)设/B在S】上有连续的导数,f(u) = f(b) = θ9且∫O∕2(X)JΛ =1^试求∫>∕ω∕解:J:Xf(X)f∖x)dx = £ Xf(X)df(x) 2 分= -∫n^^W ------------ 2 分=IV 2(Λ-)⅛-|£72(X)厶一一2 分4.(本题8分)过坐标原点作曲线>, = h^的切线,该切线及曲线y =lnx及X轴围成平面图形D.⑴(3) 求D的面积A;⑵(4) 求D绕直线X = e旋转一周所得旋转体的体积V.解:(1)设切点的横坐标为",则曲线y = In Λ在点(⅞Jn ⅞)处的切线方程y = Inx0 + —(X-X0).氐__I分由该切线过原点知山心-1 = 0,从而心=匕所以该切线的方程为1y = -X.平面图形D的面积1V = -X(2)切线"及X轴及直线Xe所围成的三角形绕直线Xe旋转V I = -7te1所得的圆锥体积为,3 2分曲线尸IZ及X轴及直线所围成的图形绕直线Xe旋转所得的旋转体体积为V2=(oπ(e-e>)2dy9】分因此所求旋转体的体积为V=V l-V2=-^2-e y)2dy = -(5e2-∖2e + 3).五、证明题(本题共1小题,共7分)•1.证明对于任意的实数Y , eJl + x.e x = l + x + —Λ2≥l + x2解法二设fM = e x-x~^则/(0) = 0.因为f f M = e x-∖. 1 分当Xno时,f,M≥o.f(χ)单调增加,/(χ)≥∕(θ)=o.当x≤0时,∕,ω≤0.∕(Λ∙)单调增加,/(X)≥/(0) =0. 所以对于任意的实数X, ∕3≥°∙即e'≥l + I 解法三:由微分中值定理得,R -1 = “ -60 =^(X-O) = ^Xt 其中§位于0 到X 之一1分2分A = V -ey)dy = ~e~^∙解法一:2分2分1分2分间。
大一计算机期末考试试题及答案一、用适当内容填空1. 媒体是指承载或传递( 信息 )的载体。
2. 多媒体技术是指利用计算机技术将( 多种媒体信息 )综合一体化,使它们建立起逻辑联络,并能进展加工处理的技术。
3. 多媒体技术具有( 多样性 )、( 集成性 )、交互性、( 实时性 )和( 数字化 )等主要特点。
4. 目前常见的媒体元素主要有( 文本 )、( 图形 )、( 图像 )、( 音频 )、动画和( 视频)等。
5. 多媒体技术已广泛用于( 教育与培训 )、( 电子出版物 )、( 多媒体网络 )和商业广告等方面。
6. 多媒体计算机系统一般由多媒体计算机硬件系统和( 软件系统 )组成。
7. 多媒体计算机硬件系统是在个人计算机根底上,增加( 各种多媒体输入和输出设备及其接口卡 )。
8. 多媒体计算机系统的主要系统软件有( 多媒体设备驱动程序 )、( 多媒体操作系统 )、( 多媒体素材制作软件 )、( 多媒体创作软件 )。
9. 采样是每隔一定时间间隔对模拟波形上取一个值,将时间上的连续信号变成时间上的( 离散信号 )。
10. 采样频率即每秒钟的采样次数,采样频率越高,数字化音频的质量( 越好 ),但数据量( 越大 )。
11. 数字化音频质量的指标有三项:( 采样频率 )、( 量化位数 )和声道数。
12. 数字音频的文件格式有( WAVE )、( MIDI )和MPEG。
13. 图形一般是指通过绘图软件绘制的由直线、圆、圆弧、任意曲线等图元素组成的画面,以( 矢量图 )形式存储。
14. 图像是由扫描仪、数码照相机和摄像机等输入设备捕捉的真实场景画面产生的映像,数字化后以( 位图 )的形式存储。
15. 图形图像文件存储格式常用有( BMP )、( GIF )、( JPEG )、( TIFF )和PNG。
16. 常见的影视视频文件有( AVI )、( MOV )、( MPG )几种。
17. 衡量数据压缩技术的好坏有四个主要指标( 压缩比要大 )、( 算法要简单 )、( 压缩损失要少 )和开销要小。
(V )1.电子云是描述核外某空间电子出现的几率密度的概念。
(V ) 2.同种原子之间的化学键的键长越短,其键能越大,化学键也越稳定。
V ) 3.系统经历一个循环,无论多少步骤,只要回到初始状态,其热力学能和焓的变化量均为零。
V ) 4. AgCl 在 NaCl 溶液中的溶解度比在纯水中的溶解度小。
(x ) 5.原子轨道的形状由量子数 m 决定,轨道的空间伸展方向由I 决定。
(1 )某元素原子基态的电子构型为 1s 22s 22p 63s 23p 5,它在周期表中的位置是:a4) 下列物质凝固时可以形成原子晶体的是: c a. 02b. Pt,c. Si0 2d. KCl(5)在 298K , 100kPa 下,反应■则 H 20(l)的厶 f H m e 为:d反应热△ r H m3®为:da. △ r H m1 + △ r H m2 b . △ r H m1 — △ r H m2c . △ r H m1 +2 △ r Hm2@ 人d .△ r H m2 - △r H m1△ f H m e = -565 kJ • mol -1,则反应 H 2(g)+F 2(g)=2HF(g)的厶 r H m ®为:d-1a. 565 kJ • mol-1 b. -565 kJ • mol 1-1c. 1130 kJ • mol8-1d . -1130 kJ •mol8 )在氨水溶液中加入固体 NH 4Cl 后,氨水的离解度: da.没变化 b .微有上升c .剧烈上升d .下降NH 3: ca. p 区叩A 族 c . ds 区 U B 族d. 2) 下列物质中,哪个是非极性分子: a . H 2Ob . CO 2c . HCI3)极性共价化合物的实例是:bp 区切族b d . NH 3c . CCI 4d . BF 32H 2(g) + 02(g) = 2出0(1)△ r H -1m = -572 kJ • mol 1-1a. 572 kJ • mol b . -572 kJ • -1mol -1 c . 286 kJ • mold . -286 kJ • -1mol6)定温定压下,已知反应B =A 的反应热为△ r H m1S ,反应B =C 的反应热为△ r H m2S ,则反应A = C 的(7)已知HF (g )的标准生成热a.分子量最小b.取向力最强C.存在氢键d.诱导力强(10)在一定条件下,一可逆反应其正反应的平衡常数与逆反应的平衡常数关系是:ca.它们总是相等b.它们的和等于1C.它们的积等于1d.它们没有关系(11)下列反应及其平衡常数H2 (g) + s(s)=H2S(g) K1 ®;S(s) - O2(g) = SO2(g)K2®,则反应H2(g) so2(g) =o2(g) H2S(g)的平衡常数K◎是:da. K i + K2b. K i - K2c. K i *2 .d. K i * ©(12)在298K时石墨的标准摩尔生成焓△ f H m®为:ca.大于零b.小于零c.等于零d.无法确定(13)不合理的一套量子数( n,I,m, m s)是:b1 a. 4, 0,0,■21 c. 4, 3,+3,-21 b. 4, 0,- 1,2,1d. 4, 2, 0, -2(14) 向HAc溶液中,加入少许固体物质,使H Ac离解度减小的是:ba. NaCIb. NaAcc. FeCbd. KCN(15)NH3溶于水后,分子间产生的作用力有:da.取向力和色散力b.取向力和诱导力c.诱导力和色散力d.取向力、色散力、诱导力及氢键(16) 25C时,Mg(OH) 2的K sp®为1.2 X 10-11,在0.01mol L-1的NaOH溶液中的溶解度为:ca. 1.2X 10 9 mol L 1b. 2.4X 10 9 mol L 1c. 1.2X 10 7 mol L 1d. 1.7X 10 5 mol L 1(17)已知E®(Fe3+/Fe2+) = 0.770V , E ®( Cu2+/Cu) = 0.340V,则反应2Fe3+(1mol • L^+Cu = 2Fe2+( 1mol • LT) + Cu2+(1mol • L一1)可以:ba.呈平衡状态 b •自发正向进行c.自发逆向进行 d •前三者都错(18)已知Fe3++e = Fe2+,E ®= 0.770V,测定一个Fe3+/Fe2+电极电势E= 0.750 V,则溶液中必定是:d3+ a. c(Fe ) v 12+b. c( Fe ) v 19N的氢化物(NH3)的熔点都比它同族中其他氢化物的熔点高得多,这主要由于(19)角量子数I 描述核外电子运动状态的:a.电子能量高低; 电子云的空间伸展方向;(20)以下各组物质可做缓冲对的是:a1. 写岀具有下列指定量子数的原子轨道符号 :A. n=4 , l=1 ___ 4p _______B. n=5 , l=2 _______ 5d ____ 2.写岀下列原子在基态时的电子排布 22626 522 2 6 2 6 6 2(1). Mn: 1s 2s 2p 3s 3p 3d 4s ;(2). Fe_1s 2s 2p 3s 3p 3d 4s ;3. 等性sp 2、sp 3杂化轨道的夹角分别为 __120 _____ ._109.5 ___ . △ r H m2S ,则反应 9B=C 的反应热△ r H m3® 为(△ r H m2® - 3A r H m1®)。
大学计算机基础》试题题库及答案单元1一、单选题练习1.完整的计算机系统由(C)组成.A.运算器、控制器、存储器、输入设备和输出设备B.主机和外部设备C.硬件系统和软件系统D.主机箱、显示器、键盘、鼠标、打印机2.以下软件中,(D)不是操作系统软件.A.Windows xp B.unix C.linux D.microsoft office3.用一个字节最多能编出( D )不同的码。
A. 8个B. 16个C。
256个4.任何程序都必须加载到( C )中才能被CPU执行。
A. 磁盘B。
A.显示器B.键盘C.鼠标D.手字板6.计算机信息计量单位中的K代表( B ).A. 102 B。
210 C. 103 D. 28 7.RAM代表的是( C )。
只读存储器 B. 高速缓存器 C. 随机存储器D。
软盘存储器8.组成计算机的CPU的两大部件是( A ).A.运算器和控制器 B. 控制器和寄存器C.运算器和内存 D. 控制器和内存9.在描述信息传输中bps表示的是(D)。
A.每秒传输的字节数B.每秒传输的指令数C.每秒传输的字数D.每秒传输的位数10.微型计算机的内存容量主要指( A )的容量。
CMOS D. Cache11.十进制数27对应的二进制数为(D ).A.1011 B. 1100 C. 10111 D。
11011 12.Windows的目录结构采用的是(A)。
A.树形结构B.线形结构C.层次结构D.网状结构13.将回收站中的文件还原时,被还原的文件将回到(D).A.桌面上B.“我的文档”中C.内存中D.被删除的位置14.在Windows 的窗口菜单中,若某命令项后面有向右的黑三角,则表示该命令项(A )。
A.有下级子菜单B.单击鼠标可直接执行C.双击鼠标可直接执行D.右击鼠标可直接执行15.计算机的三类总线中,不包括( C )。
河海大学大一英语期末考试试题I.Dictation (15%)II.Cloze Test (15%)Passage 1 (5%)Even (1) harmless falsehoods can have (2) consequences. Philosopher Sissela Bok (3) us that they can put us on a (4) slope. “After the first lie, others can come more (5) ,” she wrote in her book Lying: Moral Choice in Public and Private Life. “Psychological barriers (6) down; the ability to make more (7) can coarsen; the liar’s (8) of his chances of (9) caught may (10) .”Passage 2 (10%)We all know that a magician does not really depend on "magic" to perform his tricks, but (1) his ability to act at great speed. (2) , this does not prevent us from enjoying watching a magician (3) rabbits from a hat.(4) the greatest magician of all time was Harry Houdini who died in 1926. Houdini mastered the art of (5) . He could free himself from the tight test knots or the most complicated locks in seconds. (6) no one really knows how he did this, there is no doubt (7) he had made a close study of every type of lock ever invented. He liked to carry a small steel needle like tool strapped to his leg and he used this in (8) of a key.Houdini once asked the Chicago police to lock him in prison. They (9) him in chains and locked him up, but he freed himself (10) an instant. The police (11) him of having used a tool and locked him up again . This time he wore (12) __ clothes and there were chains round his neck, waist, wrists, and legs; but he again escaped in a few minutes. Houdini had probably hidden his "needle" in a wax like (13) and dropped it on thefloor in the passage. (14) he went past, he stepped on it so that it stuck to the bottom of his foot. His most famous escape, however, was (15) astonishing. He was heavily chained up and enclosed in an empty wooden chest, the lid of (16) was nailed down. The (17) was dropped into the sea in New York harbor. In one minute Houdini had swum to the surface. When the chest was (18) , it was opened and the chains were found inside.In 1912, Houdini introduced perhaps his most famous (19) , the Chinese Water Torture Cell, in which he was suspended upside-down in a locked glass-and-steel cabinet overflowing with water. The act required that Houdini (20) his breath for more than three minutes. Houdini performed the escape for the rest of his career.1. A. to B. for C. on D. with2. A. Generally B. However C. Possibly D. Likewise3.A. to produce B. who produces C. produce D. how to produce4. A. Out of the question B. Though C. Probably D. Undoubted5. A. escaping B. locking C. opening D. dropping6. A. Surprisingly B. Obviously C. Perhaps D. Although7. A. if B. whether C. as to D. that8. A. place B. stead C. substitution D. case9. A. involved B. closed C. connected D. bound10. A. at B. by C. in D. for11. A. rid B. charged C. accused D. deprived12. A. no B. heavy C. little D. thin13. A. candle B. mud C. something D. substance14. A. As B. Usually C. Maybe D. Then15. A. overall B. all but C. no longer D. altogether16. A. it B. which C. that D. him17. A. chest B. body C. lid D. chain18. A. brought up B. sunk C. broken apart D. snapped19. A. acting B. action C. act D. acts20. A. was to hold B. hold C. holding D. heldIII.Paraphrase (10%)1.When others were complimenting him on the new invention, the boss decided to take him down a peg by pointing out that the success was the result of collective effort.2.It dawned on her that Susan had told the lie to spare her feelings.3.It will certainly put a damper on your spring festival if you flunk your test this time.4.The researchers went out of their way to find information pertinent to this new environmental trend.5.I finally brought it home to my wife that I have never entertained the notion of spending my holiday in the packed casinos in Macau.IV.Sentence Rewriting (5%)1. Though it is an imperfect idea, it is the best we have and it is the work of the reason. (…as…)2. He has never thought that he would become the leading actor in the play. (occur)3. It was rather a monologue than an argument.(so much…as)4. In order that I can get the ammunition I need to make a complaint, I keep a special file for warranty cards and appliance guarantees. (so as to)5. You have finished your assignment. You may play computer games. (Now that)V. Translation (20%)1.从某种意义上来说,产出应该和投入成正比。
武汉理工大学高等数学(下)考试试题一、填空题(每题4分,共16分)1.(4分) 级数1n n u ∞=∑收敛的必要条件是 .2. (4分) 交换二次积分的次序100(,)ydy f x y dx ⎰⎰= .3. (4分) 微分方程2442xy y y x e '''-+=的一个特解形式可以设为 .4. (4分) 在极坐标系下的面积元素d σ= . 二、 选择题(每题4分,共16分)1. (4分) 已知曲面224z x y =--上点P 处的切平面平行于平面2210x y z ++-=,则点P 的坐标是 ( ).A. (1,-1,2);B. (-1,1,2);C. (1,1,2);D. (-1,-1,2).2. (4分) 级数13121(1)n n n ∞-=-∑为( ). A.绝对收敛; B. 条件收敛; C.发散; D. 收敛性不确定.3. (4分) 若∑是锥面222x y z +=被平面0z =与1z =所截下的部分,则曲面积分22()x y dS ∑+=⎰⎰( ).A. 1200d r rdr πθ⋅⎰⎰; B. 21200d r rdr πθ⋅⎰⎰;C.1200d r rdr πθ⋅⎰;D.21200d r rdr πθ⋅⎰.4. (4分)幂级数11(1)n nn n ∞-=-∑( ).A. 2;R =B.1;2R = C.3;R = D.1.3R =三、 解答题(每题7分,共63分)1.(7分) 设sin(),xy z x y e =++求dz .2. (7分) 计算三重积分,I xdxdydz Ω=⎰⎰⎰其中Ω为三个坐标面及平面21x y z ++=所围成的闭区域.3. (7分) 求(1)I y z dS ∑=++⎰⎰,其中∑是平面5y z +=被圆柱面2225x y +=截出的有限部分.4. (7分) 求幂级数1(1)(1)nnn x n ∞=--∑的收敛域.5. (7分) 将21()2f x x x=--展开为麦克劳林级数.6. (7分) 求曲线积分(sin )(cos 1)xxL I e y y dx e y dy =-+-⎰,其中L 为22x y ax +=上从(,0)A a 到(0,0)O 的上半圆周.7. (7分) 求微分方程24y xy x '+=在初始条件03x y ==下的特解. 8. (7分) 求曲面积分(1)(22)(33)I x dydz y dzdx z dxdy ∑=+++++⎰⎰ ,其中∑为曲面2224x y z ++=的内侧.9.(7分) 计算曲线积分()LI x y ds =+⎰,其中L 是以(0,0)O ,(1,0),(0,1)A B 为顶点的三角形折线.四、(5分) 试确定参数t 的值,使得在不含直线0y =上点的区域上,曲线积分222222()()ttCx x y x x y I dx dy yy++=-⎰与路径无关,其中C 是该区域上一条光滑曲线,并求出当C 从(1,1)A 到(0,2)B 时I 的值.评 分 标 准一、 1.lim 0;n n u →∞= 2.110(,);x dx f x y d y ⎰⎰3.*222()x y x Ax Bx C e =++;4..d rdrd σ=θ 二、 1. C; 2. A; 3.D. 4.D.三、 1.解 c o s ()xy x z x y ye =++ 3 分 c o s ()xyy z x y xe =++ 3 分[c o s ()][c o s ()x yx yd z x y y ed x x y xe d y=+++++ 7分 2.解 11122000xx y I dx dy xdz ---=⎰⎰⎰3 分11200(12)xxdx x y dy -=--⎰⎰ 5分12301(2)4x x x dx =-+⎰ 6分148=7分3.解 :5z y ∑=- 1分22:25D x y +≤ 2分(15DI y y =++-⎰⎰ 4分Ddxdy = 6分= 7分4. 解 1R = 2分当2x =时收敛 4分 当0x =时发散 6分 收敛域为(0,2]. 7分5.解 21111231212x x x x ⎡⎤⎢⎥⎢⎥=+---⎛⎫⎢⎥+ ⎪⎢⎥⎝⎭⎣⎦2分 ()11316(1)2x x =+-+ 3分0011(1)362nn n n n x x ∞∞==⎛⎫=+- ⎪⎝⎭∑∑ 5分 10111(1)32nn n n x ∞+=⎛⎫=+- ⎪⎝⎭∑ 6分 1x < 7分6.解sin x P e y y =-, cos 1xQ e y =- 1分1Q P x y∂∂-=∂∂ 3分由格林公式得DI dxdy =⎰⎰ 6分221228a a π⎛⎫==π ⎪⎝⎭ 7分 7.解()224xdxxy e C xe dx ⎰-=+⎰ 3分222[2()]xxe C e d x -=+⎰ 4分22xCe-=+ 5分将03x y ==代入上式得 1C = 6分 所求特解为22xy e -=+ 7分8.解 利用高斯公式得6I dv Ω=⎰⎰⎰ 4分4643=⋅π⋅ 6分32=π 7分9.解 ()()()O AO BB AI x y d s x y d s x y d s=+++++⎰⎰⎰ 101()2OAx y ds xdx +==⎰⎰ 2分101()2OBx y ds ydy +==⎰⎰ 4分10()(1BAx y ds x x +=+-=⎰⎰6分1I ∴=+7分四、 解2212222()(2)t P x x y ty x y y y-∂+=⋅--∂ 1分22122222()()t Q x x yx y tx xy-∂-+=⋅++∂ 2分令P Q yx∂∂=∂∂可得22(21)()0t x y ++=因为0,y ≠所以12t =-3分因曲线积分与路径无关,故取从点(1,1)A 经点(0,1)D 到点(0,2)B 的折线积分10I =+⎰ 4分1=- 5分。
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A.C a p t i o n B.N a m e C.T e x t D.I n d e x2.设变量x = 4,y = -1,a = 7,b = -8,下面表达式()的值为“假”。
A.x+a <= b-y B.x > 0 AND y < 0C.a = b OR x>y D.x+y > a+b AND NOT (y < b)3.表达式Int(Rnd*71)+10产生的随机整数范围是()。
A.(10,80)B.(10,81)C.[10,80] D.[10,81]4.函数Sgn(3.1416)的返回值是()。
A.-1 B.0 C.1 D.以上都不对5.67890属于()类型数据。
A.3S B.Print C.Select My Name D.Select_17.下列赋值语句()是有效的。
A.sum = sum -sum B.x+2 = x + 2 C.x + y = sum D.last = y / 08.以下的控件或方法具有输入和输出双重功能的为()。
A.Print B.Textbox C.Optionbutton D.Checkbox9.若要获得列表框中被选中的列表项的内容,可以通过访问()属性来实现。
Private Sub command1_click()Dim m(10)For k = 1 To 10m(k) = 11 - kNext kx = 5Print m(2 + m(x))End SubA.2 B.3 C.4 D.5二、填空题(10分)1.写出整数n能同时被13和17整除的Basic表达式。
3.写出在字符串”Visual Basic 6.0”中截取”Visual”的Basic表达式。
5.设a = 2,b = 5,c = -2,d = 100,则a > b >= c AND a < b >= d的值为。
7.若要在一行书写多条语句,则各语句间应加分隔符,Visual Basic的语句分隔符为。
(6分)1.a2+2ab+b2 __________________________2.__________________________3.8exln10 __________________________4.2sin(450)cos(450) _______________________________5.___________________________________________6.___________________________________________四、判断题,正确打“√”,错误打“×”(10分)1.在VB中,控件的事件只能通过用户的操作触发。
()7.代码Const Number1=15:Number1=10合法。
()8.允许将块If-Then语句结构中的所有语句都写在一行上()9.定义数组语句Dim a(b) As Integer 是正确的()10.在过程调用中,“实参表”和“形参表”中对应的变量名不必相同,但是变量的个数必须相等,而且实际参数的类型必须与相应形式参数的类型相符。
(16分)1.产生20个[10,100] 之间的随机整数,每行输出10个数据。
Private Sub command1_click()Dim a(1 To 20) As IntegerRandomizei = 0Do While i < 20i = i + 1a(i) = ( )If ()ThenPrint a(i);End IfIf i = 10 Then Print a(i)If i > 10 Then Print a(i);LoopEnd Sub2.打印九九乘法表Private Sub command1_click()For i = 1 To 9For j = 1 To 9Print ()Next jPrint()End Sub3.判断一个数是否素数Private Sub command1_click()x = InputBox("请输入一个整数")flag = 1For i = 2 To ()If x Mod i = 0 Thenflag = 0End IfNext iIf ()Then Print x; "是素数" Else Print x; "不是素数"End Sub4.利用数组输出Fibonacci数列的前15项。
Private Sub Command1_Click()()f(1) = 1 : f(2) = 1List1.AddItem f(1) : List1.AddItem f(2)For i = 3 To 15f(i) = ()List1.AddItem f(i)Next iEnd Sub六、写出下面程序的输出结果。
(每题3分,共18分)1.Private Sub command1_click()x = InputBox("enter x") ' x 的输入值为-8Select Case Sgn(x) + 2Case 1Print "y="; x ^ 2 + 1Case 2Print "y="; x - 4Case 3Print "y="; x ^ 3 + 100End SelectEnd Sub2.Private Sub command1_click()Dim a, b, c, d, e As Stringa = "Zheng Zhou"b = "Zhong Yuan Gong Xue Yuan"c = a + " " + bd = Left(a, 1) + Mid(a, 7, 1)e = Left(b, 1) + Mid(b, 12, 1)Print cPrint d; eEnd Sub3.设有Sub过程:Private Sub p1(x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer) x = 4 :y = 5 :z = 6End Sub则如下程序段的运行结果是:Private Sub Command1_Click()Dim x As Integer, y As Integerx = 1: y = 2: z = 3Print x, y, zCall p1(x, y)Print x, y, zEnd Sub4.Private Sub command1_click()k = 0For i = 1 To 3k = k + 1a = i * i * kPrint a;Next iEnd Sub5.Private Sub command1_click()Dim a(5, 5) As IntegerFor i = 1 To 5For j = 1 To 5a(i, j) = i * 2 + jPrint a(i, j);Next jPrintNext iEnd Sub6.设有Function过程:Private Function f1(b, a)a = a * a:b = b * bf1 = a - bEnd Function则如下程序段的运行结果是什么?Private Sub command1_click()a = 4:b = 3a = f1(a, b)Print aEnd Sub七.编程题(共30分)注意:艺术类学生(环艺、装潢、表演、服设)做第1、2、5、6小题;其他学生做第1、2、3、4 小题。
(7分)3.产生20个[0,99] 之间的随机整数,并按从小到大的顺序输出。
5.输出1+2+……+100的和,并求出1~100 之间能被17整除的数据的个数(8分)6.从键盘输入10个数,求出其中的最大数,最小数和平均值。
(8分)VB试题答案及评分标准一、单项选择题(每题1分,共10分)1.B 2.A 3.C 4.C 5.D6.D 7.A 8.B 9.D 10.B二、填空题(每空1分,共10分)1.n Mod 13=0 And n Mod 17=01、对象3.LEFT(“Visual Basic 6.0”,6)4.65.False6.Autosize7.:8.Option Explict 9.Const Dim三、将下列数学表达式转换成VB表达式(每题1分,共6分)1、a^2+2*a*b+b^22、x^(1/3)*y^(1/4)3、8*exp(x)*log(10)4、2*sin(3.1416/4)*cos(3.1416/4)5、(x+y+z)/sqr(x^2+y^2+z^2)6、log(1+abs((a+b)/(a-b)))四、判断题(每题1分,共10分)1.×2.√3.×4.√5.×6.√7.×8.×9.×10.√五、根据题意,将下列程序补充完整(每空1分,共10分)1.(1)int(rnd*91)+10 (2)I<10flag=12.(1)i*j (2)next i3.(1)int(sqr(x))或者x-1 (2)4.(1)dim f(15) as integer (2)f(I-1)+f(I-2)六、写出下面程序的输出结果(每题4分,共24分)1、y=652、Zheng Zhou Zhong Yuan Gong Xue Yuan 2分ZZZG 2分3.1 2 34 2 34.1 8 275.3 4 5 6 75 6 7 8 97 8 9 10 119 10 11 12 1311 12 13 14 156.-7七、编写程序1. private sub command1_click()dim x as integer,grade as string 1分x=text1.text 1分select case x 4分case 90 to 100grade=”A”case 80 to 89grade=”B”case 70 to 79grade=”C”case 60 to 69grade=”D”case is<60grade=”E”case elsemsgbox “请重新输入”end selectprint “该学生成绩为”+grade 1分end sub2.Private Sub command1_click()Dim n as integer,f as long 1分n=text1.text 1分f=1for I=1 to n 3分f=f*Inext Itext2.text=f 2分end sub3.Private Sub Command1_Click()Dim a(1 To 20) As Integer ' 1分RandomizeFor i = 1 To 20 2分a(i) = Int(Rnd * 100)Print a(i);NextPrintFor i = 1 To 19 3分For j = i + 1 To 20If a(i) > a(j) Thent = a(i): a(i) = a(j): a(j) = tEnd IfNext jNext iFor i = 1 To 20 2分Print a(i);Next iEnd Sub4.产生并输出一个6×6的二维数组A:(8分)(1)两条对角线上元素的值为1,其余元素为小于30的随机整数。